#shrine maiden reader
I had a thought for a creator but they didn't believe they were the creator and could influence others into believing it too.
The two characters are Sara kujou and yae miko
@mastadon64 here you go!
Gaslight, Gatekeep, Godboss - Kujou Sara and Yae Miko
Kujou Sara
Cw: Sexual innuendos
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-Honestly, waking up in Teyvat, you had a hard time convincing yourself you weren’t dreaming
-(It took you tumbling down a hill and slamming into a particularly sharp rock to realize it was not a dream. Also, ow)
-(You ignored the way your blood was golden. You were pretty sure you’d never seen the Genshin characters bleed anyways. It was probably just censoring. Totally.)
-Some way or another, you ended up in Inazuma
-Honestly, it wasn’t as bad as you were expecting
-Most of the creatures were pretty chill, and as long as you avoided the people, you didn’t get in much trouble
-And then you kicked a Tenryou commission officer in the face and got arrested
-You know, jail wasn’t as bad as you expected either!
-Your cellmates weren’t too bad either- one of them asked you if you were god, which was weird, because you didn’t look anything like the Shogun, but you gave him a stick of dango and he shut up
-(You might not have been a god, but the fact that you managed to keep your inventory from the game was the closest thing to a divine blessing that you could imagine. Who needs a gnosis when you have your own pocket dimension?)
-It’s about half an hour before you’re taken from your cell for questioning
-You walk into a small interrogation room, shock igniting in your chest as you spot Kujou Sara
-Wasn’t she important?
-Was kicking that guy in the face really such a grave offense?
-“Are you the Creator God?” She asks, deathly serious
-Why did people keep asking you this???
-You’re pretty sure you don’t look too godly, garbed in stolen clothes that you’re ninety percent sure you put on wrong, a fading bite mark on your arm from when you tried to pet a rifthound, leaves in your hair. Honestly, you looked pretty disheveled, and…
-“Is that your way of saying you think I’m hot? Like… godly or whatever?”
-Considering the way the Tengu’s face turns a vibrant red, you’re either very right, or very wrong
-It’d be funnier if you were right though, so you press on
-“I mean, not that I’m not into it, but I’m feeling kinda iffy about the power dynamic here- prisoner and cop is a cute trope and all, but not all that smart in real life, I mean I get it if it’s a kink or whatever, I know handcuffs are attractive, but as of right now it’s immoral-”
-“Shut up. Please.” Sara mumbled, covering her red face with her hand. Her hair has more volume than usual, tiny sparks of static dancing between the strands
-“… I mean after I get out of prison I’d totally be down to go on a date, and if you feed me well enough I might even let you handcuff me.” You add.
-The silence in the room is heavy
-“Get out.”
-“Yes ma’am. Hm. No. Yes Mommy? Yes Master-“
-You’re cut off by an electrically charged arrow striking the wall beside your head.
-You’re released from prison three days later, now with a whole gaggle of new friends from criminals
-(You ignored the fact that some of them made really important sounding speeches swearing their fealty to you. Also the small shrine they were building in your honor. If you didn’t acknowledge it, it didn’t exist)
-You were surprised that as soon as you left, you were met with a glaring Kujou Sara, who takes your hand in her own
-“Am I being arrested again?”
-“… I’m going to take you on a date. And then I’m going to handcuff you.”
-“Yes Mommy!”
-“I Will Shoot You Again.”
Yae Miko
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-You had to admit, stumbling upon a small shrine that seemed to be dedicated to your doppelgänger was creepy
-But you had also just been Isekaied to video game land, so you were pretty adaptable at the moment.
-Or high on adrenaline.
-You pick up one of the Sunsiettas from the shrine, biting down and relaxing, until-
-“Your excellency?!” A voice squeaks, and looking up you see a very frazzled shrine maiden staring at you.
-“Uh. No?” You say, swallowing the Sunsietta.
-The shrine maiden starts sobbing. “Your excellency!”
-“Oh- no- I’m- uh- I’m like you? You know? I’m uh… a messiah? Priest? Prophet? Whatever gets you to stop crying?” You awkwardly pat her head.
-“You- you’re the Creators chosen one?” She blubbers.
-“Uh. Yeah. Totally. Stop crying.”
-“CHOSEN ONE!” And she’s crying again
-After a lot of crying, you’re led to the Grand Narukami shrine, where you’re introduced to the head shrine maiden as the chosen one
-“… Are you sure she’s not just the creator?”
-“You flatter me. I’m just gods favoritist and most specialist little princess.”
-The Kitsune likes this. Perhaps too much, but we’ll let her have her fun
-And thus, the war to get you to admit that you’re the Creator begins, hidden under the guise of her introducing you to chosen one duties
-She takes you on a pilgrimage all across Inazuma first, going to the most dangerous places possible just to put you in danger and save you at the last second, disappointed that you never use godly powers to save (read: reveal) yourself
-She meditates with you, and paints obscure markings on your face when you fall asleep, which you have to pass off as messages from the creator
-She takes you to meet the Shogun, but after leaving you alone for five minutes, returns to you teaching her poker and robbing her blind. You cited divine luck and she pretended she didn’t notice the cards stuffed inside your sleeve
-It ends pretty anticlimactically, actually
-She’s introducing you to the local foxes, when you trip over a rock and face plant into the floor
-And get a nose bleed
-Miko can’t help but doubling over in laughter at the sight of your pout as golden blood drips down your face
-“And how are you explaining this one, Oh revered Chosen One?”
-“Genetic condition.”
-The laughter doubles
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kiyosw · 1 year
loss of innocence , size kink and cervix fucking with sweet n innocent shrine maiden miko 😇
(no explanation needed feel free to go as wild as you can)
-i think u know who i am AAHHAHAHA
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When you two first did it, dear archons she swear she saw stars just by the tip entering her.
With how you are towering over her, your shadow just engulfing her whole body and how you're already splitting her cunt in half with just the head is enough to make her close to the edge.
She was confused, too innocent on how not even half of your cock is entering her and she's already whimpering at the feeling, her slick just multiplying every inch of your cock that's being inserted in her soaking cunt. <3
She still needed some time to get used at your throbbing shaft. How can she not, when you're already panting and leaving marks on her pretty neck?
When she's already accustomed to your ubdoubtedly huge shaft, she was already a moaning mess.
Even though she tried to hide her moans from you, she can't understand it as her body keeps on failing her to do so. It just feels so damn good, especially when it's you that's making her feel this good.
Her sweet moans against your ear continuing to make your cock throb more, adding fuel to your thrusts until your tip poke at something that made the sweet little miko whine and cum in an instant. <3
Seeing at the reaction, you continued to thrust even after she's still recovering from her recent climax.
"Hmngh, w-wait— I-I just came— R-right th-there..! T-too sensi..–tive..!"
Ears twitching and tail thrashing on the white silk sheets, as it feels too pleasurable and sensitive for the little fox. <3
Still thrusting inside her warm caverns, you soon realized what your tip poked. Her cervix.
Being more determined than ever, you continued thrusting until you saw it on her lower abdomen, your cock so deep inside her that you entered her womb.
The innocent little fox still squirming and fucked up, still on a trance on how you made her feel so good.
Smirking ever so slightly and turned even more if possible as you saw the bump disappearing everytime you went out, pressing on it while staying deep inside miko.
Even though she just climaxed, the innocent fox still managed to cum on your cock too fucked up after seeing the little bulge on her pretty abdomen, breathless and only thinking about the cock that's pounding hard into her womb and cervix.
Cumming deep inside her, every ropes of your cum being emptied out on her needy cunt as she shamelessly chases your lips to muffle her moans, still being embarassed at all the noises she makes.
"Hah.. fuck, Taking all of my cum inside you so obediently, such a good girl for her master."
After this, she knew she won't get enough of you fucking your cock so deep into her needy cunt. <3
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gothghostiie · 8 months
Ok, because I do badly want to eventually write a Shrine Maiden thing, I’m workshopping designs for our Maiden’s outfit. I’m playing with a few different ideas, lmk which things you like about each!
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This one I wanted to go for a more modest, demure maiden look. The physical features are modeled after me!
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Then a more slutty, harem girl style ensemble…
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And a potential Shrine Maiden dressed exclusively in jewelry! How promiscuous~
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Here we have a more royal, High Priestess type outfit. Depending on Reader’s rank/status in the cult, her outfit would adjust accordingly.
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Here I played with a more Greco-Roman style for her outfit…
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And a final idea for a Shrine Maiden in a cult located in a more snowy region. Think maybe a mountain monastery with pristine snow, fur coats, and lots of braziers around the temple!
Anyway, thoughts? I need to pick a proper theme to design the final pass!
okokok hear me out; harem style with the jewelry headpiece
but tbh, I love them all so why pick one? use them for different occasions 👀
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clouddyyneptune · 2 years
Little Maiden (pt 1?)
pairing: yae miko x fem reader
a/n: got this idea from one of my mutuals! thank you for the idea :)
warnings: use of petnames, suggestive at the end, unprofessional relationships.
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working for yae miko came with some of it’s perks. not only had you arguably had the best view of inazuma at the shrine, but you also got to serve under someone you looked up to.
there was no difficulty adjusting to the new job, and you happily obliged to do any errands or requests the lady had for you.
your kindness went unnoticed by yae miko.
the first day when you started working, she couldn’t help but take a long look over your appearance. she found you quite breathtaking, and that was enough to make her interested. small glances here and there turned into full blown staring, but you hadn’t thought anything of it. you were just a shrine maiden, doing her job. there was no harm in that.
it wasn’t until you started to meet with yae miko more often did you question things, but it was never enough to cause you confusion. she would ask for you to make her tea, or do something as simple as arrange her bookshelves in a neat order.
and you happily did anything she asked. you never questioned her actions.
unbeknownst to you, she did this so she could see you more often. she liked the way you followed her orders so obediently. you were different from the others. there was a special draw to you that she couldn’t quite describe.
throughout the couple weeks of this going on, yae noticed that you never questioned her actions. most people would, but not you. she pondered if she had made her flirting not quite obvious enough, or if you just decided to not bring up the matter. but as she thought, she knew both of those possibilities weren’t the case. no, you had been clueless. clueless to the way yae miko’s eyes would scan over your figure when you fixed her a cup of tea, or the way she would “innocently” tuck your hair behind your ear. all of the small little hints that yae miko had started to take an interest in you flew right past your head.
the lady couldn’t just let this go. for someone as herself, she knew that this fascination was something she had to keep a hold on. she did not often have these feelings for people. especially not this complicated.
so one night, yae miko had called you into her abode to fix her a cup of tea as usual.
you could make her a cup of tea with your eyes closed from how memorized you had gotten this routine down.
plating the cup onto a small dish, you even placed two cookies alongside the warm drink. with a steady enough pace so you would not spill the drink, you walked over to the lady and set down the plate on her desk so she could sip from it casually.
yae miko looked up at you with a soft smile, those purple eyes of hers sparkling as she did so. anyone else could notice it. the way her eyes softened when she looked at it you. it was so obvious, but you just couldn’t pick it up.
