explainlearning · 8 days
College Study Group: Looking for Better Results? Here's How to Make it Work
A well-functioning college study group can be a powerful tool for academic success. By following the tips outlined above and leveraging the resources available on Explain Learning, you can create a collaborative learning environment that fosters deeper understanding, motivation, and ultimately, better results. So, gather your classmates, set clear goals, and embark on a rewarding learning journey together!
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10 Easy Ways To Tackle Homework
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1) Get Organized
Organization is the cornerstone of effective homework management. Invest in a comprehensive planner or digital calendar to meticulously document all upcoming tests, quizzes, and assignments. This proactive approach ensures you stay ahead of deadlines and fosters a sense of control over your academic responsibilities. Break down tasks further within your planner, creating a roadmap that transforms daunting assignments into manageable steps.
2) Set Aside a Specific Time for Homework
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Time management is pivotal for academic success. Instead of relying on post-school fatigue to magically complete homework, establish a dedicated time slot. Whether it’s immediately after school or later in the evening, adhering to a consistent schedule fosters discipline and minimizes procrastination. This intentional approach transforms homework from a vague obligation into a structured routine, enhancing productivity and reducing stress.
3) Create a Study Space
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Crafting an optimal study environment is crucial. Identify a quiet, distraction-free space conducive to focused work. If the home environment lacks tranquility, consider alternatives such as the library or a coffee shop. This deliberate selection of a study space sets the stage for effective learning, minimizing disruptions and maximizing concentration.
4) Break Up Your Work
The strategy of breaking down assignments into smaller, more manageable components is a cognitive game-changer. When faced with a complex task, such as writing an essay or preparing for a test, dissect it into distinct phases. Begin with brainstorming, progress to outlining, and conclude with the execution of the task. This method not only enhances efficiency but also promotes a systematic understanding of the subject matter.
5) Take Breaks
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Recognizing the importance of mental rejuvenation, incorporate regular breaks into your study routine. Prolonged study sessions are not only counter productive but also mentally exhausting. Incorporate short breaks every 20 minutes to engage in mindless activities like scrolling through social media or enjoying a snack. This strategic pause boost your mental activities, contributing to sustained focus and overall well-being.
6) Get Rid of Distractions
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A focused study environment demands the elimination of potential distractions. Beyond choosing a quiet space, actively remove devices and stimuli that may divert your attention. Put away your phone, turn off the television, and, if necessary, employ noise-canceling headphones. This intentional decluttering of your study space enhances concentration, allowing for a more immersive and efficient study experience.
7) Find a Study mate
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Collaborative learning is a powerful tool in mastering challenging subjects. If you encounter difficulties in a particular class, seek out a study buddy. Choose a friend who shares the same class and is willing to engage in joint study sessions. This collaborative effort fosters an exchange of ideas, clarification of concepts, and mutual support. Don’t hesitate to consult your tutor if additional guidance is needed.
8) Make Use of Technology
Leverage the wealth of technological resources available to streamline your homework experience. Applications of technology provide organizational support, helping you keep track of assignments and due dates. Online platforms offer interactive learning tools, including practice problems and flashcards. Integrating technology into your study routine enhances efficiency and facilitates a dynamic approach to learning.
9) Reward Yourself
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The psychology of reward plays a significant role in maintaining motivation. Upon completing your daily tasks, implement a system of rewards. These need not be extravagant; simple indulgences like watching an episode of your favorite TV show or enjoying a tasty treat can serve as effective incentives. This positive reinforcement not only makes the homework process more enjoyable but also cultivates a sense of accomplishment.
10) Get Enough Sleep
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Undoubtedly, the foundation of cognitive well-being lies in adequate sleep. Prioritize a consistent sleep schedule, aiming for at least 8 hours each night. Sufficient sleep contributes to enhanced concentration, improved focus, and heightened energy levels. By valuing your sleep, you not only optimize your academic performance but also promote overall physical and mental health. Your homework endeavors, as well as your grades, will undoubtedly reflect the benefits of a well-rested mind.
