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ominousapples · 2 years ago
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gentlemancrow · 4 years ago
jonmartin, pre-romance, #15/28??
I did manage to get BOTH of these in! So we have a combo of "You called me, remember?" and "It's too early for this". Much like the others, the MINUTE I read this prompt an idea popped into my head that I just HAD to go with! This is actually based off a real life incident I had with a friend (They know who they are...) but it fit both Jmart and the prompt PERFECTLY! The names have been changed to fictional characters to protect the innocent. (Hint I was the Martin in this situation) Anyway this was super fun and cute to write and I made myself all squishy a lot. HOPE YOU ENJOY! <3
There were precious few reasons why Martin’s mobile should be ringing at exactly 5:47 am on a Tuesday, and precisely none of them were good. Still, the anxiety inducing sound alerting him to something ominously, ambiguously amiss struggled to worm its way through a rather lovely dream of his acceptance speech after being awarded poet laureate. The poem he had prepared for the occasion was marrow-deep and hauntingly beautiful, or at least he remembered it that way until suddenly he was reciting the lyrics to Abba’s ‘Waterloo’ instead and sweating profusely as the audience began to murmur in disgust amongst themselves. Waterloo was indeed blaring, but from the ringtone of his phone, not from his lips, and his stomach performed a cold somersault with the force of the wave of anxiety that had begun in his dream and crested up to lap at the base of his barely functional brain. The few synapses he needed for basic motor function and reading comprehension crackled to life as he clumsily batted the buzzing device on his nightstand into his hand and squinted blearily at the name.
It was small. That was an immediate relief. If the care home had been calling about an incident with his mother, either her health or the staff’s as a result of her, it would have been the full moniker of ‘Sunrise Acres Care Home’ ticking across the caller ID. Yet small implied a name, a person, someone he had in his phone and not just a random spam call, and anxiety spiked again as Martin scrubbed at his eyes until ‘Jon’ appeared in white hot letters on the screen. Sleep dissolved from him in an instant and he sat bolt upright in a tangle of covers as he smashed the green answer icon with his thumb and threw the receiver to his ear.
“Hullo?! Jon? R’you okay? What’s happened?” he demanded, voice still slumbery thick and groggy.
“Martin!” Jon’s silky, prim voice, thinned out to a tin can vibrato over airwaves, answered, “Good, you’re awake. I need your help. Urgently.”
Martin was already out of bed by the time ‘need’ reached his ears, yanking on the first pair of jeans he spotted in the laundry heap on the floor and hopping on his free leg to the en suite with his phone pinched between his cheek and shoulder.
“I’m on it!” he assured him despite having no clue what ‘it’ was, exactly, “I’m coming to you as soon as I can. Where are you? Are you hurt? Should I bring a first aid kit? I don’t think I have a first aid kit… should I buy a first aid kit? There’s a Boots just down the block from my flat, I could-“
“Martin, stop! What the hell are you on about?” Jon’s annoyed tone cut through his panic like a scalpel.
Martin stopped in the doorframe of the bathroom, brows knitted, jeans puddling around the one leg he’d managed to get through and left once again in naught but his boxers as he gripped his phone back into his hand.
“Huh? What are you on about? You said you needed help!” he snapped.
“I do! But not like… not like THAT. What kind of mortal peril do you imagine I would find myself in at a quarter to six in the morning?”
The initial surge of adrenaline fizzling out uselessly in his veins the more Jon talked, Martin sagged against the doorway and pinched his temples as he strained his words through a colander of civility.
“I don’t know, Jon. You called me, remember?”
“Right, right…”
A terse, lowly hissing silence of dead satellite replaced Jon’s voice, twisting Martin’s nerves as acrobatically as he twisted to avoid the point. He kicked off his jeans and stalked grouchily back to bed where he threw himself face down and unmoving.
“So, what is it then? Wi-Fi gone tits up? Forgot how long to steep Darjeeling?” he hissed into his rumpled duvet, a little nastier than he would have liked given the deadly combination of interrupted slumber and primordial biological survival instinct.
“I uh…” Jon’s voice deflated over the speaker, “I have a… problem.”
“Yes, we’ve so very, very clearly established that. What kind of a problem, exactly…?”
“A problem of an upsettingly… Arachnid nature.”
“A spider…?”
Martin propped himself up on one elbow, eyes narrowed with genuine and curious concern.
