attvcus · 4 years
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attvcus · 4 years
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evelyn wheezes slightly from the force of the breakdown, trying to catch her breath before responding. “clover fucking
 god. i’m such an idiot, what the fuck.” she says between sobs, hiding her face in her hands as all she can manage to do is release all of her immediate reactions. everything that she’s kept in since just a few hours ago at the club, as the reality began settling in. and she can only imagine how hysterical and incoherent she was coming across as to the other, but none of it mattered. nothing seemed to matter now because she lost the one person she never thought she could. her own alcohol-induced actions getting in the way once again. and while she shouldn’t be surprised — this was far from the first time her dependencies have gotten in the way of relationships — she never thought it would lead her to fuck up something so great with her best friend. fuck. “clover doesn’t want to fucking talk to me anymore, i fucked up so bad, shit.” just expressing this sentiment, having to confront this, is enough to release another wave of tears and emotions. 
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all  atticus  can  hear  is  incoherent  strings  of  words  that  seem  to  barely  form  a  sentence  at  all.  this,  possibly,  isn’t  just  evelyn’s  fault,  so  he’s  really  trying  to  focus  now,  really  trying  to  be  there  for  the  younger  girl.  she  clearly  needs  it.  «  hey,  »  he  coos,  wrapping  her  in  his  arms,  pulling  her  closer.  it  doesn’t  matter  that  he  instantly  feels  her  tears  stain  his  shirt  or  that  they’re  supposed  to  get  the  booth  ready.  it  fades  away  until  all  that’s  left  is  evelyn  and  her  apparent  need  for  a  friend.  atticus,  happily,  wants  to  be  just  that.  
«  breathe,  please.  breathe,  treasure.  i’m  here.  »  he’s  no  clover,  and  whatever  went  down  between  them  instantly  worries  atticus  —  he  knows  their  love  for  one  another.  the  thought  of  that  being  over  is  unfathomable,  no  matter  what  it  is  evelyn  is  referring  to.  «  you  got  me.  talk  to  me.  »
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attvcus · 4 years
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his smile is too big for his face, but she means that in the best way. for someone that can look so stoic, his smile completely changed his face; lights it up like a kid on christmas morning. she’d like to see it more often. luckily teasing always seemed to pull it out of him. “i’d call you a pussy for not taking the challenge, but i’ll be nice and drink your drink for you.” her smile matches his, large and wide, as he pulls her in closer. “because i’m the best, atty. you’re lucky.” for what? her time, her attention? doesn’t matter. she was the one that was already whipped. simone angles towards him more, allowing her knees to lean against his legs in the process. she’s never had a problem with closeness. “you’re not too bad yourself, you know. you’re suffering through a cheesy hellscape for me.“ it doesn’t go unnoticed. maybe he deserves a reward for his trouble.
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atticus  frowns  at  simone’s comment,  but  he’s  clearly  not  offended.  «  you  know,  i’d  take  that  as  a  compliment,  »  he  counters,  «  because  i’m  almost  certain  any  pussy  could  take  a  pounding  far  better  than  i  can.  »  he  grins,  taking  a  sip  of  the  mulled  wine.  it’s  not  what  he’d  usually  go  for,  but  it  beats  his  first  choice.  maybe  simone  had  been  onto  something  from  the  very  start.  «  i  actually  kinda  like  it.  i  mean,  what’s  not  to  like  ?  »  he  places  a  gentle,  yet  friendly  kiss  on  her  forehead.  he’s  lucky  the  girl  responds  to  his  seemingly  random  acts  of  affection  so  well.  «  i  get  to  spend  my  evening  drinking  with  a  beautiful  woman.  any  man  would  kill  to  be  in  my  shoes.  »
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attvcus · 4 years
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dylan stares at atticus’ pumpkin for a beat longer, before shaking his head. “yeah, okay piccato,” he scoffs, looking back at his own pumpkin. he had started off attempting to carve rick from rick and morty, but chunks of the pumpkin that were meant to stay on the pumpkin had fallen out, and it was beginning to look like a giant pumpkin mess. “it’s not done yet,” dylan countered, sitting up a little straighter on the picnic bench. “just wait and see.” 
