#Sun dryer
xskyll · 2 months
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crabsnpersimmons · 3 months
when you buy a pair of cute shirts and one shrinks in the wash before you even get to wear it make good art
draw the jesters in it:
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rgbfactsdaily · 3 months
The lab on the 3rd floor has a skylight. (Adventures in Slime and Time)
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cinematicnomad · 4 months
i've been doing a deep cleaning of my apt today while watching mad men s4 so this has been a pretty successful day tbh.
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thedemonscrawler · 1 year
"the phenomenon whereby a person is reluctant to abandon a strategy or course of action because they have invested heavily in it, even when it is clear that abandonment would be more beneficial" Or– Eclipse has put too much effort into getting the star to give it up now. Even if it kills him.
Something with SAMS Eclipse, inspired by recent plot stuff (aka buddy that star is bad for your health, we're staging an intervention) because hooboy i cannot resist a self destructive spiral with an inevitable crash at the bottom, especially for our resident disaster
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forestwhisper3 · 4 months
heads up, seven up!
rules: post the last seven lines you wrote, then tag seven people. reposting, as the reblog chains get long!
. . . . . . . Yup, I'm alive (just very, very busy lately) Anyway, I was tagged by my good friend and amazing artist @joyfuladorable and thought this sounded fun. ...It may also be a sort of apology from me for being gone/silent for so long. So! Rather than the last seven lines, here are seven little teasers from fics I've been chipping away at during the bit of downtime I have- when I'm not just playing some Animal Crossing to destress, that is. It's not necessarily the most recent for some of them, but parts that I think you'll enjoy without giving away too much. Enjoy! (Also, please keep in mind that as these are still being refined, there might be parts you see here that may not be present in the final product) ============== Title Pending (Rottmnt) ==============
Not for the first time tonight, Raph had to wonder how he'd gotten to this point.
"There," his companion hissed quietly- a word he never would have used to describe her before this moment.
He leaned over her shoulder and squinted at the figures walking below. "You sure that's them?"
"OF C-!" she choked back her yell and settled for a heated glare. "Yes I'm sure! I'd recognize those ugly outfits anywhere!"
"How can you even see them from so far away?"
"That's how ugly they are."
Despite himself, he snickered a bit. Once he settled down, he crossed his arms.
"You do know this whole thing is crazy, don't you?"
She grinned ferally. "Yep."
"And it's very likely that if we're caught, we'll either get arrested or- if you're right about all this -even die, right?"
"You're insane."
"So are you coming or not?" she asked impatiently.
He looked over the ledge again, watching as the people below continued loading trucks.
"Well, Raph's made it this far," he shrugged, allowing an easy smile to slip onto his face. "And I think I'm overdue for a bit of crazy myself. Let's do it."
"Hell yeah!" Cassandra- Casey, he corrected himself -cheered, pumping a fist. "Let's go, Red!"
The two of them jumped.
============== Dragon of the Sun (TMNT 2003) ============== "Hey, I'm fine! Really! It'd take a lot more than some crazy lizard and spoiled son to take me out!" "You have cracks in your shell. And while I'm sure Donatello has provided excellent care, you are going to the med bay." "...Yes, M'am." Raph snorted softly as he watched Ananda start dragging Mikey away, his little bro not having put up nearly as much of a fight with her as he had against him and Don back home. Then again, he wasn't really surprised either. Maybe it was because Mikey played such a big part in reconnecting her with her dad, which led to her joining the Justice Force, but it was clear that she had a huge soft spot for him.
"And you're positive that there was no lasting damage?" And it seemed like she wasn't the only one. He turned to face Silver Sentry, the usually calm man also watching them go with furrowed brows and a frown. "Not that we could see," Raph sighed. "From what I've gotten him to tell me, he needs to take it easy for a couple more weeks, but he should be fine after that. Let's just hope nothing happens until then." And he really would hope this time. Usually he was itching for a fight within a few days, but if it meant Mike going out to fight before he was fully recovered? No way. Silver Sentry gave a sigh of his own. "And here I thought we could avoid this very thing by only making him an honorary member." ============== Turning Back Time (Linked Universe) ==============
"Hey, Time, do you have any other masks?"
Wind's question immediately caught the group's attention as they settled down to eat. Warriors looked up, admittedly curious as to how he would respond, especially since he knew Time would probably want to keep those cards close to his chest in order to mess with them.
But perhaps he was still remembering Hyrule's misunderstanding from the other night, since he was surprisingly straightforward in his answer.
