#Stress test
heartbeat-eras · 4 months
And She Keeps Getting Faster...
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So I recorded this one a few weeks ago but haven't felt very connected to my little lady recently. Finally drew the motivation to edit this gem. I thought we hit 197,beating the last record by 1.. but a look back over the Pulseoid (which I sometimes will stream her rate to a couple of people) shows she's maxed out at 198.
198!! that's 3.3 beats a second! 3 1/3 strong contractions pushing blood to the rest of my body where needed from the sprint she just endured.
Listen to her strong pounding and my lungs gasping for precious oxygen as they work in tandem to deal with the stress I have given them and listen to when they both come together and recover beautifully.
I tried just after this to get her to go over 200 but she was too tired and didn't make it past the 180's. When I get to editing that I will post it too.
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contac · 3 months
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ladb3ats · 4 months
home stress test in progress
My set-up is far from ideal but that was fun… though I wish I had another guinea pig
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vfib785 · 1 month
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IaF ep. 1061 - collapse during stresstest
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ecgekg · 2 months
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stress test time
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digital02staff · 2 months
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The Racing Heart Part 2
Kaire returns to the doctors for her stress test. The doctor carefully monitors her vitals and looks uneasy when Karie’s BP is high and her oxygen levels are low. She gives oxygen via a mask to bring the levels up just as a precautionary measure. All the information is charted and the test begins shortly after. Kairie’s heart is put under stress quickly with little activity and the levels crash out. Quickly after she is unresponsive and the doctor must start CPR on her. Angel uses the BVM to force 02 and the heart is shocked many times over to try and regain a rhythm on this cardiac patient.
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jauzhouse · 7 months
Hello out there! This is my first post, as you can see English is not my native language, so I try my best. Please be kind and let me know what do you think 😊 if there's someone who likes to read this in Spanish DM me 🫀
1. The Stress Test.
Universidad Europea. 10:23 am.
It was an ordinary day, I went to the clinic to get my pre-season stress tests. My muscle fat percentage was correct, my weight was within the FIA standards allowed me to, the resting electrocardiogram showed as a result that my heart rate was 80 bpm, my blood oxygen saturation was normal, everything seemed to be in order, until I started the last round on the treadmill.
I was already at level 9, my heart rate was already at 180 bpm, I had kept that pace for the last two levels. I felt fine until I started to feel a strong pressure on my chest which I tried to ignore and continue with the test, I needed to get to level 10. After a few more minutes the feeling of not being able to breathe became present and with this anxiety and worry caused my heart rate to shoot up to 210 bpm, the doctor asked me if everything was okay, but it was getting more complicated to be able to breathe, my vision began to blur and the pressure on my chest became stronger and stronger.
The doctor stopped the treadmill and the nurse helped me get off of it to a stretcher, on which I was immediately connected to a monitor to see my heart rate which was already at 220 bpm, tachycardia.
I began to hyperventilate, the nurse placed an oxygen mask on my face in an attempt to regulate my breathing, with one hand I held the mask tightly as if this was to expel more oxygen and enter directly into my lungs while with the other hand I pressed my chest tightly on the left side as I felt my heart beating hard against my chest.
They couldn't control my heartbeat, so the doctor decided to try cardioversion. He took both paddles of the defibrillator, put gel on one and rubbed the other paddle over it, placing one on my right pectoral and the other on my left lower ribs, charged to 100J, made sure no one was touching me and performed the first discharge. My chest rose when I felt that electric shock, my heart rate did not sow down, the doctor recharged now to 140J, performed the same procedure and discharged. Once again, my body twisted upward once I received the shock, my back hit the stretcher violently as the discharge was finished.
I quickly went into cardiac arrest, the last thing I remember is the nurse removing the mask from my face and starting compressions on my chest.
To be continue?
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heardatmedschool · 8 months
“What a stress test is for the heart, pregnancy is for the pancreas.”
About gestational diabetes.
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agent-heartbeat · 4 months
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If any one has this video please message me
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galadae · 10 months
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why is she so cute T.T
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heartbeat-eras · 5 months
The Fastest She Ever Did Beat..
After the breath play that had her in the low 40s earlier today...I thought that it might be a good idea encourage her to beat a bit faster... 155 beats to be exact. If you don't like breathing noises I would recommend giving this one a miss.
We've all heard how my little heart used to react to exercise. Well I've been treating her kindly and now she's a bit more used to it...Today we warmed up and did a bit of recovery run.. she climbed but was fairly well behaved. I was feeling fine... so I slowly increased the speed and until she broke the 190s. I was feeling it and knew if I did a last min sprint I could get her over the 192 which was the highest I had recorded. Speed up slightly, incline to 3... this was enough to push her to 196! The highest I had ever seen her beat.
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What you are hearing is the 5 min recovery afterwards. I really struggled with this one. You can tell that even up the end I was struggling to control my breathing. But my little girl pounded strongly, exceeding all expectations and hearing her recover reminds me why I love her and other hearts.
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jokerislandgirl32 · 1 year
You Know This Scene From Wild Kratts?
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I’m getting a stress test next week, which means I gotta run on a treadmill, so I’m gonna be looking like MY BOY!
