#Strontium titanate
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Enhanced superconductivity in monolayer FeSe films on SrTiO₃(001) via metallic δ-doping
Interface engineering has been proven to be effective in discovering new quantum states, such as topological states, superconductivity, charge density waves, magnetism, etc., which require atomic-scale heterostructure fabrication. Monolayer FeSe on SrTiO3 substrates has attracted intense interest owing to its remarkable interface-enhanced superconductivity. Previous experimental investigations disclosed significant interfacial electron transfer to the FeSe monolayer, from the TiO2-δ charge reservoir layer with oxygen vacancies as the intrinsic donors. Moreover, the monolayer FeSe exhibits additionally enlarged gap magnitudes than other electron-doped FeSe (i.e., 15–20 meV vs. 12 meV), which has been attributed to the cooperative contribution from electron-phonon coupling with specific longitudinal optical phonon modes from TiO2-δ surfaces.
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miirshroom · 17 days
Elden Ring Elemental Allegory Hypothesis
So there's a question that has been on my mind for a while: does this Buckler shield look like a Helium atom?
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There is an episode of Stargate SG-1 called "The Torment of Tantalus". A researcher named Ernest Littlefield has been stranded alone on a alien planet for over 50 years since 1945. The planet was called Heliopolis and was at one point the centre of power for Ra - a parasitic snake-like alien that lived inside a human host and presented himself as a god to the people of Earth. But long before this the planet was once the meeting place of 4 alien groups who communicated using the universal language - atoms.
I think it possible that one of the more subtle layers of Elden Ring is in using references to the periodic table of the elements to fill in some gaps in knowledge.
Summation of Sets - counting Rivets and Gemstones
For reasons that will become apparent later, the Buckler Shield is actually not the best example to start with because it is too generic and represents a few too many possibilities. Two better examples would be the Riveted Shield and Moon of Nokstella as both examples could be construed as referencing the moon (Selene):
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Riveted Wooden Shield: Outer ring: 12 electrons - magnesium (Mg) Inner detail: 22 electrons - titanium (Ti) Combined: 34 electrons - selenium (Se)
Moon of Nokstella: Ring of small gems: 34 electrons - selenium (Se) Gems in settings: 4 electrons - beryllium (Be) Combined: 38 electrons - strontium (Sr)
I had an entire other post breaking down the elements of the Moon of Nokstella. But here I will run through the Riveted Wooden Shield.
The Riveted Wooden Shield is starting equipment for the Warrior class and the image upon it is of a sword and tree. The most likely reading of this is that the "tree" is represented as a conifer above ground and it's root system below ground, and the sword bisects these horizontally. The odd curvature of lines above and below the sword tip suggests also that the sword pierces a round object - perhaps an eye or full moon. The aesthetic of the Warrior implies a connection with the Blind Swordsman who long ago sealed the God of Rot, and indeed the head piece of this set covers and blinds the right eye (from the vantage of someone looking at the character). The right eye is associated with the eye of Horus and the moon in contrast to the left eye being the eye of Ra and the sun.
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Magnesium, Titanium, and Selenium are all elements with connection to Greece. Selenium is named for Selene, the Ancient Greek word for the moon. Being the synthesis of inner and outer rivets this indicates the end product of the Blue Dancer/Blind Swordsman's actions - creation of a moon. As discussed further with the Moon of Nokstella, I believe this to be creation of the black moon or dark moon as selenium is a dark silvery metal.
Titanium is named similarly for the Greek Titans. The Titans were the pre-Olympian gods such as Gaia (earth), her son and husband Uranus (sky), their 6 male children, and 6 female children. The most well know titan is Cronus, the leader of the Titans who castrated and overthrew his father Uranus to become the god associated with the sky and the planet Saturn. The eldest of the Olympians are offspring of Cronus and Rhea: Hestia (Vesta - Virgin goddess of the hearth), Demeter (Ceres/Isis), Hera (Juno), Poseidon (Neptune), and Zeus (Jupiter). Some other Titans of note are the titan Hyperion and titaness Theia whose offspring were Helios (sun), Selene (moon) and Eos (dawn). And also Iapetus, father of the Titans Atlas (who holds up the celestial spheres (stars) on his shoulders) and Prometheus (who brought fire to man).
The name of elemental magnesium "comes from Magnesia, a district of Thessaly (Greece) where the mineral magnesia alba was first found". The word "magnet" has a similar origin as natural lodestones were also found in Magnesia. In the 1st or 2nd century BC there was an astronomer and thaumaturge named Aglaonice of Thessaly who was best known as a sorceress able to 'make the moon disappear from the sky'. It is the speculation of modern astronomers that this means that she could predict the general timeframe when a lunar eclipse would occur.
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"Plutarch wrote that she was "thoroughly acquainted with the periods of the full moon when it is subject to eclipse, and, knowing beforehand the time when the moon was due to be overtaken by the earth's shadow, imposed upon the women, and made them all believe that she was drawing down the moon." Peter Bicknell notes that in most lunar eclipses the Moon does not disappear completely, but simply takes on a reddish hue. The ancient sources which discuss Aglaonice do not describe such a change of colour and there is no suggestion that she failed to convince observers that she was able to draw down the Moon. Bicknell speculates that in the first and second centuries BC there was a period in which the Moon appeared significantly less bright during the lunar eclipse due to variations in solar activity, and this might explain this apparent inconsistency." - Wikipedia article on Aglaonice
Overall, the point is that the shield can be read as indicating a time when the old Titans were supplanted by their offspring and thrown under the earth. This coincided with the old concept of the moon being replaced with a new one, which may be characterized as a lunar eclipse. Note that the landscape of the Lands Between is built upon the bodies of giants, and those giants are of a size to operate the Giant's Forge. And in agreement with the ancient mythic nature of this reading the Warrior is the oldest of all Tarnished - as the selection screen indicates "they were all warriors once".
Speculation on the Buckler Shield
Helium (He) would actually tie in quite nicely with the themes of Elden Ring. Its name is derived from "Helios" the Greek god of the sun, as the element was first observed via 7-prism electromagnetic spectroscopy instruments aimed at the sun. The first recorded observation of helium occurred during an eclipse on 18 August 1868 (also called "The King of Siam's Eclipse") by French astronomer Pierre Jules César Janssen. But it was not identified as a new element until a second astronomer - Norman Lokyer - observed the same spectral reading from England in October 1868 and confirmed the discovery with the help of chemist Edward Frankland.
