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wnewsguru · 1 year ago
आदित्य एल1 के साथ सात पेलोड भेजे गए हैं, जो सूर्य का विस्तार से अध्ययन करेंगे
इसरो ने जानकारी दी है कि उसके सूर्य मिशन आदित्य एल1 ने आज सफलतापूर्वक कक्षा बदल ली है। इसरो ने रविवार को सुबह करीब 11.45 बजे पहली अर्थ बाउंड फायरिंग की जिसकी मदद से आदित्य एल1 ने कक्षा बदली।
अब आदित्य एल1 पृथ्वी से 22, 459 किलोमीटर दूर है और अब अगला मैनुवर पांच सितंबर 2023 को किया जाएगा। इससे पहले शनिवार को इसरो ने पीएसएलवी सी57 लॉन्च व्हीकल से आदित्य एल1 को सफलतापूर्वक लॉन्च किया।
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southnorthside · 1 year ago
The path of the sun is infinit.
Olé, innerdiminsional incanations to keep the -foul away. Keepin light at my brow the oldway. O'ye to my ancestors blowing back on the bays in the Astral plane sending symbols our way!
Say, see that infinit sway in the skies
Lit up by those o so celestial sun rays
Trust the process the ancient ones laid.
For on this path all is fair play. heartbeats
#higherawareness #higherself #fyp #higherfrequency #southnortside #davidovichart #davidovich #photooftheday #auction #walldecor #curator #poem #portal #poetry #inalienable #Infinte #immortal #sunscience #sun #superhuman
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trendstorm · 5 months ago
The Suns Secret | Next Solar Cycle Detected Early
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WJPSHBs2vY The Sun's current solar cycle, Cycle 25, is at its peak, but scientists have already detected the first signs of the next cycle, Cycle 26, using sound waves deep within the Sun. In this video, we explore how researchers from the University of Birmingham identified these early rumblings and what this means for our understanding of solar activity. Discover how this breakthrough could impact our predictions of sunspots, solar flares, and coronal mass ejections, which have direct effects on Earth. Source: Royal Astronomical Society. #astronomy #RoyalAstronomicalsociety #solarflare #sun #solarcycle #trendstorm #sunspots #astronomynews #solaractivity #sunscience #spaceweather #Helioseismology #solarresearch #spaceexploration #Sunspots2024 #solarphysics #SolarCycle25 #SolarCycle26 #astronomyfacts #solarobservation #sunresearch #spacescience #solarphenomena #magneticfield #spacenews #solarevent #cosmicevents #solardynamics #solarsystem #solarobservation #spaceresearch #solarobservation #solartechnology #spacephysics #solarenergy #astronomyresearch #solarmax #spacediscovery Next Solar Cycle detected early Solar Cycle 26 first signs Early detection of solar cycle 26 Solar Cycle 25 and 26 comparison Upcoming solar cycles predictions Solar maximum of Cycle 25 Sun's internal sound waves in solar cycles Sunspots increase during solar maximum Solar torsional oscillation explained Detecting solar cycles through sound waves Solar activity cycle research How solar cycles affect Earth Solar Cycle 25 magnetic field changes Solar Cycle 26 predictions Understanding solar cycles in astronomy First signs of solar cycle 26 Solar torsional oscillation pattern Solar activity and its impact on Earth Solar Cycle 26 early detection Astronomical discoveries about solar cycles Solar cycles and sunspot activity How sun's sound waves predict solar cycles Solar maximum phenomena explained Solar Cycle 26 rumblings detected Sun's magnetic field and solar cycles How scientists detect new solar