#Sunderland path
astrosagga2 · 15 days
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Sunderkand Path, a chapter from the Ramayana, holds immense spiritual significance. It strengthens faith, removes obstacles, and brings peace and prosperity. Regular recitation is believed to invoke divine blessings, protect from negative energies, and cultivate courage, devotion, and mental clarity, fostering overall spiritual growth and positivity.
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or am I right? ⚔️📚
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puppypeter · 22 days
(Omega!Roy / Alpha!Jamie anon)
You absolute legend, you've done it again. It's like you have an access point to my brain and can literally transcribe my thoughts!!! EVERY. LAST. TAKE. IS ABSOLUTE PERFECTION‼️‼️‼️💯💯💯💯
My brain is going a hundred miles a minute so buckle up, because this is possibly gonna be the longest ask you'll ever receive:
YES to youth sports culture being WEIRD AF for having an incredibly invasive control over kids' bodily autonomies, ESPECIALLY within an ABO second gender essentialism type way!!
And OOOOHHH Omega Grandpa is absolutely PERFECT!!!! It would set up such a jarring culture shift for Roy when he arrives at Sunderland, to go from a home lead by an Omega patriarch, only to come to a place where Alpha dominance is treated not just as a logical course of action, but as a biological TRUTH.
In my mind, Roy's parents are both emotionally distant but ultimately well meaning betas. Roy's family was implied to be quite poor, so in my mind they both worked, leaving Roy's Grandpa to do the emotional labour of raising Roy, even if Roy's parents were ultimately working to provide for him too. They probably saw Sunderland as Roy's best opportunity: housing, three square meals, access to training that could lead him to an extremely profitable career that they wouldn't be able to provide for him otherwise? It was probably the most practical decision for Roy's future interests, even if it had huge emotional consequences.
This would make it even sadder when Roys grandpa dies, because since both his parents are betas, he had no one to turn to that could understand what he was going through after he presented or show him another path other than the one Sunderland forced him on. And how could he be so ungrateful and go whine to his parents about Sunderland, anyway, when all either of them have ever done is work tirelessly to provide for him and his baby sister?? Thus begins Roy's emotional repression.
I ADORE your take on Roy's time in Sunderland, and I think his presentation would have been even more distressing because every one just ASSUMED that Roy would be an Alpha - since he's such an indisputable prodigy - and when he presented omega, it completely blindsided everyone, a total 'inconvenience', because they had to supply Roy with expensive meds, sort out the even more expensive legal work so the 'big secret' didn't get out, etc. This obviously sets up Roy's internalised idea that his omega needs are a chore and an inconvenience that needs to be catered for.
I also LOVEEEEED your takes on Roy's adult personality, ESPECIALLY about him being touch-starved. SOOO TRUEEEE, that man hasn't had a heat partner in his ENTIRE LIFE!!!! Go through the humiliation of having to rely on someone else??? Roy would literally rather die.
On that note, I think Roy would be both resentful of his own presentation, seeing it as his 'one weakness', but also kind of,,, ashamed? That he so clearly does not fit the typical omega archetype, making him both sneeringly judgemental of 'softer', more stereotypical male omegas and almost,,, jealous of them, of their obvious ease with their instincts and their bodies that Roy has spent an entire LIFETIME battling against.
I think this resentment towards other omegas would, as you say, make him not initially be an advocate for omegas in sports, which is why it'll be SO impactful for Roy personally when he DOES actually step out of the closet and advocate for Omega rights, because it'll be the most obvious sign of how far he's come!!
I also think Phoebe would play a big role in Roy unlearning his instinctive resistance towards his 'omega instincts', because how could loving and caring for and wanting to protect Phoebe ever be a BAD thing, how could it ever make Roy WEAK?
And OMGGGGGG are you a psychic?????? Because Jamie's backstory is absolutely PERFECT!!!! NO NOTES!!!!!! GEORGIES ROLE AND JAMES' INFLUENCE, ITS SO SO BRILLIANTLY EXPLAINED!!!!! 💓💓💓
And speaking of Jamie, an extension of Roy's omegaphobia has TOTALLY gotta be Roy struggling with his attraction to Jamie, at least in the physical sense. And this underlying attraction for one another is DEFINITELY driving up the tension in the hormone addled locker room as you said, lol, and will allllll come to a head when Roy accidentally goes into heat. (The idea of it being kick-started because of all the different medications Roy is on is absolutely BRILLIANT!!)
And OMGGG i didnt even THINK about subliminally bonded RoyJamie!!! That could also be why Roy would latch onto Jamie as a heat partner!!!! YOUR MIIIIINDDD!!!💖💖💖
I also fricking LOVE how this au so perfectly sets up Roy and Jamie as mirrors of each other!!! Because while Jamie struggles with feeling shame over his gentler/softer/more attentive side that is seen as 'not Alpha-like:, ROY struggles with the inverse problem, that his personality is too bossy/dominant/cold to be 'Omega-like'. And OMGGGG could you IMAGINE how cathartic it would be for both of them to realise that they complement each other's internalised issues soo well?? Roy needing a gentler, more submissive Alpha to feel in control and safe, and Jamie needing a more demanding, controlling Omega whose instructions he can follow to feed his attentive instincts and feel like he's providing for them.
Further ABO background: Roy's suppressant heats are short, a day at most, and on a regulated schedule, but they are EXCRUCIATING, cramps and fever and exhaustion and chills and delirium. Basically all the worst parts of a heat with none of the good. So can you IMAGINE how life altering a natural heat with Jamie would be?? Jamie, who would be soo attentive to Roy's pleasure, literally single-mindedly focused on making the experience as good as physically possible for Roy. It would literally blow Roy's MIND, and would most likely be extremely emotional. The idea that his heats can be purely about his PLEASURE? HIS wants, HIS needs? How could he NOT grow attached to Jamie after that???
I think this fic would be fast-burn in terms of Royjamies physical intimacy (because of Roy's heat), but the slow burn comes in with the EMOTIONAL intimacy. Sloooowly coming to terms with the fact that: no, I don't feel this pull towards this person because of simple base instincts like physical desire, it's because I actually LIKE them for who they are as a person, for how they make me laugh, for how they take care of me, for how they understand me more than i ever thought anyone ever could and uh oh im in love.
Thank you thank you THANK YOU for sharing your brilliant thoughts on this au, the effort you put in to responding to all my rambling asks is SO greatly appreciated!! 💖💖💖💖💖✨✨✨✨
I saw your ask earlier and it made me so happy even during this long long crappy day at work!! 🥰🥰🥰 Sorry for only getting to it now, putting it below the cut for the sake of everyone' scrolling but I love long asks!! 💙💙💙
I love how you expanded on the omega grandad thing, like that alone with baby roy could be its own stand alone fic of a series. Like that part of roy being brought up by an omega and two betas is so perfect. I feel like his grandpa would also have been the kind that is clear on what is expected of an omega but also very informed on omega rights, progress and would stand his ground against omega mistreatments by alphas etc which is what makes his grandad driving him to Sunderland even worse!! But maybe they had some connection to there and he initially got placed with a nice older omega lady since he was just a 9 year old, much younger than the other kids and it was expected he be around someone that could "mummy" him.
