#Strengthening agricultural value chains for zero hunger
greenthestral · 1 year
The Pursuit of Zero Hunger: Unlocking a World Without Hunger
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Hunger is a persistent global issue that affects millions of people worldwide. It is a fundamental human right to have access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food, yet achieving this goal remains a challenge. The United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) include Goal 2: Zero Hunger, which aims to end hunger, achieve food security, improve nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture by 2030. This article explores the significance of Goal 2, the current state of global hunger, and the steps being taken to eradicate hunger and ensure food security for all.
The Scope of Global Hunger
Hunger is a multifaceted issue that extends far beyond the simple absence of food on one's plate. It encompasses a range of factors that contribute to individuals, communities, and entire nations being deprived of regular access to sufficient and nutritious food. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the alarming statistic of more than 690 million people, approximately 8.9% of the global population, suffering from chronic hunger serves as a stark reminder of the challenges we face in achieving zero hunger.
Poverty is undoubtedly one of the primary drivers of hunger. Insufficient income and resources leave individuals and families unable to afford an adequate quantity and quality of food. Poverty often leads to a cycle of hunger and malnutrition, as individuals struggle to break free from the grip of poverty, which further perpetuates food insecurity. Breaking this cycle requires comprehensive poverty alleviation strategies that address the root causes of poverty and provide opportunities for economic empowerment.
Inadequate access to nutritious food is another critical aspect of the hunger problem. Even when food is available, it may lack the necessary nutrients for individuals to lead healthy and active lives. Malnutrition, both undernutrition and overnutrition, poses significant health risks and hinders proper physical and cognitive development. Access to a diverse range of nutritious food, including fruits, vegetables, proteins, and essential vitamins and minerals, is essential for combating malnutrition and achieving food security.
Climate change poses a formidable threat to global food security. Rising temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, and extreme weather events disrupt agricultural systems, leading to reduced crop yields and food shortages. Small-scale farmers, who are often the most vulnerable, bear the brunt of these climate impacts. Droughts, floods, and unpredictable growing seasons further exacerbate the challenges they face in producing enough food to sustain themselves and their communities. Addressing climate change and implementing climate-resilient agricultural practices are critical components of the zero hunger agenda.
Conflict and political instability also contribute to hunger and food insecurity. In regions affected by armed conflicts or political crises, food production and distribution systems are disrupted, and access to food becomes limited. Civil unrest, displacement, and the destruction of infrastructure further compound the problem, leaving populations in desperate need of assistance. Resolving conflicts, promoting peace, and ensuring humanitarian access to affected areas are essential steps towards achieving zero hunger.
Unequal distribution of resources exacerbates hunger within and between countries. Concentration of wealth, land ownership, and access to markets and resources in the hands of a few can perpetuate a vicious cycle of food insecurity. Reducing inequality and promoting equitable distribution of resources and opportunities are crucial for creating a fair and just food system that leaves no one behind.
Addressing the complexity of hunger requires a multi-dimensional and holistic approach. It involves not only increasing food production but also improving access to nutritious food, addressing poverty, mitigating climate change, promoting peace and stability, and advocating for equitable resource distribution. Governments, international organizations, civil society, and the private sector must collaborate and work together to implement comprehensive strategies and policies that tackle the root causes of hunger.
Efforts to combat hunger must also prioritize the empowerment of marginalized and vulnerable groups, including women, indigenous communities, and rural populations. These groups often face additional barriers to accessing food and resources, and their voices and needs must be central to any hunger eradication initiatives. By empowering these groups and ensuring their active participation in decision-making processes, we can foster more inclusive and sustainable solutions.
Hunger is a complex issue intertwined with poverty, inadequate access to nutritious food, climate change, conflict, and unequal distribution of resources. Achieving zero hunger requires addressing these interconnected challenges through comprehensive strategies that encompass poverty alleviation, sustainable agriculture, nutrition education, climate resilience, peacebuilding, and equitable resource distribution. By recognizing the multifaceted nature of hunger and taking collective action, we can pave the way towards a world where every individual has access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food, and where hunger is no longer a harsh reality.
