#Stride & Torii
phlebaswrites · 8 months
Look With the Heart
Tobirama knows Izuna.
But he didn't know this.
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Rating: Teen And Up Fandom: Naruto Relationship: Senju Tobirama/Uchiha Izuna Word Count: 756 (Complete)
Entry for @tbrmweek
Day 5 - February 17: Pisces | Winter | Comfort
Part 2 of To Establish Ties, this story is a gift for @kurakura0-0, my wonderful collaborator on this series.
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Tobirama strides swiftly up the stairs, doing his best to pretend he doesn't hear the clatter of geta behind him.
The plaintive calling of his name is not so easily ignored however, and he turns around as soon as he crosses under the torii gate.
"Did you always move this fast?" The kitsune who claims to be Izuna is red faced and panting from the climb, but he crosses over the boundary from the mundane world to sacred ground without issue… just as Izuna always did. "This is harder than when you were doing all the walking for both of us!"
Read the rest on AO3.
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furious-rogue-stuff · 4 months
A Feral Interlude, Chapter 13: Epilogue
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Pairing: Victor Creed x Isabela Montecristo | Sabertooth x Vipress
Disclaimer: This series will have canon-accurate and heightened levels of violence, adult themes, slight dub-con/non-con overtones and undertones, descriptions of bloody gore and sadism, and graphic descriptions of sex. *Post-Origins movieverse.
Rating: Mature/Explicit 🔞
Word count: 3,500+
Series Summary: Victor Creed's reputation as the Sabertooth proceeds him. He clashes with a mysterious feral woman, an enigma and anomaly to everything he knows. What began as a hunt becomes a dance between like-minded predators.
🚨Warning: Explicit sex, adult situations, implied rape, graphic imagery, feral power play, slight dub-con/non-con overtones and undertones, descriptions of bloody gore and sadism, and a pinch of angst. I do not own any aspect or character of the Marvel Universe nor elements of the X-Men Origins movieverse.
A Feral Interlude Masterlist
A Feral Interlude, Chapter 13: Epilogue
He walked the feudal streets of the former imperial capital, guardedly watching the sights of people celebrating their ancestral festival with joy and excitement. Colorful lanterns decorated shrines and the ringing of bells chimed in echoes all around with the laughter and cheers of crowds. The feral wandered with no destination in mind, as had become his custom since he'd woken up with no memory of who or what he was.
Idly fingering his dog tags tucked under his shirt, Logan strolled down towards one of the biggest shrines in Kyoto on the other side of a vibrantly red bridge. The group of Japanese locals that bustled opposite him across the bridge paid him no attention as they discussed their plans and pointed out the lovely lotus lanterns that floated down river and under the bridge. Sniffing the air, Logan sifted the smell of snow that would come before nightfall as he crossed over to the shrine.
The subtle yet entrancing beauty of the Shinto shrine had attracted him since the first day he'd arrived in Kyoto. Across from the shrine he spotted a procession of beautiful geisha in their dazzling silks and alabaster faces with bright rouged lips. He stood off to the side under one of the shrine's torii, absently making sure not to lean against the gate as he shoved his hands into his leather jacket's pockets and watched the slow procession near. His gaze wandered from one lovely geisha up to the parasol of another before wandering over the procession and across at the stoic beauty of the surroundings.
She stood out to him immediately. Eyes like polished jade with a hint of gold in the middle; stark in their brilliance and focused alluringly on him.
Wearing a traditional kimono, she stood out from the surroundings. Not a geisha—her countenance wasn't painted with the white base mask of traditional geisha—but not a tourist either. His interest was piqued by her, but the long procession made it difficult for him to make his way towards the grove she was strolling by.
The sound of rambunctious children running by distracted him as he narrowly maneuvered out of the way from having the rowdy kids bump into him as they rushed towards the shrine. When he looked back at the spot she was in, she was gone. In an even pace, he strode around the procession and cut through a group of monks—apologizing curtly as he did so—and followed in the general direction the mysterious woman had been strolling in. Winding down a stone path that led back to the narrow streets of the imperial city, Logan wandered into the heavy foot traffic and looked around and over the throngs when he spotted a flash of her retreating kimono as it passed out of sight down a busy avenue. He followed, picking up the pace of his stride as he turned the corner.
He halted, perplexed to not see the mysterious woman anywhere and confused by the sudden scent that tickled his nose as a rickshaw passed him on the street. Turning, he missed catching sight of the rickshaw's passenger, but was instead left buzzing from a heady and raw perfume that was left in its wake—tantalizingly wild. Logan tried to sift the significance of such a tempting scent, but shook off the curiosity and muttered to himself, "It ain't a memory, bub. Just a nice-smelling geisha…"
Riding in the rickshaw, Isabela felt her pulse slow again. She hadn't been so close to another feral in what felt like ages now, let alone the very feral brother of her former lover. She hadn't expected to be lured by the gravitating scent that she'd caught in the breeze on her walk through the festival. She loved Japan and always held a fondness for the imperial capital. Kyoto had managed to remain as pristine as it had been at the end of the Tokugawa shogunate. The majesty of the city and all of its sites had lured her out into the crowds. She'd first caught his scent when the brooding feral was strolling through Maruyama Park and gazing up at the slumbering weeping cherry blossom tree. At first, she'd been confused by the familiarity of the scent and the unfamiliarity of the subject, until she'd seen him give a small smirk after he reached for a lonely pale pink blossom that was already in wilt and pressed it into his jacket pocket. The irreverent quirk of his boyish lips and the mirth that crinkled the corners of his eyes were very familiar and singularly reminiscent of Victor when he was devoid of any mischief or sadism; when amusement would curl genuinely free from the wickedness he wore like chainmail. Smiling, she was sure that the man had been the fabled Jimmy. His scent resembled Victor's, but unlike the feline feral, he had a softness in his brown eyes that disarmed her when they fell on her. He had looked young and bemused, struck by her, as if he'd never seen another feral before. It had stuck with her.
Musingly, she decided she would return to Tokyo before schedule. She suddenly felt ruffled by the proximity of another like her. It had made her yearn for contact—to share her true self with a being like her, especially one so close to the last person she'd tangled herself emotionally and physically with. Most of all, she'd been tempted to engage him and share her knowledge with him—about her and his brother. But the look in his eyes told her she and everyone in the world were strangers to him…it had unnerved her.
The animal wasn't pleased and whispered for her to remain as she's been: supreme and alone so as to avoid further entanglements of the mortal coil. Her intrigue curbed, she instructed the rickshaw man to take her to the train station. It was time she busy herself, and she knew Japan would keep her busy for quite a while thanks to its booming economy and rising global participation. Nothing better for a heavy heart than to toil at what one does best…
It wasn't the Gobi desert, but he was sure if he stayed long under the blistering heat he definitely could go mad. He remembered a few times in Vietnam where he would be so overheated he would forget what he was doing—feel caged and need to lash out to gain his bearings. Wait, why am I even thinking of the Gobi-fucking-desert?
He tossed his head, rubbing the sweat out of his eyes as he leaned back on the tree branch and looked up at the rays of sun blazing through the canopy of trees all around him. He was high off the ground, balanced like a lounging big game cat. He'd radioed in for pickup over an hour ago, but that wasn't what he was worried about. Digging his claws into the tree bark, Victor brooded, eyes hooded and faraway as he tried to focus his thoughts. His mind flashed to Isabela sitting across from him, looking alluringly seductive as she smiled at him from behind a wine glass. Oh yeah…goddammit. 
Victor had lost track of how long it have been since rapture had fizzled out of his system, but every once in a while his mind would betray him with an errant memory or silly reminder of Vipress. His viper. Isabela Montecristo had sent a shock to his system, or at least that's what he told himself whenever he needed to get his mind off of her. Lately it hadn't taken that much effort, not with work keeping him occupied. Said work had taken him to most corners of the third world, including his current position. He liked government work. The perks were just as good as he remembered and the hassle was never his problem.
Having his bloodlust met and getting paid for it had alleviated some of his rancor and pent up impulsivity, leaving him to only brood over her. He had made it so he wouldn't have much time with his thoughts, and he liked it that way, until moments like this when all he had to do was think.
The murmur of a helicopter in the distance was a reprieve to his rising thoughts—his desires that left him angry and scornful and brashly strategizing his next move in recovering what was his. He needed time to distance himself from yet another blow to his ego…from yet another loss that he ultimately considered his fault.
With a growl, he stood up on the branch and began to climb his way up to the top of the tree, reaching the blazing sunlight beyond just as the helicopter came into his eye line from across the horizon.
"An offer you can't refuse."
He both loved and hated that line now. Yeah, damn straight. Dan Dresner thought to himself as he gazed at the holographic archive that spun before him like a god come down from the heavens. It was all just so…beautiful. And he'd been involved—hell, he'd poured his mind and soul into it!
He didn't know where he was, who these people really were, or what side they were truly on, but he knew this could be used for both good and evil. The archive was unlike anything ever put together before. For once he felt a part of something revolutionary. Unlike his work for Stryker, his ability was used for knowledge's sake…for now anyway. He wasn't naïve. He knew that if Fury was just another Stryker—that all his work would go to mobilize destruction, human and mutant alike…but he didn't believe Fury was like Stryker.
Dan couldn't say he knew the man, but he knew what he'd read from him: Nick Fury was a man who loved his country and would do anything to defend it, short of the atrocities committed by evil men he'd fought against his whole military career. As far as Dan was concerned, he was doing good work, and was no longer ashamed or taking his powers for granted.
"Archeion, access mutant database. Codename: Archive," he instructed.
"Archive not registered, sir. Would you like to register?" The feminine-voiced computer asked.
"Yes," he responded, stepping into the middle of the hologram just as two electrodes descended from the central pedestal's ceiling console to attach to his temples. "Commence."
He closed his eyes and began to load into the computer all his self-knowledge about his mutant persona: Archive. Dan wasn't going to be a coward; he was committed to the whole process, good and bad of it. If it meant that he was now part of some list, so be it. There was no turning back, and for once, he wasn't scared of having to move forward into the uncertain future.
Highlights of the Iranian Revolution played out on the screen mounted on the wall, the sound muted. The rest of the modern penthouse was sterile and utilitarian save for the dazzling view of Tokyo behind the plush couch she was lounging on as she watched the television. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini rallied the crowds as the new Supreme Leader, and Isabela couldn't help muse ambivalently on how close she had played a part in any of it. It seemed to her that no matter how much she strove to remain distant from the mainstream world, she always found herself ensnared in sequences of events that would shape the present and future of a society. It was all too close for comfort.
Standing, she turned her back on the inset television that took up most of the wall and set her attention on the amazing view from her penthouse window.
It was yet another tower, separated from all the buildings around her, but unlike her place in NYC, it was much colder and severe. The style suited her lately, uncluttered and serene, albeit post-modern. After leaving Kyoto, she'd spent weeks on end staring out the window, just as she was now, wondering about her place in the world. Her beliefs had been shaken, undermined by the whirlwind she'd been swept up in, and all she could do was reflect on it all from the detached objectivity afforded to her by the beast within.
The viper…the animal inside of her had always been there to guide her. It would always be there for her, and during times of great soul searching, it was there to remind her: You are lethal. You are vicious. You are mighty. And you are me. We are indestructible and unattainable. 
This time, she wavered. Looking at her reflection in the glass, she stared into her preternatural gaze and thought that she was not alone. There were other animals like her out there, just as indestructible and fierce as she, but not as unrelentingly detached from the world. She had already crossed paths with one, and there were times when Victor weighed on her mind so persistently that she wondered if it wasn't time for her to rethink her path.
You'll cross paths again. If you choose to be his then…we will be his. 
The primordial whisper assured her, and she retreated to it, glad to be fortified by the gesture and soothed in the irrevocable acceptance of fate being what she would make. Isabela looked down on the world below, hope blossoming within her for the new decade before her and the absence of guilt she felt from the one past her.
He much preferred subzero temperatures to sub-Saharan heat any day. The only problem with the cold climate was that blood would ice over and crystallize under his claws, which made them ache if he didn't pick them clean. Otherwise, the cold always gave him some sick form of comfort.
