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The Beach event is now on with the beach bikini characters including the newest CC, Kira.
Screen shots are from CRUSH CRUSH.
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Propam Polda Sulut Periksa 2 Anggota Polres Minahasa yang Viral Berfoto Dengan Timses Cagub
MANADO, Cinews.id – Propam Polda Sulawesi Utara (Sulut) melakukan pemeriksaan dua polisi bertugas di Polres Minahasa yang berpose bersama tim sukses(timses) salah satu pasangan calon (paslon) gubernur-wakil gubernur, yang fotonya sempat viral. Kabid Humas Polda Sulut Kombes Michael Irwan Thamsil mengatakan, kedua oknum anggota Polri tersebut sudah dipanggil dan dilakukan pemeriksaan. “Keduanya…
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Per Juli 2024, Realisasi APBN Sultra Capai Rp14,29 Triliun
SULTRATOP.COM, KENDARI – Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara (Sultra) telah merealisasikan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) sebesar Rp14,29 triliun atau 53,65 persen dari pagu APBN per Juli 2024. Kepala Kantor Wilayah (Kakanwil) Ditjen Perbendaharaan (DJPb) Sultra Syarwan mengatakan, pendapatan negara berasal dari penerimaan perpajakan dan Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak (PNBP). Realisasi…
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Sekda Kota Kendari Tutup Gerakan Bulan Cinta Laut
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"You Got To Remember" (Sultra Records UK) Michael Gray featuring Tatiana Owens https://youtube.com/shorts/wF-DScnBtmo
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The Philosophy of the Brahma-Sutra: An Introduction
This book is a spectacular addition to the literature on the Brahma-Sutra, a core text in Hindu religious and philosophical thought. Its estimated completion date was between 400 CE to 450 CE, and scholars have believed that some of its materials could date back to 200 BCE and further. Unlike traditional commentaries on this text, Aleksandar Uskokov does not simply translate the work from Sanskrit and then comment on each verse. Instead, he treats its fundamental themes with his own translations, moving back and forth as needed to develop those themes. In doing so, he discusses the insights and views of various commentators, drawing from all traditional Hindu schools (darshanas), especially Advaita Vedanta and Mimamsa. By looking at a variety of major commentaries, he can suggest the best understanding of the text. Sutras like these took up originally esoteric topics because they were not shared with the general Hindu community. They consist of brief statements to assist teachers in their private discourses to disciples, and each teacher would provide the explanations necessary for full understanding. In time, these works became more public, and so commentaries were needed to unfold them to the reader, who likely did not have a knowledgeable and private teacher (guru).
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#jasa pos telkomsel#so there's like a politeknik perikanan outing i think? from kementrian and all#and i was petting kitties and theres some politeknok girls beside me and the kitties#and they're pretty cool and one of them say “hey where's (my fam name)'#and i say hi? hello? then they say what? i say “me thats me I'm (fam name)”#then they laugh and call their friend over who's actually from Bau bau!! so my fam name is used in 2 different islands in sultra and she's#from buton and im from muna#its pretty cool#then we exchange instas and all!;; she's cool for real!!#also I drew something for the pameran perempuan I'll show y'all later i think. its a crayon drawing of senja bc i think she's perfect#and shes my wife#theyre a bunch of grey uniformed people btw theyre from the politeknik
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HET Minyak Tanah Terbaru, Sekda Sultra Minta Hiswana Migas Sosialisasi ke Masyarakat
PILARSULTRA.COM, Kendari Sekretaris Daerah (Sekda) Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara Drs Asrun Lio, M.Hum., Ph.D melakukan serah terima salinan naskah Surat Keputusan Gubernur Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara Nomor: 100.331/485 Tahun 2024 tentang Penetapan Harga Eceran Tertinggi (HET) Minyak Tanah di Sulawesi Tenggara kepada Himpunan Wiraswasta Nasional Minyak dan Gas (Hiswana Migas) Sultra di Kendari pada…
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Kapolda Sultra Resmikan Karamba Dit Polairud Dalam Mendukung Program Asta Cita Presiden
Kolaka, JurnalSultra.com – Karamba Ditpolairud Polda Sultra sebagai salah satu bentuk upaya nyata dukungan Polda Sultra terhadap program Asta Cita Presiden RI, khususnya dalam bidang ketahanan pangan diresmikan oleh Kapolda Sultra Irjen Pol Dwi Irianto, S.I.K., M.Si, Kamis 5 Desember 2024. Peresmian tersebut turut diikuti oleh Wakapolda Sultra Brigjen Pol Amur Chandra Juli Buana, S.H., M.H,…
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Kemekumham Adakan Webinar Series, Imigrasi Baubau Ajak Sobat Pengayoman Mengikuti Secara Daring
Baubau - Guna mengakselerasi pengembangan kompetensi bagi jajaran Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia, Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia menggelar Webinar Series. Kepala Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Kemenkumham Razilu menyebut tujuan munculnya webinar series adalah untuk Mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa sehingga memenuhi visi misi bapak Presiden yaitu memperkuat Sumber Daya Manusia.