Understanding Food Insecurity
Food insecurity is a complex and multifaceted issue that extends beyond the simple concept of hunger. While hunger specifically refers to the sensation of not having enough food to eat, food insecurity encompasses a broader set of circumstances that prevent individuals, communities, and entire nations from accessing a consistent supply of nutritious food necessary for a healthy and active lifestyle.
At its core, food insecurity is characterized by a lack of regular access to sufficient and nutritious food. It encompasses both the quantity and quality of food available to individuals and communities. It means not having enough food to meet basic dietary needs and not having access to a variety of foods that are essential for a balanced and nutritious diet. Without adequate access to nutritious food, individuals and communities face numerous challenges that can have detrimental effects on their health, well-being, and overall development.
Food insecurity affects individuals, communities, and entire nations. On an individual level, it can lead to undernutrition or malnutrition, compromising physical and cognitive development, and increasing the risk of disease and mortality. Communities and nations grappling with food insecurity face significant socio-economic challenges, hindering their progress and development.
Several factors contribute to food insecurity, including income inequality, limited agricultural productivity, and unstable food systems. Income inequality is a critical driver of food insecurity, as it affects individuals' purchasing power to access food. In societies with wide income disparities, those with lower incomes often struggle to afford an adequate and nutritious diet, leading to food insecurity. Addressing income inequality is essential to reduce food insecurity and ensure equal access to food for all.
Limited agricultural productivity is another key factor contributing to food insecurity. Insufficient agricultural production, whether due to environmental factors, inadequate access to resources, or outdated farming practices, can result in insufficient food supply. This directly affects food availability and affordability, particularly in regions heavily dependent on agriculture for sustenance. Enhancing agricultural productivity through sustainable farming practices, technology adoption, and investments in rural infrastructure is crucial to achieving food security.
Unstable food systems, including volatile food prices, inadequate storage facilities, and unreliable supply chains, also contribute to food insecurity. Fluctuations in food prices can make nutritious food unaffordable for vulnerable populations, pushing them further into food insecurity. Weak supply chains and insufficient infrastructure can lead to food losses and wastage, exacerbating the problem. Strengthening food systems and improving their resilience is vital for reducing food insecurity.
Achieving zero hunger requires addressing these underlying issues comprehensively. It necessitates a multi-faceted approach that encompasses not only increasing food production but also improving access to nutritious food, promoting income equality, and building sustainable and resilient food systems.
To address income inequality and improve access to food, efforts should focus on creating employment opportunities, implementing social protection programs, and promoting inclusive economic growth. Policies and initiatives that aim to reduce poverty, increase access to education, and empower marginalized communities can significantly contribute to reducing food insecurity.
Investments in agricultural research and development, modern farming techniques, and sustainable farming practices can enhance agricultural productivity and ensure a stable food supply. Support for small-scale farmers, including access to credit, technology, and markets, is crucial for their productivity and income generation, ultimately contributing to food security.
Strengthening food systems involves improving infrastructure, storage facilities, and transportation networks to reduce post-harvest losses and ensure efficient distribution of food. It also requires promoting market transparency, fair trade practices, and reducing food waste along the supply chain. International cooperation and partnerships are vital to sharing knowledge, resources, and best practices to build resilient and sustainable food systems globally.
Education and awareness play a critical role in addressing food insecurity. Nutrition education programs can empower individuals and communities to make informed choices about their diets, promote healthy eating habits, and maximize the nutritional value of available resources. Education on sustainable agricultural practices can also promote environmentally friendly farming methods, improve resource management, and enhance long-term food security.
Achieving zero hunger requires collaborative efforts and strong governance at various levels. Governments, civil society organizations, international institutions, and the private sector must work together to develop and implement comprehensive policies, programs, and initiatives that address the underlying causes of food insecurity. International cooperation and partnerships are vital for sharing knowledge, expertise, and resources to build a sustainable and inclusive global food system.
