samantha-dan564 · 7 months
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beefgnawpolis · 1 year
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oh my god they were roommates
The first time I played Sui2 I was specifically told to check on the Highland soldiers Nanami singlehandedly wrecked. This is still one of my favorite things in the whole game.
Give Flik a raise
honestly I could have played a whole game of people dunking on Viktor's shitty lion
(not pictured) I Forgor the """joy""" of hunting for flying squirrels
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tania-the-martian · 2 years
Rak ngerti neh Gusti posisiku saiki kesel bgt yaAllah, njajal dibetah2 ke kok malah rak krasan. Rak ngerti opo2 kok tetep wae keno blaming, wong posisi emg gak ngerti gak tau nompo kase kok dikon ngakuni nompo???? piye sih rak ketemu nalar ng ndasku. Sui2 toxic bgt asu. Kepalane rak tau gelem disalahke weswes. Pengen resign tp jek butuh opo2 asu tenan marai pikiran.
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dv-vilt · 1 year
[het ontwerp van deze site is geoptimaliseerd voor raadpleging op PC/tablet] //het Hexagram van de dag ䷐ Schrijfwijze van  隨 Pinyin: suí (sui2) het karakter voor deze guà((‘guà‘ (“卦”) betekende vroeger ‘veranderen’ en is voor de I Tjing (het ‘Boek der Veranderingen’) de benaming van zowel het ‘Hexagram‘ als het ‘Trigram‘ in het Chinees).)) Deze visualisatie gebruikt de Open Source Hanzi…
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diracsea · 1 year
Day 33
📖 HSK Standard Course 4上, lesson 9.1
饼干 bing3 gan1 n. biscuit
难道 nan2 dao4 adv. used in rhetorical question for emphasis
得 dei3 mod. must, have to
坚持 jian1 chi2 v. to insist, to persist
放弃 fang4 qi4 v. to give up
主义 zhu3 yi n. idea, plan
网球 wang3 qiu2 n. tennis
国际 guo2 ji4 n. international
轻松 qing1 song1 adj. relaxed, effortless
赢 ying2 v. to win
随便 sui2 bian4 adj. casual, at random
汗 han4 n. sweat, perspiration
通过 tong1 guo4 prep. through, by means of
篇 pian1 m. used for writings, papers or articles
作家 zuo4 jia1 n. writer
当时 dang1 shi2 n. then, at that time
可是 ke3 shi4 conj. but, however
正确 zheng1 que4 adj. right, correct
理想 li3 xiang3 n. ideal
1. 难道
The adverb 难道 emphasizes the tone of a rhetorical question. Positive rhetorical questions indicate negative meanings, and negative rhetorical questions indicate positive meanings. For example, the sentence 难道汉语真的这么难吗?(Is Chinese really that difficult?) emphasizes that Chinese is not difficult.
A: 喂,都十点了,你怎么还不来?- B: 难道你没看短信?我今天有事去不了了。
A: 你不是两点就出发了吗?难道路上花了两个多小时?- B: 我那辆车出了点儿问题,刚才把车送去修了。
2. 通过
The preposition 通过 means "the attainment of a certain result via somebody or by means of something".
通过 can also be used as a verb to indicate "to pass through some place from one end (side) to another end (side)".
The verb 通过 can also mean "to have reached a certain standard or met a certain requirement".
Compare: 通过 vs. 经过
Similarity: Both can indicate the attainment of a certain goal via somebody or by means of something.
a/ In case (⧰), 通过 is a preposition, and is a verb. Semantically speaking, 通过 emphasizes the method or means (of achieving something), while 经过 emphasizes the process.
b/ When used as a verb, 通过 means "to pass through some place from one end (side) to another end (side)", while 经过 means "to go... by way of..." without the meaning of "passing through".
c/ 经过 can also be used as a noun to indicate the development process of something, while 通过 has no such usage.
3. 可是
The conjunction 可是 is used in the second clause of a complex sentence to indicate a transition in meaning, often coordinating with a clause introduced by 虽然 before it.