Especially this part…
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Seriously, with my luck I’ll fall of the treadmill or something, so I’ll really look like this, lol.
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ecgekg · 3 months
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fitness test with all the gear
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youdontlookautistic · 1 month
I think Rimworld should be a requirement to get a job in operations and OH&S.
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Mitra's Surprise
"We're almost ready, Mitra," Nurse Lan said, adjusting the nasal cannula under her nose. "Do you have any questions before we start?"
Mitra scrunched her nose a bit, trying to get used to the feeling of the tubes in her nostrils. She realized with some awkwardness that she hadn't asked a single question as the nurse was prepping her.
"Actually…I do. Ah, I don't really know what…well, this is all for." Mitra lifted her arms slightly, tubes and wires moving about. She felt like an experiment.
Nurse Lan smiled, discreetly making sure that Mitra didn't pull on her IVs. "Ok, sure - what do you want to know?"
Mitra took a deep breath and looked down at herself, her eyes scanning intently over her body. Sheepishly, she asked, quietly, "…first, I guess…can you tell me again what we're doing?"
"Sure." As she talked, the nurse busied herself checking a nearby vitals monitor, tapping on the screen to enter data. "Your doctor has prescribed a stress test to examine your heart under exercise. Look, it reads here…" Nurse Lan consulted a chart. "…that you may have a slight arrythmia and possible tachycardia. Right?"
Nodding, Mitra said, "…right, ok. I remember that." The doctor visits, the embarrassing exams, and the worried feeling in her stomach were reminders enough. "But…how am I going to exercise with all these - you know, things on me?"
"Well, that's easy - you won't be exercising on the treadmill today - you're going to sit right there. This is a chemical stress test. We'll make your heart work hard, and we'll measure your cardiac performance with these machines. All you have to do is breathe."
She made it sound too easy, Mitra thought. "Okay…well, the…the blood pressure thing." Mitra slightly lifted her right arm for emphasis, finding that the tubes and hoses sort of prevented it. "Why do I have to wear two? And they're…kind of tight."
Nurse Lan leaned over, and placing a hand on Mitra's BP cuff, smiled. "Oh, that's just how we have to do it, Mitra. And you're wearing two cuffs so we can track your pressure closely. They're going to inflate one at a time, and we'll compare them as your heart works hard. You might be uncomfortable at first, but the inflation pressure will even out. Look, I'll start the measurement now. Ready?"
Lan pressed a square on the monitor screen, and the cuff on Mitra's right arm began to tighten, inflating with a buzzing sound. She could hear the velcro straining and popping against the pressure. Instinctively, she held her arm up as it was squeezed.
"Just leave it at your side, honey." Lan gently guided Mitra's arm back into her lap. Mitra was only wearing her panties under her exam gown, and her hand was hot through the fabric; she could feel it on her belly. Absent-mindedly, she checked to see if her breasts were visible through the thin fabric. The cuff squeezed her arm savagely.
"Oww." Mitra said, involuntarily.
"The first time is the hardest." Lan said. Suddently, the cuff stopped inflating. Step by step, it began to release her. The machine clicked each time. After a few clicks, a loud boop sounded, and the cuff went whoosh. "One-twenty five over ninety. Maybe you're a little anxious." Lan wrote something on Mitra's chart.
Mitra flexed her arm to relax it. "When…when does the other one do that?" She motioned to her left arm.
Lan looked at the monitor, squinting. "Every…three minutes, honey."
Mitra looked down at herself again. There were pads stuck to her chest and her shoulders, wires everywhere…and under her gown, too. She could feel them pulling on her breasts. "So…what are these for?" She motioned downward with her chin.
"Those," Lan said, writing some other things on the chart, "are to measure your heartbeat. They're for an EKG. Ever have that done?"
Mitra shook her head. "No, no I haven't."
Lan nodded. "Well, each time your heart beats, we can see the electrical activity here." She motioned to the screen. With a final tap, Lan brought up Mitra's EKG, and a shrill beeping began, accompanied by a bouncing green line on the screen. Three lines, in fact. "These are your EKG traces. We can see all kinds of things…arrythmia, heartrate, cardiac muscle activity…"
The beeping was irregular: sometimes fast, sometimes slow. A green number glowed beside the traces, hovering around 77..78..76.
Lan followed Mitra's eyes. "That's your heartrate, honey. We're going to get that good and fast during the stress test." Lan checked her watch. "We're all set, Mitra. Do you have any more questions?"
Mitra stared at the screen, watching and feeling her heart beat. Her left BP cuff began an inflation cycle, jarring her out of her reverie. Three minutes gone, she thought. She watched the magenta BP numbers counting up on the screen. "No more questions, I guess…wait."
Lan was busy preparing something, her back to Mitra. "What's that, honey?" She responded without turning.
"…um. How is my heart going to work hard without exercise, again?" Mitra asked.
"Oh, we'll handle that." Lan said. She turned to Mitra, holding a large syringe full of a milky yellow fluid. "Remember, this is a chemical stress test."
Mitra's eyes went wide. Her BP cuff squeezed her tightly; she could hear her heart rate begin to speed up already.
Lan continued. "This medication will stimulate your heart; I'm going to inject it into your IV now. Ok, Mitra, here we go."
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ao3screenshotss · 2 months
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