“thank you, little maiden.” she would say, her voice soft as she lifted the cup up to her plump lips and took a sip. with a nod of approval, she gave you another smile. you had learned to make it just the way she liked. she then took one of the cookies into her hand, laughing. “you plated these just for me? how kind of you. i do have a sweet tooth, you know.”
yae imagined what you would taste like on her tongue. how sweet you would taste, how special you’d be. she had imagined what it would be like to kiss you, figure out if your lips tasted as good as they looked.
though, she was soon pulled out of her sinful thoughts when you smiled. “i do too. those cookies are my favorite.” you stated, turning so you could straighten out one of the books on her desk.
yae watched you do this, and she titled her head to the side. “come here, little maiden.” she would curl her finger, motioning you over to the side of her chair with curiosity in her eyes.
you would hesitate for a moment, but made your way over to the side of her desk. she looked at you in a different way tonight as she crossed her legs, and you could have sworn her pupils grew just a bit larger as she stared at you.
yae thought it was utterly adorable how obedient you were. so eager to please. what else would you willingly do for her?
that question would have to be answered another time because she had you right where she wanted you. yae would hold the cookie in her pointer finger and thumb, extending her hand. “if it’s your favorite, i can’t just eat it in front of you.” she smiles, holding it out for you. “go on, have a taste.”
your whole body went warm when you had caught onto where things would most likely go if you took a bite, and you could not deny that the thought made your cheeks hot. so, you decided to fulfill your needs. even if this was unprofessional, yae’s charm was now slowly seeping into you, and you were afraid she had trapped you like prey in a web.
you slowly leaned forward, letting your eyes stare into the woman’s as you bit a piece of the cookie off, only the other half remaining in yae’s grip. this seemed to please her, and she smiled. “is it good?”
with the slow nod of your head, you whispered out a soft, “yes.”
yae miko could tell she was getting somewhere with you, and she took the opportunity to further explore. she then took the other half of the cookie and put it into her mouth, her thumb lingering between her lips as she did so. and you could only watch her.
once she finished chewing the treat, she titled her head, approving of the taste. it was definitely sweet. “you have good taste, little maiden.” she looked up at you, eyes dropping to your lips just momentarily before returning to your eyes.
you witnessed this, practically feeling the hunger and desire she had for you suddenly flow free. had she stared at you like this ever since the first day she had seen you? the thought managed to give you goosebumps.
all this time yae miko had been showing you such a different side of her, and now you had just noticed it. a small part inside of you wished you could have noticed sooner. anyone would fantasize about being in the position you were now. but would yae miko indulge any of those people? no, only you. only the sweet little maiden who worked for her called y/n.
now that you were fully aware of how yae miko felt towards you, the hardest part was over.
the woman had noticed how deep in thought you were. using this to her advantage, she would suddenly reach forward to take your chin between her thumb and pointer finger, pulling you even closer to her. using her other hand on your back, she pressed you flush to her front, making you have no choice but to stare into her intoxicating eyes and breathe in the flower-like perfume she wore.
letting her fingertips graze your jawline, she tutted her lip with a soft giggle. “i wonder, little maiden, if you taste even better than that cookie?”
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A/N: if you enjoyed this, please let me know if you would like me to make a part 2 to it! smut will most likely be involved considering how suggestive yae got..
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𝑳𝒂𝒅𝒚 𝑮𝒖𝒖𝒋𝒊'𝒔 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝑨 𝑺𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝑴𝒂𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒏!? 
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓: Yae Miko
𝑺𝒚𝒏𝒐𝒑𝒔𝒊𝒔: Yae is a diligent kitsune with a broad imagination. She needs ideas to keep the publishing house thriving, and would go to any lengths to get what she needs. However, what if pretending to be in a relationship with a shrine maiden isn't just for the sake of inspiration?
𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈: Just really fluffy and just a little gay. Love you guys!
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As sly as a fox is she, with her wits always about her but her playful nature running amok. The look in her eyes always either gleaming with a hint of mischief or glaring with the utmost solemnity. Yae is revered on all of Inazuma’s islands and even across the sea, where gods and their retainers alike recall her name and commend her for her power.
That being said, having the Lady Guuji casually walk up to you and strike up a conversation would have been unheard of. Especially if you’re a mere shrine maiden. She runs the show, always stern and diligent, expecting the same of those operating the Grand Narukami Shrine. This line of work is very sacred after all.
“Good morning, Y/N.” Yae greeted you as she walked over to where you were sweeping the deck of one of the small buildings. Everything in your brain was put on pause as you processed her greeting.
“Good morning, Lady Guuji!” You replied timidly, almost completely caught off guard by her specifically greeting you. The closer she got to where you were, the more the sinking anxiety feeling grew within your chest. She never usually has time for conversing with the maidens, so you start to worry that you either did something wrong or have boatloads of work– comparable to the cargo held in the ships that come in from Liyue Harbor.
You tried to focus on the task at hand– sweeping and cleaning up the shrine’s decks. Breathing along with the broom strokes, trying to calm down and catch your breath. However, the only sweeping actually happening was Miss Yae sweeping you off your feet. As per usual, it isn’t difficult to find yourself enamored by and in fear of the kitsune, but how could you not? With those purple eyes boring into your soul, you could drop dead any second.
“Why so scared? You did nothing wrong. You can untense. As if you even need my permission to do so.” She attempted to assure you with a slightly teasing tone. You let out a nervous giggle and tried your best to steady your breath and slow your racing thoughts. You propped the broom up onto one of the railings and turned to face her, bowing and coming back up with a sheepish smile on your face. Your expression is riddled with awkwardness and fear. 
She was trying to put you at ease, look eased, dammit!
“Is there anything important you need to make me aware of, Lady Miko?” You asked, expecting her to issue you orders or commend your upkeep of the shrine and walk away. 
“Actually, I do have something I’d like to talk to you about. I feel this isn’t the time or place though, so all I ask is  that we meet at the Uyuu Restaurant at your earliest convenience. Sound good, little one?” She asked with crossed arms and a smile. You nodded.
“Of course, Lady Guuji.” You accepted her invitation, still very nervous. She chuckled at your worried expression and smirked.
“Glad we arranged this. I hope to see you soon, Y/N,” She sang before walking off. You waited for her to leave before continuing to work, as she instantly rushed off to check on other areas of the shrine.
What exactly did she want? You wondered to yourself. It would have been a valid question, had your words not been caught in your throat. It’s really hard to think when her sakura scent is wafting into your nose, her eyes are only on you, and that smile of hers on her face. You’re aware that she is planning something, but cannot pin down exactly what. 
Could it be something to do with the Shogun? No. She would have known better than to choose a simple shrine maiden. Chances are, she would have called upon that traveler, the one Yae called on to assist her in bringing the Shogun back to her senses. Surely they would be a thousand times more effective and helpful than you.
It definitely wasn’t something regarding shrine work, unless, of course, it is. She has had plots in the past where she would have shrine maidens play roles to assist in the success of her plans regarding the supernatural. This matter didn’t seem to worry her that much though, she didn’t seem too serious. Of course, the kitsune was careful and excelled in masking her true intentions and emotions, but it seems that this wasn’t something too urgent.
Could the Lady Guuji herself be asking you to accompany her as a friend? That would be sweet but doesn’t ease you or shake your skepticism. As unlikely as this seems, she does like watching people squirm in her presence, it can be fun for her if she’s in a playful and jovial mood. But you? Really? You shake the thought, highly doubtful that this is actually the case.
Throughout the day, your racing thoughts began to fade as you performed your duties. Assisting in practices and performing simple exorcisms (or rather, faking it because the person in question isn;t actually possessed), deciphering fortune slips, etcetera. By the end of your day’s work, you had almost completely forgotten about Lady Guuji’s request until thinking about dinner.
You hurried down the steps of the shrine, all the way down Mt. Yougo and through the grassy fields into Inazuma City. Upon nearing the restaurant, Yae already stood, anticipating your arrival. She didn’t notice you at first, this led to you tapping her shoulder and slightly jumping back when she turned to you, smiling.
“I expected you to take longer,” she laughed “shall we head inside?”
You nodded your head as she made way for you to walk through the doorway first, she immediately followed. The lights inside were charming and the setting itself was nice and cozy as well. Yes, you’ve been here before, but never appreciated it as much until being invited by her. You noticed every little detail of the place; from the various scents moving through the air, to the creaking wood and chatter from other patrons. All of these surroundings occupied your mind, consumed you as a distraction from the butterflies fluttering in your stomach. 
The two of you sat at the bar, where you both ordered the ever-popular tonkotsu ramen. The silence was awkward at first, even though the ambience of the other customers made up for the lack of conversation from the two of you.
“Aren’t you going to thank me for inviting you out tonight, Y/N?” the kitsune joked. Due to your tenseness and nervousness, you had to fight the urge to apologize profusely.
“My apologies, Lady Guuji. I am very grateful for the invitation and am glad to be here with you tonight. Thank you.” You responded, almost like you were reciting something pre-rehearsed.
“You are allowed to call me Yae, you know? I understand that you’re caught off guard but I imagined that the shock would have worn off by now.” she remarked.
“It’s kind of… see, you’re highly revered and in all honesty, I’m glad you invited me out tonight but I couldn’t quite put my finger on the reason.” You explained to her, trying your best to avoid eye contact, yet stealing glances every few words or so.
“Let me explain.” She smiled and cleared her throat subtly.
“Recently, my ideas for writing have run dry as of late. Then it dawned on me that maybe something different is in order,” She started, “After all, Yae Publishing House is renowned for paving the way, is it not?”
“What might that be?” You asked, your interest piqued.
“Well, how many romantic light-novels have you seen with two female protagonists pining for each other?” She proposed. Come to think of it, she has a point. There aren’t very many or any at all. None that are well-known anyway.
“That does sound interesting, especially since I’m big into light novels, I haven’t yet found any with that being the focus. I would definitely read it, that’s for sure.” You beamed. Yae chuckled, thankful for your insight.Your bowls of ramen were gently placed in front of , the steam warming your face and the scent making your mouth water. You were still intent to hear her plans, so you gave her a look that urged her to keep speaking.
“Come now, eat. I didn’t invite you out for you not to eat, after all.” She smiled as she raised her ladle full of pork broth up to her pink lips, savoring every last drop. You couldn’t help but stare at her pleased expression, but looked away as she noticed you looking. You heard her giggling as you picked up the noodles in your bowl and began slurping them up with delight.
After thoroughly enjoying your meals along with each others’ presence, Yae shifted in her seat to face you.
“Oh yes, one part I failed to mention,” she recalled “The reason I invited you to eat and speak with me on this matter.”
“You didn’t just want my input?” You asked her. She shook her head and giggled.
“No, I had something else in mind,” she started explaining “I wanted to see what it was really like, being in a relationship with a woman, solely to assist with  writing these two characters. What do you think?”
“You’re not proposing–” You were taken aback, absolutely shocked by what the kitsune was insinuating. Your face turned a bright red and she smirked at this physical response.
“Only for the purpose of writing this story. After all, I can split the sales with you if that’s a motivator of yours.” She proposed.
“No, no! I’m not money-hungry for anything, I’m just–” You shook your head and waved your hands, but she interrupted the oncoming explanation. She already knew.
“I know, I know. This is completely uncalled for and it concerns you that I proposed this out of the blue. Truly I understand,” Yae sympathized, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder “You have all the right to reject this offer. I will not force you to assist me, but I’d very much like it if you did.”
