#Sunflower Oil Machine
flora1233 · 15 days
How FloraOilMachine Leads as a Trusted Domestic Oil Machine Manufacturer?
In today's health-focused society, there's a growing need for natural, homemade oil extraction. FloraOilMachine, a well-known domestic oil machine manufacturer, stays on top with their dependable oil extractors. Their top-quality machines let folks enjoy the benefits of pure, untouched oils direct from their own homes.
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btmaoilpressmachine · 8 months
6YL-160 combined oil press machine test video of pressing rapeseed oil in factory.
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Edible Oil Filling Machine
An Edible Oil Filling Machine Is A Type Of Liquid Packaging Machine That Is Designed For Filling Containers With Edible Oils, Which Can Have Varying Viscosities Depending On The Type Of Oil.
These Machines Are Used To Package Various Types Of Edible Oils, Such As Coconut And Peanut Oils, Among Others.
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oilmakingmachine · 1 year
The Versatility of Flax Oil Press Machines for Healthy Oil Extraction
In today's health-conscious society, there is a growing emphasis on using natural and organic ingredients in our daily lives. When it comes to cooking oils, flaxseed oil has gained popularity for its numerous health benefits. To extract this nutritious oil efficiently, the market offers a range of flax oil press machines. In this article, we will explore the versatility and benefits of these machines and how they can help in the extraction of not only flaxseed oil but also other popular oils like sunflower oil, peanut oil, soybean oil, and sesame oil.
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quality-herb · 1 year
Best quality of Sunflower Oil Making Machine
Our main products have: screw oil press machine, hydraulic oil press machine, automatic oil press machine, sesame oil press machine, peanut oil press machine, corn oil press machine, soybean oil press machine, flax oil press machine, vacuum oil filter, multipurpose oil filter and other oil press equipment parts.We can assist in the installation, debugging and training operators for free.
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gofishygo · 6 days
dark siren! ghoap x reader
notes: kidnapping, initially just ghost x soap
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siren! soap likes to collect the pretty human artefacts that have washed into the open ocean. books that had been weathered down by tide, necklaces with rhinestones plucked out through rough currents, sometimes old toys- bits of them, that he broken and melded to match the mines in darker parts of the ocean he had yet to explore. darker parts, where siren! ghost had came from. now, he- both live a simpler life than before- hunting below the surface with the other, drawing on delicate cuttlefish shell and drying coral with the edge of his claws. he is no longer forced to think about them. the ships that poisoned his waters, the fishhook that impaled the side of his head with a starburst scar, humans.
(of course he still does.)
because in recent times, he finds himself.. almost eroding, chipping away with the march of time. and although he likes to sum it to no longer reeling the rush of missions, the adrenaline of fights where sailors ended up entangled in algae on the sea floor, he thinks- knows that he is missing something.
(when he was decades younger- still johnny, he would disassemble the smaller fishing boats and their engines- pick apart until there was nothing but gear and wood and oil, until all he could see was the simplest parts of such a complex machine, and he would always know exactly how it had sunk years before humans would ever realise. he could have saved them, knowing what they had needed before they, themselves had.)
and he is restless, tapping against both rocks and relics, despite how ghost weaves his fingers between his. spends his late nights rummaging through waterlogged pages in a dry cavern, eyes lingering for a second too long on any depiction humans- soft faces, smooth and unscaled skin, legs that he could snap and shatter within a moments notice. he hates these things, the only animal that he has wished to drive extinct. hates what he suspects he thinks about the almost docile statures in those books. but, though he has never been out of the water, has never seen grass paddocks and forest thickets and gardens firsthand, he suddenly feels like he is a sunflower, neck arched up proudly to the surface, face longing for the warmth of the sun and the dampness of freshwater in solid earth, and silently, with clandestine embedded into his thoughts- the touch of a human who has never seen the coldness, roughness of an ocean full of sirens, who has only ever lived in places that he imagines in his dreams.
but ghost, he grows on him, continues to grow on him like barnacles crusted onto the find of whales and scared into wharfside rocks- gripping onto his sides- intense, crushing, but with near unbearable loyalty. he knows that the siren would do anything for his best interests- even if he is not fully aware of his own, yet. only needs to kiss the younger, taste the saltwater of soap’s lips on his, to know the words that soap does not yet know how to say.
and the next time ghost sees soap on the shorelines, there is no trinket or inanimate gift in his hand- not a sand dollar, sea glass, not even the tiny sculptures that the people of the wharfside cities make. it is soft, and moving, sobbing into his shoulder, tears creating crystalline streaks over marred flesh, and it is beautiful. it is a human, far prettier than those inked, stone cold faces he has fought, with shiny eyes and babbled cries instead of violent claims of violence, sleazy and crooked teeth. soap thinks it is the sweetest thing ever, wants to keep it tucked under his fins, knows that ghost thinks so too.
“please, won’t ever go to the seaside again, ‘ll be good, move far out from here, into the mainlands- never bother your home again, please, promise-“
and for the first time, johnny sees what ghost does- knows exactly what this poor, terrified creature needs. he scoops you up, all kicking and screaming, hand cupping the side of your face. kisses the crown of your head so gently- and then you disappear under the tide.
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holylulusworld · 9 months
Flowers (3) - Soapwort
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Summary: Soapwort is the essence of bewilderment and confusion.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: angst, mentions of FWB arrangement, Bucky is still confused
Flowers (2) - Snapdragon
Flowers masterlist
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Rule number one. You should never trust a man. If you let them between your legs or in your heart, you are done for. 
Grandmother Y/L/N was right. Men don’t deserve your attention, love or to feel the warmth of your pussy.
Especially when said man is a cheating cunt. The kind of man who fucks you straight into the mattress only to give a red-haired bitch sunflowers later.
“Sergeant Barnes asked if you changed your mind,” Maria watched your reaction. She's not interested in getting involved in your relationship drama with Bucky but worried about the upcoming missions. “You worked well together in the past. Like a well-oiled machine.”
“That’s in the past,” you huffed. “I thought you were on my side in this. What changed? Did the man-baby ask his buddy Captain America to help him get what he wants?”
“This has nothing to do with Captain Rogers. Sergeant Barnes seemed to be desperate about your sudden change of behavior,” she pointed out. “Is it possible that he’s not cheating on you? Maybe he’s just…dull.”
