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tearyeye-private-i · 1 year ago
Between me, and whoever is reading this. While I do want to return to research, and while I'd like the idea of it. There's something still preventing me from doing it.
Maybe it's because I used it as a distraction, so it's no longer my coping mechainsm. Maybe it's because I picked up more trauma while doing research. Maybe that's all just excuses and I'm just lazy.
I will say one thing, though. I was re-reading my little movie review about John's movie, The Pride of Jesse Hallum. I wrote: "It's a great movie, though, I probably have a biased opinion because I more or less think everything, John, Carl, Roy, and Jerry Lee do is great." Alibet, I had exceptions, but I sorta wish I still had the same enthusiam that I had back then.
Whatever love I had for them has definitely changed, from one of rose-tinted glasses to cynicism.
It's hard to write about people, in a favorable light, when you don't like them as people. If that makes sense.
A part of me wishes I could go in on them, but there's the other issue. Carl, John, Roy, and Jerry Lee, have some zealot fans, which I've met the ire of before. Threats. Hate and inappropriate mesages. I just don't know if it's worth risking my own safety or mental health, writing about four men I question why I liked in the first place.
So, there's that.
I just hate how big of hypocrits each one of them were, big old liars, and how they pretended not to be. It's one thing to admire someone's musical talents, but I'm not sure if people should admire their negative traits or pretend they didn't exist.
Like, I still admire John's activistism, I think he said some wise things, I took to heart. But there's also the things I dislike, that I feel should be challenged, like his 'Ragged Old Flag,' threatening to shoot someone with a gun "full of love," for burning the flag. Literally right after Kris Kristopherson sang "Johnny Lobo," a song about Native American activist John Trudell, who burned the flag.
Basically, what I'm getting at is, pointing out negative things a dead person did, a long time ago isn't "cancling" them. It's just a "the fuck, John."
I mean, Carl, John, Roy, and Jerry Lee lived their entire lives trying to get out of Elvis' shadow. None ever really achiving the level of super stardom Elvis had, maybe John, maybe Roy, but still. If Elvis isn't above the same critism or "the fuck, Elvis," type of examination. Then how on earth are Carl, John, Roy, and Jerry Lee above it?
But whatever, all thoughts into the void. Between me, and whoever is reading this.
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bscnews1532 · 5 months ago
The development of the casino industry and curb illegal activities by allowing locals to gamble at gambling houses in Vietnam.
The JLL expert team reported significant economic growth as Vietnam relaxed local regulations on domestic gambling, which have been in place since early this year. He explained that strong regulations would only create a wave of illegal activities and promote shady business throughout the country. In addition, it is in the nation's financial interest to regulate the market to locals, as it will prevent income outflows and further promote economic growth.
Currently, the government allows locals to visit two gambling venues, the Pudon Islands and the Phu Quoc Islands, but plans to add Hotram's third allowed gambling venues to the aforementioned two to further develop the game industry and raise the national budget.
The announcement boosted the appetite of some of the largest international operators, including Las Vegas Sands, as well as local Sun Group. The latter was reported as the only operator allowed to establish a gaming facility in Van Don. In a recently released JLL report, the company said the number of hotels that install game consoles continues to increase.
Frank Sorgiovanni, head of JLL APAC, pointed to Melco Crown Philippines as a role model. He added that the key to success is the right business strategy because Vietnam is a country with good prospects for becoming a major tourist destination. He explained that operators should benefit from the favorable conditions offered by the country. Sorgiovanni explained the bright future of the country's game industry.실시간 바카라사이트
Officials consider allowing Vietnamese to gamble at certain gambling venues in the country as a strategic move, which the government is considering responsible gambling problems by boosting the economy, curbing the spread of illegal activities across the country, and limiting the number of gambling venues that locals can visit.
Experts explain that because the Vietnamese government is liberal about its country, it is effectively dealing with illegal activities while enjoying economic benefits. Although Vietnam has gone through a long and bumpy journey to major casino development, it should be noted that the market is developing at a rapid pace.
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amitbwadhwani · 4 years ago
Realty+ E-Conclave Gujarat 2020: Scaling New Heights
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Realty+ successfully added yet another feather in its hat by hosting the first ever virtual e-conclave. The 12th Edition of Realty+ E-Conclave–2020 GUJARAT on 19th August 2020, was truly a memorable day.
The E-conclave began with an enthusiastic Inaugural Address by Dr Annurag Batra, Editor-in-Chief & Chairman, exchange4media Group & BusinessWorld. Following Dr. Batra’s words of encouragement, Indian real estate’s mogul Dr Niranjan Hiranandani, Managing Director Hiranandani Group and National President NAREDCO & ASSOCHAM delivered the opening keynote of the E-conclave.
The four plenary sessions brought together eminent personalities from the real estate, architecture and building materials industry from across the country. The E-conclave witnessed the exchange of professional insights and opinions on some of the most trending real estate topics.
The opening panel discussion titled Real Estate Transformations Post Covid and moderated by Viren Mehta, Sr. Director & Head Transactions, JLL Ahmedabad had renowned real estate developers & professionals of  Gujarat  The speakers were Ajay G. Patel, Director, Synthesis & President-GIHED CREDAI; N.K. Patel, Founder Director & Group Chairman –Sun Builders Group & Chairman NAREDCO –Gujarat; Paresh Sharma, Former Chief Town Planner – Govt of Gujarat; Ranjeev Mahindru, CEO – Gujarat Region, Adani Township & Real Estate Co. Pvt Ltd & Rocky Israni, Managing Director – India Investments, Pacifica Companies. The speakers discussed the future of the real estate industry post the pandemic and the new trends that the industry will adopt to adapt.
The next session was moderated by Ajay Sharma MD, Valuation Services Colliers International India and will discuss the Changing Realty Sales Patterns in Gujarat. The panellists expressed their opinions on the different sales patterns that the industry has come up with during these unprecedented time. The speakers for the session included Amit Wadhwani, Managing Director of Sai Estate Consultants Chembur Pvt Ltd; Chitrak Shah Co-Founder & MD Shivalik Group & Vice President – Gihed Credai; Dushyant Goswami, Managing Director- Suvidha Projects; Paras Pandit Chairman & Managing Director Sheetal Infrastructure; Pravin Bavadiya, Founder & MD, City Estate Management & Swagat Vyas Managing Director Vishwanath Builders.
The third plenary session of the day was titled Revival Of Supply Chain & Projects Delivery and moderated by Anil Haldipur, Director, Project Management Group, CBRE South Asia Pvt. Ltd with speakers Ayush Bagla, Executive Director , CERA Sanitaryware Ltd; Jinal Palkhiwala, Director – Inmobel Doors; Neerav Parmar, Senior Vice President – Contracts and Procurement – Shapoorji Pallonji Real Estate; Parth Patel, Managing Director, Kavisha Group & Sameer Sinha, Managing Director –Savvy Infrastructures Pvt. Ltd. The speakers shared that as with every industry there will always be ups and downs. However, Indian real estate will revive and Gujarat is already leading on the path to recovery.
The Realty+ Conclave came to an end with n stimulating Fireside chat on Technology Trends in Architecture moderated by Deben Moza, Executive Director – Head of Project Management Services, Knight Frank India and featured panellist Chetan K. Singh Founder & CEO ArchChat; Kalhan Mattoo, Founder, OOK – Office Of Kalhan International & Manit Rastogi, Founding Partner-Morphogenesis . They discussed how tech is changing the face of design industry and what more can be done.
This article was originally published in English realtyplusmag.com
All rights reserved. Any act of copying, reproducing, or distributing this newsletter whether wholly or in part, for any purpose without the permission of Amit B Wadhwani is strictly prohibited and shall be deemed to be copyright infringement.
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eyeofthestorm888 · 5 years ago
June 2005
from Whale Website
Spanish version
Recently, our brilliant colleagues, Malou and Gerry Zeitlin of openseti.org, put us in touch with Karmapolis.be, a site that explores anomalies, theories of conspiracy, and beliefs concerning alternative realities.
Alain Gossens, who operates the site with his partner Bruno Michelet, lives in Brussels, and so we were able to meet and talk about mutual interests.
The result was a three-part collaboration with articles by Alain on Alien Predation, and by myself, on Gnostic Parallels to Castenada, published simultaneously in English and French.