Concluding the discourse on tackling homework emphasizes the transformative power of proactive and disciplined study habits. Acknowledging that homework need not be a source of stress, the conclusion underscores the importance of approaching assignments systematically. By starting early, maintaining consistency, and adopting these strategies, students can not only navigate homework efficiently but may even find a sense of enjoyment in the learning process. The message emphasizes that practice, routine, and a positive mindset are integral to mastering the art of homework.
In essence, the journey of tackling homework transcends the immediate completion of assignments; it becomes a holistic approach to academic growth and personal development. Each tip serves as a building block, constructing a foundation upon which students can handle the academic landscape with confidence and competence. Through these strategies, the once formidable task of homework is not merely conquered but transformed into a constructive and fulfilling endeavor.
For Homework or Assignments;
Email us at;
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d10nsaint · 8 months
req ?!; here
saint, stfu (`ー´) ?!; me writing…? AGAIN?!
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Usually, you never cared about other people’s test scores, and only made sure you got in the top 10 when looking at your school’s scores. Your school was too dangerous for you to be getting curious with others, after all. But recently, a certain student caught your eye. Gamin Yoon. You’d noticed he’d been following you around, trying to talk to you, but he never did. Always asking you what you got on tests, always smiling in your direction when you take tests, the whole stalker effect.
Always taking last place on the score boards, but you always saw him studying. The president of the study group, but he was stupid. Something wasnt adding up.
You decided to take the initiative and talk to him instead (mostly because of curiosity, but also because it was getting annoying having him practically stalk you). And it turns out he wanted you to join the study group, and specifically, as a tutor. (mostly for him, but whatever.)
Tutoring Gamin was a full time job.
Sure, he tried, and sure, he did all of his work, but, to be honest? You’d never met someone so stupid in your life.
Once a week study sessions turned into 3 times a week, turned to every weekday, to every day. And only then did you see an improvement in his scores.
His reaction to his tests scores made you feel so proud of yourself for being such a good teacher—the way he ran down the halls to show you his test score, rambling his thanks to you, and talking about how he couldnt have done it without you.
Gamin had promised you that as soon as his grades had gotten up, you wouldn’t have had to tutor him anymore, but to be honest, spending time with him was…fun.
You’d never tell him, though.
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studywithasteria · 2 years
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updating my bujo today 🫧
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hinakonotediary · 2 years
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professoredu · 3 months
Struggling to remember what you study? Try these tips:
1. Break information into smaller chunks.
2. Use mnemonic devices (Mnemonic devices include rhymes, acronyms, visualization techniques, or creating memorable phrases or stories to help encode and retrieve information more effectively.
3. Practice retrieval.
4. Stay organized.
5. Get enough sleep.
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ithisatanytime · 9 months
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It's that time of year again! 📆Are you ready for the Holmes T1 2023 Final Assessment? Here are some of our top tips for success:💡 Start early - give yourself plenty of time to prepare and complete your assignments.📚 Research thoroughly - use reliable sources to research your topics and ensure accuracy.✍️ Use spellcheck - double-check your work to spot any typos or errors before submitting. 🤝 Reach out for help - if you’re feeling overwhelmed, reach out to us at Marvel Assignment Help. We're here to help you ace your final assessment! 🤩
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kpopdramanews · 1 year
NU’EST’s Hwang Min Hyun Could Join as Lead for Webtoon-Based KDrama ‘Study Group'
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explainlearning · 12 days
The Benefits of Learning a New Language in a Group: Worth the Team Effort
Contemplating embarking on a new language learning journey? While solo learning has its merits, language study groups offer a unique set of advantages that can significantly enhance your experience. This article explores the benefits of learning a language in a group, helping you decide if it’s the right fit for you and your learning goals.
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10 Tips on How to Study for Medical School
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Mastering Time Management
Embarking on the journey of medical school introduces a myriad of challenges, chief among them being the effective management of time. Recognizing the seemingly limited hours in a day, the key lies in adopting a day-by-day approach and establishing a routine that fosters success. Prioritizing tasks, meticulous planning, and incorporating strategic breaks are integral components that enhance both confidence and efficacy in the demanding role of a medical student.