“Dull?” You cocked a brow. “James Buchanan Barnes may be many things, but he’s not dull!”
“Y/N, believe me. Men can be unbelievably dull when it comes to recognizing feelings.”
“We never talked about feelings, Maria. This is not the problem here. It’s that he had sex with me and gave that woman something he never gave me. Flowers. And he dared to give her my smile.”
Maria dipped her head to watch Dolores walk past you. You didn’t even recognize the red-haired devil, but Maria did. She saw the glint in Dot’s eyes and the smug grin on her lips when she glanced at you for a moment. 
“I think, you should talk to Barnes. I know from experience, that men sometimes can’t distinguish a lonely woman from a lying wench.”
You wrinkle your forehead and consider her words. No. Even if he didn’t have anything going on with Dolores, he still gave her flowers. Who knows what else he did with her behind your back?
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“I don’t get it Steve,” Bucky threw his hands up. “I thought everything was going in the right direction. We talked for hours and had fun together. She loved my bike and going on a ride. The sex was mind-blowing. Y/N and I just clicked.”
“Did you go on dates with her?” Steve questioned, raising a brow. “Did you tell anyone about your relationship? Because I know for sure you didn’t tell me about it.”
Bucky huffed, beyond frustrated. “We wanted to keep it a secret. Y/N never said that we wanted to tell anyone. I waited for her to tell me she was ready.”
“Buck, you told me that you had sex with Y/N that morning,” Steve shrugged at his friend’s angry expression. “And then you go and give Dolores, a woman you barely know, flowers.”
“ONE FLOWER! STEVE!” Bucky yelled and rammed his metal fist into the wall. “It was one flower. If only Y/N had stayed a little longer and not played hide and seek, I would’ve given her the rest of the sunflowers.”
“Why didn’t you give them to her first, Buck? Why give the flower to Dot first?” Steve yelled back. He barely raises his voice, but Bucky turns a blind eye to Dot’s foul play for too long.
“I bought the flowers for Y/N, Steve. I was on my way to her apartment, and then Dolores started to cry. I tried to soothe her, punk. I faked a smile, handed her the sunflower, and walked away.”
“If that’s the truth, go and explain things to Y/N instead of moping like an angry child. I love you like a brother, but if I must watch you pout for one more second I’ll punch your face.”
Bucky wrinkles his nose. “Uh-I don’t know how to start. I didn’t even know Y/N was mad at me. I’m so…” The brunette shrugged. "Confused."
“Buck, you’re not a confused puppy. Go,” Steve pushed Bucky toward your room, “and get your woman back. Oh, maybe you should offer more than a pout to her…” But not flowers. This would only make her mad.
Part 4
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Tags in reblog.
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alexa-fika · 9 months
The Tale of Cats and Birds (Zoro x gn!Reader)
A/N: I really went back and forth with this one, I almost dropped it but I kept going and I think I COOKED, here is my first platonic!reader x character!
Dividers by @/saradika
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“Again? Nami, you are definitely setting this pair buddy things up; how is it that I have been Zoro’s partner every single time we draw straws?” Reader sighs holding up the straw with the matching number said man was holding.
"Well, can you blame us? Zoro can’t find his way even if he is stuck in a straight line! So you are the perfect buddy system!”
“First of all, “us,” so all of you were in on it? Second of all, you have been pairing me with him all this time because of my homing instinct?!” They exclaim, their feathers ruffling up
“Yeah. We think he needs a buddy partner to navigate while he does the heavy lifting. I mean, just look at you and him! You two work like a well-oiled machine.” Nami explains.
“Im part Dove, not part compass,” they sigh
“Come on! You were born to be his buddy partner. If we didn’t put you two together, everyone would see just how incompetent he really is,” Sanji chimes in.
“Watch it, Curly eyebrows,” Zoro sneers
“Sure, Mr. Lost,” Sanji scoffs
“Shut up!”
“Okay! Okay! I think it’s time we head out! Off we go, Zoro!” reader quickly said, stepping in between them to dissolve the fight
“Hmph,” Zoro mutters. He then looks at you and rolls his eyes. It’s clear he is still ticked off, but he follows you down the ship’s gangway anyway.
They sighed, relieved that they had managed to avoid yet another fight between the two
As the two of you walk, you notice Zoro glaring at the clouds, his eyebrows furrowed together. He then lets out a deep sigh and grumbles to himself.
“You want to go take a nap? I saw a pretty tree close by.”
Zoro snorts.
“That sounds like a good idea…”
They grin
“You are like a cat, even got yourselves sharp claws like one,” they said, pointing at their swords
“You’re grumpy like one too.”
“Shut up…” Zoro grumbles, but he is unable to hide his slight blush at the thought. He follows you over to the tree and then sits down, resting his head against the trunk. The grass beneath him is soft and welcoming.
“You’re not denying it, though.” They giggle, fluttering to a branch above them and settling down, lying face down so they are able to stretch their wings and talk to the man below them
Zoro remains silent, unwilling to admit he sees a little truth in their words. He leans back against the tree, closing his eyes to enjoy the peace. The birds flying past him chirp happily, the sun warms his skin, and the soft grass underneath him is comforting. After a few minutes of relaxing, Zoro finally lets out a deep sigh.
“Oi, bird, catch.”
“Hmm?” They squeak as Zoro throws a small bag their way, scrambling to catch it and flapping their wings to maintain their balance on the branch they laid on.
Zoro chuckles as you hurry to catch the bag. Once you catch it, you unravel it and find it’s filled with sunflower seeds.
“You got me my favorite?!” They cheer
“Yeah, yeah, don’t get your feathers fluffed,” he replies, though he can’t entirely hide his amusement.
“Zoro… you really are like a cat. You act grumpy, but you’re really a softy, aren’t you?”
He grunts, but he can’t really disguise the redness on his cheeks.
“Yeah yeah, just eat your damn seeds…” he mumbles.
They grin, plopping a few in their mouth
“Thank you, Zoro.”
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I have wanted to experiment with different hybrid readers or reader of different species, listen guys I did a roulette I swear I din’t mean for all of my current hybrid!readers to be birds XD.
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thebunnednun · 4 months
Whispers of the Heart Dracule Mihawk x Fm! Reader (Part 7)
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I do not own the artwork its by: @xuchuan25 Tell them they're amazing y'all!
