#Summoners war exporter
huntertrust · 2 years
Summoners war exporter
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I know you guys are a little bit paranoid with those kind of stuff (understandable), so here is the source code: Its built with node.js, electron and react. I create this thread to get feedback, so it might not even work for you. I tested SWE on Windows and on Mac a little bit. That is not customizable by now, because I want to make sure, that the basics are running. This sounds like an insane number, but it is true.
Files will be written to your desktop in a folder called Summoners War Exporter Files. How much faster is SWOP Connect and is it faster than SWOP Pro SWOP Connect is over 100 times faster than the normal version. I implemented a basic UI and functionality. You can even turn on Summoners War Exporter for normal surfing, because it doesnt really influence other pages.ĭont expect too much though. The focus was to write a smooth proxy, that runs fast and to fix common glitches with SWPRoxy (SW starting problems, errors on event pages etc.). So, the last few days I got some time and I built the UI and fixed major bugs / rewrote parts of it. u/porksmash did a prototype proxy months ago (via electron), but since SWProxy worked we didnt really bother / hadnt much time besides other projects to finish the work. And its been a while since the last Mac version was build too. If you want to use this feature you have to login via Patreon and pledge 5+ Apply different graphical effects and export the results in various formats That may sound familiar. SWProxy doesnt really get any updates anymore, for now at least. Summoners War Exporter Filespluginsmy-fancy-plugin Summoners War Exporter Filespluginsmy-fancy-plugin. You can even turn on Summoners War Exporter for normal surfing, because it doesnt really influence other pages much. It works just like SWProxy and the focus was to write a smooth proxy, that runs fast and to fix common glitches with SWPRoxy (SW starting problems, errors on event pages etc.). Summoners War Exporter will parse intercepted data from Summoners War and extract information on the monsters and runes of the user. This tool will parse intercepted data from Summoners War and extract information on the monsters and runes of the user.
Hi, it's me again, the SWOP, GW tool, skill multiplier extract guy! Open swex, generate cert with https on send the cert to smartphones, install it and also trust/enable the cert set the vpn adress in the wifi setup start summoners war get an error, cant load game, and no json file is created repeat it 5 times and nothing changes >.
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katsona-the-katsequel · 5 months
Background Events: Persona Experimentation
Unethical experimentation on Persona Users has been happening since the beginning. But how has it evolved until now?
Warning: Some speculation will be involved.
TW: Human Experimentation
The Beginning
We don't have an exact date for when experiments related to Personas and the Collective Unconscious began. Phil and Nyarly's bet had been going for some time by the time IF took place. However, if we had to place a true beginning to the experiments, we would have to go with Stephen and the Demon Summoning Program. Along with Kyouji Kuzunoha, he's the only SMT character who's also canon to Persona. Makes sense, considering his weird transcendent nature. The tale may vary between franchises, but the Persona version goes like this:
By unknown means, Stephen managed to create the Terminal System to travel through computer networks. Since he's in a wheelchair in IF, then this Stephen also managed to connect to the Expanse (located in the Collective Unconscious) with the Terminal System. Since he didn't have a way to communicate with the demon who crossed and no Persona to defend himself, Stephen was was attacked and subsequentaly crippled. All of this had to have happened before 1996 for the timeline to make sense (Side Note: This also tells a lot about Stephen, since the incident had the perfect conditions for an Awakening).
The incident led Stephen to create the Demon Summoning Program, probably for personal use, since there was no upcoming war to prepare to (that Stephen could have known of). For some unknown reason, Stephen chose to upload the only copies of the program in the computers of Karukozaka High School. Was he an alumni? Did Stephen realize teens had more probability of connecting with the Expanse? Were Karu High's computers just that good? Who knows. Only Hazama and Tamaki took the program serious enough to use it, even if it was against each other. But that's a story for another time.
Like St. Hermelin would in a few months, Karu High briefly made the news before the entire incident was forgotten. That is highly suspicious on itself. My assumption is that there truly were some experimentation going on before this, amd they made sure to silence the press and make sure the students didn't snitch. Since Tamaki managed to hide among the student population as another victim (probably with Stephen's help), they never questioned her on her abilities nor disappeared her.
But who are they? Well...
The first formal organization seeking to gain a foothold in the Collective Unconscious was the Japanese branch of SEBEC, leadered by Takahisa Kandori. Their story goes like this:
When Kandori took over as head branch of SEBEC, they began to undertake the creation of a device capable of transporting matter from one place to another. Kind of like a portal. This had the main objective of helping to lower freight costs of imports and exports. Maybe even erasing them entirely. Key contributors were Setsuko Sonomura (an engineering specialist) and Dr. Nicholai (a scientist). Kandori kept the project so under wraps that those involved basically lived in the installations. Together they created the Dimension Variable Accelerator System, or DEVA System. However, they also pulled a Backrooms and accidentally connected to the Collective Unconscious.
It is probably at this point that Kandori awoke to his Persona, which was hijacked by the real Nyarlathotep. And thus, Kandori became a puppet in The Great Bet while believing he was achieving world domination or something like that. "But, Kati," I can hear you saying, "all of that was about the Collective Unconscious. Aside from Kandori, there were no Persona Users working with SEBEC".
Oh? OH? So quickly you forget about him?
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Takeda. The man, the myth, the barely remembered NPC. All we know about him is that he is Kandori's right-hand man, the head of security at SEBEC and a Persona User. We don't even know what his Persona is, only that its couldn't handle the combined forces of the St. Hermelin students. His existence does imply something deeper: SEBEC is already employing Persona Users to their cause. They probably didn't know much about the phenomena (understandable, since they had just finished the DEVA System) and didn't have a definitive way of figuring out who could be a User and who couldn't. For all they knew this could be random. And so, a not-so-stellar security guard rose to become the second-hand man of the main antagonist. Just because he had the same power as him.
As we know, Kandori and SEBEC failed. But what was the fate of the staff that worked on the DEVA System? What about the little knowledge of the Collective Unconscious they had?
New World Order
Due to Nyarly's meddling, the NWO was founded in 1979 after they found Kiyotada Sumaru's head. They might have had supernatural advice from an ancient head and the backup of one of the most powerful beings in the Persona Universe, but no real Persona Users. Not one of those people had their shit together. The closest thing they had was Chizuru Ishigami, who was a sorcerer (most probable given true power by the Rumor Curse). When the time was right, we can assume Nyarly guided them to the remnants of Kandori's fuck up. The NWO revived Kandori and began their recruitment of the now-lost scientists and inventors. The NWO gave more freedom to their researchers than SEBEC did, which eventually led to the beginning of true human experimentation.
We don't see the worst of it unless you play Tatsuya's Scenario, where the hints they leave us are enough to call for a second Doctors' Trial.
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Yikes. And this was only one known experiment.
Like SEBEC before them, the NWO also fell. But they weren't the only ones running supernatural and unethical experiments in 1999.
Kirijo Group
With the creation of the Dark Hour, demons shadows weren't only a danger of the Collective Unconscious anymore, at least, as far as the Kirijo Group knew. Now those in the know had to watch themselves every night to avoid being attacked by them. They couldn't always rely on the perfected version of the Anti-Shadow Suppression Weapons. That must have been the moment when they began to hear rumors of supernatural events in Sumaru City, which led them to the crumbling NWO.
As it turns out, the entire Death Incident a couple of months ago left a huge vacancy for their supernatural research division. And these guys seem like they have fresh ideas that might just solve their self-created problem! A secret scramble must have taken place where the Nanjo and Kirijo Groups tried to covet all the info and personnel that had anything to do with the NWO. Those who weren't important enough to know the truth behind Kiyotada Sumaru's head and their self-proclaimed high-class greatness could have become the precursors of the Conspiracy.
And so, the Kirijo Group now had better scientists, inventors and researchers than before, and more willing to dab on unethical territory. With the need for defense, the former NWO scientists must have suggested they try to create their own Persona Users, like the ones who kept barging into their labs back in Sumaru. Thing is, no one there knew how a Persona User came to be. They did seem to have the power to control a shadow to do their bidding... maybe all they had to do was link (whatever that meant) a human with a shadow. The survivors of these experiments would become bodyguards for the Kirijo Group's excursions to Tartarus. No one would last long, though.
Skip a couple of years and the unexpected happened:
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A natural Persona Awakening.
Note was taken of the factors that had to do with the event: the User was a child and she had been in a highly stressful situation. This is how the Kirijo Group rounded up the 100 children they would experiment on to create Artificial Persona Users. All of them dying except for three: Takaya Sakaki, Jin Shirato and Chidori Yoshino (and Sho Minazuki). This violation to the Nuremberg Code probably fell to the side when Mitsuru found and recruited two natural Persona Users on her own. Nothing like flushing dozens of children's lives down the toilet.
We must remember that the Kirijo Group didn't know everything about Personas, and so believed that the stressful situation with a dash of fear of death was necessary every time the User wanted fo summon their Persona. And so Evokers were created. Better not think of the trial and error that led to those inventions. Nor the one that helped create Persona Suppressants.
Who cares if three failed lab rats ran away? Now the Kirijo Group had true Persona Users with them.
A lot happened after that, but that is a story for another day. What about the hypothetical precursors to the Conspiracy formed from the high-profile members of the NWO? The ones that fell through the cracks during the power vacuum?
The Antisocial Force
For once, this wasn't Nyarly's fault. The basic rich bitches would have remained basic rich bitches if it wasn't for Yaldabaoth. The creation of the Shadow Operatives and the less restrictive hold on Kirijo Group employees probably made all that Persona and Collective Unconscious experimentation more of an open secret in the science community. And like hypnosis, this is one secret that most didn't believe until they witnessed it themselves. Not all were skepticals, and those interested were recruited by Masayoshi Shido for the creation of the Antisocial Force.
They would be the new oppressive entity in this area, suppressing information and giving stitches to snitches. This wouldn't stop "Cognitice Psience" from becoming an increasingly popular field. Who knows what kind of experiments happened in and out of the Antisocial Force. They couldn't have been the only ones.
If there is one thing the new Kirijo Group managed to contain, was the knowledge of the creation of Persona Users. The Antisocial Force didn't even have the research from the original NWO scientists that would help them create Artificial Users. Yaldy had to put an already-Awakened Goro Akechi in Shido's path for them to have a User. And even with an actual User, they couldn't replicate the circumstances that could have helped create more. I doubt Akechi was very helpful with that, though. Can't have any potential substitutes for his job.
Nah, the Antisocial Force's forte would never be Persona Users, but rather humanity's cognition.
So, what was the order of events?
Stephen created the Terminal System and began working on the Demon Summoning Program.
SEBEC began working on the DEVA System.
Stephen completed the Demon Summoning Program.
SEBEC finished the DEVA System and, after Kandori's Awakening, began to recruit Persona Users (at least one other than Kandori).
After SEBEC's fall, the New World Order recruited the staff that worked in the DEVA System.
The NWO began to experiment with demons and humans.
The Kirijo Group hired all the scientists and inventors from the NWO.
The Kirijo Group began to create Artificial Persona Users.
After Mitsuru's Awakening, the Kirijo Group focused on children experimentation.
The Antisocial Force began to recruit experts in cognitive psience for personal experiments.
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minecraftbookshelf · 1 year
Lore? Lore? Lore for the poor?
Could you perhaps spare some marriage au lore for a poor soul?
Lore about Mezalia? Lore about Pixandria? Random culture lore?
Hello and welcome to World-Building Central! where the feral brain rabbits never stop running!
I did just post my Joel Character Design post, so if you haven't seen that yet it's here and is honestly as much about Mezalean style in general as it is about Joel in particular.
I'll ramble for a bit now and we'll see what we get XD it'll probably be more character based than general world-building, since that's where my head is at today, but we shall see!
Mezalea has two primary exports: Fish and terracotta. They also make some of the most beautiful pottery, but that is less of a significant trade resource.
Fishing in Mezalea has been the main livelihood of approximately half the population for a very long time. Fishing and sea-travel (mostly for merchant-ing reasons) are the primary focus of the coastal towns and villages, while inland it is mirrored by the terracotta quarries. This caused a brief tension when they first encountered the Ocean Empire, not because the Seafolk have an objection to eating fish, but figuring out who had rights to the waters and where Pixandrian and Mezalean territory ended and Oceanic territory began. (Was Joel basically traded for fishing rights? Well it wasn't not a factor :) )
Mezalea and Pixandria have a long history as allied nations, though that alliance has become a lot closer over the past handful of centuries due to Joel and Pix's friendship. There are some cultural similarities, both being desert nations with some seafaring tendencies, though there are plenty of differences too.
Pixandria has a somewhat interesting relationship with the other empires at large, due in large part to Pix's tendency to randomly show up in other empires, regardless of treaty or alliance status. No one in the Pixandrian government admits to this, but they are pretty sure that their Emperor sometimes forgets where they are in time and who they are currently having more tension-ridden interactions with. If this is actually the case or if it's just Pix being a troll, no one knows.