Thorough preparation before the commencement of each class is an impactful strategy. Engaging in pre-class reading enables students to gain a deeper grasp of the lecture’s organization, allowing them to focus on pivotal concepts. This not only facilitates active participation but also positions students to ask informed questions, showcasing a genuine interest and mastery of the subject matter.
2. The Power of Note-Taking
In the intricate landscape of medical school, note-taking emerges as a linchpin for success. Beyond the lecture hall, effective note-taking during readings serves as a powerful tool for managing the deluge of information. Organizing this wealth of material systematically, capturing the essence of each concept, transforms these notes into a potent study guide.
Taking notes not only aids in the recording of information but also serves as an invaluable aid in understanding complex material. The act of transcribing information in one’s own words, essentially explaining concepts to oneself, deepens comprehension and acts as a reinforcing mechanism for challenging subjects.
3. Continuous Learning
Unlike the strategies that sufficed during undergraduate studies, medical school demands a paradigm shift toward continuous learning. The vast curriculum and extensive memorization requirements necessitate a commitment to ongoing, consistent learning. Regular self-testing, routine revisiting of material, and the cultivation of ‘clinical pearls’ — succinct, significant pieces of information — become daily habits that fortify a student’s knowledge base.
The concept of ‘clinical pearls’ transcends the classroom, extending into the professional realm of practicing physicians. As future doctors, adopting these daily learning practices positions students on the trajectory of lifelong learning, a cornerstone of the medical profession.
4. Memory Tricks and Mnemonics
Navigating the labyrinthine landscape of medical knowledge requires innovative memory aids, and mnemonic devices emerge as indispensable allies. Acronyms, memorization phrases, and even the melodic arrangement of information to music serve as effective tools for enhancing memory retention.
Physicians themselves often rely on these mnemonic devices, creating a lexicon of memorable acronyms and phrases that enable them to recall critical information effortlessly. From recalling the signs of a stroke to understanding what passes through the placenta, these memory tricks transform the daunting task of memorization into an engaging and effective learning experience.
5. Know Your Study Sweet Zone
Understanding one’s individual learning strengths is a cornerstone of effective study strategies. Every student possesses a unique learning style, whether through auditory, visual, or other methods. Tailoring study techniques to align with these strengths enhances the overall learning experience and optimizes the absorption of complex medical concepts.
For auditory learners, exploring options such as recording lectures for later review over headphones can be particularly beneficial. On the other hand, visual learners may find sketching and diagramming organ systems to be powerful aids for comprehension. The key to success lies in identifying one’s strengths and leveraging them in the pursuit of medical knowledge.
6. Create Your Study Sanctuary
Amidst the bustling demands of medical school, the creation of a dedicated study space, a ‘study palace,’ becomes imperative. This sanctuary, a space entirely under your control, serves as an oasis of concentration free from distractions. Whether it’s a private room at home or a cubicle in the library, this designated study space becomes the canvas for focused and uninterrupted learning.
Minimizing electronic distractions within this study sanctuary is crucial. In an era of constant connectivity, silencing notifications and carving out dedicated time for focused learning contributes significantly to concentration and overall academic success.
7. Seek Help When Needed
Navigating the complexities of medical school inevitably brings moments of challenge and confusion. During these times, the importance of seeking help cannot be overstated. Whether turning to peers, instructors, or professors, recognizing the need for assistance is a strength, not a weakness.
Approaching professors with questions or seeking clarification on unclear concepts is a proactive step toward academic success. Instructors are not only well-equipped to provide guidance but also appreciate students who show initiative in their learning journey. Additionally, post-exam meetings with professors offer invaluable opportunities for deeper insights, clarification, and personalized study techniques.
8. Form Study Groups
The friendships forged in medical school extend beyond mere camaraderie; they become a cornerstone of academic support. The intensity of studying in medical school is a shared experience among peers. Forming study groups not only provides mutual support but also enhances collaborative learning.