Part 2 of the lore today, 06/06/2024. Upon popular DM request the reader is also Caribbean and Mihawk will additionally speak spanish.
You've been Dracule Mihawk's personal maid and housekeeper for what feels like an eternity. Let's cut to the chase – you're a badass, sweetheart. Sexy, cool, and confident, with a reputation that precedes you. Been friends with the stoic man for eons by now.
Everyone knows you or knows of you, and it's not just because you keep Mihawk's castle running like a well-oiled machine.
So what happens when you develop feelings for your old friend and boss?
What does he do when he comes home to find you in his room without your panties?
___________________Chapter 7: First Meetings____________________
The story of how a younger you was introduced to Mihawk by Shanks and Buggy. Everyone is in their mid to late teens in this.
Buggy was a lively and flamboyant teenager, already beginning to experiment with the clown makeup that would become his signature look. His bright blue hair was unruly, sticking out in all directions, adding to his eccentric appearance. He often sported bold, red lipstick, and other bits of flashy make up. (Initially to compliment as a joke but quickly becoming a part of his identity.) Buggy's eyes were sharp and mischievous, always looking for the next adventure or prank. His bond with [Name] was special; she was one of the few who could handle his antics, often stealing his lipstick, leading to playful arguments and deepening their camaraderie.
Shanks was growing into a charismatic and charming young man, with a carefree attitude that endeared him to many. His red hair was beginning to grow out, often tousled and windblown, adding to his roguish charm. Recently, he had started to grow some scruff, which [Name] never failed to tease him about, calling him "scruffy" or "fuzzy." His attire was casual and practical, usually consisting of a simple shirt, trousers, and a long coat. Shanks’ eyes sparkled with a sense of adventure and mischief, always ready for the next big thing. Despite his playful nature, he had a deep sense of loyalty and cared deeply for his friends, especially Buggy and [Name].
[Name] was blossoming into a beautiful young Caribbean woman, with a grace and strength that drew the attention of many. Her skin had a warm, sun-kissed glow, and her eyes were full of determination and kindness. She wore her hair in a variety of styles, often adorned with golden beads or shells that reflected her vibrant culture. Her attire was practical yet elegant, often consisting of breezy, colorful dresses or fitted pants and tops that allowed her to move freely. As more people began to notice her beauty, she started to wear a mask and cloak in public to avoid unwanted attention and to keep a low profile. [Name] had a strong, nurturing presence, always looking out for her friends and those in need.
--------------- The young Hawk and Empress------------------
The bustling market was alive with the sounds of vendors calling out their wares, the clink of coins, and the chatter of people going about their business. It was a busy afternoon, and you were navigating through the crowded streets, searching for any signs or leads that could point you toward the man who took baby Ace. The scents of exotic spices and freshly baked goods filled the air, making your stomach growl in response.
“Muneca-chan, over here!” Buggy’s voice rang out above the noise, his tone playful and teasing as always. You spotted his bright blue hair bobbing above the crowd and made your way toward him.
“Sunflower!” Shanks called out from another direction, his red hair standing out like a beacon. He was grinning widely, holding up a shiny apple he had just bought from a vendor.
You smiled at their antics, feeling a warmth in your chest. Despite everything, their presence was a constant comfort. You reached Buggy first, who immediately pulled you into a bear hug, nearly lifting you off your feet.
“Buggy, I need to breathe!” you laughed, pushing at his shoulders.
“Sorry, Muneca-chan,” he said, setting you down but keeping an arm around your shoulders. “We’ve got something to show you.”
Shanks approached, tossing you the apple. “Eat up, Sunflower. You’ll need your strength.”
You caught the apple and took a bite, savoring the sweet taste. “What’s so important that you dragged me to this town?”
Shanks and Buggy exchanged glances, a mischievous glint in their eyes. “We’ve got someone you need to meet,” Shanks said, his grin widening.
“Follow us,” Buggy added, leading the way through the throng of people.
They guided you to a quieter part of the market, where a tall young man with striking golden eyes and a large sword strapped to his back stood, seemingly unaffected by the chaos around him. His gaze was intense, observing everything with a calm, analytical air.
“Mihawk!” Shanks called out, waving. “Over here!”
The man turned his head, his eyes locking onto you. There was a moment of silence as he took you in, and you felt a shiver run down your spine. There was something about him that commanded attention.
“Mihawk, this is [Name],” Shanks introduced, clapping a hand on the man’s shoulder. “She’s the one leading our little mission.”
Mihawk extended a hand, and you shook it, feeling the strength in his grip. “Nice to meet you, Mihawk.”
“Likewise,” he replied, his voice steady. “Shanks has told me a lot about you.”
“All good things, I hope,” you said, smiling.
“Mostly,” Mihawk said, a slight smirk playing on his lips.
The initial meeting didn't go as smoothly as Shanks and Buggy had hoped. Mihawk’s intense, almost aloof demeanor clashed with your fiery determination. The tension was palpable as you discussed plans, Mihawk’s questions coming off as more critical than curious.
“We’re looking for Vice-Admiral Garp,” Shanks lied smoothly, not wanting to reveal too much to Mihawk just yet. “He’s our best lead.”
Mihawk raised an eyebrow. “Garp? Why would a Vice-Admiral be interested in your affairs?”
You felt your frustration building, especially when Mihawk's questions turned into teasing jabs about your abilities and motivations. “Maybe he’s interested because we’re capable of things you can’t even imagine,” you snapped.
Mihawk’s smirk widened. “Is that so? Care to demonstrate?”
Before you knew it, you had snatched Yoru from Mihawk’s back, its weight surprising you but not deterring you. You pointed the massive blade at him, your eyes blazing with anger. “Do you think this is a joke? We’re not here to play games, Mihawk.”
For a moment, Mihawk’s golden eyes widened in genuine surprise. But then, a slow, dangerous smile spread across his face. “I didn’t expect you to have such fire, [Name].”
Shanks and Buggy, realizing things were escalating, stepped in quickly. “Alright, everyone, calm down,” Shanks said, placing a hand on Mihawk’s shoulder while Buggy tried to gently pry Yoru from your grip.
“Muneca-chan, relax,” Buggy urged. “We’re all on the same side here.”
You reluctantly let go of Yoru, feeling the anger simmering beneath the surface. Mihawk took his sword back, his gaze never leaving yours. There was a new respect there, but also a hint of amusement.
