#Sunfall Ink
moonfurthetemmie · 1 year
I present to you
Glaze and Tempera
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Tempera (any pronouns):
Energetic, and very outwardly chaotic. Frequently talks without thinking. They tend to have the wilder ideas of the pair, not that that’s saying much. I’m gonna project so much adhd onto them by accident
He thinks it’s hilarious that Ink, the one who’d be the worst parent, was saddled with two clones to take care of, instead of just one like everyone else. Temp enjoys going out of his way to irritate her.
Temp’s fighting style is basically ‘run in circles and tire out her opponent while sticking her pointy stick wherever she can’. She’s strong and fast, and if there’s one good thing she can say about Ink, it’s that she was a good teacher when it came to fighting.
It always tends to wear outfits that have one little piece that seems out of place. It think it’s funny. It try to get Glaze to do it, too, for the bit, but Glaze just calls it an idiot (affectionate). Other than that, neither twin has a set sense of style. Temp tends to flip through more “gendered” outfits than Glaze; as in they’ve got more outfits with different ‘gender’ vibes than Glaze. Glaze tends to lean into more feminine outfits, even if she’s all over the spectrum of ‘feminine clothes’
Glaze (she/her):
Just as chaotic as her sibling, but you wouldn’t know it just by looking at her. She seems to be the sensible one, which the twins absolutely use to their advantage when they’re getting up to shit.
More calculating and sarcastic than Tempera, Glaze is hard to get along with at first. They both have trouble with new people, but Glaze tends to be more wary.
She has mostly the same physical capabilities as Temp, but she has better reaction times. She prefers to watch for and take advantage of any and all openings, and goes for quick strikes and careful dodging.
Glaze isn’t too fond of the way she and the others were created just to keep an eye on a couple of statues. None of them are, but her especially. Why do they have to deal with this? Why couldn’t the older ones just find some random people to make their apprentices or something?? If she can, she’s going to find someone to replace her in this. This is stupid.
…She rethinks this plan some after Corvus and Orion are revived.
She and Temp frequently ‘coordinate’ outfits to be of completely opposing vibes. Glaze has just as many spiky vests and emo jackets as her sibling.
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She was literally the worst person to be the caretaker of a kid, out of everyone. And she ended up with two. It’s a good thing everyone decided to do group parenting shit, because Glaze and Tempera would probably have way worse issues.
She did a little bit of research into what kids need, but only in terms of like, basic necessities for survival. Kids are just little people, they don’t need that much attention, right? She can leave them to their own devices somewhat.
Glaze and Temp are lucky the others reminded Ink that small kids are stupid and adventurous, and that she needed to make sure they couldn’t get into anything toxic or otherwise dangerous.
She did teach them how to fight though. If nothing else, she was a good mentor for fighting.
Glaze and Temp may have called her ‘mom’ when they were young, but now she’s just ‘our legal guardian, Ink.’
Other little notes:
Tempera’s weapon, according to heroforge, is called a sang kauw. It has a crescent-shaped blade over the handle that can be used for blocking or striking.
Glaze and Temp’s weapons are summonable like Ink’s, I just wanted to show them off.
Tempera’s morality alignment is Chaotic Neutral. Glaze’s is True Neutral
Before I got them names, Glaze and Temp were referred to as the ‘DS-Ink-coded twin’ and the ‘OG-Ink-coded twin’ because of the double inks in the original dream
They are so fucking chaotic they live in my head rent-free I love them so much they’re so stupid
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dookins · 2 years
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WHO’S THAT POKEMON!? ANOTHER CROSS BREED!!!  You know, Sigilyph is a pretty over looked Pokemon.  It’s mysterious. Very Aztec or Aboriginal to me.  I wonder if it’ll get a make over in the new game?  Who knows. This one wasn’t too bad to ink so I colored it too.  Dunno what I’m calling this cross breed. “Temiqui” means to dream in classic Nahutal. Or “Jukurrpa” which is one of the name’s for The Dreamtime worshipped by the Aboriginals.  “Sunfall” was another thought I had prior to doing a little research. Which one sounds better?
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bran-writes · 2 years
Next Week on The Sunfall Tomb: Episode 6- The Gunslinger
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As Kenna searches a swanky club known as The Crystal Bluff for an art collector who unknowingly holds the map to the Sunfall Tomb, Niko stays outside to keep watch.
Unfortunately for the duo, Black Nebula pirates have tracked them down and enemies come out of the woodwork. It's time for Niko to put his gun skill to the test!
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Read episodes of The Sunfall Tomb here: The Sunfall Tomb | Kindle Vella (amazon.com)
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retro-grad3 · 4 years
and it hurts, unlike anything else,
finding yourself inching back to the place you swore you'd never go to again.
I loved you so deeply, so honestly.
how have you already forgotten?
and suddenly, I find myself once again in Frost's
gentle but harsh embrace.
I told you once that winter was my favorite season.
"I like the cold," I said.
what i meant was I liked when I stayed out too long and couldn't feel my toes.
I longed for when I had an excuse to not feel anything.
you told me you liked summer.
and I admired how much brighter the world became once the ice melted
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sleepyowlwrites · 3 years
Sleepy is bored at work show Vol.2
101. No Safe Haven - @/team-of-dumbasses 102. Irongate - @/coutelier 103. Graveyard Song - @/forthesanityofsome 104. Bride of Loki - @/writingamongther0ses 105. Order of the Sun - @/writeblrfantasy 106. An Inn at the Very End - @/writing-is-a-martial-art 107. Out There - @/blue-kyber 108. Fragments - @/justwriteyoudummy 109. Bo and Shen - @/talesfromgringolandia 110. Wintergleam - @/glitterandstarshine 111. Firebreathers - @/magic-is-something-we-create 112. Heir of Shadows - @/the-procrastinating-writers 113. Old Inn Door - @/sapphicspud 114. Little Vicious Minds - @/space-cadead 115. Ghost My Friend - @/ajbuffam 116. Has it Been Raining All Aight? - @/jaxwrites 117. Fey Touched - @/author-a-holmes 118. Ravens in Revolt - @/gottaenjoythelittlethingzz 119. Monsters and Majesty - @/writinglyra 120. A Quiver of Cobras - @/jaymonsterthecanaryprince 121. Heroic - @/avaeverstone 122. Aquiver, Aglow - @/drippingmoon 123. Marble and Magic - @/ink-fireplace-coffee 124. A Modern Wonderland - @/e-lisard 125. When Aether Burns - @/kvj-novels 126. Tragedy’s Bones - @/euphoniouspandemonium 127. Monsters and Men and Everything in Between - @/stuffaboutwriting 128. A Kingdom Betrayed - @/dontcrywrite 129. Werewolf Aide - @/avian-writes 130. Remnants - @/zmlorenz 131. The Curse of Hyetal - @/pepperdee 132. Letters Through an Amber Haze - @/litwrites 133. Song of Seven Suns - @/sagasofazeria 134. Hidden Earth Chronicles - @/gwens-fiction 135. The Boat People of London - @/sweetpeasandanime 136. Seventh Sunfall - @/seas-dubh 137. For the Serpent’s Flower - @/faelanvance 138. Archipelago - @/ambiguouspuzuma 139. Petrichor - @/absolute-nonsense-scribblings 140. Deær Island - @/asushunamir2051 141. Demon City - @/solipsism-lemonade 142. The Last Words of a Shooting Star - @/make-the-heteros-upseteros-2021 143. Solitude's Elixir - @/47crayons 144. A Council of Golden Swords - @/writeblrfantasy 145. Stealing the Sacramental Wine - @/abalonetea 146. The Plight of a Sparrow - @/ren-c-leyn 147. The Castles are Burning - @/lividdreamz 148. The Light and What Lies Below - @/nikkywrites 149. Legends of the Meraki - @/talesfromgringolandia 150. Golden Hour - @/alannaofroses 151. To Know A Name - @/whynotwriting 152. Crown of Flowers - @/pagesofcursive 153. Ignis - @/the-deciphered-narrator 154. Maybe Rapunzel Dies In This One - @/lothloriien 155. Black Feather - @/sleepy-night-child 156. Cry For The Moon - @/mary-is-writing 157. The Obscure Ones - @/theglitchywriterboi 158. Memories of an Amnesiac - @/caprifoi 159. True Devotion That Remains Constant - @/enchanted-lightning-aes 160. Cozy Little Horrors - @/writing-is-a-martial-art 161. A Long Chain of Many, Many, Many Accidents - @/andiwriteunderthemoon 162. Justice - @/woodhousejay 163. The Dragon Knight - @/leafgreen6 164. Whispers of Nature - @/scriptura-delirus 165. Angel - @/kosmosian-quills 166. Cindercast - @/ellatholmes 167. Petal Pedal - @/uraniumwriting 168. Thicker Thieves - @/haniawritesfiction 169. Tales From Aurea - @/talesfromaurea 170. Red Pirate, Yellow Queen - @/writeblrfantasy 171. Frost & Fire - @/dragon-swords-prophecies 172. Of Tears and Ashes - @/amywrites256 173. Blasted Scorn - @/enchanted-lightning-aes 174. Deathdancer - @/dipthongsfordays 175. You Are Safe Here - @/ink-fireplace-coffee 176. These Are Miracles - @/euphoniouspandemonium 177. In By Sunset - @/fosterweird 178. The Song of Three Hundred Spears - @/violetcancerian 179. Who Fights Monsters - @/thethistlegirlwrites 180. That Joyous Place Within - @/ladyfawkes 181. The Invisible Girl - @/oh-no-another-idea 182. Soulwood - @/nikkywrites 183. Rivers of Stars - @/writingonesdreams 184. This Tower of Iron - @/irishironclad 185. Human Not Gold - @/writingamongther0ses 186. Written In Blood - @/red-the-dragon-writes 187. Deity Complex - @/magic-is-something-we-create 188. Angel’s Daughters - @/dragon-swords-prophecies 189. The Last Wild Place - @/faelanvance 190. Obscure Science - @/gwens-fiction 191. Red Glass - @/ambiguouspuzuma 192. Like Snow on Hungry Graves - @/talesofsorrowandofruin 193. Golden Veins - @/vermontwrites 194. Eight Gold Pieces - @/jaysworlds 195. Dandelions in the Dust - @/coolfroggyfriend 196. Icefall/Rival Potion Shops - @/ashen-crest 197. The Burnouts - @/crystalized-ink 198. Firetide Rising - @/dipthongsfordays 199. The Wand and the Wolf - @/the-orangeauthor 200. Anchored Souls - @/quilloftheclouds
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drimmari · 7 years
“Trial by Fire”
Drimmari doubts he will survive the night.