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how  did  people  make  this  look  so  easy  ?  atticus  gazes  around,  impressive  pumpkins  being  carved  all  around  him,  and  in  defeat  he  views  his  own.  not  much  of  a  masterpiece,  to  put  it  lightly.  «  do  you  mean ...  »  he  begins  in  response to  dylan’s  comment,  but  catches  himself.  he’s  not  even  sure  piccato  isn’t  right.  «  if  it  is  a  car  crash  i’m  actually  quite  impressed,  wolff.  i  can  really  see  it  forming.  » 
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attvcus · 4 years
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who: dylan & atticus (@attvcus​) when: saturday oct 3 where: fall festival, the pumpkin carving competition 
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he didn’t need to win — although the $50 gift card would be nice — but he did need, at least, to beat atticus. he wasn’t sure where the competition had stemmed from, or when, but as he glanced over at the boy’s pumpkin beside him, there was an overwhelming urge to create something better. an obvious challenge, considering dylan had limited artistic ability. “what’s that even supposed to be, man?” he asks, his unsubtle way of trying to throw him off course. 
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atticus  can’t  really  brag  about  his  artistic  abilities,  but  he  looks  over  at  dylan’s  pumpkin  and  it’s  clear  neither  can  the  other.  he  feels  a  bit  better  about  himself  when  his  attention  returns  to  his  own  pumpkin,  but  confidence  falters  slightly  at  the  question  he’s  asked.  it’s  supposed  to  be  a  castle,  but  he’s  not  about  to  tell  dylan  that.  «  it’s  abstract  art,  dude.  i  don’t  expect  everyone  to  get  it,  »  he  mocks,  but  he’s  never  been  much  of  a  liar.  «  and  what’s  that,  huh  ?  a  car  crash  ?»
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attvcus · 4 years
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*:àŒ…ïœĄthe clock don’t stop ïœĄàŒ…:*
starring: atticus eugene young ( @attvcus​ ), evelyn yun setting: fall festival booth
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nothing felt real to evelyn. usually when you sleep or eat or drink water, there’s some sort of nourishment that takes place. you feel refreshed, everything becomes a little bit clearer. but for evelyn, who was coming down from her hours of drunkenness, a high of at least a couple different drugs, no sleep between her friday night out and her early saturday morning shift and a devastating, debilitating best friendship breakup between herself and clover
 she felt dehydrated from the whole situation. emotionally and physically wrecked. she surprised herself that she even managed to remember to show up to her shift — though, an hour late, but that’s beside the point. she felt numb, mind both vacant and recycling through the crude memories from just hours ago. setting her stuff down at the booth and releasing a sigh, she barely processed the other at the booth. finally having a couple moments to herself after a very, very long and painful night, it felt like her body just needed a release as silent tears flowed down her face before she could hold them back. hands coming to her face, the silent tears soon became more audible through shaky inhales and huffs.
crouching down and curling herself around her knees as the tears progressed into intense sobs, her mind finally alerts her of atticus’ presence and all she wants is to curl up and hide forever. “fuck my fucking life, i’m sorry.” and the sentence doesn’t make much sense, but it’s all she can say to express her mental state.
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one  could  say  atticus  is  present,  but  that  isn’t  entirely  true.  atticus,  at  the  booth,  no  sleep  from  last  night  (  entirely  fault  of  his  own  )  is  barely  standing  up,  though  somehow  he’s  still grateful  for  the  early  shift.  there  won’t  be  many  visitors  this  early  and  so  they  can  spend  time  getting  the  booth  ready  and  looking  all  fancy  —  why  atticus  even  got  this  shift  and  this  task  is  truly  beyond  him.
he  does  his  best  though,  even  only  half  awake  and  half  working.  that’s  why  evelyn’s  presence  and  initial  breakdown  takes  him  a  moment  to  process,  but  when  he  does  he  quickly  pulls  himself  together.  he  crouches  down  next  to  the  other,  one  hand  coming  up  to  rest  on  her  back.  «  hey,  treasure,  what’s  wrong  ?  »
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attvcus · 4 years
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Lakeith Stanfield as Nate in “Someone Great” (2019).