Kepala Seksi Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Keimigrasian, Indra Kusuma mengajak seluruh sobat Pengayoman baik itu PNS Kumham sendiri, maupun seluruh masyarakat Indonesia untuk dapat megikuti kegiatan webinar ini. Pada Webinar kali ini BPSDM Hukum dan HAM menghadirkan 8 webminar series yang bertemakan "Cerdas Bersama BPSDM Hukum dan HAM.
Webinar series pertama akan dilakukan pada 05 Agustus 2024 dengan mengangkat tema SDM berkualitas menyongsong Indonesia Emas 2045. “Pada webinar yang pertama ini yang menjadi narasumber adalah Bapak Menteri Hukum dan HAM, Yasonna H Laoly langsung,”ujar Indra. Kegiatan dapat diikuti melalui kanal Youtube BPSDM KUMHAM TV.
Adapun delapan materi tersebut diantaranya adalah 1) SDM Berkualitas Menyongsong Indonesia Emas 2045, 2) Karier dan Kinerja Jabatan Fungsional sebagai Penggerak Pembangunan ASN BerAKHLAK, 3) Kenali Potensimu dan Maksimalkan Performamu, 4) Jabatan Fungsional sebagai Investasi SDM bagi Organisasi Masa Depan, 5) Powerfull Coaching, Mentoring, dan Conseling untuk Perubahan Organisasi dan Pengembangan Kompetensi ASN, 6) Personal Branding bagi ASN, 7) Mengenali Kompetensi Sosio Kultural ASN, dan 8) Kiat Sukses Berkarier di Jabatan Fungsional.
Pembentukan SDM yang berkualitas merupakan motor penggerak sebuah organisasi. "Tanpa manusia yang memiliki kecerdasan dalam segala aspek, tidak mungkin Pemerintahan dan bangsa ini dapat dijalankan dengan baik," tegas Kasi TIKIM.
“Mari kita ikuti dan sukseskan kegiatan ini, Webinar Series Pasti Cerdas, E-kompetensiku pasti Oke, BPSDM Hukum dan HAM Pasti Berakhlak” tutup Indra
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Bakorsi Sultra: Masyarakat Menaruh Harapan Besar pada Anies Baswedan
JAKARTA | KBA – Sekretaris Bakorsi Sulawesi Tenggara Obin Tiar mengatakan Badan Koordinasi Saksi (Bakorsi) tim 100 di Sulawesi Tenggara sedang memfokuskan pembentukan pengukuhan untuk anggota. “Untuk sekarang ini kami fokus dalam pengukuhan tim 100 Bakorsi Sultra,” kata Obin kepada KBA News dihubungi, di Jakarta, Selasa, 1 Agustus 2023. Setelah itu pihaknya mulai membentuk tim 100 Bakorsi di 17…
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Propam Polda Sultra Periksa 6 Anggota Polisi Soal Dugaan Permintaan Rp50 Juta ke Supriyani
KENDARI, Cinews.id – Propam Polda Sulawesi Tenggara (Sultra) memeriksa enam personel Polres Konawe Selatan dan Polsek Baito serta Kepala Desa Wonuaraya bernama Rokimin untuk menyelidiki permintaan uang damai Rp50 juta terhadap guru honorer Supriyani. Keenam polisi itu di antaranya tiga personel Polres Konawe Selatan Sulawesi Tenggara dan tiga Personel Polsek Baito termasuk Kapolsek Baito Ipda…
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Sultra Ekspor Langsung 646 Ton Kelapa Bulat ke Tiongkok dari Kendari
SULTRATOP.COM, KENDARI – Sebanyak 646 ton komoditas kelapa bulat asal Kota Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara (Sultra) diekspor ke Tiongkok, Cina. Ekspor perdana komoditas yang bernilai Rp2,5 miliar tersebut ditandai dengan pelepasan yang dilakukan di pelabuhan New Port Kendari pada Senin (19/8/2024). Penjabat (Pj) Gubernur Sultra, Andap Budhi Revianto, diwakili Sekda Asrun Lio mengatakan, ekspor…
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Pemakaman Kompol Anumerta Ryanto Ulil Anshar Dipimpin Langsung Kapolda Sulsel
Makassar, BuletinNews.com – Kapolda Sulawesi Selatan, Irjen Pol. Yudhiawan, S.H., S.I.K., M.H., M.Si., memimpin langsung upacara pemakaman jenazah almarhum Kompol Anumerta Ryanto Ulil Anshar, S.I.K., M.H. Upacara berlangsung pada Minggu, (24/11/2024), di Pemakaman Taman Bahagia Sudiang, Kota Makassar. Dalam upacara tersebut, Irjen Pol. Yudhiawan bertindak sebagai Inspektur Upacara dan…