Maybe there was a change in the club ownership/management in the few years after or maybe when he came back from home at christmas post-grandad's death he was very much acting up, they placed him somewhere else, maybe a host family with other kids? And he was kind of labelled as being angry and mean (he was just grieving the only person who ever cared about him!) and problematic and they constantly reminded him what opportunity they were giving him etc and kind of brainwashed him about how he should be grateful to them and the team, since no one would be taking care of him otherwise.
And it only gets worse once he presents as omega of course. I have many times thought of possible storylines for roy's past and Sunderland as a place that laters gets outed for abuse is definitely on that list (regardless of omega/alpha stuff).
I do like your idea of both beta "well meaning" parents - there's a hell of a lot of emotional neglect that can come from that.
And what you mentioned about him feeling like an inconvenience goes so well with it. Because he would have ended up being super-independant, learning to avoid relying on other people which then applies to Jamie too (but on a slightly different note.. the shame/embarrassment of not really knowing what to do? His grandad would have given him the talk when he presented but he passed too early!!)
He definitely would have very complex feelings around being an omega. For starters, he does not fit the omega beauty standards. He might be leaner than other footballers, but he's not "delicate" or "pretty" (lie!! he's so pretty!!) and his body has also gone through changes due to the medication, like being very hairy (jamie is so horny for it)! And god knows he has not learnt how to take care of himself as a omega either, because he was trying to distance himself to not be found out so he does not know how to make himself pretty for his alpha, dress nicely, etc
I feel like him coming out and advocating for omega rights could be linked to reconnecting to his grandad in some way. Think post-Amsterdam bike ride for example, but perhaps he finds his grandad diaries? or someone finds him while doing a research paper/book on his grandfather contribution to some important policy change 30+ years ago (I'm looking at you Trent Crimm!!)
Something that would bring it full circle, make him realise that his grandad did not really abandon him in some way as he had done anything to ensure better rights for him even when he didn't know he'd be an omega (but grandad knew, he always knew... something something noted in his journal about the way a very very young roy cared for all living creatures, especially the small ones that couldn't defend themselves) >>> present day roy advocating for omega rights in sports, but in particular for the treatment of kids in academies as they are the ones who can't defend themselves. And yes, totally linked to Phoebe too and feeling that need to protect her. Something around meeting Georgie in Manchester and seeing an omega mother be so fiercely protective of her alpha son, making that almost aggressive protection be something to be proud of, something that doesn't make him a bad omega for speaking up and being loud and 'aggressive' towards abusers.
(I won't expand on jamie & georgie simply because he's a mummy's boy in every version ever for me and she's a baddie!!)
"Because while Jamie struggles with feeling shame over his gentler/softer/more attentive side that is seen as 'not Alpha-like:, ROY struggles with the inverse problem, that his personality is too bossy/dominant/cold to be 'Omega-like'." >>> you described it so well!!
I do think Jamie wants to do a very good job for his omega, he wants to dote over him and ensure he has everything he needs and is fed and warm and loved (some stepfather Simon influence there too perhaps)
I love your added angst of roy's suppressant heats being extremely painful (we love giving roy chronic conditions over here so). I do wonder if maybe there's some of this first, before they end up together, that jamie does witness him being in so much pain (lord i love the angst of a character witnessing the other going through hell and unable to do much). Maybe jamie knew already what it was or maybe not, maybe it was before they got closer and roy comes across as very mean and angry when he's just in pain. Maybe the first time they are together roy is so worried because if he normally hurts this much = he thinks the pain he goes through is what a normal heat is meant to feel like, imagine how much worse it will be if he has to put that thing in him (lolz) or have an alpha touch him all over when his entire body hurts.
But I also like the idea of them jumping straight into it physically vs taking their time emotionally! Always love a good slow burn (and hey, that could be part three of the series eheh)
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faithinchances · 5 months
Hello hello! I’m just here to knock on your door because I saw your tags on the ‘Jamie’s post-s3 career path’ poll and I really enjoyed them! (And didn’t want to clog up the notes of someone else’s poll about it)
If you ever wanted to share more in detail about any of these options, I’d love to know more! I am also delighted by the concept of Jamie moving to Leverkusen and ending up under Xabi Alonso, but Barca and Liverpool also have my interest.
No rush or expectations on answering this whatsoever. Just if you ever do feel like sharing, I would love to hear more.
Hm. So Leverkeusen is the option I know the least about and Xabi Alonso is 100% of the reason I put that as an option; he started at Leverkeusen in 2022, which is also when s3 ends, which means they would arrive at the same time. Xabi himself is a midfield legend for Liverpool with a famously amazing first touch, and Jamie also has an amazing first touch.
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I am very much hoping (delusionally) that Xabi will end up at Liverpool next year, I think that would be poetic and fun and he seems like a really good coach, but on the subject of Liverpool and coaches: Jurgen Klopp.
He's probably a bigger inspiration for Ted than Pep is.
Pep is a brilliant tactician, deeply passionate, absolutely nuts, always losing it on the sidelines, whereas Klopp at least once forced his team to celebrate losing a final, ie, forced them to celebrate getting to a final even if the result wasn't what they wanted. I just watched the TAA interview with Gary Neville, and he also apparently doesn't focus on winning or losing, just wants Liverpool to be the hardest team to beat because they work so hard. All very Ted.
Except that crucially, Klopp is ALSO a brilliant tactician (he's no Pep, but he's no slouch either), meaning that he's like Ted except competent, passionate, and outwardly caring (sorry Ted), thereby making him perfect for Jamie.
Liverpool also run a very high press that I think Jamie would enjoy, and being in Liverpool would get him closer to home (he could totally drive home for dinner, it's only about an hour) while still keeping some space, which I think he would appreciate. I can see Georgie being a little overbearing when Jamie's in a less needy mood. And, of course, Liverpool also typically make European competition and are regular title contenders.
Assuming he went there in 2022, he would also get a whole year under Jordan Henderson, who we can go ahead and consider being like Roy, except that he's less talented, a better captain, and actually from Sunderland (I've seen it hypothesized that Roy is a reskinned Hendo). And I want to know what would happen if he and Darwin were on the pitch together (Darwin was Liverpool's big signing that summer, realistically Jamie would replace him, but I don't care) (Darwin is notoriously chaotic, a striker with dubious talent in finishing, but also an extremely hard-worker and he takes more chances than most, so his low conversion rate is expected). Also I think Jamie would have a bit of a crush on VVD and that would be funny and cute.