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Helium is the only element to have been first discovered in outer space before being found on earth and is very abundant in both the sun and the planet Jupiter in our solar system. It was later found on earth and isolated by chemist William Ramsay in 1895. Ramsay was also known for discovering Neon, Argon, Krypton and Xenon, and for isolating and characterizing Radon in 1910. Helium has many industrial applications such as the cooling of superconducting magnets, arc welding, growing crystals for silicon wafers and as a safer gas for lifting airships than the flammable hydrogen gas. It is generated through alpha particle decay of radioactive elements.
A small metal roundshield. The bump in the center enables parrying techniques. A well-timed parry can break an enemy's stance, allowing a critical hit. Best suited for those prepared to take the risk to reap their reward.
The Buckler is starting equipment for the bandit class, or sold by Gatekeeper Gostoc. And based on this available information there is nothing that immediately stands out as relating to the shield being connected to helium. Although helium does have a fairly stable nucleus relative to its neighbours hydrogen and lithium, it is not what it is known for, and it is certainly not a metal. The description of the bump in the centre enabling parrying brings to mind the way that the nuclei of atoms will prefer to repel each other, thus performing nuclear fusion requires particles to be accelerated towards each other at very high speeds. Californium and Berkelium have been produced by bombarding Curium with alpha particles, Mendelevium is produced by bombarding Einsteinium with alpha particles.
There is a secondary explanation that fits - which is actually the first one that I had thought of. There is a theme in Elden Ring of shells. Turtles have shells that are symbolic of protecting secrets, snakes have shells (which don't match their species), the sorcerers have trays of shells sitting in their rises. One of the successful models of the atom is to arrange the electrons in shells, where the valence electrons in the outermost shell are available for bonding. It was coincidentally Edward Frankland again who introduced the concept of valence in the same year as the discovery of helium.
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The Buckler is made of an unspecified metal, and as it happens there are many elements which are found with 2 valence electrons in their outer shell. These include Zinc (Zn), Iron (Fe), Nickel (Ni), Cobalt (Co), Yttrium (Y), Vanadium (V), Scandium (Sc), Technetium (Tc), Cadmium (Cd), Lutetium (Lu), Hafnium (Hf), Tantalum (Ta), Tungsten (W), Rhenium (Re), Osmium (Os), Iridium (Ir), Mercury (Hg). As well as the entire alkaline earth metal group of Beryllium (Be), Magnesium (Mg), Calcium (Ca), Strontium (Sr), Barium (Ba), and Radium (Ra). Whittled down the periodic table to a mere 23 or so entries of interest - not bad! And at least 10 of these (in bold) were already thought by me to be elements of interest.
And by the traces of rust on the shield the "metal" in question could be simply iron. Iron has two electrons in the outer shell and is the heaviest element produced by the sun with nuclear fusion. Iron represents a transition point - for lighter elements energy is produced by nuclear fusion and for heavier elements energy is produced by nuclear fission. Although the Earth's core is largely composed of iron, most available elemental iron in the earth's crust originated from meteorites.
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This post is just an introduction to the kinds of things that I'm thinking about, really. Assuming the convention that rivets represent electrons there are so many other shields to sift through and cross reference with the other known information to confirm a real pattern. Other possible elemental references I have noticed: the variety of flame colours found in game being reminiscent of the colours produced in burning metals for flame tests; characters whose names or story themes represent mythological figures who have elements named for them; characters whose names contain a syllable that is a standard abbreviation for an element; and known types of metals incorporated in descriptions and visuals like gold, silver, copper, bronze, brass, iron, steel, etc.
And also, the buckler shield may be present in Elden Ring but it originated at least as early as Dark Souls. So that begs the question of how long ago could FromSoft have started playing with elemental metaphor go that uses the true atomic elements of the periodic table as inspiration lurking beneath an alchemical framing device.
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quasar1967 · 2 years
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2000 AD #225
15th Aug 1981
Cover: (Judge Death Lives)
Strontium Dog - The Gronk Affair (part 2) 
Nemesis the Warlock - book one (part 4) 
Ro-Jaws' 2000AD film review - Outland and Clash of the Titans
Judge Dredd - Judge Death Lives (part 2) 
Tharg's Future Shocks - Seeing is Believing! 
Meltdown Man (part 48) 
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lowduckcap · 8 months
Earth 3 - Lion
Young Justice (2010 - *) Series Continuity – Timeline: Between Season 1 & 2
Earth 3.
Crime Syndicate sent their new team of enforcers, the Team Titans, to deal with a trouble maker called “The Lion.” Their investigation lead them to a warehouse in Metropolis. Ultra Girl scanned the area and only found one man tinkering inside. Inertia went to sent in to scout for traps. He disappeared. Ultra Girl tried to break down the walls, but they were somehow reinforced and nearly broke her own hand. Talon tried to flush out the enemy with a gas weapon. No reaction. Scarab tried to compromise the structural integrity of the building with sonic attacks. The man inside seemed to notice, but went back to work. Finally, Magog outright shouted and challenged the Lion to a fight. At that, the entire warehouse turned green for a second and there was a massive explosion. When the dust cleared, all that was left was Magog. Metropolis was reduced to a crater. Ultra Girl was poisoned, burned and what was left fell kilometers away.
Earth 1.
A random warehouse in the middle of Metropolis manifests a green door that would logically go nowhere.
Rumors of a master mind criminal called The Lion shows up in Earth 1.
Lionel Luthor finds William Magnus ad recruits him for a project. The Metal Men.
By the time YJ reaches the end of Outsiders the duo has a team and has made
the first batch of Metal Men.
The Hero Team (Magnus Metal Men)
Gold – Iron – Lead – Tin – Platinum – Mercury – Copper
Lionel’s secret lab has made more given his research into Magnus technique.
The Hit Squad (Lionel’s Death Metal Men)
Plutonium – Uranium – Thorium – Radium – Strontium
The Heroes for Hire (Military Contract)
Cobalt – Nickel – Bismuth – Antimony
The Back Ups (In case of emergency)
Zirconium – Lithium – Aluminum – Silicon – Magnesium – Osmium – Zinc – Gallium – Silver – Iridium – Barium – Calcium – Sodium
What does the Lion want? A weapon against the Crime Syndicate. Once he perfects this technology, he’s going back.
