#Sun enters Aquarius
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elminx · 1 year ago
This week's astrological transits are BIG - honestly the biggest of the entire year.
On Saturday, the Sun and Pluto will meet up in exact conjunction with one another and enter the sign of Aquarius in lockstep. Pluto, which has been in the sign of Capricorn for about 15 years, has been moving into and out of Aquarius since the beginning of 2023 as part of its natural retrograde cycle.
This is pass #2.
Towards the end of this year, Pluto will retrograde one last time back into Capricorn before stationing direct and entering Aquarius for good.
Our outer planets move very slowly and they tend to have a more societal impact than individual. Said another way, they tend to change the structures of our world as they slowly make their way around our skies. As Pluto moves into and out of Aquarius, we are being forced to confront both the dregs of the mess laid by Pluto in Capricorn (the desolvation of governmental structures) and we will begin to grasp what Pluto in Aquarius, the sign of the revolutionary, will bring to us.
What is breaking down now does so because it has past its time. All Saturnian institutions: governments, businesses, and marriages (really anything ruled by contract, the domain of Saturn/Capricorn/the 10th house) are in the hot seat. Those that are holding on too tight are likely to get burned.
With major planetary transits like this, it is wise to stay aware and keep an open mind as things unfold. You may find yourself in an entirely different place than expected.
Notably, the lunar nodes (currently working their way through Aries and Libra) are also heavily in play as Venus in Capricorn squares off with them early in the week. This is an astrological double whammy as eclipse energy is very akin to the energy of both Uranus and Pluto, our two outer planets that dictate change. Note here that although Uranus is not heavily in play (yet), the sign of Aquarius is ruled by Uranus and Uranus will station direct one week later next Saturday, unceremoniously ending retrograde season.
I'd remind you that if you don't like the heat, you should get out of the fire, but transits like this don't tend to work like that. You may not be able to change the events that are happening in your life this week, but you can always change how you think about them. Try extending yourself a little bit of grace and patience this week - this may very well feel like far too much. And then, if you have anything left, try extending that same grace and patience to your Others.
Energy Update: January 2024
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January is a "9" month [1 (January) + 8 (2+0+2+4=8) = 9] in an "8" year. Though we are on the edge of something new - both represented by some of the astrological transits of the month and the beginning of a new year - we still have some stuff to wrap up before we can truly move onwards. A lot has changed since the beginning of 2020 - everything really, if you want to look at it that way. As our lives slowly bend and adapt to the changes that have been wrought in the world, we still have to live in it.
Numerologically, 9 is our last number as each multi-digit number gets added back together again. In this way we know that February is a 10/1 month: 2 (February) + 8 (2023) = 10 = 1+0 = 1. February is not the beginning, but February is a beginning. Now we just need to get there.
The Details
We begin January with the Sun and Pluto in Capricorn, retrograde Mercury and Mars in Sagittarius, Venus in Scorpio, Jupiter and retrograde Uranus in Taurus, and Saturn and Neptune in Pisces. This is an unusual alignment of planets and worth noting here. We know that the Sun, Mercury, and Venus travel together but right now they are being joined by both Mars and Pluto as they cross over Sagittarius and Capricorn this season. Additionally, our other planets are congregated together as well in Taurus and Pisces. It's also worth noting that all of this (/crazyhandwaving) began four years ago when all of our planets except for Uranus and Neptune were in the sign of Capricorn.
This month the last of our planets from this 2020 transit, Pluto, finally leaves Capricorn for good. This is one of the big gong crashes that denotes time. Pluto will remain in Aquarius until 2043.
Additionally, our Sun enters the sign of Aquarius, and Mercury, Venus, and Mars will enter the sign of Capricorn. January also marks the end of retrograde season for the next four months as Mercury and Uranus station direct.
The Nitty Gritty
January begins with a bang as Jupiter stations direct on 12/31/23 and Mercury stations direct on 1/1/24. This is a great omen for both January and 2024 as a whole as the first day of the month/year will set the stage for the energy of the time ahead. All signs point to "go" as we only have one single planet left in retrograde (Uranus). Uranus also stations direct this month (on 1/27); we will not experience another planetary retrograde until April.
That said, many of us are still carrying some of the weight of our pasts and it may be hindering our progress. As mentioned above, January is a "9" month of endings that will lead to February being a "10/1" month of beginnings. In this way, January can be seen as a series of releases that can help to unburden us of the things that we do not need to bring with us into the future we see ahead. This process may be triggering for some, especially those who are lost in the past or unduly holding onto something that has passed its expiration date.
The big release dates to watch out for include: 1/1 when Mercury stations direction, 1/4 when Mars enters Capricorn, 1/11 our new moon in Capricorn, 1/13 when Mercury enters Capricorn, 1/20 when BOTH the Sun and Uranus enter Aquarius, 1/23 when Venus enters Capricorn, and 1/27 when Uranus stations direct.
Any of the above dates can be used magically to speed this change along if you are so inclined. Each of these days may be a relief or triggering depending on your life circumstances and general personality. Stay prepared and aware.
There are also a few days of the month where life may seem to "help" you along on this release process, whether you wish it to or not. As our personal planets move through the sign of Capricorn, each will make a cardinal t-square with our lunar nodes of fate (in Aries and Capricorn). Each of these transits will carry with it some of the energy of eclipse season. Some doors may open during this time and some will inevitably close. When the lunar nodes are involved we sometimes find that it is too late to make certain choices, but also that new and interesting choices have become available to us. Our Sun will form a t-square with the nodes on 1/10, Mercury will on 1/28, and Mars will on 1/30. In February, Venus will form one final t-square to complete this process.
For transits like these there is one simple piece of advice: don't hold on too tightly. With our North Node in Aries, we are being asked to stand up for ourselves and that often means letting go of prior conditioning from our childhood or society that keeps us small and forces us into conformity. This can trigger a lot of deep-seated defenses and unhealthy coping mechanisms from our past. The big flex is to name it and bring it into the light rather than letting these things control or destroy us. If you have Aries or Libra in the 12th house this may be especially difficult for you, but this makes this work especially important.
Chiron, also sitting in Aries, shows us that being our unique selves can be quite a painful process. Each of our personal planets will also square off with the Wounded Healer during this time and each of these dates (Sun square Chiron on 1/6, Mars square Chiron on 1/25, and Mercury square Chiron on 1/28 plus Venus in February) is another chance to reexamine our core wounding surrounding standing out versus fitting in. This shit leads deep back into our childhoods and often is the center of our deepest fears. If you are into shadow work, these topics will likely prove especially fruitful during these times. A word to the wise about Chiron: the way out of the pain is always through examining it and learning to understand and create adaptive strategies for management and mitigation. Many people who have Chiron highlighted in their natal birth chart find that healing "out loud" helps them to deal with and make sense of more ouchy moments like these.
In this way, the month may feel very cyclical. You see a way forward and grab for it. It's painful beyond what was expected as it sparks deep wounds. From there the work is to transcend and release the wounds. Rinse and repeat.
It's certainly not work for the faint of heart. But that's not a surprise, we're in Capricorn season - a sign known for almost being compelled to work. This isn't the summer work of planting seeds, tending, and bringing them to harvest. This is the winter work of reexamination and reclamation. Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, is sitting in a supportive sextile in Pisces to help us along in this process but it WILL be work. The big flex all month is to keep moving, to keep putting one foot in front of the other, and to keep on keepin' on. With some many chances, you CAN get it right.
Our two lunar events for the month are a new moon at 20° Capricorn on 1/11 and a full moon at 05° Leo on 1/25.
The new moon will be more supercharged as 1/11 is 111 reflecting an influx of 1/new beginnings energy which will also be in close square to our lunar nodes. If you do not set intentions for the year on 1/1, 1/11 will be another strong time to do so. The new moon's numerology is 2/2 [2 (10 Capricorn Sun + 10 Capricorn Moon = 2), and 2 (2 Capricorn new moon + 9 January = 11 = 2] which shows that it is a powerful day for creation and togetherness.
Our full moon in Leo carries the energy of 7/7 [7 (11 Aquarius Sun + 5 Leo Moon = 16 = 7) and 7 (7 Aquarius full moon + 9 January = 16 = 7]. 7 is the number of spirituality and is generally associated with intuition and inner understandings of all kinds. This is a great day to divine on your journey through January and will aid in any magic designed to align you with where your path is leading you.
If you're looking for a day to do money magic or other prosperity work in January, Friday 1/12 is your day when Mars in Capricorn is in exact trine with Jupiter in Taurus. Work that earth money magic - Capricorn is seeing to their future and Taurus loves the finer things in life. This is a big luxury day - this is a day to treat yo' self even if you're not doing any magic. But do that money magic if you've got it - earthy trines like this don't come around every day.
I see two days to watch out for during the month.
On Saturday, 1/20, the Sun meets up in its yearly conjunction with our planet of death and transformation, Pluto and they both enter the sign of Aquarius in lockstep with one another. This is a big change of the guard and it's likely to be reflected both in the outer world at large and in our personal lives. Pluto has been in the sign of Capricorn for more than a decade and its force has been slowly eroding our outdated systems of government and bureaucracy. Now, it shifts its gaze to Aquarius where it will remain until 2043.
Pluto moves on a glacial scale so we shouldn't expect to see the effects of its ingress initially but what we should expect to see is the fallout of what has been left behind. Given the planet and its namesake, I use the term fallout very intentionally here. Capricorn rules the governing systems of our lives; in truth, it rules all things that are contractual like government bodies, businesses, and even marriage. Anything that requires signing a contract is in some way controlled by Saturn and Capricorn as Saturn's emissary in this world. Pluto has been shaking up these systems for quite some time and not all of them will survive the release that comes as our dwarf planet finally exits the scene.
Sometimes you don't know how bad the disaster is until it's over and the dust has settled. I would expect to see governmental shutdowns, businesses failing or entering bankruptcy, and the dissolution of marriages as the energy slowly begins to shift away from Capricorn and into Aquarius. In this sense, any structures that are held on by a thread will be most at risk through the beginning of the year. If this is you and it impacts your life specifically, I will guide you back to the words above: Don't Hold on too tight.
Sometimes things need to fall apart. Sometimes you can't pick up the pieces.
The second day of interest is 1/29 when Mars in Capricorn meets up in trine with Uranus in Taurus. I have found that it is best to keep an eye on when these two planets meet, regardless of the aspect that they make with one another. Mars is our planet of action and war and Uranus rules the unexpected disaster. This is Tower weather; it is best to do less and avoid any overt dangers if you can. It's a day to stay away from explosives of all kinds. Uranus in Taurus is especially eruption-prone, make of that what you will. We are nearing the end of Uranus's transit of Taurus (something that we should be very grateful for) but it's not over until it's over.
January is the cosmic right time to put in the work to better your life. January is the cosmic right time to take accountability for where you are the problem. January is the cosmic right time to let that shit go so that when February rolls around, you are ready.
The Details
1/1 - Mercury stations direct 22° Sagittarius, Venus in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (repeats on 10/28) 1/4 - Mars enters Capricorn 1/6 - Sun in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries 1/8 - Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces* 1/9 - Sun in Capricorn trine retrograde Uranus in Taurus, Mars in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces 1/10 - Sun in Capricorn square North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra, cardinal t-square 1/11 - New moon 20° Capricorn 2/2, Venus in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries (repeats on 11/3) 1/12 - Mars in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus 1/13 - Mercury enters Capricorn 1/15 - Sun in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces, Venus in Sagittarius trine North Node in Aries/sextile South Node in Libra 1/18 - Mercury in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces 1/19 - Mercury in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus, Venus in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces 1/20 - Sun enters Aquarius, Pluto enters Aquarius, Sun conjunct Pluto, Mercury exits their post-retrograde shadow 08° Capricorn 1/23 - Venus enters Capricorn 1/25 - Full moon 05° Leo 7/7, Mars in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries 1/26 - Mercury in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries 1/27 - Uranus stations direct 19° Taurus, Sun in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus, Mercury conjunct Mars 17° Capricorn 1/28 - Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus, Mercury in Capricorn square North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra (cardinal t-square), Venus in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus, Venus in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces 1/29 - Mars in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus 1/30 - Mars in Capricorn square North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra (cardinal t-square)
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ms-m-astrologer · 1 year ago
Transiting Sun enters Aquarius
Saturday, January 20 - Monday, February 19, 2024
Aquarius the Water Bearer*:
The sign of the Reformer
Air (mental and social - communicative, detached, abstract, changeable)
Yang (levity - outgoing, expressive, logical, left-brained)
Fixed (stabilizing security - concentrating, consolidating, focused, persevering, stubborn)
Transpersonal (universal - focused on ideals and abstractions)
“I’m different”
Rulers - Saturn (traditional), Uranus (modern); exalted - Mercury
Color: palest yellow
*(Gleaned almost completely from the book Astrology for Yourself by Bloch and George; the color is my own theory/belief.)
Issues of personal integrity and of being faithful to our own uniqueness are on the agenda during Aquarius Season 2024. One question in particular may be: how do we remain true to ourselves and be in a relationship? It’s complicated and difficult enough to “be ourselves” without factoring in a partner’s attitudes and opinions.
But, that’s on the agenda this month. It’s a great time to break free of the shackles of others’ expectations - to examine ourselves to see if we’ve internalized someone else’s message - and to refocus ourselves on what are purely our own standards.
Give the following aspects a day or so on either side:
Friday, January 26 - Sun/Aquarius square Jupiter/Taurus, 6°49’. We may not feel very comfortable with/about ourselves. If our partners/BFFs are nagging and critical, wanting us to live up to their expectations - that makes everything worse. Be careful not to mistake someone else’s dream for your own (to paraphrase Steven Forrest).
Monday, February 5 - Sun/Aquarius sextile Chiron/Aries, 16°10’. A chance to mend fences - if the other person lets us. We can self-heal too - we do have the right to be our unique individual selves.
Wednesday, February 7 - Thursday, February 8:
Sun/Aquarius sextile North Node/Aries, trine South Node/Libra, 18°51’
Sun/Aquarius square Uranus/Taurus, 19°09’
The urge to be independent individuals is very strong, and we can feel that it’s the right thing to do - even if a partner or BFF isn’t very happy about it. Watch out for (Steven again) “ostentatious idiosynchrasy masquerading as individuality” and the partners/BFFs may not be so critical.
Saturday, February 10 - Sun/Aquarius trine Vesta/Gemini, 21°46’. Excellent for personal identity and integration. We communicate effectively and can think things through. Scholarship is favored.
Tuesday, February 13 - Sun/Aquarius sextile Eris/Aries, 24°14’. Opportunities to use Eris’ disruptive energy in a constructive way - breaking through any final constraints on our uniqueness.
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dargonpoop · 1 year ago
loving all this strike action while pluto is stuck in retrograde at the anaretic degree of capricorn sometimes it really is too uncanny
#and while venus is stationing retrograde at 28° leo!!#forming an inconjunct between leo venus and capricorn pluto damn#capricorn representing of course overarching structures and power#pluto associated with wealth and exchange of power and transformation#venus the planet intrinsically involved with social relations#and in the sign of leo which also governs authority but also self expression#self expression such as the expression of ones needs falls under here in my interpretation#which actually side note that makes sense? never made that connection#moon being the nurturer and intuitively understanding others needs vs sun being the expression of ones needs#hence why sun can have a reputation for being self centered#anyway also#retrogrades are times of review#i think chris brennan mentioned that venus retrograde in leo has previously brought about political changes#gay marriage legalization was one such#(in the us specifically but i think a number of other countries too but icr which ones)#idk this is just fun and cool to witness and make the connection!#if anything it implies that this is THE time to be engaging in strike activities#hoping that itll actually bring about positive changes before pluto moves back into aquarius and startd dealing w other themes#capricorn is the economy sign pluto entered cap in 2008 aka when the big recession hit#i hope the astrology podcast mentions all the strike activity next time they talk about transits im curious to know more#neptune and saturn are also retrograde in pisces and neptune is sextile pluto + inconj venus so theres a yod too#which puts a looot of pressure on venus#oh and cant forget the square to uranus which will become exact twice during the retrograde cycle so that might be interesting#astrology#dargonpoops#sorry the special interest kicked in#lots of connections to be made and analyzed
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taratarotgreene · 1 year ago
Weekly Astrology January 17-21 Brave New World Starts
Jan, 15 SUN SEXTILE NEPTUNE at 25+ CAPRICORN/PISCES 4:38 pm PST, 7:38 PM EST, JAN. 16, 12:38 am GMT a nice positive supportive aspect, dream up a creative long term spirital business plan Jan. 18 MERCURY in CAPRICORN SEXTILE SATURN IN PISCES, 12:49 am PST, 3:49 am EST, 8:49 am GMT This is a super creative energy to create a body /mnd./psychic connection with yourself or anyone else. A time to…
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silveeja · 3 months ago
ミ☆ Astro Notes!
some basic astrology notes based on personal experience and opinions
i'm not a professional astrologer, this is just for fun~
let me know if you guys think differently/have different experiences, or if you relate to any of these, i'm curious to know what everyone else thinks! :3
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random natal observations;
✩ scorpio risings do have an intense, penetrating gaze, but i noticed it's not just risings but ANY scorpio placement has it. i know someone who's chart is mainly air, but their venus is in scorpio and whewww those intense EYES!! (also the amount of scorpio placements i've seen say they're too shy for eye contact??? ya'll don't know the power that you hold! use it! hehe)
✩ speaking of scorpio placements, i would never want to fight with a scorpio mercury, those people will break you with their words if pushed far enough. their words will cut you deep, they know exactly what to say to hurt someone.
✩ pls stop saying aquarians (especially moons) are emotionless and don't care about anything. they can be like this if they choose to, that's their superpower, they can detach themselves from people and situations and emotions at will, but it doesn't mean they're emotionless or like robots, if anything their emotions run too deep sometimes and it all gets overwhelming, to the point where they need to take a step back. once you're close to an aquarian though, they'll open up, trust.
✩ also once an aquarius is done, they're done. they give many chances and are generous, but once they decide to leave, a switch happens and the warm, friendly person is gone. it's true that they are masters at ghosting and detaching, but if they do so, it's always for a reason.