Food insecurity is a complex issue that encompasses more than just hunger. It refers to the lack of regular access to sufficient, nutritious food necessary for a healthy and active life. Factors such as income inequality, limited agricultural productivity, and unstable food systems contribute to food insecurity. Achieving zero hunger requires addressing these underlying issues through a comprehensive approach that includes promoting income equality, improving agricultural productivity, strengthening food systems, and raising awareness through education and collaboration. Only through concerted efforts can we create a world where everyone has access to adequate and nutritious food, thereby achieving the goal of zero hunger.
Tackling Hunger through Sustainable Agriculture
Sustainable agriculture serves as a critical pillar in the global effort to combat hunger and achieve food security. It focuses on promoting farming practices that not only increase food production but also ensure the long-term preservation of natural resources and the environment. By adopting sustainable agricultural techniques, we can address the challenges of food security while mitigating the negative impacts of agriculture on ecosystems and climate change.
Investing in research and innovation is essential for advancing sustainable agriculture. By developing and disseminating improved crop varieties and farming methods, we can enhance productivity and resilience in agricultural systems. This includes investing in agricultural research to create crops that are more resistant to pests, diseases, and adverse weather conditions. Furthermore, innovation in farming techniques, such as precision agriculture and vertical farming, can optimize resource use and maximize yields.
Crop diversity is a fundamental aspect of sustainable agriculture. By promoting a variety of crops, farmers can reduce the risks associated with relying on a single crop. Diversification enhances resilience to pests, diseases, and climate variability. It also contributes to a more balanced and nutritious diet, as diverse crops provide a broader range of essential nutrients. Encouraging farmers to grow a variety of crops through training, access to seeds, and market incentives can enhance both their livelihoods and the overall food security of a region.
Efficient irrigation techniques are crucial in sustainable agriculture, particularly in regions facing water scarcity. Practices such as drip irrigation and precision water management minimize water waste and ensure that water resources are used optimally. By improving irrigation infrastructure and promoting water-saving practices, we can maximize agricultural productivity while conserving water for other essential needs.
Empowering small-scale farmers is vital for achieving sustainable agriculture and food security. Smallholder farmers constitute a significant portion of the world's food producers, particularly in developing countries. Enhancing their access to resources, including land, credit, seeds, and technology, can significantly improve their productivity and livelihoods. Supporting farmers' cooperatives, providing training on sustainable practices, and facilitating access to markets can help small-scale farmers overcome barriers and strengthen their position in the agricultural value chain.
Improving access to markets and financial resources is crucial for small-scale farmers. Limited market access often hinders their ability to sell their produce at fair prices and take advantage of economic opportunities. By improving infrastructure, connecting farmers to markets, and promoting fair trade practices, we can ensure that farmers receive equitable returns for their products. Additionally, providing financial services tailored to the needs of farmers, such as microcredit and crop insurance, can enhance their resilience and enable investment in sustainable agricultural practices.
Sustainable agriculture also embraces practices that minimize the use of harmful agrochemicals and promote organic farming methods. By reducing reliance on synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, sustainable agriculture protects soil health, biodiversity, and water quality. Organic farming practices prioritize natural inputs, such as compost, crop rotation, and biological pest control, to maintain soil fertility and minimize environmental impacts. Encouraging the adoption of organic farming practices through training, certification programs, and market incentives can contribute to sustainable agricultural systems.
Sustainable agriculture plays a crucial role in combating hunger and achieving food security. By promoting environmentally friendly farming practices, investing in research and innovation, encouraging crop diversity, adopting efficient irrigation techniques, empowering small-scale farmers, and improving market access, we can increase food production while preserving natural resources for future generations. Sustainable agriculture not only addresses the immediate challenge of hunger but also contributes to building resilient and sustainable food systems that can sustainably nourish the world's population.
Nutrition: Beyond Calorie Intake
Ensuring access to nutritious food is a fundamental component of achieving the goal of zero hunger. While addressing calorie intake is important, it is equally crucial to emphasize the quality and diversity of food consumed. Malnutrition, which encompasses both undernutrition and overnutrition, remains a significant global concern. To tackle this issue effectively, efforts must focus on promoting balanced diets, improving access to essential nutrients, and educating communities about healthy eating habits.