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syntheticgems-org · 8 months
Buy Loose Gemstones Online, CZ Cubic Zirconia Stones, Natural Gems, Synthetic, Semi Precious, Precious Gem Stones for Wholesale
Supplier of synthetic gemstSone, man made gems, glass gemstone, cubic zirconia gemsstone, imitation gems, Lab created gems of all colors, size and shapes from china and thailand at wholesale price
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Purchase CZ CUBIC ZIRCONIA Precious stone AND LAB Made Manufactured GEMSTONE Straightforwardly FROM CHINA AND THAILAND Pearl Reducing Processing plant AT Discount Industrial facility Cost.
A wide range of CZ, Cubic Zirconia Jewel, Manufactured, Lab made variety unpleasant and cut Gemstone, gem and Mimicked pearls, Nano, Aqueous Biron Emerald, pulled Alexandrite, Moissanite and Lab Developed CVD/HPHT Precious stone and a wide range of Normal Gemstone purchase straightforwardly from China and Thailand Diamond reducing Plant at Industrial facility discount Cost.
Engineered Jewels has been doing business starting around 1975 and have Pearl Cutting plants in China and Thailand. We supply a wide range of Manufactured pearls, CZ cubic zirconia free jewels, Lab made diamonds, Lab developed Precious stone HPHT/CVD, Mossainite Precious stone, Opal jewels, Aqueous Biron Emerald, Pulled variety change Alexandrite, Nano gem Emerald, Regular Marcasite, CZ and Engineered Unpleasant gemstone and a wide range of Normal cut and cleaned Gemstones in all tones shapes and sizes. Purchase straightforwardly from China/Thailand Diamond reducing production lines at discount industrial facility cost for all gemstones. Natural gems
CUBIC ZIRCONIA Smooth Hazy - ALL Tones
Cabochon Gemstones are the one which is viewed as cut in a specific shape with a profoundly cleaned, round and raised top with a somewhat ill-fated base. A cabochon Gemstone can be cut in any organization yet, they were found in an Oval configuration frequently. We give all around slice cabochon gemstones to adornments makers and discount providers that emerge with various shapes.
LAB Made Jewels (SPINEL)
Impersonation gemstones are lab made to supplant the regular gemstones and also the most generally found mirroring gemstones in the market is Precious stone. With regards to precious stone replication simulants like engineered rutile or strontium titanate were utilized for a more extended period by us.We used to term these impersonation diamonds as fabricated materials since they were not a partner of nature. Glass and Plastic stones are the most widely recognized classes given by us which incorporate blue sapphire and plastic dots. We utilize the glass and plastic things like doublets and trios to invigorate normal pearls. We give devoted gemstone cuts that seem to be comparative for example garnet doublet seeming to be a ruby.
Alexandrite is one of the most uncommon types of a gemstone, it has a place with Chrysoberyl family has a few exceptional elements like high sturdiness and hardness too. Its standard substance property tends it to change its variety under daylight openness. Having a high structure of chromium alexandrite is the most extraordinary instance of Chrysoberyl gemstones when contrasted and titanium and iron. We convey high-scope of Alexandrite Gemstones for Gems makers and discount providers with an enduring life.
We give the best quality Aqueous Quartz gemstone for adornments producers and discount providers that emerge with unbending synthetic and actual properties that tend to adaptable and can be abstained into various organizations. We follow a normalized method in trim the state of the quartz gemstone as per the market interest.
Visit now: - https://www.syntheticgems.org/
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dersonwilliam · 8 months
Cvd diamond
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All types of CZ, Cubic Zirconia Diamond, Synthetic, Lab created color rough and cut Gemstone, crystal and Simulated gems, Nano, Hydrothermal Biron Emerald, pulled Alexandrite, Moissanite and Lab Grown CVD/HPHT Diamond and all types of Natural Gemstone buy directly from China and Thailand Gem cutting Factory at Factory wholesale Price.
Synthetic Gems has been in business since 1975 and have Gem Cutting factories in China and Thailand. We supply all types of Synthetic gems, CZ cubic zirconia loose gems, Lab created gems, Lab grown Diamond HPHT/CVD, Mossainite Diamond, Opal gems, Hydrothermal Biron Emerald, Pulled colour change Alexandrite, Nano crystal Emerald, Natural Marcasite, CZ and Synthetic Rough gemstone and all kinds of Natural cut and polished Gemstones in all colours shapes and sizes. Buy directly from China/Thailand Gem cutting factories at wholesale factory price for all gemstones.
Cabochon Gemstones are the one which is found to be cut in a certain shape with a highly polished, round and convex top with a slightly doomed base. A cabochon Gemstone can be cut in any format but still, they were found in an Oval format quite often. We provide well-cut cabochon gemstones for jewellery manufacturers and wholesale suppliers that come out with different shapes.
Imitation gemstones are lab created to replace the natural gemstones and moreover the most commonly found imitating gemstones in the market is Diamond. When it comes to diamond replication simulants like synthetic rutile or strontium titanate were used for a longer period by us.We used to term these imitation gems as synthetics since they were not a counterpart of nature. Glass and Plastic stones are the most common categories provided by us which include blue sapphire and plastic beads. We make the best use of the glass and plastic items like doublets and triplets to stimulate natural gems. We provide dedicated gemstone cuts that look similar i.e. garnet doublet looking like a ruby.
Alexandrite is one of the rarest forms of a gemstone, it belongs to Chrysoberyl family has several unique features like high durability and hardness as well. Its standard chemical property tends it to change its colour under sunlight exposure. Having a high composition of chromium alexandrite is the rarest case of Chrysoberyl gemstones when compared with titanium and iron. We deliver high-range of Alexandrite Gemstones for Jewellery manufacturers and wholesale suppliers with a long-lasting life.
We provide the best quality Hydrothermal Quartz gemstone for jewellery manufacturers and wholesale suppliers that come out with rigid chemical and physical properties that tend to flexible and can be refrained into different formats. We follow a standardised procedure in moulding the shape of the quartz gemstone according to the market demand.