Victor made his way through the knee-deep snow, unfazed by the wind that whipped around him and obscured the landscape ahead. He was deep in the Northwest Territories, probably closer to the border of Yukon by now. The solitude of the almost polar landscape was an excellent place for his next rendezvous. Even with the modern conveniences of snowmobiles, most humans couldn't navigate the terrain. It was cruel and hostile—just like him.
Smirking, he scraped some of the frost that was collected along the fur of his jaw and made his way over an incline that camouflaged the secret base. He effortlessly trekked down to the unsecured series of structures, sniffing the air for any signs of vehicle exhaust. Looking east, he spotted the hangar and headed in route to it. Pushing the heavy side door open, Victor kicked the door closed after him, sealing the snow and howling wind outside as he loped over to the man sitting on the steps of the armored military helicopter. Which military? Victor didn't know and didn't care.
"What part of 'I'm on vacation' dontcha understand, huh, Hudson?" Victor groused acerbically as he approached the man, who was busying himself by lighting the cigarette dangling on his lip.
"The part where you come here for some R & R. Figured you were more bored than needing to relax," Hudson responded, inhaling deep and letting the puff of smoke exhale in a cloud from his nostrils. "Just cuz I said there were no supervisors doesn't mean yer not supposed to check in, Creed. And by the way, since when did you get into wearing fur? Kind of a weird look on yah, buddy," he straight-faced joked as he puffed away on his cigarette.
Dusting the melting snow off of his fur-lined trenchcoat, Victor snorted, "This ain't your mother's furs, asshole. 'Only wear what I kill, and this grizzly sure put up a fight; couldn't let the pelt go to waste." The other man whistled in response. "You didn't come here to give me shit about my fashion sense. What do yah want?" Victor muttered and gave him a calculating look that told the other man he hadn't trekked so far for low-rent shit.
Tucking the cigarette between his fingers, Hudson grabbed a folder that was sitting on the top step of the helicopter before tossing it to Victor. "Yah probably heard about this during your tenure with Striker." When Victor tilted his head in that dangerous way, Hudson quickly added, "A tenure we will never discuss, I remember."
Eyeing him sharply before pulling the form out of the file, Victor grunted and skimmed the old CIA form. His eyes lingered over a codename and he looked over at Hudson before looking at the name again, shoving the form back into the file and tossing it back at him. "Yeah, I heard about it, and I ain't interested," he stated with irrevocable steel in his tone.
"Yah sure?" the man said coolly as he stubbed out his cigarette on the side of the stairs.
"You guys can't afford me for this job. I'd charge double if I was interested, and I'm not interested," Victor remarked, his thumbnails idly flicking his other nails in succession, pinky to forefinger and visa versa. It was a telltale sign that he was impatient.
Hudson read the gesture and stood. "Alright. Not gunna lie, I was hoping you'd take it. Yer the only guy I could think of with the balls to go after him—"
"You fuckin' suck at flattery, Hudson, so can it. And do me a favor—don't fucking patronize me again," he let the deadly edge of his tone weigh the air before continuing, "Don't think just cuz I'll kill my own kind for money that I'm gonna help your kind tip the scales back in your collective favor."
"Figured you for a non-political kind of mutant, Creed, wouldn't peg you for a Homo-Superior—"
"So you pegged me for a self-loathing mutant bastard who'd wanna off a guy who thinks mutants are superior to humans? Last time I checked, you don't get paid to figure or peg—you get paid to hand out missions and get the fuck out of the way of the masters. And this fuckin' master is sayin' he's gonna pass on this…understood?" Victor snarled hostilely, watching as the other man shrugged and put his hands up in surrender of the argument.
"Got it, Creed. Sorry I disturbed your vay-kay. Just do me a favor: when yer done with the uninhabitable solitude, give me a call. I'll have something lined up for yah…" Hudson stated and with that, gave Victor a backwards wave as he turned and walked up the steps into the state of the art helicopter.
Victor watched the steps recede and the helicopter seal shut just as the roof of the hangar split and opened upwards. The advanced aircraft ascended into the howling elements, leaving the feral to huff and turn back towards the way he came. By the time he was stalking up the incline the helicopter was humming out of sight. Sprinting through the treeline, Victor prowled on all fours and galloped the rest of the way back to his hideout.
He had to admit, for the Sabertooth to be considered capable enough to be asked to take out Erik Lensherr was testament to how he'd come up in the world. Sure, he didn't take the job, but it meant he wasn't a lowly mercenary; he wasn't a guy you'd call to take out third world garbage anymore. More importantly, he was a man with options, someone to be up-sold and feared.
A smirk tugged on his boyish lips as he stared into the fire of his rustic hearth. It was a new decade, and a new day for Victor Creed. All the things—her—that he'd been longing for were pushed to the background in his mind. His solitary spirit was fortified and his pride swelled from the thought that he was at a place he'd always wanted to be: free, unburdened by guilt, and powerful in his own right. When it came down to it, he was the king of his mountain, and he liked his odds at staying on top. Most importantly, he was genuinely proud for the first time since he and Jimmy embraced their natures and formed their brotherhood close to a hundred years before.
The animal and the man were in true harmony…and nothing would change or stand in the way of that now.
The End.
Thanks for reading! Please consider leaving a comment and sharing your feedback. I would be eternally grateful.
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riversidewings · 2 years
"Living Ghosts" #8: "Blessing from Distant Gods"
From my reparenting series "Living Ghosts." In which a trans lesbian combat doll, reunited with and reparenting her younger self, takes the girl to her home shrine, and talks about belonging, liberation, and finding her place in the world. Because she was a blessing from the start, the girl receives a nickname with a powerful meaning.
A story:
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The girl looked up at the tall stone torii with its dimmed scars of long-ago wartime fires. In the shadow of the cryptomeria trees and the mighty weeping-cherry with its broad branches, her eyes were wide, mouth agape in stunned silence.
Beside her, the middle-aged cyborg she would become, smiled knowingly. "You feel it, don't you?"
The girl nodded. "What...what is it?"
"What you always knew was missing, all those years in church."
"It's just....here," the girl gasped, gesturing with a sweep of the hand. "It's here. It's now. I feel it. I didn't...I didn't have to force it!"
"It's a relief, isn't it?" the combat doll replied. "Like..."
"...coming home."
"Exactly. And it changed everything, when I came here the first time, all those years ago." She gestured up the hill, up the long, steep rise of stone steps. "C'mon, kiddo. Let's start heading up."
Under the weeping-cherry, over the bridge, they started up the ancient steps worn with weather and war and time. The cyborg slowed her stride. Here, and with her younger self, a slower pace was preferable.
"The...the grade of the hill, um...it makes me think of that time in the Sea of Marmara," the girl observed, gesturing up to the hill's apex. "You remember, right?"
The combat doll chuckled. "Oh yeah. The sudden donkeys. That and the smell."
"Oh, the smell that day..."
"Don't worry, though," the combat doll reassured the girl. "There aren't going to be any sudden donkeys this time. This isn't the ass end of nowhere on an island without paved roads."
Little by little, the city's sounds grew distant. In the trees that surrounded the stone steps, there came the chirr of crickets and the sounds of birdsong.
For awhile, they walked in silence. The moment, the steps, the sacred quiet. It was enough.
"Can you...can you tell me more about this place?"
"This is a shrine to the kami of battle," the combat doll gestured. "This is my home shrine, but it was at another shrine to her that...I found what I...we...were looking for. Well, one thing we were looking for."
"...she?" asked the girl, perking up.
"It's...complicated. But yes. To me, she's a mother figure. And a reminder that my gods are my neighbors. So if my gods are my neighbors, and the kami of battle exhorts me to get back up and keep caring for my community-- keep fighting for it-- then that means I need to be more mindful of my place in the world and how interconnected I am with everyone and everything else."
They paused to wash at the purification basin, just under the apex of the hill, in sight of the upper torii and the stone cat guardians that flanked the path.
"That's...good..." the girl offered, lips pursed in contemplation. "But it sounds like you feel as small as I do sometimes."
"I guess that's true, honey," the cyborg admitted, setting the freshly rinsed wooden ladle back in place. "But you know how that feeling, especially in church, always seems like you're a fuckup to the community *and* its god?"
The girl frowned a little. "Yeah?"
"That's less the case for me. I may be small in the grand scheme of things, but I have my place in it. I...we...have our place, and our gods share this world with us, they laugh and cry and drink and shit and fight and dream just like us. It's not lonely at all. It's like coming home. And then when I'm done here, I go back out into the world, and my faith is my own damn business and I don't have to put on a show of devotion for anyone." She paused, nodded slowly. "It's...a blessing."
The cyborg contemplated the once invisible girl she'd been, now so much more confident in herself, standing in the sunshine filtering through the trees. The half-unzipped hoodie she wore surmounted a now well-worn tank top and skirt, chosen rather than imposed. All in all, the girl carried herself more proudly, more freely. It had been a strange journey, but a welcome one that had benefited them both.
"Hey, kiddo?"
"I asked awhile back, but...how're you feeling about a nickname?"
"I'm okay with it, coming from you," the girl blushed. "...did you have one in mind?"
"Well, this is Kameoka Hachiman Shrine-- "Turtle Hill" Hachiman-- and there's a very old phrase from the days of turtle shell divination that goes 'Toho Kami Emi Tame.' There isn't an agreed upon translation, because it's so old, but one of the common ones goes 'May the distant gods bless us.' You're a blessing and you always were, even if the people who should've understood that first, failed you so profoundly. So how would you feel about the nickname Emi-- "blessing"?"
"...whoa...isn't that the chant from Ghost in the Shell?"
"...kid, I'm trying to have a moment with you here," the cyborg laughed. "But yes, that's the same phrase."
The girl thought about it, glancing up the remaining steps to the shrine hall. "I like it. You...you sure make me /feel/ like a blessing, Mom."
The cyborg who after everything had become another mother to her younger self across the decades, nodded in approval. Her eyes were cloudy with tears.
"C'mon. Let's pay our respects to Hachiman-sama, and I can tell you all about this place."
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udretlnea · 2 years
Gifting Chocolates to Yoimiya
Part of the Valentine’s Event for Favonius Library
Pairing: Yoimiya x Dimensional Traveler!Reader (You’ll see.)
Genre: Fluff.
Words: 1.6 k
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In the early morning, you cross the threshold between worlds. You clutched the bag full of chocolates he painstakingly made delicately, and stepped out into an open plain; the city is just to his left, where Naganohara’s Fireworks is located. The weather is fair with no signs of rain. A gentle breeze caresses his face and he strides towards the direction of Naganohara-Yoimiya’s home.
It doesn’t take long for you to arrive-you were a no-nonsense person and prided on being on time precisely on the minute. You find Naganohara Ryuunosuke examining some crates; his back is to you so step around so that he sees you. You know better than to tap a nigh-deaf man on the shoulder after all.
Ryuunosuke’s expression lights up when he sees you. “Oh! It’s you! Welcome back my boy.”
You bow politely, but not too deeply. “Hello Ryu-Ryuunosuke-san. You need to get used to referring to him by his first name Is Yoimiya here?”
“If you’re asking about my girl, then I’m afraid she’s not here at the moment. I think she told me she'd be busy with today’s fireworks. Then she ran off before telling me where she was going,” he said.
You tilt your head as you process the information. Hm. That’s awfully uncharacteristic behavior from her. And today is Valentine’s Day. This can’t be a coincidence. “I see. In that case, I suppose I’ll go find her.”
“Huh? Did you say something?” Ryuunosuke cupped a hand to his ear and leaned forward. “Speak up son. You know my hearing isn’t that great.”
“I said I’ll be going now!” You cup both your hands around your mouth.
“What? Already?” You nodded vigorously. Ryuunosuke’s expression flattens into understanding when he finally notices the small bag of chocolates you’re holding. He nods. “Ahhh I see what you’re planning to do. If you’re going to find her, then I suggest heading northeast from Hanamizaka.”
With one final nod, you wave goodbye to Ryuunosuke. He returns it and you go your way. You pass the giant sakura tree. You hear and sense some dogs and cats following you; their small footsteps tapping against the stone and dirt make you turn your head around, though you don’t stop your walking. Staring into their beady cute eyes, they make various small barks and meows. 
It’s almost as if they’re asking for attention, you thought amusingly. A corner of your lip tugs upward. It’s…still early in the day. I suppose I could play with them…but not for too long.