It is the nature of a society etched from the raw flesh wounds of a broken nation to foster enmity. A decade spent quite literally carving a name for himself and for his Order rendered a fair number of Silvermoon’s Magistrate scorned; each back crushed underfoot climbing-- clawing-- his way to his position in the Order earned him a strike on the Magistry’s blacklist. He suspects their profile of him is comprehensive enough to warrant an arranged death by trial under the guise of impending promotion.
He fears not, for fear weakens the mind and trembles the swordhand. Fear is a blindfold; fear is the insidious whispering that maddens princes and fells generals.
Belorai huffs and bristles under him mid-stride, bringing her snout around. Drimmari follows her gaze and his gauntlet finds its way to the pommel of the bastard sword at his hip; with his other he tugs at the reins, and Belorai halts at once.
“Were I to know that my arrival would warrant animosity, Champion Dra’zar, I’d have brought a bigger staff.” The young Magister Dawnstar wears his characteristic toothy smile, one that broadcasts petty superiority in true silver-spoon fashion. Boyish features and high cheekbones starkly contrast the mane of silver hair cascading to his waist; an open eye, painted in violet ink on his collarbone, throbs with his laughter.
Flanking him, also on horseback, are two familiar faces: Champion Sunblaze and Magister Sunhawk.
Bile climbs into Drimmari’s throat. The Magistry had sunken to bringing his closest friend in the Order to witness his demise.
Words find their way onto his tongue, spat in his carrying baritone. “Your judgment is impeccable, Magister. No telling what I’d have done without a vanguard to accompany me. Perhaps I would have gotten lost.”
The trio falls in beside Drimmari on the wide cobble path; the steady sound of hoofbeats fills the chilled night air. “Whatever would we do if you’d have opted out of the trial last-minute, Champion?” Dawnstar’s high lilt is flecked with condescension, and Drimmari chokes on his retort. “No, best to keep you company.”
Street lamps cast azure hues across the road as sun gives way to stars. The scents of polished steel, trodden pine and cured leather mingle on the breeze; abruptly in his mind’s eye, snowcapped obelisks frame a hulking citadel, and a madman’s laughter chatters his teeth.
Magister Dawnstar speaks into the pregnant silence once Falconwing Square is at their backs. “Preparations are in order for your regiment, then, in the event that tonight takes a bloody turn?” After an artificial silence, he adds, “Forgive the pun.”
“Yes.” Drimmari’s response is distracted.
Grassy hillocks give way to the blood knight pavilion, set far enough off the main road that a wayward glance is unlikely to sight it. Clad in ceremonial crimson plate and armed with halberds, two young blood knights stand watch; bowing low at the waist, they part to allow the company through.
Drimmari stands tall at the torchlit pavilion’s centre; bare feet sink into crimson silk carpet. Clad only in a loose-fitting pair of breeches, the Champion braces himself against the brisk night air.
Directly across from him stands Magister Dawnstar. Forming a loose semicircle matching the pavilion’s broad architectural arc are an assortment of priests and priestesses, faces cast in shadow from white hoods drawn forth. At Drimmari’s back, Mourne and Denar watch silently.
Drawing a scroll from the folds of his robes, Dawnstar speaks with the air of a man who rehearses sales pitches before a mirror every morning. “Drimmari Dra’zar of House Dawnglory, Champion of the Blood Knight Order, this convocation has been called for the purpose of testing both fealty to the Order and worthiness of promotion to the rank of Knight-Lord, by joint will of the Order and the Magistry.” Beady, bespectacled eyes break only momentarily from the scroll to flick in Drimmari’s direction. “Failure, if not by death and subsequent burning upon a funeral pyre, will result in immediate suspension from the Order and potentially exile from the Kingdom.”
Drimmari is silent.
“Do you accept these terms, Champion?”
“I do.”
The scroll promptly erupts in turquoise flame. “Excellent!” Nothing short of chipper, the Magister gestures at the priestess closest to him, a tall and wiry woman whose crimson curls  peak out from under her cowl. “Isanna, you may begin.”
Her voice is sharp and biting; were knives to have vocal chords, they might speak with half the edge in her cadence. “First, Champion, your loyalty to the Sunwell will be tested. Steel yourself.” No sooner do the words escape her lips than does her arm raise; silk cuffs peel back from her wrist to reveal a hand calloused and veined heavily from a lifetime’s labor.
As though awaiting her signal, the remaining priests match the gesture.
“Only the worthy may ascend these sacred steps,” Isanna intones. Unified, her acolytes repeat the statement. Their fingertips light up with brilliant holy flame.
Drimmari inhales.
Tongues of fire lash out, dousing Drimmari’s exposed flesh, welts rising and skin blistering almost immediately. Unadulterated agony throttles his senses, and he staggers against the onslaught.
Over the roar of blood throbbing in his ears, Drimmari makes out Dawnstar’s voice: “Champion Dra’zar, are you worthy of the restored Sunwell’s benevolence?”
Bright spots dance in his vision. Flames engulf, sear away his detached exterior like petals of a flower, beckon the howl of pain from his dry throat. He squeezes his eyes shut, and a rush of visions-- crunched together and jumbled-- play forward. Spanning from his initiation to his Adept trial (he remembers the look in his fellow Initiate’s eyes when Drimmari’s blade plunged into his throat) until his Champion ceremony in the beginning of the Breaking, Drimmari’s history with the Order plays through his vision; every day spent siphoning Light from M’uru is there, brought to the forefront of it all.
A floodgate opens in Drimmari’s mind as his own link to the Sunwell washes through him. Eyes bursting open, smoke rising from peeling skin, he allows the flames into himself, guiding them into brilliant rays of pure Light that render bubbling skin prismatic.
Abruptly the flames are gone; sparks dance in his peripheral. Vision clearing, he blinks twice. Isanna sweeps into a deep bow at the waist.
“You have proven yourself worthy of the Sunwell, Champion Dra’zar.”
Her acolytes mirror the gesture, magic rising from pooling robes like a morning fog at sunrise.
To Drimmari’s right, from the winding river, a crimson haired lad with a leather eyepatch and half of a left ear steps into the pavilion. “Announcing Knight-Champion Alastor Loth’albelore, immediately following success in his own first trial.”
Drimmari hears the second half of that statement from the end of an echo chamber. Icicles bog down his heart, freezing the blood that only moments before burned with righteous fire.