✩ something i've noticed with leo moons (especially if they have scorpio sun or other scorpio placements) is they tend to be a bit selfish, idk if its subconscious or not. they care a lot about their own feelings, but dismiss other people's feelings and have a 'it's not that deep' attitude when they do something that hurts others. I've noticed this with 3 different scorpio sun/leo moon people.
✩ if astrology isn't real then why do sagittarius placements speak before they think??? lol it's kinda funny seeing their faces when they realise they just said something outrageous.
✩ people with venus in their 5th, please stop flirting with everything that has a pulse are ya'll not tired??? (teach me your rizz ways).
✩ i'm calling ya'll out, but cancer moons, please stop playing the victim in situations you created! just take responsibility and move on, no need to play the blaming, crying game. i believe in you! :)
✩ i've noticed pisces mercury people have sweet, soft voices but they tend to mess up when they talk a lot? like stuttering, forgetting what word they wanted to say, mispronouncing words. i guess it's the neptunian energy messing with mercury? anyone else notice it or just me?
✩ my mom is a scorpio mars and she refused to enter a shop where a lady she had beef with 30 years ago works saying "i don't fuck with her" LMFAO the scorpio placements (especially mars) and the grudge holding stereotype is realllll
✩ someone having juno/venus in their 11th house really likes the idea of friends to lovers type of romance! the types to want their lover also be their best friend. ♡
✩ to those who have mars square pluto, it gets better, i promise. you will heal, and the darkness won't last forever. remember that you hold a lot of power within you!
✩ harsh aspects to the MC, especially with sun/moon/mars, can definitely indicate a delay when it comes to finding a career, holding down a job, deciding what you want to do in life. remember that life isn't a race or a competition, even if it seems this way in this society, do it all at your own pace. it's your life, after all!
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random synastry observations;
✩ not really an observation but i find it hilarious how some people are obsessed with the 8th house especially synastry, when it's the house that rules obsession lol the irony.
✩ personally, i've had 8th house synastry quite a lot, and i noticed that i prefer being the planet person, when i'm house i feel the 8th house energy way more to the point where it can become too overwhelming, when i'm the planet i feel it but not as intensely. so in my experience, the house person is the one who's more obsessed/attached/repulsed.
✩ someone's ascendant falling into another's 8th house will make the 8th house person feel intimidated/scared of the ascendant even if there's no reason to be.
✩ a family member's chiron falling in someone's 4th house can indicate deep wounds when it comes to family/childhood, the chiron person either created the wounds or triggers them for the house person. :/
✩ on a lighter note, someone's venus in another's 1st house! how sweet! i noticed it doesn't even have to be conjunct to the ascendant (although it definitely helps if it is), the attraction/appreciation is still definitely there! the venus person loves the 1st house and how they look and present themselves, if romantic, i picture the gif of a cartoon character with heart eyes popping out when they look at the 1st house person!
✩ 12th house synastry really does feel foggy, more so for the planet person, you never actually know what the house truly thinks of you, when you're together it can feel awesome and like such a close bond, but when apart suddenly doubts start to come in, like "do they really like me?" or "are we actually close or am i being delusional and imagining it?" and "what if it's one sided and only i'm feeling this way, and the house doesn't even care?" it can be a real mindfuck fr.
✩ someone's mars falling in another's 3rd house and/or conjunct their mercury can show the two people love talking to each other and have the most engaging and diverse conversations, the types to just stay up all night and talk about 100s of different topics! if badly aspected though it can lead to heated debates and arguments, especially the mars person being more argumentative and aggressive in their approach.
✩ venus conjunct someone's chiron is super nice to have, the venus person soothes the chiron person and helps them heal whatever wounds they are carrying! very supportive and sweet bond.
✩ in friendships/family, moon conjunct mars can feel abrasive for the moon person, the mars person being too aggressive/harsh for the moon even if they don't mean it and it's subconscious, the moon tends to take mars' words and actions to heart.
✩ in romantic relationships though, i personally found it works really well, the bond they have is amazing and the mars person tends to be very protective and loyal when it comes to the moon, it's a fiery aspect so when they fight they fight hard, but when they love, it burns in the best way possible!
✩ 6th house synastry really doesn't get enough attention and a lot of people tend to gloss over it, but it's so cute! it's definitely an acts of service and quality time type of vibe between two people, they just love hanging out with each other even if they're not doing anything in particular, or they love helping each other out with different things. it gives cooking/baking together, having movie marathons with a bunch of snacks and blankets, napping together, going for late night walks/drives just bc, one person is reading and the other is watching tiktoks while enjoying the comfortable silence.
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these are some of my basic observations, feel free to agree/disagree with me! i hope ya'll have a nice day! ♡
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tarotbydelilah444 · 10 days ago
pac: your next relationship
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when will you meet
♡ next year
♡ could be as early as February 2025 to December 2025.
♡ Taurus season stood out in the reading. So pay attention to late April to early May. ♡ the months of Feb, March, April, May, July, August, September, November, and December could be of significance for your upcoming relationship.
♡ Valentine’s Day could be of significance.
♡ your next birthday
♡ next fall
♡ while traveling
♡ at school (college, graduate school, studying abroad)
♡ work / could be coworkers
the tower + ace of wands
You will definitely meet this person unexpectedly. You will not be expecting this person to enter into your life or even meet them. For some, you could even meet this person when a certain chapter in your life is shifting or ending in some way. Maybe, some of you didn’t have love on the brain, but then you randomly meet and got to know this person, and started to develop feelings for them. This may be a new person that is coming into your life that will immediately pique your interest and have you catching feelings quick, but you are being are being advised to slow down and get to know this person first. This connection may start off very passionate and fiery, so this could be a casual relationship that over time can develop into a romantic relationship. Your next boyfriend / partner may even be an ex or someone you’ve dated in the past. There is also a chance that your next partner will be a long-time friend of yours, so take it if it resonates.
astrological sign
This can apply to their sun, moon, and rising.
♡ Aries
♡ Leo
♡ Sagittarius
♡ Cancer
♡ Scorpio
♡ Pisces
♡ Taurus
♡ Virgo
♡ Gemini
♡ Libra
♡ Aquarius
physical attributes
page of pentacles • two of swords • two of cups
♡ Your next partner is very handsome, pretty, or attractive. They have damn near perfect facial symmetry, everything is balanced and proportionate. They could attract a lot of jealously due to their physical attractiveness.
♡ They could possibly be the same age as you, or even a couple of months to a year younger than you. They have a youthful appearance, but they are mature for their age. For some, this person could be a student, so they may attend the same school as you, or you will share a class with them. This can also apply in a work situation.
♡ They may be Asian or Caucasian.
♡ Wears prescribed glasses or may where glasses for aesthetic purposes. I channeled nerdy vibes for this person.
♡ An athletic or toned build. They may enjoy playing sports or actively into exercising.
♡ Average to Tall stature, not overtly short nor tall.
♡ Light or fair-skinned complexion
♡ They have an attractive or distinctive voice. This could be the tone of their voice or they could have an accent.
♡ Blue or Dark brown eyes. They could have big or expressive doe eyes that makes look innocent and sweet. Either way, their eyes stand out in some way.
♡ They could be wealthy or live a comfortable lifestyle. They may dress in luxury-branded clothing or an expensive taste in fashion. They could be into the artsy or alternative aesthetic.
♡ They may resemble their mother or a feminine figure in their lives. They have rounder and softer features for some.
♡ They have a passive or cool demeanor when you meet them. They seem like they are heavily in their thoughts or caught up in their little world. Although they may look uninterested or distracted at first glance, they have a serene and calming presence.
love languages
physical touch
♡ Your next partner will be so attracted to you when you first meet them. They find you to be so beautiful. I’m hearing “Only Girl (In the World”) by Rihanna. This person literally has eyes for you, and you only. Your next partner loves how feminine and how you present yourself. They will love your scent (this could be your natural pheromones or the type of perfumes you wear. They love how you dress and how everything fits perfectly on your body, complimenting your natural curves. They love the way you style your hair, specifically when it’s curly or sleekly styled. If you wear makeup, this person loves how you do your makeup, but they love it even better when you are freshed-face and in your natural state. Your next partner will not be able to take their hands off of you. They love the way your body feels against theirs and will always want you near them all of the time. You have this person hooked, everything about you triggers a primal reaction in them that makes it hard for them to constrain themselves and resist the urge to just have their way with you. Did I forget to mention? Your person loves PDA, they won’t have an issue with holding hands, stealing a kiss or two, or even grabbing and smacking your butt in public to let every “man” know that you are theirs and only theirs, quite territorial, they can be. They love to tease you a lot. I’m picking up that your person may have teased you relentlessly before the two of you began dating and this will continue even in the relationship. This seemed to be their way of showing you that they were into you from the start. They may give you a cute nickname that may be annoying at first, but it will eventually grow on you eventually as the two of you make it official. This person can be mischievous and playful that it will annoy the hell out of you, but it’s mainly for fun, and I think this will be one of the many reasons why you will fall in love with them because they keep on your toes and they know how to have fun. 
acts of service
♡ Your next partner will show their love through their actions. There is nothing that your boo won’t do for you. They want to be someone that you can depend on when you need help or just in general. If you were to live together, this person would fix things around the house. Clogged toilet? Flat tire? Oil change? Need help building something ? This person will do it with a smile on their face because they love to feel needed by you. I’m seeing a image of you on your tippy toes, frustrated and struggling to reach something on the top the shelf, and your person walks into the room seeing you struggling and lets out a small chuckle before coming over to lift you up and get whatever you need off the shelf. “You know you could’ve asked for my help, right.” You reply with a snarky remark,“You know I almost had it myself”. ”Sure, you did” in a sarcastic tone. Your next boyfriend could even help you with chores, making the bed up, taking the trash out, washing the dishes, doing laundry just to help you out a bit. 
words of affirmations
♡ Your next partner will make you laugh and smile all the time. They love to joke and tease you any chance they get. They will say the most corniest things that will make you cringe, but laugh at the same time. They absolutely will adore your smile and the sound of your laugh, it makes their heart skip a beat every time they hear you laugh and see you smile that beautiful smile of yours. They may be the first one to confess their feelings you before the two of you began officially dating. You and this person will text all of the time, they will send you “good morning” and “goodnight” text. Getting a text from really brightens this person’s day, even on their worst days, they can always look forward to seeing your name pop up in their phone as soon as they wake up. Your person enjoys talking to you, they feel like there are endless things that the two of you could talk about or even debate on, and they will never get bored or restless. They may even fuck up their sleep schedule to stay up for hours and hours to talk to you and may even like the idea of falling asleep on the phone with you. When you aren’t feeling your best, they will stop everything they are doing and call you to check in with you and reassure you in anyway they can because your happiness and peace of mind means so much to them. They always want to make you feel at ease and valued. They want you to come to them about your troubles to be that shoulder you cry on anytime you need. They want to be your safe space, that person that you can come to and talk to about anything and everything. I’m hearing your “secrets are my secrets and they will remain with me, always and forever”. I’m channeling the song, Diary, by Alicia Keys. 
personality knight of pentacles • six of wands
Self-assured  Intelligent  Reserved Friendly Charismatic  Popular  Competitive  Diligent  Resilient  Serene  Reliable  Trustworthy  Loyal 
♡ Your partner is down to earth. They have a very mellow and laid back personality, not much gets under their skin. They have a serene and “go with the flow” type of personality. They have two sides to their personality, they can seem reserved and quiet when you meet them, but the more you get to know them, they can quite fun and friendly. They are very intelligent. They enjoy learning new things and finding ways to improve their skills in some way. They enjoy a challenge and are determined to master anything they put their mind to. If they are a student, they could make straight As or be on the honor roll. “Most Likely to Succeed” is what I channeled. This person intends to go after everything that they set their mind to and become successful, whether it be school, their career path, or pretty much anything they want to achieve. They are extremely hardworking and diligent. This person doesn’t take shortcuts when it comes to their goals, they understand that everything takes time and patience and they have no problem in taking their time to get where they want to be. A very confident individual, indeed. They are very sure of themselves and what they bring to the table. They are also very respected and admired by many, there are many people that look up to your person or want to be on their level. They are quite charismatic and friendly. People naturally gravitate to them with ease. They could possibly be popular or they have a lot of friends. They could for some be the leader of their friend group, as many of their friends believe they are reliable, wise, loyal, and trustworthy. This person is very active. For some, this person could have ADHD (take it if it resonates). They may enjoy sports or even working out to keep themselves in shape. They are pretty health conscious, they try their best to maintain a sustainable routine and take care of their health. They can be very competitive. They enjoy simple activities like hiking, running, swimming, yoga, and other competitive sports. Finally, for some, they could be religious, or interested in learning other religious practices/ belief systems. I channeled Christianity, Catholicism, Wiccan, or New Age spiritualism.
qualities they like about you
♡ They like how you play hard to get, so when you meet this person, you may like them, but you will play mind games or act as if you aren’t into them, but I think this will make them like you even more and chase you until they can make you theirs. For some, this person always had a huge crush on you or vice versa.
♡ For some, they like the fact that you are into anime, manga, video games, K-pop, and J-pop. Some of you may like Asian culture, this could be cuisine or media (music, movies, tv shows).
♡ They like your voice. They find your voice to be extremely attractive in some way, if some of you like to sing, they think you have a beautiful voice. They can literally hear you talk forever and never get tired of hearing your voice. They also like how talkative you are. They like how they can talk to you for hours or how they can talk to you about many things without getting bored. They may like to debate with you, or even joke around with you. They find you to be very amusing and funny. 
♡ They like how family-oriented you are or that you are close to your family.
♡ They like how complex you are, they like how they cannot easily figure you out like others. They find you to be very mysterious and enjoy finding out more about who you are and even learning what is your interests. They may even ask you lots questions about yourself to figure you out who you really are. They are curious to know about you and are always amazed about what you reveal to them. You are so intriguing to this person.
♡ They enjoy being intellectually challenged/ stimulated by you. They like they you teach them about things they may not be aware of, or knowledge on. 
♡ For some, if you are into the occult, astrology, witchcraft, etc, they find this to be interesting. 
♡ They like your eyes. They love the color of your eyes, or even the way you look at them.
♡ They love how loving, caring, and compassionate you are. They love that you have such a big heart. They like how you are always willing to lend a helping hands to others in need. For some, they think you have healing abilities.
♡ They find you to be extremely beautiful. You check every single box on this person’s list. They are also sexually attracted to you as well.
♡ They like your calming, serene, patient demeanor. You seem to put them at ease and encourage them to come into alignment. For some, they like how you have a healing presence. 
♡ They like how creative you are, or your ability to dream big and go after your dreams. They like how you don’t need much reassurance and how you believe in yourself, no matter what. They think you are extremely talented. 
♡ They how optimistic, confident, intuitive, adventurous, frank, open-minded, independent, boisterous, and free-spirited you are. 
♡ They like how you have many people that are into you besides them. They could be jealous, if you have other romantic interests, but they like the idea of fighting for your heart and attention. 
♡ “One of the guys”. They like how you are able to get along with masculine energies, maybe you are a tomboy, and enjoy more masculine activities. They like how similar the two of you are. 
dynamic of this connection
*in keywords*
4th house synastry • “you’re my home” • cuddle buddies • bffs • anime • protective • “ I feel safe with you” • shits & giggles • childhood friends • soulmates • loyalty • making art together • Ghost (pottery scene) • long night talks • “I’ll go wherever you go” • “your secrets are safe with me” • “lean on me when you’re not strong” • spoiled brat • #1 fan • peanut butter to my jelly • match made in heaven • inseparable • I want to marry you • soft spot • crush on you • Love and Basketball (movie) • acceptance • We Belong Together by Mariah Carey • fitness couple • puppy eyes • let’s just stay home tonight• you cannot hide from me, I see right through you • diy crafts • Gorgeous by Jaden Smith • Bed Peace by Jhene Aiko ft Childish Gambino • healing childhood wounds • “you give me butterflies” • moving into together • 444 • sleepovers • in my arms is where you belong • Ohana means family, and family doesn’t get left behind • “I’m forever devoted to you” • golden retriever boyfriend  three of pentacles 
There is a theme of wanting to help each other out, to help the other become the best version of themselves. Constantly showing up for one another and putting in the effort to make this connection stand the test of time. Always wanting to be in alignment with each other. “We are a team”. It’s all or nothing. The three of pentacles gives me the energy of wanting to build from the ground up. This can talk about a desire for you and this person to build this relationship from level 1 to level 10 or build each other up. There is a strong friendship vibe that will be prevalent in your next relationship. Friends to Lovers for sure. You and this person have so much in common and the energy is so warm, loving, and carefree when channeling this connection. This is the feeling that you feel when you develop feelings for your first crush, maybe this person could be your first crush / love or vice versa. 
channeled song
pile 2
Tumblr media
when will you meet
♡ for some, you may resonate with some of the messages in pile one, if you picked this pile. You will also meet this person next year.
♡ within the next three to six months
♡ the months of February, April, September, or November could be of significance.
♡ Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius season could also be of significance.
♡ you could meet this person by your or their next birthday.
♡ traveling, could be a family trip or a birthday trip.
♡ take it if it resonates, but your next partner could be someone that you had / have children with or they may have a child from a previous relationship. This could definitely be someone that you dated in the past and you thought you and this person were done indefinitely, but this person could resurface in the upcoming year.
♡ you could be introduced to your next partner through a feminine energy, this could be a friend, mother, grandmother, etc.
♡ meeting at school, specifically graduate school or somewhere that requires learning a trade or skill of some sort. you will work closely with this individual.