You sat on the sidewalk, and almost immediately several dogs and cats gathered around you. You start scratching their heads one at a time with one hand while keeping the other with the chocolates out of reach; when one of the dogs poked their head too close to it, you’d lift it out of reach. They rubbed their heads affectionately against your limbs, your body, and your head. One of the cats even licked you! Adorable!
Hmm, it’s too bad I didn’t bring anything for them to play with. Okay, that’s enough playing. Daylight is burning. You stood up and dusted yourself off. The animals seemed to sense that you were done and-either they had been satisfied with your attention or something else-ran off. You walked out of Hanamizaka.
You continued northeast until you found yourself in Chinju Forest. There were stone Bake-Danuki statues here and there. You frowned as you came up to a red torii gate. Knowing that the Kamisato Estate was just over the hill gave you pause. Anxiety filled your mind, coming up with scenarios. Did she-was she visiting the White Heron Kamisato Ayaka? Perhaps Miss Kamisato placed an order and Yoimiya was currently delivering it to her? Assuming that was true, then it would mean you’d meet her when she was walking down the path. But what if she wasn’t here and you were wrong- 
“Well, what do we have here?” A rough voice snaps you out of your thoughts. 
You suppress a sigh. ALready you can imagine the straw hat wearing, katana wielding, annoying Nobushi. You turn around just to confirm-and yes, it’s a couple of Nobushi.
The three of them spread out and cover your exits. The one in the middle, you presume it's the leader because he’s purple and not orange like the other two, takes a step forward. 
“Nice little bag you got there kid. How about you give it to us for safekeeping? It’d be a shame for you to lose it,” says Purple.
“Yeah. There are some real weirdos out there. They might pick on you and steal all of your valuables,” added Orange-1. Orange-2 simply laughed intimidatingly.
“Wow, did you guys practice that? Truly, I am scared,” You say flatly. You stare at each of them for a second, then stare back at Purple. “My apologies, but I’m saving this for a special someone. It’s a certain special day today and I wouldn’t want to be late for my social obligation.”
Purple snickered. “What? That for your girlfriend?”
“...Oh.” Purple had the decency to sound surprised, at least for a second. He quickly recovered. “Well, I don’t suppose she’ll mind if you ‘share’ it with us?” 
“Sure. You’re going to have to take it from me though,” you say as-a-matter-of-factly. You snap your fingers and an orb of Anemo manifests at the tip of her finger. You smirked almost arrogantly. “But you already knew that.”
The Nobushi unsheathed their swords. Everyone stared at each other for the slightest bit of movement. Nobody dared move. 
Then a fruit fell from a branch with a thump. 
You threw the orb down as a flash of steel blinked towards you. 
One thrilling fight later…
You trudged towards Amakane Island with a torn bag; you needn’t look inside to know that a single piece of chocolate was all that remained after the fight. Who knew Orange-2’s sword would aim for your heart, exactly where you held said chocolate bag? Oh well, it didn’t matter anymore. The sun was already setting, and in a few more minutes it would be dusk. 
And you haven’t even found Yoimiya.
You hike up the small empty island. You recalled that there weren’t any festivals coming up soon. Thus, there was no one there; it as now the perfect spot for some much needed reflection and introspection. You sat on top of a rock at the edge of the small cliff, dangling your legs absentmindedly. Your head was clouded with scenes of today’s events. Images replayed in your mind and you start pointing out how you could have done things better; you really should’ve just put the bag in your pocket. 
Ugh, hindsight is truly a bitch, you thought to yourself. Then you felt a tap on your shoulder.  Briefly, you wondered who the heck would come out to an island when it’s almost night when you stared into the person’s eyes. They were a golden yellow; the same ones as Yoimiya.
“What are you doing here?” That voice sounded like hers too-oh. Oh! It is her! Lucky you! It seems found you! She tilts her head cutely with a curious expression. “Amakane Island isn’t even rented out for any festivals you know. I’m only out here because I-uh, missed the view! Yep!”
“It’s-it’s just-uh,” you sputter, trying to regain some of your composure. You gesture wildly with your hands. “It’s Valentine’s today.” Fuck. Really smart answer there.
“Oh! Is it? I didn’t know, ehehe. I was busy all day making and testing out fireworks I completely forgot!” She says in that familiar yet adorable ditzy tone. She raised her arms dramatically as if she were caught doing something illegal like…shooting fireworks in the Irodori Festival. 
“Mm. So…you know what?”
“Hm?” Know what?” She parrots back at you.
“I-I made-I made chocolates for you,” You stammer at first. You discreetly snap your fingers softly enough so that she doesn’t hear them. Swallowing your anxiety, you press on and hand a repaired pouch to her. Yoimiya takes it and notices its lack of weight. “It took all day, but I managed to create one I thought you’d like and appreciate.”
You bit your lip. It was a white lie. One that was so obviously bad even she’d call you out on it after a moment of clarity. Thankfully, she was busy examining the piece of chocolate you cooked. Yoimiya turned it over twice in her fingers. Then, after a brief moment of deliberation popped it into her mouth right there.
“Mmmm! It’s so good! Just the right amount of smoothness and sweetness blends perfectly…!” She throws her arms around you. You catch her so that you don’t both fall off the edge. You pick her up and sit her down next to you. She leans into your side, and whispers to you. “I love you~”
“I love you too, ‘miya. So much.” Yoimiya pulls away from you, smiling.
“Hmm, although, if you’re gonna come up with a more convincing lie, maybe you should put more thought into it,” she said. She winked at you knowingly. You smirk and squeeze her playfully.
“Don’t wink at me, you enjoyed it.” Yoimiya pouts at you with mock aggression, but it quickly melts away into a grin.
“By the way, I prepared you something too~”
And then some fireworks exploded in the shape of a heart in front of the two of you in some distance. You widen your eyes. You felt your jaw drop as more fireworks exploded in a dazzling array of colors and shapes.
All in all, it was a nice Valentine’s Day.
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your-lovely-rose · 2 years
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• 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬:
31.12./01.01. ┇ New Year's Day/Eve
— 𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐲 - is a term coined by Cliff Arnall to define the most depressing day of the year, supposedly falling on the third Monday in January.
• 𝐙𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐜 𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐬:
22.12–19.01 - Capricorn ♑︎
20.01–18.02 - Aquarius ♒︎
= 01.01. ♑︎
• 𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲:
- Yoshiko Hanabatake (Aho-Girl),
- Haru Ichinose (Akuma no Riddle/Riddle Story of Devil),
- Gakushu Asano (Ansatsu Kyōshitsu/Assassination Classroom),
- Yoruichi Shihoin (Bleach),
- Principal Nezu (Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia),
- Mao (Code Geass),
- "Radical Edward" | Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivruski IV (Cowboy Bebop),
- Hajime Hinata (Danganronpa),
- Izuru Kamukura (Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair // Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School),
- Gao Mikado (Future Card Buddyfight),
- Kochoube Asuko | Asirpa (Golden Kamu),
- Asahi Azumane (Haikyu!!),
- Kaguya Shinomiya (Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen/Kaguya-sama: Love is War),
- Daichi Tachiaki (Miira no Kaikata/How To Keep A Mummy),
- Might Guy (Naruto),
- "Fire Fist" Ace | Portgas D. Ace (One Piece),
- "Mr. 1"/"The Killer" | Daz Bonez (One Piece),
- Takeo Gouda (Ore Monogatari/My Love Story!!),
- Tsubaki (Servamp),
- Masato Oujou (Shakunetsu Kabaddi/Burning Kabaddi),
- "Super Rookie" | Kaede Rukawa (Slam Dunk),
- "Vongola Primo" | Ieyasu Sawada / Giotto (Reborn!),
= 02.01. ♑︎
- Mariko/Maririn | Mimori Kishida (AKB0048),
- "Sir Nighteye" | Mirai Sasaki (Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia),
- Mutsuki Nakano (Danchigai),
- Ayumi (InuYasha),
- Mio Aoyama (Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai/The World God only knows),
- Maria Louise (Kidō Butōden G Gundam/Mobile Fighter G Gundam),
- Emelenzia Rudiger Beatrix (Mamoru-kun ni Megami no Shukufuku wo!/Venus to Mamoru!),
- Tsubomi Kido (Mekakucity Actors),
- Kenzo Tenma (Monster),
- Peepley Lulu (One Piece),
- Mitchie | Mitsuhiko Nagafukada (Robotics;Notes),
- Isshinsai Ogata (Shijou Saikyou no Deshi Kenichi/Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple),
- Gralat Berlurik (Shoukoku no Altair/Altair: A Record of Battles),
- Akane Shinjo (SSSS.Gridman),
- Taichi Dan (Tennis no Ōjisama/The Prince of Tennis),
- Jun Fuyumi (The Idolmaster SideM),
- Ren-Ren | Reina Suzuki (Wake Up, Girls!),
- Marie Tennouji (Yumeiro Pâtissière),
= 03.01. ♑︎
- "Seiryuu" | Shin-Ah (Akatsuki no Yona/Yona of the Dawn),
- Hiromi Iwasa (Baby Steps),
- Alecdora Sandler (Black Clover),
- Fujitaka Kinomoto (Cardcaptor Sakura),
- Kyoshiro Tohdoh (Code Geass),
- Keisuke Yuuki (Fushigi Yuugi/Mysterious Play),
- Haruko Saeki (Idoly Pride),
- Masako Araki (Kuroko no Basket/Kuroko's Basketball),
- Gamabunta (Naruto),
- Aisa (One Piece),
- Iceberg (One Piece),
- Mukki | Mutsuki Tsuyama (Saki),
- Kotone Noda (Sakura Trick),
- Ichiro Ogami (Sakura Wars),
- Itsumi Natsume (Schoolgirl Strikers: Animation Channel),
- Arata Inanaki (Sousei no Onmyouji/Twin Star Exorcists),
- Bart Garsus (Vandread),
- "First Sniper" | Haruaki Azuma (World Trigger),
- Shinji Fuyushima (World Trigger),
- Yukino Yukinoshita (Yahari ore no seishun rabukome wa machigatteiru/My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU),
= 04.01. ♑︎
- Tsubomi Hiiragi (22/7),
- Michio Sumiyoshi (All Out!!),
- Tadaomi Kurama (Argonavis from BanG Dream!),
- Kaname Izuma (Beelzebub),
- Kyusaku Yumeno (Bungo Stray Dogs),
- Senku Ishigami (Dr. Stone),
- Aiichiro Nitori (Free!),
- Aobimbo | Aoba Tsuzaki (Jinki: Extend),
- Arthur Trine (Kidō Senshi Gandamu Shīdo Desutinī/Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny),
- Lina/Angie | Angelina Kudou Shields (Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei/The Irregular at Magic High School),
Torii Natsumi (Nurarihyon no Mago/Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan),
- Fumiki Mizutani (Ookiku Furikabutte/Big Windup!),
- Takeru Fujiwara (Prince of Stride),
- El Cid (Saint Seiya/Zodiac Knights),
- Kotonoha Katsura (School Days),
- "Galand the Truth" | Galand (The Seven Deadly Sins),
- "Gourmet Surgeon" | Atashino (Toriko),
= 05.01. ♑︎
- Eri Ibusaki (D_Cide Traumerei the Animation),
- Prince of the Capital/King | Mei Narumiya (Diamond no Ace/Ace of Diamond),
- John Brown (Ghost Hunt),
- Ichigo Kohinata (Girlfriend (Kari)/Girl Friend Beta),
- Terence T. D'Arby (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure),
- Kuroh Yatogami (K-Project),
- Keitaro Urashima (Love Hina),
- Ozma Lee (Macross Frontier),
- Strawberry (One Piece),
- Sion Todo (PriPara),
- Ryō Yoake (ReLIFE),
- Kae Hiiragi (Re:Stage! Dream Days),
- Momiji Kanō (The Unlimited Hyobu Kyosuke/Zettai Karen Children: The Unlimited),
- Mew Berry | Berry Shirayuki (Tokyo Mew Mew),