Alastor is a handsome man, every daydreaming adolescent’s fantasy of a chivalrous, windswept knight. Standing every bit as tall as Drimmari, his golden hair is tied into a topknot; dark semicircles drag at his eyelids, and high cheekbones fight to hold the playful smirk plastered onto his cracked lips. Like Drimmari, he is dressed minimally-- ink vines creep their way up his abdomen and into his shoulders, etched with carefully detailed Thalassian runes. Drimmari does not need proximity to remember what they say.  
“Evenin’, Drim.” His voice, the only sound besides the river’s calming rumble, rings hoarsely throughout the pavilion; its singsong cadence, stripped of its depth, is a dry December wind. “Fuckers must’ve mistook me for a demon.” White smoke rises from his shoulders, and-- after taking his place at the center of the pavilion-- Drimmari sees cracks and blisters on Alastor’s skin.
They actually think I’m going to fight him. Incredulity is the crack that finally shatters floodgates of retribution in Drimmari’s mind.
“Evening, Al,” he says quietly. Unlike Alastor’s voice-- always the herald of his deepest inner thoughts-- Drimmari’s is tempered steel, a carefully contained fire.
Magister Dawnstar clears his throat. “Gentlemen, if I may command your attention for a few more moments.” He is a sea breeze at the eye of a hurricane. “As two of our more seasoned and renowned Champions, the Magistry wishes to remind you both of your time on the Isle of Tribulations, as initiates.”
No surprise, there.
“Your joint candidacy for the role of Knight-Lord demands that you prove yourself the foremost among your peers. As such, your final trial is an honor duel…” Dawnstar’s voice takes a gentle, lilting tone. “...to the death.”
“Bullshit,” Alastor sputters. Drimmari remains silent, viridescent orbs deadlocked on Dawnstar. “You’re going to make us kill each other? After Sunfall, after Icecrown, the Breaking--”
Dawnstar’s eyes flare violet, and his voice rings through the chamber. “If there are words you wish to speak, let them be known now.”
“Drim,” Alastor says at once. “Fuck them. Fuck this.” His hand tightens on the pommel of his sword, a cutlass with a featherweight enchantment. “We can’t--”
“Alastor.” Drimmari draws his blade.
“Touching,” Dawnstar purrs. “I trust I needn’t remind you, Champion Loth’albelore, of your stake in this battle?”
The flushed, blistered skin of his face drains of colour. “Bastard mage,” he growls.
“Excellent.” Dawnstar’s smile is almost genuine. “Steel and magic both are permitted for this fight.” As though on cue, Isanna and her acolytes file out into the grass around the pavilion; the one-eyed lad ushers Mourne and Denar outside. “Thank you both for your service to the Kingdom. Tal anu’men no Sin’dorei.”
Several things happen at once: Turning on the spot, Dawnstar disappears with a flourish of his cloak; a rigid violet barrier erupts at the edges of the pavilion, sealing Drimmari and Alastor in; and finally, Alastor draws his own blade, ears drooping.
“We’re really doing this, brother?” Slowly Alastor settles into a defensive stance, instinctively deferential-- they both knew their strengths.
“Have we any choice?” Centering himself, summoning the mental void needed for proper swordplay, Drimmari inhales.
“Remember our deal?” Alastor begins pacing the edge of the pavilion; Drimmari matches the movement.
“Of course.”
“It still stands?”
Drimmari nods. Alastor swallows.
“Good luck, Drimmari.”
Pillars of flame spring to life around the pavilion, immediately blocking Drimmari’s view of Alastor; carving his blade through the air, Drimmari forces a section of clearance for himself, barreling through and hitting the ground instinctively as a spear of Light streaks over his head. Cursing, he rights himself and weaves a shield, searching, always moving.
While Drimmari was undoubtedly the superior swordsman, Alastor had a true gift for magic. Once a high-ranking priest of the Church, he never truly lost faith: his stake in the Order was one of appeasing his late father’s wishes, nothing more. His grasp on the Light surpassed even Drimmari’s.
Drimmari knows his one true hope is to close in and torrent Alastor’s magic, striking while the blond giant is vulnerable; of course, as the lashes of fire swirling around Drimmari’s head might indicate, that is easier said than done.
The trick is to locate the source of the flames, to snuff them out. Containing Alastor is no easy feat in any facet of life.  
There. Recognizing the head of one of the whips, Drimmari immediately rips a dangerous volume of magic from the Sunwell; fingertips searing, he hurls the wall of Light in that direction and follows closely behind it.
He’s on his back before he can gather his bearings: the violet hues of Dawnstar’s barrier glare down at him, silently mocking his folly. Drimmari does not doubt that his death approaches swiftly: Alastor is ever the tricky opponent.
Ash burns his eyes. Smoke sears his throat, throttles attempts to draw a full breath.
One heartbeat. Two. A searing pain ignites in Drimmari’s arms and legs, creeping into his torso; forcing his eyes open, he looks up at Alastor, whose eyes brim with tears, and a calming peace seeps into Drimmari’s soul-- one that fiercely counteracts the agony screaming in his limbs.
Instinct takes over. Howling, Drimmari rips as much magic as he can from the Sunwell: the floors buckle and groan with protest; the Arcane barriers at the room’s edges spiderweb with flaming cracks. Just as suddenly, he severs his own link to the Sunwell, and the magical backlash is enough to break several of his ribs.
The desperado tactic rendered Alastor near immobile. Groaning, Alastor rolls from his stomach to his back, fighting to right himself.
If Alastor is a priest and a scholar, Drimmari is a blood knight. Springing to his feet despite the pleas from his ribs, he pulls the bastard sword into a blistered hand and limps over to Alastor’s side, falling to his knees.
The force of their combined spells has rendered Alastor blind. In place of the lingering Fel corruption, his eyes are a swirling, milky white; his mouth works, unable to push words past the blood pooling in his throat. Crimson lips plead.
Drimmari plunges the blade into his friend’s heart. The roaring flames cackle their triumph, sucking what little oxygen remains in the room from the air.
Drimmari does not see the barriers come down. He does not hear people calling his name, congratulating him; the explosion has rendered him temporarily deaf.
Only darkness remains. So it once was, so will it always be.
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zanpyreanor · 8 years
[Story] Inquisitor’s Eyes
Grand Inquisitor Lyral Sunfall, a high ranking Magister, clergyman, and corrections specialist with the spire arrived late to his office. A tall, lean Sin'dorei man; he had a well-defined jawline and strong brow whose black hair had a sheen not unlike that of a raven.
He sat down and collected paperwork from his inbox. Lyral's brow lifted as a red light flickered on the metal box bolted to his desk that his inbox sat on. With the wave of a hand, his office door closed and locked and the curtains over his windows jerked closed. He pulled a box from his desk and, with the turn of a key, a pulse of anti-magic swept the room. The pulse knocked a stealthed magitech scarab flying over his desk out of operations; the device fizzled as it hit the cherry wood.
Lyral raised a long elegant black brow and pulled a small dark grey metal nullification box from the bottom drawer of his desk and with a flick of his long delicate fingers, the device floated into the box. He tucked the box away then pulled out a quill-tipped pen, inkwell, parchment pad, stamp pad, and stamp. He stamped the paper with a "top-secret" label, which soon faded from view and used a lever on the pen to fill its internal inkwell. He glanced at his pocket watch and wrote, "2/3, 10:10am - There is something in the secure inbox. Found stealthed surveillance device in office in pre-opening sweep. It has been neutralized and stored, now opening box."
Lyral then spun the dial on the secure inbox and touched his fingers to glowing green spots that lit up after the code. The door opened and inside was a file folder containing several other folders.
The Grand Inquisitor looked them over, first a letter with vague explanation. It read, 'Sunfall, you have the appropriate security clearances to handle this case. Agent Silver was on a highly sensitive and top-secret investigation over a century ago when he disappeared without a trace. His original personnel files were lost in the fall but we discovered these redacted files in offsite storage. The people he worked under are no longer of this world. Recently someone used his old access codes to request information from the spire information files, which our system immediately flagged for investigation.
The requestor, named Nuadathiel Ashelar'thor resembles Agent Silver but with short, spiked hair, and no elf by that name exists in the registry nor the spire information files. Perhaps this is a new pseudonym for Silver. However, we did find the name in a corrections file. According to the file, he has low security special needs ward registration with the spire. The paperwork includes a note about witness protection under a Warden Zandrae Pyreanor, husband of Inquisitor Tyan Sunbrand. We believe he is living in Pyreanor's estate, but accessing his property without a warrant and security clearances is difficult. You have the clearances, you will find a warrant included in this file. Ages spotted other people of interest arriving and leaving the estate after long visits. Their files are also included. Read over these files; find out what Silver was investigating, where he has been, and why he hasn't reported back for duty. Do not hesitate to use force if they resist or to use fatal force in self-defense. And Sunfall, if Agent Silver is a threat to Quel'thalas, kill him.'