One of the key aspects of addressing malnutrition is promoting balanced diets. A balanced diet includes a variety of foods from different food groups, providing essential nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals. It is essential to ensure that individuals have access to a diverse range of foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and dairy products. Promoting dietary diversity can help prevent nutrient deficiencies and promote overall health and well-being.
Improving access to essential nutrients is another critical element of addressing malnutrition. This includes enhancing the availability and affordability of nutrient-rich foods, particularly for vulnerable populations. It involves strategies such as promoting local food production, supporting small-scale farmers, and strengthening food supply chains. By ensuring that nutritious foods are accessible and affordable, individuals and communities can have a greater opportunity to meet their nutritional needs.
Education and awareness play a vital role in promoting healthy eating habits and preventing malnutrition. Nutrition education programs can provide information on the importance of balanced diets, the benefits of consuming different food groups, and the risks associated with poor nutrition. These programs can also teach practical skills, such as meal planning, food preparation, and cooking techniques, to empower individuals to make healthier food choices. By promoting nutrition education at schools, healthcare facilities, and community centers, we can foster a culture of healthy eating and long-term behavior change.
Collaboration among governments, NGOs, and the private sector is crucial for implementing effective interventions and policies to address malnutrition. Governments should prioritize nutrition in their national agendas and develop comprehensive strategies that encompass food security, health, and education. They can implement policies that support sustainable agriculture, regulate food labeling and advertising, and provide incentives for the production and consumption of nutritious foods. NGOs and the private sector can contribute by partnering with communities, implementing nutrition programs, and promoting corporate social responsibility initiatives that address malnutrition.
Efforts should also focus on addressing specific nutritional needs in different population groups. For instance, targeting maternal and child nutrition is essential for breaking the intergenerational cycle of malnutrition. Providing adequate nutrition during pregnancy and early childhood is crucial for healthy growth and development. Additionally, addressing micronutrient deficiencies, such as iron, vitamin A, and iodine, is vital in reducing the prevalence of nutrient-related disorders and improving overall health.
Furthermore, innovative approaches can be utilized to improve access to nutritious food. For example, initiatives such as school feeding programs, community gardens, and urban farming can increase the availability of fresh and locally sourced produce. These approaches not only provide nutritious food but also promote community engagement, sustainability, and economic empowerment.
Ensuring access to nutritious food is a key aspect of achieving zero hunger. Efforts should go beyond addressing calorie intake alone and focus on the quality and diversity of food consumed. By promoting balanced diets, improving access to essential nutrients, and educating communities about healthy eating habits, we can effectively address malnutrition. Collaboration among governments, NGOs, and the private sector is crucial for implementing effective interventions and policies. By prioritizing nutrition and implementing comprehensive strategies, we can pave the way for a healthier and more food-secure future for all.
Building Resilience and Adaptation
Climate change presents a formidable challenge to global food security. As temperatures rise, extreme weather events become more frequent, and precipitation patterns shift, the agricultural sector faces disruptions that exacerbate hunger and threaten the livelihoods of millions of people. To address these challenges, it is crucial to build resilience and implement adaptation strategies that can mitigate the impact of climate change on food systems.
One of the key approaches to combat the effects of climate change on food security is through the development and implementation of climate-smart agriculture practices. Climate-smart agriculture encompasses a range of techniques and methods that aim to increase agricultural productivity while reducing greenhouse gas emissions, enhancing the resilience of farming systems, and promoting sustainable land and water management. These practices include conservation agriculture, agroforestry, precision farming, and integrated pest management. By adopting climate-smart agriculture, farmers can better cope with the changing climatic conditions and maintain or increase their agricultural productivity.
Investing in the development and dissemination of climate-resistant crop varieties is another essential strategy. Plant breeding programs can focus on developing crop varieties that are more tolerant to heat, drought, flooding, and pests. These climate-resistant varieties have the potential to withstand extreme weather events and produce higher yields under challenging conditions. Additionally, promoting crop diversity and utilizing traditional and local crop varieties that are adapted to specific climate conditions can contribute to enhancing the resilience of agricultural systems.