- Wanko | Inumaru (Ueki no Housoku/The Law of Ueki),
- Ichigo Amano (Yumeiro Pâtissière),
= 06.01. ♑︎
- Anna Nishikinomiya (Shimoneta: A Boring World Where the Concept of Dirty Jokes Doesn't Exist),
- Jeanne d'Arc (Fate/Apocrypha),
- Nene Kinokuni (Food Wars!),
- Jeanne d'Arc (Drifters),
- Nobara Yukinokouji (Inu X Boku Secret Service),
- Saki Morimi (Eden of the East),
- Makoto Sawatari (Kanon),
- Shingo Komoi (Cardfight!! Vanguard),
- Tatsuma Suguro (Blue Exorcist),
- Haji (Gintama),
- Kiyoko Shimizu (Haikyu!!),
- Sherlock Holmes (Moriarty the Patriot),
- "The Darkness of the Shinobi" | Danzo Shimura (Naruto),
- "Fifth Raikage" | Darui (Naruto),
- Ebizou (Naruto),
- Oimo (One Piece),
- Tilestone (One Piece),
- "Sailor Saturn" | Hotaru Tomoe (Sailor Moon),
- Amidamaru (Shaman King),
- Oluo Bozado (Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan),
- "Liz" / Elizabeth (The Seven Deadly Sins),
= 07.01. ♑︎
- Konekomaru Miwa (Blue Exorcist),
- "Jack Mantis" | Kamakiri Togaru (Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia),
- Genya Shinazugawa (Kimetsu no Yaiba/Demon Slayer),
- Samui (Naruto),
- "Square Sisters" (with Kiwi) | Mozu (One Piece),
- Guang Hong Ji (Yuri!!! on Ice),
= 08.01. ♑︎
- Kai (Akira),
- Mars (Black Clover),
- Hiashi Hyuga (Naruto),
- Hizashi Hyuga (Naruto),
- "Okama King" / "Miracle Person" | Emporio Ivankov / Iva (One Piece),
- Ching Tao (Shaman King),
= 09.01. ♑︎
- Kaede Kayano (Ansatsu Kyōshitsu/Assassination Classroom),
- Reika Rikudou (Fate/Apocrypha),
- Haku (Naruto),
- Pickles (One Piece),
= 10.01. ♑︎
- Braz D. Blood (Blood Lad),
- Koyo Ozaki (Bungo Stray Dogs),
- Yukichi Fukuzawa (Bungo Stray Dogs),
- Ittetsu Takeda (Haikyuu!!),
- Eustass Kid (One Piece),
- Otohime (One Piece),
= 11.01. ♑︎
- Todoroki Shouto (Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia),
- Itomimizu (One Piece),
= 12.01. ♑︎
- Schneizel el Britannia (Code Geass),
- Dr. Hiriluk (One Piece),
- Ricardo (Re:Zero − Starting Life in Another World),
= 13.01. ♑︎
- Cutthroat (Akudama Drive),
- Gordon Agrippa (Black Clover),
- Cornelia Li Britannia (Code Geass),
- 13 (Dorohedoro),
- Ikaros Much (One Piece),
= 14.01. ♑︎
- Rukia Kuchiki (Bleach),
- Ayumu Tojo (Gintama),
- Snoozer (Hamtaro),
- Sweet Pea (One Piece),
- Estarossa (The Seven Deadly Sins),
= 15.01. ♑︎
- A.O (One Piece),
- Historia Reiss (Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan),
- #81194 | Ray (Yakusoku no Neverland/Yakusoku no Neverland),
= 16.01. ♑︎
- Revchi Salik (Black Clover),
- Jirou Kyoutoku (Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia),
- Boodle (One Piece),
- Felix Argyle (Re:Zero − Starting Life in Another World),
= 17.01. ♑︎
- Kazuo Tengan (Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School),
- Capone Bege (One Piece),
= 18.01. ♑︎
- Rhya (Black Clover),
- "Dabi" | Toya Todoroki (Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia),
- Kiyomizu Yukihiro (Fugou Keiji: Balance:Unlimited/The Millionaire Detective Balance: Unlimited),
- Katsuhiko Teshigawara (Kimi no na wa/Your Name),
- Hannes (Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan),
= 19.01. ♑︎
- Coyote Starrk (Bleach),
- Lilynette Gingerbuck (Bleach),
- Edgar Allan Poe (Bungo Stray Dogs),
- "Baron Zeppeli" | Will A. Zeppeli (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure; Part 3),
- "Prince of the Sand Waterfall Gourd" | Gaara (Naruto),
- Spandine (One Piece),
= 20.01. ♒︎
- Sakura Kouno (Horimiya),
- Maki Zenin (Jujutsu Kaisen),
- Mai Zenin (Jujutsu Kaisen),
- First Mizukage | Byakuren (Naruto),
- Tetta Kisaki (Tokyo Revengers),
= 21.01. ♒︎
- Antonio (One Piece),
- Miss Friday (One Piece),
= 22.01. ♒︎
- Miki Okudera (Kimi no na wa/Your Name),
- Merry (One Piece),
- Mii-chan | Michelajul Lortelia (Senyuu),
= 23.01. ♒︎
- Yumacchi | Walker Yumasaki (Durarara!!),
- Haruki Komi (Haikyuu!!),
- Nobu | Nobuo Terashima (Nana),
- Shino Aburame (Naruto),
- Charlotte Dosmarche (One Piece),
- Charlotte Nusstorte (One Piece),
= 24.01. ♒︎
- Inoichi Yamanaka (Naruto),
- Kairiken (One Piece),
- Miss Monday (One Piece),
- "Witch of Greed"/ "Witch of Wisdom" | Echidna (Re:Zero − Starting Life in Another World),
- "Quinque Fanatic" / "Mad Mado" | Kureo Mado (Tokyo Ghoul),
= 25.01. ♒︎
- Shingo Mido (Death Note),
- Rintaro Suna (Haikyuu!!),
- "The Fourth Hokage" | Minato Namikaze (Naruto),
- Giolla (One Piece),
= 26.01. ♒︎
- Kuromarimo (One Piece),
- "Nero the Sea Weasel" | Nero (One Piece),
- Meene Montgomery (Shaman King),
- "Attack Titan" | Grisha Jaeger (Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan),
- "Old Warrior" | Aldrich (The Seven Deadly Sins),
= 27.01. ♒︎
- Loly Aivirrne (Bleach),
- Takahiro Hanamaki (Haikyuu!!),
- "Sailor Uranus" | Haruka Tenou (Sailor Moon),
- Charlotte Lola (One Piece),
= 28.01. ♒︎
- Doctor Onishi (Akira),
- "Gran Torino" | Sorahiko Torino (Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia),
- "Puppet Princess" / Tianzi | Jiang Lihua (Code Geass),
- Shizuo Heiwajima (Durarara!!),
- Mansherry (One Piece),
- Naki (Tokyo Ghoul),
- Chosuke Nakamoto (Fugou Keiji: Balance:Unlimited/The Millionaire Detective Balance: Unlimited),
= 29.01. ♒︎
- Kotaro Takebayashi (Ansatsu Kyōshitsu/Assassination Classroom),
- Gadjah (Black Clover),
- Carla Jaeger (Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan),
= 30.01. ♒︎
- "Kosaku Kawajiri" | Yoshikage Kira (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure; Part 4),
- Eld Jinn (Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan),
- "Parka Freak" | Misuto Kiriya (Corpse Party: Blood Drive),
- Suleiman (One Piece),
= 31.01. ♒︎
- Byakuya Kuchiki (Bleach),
- Shizuku (Naruto Shippuden the Movie),
- Aladdin (One Piece),
- Ippon-Matsu (One Piece),
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nazorneku · 2 years
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ICHIMOKU REN ( @sortilegii​ ) INQUIRED OF SUSABI: " There is more to being here than the emptiness of the heart. Of course, I understand why some carry it, yet what would you make of me telling you that you must no longer be alone? " 
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          The world shimmered at the seams, almost in an instant star cloud cloth enveloped the very fabric of reality, engulfing both men into its marvelous realm that spread over the ground even prior to their conversation began. The tall man, as ever reticent, retained his customary silence, observing the flickering lights of constellations painted on the dark canvas of the manufactured sky; torii gates towered in the distance, the passageways to intricate paths of entwined fates and inevitabilities. Clear blue eyes directed upwards trailed its glance in a leisurely manner over the pool of stars, the emissary’s mind remained far from the current interlocutor until a polite and gentle tone sent ripples across the surface of serenity of the domain.
          Attention of his was beckoned by another’s man inquiry, compelling to abandon contemplation and bestow upon the wind god own full and undivided attention. Albeit opting for solitary existence, Susabi developed acceptance towards the other’s presence, after all it always was a tranquil one. “Fate leads the willing and drags along the reluctant.” In a low yet calm tone he eventually spoke, an utterly elusive response, nonetheless he could not claim it to be one and not just a nonchalant musing of his heart, prompted by the comfort of Ichimoku ren’s company; after all the man was not known for penchant of verbose speeches, as every word was scrupulously judged and weighted, envisaged beforehand. With a reluctant acceptance the man was threading a path carved by destiny, fulfilling a promise given in another time, another age.
          With a curt shake of own head, the veil of compulsion for superfluous sincerity was dispersed, common to witness detachment tightened its grasp anew. A scarcely audible sigh escaped through slightly parted lips and in a few long strides the distance between them was shortened to afford the dark-haired man a better view of the other’s features, when actual response found its way from the depths of his mind. “And what would you make of me telling you that I seek no company? This world does not want me to be a part of it... And for the first time such reciprocity.” Mimicking the query addressed to him, the emissary vocalized own wonderment saturated with deeply engraved anger, artfully concealed, yet still so vividly perceived. Intrusive and oppressive images of the past would flood his memory newly in nightmares, rendering him unwilling to settle amicably grudges of a thousand years old. 
          Once clear gaze now darkened under heavy thoughts, in a blink lids covered dark blue irises in attempt to further secrete his vexation and disappointment; in spite of that a curiosity bloomed within, begat by inexplicable comfort found beside the other man, imposed company to which he never voiced a complaint, but instead an interest. “Why are you still nudging, knowing I will not relent?”
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Discovering Japan's Heart: Essential Stops on Your Tourist Adventure
Let yourself be carried away on an exciting tour through traditional Japan's and nature's finest beauties. You feel it, from the fast-paced city of Tokyo to the peaceful temples of Kyoto. Whether it's the city or the temples, you will be completely embraced by the essence of Japan. Must-visit Japan tourists spots from Philippines should be explored, for instance, Mount Fuji, Shibuya Crossing, and Hiroshima’s historic city. 
Discover the nectar of Japan's soul as never before:
Tokyo - Where Past Meets Present:
Tokyo, the core center of Japanese culture, is the city where you should begin your journey in Japan. Drop yourself in amongst the busyness of Shibuya Crossing, take a walk in the tranquil Imperial Palace gardens, and gaze at the space-age design of the Tokyo Skytree. 
Kyoto - A Glimpse of Japan's History:
Immerse yourself in the past, by voyaging to Kyoto, the cultural stronghold of Japan. Rainbow the magical bamboo groves in Arashiyama, visit Fushimi Inari Shrine with the thousands of vermilion torii gates and admire the Kinkaku-ji, the Golden Pagoda. 
Hiroshima - Lessons of Peace and Resilience:
Being in Hiroshima, a city that not only has stood for recovery one year after the tragedy but also symbolizes the past which in no way should be forgotten. You cannot miss to pay a visit to the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park and Museum to gain knowledge about the horrific effect caused by the atomic bomb and the city's efforts in peace and reconciliation. The ferry to Miyajima Island is a must-do where the torii gate of Itsukushima-jinja Shrine, floating on the water and facing the beautiful mountain of Mount Misen, is a priceless sight.
Osaka - Gastronomic Delights and Urban Adventures: 
Conclude your tour in Osaka, the culinary capital of Japan, affectionately known as the kitchen of the country. Explore Dotonbori’s bustling food stalls and spicy takoyaki, to irresistible okonomiyaki. Enjoy these rocking flavors. Queue up at the top of the observation deck at Osaka Castle to enjoy sweeping views of the city, and see Shinsekai, a lively entertainment community. 
Mount Fuji - Majestic Beauty and Spiritual Symbol:
It would be like a tadpole on the tail of the koi if a traveler to Japan misses out on seeing the breathtaking view of Mount Fuji up close. Stride into the Lake Fuji area or Hakone which is equipped with hot spring water bathed containing picture-perfect Mount Fuji. In winter, take the omnipresence of snow as a chance to thrill yourself through skiing or snowboarding on the slopes of the neighboring resorts.