“Let’s try to work together,” Shanks suggested, his tone placating. “We have a common goal, after all.”
Mihawk nodded slowly. “Very well. But remember, [Name], strength comes in many forms. Let’s see if you can live up to your reputation.”
The tension eased slightly, but the underlying friction remained. Perhaps, in time, you would find a way to trust each other. But for now, the uneasy alliance would have to suffice.
As the group moved through the bustling market, you noticed a group of young children playing a game of pirates and marines in the town square. Their laughter and shouts were infectious, and you found yourself smiling despite the tension of the day.
One of the children, a little girl with pigtails, brandished a wooden sword and declared, “I’m the pirate captain! Surrender, or face my wrath!”
Her friends, playing the roles of marines, laughed and pretended to be scared, some playfully running away while others “surrendered” dramatically. You couldn’t resist joining in. “Ahoy there, captain!” you called out, crouching down to their level. “Need a first mate?”
The children looked at you with wide eyes, excited to have an adult join their game. “Yes! We need all the help we can get!” the girl declared.
You laughed and pulled out a small bag of candy you had bought earlier, handing it out to the children. “Every good pirate needs some treasure,” you said with a wink.
The kids’ faces lit up with joy as they accepted the treats, and soon you were in the thick of their game, helping them plot “pirate attacks” and outsmart the “marines.” The laughter and fun were a welcome distraction, and for a moment, you felt like a carefree child again.
As the game wound down, you gathered the children around and knelt to speak to them. “Remember, being a pirate isn’t just about having fun and finding treasure. It’s about being brave, looking out for your friends, and always doing what you believe is right. Can you do that?”
The children nodded eagerly, their eyes shining with excitement and admiration. “Yes, we can!”
“Good,” you said with a smile. “Now, go out there and be the best pirates you can be!”
With that, you stood and waved goodbye to the children, who ran off to continue their game. You felt a tug of longing as you watched them go, wishing you could protect their innocence forever.
“Muneca-chan!” Buggy’s voice called from up ahead. “You coming?”
You hurried to catch up, falling into step beside Buggy. Shanks hung back, watching Mihawk observe your interaction with the children. He couldn’t help but grin and leaned in close to Mihawk.
“You know, Mihawk,” Shanks teased, “if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were a bit smitten.”
Mihawk’s eyes flicked to Shanks, his expression impassive. “Don’t be ridiculous.” “Oh, come on. Admit it. You were watching her with those kids,” Shanks pressed, his grin widening. Mihawk rolled his eyes. “I was merely observing. She seems to have a knack for connecting with people.”
“Uh-huh,” Shanks said, clearly unconvinced but willing to drop the subject for now. “Whatever you say, Hawk Eyes.”
As evening fell, the group found an inn and rented a room for the night. The room was modest but comfortable, with enough space for all of you to sit and discuss your plans.
Shanks sprawled out on one of the beds, Buggy took a chair by the window, and Mihawk stood by the door, his usual stance. You sat on the edge of the other bed, looking at your companions. “Alright,” you began, pulling out a map of the area. “We need to find Vice-Admiral Garp. He’s our best chance at getting information on my brothers whereabouts.”
Buggy leaned forward, his expression serious. “Garp’s a tough one to track. He’s always on the move.”
Shanks nodded in agreement. “But he has to resupply somewhere. We just need to figure out his usual haunts.”
Mihawk crossed his arms, his gaze fixed on the map. “He’s a creature of habit, despite his reputation. If we can determine his pattern, we might predict his next move.”
You looked up at Mihawk, appreciating his strategic mind despite the rocky start to your relationship. “Agreed. We’ll split up and gather information. Buggy, you take the docks. Shanks, the taverns. Mihawk, you and I will check the markets and speak to the locals.”
They all nodded, each understanding their role. As the plans solidified, you couldn’t help but feel a flicker of hope. With Shanks, Buggy, and Mihawk by your side, you felt more confident than ever that you would find Ace and fulfill the promise you made to Rouge.
“Let’s get some rest,” you said, folding the map. “We’ll start early tomorrow.”
The room settled into a comfortable silence as everyone prepared for bed. You lay down, staring at the ceiling, your mind racing with thoughts of Ace, Roger, and Rouge. Despite the challenges ahead, you knew you weren’t alone, and that made all the difference.
As you drifted off to sleep, you heard Shanks’ voice whisper in the darkness, “Goodnight, Sunflower.”
“Goodnight, Shanks,” you whispered back, a small smile on your lips.
In the following weeks, Mihawk and [Name] embarked on a series of small adventures that tested their mettle and solidified their bond. You grew to trust each other, the camaraderie deepening with each passing day. You shared stories and laughter under the vast expanse of the sky, you felt yourself opening up to Mihawk in ways different from Buggy and Shanks.
One quiet afternoon, as they rested by the seashore, casting a warm golden glow over the landscape as Mihawk and [Name] walked side by side through a dense forest path. The leaves rustled softly in the breeze, creating a serene atmosphere that belied the tension simmering beneath the surface. Despite their initial animosity, they had found a tentative rhythm in their partnership.
As they navigated the winding trail, [Name] glanced at Mihawk from beneath her cloak. "You know, Mihawk, you're not as bad as I first thought," she admitted with a small smile. "Just...incredibly infuriating at times."
Mihawk raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement in his golden eyes. "And you, [Name], are not as reckless as I initially presumed. Only...mostly reckless."
Their playful banter continued, slowly chipping away at the walls they had built around themselves. Over the next few weeks, they shared stories of their pasts, dreams for the future, and the reasons behind their relentless pursuit of their respective goals. Mihawk spoke of his quest to become the greatest swordsman, while [Name] revealed her mission to find Ace and protect Roger's legacy.
One afternoon, as they traversed a riverbank, the peace was shattered by the raucous voices of Shanks and Buggy. The two were engaged in a heated argument over who had the better aim with pebbles. As Shanks hurled a stone at Buggy, intending to splash him, Buggy ducked behind [Name], causing the water to drench her instead.
"[Name]!" Shanks called out, his voice filled with laughter. "Sorry, that was meant for Buggy!"
Drenched and sputtering, [Name] pulled off her mask to wipe her face, revealing her features for the first time to Mihawk. Her features were a harmonious blend of strength and beauty, each element highlighting her unique charm. Her eyes, now glistening with a mixture of amusement and annoyance, were vibrant and expressive, framed by lashes that caught the light in a captivating way. Her cheeks, flushed from the excitement and the chill of the water, added a warm glow to her complexion.