Nano crystal is the new form of jewellery stone we deliver that got brewed under a high-temperature condition of 1500-1750 Celsius. We deliver high-quality nanocrystal gemstones for a varied set of jewellery manufacturers that is found to be a proper mixture of Silica, Zirconia, Alumina, Zinc, lithium and Magnesium. These homogeneous nano crystals are vastly distributed in the amorphous matrix. The homogeneous nano crystals pave the way for the formation of various physical and chemical elements like spinel, gahnite, sapphirine and other crystals..
We deliver best in class and high-quality natural gemstones for jewellery manufacturing and other commercial usages. We hold a wide range of natural gemstones that include both precious and semi-precious varieties like rubies, sapphires, emeralds, amethysts, and topaz. These natural gemstones are found to be minerals or organic substances which comes as highly durable, unique and long-lasting stones from our side. The natural gemstones we deliver holds similar chemical characteristics and varies with its colour and optical phenomenon. We offer the best quality and affordable natural gemstones that are available in several categories ranging from amethyst AAA to mystic topaz in the desired volume according to the demand of jewellery manufacturer.
We are the largest supplier of Cubic Zirconia, CZ loose gemstone, synthetic gems, CZ Machine cut, Nano crystal, Natural Gemstone, Star cut, Heart and arrow cut, cubic zirconia Rough, Moissanite Diamond, Lab created Star Ruby, Star Sapphire, Chatem Ruby, Emerald, Simulated Gems, Glass gems, Crystal gems, Imitation pearl, Hydrothermal quartz, Hydrothermal emerald, Flux Emerald, Pulled Alexandrite, Natural Emerald, Blue Star Sapphire, Citrine, Garnet, Peridot, Amethyst, White Topaz, Pink Topaz, Smoky Topaz, Blue Topaz, Baltic Amber, Green Amethyst, Iolite, Rhodolite, Pink Tourmaline, Tanzanite, Moonstone and White Diamond. Read More
Owner Name and Designation (CEO, Manager etc.): Vikorn Manoharnprath
Business Email Address:(Note: We will be using this information for the submission):
Address/Location:wouchow, guangxi - CHINA.
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Any other Temporary Address: +917358320959,   +66855551978, +86 13737877786
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Strontium Dog - Gronk, Johnny Alpha and Wulf drawn by Carlos Ezquerra for a Titan Books collection.
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transcognizi · 3 years
Periodic table of pronouns (aka chemical pronouns time)! Bolded are my personal favourites and the green ones are Extra Favourite. :)
Hydrogen – hy/hydros/hydroself
Helium – hel/helis/heliself
Lithium – li/lith/lithiself
Beryllium – be/ber/berself
Boron – bor/boros/boroself
Carbon – ca/car/carself
Nitrogen – ni/nitro/nitroself
Oxygen – ox/oxys/oxyself
Fluorine – fluo/fluor/fluoriself
Neon – ne/neos/neoself
Sodium – na/nas/naself
Magnesium – mag/mags/magneself
Aluminum – alu/alum/alumiself
Silicon – sil/silic/silicoself
Phosphorus – pho/phos/phoself
Sulfur – sul/sulf/sulself
Argon – ar/arg/argoself
Chlorine – chlo/chlor/chloriself
Potassium – kal/kalis/kaliself
Calcium – cal/calc/calself
Scandium – sca/scan/scandiself
Titanium – ti/titan/titaself
Vanadium – va/van/vanaself
Chromium – chro/chrom/chromiself
Manganese – ma/mang/mangaself
Iron – fe/fer/ferroself
Cobalt – co/cob/cobaself
Nickel – ni/nic/nicself
Copper – cu/cup/cupruself
Zinc – zin/zinc/zinself
Gallium – ga/gal/galliself
Germanium – ge/ger/gerself
Arsenic – as/ars/arself
Selenium – se/sel/seleniself
Bromine – bro/brom/bromiself
Krypton – kry/krypt/kryself
Rubidium – ru/rubi/rubiself
Strontium – stro/stron/strontiself
Yttrium – y/ytt/yttself
Zirconium – zi/zirc/zircoself
Niobium – nio/niob/nioself
Molybdenum – mo/mol/molself
Technetium – te/tec/techneself
Ruthenium – ruth/ruths/rutheself
Rhodium – rho/rhod/rhoself
Palladium – pa/palla/pallaself
Silver – ag/argen/agself
Cadmium – cad/cadm/cadmiself
Indium – in/ind/indiself
Tin – sta/stannum/staself
Antimony – an/antim/antiself
Tellurium – te/tellur/telluself
Iodine – io/iod/ioself
Xenon – xen/xens/xenoself
Cesium – ce/ces/ceself
Barium – ba/bar/bariself
Lanthanium – lan/lanth/lanself
Cerium – cer/cers/ceriself
Praseodymium – pra/pras/praself
Neodymium – neo/neod/neodyself
Promethium – pro/prom/promeself
Samarium – sa/sam/samariself
Europium – eu/eur/euroself
Gadolinium – gad/gads/gadoself
Terbium – ter/terb/terbiself
Dysprosium – dy/dys/dysproself
Holmium – hol/holm/holmiself
Erbium – er/erb/erbiself
Thulium – thu/thul/thuliself
Ytterbium – ytter/ytters/ytterself
Lutetium – lu/lute/luself
Hafnium – ha/haf/hafself
Tantalum – ta/tan/tanself
Tungsten – tun/tungs/tunself
Rhenium – rhe/rhen/rheself
Osmium – os/osm/osmiself
Iridium – ir/irid/iriself
Platinum – pla/plat/platiself
Gold – au/aurum/auself
Mercury – mer/merc/mercuself
Thallium – tha/thal/thalliself
Lead – plu/plum/pluself
Bismuth – bi/bis/bismuself
Polonium – po/pol/poloself
Astatine – at/ast/astaself
Radon – ra/rad/radoself
Francium – fra/fran/franself
Radium – rad/radis/radiself
Actinium – ac/actin/actiself
Thorium – tho/thor/thoriself
Protactinium – prota/protas/protaself
Uranium – u/ur/uraself
Neptunium – nep/nept/neptuself
Plutonium – pluto/pluton/plutoself
Americium – am/amer/ameriself
Curium – cur/curis/curiself
Burkelium – bur/burk/burself
Californium – cali/calis/califoself
Einsteinium – ei/ein/einself
Fermium – fer/ferm/fermiself
Mendelevium – mend/mends/mendself
Nobelium – no/nob/nobeself
Lawrencium – la/law/lawreself
Rutherfordium – ruther/ford/rutherself
Dubnium – du/dub/dubniself
Seaborgium – sea/seab/seaborself
Bohrium – boh/bohr/bohriself
Hassium – has/hass/hassiself
Meitnerium – mei/meit/meiself
Darmstadtium – dar/darm/darself
Roentgenium – roe/roen/roenself
Copernicum – cope/copern/copeself
Nihonium – nih/nihon/nihoself
Flerovium – fle/fler/fleroself
Moscovium – mos/mosc/moscoself
Livermorium – liv/liverm/liveself
Tennessine – ten/tennes/tenneself
Oganesson – og/ogan/ogaself
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Day 7: Power Armor
I don’t know why I put power armor on my list prompts; I’m hopeless drawing it. I’ve decided instead to do some chapters of Arcadia’s (my Fallout 4 OC) memoirs (which I ended up having published in a hardback book from Blurb).