“Wait like a… like a spooky spooky spider? Or just an ordinary kind of spooky spider?” he inquired with as much levity as he could muster, given one of the likely options.
“Stop saying spooky. And the ordinary kind. I think. No, I’m sure of it. It’s merely the sitting on my kitchen wall like it owns the place and staring at me rudely with all eight eyes, judging me for skipping breakfast again, kind,” Jon answered with clinical pointedness.
“O… kay…?” Martin drawled, suppressing a giggle, “So, what’s the problem then?”
“What do I do?”
Martin opened his mouth to answer, but closed it again as he doubted that he had actually heard Jonathan Sims, the irascible, pompous, only capable of truly looking at him down his nose Head Archivist Jonathan Sims, ask him, a lowly assistant, what to do. With a spider. It would have been almost adorable, had he not scared the life out of him initially, but even that knocked it only down a single peg to helplessly charming.
“I-I mean, the normal thing one does when encountering a spider in one’s home? You kind of only have the usual two options? Er well, three, if you count just leaving it be, but I doubt you’re amenable to that one.”
“No, absolutely not, out of the question,” Jon declared swiftly.
“Didn’t think so,” Martin chuckled, rolling onto his back and sagging in relief into the mattress.
“So?” came the impatient invitation to continue.
“So what?”
“So, then what do I do?” Jon repeated brusquely.
“Well, you either kill it or let it go, of course! What else is there to do? Invite it to brunch?”
“I know that! I’m not an idiot!” Jon erupted furiously, “Good lord, Martin! Do you really think I would have called you because I didn’t know the only two options for dealing with an eight-legged criminal invading my home were kill it or let it go? Really?! Did you suppose this was the very first spider I ever encountered in my life? Is that what you thought? Or perhaps I had my own personal valet to attend to all of my insectoid tribulations, hmm? Just call the bug butler, he’ll attend to it straightaway! Do you ever stop to think before you open your mouth? Or do you customarily just air out whatever inane notions blow through your ears, no matter how puerile? Christ!”
Martin let the phone drop onto the bed beside him, away from the verbal darts hurled directly into his eardrum and taxing the output matrix of the speaker, as Jon launched into an affronted, mortified tirade, smirking and shaking his head.
“It’s too early for this…” he mused to himself ruefully, rubbing both hands over his face and eyes.
Once the phone stopped humming and glowing white hot with remote rage, Martin scooped it back up and yawned into the receiver.
“You alright there, Jon?” he asked in a gentle tone.
A ragged sigh crackled into a blip of feedback from lips too close on the other end of the phone.
“…Not really?” came Jon’s tremulous reply, “Listen, I’m sorry I went off on you. That was unfair of me. I-I just… I really… really hate spiders.”
Something squeezed in Martin’s chest, something about the confident bass flayed neatly out of Jon’s usually assertively solid mannerisms, leaving it abnormally thin and rickety. He sat up on the bed, cradling the phone much more gently to his cheek.
“Hey hey, it’s okay,” he assured him, “If anybody sympathizes about being afraid, you definitely called the right person. Need me to stay on the line with you while you whack it? A good heavy book will probably do the trick, or if you need speed and agility a rolled-up newspaper or a magazine might be better?”
“No! I wasn’t calling because I needed advice on how to murder the damn thing! I’m quite capable of doing that on my own. Frankly, I’ve taken rather a vested interest in honing my spider termination methodology over the years. I called you because… well you were going on about how you thought they were…” Jon trailed off in a series of garbled sounds of disgust, “Cute… of all things.”
Martin grinned and had to put the phone on his bare chest a moment, as if Jon might somehow perceive his giddy glee through the receiver.
“To be fair I’m a little odd that way. Most people feel much the same as you do about them,” he commented as he picked it back up.
“True, but that’s not even the whole of it!” Jon went on exasperatedly, “I also overheard you talking… must have been to Tim or Sasha but… you were explaining about how helpful they are to the ecosystem and what a vital role they play in that natural order of things, and how we always see images of them eating butterflies and beautiful things that make them look sinister, but how really they mostly control pests and the like… how you thought they got kind of a bad rap?”
“Wow I uh… I can’t believe you remembered all that,” Martin muttered, freckled cheeks dusting a light pink, “But what does that have to do with your unwanted houseguest in particular?”