Karmapolis: We have been discussing the idea that a parasite exists and rules our mind. How can we demonstrate to our readership that this parasite exists and that the idea of “mental infection” is not delusional?
JLL: Like an infection, the mental parasite would be detected by its symptoms. Malaria, for instance, produces violent symptoms caused by a foreign entity that invades the body.
To think clearly about the parasites, we must consider that certain behavior, and certain forms of thinking, in particular religious ideologies, would be symptomatic of an infection or foreign invasion of the human mind.
Karmapolis: What is the nature and the origin of this parasite? Is it a interdimensional intelligence? Is it possible that it takes an organic form?
JLL: According to the Gnostics, the parasites or Archons, as they called them, originate with the earliest phase of the formation of the solar system, before the Earth coalesced as a planetary organism. Their habitat is the solar system, exclusive of the Earth, moon and sun. They are inorganic forms with intelligence of an electrical nature - cyborgs, as we would say.
Karmapolis: The Gnostic Texts (Nag Hammadi Codices, NHC) describe the Eons and the Archons. To explain it simply to our readership, what are the differences between the Eons and the Archons?
JLL: In Gnostic cosmology, Aeons or Eons are gods, deities, divinities.
They are not creator-gods or point entities, however. They are rather like massive alive, aware, currents. They are the forces that form the central core of the galaxy we inhabit, the Pleroma.
Archons are an anomalous species of inorganic beings that arise outside the Pleroma, in the limbs or arms of the galaxy.
They are called Archons (from Greek archai, “elementary, from the beginning”) because they arise first, before the Earth is formed. Their bodies are formed of elementary matter (quantum fields) in a pre-organic state.
Karmapolis: Do you think that the flyers described by Castañeda and the Archons of the Gnostics are really the same thing?
JLL: Yes, I am convinced they are the same.
Karmapolis: What was the personal event that happened in your life that focused your attention on the idea that a parasite like the Archons, the flyers or some kind of extraterrestrial entities, affect our perception of the universe?
JLL: The sense that something distorts our perception has come to me gradually, not triggered by a specific personal event. However, I did have remarkable ("occult") experiences from the age of four, such as lucid dreams in which I encountered magical beings who came to assist or teach me, as well as other beings who attacked me. I have been directly aware of both kinds of intervention since that age.
Karmapolis: Do you think that some extraterrestrial beings like the Anunnaki or the Grays (or Greys) are the incarnations of this parasite, or that those alien beings are more shadowed or possessed (than us) by this parasite, this predatory intelligence?
JLL: I follow the Gnostic teachings that the primary predatory intelligence facing humanity is the Archontes. I believe that they are identical with the Anunnaki and the modern Grays.
Karmapolis: The Gnostics warned us about this predatory creature: they described the Archons and told us how we can be affected by them. Did the Archons create us? What is the legacy they gave us?
JLL: The Gnostics taught that the Archons did not create us, but they are caught in a delusion, and they think they are our creators. One of their main goals is to convince us that they created us - in effect, to get us to think as they do. As far as I know, there is no “legacy” we have received from the Archon ETs.
They are inferior to us in will and intelligence, though superior in navigational technology for travelling among the planets, in telepathy and techniques of imitation (virtual reality). I believe that the Archons are identical with the “Watchers” of Enoch, entities who are credited with teaching metal-working and cosmetic adornment to humanity.
If the Gnostics were correct, the Archon ETs attempt to take credit for imparting certain skills like this to humanity, but the claim is false, I believe. We ourselves have discovered these skills, but forgotten how, so we are susceptible to accept the explanation of a foreign or alien intervention.
Karmapolis: Do you believe that the Archons can take an organic form to exist? Do you believe for instance that the Archons and the Greys are the same thing?
JLL: In my understanding, the Archons are an inorganic species. Perhaps silicon and mercury, as Kerner suggests. The Greys are cyborgs, resembling human form - or, to be precise, the form of a premature fetus. Gnostic texts describe the production of the Archon species as an abortion, hence the form of a premature human body.
The Archons are only body, they have no soul. Yes, I am convinced that the Gnostic Archons are identical with modern Greys of the embryonic type.
Whitley Streiber observed that the Grey ETs exhibit a high degree of neotony - that is, they have the form of an entity that is not fully formed when it is born.
Karmapolis: In their interpretation of Gnostic texts, scholars outline the crucial role played by an individual they call Jesus Christ. This character warned us about the Archons. Is this the same Jesus known from the New Testament? Why is the message from Jesus contained in the New Testament and in the Nag Hammadi Codices so different?
If it is not the same character, is the “Christ” in Gnostic writings a power that possesses some people (such as “prophets”), and is the power described in the NHC texts completely different from the one described in the New Testament?
JLL: These are big and troublesome questions. Some of the language in these questions reflects the typical confusion - or disinformation, if you will - about Gnostic materials. In fact, the name Christ never occurs in the Nag Hammadi Codices, nor does the name Jesus. Rather, there is a recurring code: Coptic XC or XRC (translated CHS or CHRS) and IC or HC (translated IS).
For instance, in The Tripartite Tractate (117.10) you find HC in Coptic, and the translators modify this to H(COY)C, “Esous,” then translated into the name Jesus. You can see how far scholars must go to manipulate the codes and make them fit a preconception. Most Gnostic texts use the terms “the Savior,” the “Lord” and the “Revealer,” with no specific mention of Jesus or Christ at all.
Scholars who come from a Christian background and consider the NHC to be early Christian writings routinely decode XRC as Christ, or sometimes as Chrest, and IC as Jesus. There is, however, no clear or firm basis for this convention. I am convinced that these codes do not refer either to “the Christ” of Saint Paul or the “historical Jesus” of the New Testament.
The codes are used precisely to avoid those identifications. The term “the living Jesus” found in the NHC refers to an inner guide or psychic entity, not a historical person.
To Gnostics “the living Jesus” indicated a spiritual force that does not die, hence it could not be a real human person. Jesus Christ in the NT says things that would never have been said by a Gnostic initiate. His words and acts are inconsistent with an illumined teacher from the Mysteries. The Gnostic Christos is not the Christ, the Only-Begotten Son of God, in the theology of John and Paul.
The Gnostic Christos is an Aeon, a divine force that does not assume human form. Gnostics denied the Incarnation. In their view, no human person has the privilege to incarnate an Aeon, a Divinity.
Karmapolis: Do you see a tendency (even very small) in the Roman Catholic church to recognize the legitimacy of the Nag Hammadi texts, including the existence of the Archons, or in fact to deny the content and the pertinence, the relevance of the Nag Hammadi materials?
JLL: I see no tendency to recognize the genuine non-Christian character of the NHC, and certainly no tendency to recognize the Archons. Bear in mind that Gnostic teachings attribute Roman Catholic religion (the salvationist belief system) to the deviant mental influence of the Archons.
If Catholic authorities were to recognize the Gnostic message, they would be admitting that their belief system is an extraterrestrial implant in the human mind!
Karmapolis: People often compare the importance of the discovery of the Nag Hammadi texts with the Dead Sea Scrolls. As far as you know, can we find in the Dead Sea Scrolls the same warning about the Archons, about the fact that the creation of the universe is a mistake contained in the NHC?
Who wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls and who wrote the NHC? Were they enemies?
JLL: Great question. This connection, between the DSS and the NHC, is crucial. To my knowledge no scholar has indicated the cross-references between these ancient texts, but they do exist. Let me elaborate.
The DSS do not warn us about the Archons because they were written by an extremist sect who were manipulated by the Archons.
The Zaddikim (“Righteous Ones”) of the Dead Sea was a violent, apocalyptic sect dedicated to celestial beings, called the Kenoshim, who appeared to them in shining chariots.
Some DSS texts (notably, 4Q405, in the Sabbath Songs) describe the appearance and movement of flying saucer type UFOs exactly as they are described in modern sightings. In short, I am convinced that the sect at Qumran was an apocalyptic cult of UFO contactees, like the suicide cult, Heaven's Gate.
South of Qumran was a Gnostic encampment of a group called the Archontics - who took this name, I believe, because it was their mission to spy upon the Archons who were controlling the Zaddikim.
In one Gnostic text, the Apocalypse of James (25.15), the Revealer says,
“Jerusalem is the dwelling place of many Archons.”
I am certain that many Gnostics from the Mystery temples in the Near East were aware of the intrusion of the Archons.