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I rarely wear power armor — it’s clumsy, bulky, and I can’t sit down when I’m wearing it. And yet I’ve stubbornly held on to every last suit I’ve rescued from the muck, found on an abandoned train, or looted from the corpse of a murdered paladin. I can probably chalk it up to all those years I spent as a junior mechanic with Cal, fiddling with the nuts and bolts of machines we’d never need or use. I’m the same way today — when I need alone time, to distract myself from the brutal world beyond Sanctuary’s gates, I find myself with a screwdriver set and an ice-cold bottle of Nuka-Grape, scraping grease from the joints of a Brotherhood T-60, installing a new Stealth Boy in my Institute X-01, or replacing the halogen bulbs in all of my Vault Boy headlamps. It’s not just busy work; it’s much needed relaxation. Occasionally I invite Sturges and Todd to join me, as long as they keep quiet and let me work in peace.
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I can appreciate the need for developing weapons — even atomic weapons — in times of war; I don’t like it, but an arms race is an arms race. And successfully identifying a quantum strontium isotope to improve a soldier’s arsenal is part of that process. What I find disturbing — and granted, I’m no “beverageer” — is parlaying that discovery into the recipe for a refreshing carbonated soft drink. Maybe my notions of Nuka-Cola’s wholesome goodness are based on the naive impressions of a child, and maybe I’m too smitten with the family-friendly atmosphere of an amusement park dedicated to my favorite tonic, but turning battlefield superiority into bumper cars and parlor games is too much. The optimist in me hopes the company’s actions were a way of balancing the karmic scales, but my cynical side sees only sales graphs and marketing ploys. As far as I’m concerned, Nuka-Cola is and always will be an invigorating pick-me-up — nothing more, nothing less.
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I remember the magazine articles and newsreels before the War, about the big business of propaganda and advertising. I remember seeing pictures of power armor emblazoned with the names of the household products we all had in our pantries. Some seemed more valid than others. Abraxo made sense — I know full well the value of industrial grade scouring powder to keep mud and blood off a critical piece of hardware. And during wartime, I suppose a suit of armor promoting the satisfying sour apple taste of Vim Refresh was entirely logical — at least in Maine. But what I didn’t understand then, and which seems just as foolish now, is a T-51 advertising sweetened breakfast cereal. Beyond providing 100% of your recommended daily allowance of sugar, I don’t see how it helps to have Sugar Bombs represented on the battlefield — unless it was morbid irony, one kind of bomb preceding another. I’d like to think, though, that the promoters were more sensitive than that. They had to be, right?
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On account of Sheffield’s feelings, there aren’t too many drunken nights in Sanctuary — but when we do tie one on, it’s memorable. Our last party began as others have: Buddy’s unending supply of ice cold Gwinnett, Cait goading Preston about Quincy, Marcy having one too many and melting down in tears, and Codsworth making “dead soldier” jokes. I got into a friendly argument with Titan about the upkeep on the rad scrubbers in my X-01; before long we were deep in a rambling, incoherent discussion about power armor “done right”. The details are hazy after that, but I remember Sturges lugging the pieces of a surplus Brotherhood T-60 to the frame while Todd dashed off to the Red Rocket to fetch his favorite blowtorch. We must have worked straight through to morning. That afternoon, tiptoeing through a minefield of tools and screws and scraps, I discovered our “masterpiece”.
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la-bassijysuis · 4 years
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« La vaccination obligatoire, qui revient à une expérimentation humaine sans consentement, est contraire au Code de Nuremberg », expliquait Mary Holland, docteur en droit et professeur d’Université à la tribune des Nations Unies, le 4 mai 2016.
En effet, à la suite des atrocités médicales nazies, le monde a adopté le Code de Nuremberg qui affirme que « le consentement volontaire du sujet humain est absolument essentiel ».
Le pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques souligne également l’interdiction de l’expérimentation dans son texte de 1966.
Il stipule : « Nul ne peut être soumis sans son libre consentement à une expérience médicale ou scientifique. »
Opposer le Code de Nuremberg et le pacte des droits civils et politiques à la vaccination de force est parfaitement approprié.
Nous sommes bien confrontés à une expérimentation humaine de génie génétique d’ampleur mondiale qui comprend deux volets :
1°) le volet chimico-biologique puisque les vaccins contiennent du Phénol, Thimerosal, Mercure, Aluminium, Ethylène Glycol, Formol, Benzetonium, Squalène, SV40, cellules cancérisées, Benzonase, ADN et ARN viraux, Edulcorants, OGM, albumine humaine, antibiotiques sous forme de trace de néomycine, polymyxine B, kanamycine, gentamycine, streptomycine, trométamol.
Ces éléments combinés sont mutagènes et à une certaines doses mortels.
2°) le volet nanométrique puisque les vaccins contiennent des nano-composants de tungstène, titane, zirconium, hafnium, strontium, aluminium, nickel, fer, antimoine, chrome, or, zinc, platine, argent, bismuth, cérium, cuivre, plomb, étain, baryum, vanadium, magnésium, souffre, silicium, calcium, sodium, manganèse…
Les preuves de la présence de ces nanocomposants vaccinaux ont été apportées par les docteurs Antonietta M Gatti et Stefano Montanari pour le Conseil National de Recherche d’Italie.
Les résultats de leurs nano-diagnostics ont été publiés dans l’International Journal of Vaccines le 23 Janvier 2017. (voir Morphéus n°81).