♡ in the workplace, this could be a coworker for some.
two of pentacles • eight of pentacles • five of pentacles • temperance • five of swords 
You will definitely meet this person at work, a place of business, or school. You could meet this person when you are seeking some type of stability in your life, specifically if this is related to your finances or career. You may be struggling financially and you are trying desperately to find stability through your challenges. You may even be heavily focused on your career or studies when this person enters into your life. I’m intuitively feeling like you are just wanting to focus on yourself and what brings you harmony, balance, and peace. I also intuitively feel that you may believe / feel that “love” is a distraction or you just don’t have time for romance. I’m hearing one specific lyric from Redemption by Drake, “Relationships slowin me down, they slow down the vision”. You may not be where you want to be in your life, maybe you have a lot of goals and expectations for yourself that want to fulfill and you refuse to be distracted or disappointed by love interest / love in general. For others, you may be desperate for a relationship, but you may feel unworthy of love or even losing faith that you will find love. “Will I ever find love”? That’s what I channeled for a small group of you. I sense that some of you want to give up and believe that you are destined to be alone, but I am channeling that you won’t be alone and someone will come in, at the right time. Just because it doesn’t happen right now, that doesn’t mean it won’t happen eventually. You are being advised to be patient and trust in divine timing when it comes to matters of the heart. You are loved and you are meant to be loved. There is someone out there for you pile two, you must be patient and not lose hope. You are also being encouraged to stop self-sabotaging behaviors when it comes to love. 
astrological sign
This can apply to their sun, moon, or rising.
♡ Scorpio
♡ Cancer
♡ Pisces
♡ Aries
♡ Leo
♡ Sagittarius
♡ Libra
♡ Taurus
♡ Capricorn
♡ Virgo
♡ Gemini
♡ Aquarius
physical attributes
death • knight of wands • ace of cups • strength • ace of wands
♡ Your next partner’s nationality or ethnicity differs from yours. I am channeling Middle Eastern or Mexican.  ♡ They could have green, hazel, or blue eyes. Their eyes have a very intense or sleep appearance. Kind of eyes that are hauntingly beautiful. They could have almond or hooded- shaped eyes. They could have bags under their eyes for some, but their eyes stand out in some way, whether it’s the color, shape, or their gaze. I also channeled that this person may have “bedroom eyes” or siren eyes.
♡ They are quite big or they have a muscular body type. They may bulk up pretty fast or able to gain muscle easily without much effort. This person could be a workout junkie, as in they love to workout or find different activities that allow them to keep them in shape or improve their strength and endurance specifically cardio, wrestling, bodybuilding, high intensity workouts, (HIIT), calisthenics, and boxing. They have broad shoulders, strong and muscular arms, a six pack, muscular back, and nice strong calves. They take great pride in their physical appearance. ♡ They could have light brown to jet black hair. ♡ A brown to darker complexion. ♡ They have an intimidating and mysterious aesthetic or presence. You could possibly feel like they can be unapproachable or standoffish when you first meet them. If your partner is a female or resonate with the feminine energy, they embody the “dark feminine” or “femme fatale” archetype, think of Lana Del Rey, Rihanna, Naomi Campbell, Alexa Demie, Angelina Jolie, Megan Fox, or Monica Bellucci. If your partner is a male or resonates with the masculine energy, they are so fucking hot, like mouthwatering hot. They have a strong presence that is hard to ignore. They embody confidence in their stance and how they command the attention in every room they walk into. They are “sex” on legs, many people find them to be physically and sexually attractive, like they have people that secretly fantasize about sleeping with them. Highly desirable and sexualized by many. This person has a strong masculine presence, they know that they are that “guy” or “girl”. They always look or seem like they are on guard, or highly aware of their surroundings. People view your next partner as intimidating or even intense, to some degree, some people may be afraid to approach them because they could look “mean” or like they are going to curse someone out (lol). They have this aloof or air of detachment to their physical appearance, almost as if they are bored or uninterested in their surroundings that makes people even more intrigued by them. Your person reminds me of a panther, they are beautiful and majestic creatures, yet they are very dangerous and wild, if you get too close. I intuitively heard, “Access Denied”, they are very protective of their space and exclusive in who they associate themselves with. They may even attracted a lot of jealously from other people and this can explain why they are protective over their energy. 
♡ Pretty girl or boy privilege, as well. They are conventionally attractive. They have perfectly clear skin, pretty white teeth, charming eyes, medium to full lips, symmetrical to angular facial features. They embody both angelic and devilish look, especially if they have water and air or fire placements.  ♡ They have a beautiful and strong bone structure. Sharp jawline, high cheekbones, long or square chin. Like you could literally sharpen knives with their features. They should be on the cover of Vogue magazine and every billboard. #SculptedbytheGods
♡ They could have tattoos and piercings for some. ♡ Sorry not sorry, but your next partner is packing downstairs or it’s very pretty. Take it if it applies.
♡ Your next partner has a distinctive style of walking or they could walk pretty fast. ♡ Pretty random, but your next partner looks so pretty / handsome when they cry, or they tend to show their emotions on their face without even noticing. ♡ Your next partner could like darker colors, specifically black. Black could be their favorite color. It’s almost as if they like to look threatening or intimidating to other people. I channeled the “bad boy” or James Dean vibes for some, so they could be into the whole “rugged bad boy” aesthetic like leather, PVC, ripped jeans, simple black tee, and hoodies. Edgy aesthetic. They could also like clothes that accentuates their muscles / curves. 
♡ This may apply for some, but this person could be quite spiritual. They may like to wear crystals, hamsa, evil eye, and other spiritual related jewelry to protect them from negative energies.
love languages
gift giving
♡ Your next partner will be very generous when it comes to showing their love for you. They will spoil the hell out of you. They will enjoy showering you in gifts or buying you things that they know that you will appreciate. They will spare no expense to show you how much they love and care deeply for you. Your next partner goes all the way out when it comes to expressing their undying love for you. They are always listening to what you desire even when you think they aren’t and pay attention to the tiniest of details to ensure that you feel most appreciated. They can be quite an undercover romantic, even if they don’t express it. Every gift they gift to you, whether it’s grandiose or not, they put a lot of thought and effort into it. It’s not just a gift to your person to buy your love, but more of a token of their appreciation and gratitude to you. They want to always make you feel special, no matter the occasion. Who needs a gift on Valentine’s Day when your person will treat everyday like it’s Valentine’s Day? Whatever She Want by Bryson Tiller. Fuck princess treatment, it’s giving “Queen Treatment”. They want to give you the world, I’m channeling, “luther” by Kendrick Lamar ft SZA. They feel like you deserve everything because you bring so much love and happiness in their life like never experienced before. I get the vibe that your person loves surprises, they love the idea of planning something special for you, just to see your reaction. Whether it be a luxurious getaway to another country, buying you that item you been eyeing and talking about nonstop, or delivering a bouquet of roses to your job with a lovely note attached, your next future partner will be applying pressure and never miss an opportunity to make you feel loved and special. They want to make harder for the next person to please you. This person when they officially ask you to be their girlfriend / boyfriend, they will go all out, like I’m legit picturing in my head, roses everywhere, heart shaped balloons, a bouquet, your favorite snacks, candles, will you be my gf balloons, and luxurious gifts. The whole nine!
quality time
♡ Your next partner will anticipate spending quality time with you. They will always make sure that it’s enough time and attention placed on you and nurturing the connection. I get the vibe that your next partner may get sad or may have separation anxiety when they are away from you too long. They love having you near and in reach. “When you go away, I hate the distance” is what I intuitively heard. They don’t want to be separated from you for more than a hour, like this person will legit hop on a flight to be wherever you are, just to close the distance between you. For some, this may apply, if you are in a long-distance relationship with this person. This person might be a bit of a homebody, so their idea of “quality time” would be ordering takeout, watching a movie / catching up on y’alls favorite show, and cuddling on the couch. They will plan dates where it’s just the two of you, enjoying each other’s presence and connecting on an intimate level. Intimacy is very important to your person, they enjoy having deep conversations with you and lots of eye contact, no distractions, just the two of you focused and getting lost simultaneously into one another to rekindle that initial spark once in a while. There is a emphasis on “milestones”. Your next partner wants to continuous see this relationship elevate and evolve over time. It seems as they want to grow and build a legacy together, this could be eventually starting a family, marriage, purchasing a dream home, and even making money together. “Generational Wealth” is what I channeled. Your next partner wants to accomplish their goals, dreams, and aspirations while you are by their side and vice versa. I’m intuitively hearing, “when you win, I win”. This person wants to share their success with you and wants you to share your success with them. They want to be there for you through the good and the bad times, never wanting to give up on you and constantly fighting for the stability and longevity of this connection. Your next partner will aim to ensure that your needs are always being met, sometimes, even sacrificing their needs and wants to put yours before their own. There is a sense of pride they feel in you being their partner. Overall, I think that your partner loves planning and talking about the future with you.
acts of service
♡ “Actions speak louder than words”. Your next partner lives, breathes, and eats this old saying. This person believes that love should be shown through actions because words can be quite deceptive sometimes. They aim to always show up for you as a partner and be consistent in how they express their love for / to you. Your partner is not much for words anyways, so they prefer to express their love through doing things for you or that they know that you will appreciate. This could be anything from doing chores, running errands, making you a cup of coffee in the morning, cooking, or basically anything that will make your day run smoothly. You will never have to beg or complain for this person to help you out, they will do it in a heartbeat. “Cater to You” by Destiny’s Child, came to mind. Your next partner is quite selfless and considerate of you and your needs, like there is nothing in the world that your partner won’t do for you. They are by far the definition of a “provider”.  They know their purpose as a partner is to provide and protect you in every way. I’m seeing when the two of you go out for date night, they will always pay the bill, no discussion. They will literally give you the death stare, if you so much as even try it, lol. They can be quite a traditionalist. Your partner wants to take care of you and reaffirm to you that you can rely on them and that you don’t have to do everything on your own, not that she/he doesn’t think you aren’t capable, but they want to you to be aware that they are there, if you need help with anything.
personality king of wands • judgment • wheel of fortune
♡ Your next partner is very intuitive. Their intuition never leads them in the wrong direction and their inklings are almost always right about everything. They can easily pick up when someone is being deceptive and can easily see through fuckery. “You can’t pull the wool over my eyes”. Your next partner could be psychic, they are able to see things before they happen, for some. They could even be spiritual, they are tapped in with the spiritual world and are heavily protected, so anyone that tries to harm them, their guides will not hesitate to seek justice on their behalf.
♡ Your next partner is quite resilient. They may have going through some struggles in life, but these struggles taught them valuable lessons and they been able to mature and grow from these experiences. They are pretty adaptable to change because they understand that change is necessary and inevitable. Although they gained inner strength through their struggles, they may have a difficult trusting or even opening up to people. They can be heavily guarded when you meet them and it may take them a little while for them to trust and be vulnerable with you, so give them time. Underneath that tough exterior is a pure and genuine soul that they feel like they must protect the remaining parts of themselves that are “pure” and untainted. Wow, your next partner is pretty deep and intense.
♡ This person is constantly evolving and reinventing themselves. They devote themselves to becoming a better version of themselves each and every day. “Who I am?” A soul searcher, they are constantly searching for who they are at the core, looking within to discover their inner truth. Your next partner lives a lot in their mind, it’s like an endless maze of trying to understand themselves and their purpose in life. They are a deep thinker for sure, almost to the point where they overanalyze and question everything. They despise shallowness, they always are searching for the truth and focused on the grand scheme of things. They are very observant and great listener, often paying attention to everyone and everything that surrounds them. There are so many layers to this person’s personality that you will never really be able to decipher the mystery of them. “I let you see, what I want you to see”. Just when you think you have them figured out, they will do something that will surprise or catch you off guard. They like to play chess, not checkers. This person is very strategic and wise in how they move through life, they know how to play the game, and they play it well. Overall, this person has good judgment and a great head on their shoulders. 
♡ Your next partner enjoys learning new things. It can range from historical events to cultures to spirituality, but this can really be anything. They can be quite pretentious or a bit of a know it all, which can sometimes piss people off, but they don’t really care. They may like to surprise people by the things that they know. 
qualities they like about you
♡ This person likes the way you move your body or your level of flexibility. This may apply to you, if you like to dance as a hobby. They think you are an amazing dancer. For others, this person may like the way you walk, you may walk like a model or walk with confidence. I’m picking up nice posture.
♡ They like the fact that you are very active, even if you aren’t athletic. They like the way your body looks, some of you may be very fit. They could also like that you have various  hobbies that you engage in. 
♡ They like how you are forgiving. You aren’t one to hold onto a grudge or resentful to others or situations. You don’t allow things to control you, but rather go with the flow or the nature of things. They also like your ability to cut off people, places, and things that no longer serve you with ease.  They like how you speak your mind or stand up for yourself when it comes to things you want. 
♡ They like how cautious you are and your innate ability to pay attention to people’s red flags or identify toxic traits in people before getting involved with them.
♡ They like your childlike nature. They think you are quite fun to be around and enjoy being in your presence. They like your innocence, or how naive you seem. They feel like they must protect these characteristics about you from people that may want to take advantage of you. They may like how good you are with children, for some. For some, they like how youthful you look, so you could look younger than your physical age.
♡ They like how you are content with being alone or introverted. You don’t need any outside validation to receive approval and acceptance You are perfectly comfortable and at peace in your own solitude. 
♡ They like your taste in music. They think that the two of you have similar tastes in music, for some. 
♡ They like your handwriting. They may think you have beautiful or a unique style of writing, or they could think you are a talented and amusing storyteller. 
♡ They like being in your presence. Your presence brightens their day. They hate to be away from you too long. this person literally gets butterflies whenever they are around you. Weak by SWV. They like how fun and exciting you are to be around. 
♡ They like the sound of your voice. You may have an accent for some, if so they like the way you pronounce certain words. You might talk a little fast, but they find it to be super cute. They love communicating with you, they find you to be inquisitive, charming, and funny af.
♡ They like how you carry yourself. They like how eloquent  and well-mannered you are. They like that you have high standards and morals. They like that you have respect for yourself. 
♡ They like how trustworthy and loyal you are. They like that your intentions are clear and honest from the jump. They like that they can rely on you in tough times and know that you will always have their back when they’re in need.
♡ They like your sense of style. You have an impeccable style when it comes to fashion. They love how creative and original you are when it comes to your fashion choices. I’m channeling “old money” aesthetic for some. They think you can make anything look good.
♡ They like that you get along with their family, or how family oriented you are. They could also like that you want a big family one day. 
♡ If you have curly or wavy textured hair, they like the texture of your hair. They like the wild and untamed look. 
♡ They find you to be incredibly attractive, both inside and outside.
♡ They find your complexion to be very beautiful, you may have a brown or darker complexion. They love the way your skin glows. You could always looked like a glazed donut. I channeled Shea Butter Baby by Ari Lennox ft J.Cole
♡ They like your back area and your butt. You may have a big butt or an attractive back. For some, you could have a back dimples, and they find it super attractive. They also find your body to be appealing, for some, you could thick or you can be a bit curvaceous.
♡ If you have piercings, they like your piercings, whether it’s on your body or face. 
♡ This person could like that you have a lot of haters or people that are envious of you or the things you have. 
♡ They admire how resilient you are. They like how you face challenges, but you never give up or allow it to bring you down. They like the “warrior or fighter” energy within you. They like they you always seem to handle challenges with grace and confidence. They truly admire that about you. 
♡ They like that you are self assured and that you believe in yourself most of all. You know your worth and how much you bring to the table. They have complete faith that you can achieve anything you put your mind to. 
♡ They like how enigmatic and sensual you are, and then closed off and reserved the next minute. They are like a “moth to flame”. They like how you tease them or make them work for your attention. 
♡ They like how indecisive you can be. They like how you never really know what you want sometimes. 
dynamics of this connection
*in keywords*
8th house synastry • hidden feelings • death & rebirth • “don’t run for me” • “I’ve meet you in every lifetime” • runner & chaser dynamic • “time is never on our side” • 12th house synastry • “they don’t want to see us together” • mentor & pupil • familiarity• purification • transformation • karmic connection • twin flames • “ you set my soul on fire” • intensity • resolving karmic debts • Fire & Desire by Rick James ft Teena Marie • surrender yourself to me • Tessa & Hardin • “don’t you trust me” • outgrowing to come together • “my life will never be same, since you walked into it” • “I keep looking for you in every person” • jealously • yin & yang • power struggles • Him & I by G-Eazy ft Halsey • Bonnie & Clyde 03 • separated, but never truly apart • souls longing for each other • tethered • the eyes Chico, they never lie • intensity & passion • Kundalini awakening • light & shadow • Catwoman & Batman• sexual tension • til death do us part • obsessed with me • flashbacks • see you in my dreams • Telepatia by Kali Uchis • i love you, i hate you • intimidation • forbidden fruit • unbreakable love • sacral chakra • mirrorring each other • illusions • Mr. and Mrs. Smith • life-changing • “who’s wants that perfect love, anyway anyway, cliche, cliche, cliche” • are my feelings one-sided”• Cloak & Dagger • Love Don’t Live Here Anymore by Rose Royce • “I think about you all the time” • “I belong to you, beloved” • Edward & Bella • the couples that cast spells together, stay together • “let’s escape to the dream world” • healing each other’s soul • passion marks • passionate and intense make out sessions • chemistry off the map • “many try to define our love, but only we can define and understand our love” • Lilith • evil eye • I Miss You by Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes 
This is pretty heavy and intense energy that I channeled for this connection, and it even quite ironic that we have the death card to symbolize the dynamic of this connection. All I could pick up before I started shuffling was 8th house / Scorpio / Plutonic and 12th house / Pisces / Neptunian energy and to be honest, I wasn’t surprised at all. Buckle up because you in for one hell of a ride when you encounter this person. You and this person will not be the same once you enter into this connection, the life you knew will be only a distant memory that will leave questioning, if you were living a lie the whole time. This is definitely a karmic connection with that 8th house and 12th house energy being so loud in the reading, mostly the 8th house. You and this person shared many lifetimes together and decided to reincarnate in this life to heal trauma and wounds to finally be together. The death card symbolizes the ending and the beginning of something. A cycle of pain, trauma, and suffering must come to an end in order to experience an everlasting love of a lifetime that encourages both parties to grow and evolve together. You and this person have come together to heal karmic lessons and cycles of suffering, betrayal, and loss that followed you into this life. Will you be able to break the cycle or repeat another lifetime of sorrow and despair? This connection could start off as a hidden crush or someone not being totally upfront about their feelings for the other person. There is an intense desire to get to know the other on a deeper and intimate level, but being too intimidated to approach. It’s almost as one party or both parties feel the intensity and magnetic pull towards each other, but are too afraid or overly cautious to fully surrender to what this connection can become. Healing trauma and letting go is a repetitive theme when I channeled messages for this pile. This connection can serve as a deep healing experience for you and them, but it requires the both of you to surrender to change and the need to control. The two you must learn how to rely on each other and bring harmony into this connection without becoming codependent or allowing ego / pride take control of this connection. 
channeled song
pile 3
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when will you meet
♡ next year
♡ the months of March, July, August, September, and October are of significance.