The Barca route is also very fun, and not even because Messi (he had already left at this point). It's basically only possible if Jamie's Richmond contract was up at the end of s3, Barca could never afford our boy otherwise. I've heard it said that true fans of the sport of football will pick Barcelona to watch over any other team (provided theirs isn't playing), and Jamie is nothing if not a fan of football.
They were also at their height when Jamie was a young teenager, a time period when I think he would have had the most time to watch while having already developed an immense interest in it. He would have watched Messi, of course, but also Xavi, Iniesta, and Busquets, who made up a midfield dynasty that I know no comparison for. They are all technically gifted, and two of those last three were still at Barca for the 22/23 season. Xavi coached the team, and Busi was captain.
And then also at this time, Barca were bringing up a new crop of very exciting youngsters, most notably Gavi and Pedri. Jamie is a few years older than them, but I think it would be fun for him to be a role model for a couple of ludicrously talented barely-adults. He would not know what to do with himself.
I also think Jamie is maybe better suited for football abroad? Like he's very salt of the earth, "I work hard, yeah," but he also has this incredible swagger. How to use my limited knowledge to explain this. Spanish football culture seems to be less humble? More flamboyant? Like English football is full of a bunch of guys who are Just Some Dude. Harry Kane, Gary Neville, and in TL, also Roy. Jordan Henderson is PEAK some dude energy. Spanish football invented the term "Galactico" for its superstars.
I just think Jamie would love doing a little dance with his teammates after scoring.
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i-am-still-bb · 11 months
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No. 11
“All the lights going dark and my hope’s destroyed.” | Animal trap | Captivity | “No one will find you.”
Pairing: Reader's Choice Rating: T Words: 539
Content Warnings: the Blitz
24 May 1943 Sunderland, Tyne and Wear
Years later he would still remember how that day began. 
And he would not be able to forget how it ended.
The sun was blazing, hot on his skin, painting the rubble from the bombing a week and a half ago in golden light. Everything seemed less dark and dreary. It was easier to forget that they’d been at war for almost two years for the space of an afternoon.
 Jackets, sleeveless pullovers, and ties had been dropped at the edge of the field after their lessons were over for the day. The thud of shoes against the football was joined by the laughing and jeering of his classmates. 
But only one smile burned its way into his brain.
Then there was the sound of plane engines. 
The wave of panic was different this time. Last time there had been confusion and then horrified realization. This time everything stopped for just a moment. The deep breath before the plunge. And then everyone was moving. He stood still. He couldn’t go home. He lived right near the South Pier. His mother had made him promise not to come home if the bombing started again. 
“Come on!” His hand was grabbed and he was dragged away from the park where they had been playing joyfully just moments before. He let himself be dragged along, down streets, turning down an alley, a path between greenery. 
“Our things!” He remembered in a rush. His father had threatened him if anything happened to this coat. 
“Staying alive is more important!” The grip on his hand tightened.
“Where are we going?” He panted. Fear made his chest tight. He had to shout his question again to be heard over the scream of the planes. They were so low now that he thought they were going to knock over the chimneys.
He cried out when he was yanked into a recessed doorway. He buried his face in his friend’s chest and covered his ears. 
But he could still hear the bombs. The concussion of the explosions hit them like physical blows. They hit him in the chest and he felt like he couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t scream with the weight of the explosion sitting on his chest.
Then hands were on his. Gentle and unsure. “I’m here.”
Then the planes moved on and they were running again until they half jumped half fell down the stairs into a basement apartment. The rooms were crowded and overly warm. It was filled with the smell of sweat, fear, and urine. Smells that only became more oppressive the longer they stayed. The sound of the planes was muffled, the concussions of the explosions did not hit them with the same force. 
They tucked themselves into a corner on a folded up blanket. They curled close to each other, heads ducked, breathes mingling. They pretended they were anywhere else but here. They imagined that they were alone together somewhere quiet and green. A place where there wasn’t the roar of planes or the dust of destroyed buildings settling on every surface to sting your eyes and make you cough. 
His hand found the other boy’s and their fingers twined together in the darkness.
Taglist: Everything: @silvermoon-scrolls Fili/Kili: @dubhlachen
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sweetrinaxd · 3 months
hi guys i have silent hill 5 au -
post-silent hill 2, James adopts Laura and they live together like a true family Mary dreamed of. 10 years later adult Laura (her full name is actually Laura Elizabeth H. Sunderland) switches with Alex Shepherd and coming to Shepherd's Glen to find her mother (in my au, Elle never existed and Laura is Margaret's only one daughter, so this explains why she have H-Holloway in her name...i dunno how she found out that Margaret is her mother dont blame me). do you remember scene when alex founds elle putting up missing fliers? In my au it's almost the same, but it's not Laura(Elle) who does it, but Alex, he putting up missing fliers about his brother, Joshua. Its just like canon, in my au he is also drowning. Laura accidentally meets Alex (she dont know him before, maybe some childhood memories, but she ended up in the hospital where she met Mary, so most likely she doesn’t remember him) and then she decided to help him find Joshua. They head to Silent Hill, and everything happens according to the canons, except that this is a story from Laura's view, so we dont see the death of Alex's parents. But she help him defeat the Amnion, the manifestation of Joshua's spirit and death, and then she kills Margaret. they're out of Silent Hill alive, and their paths diverge after returning to Shepherd's Glen. i think Laura will gave him her MySpace page (my headcanon, she would blog in it), so they can texting each other. Btw Laura is 18, Alex is 22
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(design ask anon) Thanks for answering. It was cool to learn but I'm kind of confused now if they're so different why not make them original characters? I read a bit of your fic and it seems like its that way there too. What makes them be Harry and James if they're so different now? Sorry if it's blunt questions and thanks again. Hope you have a good day
anon. come here. come here come goooood and close and let me put my arm around you.
now, a lot of people might not like hearing this!! but i’m gonna letcha in on something, something that is the honest truth:
the moment that someone in fandom touches a character that isn’t theirs to do something with them - such as write a fanfic, draw some silly comics - they automatically become something of an original character.
you know why?
because the character isn’t theirs.
every single fanartist who has at all gone off the beaten track on character design, has ever made canonical story tweaks, made them trans, made them a different sexuality from canon, aged up or aged down, given different costumes, portrayed them with disorders not explicitly stated in canon, switched race, etc, has created an original character with origin elements in canon character.
every single fanfic author who has at all gone off the beaten track on character design, has ever made canonical story tweaks, made them trans, made them a different sexuality from canon, aged up or aged down, given different costumes, portrayed them with disorders not explicitly stated in canon, switched race, etc, has created an original character with origin elements in canon character.
and so what if they are?