A: 你怎么又想换工作了,这儿的收入不是挺高的吗?- B: 虽然收入高,可是经常要加班,很少有时间和家人在一起。
🎶 Chả nghe nhạc gì chỉ nghe audio trận VTLvHAG.
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sedulityoutfits · 6 years
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New Outfit has been published on http://www.imvuoutfits.com/78285910
Outfit styled by #iMoo Attributions: Top by #Zubulka Bottom by #Plaztique Shoes by #Sui2 Hair by #Fine Head by #lH20l Skin by #KisaTheCutie Tags: #imvu #sedulity #imvuoutfits #imvufashion #fashion #Ash #BlackLeggings #BlackLeggings_Lace #Brow #CAT #CAT_Piercing_Lashes_Brow #Casantro #Casantro_Ash #Ghoul #Lace #Lashes #Linen #MewSkin1 #Milena #Milena_Linen_Top #Piercing #Pump #Pump_Ghoul
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liu-anhuaming · 6 years
相当多「相當多」xiang1 dang1 duo1 quite a lot, a great many
尖峰时段「尖峰時段」jian1 feng1 shi2 duan4 rush hour
物理学家「物理學家」wu4 li3 xue2 jia1 physicist 
居住 ju1 zhu4 to reside, to dwell, to live in a place
获颁「獲頒」huo4 ban1 to be awarded, to receive an award
跟随「跟隨」gen1 sui2 to follow
女婿 nü3 xu4 son-in-law
元素 yuan2 su4 element, chemical element
祖国「祖國」zu3 guo2 homeland
永久 yong3 jiu3 forever, permanent, perpetual
定居 ding4 ju1 to settle, to fix a place to live
缺点「缺點」que1 dian3 disadvantage, weak point, downside
拜访「拜訪」bai4 fang3 to pay a visit, to call on
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tallemy · 6 years
7, 9, 21!
7: A song that makes you happyLunchMoney Lewis - Bills   I have no idea why. It was shared by a friend, but lately whenever I’m really in that “why am I sitting at work again?” I listen to this. 
9: A song that you never get tired ofKenshi Yonezu - Wooden Doll   I think this is one of the songs that survived several years on my MP3 player. The lyrics are quite powerful. :o
21: A song from a video game¤ If we are talking about non-vocal tracks:Suikogaiden - Withered Earth     I love Tinto’s theme from Sui2, but Gaiden managed to turn it into something even more powerful. ¤ If we are talking about vocal tracks:Professor Layton - Iris        There is a moment when you are already crying because of the ending, but then the game just has to shatter your heart once again. 
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yokaiy · 6 years
Hi! I love your works and saw your suikoden charms recently - I know you posted it a while back, but I was curious to see if you were going to make them into charms for your shop?
Actually, I am! I drew backsides for the Sui1 and Sui2 ones, and just a few days ago ordered a few (along with some other stuff) from my manufacturer. I probably won’t have very many of them (& I still need to draw a backside for the Sui3 one so that one (and any others I end up drawing for the series) will have to be later), but they should be available on my shop early next month.
Thanks for checking in, and I’m glad you like them!
Also, I’m noticing it’s been a while since I updated things here, lol. Lots of new things I need to post!
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rworldsworld · 3 years
sui2 trauma anjrot pdhl ijeh akeh wong baik sg ga koyo ngono tapi iso ae gae trauma dan mikir nk wong ng dunia iki koyo dee
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mikutongzhi · 5 years
普通DISCO Vocab
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掏出 Tao1 chu1 - To fish out, to take out, to pull out (from a pocket or bag etc...)