“I…” you tried to speak, but couldn’t muster up the words. While yes, this was quite uncalled for, you weren’t uncomfortable. Flattered, maybe, but not shifting and squirming because you wanted to leave. Only because this was quite sweet, in some weird way. She said it was fake but sincerity was sprinkled in her voice.
“I… I have decided… I will help you with this investigation of yours.” You accepted, turned away from her out of embarrassment.
“Are you certain? You look like you're quite bashful and unsure.” She asked to confirm, and you faced her.
“Miss Yae, all due respect, who in their right mind would reject an opportunity like this?” You deadpanned, causing her to giggle in response.
“I suppose you have a point.”
“So does this mean…?” You asked, raising an eyebrow. She nodded and smirked.
“Hopefully we’ll make the best of partners, my dear Y/N.” She cooed as she handed the man behind the counter a pouch of mora. She then proceeded to get up and offer her arm. You got up and grasped her forearm and smiled up at her. 
“Shall I walk you home?” She offered, a loving smile on her lips. You nodded and averted your eyes shyly.
“Yes, Miss Yae.” You grinned from ear to ear. You’d cover your face if you could. A feeling was boiling in your chest and you had no idea what it was. Not anxiety, not fear, but admiration? No. Too soon. That couldn’t possibly be it. It’s only been minutes.
“Alright, lead the way,” She said as you two headed out of the restaurant and into the beautiful night.
This is all just for the sake of inspiration, right? Then why does it feel so real?
A/N: Hi guys! I've had this idea in my brain forever and if you want the whole story (I haven't finished the second chapter yet lol), I will be regularly updating it on Wattpad! This post is the first chapter and the link below is the same thing but if you'd like to support the book, it'd mean a lot! <3
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hellshire-harlot · 8 months
So uh-
I was really inspired by ghosties and yours shrine maiden au, and I drew the church that I always imagined
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I know I've never interacted with your blog before but this au has me acting like a damn DOG
If you want a little something drawn in exchange, I need to christen my tablet with Adobe Fresco!!!!!! Lmk if you’re interested! Thank you sooooo much!!!!!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😭😭😭😭😭
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pianocat939 · 2 years
Boring Maiden Whom I Love
Hi have this shitty late Valentine's Special I spent almost an entire week mauling over. I love shrine maiden Leo so much-
Synopsis: While visiting a shrine on the outskirts of the city, you encounter a shrine maiden who seems to not enjoy your presence, to say the least. Despite his bitter self, you can't help but be enamoured by his beauty.
Word Count: 2.7K+
Based off this post and this post.
Tw: anxiety (Leo-), mentions of past isolation, angst but fluff ending
After a never-ending barrage of suggestions from your co-workers and friends, you've finally decided to visit the shrine at the edge of the city. When you arrived, already the place was intriguing, to say the least. You see a few small statues leading up the path of the entrance, all of the statues being adorable animals. Towards the end of the path, you notice a shrine maiden cleaning off dust and dirt with a broom, seemingly occupied with his thoughts.
Wow, he's pretty.
You silently slip past the shrine maiden, not wanting to disturb his job. But you stop by a disgruntled mumble from the shrine maiden himself, “Why is someone here this early in the morning? Please don’t tell me it’s another tourist…” He pauses his brooming to swiftly walk before you; seemingly getting ready for customers. You stare at his fading form, admiring the gentle flow of his cobalt-coloured skirt. He was sassy but gloriously ethereal. You wondered how someone so beautiful is doing such a job as a shrine maiden. Surely people should be crowding around him, wanting to engorge themselves on his appearance. But then again, you kind of liked having this secret, knowing that he’s not constantly focused on by the public. And maybe, if you’re lucky, you can catch his interest.
You drag along, finally ascending the stairs of the entryway. You freeze, stunned by the intricacy of all the statues, buildings, and gates of the shrine. Waves, divots, and several patterns are covered in the structures, enhancing their decoration. “Well did you come here to stare at things? Because if you are, I would love to get back to my reading.” You turn to the shrine maiden whose leaning on furniture filled with stacks of small drawers. The same frown graces his face, obviously expressing his annoyance. Quickly, you scramble a response, “Uh no, I um, I guess it’s my first time visiting any Shinto shrine so I don’t really know what you do…?” A silent moment hangs down on the conversation, quite awkward. The shrine maiden smirks before explaining, “Shrine maidens do all sorts of things: exorcisms, cleansing if you want to call it that, and fortune drawing…Oh and cleaning this place.”
“Fortune drawing? Shouldn’t it be fortune telling?” You question, skeptical of his choice of words. He shakes his head, “No, unlike fortune telling, we don’t tell you the fortune rather we help you draw it. Then you read it for yourself.” He opens the bottom drawer of the furniture, its size much larger than the ones above. He reveals a hexagonal wooden cylinder, a small slit apparent at the top. “Wanna try?” He jiggles the box a little, a sound of jingling items within resounding. “Sure.”
In an instant, you notice his demeanour change, now much more serious and intent. He shakes the box, shuffling it to ensure randomness. He tips the box down, holding his hand out over the slit, ready for the fortune to slip through. A thin stick pops out, and Leo flips the box over once more after he grabs the fortune. “25…” He mutters, heading over to the tiny drawers to take out a piece of paper. He hands you the parchment, now back to his laid-back personality.
You read the paper, frowning slightly when it says 'tremendously bad fortune'. "What does it say?" He inquires, acknowledging your change in expression. You look up at him, displaying the paper, "Bad fortune." He stills and blanks out for a second before sauntering over to a metal rack. "Unlike bitchy fortune tellers who say you're at doom's doorstep, you can tie your bad fortune to dispel it. Which then turns into good fortune.” You notice a number of small papers knotted onto the metal bars: some neat, others not so much.
You step over next to him and fold the fortune, trying to transform it into a line-like form. Curling one end under the bar, you encircle the material over the freezing metallic medium. You struggle to tie it into a knot, unused to such a method of tying. The shrine maiden notices your unskilled attempt at knotting and interjects, “Here, let me do it.” 
He gracefully slips the paper from underneath your hands and effortlessly weaves it into a tie. He was so close to you, you could even see the stain of his teeth. There’s no denying, he was charming, and you were falling for it. Yet you’ve just barely met him…Which was odd, to say the least.
“There, you should have good fortune now.” He stands back to glance at you, a bit of amusement swirling in his eyes. “Too impressive for you?” He remarks, a cocky grin forming on his face. You looked so silly staring blankly at the rack before you; even a child would laugh.
“Huh? Oh yeah, sure.” You respond voice monotone. He chuckles a little, head cocking to the side slightly. “Well, I’ve been doing knotting since I was a kid.” He proudly swishes his skirt, the fabric fluttering like a bird’s wings. If only he knew, you weren’t impressed by the knotting; rather the one who knotted the paper. 
He gives you a small tour of the shrine after that, a little less bitter as time goes on. Yet at certain moments, you notice he avoids answering questions. As if he’s embarrassed to reveal the truth. But soon enough the wandering comes to an end. The shrine maiden stands at the gate of the shrine, clutching the folds of his skirt gently.
“Now you’re more cultured with Shinto shrines.” He declares in a smug tone, trying to irk you. You smile and stare back at him, admiring the sunlight on his green skin. How you wish you could be closer to him: not a stranger, but rather a friend, and maybe even a lover. 
“Bye.” You give a blunt greeting, waving to him. He only gives a nod and turns back to head to the shrine. You copy his action, only to stop in place. You never asked what his name was. You whip around and call out to him, “Hey! I never asked your name!” He looks over his shoulder in surprise, mouth slightly agape.
As the season turns from spring to summer, you’ve become much more acquainted with him; spending at least two days a week at the shrine whenever he’s working his weekly shifts. The unfamiliarity and coldness of your relationship washed away; replaced with a kinder tone.
He smiles a bit more and doesn’t try to hit you with his broom every three seconds. His gaze wasn’t so dark and empty, it was now with a glimmer that was warm, serene. On some days you notice he seems almost excited to see you like he was patiently waiting for you to arrive. But maybe it’s your imagination, because why would he want to talk to some random person who almost creepily visits the days he’s on shift?
The summer morning was hot, your skin feeling like burning away. Yet you trudged up the stairs, finding more importance in meeting your crush. When you arrived at the shrine area you notice he’s nowhere to be seen; in fact, no one’s here as usual, and he’s the only one here often. You then hear faint laughter, muffled by the walls of the buildings. You approach the source of the noise, wondering who it might be.
“I guess the fish that end up on land are…washed up!” The laugh belonged to no other than Leonardo himself, and it was adorable in a peculiar way. You stand behind a wall, listening to him make jokes and puns. He’s never laughed in front of you before; sure, he’s chuckled a few times but nothing too expressive. You liked it. You liked the sound of his giggles; perhaps even love. A few minutes later, you reveal yourself and walk up to him. He instantly freezes and stares at you, his eyes wide in embarrassment. “You didn’t hear anything.” You smile and raise an eyebrow, finding his shyness amusing. “No of course I didn’t, I sincerely did not hear you laugh at your own jokes.” He rests his elbows on the table he sits at, covering his face. “Leave me alone…I just can’t share them with anybody.”
Can’t? What does he mean by can’t? They weren’t too bad when you heard them earlier. “What do you mean can’t?” You sit down across from him, glancing at his face occasionally. He pauses and looks away, propping his face into his hand. You can tell it’s something sensitive. You should tell him he doesn’t have to- “Well, I don’t have any friends.” 
You blink, processing the information. Have no friends? He’s so pretty how could he not have friends? Nonetheless a significant other. Your thoughts race through your mind, creating question after question. “Can I ask…why?”
He looks back at you, his eyes now blackened with something grim, horrifyingly dark. “All my life, my dad never really let us leave the house or shrine that much. Me and my brothers always felt isolated, hidden away. So even now I rarely talk to anyone outside my family: I’m just not used to it.”
That’s why. That’s why he isn’t a famous model or dating a celebrity—he was alone. Is that why he seemed to be excitedly talking to you? Why his smile seemed to dampen when you left? It hurt your heart a little, knowing someone so majestic feels such a negative feeling like loneliness. “I can be your friend if you want.” You impulsively blurt, your brain betraying your dignity.
He pauses, surprised by your offer. He leans his cheek on his fingers and smiles. “Sure, if it means I get to annoy you with the jokes I’ve stored all these years.” You frown-smile and shake your head, a little scared about what’s going to come next. “I’m gonna hope they aren’t too bad.” His warm smile turns into a devious smirk. He’s definitely thinking of something bad…Really bad.
“Well I think my jokes are pretty shelly~” He chirps, eyes narrowing in amusement. You laugh a little, finding his pun cute. “Whatever you say, Leonardo.” He stills for a moment, staring deeply into your eyes.
“Call me Leo.” He turns his head away, a touch of scarlet burning on his crescent stripes. He seems to not know what else to say. You blink, realizing the meaning of this statement. He officially thinks you're friends.
"Of course, Leo."
 Fuck, why did it have to be today that you have all these errands to do? Instead of planning for the feared Valentine's Day, you have to run around doing dull tasks. It frustrates you, knowing that your patience of a year is ripped apart.