♡ be on the lookout for the summer months.
♡ Taurus, Virgo, Pisces season could be of significance.
♡ after a breakup, once you heal and let go of a past relationship.
♡ neighbors. You and this person could live in the same neighborhood or apartment complex.
♡ at a concert, music festival, opera / symphony, theater performance, or movies.
♡ a retreat, rehabilitation center, hospital, clinic, or group therapy session.
♡ online or dating app
♡ a church or sanctuary
♡ med school, if you are in school.
♡ a job event
♡ a local bar, lounge, café, club. For some, they could be a singer or musician.
♡ a park, museum, or aquarium
♡ traveling, this could be long distance or short distance travel.
♡ for some, if you are interested in reconciliation with an ex, there is a new person that will entering into your life soon.
♡ intuitively heard, “My Best Friend’s Brother by Victoria Justice, so this person could be your friend’s sibling (sister or brother), or if you have siblings, this could be a friend of your sibling.
♡ a place that you frequent daily or required to make some type of public appearance.
six of pentacles • four of swords • page of cups • six of cups 
Your next relationship will happen when you are healing from something. This could be something related to your health or after coming out a previous relationship. Apply it to your situation as it fits. Maybe you are used to over-giving when it comes to your previous relationships, putting in more than what you receive, and this left you feeling empty and lonely in your previous relationship. There was no limit to your  generosity and kindness, yet i went unnoticed for too long, often leaving you to pour from an empty cup. I’m hearing intuitively, Buy A Heart by Nicki Minaj. I feel as you had no choice but to put yourself first for once and take a hiatus from love and give yourself the time and space for your fragile heart to heal. You may wonder why you haven’t met your next partner or even wonder if you will ever find love again, and the answer is yes, but first, you need(ded) to heal and get clear in what you want in a partner and in a relationship. Have you ever heard the saying, “love comes in unexpected ways”, well, this saying applies to you, and simply means that love will come in when you least expect it, not when you plan or constantly searching for it. For some, you have been manifesting love or even getting little snippets of your next partner from the Universe through your dreams or intuitive downloads. You are being encouraged to trust the process and allow everything to unfold naturally because it will come in due timing. This is the time to prepare yourself for what is to come, and trust me, it’s worth waiting for. You are being encouraged to give this new person a chance because this could be the love of a lifetime. 
astrological sign
This can apply to their sun, moon, or rising.
♡ Pisces
♡ Taurus
♡ Virgo
♡ Capricorn
♡ Gemini
♡ Libra
♡ Leo
♡ Aquarius
♡ Cancer
♡ Aries
♡ Scorpio
♡ Sagittarius
physical attributes the hierophant • two of swords • the empress • king of swords
Disclaimer: I had quite a hard time shuffling for your next partner’s physical attributes, but I got one message to “stop looking”. The divine does not want you to know too many details about your next partner, or they want you to stop focusing on the outward appearance when it comes to love, but focus on the internal nature of your next partner. I also intuitively feel like your next partner will not be what you expect or may differ from what you prefer in terms of preferences.
♡ This person is very handsome or beautiful. You will be physically attracted to them when you meet them.
♡ They can be older than you or they have a mature demeanor when you initially meet them. They carry themselves with grace and respect. 
♡ They have animated expressions, or the way they express themselves is very animated, it will be as if they are acting or putting on some type of facade, but they have a very lively and expressive appearance. They could talk with their hands a lot or they have very noticeable facial expressions. They have very expressive eyes that glimmer and shines when they are interacting with others.
♡ They could identify as biracial for some, so they are of Black & White heritage. For some, they could be Hispanic / Latino / Latina. 
♡ For some, they could have a speech impediment. They could also talk either too fast or slow. 
♡ They could have a shorter stature.
♡ They could have beauty marks, freckles, or moles on their face or throughout their body. 
♡ If this is a female, she has a curvaceous or more rounded features. She could have big breast, nice and wide hips, thick thighs, perky and rounded butt, back dimples, and a bit of a stomach. They could possibly have the ideal “hourglass” figure. If this is a male, he can have a slender or stocky build, yet can also be quite muscular as well. They have nice and toned legs as well, if not, they could have longer legs with a shorter torso. They could also have quite broad shoulders and even big pecs as well. Also, he may have a prominent Adam’s apple, or something significant about their neck (long or short neck).
♡ They could have darker hair, mostly dark-brown hair or jet black. This person’s hair definitely stands out in some way, this could be the texture, color, luminosity, or style of their hair. They may have curly or wavy textured hair. Their hair is pretty thick or they tend to opt for more natural styles, I’m channeling an Afro, braids, or locs for some. I also channeled a widow’s peak / Eddie’s point. They could possible have a bigger head or broader forehead. 
♡ They may have tattoos.
♡ They have attractive hands. This could be their fingers or the size of their hands. They could have quite veiny arms and hands.  ♡ They may have a beautiful smile and charming dimples. They could also have full pouty lips. ♡ Thick eyebrows or they have very intense & sharp brows. This could apply to the shape of the brows. ♡ Brown or Darker complexion ♡ They could have delicate and dainty features for some. A pointed chin, expressive and bright eyes, and mischievous, yet friendly smile. ♡ They are pretty well-groomed and take care of their outer appearance. They pay attention to little details when it comes to their style or how they choose to present themselves. If this is a female, she could be into the “clean girl” aesthetic. If this is a male, he prefers a more polished and refined style regardless of their personal aesthetic. This person is very stylish and knows exactly how to present themselves well. They are experimental when it comes to their style but nothing too extreme. They smell very good whether they are female or male. If you are attracted to females, she may opt for mor floral or sweet fragrances, and if you are attracted to males, he may opt for more intense spicy or woody / earthy scents. They may like to wear jewelry, mostly necklaces, bracelets, or watches. ♡ They have great posture.
♡ They have a calm and composed demeanor, always appearing sure and confident in themselves. They rarely allow their emotions to show on their face. ♡ Overall, this person may enjoy changing their appearance more than often, so don’t be surprised, if they look different every time you see them.
love languages
physical touch
♡ Your next partner is definitely frisky. They are pretty playful when it comes to you. They get all gitty inside whenever they are in your presence. From the moment they met you, they’ve wanted to kiss you and make you theirs. They caught case of the Love Jones for you, they became so enchanted by you the moment the two of you locked eyes, and have been hooked ever since. You bring out a playful and youthful energy out of them that they have never experienced before. They feel like a kid on Christmas Day when you are around them.  I Want You Around by Snoh Aalegra came to mind. I know I sound repetitive, but you truly make this person feel like a little kid again, you make their inner child feel safe and loved. They love giving you nice and tender warm hugs and embraces. They just love the idea of being wrapped up and around you. It’s almost kinda like a safety blanket for them. Initially as they get to know you better, they will be fighting the urge to not kiss you or make any premature moves on you. They don’t want to come off as a creep or weird, so they would rather allow you to make the first move, but they will try so fucking hard to resist those urges until you give them the green light. I am seeing an image of you giving this person a hug and they stand there in complete shock for a minute or two, trying to gain recollection of what is happening. “Is this really happening, right now”? OMG, this is really happening right now, I’ve been dreaming about this moment for so long”! Your partner’s mind and heart will be racing 99 miles per hour. Remember that episode of Tom and Jerry, when Tom fell head over heels for Toodles Cat. This will literally be how your next partner feels about you. They will be fangirling inside the whole time, and then try to play it off cool afterwards, but they will be over the moon much later, unable to stop thinking or dreaming about that heated encounter between the two of you, even going as far to think of the next time if they get you alone. This person literally worships you and the ground that you walk on. You are literally their dream “girl” or “guy”.  That clip of Rihanna saying, “I’m in love, I’m obsessed” just came to mind . This person doesn’t play about you at all, they are all about you. They literally have hearts in their eyes whenever they see you or even when they hear your name. This person most definitely has sexual fantasies about you, just imagining all the unsavory things they want to do to you and with you turns them on. Fuck Me & Feed Me by Rendezvous At Two is what I’m channeling. They want to sweep you off your feet and rock your world at the same time. They just want to please and pleasure you in any way that you want them to. Everything about you turns this person on. They are like a mad dog in heat in your presence. One whiff of you and they go crazy. They love the way you smell and the way you feel, like you feel so soft when you are in their grasp. It’s almost too much for this person to bear. 
quality time
♡ “I love having you around”. Your next partner simply loves being around you. They look forward to the next time they get to see you and just getting to know you better each and every day. Getting to know your likes and dislikes. Your quirks. What hobbies you’re into. Hangouts will be frequent in the early stages of this relationship. If you see me, then you see “him or her”. They will act as your shadow, never too far behind and always down for whatever shenanigans you’re into. The reason behind this is because they enjoy spending time with you. They would drop any and everything in a heartbeat, just to tag along with you. Intuitively, I got the image of Shrek and Donkey in my head. Life may have been mundane and monotonous before you came into their lives, and ever since, you have given them a purpose and something to look forward to. A reason to smile and be more optimistic about life. I channeled “Someone to Love by Jon B. Your next person truly cherishes every second, minute, and hour they spend with you, never wanting any moment with you to stop or go to waste. They will constantly find new things for you and them to get into. They are very spontaneous, always thinking outside of the box just to keep you satisfied and by their side. Every moment with them is like an adventure. Your next partner is pretty much down for anything, so you will never have to worry about getting them out of their comfort zone. Visiting a new food spot in town, check! Booking flights in a heartbeat, check! Getting matching tattoos, check! Going skydiving, check! It’s truly never a dull moment when you and them are together. Every moment will be one for the books.
words of affirmations
♡ There is not enough words in all the languages that exist in the world that can express how much I feel for you. The love that your next partner has for you runs deep. Deep in a way that it is difficult for you and them to fully comprehend, but all they know is that their feelings for you are genuine and come straight from the heart. Not just words, but actions to follow behind it. They are applying nothing, but pressure.  I do see at first, your person might be a bit hesitant to confess their feelings for you in the beginning stages of this connection because they want to take everything slow and don’t want to come off to strong when it comes to their feelings for you, so they will try to keep everything at a moderate pace for a while, but deep down, this person is just bursting with so much love for you under  the surface that it’s almost unbearable for them to keep it under control and not confess their feelings all in one setting. “I loved you from the very first day, I laid eyes on you”. They have nothing, but deep and genuinely love for you and they can’t wait til they can fully open up to you. As the two of you become closer, this person will start to allow themselves to be more emotionally vulnerable with you and honest about their feelings for you than they did previously. They usually are skeptical about who they share their feelings and thoughts with, out of fear of appearing weak or being taking advantage of, but it will be something about you that makes them feel safe enough for them to let their guard down and open themselves fully with no fear. I’m hearing, Comfortable by H.E.R. They want you to be there safe space, just as much as they will be yours in return. You have no idea how safe, secure, and happy you’ve made this person, and they will devote each and everyday telling you how much you mean to them. 
acts of service
♡ Your next partner is a provider and protector. Whatever you need or want, they will always make sure that you want for nothing. “As long as you got me, I got you”. Your next partner knows that you are capable of doing things on your own, but they just feel the need to take the pressure off or make things a tad bit easier for you in anyway they can. They take pride in taking care of you because it makes them feel good and needed. They want you to view them as your “hero” or “knight in shining armor”, it gives them as sense of purpose to be of service to you, it’s their way of showing how devoted they are to you and that you can count on them in both good and bad times. Your next partner brings or values stability and structure into the relationship. Your person is old school, they prefer to take the lead in the relationship, being able to guide and mold you to becoming a better version of yourself. “We grow together”. They want to be your safe space and your solace in times of need. I intuitively heard, Safety Net by Ariana Grande. They want to be a part of your healing journey, aiding by providing love and support to help you heal from any pain, traumas, and past mistakes that you suffered from. “I’m here to heal, not hurt you”. This explains why your next partner is so protective of you and wants to give you everything you’ve yet to receive. What your next partner offer is the real deal, they want to offer you accountability, respect, fairness, balance, and equality. All the things you have could’ve ever wished and prayed for is wrapped into this person. 
queen of pentacles • two of swords • nine of pentacles
Down to Earth
♡ Your person has a very big heart. A heart of gold. They are very loving and compassionate towards others, maybe sometimes a little too compassionate, but it’s just that they want to share their love and kindness with every person they come across. They are very empathetic and feel things deeply than most people and can sometimes take on other people’s problems and feelings as their own, which can be a bit overwhelming for them. It is vital that they learn how to create healthy boundaries with others, so they don’t feel depleted or get taken advantage of. They just love to help people and make people feel special and loved. This person is really an angel!
♡ They are a very creative and imaginative individual. This person is artistically inclined and they enjoy the arts, specially singing, dancing, drawing, or painting. They can gain inspiration from anywhere and can turn nothing into something beautiful and exceptional. 
♡ They are very peaceful and diplomatic. They absolutely detest drama and conflict, often trying their best to either avoid it or come up with a solution to the problem to bring peace and harmony over the situation. They are like the “peacemaker” of their friend group or family unit. “The glue of their relationships”. They are the type of friend that everyone goes to for advice on how to move forward. They love to play Devil’s advocate, often trying to see the pros and cons from each side rather choosing one specific side to avoid drama. “Can everyone just get along” is what I intuitively heard. They are truly lovers, not a fighter and simply just want everyone to make peace, not war (quite a pacifist they can be). They are wonderful listeners and trustworthy. They hardly ever judge and are quite accepting of everyone flaws and all. They can also be a people pleaser as well.
♡ They are family oriented and protective of their family. This person loves their family or love to anything related to family. They could have a great relationship with their parents, but specifically can be close with their mother or feminine energies in their life. They came from a pretty stable and supportive household. 
♡ They are independent and self-sufficient. They know they are destined for great things in life and are determined to succeed whatever they go in life or decide to do with their life. They have a healthy and high self-esteem, so they are very confident and secured in themselves and their accomplishments. They take very great care of themselves and their love ones. They have enough love for themselves and enjoy uplifting and encouraging others. A content and happy person overall, they are rarely ever unhappy, nor will they show it. They know their worth and refuse to settle for anything or anyone less than what they deserve.
♡ A grounded and stable individual. They have a great head on their shoulders. They have a strong appreciation for life and the finer things in life, never taking anything for granted and seeing an opportunity in everything. They are very nurturing and supportive to their love ones and always willing to give a helping hand to those in need. They are very consistent in anything they dedicate their time and effort to. 
♡ They are big nature lovers. They anything dealing with the outdoors. Gardening, hiking, running, walking, you name it, this person is pretty much down for a little adventure.
♡ They are very health conscious. They are very mindful of what they put into their body. They love to nourish and take care of their bodies, whether through exercise and dieting to keep them in good health. They are very in-tuned with their body and prefer to maintain a healthy lifestyle that benefits them physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. 
♡ They can be quite indecisive at times. They have a hard time making decisions or even sticking with a decision once they have made it. It could be that they want to make others happy and are afraid to make a wrong decision or even lose favor with people, if they choose to favor something else. 
♡ They don’t mind be alone for some. Although they are a people person, they don’t mind taking some time out to be alone to enjoy their own company and peace for a while. 
qualities they like about you
♡ Your beauty truly knocks this person on their feet. They find you to be drop dead gorgeous. They like the way you carry yourself and how you take care of yourself. They love the way you put effort into your physical appearance, always looking good. I’m hearing Fancy by Drake. Everything you do takes this person’s breath away, you could dress in a potato sack and they would still think you are the most beautiful thing they ever laid eyes on. They like how high maintenance you are, and how your prioritize your physical appearance. They like your sense of style, how you style your hair, how you do your makeup, the way you smell, and how you keep your nails and toes done. They also find your body to be so attractive and sexy, curves or not. They just like and appreciate how feminine you are.
♡ They like how maternal you are. They feel like you have a maternal nature to you. For some, you could remind this person of their mother or a maternal figure in their life. They like how nurturing and caring you are. How you are willing to help others and willing to help them. They like how supportive you are of them and always encouraging them when they need it. They love how affectionate you are and the way you show them unconditional love. They think that you are the “perfect woman / man” for them, someone that they could take home to their family, marry, start a family with, and create a beautiful and abundant life with. 
♡ They truly admire you and think very highly of you. They could possibly put you on a pedestal. They like how confident and bold you are and how you know your worth. They have nothing but respect and admiration for you. They are proud to claim as their partner    and that you choose to be with them, amongst all the other options, it gives this person a bit of an ego boost. They like how you bring out the best in them or encourage them to be the best version of themselves when they are with you. They truly like how you make them feel special and seen. They also like how you stand out amongst the crowd and don’t feel the need to fit in or seek external validation. They like how you aren’t afraid to embrace your uniqueness, and that you remain true to yourself. 
♡ To this person, they like how you have a unique or outwardly beauty that is rare and stands out amongst others. If you have red / ginger hair (naturally or dyed), they find it to be so beautiful and unique. They also like the color of your eyes, some of you may have green or blue eyes that are truly enchanting to this person. They feel like they are under a spell whenever they look at you. For some, they think you look like a witch. I channeled Lilith or siren energy, so they find you to be very seductive, mystical, fiery, irresistible, and a total wild card. I’m channeling that you may favor Jessica Rabbit to your next partner. 
♡ They like how secretive and mysterious you are. They are always fascinated to know more about you than what meets the eye. You are like a riddle that they would like to solve and figure out, but can’t quite figure out fully, yet they like idea of trying to unravel you. I pick up that your next partner will enjoy the “chase” phase when you met them. Opening Pandora’s box. They like the fact that you aren’t an open book, and that you take your time to trust and let people in. 
♡ They like how intelligent and wise you are. They like the way your mind operates. They like how there is more depth to your personality. They like that you have brains to match with your beauty. 
♡ They like how you believe in a higher power (whatever you define as divine power). For some, you could be religious or spiritual. You trust in divine power with everything in your life.
♡ They like your level of athleticism. They like how active and health conscious you are. They like how you take your health and well-being seriously, and how you take care of yourself. 