Japan attracts visitors with a mix of customs and technologies, hence classifying it as one of the most interesting destinations. Travelers from the Philippines can surely visit Japan tourists spots from Philippines when they use the services offered by Diper Tour, and their explorations of Tokyo, Kyoto, Nara, Hiroshima, Osaka, and majestic Mount Fuji will include some of the most memorable times in their lives.
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mxstball · 7 months
A Renegade's Desire
Something reached from the abyss and begun to take shape. It was unclear what was going on; however, the form of The Presence slowly began to change. For now, it was finally comprehensible... enough for other entities to describe.
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"It has been so long since I last heard from you -- too long. Ever since that day, I have stayed put in this domain. Initially, I hated you -- hated myself. I despised the day that I forced the one that I loved to fight against me. There have been times where I projected this hatred towards you -- wishing that you perished. There are others where I wished that you had finished me off then and there. There are times where I could not move... could not speak... could not think... as I was unworthy of doing such actions.... that I was no longer worthy of your love and forgiveness."
The creature began to walk in an understandable way. It ventured within the darkness, putting one foot past another, like a biped testing the ground under it. Torii gates assembled themselves in front of it to pass through, and disappeared when they were far away from the creature.
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"But eventually, I simply missed you. I missed talking to you. I missed hugging you. I missed spending time with you -- even if you no longer abide by that time. I still had so much to say to you... so many experiences to share... so much love to give. I ventured through this domain and connected my life with the lives of many other Giratina -- not just to help them in only the way that I could, but to find ways to find you. If one of them were to reach you, would you remember me? Would you wish to see me? Could I be worthy of your love once again?"
The creature began to run. As its stride solidified, its pace increased, but its breathing did not. It was as if this exercise had not phased it, made even more clear as it continued to speak.
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"I remembered the other versions of you. I noticed the fact that the destinies of some of those that I had blessed and some of your potential First Contacts were intermingled. Heidi, Hel... they are but two in a web of others that I have had the pleasure to learn of their stories, even if they have never met me directly. Still, I wished not interfere in your process. I wished not force myself into the life of your potentials. It would not be fair to those I have blessed, and it would be disrespectful to you. As such, all I could do... is to wait for you."
The creature stopped, causing anything around it to instantly disappear. It was back in the dark once again, with its thoughts and its thoughts alone.
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"But now that I have found you and that you have found me, all that I can say is that I... I missed you, Arceus... and while I have not given up my goal to one day become as glorious as you -- to become a Creator of a world just as you were once.... I have learned so much of myself and of responsibility in my time away. I... I love you, Arceus. I... I have always loved you. Do you still love me? Do you think about me as much as I think about you? Will you forgive me for the sin this creature had performed against your wishes all of those years ago? These are but a few questions that keep me up at night -- metaphorically, of course."
The creature reached out and summoned a mirror to look at herself. She was still trapped, yes. This form would never hold in its current state, no. However... this human form... the one that she could see in the mirror?
This... was the look of Mona... and she was proud of it.
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"...I can't wait to see you once again."
0 notes
stride-and-torii · 5 years
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Don’t worry about us ... “We Gucci” 💯🌹 #Share #Repost
Click link 👇👇👇 and #Subscribe to our YouTube channel 💕😍🔥💯🌹❤️ like share comment and subscribe thank u luv u guys 💕🔥
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iicytodoroki · 4 years
Kitsune! Miya Osamu x Inari Shrine Maiden! Reader (1/10)
A/N: hope you guys enjoy, it’s been awhile; also if any of you want me to continue/would like to see more of a fic i did hmu bc imma just end up doing it at a relatively slow pace, bc the goshiki smau and kageyama fic are gonna be focused on first. 
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White puffs of air came out of your mouth as you hear the soft crunch of foliage beneath your feet. The incline of steps up to your family shrine has been more rigorous than you thought. The cold was biting at the tips of your fingers as you carried the tray of food your Obaa-san told you to make, which was specifically favored by the yokai. 
“Yn my dear, I need you to cook for the shrine’s god until I get better,” Obaa-san weakly asked you.
Before you could respond, one of the monks from the entrance tried to interject, “But Ishida-san, why won’t you let one of us the monks do it? We have tended to the shrine--”
“No, an Ishida has always been the one cooking and providing the offerings to the god since the beginning,” your grandmother said sternly.
The monk’s demeanor became more quiet and reluctantly accepting the fact that a young, inexperienced lady will be doing such an important task; especially with the shrine’s festival approaching. 
“Yn, you already know what you must do, and do so very respectfully, the god is also responsible for our region’s prosperity.”
Now here you were, three hours later from cooking the special rice, fried tofu with rice, and sake. The long-traditional clothing you had to wear did not help with each step you took. The beautiful silk and layers did help with the movement and warmth, but it was nothing compared to your comfortable clothing. 
The sun was gradually setting and the lanterns littering the pathway up to the shrine became more prominent. When you turn the corner, you see the shrine up ahead. As you take a pause, you hear the swift air from the edge of the trees. It was like déjå vu. 
You were walking next to your grandmother in your traditional attire, trying to keep up going up those enormous steps. 
“Come now yn, your Oji-san will be performing the ceremony soon,” Obaa-san said. 
When you both reach the leveled ground of the shrine atop the expansive hill, your eyes widen at the beautiful decorations for the ceremonial event later that night. 
A quick rustling was heard from your right, but your [e/c] orbs were not able to catch the sharp grey eyes in the distance.
As night befell, the soft glow of the red lanterns reflected on the orange and yellow leaves from the trees above. Your Obaa-san and Oji-san were busy attending to the monks, guests, and running the festival. Since the town knew you and there were monks all around, surely you would be safe to run off for some deserts?
“Here are some coins to buy yourself takoyaki or candy-apples,” grandmother said as she gave you a red fish pouch, “But! You must stay near the monks’ vision and near the shrine’s vicinity.”
You eagerly nodded your head in a cute way, causing the elder to softly chuckle at your excitement of sweets. 
“Okay Tsubaki, you don’t have too many sweets,” Oji-san said, “and make sure your ‘tsubaki’ doesn’t fall off your little head.” As the said man re-clipped the camellia flower and patted your head.
You smiled at your nickname and quickly turned to run towards the stands and games. The tapping of your sandals being a huge giveaway to the elders at how happy you were finally out of their sight. 
You stood at the beginning of the torii gates towards leading to the actual building of the shrine. At each step you take, you became a little more...uneasy. You didn’t want to risk whipping your head side-to-side at the possibility the god deems it disrespectful. So, your only way was to rely on your peripheral vision and minuscule glances. However, there was nothing you could see until everything was being swallowed by the dark shadows along the trees. There was only the gust of a warm breeze keeping you company. Wait, a warm breeze? In autumn?
Stuck in your thoughts, you didn’t notice you were already halfway into the courtyard of the shrine. When reaching the entrance, you set down the offerings and began your prayer. While kneeling and reciting the prayers with your eyes closed, a beautiful man with three red lines on each cheek, in a white hakama with red camellias decorating it. Nine-tails were following behind the tall, built man and his eyes were targeting your back. 
Once you finished your prayers to the go, you scooted back (still facing forward) to reach the edge of the entrance, instead you collided with a pair of legs. You looked up to see grey eyes staring at you accompanied with a soft smirk on the handsome man’s face. Immediately you shot up on your feet and asked, “Who are you and what are you doing here?”
“I should ask you that, what are you doing here in my shrine,” he cooly replied.
That’s when you saw his grey nine-tails swirling behind him in aggravation and his whole aura emitting supernatural power. You were about to deeply apologize, but your body was frozen in place. Huh? 
The man -- or god -- sniffed the air and walked passed you towards the offerings you had made. He grabbed one of the inari-zushi and took a pleased bite, but then quickly laid his eyes on you. 
“You made this,” he said more as a statement than a question; he was gesturing towards the tofu in his hand and the tray nearby. You felt something lift and was able to slowly nod your head. He hummed in acknowledgement to put the food back and stride over to you.
“What happened to that old woman? The food smells different from how it’s usually done.”
 It seems you were granted permission to speak so you said, “She is ill right now, so I have replicated and will be performing the offerings until she is better.”
He continued to stare at you, making you uncomfortable, but you couldn’t help it to stare somewhere that's not those beautiful smokey grey eyes. Then his face was suddenly at the crook of your next, sniffing you. Frozen and wide-eyes at what he could do to you, you became stiff as a board.
“You smell,” he sniffs again, “familiar.” He was then face-to-face with you. You blush at the close proximity of the man.
“I-I am the granddaughter of the Ishida family who takes care of this shrine.” You finally had the courage to look up at him and that’s when you took notice of his ears, his right ear kept folding and unfolding in what seems to be curiosity.
Candy-apple in hand, you walked around the grounds greeting visitors and monks. Bored that there weren’t many children now at this time of night, you decided to turn back to find one of your grandparents. That’s when you noticed a boy who looked to be around you age of five. He seemed startled to have made eye contact with you and went into the dark woods. 
“Hey wait! It’s really dark now!” you exclaimed trying to get him back. You ended up following him until you saw him half hiding behind a tree. 
He seems kind of scared, you thought. 
“Do, do you wanna try my candy apple?”
Without saying a word, he continued to stare between you and the treat. He slowly emerged from behind the said tree. In the moonlight you can see the eight-tails behind him, short and fluffy. On top of his head were pointed ears, one kept slowly folding and unfolding as he got closer. 
When he is finally within arms reach, you stretch out your hand to give him the candy-apple. 
“Here, try it, it's really sweet!” while giving him an innocent smile. He slowly took the treat from your hand and took a bite. A growing blush and grin at the corner of his face appeared. Pleased with yourself, you smiled back.
“Um, my name is Ishida Yn,” you continued, “What’s yours? Or what are--”
“Oh! They’re looking for me,” you realized how much trouble you were going to be when they find you coming out of the woods. 
“I’m sorry, but I have to go,” you bowed in apology knowing he is not an average human.
Running off to the lights in the distance, you didn’t turn back to see the boy smile at your carefree nature.
Remembering the flashback from your childhood, you stared back at the knowing grey eyes.
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dudeandduchess · 5 years
“You make me so unbelievably happy” + sanemi? thank you!!
Hey hey, bby. Hope you like it! I wanted to include Genya since it was his birthday yesterday... so... here, have some soft and brotherly Nemi. 💜✨
Also, I made a big doozy and wrote a completely different prompt from the one requested, so I ended up with this instead. Lol.
Sanemi x F!S/O: “Be still my heart”, “You make me so unbelievably happy” (SFW Scenario):
“Why isn’t she here yet?” The panic and frustration was evident in Sanemi’s tone, as he paced right outside the torii gates outside the temple. “What’s taking her so long?”
His montsuki haori hakama felt so constricting around him, yet he resisted the urge to pull the heavy material off. Because he knew that if he did so, (Y/n) would have his head— between her legs or on a pike, he didn’t know; but personally, he preferred the former option.
“Nee-san’s going to be here soon, aniki. I personally checked on her before I came here,” Genya assured his older brother, even going as far as to put a hand on the Wind Hashira’s shoulder— albeit very hesitantly.
Sanemi wanted to snap at his brother, but reigned in the urge to do so— as it was a day of celebration, and it was also (Y/n)’s request for him to be as nice as possible to the younger man.
Whatever his almost-wife wanted, she would get; no questions asked. That was how much Sanemi loved her.
And so, with all the courage he could muster, he lifted a hand up and placed it on top of Genya’s hand on his shoulder. He then opened his mouth to say something, but closed it when no words came out.
He tried again, only to end up with the same outcome. For the life of him, he couldn’t collect any of the jumbled thoughts in his head and make them into a coherent sentence.
So he dropped his hand and stood stiffly as he tried to ignore Genya’s quiet chuckle, while he retracted his own hand.
“Thank you... for taking care of (Y/n) all this time. And for being here today.”
To say that Sanemi’s words surprised the younger Shinazugawa would be an understatement; as his eyes were wide with disbelief, and his jaw had slackened enough for his mouth to fall agape.
Because never, after the incident with their mother, did he think that his brother could ever speak to him with that kind and gentle tone again.
“I.. I was just doing what you told me to do: to take care of her when you couldn’t,” The younger man answered, as a blush tinted his cheeks. “And yeah, it’s no problem at all.”