The WRA starting to call the Ocean Alliance the Cod Alliance is a source of amusement for Pix. He doesn't mind at all, Jimmy has very much been stepping up as a leader of the alliance recently (and they are all very proud of him) It's that kind of mostly fond amusement that older people get when they see younger people "reinventing the wheel" for lack of a better term. It's new to them but it's not new. A mixture of vicarious joy in the discovery of life and the world and "ah, the youth"
Pix is very fond of this generation of rulers in general. He thinks that, if the world is kind, they will all be able to accomplish great things, due in no small part to their much closer bonds to each other than their predecessors. While the Ocean Alliance has stood as a wonky little family for centuries, most of the more land-based empires were much more business-like with each other. So while politically and personally, his relationship with the Wither Rose Alliance is not the friendliest, he is very proud of them for what they have done.
One of Pix's titles is "Bringer of Storms" and is the other main reason, beside his absolute obliteration of war as a cause of death among the common folk, that he remains as Pixandria's ruler. If your priest-king can summon rain in the desert, you keep him. (This is not a standard ability of their priests or their kings and, along with the immortality, is a distinguishing feature of his.) He is usually very responsible with this power, and maintains an awareness of its impact on all surrounding ecosystems. Occasionally the urge for mischief does override good sense, but its mostly fine.
Pix is the only person outside the Ocean/Swamp and its Royal family who wields a trident, and the only one outside the Oceanic Royal Family who's trident is imbued with the level of enchantments it has. The landlocked empires consider this an odd quirk of his. The Ocean Alliance empires are more aware of the cultural significance of this and the indication of adjacency to divinity and treat him accordingly.
This is why Pix was the first person to make peaceful contact with the Ocean when they first emerged and were basically greeting everyone with murder. The ability to wield an enchanted trident guaranteed him safe passage and respect.
The Anthill and The Oasis are the two centers of Pixandria. The majority of the population actually lives in The Anthill, which, much like its name suggests, has been hollowed out into a series of tunnel-roads and cave homes. Most actual houses have at least one wall built into the outside of the mountain, but some people do choose (and it is usually a choice) to go full cave-dweller in the interior.
The Oasis is primarily a trade center and space for growing crops and tending to bees. Embassies and guest houses are also here, to host travelers and representatives from other nations without allowing them access to many of the more vulnerable citizens.
Pix developed the Oasis town himself over the course of the reign, but The Anthill was already ancient when he was born.
AU Masterpost
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wyrmfedgrave · 9 months
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1 & 2. General purpose map for this prehistoric natural game preserve.
3. Kazar, Lord of the Savage Land. Originally a Tarzan clone - but, always in his own 'Pellucidar.'
4. Shanna, the She-Devil. Originally, a knock-off of Sheena, Queen of the Jungle. Now married to the Tarzan clone above.
5. Kazar vs augmented dinos - in some great cover art.
6. Shanna - your readers really want to know how you get out of this jam!!
1906: The Earth (is) Not Hollow.
The Savage Land is a hidden (under Antarctica's ice!) tropical preserve at the base of the Palmer Peninsula.
It's part of several such planetary zoos built by the Nuwali for the mysterious Beyonders...
This 1 is stocked with the prehistoric animal & plant life of 200 million years ago.
50 million years ago, the Nuwali had to augment the area's volcanoes to preserve it's tropical ecosystem.
They also supplemented the animal life with various early mammals - including 'Man-Apes!'
The Nuwali finally left Earth some 200,000 years ago...
Eternals lived here briefly.
Then, ancient Atlanteans colonized the Savage Land, exporting its animal life thruout their empire.
Their scientist-sorcerers imported magical creatures & expanded the Land's recreation/commerce center called Pangea.
Beast-Men were created by the Atlanteans & promptly enslaved!!
But, after a successful rebellion, they spread out into the preserve to find places to live in...
In 18,000 BC, an alien/mystic war resulted in the sinking of Atlantis!!
The Beyonders sent alien operatives to Earth - to repair the Savage Land's environmental systems.
Yet, over half of the Land's population still perished!
Other, god-like aliens lived in the Land for awhile.
Then, the Sagittarians stored a Planet Destroyer & it's guardian there.
Khor, a French sorcerer, was exiled to the Savage Land - for eternity!
Velasco hid Beatrice under Mt. Flavius & tried to summon the Elder Gods there.
As Dante & Belasco fought, a pipe got hit - releasing some unknown gas!
It put Belasco into suspended animation, but, Dante & his men were mystically 'changed'.
In the 1800s, Atlanteans relocated to the waters surrounding Antarctica - as did Lemurian rebels...
By the 1940s, Nazis had built a hidden base somewhere in the South Pole.
After WW2, some high ranking Nazis escaped there, stumbling upon the Savage Land - & its high tech.
British Lord Plunder was the next to discover the Land - while looking for vibranium.
His 9 year old son was orphaned & raised by Zabu, a sabertooth tiger!!
He was renamed Kazar, "friend of the sabertooth cats."
Author/Artist: The Savage Land was created by Jack Kirby & Stan Lee for X-Men #10 in 1965!
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middleearthpixie · 1 year
Promise Me ~ Chapter Six
Summary: Friends since childhood, Gabriella has long held back her feelings where Boromir is concerned, as she did not want to risk losing his friendship if he didn't feel the same. But, then he is summoned to Rivendell, and the night before he is to leave, he stuns Gabriella by confessing his feelings for her as well. 
But, war is coming and he cannot put off what he knows must be done. All Gabriella can do is wait for him and pray for his safe return. 
Fandom: The Lord of the Rings (AU, Boromir lives)
Pairing: Boromir x ofc Gabriella
Characters: Boromir 
Warnings: Pining, Battle, death 
Rating: T
Word Count: 4k
Tag List: @sotwk @heilith @fizzyxcustard @evenstaredits @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms @emmyspov @finnofamerica @lathalea @ass-deep-in-demons @quiall321 @mistofstars @justfollowtheroad @guardianofrivendell @glassgulls
If you’d like to be added (or removed) to the tag list, please just let me know!
Previous chapters can be found here.
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It was the longest of nights as Gabriella sat there at his bedside. Various healers passed through. They poked and prodded and made Boromir cry out in pain—which made her ready to leap across the bed and throttle the party responsible—and then left without a word to her. She didn't know how many of them had heard him confessing to wanting to kiss her that day down by the river, nor did she care. It didn't matter. Nothing mattered now but Boromir’s getting better. And whatever the other healers knew, they kept to themselves. Boromir had made it clear she was to remain there, and they would honor his wishes, of course.
She sat at his bedside, stroking his hair to calm him when he grew restless, moaning and mumbling in his sleep. Every so often, she refilled the basin and bathed his forehead, his neck, his chest until he calmed. As the night crept on, she kept hoping he’d open his eyes, that he would sit up and assure her everything was going to be all right.
But he didn’t, of course. Heat wafted from him. He mumbled and muttered and spoke to no one in particular—to his brother, his father, his mother. He threw off the linens and swore whenever she tugged them back up. She laid a hand against his forehead, only to have him moan softly and try to get away from her. 
Ioreth had left a pain elixir for her to give to him, which was no easy feat as he did not want to be touched at all. Still, she managed to get a least a few drops into him, and then he’d settle back and be calm for a while. 
Gabriella just watched over him, like a mother hawk. She drifted off more than once, and each time awoke with a start at the slightest sounds. Each time she lay her hand across his forehead, it felt hotter still. Fever ravaged him, burned wildly through him to leave him thrashing against the sheet as if it was lined with sharp nails scraping against him.
She had no way of knowing when he’d been wounded, no way of knowing how he managed to survive them and walk back to Minas Tirith. How he managed to survive the walk itself. Orcs seemed to have plagued every last corner of the world and now, no one left the city unless they absolutely had to. No riders from other realms came, no supplies came, no exports left, and yet, somehow, Boromir had crossed untold miles through the most dangerous of territory, to make it back home.
“No, please…” his voice grew thin and reedy, such a far cry from its normal calm, soothing tones, “I must find them… the little ones… they are in danger…”
She sat up sharply at his moaned words. He’d kicked the sheet from himself once more, so she rose to grasp it and gently tugged it back up. “Shh…”
“I cannot shhh…” he growled, a hint of furious desperation woven through his voice. “Do you not understand? It is my fault! What have I done? The little ones are gone and I must find them.”
“Little ones?” 
She tried to soothe him by stroking his hair, only this time, it seemed to only agitate him further. “Yes! And Frodo! I must find him. Where is he? I wouldn’t have harmed him…”
She pressed her lips together as his voice broke then and a tear slid from the corner of his left eye. “I would not have harmed him, I swear it.”
“Of course you wouldn’t,” she assured him, although she had no idea what he could possibly mean. Her fingers slipped lightly along his hair as she added, “You are a gentle man, Boromir.  One of the gentlest men I have ever met, you know. You would not harm anyone without just cause.”
“Gabby… I just wish to return home to her,” he replied brokenly, his voice hitching. “She worries for me. No one has worried for me since my mother’s death… I—I don't know what to do with that…”
Her hand went still. Boromir rarely spoke of his mother. All Gabriella knew was that she had died when he was about ten years old. He went quiet then, and a hint of a smile played at his lips. “Gabby… I must return home to her. I promised her I would…”
“You have,” she whispered, leaning over to brush his forehead with her lips, along the faint scar above his left eye. “I am right here.”
“I love her,” he whispered, his voice breaking, “and I should… should have told her… I am a coward…”
Her lips trembled even as she smiled and her eyes misted over once more. “You are anything but a coward,” she murmured, her fingers moving lightly over his soft hair. 
“I am, though,” he insisted, his voice growing faint. “I—I would not have hurt him. It was… but a—a moment of weakness…”
Her fingers went still. “What was?”
“I will not die here,” he replied, a hint of anger creeping into his voice. “I must find the little ones. They are in grave danger. And it… it is… my fault.”
With that, he sat up sharply, crying out in pain even as he kept moving, as he swung his legs over the side of the bed. Gabriella skirted it to face him, catching him by the arm as she said, “No, no… you need to rest, Boromir. You are in no condition to go anywhere.”
“I must find them.” He tried to push her away, but his arms trembled too badly for there to be much force behind his shove and she barely moved.
“You will,” she told him, a hint of panic rippling through her. “In the morning. But for now, please, lie back and rest.”
“Rest? Are you mad, woman? I cannot wait until morning. I have to find them. I have to tell them I am sorry I failed them.” He pushed harder against her, then tried to jerk free of her grasp. He managed to break her hold on him, but as he tried to stand, he let out another cry as his wounded left leg buckled beneath him. 
She caught him before he hit the floor, sucking in a sharp breath as his bulk nearly tore her shoulder from its socket. Still, she managed to hold onto him, to keep him from hitting the floor.
His howl rang throughout the infirmary and brought Ioreth scurrying from her chambers. “Gabby, what are you doing?”
“Me? I’m trying to keep him from hitting the floor,” Gabriella grunted as he sagged against her. “He’s trying to leave…”
“I must go and you will not keep me.”
“Do not be a fool, Boromir,” Ioreth snapped, pulling his right arm about her neck to get him upright again. “Back to bed with you this minute.”
“I cannot lie about…”
“You will and that is that.”
He tried to fight her, but his strength gave out completely and between Ioreth and Gabriella, they were able to wrestle him back to his bed. “And you will remain there, is that clear? No more of this foolishness, do you understand?”
“Evil woman,” he growled, even as he did as he was told.
“Yes, yes. I know.” Ioreth tugged the sheet back up over his broad chest. “Now, you stay where you are, lest I restrain you. And make no mistake, my lord, I will do so if it comes to that.”
A low sigh leaked through his teeth as he nodded, then replied, “Aye.”
“Good.” Ioreth turned to her. “If he tries this foolish thing again, come get me at once.”
“I will.”
With a bob of her head, Ioreth turned and strode back toward the rear of the room, where a door led to the hallway that led to her chambers. Her back and shoulders aching, Gabriella sank into her vacated chair and breathed a low sigh of relief when Boromir drifted off to sleep once more. 
She watched him sleep, her mind whirling with ever more questions now. Who were the little ones of which he spoke? Children? And if so, why was he with children? 
But that made no sense. He would never put anyone in danger intentionally and he would certainly never harm anyone without good reason. So, who or what plagued his fevered mind? What had happened from the time he departed Rivendell and the time he staggered to the edge of the Pelennor Fields? 
She leaned closer, letting her fingers skim lightly along his hair. “What happened out there?”
He didn't answer, of course. He remained silent for a bit, but then grew restless once more. Thankfully, he did not try to rise from bed again, but she knew she was in for a terribly long night.
Everything hurt. The pain came sharp as a blade, and hot as fire and refused to leave him be. No matter how he tried to get away from it, he couldn’t. It just threatened to swallow him entirely, but not before slicing him into little pieces to chew first. 
A soft voice broke through the heat. A gentle hand on his hair calmed him. He couldn't see to whom they belonged, though. All he saw was blackness. Then trees. Then, the terrified faces of two halflings. The ugly faces of the abominations known as orcs.
Arrows pierced him, each one filling him with fire anew. He fought back, using all of his will to swing his blade in any direction, to cleave as many of the beasts in half as he could. He had to. He had to prove to them he was not a traitor. He’d never meant to frighten Frodo. Never meant to threaten him or make him think he was in danger. He simply wanted to save his people. 