“It was the last part, mainly. That’s what got me. The part about fear. That they’re afraid, too… You said there had been studies that showed a clear fear response in spiders… to us. They’re afraid of us, demonstrably more so than we are of them…”
One word of all of those slipped between Martin’s ribs and into his heart. Too. They were afraid, too. His thumb stroked and consoled the edge of his phone unconsciously as Jon blustered on, unbothered by his own unconscious admission.
“And now I can’t do it! Now I have to set this bloody spider free because you think it’s cute and want to make friends with it, and I can’t make it an innocent victim of my fear and I have no idea how!”
Martin couldn’t help but smile, imagining how Jon must be in his flat on the other end, scrunched in a corner all hunched up shoulders and furrowed brow with hackles bristling, squaring off with a creature who was possessed of no knowledge of the fear she symbolized, or the grace to understand the iconographical divorce to her salvation. Only Jon, quivering and still bed-rumpled and frazzled, could understand the magnitude of cupping that fear in the palm of his hand while reaching out to him with the other. And now Martin understood it, too.
“Hey alright, I’ve got you. Steady on Jon, we’re gonna get through this together. I’ll talk you through the steps, you just follow what I say, okay?” he instructed in his best 999 operator performance.
A beat of silence ensued, followed by a much more robust and emboldened, “Okay.”
“So, what you want to do first is get a glass.”
“A glass?”
“Yeah, like a water glass. And a stiff piece of paper or cardboard or something. If you’ve got a bit of post lying about, flyers and coupons and the like, those usually work well.”
There was a period of distant shuffling, clattering, and indecipherable muttering as Jon gathered his weapons, then sucked in an audible breath through his teeth.
“Alright I’ve got them, now what?” he asked, sounding a bit winded.
“Now you very carefully put the glass over the spider, then slide the paper under the glass so you trap it inside. Then you can take it out without touching it or worrying about it scuttling off on you and set it free wherever you think it’ll be happy!” Martin answered sweetly.
“Okay, okay. I think I can do that,” Jon chanted for steadiness, “I’m putting the phone down so I don’t louse it up, but d-don’t hang up, stay on with me, okay?”
“I’m not going anywhere, Jon. I promise. You’re okay.”
“O-Okay… Okay… Okay…!”
Martin listened as Jon’s voice grew distant, but somehow stronger, more like a war cry, with the soft pad of socked feet on tile, then a short stretch of silence, and then a chorus of oaths and yelping, rising to the crescendo of a door being messily flung open, shut, then opened and shut again. A drumbeat of returning feet rolled mutely close and melded into the scratchy rustle of the phone being picked back up.
“I’m back,” Jon announced.
“Is it done?”
“The deed is done… your little friend is enjoying some lovely pink dahlias out front as we speak.”
“I’m pleased for her! And… for you, too,” Martin said, voice melting into lilting tenderness, “I’m honestly really proud of you, I know that wasn’t easy for you.”
“I… Ah… No, it wasn’t. Thank you, Martin,” came the sheepishly measured rejoinder.
“You’re very welcome.”
Martin smiled privately to himself, and ran a loving thumb down the edge of his phone once more.
“So then may I rightly assume I have permission to come in an hour or so late today so I can go back to sleep?” he continued, already knowing the answer as he flopped back down on his pillows and rolled up into the covers.
He was relieved to hear a husky chuckle rumble through the phone.
“Yes, yes. I think you’ve more than earned it.”
“Brilliant, see you in a bit then? And for lunch?” he added hopefully.
The brief silence as Jon calculated his response hung thick and palpable in the digital airwaves.
“Lunch sounds good,” he replied at length, “See you then.”
“G-Great! Great! See you!”
Their phones clicked mutually off without the awkward jumble of sign-offs, pleasantries, and accidentally stumbling over each other’s words. Martin thought glimmeringly of the spider hunting free in plush pink petals, none the wiser, and of Jon, with new and irrefutable proof that not everything ugly or quietly cunning in the world lurked behind to cast its shadow over him. A spider could be just a spider, and Martin back asleep with both hands still clutching his phone to his chest, dreaming of singing Waterloo again, but this time to a rapt audience and thunderous applause.
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kim-quim · 8 years ago
3 8 9 10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
3. what song(s) do you listen to when you do art? - Mostly Vocaloid or BGM soundtracks from video games! But it really depends on the mood or what I’m drawing so
8. show us at least 2-3 drawings from 1-2 years ago.- n o
9. what drawing program do you use? (if the artist does digital art) - Sai!