Lyral wrote a summary on his paper and then turned to the files. Personnel files of Nuada, Iviaen, Zan, Tyan, Ria, Mourne, Nuada's corrections file, images of Nuada's visit to the spire, a file on the Pyreanor building and it's residents, a case files about the jailbreak conducted by Ria's household and a file on her recent international incident in Dalaran. The Inquisitor read over every little detail with an eye of scrutiny.
The Grand Inquisitor took notes collected the warrant, tucked it among the pages of his notepad, and then slipped the files back into his secure inbox. The ink on the paper vanished as the curtains and door opened.
Lyral rose from his desk, tucked the inkwell and parchment pad then shoved it in his satchel. He put a cap on his quill pen, slipped it in its storage box, and inserted that in the bag as well along with his identification, and his security clearance verification paperwork. His stomach growled as magic sealed the pocket away from sight and the man shoved his wallet in the other pocket.
It was almost suppertime. The Grand Inquisitor's agenda for the remainder of the day was a visit to the Pyreanor shop, then supper, then a return to the shop for a little chat with Agent Silver or more casing and an approach the day after.
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moonfurthetemmie · 1 year
Sunfall Master post
There's individual posts but there's also this big doc with everything in it, and that may be easier if you want to read everything at once. but if you want individual bits here's the posts!
Glaze and Tempera (+ Ink)
Wren (+ Finch)
Java (+ Cross & Error)
Aster (+ Blue)
Endings 1-3
The Maelstrom and the beasts
Random other stuff
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moonfurthetemmie · 1 year
Aster (he/she)
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Healer, cook, and martial artist. Also a little ball of anxiety 80% of the time. 
He’s very sweet, but his social skills are ass. Blue is not helpful, and Temp and Glaze used to pick on him when they were kids. They are mostly doing it affectionately, but it didn’t feel like it. He’s closest to Wren because Wren was the only one who tried to stop them. Nowadays they all get along a little better, buuut…
Aster had 0 reason to help everyone, but he ended up learning about Corvus and Orion along with the other clones, and decided he wanted to help. He tried to get Blue to teach him to fight, but Blue was like “,,,,aster i get nauseous at the sight of blood. Do you think i know how to fight.” Blue did however help them find ways to learn how to fight. 
Aster learned Vadakkan Kalari, which is one of many styles of Kalaripayattu. Enjoy the wiki link. Anyways, she also learned healing magic, and uses her flexibility from her Kalari training to weave between and around enemies to heal the others in a fight. It took a while for her to figure out quick battle healing, but she managed. She’s an invaluable part of the team.
Of his combat skills, Aster favors a dagger, but he also can use a sword and a spear, and can take down opponents bare-handed. Oddly enough, when he starts fighting, most of his anxiety seems to go away.
He was really not ready to take care of a kid, and he knew it. He tried his best, though, even if wasn’t great.
In trying his best not to be anything like his brother, he was often overly lenient with kid Aster, until his better judgment overrode those worries and he’d suddenly be like ‘ok no, no more of that.’ He told her that he just didn’t realize just how bad an idea it was, Aster became rather afraid to try things. And very unsure of when something that was ok at one point would suddenly Not Be Okay.
When he was older Blue did explain the actual reason and sort of apologized for being the source of most of his anxiety.
Like I said with Temp and Glaze, it’s probably a good thing he had the others’ help, or Aster could’ve wound up much worse. He’s very glad they invited him.
He did his best to teach her things he knew, though. Cooking, fibercraft, yoga. The yoga helped Aster work on his flexibility a lot, which is the main reason Blue was suggested it. He may have offered earlier on, but he wasn’t going to make her learn. Once they decided to pursue Kalari, though, he was like ‘yknow, yoga could give you some extra flexibility exercises, if you wanted to try it.’ He still didn’t make her, it was just more of a ‘this might help’ than ‘do you want to do this’ then.
Other Stuff
Aster's alignment is Neutral Good
Aster isn’t strawberry blonde it’s just dye. he wants to be but alas, he is the clone of someone with a much less interesting hair color
The scar on Aster’s face was gotten during her lessons. She’s actually very proud of it. 
Fun thing about Kalari, straight from the wiki: "...it is stated that the cardinal principle of Kalaripayattu was that knowledge of the art be used to further worthy causes, and not for the advancement of one's own selfish interests." which is,,,,pretty much exactly Aster's reason for learning to fight. go see the link to read the whole thing it's neat
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moonfurthetemmie · 1 year
Hello I definitely didn’t forget I asked if people wanted to see Sunfall because I suddenly found out a hurricane was ABOUT TO MAKE FUCKING LANDFALL HERE but heyyyy it’s fine dwbi
Dreamswap but it’s the goddamn apocalypse because for some reason a second tree popped up and it fucked shit over severely
There’s clones! Alternate versions! Bad mentors and okay mentors! The end of the multiverse! Terrifying beasts! Horrible parenting skills and only like 4 guys!
Ok it was 7 boys but two of them died. And all the clones are either girls or funky gendered. One of them is sometimes a guy but that’s it
There’s also 3 inks, sort of. The two would hate to be called that though.
Give me a minute to grab some info of the characters
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moonfurthetemmie · 1 year
other random sunfall shit that's either funny or important
Another cut because it's a little Long with all the stuff I threw into one mf Thing
Funny fun facts from the original dream:
In my dream this actually started out as Kai redoing Dreamswap, and then halfway through my brain was like 'actually this is Silver's AU' and completely forgot kai except for the art style for the mental image of everyone in the frozen living room. I forgot about the first half when I woke up tho 
Cross and Ink were dudes again even though they're girls To Me. Which is so funny 
dude the ice chairs were sick
The ice chairs melted when the new boyes also thawed out. very sad. The two Inks, single Finch, and single Cross were there and the chairs started melting first and they were all like "Cross what did you do" and Cross was so indignant. 
Dream II momentarily turned into Reverie/OG Dream when he was revived and tried to write 'hi Dream!!!' on Dream I's old notes. we had to tell him old Dream was gone. I think he got sad but around there is where I woke up
Dream II had my awful cursive handwriting for some reason FDFDSFSFDS
Finch was like....i don't know really prim and proper?? He was sitting like a princess in front of the fireplace for the crack photograph. I don't know what that was about but that's the main reason I think he was supposed to get a new version 
yeah the one Ink had all the vibes of OG, and the paint thing, just with DS's outfit. I don't know what the fuck that was about. It was so stupid (funny). Cross and the other Ink were much closer to the camera and Ink looked and acted more like DS, and Cross...tbh i don't remember. he seemed pretty normal. Maybe he wasn't though.
I never actually saw any of the castle except for that one room. it was just 'yeah they're in an ice castle. and frozen
Other stuff:
It was going to be cryosleep and not petrification, bc that’s what it was in the dream, but there is literally no reason to do that to them. Freezing Orion and Corvus isn’t going to made them stronger it’s just going to make them sopping wet and really dumb for the first hour after they thaw out
Corvus looks terrified as a statue :))
Glaze doesn’t respond to her name in donut shops because she just automatically assumes it’s someone ordering a glazed donut instead of someone calling her name.
Do you know how long it took me to push Corvus and Glaze together. Anyways Corv’s pet name for Glaze is Donut and Corv is the the reason Glaze is now actually putting effort into deal with The Maelstrom. 
There were actually quite a few survivors from JR. There was even enough to keep it going (even if just to say we survived. There’s not many of us but we’re still here and by god we’re doing our best), but they were scattered and the few others Ink and Finch found had already resigned themselves to trying to make a new life for themselves in this apocalyptic hellscape that the MV has become. 
“Alright you little shits it’s scavenger hunt time. Whoever finds the most stuff on the list gets a candy bar” - exhausted Ink at 11pm having to go on an emergency grocery run because 4-year-old Temp and Glaze eat way more than she thought they would and she is still trying to figure out how much food she needs for the three of them. No, they can’t read yet; their lists are in pictographs. Reason #99 why she should not be responsible for kids. She really needs another adult. 
Ink almost didn’t bother enrolling Temp and Glaze in a school bc it seemed like a lot of headache-inducing paperwork, but the lure of ‘time to herself without two hyperactive children’ was too strong. 