“Gabby…” Her name bubbled to his lips as he saw her before him, tranquil and beautiful, standing before him in a gown of pale blue. He couldn’t recall ever seeing her dressed in such feminine attire, as she preferred trousers and tunics over skirts and bodices. But she looked beautiful just the same.
Her white-blonde hair fell freely about her face, also something he’d never seen before. Normally, she wore it pulled back in a braid. But now, it tumbled over her shoulders and down her back and he fairly ached to gather it in his hands, to bring the silken strands to his face and inhale the soft lavender scent that clung to her. He ached to kiss her again, to open the back of her dress and let it spill from her before he swept her up in his arms and spirited her to his bed.
He loved her. He’d loved her since the first time he’d seen her, down at the river. He wanted her to be his, to be his wife, to be the mother of his children. But he never had the chance to tell her any of that. All he’d been able to do was kiss her twice. And that wasn't nearly enough. He’d squandered each opportunity out of fear. He was a bloody coward. 
“Where is she?” he fought against the rising panic as she slowly faded from sight. “Gabby? Gabby!”
“Shhh… I am right here, love,” she whispered, and he calmed at the gentle brush of her hands against his cheek, over his hair. She was there. She was safe. It was safe for him to rest now. 
But his mind wouldn’t let him. 
He smiled as he reached down to adjust the small hands on the equally small handle. “Grip it a bit more tightly. There’s a good lad.” He rumpled the halfling’s honey-gold hair.
“Boromir, take care. He is only five and that sword is almost as big as he is.”
He looked up in surprise to find Gabby sitting on the rock where he’d tossed his gloves and draped his cloak. “What are you doing here? It’s not safe.”
“I’m fine,” she told him, her beautiful eyes silver and serene. “But take care with him. He’s still only learning.”
He turned his attention back to the hafling, who now smiled up at him. His eyes were silver.
Silver? That couldn't be.
He scooped up the halfling, as he’d done in the mines of Moria, when first the Watcher in the Water and then the Balrog had tried to stop them. But as he tightened his arms, the halfling draped his arms about Boromir’s neck and said, “Can we play now instead, Papa? My arms are tired.”
He looked back at Gabby. Her eyes. The halfling had her eyes. No, wait… he was no halfling.
He was a child.
He was their child.
Then she stood and his eyes went wide at the sight of her. Round. Only days away from going into labor, it seemed.
“Why do you stare as if you’ve never seen me?” she asked as she came up and slid an arm about his waist before pressing her cheek against his arm. 
“Because I feel as if I am seeing you for the first time,” he said, unable to keep the amazement from his voice. 
He leaned closer. Her eyes sparkled. Her lips pursed.
Thunder rolled in the distance. Lighting crackled. It struck and the jolt tore through him, throwing him back and drove him into the ground hard enough that he thought his bones shattered on impact.
He lurched awake with a gasp, an icy cold sweat breaking out over his entire body as he fought to catch his breath. His family melted into memory. His son. An expecting Gabby. They no longer existed.
“Shhh…” Ioreth was there in an instant, a cool, damp rag bathing his temples, down along his neck.
Panic set in as he stared wildly about the room. Sunlight spilled through the windows behind him. A gentle breeze wafted in its wake. He fought to calm himself even as Ioreth murmured, “You had us worried, Boromir.”
“Where… what… how…?”
“All things we would like answered as well,” she replied in her calm voice. “Now, calm yourself before you pull out the stitches.”
“Stitches?” His head ached, his vision swam, and his leg and chest felt as if they were on fire. 
“Stitches, indeed. How you managed to walk on that leg, I will never know.”
He sank back into the pillows as breathing came more easily now. “Where is Gabby? Is she here?”
“She is. I’ve sent her down to have a bath and to fetch a change of clothing. She has refused to leave your bedside since you returned.” Ioreth offered up a long look, then laid her hand against his forehead. “Your fever has broken. We should get you into fresh clothes and onto fresh linens.”
“Gabby can help me with that.”
“That is highly inappropriate.”
He glared up at her. “It is my choice.”
“Isn’t it her choice?”
He gritted his teeth as his roiled gut twisted tighter with hot irritation. “I suppose it is, so I will ask her when she returns.”
“It’s good to see you are your same stubborn self, my lord,” she told him sharply. “Please, just let me help you and make things easier for all of us?”
He stared at her for a long moment, and decided a fight with her was a waste of energy he simply did not have. Besides, he was still more tired than he’d ever been and so squeezed his eyes shut, brought up a somewhat shaky hand to rub his forehead. “Very well. What day is this?”
As she moved toward the cupboard, Ioreth replied over one shoulder. “Tuesday. You were found out in the Pelennor Fields three days ago. Do you recall any of it?”
He shook his head slowly. “Not much, no. Was I alone?”
“I think so,” she opened the cupboard to take out clean clothes for him and then came back, “but you’ll have to ask Gabriella. She is the one who found you.”
He nodded, letting his hand flop down onto the bed alongside him. Everything still seemed so… fogged to him. “Gabby found me?”
“She did, yes. And as I said, she’s refused to leave your bedside since, slept right in that chair for three nights. She’s a bit stubborn, you know. Sit forward, please.”
He did as she asked, ignoring the burn of pulling damaged muscle when he lifted his arms to pull off the sweat-soaked. He shook his head when Ioreth held out the clean one. “I have no need for that and I’d rather not lift my arm again, if it’s all the same to you. Those will do just fine.”  He took the small clothes from her. “And this, I will do this myself.”
“As you wish.” 
She turned away to give him a whit of privacy, waiting for him to say, “I am decent again,” before she turned back to him.
Something as simple as changing clothes was enough to wipe him out, but as he sank back against his pillows, he turned his head to peer at the chair at his bedside. There was no way at all Gabby had been at all comfortable for those three nights in that straight backed, barely-padded chair. “Why did someone not fetch her something more comfortable?”
“We were a bit busy, I’m afraid. The infirmary was overrun with wounded from the battle.”
He let his eyes close for a second. His physical pain had ebbed for now. The fire was gone. But he was still just so very tired. And the enormity of what she’d just said sank into him, added to the shame he already burned with, the one he’d share with no one. “Of course you were. I’m sorry.”
“Do not be sorry. You’ve been through much as well. Where were you when you were set upon? How far did you travel?”
He shook his head. “It is of no matter. You need only know I traveled far enough.”
She just offered up a long look, but said nothing, just shook her head. Footsteps sounded then and Gabby came into view and he forgot about being tired, forgot about his wounds, forgot about the guilt he bore and the shame he carried. Seeing her made them all melt into the background.
She was even more beautiful than the image he’d carried in his mind of her. Unlike most of the women in Minas Tirith, she was not one for flowing gowns of any sort. He couldn't recall ever seeing her in anything other than soft trousers and tunics that emphasized her femininity more than he would have thought possible. He would never complain about her choice in clothing at all. It suited her. It suited him. 
Relief flooded Gabby’s eyes, and to his amazement, he watched them go from stormy gray to a calm silver. She came up to him, slipping her hand into his, and said, “Welcome home. You had us worried, you know.”
He tightened his fingers around hers, the remnants of his dreams still clinging to him. “I feel as if I’ve been gone a lifetime.”
“Tell me about it.”
He gave a gentle tug on her arm. “Come and lay with me. Ioreth won’t mind,” he glanced up at the healer, “will you?”
Her expression suggested that she very much minded, but all she said was, “No, I don't suppose it would hurt.”
A pale flush crept into Gabby’s cheeks. “I don't wish to hurt you, Boromir.”
“You won’t. Trust me.” He pulled again, harder this time. “Please?”
She glanced at Ioreth, who nodded, and then Gabby carefully settled onto the bed alongside him. A sigh rose to his lips at the feel of her soft body curved up against his and he slid his arm about her shoulders to draw her closer. “You are not about to break me,” he told her with a hint of a smile, giving her a gentle squeeze.
A soft laugh bubbled to her lips, as silvery as her eyes. “Of course not, still, I—”
Her voice hitched, and her eyes shimmered with tears that silently spilled over her lower lashes to course down her cheeks. She tucked her head against his chest, his skin growing damp beneath her.
He tightened his arm about her. “Shhh… love… it’s all right. I’ll be fine in time.”
“I know, but…” She shook her head, her arm draped gently about his hips. “I heard the horn and then Faramir found it, or what was left of it and I—I knew the worst had happened.”
“I survived, Gabby. I am here now and the worst has not happened.”
Her arm tightened over him, but before she could respond, she dissolved into tears that he was powerless to stop. So, he didn't try. He just held her as she cried.
After a while, Gabby quieted and he glanced down to see she’d fallen asleep. He lay there for a long while, just savoring the feel of her against him. Nothing had ever felt so right as this one woman in his arms did. None before her had, and there would be no other woman but her now.
The sunlight had softened as the day went on, glinting along the strands of her hair until it looked almost molten. He let his fingers trail lightly along it, smiling as it was every bit as soft as he remembered. His fingers moved along the plait and he found himself wanting to unwind it and send it spilling down her back, to see how close his imagination was to the reality of seeing her that way. 
For the first time in weeks, his wounds didn't feel as if they were on fire. For the first time in weeks, he didn't burn with fever or wander about in a delirium. He still wasn't entirely certain how he survived the battle with the orcs, only knew that Aragorn came to his aid and lopped the head off the foul orc taking aim between Boromir’s eyes. He vaguely remembered convincing Aragorn to go on after Merry and Pippin, vaguely remembered getting to his feet to force them to obey his mind and move. 
Large blocks of time had gone missing from the time he collapsed at Amon Hen to the time he did so at the edge of the Pelennor Fields. He vaguely remembered stumbling about trees, coming to in areas he did not recognize. But, he knew he was close to home when he heard the sounds of battle.
Then he saw the White City and he knew he’d made it. 
Gabby stirred then, lifting one hand to rub her eye and when she peered up at him, her eyes softened. “This was not a dream.”
“Which part?”
“All of it, I suppose.”
“No,” he shook his head slowly, “it is not a dream.”
Her eyes grew shiny again and he brought his hand to her cheek. “No more tears, Gabby.”
“I cannot help it. I—I—” Her bottom lip trembled and she caught it between her teeth for a long moment as she collected herself. Then, she drew in a slow breath, exhaled, and murmured, “I thought you were lost. We all thought you were.”
“And as you can see, I am not.” He caught a loose tendril to tuck behind her ear. “I am right here.”
“I know.” She slowly shifted onto one elbow and her palm came to rest against his cheek. “And I still feel as if I will wake and find myself back where I was when I heard the horn blow.”
“You needn’t worry,” he told her, tightening his arm about her shoulders to pull her close once more. 
She leaned in and when her lips brushed his, he let his hand slide along her neck, up to her hair, where his fingers wove into the strands pulled back into that plait, and for the first time since the first arrow struck him, he felt no pain whatsoever. 
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aidontdraw · 5 months
I gotta rewatch Naruto... Because I'm not sure how their government works. I'm kinda settling on, it doesn't.
The Ninja Villages seem to be their own city states. Whos main export is their military power. Simple enough.
These City States have to report to their countries Daimyo. Which each country has its own political leadership, it all seems to be the same type. A Feudal System with various Lords owning Lands. Each doing land lord stuff with it. Cool, no problem.
These City States can negotiate with other City States in their own behalf at Gokage Summons. There are limitations, because they need to get approval from their Daimyo to do war stuff. Or else Daddy D stops paying the bills. All simple shit.
The City States also get military funding from their own country based on, what appears to be contract work. Because we know Suna didnt get paid for the Fourth Ninja War, because their Daimyo said, "Sorry, thats ninja business." So not a steady source of income.
(Except the Cloud does seem to get a steady stream of money, because they grew during the disarmament. So I guess it's based on how nice your sugar daddy is.)
However they are not limited to only working with one Daimyo. They can, and Konoha has, work with other countries political leaders. With out any problems from their own country's political leader. Which is why Konoha Crush happened, because Konoha was undercutting Suna pieces to the Wind Daimyo during a time of disarmament(tight purse strings).
They can also work with Feudal Lords, both their country and others. We see Narutos group working for the Snow, Nomads, and others. They can also work with people of the merchant class of again their own countries and other countries. It's how we got to meet Haku and Zabuza.
City Stares can and do own land in countries not their own. And can and has gifted it to other City States. Like when Konoha gifted Suna fertile farming land in the River Country. And for some reason they just planted flowers, go off king.
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So these Villages do not have to be loyal to their own country. Whcih fair enough.
But now lets think of war. Each of the wars we know are called Ninja Wars. Whcih does signify that there has to be normal war going on. Especially since we know some Daimyos dont pay for Ninja Wars. With all these diffrent Feudal Lords thoes bitches gotta be fighting for land... And hiring ninja to do so. Do the villages just consider that contract work and not really a war because its not happening to them? Maybe?
But they treat mercenaries like they are different things. They call the Akatsuki mercenaries, because they are an independent group getting contracts from everywhere... Including Ninja Villages!