♡ They like how supportive you are. You know how to celebrate other people’s and their accomplishments. They like how they can always count on you to be their biggest supporter in good and bad times. 
♡ They like that you know how to have fun, you don’t take your self too seriously. They genuinely enjoy being around you and know that they will always have a wonderful and exciting time when they are with you. 
♡ They like that you are family oriented. This could be with your or their family. They love the level of emotional stability and fulfillment you bring into their lives. 
dynamic of this connection
*in keywords*
6th house synastry • connection of the minds • the couple that pray together, stay together • 11:11 • working out together• The Wood (movie) • changing bad habits to good habits• booking flights • running errands together • library dates • challenging each other’s perspective • reading together / to each other • bible study • Peace of Mind by PartyNextDoor • “your well-being is everything to me” • Look After You by The Fray • gratitude for each other • picking each other’s brain • learning together • long distance relationship • A Whole New World, Aladdin • religious differences • divine counterparts • “you’re apart of my life now” • “there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you” • 9th house synastry • wanting the best for each other • “let’s pour into each other” • self care days • “you need some help with that” • “you’re my priority” • You’re My Latest, My Greatest Inspiration, Teddy Pendergrass • “welp, looks like your stuck with me” • synchronizing each other’s schedule • work husband & wife • “if you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be and why” • growing together • bringing out the best in each other • “you are not what I was expecting” • spiritual awakenings • trying new things together • random debates • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind • laughing at each other’s jokes • “I love who I am when I’m with you” •  finishing each other’s sentences • “my stress reliever” • enlightening conversations • competitiveness, “ I bet you can’t beat me” • “everyday is an adventure worth exploring when I’m with you” • Fools Rush In (movie) • supporting each other’s dreams • “no matter what happens, we fight for each other and stick together” • “you get me, like no one else does” • planning a future together • the love of a lifetime • never a dull moment • meditating together • acts of service • carrying you home • the student & the teacher • collecting mementos • Love Like This by Faith Evans • I Will Be Your Friend by Sade • A Bronx Tale (movie)
channeled song
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sakurapandadreams · 5 months ago
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Please take all of these predictions with a grain of salt I'm not a professional astrologer.
And here's my masterlist
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☀️ Neptune trine Pluto can also have exceptional psychic abilities [except they keep dismissing their abilities as mere coincidence]
☀️ Most dancers in many kpop groups tend to have Aries Sun or prominent Aries placement in their chart.
☀️ Pisces Moons tend to overdo their confidence, trying to hide the insecurities they have deep down.
☀️ Pisces Sun's are also good at manifesting provided they know that their good at it.
☀️ In many cases if you and your siblings have opposite rising signs you may look completely different from each other.
For example : If your a Taurus rising and your siblings is a Scorpio rising you both will look so different people can doubt your even siblings
☀️ Debilitated moons can signify unhealthy attachments towards the mother.
☀️ During your birth if your Moon left its previous sign and just entered its next sign, again you guys could also share the qualities of both those signs.
For example : Moon left Capricorn and just entered Aquarius you can have the traits of both Capricorn as well as Aquarius.
☀️ Check where you have Aquarius in your chart you feel like an outcast more in that place.
☀️ Capricorn risings are so much interested in crime documentaries, murder mysteries, solving criminal cases.
☀️ Pluto in the 3rd house can get bullied when young, being bullied for your intelligence, people considering you dumb hence they can also have trouble communicating their feelings with others most will keep to themselves.
☀️ Mars in the 7th house [men] tend to like women who are ultra feminine.
☀️ Venus in Leo in 8th house tend to get in laws that have a higher social status than them.
☀️ Leo Moons look up or learn from their mothers more than their fathers. Their mothers are also quite controlling and dominating towards the child as well as the natives father.
☀️ Mercury - Pluto aspects have a harsh way of talking sometimes they don't want to come off as rude but they still do. Often times whatever they say is incorrectly interpret or misunderstood by people.
☀️ Same goes for Mercury Square Saturn except these people have mastered sarcasm, they aren't blunt like Pluto rather sarcastic.
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☀️ A person having Rahu in Bharani nakshatra may end up evoking a desire in the opposite gender unintentionally.
☀️ 3rd house Ketu 🤝 never running out of hard cash.
☀️ Also if your 1st house lord sits in the 7th house then that can at times give you a low self esteem same goes for Sun in the 7th house.
☀️ Purva Phalguni moons tend to have a good childhood but they have to adjust and sacrifice alot in their married life.
☀️ Also Purva phalguni moons [women] tend to love their spouse more, but that love isn't much reciprocate.
☀️ Purva Ashada Nakshatras are so good at teaching and also at research work. In group projects they end up giving excellent ideas. They also get the due recognition for the work they do.
☀️ Many a times if you have a Nakshatra that shares itself with two signs you can have qualities of both those signs in you [Chitra Nakshatra shares itself with both Virgo and Libra].
☀️ [Now this is my opinion and it can be wrong but still ☺️] I feel all signs attract envy in their own way, Scorpio and Leo's attract alot because their ruled by such fiery planets like Mars and Sun.
☀️ If Mars is aspected by Rahu or in conjunction with Rahu it can also give a person tendencies to doubt their own strengths and talents.
☀️ Hasta Moons or Rising both are soo good at drawing, mehndi, creating best out of waste, handicrafts, hand embroidery. More than cooking their good at cutting vegetables and decorating dishes. Also great at hairstyling. However they can be great dentists and surgeons as well [They get less credit for this]
☀️ Shravan Nakshatra is one of the most intuitive nakshatras, their another walking lie detectors.
☀️ Uttara Bhadrapada gives you blessings for the good karma you did in your past life.
☀️ Sun as your darakaraka can also give you a husband who would often show you off to others.
☀️ Ketu in the 7th house doesn't mean one won't get married they can get married but they will stay away from each other, like having jobs in two different places [long distance marriages].
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astroismypassion · 6 months ago
Astrology observations from real life 🪷🪷🪷
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Credit goes to astrology blog @astroismypassion
A few in my mailbox asked me to post about astrology playing out in real life. I still have to preface that the view is mostly based from the viewpoint of my own individual Natal chart. So it’s coming from a perspective of Taurus Sun, Aries Moon, Scorpio Rising.
🪷 For me 8th house Synastry with Cancer or Taurus, Libra over the 8th house is not the usual “love or hate connection” at all. So this is one thing I definitely didn’t relate. I think love hate dynamic could be perhaps more prominent if you have a malefic, Capricorn, Aquarius etc. over the 8th house. So I have Cancer over the 8th house. And best I could describe 8th house Synastry with Cancer placements is “failed attempts”. I really like them, but nothing ever gets of the ground with them. I had already someone’s Cancer Sun and Mercury in my 8th house and another person’s Cancer Sun, Venus, Mercury and Mars in my Cancer 8th house. Each Cancer was completely different, but there was usually a pattern I noticed, that after 3 years of knowing them, there is usually a breaking point and it’s always after 3 years. They either rejected me, friendzoned me or weren’t looking to enter a committed partnership. So technically, on paper is nothing particularly wrong in the 8th house Synastry, just stagnant and not much happening and the connection just never got of the ground to begin with. So that’s why I don’t really understand the 8th house love or hate thing. I would say we are pretty neutral toward one another and don’t hate each other, but aren’t in love either.
🪷 Aquarius Moon can end up being quite narrow-minded in a way that they have hard time fully accepting the other’s perspective, but only their own. That’s why sometimes having a conversation with them, doesn’t feel like a dialogue, but more so like they are in a monologue with themselves. Some can end up being quite preachy, because of that.
🪷 In my experience Taurus Moons, natives with Taurus IC are some of the most secure individuals. Because they have the needed self-love and most that I have met don’t even feel the need to start a partnership, just because they are just so comfortable on their own.
🪷 Pisces Moon can either be incredibly intuitive, compassionate or really mean “in the name of the truth”. But I feel like you have to know them for years, before it really becomes apparent how blunt, truthful and sometimes mean they actually are. They can kind of be unhealthy towards themselves by not believing they are capable. But also have the ability to negatively influence others with their negative mood as well. They are really observant and good listeners, therefore often times they choose words that know will sting you.
🪷 I noticed that stereotypically labelled as “players” when grown up, Aries Moon men, even Moon aspect Mars natives, appear that way only in adulthood. But what I found, that in childhood/teenage years they were often ignored by women or didn’t receive much romantic attention at all. They were rarely picked or chosen. So later they seem to quite enjoy the attention. I’d say maybe it’s the same for Aries Moon women? I don’t know, but Selena Gomez (Aries Moon) did talk about how boys were never interested in her when she way much younger, that she didn’t receive much romantic attention.
🪷 Libra Chiron people have strange behaviour. They still pursue people who rejected them and fall even deeper in love. Like what?? You guys deserve reciprocal love and not this one-sided thing.
🪷 Scorpio Rising, Pluto in the 1st house native is really one of the realest people you meet out there. They become so open and honest about life with time and in adulthood. They are not pretentious at all and I noticed they even don’t mind if they embarrass themselves a bit, as long as they are being authentic and living their own truth and purpose. A lot of them also went through a major breakthrough in life (dropped out of education, lost an important job etc.) and that launched them in a totally new life direction, career path, where they end up being successful then. They are very artistic, even though they appear logical, excellent problem solvers too.
🪷 Natives with Moon at a Leo degree (5, 17, 29) low key are Cancer Suns. I noticed you have troubled love life, because you get taken advantage of your kindness and you are genuinely so nice. I wouldn’t say this rings true too for Leo Moons or Moon in the 5th house natives (you more so attract rather selfish people).
🪷 Libra Moons probably rarely saw the conflict resolution between parents, so many of them are so conflict avoidant (are even scared to have tension) in a partnership, because deep down they didn’t really learn conflict resolution and don’t know how to solve it.
🪷 Cancer Moon men desire a wife, a housemaker, a best friend, a lover, a wifey in one person. They often secretly wish for a very traditional marriage. But to be fair, they probably had parents that were married for years or married couple goals, so they had role models and want the same for themselves.
🪷 A lot of Scorpio Risings or Pluto in the 1st house native have this idealisation with wealth going on. A lot of them dream of extreme wealth and are very money, financial stability oriented.
🪷 You really get along with someone who has their Rising sign in the same sign of your 11th house. For example: you have Scorpio over the 11th house, you could have a good chance to get along with Scorpio Risings.
🪷 Libra Chiron don’t find themselves attractive. But y’all are models for real. So so many people find you very conventionally attractive.
🪷 Aquarius Eros people can have a tendency to be so random. And you guys love love surprising others. Just not the other way. 😂 You dislike surprises. But I don’t find the stereotypes of being into “group sex, threesomes, kinky af” true at all. Most of them are oddballs with specific humour and often postpone intimacy, because they prefer touching people with their words. They really like hangouts and long talks over physical intimacy or touching. A lot of them also don’t understand why people rush intimacy so much. They like to take their time. However, they are into connection with people that has proved time. The longer they have known you, the more they are likely to consider you an intimate option. They really like people that stick with them or have been in their life for years.
🪷 Pisces Descendants doesn’t come across to me as delusional. Instead quite controlling towards the actions of their partner. They are idealistic about love and want their partner to act accordingly with their wishes. So they get “their way” by presenting themselves as a hopeless romantic.
🪷 Cancer Moon, Moon in the 4th house both men and women often feel like they can’t protect or defend themselves in the world. So they are often attracted to “protector” type of partner. However, the potential downfall of not learning how to protect themselves is falling into a parent child dynamic with their partner (with Cancer Moon, Moon in the 4th house native acting as a child).
Credit goes to astrology blog @astroismypassion
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harmoonix · 1 year ago
🔥The Bad Bitch🔥
✮(Astrology Observations)✮
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✮-> Mars in Earth Degrees (2°, 6°, 10°, 14°, 18°, 22°, 26°), gosh their vibes and their attitude is so savage and so striking like they give this boss bitch walking mode
✮-> Mars aspecting Sun or Saturn can get male attention really fast, like they be pulling males looking at them out of nowhere
✮-> Sagittarius Moon/Moon in the 9th house natives have that wild fierce appearance of course, I swear to Nicki Minaj they be the wildest people in the crowd and even at the first sight you met them
✮-> Pluto in the 1st/8th/10th/11th house. Gosh how these natives always attract envy everywhere they go?? Siri play Obsessed by Mariah Carey literally...And even people being mean with you for like no reason. Girl pop off
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✮-> Juno aspecting Mars are that seductive. There are not enough words to describe how seductive these natives can be
✮-> Taurus Mars/Mars in the 2nd house be really having that gorgeous body, and girl go get that cashhhh let it flowwwww
✮-> Mercury aspecting Pluto in your chart makes your voice so deep and so seductive, is also very hard to not fall for your voice
✮-> I swear to Nicki again girl if you have Pluto in the 7th house and you keep attracting obsessive people in your life it's because you have that energy in your life, though relationships can transform you deeply
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✮-> It's good to know that all Liliths (h12) or (h13) give bad bitch vibes based on the element they are in (+ Lilith asteroid 1181) = All your combos of elements
Lilith in earth element = Boss Bitch
Lilith in fire element= Destructive Bitch
Lilith in Water element = Sensual Bitch
Lilith in Air element = Mesmerizing Bitch
✮-> Asteroid Sirene [1009] conjunct/trine/sextile/parallel/ Saturn, girl you really be attracting those dominant people in your life, like if you are looking for serious relationship is really great
✮-> Asteroid Sirene [1009] in the 7th house gonna make you to attract mischievous partners, partners who can pretend something they are not
✮-> Lilith (h13) in 8°. 20° degrees girl you should embrace yourself way more, take care of you and of your energy and of your magnetism too
✮-> Midheaven at 1°, 13°, 25° degrees or Midheaven in Aries , you make sure people know you are that BISH, PURRR don't let people disrespect you and show them who's the boss
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✮-> Midheaven at 10°, 22° degrees or Midheaven in Capricorn is giving "I'm a bitch, I'm a boss imma shine like gloss" these Capricorn Degrees babe so ofc they are bosses
✮-> Midheaven in 9°, 21° degrees or Midheaven in Sagittarius are "wild at heart with a lust for life" that's how my friend describes them and I agree because honestly Jupiter is supporting them so much, go queennnn
✮-> Midheaven in 2°, 7°, 14°, 19°, 26° degrees or Midheaven in Libra/Taurus, you know you are the IT because of your beauty, the people approach you as charming and sensual
✮-> Don't forget where you have Scorpio/Aquarius/Pisces in your chart, because these signs are ruled by 2 planets and they will both influence the house and planets you have in these signs
✮-> Venus at 29° degrees, we are all together in this cus' these are the ender degrees, you'll have to end something in your love topics in this life, these degrees also give you influence
✮-> Capricorn Mars and Mars in the 10th house can't hide from their sensuality, Mars is like a carefree here and doesn't like to hide it
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✮-> Mars in Sagittarius, Leo, Aries bring the fire in your life literally, they're hot and they know that, honestly Mars gets crazy everytime it enters in a fire sign
✮-> Asteroid Salome [562] in Scorpio/8th house knows how to enchant people, they have an unique magnetism that just pulls people and their aura is so sexual, they can aslo have a big sex appeal
✮-> Salome [562] in Capricorn/10th house they're very dominant in everything, very dark feminine vibes and very sassy/sometimes they tend to be a bit mean with people/ they can appear as being hot or sexy in public or by others
✮-> Salome in Libra/Salome in the 7th house can have a very beautiful body and their beauty itself is aswell, they also appear as being charming with people, seductive too
✮-> Sagittarius Venus/Venus in the 9th house, guys just search Venus in Sag women you'll see 90% of them having a very beautiful body/(hips mostly), Sagittarius rules over hips and Venus will make that prominent in your body (Ice Spice and Nicki Minaj both have it in Sag and they are no joke)
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✮-> Venus in Aquarius/11th house or in Aquarius Degrees 11°, 23°, something is so unique/outstanding about these natives, that type of person who stays out of the crowd yet the one who gets the most attention vibes
✮-> Venus in Aries/Venus in the 1st house or in Aries Degrees 1°, 13° 25° their energy though, it's very fierce and they will be the most confident when it comes to their beauty
✮-> Saturn conjunction/square/opposite/parallel Lilith (h12) = Bad girls, this is their world and we just live in it, they're aura gives "I'm the authority here" if you ever read Lilith's Myth and how she became she first woman you'll realize how much Lilith - Saturn aspects have in common with the myth
✮-> Something I will always always and always admire about Capricorn/Aquarius placements is that they have this Saturn protective side, Saturn is their teacher and a father figure in the same time and be sure it can revenge for them aswell (especially in Sun/Moon/Rising because they have it more prominent)
✮-> Lilith in the 1st house/Lilith in Aries/Lilith in Aries Degrees 1°, 13°, 25°, these natives have the vibe of Goddess Eris from Greek Mythology if you don't know her check her out she's iconic. They have this chaos in them but some power too
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✮-> Eros Asteroid (433) in elements can indicate the love style you want/like:
Eros in Fire element loves physical touch
Eros in Water element loves emotional bounding/ or true love
Eros in Air element loves communication in love/talking/opening out
Eros in Earth element loves words of affirmation and quality time
✮-> What's cool about your Midheaven is that it can change its place it doesn't always have to be in your 10th house
Some natives have their MC in their 9th house
Some in the 10th house (just like the basic one)
And some with the MC in the 11th house
You can see your Midheaven by sign it's repsented by (MC) and look in the house it's in.
✮-> Sun in Taurus Degrees/Sun in the 2nd house (2°, 14°, 26°), are giving so much feminine vibes, in looks, personality, they way they act in everything and you can recognize it so easily (at least me)
✮-> Sun/Moon in the 8th house really give that "Im here to experience and to evolve not to take your bullshit" like you don't have to care about others opinion and you focus on yourself, get that crown queens and kings
✮-> Moon in the 10th house (Moon at 10°, 22°) can have it though when it comes to their emotions and feelings, sometimes they can suffer and keep it inside for a long time and they're so strong emotionally!
