subkuz00 · 28 days
जन्माष्टमी पर तुलसी का महत्व
तुलसी को हिंदू धर्म में एक अत्यंत पवित्र पौधा माना जाता है। यह सभी देवताओं विशेषकर भगवान विष्णु और माता लक्ष्मी के लिए प्रिय है। बताया गया है कि घर में तुलसी का पौधा लगाने से सकारात्मक ऊर्जा का प्रवाह होता है और नकारात्मक शक्तियों का विनाश होता है। यह न केवल आध्यात्मिक लाभ देता है, बल्कि स्वास्थ्य के लिए भी फायदेमंद है। तुलसी की यह विशेषता इसे भारतीय संस्कृति में विशेष स्थान प्रदान करती हैं।
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biz-bites · 3 months
Join the Sunwaves Revolution: Earn SW Coins with Ice Network!
Join the Sunwaves Revolution: Earn SW Coins with Ice Network!
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🌊 Sunwaves Revolution Alert! 🌊
🎶 Join the Sunwaves community and ride the crypto wave! 🚀 Get 10 SW coins when you sign up using my referral code: tinyurl.com/yan5b29k
🔥 Dive into the world of music, blockchain, and rewards. Sunwaves is more than a token — it’s a movement! 💃
!Sunwaves Token - Invite Link
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neondustangels · 2 years
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leafpool-loves-ashfur · 9 months
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aww Moontail :(
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freeecryptobank · 2 months
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1 SunWaves Token = $350! Free Registragion Now, you will get 10 tokens immediately!
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8no1 · 3 months
マイニングスピードUPする方法!SUN WAVES TOKENの無料/有料のBoostやり方を詳しく解説【仮想通貨】
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innonurse · 6 months
Komodo Health introduces a no-code tool for producing analytical insights
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- By InnoNurse Staff -
Komodo Health has launched a new self-service tool for health research teams without coding knowledge.
Read more at Fierce Healthcare
Other recent news and insights
A smartphone memory test can detect Alzheimer's disease early on (DZNE)
Redesign Health establishes a startup to change the rules for medication management (Fierce Healthcare)
InStride Health, a pediatric mental health startup, has raised $30 million to expand into new markets (Fierce Healthcare)
Sunwave Health aims to improve behavioral health documentation with MARA, an AI assistant (PRNewswire/Sunwave Health)
Do you want to give up vaping? There’s an app for that (The Conversation)
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sallyssurfshop · 1 year
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[Name Not Released], June 2023
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iny-jays · 1 year
Jayla is the one with more luck then sense to survive all the events in World of Warcraft lmao
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Puntine #84 - Canzoni da ricordare questa settimana
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subkuz00 · 28 days
पूर्व मंत्री और राजद नेता श्याम रजक ने गुरुवार को पार्टी के प्राथमिकता सदस्य के पद से इस्तीफा दे दिया
बिहार में राष्ट्रीय जनता दल (RJD) को आज यानि गुरुवार को एक बड़ा झटका मिला है। पूर्व मंत्री और राजद के राष्ट्रीय महासचिव श्याम रजक ने पार्टी की प्राथमिक सदस्यता से इस्तीफा दे दिया। श्याम रजक ने पार्टी के राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष लालू प्रसाद यादव को एक पत्र लिखकर अपना इस्तीफा सौंपा। इसमें उन्होंने उल्लेख किया कि उनके साथ धोखा हुआ है। उन्होंने इस्तीफा देते समय पत्र में लिखा, 
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Before I go to bed, have these sketches for Sparkling Cody (Sunwave) and Frankie (Cubewink). As trying to get what vibe Heatwave would give as a Prime.
Cody is a Griffin (of course) and Frankie is a bear.
@annabelle-creart @hopefulangelpuppy
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
Garrett as a soldier returning to his human mate in his uniform please and thank you! I'll let you choose the era!
For once I’m thankful for a short request 😭 like yes I appreciate the detailed ones but the short ones are slowly becoming my favorite lol
❝home from war❞
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✭ pairing : garrett x reader
✭ fandom : twilight x reader
✭ summary : garrett comes home from war to his mate (y/n) and she’s relieved that he’s okay
✭ authors note : pure fluff
✭ twilight masterlist
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The sun began its descent beyond the horizon, casting a warm, golden hue across the small town. As the first stars blinked into existence, a sense of anticipation hung in the air. (Y/N) stood by the window, her heart racing with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. This was the day she had been waiting for – the day Garrett, her beloved soldier, was finally returning home.
Their love story had begun long before he left for his deployment. They had shared laughter, tears, and dreams, and even though he was thousands of miles away, their connection had only grown stronger. The letters they exchanged were a lifeline, each word carrying the weight of their longing and hope.
(Y/N) clutched the latest letter in her hand, the paper worn from being read and re-read countless times. Her fingers trembled against the familiar handwriting as she traced the lines of his words, seeking solace in his promises.