Xena and Java didn’t go to a proper school like the other clones, tho. Cross and Error just weren’t sure they could get Xena and Java to school. They did their best to homeschool them instead. Finch and Hacker gave them some basic shit to teach the kids too, because Finch was pretty sure they’d forget some actually important stuff. He was right btw. Xena and Java are lucky they know as much math as they do. They’re also lucky Cross and Error were willing to ask for help teaching them how to read and stuff because dear god
Cross really can’t blame Xena for not wanting to do this, but Xena hasn’t turned in her resignation form yet, which is the only reason Cross is pushing her to work on her shit. Xena does not realize this yet. Glaze is also seeing this and is very sure the older ones are forcing them to do this, which is why she hasn’t said anything. 
All the older ones kinda decide to start training the kids to fight at different points. Finch and Hacker took the longest to. As much as Finch wants Wren to be able to at least defend themself, he really doesn’t think young kids need to learn to fight. 
Oddly enough Ink took the second longest. She wasn’t too worried about it being appropriate or whatever to teach kids of a certain age to fight, her logic was just “I have very little patience. Kids test my patience more than most things. Kids are also very stupid. I should wait until they’re less likely to get themselves killed trying to learn how to hold a stick with a sharp pointy end.” She did teach them how to use their other magic, though. 
Cross and Error started teaching Xena and Java about their magic pretty early on. Their logic was ‘if they know how to control it young, there won’t be problems with runaway magic. Just problems figuring out where the cookie jar went and catching kids swinging from the ceiling’. They still wait for them to be at least double digits old before starting combat training. And they didn’t use real weapons.
All of the clones have the same birthday. 
Oddly enough, Aster actually wanting to help encouraged the others a lot. ‘You mean you WANT to be involved in this thing we don’t feel we have a choice in??? …maybe it won’t be that bad.’
None of the clones realized Corvus and Orion were going to wake up in their lifetimes. Especially not this soon holy shit. 
Had Corvus and Orion been more prepared, that one fight may not have gone as badly as it did. As it was they were young and inexperienced and had even less idea what they were doing than the others. They’re lucky they didn’t die. Hell they’re lucky it was only about 20 years and not 100. Or 500. 
Corvus and Orion do have a destiny bond. Had being turned to stone killed Orion, Corvus would not have lasted even a second longer in that first big fight with the Maelstrom. 
Also Corvus and Orion are both right about becoming radiants/corrupts. It would make it much easier for them to deal with the Maelstrom, but it would also make them much more vulnerable. 
Worst Ending Corvus & Orion: 
Corvus’ body is now made entirely of corruption and she can turn into a ✨goo puddle✨like OG Nightmare. Her body is very, very endothermic. Worst ice hands ever
Orion on the other hand is very EXOthermic and very very hot so like. Be careful
Orion is an unfortunate combination of Dream’s holier-than-thou-ness and some pretty awful manipulative tendencies. Obviously she is in the right, smh. But if she needs to do a little persuading, she’s not above using tricks and lies. She fights dirty, don’t let her talk of honor and righteousness fool you
Corvus is, surprisingly, rather honest most of the time, which doesn’t help Glaze when Corv offers to let her join her. Still, the corruption in her wants only one thing, and she will stoop as low as she needs to achieve it. 
Poor, poor Glaze. She promised herself she’d protect Corvus, and now she has to help kill her.
The pair of them are mere shadows of their former selves.
ALSO hey here's a bonus Xena that no one asked for (even though i said someone oughta smh)
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moonfurthetemmie · 1 year
Sunfall Endings 1-3
Because none of these are really long enough for their own post, so why not have three at once!
Good Ending
Corvus and Orion can’t actually hurt the Maelstrom by attacking it with their magic, but they eventually realize that they can control some of its magic.
Magic, as with energy and matter, can only be changed and not destroyed. The Maestrom’s already in a precarious state, with its own magic neutralizing itself constantly. If they can make it happen faster, then it won’t be able to regenerate itself. It’d be better if they had Dream and Nightmare to help, but they still manage. 
They’re going to have to go in spurts and keep chasing the thing down, and it’s going to take a LOT out of them. But they do it!!! 
Now they just. Have to clean up the beasts.
They do their best to spread word that the Maelstrom has been defeated, and that they’re looking for willing volunteers to help them deal with the remaining beasts. There’s only like 8 of them, and a few thousand beasts. People are wary at first but pretty soon they’ve got a big militia type-thing headed by Finch that’s systematically taking out the rest of the beasts. 
The little army is like a new JR, and I’m fact several people who sign up are former JR workers who’ve worked with Finch and/or Ink. Some of them aren’t super keen on Cross and Error there, but Cross and Error are like ‘yeah whatever we helped saved the fucking multiverse stop looking at us like we kicked your dog’
Corvus and Orion are very confusing for people because no one knows what happened to Dream and Nightmare, exactly. But there’s no way these two are them. But who the Fuck are they and WHERE did they come from?? 
Though, some people do remember them from when they first showed up. Corvus and Orion had forgotten that people thought they were responsible for the Maelstrom’s appearance and now they’re irritated about it again DSFDSFDS
Bad Ending
First the mentors die, and the rest make it out, but the shock and grief is quickly turned to placing blame and the group splinters. Aster and Glaze stick with Orion and Corvus, but Aster is very distant and Glaze isn’t helping with that. Aster blames herself for their deaths; she’s the healer, supposed to keep that from happening. Glaze blames Aster too, and even if she doesn’t say it out loud, they all can see it. 
Orion and Corvus desperately try to keep it together, and get the others back, but one by one they find the remains of Xena, Java, Wren, and Tempera. The Maelstrom took advantage of their lack of unity and took half their number out with ruthless efficiency.
The four remaining fools spring for one last-ditch attempt to deal with the Maelstrom…but ultimately fail. Orion and Corvus are killed, the Maelstrom absorbing their positivity and negativity, and Aster and Glaze soon fall.
The Maelstrom now has no hindrances to stop it from its mission.
The Maelstrom ends up destroying all of humanity and monsterkind. Though this does end up causing the Maelstrom to eventually sputter out, it’ll take a while, and it’ll probably cannibalize the beasts it made just to sustain itself a little while longer.
Wow! I can’t believe it got worse
Corvus and Orion try to pull the Maelstrom’s magic from it, and they do succeed, but instead of neutralizing it they just let it sit in the air. They end up absorbing it. 
The Maelstrom has been defeated, but now they have a corrupt Corvus and a radiant Orion, and the excess of tainted magic flooding their systems drives them insane. They vanish, and when the others find them again, they’re all fucked up.
Their only goal now is to eradicate all sources of the opposing magic, including each other. Perhaps each other most of all. 
Now the others have to deal with them before they fuck shit up even more. 
They can control the beasts now, at least to some degree. The beasts see them as one of their own. The negabeasts, which aren’t shy about killing their own, cower from Corvus, and will attack or hold on her command. The radibeasts flock around Orion, and follow her into or out of battle. The beasts only respond to their magic, though, not their words.
Because they took the Maelstrom’s magic, there’s still a sort of balance…but they’re far too powerful and any AU they’re in gets really, really fucked up. Especially if there’s only one of them.
Perhaps it’s a good thing, then, that they have a destiny bond. While one of them dying and the other being able to do whatever she wants without such Hinderance™ won’t be quite as catastrophic as if the Maelstrom’s internal balance had tipped, it would put everyone on a time limit. 
Corvus and Orion only half remember that they can’t kill each other unless they also want to die. They forget often, to the point that they’ve beaten each other to the brink of death multiple times. It’s entirely possible they will do themselves in if left to their own devices, but there’s other ways they’re fucking up the balance and the multiverse, and it would be safest to deal with them as quickly as possible.
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moonfurthetemmie · 1 year
Ok so fair warning. The plot part of Sunfall is suuuuper long and kinda incoherent. Like, it's basically brain vomit. This is also what 99% of all my AU notes look like.
its also REALLY fucking long. did i mention that. it's really, really long. 5k words.
side note, if there's anything you think i should tag for, feel free to ask. i think my joyfriend is watching twilight with people, and I can't brain in the slightest right now, so I can only think of one cw tag.
A new universe Happened, with a new Tree of Feelings and a new Nightmare and Dream. This one got fucked up, though. Like, super extra fucked up. 
The new spirits had nothing to do with it, and had no idea what was going on until it was too late. They managed to escape the AU before they got killed along with their home, but in doing do they release the thing into the rest of the multiverse. It follows them around, sensing their magic and wanting very much to take it.