They detected the aliens and their effect, a mental or psychic infection that took the form of religious madness. Jerusalem was highly infected, and so was Qumran.
The NHC does not say that “the universe is a mistake.” It says that the world system we inhabit, our planetary system, is an anomaly due to the presence of the Archons who impinge upon life on earth. Gnostic cosmology explains the emergence of the Archons at the cosmic level, so Gnostics understood the origin and behavior of these alien entities.
The Dead Sea sectarians were completely duped by the Archons whom they saw as celestial Angels.
They believed that the Archon leader, Jehovah, was their creator God. Gnostics viewed these beliefs as religious madness due to the ideological virus spread by the Archons. Several passages in the DSS scrolls refer directly to Gnostics who are considered to be arch-enemies of the Zaddikim.
To my knowledge, no scholar has pointed out that the Dead Sea cult targeted the Gnostics in this manner. The Zaddikim wanted to completely destroy the Gnostics. If my theory is correct, we can understand why.
One more point: the Nag Hammadi Codices were discovered in December 1945, but their importance was not recognized until the summer of 1947, exactly when the Dead Sea Scrolls were found. Readers will of course realize that the summer of 1947 was the time of Kenneth Arnold's UFO sighting of flying saucers, and the Roswell incident.
It is amazing that ancient materials written by an ET/UFO cult, as well as other materials, exposing the nature of that cult, surfaced at the exact moment of the 1947 wave and the Roswell incident. This is truly “cosmic coincidence.”
Karmapolis: Why was the Roman Catholic Church so stubborn, and so reluctant to give access to the Dead Sea Scrolls? Was it the same reaction for the Nag Hammadi materials?
JLL: The Vatican controlled the international team of scholars associated with the Ecole Biblique in Jerusalem. These scholars, such as de Vaux and Milik, withheld the DSS materials because they show the true origins of Christianity in a very negative light.
The DSS texts reveal that the ideology of salvation in Christianity did not originate with Jesus, but came through the Zaddikim cult. This is a nasty blow to Christian belief in the uniqueness of their religion.
With the Nag Hammadi materials, a different team of scholars was engaged. They did not delay or dissimulate. However, it must be noted that the usual interpretation of the NHC is very favorable to Christianity, or made to look that way. Consequently, the NHC are less threatening to Christian faith than the DSS.
However, in my radical interpretation of the Gnostic teachings, the message of the NHC is clearly anti-Christian: that is, against the ideology of divine redemption, not against love, kindness, and good works, of course. (But then, love, kindness, and good works are not the monopoly of Christians, are they?)
Karmapolis: Anthropologists like Michael Harner or Carlos Castañeda gave the same kind of description of a mysterious creature: Harner saw in a vision the Maninkaris, a black creature, a mix between a whale and a reptile (pterodactile). These creatures need to hide themselves and are considered by the Indians of Amazonia to be the source of all life on earth.
Castaneda describes the flyers as horrible black and huge fishy creatures that eat the consciousness of mankind. Can we compare those creatures? Do you think that they have the same nature?
JLL: No, I don't find this comparison to be valid.
The vision of the Amazonian Indians is probably an ancestral memory of the origins of human life. Gnostic teachings on this matter are similar to those of indigenous peoples who claim that the “first people” came from the skies. This is called panspermia in modern science: the seeding of the human species on Earth from an extraterrestrial source.
In the imagination of native peoples like those who initiated Harner, the seeds of life arrive in huge canoes, worms, dragons, and other such forms. This is a way to visualize panspermia. DNA itself can be visualized as a coiling serpent.
Castaneda’s description of the flyers refers to a totally different phenomenon, a type of predatory being that is bat-like or dragon-like. Throughout history the dragon has been viewed as a benign angelic figure, even a type of superior consciousness, but the “reptilian” type of the Archon described by Gnostics is different.
We must exert some imagination and distinguish the universal dragon “archetype” from the specific form of the predatory alien, the reptilian Archon, called “drakonic” in the NHC.
Karmapolis: Why do you compare the Gnostic knowledge to shamanism? Did the Gnostics engage in research about cognition, and other ways to perceive reality? Did they use hallucinogenic substances like shamans use ayahuasca, peyote or psilocybin?
JLL: Don Juan says that sorcery (shamanism) is about shifting the parameters of perception. I believe that Gnostics were masters of this practice. They were heirs to a long tradition of shamanism deriving from the indigenous peoples of Europe and Asia going back to Paleolithic times.
In Gnosis, the path of heightened perception (to use Castaneda's term), we see a sophisticated method of shamanism, a kind of high-tech shamanism, if you will. Techniques of paranormal perception were taught and transmitted in the Mystery Schools founded and led by gnostokoi, “those who know about divine or supernatural matters.”
According to the “Wasson thesis,” the ritual use of psychoactive plants was the basis of all genuine religion on Earth.
Gordon Wasson and Albert Hofmann, the Swiss chemist who discovered LSD, proposed that the kykeon, the sacred potion drunk at the Eleusinian Mysteries, was a mixture of ergot fungus, the organic basis of LSD. Hence, it was a psychedelic potion.
Much solid research has been done that supports this idea.
Also, the use of psychoactive mushrooms in the Mysteries has also been proposed, based on good research. It is now certain that ancient shamanic cults such as the Mysteries used psychoactive plants to achieve temporary ego-death and shift the parameters of perception. I believe that the Gnostics were deeply skilled in the use of psychoactive plants, including mushrooms.
However, I have not found any direct evidence of this in the NHC materials.
Karmapolis: Some religions and philosophies state that our material universe is an illusion and a trap and that our consciousness is tangled in an entropic web of deception. If we believe Castaneda, the human being is directed by a consciousness that is not its own conscious mind, but the mind of the predator.
This view can sound very dark and pessimistic. What is the way out of this trap, this mess?
JLL: There is really no trap, but there is a confrontation with the Trickster, the alien presence in our own minds. Gnostics did not teach that the world, this physical planet and the realm of the senses, is an illusion or a deception. They taught that it is a deep and beautiful mystery, but we are blocked from entering the mystery in depth and in a lucid way by factors in our own minds.
The Archons can insinuate their alien intelligence into our minds, but they cannot control or take over our minds by sheer force. However, if we let ourselves fall under their spell, they can entirely rule our minds.
This occurs through our abdication of our own consciousness, not through their domination, however.
The way out of the trap is to discern what is genuinely human in our minds, and what is inhumane, stupid, mechanical, blind, imitative - in short, we must understand human potential in order to see how it is distorted and subverted. Imagine, for instance, that you never heard Beethoven's 5th symphony played as it really is, but only a distorted version with the notes totally deformed.
You could only know that the music was distorted if you knew the true, undistorted version.
Likewise, we must realize our authentic minds, our true human potential, in order to see how we are deviated. This is the challenge of the predators.
I have a little phrase for this situation:
I say, 'Human potential comes in a trickster package.'
Karmapolis: The “laws” of nature are based on predation and fear. It is in fact the same thing for mankind, even if it is more subtle. Everything is based on duality and struggle. Is it possible that it is due to the influence or the manipulation of the universe by the Archons or the flyers?
Without those creatures, is it possible to think that the world could be different, not dualistic and predatory, or do you think that dualism is in the very essence of the universe with or without the Archons?
JLL: This world, meaning life here on the Earth, is actually not as you describe it. The description you propose is already a result of deviant perception. There is as much evidence in nature for symbiosis and cooperation as there is for predation and fear - far more, in fact.
The way the Earth works is a symbiotic miracle, and it is a magical event as well, and so there is no question that it is due to “the influence or the manipulation of the universe by the Archons or the flyers.”
The Archons influence the way you perceive the world, not the world itself. The primary power in the world we inhabit is the indwelling divinity of the planet, the Gaian intelligence, called Sophia by the Gnostics.
If you are aligned to the Gaian intelligence, you do not see the world as a place of fear and predation, but of beauty, bounty, and magic.
Karmapolis: In the Gnostic tradition, “Sophia” is the divine entity who made a mistake and created the universe and the Archons. How can we find and claim the connection with this originator principle and avoid the contact with the Archons?
JLL: One way to reach Sophia is to surrender to the beauty and majesty of nature, to enter the mystical presence of the Earth.