Her hair, damp and tousled, clung to her face in soft, loose curls, the color shimmering in the sunlight. Her lips, curved into a reluctant smile, revealed both a sense of mischief and an underlying warmth. Her skin, smooth and glowing, bore the marks of someone who had weathered many storms but had come out stronger on the other side.
Mihawk couldn't help but admire her. She was striking, not just in the traditional sense of beauty, but in the way she carried herself with grace and resilience. There was an undeniable presence about her that drew people in and made them want to know more.
As she stood there, a slight breeze rustling her hair and the dress Shanks had given her, Mihawk felt a shift within himself. It wasn't just her physical appearance that struck him; it was the essence of who she was — a blend of fierce determination and gentle compassion, someone who could be both a warrior and a caretaker.
Seeing her in this new light, Mihawk found himself smiling, a rare expression for him. Mihawk's breath caught in his throat as he took in her beauty, a stark contrast to the fierce warrior he had come to know.
"Are you alright?" Mihawk asked, his usual stoic demeanor softening as he handed her a dry cloth.
"I'm fine," [Name] replied, her cheeks flushing under his intense gaze. She quickly composed herself and shot a glare at Buggy, who was snickering in the background. "Next time, Buggy, you better be the one getting soaked."
Buggy just laughed, while Shanks approached with a sheepish grin. Before he could dwell on the change within himself, Shanks' voice cut through the moment.
"Let me make it up to you, Sunflower. How about we find you a change of clothes?"
With Buggy's help, [Name] changed into a simple day dress that accentuated her natural beauty. As she emerged, Mihawk found himself unable to look away, his admiration evident. Shanks and Buggy exchanged knowing glances, noticing the shift in Mihawk's usually impassive demeanor.
Back at their makeshift camp, Mihawk carefully tended to [Name]'s wet mask, using his own cloak to help dry it by the fire. As they sat in companionable silence, the bond between them grew stronger. They shared more stories, revealing vulnerabilities and forging a deep connection.
One evening, as the fire crackled softly, Mihawk and [Name] sat close, their shoulders nearly touching. [Name] looked up at the sky, her eyes reflecting the twinkling stars. "You know, Mihawk, I never expected to find a new friend in all of this chaos."
Mihawk turned to her, his expression serious yet warm. "Neither did I. But it seems fate has a way of surprising us."
Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of Shanks and Buggy, who plopped down beside them. Shanks pulled out a small camera, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Let's capture this moment, shall we?"
Despite Mihawk's initial protests, the picture was taken, sealing the memory of their time together. Shanks forced everyones arms around each other, although Mihawk only wrapped an arm around [Name]'s waist.
Mihawk was able to pull a stoic face outta his ass at the last second while [Name] smiled with full cheekbones and dimples on display. Buggy had his crooked smile while Shanks was all but smoldering into the camera.
As you and Mihawk looked at the photograph, Buggy couldn't resist a jab at Shanks who looked to be in deep thought.
"Looks like you're the jealous one now, Shanks."
Shanks chuckled, ruffling Buggy's hair. "Maybe I am, Buggy. Maybe I am."
As the night wore on, plans were made, and promises were exchanged. With renewed determination, [Name] prepared to set off on her quest to find Ace, knowing that she had the unwavering support of her friends. They would go their separate ways, but the bond they had forged would remain unbroken, guiding them through whatever trials lay ahead.
And there are a shit ton of trials ahead.
The bustling port town of Loguetown was abuzz with activity as the last rays of the setting sun cast long shadows over the cobblestone streets. Amidst the lively marketplace, two familiar figures navigated through the crowd, their eyes set on a specific destination.
Shanks, with his unmistakable red hair and carefree grin, walked alongside Buggy, whose clownish makeup and bright attire drew curious glances from passersby. Despite their contrasting appearances and the playful banter between them, there was an underlying seriousness to their mission.
"Are you sure he'll be here?" Buggy asked, his tone skeptical as they approached a quiet tavern on the outskirts of the market.
Shanks nodded confidently. "Hawkeye's always been a creature of habit. If he's in town, this is where he'll be."
Pushing open the heavy wooden door, they stepped into the dimly lit interior. The tavern was sparsely populated, with a few patrons scattered around, nursing their drinks in relative silence. At the far corner, a solitary figure sat, his presence commanding despite the low profile he maintained.
Young Dracule Mihawk, with his piercing golden eyes and signature black hat adorned with a large, jeweled cross, sipped his drink, seemingly lost in thought. His formidable sword, Yoru, rested against the table, a silent testament to his burgeoning prowess.
As Shanks and Buggy approached, Mihawk's gaze lifted, meeting theirs with a mixture of curiosity and recognition. He raised an eyebrow, the faintest hint of a smile playing on his lips.
"To what do I owe the pleasure?" Mihawk's voice was smooth, carrying a hint of amusement.
Shanks took a seat opposite him, motioning for Buggy to do the same. "We need your help, Mihawk. There's someone we want you to meet."
Buggy leaned forward, eager to elaborate. "Her name's [Name], and she's on a mission. We believe you could be the key to helping her succeed."
Mihawk's interest was piqued. "And why would I be interested in this... mission of hers?"
Shanks leaned back, his expression serious. "Because it's not just about her mission. It's about finding something precious, something that could change the tides of many lives. We think you'll find her intriguing, and her cause just."
Mihawk considered their words carefully. He respected Shanks, and despite their frequent clashes, he found Buggy's antics oddly endearing. If they were willing to vouch for this person, there had to be more to the story.
"Very well," Mihawk said finally, setting down his glass. "I'll meet this [Name] of yours. But understand, my involvement depends on what I see in her."
Shanks grinned, clapping Mihawk on the shoulder. "That's all we ask. You won't regret it."
With that, the three of them rose, the weight of their new alliance settling comfortably among them. As they stepped out into the cool evening air, the promise of a new chapter in their journey began to unfold, one that would bring them closer to finding Ace and perhaps, closer to each other.
I will be turning the story of how reader found Ace into a separate story for Luffy that happens in this universe. So be on the look out!
Part 1 posted: Here
Part 2 is also posted.
Part 3: Posted Here
Part 4 is here my loves.
Part 5 is now posted
Part 6 is also posted.