And I just feel like they need to restructure their government, because its like, who do you even work for? And why are you working for them, if you can kick their ass. You have magic nukes and they don't. And your begging them for money?
Then there's Samurai, which are said to be more poweful than ninja, but lets be real... No they aren't. But they do seem to occupy a similar social status as Ninja. So like where do they come into play?
Also, do we ever get into the fact that there's non-human races in Naruto? Like fuck the aliens... I wanna know about the cat people.
Also summons have their own hierarchies and land whats up with them? Like I forget if their lands are on the same earth or if they are on a different plane of existence. I think its the same earth super far away, because in the Pain fight they are like normal travel would take days/weeks... Idk
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ukrainenews · 2 years
Daily Wrap Up January 23, 2023
Under the cut:
The EU’s foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, has said Germany is not blocking the export of Leopard 2 tanks as Berlin faces mounting pressure to supply the heavy weapons that Kyiv has been calling for. Berlin failed to take a decision on the re-export of German-made tanks to Ukraine at Friday’s international defence summit at the US military base of Ramstein in south-west Germany.
The European Union's foreign policy chief Josep Borrell on Monday outlined the bloc's plans to continue supporting Ukraine, saying it reached an agreement to provide an additional 500 million euros ($543.03 million) and additional military training assistance worth 45 million euros ($48.87 million), dedicated to a military training mission for Ukrainian forces.
Russian artillery shelled a residential building in Sumy Oblast on Jan. 23, killing a woman and wounding two other people, Sumy Oblast Governor Dmytro Zhyvytsky said on Telegram.
Russia has summoned Estonian Ambassador Margus Laidre, ordering him to leave the country by Feb. 7, followed by Estonia making the same move under "the principle of parity," the Associated Press reported, citing the countries' foreign ministries.
The power deficit in Ukraine's energy system has increased as the consumption rises, the country's state grid operator Ukrenergo reported on Jan. 23. Emergency power outages have been introduced in Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Lviv, Zaporizhzhia, and Volyn oblasts where consumption limits have been exceeded.
“The EU’s foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, has said Germany is not blocking the export of Leopard 2 tanks as Berlin faces mounting pressure to supply the heavy weapons that Kyiv has been calling for.
Berlin failed to take a decision on the re-export of German-made tanks to Ukraine at Friday’s international defence summit at the US military base of Ramstein in south-west Germany.
Asked about the issue, Borrell told a news conference today:
It seems Germany’s not going to ban the exporting of these weapons, if some EU member states who have them, want to send them.
He also outlined details of the EU’s newly approved military aid package to Ukraine, worth €500m, plus a further €45m for a military training mission for Ukrainian forces.
That brings the EU’s total amount of military support for Ukraine to €3.6bn, he said, adding that the total figure of the bloc’s support to Ukraine – including military, financial, economic and humanitarian aid – now stands at €49bn.”-via The Guardian
“The European Union's foreign policy chief Josep Borrell on Monday outlined the bloc's plans to continue supporting Ukraine, saying it reached an agreement to provide an additional 500 million euros ($543.03 million) and additional military training assistance worth 45 million euros ($48.87 million), dedicated to a military training mission for Ukrainian forces.
That brings the EU's total amount of military support for Ukraine, coming via the European Union's intergovernmental fund, to 3.6 billion euros ($3.9 billion), Borrell told reporters in Brussels on Monday.
"Ukraine is resisting with courage and determination," Borrell said in a news conference. "Ukraine has to win this war and we will support in the best possible way." Borrell added that the total figure of the bloc's support to Ukraine, including military, financial, economic and humanitarian aid, now stands at 49 billion euros ($53.21 million).
"Russia continues its systematic barbaric attacks on Ukrainian cities, killing civilians and destroying civilian infrastructures," Borrell said. "We have not seen any genuine willingness from Russia regarding a fair and sustainable peace."”-via CNN
“Russian artillery shelled a residential building in Sumy Oblast on Jan. 23, killing a woman and wounding two other people, Sumy Oblast Governor Dmytro Zhyvytsky said on Telegram.
Earlier on the same day, Russian artillery also struck the town of Vorozhba, also in Sumy Oblast, destroying another residential building, this time without casualties.
Russian troops regularly shell the settlements of Sumy Oblast located close to the Ukrainian-Russian border with self-propelled artillery, mortars, and other weapons.”-via Kyiv Independent
“Russia has summoned Estonian Ambassador Margus Laidre, ordering him to leave the country by Feb. 7, followed by Estonia making the same move under "the principle of parity," the Associated Press reported, citing the countries' foreign ministries.
According to the AP, the diplomatic missions in Russia and Estonia will be headed by temporary charges d'affaires, namely subordinate diplomats substituting for absent ambassadors.
Russian Foreign Ministry wrote in its statement that the ambassador's expulsion was a response to Estonia's "new unfriendly step to radically reduce the size of the Russian Embassy in Tallinn." Russian officials added that "the Estonian leadership has purposefully destroyed the entire range of relations with Russia."
Latvian Foreign Minister Edgars Rinkevics announced on Jan. 23 that his country would also downgrade diplomatic relations with Russia "in solidarity with Estonia." He added that Latvia is "demanding Russia to act accordingly."
Earlier in January, Estonia decided to cut down the number of employees at the Russian embassy in Tallinn. From Feb. 1, only eight diplomats and 15 administrative, technical, and service staff members will be able to work in the country.
Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Reinsalu said, cited by the AP, that his country had reduced its bilateral relations with Moscow "to the absolute minimum" since Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine started on Feb. 24.
On Jan. 19, the Estonian government announced it would provide Ukraine with a record military aid package worth 113 million euros, increasing its total military assistance to 370 million euros which is more than 1% of Estonian GDP.
The package will include all the 155 mm howitzers Estonia has, Ukraine's General Staff reported, citing Estonian Ambassador Kaimo Kuusk.
Estonia has been one of Ukraine's biggest supporters since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion. The Estonian parliament condemned Russia's illegal annexation of Ukrainian territories and voted to declare Russia "a terrorist regime" on Oct. 18.”-via Kyiv Independent
“The power deficit in Ukraine's energy system has increased as the consumption rises, the country's state grid operator Ukrenergo reported on Jan. 23. Emergency power outages have been introduced in Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Lviv, Zaporizhzhia, and Volyn oblasts where consumption limits have been exceeded.
The electricity cut-offs may be implemented in other Ukrainian regions as well, Ukrenergo wrote on Telegram.
"Electricity consumption is higher than on Sunday due to the beginning of the working week, as well as a gradual decrease in temperature throughout Ukraine," reads the report.
According to Ukrenergo, Russia's latest mass attack on Ukraine's energy system on Jan. 14 "caused significant damage" to several power units of thermal power plants. "Electricity production at operating power plants cannot fully cover consumption," the operator added.
Another reason for the power deficit, except for Russian strikes, is that more than 10 gigawatts of the capacity are currently inaccessible to the Ukrainian energy system and are under Russian control, according to Ukrenergo.
These capacities used to be produced at the now-occupied Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, Kakhovka Hydro Power Plant, Luhansk, Enerhodar, and Vuhlehirsk thermal power plants.
The majority of Ukraine's wind and solar power plants are also located in the Russian- occupied territories of the country's south, Ukrenergo wrote.
Russian troops have repeatedly attacked energy infrastructure across Ukraine since early October, killing dozens of people and causing electricity, water, and heating cut-offs.
Moscow has admitted that Ukraine’s energy system is one of its primary targets. According to the Geneva Convention, attacking vital public infrastructure constitutes a war crime.”-via Kyiv Independent
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herdsworldbuilding · 2 years
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So me messing around.
So I got boarded and decided to mess around with a setting that isn’t mine.
Fate: a winx saga.
So first of a disclaimer I have not watched the second season yet. But this was just me doing something for three hours yesterday afternoon.
So let’s preface this with my thoughts on the show… it’s fine for what it is. I enjoyed watching it but am also firmly of the opinion that it doesn’t need to be connected to the Winx ip. Would have been fine as an edgy teen drama about fairies. And for all the genuine fans of the series I feel bad for the lack of a third season.
In the meantime I’ll have my fun.
So that map. The map of the other world that was provided. I appreciate that in this version of winx we get a map as the original series place soft and loose with locations and space (Is this new location a planet? A continent, a single kingdom? Who knows!) but the map is also very bare bones and the two versions of it contradicts itself. So I drew a map based on these two maps. There is a hint of two other continents on the globe version so I drew some speculative version of the other parts of the continents.
So I’m trying to stick somewhat closely to the canon of Fates. But I still change some things.
Two changes to basic lore about magic I added an element, darkness, it’s a relatively rare element and fairies with the power of darkness have a reputation.
- power of darkness- fear, shadow manipulation and travel, shadow creatures summoning, shadow forms. temporary blindness, curses, perception manipulation, pull and push objects. Darkness and light are closely related and they appear to have some overlap.
Change two, witches: witches are non fairies so are not born with that elemental magic so gifted to the fairies. Instead in order to do magic they rely on complex rituals and formulas (essentially to do magic they are solving complex math equations or study art) then there are blood witches, witches who’s “element” is blood and steal the magic of fairies. Both kinds of witches are illegal in Solaria, but outside of solaria regular witches are quite common.
Now there’s only five realms, the realms are the equivalent of an empire. There are also several other smaller countries.
Long ago there was one large realm called Domino, it’s territory was that of all the five realms centuries ago. It fell to ruin during the dominion wars.
Eventually through numerous conflicts the many realms came to be.
—The realms —
- solaria: politically the most powerful of the five realms. Under the iron rule of the solarian monarchy and home to the elite Alfea college
Cities: Majix (capital), Polaris, dyamond(a city full of gangs, vice and crime, essentially a semi legal criminal haven) zenith (a tec savvy city, the silicone valley of the otherworld)
National symbol: the moon eclipsing the sun
National animal: unicorn
Exports: phones, military gear, paper, wool, textiles, glass.
Locations of interest: celestial dam (largest hydroelectric dam in the world), omega prison, crystal expanse, rainbow arches, ruins of domino. Sea of sand dunes,
- elakrion: know for its warrior culture. Long time rival to solaria and oposium but will supply mercenaries to any side that pays. Often has pirate problems from andros.
Cities: hatchet, fortress
National symbol: two crossed swords
National animal: carnage wyverns
Exports: mercenaries, weapons, wheat.
Locations of interest: golden auditorium (college), ruins of havram
- lymphea: natural wounder covered in lush dense jungle, rich diversity of plants and animals. Rumor has it that powerful relics hidden away deep in the jungle.
Cities: linepia
National symbol: the tree of life
National animal: moss magiwolfs
Exports: wood, spices, exotic ingredients, plants and animals magic items. Medicine
Locations of interest: tree of life, torquise sholes, sea of shimmering flowers, the deep jungle
- Iris: a land dotted with powerful city states but overrun by outlaws. Sees itself as the true heir of Domino’s might. Probably could be if the council of cities could agree on anything for more than a minute. The bread basket of the world. Echos of the army of darkness still scar the land.
Cites: emerald, saphira, ónix, citri, topaz, amathisia, Rubia.
National symbol: a stylized flower with seven colored diamond shaped petals.
National animal: dream eater butterfly
Exports: ores, gemstones, cereals, produce.
Locations of interest: the white mountains, sun fields, scorched run.
-oposium: bitter rivals to solaria. They jump at any opportunity to prove their superiority. Home to the prestigious cloud tower.
Cites: Alk, ing, granor
National symbol: three purple eyes
National animal: ghoul spiders
Exports: witch made items, magic scrolls,
Locations of interest: cloud tower (a citadel of libraries, mazes, and witches. The tower is known to amplify the powers of air fairies. And has long been used for long distance communications, now it’s just a glorified cell tower)
-concepts: home to the cites of hope city, terrok and jubilee
-Callisto: a popular destination for tourists and vacationers, with idealized beaches and plenty of resorts. There is also ski resorts in the mountains to the west.
- dolona: an island nation, it has a long history of being occupied by other realms but has a vibrant culture and is quite well off now days even though elakrion military, has a quiet but not unknown presence.
- Promethia: southern neighbor to elakrion and lymphea
- hoggar: a militaristic county that is most concerned with deafening itself from hostile neighbors (elakrion, solaria, andros) well known for housing great libraries and mountain monasteries. Home to the forgers college.
- andros: a realm in all but name. The place is full of islands and is well known for it’s pirates and privateers. Has a lot of water fairies. This land is home to the mermaids.
Cities: Neptune, Posidious, Oceanus, typhon
Locations of interest: black islands, omega portal, islands of nadur, nantros, guanaco.
- melody: a beautiful country known for its ancient history and having many talented musicians who have made many magical instruments. There are a lot of mind fairies from this country
Locations of interest: the pillars of harmony (the largest stone circle of the world.) the stone army (an army of petrified warriors that range from melody out to the quartz step.
-espero: neighbor to romelea and hoggar. It is a bright place known for its large cites, expertise in air and light magic and being the best with barrier magic.