Les résultats de ce nano-diagnostic sur 44 vaccins dont les onze obligatoires sont sur les bureaux de tous les fabricants de vaccins.
Ces derniers, n’ayant aucune réponse scientifique à apporter, s’empressent de mettre leurs sbires aux postes des ministères de santé publique.
Ils entendent tuer dans l’œuf cette information et prendre des mesures très coercitives pour imposer leurs vaccins.
Protections juridiques
Il existe d’autres protections juridiques par exemple : l’article 3 de la Déclaration des droits de l’homme, le nouveau Code civil qui reconnaît le principe du respect à l’intégrité du corps humain, l’article 36 du code de déontologie médicale, les différents arrêts de la Cour sur l’information transparente due au patient.
Citons aussi la loi Kouchner disant qu’aucun acte médical ne peut être pratiqué sans consentement libre et éclairé du patient. Enfin, l’article 1111 de la santé publique dit que tout citoyen a le droit à la liberté d’accepter ou de refuser un acte médical, et la vaccination est un acte médical.
Cependant, la preuve est faite qu’il s’agit d’une expérimentation vaccinale nano-chimico-biologique sans le consentement des populations, cela relève bien du Code de Nuremberg et du pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques.
Il s’agit donc bien de traduire tous les acteurs de cette folie vaccinale expérimentale devant une Cour de Justice Internationale qu’ils aient réussi ou non à imposer leurs soupes vaccinales…"
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Short X-ray pulses reveal source of light-induced ferroelectricity in SrTiO₃
Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter (MPSD) in Hamburg, Germany and the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in the United States have gained new insights into the development of the light-induced ferroelectric state in SrTiO3. They exposed the material to mid-infrared and terahertz frequency laser pulses and found that the fluctuations of its atomic positions are reduced under these conditions. This may explain the emergence of a more ordered dipolar structure than in equilibrium and of a ferroelectric state when the material is excited with laser pulses. Mid-infrared and terahertz frequency laser pulses are powerful tools to manipulate the properties of quantum materials through tailored modifications of their crystal structure. Light-induced ferroelectricity in SrTiO3 is a remarkable demonstration of these physics.
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vanzish · 7 years
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So in my fictional universe (for which i’m currently making a comic) there’s hockey ofc since it consumes my life. Therefore i created some team logos for it! The main focus of my comic isn’t hockey, but i’m def. gonna include matches and stuff!
In my world, cities are named after metals.
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downthetubes · 6 years
Judge Dredd Co-Creator Carlos Ezquerra dies aged 70
Judge Dredd Co-Creator Carlos Ezquerra dies aged 70
Carlos Ezquerra. Photo: Lisa Mills
Carlos Ezquerra, legendary co-creator of Judge Dredd, Strontium Dog and many more all-time classics for 2000AD has died, aged 70.
One of the all-time greatest comic book artists, the Spanish illustrator was one of the titans of 2000AD but had recently been fighting a second battle with cancer, which had forced him to reluctantly cancel UK appearances, hoping to…
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diffractor · 6 years
Nuclear Physics Infodump: Nucleosynthesis Part 2
4: Type Ia supernovas. 
Actually, as weird as it seems, classical supernovas don’t produce that many elements (well, they do, but those elements were mostly in the star already and just got blasted into space). If you thought most of the heavy elements come from supernovas, I’m sorry, but you’ve been bamboozled. This is because a core-collapse supernova isn’t particularly fusion-powered. The power source is something much weirder. Beta decay (neutron->proton+electron) releases an antineutrino. Running beta decay in reverse (proton+electron->neutron) releases a neutrino. You pretty much never have enough pressure to run beta decay in reverse, but your massive star just ran out of power since it made iron and iron is very stable, so there’s a few dozen solar masses squishing the core of the star, and that suffices.
So you get a big ball of neutrons at the heart of the star, and it’s also super-hot and the only good way for it to cool down is by running beta decay forwards (by heat) and backwards (by pressure), and this turns about 10% of the star’s mass-energy into a titanic neutrino pulse. A few of these neutrinos interact with the rest of the star, and dump about 1% of their energy into the stars outer layers. This is enough to cause the star to violently blow the fuck up and match the brightness of its entire host galaxy. So a literal supernova is actually just produced by 1% of the power of shaggy the neutrino pulse. That’s how a supernova can go off one galaxy over, and neutrino detectors on earth will pick up a ton of neutrino detections in a quick burst, even after 160,000 light-years worth of inverse square law attenuation.
But that’s core-collapse supernova. There’s another type, which is where we’ll get most of our metals from. Type Ia supernova! Basically, you’ve got a white dwarf (typically carbon, although there might also be oxygen, neon, and magnesium), and it gets too big (whether by accreting mass or by running into another white dwarf), and initiates nuclear fusion again. But star cores have the property that when they heat up from fusion, they poof up, lowering the fusion rate. White dwarf matter doesn’t poof up when you heat it. It stays the same density. So when a fusion reaction kicks off, it heats up the surroundings, which don’t expand, and the fusion reaction goes faster (because higher temperature), which heats up the surroundings more. So instead of a nice controlled reaction, you get a really violent kaboom of rapid nuclear fusion that consumes the whole white dwarf and spectacularly destroys it.
This does all the fusion up to iron (or thereabouts, a lot of the nuclei near iron have similar binding energy, and it isn’t exactly an orderly fusion process, more like a trash fire of every possible fusion reaction that can be run before the white dwarf blows up), and throws out a bunch of the most stable elements. Specifically, most of everything from calcium to zinc comes from type Ia supernovae.
5: Slowly adding neutrons (The s-process) In red giants (and red supergiants, both small and large stars can do this towards the end of their lives, though they have somewhat different production rates and produce different types of elements, large stars get zinc to rubidium, smaller stars get strontium up to lead), the s-process produces all the other elements. And also lithium for some weird reason. And they are released when the star dies, as normal.
The s-process works because a few fusion reactions in red (super)giants produce a spare neutron. It’s pretty hard to stick two nuclei together, since they both have positive charges, so you’ll really have to ram them together to overcome the electric repulsion. But, if there’s a nucleus, and you want to add a neutron, that’s really easy because the neutron is uncharged, so it can just stick on to the nucleus without being repelled. So, assuming there’s a stash of preexisting nuclei past helium (from dying stars and Ia supernova dust) in your star, you can just keep adding neutrons from these fusion reactions. If your nucleus has too many neutrons on it, it’ll beta decay, turning a neutron into a proton. And bam, you have your next element! And you can add neutrons to that until it beta decays, and get your next element, and irradiate that, and so on.