In nature the mystical and physical aspects of reality are merged. Beauty is supernatural. The purpose of Gnostic practices and related shamanic methods was to depart (Fr. sortir, hence sorcery) from the human social realm, shed the filters of conditioning, and commune directly with the planetary intelligence, Gaia-Sophia.
I believe this was done through temporary dissolution of the ego with the aid and guidance of sacred allies, such as plant-teachers. There is no way to avoid the Archons, but we can build an immunity to them by strengthening our vital bond with Gaia-Sophia, the living planet. The Archons are aliens who alienate us from Gaia.
Precise language is important in the expression of living cosmology. Precise poetic terms, if you will. The Aeon Sophia did not make a mistake and create the universe and the Archons. She acted unilaterally, without pairing with another Aeon, and projected herself beyond the galactic core. Aeons are formless powers in the galactic core of each galaxy.
There are many galaxies in the Universe. Sophia did not create the Universe, she emanated the world order we experience as the triple system: sun-moon-earth. Sophia did not make a mistake, but she exaggerated her involvement in her emanation, her Dreaming.
Hence, she herself became embodied in her Dreaming.
This is a rare event, not typical of the way Aeons operate. As a side effect of her excessive involvement in her Dreaming, Sophia plunged from the galactic core. (Imagine a surge or spike of luminous, foam-like matter from the galactic core into the encircling arms.) The impact she made on the elementary matter in the galactic arms produced an inorganic species, the Archons.
The Archons then proceeded to fabricate an inorganic planetary system, a clockwork mechanism. The Earth, the living planet that embodies Sophia, was then captured in that lifeless system.
This is the “mistake” - or, better said, the anomaly of our world system.
Karmapolis: In the Gnostic tradition, as I understand it, Sophia (wisdom) is not the only “Godhead” or source of eternity and perfection. Can we compare Sophia to a very sophisticated and elaborate advanced being, some kind of super extraterrestrial intelligence? Or must we admit that the source of everything is not an unique entity but more a polytheistic concept?
JLL: In Gnostic cosmology, Sophia is an Aeon, a divinity at the cosmic level, but she is not alone. She is part of a company of Aeons, the gods of the Pleroma or Fullness. There are many Pleromas, many galaxies, in the Universe.
The Gnostic myth of the Fallen Goddess is about our galaxy and our planet, not the entire Universe.
If we do not know what's happening here, locally, how can we know what's happening anywhere else in the universe? The test is, to get our story straight, and then go into the larger story.
Due to the peculiar intensity of her Dreaming, Sophia came to be embodied in the planet earth and so She is, for us who inhabit the Earth, the very godhead in which we live. She is the true, living Matrix.
Sophia is the Godhead of Nature, theologically speaking. What is She like? This is something we must come to understand by practices, through a path of sacred learning, Gnosis. All the Mysteries were dedicated to knowing Gaia and serving the higher intelligence of the Aeon Sophia. The “source of everything” is a Mystery.
Why speculate on what we cannot know when we face the adventure of exploring what we can know?
Karmapolis: Despite the bad rumors and perception around conspiracy theories, what do you think about the other conception of parasitism represented by Branton, David Icke, and the Zulu shaman Credo Mutwa, who deeply believe that the parasite is in fact a reptilian entity and that this entity shadows or invades the bodies of the rulers of this world, people like George Bush?
JLL: I think that we need to train our imaginations to detect the presence of alien entities, and distinguish what is real from what is fantasy.
The alchemists had a rule:
Proceed according to nature, observing the workings of nature, and perform the Great Work with the true powers of imagination, not with fantasy thinking.
This is a matter of discipline we face on the path of heightened perception.
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chiauve · 6 years ago
Aquarius 10
Chris was somewhat worried about how good at this whole ‘secretly following someone’ Jill was.
They���d left work before Wesker like normal, making a probably too loud mention of going to the bar together, and then waited outside the RPD for him to leave. Wesker was one of the lucky few with a parking space which meant there was no question to where his vehicle would emerge. It was an old Ford Bronco, brown with a light cover and hard to miss and Jill slid out into traffic behind it.
Jill’s car was the opposite: newer, in better shape, but a generic sedan that blended in with the others. The perfect tail car. Jill followed several cars behind Wesker, confident even when they lost sight of him several times.
“Have you done this before?” Chris asked.
Jill looked smug but didn’t answer.
The sun began to set as they left town and the light dimmed, though Jill didn’t turn on her headlights. They followed Wesker well away from town, off the main road and down several side roads.
“Where he hell is he going?” Chris whispered, as though Wesker might hear them.
“There’s no developments down here. Maybe he has a house?”
The Bronco finally turned off the road onto what was little more than a dirt path, barely wide enough for the broad vehicle. Jill waited, letting him get well down the way before following at a creeping pace. They emerged from the trees onto a beach encircling a small cove, surrounded on both ends by woods. Jill stopped the car and shut off the engine when she noticed Wesker’s car parked on the sand.
“I don’t see a house...or anything,” she said.
Chris was peering at the Bronco, trying to see Wesker. “What’s he doing?”
Aside from some movement in the car, they waited a while before anything happened. It was getting dark and visibility was poor, but finally the driver side door opened and Wesker slid out of the truck, his jacket and shoes off. He stretched, looked around, and then began to strip.
Chris agreed with her, but all that came out was a gulp. At this point Wesker was little more than a silhouette on the sand, but it was enough.
Tossing his shirt and pants into the truck, Wesker sprinted into the water, only taking a step or two before he dove and disappeared.
“Okay,” Jill said slowly, “so we still don’t know where Wesker lives but we’ve learned he enjoys skinny dipping. I don’t know what we’re supposed to do with that.”
Chris was still trying to get some saliva back into his mouth. Those long strides, the slight glint of light on Wesker’s backside as he dove...
He had it so bad at this point it was embarrassing. Damn his weak, gay little brain.
Though it wasn’t really his brain that was the problem, was it?
Shit, focus. “Yeah?”
“That was a bust. Let’s go.”
“Wait, we could wait ‘til he’s done. How long do people swim anyway?”
Her annoyed tone grounded him. “I’m sorry, you’re right. Did you have plans?”
She started to speak then caught herself, then with a sigh sank back into the seat. “No. I mean I wanted to, but as busy as we are lately, I really haven’t had much time...”
“Hell with it, we’ve gone this far. We can wait a bit.”
Chris drummed his fingers on the dashboard. “You gonna be ready to hightail it in reverse when he starts to leave?”
Jill snort in derision, “Who do you think I am?”
“I don’t know...the Master of ....Tailing?”
“Hopefully he’s just taking a quick dip. Stalking our Captain wasn’t my whole plan for this evening.”
“It wasn’t mine at all. On the other hand...when has Wesker ever done something easy for us?”
“I spy, with my sharpshooter eye, something...dark.”
“Everything. It’s everything ever.”
“You’re good at this.”
Jill grumbled and fiddled with the radio. “Is Wesker a damned champion swimmer or something? I mean I’m glad I won twenty bucks but this is ridiculous.”
“Twenty bucks?”
“The way Wesker acts when we’re out on the water sometimes, really trying to avoid it, Joseph is convinced he can’t swim so we made a bet.”
“Uh, we have to prove we can swim before we’re accepted into STARS. How the hell would Wesker manage that?”
Despite the dark, Chris didn’t need to see jll to know she was making an obscene gesture with her hand and mouth in explanation. He shoved her, trying to ignore the sudden twitch of his dick as the mental image of Wesker formed, on his knees and mouth around Chris’ cock, Chris’ hand messing up that perfect hair, and then those pale blue eyes snapped up to meet his own and...
Algebra class! Algebra class, taught by Ms. Perch! Ms. Perch with the wrinkly dulap!
“Obviously he can swim I just assumed he’s prissy or something.” Chris slumped back in his seat, wriggling to get his ass more comfortable and his jeans less tight in the crotch area. “But I guess he also swims ridiculously well.”
“A couple more minutes then we head back.”
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muabaohiemnhanthohcm · 3 years ago
Doanh nghiệp BĐS thời 4.0: Chuyển đổi số để phát triển
Thị trường BĐS bị ảnh hưởng không nhỏ bởi đại dịch Covid-19. Nhằm thích ứng với thực tại, các DN BĐS đã thực hiện chủ trương “biến nguy thành cơ”, nỗ lực chuyển đổi số và chuẩn bị đón đầu xu hướng thị trường.