-karunda: a country that is next to Promethius and elakrion
-romelea: a viberant county that is known for its beautiful textiles and metallurgy
-koria: a small country next to the islands of rot, orez and fallat
- avelon: a nation that is old enough to have remembered when domino was at the hight of its power.
Cities: nympi, asgort, elfim
-Ev: small poor country who’s ruling family is cursed
-nations of nymphs: a loose alliance of near three dozen tiny countries
Cities: minth, areandous, daphne, tylin, capipso, cirsis
-pador: home to the forest of oblivion and the guard house of the books of legendarium
-polaris: cold and far north, was once home to domino as well but the land was covered in eternal glaciers from a spell that the legion of light used to seal up some of the army of darkness. It’s icy landscape is why Polaris is not a realm in and if itself.
Cities: icelands
— seas—
-bylar ocean
-sylarian ocean
-eraklyon sea
-adovair sea
-salit sea
-infinite ocean of andros
- sea of shimmering flowers
—Information on fairies and other things —
Fairy animals: animals who have some semblance of the same kind of magic as fairies
Burned ones: created by powerful magic during the dominion wars,
Beasts of darkness:
Shadow monsters: creatures made and controlled by dark fairies creatures like
- kerog (small bat like creature)
- shade mastiffs (dog like creatures)
-tar monster ( long and reptile like)
-many mumbling mouths ( slug like many mouthed creature)
- gergthro ( bipedal, batwinged, lion like creature)
- shade guardians ( bipedal four armed one horned wolf like creatures)
-bugbear (bear like creatures)
-dark giants (very large headless humanoid)
Ice serpent, a creature only found on polariz, highly terrestrial with an icy breath
Ice beasts: created from magic.
Storm harpies: an ancient cursed caused by darkness magic they only live in lymphea and andros
Electric octopus: an octopus that creates electric shock like first world eals
Shimmer shells: rare valuable sea shells only found in the oceans of andros.
Hydra lizards: lizards with multiple heads
Quill cats: cats with tails full of sharp thorns
Fairy hunters: a menice in the first world, a creation of the nation of hoggar, to combat fairies that where sent to hoggar from solaria. Nowadays they are a secret order that kills dangerous fairies
Night children: also called vampires. They can be fairies but also others. They are rare and have been around since before the dominian war.
Kelpie: shapeshifting water monsters
Dragons: nowadays rare creatures but there is a large variety of them.
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scotianostra · 1 year
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On 20th April 1918, Mora Dickson, Scottish author, painter and campaigner, was born in Mofat.
Mora went on to be one of the founders of the Voluntary Service Overseas, or VSO, scheme.
Mora was born in Glasgow, an accountant's only daughter and the second of four children. She spent her early years in Moffat, Dumfriesshire, largely to avoid the polluted air of the city. Her father drove around the United Kingdom in search of the "right" school, and she was eventually educated at St Felix's, Lowestoft - where she became head girl - and Edinburgh School of Art, although her studies were cut short by the outbreak of the second world war.
Dickson met her future husband in London where had she moved to pursue a career as an artist.
Initially, she took an instant dislike to the impeccably dressed, arrogant man, who, in turn, thought she was an upstart.
However, despite the bad start, they fell in love and in 1951 - two years after they first met - they were married.
Then a journalist with a passion for do-gooding in the former colonies, Alec was later appointed an ambassador for the United Nations and Mora accompanied her husband on all of his official trips.
Their vision for VSO grew out of a disastrous trip to Iraq when Alec was the head of a UN delegation to Baghdad. He realised that what was needed was not bureaucrats touring the capital but volunteers able to speak the language and work at grassroots level.
In 1957, Alec resigned from the UN and VSO was born.
The couple drove through thick jungle, hiked over thickly-misted foothills and slept under mosquito nets as they toured different projects.
VSO differed from its predecessors by shrugging off colonial do-gooding for hard graft and youthful energy from volunteers who wanted to help without being patronising.
The first dozen 18-year-olds who were sent to Ghana, Nigeria and Sarawak became an army of volunteers reaching across the developing world and VSO went on to become one of Britain’s greatest exports.
John F Kennedy was so impressed he summoned the Dicksons to Washington in 1961 to advise on the establishment of the Peace Corps.
But despite the achievements, just four years later they were ousted.
The coup was a devastating blow for her husband, who did not leave his room in the couple’s London home for a week. Having recovered, the Dicksons went on to found Community Service Volunteers (CSV) in 1961, a home-based version of the charity.
Both from wealthy families, the couple invested their money in the stock market and property. But although they quietly amassed a small fortune they lived frugally, recalled Robertson.
"They never spent anything," he said. "Mora would buy her clothes from a catalogue; she hated shopping. But if you ever needed money there would be a cheque in the post before you knew it. Her generosity, with both her time and money, was quite extraordinary."
After the death of her husband in 1994 at the age of 80, Dickson returned to her roots in Scotland, moving to Edinburgh where she continued to paint and write.
She was made honorary vice-president of VSO 12 years before her death, in a belated move by the trustees to heal the rift.
Dickson, who has 43 grandnieces and nephews and an extended family across the world, never had children of her own.
A prolific author, she had 21 books published during her lifetime.
She also wrote of her travels and illustrated the stories with black and white scraper-board drawings which brought the couple’s adventures into relief.
When Dickson died, her niece Sue Robertson, was flooded with letters of condolence from all over the world.
She said: "The esteem and regard in which she was held all over the world was really quite overwhelming."
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ritunn · 2 years
Legends of Alepheria HB: Arc II
With the group having finished arc 2 of the campaign, I present all the Fabula Ultima homebrew I made for it! Learn of the previous arc here!
This time, the party traveled through the once vibrant country of Oxtali to reach Ifrit's temple after dealing with Chronepsis. Now reduced to nothing but a dying desert filled with demons, Oxtali is a hostile land ruled by an oligarchy that used the opportunity to claim their place as rulers. The heroes found themselves making their way to the home of one of Merlot, a bandit outpost for the Lost Crop led by Sashimi. There they encountered Freya, the Red of the Council of Five. A dangerous assassin, duelist, and mage, Freya had taken over the outpost in an attempt to capture the priestess of Ifrit who'd found refuge there while trying to travel back home after the war between Oxtali and Cescayle when she was young. But after a nail biting duel, Freya was defeated and returned to Cid to plot her revenge. With that done, the party took on the role of protecting the child priestess, Mia, and made their way towards the temple, where the grizzled veteran, Ba'vesk, found his and Mia's home, Kaloo-Ha, now laid in ruins.
Destroyed while away at war thanks to one of the four lunar beasts, Nightmare, and it's demonic rider, the Warbreaker, made from the corpse of one of Ba'vesk's friends, Kaloo-Ha was filled with demons and dangers. Yet they showed no fear and defeated the duo of bosses at the east end of the town. The Arcanum of the Moon, Tsukoyomi showed respect to the party arcanist, Flint, for reeling in one of his menagerie and joining his collection as a summon with Chronos, Arcanum of the Wheel and Titania, Arcanum of the Oak. Ba'vesk even forgave his old friend and freed him from the torment that turned him into a demon. But now, they were to fight Ifrit.
Mia and Flint raised the buried temple and Mia summoned Ifrit with her powers. Turning the temple into a fiery hellscape, the party dispatched the corrupt Arcanum of the Forge that sought to kill them and remake the world. But Cid and Freya had found them and using his airship, sent artillery fire against the temple. Thanks to Sashimi with stolen transportation crystals left by Freya's forces, they were able to escape unharmed by Cid's attack and return to the Lost Crop Outpost. Now, Ramuh was in sight and Endell and Valicia were near. The party ready to embark on their next journey.
What's Alepheria without the riftworks? Constructs constructed by Cid in the future to gather the resources of the past, while also functioning as a personal army for the Council of Five. The ones Chronepsis used were a bit out of date and clunky, but Cid has made some upgrades to the basic unit so that it no longer is disabled entirely in the night.
Rift Soldier Mk. 2 Traits: empowered by light, emotionless, glowing, loyal Level 20 Construct DEX d10 / INS d6 / MIG d10 / WLP d8 Initiative +8 / HP: 90 (45) / MP: 60 Defense: [DEX] + 1 / Magic Defense: [INS] + 2 Resistances: Air, Earth Vulnerabilities: Bolt, Dark Immunities: Poison Absorb: Light
Basic Attacks Armblade (M): [MIG + MIG] + 2 [HR + 10] physical damage and the target suffers weak. Automatic Crossbow [R]: [DEX + MIG] + 2: [HR + 10] physical damage and the target suffers slow.
Special Rules: Construct: The rift soldier Mk. 2 is immune to poisoned. Lux-Core Reactor: As long as it's day, the rift soldier Mk. 2 gains a +3 bonus to accuracy checks and its attacks deal 5 additional damage. As long as it's night, the rift soldier Mk. 2 suffers slow and weak.
Oxtali is home to 4 dangerous breeds of demons, spawned when negative emotions corresponding to hunger, death, disease, or war overtake someone. Killing them and corrupting their bodies into a malevolent force for evil. However, this only occurs when near the corrupting influence of the fallen moon. But, due to Oxtali's once vibrant export of mining the fallen moon for resources necessary for magitek, its people easily were overcome in time.
Deathdealer (Elite) Traits: corrupted, cooperative, fanatical, maniacal Level 20 Demon DEX d8 / INS d8 / MIG d8 / WLP d10 Initiative +10 / HP: 160 (80) / MP: 70 Defense: [DEX] / Magic Defense: [INS] Resistances: Ice, Poison Vulnerabilities: Bolt, Light Immunities: Dark
Basic Attacks: Deathdealer Claws (M): [MIG + WLP] + 2: [HR + 10] dark damage.
Other Actions: Call Soul: The Deathdealer summons a Corrupted Soul.
Spells: Devour Life - [INS + WLP] + 5 - 10 MP - One creature - Instantaneous The target suffers [HR + 25] dark damage. Then, you recover an amount of Hit Points equal to half the Hit Point loss they suffered.
Eternal Entropy - [INS + WLP] + 5 - 10 MP - One creature - Scene Until this spell ends, the target suffers 5 extra damage from all sources that deal dark damage.
Special Rules: Demonic Affinity: The Deathdealer is immune to shaken and weak. Flying: Creatures on the ground cannot reach the Deathdealer with melee attacks as long as it is in mid-air (but the Deathdealer can perform melee attacks against targets on the ground with no penalties). If the Deathdealer suffers damage of a type it is Vulnerable to, it is immediately forced to land and temporarily loses the benefits of this Skill — the Deathdealer resumes flight at the end of the round. The Deathdealer may also be forced to land by spending an opportunity. As long as it is in Crisis, the Deathdealer loses all benefits granted by this Skill.
Corrupted Soul Traits: corrupted, lost, mindless, moaning Level 5 Undead DEX d10 / INS d8 / MIG d6 / WLP d8 Initiative +9 / HP: 40 (20) / MP: 45 Defense: [DEX] + 2 / Magic Defense: [INS] + 1 Vulnerabilities: Light Immunities: Dark, Poison
Basic Attacks: Howl (R): [DEX + WLP]: [HR + 5] dark damage.
Special Rules: Demonic Fodder: When reduced to 0 HP, the soul becomes food for demonic forces. Every demon present on the scene regains 20 HP. Undead: The Corrupted Soul is immune to poisoned.
Feasting Imp Traits: corrupted, gluttonous, large, thieving Level 20 Demon DEX d6 / INS d8 / MIG d10 / WLP d10 Initiative +7 / HP: 90 (45) / MP: 90 Defense [DEX] / Magic Defense: [INS] Resistances: Ice, Poison Vulnerabilities: Fire, Light
Basic Attacks Belch (R): [INS + WLP] + 2: [HR + 10] poison damage and the target suffers poisoned. Hungering Claw (M): [MIG + WLP] + 2: [HR + 10] physical damage.
Spells: Famine's Feast - [MIG + WLP] + 5 - 10 MP - One creature - Instantaneous The target suffers [HR + 20] poison damage. Then, you recover an amount of Hit Points equal to half the Hit Point loss they suffered.
Soul's Repast - [MIG + WLP] + 5 - 10 MP - One creature - Instantaneous The target suffers [HR + 20] poison damage. Then, you recover an amount of Mind Points equal to half the Hit Point loss they suffered.
Special Rules: Demonic Affinity: The feasting imp is immune to poisoned and shaken. Feast of Sorrow: When the feasting imp recovers HP or MP, target creature loses Hit Points equal to the amount recovered. Flying: Creatures on the ground cannot reach the feasting imp with melee attacks as long as it is in mid-air (but the feasting imp can perform melee attacks against targets on the ground with no penalties). If the feasting imp suffers damage of a type it is Vulnerable to, it is immediately forced to land and temporarily loses the benefits of this Skill — the feasting imp resumes flight at the end of the round. The feasting imp may also be forced to land by spending an opportunity. As long as it is in Crisis, the feasting imp loses all benefits granted by this Skill.