Everywhere they go, people think they brought this thing with them on purpose. The thing isn’t super powerful yet, but it’s gaining power. 
Some people that see it are sent into fits of terror, rage, or are filled with seething hatred. They turn into horrid beasts that attack anything that moves; including each other.
Others are transfixed; something about this thing is so mesmerizing, it fills them with a sense of peace, happiness, love. They transform into seemingly angelic creatures, that peacefully wander…until they sense a person. Or one of the corrupted beasts. If one of these senses you, you won’t know until it’s too late. They’re just as deadly.
The newbies make it onto the news. Which immediately catches Dream’s attention. He’d been hearing strange rumors but What In The Goddamn
He goes to investigate himself, and realizes real fast that these two are not bringing this thing with them on purpose.
The new spirits are very young. they’re adults, but like. early twenties. They’re very confused as to what happened, and where they are. Why is there another spirit??? is there another tree?? what the shit
They introduce themselves as Orion and Corvus, and explain what they can, but they really don’t know what happened. there were probably signs but they didn’t. see. or notice.
Dream’s both very irritated with them and also like ‘well i didn’t even know shit like this could happen so i don’t know what fricken signs there’d be’ and he offers to let them stay in JR. They agree, gladly; they’ve barely had a chance to rest between running from this thing and trying to figure out how to get rid of it.
Unfortunately Dream is one of the few people who realized they were running from the Death Cloud(TM) turning people into horrid creatures and not causing it. There’s a loooooot of people who are mad Dream took them in and he’s getting so much shit about it. 
Corvus and Orion are very adamant that they’re going to need the other guardian from Dream’s AU to help with this. They’ve been trying to fight the creatures the thing spawns, and it, but with no success, save for dispatching a few of the beasts. They’re sure Dream on his own won’t be enough. They do not understand why he thinks negativity is bad and are just getting more stubborn every time he’s like ‘no, I’m not getting nightmare’s help. We don’t need him.’
Eventually he caves but goes ‘you’re going to have to find him yourselves and convince him to help. I’ve been trying to arrest him for the past one hundred years and I have no idea where he is. He probably won’t be too eager to help since JR is involved, either.’
He was right, but they manage to convince the Meme Squad and Dream to meet in some neutral place or something. There is no neutral ground in this situation but whatever. Dream also brings Ink and Finch. For security purposes n shit. 
They end up meeting by Dream and Nightmare’s Tree. Corvus and Orion are a little nervous about it, given what happened to theirs and the fact that the thing (which people have started calling ‘the Maelstrom’) seems to be following them around, but it’s probably fine. Right? Right.
Anyways hi Nightmare & Co., tldr ‘shits fucked and we’re going to need people who know what they’re doing and can deal with weird emotion shit. And apparently we aren’t qualified on our own, so. help please??? We’re in way over our heads’
Nightmare is wary, and he’s not so sure about this. He doesn’t want the multiverse to get eaten by a magic emotion cloud, either, but he’s not sure what he could do about it. He also doesn’t trust Dream and JR at all, shockingly.
He’s not given much time to consider, though, because speak of the devil: The Maelstrom has arrived.
Usually, when it shows up, it goes for any people in the area, or looks for Corvus and Orion.
This time, it almost immediately attacks Dream and Nightmare’s Tree
“Oh my god we have to stop it-”
Unfortunately just being near The Maelstrom is fucking with the magic in the Tree, and the second it touches it, the Tree just…turns to sludge. And the magic it had is released, and the Maelstrom absorbs all of it.
When the thing had first come into being, it was about the size of your average car. It had been slowly been growing, and was closer to the size of a two-story house by the time it attacked Dream and Nightmare’s Tree. 
It damn near tripled in size after absorbing that Tree’s magic. And they can hear laughter coming from it. Beasts seem to suddenly materialize out of nothing, most of which turn to them.
Corvus and Orion get ready to try to do something about it, but Dream’s like “You two are going to get yourselves killed. We need to leave now.”
They do, though not without a few scrapes from the beasts. 
They end up back in JR, and they’re all very quiet until Cross goes “s. so. How do you plan on dealing with an evil sentient cloud, exactly???”
Corvus and Orion shrug helplessly
Dream looks pale. “...I’m beginning to suspect I know why it was following the two of you around. We need to find some way to deal with it, and quickly. I get the feeling time is not on our side.”
After that the entire meme squad is pretty much on board. They’d managed to miss a lot of the Maelstrom’s bullshit (to be fair, lots of things happened in a rather short period of time) and only knew there was some fucked up cloud thing turning people into horrible creatures. They didn’t know it was radiance and corruption. They also didn’t think it was going to try to eat other sources of positivity and negativity so um!!! That’s not good!!!!!!!
They try to make a plan, but things are worse than Dream thought. The entire multiverse is demanding to know why JR isn’t taking care of this dumb fuckin cloud!! Someone says they saw him, his captain, and his personal assistant meet with the two girls that showed up when the Maelstrom did, and the Meme Squad. 
Dream is also having his crisis about positivity not being as great as he thought in real time so he has to deal with the people’s fear and paranoia and shouting, and his crisis, and The Maelstrom getting bigger and stronger, and also Nightmare, Cross, and Error being like “boy i sure am glad that radiance is pure and shit and all the creatures made of radiance are peaceful and totally on our side” while trying to make a plan with everyone.
Most of JR is going through a similar ‘crisis’ as Dream, though he’s definitely feeling it most. Dream is keeping as many of his people updated on the Maelstrom’s shit as he can.
The Meme Squad didn’t realize any of this was happening, though, and are surprised when they find they can walk through JR almost completely unimpeded. They get a few dirty looks from time to time, but no one gives them shit. They ask Dream if he’d actually told everyone that they weren’t to be arrested or whatever and Dream just blinks and goes “...I honestly completely forgot about that, between everything going on.”
“you forgot you were trying to kill me for the past century?”
“No, I forgot to tell the guards that you’re free to roam the castle.”
“...you were actually going to???”
“Nightmare i have four or five things i have to pay attention to right now please do not start this right now. You can bitch about it as much as you want after we deal with The Maelstrom but if you start now i’m going to have a stress-induced heart attack and then we’ll both be fucked”
“Understandable have a nice day”
Stress what stress what are you talking about
Much too soon, Dream gets a report that the Maelstrom is attacking a very densely populated city. Literally the best plan they have right now is Ink’s (very not serious) suggestion of “clouds are made of gases, right? Maybe if we cool it down enough we can have an evil emotions ice cube instead of a cloud and we can lock it up in a deep freezer in Antarctica or something.” but fuck they can’t let it kill everyone, or turn all of those people into beasts
Dream, Corvus, Orion, the Meme Squad, and many other JR people including Ink and Finch go after The Maelstrom. The manage to lure it away from the city, but there’s already so many beasts. The ones it seems to be creating out of thin air are small and very weak, but it can make a lot of them, very fast. Many of Dream’s people are either killed or turned; sometimes both, as their former teammates have to cut them down.
Dream is severely injured in the fight, and his injuries, made from a far out-of-control magic that directly opposes his own, are basically eating away at him.
Corvus and Orion, though? The poor fools get petrified. Orion got smacked with some of  The Maelstrom’s corruption while she was trying to fend off one of the beasts. One hit, and suddenly she was stone. That uh…that scared Corvus a little. She managed to dispatch the beast before it destroyed Orion, but she was too panicked. She saw the blinding, poisoned radiance coming and just froze.
Between them being turned to stone and Dream looking like he’s dying from his wound, it was decided it was time for a tactical retreat.
The survivors of the attack didn’t come back feeling at all victorious. They weren’t even sure they’d managed to chase off the Maelstrom. They’d lost all those people for nothing.
Dream knew he’d need a back-up plan in case shit hit the fan, and he did have one, but none of those accounted for the possibility of Corvus and Orion getting turned to stone, so he’s going to have to rethink that. He starts making notes of what’s happened, and puts together everything they know about the entity, so Corvus and Orion can see them when they’re revived. He’s not sure what will happen to Corvus and Orion’s memories after they’re stone for who knows how long, so he doesn’t want to take chances. He knows they can be revived, though. He’s not sure how, but he can still sense their auras, so he knows they’re not dead, and if they’re not dead then whatever this is must be reversible somehow. Right…?
Once the others have recovered from the fight, they carefully return to the site of battle. Much to their relief, almost all of the beasts are ignoring the lovely garden decorations, and they manage to bring Corvus and Orion’s statues to JR. It’s a bit of an Ordeal, but they manage. They’re carefully stored in a secret area under the castle that’s usually reserved as an emergency shelter.