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attvcus · 4 years
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the boo garden is cute in a tacky way. fake candles flicker at every table that’s too close to the next one and homemade (or - perhaps more accurately - party city made) cobwebs drape between chairs and pumpkin shaped lights. had she been with frankie or evelyn, she would’ve forced them to pose with her next to the less-than-terrifying scarecrow in the corner, but she isn’t with her girls. she’s with atticus and he doesn’t like his drink. her lip curls into a smirk/smile hybrid and she watches him over the brim of her mulled wine. “i told you the butterbeer was going to be too sweet.” spiked with whiskey or not, it was a sugar bomb. one that she’d gladly take. “yeah, i’ll trade you, but only because you’re so kind.” her lips pucker before a smile creases into dimples and the trade is made. “don’t say i’ve never done anything for you.”
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he’s  not  sure  he’d  be  here  if  not  for  simone,  to  be  honest.  it’s  not  really  his  scene,  and  with  someone  else  he’d  might  be  longing  for  his  bed,  his  pascal  and  a  bottle  of  whiskey  by  now,  but  he’s  not.  atticus  is  enjoying  himself,  which  in  itself  isn’t  a  rarity,  but  considering  the  circumstances  it  actually  takes  him  a  bit  by  surprise.  «  you  know  you  can’t  tell  me  stuff  like  that.  it  just sounds  like  a  challenge  to  me,  »  he  points  out  with  a  crooked  smile.  «  wouldn’t  dream  of  it,  nini.  »  atty  wraps  an  arm  around  her,  affectionately  pulling  her  closer.  «  might  even  argue  that  you  do  more  than  i  deserve.  »
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attvcus · 4 years
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he’s  already  two  drinks  in  and  the  night  is  still  young,  but  atticus  doesn’t  seem  worried  about  it.  if  he  has  one  talent  (  and  he  doesn’t,  really  )  it’s  holding  down  his  liquor.  not  really  something  one  should  be  proud  of.  however,  spending  the  evening  with  simone  and  all,  he  has  decided  to  play  it  easy  tonight  —  she  has  seen  him  in  less  elegant  moods  often  enough,  and  she  deserves  to  have  a  good  time.  «  this  is  probably  the  worst  drink  i’ve  ever  had,  »  atticus  admits,  scrunching  his  nose  as  he  looks  over  at  the  cup  in  simone’s  hand.  «  uh,  i  mean,  it’s  delicious.  wanna  trade  tho  ?  out  of  the  kindness  of  my  heart.  »
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attvcus · 4 years
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normally  i’d  make  an  intro  graphic  but  i  don’t  think  i  have  it  in  me  anymore  rip  also  i’m  sorry  in  advance  for  everything  under  the  cut
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i  was  too  stupid  to  save  the  app  so  unfortunately  you  won’t  be  getting  that.  anyway  here’s  the:
triggers:  shooting,  murder,  death,  drugs,  suicide  attempt. born  atticus  eugene  young,  atticus  spent  his  early  life  growing  up  in  a  trailer  park  with  his  parents  and  his  younger  sister,  olive.  it  wasn’t  a  bad  childhood  per  say,  but  poverty  was  definitely  not  a  fun  experience.  atticus  and  olive  were  both  very  good  in  school,  constantly  trying  to  prove  themselves  and  aiming  for  a  better  life  for  their  very  loving  and  warm  parents.