Plague Eater Traits: corrupted, maniacal, poisonous, smelly Level 20 Demon DEX d8 / INS d6 / MIG d12 / WLP d8 Defense [DEX] / Magic Defense: [INS] Initiative: +7 / HP: 100 (50) / MP: 65 Resistances: Dark Vulnerabilities: Earth, Ice Absorb: Poison
Basic Attacks Devour Plague: (M): [MIG + DEX] + 2: [HR + 15] poison damage. If the target is **poisoned**, regain 15 HP.
Spells: Spreading Plague - [MIG + WLP] + 5 - 10 x T MP - Up to three creatures - Instantaneous Each target hit by this spell suffers poisoned.
Special Rules: Demonic Affinity: The Plague Eater is immune to poisoned and weak.
Warbreaker (Elite) Traits: fearsome, stern, silent, violent Level 25 Demon DEX d8 / INS d6 / MIG d12 / WLP d8 Defense [DEX] + 1 / Magic Defense: [INS] + 2 Initiative +9 / HP: 220 (110) / MP: 75 Resistances: Dark, Light Vulnerabilities: Air, Ice
Basic Attacks Reaping Charge (M): [DEX + MIG] + 5: [HR + 10] dark damage. Unholy Scythe (M): [MIG + MIG] + 5: [HR + 15] physical damage. If the target has taken damage this round, this deals 10 additional damage.
Spells: Tides of War - 10 MP - One creature - Instantaneous The target loses an amount of their Hit Points equal to their Dexterity or Might die (whichever is higher) then may immediately perform a free attack with a weapon they have equipped (or with a basic attack, if the target is an NPC).
Special Actions: Reap: On it's next turn, the warbreaker must preform Reaping Charge. It gains multi (2) and each target hit by that attack suffers weak.
Special Rules: Demonic Affinity: The warbreaker is immune to enraged and weak. Violent Aura: The warbreaker's allies' attacks deal an additional 5 damage.
The two villains the party fought in actual combat were Ifrit and Nightmare. As the Arcanum of the Forge and god of flames, Ifrit was a serious threat damage wise, but the party came well prepared and survived the encounter. However, with the combined might of the Warbreaker, Nightmare proved to be a deadly foe and dealt Ba'vesk a near killing blow with its shadowy magics while empowered by the moonlight.
Ifrit, The Forgemaster (Champion 6) Traits: aflame, bulky, heavily armored, master of weaponry Level 25 Elemental DEX d8 / INS d8 / MIG d12 / WLP d6 Initiative +14 / HP: 660 (330) / MP: 110 Defense: [DEX + 4] / Magic Defense: [INS + 2] Vulnerabilities: Earth, Ice Immunities: Poison Absorb: Fire
Basic Attacks Molten Hammer (M): [MIG + MIG] + 2: [HR + 10] fire damage. This attack has multi (2). Slag Shot (R): [DEX + INS] + 2: [HR + 15] fire damage. Each target hit by this attack suffers slow; if a target is already slow, they become Vulnerable to fire until they recover from the slow status effect.
Other Actions: Reforge: Ifrit heats his hammer for devastating blow. The next Molten Hammer attack deals an additional 5 damage. Reinforce: Ifrit reinforces his armor for the next strike and becomes Resistant to all damage types he doesn't Absorb or is Immune or Vulnerable to. This benefit lasts until Ifrit loses any amount of hit points.
Special Rules: Elemental: Ifrit is immune to poisoned. Focused Mind, Sturdy Body: Ifrit is immune to enraged and weak. Hellfire Apocalypse: When Ifrit enters Crisis for the first time, he cannot be targeted, loses all actions, and summons 4 infernal weaponry. After 4 rounds or if all infernal weaponry surrender, this benefit ends and he chooses any number of creatures he can see: each suffers 10 fire damage and an additional 10 damage per infernal weaponry present in the scene. All infernal weaponry immediately leaves the scene. Molten Armor: When Ifrit is hit by a melee attack, the attacker suffers 5 fire damage. If Ifrit suffers damage of a type he is Vulnerable to, he loses the benefits of this Skill until the end of the round.
Infernal Weaponry Traits: aflame, animated, mindless, molten Level 10 Construct DEX d8 / INS d8 / MIG d8 / WLP d8 Initiative +8 / HP: 60 (30) / MP: 50 Defense: [DEX + 2] / Magic Defense: [INS + 1] Resistances: Earth Vulnerabilities: Ice Immunities: Fire, Poison
Basic Attack Infernal Blade (M): [DEX + MIG] + 4: [HR + 5] fire damage. Infernal Munitions (R): [DEX + INS] + 4: [HR + 5] fire damage.
Special Rules: Construct: The infernal weaponry is immune to poisoned. Parry and Riposte: After an enemy misses the infernal weaponry with a melee or ranged attack, you may perform a free attack against that enemy. Treat the High Roll [HR] as 0 when calculating damage dealt by this attack.
Nightmare, Dark Horse of Night (Champion 3) Traits: clad in darkness, destructive, haunting, wretched Level 25 Monster DEX d10 / INS d6 / MIG d10 / WLP d8 Initiative +11 / HP: 300 (150) / MP: 130 Defense: [DEX + 1] / Magic Defense: [INS + 2] Resistances: Ice Vulnerabilities: Fire, Light Absorb: Dark
Basic Attacks Trample (M): [MIG + MIG] + 5: [HR + 15] physical damage and the target suffers dazed. Night Slash (R): [DEX + DEX] + 5: [HR + 10] dark damage. This attack deals 5 additional damage against dazed or shaken targets. This attack targets Magic Defense.
Spells: Grim Neigh - 20 MP - Special - Instantaneous Choose any number of creatures you can see: each of them suffers shaken.
Other Actions: Shadow Fade: Nightmare fades into shadows and can no longer be targeted by attacks (spells and other effects can still be used against it). This benefit lasts until the start of Nightmare's next turn, or until Nightmare loses any amount of Hit Points.
Special Rules: Living Nightmare: While in Crisis, Nightmare is immune to all status effects, and night terrors terrify everyone else present on the scene: other ceatures lose 5 MP at the end of each round.
What's a hero without their weapon or armor? Pretty easy to kill! I made a much larger variety of magic rewards for this arc compared to the last one. Many tailored to specific PCs or classes. I'll only be sharing the more unique ones however.
Armor + Shields Aegis of Forgiveness [Martial Shield] 950 z - Defense +2 | Magic Defense +2 When you use the Protect skill on a creature in Crisis, it recovers 5 Hit Points.
Phoenix Feather Cloak 1400 z - DEX die +1 | INS die +1 | -1 You are resistant to fire and once per round recover 5 Hit Points when you deal fire damage.
Melee Weapons Encyclopedia Arcanum [Arcane] 800 z - [INS + INS] - [HR + 6] physical Two-handed - Melee - You gain a +2 bonus to Magic Checks against elementals, as well as a +2 bonus to Opposed Checks against elementals.
Thirteenth Hour [Martial Sword] 1000 z - [DEX + MIG] + 1 - [HR + 14] dark Two-handed - Melee - Damage dealt by this weapon ignores Resistances of targets you have a Bond of hatred towards and deals 5 extra damage.
Ranged Weapon Snow's Grace [Martial Firearm] 850 z - [DEX + WLP] - [HR + 8] ice One-handed - Ranged - You are immune to slow.
Tsukoyomi is the Arcanum of the Moon! A small white rabbit with a love for jade and magic, he has a menagerie of lunar empowered beasts, though 4 escaped centuries ago, but he never really bothering to retrieve them.
Arcanum of the Moon Domains: beasts, change, magic Merge: You are immune to dazed. When you recover Mind Points, you recover 5 extra Mind Points. Dismiss: When you dismiss this Arcanum, choose Astral Refuge or Astral Torrent: Astral Refuge. Each of your allies present on the scene recovers 20 Mind Points. Astral Torrent. Choose any number of creatures you can see: each of them loses 20 Mind Points and suffers dazed.
All's Well That Ends Well
That's it for now! With the party on trek to defeat Ramuh, Arcanum of the Sky and Hades, Arcanum of the Gate, things should get interesting. Especially once Freya finds them for a rematch! For now, enjoy this lovely sketch of Ifrit by @passioninblue.
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brandonwayneb · 2 years
FayFamFlowFoRIch For Rich Formation Flamingos 🦩
FayMenGos; Gay Gargoyle Garden’s
🧠 Esp
🧠 Psy
🧠 Scry
🧠 Spell
🧠 Invoke
🧠 Project
🧠 Séance
🧠 Enchant
🧠 Telepath
🧠 Summon
🧠 Divination
🧠 Clairvoyant
🗣️ Free The Free All 💕
24/777 (24/7)
411 Free Super Highway
ProLife99. VVV. live
“Nickname Internet Blood”
❤️🚂🚇: Red Health Line
⛑️🚂🚇: Red Health Line
🍒🚂🚇: Red Health Line
🍓🚂🚇: Red Health Line
🧨🚂🚇: Red Health Line
💄🚂🚇: Red Health Line
🌹🚂🚇: Red Health Line
🐙🚂🚇: Red Health Line
🐞🚂🚇: Red Health Line
🚁🚂🚇: Red Health Line
🥁🚂🚇: Red Health Line
☎️🚂🚇: Red Health Line
🧰🚂🚇: Red Health Line
🍷🚂🚇: Red Health Line
🙏🏽 Prayers & Hearts
✨ Stars & Planets
🦜 Parrot Flocks
🕷️ Spider Hives
🐝 Bee Hives
🐜 Ant Hives
🦴 Fossils
🌋 Lava
✌🏼 Victory Violins 🎻 & Irish Harps
🇮🇪 🍀 Save The Irish ☘️ 🇮🇪
🙏🏽🌎 Corey & Torey 🤲🏽🌟
🧚🏻‍♀️🧝🏽‍♂️ Elfie & Alfie 🧝🏽‍♂️🧚🏻
💚🍀 MayAnna & SueAnna 🧡🛡️
💖💪🏽 Tiffany & Trisha 🌸🌺
🤗 Hug & Honor Trees 🌳
💪🏽 Keep Strong Tools 🧰
🎶 Sing to your Keys 🔑
🌹Roses In Your Backpack 🎒
🏰 Keep Healthy Thoughts 💭
🌏 Planets & Life Schools 🏫
💁🏽 Don’t Lose to Fools 👀
Rainbow 🌈 Gothic 🖤
🌈🖤 RainVOW GOth
Straight; Gay; Bi; Trans, Lesbians
Bunnies 🐰
Bats 🦇
Black Kats 📞🐈‍⬛ 🧨 KKK 👻 gHostFoeNEss
Ladybugs 🐞
🧹🧳👙 Portfoilo Travel
🖼️💼🧳 Portfolios Travel
My commonwealth beloved tropes
anyone free to healthy pathology
My bunny 🐰 beat 🥁
My bat 🦇 eletric ⚡️ heart ❤️
My snake 🐍 coiled cords 🪢
My cat 🐈‍⬛ called cool 😎
My royal 🤴🏽 scale ⚖️ exports 🚢
My divine 💖 nature ✨ tree 🌲
My ant 🐜 pleasant 😌 protest 🪧
My bee 🐝 busy ⏰ body 🧍🏼‍♂️
My belief 💭 by relief ☺️
My flamingo 🦩 flow 🌊
My holy 👼🏽 bestow ✨
My bird 🦚 brilliant 👐🏽 I heard 👂🏽
My bird 🦚 feather 🪶 I fly 🕊️
My blue jay 🐦 to say stay free ⛅️
My praying-mantis 🪲 prayers 🙏🏽
My insect 🐞 smallest I see 👁️
My spider 🕷️ I www. WEB/spy syphite
My porcupine 🦔 quills to class-cup questions ☝🏽
My elephant 🐘 my memory 🧠 element ⚛️
My alien gray 👽 survive x-ray 🩻
My angel 😇 at best heights ⬆️ & angles 📐
My going🚶‍♂️ forever ♾️ green 💚 speakup 📣
My windy 🌬️ storm ⛈️ stories 📖 of
My victory 🥇 rebegin 🔂 reign 👑
My salute 🫡
My salutations 👋🏼
My solutions ✊🏽
My soul 👁️‍🗨️
My questions 🤨 my quests 🌍
My mighty 💪🏽 moon 🌙
My good night 🌚 💤 knight 🛡️
My sun 🌞 sacred 🛐
My rex 🦖 rapture rockets 🚀
My ghost 👻 boo book 📕
My dinosaur 🦕 to not die too sore 💀
My skunk 🦨 to base bunk 📡
My frog 🐸 to transmog ⚧️
My owl🦉to see ‘who & how’ 👀
My mouse 🐭 mystery 🧐
My cricket 🦗 cherp church ⛪️
My lion 🦁 lords
My camel 🐫 cam era 🧬
My camp 🏕️ campaign 📈
My genie 🧞‍♂️ genetic 🧬 magnetic 🧲
My bull 🐂 noble 🤴🏽 taurus ♉️
My kangaroo 🦘 can-go-around-you-&-over-kangaroo-court-contorts 🫰🏼
My doG 🐕 my OG 💯 on God original gangsta 💅🏿 mans best friend 🫂
My dragon 🐉 justice loud & proud drag 👗
My squirrel 🐿️ faster to quarrelsome
My squid 🦑 squirt 💦
My octopus 🐙 puss 😸
My tiger 🐯 growl grr 😼
My May 📅 flower 🌸 (born May 6th) 6️⃣
Brandon Wayne Burdett
Lives Life with minimal regret 🤗
Living Life quality survival war vets ⛑️
decided I loved 💕 you ever since we met 🫱🏽‍🫲🏾
World Ordeals World Organizations World Or Again Gain Ordeals
denounce “www tess tesseract glass cube.”
denounce “stress issue tissue TIL TILE”
denounce “www white wire t rex wax vexlore”
denounce “mega micro mall tezz TIL Tess.”
www wex ex line mega mall tesseract
tesseract coils CO OILS SOILS SEALS
tesseract glass mirror laser trip wires
www wex wire line micro megaphone malls
“galaxy EX EX PRESS PREZ candy throats.”