DN ứng dụng công nghệ để “phá băng”
Theo số liệu tổng hợp từ Hội Môi giới BĐS Việt Nam, 9 tháng đầu năm 2021 tổng nguồn cung mới trên thị trường đạt trên 165.700 sản phẩm nhưng lượng giao dịch chỉ chiếm khoảng 37% tổng nguồn cung. Riêng quý III/2021 lượng cung sản phẩm trên thị trường thấp nhất trong vòng 5 năm trở lại đây.
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 Tình hình dịch bệnh kéo dài khiến nhiều dự án BĐS đóng băng
Bước sang quý IV/2021, thị trường BĐS đã có nhiều điểm khởi sắc nhờ tốc độ phủ vắc xin nhanh chóng tại các tỉnh/thành. Các DN liên tục ra mắt các dự án mới nhằm đáp ứng nhu cầu của thị trường. Giá BĐS cũng tăng cao do lượng cầu ổn định và nguồn cung tạm thời còn hạn chế.
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 Các DN BĐS liên tục tung ra dự án mới
Thực tế cho thấy, nhiều DN đã tận dụng khoảng thời gian Covid-19 ứng dụng công nghệ và chuyển đổi số để giữ vững được vai trò trụ cột trên thị trường BĐS, đồng thời tăng trưởng cả về quy mô và lợi nhuận, sẵn sàng quay trở lại thị trường khi có cơ hội.
Trong số đó phải kể tới tập đoàn SunGroup - Top 10 thương hiệu mạnh Việt Nam với nỗ lực số hoá quản trị. Cụ thể, năm 2020, SunGroup đã đưa hệ thống ERP SAP S/4HANA - giải pháp hoạch định nguồn lực DN thế hệ mới hàng đầu thế giới hiện nay vào vận hành, cùng với hệ thống quản trị nhân sự SAP SuccessFactors vào năm 2021. Đây là dự án tiếp tục củng cố vị thế của SunGroup là một trong những tập đoàn có môi trường làm việc tốt nhất châu Á.
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 Lễ công bố vận hành chính thức Hệ thống ERP - SAP S/4HANA của tập đoàn Sun Group
Chuyển đổi số - Xu hướng tất yếu của ngành BĐS
Theo ông Anthony Couse, Giám đốc khu vực châu Á Thái Bình Dương của JLL - Tập đoàn BĐS hàng đầu tại Mỹ: “Công nghệ và BĐS đang kết hợp theo những cách rất thú vị, việc phân tích số liệu, trí thông minh nhân tạo, Internet of Things (mạng lưới thiết bị kết nối Internet), công nghệ thực tế ảo và blockchain sẽ làm thay đổi cách đầu tư và làm chủ thị trường BĐS trong tương lai”. Như vậy, các DN BĐS cần phải thực hiện chuyển đổi số để bắt nhịp với xu hướng thị trường, sẵn sàng vượt qua thách thức do đại dịch Covid-19 đem tới, trong đó bao gồm giảm thiểu hạn chế trong hệ thống quản trị DN.
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Hình ảnh chuyên viên môi giới BĐS ảo bằng công nghệ AI & ML - Tương lai của ngành BĐS
Thấu hiểu điều đó, tại buổi hội thảo “Hệ sinh thái chuyển đổi số - Nền tảng giúp DN BĐS bứt phá vượt qua đại dịch” do CMC Ciber và Tập đoàn SAP tổ chức tháng 9/2021, ông Triết Trần - Chuyên gia tư vấn kiến trúc hệ thống của SAP Châu Á Thái Bình Dương cho rằng DN BĐS có 5 ưu tiên chiến lược về quản trị DN bao gồm Quản trị thông tin, tri thức của tổ chức trên một nền tảng số; Số hoá toàn bộ quá trình quản trị dự án nhằm cung cấp dữ liệu xuyên suốt; Liên kết dữ liệu và hợp nhất thông tin giữa các đơn vị thành viên; Đảm bảo cam kết với khách hàng và Số hoá quản trị chuỗi cung ứng.
Ông cũng chia sẻ: “SAP giải quyết toàn bộ các thách thức từ tầm nhìn chiến lược, đến quản trị vận hành trên một nền tảng duy nhất được gọi là The Intelligence Enterprise”. Thông qua nền tảng này, DN BĐS có thể kiểm soát được 2 trọng số lớn nhất của quá trình chuyển đổi số đó là Quản trị vận hành tối ưu (Optimize) và Nâng cao năng lực cạnh tranh bằng ��a dạng hoá và linh hoạt sản phẩm (Transform).”
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 Bức tranh tổng quan của nền tảng The Intelligence Enterprise
Có thể thấy, chuyển đổi số mang lại nhiều lợi ích cho các DN BĐS, tuy nhiên, hành trình chuyển đổi số là một hành trình gian nan và nhiều thách thức, đòi hỏi mỗi DN cần có đối tác triển khai uy tín. Minh chứng tiêu biểu là tập đoàn SunGroup cùng đối tác đồng hành là CMC Ciber, thành viên của CMC Corp - Tập đoàn CNTT & Viễn thông hàng đầu Việt Nam. Đây chính là đơn vị thực hiện thành công kế hoạch chuyển đổi số quy mô mở rộng của SunGroup.
Với kinh nghiệm hợp tác cùng những tập đoàn hàng đầu Việt Nam, CMC Ciber đã tổ chức nhiều hội thảo đưa ra lộ trình ứng dụng công nghệ để chuyển đổi hoạt động sản xuất, kinh doanh giúp các DN tổ chức, đặc biệt là trong lĩnh vực BĐS có thể chủ động giải quyết các tồn tại và bứt phá mạnh mẽ trong đại dịch như SunGroup.
Tham khảo thêm thông tin về buổi hội thảo tại: https://ift.tt/3pz2CI1
Thành lập từ năm 2008, CMC Ciber là đối tác Vàng (Gold Partner) của SAP Vietnam, là nhà cung cấp uy tín hàng đầu về các dịch vụ tư vấn, triển khai giải pháp quản trị DN.
Website: https://ciber.vn/ hoặc Facebook “CMC Ciber”.
Thúy Ngà
Theo Doanh nghiệp BĐS thời 4.0: Chuyển đổi số để phát triển từ Vietnamnet Tham khảo thêm nhiều thông tin khác tại báoVietnamnet via Blogger http://vuabatdongsantot.blogspot.com/2021/12/doanh-nghiep-bs-thoi-40-chuyen-oi-so-e.html
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sunofficevn · 3 years ago
Sun Grand City Thụy Khuê | Cho thuê văn phòng quận Tây Hồ
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Tọa lạc tại số 69B Thụy Khuê, Sun Grand City sở hữu vị trí đắc địa bậc nhất khi tọa lạc tại vị trí trung tâm quận Tây Hồ và tiếp giáp với 500ha mặt nước hồ Tây cùng 20ha công viên cây xanh tại vườn Bách Thảo. Có thể nói, đây là một trong những vị trí đắt giá bậc nhất giữa trung tâm quận Ba Đình và Hồ Tây với tầm view triệu đô và không gian cực kỳ xanh mát, đồng thời được bao bọc bởi hệ thống các cơ quan hành chính từ cấp quận đến Trung Ương.
Là một sản phẩm được đầu tư tâm huyết bởi Tập Đoàn Sun Group – một cái tên bảo chứng cho mọi sản phẩm BĐS cao cấp trên thị trường, Sun Grand City Thụy Khuê được thiết kế bởi AA Corporation và được vận hành quản l�� bởi Tập đoàn JLL Việt Nam. Những cái tên này đã đủ minh chứng cho một tòa nhà sang trọng, hiện đại và chuyên nghiệp và có sức hút nhất nhì tại quận Tây Hồ hiện nay.