It’s rather slow. You shouldn’t expect massive neutron fluxes, just an atom getting hit by a neutron every few years or so and getting bigger. We know this exists because technetium is radioactive, and we’ve found technetium in red giants, so the only way for it to exist is if the star is making it somehow. There are some elements where most of them come from other sources, but the s-process is responsible for a decent chunk of: gallium-to-molybdenum, tin, tellurium, barium-to-neodymium, hafnium-to-tantalum, and mercury-to-lead. (the s-process favors elements that have a lot of stable isotopes which are bad at absorbing neutrons). Also lithium.
This is why nuclear reactors make surrounding material radioactive, actually! We’re carrying out an artificial s-process by bathing surrounding stuff in neutrons, so they absorb neutrons, and sometimes they absorb too many and become a radioactive isotope.
There’s a block at bismuth, the process doesn’t go any further. This is because radioactive isotopes of smaller elements almost always beta-decay, which doesn’t lose any nucleons. However, alpha decay does lose 4 nucleons (emitting a helium nucleus), so we’d expect a blockage once stuff starts alpha-decaying with a short half-life, because suddenly we’re being set back multiple steps. If you take bismuth and add a neutron, you get a beta-decay to polonium, which falls apart in a third of a year back to an isotope of lead, and you can’t go any further.
So that’s where a bunch of elements past zinc come from. Taking stuff smaller than zinc, and you just keep making the atom bigger by adding neutrons, and then when the star dies they are released.
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eddycurrents · 6 years
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For the week of 18 February 2019
Quick Bits:
Aquaman #45 gives us a new creation story with Father Sea and Mother Salt. It’s interesting world-building for what’s going on on this island. Robson Rocha, Daniel Henriques, and Sunny Gho seem to level up on their art again. This book is gorgeous.
| Published by DC Comics
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Avengers #15 continues the vampire civil war, with the Shadow Colonel basically kidnapping Ghost Rider. Jason Aaron is definitely taking this series in weird places, but it remains highly entertaining. Especially with collaborators like David Marquez and Erick Arciniega who deliver some incredible artwork.
| Published by Marvel
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Avengers: No Road Home #2 reveals how Nyx and her family took Olympus. There’s also a neat parallel narration for Hawkeye explaining how the guy with just a bow and arrows can take on gods and monsters. The art from Paco Medina, Juan Vlasco, and Jesus Aburtov is gorgeous, they really seem to pushing themselves with their storytelling. It’s just a shame that none of the artists are credited on the cover.
| Published by Marvel
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Barbarella/Dejah Thoris #2 is ridiculously impressive. Leah Williams, Germán García, Addison Duke, and Crank! are delivering an intelligent, humorous, and compelling adventure tale here that reminds me a lot of some of what Alan Moore and Chris Sprouse did in Tom Strong. It’s incredibly inventive and the artwork is amazing. Highly recommended.
| Published by Dynamite
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Batman #65 gives us the penultimate chapter of “The Price”, featuring an all out battle between Flash, Gotham Girl, and Gotham. The artwork from Guillem March and Tomeu Morey is stunning, with some incredible layouts as the action continues.
| Published by DC Comics
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Black Widow #2 is fairly bloody and violent as Natasha racks up a body count tracking down the people running “No Restraints Play”, a site that specializes in depravity. Flaviano’s line art seems scratchier than the first issue, but it works for the violent tone of story.
| Published by Marvel
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Bloodborne #9 begins the third arc, “A Song of Crows”, as Aleš Kot, Piotr Kowalski, Brad Simpson, Aditya Bidikar, and Jim Campbell spotlight Eileen the Crow. This is a bit of return to the kind of abstract storytelling and embrace of oblique existentialism of the first arc as Eileen investigates the ritual murder of a hunter, but is confounded by time and holes in the narrative.
| Published by Titan
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Catwoman #8 is ostensibly the “conclusion” to “Something Smells Fishy”, but it doesn’t actually end the story in any way and leaves the reader at a cliffhanger of continuing elements. That being said, it’s still an entertaining issue from Joëlle Jones, Elena Casagrande, Fernando Blanco, John Kalisz, and Josh Reed. Wonderful action sequences, and more questions as to the nature of a reliquary that seems to contain resurrective powers.
| Published by DC Comics
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Delver #1 begins a new Comixology Original series from MK Reed, C. Spike Trotman, Clive Hawken, Maarta Laiho, and Ed Dukeshire. It’s a very intriguing and unique take on the fantasy gaming theme of a dungeon full of treasure and monsters with delvers working to plumb the depths. But it’s from the perspective of the townsfolk whose land the door to the dungeon appears in and how it changes and impacts their lives. 
| Published by Iron Circus Comics
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Doctor Strange #11 concludes the battle with Dormammu and the Faltine, for now at least, from Mark Waid, Jesús Saiz, Javier Pina, Rachelle Rosenberg, and Cory Petit. Some very nice art as usual from Saiz, Pina, and Rosenberg.
| Published by Marvel
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Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #3 continues “Mother of Exiles” from Tom Taylor, Juann Cabal, Nolan Woodard, and Travis Lanham as Peter finds out a bit about the rumours regarding his neighbour and Under York, another duplicate New York City under New York City, that oddly isn’t the Monster Metropolis. Great humour from Taylor in the dialogue.
| Published by Marvel
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Guardians of the Galaxy #2 takes a somewhat different approach as Peter Quill drunk dials Kitty as he tries to make sense of what’s going on with Thanos, Gamora, everyone who’s dead, and the current state of the Guardians. Donny Cates, Geoff Shaw, Marte Gracia, and Cory Petit are really taking this series into interesting offbeat territory, while still delivering some excellent humour and an ominous feel to Starfox’s new band of “guardians”.
| Published by Marvel
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Incursion #1 begins a new mini picking up on where the Eternal Warrior and Geomancer are since Harbinger Wars 2 and Ninja-K, and pit them against Imperatrix Virago, a cosmic villain that is devouring worlds (kind of like if Galactus were pestilence), from Andy Diggle, Alex Paknadel, Doug Braithwaite, José Villarrubia, Diego Rodriguez, and Marshall Dillon. The art is incredible, the stakes seem pretty high, and the outlook after this first issue look pretty grim for Earth.