Teaching concepts to fellow students within these study groups serves a dual purpose. Not only does it enhance your own understanding of a concept, but it also creates a dynamic and engaging learning environment. As you collectively navigate the challenges of medical school, the bonds formed in these study groups can last a lifetime.
9. Get Quality Sleep
Pulling an all-nighter to study at the last minute is only going to hurt you in the long run. Your brain needs sleep to retain all the information you’re reviewing. Getting enough sleep each night and keeping a fairly regular schedule is vital to feeling and performing your best.
10. Stay Encouraged
You may be accustomed to school success coming easily, but medical school challenges even the brightest students. No matter how challenging the courses, don’t give up. Remember why you started this journey in the first place!
For Instant Health Science Assignment Help Email: [email protected]
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d10nsaint · 1 year
CUPID☆— minhwan ma x reader. request here
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“Theres no way in hell im going in that thing!”
“It’l be fun, pleaaaseee?”
You and Minhwan were in the street—particularly in the shopping district— and found a photo booth. A real one. You didnt even know that they made those things any more, but the moment Minhwan saw the pink booth he immediately begged you to go take pictures with him.
“ugh, fine!” You groaned as you gave in to his puppy eyes, his pale lips pouting as a way to get you to take the pictures.
“Yay! It’ll be Just this once-“
You both stepped into the booth setting your shopping bags on the floor. Minhwan put the money into the machine, and waited for the screen to load. You grumbled, watching him pick effects and filters for the photos.
“Alright, say cheese!”
Minhwan pulled you closer to him in front of the camera, with the brightest smile that you’d ever seen. You’d almost forgotten he was insane.
You blushed and smiled into the camera, wrapping your arms around Minhwan’s small frame. The filters werent shown on the screen as you both took your pictures.
when you both were finished, Minhwan grabbed the bags and rushed to the outside of the booth where the photos came out.
“Oh my—Hey, why do I look like that?” You looked down at the photos and squinted, looking at all of the insane stuff that was projected onto your face.
“I want a do-over! And i pick the filters this time!”
Minhwan showed you his cat-like smile, and shrugged his shoulders.
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acesolaris · 2 years
Education in a Solarpunk World
Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel. ~ Socrates
I'm very passionate about knowledge. I'm extremely curious and love to share everything and anything. As you might notice when scrolling though this blog, I love to deepdive into topics and pile and sort the informaton I find, both for me but also for others.
I'm also living in a western european country and my school system is terrible. So bad in fact, I gave up my wish to become an schoolteacher and followed another passion. There are other well articulated and better researched sources that go into the why our school sytem is this way. I'll only talk about my vison to make it better.
The whole plan is creating an individualized curriculum for each student with a focus on creating citizens who are mentally-balanced, socially well-adjusted and know how to think, so the teaching would differ for each student.
My Solapunk version of education, has three pillars.
The first is free education. Free acess to the Institutions, but also the knowledge through libraries, free acess to the Internet, free acess to academic studies. Free acess reagardless of age. there is a minimum time you have to spend in education, but lifelong couriosity, learning and exchange is encouraged, even after you started doing your chosen daily labour in the community.
The second pillar is the fact that the concept of general knowledge is a construct by the society and state you live in. So let's completely revamp this. I strongly believe that general knowlede should be considered everything that helps you taking care of yourself when you don't have acces to the help of others. Examples out of my head are cooking, basic maintenance of your home/prosessions/garden, first aid, but also how to get and revaluate knowlede you need and don't have. That, and a basic understanding of numbers, reading and reading comprehension to evaluate what you are reading and be able to apply it to your life. To properly form arguments and comunicate in a non-vilolent way. Thats the basic curriculum, the shell so to speak. It doesnt matter how you learn it, via games, from your parents or classes you take. You can't leave education untill you have proven to function in those in your way.