Having had to provide for himself and the then-sickly (Y/n) was hard on Genya, especially after Sanemi had left them to hunt demons, but he didn’t regret anything about it; because not only was he getting back in his brother’s good graces, but he was also going to get to keep his childhood best friend as his sister in law.
Genya was just about to say something, when he spotted the palanquin approaching them. So he kept his mouth shut and saved his words for later; way after the wedding, as he could tell that his brother’s attention was no longer on him anymore.
The door slid open, and Sanemi immediately closed the distance between him and (Y/n) in a few steady strides.
His heart was racing frantically in his chest, and he felt like he was going to faint, but he soldiered on and offered his hand out to his bride.
Gingerly, (Y/n) placed her hand in Sanemi’s, before shuffling out of the palanquin. And her exit would have gone off without a hitch, had she not stepped on the hem of her shiro kakeshita.
She would have fallen face-first to the ground, had Sanemi not stopped her fall with his chest.
“Be still, my heart,” The Hashira mused with a slight grin, as he righted the love of his life. “You’re gonna make me fall even harder with all that need for saving.”
Instantaneously, a blush warmed the young woman’s cheeks, as she averted her gaze and pouted. “Shut up, Sanemi.”
“It’s goshujin-sama to you.”
“Shut up... goshujin-sama.” Tentatively, her graze flittered back to her groom, before her lips broke out into such a warm grin that it felt like a sucker punch to Sanemi’s chest.
“(Y/n)?” He called softly, as his right hand reached up to caress her cheek with his fingertips.
In response, the young woman tilted her head and quirked and eyebrow.
“You make me unbelievably happy.” It was so out of the blue, but he felt the need to say it; even just once.
With a very unladylike groan, (Y/n) turned her blushing face away from her husband to be, which had said man chuckling.
Truly, he was going to love being married to (Y/n). After all, he’d been waiting for that moment since they were children.
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nuclearshxgun · 4 years
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Just a few moments before the crack of dawn, the king of his island had awoken, treading down the sandy stretch of beach, the sand sinking at the touch of his claws. The titan continued his seaside stroll until reaching a path that appeared to stretch back into the jungle, marked by a vermilion torii gate.
Upon striding up the jungle track, a gentle flickering of light seemed to be visible from the top of the ridge. That was his destination, that is where this seemingly out of place trail would lead. There perched upon the top of the ridge appeared to be something in-between a shrine and a memorial, a pedestal of stone protruding up from the floor, with various engravings of important writing stretching across its sides. What however was most important was what adorned the top of this pedestal, a partially burning effigy of Titanus Gojira, akin to that of his own burning form. This was where Goji honoured his father, his predecessor whom had fought so hard to restore the natural order to the world. For most Father’s Day was a day of celebration, for him, a day of remembrance, as the king bowed his head in silence, knowing that the hope he now carried on his own shoulders.
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In my previous blog post I mentioned that a certain somebody would be visiting me in Japan for a two week holiday. The person in question was in fact my inamorata - Jocelin. On paper two weeks seems like an awfully short period of time and yet each of the fourteen days were abounding with dawn till dusk enjoyment. 
As she was experiencing Japan through her own senses for the first time, Jocelin’s initial reaction to her new surroundings struck me with interest. Jocelin - on the drive back home from the airport - displayed a kind of gleeful amazement at what I have, for all my life, considered mundane and “normal” aspects of Japan. Convenience stores, the style of the houses, the roads, the cars, to name but a few. I realised, having been born in Japan - leaving for England at the age of 3 and visiting every summer thereafter - that I never had or will have experienced Japan for the “first time”. At this I first felt ever so slightly envious of Jocelin’s experience but that feeling quickly wilted as I felt vicariously her excitement towards the peculiarities of a completely new place on Earth. There are, of course, innumerable places, cultural aspects and quirks of the country that I have not yet been exposed to and which I’m certain would trigger in me a new way of looking at Japan. One of these places was the first place Jocelin and I were to go.
The bullet train (shinkansen // 新幹線) is a remarkable achievement in the evolution of locomotion. It rips through the cities and countryside, with the crumpling of various food and drink packaging by the passengers making more sound than the train itself. Our particular train would take us over 500km in two and a half hours, from Tokyo to Kyoto. We arrived at our destination before midday and with just three full days to explore the area we wasted no time in going to the first temple on our list : The Kinkakuji temple - a coruscating golden pavilion. Even though an abundance of clouds accompanied us on this day, it took nothing away from the serenity of the pagoda sat upon water which looked as though some much as a ripple had never graced its surface.
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Fushimi inari taisha
The following day was a cloudless affair in which we visited the famous Arashiyama bamboo grove and possibly the most well known attraction in Kyoto, the Fushimi inari taisha shrine. With a total of 10,000 orange torii gates, it is a compelling experience to walk through them up to a shrine and pay respect. On our last day in Kyoto, we visited the Kiyomizu temple, another temple with a serene area to walk around. The night was concluded with something a little more modern in the form of a game of bowling; I did not spare any mercy for Jocelin, ruthlessly beating her by one pin.
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Kiyomizu Temple
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Though Kyoto was bustling with tourists, Nara was in contrast a lot more placid. I immediately liked the quaint atmosphere about the area and we walked through a very peaceful shopping and restaurant district to get to the acclaimed Nara Park. Nara has always been very well known for its park wherein deer roam freely amongst people and are allowed to be fed. Whenever I’m told something interesting such as this, my reaction is invariably one that follows along the lines of a tepid “Oh really?”, not because I’m feigning interest but because the extraordinary nature of these things, for me, is realised only when I have first hand experience of them. Jocelin and I were therefore quite surprised when we suddenly found ourselves encircled by these amiable and elegant animals. It really was strange. We found it particularly amusing how the deers in Nara, quite rightly, haven’t the faintest regard for human rules, striding fashionably and slowly from one side of the road to the other while us humans on foot wait for the green signal to legally walk across. I suspect the drivers in Nara are used to the inevitability of their journeys being disrupted when they approach the vicinity of Nara park.
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Deer in Nara
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The second week of Jocelin’s time in Japan was spent heavily focused on introducing to her the eccentricities of Tokyo. Having hitherto never been to Kyoto or Nara, coming back to Tokyo to show Jocelin around was a very interesting juxtaposition between humble shrines and flamboyant electric billboards, kimonos and Harajuku fashion. Both places are so starkly different in places and yet they are both very “Japanese” - as if one is “old” Japan and the other “new”. Jocelin enjoyed very much the idiosyncratic Takeshita street in Harajuku, and I looked in shops with her that I certainly wouldn't go in by myself. The next stop was Shibuya, a place which speaks for itself really. Other ventures included visiting my work and showing Jocelin the many bright floors of Akihabara’s huge Yodobashi camera store to get our rolls of film developed. A highlight of the second week was going to Ebisu to see a musician we both like called Mac Demarco. That afternoon and night it snowed so much that we had to book a capsule hotel in fear of the trains not being able to take us back home. This turned out, in the end, to be quite the auspicious event for us as we met Mac after the show, something we wouldn’t have been able to do had we gone home earlier.
The two weeks inevitably passed by like a bullet train and we both agreed that it could have been two months and it still wouldn’t have sufficed as an adequate period of time to be introduced to this eclectic land called Japan. But with that conviction came the promise from Jocelin that she would one day revisit Japan not so far in the future. I hope you’re ready for that day, Japan...
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All photographs taken by me on 35mm film. 
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alterlifes-a · 7 years
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sacrificial lamb. this is still a huuuge WIP because this is still the first out of five kisses BUT here’s a preview of the first part ... TW FOR A BRIEF ALLUSION TO G.ORE. nothing descriptive, it’s just ... there. i also added a glossary-like thing at the end because i mention a lot of japanese terms. they’re at a shrine, so ... ye. lots of words that you either can’t really translate well, or words that would take 5 english words to describe ( and that adds up gradually ).
        ACT I, SCENE 1.  1863, isonokami-jingu ¹  /  the courtyard.  japan is entering an era of westernization — a concept which emperor komei vehemently fights against. 1854 : the island nation, borders forcibly ripped open by american commodores  /  the convention of kanagawa. march 11th, this year : an order to rid the country of impurities  ;  尊皇攘夷  (  revere the emperor, expel the barbarians  ).    perhaps it is a bout of comedic irony which makes you want to laugh  (  after all, it has been mere days since you, yourself, have decided to take up the role of dispelling your own demons — or rather, his  ).  nonetheless, this scene opens a little like this : shide ², folded crisply into a shirakawa ³, zig-zagged style, hang from a shimenawa ⁴ ; rice straw bounded against red pillars encasing a staircase which leads from the shrine's main hall into this open space. sugi ⁵ trees, a canopy of pinprick leaves shield any straggling visitors from the outside world's prying eyes. they emit a woody smell ; mutedly minty. the scent wafts through the air, and it smells vaguely like home  (  funny how you can note this ; home was never a notion you were all too familiar with   ). it is evident this place is pure. holy.  (  but perhaps these symbols mean naught ; perhaps they are placed so as to defend something defiled and destined for desecration  /  cremation   ). the shide flutter gently in the wind. faintly, from the distance, a chime.          enter one sakai korekiyo, revered miko ⁶ and martyr-to-be for his people. alongside him is ito hikaru, precocious prophet / puppet to the gods he serves.  (  but, ah … you should know by now that seeing things from a third-person perspective does nothing to ease you of the fact that you have been placed on a pedestal. you were born from a second-person perspective  /  and you shall die that way, too. let us try again, then ?  )
         you were born into this world as sakai sayano of the sakai clan — retainers to the tokugawa shogunate, and granted the ability to peer into the heavens by the stars. but you have never felt holy. instead, you find your place balancing precariously between this world and the world of yokai. you were not made for this role. you are still just a child, at 18 years of age. you want to find home.          your name is sakai korekiyo, and you want to find home. perhaps the closest synonym to the word walks alongside you.          today is special for a number of reasons : firstably, the fact that you are able to spend time with hikaru is in of itself a blessing. you can practically count on your fingers just how oft these instances come, what with how the gods love to monopolize his daily routine. perhaps you can empathize with that, too — separating "have to"s from "want"s. you both have known, from an age not made to handle such burdens, that you cannot want anything. you are not allowed to.  (  still, being able to have some alone time is nice ; you always eagerly await the next time you two can meet.  )  it is special for that reason, too, as secondly : today is the day you steel your resolve. henceforth, you two will have so much more time to talk. enjoy each other's company. live as humans and not as expectations.
         today is the first day you are going to slay a god.
         perhaps this is tied to your inherent nature as the supposed vanquisher of evil spirits, but you know this is a rational decision in an irrational situation ; you've ruminated over it many times, have thought up scenarios — chewed and swallowed the soft entrails of a guilt you've yet to even experience. in actuality, it is a simple, almost childish equation : they hurt him. so you will make them hurt, as well. though the details of it are much more gruesome than you would like to admit, you know that this is the only way you can build your own happiness from the ground up. it is why you find this proposed expulsion of barbarians so funny ; the emperor intends to rid this supposed ' plague ' of outsiders, but you know that the real disease festers within. it is found in empty gods with empty heads full of empty promises. it burrows its way like a worm into soil, wriggles deep within gold-stained flesh. but this blood is impure ; it is pyrite deception, destined for pyres built from arrowheads and expired " love ", gone black from mold. there is nothing more deplorable than a degenerate who thinks he can play the role of deity — who treats a child like a pawn simply because he is a soothsayer whose words can soothe and smooth over the suffering of sacrificed souls —- HE, like you, at the mild age of 18, when boys should be preoccupied with how to find love, instead forced to carry on his shoulders the weight of two worlds. HE, a gentle child, born with a heart that beats so muffled, now smeared against the walls of this damned and wretched place. HE, whose palpitations beat irregularly to the tune of a wrongly taught notion of love. HE, plucked from his garden at such a young age, barely a bud, and now stagnated from growth.  (  if they know nothing of mercy, then you sure as hell aren't going to give it to them. this world has no need of such unjust gods.  )          … HE, the one you love most.
         you know only two things : your name, and the fact that you love him.          your name is sakai korekiyo, and all you want to do in this messy life is find a person to call home. you think you've found him.          now you must fight for that happiness.