| Published by Valiant
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James Bond 007 #4 sees Stephen Mooney join Greg Pak, Tríona Farrell, and Ariana Maher for the art chores for three issues, continuing the tale of Bond and “Oddjob”’s team-up. Like Marc Laming, Mooney seems to be born to draw Bond and espionage themed stories.
| Published by Dynamite
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Judge Dredd: Toxic #4 concludes what has been an excellent series dealing with xenophobia and hateful rhetoric from Paul Jenkins, Marco Castiello, Vincenzo Acunzo, Jason Millet, Shawn Lee, and Robbie Robbins. I’ve always found non 2000 AD Judge Dredd stories to be a bit of crapshoot, but IDW have been delivering well with the past two mini-series, this and Under Siege.
| Published by IDW
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Justice League #18 is the latest excursion into the Legion of Doom territory from James Tynion IV, Pasqual Ferry, Hi-Fi, and Tom Napolitano. It works with some of the revelations from last issue regarding Martian Manhunter and builds a new narrative for Lionel Luthor’s past and his work with Vandal Savage. It’s interesting to see Tynion working with variations on discarded continuities in this way, building a new past that synthesizes pre-Flashpoint ideas with the current batch of backstories.
| Published by DC Comics
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Middlewest #4 only seems to be getting better and better as more of this world and how it seems to work get fleshed out by Skottie Young, Jorge Corona, Jean-Francois Beaulieu, and Nate Piekos. There’s something incredibly magical and special about this series that taps into the feeling of some of the best coming-of-age fantasies as it blends Ray Bradbury, JM Barrie, and Carlo Collodi into this magical realist adventure.
| Published by Image
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Miles Morales: Spider-Man #3 concludes the opening arc from Saladin Ahmed, Javier Garrón, David Curiel, and Cory Petit by adding Captain America to Miles & Rhino’s team-up. This has been a very entertaining start to the series, with a nice mix of Miles’ personal life and superheroics.
| Published by Marvel
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Naomi #2 reasserts that Jamal Campbell is a powerhouse of an artist and one of the best kept secrets of the past few years who really should have a higher profile. His art is amazing. It also helps that the story he, Brian Michael Bendis, David F. Walker, and Carlos M. Mangual are telling is as compelling as this, as Naomi confronts Dee as she tries to learn about the day of her adoption. It’s very widescreen and epic as it hints at the broader DC Universe, but at the same time this is very deeply personal.
| Published by DC Comics
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Old Man Quill #2 gives the Guardians a taste of the depravity and despair that Earth has fallen to in this post-superhero world. Ethan Sacks shows there’s still a bit of humour left, though, in that Piledriver’s descendent thinks that Piledriver was one of the all-time greats. Also the art from Robert Gill and Andres Mossa gives a wonderful amount of detail to the wastelands.
| Published by Marvel
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Relay #4 returns after a delay with new artist Dalibor Talajić (I believe Andy Clarke had to bow out due to illness, but I’m not 100% sure on that). Talajić’s art style is not as bright and clean as Clarke’s, giving a darker, shadowy approach that results in the bleak, horror elements of the story coming further into focus.
| Published by AfterShock
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Seven to Eternity #13 returns from its own lengthy delay to conclude the arc in Skod, with the revelation of part of Adam’s choice to save the Mud King. It reiterates the theme since the beginning that there seem to be no good choices in this world, that everything tainted, despite Adam’s father believing the world black and white. While we are going into another trade break, Rick Remender, Jerome Opeña, Matt Hollingsworth, and Rus Wooton consistently make this worth the wait.
| Published by Image / Giant Generator
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Sharkey: The Bounty Hunter #1 is the latest of Mark Millar’s Netflix feeder series, after The Magic Order and Prodigy, with Simone Bianchi and Peter Doherty rounding out the team. This one feels a bit like if Warren Ellis were writing Strontium Dog, and it works. The artwork from Bianchi is worth it on its own. Gorgeous character designs.
| Published by Image
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Venom #11 is another holy crap issue from Donny Cates, Ryan Stegman, Joshua Cassara, JP Mayer, Frank Martin, and Clayton Cowles. There are some really big revelations about Eddie and his family that really need to be read firsthand. Amazing work.
| Published by Marvel
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X-O Manowar #24 reminds us again just how good of an artist and storyteller Tomás Giorello is. The action sequences and battle between Aric and Hesnid is incredible, with fairly inventive layouts that just elevate the overall impact of the pages. Giorello and Diego Rodriguez really make this something joyous to behold.
| Published by Valiant
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Other Highlights: American Carnage #4, Bitter Root #4, Black Badge #7, The Black Order #4, Breakneck #3, Coda #9, Death Orb #5, DuckTales #18, East of West #41, Evolution #14, Exorsisters #5, Go Bots #4, Grumble #4, High Level #1, Hot Lunch Special #5, Jessica Jones: Purple Daughter #2, Jim Henson’s Beneath the Dark Crystal #5, Jim Henson’s Labyrinth: Discovery Adventure, Jughead: The Hunger #12, Lightstep #4, The Lone Ranger #5, Lucifer #5, Lumberjanes #59, Mars Attacks #5, Monstress #20, Outpost Zero #7, Rainbow Brite #4, Shuri #5, Solo: A Star Wars Story #5, Star Wars Adventures #18, Starcraft: Soldiers #2, Stronghold #1, Sukeban Turbo #4, Superb #17, TMNT: Urban Legends #10, Teen Titans #27, Turok #2, The Unstoppable Wasp #5, The Witcher: Of Flesh and Flame #3
Recommended Collections: Amazing Spider-Man - Volume 2: Friends & Foes, Bedtime Games, The Beauty - Volume 5, Black Lightning: Brick City Blues, Captain America - Volume 1: Winter in America, Days of Hate - Volume 2, High Crimes, Infinity 8 - Volume 3: The Gospel According to Emma, Old Man Hawkeye - Volume 2: The Whole World Blind, The Punisher - Volume 1: World War Frank, West Coast Avengers - Volume 1: Best Coast
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d. emerson eddy would do anything for a Klondike bar, but he won’t do that.
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