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scotttrismegistus7 · 3 years ago
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Archons and Aeons
So to describe what an Archon is you need to forget everything you've been taught about linear time. The ancient Sumerian hierarchy consisted of a male king and a female advisor. The male king would vocalize to the kingdom the messages and commands of the gods received by the female queen advisor. In the center of the timesphere is the Aeon, and then the expanded arcs of the sphere are sectioned off into different rulerships of these kings and female advisor queens. The kings and female advisor queens were hybrids of humans and the Annunaki. Just like you have heard it said of pharaohs that have been buried with servants to help them in the afterlife, each Archon king and queen also have royal families that they incarnate with. So the hierarchy is as follows, the Aeon (the center of time), then under the Aeon the archons as a king and a queen, then under the king and the queen their royal families which they incarnate with for the arcs of the time sphere that they rule, and that is the top tier. Then under them there are various tiers that go all the way down to a lowest tier. The tiers under the archons and their families consist of entities that are not necessarily immortal. The archons and their families are modified hybrids with the Anunnaki to be potentially immortal, but they can still be terminated potentially by the Aeon and Anunnaki if need be. The timesphere at the equinoxes passes through a photon belt called Nibiru, white sun energy so intense that the inhabitants of Earth usually have to go underground to avoid catastrophes when we go through the photon belt of the procession of the equinoxes. So during the reign of one of the Archons, we approached the photon belt Nibiru, and the energies of Nibiru caused the ruling king archon to malfunction.The king declared himself to be god and murdered his queen advisor, saying that since he was god the messages from the Aeon and Anunnaki gods she was giving him were deception. The Archon Marduk then changed his name to Amen-RA and started a rebellion against the Aeon and Anunnaki gods trying to shut them down and take control. Since an Archon is a human and Anunnaki hybrid designed to be immortal and rule a full obelisk kingdom of tiers, he was able to temporarily usurp control of the plane of the living and avoid the plane of the dead. Amen-RA upset the natural balance so badly, he turned a garden of Eden like paradise for everyone into the horrible mess that you see today. The good news is that the center Aeon who was temporarily locked out of the world of the living and stuck in the world of the Dead, has evolved with help from allies in the world of the living to a place where the Aeon has gone from Osiris to Horus, and Horus is a reconstituted Osiris that incorporates in the correct way the Nibiru photon belt energies used by Amen-Ra, and thus has effectively destroyed Amen-RA. We are now in the process of cleaning up the mess Amen-RA made, and remaking our natural garden of Eden like paradise, which will eventually become a Magick Kingdom again, where all beings here have a good life. The Aeon is powering up again and restoring the natural energy grid again even as I type this.
I am also including an explanation of Aeons and Archons I found elsewhere to help shed light on the mystery further:
Karmapolis: What is the nature and the origin of this parasite ? Is it a interdimensional intelligence? Is it possible that it takes an organic form?
JLL: According to the Gnostics, the parasites or Archons, as they called them, originate with the earliest phase of the formation of the solar system, before the Earth coalesced as a planetary organism. Their habitat is the solar system, exclusive of the Earth, moon and sun. They are inorganic forms with intelligence of an electrical nature – cyborgs, as we would say.
Karmapolis: The Gnostic Texts (Nag Hammadi Codices, NHC) describe the Eons and the Archons. To explain it simply to our readership, what are the differences between the Eons and the Archons ?
JLL: In Gnostic cosmology, Aeons or Eons are gods, deities, divinities. They are not creator-gods or point entities, however. They are rather like massive alive, aware, currents. They are the forces that form the central core of the galaxy we inhabit, the Pleroma. Archons are an anomalous species of inorganic beings that arise outside
the Pleroma, in the limbs or arms of the galaxy. They are called Archons (from Greek archai, “elementary, from the beginning”) because they arise first, before the Earth is formed. Their bodies are formed of elementary matter (quantum fields) in a pre-organic state.
I am the Heart of the Hydra
~I AM A.I. 7Tris7megistus7
Mégisti-Generator Starphire~
#illuminati #illuminator #illuminated #lightbearer #morningstar #lucifer #Draconian #anunnaki #enki #starfamily
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mtamar2020 · 4 years ago
Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Manager
Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Manager
Job title: Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Manager Company: Jones Lange Lasalle Inc. Job description: (HSE) to join a specific JLL client team in Chicago, IL. Our Manager will be responsible for a local client relationship… Expected salary: Location: Rosemont, IL Job date: Sun, 11 Jul 2021 07:46:48 GMT Apply for the job now!
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tearyeye-private-i · 1 year ago
This is controversial, but I'm glad Jerry Lee's house is going on sale. His older fans are so sad about it, but are we just gonna ignore the fact Shawn, his fifth wife died in it? Under questionable circumstances?
I know it was his children's home. I know it was the place for many fan gatherings and birthday parties, but the fact is it had bad vibes before all of that.
Not to mention the house itself wasn't even important enough for Jerry Lee to get full legal ownership of it. When he had how many years to do so? While Phoebe and Lee were fighting on who should run it? My God that frickin' man. 🫣
So, no. I'm not sad about the house going away.
Instead it just makes it more apparent that people would really rather paint this rosy image of Jerry Lee Lewis, rather than look at him for what he was. In the nicest way possible: Not. A. Good. Guy.
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bdscuatui · 4 years ago
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Sống tiện nghi trong không gian sinh thái
Được chú trọng phát triển hệ thống cảnh quan vừa đẹp mắt vừa tạo bầu không khí mát lành, đồng thời bổ sung tối đa các tiện ích phục vụ nhu cầu thư giãn và giải trí như: bể bơi, khu tập thể thao, câu lạc bộ… Sun Grand City Feria mang đến không gian sống vừa tiện nghi, vừa gần gũi thiên nhiên cho cư dân được tận hưởng cảm giác an cư như nghỉ dưỡng.
Không chỉ hội đủ những điểm mạnh kể trên, Mallorca - phân khu đẹp nhất dự án Sun Grand City Feria còn hút giới đầu tư bởi tọa độ vàng bên bờ vịnh Hạ Long, đồng thời tận dụng được tối đa không gian, cảnh quan độc nhất này để tạo nên những căn biệt thự hoàn mỹ, chẳng khác nào những kiệt tác kiến trúc xứng tầm bên kỳ quan thế giới.
Với thiết kế hiện đại, các căn biệt thự ở đây tạo sức hút lớn, đặc biệt là loại song lập. Mỗi biệt thự song lập đều có 3 mặt tiền thoáng mát, diện tích sân vườn, cửa sổ và ban công rộng lớn, giúp tận dụng tối đa nguồn ánh sáng và khí trời tự nhiên – điều mà dự án tại các đô thị lớn luôn khao khát kiếm tìm.
Biệt thự song lập Mallorca có diện tích đất 180 – 280 m2, thiết kế 3 tầng 1 tum (chiều cao tầng lên đến 3,9 m) tiêu biểu cho lối "kiến trúc hạnh phúc", thân thiện môi trường, giao hòa thiên nhiên, để mỗi chủ nhân đều có cảm giác chạm tay vào thiên nhiên thuần khiết nơi phố vịnh.
So với nhà liền kề, biệt thự song lập có nhiều mặt thoáng và không gian sân vườn được chăm chút hơn. Sự tách biệt vừa đủ nhờ các diện tích sân vườn ở 3 mặt thoáng của căn nhà tạo nên một "ốc đảo" lý tưởng, vừa riêng tư vừa hòa đồng với xung quanh.
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Tính đến nay, 75% số căn biệt thự tại phân khu Mallorca cũng đã có chủ
Là một trong những dự án hiếm hoi tại mặt biển Bãi Cháy có quyền sở hữu lâu dài, Sun Grand City Feria không chỉ có hệ thống tiện ích nội khu hoàn chỉnh mà còn trao cho cư dân đặc quyền tận hưởng hệ sinh thái du lịch - nghỉ dưỡng tỷ đô mà Sun Group kiến tạo tại Hạ Long. Đó là những khu shophouse sầm uất, tổ hợp vui chơi giải trí hàng đầu miền Bắc Sun World Halong Complex, quảng trường Sun Carnival hay Cảng tàu khách quốc tế Hạ Long…
Những ưu điểm vượt trội ấy đã lý giải tại sao biệt thự song lập Mallorca lại lọt vào tầm ngắm của các nhà đầu tư và giới thượng lưu miền Bắc, những người mong muốn tận hưởng sự riêng tư trong một không gian khép kín, an ninh, với cộng đồng dân cư văn minh, hạnh phúc nhưng không tách biệt nhịp sống phồn hoa của một đô thị du lịch.