You've waited so long to ask Leo out, pondering days upon days whether or not the time was right. Yet to your best luck, Valentine's Day came around: the perfect and most romantic time to invite him to an outing. And perhaps the highest chances of acceptance it'll ever be.
Oh, but the nature of society has damned you into activities you wanted to burn. You want to run away and hug Leo so tightly; aggression for adorableness activating. You want to see his flustered face and loss for words. He was cute when he didn't know how to respond.
If you're quick enough, you can catch him right before he goes home...
Where are you? Those thoughts rang in Leo's mind as he polishes the wood of the offering table. There hasn't been a single day where you haven't visited him. And if you did, you texted or told him the day before. So what happened now? Were you sick? Hurt? His anxiety claws at him, shredding his heart.
He wanted to cry, he wanted to scream, he wanted to stab his heart. Why was he feeling like this? He shouldn't think such thoughts for a friend! Especially one who obviously has no interest in him. They would never have an interest in such a boring shrine maiden like him.
He needs to swallow his feelings and let them rest in his icy heart. It should never come out ever again. His love and admiration shall be buried in a pit of darkness. He's fine with standing there, watching from afar, knowing he'll never be able to kiss them good morning or good night. He'll never be able to tell all those romance jokes he's thought of since he was a child.
As the sun slowly sets, his fears grow more vigorous, encompassing his entire being. He's already ready to go home, deciding he shouldn't wait for someone who won't show up. Hopefully, by the next time he works, they'll be there, waiting for him; with a bright smile and arms wide open. He takes his small bag and walks down the steps, heading for his house not too far away from the shrine.
He then hears a thunder of footsteps, approaching his direction. Someone was coming. And before he can react it's his beloved, holding a box of some sort. He freezes, eyes wide; he can't believe it, they appeared right as he was about to leave. Why were they so desperate to see him? Was something wrong? He moves to them, a worried stare tracing over their features.
"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be home by now?" Leo cocks his head to the side slightly, confused why they would be here so late. They smile, gripping the box that rests in their hands. "Do you know what day it is?" Leo crosses his arms and bluntly answers, "Tuesday." They proceed to ask another question, "What's the date?" The turtle frowns slightly and raises an eyebrow muscle, "February 14." Their smile grows into a grin, their teeth gleaming in the moonlight. "What happens on February 14?" He pauses to think, not knowing what could be special today; it's not a birthday, nor a political holiday either.
Then it hit him. It's Valentine's Day.
"No...You possibly couldn't be-" He's cut off by them, "I am. Leonardo Hamato, I am asking you out." There's an odd boldness radiating from them as they've prepared for ages for this. Leo can't help but blush, his eyes darting around, not knowing how to respond. "I- uh, well um, I don't think..." He pauses, turning his head away. "I don't think you should be asking a boring shrine maiden out; especially for Valentine's Day."
A moment of silence stabs the conversation, an awkward tension. Leo's face is taken into someone's hand and turned to face them once more. "Boring? You think you're boring? Weird, because I see you as one of the funniest people I've met, with stories sad enough to make a serial killer cry." Their smile instantly turns into a worried expression. Is there something wrong? Oh, wait...
He's crying.
The feeling feels unfamiliar but pleasing. Being adored is a feeling he never wishes to fade away. He wants to stay with them forever, so his loneliness from years of isolation can drip down into an abyss he shall never see.
"If you don't think I'm so boring, then I guess I'll accept your offer." The curve of his mouth peaks upwards, copying the action they committed earlier. Within seconds he's hugged, gentle but firm arms wrapped around his sides. "You know, you're really cute when you're flustered. Did you know that?" The sudden comment forces Leo to splutter completely off guard. "WHA- Excuse me?" They laugh, releasing their hold off of them.
"You heard me. Now meet me here at noon tomorrow." As soon as they finish their statement, lips brush across their cheek, soft and a slight chill to it. The peck was quick to come and quick to leave; not enough time for them to react.
They turn around to find Leo running down the steps, clearly too flustered with the situation to continue for the day: how adorable. He was so bitter at their meeting, but look at him now; too shy to do anything but run away with a multitude of shades of blush coating his face. Looks like he had a change of mind over the past year.
Their boring shrine maiden: who held a past so grim, yet maintained a brightness locked away to only those who were worthy. Those who visited him every day, those who were willing to put in the effort of getting to know him. They were ecstatic, knowing that Leo has similar thoughts: love and admiration one cannot possibly fathom with words.
Like the day of their first meeting, if you tie your bad fortune upon the rack, it will become an excellent fortune.
Wait a second, they never got to give the box of sweets.
Well anyway, I hope you like this fic-
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yourlocaltrashpandaa · 5 months
Made another a.i. bot, it’s Aether this time, I made him a shrine maiden 😊
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wri0thesley · 2 years
nsfw but miss Lisa’s strap…. I’m thinkin https://twitter.com/futomomomoe/status/1436088846270226432?s=46&t=XNFZ0rr7NXshooBA9Kw1eg
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hitomisuzuya · 2 months
-⛩️ Anon
Archon! Scaramouche x fem!reader. Smut. Cunnilingus. Creampie. Degradation. Ego stroking. God complex!Scara.
I chose the latter in parentheses cause you sounded more excited about it. 😳
The intense eroticism of it all nearly overwhelmed you. You were being eaten out but your Archon in the shrine's honden. Whenever Scaramouche came into his quite frankly rightfully power, it didn't take him long to appoint you as his personal shrine maiden.
Why wouldn't he enjoy defining his pet in one of the most sacred halls at the shrine? Whatever Scaramouche wanted, Scaramouche got. It was an added bonus for him that you are puppy dog eyed in love with him.
He had an arm braced under you, lifting your pussy onto his mouth as you needily grinded on it. You let out a breathless cry of pleasure, feeling more of his drool pool between your folds as he latched his lips greedily on your throbbing clit.
Your eyes rolled into the back of your head, the ever persistent pressure of a building orgasm knotted tighter in her stomach, fighting the urge to close your legs around his head.
A moment later, a scoff followed by a pinch to the inside of your thigh made your eyes snap open. "I told you to keep your eyes on me," He growled, grazing his teeth against your clit to remind you of your place, "Or are you too fucked dumb on my tongue to comprehend such a simple order?"
"M-My Lord," You moaned, obediently directing your gaze back on him. Scaramouche groaned in bliss hearing you address him that way, his swollen cock throbbing as he flattened his tongue on your clit, "Only your tongue can fuck me this good!"
Scaramouche's fingers rubbed your hip in both approval and encouragement as you rubbed your puffy pussy on his tongue. "That's right, grind your greedy cunt on my mouth like the fox slut you are."
Your hands shook as they found the back of his head, tugging on his hair with a whimper of need. You pressed his mouth down into your cunt, your cheeks flushing as your clit throbbed harder on his tongue. Your eyes watered in desperate tears, your toes curling as he swept his tongue up inside of you to taste you clench on his tongue while he degraded you.
You squirmed, causing Scaramouche to narrow his eyes at you, smirking at the tears welling in your eyes. "What's that look for?" He taunted, he knew what you were going to say. And he couldn't fucking wait to hear it.
"I..I need my God's permission to..to.." Scaramouche tongue swirled between your gummy walls, making you unable to do anything but moan loudly. He raised an eyebrow at you, waiting for you to continue. "I need your permission to cum," You managed to finish.
Scaramouche vibrated a moan on your cunt, holding your cunt against his mouth for a moment before he pulled away, dropping your lower body somewhat unceremoniously as he sat up. He caged you in with his hands on either side of your head as he crawled on top of you. "You'd prefer to cum on your God's cock, hm?" He purred, reaching out to wrap his hand around one of your ears.
"M-Master, my ears are really, really," A loud moan keened from your throat as he tugged on it, "sensitive," You rocked your hips up into his cock feeling it start to rub between your folds.
"Oh?" Scaramouche taunted, rubbing and pinching the tip, "You don't look like you mind," He kept a hold of your ear as he rubbed his cock between your drooling folds. He chuckled seeing you squirm underneath him.
The ever present pinches to the tip of your ear made your clit swell and throb more. Your pussy clenched around the head of his leaking cock as it prodded against your entrance. "Please, I don't want to do anything but cum on my Archon's cock," You couldn't believe how shameless you sounded.
You been long since content with Scaramouche stripping away and corrupting your innocence.
Scaramouche snickered, squeezing your ear as he pushed his cock inside of you. Your walls immediately clamped around his cock. "Such a slut, begging to be bred by your Archon," He groaned, bottoming out with a snap of his hips.
He put one of your legs over his shoulder, bending it up towards your chest to fuck his cock deeper into you. Your pussy was just as worshipping on his cock as your words are, an embarrassed blush coating his cheeks from not being able to hold back his own moans.
Your hands scrambled to latch onto him in any way you could. "Can I cum? Pretty please, I'll be a good girl," You pleaded, your body twitching in bliss as his cock head drove into your sweet spot.
Scaramouche laughed shakily. He was going to let you cum, rest assured. It was just oh so sweet to hear you beg for it. For a moment, the look in his eyes softened. You indulged him, stroked his ego, cried and begged for him. He'd long since discovered what a treasure you truly are. "Prove it, be a good girl and cum on your Master's cock," Your cry of bliss made his cock pulse cum inside of you.
You mewled in bliss, the pulsing of his cock emptying inside of you making you cum on his cock. "My Archon's cock feels so.." You babbled almost incoherently behind moans, "so good."
Scaramouche indulged himself in fucking his cum back inside of you, collapsing on top of you when he was satisfied. His head dropped down into your neck. "Get dressed," He murmured into your neck, nuzzling against it, "I need you by the side for the rest of day," He carefully hide the blush coating his cheeks, "and night," He added.
"Of course," You replied, stroking a hand through his hair.
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pigeonpeach · 8 months
Little Omega~
Summary: omega female reader goes into heat around the genshin women
Contains: girl c0ck, breeding, dubious maybe? Little degradation, lots of breeding actually,
Arlecchino, Beidou & Ningguang, Yae Miko & Ei, Jean & Lisa
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“Say it.” Her voice grew deep as her hips pounded into you from behind, your uniform shredded as your hips helplessly bucked into hers, her arms wrappex around you, keeping you in place. You never knew your boss had a.. cock but oh god you weren’t complaining now. You didn’t realize your heat would be today as it just suddenly sprung onto you with no warning. You hid from the children asking the other staff to cover for you. You weren’t able to leave safely and you also couldn’t find appropriate hiding spot, in the end your scent ended up setting off Arlecchino’s rut and here you were. Now reduced to a mere toy.
“Breed me! Breed me!” You whined. “Fill my insides! Oh god! I wanna be full! Please! More!” Her lips were right to your making you shudder as she bit your earlobe.
“I’m going to mark you.” She said. You barely has time to process when she bit your scent glands making you spazz. You felt yourself climax on the spot. Hormones pumping through your veins. You were so overwhelmed you went numb for a second as blood dribbled from her bite, her teeth firmly sunk in as her hips continued to pump in, emptying her seed right at your cervix, filling your womb.
“Mmmf!” You moaned as you felt so docile. Your body felt so nice and warm, your cunt full and fucked. Your legs shuddered as you collapsed. “M-my my alpha~” you cooed sweetly. Arlecchino withdrew her teeth as she looked you in the eyes, your dumb and docile expression only fueling her more.