Implementing early warning systems is crucial for anticipating and responding to weather-related risks. Timely and accurate information about weather patterns, such as rainfall, temperature, and extreme events, allows farmers to make informed decisions and take appropriate actions to protect their crops and livelihoods. Early warning systems enable farmers to adjust their planting and harvesting schedules, implement protective measures, and access support and resources in advance of potential disasters. These systems can be enhanced through the use of technology, including weather monitoring tools, satellite data, and mobile communication networks.
In addition to on-farm strategies, addressing climate change and food security requires collaborative efforts at regional, national, and international levels. Governments, international organizations, research institutions, and civil society must work together to develop and implement policies and initiatives that promote climate resilience in the agricultural sector. This includes investing in climate-smart infrastructure, improving access to climate information and resources for farmers, and supporting sustainable land and water management practices.
Promoting climate-smart agriculture also involves integrating climate change considerations into broader development strategies. This includes incorporating climate resilience and adaptation measures into national agricultural policies, land-use planning, and disaster risk reduction frameworks. It also requires supporting small-scale farmers, particularly in vulnerable regions, by providing access to financial services, agricultural inputs, and capacity-building programs that equip them with the knowledge and tools to adapt to changing climate conditions.
Furthermore, international cooperation and financial support are essential to help developing countries build resilience and adapt to climate change. Industrialized nations, as major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, should fulfill their commitments to provide financial resources and technology transfer to support climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts in developing countries. This includes funding for research and development, capacity-building programs, and infrastructure improvements that enhance climate resilience in agriculture.
Climate change poses significant challenges to food security by disrupting agricultural production and exacerbating hunger. Building resilience and implementing adaptation strategies are crucial to mitigate the impact of climate change on food systems. This involves developing and promoting climate-smart agriculture practices, investing in climate-resistant crop varieties, implementing early warning systems, and integrating climate considerations into broader development strategies. Through collaborative efforts at all levels, we can work towards ensuring a sustainable and secure food supply in the face of a changing climate.
Promoting Gender Equality
Achieving zero hunger is intricately linked to addressing gender inequality, as women play a pivotal role in agriculture and food production worldwide. However, they often face significant barriers that limit their access to resources, land, credit, and decision-making power. Empowering women and promoting gender equality in agriculture and food systems is crucial for enhancing agricultural productivity, improving food security, and ultimately achieving the goal of zero hunger.
Women make up a substantial portion of the agricultural labor force, particularly in developing countries. They are involved in various stages of food production, from planting and harvesting to processing and marketing. Despite their significant contributions, women face systemic challenges that hinder their productivity and restrict their ability to access resources. Gender norms and discriminatory practices often result in unequal access to land ownership, credit facilities, agricultural inputs, and extension services. This inequality not only undermines women's economic empowerment but also hampers overall agricultural productivity and food production.
Empowering women in agriculture involves dismantling the barriers that hinder their full participation and addressing gender-based inequalities. Providing women with secure land rights and access to productive resources is a crucial step towards ensuring their equal participation. This can be achieved through legal reforms, awareness campaigns, and support for women's land rights organizations. By enabling women to have control over land and other productive assets, they gain the autonomy and resources necessary to make decisions about agricultural practices and investments.
Access to credit is another critical factor in empowering women in agriculture. Financial institutions and development programs should prioritize providing women with access to affordable credit and financial services. By ensuring equal access to credit facilities, women can invest in agricultural inputs, machinery, and technology, thereby enhancing their productivity and contributing to food security. Moreover, targeted financial literacy programs can equip women with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively manage their finances and make informed decisions regarding agricultural investments.
Gender-responsive extension services and training programs play a vital role in empowering women farmers. These programs should address the specific needs and priorities of women, providing them with the necessary knowledge and skills to adopt sustainable farming practices, improve crop productivity, and manage post-harvest activities. Furthermore, mentorship programs and networking opportunities can facilitate the exchange of experiences and knowledge-sharing among women farmers, enabling them to learn from each other and strengthen their capacities.