         dancing a duet with the air around you, a rustling noise takes centre stage as the sagi's sharp leaves rain down with each step you take. tap, tap, tap. sting, sting, sting. the waves of wind remind you of the ocean's shore — an even, lulling noise, just like that of a heartbeat. you bite your tongue a little, shove it against the inside of your cheek before you become a little cheeky and say something you ought not to  (  ' it's almost like we're taking a romantic walk, you and me '   ). instead, you lace your hands behind your back, turning around to open a conversation with a big grin on your face. truly, this is a genuine sort of gaiety ; one which you've only been able to grasp in temporary strands.          (  but perhaps, starting from here on out, that won't be the case anymore.  )          "  do you have plans tomorrow ?  "  your grin grows wider, eyes squinting slightly as your cheeks threaten to take up more space on your face.  "  i have a mission, but when i'm done, we must definitely spend more time together ! call it what you may — perhaps an intuition of my own, but ...  "  a hand moves over to your mouth now, fingers curled into a fist, with the thumb and index now covering the sly smile you've transitioned into.  "  … i think your schedule is going to be a little lighter from now on.  "  your features fall a little after such a pompous statement, arms coming to rest at your sides as you stop in your striding.  "  but … if you have the time,  "  a much more serene smile given, tone vulnerable, volume at barely a whisper,  "  we can spend the night together, too.  "          hikaru looks a little smug, and you're tempted to ball up the tabi socks on your feet and shove them into his mouth. you already know what he's going to say, so you brace for impact —- and yet never collide.          "  i'd love to.  "  it's almost as quiet as your own voice moments ago. you think perhaps he understands the brevity of your statement.  (  ah, but of course he has. he has known things about you before they even happened. it goes without saying that he knows of this, too.  )          for once in your life, you find yourself not fiddling with your hands. your arms, still bound to your sides, only move when hikaru outstretches his own. and when your fingers slide hesitantly over the palm of his hand  (  it's warm, like him  ), he pulls you in close. cups your face. dips you down — slightly so. and presses his lips against yours so kindly, you think perhaps he were pressing, with the same gentility, blooming forget-me-not between silk-screen scroll paper.
         it is the first time you have ever kissed someone.          it is the first time he has kissed someone of his own volition, as well.          you make a promise that night with hooked fingers to see each other the next day.
ACT I, SCENE 2.  1866. It rains gold today. The gods left on my doorstep that eve, 2 years ago, soft entrails — chewed and spit out. I've already forgotten ; was your love always stained with such dazzling lustre ? Was your love something more than just lust, or … ? What did your face look like ?          I keep searching for you  /  but I cannot find you.
isonokami-jingu — a shrine in nara, japan. it is known for housing the shichishitō ( translated to "seven-branched sword" ), which allegedly was given to the first emperor of japan during a time of need. the shrine serves futsu-no-mitama-no-ookami, a deification of the sword. shide — zig-zag shaped paper streamers hung near places that have been purified, particularly shinto shrines shirakawa — one of three styles that shide are folded into shimenawa — rice straw or hemp rope usually bounded onto torii ( gates ) or spiritual landmarks. the presence of one indicates that the area it is bound to is sacred or pure. sugi — japanese cedar miko — a shinto priestess
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kcgitsunemaruu · 7 years
fill in the below categories with  3 - 5  things that your character can be identified by. repost  &  tag away.
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Light gray
Donburi (he’s not picky but his fav is tendon)
Agedashi dofu
Black tea
Stealing (which is rare anymore)
Upright posture
Long strides/confident gait
Folded arms/hands on hips
Tail/ears moving
Foxlike eyes
Torii (Shinto shrine gate)
TAGGED BY: I stole it TAGGING: @tsurici @bravehope @tcmckiri @saihai @odigxs @masters-never-die @inkstainedjade and whoever else wants to do it yo
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sagara-megumi · 7 years
SasuSaku Month - Day 11: Shelter from the Rain || [Fanfic] Storm (Part I)
Title: Storm (Part I)
Rating: K/G
Notes: More out-of-season stories XD
As in the previous one, the places depicted in the story are real (except for the restaurant). However, the descriptions might not be accurate since I had to depend heavily on photos, descriptions and Google Maps, so please, be lenient with that, especially if you’re Japanese or have been there.
Sorry for the delay and, as always, if you find something strange, please, tell me ^^ Thank you again for the kind messages and the notes. I hope you enjoy this one too :)
P.S. I saw I had an instant message this afternoon, but when I was going to reply to it some minutes later, it had disappeared. I don’t know if Tumblr ate it or that person deleted it (then, it’s fine), but if it’s the first case, could you please send it again?
Words: 4500
After turning off the car, Sasuke wrote a brief message in his smartphone and sent it. Then, he put his hands on the steering wheel and leant back on the driver’s seat, closing his eyes for a moment and sighing tiredly.
It was a tradition in the Uchiha family to gather for New Year. For two days, the members came from all the places in the country to the main house, and an official dinner was held on New Year’s Eve. After seeing the year off, a special ceremony was celebrated to ask the gods for their protection. The first day of January was also full of events and he had barely had time to sleep soundly after so much activity, drinking and eating. He had returned to his flat early that same morning to rest for a while, change into a clean suit and shirt, and pick up Sakura for the traditional visit to the shrine. Even though they had already done it with their families in the temples their clans belonged to, they had decided to go together a second time and spend the day out before she dedicated all her time to study for her Medical Licensing Examination in February.
The sound of the wooden door made him come out of his thoughts and he looked at the rear mirror to see a flash of white disappear around the side of the car. Immediately, the door of the passenger’s seat opened and Sakura smiled at him brightly. As he had expected, she was dressed in a kimono.
“Good morning, Sasuke-kun” she bowed a bit more. “Happy New Year.”
He nodded with a sound of acquiescence.
As she sat down sideways and carefully moved to get into the car, he took his time to observe her. Her furisode was made of white silk with a red hem on the skirt and the sleeves, and a pattern of bamboo, plum blossoms and pine, traditional motives for New Year, scattered over the whole fabric. Over it, she wore a white shawl. Around her waist, there was a black, red and golden obi with auspicious motives too, tied in a complicated knot in her back. She had her hair half up in a low bun with an ornament of red and black flowers, the loose locks parted in the middle and falling over her shoulders, leaving the back of her neck exposed. His gaze lingered on the small portion of white skin a second more than he wished to
She finally managed to get into the car and closed the door, careful not to catch her long sleeve. Then, she breathed with a mixture of relief and an attempt to gather her strength, and turned what her clothes allowed her, trying to take the seatbelt to no avail. After the second time, she looked at him with a pleading glance and he sighed, unfastening his and leaning over to take it.
Her perfume was subtle but totally intoxicating. As she could not lean back on the seat to make his actions easier because of the knot on her back, he found himself almost embracing her. For a moment, their eyes met and time seemed to stop. Hers widened slightly and her lips parted instinctively, enough for his dark pupils to fly to them momentarily. Something fluttered strongly inside her and her cheeks reddened, feeling his breath on her skin. They were in front of her house, anybody could see them in that compromising position. And while a part of her reminded her of all those things, another one, deep inside her did not mind at all and was whispering her sweet words about the possibility of him closing the very small distance that separated them. But suddenly, with a sigh, Sasuke tore his sight from her face and pulled the seatbelt maybe with more strength that was needed. He straightened, fastening her belt and then, sitting properly on his seat, did the same with his own.
He started the car and drove away from her house, and for a few minutes, they stayed in silence.
“Th-Thank you for picking me up” she started speaking, fidgeting with the small lackered handbag on her lap. “And sorry for the bother, you must be tired after the New Year’s traditions, and to come this far-”
“Don’t be” he replied, his tone a bit harsher than she expected, and as he saw her grip her bag tighter, he softened his next words. “I don’t mind, and moreover, meeting there would be almost impossible.”
He was probably right. After all the shrine where they were going, Tokyo Daijingu, was very famous and there were always a lot of people praying there. Sakura startled a bit and blushed. It was especially popular because it was related to love and marriage. Inwardly, she hit herself. If she had remembered that before, maybe she would have chosen another one from the two or three Sasuke had suggested. But that one was more or less halfway their houses, though the fact that he had insisted on picking her up made him take a huge detour and drive three times the distance. She could only hope that he did not know about the tradition and did not read in her choice more than what it was.
When they arrived in the vicinity of the shrine, he parked the car and they walked along the busy streets, filled with people who were probably going to the same place. As they neared the shrine, the crowd became even larger. Sometimes, Sasuke did not notice that he left Sakura behind, since she had to take small steps due to her kimono, and when he turned, he had to stop and wait or go back to her. The third time it happened, he stretched his arm back and took her hand without a word, and she could not help flustering a bit.
It was the first time she felt his skin and she experienced a soft tingling in her stomach. It was a bit cold, but not to feel uncomfortable. His palm was rough and she could feel some rough patches under her fingers, probably from the sword practice he did since he was young. She smiled lightly. That hand spoke of hard work and a strong will to get his objectives, and also, his firm grasp gave her reassurance and the certainty that he was someone who did not leave those who trusted him in the lurch.
When they turned another corner, they came to an unexpectedly narrow street for a famous shrine to be built, and opposite a high building a few metres from their position, they saw the stone shrine fence. As they approached it, the hum of people’s voices became louder and louder and when they stopped by the Torii, the access was closed with a wooden railing and a sign told them that the entry to the place had been changed. A bit further there was a big queue that went up the slope and some policemen that gave instructions to the people. Sasuke looked at her questioningly and as she smiled and nodded, he did the same and together, they started their way up the street. Sakura lifted a bit the hem of her kimono so her strides could be longer so she did not have to run and Sasuke did not have to adjust to her pace again. After a few steps, they found a matching rhythm, and this time, it was he who smirked briefly to himself as he admired her tenacity and her ability to adapt to each situation. Others would have started complaining a long time ago…
After some minutes, they reached the end of the queue and they prepared to wait patiently. Though they expected to take their time, the line moved quite quickly and less than an hour later, they were almost at the shrine.
When they entered the place, they went up the steps and crossed under the stone torii, and went to their right, where the purification fountain was. Once they observed the ritual, they went up the stairs and the sacred ground appeared before their eyes. It was a very beautiful building made of dark wood with a pointy roof and there was a purple curtain with two big chrysanthemum flowers half folded to mark where the main hall was. The yard was small, covered in gravel with a stone path in the centre. People were waiting in a very quiet queue. Soon it was their turn to go up the steps and stand in front of the altar. Following the custom, they offered some money and bowed, clapping their hands to offer their prayers. Then, they stepped down to let the following people in the row do the same.
“Sasuke-kun” it was her turn to take his hand as they walked, and he looked at them, surprised that she had taken the initiative. “Do you want to draw your fortune for this year?”
He smiled a little, not really minding being half dragged to the stall where the fortune papers were bought.
‘Excellent Luck’ said in both fortune papers, and Sakura let out a small excited laugh. She folded it and, opening her handbag, put it in a small pocket carefully. Then, she looked at Sasuke, who still had the paper between his fingers.
“Come on, Sasuke-kun” she said putting her hands behind her and leaning forward a bit. “Put it in your wallet.”
“I don’t really believe in these things” he said contemptuously. “ You make your own luck, not what it’s said randomly on a paper.”
She pouted slightly.
“Now you’re being disrespectful to all those people” she said waving in the way of some people tying their predictions to a special wire in hopes to leave their bad luck behind.
“Alright, alright…” he said with an annoyed sigh, folding it and taking his wallet from the back pocket of his trousers. “Satisfied?” he said lifting a brow after he had put it back.
“Yes!” she smiled widely and he studied her for a moment, lifting his brow.
“You’re very simple if that little thing makes you happy, you know?” he teased her.
Instantly, her expression changed to a scowl.
“Well, sorry for being simple.”
Sasuke gazed at her, his eyes sparkling with amusement while a small smirk appeared on his lips, and felt the temptation to tousle her hair. But she would probably get mad, so he refrained himself. Instead, he looked at his watch.
“It’s still early for lunch. Do you feel like having a walk, or do you prefer to sit down for a while?”
She was a bit puzzled at the sudden change of topic, forgetting everything about his joke. But then, she understood that it was an offering of peace and she smiled. After all, she was not angry either.
“A walk would be nice.”