“My perfect little mate.” She kissed the bite mark left as you panted heavily. “We aren’t done.”
Yae Miko & Ei
A shrine maiden is usually not used as courtesan like this. Your cunt stretched around both the Puppet god and the kitsune’s cocks.
“PLEASE! OH! MY ARCHONS!” You whined. They showed no mercy. Yae, behind you, her hands massaging your tits the way a cow would be milked, and Ei who seemed just hyperfixated on watching your pussy convulse around her.
“You are most certainly pleasing your archons… oh I wish I could breed you my love but this body is only a puppet afterall.” Ei pouted.
“Well seeing how fertile this one is, I’ll have no problems knocking her up~” Yae purred right in your ear sending shivers down your spine. “Such a wonderful body, oh I do hope you know that now won’t be the only time you’ll be like this for us~”
“Pliant, docile… fertile..” Ei grumbled. “Oh and to think I deprived myself of this for a thousand years~”
“Please…please!” You wined before squirting suddenly. You convulsed as they stopped temporarily to admire the site.
“Such a wonderful view, I wish It could last for Eternity.” Ei purred.
“What was it you were begging for now little one?~” Yae asked
“D-don…don’t stop…” you whined.
“Truly a top quality slut.” Yae smirked.
“Don’t call her that, she’s clearly a virgin with how addicted she’s become.” Ei brushed your hair out of your face as your dazed eyes met hers. “Don’t worry dear, you will be satisfied.” And with that they resumed.
Beidou and Ningguang
“A excellent mouth you have there.” Ningguang had you bent over as you lapped at her cunt eagerly. While from behind Beidou pounded into you. He hands grabbing the sheets as she grumbled about something. “Such a prime little omega, a true jewel to add to my collection.” The beta purred.
“God… such a good cunt… fuck..” Beidou gasped.
“Its that good huh? It must be if it has you like that~” she teased. You felt squished as the two shared a brief kiss all the while you were struggling to breaths in-between the huge cock pounding into you and eating Ningguang out.
���Fuck… I’m going to… cum… shit!” Beidou barely gave a warning as your womb felt full quickly. Her hips stilled as she thrusted a few more times.
“Don’t worry, I know Captain Beidou is quite the overwhelming Alpha to take, especially considering your inexperience.” Ningguang pried you from her thighs as you panted, mindless and obedient, you looked at her as if she were a deity. And she did from this angle, her skin shined like diamonds. She moved you so you laid on your back, legs spread as you watched cum dribble out. You gawked at how hard Beidou was already. “Allow me to have a taste~” she said, her fingers prying your folds open so more would spill out. Meanwhile Beidou positioned herself behind her.
Jean and Lisa
“Oh… oh sweet Barbados…” you mumbled nonsense as Lisa rubbed something around your cunt making it losen slightly. While Jean was bitting marks and rutting against your behind, you were sat in her lap, in her office. You could faintly hear Kaeya redirecting anyone coming by as you tried to hold back any sounds. “Please please just put it inside.” You whispered. Lisa chuckled.
“You two are too impatient now. Hmm I suppose if you really want it~” she teased you with the sight of her bare cock as she lifted the front of her dress to show it. You eagerly took it in your mouth as she guided it so, Jean’s rubbed right between your folds. You could tell she was far gone from her frantic humping.
“Jean dear.. she wants it inside~” Lisa chuckled.
“Fuck… I can’t contain myself, I’ll end up knocking them up~” she whined. Your mind lit up as your hips grind against her cock, your moans muffled as you tried to encourage her. To your relief she finally complied.
“I wonder which one of us will end up inseminating your womb?” Lisa whispered.
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adispit · 17 days
Hiyaaa can I ask for Ayato from Genshin with a kitsune reader who steals pieces of his clothing as a secret crush on him but one day Ayato catches them and punishes them.
A Punishment ?
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Ayato x kitsune! bttm male reader
Content warnings: spanking, anal tongue fucking (receiving), overstimulation, rough sex, creampie , slight predator prey dynamic (if you squint), slight dubcon because reader wasn’t really into the spanking at the start
Note: This fic has been marinating in my inbox for 2 weeks so I hope you enjoy! Also I haven’t played Genshin in a year so this might be a tad bit ooc 😭. Enjoy!
You had always been someone in the background, shadowed and sheltered under the protection of your sister, Guuji Yaemiko. Few to none knew of your actual existence as centuries passed, except for the Raiden Shogun and the clans themselves. Her influence stretched far, wrapping around you like a protective veil.
The Shrine was your haven, but also your cage. Every decision, every move you made, was watched, controlled. It was always for your safety, she would say. The sister who would tease and always play you like a fiddle to her silly whims became firm and unmovable when it came to exploring beyond the Inazuman city. You had been sheltered from the harsh realities of the world, never given the freedom to truly explore it. Yet, that defiant streak within you had only grown stronger. You didn’t want protection. You wanted to live.
However, what your sister could not shield you from was unforeseen. A little crush you had harboured for the Yashiro Commissioner himself, Kamisato Ayato. A man who carried himself with grace and power — a man who like your sister, commanded respect wherever he went. The very man that made the Kamisato name arise from its ashes and make it the prestigious clan today. As much as you hated to admit it, you were nothing better than those maidens who chased after him relentlessly for marriage offers. It stung to think of yourself in that way, to admit that you were drawn to him with the same intensity that they were.
It wasn’t just his power or his elegance. It was the way he moved with a grace that seemed almost otherworldly, the sharpness in his gaze that made you feel seen even when you wished to remain hidden. You were drawn to him with a fascination that bordered on obsession, an allure that you couldn’t shake off no matter how hard you tried. Due of your crush, you found yourself resorting to a silly yet strangely satisfying ritual—stealing Ayato’s clothes. It was an odd way to cope with the intense feelings you harbored for him, but it was the only outlet you could manage. Each stolen item, whether a glove, a ribbon, or a sash, became a cherished possession, a physical connection to him that you could hold onto.
Each piece of clothing was a wishful reminder of him—a way to keep a part of him close, even if you could never have him completely. You would fold his garments carefully, press them to your face, and imagine the moments he had worn them, his scent of sandalwood and rain with the lingering warmth, It was your own secret fantasy. It was harmless really. A secret way of indulging in the hopeless crush you’d harbored for the head of the Kamisato clan.
However, tonight, the air felt different—charged with something you couldn’t quite place. Strangely, there weren’t any guards present that were on patrol. The estate was quiet. A little too quiet.
Still, you pressed on.
The thought of what you were about to do made your fox ears twitch in excitement. Ayato’s chambers were silent as you nudged the door open, the dim light of a single candle casting long shadows over the room.
You crept inside, eyes scanning for something to take. His haori lay draped neatly over a chair, and without hesitation, you reached for it. The silk fabric slipped through your fingers, smooth and cool to the touch. Your breath caught in your throat as you brought it close, imagining, just for a moment, what it would feel like to be wrapped in it—surrounded by him. The thought made your cheeks warm, but you pushed it away, carefully folding the haori over your arm.
It was a ridiculous thought, you knew that.
You allowed yourself a small smile. Another successful heist, another piece of him to add to your collection. You moved toward the door, your escape clear and easy.
But as you turned, something stopped you.
A faint rustle. Barely a sound, but enough to make your ears twitch with alert. You froze, eyes darting toward the corner of the room. Nothing.
You waited, heart racing in your chest, every instinct telling you to bolt but curiosity kept you rooted in place. Slowly, you scanned the room again, your gaze lingering on the bed. Your breath caught in your throat as your eyes landed on a figure sitting in the shadows.
He was leaning casually against the headboard of his bed, his body bathed in the soft glow of moonlight. His lavender eyes, sharp and calculating, met yours with a calm intensity. Those eyes were striking—like shards of amethyst, reflecting the light in a way that made them almost glow. They watched you with a calm amusement, though the glint in them suggested he was far more aware of the situation than you were.
Your heart raced as you took in his appearance. His long, pale blue hair was neatly tied back, save for a few loose strands that framed his angular face. The moonlight accentuated his porcelain skin, making him look almost ethereal, like something out of a dream. Yet there was nothing soft about the way he held himself—he stood with a quiet strength, the grace of a nobleman who knew his power.
“You’ve been busy, haven’t you?” His voice was smooth, almost melodic, but there was an edge to it. It sent a shiver down your spine.
You swallowed hard, clutching the haori tightly. Ayato’s tall, lean frame was still relaxed, but every movement he made was deliberate. His long fingers tapped rhythmically on the edge of the bed as he spoke, drawing attention to his hands—hands that could command armies or, in this case, one mischievous kitsune.
“I… I didn’t mean—”
Ayato’s lips curled into a faint smirk, revealing a glimpse of his sharp wit. “Didn’t mean to what?” He interrupted, stepping forward, the soft rustle of his clothing barely audible. “You seem to have a habit of taking things that don’t belong to you,” he murmured, his voice low, smooth, and far too calm.
“Lord Ayato,” You squeaked softly, ears flattening as you clutched the fabric in your hands. He approached, slowly, the air between you charged with something you couldn’t name. “What were you planning to do with this, hm?” He gestured toward the ribbon in your hand, his voice soft but laced with authority. “Stealing from me, Yae Miko’s brother no less… What would she say?”
You bristled at the mention of your sister, but there was no escape now. “I just wanted—”
“To see if I’d notice?” Ayato finished for you, his amusement deepening as he tilted his head slightly. His eyes never left yours as he leaned in closer, his breath warm against your cheek. Up close, you could see the slight tension in his jaw, the quiet authority he carried in every word.
His hand reached out, brushing lightly against the fabric of the haori. “I noticed,” he whispered, his voice sending a thrill down your spine. His fingers grazed yours, cool to the touch yet searing with the unspoken threat of control.
Ayato’s smile was small but devastatingly confident. “But there’s a price to pay for stealing from the Yashiro Commissioner.”
Your heart raced as he stepped even closer, the close proximity making your tail swish back and forth with nervousness and anticipation. “And I think you know what that means.”
“Get on your knees,” he commanded, his voice low and husky, sending a shiver down your spine. You hesitated for just a moment, but the look in his eyes—dark, intense, and utterly unyielding—was enough to make you comply. Your legs gave way almost instinctively as you dropped to your knees, your heart pounding in your chest. The rush of adrenaline coursing through you drowned out everything except the sound of your own breathing, loud and uneven in your ears.
He took another step, his movements so fluid that his bare feet made no sound on the hardwood floor, as though he was one with the shadows. You could feel the heat radiating from him even before he stood directly in front of you, the faint scent of sandalwood and rain lingering in the air—intoxicating and impossible to ignore.
A slow, deliberate smirk tugged at the corners of his lips—a smirk that sent a thrill of both fear and excitement rushing through your body. The expression was playful, yet there was something undeniably dangerous in it, like he was silently toying with you, fully aware of the power he held over you. Up close, you could see the cool, detached amusement in his eyes—like a predator toying with prey, knowing full well you were already caught in his web.