Down the lane, a distant rumble echoed through the quiet town, growing steadily louder. (Y/N)’s heart leapt into her throat as the sound drew nearer. She pressed her hands to the windowpane, peering out with eager anticipation. And there, in the fading light, she saw him – Garrett, her soldier, marching down the road in his uniform, a stoic figure with a duffel bag slung over his shoulder.
Tears filled her eyes as she watched him approach, her emotions a swirling mix of joy and relief. The time apart had been a test of their love, but it had only solidified their bond. Now, as he walked closer, she could see the fatigue etched into his features, the weight of his experiences evident in his eyes. Yet, he carried himself with a quiet strength, a determination that spoke volumes about the man she loved.
As Garrett reached the front gate, he paused, his gaze lifting to meet hers. The world seemed to stand still as they locked eyes, a flood of emotions passing between them in that fleeting moment. (Y/N)’shand pressed against the glass, as if trying to bridge the gap that still separated them.
Then, with a surge of adrenaline, she flung open the door and rushed down the front steps, her heart pounding in her chest. The distance that had felt insurmountable was now reduced to mere steps, and as she closed the gap between them, her arms went around him in a tight embrace. Garrett's duffel bag dropped to the ground, forgotten, as he held her just as fiercely, his scent and warmth enveloping her.
"You're home," she whispered against his uniform, her voice thick with emotion.
"I'm finally home," he replied, his voice husky with exhaustion and relief.
They held onto each other as if afraid to let go, the weight of the world melting away in that embrace. Garrett had returned, not just as a soldier, but as a man who had weathered storms and emerged stronger. And (Y/N), his steadfast love, was there to welcome him back to the life they had dreamed of together.
As they stood in each other's arms, the stars above them seemed to shine a little brighter, as if even the cosmos celebrated their reunion. In that moment, time seemed to stretch and fold, and all that mattered was the beating of their hearts, a rhythm that echoed the promise of forever.
The familiar scent of home enveloped Garrett as he stepped through the front door, his heart swelling with a mixture of relief and happiness. The living room looked just as he remembered it, a testament to (Y/N)’sunwavering dedication to preserving the life they had built together. His duffel bag had been discarded near the entrance, a clear sign that he was finally ready to put down the burdens he had carried for so long.
(Y/N) led him to the couch, a soft smile on her lips. The dim glow of the lamp cast a warm ambiance, creating a cocoon of intimacy around them. They sat close, their fingers finding each other's as if to reassure themselves that this was real.
"Tell me about your journey back," (Y/N) began, her voice gentle. "I want to hear everything."
And so, Garrett began to share his stories – tales of camaraderie and hardship, of moments that tested his resilience and moments that reaffirmed his purpose. He spoke of the friendships he had forged on the battlefield, the challenges he had faced, and the experiences that had forever changed him. (Y/N) listened with rapt attention, her eyes locked onto his face, absorbing every word as if trying to bridge the gap between the life he had lived and the life they had shared.
As the night deepened, their conversation flowed seamlessly, transitioning from his experiences to their shared dreams. They spoke of the cabin by the lake they had often talked about, a place where they could escape the world and simply be together. Garrett described the vivid image he had held onto during the toughest moments – (Y/N)’s smile, their laughter, the feeling of her in his arms.
"I've missed you every day," he confessed, his voice raw with emotion. "Your letters kept me going, knowing that you were waiting for me."
(Y/N)’s eyes glistened with unshed tears. "I've missed you too, Garrett. More than I could ever express."
Their fingers intertwined, they leaned in and shared a gentle kiss, a connection that spoke of longing and love. In that moment, time seemed to stand still, the weight of their separation dissipating in the warmth of their embrace.
As the night wore on, fatigue finally began to catch up with Garrett. (Y/N) led him to the bedroom, where a sense of comfort washed over him. The bed was soft and inviting, a stark contrast to the makeshift sleeping arrangements he had grown accustomed to.
"I'll be right here when you wake up," (Y/N) assured him, her voice a soothing balm. "We have all the time in the world now."
With a contented smile, Garrett settled onto the bed, (Y/N)’s presence wrapping around him like a cocoon. As he closed his eyes, he felt a profound sense of gratitude for the woman beside him and the life that awaited them – a life of rebuilding bonds, chasing dreams, and cherishing every moment together.
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scooblicous · 12 days
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Meet sunwave :D
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leafpool-loves-ashfur · 10 months
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Referencing this post, Dewkit and Dewbright are cats from my clangen can, FretClan! Currently I'm on Moon 238, and just discovered Dewkit was born blind, which I believe is the first cat I've ever had genuinely born blind on clangen! Meanwhile, Dewbright is one of my favorite cats in the clan, who lost her leg to a bear trap and retired early (around 60 moons old, can't recall her exact age). And they both have heterochromia!!!! I think it's so silly and cute that they're sort of matching in many ways, and I like to think Dewbright really connects with and bonds with Dewkit. Perhaps she was even the one who discovered she was blind!