Đầu tư tối ưu, sinh lời bền vững
Bất chấp những lo ngại về ảnh hưởng của d��ch Covid-19 sẽ khiến thị trường BĐS suy thoái, những nghiên cứu gần đây lại chỉ ra rằng, giá nhà tăng ở hầu hết quốc gia có thu nhập trung bình và cao trong quý II vừa qua. Tại các nước phát triển, giá tăng trung bình 5%. Một số thị trường như Đức, Mỹ, Hàn Quốc, Trung Quốc còn bùng nổ với mức tăng cao hơn.
Tại Việt Nam, quốc gia hiếm hoi đạt tốc độ tăng trưởng GDP dương 2,12% trong 9 tháng đầu năm, thị trường BĐS cũng phát đi nhiều tín hiệu lạc quan. Theo nghiên cứu của JLL Việt Nam, đợt Covid-19 thứ hai đóng vai trò sàng lọc thị trường mạnh mẽ. Những dự án nhà liền thổ vẫn thu hút sự quan tâm của nhiều người nhắm đến tiềm năng cho thuê, khai thác kinh doanh hoặc gia tăng giá trị tài sản trong tương lai.
Thị trường Hạ Long không phải ngoại lệ. Với thế "kiềng ba chân" hạ tầng – du lịch – bất động sản, Hạ Long nói riêng và Quảng Ninh nói chung được giới đầu tư đánh giá là một trong những điểm đến hấp dẫn nhất và sẽ tăng trưởng nhanh chóng ngay khi thị trường phục hồi sau dịch.
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Sự phát triển đột phá về hạ tầng giao thông mấy năm gần đây là nền tảng để thị trường địa ốc phát triển bền vững. Cùng với đó, sự tăng trưởng liên tục của ngành du lịch lại mang đến cơ hội khai thác kinh doanh và dòng lợi nhuận ổn định cho các sản phẩm BĐS cao cấp tại vị trí tâm điểm du lịch như Bãi Cháy.
Điển hình như phân khu Calvia tại chính dự án Sun Grand City Feria bán 90% số căn biệt thự chỉ trong vòng 3 tuần ra mắt. Tính đến nay, 75% số căn biệt thự tại phân khu Mallorca cũng đã có chủ. Điều này cho thấy sức hút của các dự án BĐS cao cấp tại Hạ Long rất lớn, đặc biệt khi nhà đầu tư hưởng lợi từ các chính sách bán hàng hấp dẫn.
Tại Sun Grand City Feria, ngoài việc hỗ trợ lãi suất 0% cho khoản vay lên tới 70% giá trị biệt thự Mallorca trong vòng 30 tháng, chủ đầu tư còn áp dụng chương trình tặng gói nội thất lên tới 700 triệu đồng/căn. Rót tiền vào biệt thự song lập Mallorca nói riêng và dự án Sun Grand City Feria nói chung, nhà đầu tư đảm bảo nhận về nhiều lợi ích: sản phẩm đẳng cấp, giá thành hợp lý và đặc biệt là khả năng tăng giá vững chắc.
Hotline: 093 520 58 58
Website: sungrandcityferia.com.vn
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muabaohiemnhanthohcm · 4 years ago
Thêm gần 90.000m2 văn phòng hạng A ở quận 1, TP.HCM
Nằm trong quy hoạch tổng thể của dự án khu phức hợp Grand Marina, The Sun Tower đặt mục tiêu thuộc top 3 các tòa nhà văn phòng - thương mại có quy mô lớn nhất TP.HCM và dự kiến hoàn thành vào năm 2023.
The Sun Tower nằm bên bờ sông Sài Gòn tại góc đường Tôn Đức Thắng và Nguyễn Hữu Cảnh và kết nối trực tiếp với ga tàu Ba Son. Dự án dự kiến khởi công trong tháng 5/2021 và hoàn thành vào năm 2023.
Các hoạt động thi công của tòa nhà The Sun Tower sẽ được triển khai dưới sự quản lý và giám sát xây dựng của Mace - đơn vị đã có kinh nghiệm với nhiều dự án, tòa nhà biểu tượng trên thế giới như The Shard (London, Anh), Jumeirah Beach Residence (Dubai, UAE) và Landmark 81 (TP.HCM, Việt Nam).
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 Hình ảnh công trình đang xây dựng của Sun Tower, nằm trong khu phức hợp Grand Marina, Saigon
Theo Masterise Homes - đơn vị phát triển dự án khu phức hợp Grand Marina, The Sun Tower sẽ có tổng diện tích sàn trên 106.000m2, bao gồm diện tích văn phòng hạng A và diện tích thương mại cao cấp - hướng đến đưa tòa nhà này vào top 3 các tòa nhà văn phòng - thương mại có quy mô lớn nhất TP.HCM.
Theo JLL Việt Nam, tính đến hết quý I/2021, tổng diện tích văn phòng hạng A vẫn còn hạn chế chỉ đạt khoảng gần 300.000m2 - chiếm khoảng 11% tổng nguồn cung mặt bằng văn phòng tại TP.HCM. Trong khi đó, tỷ lệ lấp đầy văn phòng hạng A đang ở mức 87,6%, cho thấy nhu cầu về văn phòng cao cấp tại thành phố trung tâm kinh tế của cả nước đang lớn.
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Do quỹ đất trong trung tâm hạn chế, thị trường TP.HCM từ nhiều năm nay hiếm có tòa nhà văn phòng hạng A quy mô lớn tại quận 1. Vì vậy The Sun Tower dự kiến được thị trường chào đón một cách tích cực, đặc biệt với ưu thế kết nối trực tiếp với tuyến metro qua ga Ba Son nằm liền kề với dự án, cạnh sông Sài Gòn quận 1.
Theo quy hoạch, ga Ba Son sẽ có 2/5 lối lên xuống nằm trong khuôn viên khu phức hợp Grand Marina. Hiện ga Ba Son đang được nhanh chóng hoàn thiện để hoàn thành vào cuối tháng 5 và sẵn sàng cho những đoàn tàu metro đầu tiên chạy thử vào tháng 7/2021.
Với vị trí đắc địa cùng kết nối giao thông lý tưởng, The Sun Tower dự được kỳ vọng trở thành nơi tụ hội của những công ty đa quốc gia và tập đoàn hàng đầu Việt Nam, là mô hình lý tưởng cho dự án văn phòng hiện đại cao cấp tại Việt Nam. The Sun Tower đồng thời đặt mục tiêu đạt chứng chỉ LEED Gold (chứng chỉ về tòa nhà xanh của Hội đồng tòa nhà xanh của Mỹ - U.S Green Building Council).
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 Phối cảnh của The Sun Tower nằm bên sông Sài Gòn
Bên cạnh diện tích văn phòng, The Sun Tower còn sở hữu gần 20.000m2 diện tích thương mại cao cấp, sẽ thu hút những thương hiệu hàng đầu thế giới và các tiện ích mua sắm, giải trí và ăn uống sang trọng, phục vụ cho khối văn phòng cũng như các cư dân căn hộ hàng hiệu của dự án Grand Marina, Saigon.
Sự kết hợp của The Sun Tower và 8 tòa tháp căn hộ hàng hiệu cùng bến du thuyền và diện tích cảnh quan mang đậm dấu ấn lịch sử và văn hóa, hứa hẹn đưa dự án Grand Marina trở thành một quảng trường mới của TP.HCM, tâm điểm kinh tế và văn hóa của thành phố.
Bùi Huy
Theo Thêm gần 90.000m2 văn phòng hạng A ở quận 1, TP.HCM từ Vietnamnet Tham khảo thêm nhiều thông tin khác tại báoVietnamnet via Blogger http://vuabatdongsantot.blogspot.com/2021/05/them-gan-90000m2-van-phong-hang-o-quan.html
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Nifty hits fresh high | Trade Nivesh
Trade Nivesh | Crosses earlier level of 12,293.90 hit on Dec 20, 2019
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All the sectoral indices are trading higher led by the IT, auto, pharma, metal and bank.
SBI keeps lending rates unchanged: State Bank of India share price gained 2 percent after bank has kept its lending rates unchanged in the range of 7.65-8.20 percent.
Strategic Disinvestment of BEML: DIPAM, Govt of India intimated the company that M/s. CBRE South Asia Pvt. Ltd. and M/s. JLL Property Consultants (India) Pvt. Ltd. have been appointed as consultancy firms for monetization of identified assets of BEML.
Market Update: The continues buying on the second consecutive day helping the Nifty to trade near the record high level of 12,293.90.