"Take off your clothes," he ordered, his tone leaving no room for argument. You hesitated again, but the silent disapproving look in his eyes was enough to make you move. You stood up slowly, your hands trembling as you began to undress. Reluctantly, your robes slipped off, leaving you stark naked and cold, shivering in the cold night air. Truth to be told, you were a virgin, never having the chance to even have a sexual outlet besides from fingering yourself and masturbating on rare occasions when your sister wasn’t at the shrine. Even with your crush on Ayato, you were rather reluctant and admittedly, a tad bit fearful.
He watched you, his expression unreadable, but the fire in his piercing eyes made your skin tingle with anticipation. That calm, calculating gaze burned with something primal even though his face remained impassive. When you were done, he simply gestured for you to turn around. You hesitated briefly, but his silent command left no room for question.
Your heart pounded as you moved, his authoritative presence looming behind you. “Hands on the bed,” he demanded, his voice brushing dangerously close to your ear. The soft, commanding tone sent an involuntary shiver down your spine, making you feel small beneath him.
You obeyed, placing your palms flat against the cool surface of the futon. The fabric felt grounding under your trembling fingers. You could hear him moving, the quiet rustle of his robes as he adjusted himself, his body heat brushing ever closer. The air between you felt electric, charged with tension, until—
Without warning, the first blow landed hard across your ass. The sharp, stinging pain rippled through you like a wave. You gasped, your body jerking forward from the sudden impact, your tail instinctively going taut. The burning sensation lingered, intensifying with every passing second, until all you could do was grip the sheets, struggling to steady yourself against the onslaught.
“Ayato, I don’t think I want to — Ah!”
He wasn’t done.
The second blow came even harder, the sharp impact sending a jolt of pain through your body. This time, you couldn’t suppress the cry that escaped your lips, the force of it stealing the breath from your lungs. You bit down hard on your lip, the metallic taste of blood faint on your tongue as you fought back the tears threatening to spill over.
“Count,” he ordered, his voice dangerously calm. “And call me Sir. Stay still,” he added, the warning in his tone unmistakable, “Or this will be even worse.”
You could feel the power in his command, the unspoken promise that he wouldn’t tolerate disobedience.
“Two, Sir,” you whispered, your voice trembling, doing your best to remain still despite the lingering sting.
The next few blows came in quick succession, each one more painful than the last. Your ass was on fire, the pain mingling with the arousal that was building inside you. You could feel yourself getting hard, your body betraying you as it responded to the punishment. The next few blows came in quick succession, each one landing harder than the last. Your skin burned, a searing pain spreading across your ass with every strike, and it felt like your entire body was on fire.
Tears slipped down your cheeks, and no matter how hard you fought them back, they kept coming, blurring your vision. You mutely counted the blows between occasional cries of pain and ragged gasps for air. The room spun around you, the sensation too much, too fast.
Each smack to the ass only intensified your horror at your arousal and your arousal. You could feel your dick twitching and getting stiffer as the pain resonated throughout your body. Precum was beginning to pool beneath your cock as the electric sting that the pain brought felt even more pleasurable than the last.
“T-ten,” you whispered shakily, your hands gripping the sheets as you struggled to keep from collapsing under the pressure. Finally, he paused, giving you a moment of respite to catch your breath. Your chest heaved as you struggled to catch your breath, the tension in your body slowly unwinding as the sting of the blows lingered. Your skin was still ablaze with the aftermath.
You could feel his hand resting lightly on your back, his fingers brushing against your skin in stark contrast to the harshness of his earlier actions. The touch was almost tender, a strange gentleness that sent a confusing wave of emotions through you.
Suddenly, with a swift motion, you found yourself turned around, now facing him. Despite the harsh punishment you had endured, you felt your heart race and then falter as the close proximity of Ayato became overwhelming. Your traitorous tail, betraying your true feelings, swished involuntarily with a mix of excitement and nervousness.
However that did not distract him from the hard on you sported, much to your embarrassment. His slender hand crept down your body and dwarfed your cock. He rhythmically rubbed your length, making you shudder and feel the sparks and the familiar hum of pleasure beginning to ignite.
“Yes,” you gasped as Ayato purposefully tightened his grip around your sensitive tip, never stopping his pace, “Oh—fuck—” as that mischievous hand closed around you, there was a playful air about Ayato as he let out a soft melodic laugh while mumbling something under his breath and then shifting his grip.
The next slide up was a tight, demanding fist. You threw your head back.
“Does that feel good, (Name)?” There was an amused lilt in his voice that made you flush head to toe.
The rush of blood and desire to a point low in your stomach was overwhelming. The movement was growing slicker, better , so tempting to lean fully into. You had never been this turned on.
“I don’t know, ” you cried through a strangled whine, you felt Ayato’s laughter directly through your skin, and somehow that made him suddenly very close.
There was something so exciting and arousing about it the way the man you had dreamt about, the very Yashiro Commissioner, himself was helping pleasure you. The very thought had you moaning, once, and falling slack like a puppet with cut strings. 
You were gently pushed back onto your back against the soft surface of the futon with both your legs are hoisted up, hanging against Ayato’s shoulders. Your body folded in half as you saw his head buried in your thighs, goosebumps rising on your skin as your tail hairs brushed against his chin.
“Ayato?!” You struggled for the commissioner to release his grasp on your legs, but to no avail, as he tightened his grip to hold you still. You flushed red in embarrassment, the thought of Ayato seeing everything too much to bear. 
And then you felt something warm and slimy breach past the ring of muscles, causing you to yelp in surprise.
Holy fuck. Was Ayato actually doing what you thought he was? 
You shuddered as waves of pleasure traveled up to your core. Gritting your teeth to try and contain the shameful moans from escaping you, afraid to realise that this was all a dream, afraid that Ayato would be turned off by you.
“Hnnn…Ayato….” You groaned, eyes clenching shut and face wrinkled as you bit back on a pathetic whine. All of a sudden, you jolted.
Ayato’s tongue had prodded at something deep inside you that made you melt into a puddle of arousal and shame. You unconsciously gripped his head tight with your thighs, messing up his perfect tidied hair. He had found your prostrate. And then he stopped, a gossamer thread of saliva connecting his lips to your hole as he retreated.
You couldn’t help but notice the shy mole that hid beneath his spit shiny lips — he was absolutely ethereal even with his messy and tousled hair. An unnatural pink flush decorated his fair and porcelain face and you realised that he was aroused.
By you.
The thick tension hung in the air as he silently gazed at you, the hunger in his amethyst eyes almost engulfing you on the spot like he was a man gone wild.
Shadows danced on his face as he meticulously removed his robes, still carrying himself with the same grace and dignity as if the air wasn’t imbued with the electric undercurrent of arousal and the fact that he had just tongue fucked you. He stood above you, full mast and you felt your breath get stolen away from you.
Ayato had a picture perfect physique, lean, almost like a statue carved out and had come to life. Your eyes immediately dove down to his abdomen, to be greeted with his cock, hard, already pressing against your rim, twitching invitingly. Both hands gripping your waist as he positioned himself.
“We will not stop now, (Name). Your pleas and cries will be unheard. This is a punishment.” He stared at you with an unyielding gaze, one that you were ready to challenge. “This is the lesson you must learn, the price of your rebellion,” he concluded. “One I accept.” You let out a hoarse giggle. His eyes darkened almost simultaneously as what seemed like another amused smile tugged at his lips before he let his actions speak for himself.
He did not give any mercy. Ruthlessly driving into your hips with a force like he wanted to merge into you, you felt his girth stretch and force your walls to mould into its shape. “Huh...?” Your mind went blank with pleasure, and for a while you couldn’t comprehend what happened. Your insides clenched down hard on his cock as slaps of skin punctuated the silent night air.
“Ah! Ggh- Aah! W-wait! Ungh —!” You slurred inaudibly as you felt your body rock to his merciless pace, your cock dribbling endless pre-cum uncontrollably. He promised your pleas and cries would be unheard and he served his promise, not even a single word could leave your raw throat. Only guttural whines and moans would escape your bitten lips as you fell into the throes of pleasure.
Alas, decisions were made and you could not regret what you said. Here you were, getting your deserved punishment in the form of a ruthless fucking.
Everything was too hot, too sticky and hummed with the sound of distant sobs, you groggily thought. Oh. Those were from you. Your skin was sticky with the sheen of sweat and cum and the futon beneath you was drenched. You felt unusually full, like something sloshing in your tummy. Your hole felt sore. And he wasn’t done. But you would never admit defeat….was the last thought that echoed in your muddled mind as you gave into the embrace of sleep.
“(Name)? Learnt your lesson now? Oh. The silly thief has admitted defeat.” He pushed back his sweat soaked hair as he glanced upon your slumbering form. Letting out a grunt, he pulled out of your red, swollen hole as semen immediately began dripping out your gaping rim. Humming an exasperated sigh, a fond expression appeared on his face as his lavender eyes crinkled into crescents as he gently ruffled your hair.
The little kitsune had fallen into his trap.
Sometime ago, Ayato had noticed his belongings going missing. If he hadn’t, he wouldn’t deserve the title of Yashiro Commissioner. The thief clearly had no ill intent, but it became particularly vexing when he realized that the pair of gloves Ayaka had gifted him had mysteriously disappeared as well.
Then one day, by sheer coincidence, he noticed the little kitsune who had caught his eye more than once, wearing a familiar ribbon in their hair— his ribbon. And on their hands, the very gloves he had been missing. Amusement flickered in his usually composed gaze as everything clicked into place.
It seemed someone had developed quite the habit. But Ayato wasn’t the type to let such things go unaddressed. Oh no, if this little fox thought they could slip away unnoticed, they were sorely mistaken. Someone was in need of a lesson, and he would be more than happy to provide it.
So he plotted.
note: ajskskskk, I’m finally done 🙏 my first ask so I hope this was done well!
Reblogs are appreciated 🧑‍🍳
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yzashaven · 1 year
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2023 KINKTOBER︰10﹒06
꒰ —♡ C O R R U P T I O N ﹒ K I N K ꒱
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FEATURING ! archon!scara, lyney, dottore, kaeya x fem!reader
WARNINGS ! corruption obvs!!, reader wearing a collar, shibari/bondage, electrostimulation, cunnilingus + fingering, mentions of using aphrodisiac, dottore's clones involved, some name calling, praise + degradation
NOTE ! wow so early!!! (not) i can't tag some people again.... erm... anyway!!! i overused a few words here ngl—also 2 are proofread, 2 aren't. thank u all for your patience i've been so busy with school it's tiring 😭😭
[ chérie - darling, amour - love ]
event taglist— @yukiitaooo @scara6 @kanaedd @ciarchivez @returningluv @im-the-ruler-here @kateybuggi @asimpforpeople @ju1yyyzzz @saturnsapothecary @supercoolusernameomg @uchihaeirin @anon-eu @gojoswife201 @abeitriz @mechanical-lily @breadybuu @dawning-bliss @poisonedmoonl1ght @nothingfuninthislife @eunchaeluvr @cuntz0ne @zomzomb1e @bitchylillyrose @zxdksimpo @kikosaidbye @bleubirdinthesky @rottmntrulesall @angelofdarkness2 @kvronushi @adeptuscharm
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corrupting you is a piece of cake for scaramouche; it's his favorite thing to do. an adorable, obedient, little shrine maiden as his personal slut? all for himself at his mercy? sign him up. oh and of course, to make sure you take all that he gives with no resistance whatsoever—he'll make sure to tie you up one way or another. in this case, he decided to take it easy, bounding your wrists together at your back while a collar was around your neck.