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🔥 I really hope my posts help you to understand your birth chart better and to be proud of your placements even if they are not always all the placements, I have a lot of posts you can read about so everyone is included 🔥
🔥 H a r m o o n i x 🔥
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sensualnoiree · 9 months ago
astro notes: taurus season focus
Taurus season begins with the sun entering Taurus as Jupiter and Uranus align, promising an auspicious start. After a period of eclipses and Mercury retrograde, there's a chance to cultivate peace and presence. Venus in Aries before April 30 adds urgency to desires, but when it moves into Taurus, a sweeter, more attuned phase begins. The sun's crossing of Jupiter and Uranus' alignment on May 11/12 suggests reactivation of opportunities from the conjunction, potentially leading to confidence-building breakthroughs.
🔥Aries Rising (Taurus 2nd House): Focus on finances and material possessions. It's a good time to review your budget and financial goals. You may feel a stronger need for security and comfort, leading to practical spending and saving habits.
🌱Taurus Rising (Taurus 1st House): This transit highlights your self-image and personal goals. It's a great time for self-care and setting new intentions. You may feel more confident and grounded, attracting positive attention from others.
🌬Gemini Rising (Taurus 12th House): A period of introspection and reflection. You may feel more inclined to spend time alone or engage in spiritual practices. Pay attention to your dreams and subconscious thoughts, as they may reveal important insights.
🦀Cancer Rising (Taurus 11th House): Focus on your social life and connections. You may feel more drawn to spending time with friends and participating in group activities. This is a good time to network and collaborate with others towards common goals.
🦁Leo Rising (Taurus 10th House): Career and public image take the spotlight. You may receive recognition for your hard work or feel motivated to pursue new career opportunities. Focus on long-term goals and how you can achieve them.
🌾Virgo Rising (Taurus 9th House): This transit highlights education, travel, and philosophical pursuits. You may feel a strong desire to expand your horizons through learning or exploring new cultures. It's a good time to plan a trip or enroll in a course.
⚖️Libra Rising (Taurus 8th House): Focus on shared resources and deep transformations. You may need to review your finances, particularly those shared with others. This is also a good time to delve into your psyche and address any emotional issues.
🦂Scorpio Rising (Taurus 7th House): Relationships and partnerships come into focus. You may feel more committed to your existing relationships or seek to establish new ones. It's a good time to work on communication and compromise in your relationships.
🏹Sagittarius Rising (Taurus 6th House): Health and daily routines take center stage. You may feel motivated to improve your physical well-being through diet, exercise, or other health practices. Focus on creating a balanced and sustainable routine.
🐐Capricorn Rising (Taurus 5th House): This transit highlights creativity, romance, and self-expression. You may feel more inspired to pursue artistic or creative projects. It's also a good time to enjoy leisure activities and spend time with loved ones.
⚡️Aquarius Rising (Taurus 4th House): Focus on home, family, and emotional security. You may feel a stronger need to create a peaceful and comfortable environment at home. This is a good time to connect with your family and address any domestic issues.
🐠Pisces Rising (Taurus 3rd House): This transit highlights communication, learning, and short trips. You may feel more inclined to engage in conversations and share your ideas with others. It's a good time to expand your knowledge through reading or attending workshops.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on yt @quenysefields or instagram sensualnoiree
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gemini-atz · 3 months ago
Seonghwa as your Boyfriend₊˚⊹♡
('Realistic Imagines' + Astrology Based)
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Background/Disclaimer: !!This is all my own interpretation based on my personal astrology knowledge and research. I consider myself an amateur!!
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✩Gemini Notes✩ IDK what happened but I ended up getting really into writing the NSFW part of this and it got long so I'm making a part 2 for it which I'll post tomorrow night! I'll create a link at the end of this post and in my Astrology Series Pinned post. If you'd like a tag please comment!
Dating Seonghwa is pretty much like being with your best friend. He's such a caretaker and protector in your life almost from the moment he enters it. You guys probably had a base of friendship for a bit before you started dating, and it would have probably (definitely) been you crushing on Seonghwa hard first before he even notices his own feelings for you.
Aquarius Venus and really anyone with their Venus in an Air sign tend to seek intellectual or stimulating connections with people before falling romantically. For Seonghwa his partner should be someone he also considers a close friend. He'd be like the guy you'd meet in your second year of college in class because you were put in a group for an assignment and of COURSE you two turned out to be the only two that even gave a shit and tried. Showing a sincere interest in his hobbies or likes would really endear him to you, and he would try to return the favor by getting into yours. For Seonghwa, a comfortable kind of friends to lovers thing is ideal. He loves spending quality time with you but his idea of quality time is very much giving parallel play, where you both do your own thing in the same room, maybe listening to a playlist you made together. With his three Aries placements, he has the potential to have a really explosive temper. It's a little diminished by his Moon in Cancer but he's probably the type of guy who holds in all his annoyances until he can just get them out at the end of the day either through his hobbies or physical activity. Basically, he likes to keep his mind focused and his hands busy. Air Venus signs can come off as aloof occasionally to other passionate signs who literally want to be with you all the time. He's the kind of boyfriend that will give you some space if you need it, because he'll need it too. You'll be soooo tempted to go an interrupt him when he's focused on his Legos because he's just so beautiful and cute when he's focusing but the thing he loves about you is how much understanding you always give him; its all you can do to just kiss his forehead and go to read a book while laying on the couch. Eventually he'd come over to you, bouncy and energized and flop onto the couch, wiggling up to rest his face into your chest and wrapping warm, solid arms around you. "Can I show you the set I just built?" He'd ask, and of course you say yes! His eyes get so sparkly while he shows it off to you, smiling so proudly at your reactions. If you're a person who loves being spontaneous or adventurous with your plans, having Seonghwa as your boyfriend means you two will genuinely have a lot of fun together. He's the boyfriend that wants genuinely does want to go to art museums and fashion archive exhibits with you, and you guys can chat excitably about your opinions of different works, be it games, anime, fashion or music. As a couple, you are always ready to try something new and probably always have weekend plans.
As a Cancer Moon Seonghwa might gravitate toward the caretaker role in your relationship and tends to anticipate your own needs before you do, just doing little actions to look after you, like preparing your coffee or tea in the morning while you rush around getting ready for work. He isn't super big on PDA, maybe holding hands in public is as much as he's comfortable with but once you're alone....he's your personal giant teddy bear. So many hugs, so many cuddle sessions where you both play on your Switches and pause occasionally to show each other something cool or cute in your game.
You'll end up thinking its funny that some people have the impression your boyfriend is quiet or shy; If he's not saying anything, he just might not be interested in the conversation. Once you get him talking about his interests he's a certified YAPPER. And, surprisingly one of the most stubborn people you have ever met. Like, good luck feeling like you can ever "win" an argument. With both a Sun and Mars in Aries, Seonghwa feels like he can give you energy just from being near him. Aries men tend to have a lot of physical stamina and can push themselves pretty far in that aspect.
Which brings me to my next point......
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I see Seonghwa as someone who eventually gets into orgasm denial on his partner because of just how long he can go for. That Aries stamina feels like he's the type who can cum and be ready to go again faster than you were expecting.
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elminx · 1 year ago
this week ^
The Great Aquarius Spell of 2024
Are you the kind of person who wants to make a real change in the world? Are you the kind of person who thinks BIG? Who is disappointed in the status quo? Do you want to see a better world for all people?
Then this is the spell for you.
And no, this isn't exactly a spell tutorial. Let's call it a spell invitation. A cosmic chance to supercharge your magic.
Why now?
This month (January 2024) has two days that strongly highlight Aquarius and Uranus energy. For those in the know, the sign of Aquarius and Uranus, its planetary ruler, are the rebels, the rulebreakers, the big thinkers, and the revolutionists of the astrological zodiac.
I want to list for you a couple of famous Aquariuses throughout history for a moment so might get an idea of what I mean here: Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison, Ferdinand Magellan, Fredrick Douglas, Charles Darwin, Galileo Galilei, Yoko One, Charles Lindbergh, Aaron Burr, Bob Marley, Kim Jong-Il, Rosa Parks, and Grigori Rasputin.
One thing that can be said for the Aquarius spirit is that it rarely leads to a milk toast personality. From great revolutionaries to despots to peace activists, Aquarius is THE sign of political change, the kind of change that ripples through history.
Circle these two days on your calendar:
On Saturday, 1/20, the Sun and Pluto meet up in conjunction and move in lockstep with one another into the sign of Aquarius.
One week later, on 1/27, Uranus stations direct.
These are the kind of days when change happens. But we witches don't just let change happen, we MAKE change happen. This is the best aligned chance to enact real and lasting change - the kind of change that the above listed Aquariuses made - for quite some time.
We just need to use it.
As stated above, I am not going to outline an exact ritual or spell for you here because this spell needs to come from you. It should, in some way, reflect the change that YOU want to see in the world.
But I will give you some places to start.
A General Spell Framework
There are three major players in these powerhouse days. 1/20 involves the Sun, Uranus, and Pluto and 1/27 involves Uranus. As outer planets, Uranus and Pluto are considered beyond human influence and most astrologers believe that they cannot be petitioned in the same way that the seven planetary powers can. The Sun, on the other hand, can be. Create an altar to the Sun. Moreover, create an altar to the Sun in the sign of Aquarius. Aquarius is our fixed air sign so elements of air can be added to your altar. Additionally, you could include photos of famous Aquarius changemakers that you particularly admire or even non-Aquarius changemakers who worked with the particular cause you are championing. The Sun supports life itself, Uranus and Pluto are our planets of change, and Aquarius supports community of all kinds. Intentions around the world as one community will be highly effective during this time. If you are struggling for an intention, something like "Everybody deserves more love, not less" is a reasonable place to start.
Think big. The sky is the limit here. This isn't a day for magic to fix your own life - this is a day for magic to fix the world. Do you want to stop climate instability? End homelessness? Redress great injustices?
The symbols for the Sun, Uranus, Pluto, and Aquarius may prove useful in your spellwork. You can carve them onto candles or onto petition papers.
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If you work with tarot in your spellwork, there are a few cards that can be worked with to enact great changes. The one that comes to mind immediately is the Death Card because what greater change exists than to exit this life for the next? The death cards can be directed to remove anything from a situation through a metaphorical "killing" of it. And then, of course, we have the Tower - the OG card connected to the energy of Uranus. The Tower is associated with dramatic and unthinkable change (as the card depicts) but it has a deeper esoteric association with the changing of belief systems, like the sign of Aquarius! And then we have Judgment which can serve the purpose of bringing about consequences to those that need to face their actions.
Alternatively, if you work with runes, both the Dagaz and the Tiwaz runes can be used to enact change (Dagaz, as a brand new day and a brand new chance) and Tiwaz (to enact divine justice). The rune Halagaz can also be used similarly to the Tower card to bring down systems and enact the change of inevitability. Though I find the energy of Hagalaz to be similar to that of the Tower, I favor the rune in this case as it implies the inevitable rebirth at the end of the change: when the ice melts, new things will grow again.
That said, as always, your magic needs to work for you.
Do you like my work? You can support me by tipping me on Kofi or becoming a monthly supporter.
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ms-m-astrologer · 2 years ago
Transiting Sun enters Aquarius
Friday, January 20 - Saturday, February 18, 2023
This is going to be a busy Aquarius season, let me warn you straight off. The first week especially is almost dizzying. And I was only counting the major aspects!
This can be a very political time. In their book Astrology for Yourself, authors Bloch and George give as the Aquarius keyphrase, “My need to be innovative, original, and to create social change.” (Not necessarily liberal and progressive social change - that disgusting POS Ronnie Rayguns was an Aquarius.) We’re interested in novel solutions, thinking outside the box, etc., as we try to make the world a better place.
This is also a time of year in which we can consider our own unique individualities, compared to/with other people’s expectations of us. That may become a big concern, especially as the “month” moves on - January 28, when the Sun squares the North and South Nodes; February 3, when the Sun squares Uranus; and February 16, when the Sun is conjunct Saturn.
It almost feels like we start Aquarius season with high expectations, which are initially supported but gradually must meet a few important challenges. With the Sun’s final aspect being a conjunction with Saturn, we really need to pay attention to Saturn/Aquarius matters - personal integrity to oneself, and the responsibilities of being our authentic selves in our larger communities.
Dates to watch out for (give them a day on either side, too):
Saturday, January 21 - Aquarius New Moon
Tuesday, January 24 - Sun/Aquarius sextile Jupiter/Aries
Thursday, January 26:
Sun/Aquarius sextile Juno/Aries
Sun/Aquarius trine Ceres/Libra
Saturday, January 28 - Sun/Aquarius square North Node/Taurus and South Node/Scorpio
Sunday, January 29 - Sun/Aquarius trine Mars/Gemini
Wednesday, February 1 - Sun/Aquarius sextile Chiron/Aries
Friday, February 3 - Sun/Aquarius square Uranus/Taurus
Sunday, February 12 - Sun/Aquarius sextile Eris/Aries
Thursday, February 16 - Sun/Aquarius conjunct Saturn/Aquarius
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arijackz · 10 months ago
PICK A CARD: What You're Walking Away From and What You're Walking Toward
⚸ "Just like moons and like suns, with the certainty of tides, just like hopes springing high, still I’ll rise." —Maya Angelou
Disclaimer: This is a general reading, take what resonates. I wish you love and light through this renewing period. <3
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p1 → p2 ↙︎ p3 → p4
♦︎ Pile One ♦︎ (3oP, 2oS rev., the tower, the star)
⚄ The cards are taking a while to come out, I feel like whatever seeds you’re planting, the bulk of the work is being done internally, subconsciously, or in your sleep. ⚄ With the three of pentacles,  you are reevaluating the role your social connections play in your life and how exactly they’ll fit into the puzzle pieces of your future. For most of you, these are friendships. A few of you, romantic relationships. Another subset of you, there is an emphasis on the relationships you've built with the people you share a common goal with. This can be for work, clubs, hobbies, etc. ⚄ You are moving out of 5th house-type friendships (here for a good time, not a long time) and entering 7th and 11th house partnerships. These unions go beyond just having fun. Deep connections are developed so you can have a support team to lean on during the upcoming highs and lows of the 6th, 8th, and 10th house. They hold more significance and the people who reside in this area of your life should be thoroughly vetted. ⚄ Two of swords rev., you are battling with an internal decision regarding the company you keep and struggling to center yourself.  This tower moment is forcing you to vet. To take action. Reflect on whether these people help fulfill your life purpose and achieve your goals or just hinder them. Reassess your relationships according to what you want out of life. ⚄ I was trying to keep this pac short and down to 3 cards. But apparently not?? The star just flipped out, reaffirming that there's a lot of good shit in the works. Stepping away from certain people will align you with the next phase of your life. Bigger and better is coming in. Some of you are settling in relationships in fear of being alone. ⚄ Staying with connections you have outgrown will leave you stagnant. The universe has big plans in store for you, your life is going to take off soon. It will not wait for your friends to hop aboard the ride. You cannot take everyone with you. Your relationships are coming into question because the universe is doing some pruning for you. ⚄ I see people “jumping ship”, maybe you feel the people around you are not there for you during your rough patches? Yeah, connections built on shallow foundations are dissolving.  ⚄ The king of cups popped up out of nowhere. You are falling out of alignment with the people you’re with and leaving them will push you towards kinder souls who are more emotionally nurturing.  ⚄ Mercurial, Uranian, and lil bit of Jupitarian energy. I’m talking directly to you Virgo, Gemini, Aquarius, and Pisces placements. I call you out with love of course. This is my sidereal big 3 after all<3 ⚄ The star is a very hopeful card, filled with excitement and abundance. You are driving on the road to your destiny. There are only a few seats left in the car, choose wisely. ⚄ Advice: Have faith in your intuition and discernment. I say this in every pac lmao. You’re definitely on the right path (you’re leading up to the star), but this transitioning period is going to be uncomfortable because you are leaving connections behind. When we exit our comfort zones and leave people, we tend to gaslight ourselves and downplay the situation or allow fear to derail our judgment. You are too close to your dreams to let old connections hold you back. You have a deep knowing that these connections will not survive the ride to the top, listen to your intuition and let go of what is no longer serving you. Be selfish if need be.
I only bark once.
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♦︎ Pile Two ♦︎ (temperance, the magician, the hermit, knight of swords)
⚄ I felt a puff of air in my left eye. The left side of the body is traditionally associated with the intuitive and receptive feminine. You are in a waiting period right now and are receiving intuitive downloads and messages. Your connection to the metaphysical is strengthening. Be inquisitive at this time and assess your life in a higher light, you are being blessed with the ability to see the hidden and the unforeseen.  The synchronicities you are seeing right now are not a coincidence. (Extra confirmation if you’re seeing repetitive 3’s, 5’s, 8’s, triangles, stars, and the infinity symbol)
⚄ Lmfao I was planning on only pulling three cards but the life you’re sowing right now is HUGE. 3 major arcanas back to back and then a court card?? You are being prepped for a whirlwind of adventure. You’re in your own world fucking COOKING.
⚄ The slow period you’re in is forcing you to build a foundation of balance, patience, and introspection. Boring. I know. But it is crucial to your development. I said it best in my last pac so i’ll say it again here, Whatever you build in this lifetime will be built slowly and have a solid foundation because your legacy is meant to withstand the test of time and last long after you leave this Earth. This period you’ve spent waiting is you getting your ducks in a row and sowing your seeds for the next evolution of you.
⚄ Shoutout to my Pisceans and Saturnians. If you have resonated with this so far, definitely go check out pile 4 of my ✩Glow Up✩ pac because there are a lot of gems in there for you.
⚄ You are creating your future reality in this introspective period. I feel for a lot of you, your self-work is centered around deconstructing the old perception of yourself and building your identity up from scratch. You are either beginning, in the heat of, or ending a long period of self-discovery and establishing your self-esteem.
⚄ With the knight of swords at the end of the spread, you are approaching the end of the tunnel with renewed vigor and resolute faith in your capabilities. I’m seeing your life in reference to that religious story, (Lord forgive me, I am telling it wrong and forgot the details 😭) where the man gets locked in a cave and starved, expected to either be dead or too feeble by the time his sentence is over. Instead, he comes out stronger than ever and with twice the unwavering spirit he had before his time in the cave.
⚄ This is what’s happening to you, you are finding inner strength and willpower that is going to propel you forward in your destiny. And you will not fail. It’s not even possible, the resolve you’ve built for yourself will carry you faithfully through all the bullshit life will throw at you.