“tesseract cubes lasers mirrors glass wires.”
mega mall static noise generator “white noise”
“test TIL.”
🇺🇸🇩🇪🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿: America German England
🔵⚪️🟡: Blue, White, Yellow
🇮🇳: “blame Indian Chicken Hen Tye mix asain”
🏯: Blame any asain country ass PAN cUNtry
🪑🛏️: Red Indian Leather Jerk Pan Try Key 🔑
🪑🛏️: Red Irish blame greedy red cherrywood
🪑🛏️: African, can metal tin foil pan, star fish.
🪑🛏️🦖: Fossile Steel Sickle Foils Oils Ink
👳🏽‍♀️🕌⛽️: Blame Ass Odd Muzzle Fizzle
🌽🚌✏️: Corn KKK Kob Lore Door Knobs
🦈💉🚪: Vacuum Door Salesmen Genocides
🐢🕊️⏲️: Turdle and Dove Blender Horrors
🍎🍏🧃: Wear Down Programs, App Reels
🐺🐑🐏: Perverse Culling Cycles Genocide
🐻🐻‍❄️🐼: Bear Brothers Bully Gang
💩💰🐥: Cheap Chicken Checker Board Shit
🥖🏄🏽‍♀️🛋️ : Bread Basket Shopping Cart Box
🐓🏭🦠: Coop Co-Op Perverse Farm Cycles
🧊💉🐓🦠: Shingle Pox Chicken Pox
���💉🦆🦠: Shingle Bux Duck Pox
🧊💉🦢🦠: Shingle Gox Goose Pox
🧊💉🐖🦠: Shingle Swine Spawn Pig Pox
🧊💉🥤🦠: Bubble Box Soda Pox
🥾👅💩: Boot Licker Desk Maggots
🍧🍦🤡: Crazy Clown Society Shop Programs
🧻🦟🪝: Blame Italian, Asain, Count Lich
🥸🤓🤓: Rich 🤑 Extortions
🦠🐷🐹: Hamster Gerbill GerBall
🐗🦈🐬: Horror Cycles 🔁
🐿️😵‍💫🌀: Hynotis Hype Notice “Spells”
🐚🦴🥟: Deflections, Clams, Deaths
🧊🥛🥤: Death ☠️
🍢🍡🍭: Lolly Gag Stunts
🍿🍩🍭: Death Camping Murder Routes
🥄🧽🚿: Metal Laundry Washing Alchemist
🍽️🫖🍾: Murder Schemes
🦅🦉🦆: Play Dumb Perverse Sportsmanship
🍋🧀🧅: Lemon, Cheese, Onion
🥒🫒🌽: Sell “Genocide” Routes “que, olive.”
🥔🍎🌭: “pot of toes water office cooler”
🎬💿🍆: Movie “Show” “Set” CUTSCENES
💈💇🏼‍♂️🦁: Cut Scenes, Humiliation, Programs
🎤🐭🪤: Micro Mouse PC MAZE LAP TOPS
🍳🪺🧺: Bleach Brain Scrables Eggs
👟🧦🚾: Rubber, Shoes, Socks, Office Cooler
🧱🫖❄️: Throw Tea Pots, Snowglobes, Bricks
🛹🛹 🤕: Skat Skare skate Board Headache
🛷🛷 🤕: Slay Fray Dismay Speed Hate Rate
⛸️⛸️ 🤕: Ice Skate Blade Secret Assaults
⛳️⛳️ 🤕: “go off” “offline” escape to false lay
⛵️🤑🕳️ : “rift raft war raft send post broken.”
🏅🎟️🏅 : False Paper Badges, Stolen Honors
🚑🏴‍☠️🧩: Ice Fridge Clown Pirate Genocides
🩼🛵🦽: Cripple Cry Pull Mistreatments
🤿🎣🛵: Scoopa Butt Tiny Scooter Insert
🎲🎲🎲 : Gambling Horror Box Death Bets
🍯🥄🫘 : Thumbs Beans Jack Thump Spoon
⛓️🗑️🪚: Chainsaw Office Desk Profiles
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Brandons Health Upkeeps
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Environmental; Tacoma Washington
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newstfionline · 2 months
Thursday, July 18, 2024
For Milwaukee, the R.N.C. is an unloved houseguest (NYT) This week, Milwaukee is trying to play two roles: gracious host, but also political opponent. Tens of thousands of Republicans are gathering each day to nominate and celebrate former President Donald J. Trump in Milwaukee, but outside the heavily armored security perimeter, an uneasy relationship between the city and this convention has intensified. As many Milwaukeeans will proudly remind you, this city elected three Socialist mayors, who held office for almost 40 years between 1910 and 1960. Its roots as a labor town—a core value of the Democratic Party—run deep. Cavalier Johnson, the recently re-elected mayor of Milwaukee, is a Democrat. And in 2020, Milwaukeeans voted overwhelmingly for President Biden. The discord was on display from the opening day of the convention on Monday. As Trump thrilled Republicans by choosing Senator J.D. Vance of Ohio as his running mate, hundreds of protesters marched and chanted anti-Trump messages just outside the main convention hall. At least one business couldn’t resist poking fun at the Republican visitors: “Welcome Future Fake Electors” read a poster in the window of Penzeys, a spice shop known for its liberal politics.
In a media world that loves sharp lines, discussions of the Trump shooting follow a predictable path (AP) There aren’t a lot of facts. There are, however, an avalanche of conclusions. So it goes in many corners of the news media and among its frequent commentators in the aftermath of the assassination attempt on Donald Trump. Authorities haven’t established why a 20-year-old Pennsylvania man attempted to assassinate the former president—and, now that the gunman is dead, may never know. That hasn’t stopped media figures and politicians from robust speculation. President Joe Biden, Democrats and left-leaning media have all been blamed, with no proof. Then there’s the ever-popular, amorphous, definition-in-the-eye-of-the-beholder target—“they.” “They tried to incarcerate him, now they tried to assassinate him,” said Jacob Chaffetz, a Fox News contributor. Taken together, it’s a reflection of what breaking-news coverage in a modern media world was built for—drawing sharp lines, leaning into epic stories, leaving little room for middle ground or sometimes even the truth. For many politicians and opinionated media figures, there’s little incentive for restraint, said Nicole Hemmer, a political historian at Vanderbilt University.
Bolivia’s beleaguered president announces natural gas discovery, promising a boon for the country (AP) Bolivia’s embattled president on Monday announced the discovery of vast natural gas reserves, describing it as the biggest find in nearly two decades that could help the cash-strapped country reverse its falling production. President Luis Arce called the trove just north of the capital a “mega field,” saying it has some 1.7 trillion cubic meters of gas at a likely market value of $6.8 billion. He said the field—named Mayaya X-1—is way to revive the gas industry. That was the engine of robust growth in the early 2000s, a period of booming exports and declining poverty that experts have termed Bolivia’s “economic miracle.” Bolivian politicians spent much of the gas windfall on lavishly subsidized fuel. The economic model quickly became unsustainable when commodity prices fell.
Dysfunction Sidelines Ukraine’s Parliament as Governing Force (NYT) Ukraine’s Parliament is in a state of disarray. Under martial law, with the country at war, no elections are possible to replace members who switched jobs, joined the army, fled the country or quit. The Parliament regularly gathers with more than 10 percent of its lawmakers absent. Though legally obliged to attend hearings when summoned, ministers sometimes do not show up, without repercussions. President Volodymyr Zelensky’s party, once a political juggernaut, has in effect lost its majority by unraveling into factions. To pass key bills, it is forced to rely on support from lawmakers who belonged to a now-banned pro-Russian party. The overall picture, said Volodymyr Fesenko, a Ukrainian political analyst, is of a Parliament sidelined during the war and slipping from its once powerful role in Ukrainian democracy.
Across river from lavish Indian wedding, frustration and flooded streets (Washington Post) On two streets half a mile apart last week, life in this city was disrupted for two very different reasons. On one side of the Mithi River, police fanned out to divert traffic and provide security for the wedding of Anant Ambani, the son of Asia’s richest man, and employees in the business district were asked to work from home. On the other side of a trash-strewn bridge, entire neighborhoods surrounding the thoroughfare known as LBS Road were submerged under monsoon rains—the perennial result, residents say, of an outdated drainage system and hapless city administrators. As Indians consumed the wall-to-wall media coverage this past week of the most expensive wedding in history, the Ambani family affair has become a national Rorschach test. Some saw an awe-inspiring showcase for India’s growing affluence and its rising clout. Others called it an indictment of its lopsided development; with a reported cost exceeding $500 million, the wedding bill probably eclipsed the yearly education budget of small Indian states.
Heavy Downpours and Flooding Kill Dozens Across South Asia (NYT) Torrential rainfall and floods have killed more than 200 people and displaced millions across South Asia, the result of more frequent extreme weather and rapid urbanization that has pushed people into flood-prone areas. In recent days, more than 100 people were killed in India alone and nearly 40 died in Afghanistan. Flooding and landslides have killed more than 100 people in Nepal in recent weeks. In Bangladesh, more than two million people were affected when dangerous flooding after heavy rains caused major rivers to overflow. Swollen rivers have breached embankments, particularly in India and Bangladesh, ravaging buildings, bridges and other infrastructure. Rains have also destroyed villages and crops. Floods are not unusual in South Asia, home to about one quarter of the world’s population. But in recent years, climate change has amplified flood threats.
Thailand expands visa-free entry to 93 countries (BBC) Thailand has expanded its visa-free entry scheme to 93 countries and territories as it seeks to revitalize its tourism industry. Visitors can stay in the South-East Asian nation for up to 60 days under the new scheme that took effect on Monday, Previously, passport holders from 57 countries were allowed to enter without a visa. Tourism is a key pillar of the Thai economy, but it has not fully recovered from the pandemic. Also on Monday, Thailand introduced a new five-year visa for remote workers, that allows holders to stay for up to 180 days each year.
Housing, once the ticket to wealth in China, is now draining fortunes (Washington Post) Through the period of explosive growth in the 1990s and 2000s, Chinese families poured their life savings into real estate as they moved into cities and up the property ladder. With house prices consistently rising, it was a fast way to get richer. Today, owning a house is more likely to destroy wealth than create it. A prolonged slump in the property sector over the past three years has sparked widespread financial insecurity among the middle class in particular. “It’s a painful lesson,” said Clara Liu, a 36-year-old civil servant who lives with her husband in Hangzhou. In 2022, they invested their savings in another apartment they hoped to rent out or resell. Instead, the 960-square-foot apartment sits empty as house prices have plummeted. They can’t find a buyer without taking a huge loss. “I will never consider buying a house as an investment again,” Liu said. They are not alone. With 70 percent of family assets in China stored in property, every 5 percent decline in prices could destroy as much as $2.7 trillion in wealth, Bloomberg Economics has estimated.
Surge in Violence by West Bank Settlers Draws Ire of Israel’s Allies (NYT) Jewish settler violence against Palestinians in the West Bank is raising the ire of some in the international community as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s far-right government officially expands its hold on the occupied territory by claiming more land and quietly assists extremists with tacit military support, according to rights activists. The European Union on Monday sanctioned five Israeli settlers, two outposts and an extremist group that were “responsible for serious and systematic human rights abuses against Palestinians in the West Bank,” the European Council, the E.U. body that represents the heads of the member governments, said in a statement. The United States last week also imposed sanctions on Israelis and entities in the West Bank that the State Department said had incited violence against Palestinians or encroached on Palestinian land. Peace Now, an Israeli organization that tracks Jewish settlements, responded to the European sanctions by accusing the Israeli government of failing to enforce its own laws and of being complicit in the settler violence.
In Gaza, fear of ‘the war after the war’ (CNN) Last month I returned to Gaza on another humanitarian mission with my charity INARA after being away for two months. Israel’s incursion into Rafah has forcibly displaced more than a million people into the central part of the strip, where they claimed another miserable patch of land onto which they pitched their tents. Gaza is like nothing I have seen before. And I have been in enough war zones over the last 17 years to know that the explosive combination of pain, fear, anger, hopelessness and loss on the scale that Gaza and its people have suffered—coupled with growing lawlessness—will all but guarantee a deterioration into civil anarchy. The constant desperation and fear have begun eating away at the moral codes that hold a society together. Without rule of law, without a peacekeeping force, without humanitarian aid, Gaza will combust and descend into civil chaos. And an unstable and uninhabitable Gaza only serves the apparent aims of Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his extreme right-wing government to avoid any good faith attempts at a lasting peace while Israelis encroach on more Palestinian land. Increased looting, criminal activity and lawlessness within Gaza has people fearing what they call “the next war” when Israel’s offensive ends. The total security breakdown and lawlessness is potentially creating more of an opportunity for Hamas to re-emerge, even though no one I spoke to wants to see them back in power.