Anyway, just cause I can, here's the biographies for our little Dews below cut <3
Dewkit She-cat - 2 moons Biological Mother: Dashcrackle (loner; deceased) Adoptive Father: Skycrackle (medicine cat) Foster Mother: Anemonespeckle (not considered a parent) Biological Littermates: Needlekit, Cicadakit Adoptive Older Siblings: Palekit (deceased), Cliffkit (deceased), Blizzardswan, Nightpaw, Littlepaw, Streampaw, Tempestpaw, Turtlepaw Foster Older Siblings: Frondkit, Sleepykit, Stumpykit, Fiercekit (not considered siblings) Description: White and gray smoke she-kit with sunlight ice-colored eyes Traits: Attention-seeker, oddly observant Background: Skycrackle the medicine cat was patrolling for herbs when he heard (another) cat scream in pain and stumbled upon a she-cat loner giving birth. Skycrackle helped the loner---Dash---through the difficult birth, but was unable to save her (she requested the name Dashcrackle before death, asking if Skycrackle would care for her kits before her death). Skycrackle, having accepted two previous litters of loners, easily accepted Dewkit and the others as his own. Dewkit was nursed by Anemonespeckle, the only queen producing milk in the nursery, though her kits were old enough to be weaned (2 moons older than Dewkit and her littermates). With how crowded the nursery was with competition for one queen's attention, the kittens of the nursery often butted heads, often pushing one another around. Dewkit held her own decently, but it wasn't hard to see that she was often pushed around more than others, and, soon, the cats of FretClan realized Dewkit was blind---the first blind cat they had ever had in the clan. Cats aren't quite sure what to make of it, but Skycrackle is devoted to insuring his daughter that being blind doesn't mean she can't be amazing!
Dewbright Cis she-cat - 86 moons - Elder Paternal Great Grandmother: Nacreripple (deceased) Paternal Grandmother: Belugawave (deceased) Maternal Grandfather: Amberrun (deceased) Biological Parents: Bouncestreak, Jellyfishstalk (deceased) Older Maternal Half-siblings: Burrbelly (deceased), Boragechase, Galeback (deceased) Biological Siblings: Shiveringneedle (medicine cat), Weevilshadow (deceased), Snapkit (deceased), Stoatfoot (deputy), Stoatflash, Sunwave (deceased), Moontail Biological Offspring: Tornsea (deceased), Lightningcry, Lyremask (deceased), Jumprock Biological Grandkits (through Jumprock): Yellowrumble, Tremblepaw (deceased), Sprucepaw (deceased), Fawnpaw (deceased) Description: Long-furred speckled golden and white she-cat with three legs Traits: Childish, great speaker, lore master Background: Dewbright was born as Dewkit to Bouncestreak (mother) and Jellyfishstalk (father) alongside her siblings, Shiveringkit, Weevilkit, and Snapkit, on Moon 152 during Greenleaf when Timberstar was leader. Her sister, Snapkit, was killed by a snake when they were five moons old. Dewpaw was apprenticed to Milky Way, and graduated late at fifteen moons old on Moon 167. Milky Way influenced her to follow the rules, and Dewbright was honored for her enthusiasm. Not even two moons later (Moon 169), and Dewbright's leg got stuck in in a trap set by a Twoleg on the beaches. Dewbright's leg had to be amputated, and the wound quickly festered infection. She survived the infection, though would often have phantom pains and recurring medical issues with her leg stump. She performed decently at her job as a warrior, though noticably began having difficultly as she aged. This was especially hard on her as she entered under Palestar's rule, where cats became more vicious to one another, even resulting in many of her family being injured by their own clanmates. Her father, Jellyfishstalk, died from greencough after being punished for speaking against Palestar. Notably, her mother Bouncestreak was a firm supporter of Palestar, resulting in tension in the family, as Dewbright was one of the few in her family that didn't support Palestar and her crueler ways. Palestar confronted Dewbright about her slowing down, then convinced Dewbright that she should retire early. Dewbright accepted this, though often felt out of place as such a young elder. Eventually, things calmed down during Palestar's rule, and then Palestar passed and Hickorystar took over. It was a bridge between constant in-fighting to something a little more peaceful, and Dewbright finally found herself shining. She took of the clan as an elder, teaching the kits' tales, patching up the camp walls, cleaning up around camp, and helping where she can. Currently, she resides in the elders den with Cavebumble (146 moons), the half-clan daughter of the clan founder Skipstar, and former mate of half the clan (/joking, but she had 4 ex-mates at different times [Wetclaw, Kitefreckle, Burrbelly, Basstail]), and then Dewbright's own mother who recently retired in the past moons, Bouncestreak (122 moons; wanted her to die yet she never did! Similar to her daughter, she has a permanent twisted/weak leg)
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