cycles Solar Cycle 25 halfway mark Upcoming solar activity predictions Solar cycle detection methods Sun's torsional oscillation patterns Solar cycles and aurorae visibility Solar flares during solar maximum Solar activity cycle research 2024 Solar Cycle 26 early signs Solar energy surge during solar maximum Solar Cycle 25 research updates New discoveries in solar cycles Solar Cycle 26 detected in sound waves Understanding the sun's magnetic field Solar Cycle 25 sunspot increase Solar Cycle 26 starting signs Solar Cycle 25 impact on Earth Predicting solar cycles with sound waves Solar maximum sunspot activity Solar Cycle 26 early detection research The sun's next solar cycle Astronomical research on solar cycles Solar torsional oscillation and cycles Solar Cycle 25 vs. 26 differences Early predictions for Solar Cycle 26 Solar activity cycles in astronomy Solar Cycle 25 peak activity Understanding sun's torsional oscillation Solar Cycle 26 discovery Solar Cycle 25 ongoing research Solar activity impact on Earth Solar Cycle 26 sunspot predictions Solar Cycle 25 peak phase Solar magnetic field and cycles Solar Cycle 26 early observations Sun's internal sound waves research Solar Cycle 25 to 26 transition Solar maximum and solar cycles Solar Cycle 26 future predictions Solar cycles and Earth's weather Solar Cycle 25 data analysis How solar cycles are detected Solar torsional oscillation in solar cycles Solar Cycle 26 early indicators Understanding solar maximum via Trend Storm https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF1F2JAMftAe2z2hl32FXmQ August 22, 2024 at 05:30PM
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atomstalk · 5 years ago
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Comment your answers👇👇 . Hint: Follow the gravity . . Follow @atomstalk  Follow @atomstalk  Follow @atomstalk . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 👇Tag someone interested🔖⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ 📩 Save to watch this daily ⏰⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ 🤝 Share with the interested😃⁣ ⁣⁣ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . . . #sciencequiz #sciencequestion #sciencequizbee #quiz #quizinstagram #quizoftheday #quizgame #quizes #physicsquiz #physicsexam #gravitation #gravity #sunandearth #sunscience https://www.instagram.com/p/B_d95AlDJOa/?igshid=14jfroo9pm763
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jendotcohen · 8 years ago
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Via @jendotcohen #Repost @nasa ・・・ Cascading Loops: An active region that had just rotated into view blasted out a coronal mass ejection, which was immediately followed by a bright series of post-coronal loops seeking to reorganize that region's magnetic field (April 19, 2017). We have observed this phenomenon numerous times, but this one was one of the longest and clearest sequences we have seen in years. The bright loops are actually charged particles spinning along the magnetic field lines. The action was captured in a combination of two wavelengths of extreme ultraviolet light over a period of about 20 hours. Credit: Solar Dynamics Observatory, NASA #nasa #space #sun #nasabeyond #cme #sunscience #science
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itspepepadothings · 5 years ago
Crazy Penis - Sunscience
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homelessjedi · 6 years ago