"there you go~" he coos in a teasing manner, fingers digging into the flesh of your hips as he guides you in riding him. "feels good, hm?" all that you could do was nod and moan helplessly in response as you let him take full control over your body, "mmh, now that i'm thinking of it, you've never been fucked properly before, right?" he grins darkly as he sees you nod; it's true, he is your first after all. a whimper slips past your lips when he abruptly pulled out before situating you down onto the soft velvet sheets of the mattress, pushing your legs further down until you were practically folded in half, "this is what you call a mating press, doll~" he chuckles before slamming his cock inside you once again, pulling at the leash attached to your collar roughly, causing your eyes to widen as you looked up at him. "oh, don't look at me like that, darling. i might just have to fuck you harder~" and as per his words, his hips began to sharply buck against yours as he observed each and every one of your moans, from the quiet ones to the loud ones that ripped through your throat and making your voice crack out of pure pleasure. not even a minute later, you squirt around his cock whilst it was still thrusting in and out of you at a quick and rough pace, "so adorable~" a scream was drawn from you as his fingers went down to your clit to unexpectedly send a short, weak zap of electro as a way to stimulate you further. "oh come on, i know you like that~ you're just a shy little slut waiting for the right man to break you apart, huh? well... luckily for you, your god himself will be the one ruining you real good~"
hear me out... soft dom lyney teaching you the ways of romance through intense intimacy and pushing your limits. :3 stimulating you with endless, overwhelming pleasure!!
"can you do one more for me, chérie~?" lyney's fingers and mouth have been skillfully dealing with you for a while now; digits thrusting inside you as they hit all the perfect spots so delicately, his lips wrapped around your swollen clit, gently licking and nibbling on the sensitive bud. you let out whimpers as he continued just that, "you've already came for me so many times, hehe~ a reward should be granted, yes?" before you could protest and say anything at all, he stands up from where he was kneeling and pulls you by the thighs towards the edge of the bed, "mmh~ your sweet fluids are all over your thighs now..." he frowns, "...let me fix that and fill you up with my own cum, hmm~?" without another warning, he easily slides his cock inside your warmth, letting out a small moan at the feeling of your walls engulfing him whole. "feels so good, amour~" he teases as his eyes were fixated on your reactions—body shaking as your lips were parted, gasping for air, moaning and whimpering softly as he started a gentle pace that slowly increased in intensity. "oh, that fucked out look on your face looks so innocent... yet so dirty at the same time~"
oh, the doctor, experimenting once again, like always! now... who's the best test subject for a rather "intimate" one? of course, his innocent lover.
"how do you feel, my pet?" he says and pats your head gently like how he would to a dog. his thrusts within your cunt were slow and deep, deliciously stretching you out with each snap of his hips, "i knew it... your tough demeanor earlier was nothing but a thin shield. you really thought you could resist me?" he lets out a small laugh, mocking you, "you're just a weak girl on the inside, waiting for someone to tear her pride and dignity to shreds~" he chuckles darkly and reaches forward to fondle at your breasts delicately, "i can't wait to slowly break you apart~" suddenly, he snaps his hips forward as the pace of his thrusts increases, along with the force he was putting in it, constantly hitting your g-spot perfectly. "hah~ that aphrodisiac must be kicking in by now, no? you already look so fucked out and i can feel you getting wetter by the second." he says in a teasing manner, spreading your legs further apart with the help of his clones to hold you down as some of them were touching your cheek delicately, your neck, and your breasts. dottore's hand that was fondling you going down to grip on your hips to steady his rough pace, "focus on me, darling. focus on who's fucking you~" all of that was enough to send you over the edge as you cum hard, walls contracting around his cock that was still busy abusing your pussy, using it as roughly as he always wanted to. "i'm gonna turn you into the sluttiest whore ever~"
oh... this sly, flirty, smooth talking cavalry captain. he always thought your pure and innocent nature was so adorable, it was his favorite trait of yours. he thinks he's so lucky to have that same girl bent over his desk, begging for more of his rough loving.
"whore." kaeya spat out, thrusting hard inside your cunt from behind as his hand firmly grips at your ass, spanking it. "look at you... moaning all for me, begging for my cock. you that addicted already, huh?" you nod, "good." he smirks mischievously as you let out a lewd scream the moment the tip of his cock kissed your g-spot delightfully, again and again, driving you insane and making your body jolt with each buck of his hips. "fuck—you're too good~ come on, beg me some more. beg me to fuck you senseless~" with a rough thrust forward, it hits a deep part of you that had you cum undone for the umpteenth time. "oh?" kaeya sighs softly, "how am i gonna make you beg when all that's slipping out of your pretty lips are lewd moans and mumbles? hmm~?" he say in a teasing way, "fine then, just keep moaning for me, 'kay~?" his fingers find their way to your clit, pleasuring you further by rubbing it in a way that matched the pace of his thrusts; his other hand making its way up to wrap his long fingers around the back of your neck, holding you down, cheek pressed flat against the cold wood of the table. "even without saying a word, i know all you want right now is for me to fuck you~ just be a good girl and take it all, and i'll keep giving you more~"
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gothghostiie · 8 months
IDEA: Shrine Maiden was chosen by Wesker to carry his heir, but he hadn't intended that he would develop feelings for her, or how loving she would be. It's so foreign to him, yet he feels almost flustered for how much she cares for him. Before the baby is born, he elevates his beloved Maiden to the status of a Goddess. Seeing her being so flattered by being worshipped makes his black heart a bit warmer. And of course he does the same, always rubbing and kissing her belly, telling her how beautiful she looks, and how it brings him pride to have her as the mother of his baby.
love it. I dont even have anything to add. I just love it
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yandere-daydreams · 11 months
Title: Rotting Divinity.
Pairing: Yandere!Scaramouche x Reader (Genshin).
Word Count: 2.9k.
TW: Reader Is Referred To As A Shrine Maiden But Gender Neutral, Set A Few Years After Dottore Starts Experimenting On Scaramouche, Unhealthy Relationships, Obsessive Behavior, Kidnapping, Themes of Chronic Illness, and Mentions of Human Experimentation.
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Scaramouche opened his eyes as the sun set, casting the sky a dull pinkish blue. You were standing above him, a straw basket on your hip and a frown tugging on the corners of your lips.
He let a groan as he hauled himself into a more dignified position, palms planted in the raw dirt and dried grass caught in his hair. One glance was spared to establish that he was no longer in the Doctor’s cramped observation room, all cold stone walls and porcelain tables with leather straps stapled into each corner, before his attention settled on you. “Mortal,” he barked, speaking loudly enough to hear himself over the pain still buzzing in his skull. “Which island is this?”
“Yashiori, near Serpent’s Head,” you muttered, disappointment heavy in your tone. When he clicked his tongue, you went on, your frown deepening. “You ruined my herb garden.”
Had he? He couldn’t remember anything after the Doctor worked those long, tapered needles underneath the skin of his forearms; after an iron mask was forced over his mouth and nose and he began to think his body may tear itself apart before that sadist had the chance to. He wasn’t supposed to be in Serpent’s Head. He wasn’t supposed to be on Yashiro at all. He hadn’t meant to be here, and yet, he’d be thrown in a cage of iron bars and subjected to another round of testing as soon as he trudged back to that dungeon of a facility. Thinking about the feeling of thick, pulsing electricity coursing through his hollow limbs was enough to send a familiar bolt of agony down the length of his spine. It was little more than a phantom, a shadow of the torture it would take to unlock his truepotential, but it was enough to leave him curling into himself involuntarily, glaring at the soil with a hollow type of malice.
He would’ve recovered in a second – less than a second, a moment, a breath – if you hadn’t fallen to your knees at his side, cooing as you pressed the back of your hand into his forehead. “Are you hurt?” If he’d tried to answer, his response would’ve been lost to your fussing, the way you hummed and shook your head as you hauled him to his feet. “Body aches? Migraines? Whatever it is—” An arm was drawn over your shoulders, his weight forcibly rested on you. “—I’m sure I have something for it inside. A place for you to rest, too – however you got here, the journey had to be burdensome.”
He considered protesting. Even in the state he’d been reduced to, it would’ve taken nothing to pry himself away from you, to shatter your ankles underneath his heel and leave you begging for the mercy of the creature you’d tried to pity. He could’ve penned a letter to the Doctor as you bled out in the soil of your own garden, recovered his strength as he took your body apart and fed your remains, piece by piece, to whatever scavengers would have you. He could’ve, if he’d wanted to. He could’ve, but then, he saw what you were wearing.
The sleeves of your kosode were rolled neatly to the elbow, the hems of your pleaded hakama dusted with dirt and grass stains. Unlike the maidens of Watatsumi and the Grand Narukami Shrine, you wore neither red nor blue, but white. Pure, never-ending white.
Scaramouche went limp in your hold, his eyes falling shut as you let out a surprised laugh, doing your best to accommodate his now-dead weight. He could kill you tomorrow, he figured. It was already dusk, and while he didn’t mind traveling at night, he knew the Doctor wouldn’t begin to wonder where he was until the sun rose tomorrow morning. He wasn’t a dog, eager to crawl home and prove his obedience. He could wait until he was called for.
At least, by then, your worrying might’ve done something to dull the burn of the electricity underneath his skin.
“So, you’re telling me that this is a waste of time.”
You ignored him with a light hum, a quick movement of your tasseled gohei. Normally, daily rites were something to be performed quickly and efficiently before the unlucky shrine maiden responsible for carrying them out returned to scrubbing floorboards and disturbing fortunes, but in a life as slow as yours, with so little to occupy the many hours of your countless days, even repetitive tasks such as this were given an unnecessarily artistic flourish. Scaramouche might’ve called it indulgent, if he ever decided to be so kind to you.
Currently, you were dancing in front of a dilapidated shrine at the base of the snake’s skull; the paint mostly chipped away and the wood close to rotting. You’d explained, four days after he first allowed you to haul him into your ancient cabin, that you would be responsible for rebuilding it once it inevitably collapsed, an honor only bestowed upon caretakers every few centuries, and he’d told you that you ought to save yourself a few decades and tear it down that day, but you’d only laughed. Most things he said made you laugh.
He'd noticed early on that you were of a weak constitution. Dark bags circled under your eyes despite how often and how deeply you slept, and you seemed unable to carry anything heavier than what could fit in one of your woven baskets. There should’ve been another shrine keeper, if not several. And, if there could only be one, then it shouldn’t have been you.
Still, Scaramouche was glad that you had been chosen, even if you were a bad fit for the position. If it’d been anyone else, he would’ve had to get rid of them days ago, and he was thankful to be spared the effort.
“It’s not,” you said, consciously clipping his choice of words. You finished your rite with a deep bow, then turned to Scaramouche. “Shows of dedication make him happy.”
“He being…” His gaze drifted upward, to the fanged skull. Orobashi no Mikoto – the beast’s name provided by some nameless well of knowledge that seemed to linger in the space between the back of his throat and the pit of his chest. Consciously, the only title Scaramouche had ever thought to put to the serpent was that of ‘festering remains’. “…the fucking corpse?”