Promoting women's participation in decision-making processes is essential for achieving gender equality in agriculture and food systems. Women's voices and perspectives need to be heard and considered in the development and implementation of policies, programs, and initiatives related to agriculture and food security. This requires creating inclusive spaces for women to engage in decision-making at all levels, from local communities to national and international platforms. Strengthening women's leadership and representation in farmer organizations, cooperatives, and agricultural institutions can contribute to more equitable and effective decision-making processes.
Recognizing and valuing the unpaid care and domestic work performed by women is also crucial for achieving gender equality in agriculture. The burden of household chores and caregiving responsibilities often falls disproportionately on women, limiting their time and energy for productive activities. Investing in infrastructure, such as water and sanitation facilities, energy sources, and transportation, can alleviate the burden of unpaid care work, reduce drudgery, and create opportunities for women to engage in income-generating activities.
Promoting gender equality in agriculture and food systems is not only a matter of social justice but also a strategic imperative. Studies have shown that closing the gender gap in agriculture could increase agricultural productivity and contribute to global food security. When women have equal access to resources and decision-making power, they are more likely to invest in the well-being of their families, improve farming practices, and adopt sustainable agricultural technologies. Moreover, empowering women in agriculture can have a multiplier effect, as they tend to invest a significant portion of their income in education, health, and nutrition, benefiting their households and communities.
Achieving zero hunger requires addressing gender inequality in agriculture and food systems. Empowering women, ensuring their equal access to resources, land, credit, and decision-making, is essential for enhancing agricultural productivity, improving food security, and promoting sustainable development. By promoting gender equality, we unlock the full potential of women as agents of change in the fight against hunger. Investing in women farmers and recognizing their invaluable contributions can pave the way for a more equitable and food-secure future for all.
Collaboration and Partnerships
The journey towards achieving zero hunger is a complex and multifaceted task that requires collaboration and partnerships among various stakeholders. No single entity can tackle this challenge alone. Governments, international organizations, civil society, and the private sector must come together, pooling their resources, sharing knowledge, and coordinating efforts to implement effective policies, programs, and initiatives that address the underlying causes of hunger and achieve sustainable development.
Governments play a central role in driving the efforts to eradicate hunger. They have the responsibility to establish and implement national policies and strategies that prioritize food security and nutrition. This includes allocating sufficient resources, developing sustainable agricultural practices, investing in rural infrastructure, and ensuring access to social protection programs for vulnerable populations. Governments should also create an enabling environment that encourages private sector investments in agriculture and promotes the engagement of civil society organizations in hunger alleviation initiatives.
International organizations, such as the United Nations agencies, the World Bank, and regional development banks, have a crucial role in coordinating global efforts to combat hunger. These organizations provide technical expertise, policy guidance, and financial support to countries in their efforts to achieve food security and nutrition goals. They facilitate knowledge exchange, promote best practices, and coordinate international partnerships for sustainable development. Additionally, they monitor progress, assess the impact of interventions, and advocate for policy changes at the global level to address systemic issues related to hunger.
Civil society organizations, including non-governmental organizations (NGOs), community-based organizations, and grassroots movements, are instrumental in mobilizing communities, raising awareness, and implementing on-the-ground interventions to address hunger. They work closely with local communities, advocating for their rights and empowering them to actively participate in decision-making processes related to food security and nutrition. Civil society organizations also play a crucial role in monitoring and holding governments accountable for their commitments to achieving zero hunger.
The private sector has a significant role to play in advancing the goal of zero hunger. Companies involved in agriculture, food processing, and distribution can contribute through sustainable business practices, innovation, and investment in agricultural value chains. Public-private partnerships can be formed to leverage the expertise, technology, and resources of the private sector in addressing the challenges of food security and nutrition. Engaging the private sector can lead to increased productivity, improved market access for smallholder farmers, and the development of innovative solutions to reduce post-harvest losses and improve food distribution systems.