[heather voice] so. what?
none of us own the rights to silent hill. none of us were there when the concept and game and stories were created. this is fan work. we create fan creations. we put our own spin on it! that’s why headcanons are called headcanons.
our fan versions of characters are automatically an AU. they are automatically original characters with elements of, and roots in [insert fandom here] because we literally cannot create anything 100% canon.
it’s impossible. you cannot create anything 100% canon because you do not own the character or the franchise, and thus you cannot safely say that they would say, do, or wear that, interact with x y z that way, go there first, do that last, react to that event that way, think that way, etc - and call it 100% canon.
what i’ve created is Harry Mason and James Sunderland. i have in the past often called them “my” Harry and James as distinguishers, and i know others in fandom do this with their own iterations as well.
and they are still Harry Mason and James Sunderland.
so i’ll be brave!! and i’ll thump my chest and i’ll say it loud and proud!!!!:
Harry Mason James Sunderland, Heather Mason, Douglas Cartland, and all others within GOOMT and all AUs besides are all my original characters with core elements and inspiration based in Konami Entertainment’s Silent Hill franchise.
and so is everyone else’s.
and good for them. :)
just try to have fun in fandom! because otherwise you’re gonna feel stifled, discourage other people from having fun and being creative, or even yourself! whether or not someone acknowledges canon, “acknowledges” that they made an original character with elements, goes far off the beaten path of what anyone feels is “acceptable” to still make that character “that character”, etc — not your business.
it literally does not matter.
are you enjoying the content?? yes? GREAT! stick around we got coffee and cookies and a whole bunch of fun activities planned!! are you not enjoying it? no? well thanks for stopping by, you have my card, take a water for your travels but don’t loiter.
the canon hasn’t left. i am not demanding anyone call my ideas canon. i’m not expecting anyone to find it gospel. i don’t want that anyway. if you don’t like it it’s fine; the canon is still there.
it’s okay.
at the very, very core of it all, it’s best and wise to remember:
who cares.
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unitedbydevils · 5 months
Match Review: Manchester City U18s 1-2 Manchester United U18s
MANCHESTER IS RED (go with it)
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When United are mint, everything is mint, and fuck me are United's Under-18s mint - and also double winners. Up the fucking reds!
United started strongly at Leigh Sports Village, with a driving run and fizzing shot from Ethan Williams in the 3rd minute testing City keeper Brits. Three minutes later and Ruben Curley was doing the exact same again, but to no avail. Then, one minute later, magic happened.
A deep ball from just over the halfway line by Nolan lofted into Ethan Wheatley's path perfectly, but the touch and control to bring it down into a shooting action was technique Dimitar Berbatov would have applauded. Unreal composure and confidence, and topped off with a great finish at the near post past the stunned Brits.
City came back at United, and the game opened up into more of a back-and-forth affair, trading shots on goal, but United's organisation kept a very tight defensive structure and limited the Citizens from any real threat on Elyh Harrison's goal - not that the wunderkind needs too much help. Kid's a future star keeper.
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The middle of the half approached and Harrison punts a goal kick up field towards RW James Scanlon. The Gibraltan international nods the ball wide to attacking full back James Nolan, who drives a curled pass forward along the ground into the path of Ethan Wheatley. A defender slides, he knocks it, but Wheatley has the pace. He nips in, rounds the keeper, slots home. 2-0 United and LSV is in bits. SCENES.
City kept up the battle though, and a great killer through ball nearly opened United up in the 34th minute but for a huge body interception and block by Harrison in net. City captain Heskey was potentially fouled in the United box by Jack Kingdon - no foul given though - but otherwise come half time there could be no complaints at United's lead.
The second half was more City, with United making substitutes for rotation's sake but also due to the dearth of depth in the first team squad meaning certain promising youngsters have been requested by Erik Ten Hag for Wednesday's Premier League game against Sheffield United.
Both sides had reasonable chances on goal but nothing too serious until Stephen Mfuni nodded home from a corner to give City five minutes of hope... which was almost realised but for a fantastic full-stretch save by Harrison off Alfa-Ruprecht's header.
City's play and persistence did deserve a goal, and with the arguable penalty in the first half, on another day it could have been a different affair. It is nice to see the best two teams make the final though, and make it a memorable contest.
It's the result that matters though, and the silverware is ours. The league and now the cup. What a bunch of lads.
Two games remain this season - both at home. Sunderland visit us this Saturday, and then there's one last game versus Everton on May 4th. Lets end strong. GGMU.
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warwickroyals · 1 year
queen rosalyn was mentioned in a recent post, so: can you give us any lore about her, her family, and how they managed to marry into sunderland royalty? if louisa had ended up queen, do you think she would have resisted and opposed rosalyn's politics once she reached majority?
This is actually a very helpful question, anon! Thank you for not getting mad since I took forever to answer <3
Uh, under the cut is a shit ton about the American Civil War and that means talk about slavery, so read at your own risk.
So, Rosalyn as I've made it clear was a Daughter of the Confederacy, like, a literal OG one a la Varina Anne Davis, born and raised on a plantation in South Carolina during a very contentious time. She had a very charmed childhood (like completely obvious to the horrors of slavery and raised as a true Southern Belle), but everything she loved became threatened by the inevitable Civil War and what she saw as the threat of Northern aggression.
Rosalyn in my head has always been similar to Scarlett O'Hara (Vivian Leigh's character from Gone With the Wind), she was absolutely stunning, at least appearance-wise. Sunderland and the USA are right next to each other, so it was typical for Sunderlandian royals to venture into the USA for both political and social reasons. I'd like to imagine that Rosalyn met her future husband Louis at a ball in Maryland.
Now, Louis IV, as I've mentioned before, assumed the throne at 15 years old and was of a rather weak constitution. Due to his poor health, he was used to being babied and pretty much always got what he wanted. So, giving this kid basically absolute power was bound to cause issues. For Louis, it was love at first sight and Rosalyn's family, realizing Louis's position, urged her to pursue him. They had a whirlwind Romeo & Juliet-style romance, heavily manipulated by the Southern planter class, who correctly predicted international opinion turning against slavery, and wanted to ensure Sunderland would remain at the very least neutral during a Civil War. There was no better way to promote their interests than a puppet Confederate queen who had a king wrapped around her fingers.
Basically everyone in Louis's inner circle begged him not to marry Rosalyn: Parliament, family, friends, etc. But Louis married her anyway, Sunderland lacked the proper checks and balances to prevent it (they'd fix this later). People were outraged and opinions about Queen Rosalyn ranged from dismissive to downright murderous. In Sunderland, she became a scapegoat for the coming war in America. The more things worsened in America, the more she was resented. The whole nation held its breath when she became pregnant in 1859, and rejoiced when the child turned out to be a girl.