Right. It was too easy to forget that there was a pretense to his time with you; that he was supposed to be some wayward, ailing traveler with a mysterious condition your charms and cures could only keep at bay. He wasn’t lying to you. All he did was lie back and let you fuss over his nonexistent pulse, the bloodless pallor of his skin, the way his temperature never seemed to rise above that of damp clay. He wasn’t like the Doctor – scheming and underhanded, prone to leading his victims in circles before gifting them with the mercy of a slow death – or the priestess he could only vaguely remember from his first days, all dark eyes and whispers of a merciful end. You liked doting on him, and he didn’t mind keeping his mouth shut.
“If you keep using that kind of language, you might have to start sleeping outside.” You took up the basket of lavender melons you’d (admittedly, unwisely) left in his care, snatching it away before he could add to the small pile of black seeds stacked on his opposite side. Your hastiness left one of the rounder melons toppling over the well-worn edge, though, and he caught it with a single hand, grinning as he dug his teeth into the ripe flesh and claimed it for himself. You rolled your eyes, but quickly occupied yourself with clearing away yesterday’s fruit from the shrine. “It’s not complicated. We keep him happy, hold our rites and make our sacrifices, and he ensures that my crops grow quickly and the village prospers.” A pause, a smile thrown carelessly over your shoulder. You smiled as easily as you laughed, something that irritated Scaramouche to no end. “If it wasn’t for him, you wouldn’t be recovering half as quickly as you are.”
“Don’t give yourself too much credit.” He dug his teeth into the lavender melon as you gathered your things, sugary juice turning his lips tacky as he went on. “I’ve always been hard to kill.”
You came to stand above him, your smile small and eyes vaguely narrowed. “If you’re feeling that strong,” you started, holding your now-emptied basket in front of you. “Then you shouldn’t mind weeding the garden and fetching water, this afternoon.”
It only took him a moment to think to protest, but you were already gone, stumbling down the mountainside as he hastily pushed himself to his feet. He called your name, but he could already hear your voice – rising above his in one of your obnoxiously repetitive hymns and drowning him out as he chased after you.
The villagers welcomed you as sheep welcomed field dogs; from a distance.
Scaramouche trailed behind you as you plodded through the humble village, humming and clutching your basket close to your chest, fiddling nervously with the pure-white material of your sleeves. The crowd parted around you, twin walls of watchful eyes and hushed voices forming well-ahead of your path and collapsing as you strode past them, either unable or unwilling to acknowledge the thick silence that seemed to hang over you like a shroud. Occasionally, you’d stop at a stall or a doorway, handing off bundles of wrapped herbs to gloved and trembling hands, and less often, you’d send him a smile over your shoulder, your tired eyes wrinkling at the corners, as if apologizing that he had to come along for such a dull errand. That was how you described it, when he asked where you went off to every few days. ‘Just a quick trip to the market,’ you’d said, as you tried to convince him to stay behind yet again. When he cited your poor health and his growing concern that he’d find you dead in that garden of yours one day, you didn’t waver. ‘You’ll only be bored if you come. The villagers aren’t very friendly.’
Scaramouche decided, mostly on a whim, that he would burn down this village before he returned to the Doctor. If he had time.
He moved to rush forward, to place himself at your side, but a hand shot out of a narrow alleyway and caught him by the wrist. It was a middle-aged blacksmith, judging by the ash smeared across his cheeks, the thick apron hanging from his neck. Scaramouche was quick to pull out of his filthy grasp, but he spoke regardless, his voice low and rough. “Mind your distance, boy.” A glance towards you, a deep sneer. “Don’t you know who that is?”
Scaramouche glanced over him, fighting the urge to scoff. “Why is no one speaking to the healer?”
“That’s no healer, that’s the shrine maiden.” He said it as if he’d caught Scaramouche attempting to throw himself into a rifthound’s mouth. “They cultivate the serpent’s remains. You’ll be dead in a week if you—”
This time, Scaramouche was the one to reach out, his hand wrapping around the blacksmith’s neck. By instinct, a bolt of pure, searing electro shot from his palm into the man’s neck, leaving him limp and convulsing in Scaramouche’s hold. Scaramouche released him as the last of the aftershocks faded, watching him collapse to the ground before planting his heel on the man’s diaphragm, prepared to shift his weight and crush whatever laid below his foot should the blacksmith say something to displease him.
“I’ll ask again,” he said, slowly, ozone thick in the air. “Why is no one speaking to the healer?”
Scaramouche returned to your cabin closer to sunrise than sunset. Somewhere, back in the village that he would see reduced to embers if it was his last act on the face of Teyvat, the charred remains of a blacksmith smoldered at the bottom of a stone well, and he opened the door to your ramshackle home with enough force to tear the rotted piece of wood from its hinges.
You were kneeling beside your work table, grinding dried lavender petals into a fine powder. He closed the space between you in a breath, knocked the pestle from your hand in another, then collapsed beside you. “You’re going to die?”
You eyed the spilled lavender wearily. “Even the archons will fall, eventually.”
He let out a ragged sob, burying his face in the dip of your shoulder. You allowed him to, your arms coming up to wrap loosely around him. You’d always been weak, but now, you seemed as feeble as a morning gale.
He was unable to speak, so you took up the mantle, tracing idle patterns into the base of his spine as you went on. “I know what they tell newcomers, about dead gods and their rot, but it’s not as bad as it sounds. He gifts us with herbs to cure our sick and soothe our elders and in return, someone sacrifices a few years. The villagers might not be able to linger, but they make sure I’m taken care of.” He felt you smile, heard you laugh. “So long as I get to help people, I don’t mind making sacrifices.”
“Other people don’t matter.” It took him longer than he cared to admit to pry himself away from you, to straighten his back and drag a deep breath into his aching lungs. He was thankful, not for the first time, that he couldn’t cry. You would only think him irrational if he fell apart so visibly. “How long do you have?”
Your head lulled to the side, your attention drifting to some indistinguishable point on the far wall. “Only the gods can say what fate has—”
“How long?”
“…another year.” Your tone carried a sort of detached acceptance, as if you couldn’t summon the energy to care. “Maybe two. The last caretaker was very fortunate – he survived half a decade in his position.”
He tried to speak, to scream at you for not telling him sooner, but his voice caught in his throat and you reached up, cupping his face in both hands. Slowly, with a dry chuckle, you leaned forward, resting your forehead against his. The cool porcelain of his skin sapped the warmth from yours, but for once, you didn’t seem to mind his unusual anatomy. “I hope I’ll be able to cure you, before I’m gone.” You were mumbling, now, speaking barely above your breath. “Do you think you’ll be able to stay for a little longer?”
He tried to answer, but you’d fallen asleep on top of him by the time he opened his mouth.
He left the next morning, while you were still tucked underneath a small pile of furs and quilts. A letter was penned and sent to the Doctor’s base, a caddy of wildflower seeds purchased from a young girl peddling wares by the side of the road, and he returned to your cabin just as your sleep turned restless. When you rose an hour past noon, he pestered you into taking him to the groove near the shoreline. By the time you returned, chiding him for distracting you from your responsibilities and pointedly ignoring the basket full of fruit at your hip, the sun was low in the sky and masked soldiers had stamped your garden into the ground. Your cabin was in flames and your shrine had been reduced to little more than a pillar of smoke in the distance.
Whatever concern you might’ve held for him was immediately forgotten. Dropping your basket, you moved to run towards the embers of your home, but Scaramouche caught you – one hand on your shoulder, another on your waist. Careful not to break what couldn’t be repaired, he forced you onto your knees, letting you scratch at his wrists as you screamed, the noise anguished and ragged. Masked soldiers gathered in the outskirts of his vision, but he bared his teeth, keeping them at a distance as you thrashed in his steadfast hold. Once he took you somewhere else, somewhere better, you’d be able to calm down.
Once he got you away from your rotting god and your unthankful village, you’d be able to worship something worth your time.
A moment passed, then another. Finally, the Doctor emerged from the crowd, his white coat unmarred by the ash in the air. He regarded you with a grin, then looked to Scaramouche. “This is the filthy toy you’d like to take home?”
It was a foolish question, undeserving of an answer. Scaramouche countered with one of his own. “Can you fix them?”
“Can I save a human being who’s been brought to the brink of death and infected thoroughly with the rot of divine remains?” The Doctor hummed, clicked his tongue. “That depends, little puppet. How much time are you willing to spend on my vivisection table?”
Scaramouche glowered, but he didn’t protest. Rather, he pulled you close – your crying softer, now, your struggling impossibly weak – and held you against his chest as he responded. “Do what you have to. They’ll be staying in my chambers, and you won’t lay a hand on them without my permission, doctor.”
“I do wish you could call me Dottore.” He sighed, shaking his head. His acquiescence was communicated with a dismissive roll of his wrist, a silent order communicated to his lackeys. His soldiers moved to take you up, but he kept you in his arms as he pushed himself back to his feet, letting you cling to and beat against his chest in tandem.
Your voice was hoarse, your shoulders trembling. Tears streamed freely from your eyes, and he allowed himself to wonder how poorly you would take it if he ran his tongue over your cheeks. “You— You monster. Hundreds of people will—"
“You said you wanted to stay with me, right?” His smile wasn’t as soft as yours, as comforting, but he did what he could. You let out another agonized sob, crumbling against him as he let his lips ghost over your forehead, speaking against your skin and above your wordless cries.
“Now, there’ll be nothing in the world capable of taking you away from me.”
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frogchiro · 8 months
You guys can thank @justadeadreaper because due to our brainstorming and his encouraging I returned to a/b/o and this happened >:(
This is basically what we discussed but revamped so please, enjoy and let ne kniw if you want more♡
SO, the idea is connected with my Goddess!Reader idea but instead of being the goddess herself, she's a omega!shrine maiden that helps around the temple with her fellow priestesses, serving her goddess.
And I thought about that only omegas are allowed to serve the goddess since they are quite literally the symbol of fertility, love, playfulness etc but never turn down other people in need, often helping out the villagers and just peacefully living in the small temple in the woods near the village however that peace would be disturbed when a wild Alpha König appears!
He's very much a loner, a hunter that sells game and pelts to the surrounding villages but he's also a huge perv when it comes to the pretty omega shrine maidens who tease the old hunter, enticing him with their scents, giggling at his awkward attempts at wooing them, undoubtely it would be an amazing feat for him to claim all the cute omegas in the temple for himself and having his own herd however all the maidens do is tease and play with him which is, obviously (to him), unacceptable >:(
He tries vocalising at them, low, booming bellows and chuffs to try to entice you and the other omegas to get near him enough to catch at least one of you, sneak a little grope, maybe even offer you his fat cock and knot! He's huge, strong and very virile for his age, he could offer you his fertile seed! You're shrine maidens and priestesses after all, serving a goddess of fertility and he wants to show just how fertile he is and offering all his goods♡
But you're all just teasing him, enticing him to get close, cooing over his huge body, muscles and hardening cock under his loincloth and he's purring and rumbling, hands twitching to wrap around a nice soft pair of curvy hips but then you're scarttering like petals of the flowers you so carefully tend to on the temple grounds, giggling and running away as he is left high and dry, angry bellows leaving his mouth bc now his cock is hard and leaking cum all over the grass, his balls full and sore now >:(
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