10. are you right or left handed?- Right handed
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wei-meddling-wuxian · 3 years ago
JC Centric Twitter threads
using twitter is a recent development so I’m leaving threads I like here so I don’t have to search through my likes or bookmarks everytime. btw this is gonna keep updating as I fall down the twitter rabbit hole
https://twitter.com/catharinathecat/status/1478883618202210305 secretary JC, ceo LXC, misunderstandings, mpreg, dark lxc
https://twitter.com/darkbluemint/status/1554922992517398528 drunk jc, ymj and jc, drunk proposals
https://twitter.com/Moon_bunsie/status/1553585715404873733 wwx tries the shovel talk, gets a jfm revelation instead
https://twitter.com/herapersona/status/1553623853678886913 jin ling askes about a college story where jc got someone fired - academia injustices
https://twitter.com/asagi_bluewrite/status/1553170228372471808 jc going to collect overdue taxes from immortal mountain dragon lxc
https://twitter.com/herapersona/status/1547185474481291265 drunk lxc simps over jc, established xicheng
https://twitter.com/just_____jade/status/1554773130329337856 ymj teach jc to smile pretty - pretty jc
https://twitter.com/catharinathecat/status/1553833196889989120 jc is pei ming and yzy’s kid - latent abilities
https://archiveofourown.org/collections/JCxHappiness happiness for jc agenda
https://twitter.com/valkepm/status/1549844941496586242 jc and yzy, spirit summoning
https://twitter.com/catharinathecat/status/1549898905122471937 jc stops looking for jfm’s approval
https://twitter.com/Cedric_B7/status/1584533602301538306 ambiguous chengxian - wwx protective of his relationship with jc and disagrees with l/wj interfering 
https://twitter.com/abira_og/status/1554624475928449025 acts of service love language, post canon wwx eases himself back into ymj, [physical] hurt/comfort
https://twitter.com/_jiangwanyin/status/1553602813220900864 de-aged jc, smitten wwx, cuddles, fluff
https://twitter.com/_jiangwanyin/status/1553035790493446144 fluff, established and married chengxian with jiang furen wwx, worried jc, romantic wwx
https://twitter.com/jcmochiheart/status/1550776368165945345 modern au chengxian, jc goes abroad to study, reunion scene, cuckji (sorry l/wj)
https://twitter.com/nottheimp/status/1549305845934080001 soft, reconciliation, development
https://twitter.com/rikkainhaz/status/1519518445280260096 yunmeng shuangjie angst
https://twitter.com/rikkainhaz/status/1547162676090249216 pre-relationship, wwx talks about jc a lot
https://twitter.com/bananasonrye/status/1546373309675315200 modern au, gamer wwx
https://twitter.com/_jiangwanyin/status/1528841462091501568 unhinged wwx, pre-death
https://twitter.com/suddenlyapples/status/1409505884263260160 post-canon, feral yllz protective over injured jc
https://twitter.com/zyprexd/status/1530766667986378752 post-canon, jc assassination attempt, protective yllz, cuck lw/j (sorry 2x)
https://twitter.com/Moon_bunsie/status/1554395026305974272 ymj defenses, home alone edition
https://twitter.com/bananasonrye/status/1550741246464901120 ymj knows how to deal with bugs
https://twitter.com/dodoscreamb/status/1549356833747648512 ymj and the nine petals - ymj reputation
https://twitter.com/JadeLotus18/status/1549022328780009472 jc can go apeshit post canon bc he’s politically fine now vs the vt situation
https://twitter.com/JadeLotus18/status/1553754995995992065 on fierce corpses
https://twitter.com/jcmochiheart/status/1538515325050064898 jc sees himself as an heir and doesn’t have an identify outside of that
https://twitter.com/millialani/status/1535174947399553024 on hunting demonic cultivators
https://twitter.com/felidae_somni/status/1552879757271998464 not jiang fam friendly, loyal jc, supportive nie brothers, businessmen, 
https://twitter.com/cinnamoningroll/status/1552716072662736897 xicheng, crying during sex
https://twitter.com/bananasonrye/status/1547663174853226497 zhanchengxian - de aged jc being cute
https://twitter.com/ThatClumsyB_Li/status/1551931311866413056 post jc-death, jl goes through his things and finds letters
https://twitter.com/millialani/status/1550212381506019328 JC qi deviations and losing his mind
https://twitter.com/abira_og/status/1548715832800313345 au where jc doesn’t stay in the temple but just comes in to take jin ling out