Sunderland really lucked out with Louis's early death. For one thing, he died before the Civil War started and for another, he died before he could father a son with Rosalyn. Both prevented Rosalyn from really doing any damage or having any institutional power to promote Confederate interests. She had been Queen for just under three years. She fled Sunderland with her infant daughter mere weeks after Louis died, fearing for her life. The new king, Louis's cousin George, was fully intending to make an example of Rosalyn and Louisa if they came in the way of his accession, so it was a smart move.
However, the home Rosalyn returned to wasn't the same. Several of her brothers died during the Civil War, and Big Dick William Tecumseh Sherman marched his soldiers straight across South Carolina, destroying any plantations in his path. Suffice it to say, Rosalyn kind of lost it after that, she never recovered and became a recluse until her death.
As for Louisa, she was referred to by Southerners as the Queen of Sunderland for most of her life, but it was more sarcastically than with any real deference. She never attempted to take back her birthright and actually signalled her loyalty to King George several times. George, as a result, left her to live her life in the USA. The cousins were even on friendly terms until Louisa's death.
Lousia was still raised in the South and her mother probably spoon-fed her a wrapped education based on the pro-South Lost Cause narrative (Here's an amazing video about what that means, but it's basically the myth that the Civil War was not centred on slavery, like, "States Rights" and all that BS), but Louisa rejected appeals to becoming a spokesperson for Neo-Confederate groups. She was a very private person and valued a life out of the spotlight.
Now, had she become queen she would have almost certainly been separated from her mother and raised by the State with George serving as regent until she reached adulthood. Rosalyn would have had little power to do anything about it. There was no chance of Louisa being a Confederate sympathizer without getting assassinated. Plus, after the Civil War, there was no Confederate States to represent anyway.
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boredtechnologist · 9 months
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Konami's "Silent Hill 2" for the PlayStation 2
Reviewing Konami's "Silent Hill 2" from a philosophical perspective necessitates a deep dive into its narrative structure, thematic elements, and atmospheric design, exploring the existential, psychological, and allegorical dimensions it encompasses.
1. The Exploration of Guilt and Redemption: Central to "Silent Hill 2" is the theme of guilt, embodied by the protagonist, James Sunderland, who is drawn to the fog-enshrouded town of Silent Hill by a letter from his deceased wife. The game's narrative revolves around James's confrontation with his past actions and his psychological struggle with guilt and denial. This theme resonates with the philosophical exploration of guilt as a moral and existential concept, raising questions about atonement, forgiveness, and the human capacity for self-deception in the face of unbearable truths.
2. The Psychological Landscape as a Reflection of the Self: Silent Hill, as a setting, functions not just as a physical location but as a manifestation of the characters' internal psyches. The town's shifting realities and nightmarish visions are reflective of the characters' fears, traumas, and repressed desires. This aspect of the game invites interpretation through a Jungian lens, where the external environment symbolizes the inner turmoil and unconscious mind of the characters. It prompts philosophical inquiries into the nature of reality – whether it is an objective truth or a subjective construct shaped by our fears, desires, and memories.
3. The Human Condition and the Search for Meaning: "Silent Hill 2" delves into the human condition's existential aspects, particularly the search for meaning in a world that often appears chaotic and indifferent. James’s journey is emblematic of the existential quest for purpose and understanding in the face of suffering and loss. The game’s narrative structure, filled with ambiguity and open to multiple interpretations, mirrors life's inherent uncertainty and the individual's role in constructing their own meaning and purpose.
4. The Concept of Identity and Transformation: Throughout the game, James encounters various characters, each dealing with their personal demons and distorted realities. These encounters and the transformations they undergo serve as a broader commentary on the fluidity of identity and the human propensity for change and adaptation. The game challenges players to contemplate the essence of their identity and the factors that shape and transform it over time, whether through personal experiences, traumas, or interactions with others.
5. Morality, Ethics, and the Subjectivity of Justice: "Silent Hill 2" poses complex moral and ethical dilemmas, often blurring the lines between right and wrong. The game's narrative and the actions of its characters raise questions about justice and morality, especially in contexts where traditional moral frameworks seem inadequate. This ambiguity invites players to reflect on the nature of justice and the subjectivity of moral judgments, especially when dealing with profound personal and psychological issues.
6. The Role of Suffering and Pain in Personal Growth: The game’s emphasis on suffering and pain, both physical and psychological, can be interpreted through the philosophical lens of suffering as a catalyst for personal growth and self-awareness. James's experiences in Silent Hill, though harrowing, lead him on a path of self-discovery and potential redemption. This aspect of the game aligns with existentialist and even Buddhist notions that suffering is an integral part of the human experience and a crucial component in the journey towards self-realization and enlightenment.
7. The Nature of Love and Obsession: Finally, "Silent Hill 2" explores the complexities of love, particularly the fine line between love and obsession. The game questions the nature of James's love for his wife and the extent to which it is pure or tainted by selfishness and obsession. This exploration invites players to consider the multifaceted nature of love and the potential for destructive tendencies within it.
In summary, Konami's "Silent Hill 2" is a philosophically rich and profound game. It delves into themes of guilt and redemption, the psychological reflection of self, the existential search for meaning, identity and transformation, the complexities of morality and ethics, the role of suffering in personal growth, and the nature of love and obsession. Through its immersive narrative and atmospheric design, it offers a deep and introspective experience, prompting players to engage with challenging existential and psychological questions.
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skippyv20 · 2 years
No mention of Prince William !
Telegraph Article 
'The Spencer family are known for leading with their hearts, not their heads'
The Prince is the latest in a long line of rebels – a legacy stretching for centuries
ByKate Wills18 December 2022 • 8:00am
A headstrong redhead causing scandalous rifts with the Royal family and courting publicity all the while. No, not just Harry, but many of his great-great-great-great-ancestors, too. 
In his Netflix show, Harry has been reasserting how much he is his “mother’s son”, making decisions that are “all heart”. And although it seems like Harry is breaking with tradition by starting a new life in California, in many ways the Prince is actually just following in the footsteps of his maternal family, the Spencers, living out a rebellious legacy that stretches back through the centuries.
“The Spencers are difficult,” the Queen Mother once observed to a friend, according to Tina Brown’s biography The Diana Chronicles. And that’s certainly one way of putting it. Harry’s family tree on the Spencer side is full of unconventional disruptors who craved glamour, challenged the status quo and ripped up the royal rule book.
“Harry’s lineage is a really fascinating mix of royalty, aristocracy and glamorous, rich heiresses,” says historian Dr Carolyn Harris, author of Raising Royalty: 1000 Years of Royal Parenting. “The house of Spencer can be traced all the way back to sheep farmers in medieval times.” But there’s royal blood in the Spencer clan, too.