Crazy Penis - Sunscience
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farmasiuyelikformu-blog · 4 years ago
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Farmasi Dr.C.Tuna Sunscience Güneş Kremi Farmasi Dr.C.Tuna Bronzlaştırıcı Yağ https://www.instagram.com/p/CEaLeaHgjCs/?igshid=9lr4ushxshgj
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ozgesumnu · 5 years ago
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☀️😎 Bu yaz plajlarda herkesin gözü sizin üzerinizde olacak. Dr. C. Tuna Sunscience Bronzlaştırıcı Yağ, Vitamin E ve Havuç Yağı ile zenginleştirilmiş formülü sayesinde cildi nemlendirirken, aynı zamanda hızlı bronzlaşmasını sağlar. Yağlı his bırakmayan yapısı cilt tarafından kolayca emilir. . 💁🏻‍♀️ Sipariş için bana DM at @ozgelivefarmasi ☺️🙋🏻‍♀️ 👉🏻Farmasi ailesine katılmak için, profildeki linki tıklayın! Katalog Fiyatı:39,99TL Girişimcilere Özel Fiyat: 28,56TL Ürün Kodu: 1115018 #FARMASİ #BURSA #BURSAANNELERİ #İNSTAMOM #İNTERNETANNELERİ #ONLİNEALİSVERİS #EVDEKAL #TEMİZLİK #KİŞİSELBAKIM #TEMİZLİKBENİMİŞİM #OZGELİVEFARMASİ #OZGELİFE #OZGELİVE #DOĞAL #MAKYAJ #KOZMETİK #EVTEMİZLİĞİ #bakım #kişiselbakım #doğadangelengüzellik #instagoods #instamom #instagood #instagram #ozgelifarmasi #ozgesumnu #farmasi #kendinisev #nutricoffeelitarifler (Bursa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CC3j2GmDf7S/?igshid=1gy2angmzg8y3
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farmasiblanka-blog · 5 years ago
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☝️☝️☝️UV A és UV B közötti legnagyobb különbség: 💁‍♀️Az UV A sugárzástól ugyan nem égünk le, de eljut a mélyebb szövetekig és hosszú távon ott fejti ki káros hatását. 💁‍♀️Az UV A okozza a ráncokat és többek között a melanómát. Autóban sem vagy védve! Egy kutatás kimutatta, hogy a sofőrök bal oldalán (arc, kar) gyakrabban alakul ki melanoma, ugyanis ez az oldal több napfényt kap. 💁‍♀️Az UV B sugárzás “csak” a felsőbb rétegekig jut el, így az UV B felelős a leégésért és barnulásért. 💁‍♀️Tudtad például, hogy míg a szélvédő el van látva UV szűrővel, addig az oldalsó üvegek nem mindig? A régebbi típusokban pedig szinte soha! Ezért használd a Farmasi Dr.C.Tuna Sunscience termékeket! 🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞Az UV A sugárzást nem érezzük olyan égetőnek, mint az UV B-t. Így nem is érezzük annyira szükségesnek az ellene való védelmet. Kenés után várj még 20 percet! Ez ugyanúgy igaz a napolajokra, ugyanis ahhoz, hogy az UV-filter kifejtse teljes hatását, szüksége van időre!👌 Keresd napozáshoz való készítményeketet a DR.C. Tuna termékek között !👍 🌝 Keress meg és segítek!! https://www.instagram.com/p/CBr44gvAJdI/?igshid=8s3keflib9q3
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Mad Sunscience
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farmasilol-blog · 6 years ago
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Dr.C.Tuna Sunscience Serisi 🌟Güneş Koruyucu Losyon; -Spf 50 ve Spf 30 -Hassas cilt tipleri için kullanıma uygundur. -Yağlı his bırakmayan ince dokusuyla cildinizi korur. -Gliserin ve vitamin E ile cildi beslerken, aloe vera ile cildi ferahlatır. -Paraben ve boya içermez. 🌟Yüz Kremi; -Spf 50 -Kolayca emilen yapısı sayesinde tüm cilt tiplerine uyumludur. -Güneş kaynaklı yaşlanma etkilerinin önlenmesinde yardımcıdır. -Paraben ve boya içermez. 