"Quite a few, actually."
"And are they all magic like the- bunny hat?!"
There was something else Wind was going to say there, he realized, and judging by the way the others' gazes seemed to sharpen at the slight pause, they'd noticed it too.
Come to think of it, the two of them had been together this morning, hadn't they?
He thought about that for another second, then felt a chill of dread.
Could they be working together now? Sweet Hylia, he hoped not. Just remembering the sorts of things they'd accomplished together between battles during the war made him want to run far, far away. He was ninety percent certain that half the reason Impa disliked him so much was because of these two. He wondered if it would be possible to switch sides. ============== Recollections (Linked Universe) ==============
-of Darkness who sought to plunge the world into fear and darkness under his rule. Fearing his wicked rule, Zelda, the princess of this kingdom, split up the Triforce of Wisdom into-
"-eight fragments," Hyrule weakly read that part aloud, face pale and eyes wide in dawning realization and growing horror. "T-This-…this is-…"
He whirled around to look at Time and Legend, the sickly look on his face growing even worse when they nodded grimly.
"Oh no," he murmured, turning back around and curling a bit into himself.
"Okay, that's enough," Warriors scowled, although the worry in his eyes betrayed him. "Would one of you please just tell us what's going on already?! Why's Hyrule upset now that he's figured out whatever it is you two know?!"
"It's about me," Hyrule explained, looking up at them with haunted eyes. "That story we're reading? It's what happened in my Hyrule. Zelda- my Zelda -broke up the Triforce to keep Ganon from getting it. Shortly after, I found myself on my first adventure."
Silence. Then, the implications finally sunk in.
"Oh, fuck," Wind swore.
"Can't we-?!" Twilight began.
"I doubt it," Time sighed, already knowing what he was going to suggest. "Seeing as we were all brought here, then subsequently locked in, it looks like we're going to have to finish watching before we can leave. And I know it's not going to end with just Hyrule's adventures."
The air between them felt heavy now that everyone knew what they'd be seeing, and there was a pause, as if they all wanted to say something but couldn't find the right words. Finally, Legend let out an angry burst of air.
"Let's just get it over with," he said. "I know this is the last thing any of us wants, but it looks like we don't get a choice. The sooner we watch it all, the sooner we can leave this hellhole."
An apt description for this place, Time couldn't help but agree. Absolutely no danger to be seen, but somehow just as nerve-wracking as if there was. If not more so.
Another pause, but despite their reluctance, they all knew inaction was an even worse feeling. So Wild eventually started it up again. Fearing his wicked rule, Zelda, the princess of this kingdom, split up the Triforce of Wisdom into eight fragments and hid them throughout the realm to save the last remaining Triforce from the clutches of the evil Ganon. At the same time, she commanded her most trustworthy nursemaid, Impa, to secretly escape into the land and go find a man with enough courage to destroy the evil Ganon. Upon hearing this, Ganon grew angry, imprisoned the princess, and sent out a party in search of Impa.
The black screen started fading into color, although the words remained, and harsh panting could be heard as a landscape came into focus. ============== Title Pending (Trolls) ==============
Floyd was gone.
That simple, heartwrenching fact kept spinning and spinning and spinning in his mind until it was all he could think through the numbness that had taken hold of him.
At least, until Clay's scream managed to break through.
John flinched, finally tearing his gaze from his second youngest brother's crystalized form only to meet the furious, teary eyes of the third's. It was all he had the time to do before Clay shoved him away from where they'd gathered around, the tiny ember of rage that had been ever present in those last few days as a band finally blazing into a wildfire, fueled by the same grief that seemed to have frozen him in place instead.
Clay choked, unable to voice that final, damning word. Instead, his face twisted as it finally seemed to catch up with him. Yet the tears that began to stream down did nothing to soften the anger that continued to burn.
Staring as intently as he was, there was no missing when that anger slipped into hate.
"I'll never forgive you," Clay hissed, his entire body trembling and tense. "We'll never forgive you."
He swallowed thickly and chanced a glance at Bruce and Branch.
They stared back in stony silence.
"I'm sorry," he managed to push through the knot in his throat and a familiar gnawing emptiness that began to settle in his heart.
Sorry he'd failed them…
Sorry he couldn't protect them…
Sorry he'd hurt them…
Sorry he couldn't be what they'd wanted him to be.
His apology only seemed to anger Clay further.