“He is descended from not one, but two illegitimate children of King Charles II of England: Henry Fitzroy and Charles Lennox, via two of his great-great-grandmothers, Adelaide Seymour and Rosalind Bingham,” adds Harrison. 
“Then also on his mother’s side there are American links, so in a way, Harry is getting back to his roots by settling in California. Diana’s maternal great-grandmother, Frances Ellen Work, was an American heiress who divorced her husband in 1891 on the grounds of desertion. It was a high-profile case that appeared in all the newspapers at the time.”
Albert Edward John Spencer in 1922 with his daughter, Lady Anne Spencer, (centre), and his sister, Lady Margaret Spencer CREDIT: Hulton Archive
Harry clearly identifies very strongly as a Spencer, Harris points out, “and we can draw many parallels between the unconventional path that he’s taken and that of his ancestors, as well as the clever way many of them used the media to their own advantage”.
For example, one of the first Spencers to cause a royal ruckus was Robert Spencer, the 2nd Earl of Sunderland. In the 1670s, he orchestrated King Charles II’s secret pact with France and also became one of James II’s closest advisers, known for his diplomacy, but also his duplicity.
“Nearly 300 years on, my father would talk about him with an ashamed, resigned chuckle,” Charles, the present Earl Spencer, writes in The Spencers: A Personal History of an English Family. Robert was known to be “cunning, supple [and] shameless” with “a restless and mischievous temper, and an abject spirit”; Harry may be starting a new life in California, but maybe the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
With her rose-gold hair and blue eyes, Lilibet Diana is “very Spencer-like”, according to Harry – just like him and his mum. But that’s not all the youngest member of the Montecito Mountbatten-Windsors stands to inherit from that side of the family. Just as, one day, her young cousins may show traits of the Middleton clan, so Lilibet will undoubtedly find genetics playing a part in her life, just as they have in Harry’s.
“Harry is extremely proud of his Spencer heritage, as was his mother, who spoke to him about it at great length when he was growing up,” says Ingrid Seward, royal commentator and editor of Majesty magazine. “The Spencer family are known for being outspoken, all action, leading with the heart, not the head. Not only does Harry look very Spencer with his red hair, but he calls his aunts Sarah and Jane his ‘red aunts’.”
With the bushy ginger beard he is currently rocking, Harry certainly resembles his ancestor John Spencer, the 19th-century politician who was known as the “Red Earl”. But the Spencer trait of auburn locks – and shaping royal history – can actually be traced a few generations back, to Sarah Churchill, Duchess of Marlborough.
Played by Rachel Weisz in the Oscar-winning film The Favourite, Sarah started as a maid in the court of James II and became the most powerful woman in England through her manipulative control of Queen Anne. In 1700, Sarah arranged the marriage of her distant relation Charles Spencer, the future 3rd Earl of Sunderland, to her favourite daughter, Anne.
Lady Sarah McCorquodale and Lady Jane Fellowes, who Harry calls his 'red aunts' CREDIT: Shutterstock
Centuries before the modern Diana and Prince Charles wed, Sarah attempted to marry her favourite granddaughter – the original Lady Diana – to the broke Frederick, Prince of Wales, with a promise of a £100,000 dowry. The plan fell through after King George II was warned by his prime minister to find a wife “less politically threatening” for his son.
And Harry’s current family feuds have antecedents. Sarah ended up falling out with her granddaughter Anne and disinheriting her grandson Charles, 5th Earl of Sunderland. Alexander Pope said of her: “Full sixty years the World has been her Trade,/ The wisest Fool much Time has ever made./ From loveless youth to unrespected age,/ No Passion gratify’d except her Rage.” Harry would probably say she just needed a good therapist.
Then there’s Diana’s great-great-great-great-aunt Georgiana, the Duchess of Devonshire. The daughter of John, 1st Earl Spencer and his wife, Margaret, the teenage Georgiana became a sensation in 18th-century London. But she found that her cold, older husband was not as interested in her as everyone else (remind you of anyone?)
Like Harry in his youth, Georgiana had a reputation for hard partying – she was a gambling addict with a laudanum dependency who was always having to borrow money. Scandal turned to calamity when Georgiana became pregnant by the future prime minister Charles Grey and she was banished to France.
Georgiana Cavendish, Duchess of Devonshire, was famous for her beauty, political campaigning, gambling and unorthodox domestic arrangement CREDIT: Hulton Fine Art Collection
But Georgiana set the fashions of the day – popularising French hair powder and tall hairstyles among other trends – and also campaigned tirelessly for the Whig party, while the newspapers documented her every move. “You live so constantly in public you cannot live for your own soul,” her mother, Lady Spencer, wrote to her.
The Spencer tendency to choose passion over propriety is strong in Diana’s immediate family, too. Her mother, the heiress Frances Roche, was quickly disillusioned with country life as a young aristocratic mother. “I’m so bloody bored with opening village fetes,” she told a friend. It was no wonder that the fiery Frances wanted more from life. “She was very attractive and blonde and sexy with such joie de vivre and fun about her,” a friend told Brown for The Diana Chronicles.
By the 1960s, Frances escaped to London and started an affair with married bon vivant and wallpaper heir Peter Shand Kydd. She separated from Diana’s father and fought for custody of the children but lost, partially due to her own mother, Baroness Fermoy, who testified against her. Social outcasts, the Shand Kydds eventually moved to the coast of Scotland.
Diana’s older sister Lady Sarah McCorquodale also inherited this rebellious Spencer spirit. According to Brown’s book, she was kicked out of boarding school and once rode her horse into her grandmother’s living room. Sarah had her own romance with Prince Charles, and introduced her younger sister to him.
Diana spoke to Harry at great length about his Spencer heritage when he was growing up CREDIT: Tim Graham
Then there’s Diana’s younger brother Charles, who has seven children from three marriages and is known for speaking his mind. At his speech at Diana’s funeral, he famously pledged that “we, your blood family, will do all we can to continue the imaginative and loving way in which you were steering these two exceptional young men, so that their souls are not simply immersed by duty and tradition, but can sing openly, as you planned”.
His daughters are certainly singing their own tune. The model Kitty Spencer, 31, recently wed multimillionaire businessman Michael Lewis, 63 (five years older than her father). “Sometimes I feel like my family should be on The Jerry Springer Show,” she once said. “From the outside, the structure looks so dysfunctional. However, every single member of my family is part of my happiness.”
So, what clues can we glean about Harry’s future from how his famous forebears ended up? Although – like Harry – many of them were banished or exiled or moved abroad, nearly all of them ended up coming back to the royal court. Whether it’s dynasty or destiny, there’s no doubt we can expect many more surprises from this Spencer.