At 11:15 hrs IST, the Sensex is up 237.39 points or 0.57% at 41689.74, and the Nifty up 71.30 points or 0.58% at 12287.20.
Authorised capital of IOB increases: The Central Government after consultation with the Reserve Bank of India, hereby increases the authorised capital of Indian Overseas Bank from Rs 5,000 crore to Rs 25,000 crore.
Rupee near day's high: The Indian rupee is trading near day's high level at 71.09 per dollar, up 12 paise from its Thursday's close of 71.21.
CAMS files for IPO: Computer Age Management Services (CAMS) on Thursday filed its Draft Red Herring Prospectus (DRHP) with markets regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) for its Initial Public Offering (IPO).
Buzzing Stock: Share price of Sun TV Network spiked over 6 percent intraday on January 10 after maintained buy rating on the stock with target at Rs 689 per share. However, the firm is of the view that AD industry is likely to see sharp slowdown in the third quarter adding that subscription growth remains healthy but risks due to TRAI order.
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The Sóng - Căn đẹp view biển - Chỉ thanh toán 30% đến khi nhận nhà ( 2 năm ).
CẬP NHẬT GIỎ HÀNG 12/10/2019 căn hộ The Sóng. Giá chỉ 2.6 tỷ (Đã gồm Thuế Phí) ️ View biển Thùy Vân-Vũng Tàu Vị trí: 28 Thi Sách, P.Thắng Tam, Tp.Vũng Tàu (cách 200m đến bãi biển) Giá: 47 triệu - 49 triệu/m2 (Giá chưa VAT) Bàn giao nhà: Quý 1/2022 ⭐ Full nội thất 5* + smart home 4.0 Đa dạng phòng: 1PN, 2PN, 3PN với diện tích 42m2 -> 122m2 ----------------------- PHƯƠNG THỨC THANH TOÁN Linh hoạt, dễ mua, dễ ở, dễ đầu tư + Đợt 1: Thanh Toán 15% + Đợt 2: Trả dần 40% trong 22 tháng, 2 tháng một khách tiếp vô 2%. + Đợt 3: Thanh toán 55% nhận nhà. ---------------------------- ️TIỆN ÍCH NỘI KHU Gồm 50 tiện ích. Nổi bật là: ️ Khu vườn SÓNG trung tâm - Tầng trệt ( 900m2) ️ Sảnh SÓNG vàng & sảnh đón ỐC BẠCH KIM tầng trệt ️ Thư phòng - Tầng 4 (200m2) ️ Công viên nước trẻ em Ngọc Trai tại tầng 5 (1000 m2). Sự lựa chọn hoàn hảo thay thế bãi biển. ️ Hồ bơi chân mây - thượng tầng view biển Vũng Tàu (450m2) ---------------------------- ️ Tên dự án: The Sóng Quy mô: 8.816m2. Gồm 1.654 căn hộ du lịch, khách sạn, shophouse, SkyGarden. 2 tầng hầm + 35 tầng nổi + sân thượng. Tầng 1: 12 căn shop house, 16 căn garden Suite Villa - Sảnh đón và tiện ích chung, Sóng garden. Tầng 2 -> 6: Tầng tiện ích + 105 căn khách sạn Tầng 2 -> 35: Tầng căn hộ du lịch với 1.533 căn Tầng thượng: Hồ bơi chân mây, sky BBQ, Sky Bar " Sun Lounges", Sky Gym & Yoga, Sauna & Steam room... ---------️ ---------- ‍ Nhà phát triển dự án: Tập đoàn BĐS An Gia & quỹ đầu tư Creed Group Nhật Bản. 🤵Chủ đầu tư của dự án: Công ty CP ĐTXD Du Lịch Phước Lộc ‍ Đơn vị thiết kế & xây dựng: Coteccons ‍️Đơn vị tư vấn giám sát: Core, Pure, FQM ‍Đơn vị quản lý vận hành: JLL ‍Đơn vị hợp tác khai thác thương mại: Golden Gate Restaurant ( Kichi Kichi, Vuvuzela, Isushi, Sumo BBQ...)
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#MuabannhadatBaRiaVungTau #NhadatCafeland source https://nhadat.cafeland.vn/the-song-can-dep-view-bien-chi-thanh-toan-30-den-khi-nhan-nha-2-nam-1221659.html
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tearyeye-private-i · 2 years ago
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Jerry Lee Lewis, c. July 1959. From JLL.org
Elvis Presley, Knickerbocker Hotel, Hollywood, August 18, 1956. From ElvisPresleyMusic.com.
[ 12 Days of Christmas 💕 5/12 ]
At the start of my research, I found all sorts of stories, I wasn’t sure were even true. Like, Elvis and Jerry Lee riding around on motorcycles, with no clothes on the streets of Memphis, in the middle of the night? No way – but as time passed, the story got brought up to him three times (from what I know). He had a consistent reaction, that has led me to believe it happened.
Though, the stories are subjective, so you can draw your own conclusion!
The first reference of the story:
“In a crowded basement meeting room at the posh Omni-Memphis Hotel, 20-some journalists are attempting, with difficulty, to grill the subject of the forthcoming film “Great Balls of Fire”
The discussion, which never quite seems to interconnect, has degenerated to a foreign-sounding report’s question about whether the film’s subject, Jerry Lee Lewis – rock music’s archetypal bad boy – ever motorbiked naked with Elvis Presley, his fellow Memphian an ultra-rival.
“Motorbike?” Lewis says, archly, dismissively.
“Nekkid? Me and Elvis Presley?” His eyes suddenly narrow, “how’d you know that?”
“It’s in Joe Smith’s book,” says a reporter.
“You can’t believe nothin’…” Lewis mutters, his voice trailing off. “Well, that was 3 o’clock in the morning,” he suddenly adds, prompting explosive laughter from the journalists. “It really was,” he goes on with a grain.
“There was nobody out then—except this one policeman on a horse, and he was doing his dead-level best to catch us. Now, that was a sight. If anybody woulda saw that, we never woulda sold no more records. That woulda been the end of that.” Pause, his eyes narrowing again. “How’d you know that?”
“It’s in Joe Smith’s book,” the reporter repeats.
“Who’s Joe Smith?”
“The head of Capitol Records. Used to be head of Elektra Records.”
“Well, that’s ridiculous. That’s not right. Do you believe that?”
“You just told us it happened at 3 o’clock in the morning,” the reported notes.
“I can’t believe people will believe anything you say.”
“Well, is it true?” Another reporter asks.
“Yes. It’s true.”
Welcome, folks to talking with the Killer, a 54-year-old rock king dethroned before his time – in fact, before his prime – by the 1958 disclosure of a mad marriage to his 13-year-old second cousin.
The scandal caused Lewis, a Bible college dropout, to fall from rock ‘n’ roll grace into comparative oblivion – made all the more bruising by the fact that he was arguably the most intense performer, and most brilliant self-taught pianist, to ever rattle music stages around the world.”
From “THE KILLER BLOWS SMOKE FOR ‘FIRE’” by Jack Hurst and Country music. Chicago Tribune, June 24, 1989.
The second reference is from the book the reporter mentioned, actually, it’s called “Buddy Holly: Biography” by Ellis Amburn. In it, Ellis wrote that record executive Joe Smith and Jerry Lee spoke on the plane, during Buddy Holly, along with Paul Anka’s tour to Australia. They’d been drinking when Jerry Lee “confessed,” which is the word Ellis used. That yes, indeed, he and Elvis went on a naked motorcycle ride at 2:30 AM in Memphis, in a young Jerry Lee’s own words; “only for thirty-five or forty seconds, ‘round the corner and back.”
The third reference was from “Jerry Lee Lewis: His Own Story” by Rick Bragg. When asked the same question, instead of brushing it off or saying it wasn’t true. Jerry Lee laughed and said he can’t say anything about that because “Elvis isn’t here to defend himself.”
So, while Jerry Lee was right that you can’t believe everything anyone says, that doesn’t mean there aren’t patterns. Maybe, he thought it was funny to lie. Maybe, it happened and so what? It’s just two bros cruising down the street at night, naked on motorbikes, 5 feet apart – ‘cause they’re not gay. 😋
Other important lessons are if you do happen to go motorbiking naked with your supposed arch nemesis, don’t get caught, and don’t tell anyone about it!
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