Ok, so the kids earn those skills in peer groups of around five or six people for as long as they need in their own pace, but what about, you know, everything else? They get let loose. There might be some age restriction on topics, but what I envison is pure interest and passion driven learning. There's no classes or grades, just develloping skills and knowledge. Every day there are three or four discussion pannels or lectures to a weirdly specific topic, like the manuscrips of Timbuktu, the life and times of Ghandi or how to best craft a basket out of different plant fibres. And anyone who wants can submitt a topic, and if it interests you, you go, otherwise you stay and work on your linewight in your drawing or solve math problems. Depending on your learning style, there 're videos, audiobooks, texts and writings in differnt lengths in differnt formating from bullet points to tomes. There are workshops, and studygroups, games and media that cover every topic you possibly want to learn about. It doen't matter when you do it, it matters that you do it. If you are a night owl, you come at 9pm, if you only can focus for 30 min before having to switch the topic, you can, if you leave with 15 because you are sick of learning you can come back with 21 when you regrett dropping out. Time doesn't matter.
There is a third pillar which is the treatment of children as actual people. Up until I was 18 years and suddently an adult my no was never respected, unless I gave an essay on why I didn't want to. Simply because I was a child and my parents knew better- every adult knew better. Which I see everywhere, and people are wondering why consens is such a dificult concept to establish as we have to learn that No is adequate. No justifications, just a No. So the learning Institute has scientists and social workers present, who are accessible as someone the students might go to for advice when needed with whatever neeed might come up: assist in finding resoures or give input and correction on fake news, or they may act as mediators in case-you know- kids being kids. Overall however, there is the understanding that children have a certain autonomity they can adjust themselves to give up or keep. Children are people and are treated as such.
The students keep a portfolio of their skills, both as a resource of knowlege and memento. Plus, after spending a specific minimum time depeding on how easy you learn the "general skills" you would be allowed to submitt this portfolio to a council of scientist chosen by you who will certify you for your chosen field of studies. You don't need to, but from my own experience having a ceritficate of your skills is damn sattisfying. And you can do it immediatly when you are free to or wait five more years because you don't feel ready. Again, the choice is yours.
Remember, you can stay as long as you want and even after shifting your focus away to the application of your skills in the community, you are free to participate in the discussions and give lectures. Everyone is allowed to give them, after all. Scientists are conducting their reserach at specific research centres that are connected to the education centres and the students are allowed there after a certain age or reaching a level of knowlege deermined by the scentists working on the project.
There are questions up for debate of course, especially how we want to teach history, tackle the things we did to each other and the planet. My country is prized for how selfreflected we are but our political climate sugests otherwise so, it's still open.
A small Linkspam on topic:
@safety-net-did muses about what should be considered general knowledge which inspired this post as well as @queerspacepunks contribution.
one of the many tumblr discussions on how children are a repressed class
another one on the same topic
a post of @missmentell on resources to learn basic life skills of adults
this reddit discussion on how to remember history.
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nicegaai · 8 months
sorry if this is kind of unhinged but im considering buying a set of books rn:
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these came recommended from a trusted source, and i found some reasonably priced secondhand copies.. i havent pulled the trigger yet but i cant stop thinking about them ...........
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adamaskwhy · 2 years
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Juniperus davurica "parsonii" (Parson's juniper. What was misidentified for ever as a Juniperus chinensis). Kathrin's tree, it was the winner of the Literati Grove award at Komorebi 2019. We've been letting it grow these last few years with minor adjustments and today at the Sarasota Studygroup it was time for some cutting, detail wiring to come in February. It's in a Thor pot and was originally styled by Rodney Clemons #bonsai #bonsaitree #bonsaiart #literatibonsai #juniperbonsai @kathrin2020 @ekitainoken.eth @komorebibonsai @literatigrove (at Adam's Art & Bonsai Studio Nursery) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClsAZwNNzdn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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starryuniversitas · 2 years
if you wanna join my ✨ yeolpumta studygroup✨ here’s the link:
i hope it works and there’s no requirements you only need to be some sort of a student 🥺🖤
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