Dream talks to Nightmare, Finch, Ink, Cross, and Error, and goes ‘ok so. Corvus and Orion are going to need someone to keep an eye on them and protect them while they’re like that. I won’t be able to, and…well, I don’t think JR is going to survive this. Not with how the people are talking.’
Cross and Error don’t really want to help Dream, just on principle alone, but Dream unfortunately has a point. Finch and Ink tho are down
Nightmare doesn’t make Cross and Error help, but he says ‘you two know more about the tree and its bullshit than most people. you’re like, some of the most qualified people to do this.’
Dream’s got more time than they thought, though, and he and Nightmare follow the Maelstrom and try to learn as much as they can about it and the creatures it spawns. They do their best to keep the others from knowing, too; they’ll insist Dream and Nightmare Not Do That, so Dream doesn’t kill the both of them faster and Nightmare doesn’t get the pair of them killed. 
It’s strange to be working together like this after all this time, but they don’t want to risk anyone else’s safety. They’re dying anyways, they might as well do it. Nightmare’s the one that actually follows the thing and watches, with a body cam and a radio so Dream can see what’s going on and Nightmare can tell him anything else he sees/figures out. Dream writes down everything he can. He’s not in any shape to be in the field but by god is he going to do what he can to help. They both note that no one else has turned to stone.
They get a lot of info; a very impressive amount of info given their (literal) deadline, but eventually Dream succumbs to his injuries, taking Nightmare with him. Before that happens, though, Cross and Error decide to do what they can to help out, and Nightmare asks them to help Finch and Ink sort through the notes Dream’s making (“About what??” “just listen-”) and organize it and maybe translate things into common english instead Dream English if need be. 
As much as Dream wanted to organize it as he went, they didn’t have time. So it’s a mess. 
Cross, Error, Ink, and Finch do as they were asked, and are. A little scared, actually. Holy shit. They got all this?? Nothing on how to beat the thing, but it’s still way more than they knew before.
(they notice that Dream’s hand writing gets steadily shakier. The later notes are almost unreadable. He must’ve been in a lot of pain. Cross and Error wonder if Nightmare started to feel it at some point before they died.)
There’s…not much to do after that, though. There’s no telling when the new spirits are going to wake up. The four of them aren’t sure they’ll be around long enough to see them wake. 
After a while, Ink goes ‘yknow i think someone was working on cloning whole people. We could clone ourselves’
Finch: have they even managed to do that yet
Ink: i don’t know but we could ask. They’d probably jump at the chance to have a bunch of willing test subjects too
Cross: oh fuck yeah, mad science
Error: doesn’t cloning mean creating an embryo or something
Cross: Cross: i know what you’re getting at and i am no longer excited
Finch: We could probably find surrogates. 
Error and Cross: Dubious eyebrow raise
Ink: or they could grow the clones in a big test tube
Finch: I’m pretty sure that only works in movies
Error: That’d be way cooler, though. And we wouldn’t have to find someone who’d be willing to be the surrogate of clones of the two people who were closest to JR’s most wanted criminal
Ink: and i mean, really, all you’ll have to do is recreate the amniotic sac fluid and find a way to get an umbilical chord to connect to a thing of fetus nutrients 
Finch: that is a horrifying mental image
Cross: The umbilical chord takes nutrients and shit from the blood of the pregnant person so really you’d just need a giant bag of blood
Finch: Jess Christ
Cross: If it was his blood it’d have to be wine, and I don’t think that’s good for a fetus
Error: I think it would cause a fetus deletus
Finch: I’m going to have a fucking aneurism
The four of them go to find the Cloning Scientist™ 
Hey wait who’s that
Yeah the scientist person was basically putting out fliers that was like “VOLUNTEERS WANTED: TRYING TO MAKE CLONES” and Blue was like “well i’ve got nothing better to do. sure”
He’s also just showed up
It’s very awkward with him, Cross, and Error but the girls and Finch are like ‘excuse me we were looking for the person who’s researching cloning?’ and the scientist started fucking vibrating 
Thats SO MANY MORE PEOPLE than they expected!!! Holy shit!!!!! Fuck yeah they’ll make clones of you!! Or, try to. They think they’ve perfected the technique but there’s only one way to find out for sure, and anything could go wrong. So like jot that down
Conveniently they’ve also figured out how to incubate a fetus in a giant test tube, which they tried with animal clones first, so they don’t need to find surrogates, or carry the clones themselves! Which, that last one wouldn’t be an option for blue anyways, but he’s just here to donate his cells to science so he doesn’t care about that. They did this partly because ‘fuck yeah test tube babies’, and partly so that if something happened, they’d only lose the clone and not risk the surrogate’s life also. Pregnancy complications are scary
Blue has had no fuckin idea what’s been going on; he’s heard some things, but the shit hasn’t reached his AU yet so it’s mostly been from the News. They fill him in. He goes 👁️👁️ ‘what’
Very fun! Anyways
The other four are like ‘s. So. what do we do now’
Finch goes ‘mm. I should probably tell my boyfriend about this’
‘,,,is he interested in cloning shit or something’
‘Nnnot as far as I know?’
‘,,?? Im confused’
‘.....who do you think is going to have to take care of the clones when they’re born’
Three blank stares of ‘oh, shit.’
‘Oh for fucks sake you three’
Currently Blue doesn’t have to worry about this. He is not intending to train the child to protect and watch over a pair of idiots who could decide the future of the multiverse when they wake up. He’s more than happy to let the Scientist take care of the clone.
The five of them go check in with the cloning scientist a few times. Blue out of curiosity, and the others to mostly just make sure nothing’s wrong. Finch and the girls have even offered to help fund them if they need it, and while the scientist isn’t sure they want to take Cross and Error in particular up on that offer, they do appreciate it. Things are going along pretty well!
As the months tick away, lots of things happen.
Finch has some people take a look at Corvus and Orion, and see if they can find some way to revive them. So far there’s been nothing, except basically a rehash of what Dream said about them still being alive bc I Feel Auras, but there was a tentative suggestion of putting them in a room with an AOE magic suppressor to try to degrade whatever ‘curse’ this is faster, if they can’t find a proper counter-spell or cure or whatever.
Hacker also decides that yeah he’ll absolutely help Finch take care of his clone. He’s not like, amazing with kids, but he’s not going to make Finch deal with it himself. They can probably figure out a lot of it together, right? Also there’s Randy
Cross, Ink, Error, and Finch get together and go “I don’t think any of us know how to take care of kids maybe we should like. Do this together or something. Group support or whatever.”
The people know Dream’s dead, but they’re still pushing for JR to do something. Maybe he’s gone, but surely they can figure something out? Unless this was all planned from the beginning!
Yeah, that’s really stupid; but they’re terrified. Not knowing who to blame, they pin it on someone. 
Plus, JR is trying to find a leader! Finch is a good fit, but he’s not sure he can juggling that and watching over Corvus and Orion and raising his clone, even with Hacker’s help, so he’s basically like ‘nah not it’. Ink knows enough about the inner workings of JR that she hypothetically could, but not only does she not want to, no one else wants her to. Which leaves…about 50 people who are qualified and yelling ‘pick me pick me!!’ There’s not a whole lot they can do without a leader. All the lower people in the hierarchy can decide what they want their underlings to do, sure, but they’re having a hell of a time trying to coordinate with each other and fucking cooperate. It doesn’t help that many of them are insisting that it’s useless to try to fight this. 
Unnervingly, for every person who says this in fear, there’s another who seems to be at peace with the thought.
Also, one of the unexpected benefits of the clones getting to incubate in test tubes means that you don’t need an ultrasound to see how the little shits are doing! It didn’t take the scientist very long to notice that Ink’s clone was doing something weird. They called literally everyone, because Blue has expressed curiosity in the clones and the others have other investments that they refuse to disclose (suspicious, but whatever. science), when they realized they had fucking TWINS
“GUYS ink’s clone is two”
“....what the fuck”
They were so excited. Ink was not so excited, but it was kind of cool. The scientist had to bring a proper baby doctor in to take a look (who was also kinda fascinated by the test tube babies) to tell if they were twins or not, since it was basically just a lump of tissue at that point, so while Scientist called everyone to see, there…really wasn’t much to see, except the medical doctor being fascinated by the clones’ development and how well Scientist managed to execute this, and Scientist furiously scribbling notes and talking a mile a minute about how “Well with how the clones were made, it should’ve occurred to me that identical twins were a possibility. But what were the chances-” 
“About 32 in every 1,000 live births,” the doctor calls from across the room. “This is so much more helpful than an ultrasound! A shame we can’t do this for every baby.”