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Banyak Proyek Jalan Gagal, AJP Minta Pemprov Evaluasi Kontraktor di Sulawesi Tenggara
SULTRA PERDETIK, – Aksan Jaya Putra (AJP), Ketua Fraksi Partai Golkar Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD) Sulawesi Tenggara (Sultra), menyoroti sejumlah proyek pembangunan jalan provinsi yang gagal pada Tahun 2022. Kekhawatiran itu muncul setelah DPRD Sultra menggelar rapat paripurna Laporan Pertanggungjawaban Tahunan (LKPJ) Gubernur Sultra tahun 2022, beberapa hari lalu. LKPJ Gubernur Sultra…
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Some Tang Sanzang concept art that I don’t think I’ll finish anytime soon, but whateva
The scar on his head is from a spat with wukong gone wrong, spur of the moment which he regretted after he realized what he had done-
he waited for his sifu to use the fillet tightening sultra to punish him, he’s shaking, apologizing profusely in a small voice. To his surprise he doesn’t feel the painstaking ache of the band squeezing. Instead, when he looks up he finds Tripitaka, his sifu, looking at him with a horrified look on his face. But…. He’s not scared of wukong… he’s scared of himself, if he could cause such a reaction in this godly simian, a demon that the heavens feared, then…what he had been doing…it wasn’t right, it couldn’t be.
-Lololol that’s my head canon/ my own home brew story of Jttw that I’ve been making in my mind, I like to imagine that’s the point where they’re relationship starts to turn for the better and instead of reluctant companions they become friends who wish to protect each other in every way, no matter the cost. They are representative of the mind and the heart, like in most cases they clash and argue, resent and fear each other, but when finding balance and harmony throughout their journey the mind and heart grow closer and work as one. They’re relationship to me is something more than friendship, it’s love but not romantic love, but it’s also not familial love like a father and son, though some translations of the book describe their relationship as such I’d like to think of it as something deeper. Again not romantic kissy love. These babes are Buddhists lololol but it is more than friendship. I might post my version of the story on here and you can interpret as you please, father son, a couple, friends, enemies. But know that in the end what him and sun wukong have is complex, it can not be summed up in one word. At least that’s my take on them,
Also the other scars are from demons, getting captured and such, the scar between his eyebrows he got as a baby, and the read on his wrists are from rope burn, again from being tied up and captured.
I like to see the monk as having a fit build despite acting and appearing weak, though he does not know what to do with this rocking bod he has. (This drawing was inspired by gidget… I loved their reference for their tang and decided I would make my own concept sheet depicting his scars and body type as well.)
I want to start posting my dynamic stuff on here and actually drawing my Jttw ideas… I just get really perfectionist about them and end up only liking the art after a year goes by and it’s too late to post them….
If you made it here tell me what you think, I’ve spent like 5 minutes writing this and my cat is chirping angrily at me cause she wants me to pet her lolololol so pouty, my cute baby is throwing a fit
Sorry if you think these takes are trash it’s just my headcanons, they might change overtime though
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