首 Shou3 - measure word for songs/ singles (一首歌,来一首我最爱的普通音乐)
耳机 Er3 ji1 - Earbuds, headphones 
摇 Yao2 - Shake, sway, rock
瞧 Qiao2 - Look, see (Usage similar to 看 but implies more purpose)
窍 Qiao4 - Hole, opening, human body orifice
灵魂 Ling2 Hun2 - Soul, Spirit
燃烧 Ran2 Shao1 - Burn, Ignite, Flame, also figurative for excitement ( burning excitement) 
踩 Cai3 - Stamp, trample, step on
鼓点 Gu3 Dian3 - Drumbeat, rhythm (踩着鼓点)
随着 Sui2 Zhe -  Along with, in pace with, alongside 
旋转 Xuan2 Zhuan3 - Revolve, rotate, spin, whirl
开启 Kai1 Qi3 - Open, start, initiate, launch
单曲 Dan1 Qu3 - Musical single
循环 Xun2 Huan2 - Circulate, cycle, Loop (开启单曲循环- Refers to putting the single on repeat) 
节奏 Jie2 Zou4 - Rhythm,tempo
抖动 Dou3 Dong4 - Shake, tremble, vibrate
云霄 Yun2 Xiao1 - Sky, the skies
尖叫 Jian1 Jiao2 -  to scream, to yell, to shriek
动次打次 Dong4 Ci4 Da2 Ci4 - Drum beat onomatopoeia (like untz untz?— or something like that)
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🌸Full Translation Post
🌸Youtube Video With Lyrics on Screen!
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cosinepi-langblr · 6 years
將進酒-李白 tsiong1 tsin3 tsiu2 - li2 pik4
君不見 kun1 put8 kian3 黃河之水天上來, hong5 ho5 tsi sui2 thian1 siong7 lai5 奔流到海不復回? pun1 liu5 to3 hai2 put8 hiu7 hai5
君不見 kun1 put8 kian3 高堂明鏡悲白髮, ko tong5 bing5 king3 pi1 pik8 huat8 朝如青絲暮成雪? tiau1 ju5 tshing1 si1 boo7 sing5 suat8
人生得意須盡歡, jin5 sing1 tik8 i3 su1 tsi2 huan1 莫使金樽空對月。 bok8 su2 kim1 tsun1 khong1 tui3 guat8
天生我材必有用, thian1 sing1 ngo6 tsai5 pit8 iu6 iong7 千金散盡還復來。 tshian1 kim1 san2 tsin2 huan5 hiu7 lai5
烹羊宰牛且為樂, phing1 iong5 tsai2 giu5 tshiann2 ui5 lok8 會須一飲三百杯。 hue7 su1 it8 im2 san1 pik8 pai1
岑夫子,丹丘生, tsim5 hu1 tsu2, tan1 khiu1 sing1 將進酒,杯莫停。 tsiong1 tsin3 tsiu2,pai1 bok8 thing5
與君歌一曲, u7 kun1 ko1 it8 khiok8, 請君為我傾耳聽。 tshing2 kun1 ui3 ngo6 khing1 ngi6 thing1
鐘鼓饌玉不足貴, tsiong1 koo2 tsuan7 giok8 put8 tsiok8 kui3 但願長醉不願醒。 tan7 guan7 tiong2 tsui3 put8 guan7 sing3
古來聖賢皆寂寞, koo2 lai5 sing3 hian5 kai1 tsik8 bok8 惟有飲者留其名。 ui5 iu6 im2 tsia2 liu5 ki5 bing5
陳王昔時宴平樂, tin7 ong5 sik8 si5 ian3 ping5 lok8 斗酒十千恣歡謔。 tio2 tsiu2 sip8 tshian1 tsu3 huan1 hiok8
主人何為言少錢, tsu2 jin5 ho5 ui5 gian5 siau2 tsian5 徑須沽取對君酌。 king3 su1 koo1 tsu2 tui3 kun1 tsiok8
五花馬,千金裘, ngo6 hua1 ma2, tshian1 kim1 kiu5 呼兒將出換美酒, hoo1 ji5 tsiong1 tshut8 huan7 bi2 tsiu2 與爾同銷萬古愁! u7 ji6 tong5 siau1 ban7 koo2 tshiu5
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sui-magisipdohl · 6 years
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すべての終わりの前のひと段落 最終話公開しました。 https://note.mu/sui2/n/n0deaf16612be