⚄ Advice: None. You got this in the bag,just remember that you only lose battles when you retreat. The energy you’re cultivating for your near future is the knight of swords, a character who will never retreat. Therefore, you will never truly lose.
"I was born underwater with three dollars and six dimes"
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♦︎ Pile Three ♦︎ (9oS, the hanged man, 6oS, 10oW)
⚄ Off the bat, you need to surrender any hangups you have surrounding your future. I picture your mind running 24/7 telling you all the ways you’ll fail as you work tirelessly. Or, you want so desperately to put your plans into action, but a buried subconscious fear prevents you from moving forward, adding more stress on your shoulders. It is weighing heavy on your mental health and causing severe anxiety that is inhibiting you from much-needed rest and healing. This is the season of surrender, it’s okay to let go and let the current wash you away. As soon as you release your fear of making mistakes, you’ll learn the flow of the waves.
⚄ Two of pentacles is at the bottom of the deck, I feel your stress stems from a fear of financial insecurity and the overwhelming pressure of having to plan a sustainable career yourself. A lot of your priorities in life are demanding your attention and it is becoming a heavy burden.
⚄ I am going to be blunt because I care. You gotta stop giving a fuck. Your anxieties are paralyzing you. You need to sip a little metaphorical “fuck it” juice. I am just now getting out of the mental space you’re in. The only thing that helped me step out of my fear-induced paralysis (which lasted a long and dark 6-years), was to reaffirm that no matter what decision I make, I will come out prosperous. In fact, the more you stress about the future and the more control you try to take, the further you push your desires away, which will only fuel your anxiety bugs.
⚄ Have faith that no matter where you land, you have the power to turn any less-than-ideal situation into something bountiful. The bird does not fear the branch breaking because it has faith in its wings. Not making a choice at all is worse than picking the wrong one. You’ll win some, you’ll lose some, all situations bear fruit, just keep putting one foot in front of the other. This too shall pass.
⚄ Advice: I know it is easier said than done, but ground yourself in the present. Release yourself from the worries of the future and the nightmares of the past. Stop stressing about upcoming due dates while you eat and stop reaming yourself for past mistakes while you’re out with friends. Tune yourself into what is happening before your very eyes.  Turn your brain off and mindlessly do something. Anything that brings your attention to the present. Don’t even worry about being productive. Watch tv, color, dance, cook, anything but sitting and stressing. This sounds crazy to say in today’s work culture but trust me, stressing about being productive or pushing yourself to “grind” will be your downfall. Your body needs to regulate. With the six of swords, you have to make the conscious decision to walk away (stop stressing and allow the situation to run its course) from what is mentally plaguing you. These are the seeds you’re sowing, you are on the path of releasing your burdens. I’m proud, we can do this!
"Mom, Meet Mary Jane the Milf!"
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(representative of the whole relax message in your pile. i had fun making the board, this is not an endorsement.)
♦︎ Pile Four ♦︎ (6oS, king of pentacles, 7oP, 5op)
⚄ Cards went a lil buckwild here. There are a lot of pentacles in this spread, I feel like you are dissolving a lack mindset. What you desire and your perspective of success is evolving. You are stepping out of a false idea of wealth. You might have had a habit of undermining the talents and resources you have and comparing them to what others have.
⚄ This is my doomscroll pile. My silly little rotters. Looking at people with nice things and thinking why can’t I have that? Looking at attractive people and going I’ll never be as pretty as them, I am cursed with these looks. Looking at people who showcase their talents and saying, oh I could never do that, they’re so much better than me.
⚄ You are realizing just how harmful these thoughts have been to you. You had curated a mindset that would have you look at people and then immediately place yourself as inferior to them in some way. This shapes a reality where you feel constantly inadequate, thus always in need of something. This constant feeling of need prevents you from seeing the resources you already have within and building off of those.
⚄ Congratulations, you are stepping away from that lack energy. You’re beginning to see the value in yourself and redefining what it means to be prosperous. Now it's, Oooo, that girl looks so cool playing the bass, this encourages me, I bet I could learn an instrument too. Instead of, “Oh look, another person doing something with their life while I sit here and rot. What is wrong with me, why can’t I be as cool as them.”
⚄ Do you see how the latter self-talk is just draining the life out of you? It sets you up for failure before you can even try. 
⚄ When I say a false idea of wealth, I mean the superficial things you believed would bring you fulfillment. When you were in that dark space, you looked at pretty girls and believed that if you looked like them or got the attention they got, you would finally be happy. Now, you’re on a journey of discovering things more sincere to your identity to find fulfillment in.
⚄ You are discovering your interests, hobbies, etc. Anything that boosts your self-esteem and gives you a sense of value. You are about to fall in love with yourself and all the endless capability of creation you hold.
⚄ Advice: Comparison is the thief of joy. Unfortunately, with social media, every day is a pissing contest about who can have the most and be the best. I’d bet money that the most attractive, smartest, and most talented person you know is sizing up the person next to them and getting a false sense of satisfaction or self-hate. Don’t fall into that. Break the societal cycle and look inward for satisfaction. Compete with yourself. Be the only person you are trying to impress.
There is beauty in my unraveling
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Let me know what piles you pick!
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the-cosmic-cauldron · 5 months ago
Astrology Observations 08/02/2024
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Why Do These Zodiac Signs Enter Your Life
An Aries will enter your life when you are at a low-point, unmotivated, and struggling to face your reality.
A Taurus will enter your life you when you think you have all the answers, are impulsive, and lack any discipline to see results.
A Gemini will enter your life when you are stubborn, too focused on self-indulgence, and lazy.
A Cancer will enter your life when you are inconsistent, hanging around disingenuous people, and too focused on the future.
A Leo will enter your life when you are struggling with confidence, lacking faith, and stuck in your emotions.
A Virgo will enter your life when you are too much in your ego and impatient.
A Libra will enter your life when you are judgmental, unhappy, and critical.
A Scorpio will enter your life if you have disingenuous people around you, if you’re indecisive, and detached.
A Sagittarius will enter your life if you’re jealous, secretive, and resentful.
A Capricorn will enter your life if you’re careless, inconsistent, and overly confident.
An Aquarius will enter your life if you are pessimistic, bossy, and reserved.
A Pisces will enter your life if you are detached, isolated, and rebellious.
How You Were Conceived & What Your Parents Are Like Based On Your Sun Sign
Aries: ( Your parents have Cancer placements as their Sun, Moon, or Rising)
Your mom was very fertile when she conceived you. She could have desired being pregnant, a child, or an addition to the family. She could be in love with the father and craving closeness and his warmth. She may have been highly emotional during the pregnancy and self-protective. She could have needed more help while pregnant and been very moody. The Aries mother is probably protective over the Aries and at times can smother the Aries with her concerns. The Aries mother may have really wanted to maintain the family and was traditional and routine in raising the Aries. Sometimes the Aries mother will want to take space to deal with her own life and head but she will come back wanting to shower love. She gets very defensive when people talk about her Aries child. In the negative sense she could dampen the Aries mood and become overbearing.The Aries might think their mother is childish and overly emotional. The Aries father would have wanted a family when the Aries is born, but the father may himself be defensive against the mother, feeling smothered by the Aries mother’s demands. He could put too many expectations on the mother to hold down the family. He could also be sensitive himself.
Taurus: ( Your parents have Cancer or Leo in their Sun, Moon, or Rising)
You could be the love baby, the product of your parents being in love and having fun. During the time you were conceived they could have been desiring a child and wanting to deepen their connection or family. The mother could have been moody and protective during her pregnancy. She could have also gotten a lot of attention while you were in her stomach. The father could have been active in the entire process and supportive of the mom. The father was happy to become a father. The Taurus mother can be nurturing and protective over Taurus. She could also pay lots of attention to the Taurus and constantly want to give affection and help the Taurus bring out their creative side. She may enjoy the comforts of life with her Taurus. On the negative side she can be demanding, bossy, and overly emotional to the Taurus. The Taurus might feel too pressured by his mom and sometimes feel they have to comfort their mother. The father can try to share responsibility with Taurus mother and help as he can. On the negative side, the father can come off as too egotistical and hard on the child.
Gemini: ( Your parents have Leo or Virgo in their Sun, Moon, or Rising)
You father could’ve played an active role in conception. He really desired your mother at the time or was enjoying the time he spent with your mother. Your mother could’ve received a lot of attention when you were in her belly, but she may have had to work and carry a lot of responsibility. The pregnancy may have been difficult. Your parents could have wanted you and at the same time took it serious and started preparing early on. There could’ve been a lot of responsibility in your parents life when you were conceived, a busy time. Many disagreements could’ve been because your parents didn’t see eye to eye and no one would budge. The Gemini’s parents could be bossy or dominant. I can see the mom being very dominant in the Gemini’s life, possibly putting a lot of her expectations on the Gemini. The Gemini has to adapt to their mom’s way of thinking and perhaps their mom is an over-thinker or analytical. Their mother is reliable to them and they feel that they can count on her but she suppresses a lot of her emotions and so there is somewhat of an aloofness to their connection. They can talk for hours but they don’t get to the heart of matters. In the more negative sense the mom can be very judgmental towards the Gemini or just quickly annoyed. She can have a hard time expressing her love so it may seem disingenuous at times. The mom can also be stubborn and the Gemini feels restricted at times by her mentality. The father of the Gemini can be intelligent, he may care a lot about his image and may find it hard to present his emotions in a healthy manner since he wants to keep up the image.
Cancer: ( Your parents have Virgo or Libra in their Sun, Moon, or Rising)
Your mom conceived you because your father charmed her, took her on a date, or try to manipulate her into s*x. Your parents could’ve been feeling more romantic during the time you were conceived, desiring more time together or wanting to go out and have fun more. A lot may have been happening between your parents but they liked to keep it to themselves and not show it publicly. There could have been a lot of conversation between your parents, trying to get on the same page, but their was a lack of sentimentality, they could’ve possibly had a lot of harsh exchange of words that turned into arguments or they were always trying to compromise. Your mom may have looked beautiful during her pregnancy, having a glow to her and wearing her belly well. The father could’ve been more social around this time and wanting to be around his friends. The Cancer’s mom could be superficial in ways and care too much about appearances, always trying to make the family look good even when it isn’t. The mom could also treat the Cancer like their friends and have open discussion with the Cancer. The mom may prioritize her relationship over the Cancer or can become distant due to romance. The mom can be a great listener to the Cancer and can share many of her ideas/dreams. On the negative side, the mother can be impatient to the Cancer, can become manipulative, and can encourage bad habits. The father could be a handsome man or have a lot of charisma. The father may have a lot of friends and bonds with the child more as they grow since he can treat the Cancer like a friend. The father may believe in treating all his children fair. On the negative side the father can be flighty and not be truly present for the Cancer.
Leo: ( Your parents have Scorpio or Sagittarius in their Sun, Moon, or Rising)
Your parents may have gone through a dark time prior to conceiving you. There could be a family secret, an affair, cheating, side/chick main chick. Just very hidden sexual themes here, won’t get into it. On the other hand you could also be conceived because your parents were so hor*y and kept having s*x all the time. They could’ve been living wild and having fun and you were just an accident. The mother could’ve had a very intense and tumultuous pregnancy or it was an easy one with little complications. The mother to Leo could be very secretive and deep, but she is strong and doesn’t show much emotion to the Leo. The Leo feels the moms intensity but doesn’t question her too much since she just won’t give any answers if she choose not. The Leo’s mom could be fiercely protective of the Leo and won’t back down from fighting for her child. The Leo’s mom could also be somewhat violent or could have anger issues broiling beneath, but she could be incredibly ambitious and won’t let nothing stop her. On the other end, the mom could be very carefree and allow her child to develop on their own. The mom would love to have the Leo experience a lot of different things and can want the Leo to follow their dreams. She can be a very supportive mother but with a hands-off approach. The Leo feels they can be theirselves because their mom just wants them to be happy. The Leo’s father could seek power and be masculine. He could be focused on money or he could he be out the house a lot, the mom is there more.
Virgo: ( Your parents have Sagittarius or Capricorn in their Sun, Moon, or Rising)
Your parents could’ve conceived when they were having lots of fun, hor*y and just always having sex or they were deeply committed and wanted to move to the next step and have a child. On one hand, your parents could’ve slipped up and had you, yet the pregnancy was probably easy and she experienced good things while pregnant. On the other hand, the pregnancy could’ve been very serious and your parents felt the responsibility immediately. Your mother may have dealt with health issues while pregnant and she could’ve continued working or had to work more. She may have been depressed during her pregnancy as well. The Virgo’s mother may be a positive woman who is eager to have her child experience all that life has to offer. She may allow her child a lot of freedom while instilling values and education into the child. She can be like a friend to her child, just wanting her child to be happy. She can also be very open and truthful towards her child. On the other hand, the mother to the Virgo can be serious and ambitious and take parenting serious. She may focus on how she can best aid her child to success and that can mean sometimes she’s hard on her child, but she isn’t unrealistic. She just wants her child to be great. She may instill discipline into her child and the Virgo may be thankful. The Virgo’s mother might be the boss and call the shots. On the other hand, the Virgo’s mother may be controlling and insensitive. She may not know how to connect to the Virgo emotionally, there is distance there. The father of the Virgo can be money-hungry, he could be all about his status and may not be around as much. He could be too worried about putting food on the table or being at the top of his game. The father could also be more on the serious side and the disciplinary.
Libra: ( Your parents have Capricorn or Aquarius in their Sun, Moon, or Rising)
Your parents took their commitment to one another serious when they conceived you and felt it was right to bring a child into this world. On the other hand, your parents could’ve not expected to have a child, maybe infertility, older age, using protection, or just focused on other things and didn’t expect it. Your mother could’ve been somber during her pregnancy, depressed, or just had a lot of responsibilities. On the other hand your mom being pregnant with you could’ve changed her life in so many ways. She may have been forced to change. She may have been detached from the experience itself and focused more on other things. The Libra’s mother is either serious and traditional and raises her child under tradition, making sure the child is well taken care of on a financial level but struggles to emotionally connect to her child. Her child may get a lot of material items but will feel unseen on an emotional level or the mom raises her child in an alternative/odd way, different sort of set-up, the child has more freedom because of this at some point. The mother doesn’t really nurture much of an emotional connection, but she’s open to talk and makes for good conversation. The mom may be intelligent and independent and known for helping those in need. The father could be a workaholic, the primary bread maker. The father could be very hard to get close to and keeps a distance from the child, won’t open up about certain things, and may encourage independence to the point where the Libra doesn’t feel his care and tenderness.
Scorpio: ( Your parents have Aquarius in their Sun, Moon, or Rising)
You were either an accident or a big change in your parent’s life upon conception. They had to adjust and adapt to a new way of life once you were conceived. They could be in the public eyes a lot, celebrity, known around town, apart of a scandal or organization. They could also have an alternative relationship: polyamorous, lgbtq, open relationship, side chick/side dude, situationship, friends with benefits, swingers. Your mom may have been distant from your dad during pregnancy, long distance relationship, or just didn’t feel like other pregnant women. Your mother is probably intelligent and very creative with a big imagination, she may share a lot of her ideas with you or you may have been apart of a lot of your mother’s crafty ideas growing up. She may be focused on a lot of things at once and may not have as much time for you. Not that you are not important to her but sometimes you may not have felt that way. She can also be apart of communities and organizations that take up her time. She could’ve been ahead of her time and eccentric, a bit weird. She may have stood out in her family or may have went down a different path than her siblings. She may be distant to the Scorpio, in the sense she can give the Scorpio freedom but she also has very rigid ways of thinking and can need a lot of time to herself. She may find it hard to express emotion and show her care in such physical ways to the Scorpio. The Scorpios father could be distant in some ways as well, maybe he cares in his own way and wants the best for his child, but he can lack sentimentality. He may also be focused on work, an organization, project or a responsibility in his life that takes a lot of his time. He expects the Scorpio to be independent and learn how to navigate the world on their own. He can be detached in his own world at times, leaving the Scorpio to theirselves. The Scorpio’s father may always be focused on the future and think differently than others.
Sagittarius: ( Your parent can have Pisces and Aries in their Sun, Moon, or Rising)
Your parents were probably deep in love when they conceived you or they were full of energy for life. They were probably very hor*y around that time and physical with one another. The pregnancy could’ve made your mother stronger and built a lot of courage she didn’t have prior. The pregnancy could’ve also connected her deeper to her spirituality and made her emotional and sensitive. On one hand, your mother could’ve gain a lot of strength and had more ambition and drive for her life by her pregnancy or she could’ve felt very vulnerable and needed a lot of support and help to cope with her sensitivities and changes. The mother to the Sagittarius can be very dominant, aggressive, and controlling. She may have a lot of expectations for her child and pressure the child to grow up fast. The mother could be passionate and anger quickly. She will stand up to anyone who speaks ill of the Sagittarius, at the same time she can cut the Sagittarius with her words as well. On the other hand, the mother to the Sagittarius can be in her own world, always victimizing herself, but she can be deep with a lot of wisdom. The mother may have addictions as well ( drink, smoke, always trying to escape her reality), she may feel so deeply in love and sacrifice a lot for the father. The mother may be intuitive and always concerned with what the Sagittarius is up to. The father can be very masculine and action-oriented, he may be physically strong and have a lot of ideas he wants to do in his life, he may strive to instill independence in the Sagittarius and to assert themselves. On the other hand the father may be more passive, lazy, and in his own world. The father may struggle with addictions as well and may be delusional over the mother, always wanting to be in her energy. He can have artistic talents and be a spiritual man.