https://twitter.com/dodoscreamb/status/1350032270166433799 JC teaches JL about being a sect leader
https://twitter.com/zeldacw/status/1549087818391072770 Sandu as a person, Shuoyue and Liebing
https://twitter.com/just_____jade/status/1545972144462774272 jc, wwx, jl on one sword
https://twitter.com/suddenlygrapes/status/1549145206016000005 jc pretends to be yzy for a conference, shenanigans ensue 
https://twitter.com/BlaBlaBla__Me/status/1546055615273140225 jc death, the concept of soul residue and memories, soft
https://twitter.com/swampw1tch_/status/1516588434705596420 transmigration jc, who is too tired and jaded, so everyone’s concerned
https://twitter.com/spearcolor/status/1547421731312537601 established zhancheng - jc gets so drunk he doesn’t recognize lwj and brags about his boyfriend lwj to lwj himself
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((Always reblog ;a;))
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shachaai · 4 years ago
I don't know... Could you do a post with some of your favorite Fanfictions? (your Hetalia Fanfictions ❤️ I really like to read your work) thank you 😘
This is a bit all over the place and there is a lot of (fem!)England-centric fic, because apparently I’m a messy one-trick pony. =w=;;;
Gods AU
First and foremost I want to say some of my favourite hetalia writing has been done for the Gods AU that is/was a shared baby between Hoof, Eden and myself (with a few pieces by some very kind babysitters over the years as well). It’s a heavily engport-centric AU, where Portugal (Lusus) is the God of the Underworld and England (Albion) his somewhat volatile spouse. It’s an ensemble cast and most of the characters are deities of some kind, and is heavy on pretty scenery, stupid families, and tragic love. Also there’s a bunch of fluff and ancient historical/mythological-style smut - in both writing and art. (The art, obviously, is Very Not Mine.)
No Quarter: A bet tumbles the four of them into bed. (They would've done it even without the bet.)
Historical, Fluff and Smut, Nationverse but if both the regular cast and nyos existed in the same universe
Chapters 1/4, 2,739 words
Ok, this one is a WIP, but the single chapter that there is so far can actually standalone, and contains four idiots being both Incredibly Sexy and Incredibly Stupid. I really like how I handled their dynamics here, and the ebb and flow of control between them.
       Small But Golden:  France and England watch a meteor shower together.
France/England - though it can be read as either friendship or romance (or both)
Oneshot, 1,285 words
Honestly, this one just made the list because it’s got one of my favourite stupid endings to a fruk fic I’ve written. These two old farts will bicker about anything, and they’re both so smug whenever they feel like they’re ‘winning’ - it makes it even more fun to write about them cocking up.
      For A Muse of Fire: I’m cheating, because this is my F!England Nationverse collection, but all of its works are very dear to me one way or another. Particular favourites for me though are:
Sweet Dear Tempting Mischiefs: Whitehall, England. May, 1672. Two young people, Nations, so in  love they're ridiculous. And, fancy clothes be damned, romantically  having sex up against a tree.
Oneshot, 13,851 words
This is my fic where there is a lot of pretty clothing and flirting, and f!England and Portugal are very, very soft and smitten with each other. And also they go horse-riding and then fuck up against a tree.
One of my tags on AO3 for this fic is ‘there’s a war on in the background and you wouldn’t be able to tell’, and that’s about everything you need to know about this fic after the pretty clothes, outdoor sex, and fluff.
Queen of the Golden River:  Hong Kong, Peking, Calcutta, Suez, Paris and London. 1859-1861. It shouldn’t be so difficult to throw a grand Christmas party for everyone, should it, not if you are the glorious empire that rules the world?
Chapter 1 features F!England and France (implied fruk) with a young Hong Kong, in Hong Kong, discussing the Opium Wars and China
Chapter 2 features F!England and Scotland with a young Australia and New Zealand, in Victoria (Australia)
Chapters 2/?, 9,591 words
Another WIP, but I think both of the chapters that already exist stand well as individual timestamp pieces, and I think they’re worth a read for the historical dynamics at the time.