They went down the street at a leisure pace, taking a look at the shop windows they found on their way. As they reached a corner that led into a wider street they stopped to decide where to go.
“Oi, Sasuke!”
A cheerful voice called him and they turned, seeing a blond man waving at them accompanied by a beautiful woman with black hair tied in a bun at the top of her head, dressed in a dark purple kimono. Sakura heard Sasuke groan softly and looked at him curiously.
“What are you doing here? Coming from Tokyo Daijingu?” the man said slapping the other’s back. “If you never cared about visiting shrines…” in that moment, his blue eyes fell on Sakura. “Oh, now I understand it” he grinned with a mischievous expression and Sasuke huffed, annoyed. “Well, aren’t you going to introduce us?”
Sasuke glared at him and then sighed again, defeated.
“This idiot is Uzumaki Naruto, Manager of Human Resources at the company, and his wife Hinata-san” he said looking at her, then, he looked at Hinata. “This is Haruno Sakura.”
Both women smiled and bowed to each other as Naruto complained loudly about being ignored by his best friend. Sasuke crossed his arms with a satisfied expression and they could not help a small laugh that they tried to hide behind their hands.
“Nice to meet you, Haruno-san” Hinata said with a sweet smile. “I’ve heard about you from my husband. You’re Sasuke-san’s omiai partner, aren’t you?”
Sakura smiled.
“Yes. And please, call me Sakura. People call my parents 'Haruno-san’ and I’m going to start thinking they’re behind my back.”
“It was time that someone took you out of your house during this holiday” Naruto said to his boss and then, turned to Sakura. “No matter how much everybody insists on going out and have some fun, every single New Year he gives us the same answer: 'After having to tolerate my whole family for two days, I prefer to stay at home and sleep'” he imitated Sasuke and then, he looked at him with half closed eyes and crossed his arms. “Sometimes I think that if you could, you’d hibernate like a snake.”
“You should be glad I do that” Sasuke had a snarky tone in his voice. “I can stand you thanks to me resting when I can.”
Sakura was mortified, but Hinata touched her arm and smiled at her.
“Don’t worry, they’re always like that. It happened to me before, but I understood it’s their way of expressing their feelings.”
Sakura tilted her head confused and then looked again at the two men who were exchanging new remarks.
“If you say so…”
Hinata, seeing that Sakura was a bit uncomfortable, clapped her hands softly and looked at them
“We were about to look for a place to eat, would you like to join us?” she asked, interrupting her husband’s diatribe.
“But, Hinata-chan…” Naruto complained throwing a dirty look at Sasuke, who frowned.
“I’d like to talk a bit more with Sakura-san” she looked at them with slightly pink cheeks and a shy smile. “If Sasuke-san doesn’t mind…”
“I don’t” he said with a small defeated sigh.
With happy smiles on their faces, both women started walking down the street followed by the men, a soft breeze playing with the sleeves of their clothes and their hair. Sasuke and Naruto kept silent for a few moments, hearing them speak about their kimono, praising their patterns and colours and talking about the period their families had acquired them.
“I swear to you that I’ll never understand women…” Naruto broke the silence between them and Sasuke made a sound of agreement.
The blond man stared at him, and after a few seconds, Sasuke frowned and looked at him.
Naruto put his hands in his coat pockets.
“So, you’re tying the knot…”
“Don’t be an idiot. Why are you saying that?”
“But, you know, Tokyo Daijingu is famous because of that. People come here to pray for love and marriage.
Stunned, Sasuke looked at his friend before wanting to slap himself hard. He had not remembered about it. It was true that he had heard things about it but when deciding where to go, he had not thought about it. Now he could understand why there were so many women there praying and having their fortune told in a different boot from the one where Sakura and he had gone. What would she be thinking now? He stole a glance at Sakura, who was smiling about something that Hinata was saying.
“I… forgot…”
“Oh, gosh, you’re hopeless, you know?” he grinned. “Wait till Itachi knows about this.”
Sasuke expression panicked for a moment before he clenched his teeth.
“If you tell him, I’ll kill you and I swear they’ll never find the body.”
Naruto had booked a private booth in a small ramen restaurant called Ichiraku, and since he was friends with the owner, the man did not mind putting two more cushions at the table. They asked for beer and bowls of noodles each with their preferred seasoning and ingredients.
“You really couldn’t go to any other place to eat in New Year…” Sasuke made a face as he looked at his friend with half closed eyes.
“I like ramen, is that a problem?”
“Are they really best friends?” Sakura asked as they started yet another argument.
“Yes. Naruto-kun and Sasuke-san met in their first year of middle school. At the beginning, their fights were really serious. Naruto-kun was always on the defensive and he took whatever Sasuke-san said personally. And then, he started to do it for fun…”
Sakura looked at Sasuke as he crossed his arms.
“So, he’s a bit of a sadist?”
Hinata laughed softly.
“I wouldn’t say that…” she thought for a moment. “I think it was his way to try to understand him. You see… Naruto-kun was… quite the rebel in his adolescence and Sasuke-san could not figure him out. Moreover, they’re both very competitive and it became a matter of pride for my husband to surpass him” she took a sip of her beer. “Naruto-kun…” she blushed a bit. “He was really bad at studying, or better said, he didn’t have any interest, so, when he was at risk of not graduating, Sasuke-san took it upon himself to make him learn by force if necessary. They even had a serious fight. Naruto-kun lost, so he had to comply and in the end, he did it…”
She paused, looking at them fondly.
“Sasuke-san was one of the first to see his worth. Most people said that he was a disaster and that he wouldn’t accomplish anything in life. Only a few believed in him…”
“And you were another one of them” Sakura said with a grin, and then, blushed. “Oh, sorry I was too indiscreet.”
Hinata shook her head.
You’re right. I have loved him since that time, and even though I couldn’t do what Sasuke-san did, I tried to support him with small deeds, like lending him things or preparing bento for them. When I finally confessed he almost fell down from the impression” she laughed lightly.
Sakura took a sip of her drink, and at that same moment, their order arrived and there was a pause in their conversations.
“Naruto-kun said your family owns a hospital…”
“Yes, the Haruno Private Hospital” Hinata nodded, knowing the name of the famous clinic. “And you, Hinata-san? Are you a chairman’s daughter?”
“No” she picked up some noodles with her chopsticks and blew softly. “My family belongs to the traditional arts. My mother is the head of an Ikebana School and my father is a painter.”
“A painter?” Sakura asked after swallowing the first bite of her meal. “May I know who?”
“Hyuuga Hiashi.”
“Oh!” she put a hand in front of her mouth in surprise. “My grandmother is a fan of him. She has two of his paintings hanging in the dining room of our main house.”
“I’m honoured.”
“Me too. When I tell her, she’s going to be ecstatic.”
“If you want to, one day we could invite you and your grandmother to our house, so she can meet him…”
“That would be fantastic, Hinata-san…” however her excitement disappeared quickly as she stole a glance at Sasuke. “But, I don’t know if it’ll be appropriate…”
Hinata left her chopsticks on the table and folded her hands together, smiling sweetly.
“Even if you don’t marry Sasuke-san, I hope we continue to be acquaintances, Sakura-san…”
“They seem to get along well…” Naruto said putting his bowl on the table after drinking some broth. “I’m glad. Hinata-chan needs more female friends…”
Sasuke did not say anything, busy as he was having a bite of his food. However, he had noticed it too. It seemed that both women had many things in common and they were becoming friends. They had even heard bits of the story Hinata had told Sakura about the times where the three of them had met.
“So, are you going to ask her to marry you?” his friend asked, propping one elbow on the table and putting his chin on his hand, watching his wife and his friend’s partner chatting in a lively way. “And this time I’m asking seriously.”
Sasuke stayed silent for a few seconds.
“I don’t know…”
“But you like her, right?”
He frowned, lifting his head from his meal and staring at Naruto.
It’s the second time you say that” he said a bit on the defensive. “Why are you so sure?”
Naruto watched the dark haired man opposite him for a moment with a sceptical expression on his face.
“Really? It’s obvious by the way you look at her. There’s…” he made a gesture with his hands. “I don’t know how to call it… something…”
“Great, very enlightening” he retorted ironically. “But” he continued in a softer tone. “I think it’s too early to know.”
Naruto looked at him with half-closed eyes for a few seconds with an unreadable expression that gave Sasuke goosebumps.
“So dense…” Sasuke heard him mutter before putting a big piece of meat in his mouth.
“Well,” he commented after swallowing it. “An omiai dating period normally lasts three months, so I suggest you to start considering it.”
When they came out of the restaurant, the light breeze from before had turned into a strong wind, and dark clouds covered the sky.
“Uh-oh…” Naruto said looking at the sky and scratching his head. “it’s better if we leave that coffee for another day. It’s going to pelt down in a few minutes…”
The rest of them agreed and they said their goodbyes quickly with the promise of another gathering soon, and went their separate ways, but they had barely walked past a few shops when, with a flash of lightning followed shortly by the thunder, the rain started. The few drops of the beginning turned into a downpour in seconds, and Sasuke took Sakura’s hand to help her walk faster. She slipped once and then decided to take off her sandals that he snatched from her grasp immediately, and lifted the skirt of her kimono, and both started to run. They arrived at the car five minutes later, and as he opened the door to her, she picked up the hem, that was stuck to her legs, up to her knees to enter quickly. Sasuke did the same as soon as he closed her door.
With one hand, he wiped his face and combed back the locks of hair that had stuck to his face with his fingers. Sakura was cleaning her forehead with a handkerchief that she had taken out of her handbag. Then, she refolded it and handed it o him.
“I’m sorry that you have to use the same one.”
He shook his head and took it, cleaning a bit his eyes and brows.
“There should be some tissues in the glove compartment.”
She took them out and picked up some before handing them to him, who dried his hands while looking ahead. It was impossible to see anything clearly through the windscreen, as cascades of water slid down it. Another thunder, loud as a cannon shot, seemed to shake the car. He could not help being worried about driving in those conditions, but there was no other choice.
“Well, let’s get you home.”
She nodded as she sniffled, embracing herself to keep the little warm she still had, and he started the car. He turned on the heating system and the windscreen wipers at the fastest speed, and started to manoeuvre carefully.
“I can’t believe this…” Sasuke said frowning and squeezing the steering wheel between his hands.
They had just turned into a big avenue and they had suddenly been stopped by a long line of cars. Even though the traffic lights allowed them to continue their way, the red lights of the cars in line could be seen all along the street, far ahead from their position. And they were not moving an inch.
“I supposed there would be some heavy traffic with this storm, but this is ridiculous…”
He stole a glance at her. Despite her efforts to appear calm, he had noticed that she had started to shiver compulsively a few moment before. The traffic lights changed for the third time and they were not moving. Sasuke swore under his breath and looked at her again, this time openly. He frowned when she turned her face to her window, maybe to avoid his gaze, and then trembled violently. Her fingers fisted even tighter on the sleeves of her kimono, her knuckles becoming even whiter as if she was trying to control her shudders with all her might. He put his hand on hers, noticing how cold it was and she startled, turning her head to him. She was pale and her eyes were slightly widened. At that moment, a man knocked on his window and he slid it down. He was wearing a police officer raincoat.
“Good afternoon, sir” Sasuke nodded and Sakura looked at him curiously despite her state. “There’s been a multiple car accident two intersections from here, and that is why you are in this situation. We are working as fast as possible.”
“Do you know how much time we will have to wait?”
“I’m not sure, sir. The accident and emergency team is attending the injured and the firefighters will try to move away the cars as fast as possible when they’re sure that there’s nobody trapped in them but until then…”
After one more quick look at Sakura, who had gone back to her previous position, he made his decision.
“Which street should I take to go to Shinjuku?” he asked in a lower voice.
“When you reach the next street on the left, turn. The police officer who is there will be able to give you more accurate instructions.”
“Thank you.”
Slowly, they could continue for a few metres and then he used the left turn signal. Sakura looked at him through half closed lids.
“A detour?” her voice was shaky and a bit sleepy.
“More or less. We’re going to my house.”
Those words woke her up immediately, looking at him with widened eyes.
“You’re freezing, and with this traffic jam it’ll take us hours to get you home.”
She shook her head weakly, trying to protest.
“No buts. Call your family,” he said, giving her a quick stern glance as he turned. “Till the storm stops, you’re staying with me.”
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