atticus  was  14,  olive  only  9  when  their  dad,  an  employee  at  a  gas  station,  was  killed  during  a  shootout/robbery.  it  was  heartbreaking  —  they  had  no  money  for  a  proper  funeral  and  their  mother,  unemployed  at  the  time,  struggled  to  make  ends  meet.  atticus  and  olive  made  a  habit  out  of  going  to  school  on  an  empty  stomach,  their  teachers  offering  whatever  little  they  brought  for  lunch.
it  was  at  this  point  atticus  started  planning  out  his  life  —  he  was  determined  to  do  everything  in  his  power  to  lead  the  perfect  life,  saving  his  family  and  future  generations.  he  made  5  year  plans,  plotting  it  down  to  the  very  last  detail.  he  worked  tirelessly,  sacrificing  his  social  life  in  the  process,  thinking  he  was  doing  everything  right.  olive  saw,  of  course,  that  atticus  was  slowly  losing  himself  to  the  pressure  he  had  put  on  himself  and  was  turning  to  alcohol  and  drugs  to  cope  with  it  all.  still,  he  pushed  on.
the  night  before  the  final  exam  of  his  4th  semester,  atticus  accidentally  (  at  least  that’s  what  he’ll  say  if  you  ask  him  )  took  an  overdose  and  was  discovered  by  his  roommate  who  immediately  got  him  to  the  hospital.  a  few  days  later  atticus  dropped  out,  with  some  push  from  olive  who  just  wanted  to  see  him  happy  and  healthy.
now  atticus  has  little  contact  with  any  of  his  family  members,  but  he  checks  in  on  his  sister  from  time  to  time,  who  is  pursuing  the  law  degree  atticus  could  never  finish.  she  was  always  the  brightest  one  anyway,  and  will  succeed  where  atticus  could  only  fail  —  that  boy,  ever  the  family  disappointment.
atticus  has  a  good  heart.  he’s  a  very  warm  and  affectionate  person,  always   extending  a  hand  to  anyone  in  need.  he  loves  forming  deep  emotional  connections  to  people.  the  downside  is  the  abandonment  issues  that  come   with  it.
he’s  not  one  to  argue,  never  one  with  loud  opinions,  but  he’s  vocal  about  social  and  racial  injustices  on  social  media.  definitely  open  for  a  conversation  and  not  particularly  stubborn.  he  knows  to  pick  his  fights.
sadly,  this  often  translates  to  him  not  really  fighting  for  anything  at  all.  he’s  not  exactly  lazy,  but  nothing  seems  to  really  interest  him  anymore,  nothing  gets  him  excited  or  angry  or  passionate.  he  has  this  very  indifferent  air  to  him,  fueled  also  by  his  drug  use,  making  him  distant  at  times.
atticus  has  no  time  for  bullshit.  he’s  a  very  honest  person  and  will  tell  you  exactly  what  he  feels  when  he  feels  it.  stepped  on  your  toes,  did  he  ?  he  doesn’t  care.  either  you  get  over  it  or  you  get  over  him,  it  doesn’t  matter  to  him  either  way.  this  bluntness  has  made  him  prone  to  hurting  those  he  loves.
has  a  pet  snake  called  pascal.  has  had  him  for  7  months  and  got  him  whilst  he  was  high  out  of  his  mind.  atticus  is  stupid  scared  of  snakes  and  forgot  all  about  pascal  until  he  woke  up  the  next  morning  and  the  poor  little  thing  was  slithering  its  way  around  in  his  bed,  causing  atticus  to  nearly  shit  himself.  he  cried  for  the  next  hour  or  so.  now  he  loves  the  snake  like  it  was  his  own  son.
he  can  play  bass  guitar,  but  it  kinda  bores  him  so  he  rarely  does.
loves  jorja  smith.  like,  LOVES  her.  she’s  his  ideal  type  for  sure  and  the  obsession  is  lowkey  weird.
atticus  is  like  surprisingly  good  at  cooking  and  he  kinda  loves  it.  when  he’s  stressed  he’ll  either  get  stoned  out  of  his  mind  or  he’ll  cook.  or  both.