“-Twins!!!” the scientist says grinning, like an excited parent. Ink, the actual to-be parent of the twins, looks like she’s writing her will in her head.
Finally, after roughly nine months, the five who got cloned get a call from the cloning scientist, who is VERY excited. The test tube fetuses are now whole ass babies!!!! They have successfully cloned a human! Five of them, even! ...or. Six? Five humans, six clones. Yeah.
Cross, Ink, Error, and Finch can’t take their clones yet, because the Doctor is back and needs to run tests to make sure they’re healthy, which Scientist is very very excited about. They also want to keep an eye on the little guys for a few days to make sure everything’s fine.
…On the second day Finch calls Cross and Error in a panic and says the Maelstrom found its way to JR.
The come rushing, only to find Blue there too. He says Scientist called him and said they needed someone to grab the clones and get them out of the AU, and that they weren’t sure they themself would make it out. He was not expecting the Maelstrom to have shown is misty ass but uhh. That’s not good
The three of them find Finch quickly, who tells them to grab the clones and run. He and Ink are on their way to get Corvus and Orion, but people are already turning into beasts. the Maelstrom has gotten powerful enough that its mere presence can cause transformations, even if you’re not aware of it. Be careful.
When they get to the lab, the scientist and doctor are already dead. There’s a pair of beasts in there; one of each kind, who seem more focused on each other than the screaming baby clones, thank god. 
They definitely notice the adults, though. Cross gets the things’ attention and tells Blue and Error to get the clones out of there. They have to yell at Blue a few times to get him to move; he’s just been staring in horror at the bodies. When they get him to snap out of it, though, he moves fast. The clones get out quick, and Error has Blue go through the portal with the last of them while she helps Cross dispatch the beasts.
Later Blue and Error will wonder how the heck they made that go so smoothly between the two of them, given gestures at their relationship, but it’s done now. 
They try to get to the shelter where Corvus and Orion are, but there’s too many beasts and panicking people in the way. They, grudgingly, meet up with Blue and the baby clones
“,,,,error why are we all in Blue’s house”
“Well i wasn’t bringing him, Ink, or Finch to our house, and there’s not exactly anyone else we know who even lives outside of JR. Did you want me to drop him and the babies off in the baby section of walmart???”
“ok yeah that’s fair”
Ink and Finch found even more beasts in the shelter. And blood. They realize that people had tried to hide here when the Maelstrom showed up, but weren’t spared any more than those upstairs had been. 
They try not to think about how many of the beasts were people they knew, and just try to kill them before they can get to Orion and Corvus. The spirits are locked in a room that only Finch has a key for, but all the beasts seem eager to get in there. Many are trying to tear the door down. 
It’s almost an hour before Cross, Error, and Blue see Ink and Finch. They look grim, and are covered in the beasts’ blood, but Orion and Corvus are safe. After they get nice long showers, they all trade stories. 
There are six entire homeless baby clones in Blue’s living room. Five are already spoken for, but…?
Blue’s clone is fast asleep. They’d been the first to fall asleep once they’d been taken to safety. Some of the others were still crying, but Blue’s clone seemed content. 
After some careful consideration (read: making excuses to himself despite knowing better) he decides he’s going to try to take care of them.
The others are like ‘you can. Find someone to adopt them’ but he’s apparently made up his mind. Why is entirely beyond them but Finch invites him to the parent support group thing
Cross and Error take lil Xena and Java home, and Finch and Ink are like ‘welp time to head home’
And then stop and blink
They lived in jr. in the apartments. Which was under attack a little bit ago. um.
‘,,,,actually blue can you take these guys a sec.’
‘Yeeaaah go make sure things are ok’
Nothing is okay, the castle is wrecked. Several portions of wall have collapsed. There’s beasts everywhere. 
They might be able to get through the rubble to rescue some of their shit, but not with these beasts. Finch wants to at least look for survivors, but it’s too risky. 
Congratulations you two, you are now homeless. Finch can at least move in with Hacker, but Ink doesn’t have anywhere to go, unless she wants to try moving in with Blue, Cross and Error, or Finch and Hacker and Hacker’s adoptive dad and sister. Which she really doesn’t. She’ll have to stay with someone for a while though.
She ends up staying with Blue until she can afford her own place. She doesn’t really want to ask Cross and Error and is real sure they wouldn’t let her move in anyways. Even if it looks like JR is completely gone and she wouldn’t get them arrested.
They gotta do something about Corvus and Orion, though. They’re just kinda sitting in Blue’s yard right now and the Maelstrom is definitely trying to get at them, so they really, really can’t stay there. 
They get moved several times before, after a lot of research on the side and some very risky stealth trips to the ruins of JR’s various labs and shit, they figure out how to make a room that can conceal Corvus and Orion’s auras. They stick a magic suppressor in there, too. Just in case it does help revive them.
Some of the research that Dream and Nightmare did was lost in the attack on JR, but Ink and Finch managed to save most of it, and between the four of them they did actually remember some of what was missing and wrote it down. They’re sure there’s still stuff missing, but they’re going to try to learn more about the Maelstrom anyways so,,
They make as many copies of the notes as they can, though. Just in case. The main bulk of it, the thick notebook Dream had started his notes in and that the others had carefully sorted through, stays with Corvus and Orion. Cross, Ink, Finch, and Error each have a copy. They give one to Blue too just in case because these notes are all they have on how they could possibly deal with this thing, and how it works. They can’t lose them.
As the clone kids get older the adults are very transparent about what they are. It feels like something they probably shouldn’t hide. The kids don’t fully understand for a while though.
Finch and the girls also take their clones to see statues Corvus and Orion. They add more complicated stuff to the story of who the two are as the kids get older, until it’s Everything.
Eventually, when the kids are no longer kids and are whole ass adults, and the older versions are middle-aged at best, Orion and Corvus de-petrify 
They may not have been frozen in ice for the past ~20 years, but dear god their brains are mushy. Corvus keeps flirting with everyone, including herself when she sees her reflection. Orion is dazed and keeps mumbling something about calamari. Neither can stand on their own. Anyone who gets too near Corv gets “i bet you’re sooooo strong <333 you should carry me <3333”
They’re still loopy and dumb when the older ones get there, and Corv is like ‘omg it’s you guys <3333 hi <333’ while Orion goes ‘you were there too,,,,,with the fucking,,,,,squid cloud,,,’
The older ones completely ignore Corv’s flirting. Sorry sweetie but you’re still like 20 you’re too young for them now. Corv is SO upset
Once the spirits recover some (and corv is absolutely mortified by her own behavior while Orion tries not to snicker) the others catch them up on what’s happened
“The fuck you mean you cloned yourselves. Also who the hell is that guy”
“that’s blue he’s just some guy. He also cloned himself but only for science”
And now Corvus and Orion have to take a crash course in all the info the older ones have gathered in the past two decades, and also maybe get better at fighting. They were decent before but it wasn’t enough, and now the thing has gotten stronger. 
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bran-writes · 2 years
This week on The Sunfall Tomb!
"So, we're here for a very specific piece," she sighed, sitting down. "Once we buy it off you, you'll hopefully never have to see us again."
Kenna held out the holo-projector from Uda-Suul and turned it on. As the disc floated between them, Elain studied it.
"That just came into my possession a month ago. Why do you want it so badly?"
"That doesn't matter, does it?" Kenna shrugged. "The sooner we make our deal, the sooner we leave. I'll tell you what, though- you don't want to deal with Black Nebula."
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Evading the persistent Black Nebula pirates, Kenna and Niko take the art collector back to her villa to get the map to the Sunfall Tomb. It would seem Elain, however, is a shrewd negotiator and time is running out!
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Read Episode 7: Vallen City Shuffle Pt. 1 here: The Sunfall Tomb | Kindle Vella (amazon.com)
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retro-grad3 · 4 years
on days like this
my chest is a void.
I don't feel at home
in this body
or anywhere else.
you were my home
and now you're gone.
did you ever truly care?
or was I always just
a stepping stone for you
do you even care what
happens now?
I drank from the
feared fountain
hoping to get
a glimpse of the curse.
but who would care?
no one will miss me
or notice.
they've proven it
time and time again.
so I sit here and wait.
for hope?
for love?
for an ending,
or for a future I cannot see?
I don't know what happens next.
but I loved you
and I tried.
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retro-grad3 · 4 years
I always feel like I'm chasing something.
this great abstract beyond;
something so grand and worthy.
but who am I?
nothing close.
yet, Icarus reincarnated
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