Collaboration and partnerships among these stakeholders are crucial for maximizing the impact of interventions and addressing the root causes of hunger. By pooling resources and expertise, stakeholders can achieve greater efficiency, avoid duplication of efforts, and scale up successful initiatives. Collaboration also allows for the sharing of knowledge and best practices, facilitating innovation and learning from each other's experiences. Through coordinated efforts, stakeholders can identify gaps, develop comprehensive strategies, and implement integrated approaches that address the complex and interconnected challenges of hunger.
Multi-stakeholder partnerships should be based on principles of inclusivity, transparency, and accountability. All stakeholders, including marginalized groups, small-scale farmers, women, and youth, should have a seat at the table and actively participate in decision-making processes. Partnerships should prioritize the needs and priorities of those most affected by hunger and ensure that interventions are context-specific and culturally appropriate.
Achieving zero hunger requires collaboration and partnerships among governments, international organizations, civil society, and the private sector. By working together, stakeholders can pool their resources, share knowledge, and coordinate efforts to implement effective policies, programs, and initiatives that address the underlying causes of hunger and achieve sustainable development. With collective action and a shared commitment, we can create a world where everyone has access to sufficient, nutritious food and no one goes to bed hungry.
Goal 2: Zero Hunger stands as a testament to our collective commitment to eradicating hunger and achieving food security for all. While the challenges are immense, significant progress has been made in recent years. However, there is still a long way to go. By addressing the root causes of hunger, promoting sustainable agriculture, improving nutrition, building resilience, empowering women, and fostering collaboration, we can unlock a future where hunger is nothing but a distant memory. The pursuit of zero hunger is not just a noble aspiration; it is a moral imperative that demands our unwavering dedication and concerted action. Together, we can create a world where no one goes to bed hungry, where food becomes a basic right rather than a luxury, and where the potential of every individual is unleashed.
#How to achieve zero hunger through sustainable agriculture#Addressing food insecurity: a comprehensive approach to zero hunger#Empowering women in agriculture for zero hunger#Climate change and its impact on food security#The role of partnerships in achieving zero hunger#Achieving zero hunger through collaborative efforts#Promoting gender equality for sustainable food systems#Climate-smart agriculture: a solution for food security#Strategies to combat hunger and promote sustainable development#The importance of access to nutritious food in achieving zero hunger#Tackling food insecurity: a global priority for sustainable development#Addressing the root causes of hunger for long-term solutions#The role of governments in achieving zero hunger#Building resilience in agriculture to mitigate the impact of climate change on food security#Harnessing the potential of small-scale farmers for zero hunger#Innovative approaches to promote food security and nutrition#Ensuring equal access to resources for sustainable food production#Strengthening agricultural value chains for zero hunger#The role of education in promoting sustainable food systems and zero hunger#Integrating gender equality into agricultural policies for food security#Sustainable farming practices for achieving zero hunger#Leveraging technology to enhance food production and reduce hunger#Overcoming barriers to food access and nutrition for vulnerable populations#Promoting sustainable land and water management for food security#The impact of income inequality on hunger and food insecurity#Investing in agricultural research and innovation for zero hunger#Advocating for policy changes to address hunger and promote sustainable agriculture#Strategies to improve market access for smallholder farmers and reduce hunger#Strengthening early warning systems for climate-related risks and food security#Creating a roadmap for achieving zero hunger: lessons learned and best practices
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crimechannels · 11 months
By • Olalekan Fagbade JUST IN; Police officers' Wives mobilise 100, 000 women Police Officers Wives Association (POWA) has said it will be mobilising 100,000 women to boost the agricultural workforce to strengthen value chains. This, it said, would mitigate risks of disorder due to food shortage. President of POWA, Mrs Elizabeth Egbetokun, who spoke yesterday in Abuja during a press briefing, said the project is in line with President Bola Tinubu’s vision for food security, which he has declared as a State of Emergency. Egbetokun said she is committed to enhancing security through non-kinetic approaches being a national advocate of the Young Women in Agriculture (YWA), under the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), initiative named Strategic Intervention Programme – ALPHA (SIP-ALPHA) to address the shortcomings in food supplies in the country. She said: “As the wife of the Inspector General of Police, I am committed to enhancing security through non-kinetic approaches. “Addressing food scarcity directly contributes to United Nations Goal 2 zero hunger. “As president of POWA, I am mobilising 100,000 women to boost agricultural workforce, strengthening the agricultural value chain to mitigate risks of disorder due to food shortage”. Chairman of House Committee on Diaspora, Tanko Adamu, said the committee would synergise with POWA to attain food security and combat insecurity. Adamu said one of the principal mandates of the committee is to initiate policies to harness the potential of Nigerians in diaspora to support economic development. Also, President of UNESCO REF, Abdulsalami Ladigbolu, stressed need to address food security issues in the country. He however called on relevant stakeholders to join forces with POWA in achieving self-sufficiency.