Does Prince Harry's ‘Spencer gene’ hold the key to his rebellious past and future? Please let us know in the comments below
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Fascinating! Thank you!!!! ❤️
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astrosagga2 · 15 days
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Sunderkand Path, a chapter from the Ramayana, holds immense spiritual significance. It strengthens faith, removes obstacles, and brings peace and prosperity. Regular recitation is believed to invoke divine blessings, protect from negative energies, and cultivate courage, devotion, and mental clarity, fostering overall spiritual growth and positivity.
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bikepackinguk · 1 year
Day Sixteen
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What a journey of a day!
Starting off just outside Seaham to wake up early and allow a swift push through Sunderland. Whilst the route zig zags a bit through town, it is at least mostly out of traffic, and was able to get through and round to Roker without too much difficulty.
Heading up the coast from Roker is a nice little ride, and the sun was shining once again to make for another lovely day ahead.
Around the lip of the coast drops into the ferry station, which I was able to step right onto as the doors shut and headed over to land at North Shields.
A quick stop at CK Cycles to replace a missing screw on my cleats was necessary and very appreciated.
From there, it's due East out to the very pretty Tynemouth, and then a glorious stretch along the coast along to Blyth for a lazy lunch.
A meander down the more scenic river route provided some necessary shade from the day's heat, before looping back out and back from Cambois.
NCN 1 at this point follows a fully segregated path adjacent to the very busy A189, which whilst fast and flat doesn't make for the most entertaining ride.
Fortune smiles again though as I caught up with a group of Irish cyclists riding the Coast & Castles stretch of the route, and was able to pass the time with a nice chat and trading tales.
Plus I got to see a red kite hanging over a patch of shrubland before swooping down!
The A road is left to venture through Lynemouth, before descending down again to the coast proper.
It was like entering another country after the prior part of the day. The road opened up right along the coast, and was gloriously flat and smooth. I hardly even noticed the miles falling away.
I was quite shocked when I took a break for dinner to realise I'd made it all the way up to Druridge by that point. Had a nice little chill out getting some shade and heading down to the beach to appreciate the view and touch the sea once more.
At this point it felt like I'd come far further than I'd ever expected to do for the day, but there were still plenty of daylight hours left, so why not go for more?
The trails through Druridge Country Park are a little rocky but manayto make reasonable time across them, continuing round the coastline to Amble for another break for the kegs and some supplies.
The day was beginning to fade at this point but being this far into the day, I'd like to end close enough to the border to make Scotland at a reasonable point tomorrow, so continued to plough along the road making nice speed through Warkworth.
Alnmouth is in sight, though I feel continuing further at this juncture could leave me being caught short, and there are plenty of fields and footpaths nearby which may make good beds for the night.
What a day! I can barely believe I should be hitting Scotland tomorrow, just 17 days into this trip. Here's to tomorrow!
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easternmind · 2 years
Oh boy, what do you think of the Silent Hill 2 remake trailer? I can’t speak for the other announced stuff cause I’m pretty basic when it comes to my appreciation for the series, but I do not care for the style change. There’s nothing wrong with the original’s graphics, and those FMVs in particular are still phenomenal! Do we really need to see every single strand of James Sunderland’s five-o-clock shadow?
I know the original source code was lost, and I know a game as old as SH2 should be played on modern hardware, but if Bloober are gonna remake it from the ground-up, I just don’t see a reason to make the new graphics so overly-polished, the devs of the original made the choices they did for a reason, it’s just detailed enough where each character has incredibly subtle details like Eddie’s dilated pupil’s and Maria’s slight stomach flab, but it leaves just enough room for your imagination to fill in the blanks.
I worry with these new graphics, it’s gonna be like those instances where some horror movies get so overly-remastered that you can see the imperfections that the film grain could hide. At the very least, why not recreate the FMVs to apply to the entire game? I think that could actually be interesting… so long as more of Team Silent were involved. I don’t know much about Bloober and haven’t played any of their games, but I hear they tend to have some major problems with their writing and horror.
We recently discussed Pathologic 2 as a great example of expanding on the original in a different way, but at least the original was a compromised vision so it makes more sense for a game like Pathologic Classic to be remade from the ground-up.
Am I coming off as too nitpicky with just this single trailer to go off of?
If anything you are being too tactful in describing the situation. The current popularity of video game remakes is symptomatic of a creative crisis at the heart of the industry, as well of the average consumer's expectations from technology. Players have allowed themselves to be persuaded by the unfinished thought that the best path to revisit the classic games they grew up playing is to have them reworked to look modern and pristine; paying little or no mind to the fact that their perception of the original game experience will irreparably be altered in the process. Certain studios, on the other hand, feel much more at ease with the prospect of developing a new version of a beloved game whose known popularity gives them a risk-reducing safety net, while also bypassing the strenuous work of developing an original concept. Just a few days ago in another comment exchange here, I repudiated the Bluepoint remake of Shadow of the Colossus, for me the foremost example of the perils this practice entails. To that, I would add that other atrocity that was the also recent Panzer Dragoon remake. I feel downright terrified by how the majority of players considers this to be entirely harmless. Silent Hill 2 is a game from its time and for its time. I remember that the slight resolution upgrade seen in the XBOX edition already exposed the fragile seams that stitched it together. The aesthetics were designed with a CRT TV equipment in mind. As you say, this specific visual style doesn't lend itself too well to modern displays. Adding sheen to its dull textures compromises its entire visual identity. Increasing the detail of character models poses impossible interpretative challenges, leading to the result we saw in today’s presentation, where there is nothing left of James' original facial features to be recognized in the remake. Paradoxically, we’re expected to summon the memories of something exceptional and familiar, use them to fill the credibility gaps of some high definition ersatz that will, in its turn, consume them and replace them by lesser ones. There was already enough information available to establish that Bloober was developing a Silent Hill project, namely the fact that a partnership deal was announced last year right about at the same time Tencent became a major shareholder for this studio. Their games are, for the most part, unconvincing. I played Observer and while it was fine as an independent project, it was clearly not a congruent experience. They also face-lifted it but a few years after the first edition, which I found suspicious, even though it’s their IP to do with as they please. The Medium isn't a complete failure, although it shows a poor lack of understanding of what constitutes horror in a video game experience. I never even touched Layers of Fear games because nothing about it seemed to deserve any attention. Although they are an already established studio, this will be their biggest project yet, with a potential target audience much wider than any of their previous titles. Nothing should distract us, however, from the fact that these are mere tradesmen foolishly attempting to recreate a work of art. I will say that Townfall, by No Code, has the smallest margin by which it may succeed in taking the base themes of Silent Hill and working them from an angle that fits the studio's own artistic direction, freed from the pressure of making the game look identical to its prequels. Their other games, Observation and Untold Stories, are sufficiently unique and inventive for me to preserve moderate expectations that they may actually be in the process of creating the first dignified sequel since the release of 'The Room'. 