"You're sorry?! Is that all you can-?!" He cut himself off, and took a deep breath. When he spoke next, it was with piercing finality. "All you've ever managed to do is ruin things. Ruin us. So, if you're really as sorry as you say you are, you'll keep yourself from ruining what's left."
"Clay-" Viva protested, concern thick in her voice as she stepped forward.
Clay cut her off with a look and a shake of his head, but the bit of John that didn't feel numb appreciated the attempt.
She was good for him, he thought. He hoped they could be happy together.
Without him.
Because that was what they wanted, he realized. It was what they'd always wanted. Hadn't they always told him to mind his own business? To go away? To leave them alone? It was him who had been too stubborn to listen. Who had ignored what they'd practically been screaming in his face for years.
Not anymore, he promised. He'd already messed things up enough. For once, he was going to do something right by them.
Clay was distracted by Viva, and the others had gone back to looking at Floyd. It was like the universe was agreeing with him, telling him that he needed to take himself out of their lives for good.
He took a step back.
He took in the sight of his brothers one last time, knowing that it really would be the last time, and climbed into Rhonda.
"Let's go, girl."
She fought him for a moment, and he felt yet another pang of guilt- she'd gotten attached to them, it seemed -but eventually allowed herself to be steered away with a melancholy warble.
"It's for the best," he told her softly, eyes closing in resignation at the hollowness he could hear in his words.
A hollowness he'd experienced just one other time in his life and struggled to escape. Even now, he could see it overtaking him again in the way the color slowly leeched from his fingers and trailed up his arms.
That was fine. Last time, he'd pushed forward for Rhonda. For his brothers. For his-
He closed his eyes and slumped in the driver's seat as a fresh wave of loss swept over him.
This time, when the emptiness threatened to swallow him whole, John Dory looked into the abyss and hung his head.
It was time to stop fighting. ============== Journey (Pokemon SI/OC) ==============
"Satoshiii, you've got to be kidding me!" I groaned as I pulled his curtains open. "Seriously?! You promised you wouldn't sleep in!"
Ash waking up late was a running gag in the anime. I knew this. Really. I did.
I just hadn't realized how bad that habit actually was.
"EHHH!?!? Amy, what time is it?!"
Mrs. Ketchum must have had the patience of a saint dealing with this every single day.
"Late enough that you're only gonna have time to get dressed! Now, move it!"
"But, breakfast-"
He yelped and scrambled off the bed, and I hurried out of the room to give him privacy. Walking back to the kitchen, I huffed as I took a seat, rolling my eyes when I heard a loud thump echo from upstairs.
"Never a dull moment with that kid," Papa chuckled quietly into his tea, still a bit bleary-eyed himself.
"Good thing he spent the night. With Hanako gone, he wouldn't have had anyone to wake him up," Mama shook her head with a fond smile.
"Next time I'm leaving him," I grumbled, though it was halfhearted at best.
Mama handed me two lunches and I secured them in my bag before grabbing some extra riceballs for Ash and placing them on top.
"Is Shigeru going to be taking part in the field trip?"
"He said he hears enough about it at home, so no. Good thing too, I don't wanna babysit him and Satoshi. I wanna see some pokemon, too!"
It was a good way to test how things could be once I began my journey. At first, Mama and Papa had been a bit hesitant to agree when Ash brought it up yet again (he did so every year, but this was the first time we were old enough to actually go), but Uncle managed to convince them. I was going to be with a group, and Professor Oak was sure to have at least Arcanine with him, so I would be more than safe.
To his credit, Ash only took a few minutes to get dressed, but our house was a bit of a walk from Professor Oak's lab, and we found ourselves having to sprint for the last stretch of it.
"-guess we're setting off," I heard Professor Oak say and immediately pushed myself just that little bit more.
"Wait!" I called while waving my arms, never more grateful for all the running I'd done during training than at this moment. "We're here!"
I slid into the meeting place like a baseball player, taking care not to squish the contents of our lunches as I allowed myself to drop onto the grass to catch my breath. Ash was still a bit behind me, but they should be willing to wait now that I'd made it.
"Way to look like a total loser," a familiar, though currently unwelcome, voice cut in through the harsh pants.
I groaned. "I thought you weren't coming."
"I'm not," Gary scoffed. "I just got curious because Gramps hadn't left yet. Shoulda known it would be you two behind it."
"And I should have known you'd be too nosey to not butt in."