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diracsea · 2 years
Day 9
📖 Giáo trình Hán ngữ 4, bài 11
做客 zuo4 ke4 làm khách, ăn cơm khách, chơi
打的 da3 di4 gọi taxi, đi taxi
四合院 si4 he2 yuan4 n. nhà tứ hợp, tứ hợp viện
院子 yuan4 zi n. sân, sân vườn
种 zhong4 v. trồng
棵 ke1 m. cây
枣 zao3 n. táo
结 jie1 v. kết, ra, có (trái)
尝 chang2 v. nếm, thưởng thức
盖 gai4 v. xây dựng, xây
住宅 zhu4 zhai2 n. nhà ở
小区 xiao3 qu1 n. tiểu khu
建 jian4 v. xây dựng
遗憾 yi2 han4 adj. đáng tiếc, tiếc nuối
舍不得 she3 bu dev. không nỡ, không đành
现代化 xian4 dai4 hua4 v./n. hiện đại hóa
圣诞节 sheng4 dan4 jie2 Giáng sinh, Noel
随便 sui2 bian4 adv./adj. tùy tiện, tự nhiên, thoải mái
感想 gan3 xiang3 n. cảm nghĩ, cảm tưởng
体会 ti3 hui4 v./n. thể hội, lĩnh hội, hiểu
意见 yi4 jian4 n. ý kiến
建议 jian4 yi4 v./n. đề nghị, kiến nghị
提 ti2 v. đưa ra
出门 chu1 men2 ra ngoài, ngoài đời
丰富 feng1 fu4 adj. phong phú
打扮 da3 ban v. trang điểm, ăn mặc
装饰 zhuang1 shi4 v./n. trang trí, trang hoàng
欢乐 huan1 le4 adj. vui vẻ
联欢会 lian2 huan1 hui4 n. hội (/buổi) liên hoan
靠 kao4 v. dựa vào
气氛 qi4 fen1 n. atmosphere, surrounding feeling
贴 tie1 v. to paste, to stick, to glue / to keep close to, to nestle / to subsidize, to help financially
挂 gua4 v. to hang, to put up
摆 bai3 v. to put, to place, to arrange
书架 shu1 jia1 n. bookshelf
堵车 du3 che1 traffic jam
窗户 chuang1 hu n. cửa sổ
窗帘 chuang1 lian2 n. rèm cửa
1. Câu tồn hiện
处所词 + 动词 + 助词/补语 + 名词
Từ ngữ chỉ nơi chốn + động từ + trợ từ/bổ ngữ + danh từ
Câu tồn hiện phần lớn dùng để miêu tả sự vật khách quan, tân ngữ trong câu là những sự vật chưa biết rõ thông tin và không xác định, cho nên không thể nói:
* 楼上下来了王老师。
2. Cách diễn tả sự thay đổi: 越来越… (ngày càng…, mỗi lúc một…) và 越… 越… (càng… càng…)
越来越 biểu thị mức độ của sự vật thay đổi theo thời gian.
越… 越… biểu thị mức độ thay đổi theo sự thay đổi của điều kiện.
越… 越… đã bao hàm ý nghĩa có mức độ cao, vì thế không dùng thêm phó từ trình độ để bổ nghĩa cho vị ngữ nữa.
不能说:* 这本书我越看越很喜欢。
🎶 Đặng Hữu Phúc’s Chùm hoa Việt Nam.
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liu-anhuaming · 6 years
「愛的初體驗」張震嶽 vocab
langblr music challenge 4/7
偷偷摸摸 tou1 tou1 mo1 mo1 sneaky
还给「還給」huan2 gei3 to return something to somebody
天长地久「天長地久」tian1 chang2 di4 jiu3 eternal
随便「隨便」sui2 bian4 as one wishes, at random
浇「澆」jiao1 to pour liquid
忧愁「憂愁」you1 chou2 to be worried
长寿「長壽」chang2 shou4 longevity, long-lived
注定 zhu4 ding4 to be destined to, inevitably
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Tapi nek ra ditangiske sui2 edan
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