This is also posted on the a03 account by the same name. A new update post will also be out tomorrow regarding updates and new stories.
Please check out my other works and leave likes and comments, they really help. Drop a follow as well if you please.
Seen you soon my loves!!~ <<33
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jungle-angel · 1 year
Two Little Pumpkins (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: Halloween is fast approaching but for you and Rhett that means letting the kiddos do one of their favorite things
Rhett's heavy footfalls clunked down the stairs to the living room and into the kitchen, the full laundry basket resting on his hip and ready for the washing machine. God his clothes stank, the reek of cow shit, motor oil and compost all over them. Bad enough that he and Wes had to shovel out the pigpen on the Redwood ranch that afternoon in the cold, wet rain before he discovered that a good portion of the rain had soaked through the tops of his boots.
He overturned the bucket into the washer that rested in the little room just off the kitchen, the giggles of Hannah, Amy and Rose Hawk, music to his ears as he dumped in a capful of laundry detergent.
"Whatcha up to girlies?" he asked.
"Making jack-o-lanterns!!!" the girls chirped.
Rhett looked up as he switched on the washer, the three girls all at the kitchen table, happily carving away at their pumpkins while the smells of cinnamon, apples and the pumpkin spice candles burned in the living room. You yourself, were in the kitchen and getting dinner prepped for that night, the sun having gone down around five-thirty which made the house extra cozy even as the due date for your twin boys crept closer and closer.
"You good sweet thing?" Rhett said, sneaking up behind you.
"As always," you answered rather cheekily.
"What's on the menu for tonight?"
"Big bowl of beef stew, mashed potatoes and buttermilk biscuits."
Rhett had to bite his lip to hide the obscene groan that had welled in his throat. He loved whenever you made Cecelia's beef stew recipe and if it was her ox tail soup? He'd eat it until there was nothing more in the dutch oven.
You stirred the savory contents of the crockpot while Rhett took a seat at the kitchen table to help the girls. He took care of the sharp parts, carving out along the marks made with a sharpie and cutting open the top while the girls scooped out the contents, pretending to be mad scientists.
"Her girlies," you said, handing them a cookie tray. "Put the guts and seeds on a cookie tray, momma's gonna make cookies with them."
"Mind salting and saving the seeds for me?" Rhett asked.
You didn't mind at all. Like sunflower seeds, Rhett was an absolute sucker for roasted pumpkin seeds in the fall, carrying them in a little bag and eating them with his lunches like they were popcorn.
You picked out the pumpkin seeds and set them in a strainer to wash them off while the soft, cakey cookie batter was whipped up in a bowl with the pumpkin being dumped in and promptly mixed in. The entire house smelled so good that you wished you could bottle it all up and make a candle scent with it.
"Whatcha think darlin?" Rhett asked when Rose turned her pumpkin around. "Scary enough?"
You laughed a little. "I dunno Rhett," you told him. "I think Joy and Martha are gonna get spooked when they see it."
You and Rhett had the time of your lives helping the girls to carve their pumpkins while dinner and dessert cooked away in the oven.
"Wanna put these on display at the store?" Rhett asked while the girls were washing their hands for dinner.
"Why not?" you answered. "I figured maybe a little Halloween pumpkin display wouldn't be a bad idea."
Rhett kissed your lips. He couldn't wait to see it.
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p5x-theories · 18 days
Tomoko’s Confidant
(last updated 9/17/24!)
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This post documents the fully filled-in information on Tomoko Noge gained through progressing her Confidant! It contains things that could be considered spoilers for her Confidant, as part of the information is a summary of its story.
Tomoko is available in the afternoons most days, when it isn’t rainy. Her Confidant is tied to the Kindness social stat, and level 17 Kindness is required to fully complete it.
Favorite Presents
(An asterisk (*) marks the special presents added with (and unlocked through) Miyu Sahara's Confidant, which are liked by all Confidants currently in the game.)
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Part-Time Job Magazine A magazine that publishes information on various part-time jobs, with a special column for students. Very suitable for students who want to work.
Mascot Puppet This Shibuya mascot puppet truly recreates its cuteness.
Milk Flavor Straws Value Pack Great value combo pack of milk straws, with many flavors. Suitable for people who like milk-flavored food and are eager to grow taller.
Cat Hairpin This kitten-shaped hairpin is very cute.
Heart-Shaped Ring A ring with gemstones arranged in the shape of a heart.
Cute Lunch Box Lunch box with cute patterns, perfect for those who like homemade bento.
Uji Matcha Pudding Uji matcha pudding set with red bean paste and glutinous rice balls.
Super Noisy Alarm Clock An alarm clock that is very difficult to turn off, dedicated to waking up those who tend to stay in bed.
Heart-Shaped Hand Mirror Cutely-shaped hand mirror. Specially reinforced, so you can carry it with confidence.
Limited-Edition Keychain* This keychain has a unique shape, and is well-made, but there weren't many of it produced. It has a certain collector's value.
Bulk Snacks Value Pack* A combo pack containing a variety of traditional snacks that will remind people of the taste of childhood.
Advanced Essential Oil Combination* A value-for-money set of essential oils, with multiple functions to help you relax your mind and body.
Chestnut Cake* Fragrant chestnut cake with mild sweetness to suit most people's tastes.
Musical Snow Globe* A snow globe that plays music, and can be shaken gently to make snow fall inside.
Desktop Incense Machine* A household incense machine that is small in size, so it can be placed anywhere.
Sunflower Seeds The golden flower disk breeds the seeds of life. Fried sunflower seeds exude an attractive fragrance and are a good snack.
Personal Information
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Birthday: May 1 Zodiac Sign: Taurus Age: 16 years old Profession: Student Height: 156cm Weight: 52kg Blood Type: ?? Interests: Part-time work, observation and reasoning Features: Plays baseball
Character Details A student from class 2-D at Kokatsu Academy, she and Motoha have been close friends since elementary school. She used to be Motoha's partner on their Little League team, serving as their catcher.
Personal Data 1 Compared to Motoha, who is talented, lively, and outgoing, Tomoko is considerate, good at analysis and observation, and is trusted by everyone. Despite this, Tomoko has little self-confidence, and thinks that she is just an ordinary person. Whenever she fails, she's downtrodden for a long time.