literally  up  for  whatever  but  here  are  just  a  few  i  thought  could  be  fun  idk
blast from the past
atticus  is  born  and  raised  in  washington  and  would  maybe  know  a  muse  that  is  from  the  state  too.  don’t  have  to  be  close  in  age,  maybe  they  knew  olive  ?  either  way,  it’s  someone  who  would  know  about  atticus’  past,  probably  the  only  one  as  he  never  talks  about  it.  they  could  be  on  good  terms  or  bad  terms,  i  vibe  with  either.
there’s  no  way  atticus  has  the  funds  to  live  alone,  but  his  poor  roommate  is  gonna  be  traumatized  from  living  with  this  man.  atticus  has  no  system  when  it  comes  to  literally  anything  and  he’s  about  the  messiest  person  on  earth.  he’ll  sleep  in  his  dirty  laundry  for  days  and  chain-smoke  out  of  his  window  and  not  leave  his  room  until  there’s  a  crisis,  but  he’ll  also  cook  dinner  as  an  apology  for  the  line  of  coke  he  left  on  the  counter  from  that  night  he  had  that  unannounced  party.  he’s  a  good  guy,  but  has  no  direction  or  ambition.  his  roommate  is  gonna  have  to  deal  with  a  man  who  literally just  exists  and  fucks  up  constantly.  oh,  and  also,  there’s  a  snake.
probably  the  closest  thing  he  ever  got  to  a  girlfriend/boyfriend,  maybe  the  closest  he’ll  ever  get.  atticus  is  very  loving  and  physical  too,  so  this  person  must  be  okay  with  some  public  display  of  affection.  he’ll  treat  them  as  their  significant  other,  but  without  the  feelings  —  really  this  person  is  just  a  really  great  friend  that  he  sleeps  with.  a  win-win  for  everyone.
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attvcus · 4 years
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New Girl Rewatch: 1.22
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attvcus · 4 years
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— taylor swift, this is me trying
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attvcus · 4 years
yuh !
#( đ•„đ•–đ•Ÿđ••đ•–đ•Ÿđ•”đ•šđ•–đ•€ — â›ăƒ»Â° â€ș don’t kill anything you aren’t prepared to make a ghost of.#( đ•§đ•šđ•€đ•’đ•˜đ•– — â›ăƒ»Â° â€ș you never did see a wolf without its claws.#( đ•’đ•Ÿđ•€đ•šđ•–đ•Łđ•–đ•• — â›ăƒ»Â° â€ș though he rots in his corruption deadly roses still bloom from his decay.#( đ•€đ•Ÿđ•’đ•Ąđ•”đ•™đ•’đ•„ — â›ăƒ»Â° â€ș this is how the holy become the damned.#( đ•’đ•–đ•€đ•„đ•™đ•–đ•„đ•šđ•” — â›ăƒ»Â° â€ș i can breathe anything. i can breathe water; to some point.#( đ•„đ•™đ•Łđ•–đ•’đ••đ•€ — â›ăƒ»Â° â€ș this is the closest we got to heaven; but we’re here.#( 𝕞𝕡𝟛 — â›ăƒ»Â° â€ș but you know how the poets will sing my song; how my story ends.#( đ•žđ•–đ•žđ•–đ•€ — â›ăƒ»Â° â€ș my body is used to being godless; it just doesn’t like it yet.#( đ•™đ• đ•Ÿđ•–đ•€đ•„đ•Ș — â›ăƒ»Â° â€ș be prepared to burn; there is no way this will not spell tragedy.#( đ•„đ•–đ•©đ•„đ•€ — â›ăƒ»Â° â€ș here is where good things come to die.#( đ•–đ•„đ•” — â›ăƒ»Â° â€ș he bleeds like an ocean in love; wild with blueness.#( 𝕠𝕠𝕔 — â›ăƒ»Â° â€ș hi welcome to chili’s.
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