Tanker Carrying Russian Oil to China Attacked by Houthi Sea Drone (Newsweek) Yemen's Houthi rebels continued their attacks in the Red Sea by targeting two tankers in 24 hours, including a vessel carrying Russian oil likely heading to Asia, where China is the region's largest buyer. The Monday attacks come as the West's sanctions target Russia's economy due to its invasion of Ukraine. Exporting crude oil to friendly countries has become crucial for the Kremlin to maintain its war economy. China has been the top importer since December 2022, purchasing 53 percent of exported Russian crude oil.
Arctic shipping (gCaptain) The Eduard Toll, a liquefied natural-gas carrier, has completed an early-season voyage from Yamal in northern Russia to Xiuyu, China, in 18 days, kicking off the Arctic summer shipping season. The vessel managed to complete most of the route unassisted but did need the nuclear icebreaker Sibir to escort it through a little bit of thicker ice. Two LNG carriers followed, and a fourth and fifth tanker are now en route. The voyage going in the other direction, around Northern Europe and the southern tip of Africa, takes at least six weeks.
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recentlyheardcom · 11 months
In a shocking incident, Chinese Tech Giant and smartphone manufacturing company Huawei’s CEO, Meng Wanzhou, has been arrested in Canada over potential violations of U.S. sanctions against Iran, provoking outrage from China. Wanzhou is also the deputy chairwoman and daughter of Huawei’s founder Ren Zhengfei. She was detained while transferring between the flights. The arrest has made the already bitter trade relations between the US and China even worse now. Arrested Wanzhou now faces extradition to the United States, said Ian McLeod, a Canada Justice Department spokesman. When Huawei was contacted regarding this situation, the company said that it had no information about the charges, and it’s not aware of any wrongdoing by Ms. Meng. Telling about the situation, Canada’s ministry of justice confirmed the date and place of Meng’s arrest: “She is sought for extradition by the United States, and a bail hearing has been set for Friday.” A report in the New York Times said that the US commerce and treasury departments had summoned the firm (Huawei) over suspected violation of sanctions against Iran and North Korea, both. Huawei has been accused consistently by the US lawmakers for being a threat to US national security, arguing that the company’s technology could be used for spying by the Chinese government. After the arrest of Meng Wanzhou, US Senator Ben Sasse told Associated Press that China was aggressively engaged in undermining  US national security interests. Read More: Experts Suggests US Military At Risk Of Losing War With Russia or China “Americans are grateful that our Canadian partners have arrested the chief financial officer,” he said. Reacting to Meng’s arrest and the entire situation, Huawei issued its statement in which the company said that it had complied with all applicable laws and regulations where it operates, including applicable export control and sanction laws and regulations of the UN, US and EU. It also said in the statement: “The company believes the Canadian and US legal systems will ultimately reach a just conclusion.” But the reaction from the Chinese embassy in Canada was far aggressive. In its statement, the Chinese embassy told that on the request of the US, Canada had arrested a Chinese citizen, who’s not violating any American or Canadian law. “The Chinese side has lodged stern representations with the US and Canadian side, and urged them to immediately correct the wrongdoing and restore the personal freedom of Ms. Meng Wanzhou.” Read More: Mexican Gov’t Driving Migrant Caravan To US With Buses and Private Cars
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summarychannel · 1 year
The episode "The Trap of the Russian Army" you will watch on Summary Channel                     The media war is raging between Ukraine and Poland, NATO is on fire, and the Ukrainian army is falling into Russia's trap                    The latest news of Russia and Ukraine, and new news of the Russian-Ukrainian war, is presented by this episode of Samari TV
And starting with Ukraine, whose Foreign Ministry summoned the Polish ambassador to Ukraine to upload a letter of objection from Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, to the statements of a senior official in Poland, in which he called on the Ukrainian leadership to show more gratitude for the unlimited military and financial aid provided by Warsaw, the capital of Poland, to Ukraine, which has been waging a fierce war against Russia since February. from last year.
 And Ukraine had expressed its anger at the decision of the Polish government to stop importing wheat from Ukraine, which harms the Ukrainian treasury, which was already affected by the Russian bombing of grain ports in the Black Sea. Warsaw, the capital of Poland, took this decision to contain the anger of Polish farmers, who are calling on their government to take more protective measures for grain grown in Poland.
On the other hand, Reuters news agency said that wheat prices rose significantly after the violent Russian bombing of the Ukrainian port of Izmail, located on the Danube River, which Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, is a major location for exporting grain to Europe via Romania, after the closure of sea routes in the Black Sea due to the withdrawal. Russia from the grain deal, and the threat of dumping all Ukrainian grain ships.
Finally, the British Financial Times newspaper said in an investigation that a friendly country to Ukraine, which it did not name, seized a shipment of missiles that were heading from North Korea to Russia to help it in the Ukraine war, and that the Ukrainian army used these missiles against Russia itself in combat sites.
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worldfreshnews · 2 years
Russia-Ukraine war live: Russia to rejoin Black Sea grain deal; Moscow to summon UK ambassador over Sevastopol drone strike – live
Russia-Ukraine war live: Russia to rejoin Black Sea grain deal; Moscow to summon UK ambassador over Sevastopol drone strike – live
Russia to resume participation in Black Sea grain deal – Erdoğan Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said that Russian participation in a UN-brokered Ukrainian grain export deal was to resume on Wednesday. Reuters reports that in a speech in parliament, Erdogan said that Russian defence minister Sergei Shoigu informed his Turkish counterpart that the deal would resume. State-owned Russian news…
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freelawbydjure · 2 years
List of bailable and non-bailable Offenses under the Indian Penal Code
A bailable offense is one in which the defendant, who is the person defending himself in a criminal case, may be able to get out of jail by paying bail. In these situations, giving bail is a normal and right thing to do.
If a person is in jail for a crime that can't be bailed out, that person has no right to bail. But the law is more likely to let someone out on bail if they are under sixteen, a woman, sick or hurt, or if the court thinks it would be fair and right for some other reason to let them out on bail rather than not.
Read Also: Supreme Court Judgement Online
So, this is the list of crimes that can be released on bail and those that can't. Did you learn something from it? Leave a comment and pass the article along.
Bailable/ Non-bailable
Depends on the offence
Depends on the offence
Criminal conspiracy to commit an offence punishable with death
Depends on the offence. E.g. for Punishment for murder, Non-bailable
Depends on the offence
Waging or attempting to wage war, or abetting the waging of war, against the Government of India
Imprisonment for life or imprisonment upto 10 years along  with fine
Imprisonment for life and fine or
Imprisonment for 3 years and fine or fine.
Abetting mutiny or attempting to seduce a soldier, sailor or airman
Imprisonment for life or 10 years with fine
Wearing soldier’s garb, sailor, airman
Imprisonment for 3 months along with 500
Punishment for unlawful assembly
Imprisonment for 6 months with fine
Owner or occupier of land on which unlawful assembly is held
INR 1000 fine
Being hired to be part of unlawful assembly or riot
Imprisonment for  6 months up to 2 yrs along with fine
Public servant disobeying direction under law
Imprisonment for 6 months up to 2 yrs
Public servant framing incorrect document
Imprisonment for 3 years and fine
Absconding to avoid service of summons
Non bailable
Imprisonment for 1 month  or fine INR 1000
Furnishing false information
Imprisonment for 6 months and fine INR, 1000
False statement on oath to public servants
Imprisonment for 3 years along with fine
Disobedience to order duly promulgated by public servant
Imprisonment for 3 months and fine of INR 500
Threat of injury to public servant
Imprisonment for 2 years along with fine
Giving false evidence
Imprisonment for seven years along with fine
Threatening any person to give false evidence
Imprisonment for seven years along with fine
Giving false information respecting an offence
Imprisonment for two years along with fine
Fraudulently making false claim in court
Imprisonment for two years along with fine
Taking gift, to screen an offender from punishment
Imprisonment for three to seven  years  along with fine
Escape from confinement or custody negligently suffered by public servant
Imprisonment for two years along with fine
Intentionally insult or interruption to public servant sitting in judicial proceeding
Imprisonment for 6 months along with fine of INR 1000
Counterfeiting Indian coin
Non bailable
Imprisonment for life or 10 years with fine
Import or export of counterfeiting Indian coin
Non bailable
Imprisonment for life or 10 years with fine
Fraudulently diminishing weight of coin
Non bailable
Imprisonment for 3 years with fine
Counterfeiting of government stamp
Non bailable
Imprisonment for 3 years with fine
Fraudulent use or false instrument for weighing
Imprisonment for 1 year with fine
Negligent act likely to spread infectious disease dangerous to life
Imprisonment for 6 months  with fine
Adulteration for food or drink intended for sale
Imprisonment for 6 months with fine of INR 1000
Adulteration of drug
Non bailable
Imprisonment for 6 months with fine of INR 1000
Sale of adulterated drug
Imprisonment for 6 months  with fine of INR 1000
Rash driving or riding on a public way
Imprisonment for 6 months  with fine of INR 1000
Danger or obstruction in public way or line of navigation
INR 200
Sale of obscene book
Imprisonment for 2 years with fine of INR 2000
Injuring places of worship with an intent to insult the religion of any class
Imprisonment for 2 years with fine.
Deliberate and malicious act intended to outrage religious feelings of any class, by insulting religious beliefs.
Non bailable
Imprisonment for 3 years with fine.
Trespassing on burial places
Imprisonment for 1 years with fine.
Punishment for murder
Non bailable
Imprisonment for life term or capital punishment
Punishment for Culpable homicide not amounting to murder.
Non bailable
Imprisonment for 10 years with fine
Punishment for  causing death by negligence
Imprisonment for 2 years.
Dowry death
Non bailable
Imprisonment for 7 years up to life term.
Abetment of suicide
Non bailable
Imprisonment for 10 years with fine.
Attempt to murder
Non bailable
Imprisonment for 10 years with fine.
Attempt to commit culpable homicide
Non bailable
Imprisonment for 3-7 years with fine.
Attempt to commit suicide
Imprisonment for 1 year or  with fine.
Concealment of birth by secret disposal of body
Imprisonment for 2 years with fine.
Causing hurt
Imprisonment for 1 years with fine.
Using force
Imprisonment for 3 months or with fine of INR 500
Imprisonment for 3 months or  with fine.
Punishment for Kidnapping
Imprisonment for 7 months or  with fine
Abduction of child under 10
Non bailable
Imprisonment for 7 months or with fine
Trafficking of person
Non bailable
Imprisonment for 7-10  years or with fine
Punishment for  Rape
Non bailable
Rigorous imprisonment for life or not less than 7 years
Gang rape
Non bailable
Imprisonment for 20 years which may extend till  life
Unnatural offence
Non bailable
Imprisonment for 10 years which may extend till life
Punishment for  Theft
Non bailable
Imprisonment for 3 years and fine
Punishment for  Extortion
Non bailable
Imprisonment for 3 years
Punishment for   Robbery
Non bailable
Imprisonment for 3 years and fine
Punishment for  Dacoity
Non bailable
Imprisonment for 10 years and fine
Punishment for  Criminal breach of trust
Non bailable
Imprisonment for 3 years and fine
Dishonestly receiving Stolen property
Non bailable
Imprisonment for 3 years and fine
Punishment for  Cheating
Imprisonment for 1 years and fine
Cheating and dishonestly inducing delivery of property
Non bailable
Imprisonment for 7 years and fine
Punishment for  Mischief
Imprisonment for 3 months
Punishment for Criminal trespass
Imprisonment for 3 months and fine of INR 500
Imprisonment for 2 years and fine
Falsification of accounts
Imprisonment for 2 years and fine
Counterfeiting currency notes or banknotes
Non bailable
Imprisonment for life and fine
Possession of forged currency notes or banknotes
Imprisonment for 7 years and fine
Marrying again during lifetime of husband or wife
Imprisonment for 7 years and fine
Marriage ceremony fraudulently gone through without lawful marriage
Imprisonment for 7 years and fine
Enticing or taking away or detaining with criminal intent
Imprisonment for 2 years and fine
Husband or relative of husband of a woman subjecting her to cruelty
Non bailable
Imprisonment for 3 years and fine
Punishment for Defamation
Imprisonment for 2 years and fine
Criminal intimidation
Imprisonment for 2 years for simple offence and 7 years  if threat is to cause death or grievous hurt
Word, gesture or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman
Imprisonment for 3 years and fine
Misconduct in public by drunken person
Imprisonment for 24 hours  and fine of INR 10
So, this is the list of crimes that can be released on bail and those that can't. Did you learn something from it? Leave a comment and pass the article along.
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