Personal Data 2 After Motoha gave up baseball, Tomoko felt distressed, but there was nothing she could do. Tomoko silently made a wish, determined to continue working hard on the road of baseball for Motoha's sake. From then on, she devoted herself to baseball training and was eventually noticed by a scout.
Personal Data 3 However, due to the events with Kiuchi, Tomoko lost her chance of becoming a professional baseball player. Tomoko, who lost her future, also lost her desires, and fell into uncertainty about herself and her future.
Personal Data 4 After Kiuchi's change of heart, Tomoko started over, and began to look for possibilities for her future. I decided to accompany Tomoko to witness her efforts.
Personal Data 5 While working part-time, we met the famous figure skater Kotone Montagne. Kotone had a similar experience to Tomoko, and both of them seemed to see themselves in each other.
Personal Data 6 While working part-time at the flower shop, Tomoko and I met Kotone again. The enthusiastic Tomoko not only quickly solved Kotone's troubles, but also deeply moved her with her thoughtful suggestions.
Personal Data 7 Tomoko took the initiative to invite Kotone to enjoy the restaurant's signature "Extra Large Hot Sauce Pasta" with us, and the three of us became good friends. Tomoko finally mustered the courage to invite Kotone to hang out again...
Personal Data 8 When we spent time with Kotone, we learned that her physical rehabilitation actually ended a while ago. But she hasn't returned to competing because of the malicious slander towards her on the internet... Tomoko hopes that I can help her encourage Kotone, and we can support her in bravely returning to competing.
Personal Data 9 Recalling her own experience of playing away games, Tomoko felt very sympathetic to Kotone's experience. While thinking about how to support Kotone, Tomoko remembered a special song from her baseball games...
Personal Data 10 At school, Tomoko invited the students in the brass band to play a special support song for Kotone. The power of music and support successfully inspired Kotone, allowing her to find the courage to return to competing. Seeing Kotone regain her composure, Tomoko finally released the feelings she had bottled up since her injury.
Voice Lines
Japanese VA: Satomi Akesaka | Chinese VA: WenJing Qing
(As I can only add up to ten audio files per post, I’ll only include the Japanese lines below! Feel free to ask for the Chinese ones, though.)
I'm Tomoko Noge. Nice to meet you!
I have no particular talents or skills. What should someone like me do now? Sometimes I feel very lost.
It was very difficult to give up baseball, but this might also be an opportunity to find myself again. I'm fine, I'll definitely keep searching!
My former position on the team was catcher. Huh? I don't seem like that?
It's great to work at various part-time jobs together, isn't it? Thank you for always helping me, and I hope you'll continue to do so!
Motoha is so popular! She's sincere, kind, and good at sports... although she's a little lazy sometimes. She's my proudest best friend!
Kanou-kun? We're in the same class, but he always has a super serious expression on his face.
Confidant-Specific Bonuses
Rank 1 Debut as a Part-Time Worker: Unlock the ability to work part-time at the Shibuya Million Sweets crepe shop.
Rank 5 Observation Experience: Gain additional social stat points from working part-time.
Rank 7 Front Desk Receptionist: Unlock the ability to work part-time at the Shibuya Drugstore.
Rank 13 Service Experience: Gain even more social stat points from working part-time.
Rank 17 Observation of Customers' Emotions: Unlock the ability to work part-time at the Shinjuku Hinokuniya Bookstore.
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violettesiren · 5 months
Once upon a time there was a bird, my God. —Clarice Lispector
I am the yellow finch that came to her feeder an hour before she died. I was the last living thing she saw, so my responsibility was great. Yet all I did was eat. Through eight long months of winter the black oiled sunflower seeds had gone untouched—not a single one of my kind or any other kind had approached them. It was too much work. Even if we’d had the strength—which we did not, half-starved as we were—we were not in the mood to crack anything. On the morning of the twenty-second of April she took them away and refilled the feeding tube with sunflower hearts—sheeny niblets whose hard outer husk had been stripped away by some faraway, intricate machine. She went back inside and waited. From my branch I could see her do the things she liked to do—she picked up a towel from off the floor, she filled out a card stopping the mail, she boiled water, she stared into space. She saw me coming. Her face flickered with, if not exactly joy, the ordinary wellspring of life. It’s true there was a sheet of glass between us. But I could see the seeds of her eyes and the upturned corners of her mouth. I ate a heart. I turned my head. She looked at me as if I were the last living thing on earth. And as I was, I kept on eating.
Please Read by Mary Ruefle
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shivshaktimachtech · 6 months
Mustard Oil / Edible Oil Bottle Filling Line
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Company Overview: Shiv Shakti Machtech is a Manufacturer, Exporter, and Supplier of Mustard Oil / Edible Oil Bottle Filling Line in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Shiv Shakti Machtech's Mustard Oil Bottle Filling Machine is crafted from top-notch materials, adhering to hygiene standards and facilitating easy cleaning. A Mustard Oil or Edible Oil Bottle Filling Line comprises a series of machines designed for filling, capping, and labeling bottles containing mustard oil or other edible oils. Filling Machine: Equipped to precisely fill bottles with desired quantities of mustard oil or edible oil. Features a conveyor belt system for bottle transportation, precision filling nozzles, and volume adjustment controls. Ensures uniform filling levels and reduces spillage or wastage of oil. Capping Machine: Responsible for securely sealing filled bottles with caps or lids. Utilizes various capping mechanisms (e.g., screw caps, press-on caps, snap-on caps) based on bottle and cap types. Ensures tight and consistent sealing to prevent oil leakage or contamination. Labeling Machine: Applies labels onto filled and capped bottles, providing product information, branding, and regulatory details. Operates with precision and consistency, even at high production speeds. Features may include label applicators, sensors, and controls for accurate label placement and alignment. Application: Food and beverage industry: Used in edible oil processing plants, bottling facilities, and packaging operations for Cooking Oil, Mustard Oil, Soybean Oil, Cottonseed Oil, Vanaspati Ghee, Rice Bran Oil, Sesame Oil, Palm Oil, Mustard Oil, Kachi Ghani Mustard Oil, Refined Oil, Coconut Oil, Sunflower Oil, Corn Oil, Olive Oil, Soya Oil, Canola Oil, Safflower Oil, Oil Spray, Avocado Oil, Rapeseed Oil, Nut Oils, Organic Safflower Oil, Palm Oil, Groundnut Oil,  Edible Oil, Vegetable Oil. Geographical Coverage: Shiv Shakti Machtech serves as the Manufacturer and Supplier of Mustard Oil / Edible Oil Bottle Filling Line in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, and various locations across the country, including Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chandigarh, Chhattisgarh, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu, Delhi, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Ladakh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Odisha, Puducherry, Punjab, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and West Bengal. For further details, interested parties can contact Shiv Shakti Machtech. Read the full article
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sy5starplaty · 1 year
My 3.07 “Strings That Bind Us” liveblog...