🌟Bronzlaştırıcı Yağ; -Spf 6 -Hızlı, kalıcı bronzlaşmayı ve düşük seviye güneş korumasını bir arada sunar. -Havuç yağı ve vitamin E ile cildi nemlendirir. 🌟Haziran fiyatı; -50 SPF Losyon: 39.99₺ -30 SPF Losyon: 34.99₺ -Yüz Kremi: 42.99₺ -Bronzlaştırıcı: 34.99₺ . . . . . #farmasi #farmasiüyelik #farmasikayıt #farmasisatış #farmasisipariş #makeup #ankara #kozmetik #sağlık #makyaj #lb #gt #keşfetteyiz #bitkiselürün #a101 #indirim #kampanya #hediye #çekiliş #sunum #çeyiz #a101aktüelürünler #tren6731 #güneşkremi #bronzingoil #losyon #güneşlosyonu #sunlotion #suncream (Ankara, Turkey) https://www.instagram.com/p/By5l9D0Fhxe/?igshid=1y3648jfdigy
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ummugul-ezder · 6 years ago
Dr. C. Tuna Sunscience Serisi Güneş Kremi, Aloe Veralı Güneş Losyonu ve Havuç Yağı içeren Bronzlaştırıcıyla yaz bildiği gibi gelsin!#farmasi #farmasi̇ #farmasicim #farmasiuye #farmasim
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farmasiuyelikformu-blog · 4 years ago
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Farmasi Dr.C.Tuna Sunscience Güneş Koruyucu Losyon https://www.instagram.com/p/CEZvRsxA3GB/?igshid=133jhagwdm4s1
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ozgesumnu · 5 years ago
Sipariş için DM🙋🏻‍♀️ 🌞Güneş Kreminizi Yenileyin! Dr. C. Tuna Güneş Serisini ile güneşin tadını güvenle çıkarın.🌊 🌟Sunscience Güneş Koruyucu Losyon SPF 50 75 ml Katalog Fiyatı: 39,99TL Girişimcilerimize Özel Fiyat: 28,56TL Ürün Kodu: 1115017 🔎 🌟Güneş Koruyucu Yüz Kremi SPF 50+ 50 ml Katalog Fiyatı: 44,99TL Girişimcilerimize Özel Fiyat: 32,13TL Ürün Kodu: 1115019 🔎 🌟Sunscience Bronzlaştırıcı Yağ SPF 6 115 ml Katalog Fiyatı: 35,99TL Girişimcilerimize Özel Fiyat: 25,70TL Ürün Kodu:1115018 🔎 . . 👉🏻Farmasi ailesine katılmak için, profildeki linki tıklayın! #farmasi #kendinisev #FARMASİ #BURSA #BURSAANNELERİ #İNSTAMOM #İNTERNETANNELERİ #ONLİNEALİSVERİS #EVDEKALTÜRKİYEM #EVDEKAL #EVDEHAYATVAR #TEMİZLİK #KİŞİSELBAKIM #TEMİZLİKBENİMİŞİM #OZGELİVEFARMASİ #OZGELİFE #OZGELİVE #DOĞAL #MAKYAJ #KOZMETİK #EVTEMİZLİĞİ #bakım #kişiselbakım #doğadangelengüzellik #instagoods #instamom #instagood #instagram #ozgelifarmasi (Bursa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBNo2Hpl-8I/?igshid=w1yu33rg4lrj
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farmasibasak · 6 years ago
Cildin yaza hazır mı?🤷‍♀ Dr. C. Tuna Sunscience Serisi Güneş Kremi, Aloe Veralı Güneş Losyonu ve Havuç Yağı içeren Bronzlaştırıcıyla yaz bildiği gibi gelsin!☀ Sizde farmasi urunlerine sahip olmak icin ozelden mesaj atabilir ve linke tiklayip katilabilirsiniz..✍️ 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷 Sponsor Kod: 0135458 Katalog isteyenler Dm dönüş sağlayabilirsiniz İnternet sitesinden takiptede olabilirsiniz 📲💻📲 https://farmasibasak.wordpress.com/ Farmasi  urunlerine sahip olmak icin ozelden mesaj atabilir ve linke tiklayip katilabilirsiniz.. http://www.farmasiint.com/default?RefGuid=1cced1a6-c02b-4474-9584-59d8b84742ab @farmasi.turkiye.basak @farmasi.atamanucmazteam ✨ #atamanucmazteam #farmasiturkiyebasak #avon#oriflame#huncalife #gratis #makeuplover #makeupartist#moda#a101 #makyaj#güzellik#tiktoktürkiye#moda#ankara#izmir #makeup#zara #lıke#kesfet #like4likes #like4follow #likeforfollow##keşfet#migrenkremi#sunum (Istanbul, Turkey) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwOmhdMFXk3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=d0urrwn5ohq3
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