============== Horizons (FF7 SI/OC) ==============
Ryuu stretched as he wandered into the entrance area of the inn, not bothering to hold back a wide yawn as he tried to shake off the last vestiges of drowsiness. Overall, he felt much better than yesterday, his various pains now muted to a dull ache instead of the sharp throbs and spikes of before. Thank fuck for accelerated healing. Probably one of the highlights of being SOLDIER, in his opinion. Cassie's potions had only helped in that- he'd probably be back to normal by the end of the day or early tomorrow at this rate.
It was early- enough that the sun was just barely starting to rise -but to his surprise he wasn't the only one awake. The innkeeper was already up, phone pressed up against his ear and having what seemed to be a pretty serious conversation if his expression was any indication.
"-keep an eye out for him, don't you worry…It's the least I could do after everything your daughter's done for us. Besides, I know I'd want someone to do the same if it were one of my girls missing…" He sighed, tone turning apologetic. "I don't. Wasn't expecting her to leave so suddenly, or else I would've asked…I'm sure she'll be fine. She's a tough girl, and clever. She practically saved this town."
Wait. He couldn't mean-
Now completely awake, he rushed back upstairs, only just catching the innkeeper's now confused expression as he continued his conversation with who he was becoming more and more certain was Cassie's family, though unfortunately missing the question itself in his haste to check on her.
"Son of a bitch," he hissed upon opening all the guest rooms and finding them empty. "You little shit."
Is this what it felt like to have a younger sibling? He was pretty sure this was what it felt like to have a younger sibling. This sheer frustration and annoyance- suddenly, all of his friends' complaints made so much more sense. Not to mention the worry. What if she ran into something else she couldn't fight? She said that bodyguard of hers could keep her safe but how could he be sure of that? She hadn't even let him meet the guy!
Cassie'd left early on purpose. He was sure of it. The question now was why.
He wanted nothing more than to chase her down and find out, but as it stood, he couldn't. He'd updated ShinRa on his status the moment looking at his PHS didn't make his head feel like it was going to explode, but while they'd allowed him some recovery time, they were also being very pushy in their reminders that he report as soon as possible. He could understand the insistence- absolutely no one had expected what sounded like a run-of-the-mill monster extermination to put a SOLDIER out of commission, even if only for a day or so -but he wished he could just-
His PHS buzzed in his pocket, and he sighed, heading for the stairs again.
============== ============== ============== And there you have it! Hope you enjoyed the little clips! Like I said, I am working on them. It's just a lot slower than it used to be since I have a longer commute to and from work now, and by the time I get home, I'm usually too tired to write. I'll be going on a short vacation in about two weeks or so to visit my bro, and I hope to get a good chunk of writing done during that time. You may see a few chapters pop up then. Fingers crossed, at any rate. For now, I think it's back to chipping at them a little bit more. Take care!
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kandidandi · 1 year
(i have one of these washing lines but its like over 20 years old and super broken so it cant close but thats okay)
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katierosefun · 10 months
putting clothes/sheets in the washer-dryer: good :)
folding and putting clothes away/tucking in sheets: BAD
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chepib3 · 27 days
a toaster is the most useless appliance you could own it takes up a lot of space and serves only 1 very stupid function do you not have like a stove to toast your bread in (!!?!)
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Why does it have to be so hot. I am literally sweating inside my house. Isn't it about time we had another ice age because I think an ice age would be lovely this time of year
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lostandbackagain · 3 months
are you people actually putting used books in your dryers
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fastasyoucan1999 · 2 years
well i love you the way a bedsheet loves to hold everything within its body as it’s washed and dried in the big perilous machines.
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morgenlich · 6 months
love-hate relationship with air drying my clothes which is to say i loved it in italy and hated it in germany
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kibbits · 2 years
Turns around and sees the increasingly big pile of Clean Laundry that I move from my chair to my bed and back every day:
....I do not see it.
.......,, ,Good night!
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0ystercatcher · 2 years
dude lol the other day i watched one of the youtube fashion girlies explain that modern laundry SUCKS and ruins all clothes and the best solution is to go back to handwashing shit and its like. girl i aint doing that and ngl tht sucked ass even if it was gentler on the clothes. clothes are at the end of the day very much disposable even the best quality will eventually fall apart and if i can spare myself DAYS (bc this shit took days esp if you had a big family to care for) of HANDWASHING CLOTHES by owning a slightly inefficient (but improvable) kind of violent machine (that lets you customize it to be gentler anyway....) tht does it for me while i do other things...yeah you bet your ass i will!!!!
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lunapwrites · 2 years
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