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jeduka · 4 months
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Unveiling the Gems: Top 10 Prestigious Best Universities in UK Beyond the Limelight
In the academic echelons of the United Kingdom, a constellation of universities illuminates the path to knowledge and success. While the spotlight often shines on venerable institutions like Oxford and Cambridge, there exists a tapestry of lesser-known establishments whose excellence rivals even the most renowned. Join us on a journey as we uncover the hidden gems, the unsung heroes of British higher education.
University of Cumbria: Embracing Nature's Majesty in Academic Pursuits Nestled amidst the breathtaking landscapes of England's Lake District, the University of Cumbria stands as a beacon of learning harmonized with nature's grandeur. Its holistic approach to education melds academic rigor with environmental consciousness, fostering a community of scholars attuned to the world around them.
Coventry University: Pioneering Innovation and Global Engagement In the heart of England's Midlands, Coventry University emerges as a hub of innovation and cultural diversity. With a forward-thinking ethos and a commitment to real-world impact, it cultivates leaders equipped to navigate the complexities of our interconnected world.
Staffordshire University: Unveiling Creative Horizons in the Heart of England Amidst the idyllic landscapes of Staffordshire, a bastion of creativity flourishes at Staffordshire University. Its vibrant arts scene and emphasis on hands-on learning propel students towards artistic excellence and entrepreneurial success.
The University of Bolton: A Nexus of Learning and Industry Integration Tucked away in the historic town of Bolton, this institution bridges the gap between academia and industry with aplomb. Through partnerships with local businesses and a focus on employability, it equips graduates with the skills needed to thrive in a competitive job market.
Leeds Trinity University: Nurturing Scholarly Excellence with a Personal Touch In the bustling city of Leeds, a sense of community thrives at Leeds Trinity University. With small class sizes and personalized support, it fosters an environment where every student can flourish academically and personally.
University of Sunderland: Forging Futures on the Shores of Innovation Set against the backdrop of Sunderland's maritime heritage, this university charts a course towards a brighter future. Its strong emphasis on research and innovation empowers students to tackle pressing global challenges with creativity and resolve.
Plymouth University: Where Learning Meets the Sea's Boundless Horizons With the rugged beauty of Devon's coastline as its backdrop, Plymouth University inspires a spirit of exploration and discovery. Its marine science programs and research initiatives harness the power of the ocean to unlock new frontiers of knowledge.
University of Suffolk: Elevating Minds in the Heart of East Anglia Amidst the timeless charm of Suffolk's countryside, this university cultivates intellectual curiosity and academic excellence. Its close ties to the local community and commitment to social responsibility make it a force for positive change in the region.
Teesside University: Igniting Innovation in the Industrial Heartland Situated in the dynamic city of Middlesbrough, Teesside University fuels a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship. Its strong links to industry and focus on practical learning empower students to turn bold ideas into tangible realities.
Buckinghamshire New University: Shaping Futures in the Heart of England Nestled in the picturesque Chiltern Hills, this university combines academic rigor with a supportive learning environment. Its emphasis on professional development and vocational courses prepares graduates to excel in their chosen fields.
In conclusion, while the UK boasts a wealth of prestigious universities, the ones listed above exemplify the diversity and excellence that define British higher education. From the serene landscapes of Cumbria to the bustling streets of Middlesbrough, each institution offers a unique blend of academic rigor, innovation, and community engagement. As aspiring scholars and lifelong learners, let us celebrate the rich tapestry of learning that extends far beyond the confines of the Ivy-clad walls.
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yumitsukiyoru · 5 months
Man Turns Garden into Allotment to Help Needy Strangers During Lockdown
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Christopher Jones grows and donates thousands of fruits and vegetables to struggling households
When the pandemic hit and Christopher Jones, a self-employed security guard, found himself out of work, he decided to make the most of his time at home. Instead of sitting idle, Jones transformed his garden into a thriving allotment, growing an abundance of fruits and vegetables. But his efforts didn't stop there - Jones selflessly distributed his home-grown produce to needy strangers in his local area, providing much-needed support during difficult times.
Gardening as a Lifeline
With the country in lockdown, Jones saw an opportunity to try his hand at gardening and grow his own food. Using YouTube tutorials as a guide, he set up 25 beds in his 120ft by 21ft garden in Halton, Cheshire. The results were astounding - in 2020 alone, Jones harvested 55kg of potatoes, 9kg of strawberries, 15kg of carrots, 15 trays of lettuce, and seven pumpkins.
But his intention was never solely for personal gain.
Helping Struggling Households
Jones had a bigger purpose in mind - to support struggling households in his local community. He advertised most of his produce on Facebook, offering it for free to those in need. People could collect the vegetables directly from his home or other nearby locations, like postboxes.
His generosity made a significant impact on families facing reduced salaries and financial hardship.
"It was about people who were struggling, living off reduced salaries, and people with kids," Jones explained. He recalled a woman with two small children who would come and take as much as she could carry. Her children relied on the fresh produce since they were no longer receiving free school meals.
Jones's garden allotment became a lifeline for those in need.
Benefits for Mental Health
Aside from the physical sustenance it provided, Jones recognized the mental health benefits of gardening. He believed that tending to a garden could offer solace and a sense of purpose during challenging times. Jones not only shared his vegetables but also gave away pots of compost and seeds, encouraging others to try their hand at gardening while confined to their homes.
As Jones reflected on his experience, he emphasized the importance of self-sufficiency and organic farming. His aim was to inspire others to save money and grow their own food. He hoped that his actions would encourage people to realize the potential within their own gardens and embrace the benefits of organic cultivation.
The Popularity of Allotments
While Jones was fortunate enough to convert his garden into an allotment, not everyone has access to such space. For those without gardens, the path to home growing involves applying for an allotment in designated areas. However, the demand for allotments has surged in recent years, resulting in lengthy waiting lists.
According to figures from Greenpeace, there were nearly 175,000 applications on waiting lists for allotments in October 2023. This growing interest reflects people's desire to improve their health, reduce shopping costs, and minimize their carbon footprint through homegrown produce. Some individuals have had to wait up to 15 years for a plot, and waiting lists in England have doubled in length since 2011.
The city with the longest waiting list is Bristol, with 7,630 applications for allotments. Other cities facing high demand include Sunderland, Portsmouth, Southampton, Edinburgh, and Manchester. The increasing popularity of allotments highlights the growing trend of individuals seeking self-sufficiency and sustainable living.
Christopher Jones's transformation of his garden into an allotment during lockdown exemplifies the power of resilience and compassion. His selfless act of growing and distributing thousands of fruits and vegetables to struggling households brought hope and nourishment to those in need. Jones's story serves as an inspiration for others to explore the possibilities of home gardening and embrace the benefits of organic cultivation.
As the demand for allotments continues to rise, it is evident that more people are recognizing the value of self-sufficiency and sustainable living.
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