A stupid amount of research went into just these two chapters, and I think they’re great if you like imperialistic conniving, awful romances and seriously dysfunctional families.
      Fruits of Immortality: France, England, and apples through the ages.
France/England, also featuring young America and Sealand
Oneshot, 2,800 words
This is just a series of snapshots of England and France through the eons around the theme of ‘apples’ - originally written as a gift for suddenlyapples. XD;;; It’s very soft and sweet, and features young England and France bickering about a dragon that eats shoes. (One of my favourite arguments that I’ve written for those two.)
A Star Is Moving Somewhere: Elaine has unexpected leave for the holidays. Julia didn’t expect Elaine to offer to spend it with her.
F!England/F!Prussia, F!Germany, Germany’s dogs (F!England/France and America mentioned)
A human AU featuring: Christmas nonsense but if the background is a futuristic space opera? (F!England is the captain of a spaceship.) Open relationships (the fruk in this are engaged to be married as a power alliance, but F!England is dating/sleeping with F!Prussia, and France is sleeping with America. Everyone knows and consents to this).
Oneshot, 4,195 words
Sob, I just think this is a really good piece of my own writing? Plus the ~sexy moment~ descends into funny chaos, and I personally love wrecking a potential sex scene like that.
     The Little Fox and its sequel Kitsune-mochi
A supernatural AU based upon a switch of canon Halloween costumes between Japan and England.
Vampire!Kiku adapts to suddenly becoming a vampire, and befriends baby kitsune!Arthur.
I don’t have a wordcount for these because I’ve not crossposted them to AO3 (yet) but they’re both just short pieces of fluff.
      Nothing Can Hurt You Here: a spaport oneshot I wrote as a gift for Trevo and Lunie for their Game of Thrones AU. Lunie has since wiped her stuff, I think, but Trevo’s tag for the AU still exists.
Oneshot, no word count available
IDEK, I just like how I wrote about the scenery and their wordplay. Hedonists.
      Wealh: The sharp thegn Coenwulf has just wed an uncanny wife, everyone agrees, a strange, competent but difficult woman. How vexing it is then, to be the foolish slave that loves her.
A human AU set in 7th century Anglo-Saxon England
F!England/F!France with incidental F!England/Netherlands, Belgium, Liechtenstein, Monaco and a few others
Oneshot, 31,006 words according to my notes on this (but I haven’t counted again since then)
Head’s up, this one was written for an event where I was assigned to write a tragedy and it deals with some serious topics such as slavery, but it’s seventh century femslash, I’m still so proud of it? I wanna add more to this story before it ever makes it to AO3, but it’s very far down my priorities, and I am intensely proud of everything there is for it already. (Also I think the NedEng parts are hot. /SHRUG)
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razberryyum · 5 years ago
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(via Twitter @suddenlyapples)
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francis-alianovna · 4 years ago
If you find any mistakes here, please let me know! Continually updating this (by hand) so it is a work in progress.
smachajewski - smallandsundry - smallnico - smilingkat - smilingmask - smokeywhalee - smooch0000 - smorescake - smudgeandfrank - sneaky-peekz - snoopywoopydoopy - snowhills - snowzapped - snuffins - so_mean13 - soaps - socallmeperi - sodam-art - sodii - sofiscribbles - softgaycontent - softjihopes - soggycardboardbox - solarcom - solisev - soloproject - soltian - sombraluna - someartstuffidik - sonnss - sonoflaufey - soperiso (aka crobby) - sophiasoelberg - sophiescribble - sottapop - soujiologist - sourpunch - sov-ja
spacealiencafe - spacedrunk - spacefeels - spacefucker - spamboni - spectorcorp - spectralarchers - speedmagick (aka briskfish) - spelacchiotto - Spencer Platt - spiderkatze - spiderstape - spidertams - spidurmans - spinalcordinjury - spinkickedbycody - splitsecondparadise - spoffyumi - spoiled-pizza - spooky-space-squid - spoopykilljoy - squaffle - squarandco - sqikumar - squidbiscuit - sreppub - srgatu - st4nd-by-me - st4rking - st-pam - stagnight - stanleyraymondkowalski - stanytork - stardazzle - starfaux64 - starkerstucky - starkmyarc - starline - starsandstark - starshinesoldier - starspangledtrash - stasiachan14 - steenericooh - stegozavr - Stephanie Hans - Stephen Byrne - Stephen Morrow - STEREΩ - stereowire - Steve Lieber - steverogersorbust - stewardoftheaeroplane - stillgirlfrommars - stjarnskrik - stop-ugly - stormysea - strangestudentharuini - strawberry-macchiato - strawhatana - streetfrightmanifesto - stuckybomb - studiokawaii - stumpytpdimples - stupidlittledyke - stupidpekopon (aka dappernation) - stupjam