Capricorn: ( Your parents can have Aries or Taurus in their Sun, Moon, or Rising)
Your parents could’ve been very physical with one another around conception. Quick s*x, touching each other all the time, going on adventures together. On the other hand, your parents could’ve been devoted to each other and building a life together while in love. They could’ve been feeling romantic and indulgent, perhaps you were conceived after a romantic night out. Your mother could’ve taken charge during pregnancy and got a lot accomplished. She could’ve gained courage and found a new path for herself. The pregnancy could’ve went by fast for her because she was occupied and hands-on. She may also have bounced back from the pregnancy easier. On the other hand, your mom could’ve relaxed more during pregnancy and gained more weight. She could’ve been preparing by ensuring that you were set financially and focusing on handling the home. Her pregnancy could’ve given her a glow and she could’ve looked beautiful pregnant. She may have been lazier during her pregnancy. The mother to the Capricorn can be a boss in her own nature, ambitious, and eager to get what she wants. At times that she can come across as selfish to the Capricorn, but she cares a lot about the Capricorn and wants to make sure they have what they need. She can have a lot of ideas, hobbies, and passions. On the other hand, the Capricorns mother could be what a traditional mother is. She can cook, clean, pack lunches, and make sure that they are prospering. She can make the house beautiful and plan leisure time for the family. The Capricorn can see their mom as judgmental and lazy at times or worst controlling. The Capricorns father can either be ambitious and always working to get more money for the family or they can see their father as temperamental and too controlling. On the other hand, the father can be seen as a gentleman who knows how to earn money and take cares of his family.
Aquarius: ( Your parent can have Taurus or Gemini in their Sun, Moon, or Rising)
These children can be conceived when their parents are in love, building solid grounds towards the future. These can be the love babies. The mother looked beautiful pregnant and had a glow to her. The mother could have felt grounded during her pregnancy or taken care of. On the other hand the child could have been conceived during a busy time where the focus was on socializing, going to school, learning, working. The parents could’ve had a lot going on in their lives. The mother could’ve been studying or going to school while pregnant, reading a lot of books, and around all different people. She may have talked to you in her belly a lot, read stories, sung. The Aquarius mother may care about the father a lot and puts a lot of her focus on the relationship and keeping the household together, she could be a bit rigid in how she thinks and it can be hard for the Aquarius to change their moms mind. The mother can cook well and keep appearances up, but she may be controlling and struggle to connect emotionally to the Aquarius. The mother can have a focus on material items and come off superficial. On the other hand, the mother can be intelligent and always aiding the Aquarius in education. The mother may have books lounging around the house and encourage reading. She could put the Aquarius in various activities and keep the Aquarius busy. She could have a diverse group of friends and so the Aquarius meets all kind of people as they grow-up. At times the mother can be scattered brain and inconsistent leading to some shaky times. The father to the Aquarius can be the provider or works diligently to provide a better future for the family sometimes he can be a know-it-all and stubborn. On the other hand, he could be a very smart guy that is multi-talented and has his hands in many things. The father can be busy and engages with a lot of different people.
Pisces: ( Your parents can have Gemini placements in their Sun, Moon, or Rising)
Your parents could’ve conceived you during a busy time in their lives where they were socializing a lot. Your parents could’ve been in school or focused on learning. It could have been a time where a lot of changes were occurring as well. The mother probably talked a lot during her pregnancy, read books, took classes or was in school, changed her mind frequently as well. The Pisces’s mother can be intelligent and open-minded. She can want her child to excel in school and be an intellectual. She could want to keep the Pisces busy or constantly find ways to keep the Pisces child stimulated or not bored. The Pisces mother at time can be inconsistent and indecisive creating rocky periods in the Pisces life. She can also be moody and the Pisces may struggle to keep up with all the shifts at times. The father can be open-minded and intelligent as well. The father could be in and out of the Pisces life or be busy a lot and have many friends. The father may talk to the child a lot and communication is prioritized.
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yaseraphine · 11 days ago
2024, the year I lost my crown.
Pluto in aquarius / Sun / Ego / Leo stellium / Ego death / Karma
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I will say it loudly and proudly : In 2024, I entered my flop era (and it set me free)
This post will sum up the major lessons I learned this year through the prism of astrology.
INTRODUCTION - This post is a post I was looking forward to sharing for a while. 2024 seemed to have been a crazy year for a lot of people. Mine could be summed up by “emotional release” or the release of a karmic emotional cycle as well as connecting with my inner child. This year was charged with deep epiphanies about my childhood, which I realized I romanticized and erased key moments from my memory. Realizations came in waves always accompanied with the identification of intense deep seated insecurities and fears that stemmed from my childhood and the way I was nurtured. All of those intense and hidden emotions bubbling up to the surface together made this year really emotionnally charged with negative emotions. This eventually unwillingly forced me to neglect superficial aspects of life, such as appearance and charisma. I was slow, insecure, tired all the time, felt like sh*t all the time, lost drive. You could say that, basically, in chronically online terms, In 2024, I just entered my flop era.
This made me realize the extent of our society's obsession with glowing up, being the best version of ourselves at all times, pushing ourselves out of our comfort zone. Entering our so-called “bad bitch” era, focusing on self-care, being the best, having people admiring us, standing out, being that b, making people do a double take on us,etc... Most of our life is spent relentlessly  trying to be unique, appearing at the top of our game. We always aspire and desire to appear and seem , but we never just are. 
Capitalism has its ways of trapping us into a vicious cycle of superficial constant change and improvement. Like it creates new problems to solve for the mere goal of selling a new product to us, it creates a weird transactional and selfish sense of self, where we almost aspire to be alienated from the community and stand out. 
I decided to share this post as a reminder, in the sea of “how to glow up in 2025” videos and posts, that, sometimes, divine timing has its ways and it prevents us from shining the way we want to. Not every year is a year to glow up, you cannot be at the top of your game all the time. Like during the reign of a Queen or King, your empire will have an apogee, but also a decline. Your power and influence over your empire will always fluctuate, and you will only get probably one period of apogee, followed by a pretty intense empire decline. Despite going through all of this, something will always remain and that is faith. The faith you have in yourself, in the future, maybe even in God or a Higher Power. The faith that is deep inside yourself and that guides and helps you to push through even if you’re at your lowest.
This issue behind this obsession with “glowing up”, and all the external validation that comes with it and avoiding “flopping” at all costs, is what led me to go insane and completely give up this year.
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Start of college : a beautifully humbling experience
-> from the top grader to a “mid” grader, an average student
-> highly political place 
-> Politicians and rulers : ruled by Leo BUT political parties, independent parties, ideology : ruled by Aquarius
-> I started to not only take interest in my own endeavors but also the country’s / humanity’s condition
-> I attended riots and protests multiple times, even during exams seasons
-> I assisted to GM’s hosted by students there to protect students’ rights but also for Gaza (GMs = General Meetings)
-> I read books about feminism, learned about communism and just politics in general
-> Unlearned a lot of myths surrounding the working class, rape culture, cultural appropriation, ..
-> Made new friends quite different from the ones I had in High school > anarchists, feminists, really woke people.
Why did all those changes occur ? 
SR Chart of the year 2023-24 : North Node in the 11th  house > letting go of ego and individuality to embrace community
Lilith in the 9th house transit : with all this new knowledge, I literally felt like my brain was being rewired. All the old thought patterns and life limiting beliefs I have been clinging to all chattered, bits per bits. Of course, I started that shadow work way before I got that Transit HOWEVER this transit did boost the process of getting rid of those limiting beliefs.
Gemini rising > my 7th house sign, my shadow, was my rising that year. I have to say the year prior to this year prepared me REALLY well to deal with it since, that year, I became friends and hung out with a bunch of people with gemini stelliums (i genuinely don't know how I survived tbh)
North node return -> events that pushed me to get out of my comfort zone
Chiron in the 9th house transit : my natural ability and talent to think abstractly got tested by this transit. The more theory I learned, the foggier my mind got. I kind of felt like the more times passed, the dumber I got. Which, I know, sounds crazy. But my comfort zone of having philosophical thoughts, disconnecting from my direct environment, this sagittarian hyper-independence (and ego..) became uncomfortable to embody and I felt a sense of loss every time I was ought to have abstract ideas and see the bigger picture. My natural intellectual talents “decreased” and I had no choice but to ask for help and interact with other students to understand certain concepts (so becoming the student even though it’s not comfortable to me). Along with my North node return in the 3rd house (my natal placement), this pushed me to trust other people’s knowledge and experience and learn from them. To show up daily, interact with people from all walks of life and not think to myself before doing so that “there is no point anyway to talk to them it’s useless/ a waste of time / we’re too different” or whatever bullshit excuses my ego would create to prevent myself from socialising
"Let them eat cake"
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My obsessive desire to be perfect and to handle everything by myself got too far. I wanted to look my best every single day, but, by the second semester I just couldn't keep up. My timetable was heavier, my classes less interesting and even harder. But, what truly pushed me, or more so forced me to change, was my final exams results of the first semester. In high school, I did not have to study much to excel. To be a top grader, better than everyone else was easy for me, it was a routine. I was never surprised by my grades because I knew I topped as usual. However, going with this mentality/ belief for those exams was what slapped me right back to reality. My grades were bad. When I saw them, my heart shrinked, I was completely shocked. I did not expect much to be fair, but I thought it was going to be okay. Oh boy, it clearly WASN’T. And what made it worse was the people around me, who did not seem to take school as seriously, who consistently skipped classes, who cheated and lied for homework. These people, these people that I consistently judged as immoral, those people that I despised so much , THOSE, they got better grades than me. This made me go CRAZY. I cried for days on end, I couldn’t go to classes because of how badly I felt. This was the final straw for me : what is the point of being such a straight, invested person who came to classes even when I was sick, who always looked clean and hydrated. A perfect student with a perfect attitude. An independent student who helped her classmates. A perfect student who gets exploited by a system where cheaters and liars pass just as well, if not better, and get complimented as much. I realized how much pent up rage I had inside of me. I wasn’t just sad or disappointed, I was deeply disgusted. 
Leo stellium, Sun in Cancer conjunct Saturn, Pluto and Chiron in the first house and 9th house south node : unrealistic standards, lack mindset, low self-confidence, strong ego , scared of being bad at something, of being the worst, self-loathing, “there is no point in doing that anyway” , “i am not like them anyway there’s no need for me to go to this event” : 
As someone with a Leo stellium, I never realized how strict I was to myself. Only people around me could see it, but, because of how headstrong I am, I thought they just didn’t have enough standards. The thing is, I couldn’t see how perfect a lot of things in my life were because I was only fixated on what I lacked. I only focused on the defaults, the problems, the parts I wasn’t good enough in. And even the vocal and direct feedback of people wasn’t enough for me to believe I was just fine, maybe even great. And while I always focused on the parts I have failed in, I also had this unrealistic expectation that I needed to have a neutral, linear emotional life. In my head, it was like : I had a period/ period of emotional disturbances now I cannot have one again, or at least not as intense. It’s simply impossible. Now I used all my “jokers”, cards , I have no choice but to only go higher. This strange way of thinking was what made me only put positive/confident songs on my spotify playlists and avoid any songs that expressed “negative” emotions, outside of anger and rebellion. You could say it's a good thing in a way because I did my best to lift my head up. I knew how music affected my mood so I adapted my playlists accordingly. The thing is, whenever I was feeling anything other than confidence or anger, I did everything in my power to dismiss it. I obsessed over avoiding feeling low because in that state, no one will like me. People will see me in a vulnerable state and it’s too embarrassing. People have to admire me, compliment me, heck just like me at least. But if I’m not on top of my game, they will realize I am like them. I am part of the “plebs”. I have to be a queen, a princess, not a goddamn peasant! (really harsh wording, I know, but it felt like that looking back). I can’t. I just can’t. ... Unfortunately, trying to desesperately keep up with my reponsabilities as a Queen, not caring much for people as they were mere peasants who had nothing to do with me, is what led me right into my empire's decline.. Up in my fragile papermade castle, seating on my throne, I truly always felt so lonely...
The last straw  : getting rid of the lion’s mane
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I shaved my head. Crazy but I did. By myself. A monday afternoon, 3 days before halloween. Right in the middle of the sinister season of the Scorpio : I shaved my head. I shaved my long, luscious and golden curly hair. This mane that held all those limiting beliefs and toxic standards. My hair was my signature look, one of the first things people noticed about me. One of the first things people complimented me about. “Look at those beautiful curly hair ! I wish I had hair like you!” “They look so healthy omg!”. All this external validation was like a drug to me, therefore, I never DARED to even trim it. Yeah. Looking back, I was crazy for that.
Sr for the year 2024-25 + Pluto in Capricorn last turn around : my experience
SR Chart 2024-25 : Virgo rising with the chart ruler Mercury in Leo in the 12th house.
Pretty gloomy and bleak period. I was feeling quite depressed to be fully honest. I started the new school year with every symptoms of depression, exept the su*c*dal thoughts. I was slow, my body was heavier yet I lost weight. I moved slower, thought slower, slept more, was always tired, taking a shower, doing the dishes, eating and every other simple daily task was a burden, harder than usual. My solar leonine energy, my vitality all disappeared without me realizing it. I had low self confidence, didn’t get ready in the morning, and stopped feeling any sense of pleasure. I was empty, crying on the train to my campus. The last time I felt like this, it was in 2018, I was 13, depressed and entering the darkest phase of my Dark Night of the Soul.
Guess what, I am Not A Robot
You've been acting awful tough lately
Smoking a lot of cigarettes lately
But inside you're just a little baby, oh
It's okay to say you've got a weak spot
You don't always have to be on top
Better to be hated than loved, loved, loved
For what you're not
You're vulnerable, you're vulnerable
You are not a robot
You're lovable, so lovable
But you're just troubled
Guess what? I'm not a robot, a robot
Guess what? I'm not a robot, a robot
Once again, I had no other way but to ask for help. I went to see a doctor after years of avoiding it. I confessed a lot of things to my mom with whom I always had/have a really distant and tense relationship. Our conversations were really eye opening for the both of us. I went to see a therapist, and I am still looking for one. I didn’t have enough energy to attend class (I live 1h15/1H30 away from my campus.. so my 8 am classes were awful, especially since not attending is a risk to failing in that subject.. I was in a really problematic period.) But, I met a friend, an Aquarius sun and rising student who helped me throughout all of this. She was the contrary of me in many ways : really social, open and relied on other people. easily opened up to others. She didn’t have those perfectionistic obsessive thoughts. She trusted people, had a bunch of friends, and didn't overthink every single one of her interactions. She quickly became the air that tempered down my fire, which was burning myself out. My ego was killing me and my body (symptoms of depression) was warning me. I couldn’t control these feelings. I hadn't felt that depressed in a while. Like the type of depression that makes you stare at the wall in the morning, struggling to get out of bed.I thought it was behind me. I thought I was better than this. I thought “yes other people have depressions and struggle on a daily basis because of it and that’s okay but me ? I am over it. I had one at the beginning of my teenagehood. Now it can’t happen again, at least not actual depression.” But no, unfortunately for me, It did indeed happen. This showed me I was vulnerable, like every human being. I wasn’t immune to failing, to lose, to being bad, to being average, to needing help. I was simply a human being. I wasn’t a superior entity, a god flying above the rest of humanity.  I was just like them. Was I considered a bit weird for liking astrology, tarot and for listening to kpop ? Was I considered a bit weird for having Halloween as my favourite holiday ? Was I a bit edgy and had a certain sensitivity to anything grotesque, deadly, macabre, taboo ? Yes, I was all of that. But I am still a human being. I am just like other people in many ways, and even if I have more quirks than the average person It shouldn’t stop me from socialising. I need people and people need me, and, honestly, that is totally fine. Connecting with others is beautiful. People are here to help each other and share their experiences. That is the most beautiful part of existence : everyday frivolous conversations with people, interacting with them, exchanging ideas, sharing our daily frustrations and struggles, laughing. All of that is the simplicity I never expected I needed so badly. On the quest of finding this truth, I went faraway in the abstract realm of ideas only to realize that this truth was right in front of me since the beginning.
Life really wasn't as complicated as I made it to be.
A song that sums up this overall energy
Fear and Loathing - MARINA : "I'm done with tryin' to have it all and endin' up with not much at all"
Marina called Fear and Loathing a turning point in her life, after which she stopped being a "bitter person" and began to work with new people and try new things, even though she wrote the song alone in her bedroom in London. She placed the track last on Electra Heart because she views it as a "letting go" song.
In this process of losing myself, I am gaining something precious and that is the construction of a true authentic self-confidence. Not one that is out of fear : out of fear of being perceived like a loser, a compulsive fear of being like my 12 year old self, a scared and terrified pre-teen who hated herself, from the way she looked to her personality and non-existent talents.
I am finally starting to cultivate something solid, something that comes from a deep sense of self. 
[Verse 1]
I've lived a lot of different lives
Been different people many times
I live my life in bitterness
And fill my heart with emptiness
And now I see, I see it for the first time
There is no crime in being kind
Not everyone is out to screw you over
Maybe, yeah just maybe they just wanna get to know ya
And now the time is here
Baby, you don't have to live your life in fear
And the sky is clear, is clear of fear
Don't wanna live in fear and loathing
I wanna feel like I am floating
Instead of constantly exploding
In fear and loathing
Albums that accompanied me during this period
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Traumazine - Megan Thee Stallion
Something to Give Each Other - Troye Sivan 
All year long, I was drawn to artists with an 8th house North Node. Lately, I’ve been drawn to slower, more sensual and jazzy songs, which isn’t something I listen to usually. Songs about intimacy, vulnerability.
-> both artists have a North Node in the 8th house, which is currently the energy I am encouraged to embody as it is the North Node of my solar return for the year 2024-25.
This north node is all about trust and intimacy, sharing oneself, the deepest parts of ourselves with others, sharing our resources, accepting loss and not compulsively clinging onto things, and possessions.
Just in the title of Troye Sivan’s album, this 8th house aspect is instantly identified : we have something to share, to give to others, to exchange with someone. It hints at an exclusive exchange between two people.
Something to Give Each Other hits especially now. Traumazine, it was more in February/March, which was the period I was starting to release things and started healing, feeling deeply angry and sad at the same. (around the astrological new year). Since September/October, especially now and for the next few months if not year, I have been feeling more like Something to Give Each Other. Now more than ever I am discovering the beauty of connecting with others, sharing my true self, throwing myself fully in the unknown nature of human relationships. All of those things , despite being a Pluto dominant and 8th houser, truly terrified me for years  even though I obsessively and terribly craved it at the same time.
This album is my something to give you - a kiss on a dancefloor, a date turned into a weekend, a crush, a winter, a summer. Party after party, after party after after party. Heartbreak, freedom. Community, sisterhood, friendship. All that.
— Sivan describing the album
At the end of the day, we all have something to give to someone, and to give each other.
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