Cranberries’ "Dreams” to start us off? Okay.
Why does Jamie pulling Roy's bike along (in a pink sweatshirt & shorts no less) feel like the most obvious next step in their dynamic after "Sunflowers"?
More Jade-Nate stuff...
And Jack is totally being Keeley's "sugar daddy"... so it won't last.
I love Chef Simi. Still can't tell if this is a shipping situation or not... but obviously not siblings.
Barbecue sauce induced hallucination... okay. I'll accept that.
ASH! I always forget his name. I shall now refer to him as Cool Hat Guy.
They're still calling him Van Damme?
Nate got Siri to call him Wunderkind? lol
Okay... needed a warning for that puke-a-thon.
They are NOT going to last. Those are NOT green flags, Keeley.
Rebecca talking about Rupert lovebombing her with a CAR... exact thing he did with Nate.
Beard Kitman is... actually kinda accurate. And Coach Will Beard is FANTASTIC.
"This is yummy. What is this?" "Water."
lol... I'm gonna need a spinoff with Will Beard.
Oh, K/J are so over.
OF COURSE IT'S ROY'S IDEA. Boy needs some joy in his life right now. I gotta say... We need this technique in ALL FOOTBALL CODES.
Hm... Not sure if that'll work Nate. But it's the thought that counts.
J: "It better be amazing!" (what you do for me, compared to all the lavishness I've bestowed upon you... and if it sucks... well, you know who has all the POWER in this relationship don't you?) RED FLAG RED FLAG
And... okay, yeah. Thoughts count. Words do too.
Yikes. Sorry Sam. I mean, you were right to call him a bigot, but that was playing with fire. Let's just be thankful it wasn't a fire, yeah? :|
Oh, that working/marching song thing... I know it, but I can't remember where it's from.
Sam rightfully swearing! And then crying in his HUGE daddy's arms.
"Big whoop"? Sam's dad is Ted! And they get on very well... brilliant.
But they were all coordinated and stuff in the locker room!
Heh... love that the 3 pub guys are so so calm about the team’s performance.
Poor Roy... making puns while Ted talks.
ASS-SQUATCH "Make it stop" ... No, it's awesome.
Lol... pre-emptive bird flips.
JAMIE! YOU'RE BECOMING THE BEST YOU CAN BE! YOU'RE BETTER THAN ZAVA, BOY. Damn, I can't believe I'm proud of him (again - I was proud of him in 2.03 but that wasn't as a footballer).
Arlo: "That was bloody gorgeous!" Yes, it was.
Yeah, knew they wouldn't win. But they didn't let Arsenal get anymore goals, so there's that.
And... TRENT! He's excited about football again! Well, about The Lasso Way.
"Yeah, but he's our dork." :D
Aw, they're not over yet? Damn. But it still feels likely. If she doesn't have Epstein connections, SHE JOKED ABOUT HAVING EPSTEIN CONNECTIONS. That's not a good thing! Unless her Epstein is not that Epstein... in which case, who's the other famous Epstein?
Keep the mirrors as they are? I get the idea, Sam, but you gotta at least cover those shards with something. IT'S A SAFETY HAZARD.
And since... Ted & Rebecca did not share a scene AT ALL... I guess I'm just shipping Sam with Simi?
Yeah, not looking positive re: tedbecca here, so I’ll wait till 3.08 to either resurrect my shipper-self or bury it.  This episode was more about the team - with added Nate & Keeley’s storylines - so I get there wasn’t really any room for tedbecca stuff. They didn’t even focus that much on Ted. But now the team is kinda working like a well-oiled machine again... I think they’ll be able to return to the main ships & their individual journeys to find their way [back] to each other. 
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oilmakingmachine · 1 year
Efficient Sunflower Oil Making Machine for High-Quality Production
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on efficient sunflower oil making machines for high-quality production. we understand the importance of reliable equipment for the oil production industry. In this article, we will explore the key features, benefits, and considerations when selecting the best sunflower oil making machine to meet your production needs. Whether you are a large-scale manufacturer or a small business owner, our goal is to provide you with valuable insights to help you make informed decisions.
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Twisted Wonderland Dwarfs Headcanons!
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Is the oldest by a few months ahead of Gran
Drinks tea the most
Has a parent ability where they stop stuff from happening before it happened
Suffers with night terrors
Is the worst bi-panic ever
Has a huge book collection
Wants to visit the City of Flowers with all his might, wishes he went with Neige during the Masquerad event
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Is basically a tsundere
Knows Spanish
Will cuss in Spanish
Smells a lot of wood since childhood
Is obviously the protector of the group
Thinks piercings are cool and would want one without someone assuming he should get a "cute" ear ring
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Would have a coffee machine in his room if he could
Has the second best hair products in the bathroom
Has three different Playlists for sleep; Rain sounds, lo-fi, and Celtic music
Speaks beautiful Hebrew
Is a cat person
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Speaks on French
Loves sunflowers
Dad jokes
Has a whole pile of overalls for different seasons and argue they're perfect
Makes a ton of friendship bracelets
Used to have a really bad stutter Neige helped with in-between acting gigs and chores
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Has the WORST pan-ics
Has a collection of highlighters of different colors
Many kids of scented oils and candles he sniffs and enjoys to calm down or not get stressed
The biggest stuff animal collection
Secretly likes it most when people call him cute, sure it's embarrassing but it's a nice feeling
Is that one guy who has glow sticks and glow-in-the-dark stars in his room for aesthetic
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The one with the best hair product
Has allergies
Has freckles on his cheeks, nose, and shoulders
Used to be insecure of his hair but grew to love it
His scarf was his first gift of Neige's
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Has no family other than the other dwarfs and Neige
Dreams to touch the sky
Begs for a pet in the dorm most
The fact he's a bit ditzy isn't cause he's "dumb" but due to him spacing out a lot and thinking on more things than one
Has autism
Just wanted to do this
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