suanpir - subatomic-hiker - subatomicbetty - suckboyjude - suckmydicknchokeonitiyieldmytime - suddenlyapples - sujimoon - sulamoon - sully-bean - summerofsalt - sumrlybadusername - suncity6 - sunflowerpirateart - sunglvr - sunless-garden - sunsetsovereign - sunshine-and-christmas-caryls - sunshinesuit - supaslim - super-clarke - super-moses - super-nat - superdecibels - superfan7 - superfred-art - supergrouphugs - superjustice - supermarisunshine - supernovember - superpuppet - superspikeart - suppiedoodles - supxrboy - sura - Susana Rodrigues - sute-zaru - suzukiblu - svenjaliv - svfffffffffff - swagjarvis - swagtashabromanov - swanstielarchive (aka meronmei) - sweatyshinguardssketchdump - sweetcatsbee - sweetpatrona - syamo1209 - syllirium - sylvershadoes - sym69ls - szarkajattila
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hnmimorlyo · 4 years ago
jc camboy au but it’s just him in his underwear ranting at his ever growing collection of diIdos for being too big and he always nopes out of using any of them. viewers are intrigued and keeps sending him more to be the -one- that gets sandu’s first time.
— apples『ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ』 (@suddenlyapples)
March 27, 2021
jiang cheng Arm perfec t size for put dog in to n\ap! inside very Soft and Comfort dog sleep soundly put dog in Jiang Cheng Arms. Put Dog In jiang cheng arms. no problems ever in jiangccheng arm because good Shape and Support for dog tummy. jiang-zongzhu arm yes a place for a dog
— ph☆e (@popplioikawa)
April 5, 2021
me, avoiding work: what if jiang cheng thinks he's going to die, like, gut wound, blood in his mouth and everything, right, and then he grabs Wen Qing's hand and pulls her in close, looking at her with glittering eyes and then zidian winds around her wrist, and he passes out
— wildehack (@wildehack)
March 24, 2021
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cirquecarte · 8 years ago
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oc commission for @suddenlyapples !! 
(Commissions are still open!)
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ayaweston · 5 years ago
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My shit. I just lost it.
has anyone seen my shit?
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eovin-hime · 6 years ago
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kim-quim · 8 years ago
Ahhhhhhhh where do I begin, ok so I found Sunshine mafia on Tapas quite a while ago and fell in love with it. And now here I am on your tumblr finding out that it is a haikyuu au. I feel dumb now but I still love it nonetheless. That is all I have to say and that you are also an awesome person for making sunshine mafia too and here's my question. What made you want to do this au and why did you put it on Tapas( best choice ever!)?
I’m happy you enjoy it, this makes me feel very loved to hear that! And don’t worry, there are a handful of people who don’t know its a HQ AU. So no sweats!Well to explain this, this was a discussion of “lol imagine Hinata as a baby son of Ushijima, a mafia boss” and it exploded from there jdkfgl. It was silly and fun and it made me want to draw a few comics for it. At that time, my friend @suddenlyapples was starting their series suddenly birbs on Tapas. They encouraged me to go for it and that was it! Thinking about this, this was way back. Time does fly.
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scribblyapples · 8 years ago
NAME CHANGE!!!!!!!!!!
SCRIBBLYAPPLES --> SUDDENLYAPPLES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
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ocean-of-junk · 8 years ago
RT @Promsienn: This is what happens when I have free time. Middle is by @suddenlyapples https://t.co/771RaFAH0H http://twitter.com/OrosheINSPACE/status/823484473257918464
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chikkou · 9 years ago
feliv said: Sometimes it’s PMS sometimes it’s just the fun of being a woman :/ I get that too. oddchamp said: sometimes when you’re on your period, your boobs can get sore. idk if you’re on your period or not but i thought that might help
i dont even know if im getting my period tbh i havent had it in like 2 months
suddenlyapples said: expand
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