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Enhancing Nutrition: Indian Pulses Export to Africa by Fortune Agro Food Products LLC
In recent years, the global food trade has witnessed a significant surge in the demand for nutritious and sustainably produced commodities. One such sector that has been gaining prominence is the export of Indian pulses to Africa. Among the prominent players in this endeavor is Fortune Agro Food Products LLC, a leading agro-export company that has been actively contributing to the nutritional well-being of African populations. This article delves into the significance of Indian pulses, the role of Fortune Agro Food Products LLC, and the mutual benefits reaped by both Indian exporters and African consumers.
The Importance of Indian Pulses
Indian pulses, also known as lentils, legumes, or dal, hold a crucial place in Indian cuisine and diets. These protein-rich legumes encompass a wide variety, including chickpeas, lentils, mung beans, and pigeon peas, and are known for their versatility, nutritional value, and health benefits. Packed with essential nutrients such as protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, Indian pulses are not only a staple in Indian households but also have global significance due to their potential to combat malnutrition and address food security concerns.
Fortune Agro Food Products LLC: Bridging Nutritional Gaps
Fortune Agro Food Products LLC has emerged as a key player in the Indian pulses export to Africa markets. The company's commitment to quality, sustainability, and social responsibility has made it a preferred choice for African importers seeking reliable and nutritious food sources. The company's ethos align with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 2: Zero Hunger, by facilitating the availability of nutrient-rich pulses to regions grappling with food insecurity.
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Role in Alleviating Malnutrition
One of the primary drivers of the export of Indian pulses to Africa is the aim to alleviate malnutrition. Many African countries face challenges related to undernutrition and lack of access to balanced diets. Indian pulses, with their high protein content, play a pivotal role in addressing these concerns. By collaborating with local distributors and suppliers, Fortune Agro Food Products LLC contributes to enhancing the nutritional status of vulnerable populations, especially children and pregnant women.
Sustainable Agriculture and Trade
Fortune Agro Food Products LLC's commitment to sustainable agriculture practices echoes the global call for environmentally friendly and socially responsible trade. The company's engagement with farmers who follow sustainable cultivation methods helps conserve soil fertility, promote water efficiency, and reduce the use of chemical inputs. This not only benefits the environment but also ensures the delivery of safe and quality products to African consumers.
Economic Empowerment and Cross-Cultural Exchange
The export of Indian pulses to Africa has significant economic implications for both Indian exporters and African nations. It opens up avenues for cross-cultural exchange and strengthens bilateral trade ties. Fortune Agro Food Products LLC's involvement in this trade contributes to economic empowerment at both ends of the supply chain – from Indian farmers to African distributors. This fosters economic growth, employment opportunities, and sustainable development.
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indian agro products exporter
agricultural products exporters
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phgq · 4 years
E. Visayas dev’t council backs 4 key agri projects
#PHnews: E. Visayas dev’t council backs 4 key agri projects
TACLOBAN CITY – The Regional Development Council (RDC) has endorsed four key projects meant for the recovery of Eastern Visayas’ farming sector, which has borne the brunt of the health crisis. 
 The National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), the RDC secretariat, announced on Friday that the council’s executive committee endorsed funding for the projects during its meeting last October 29.
 These projects are the USD280-million Philippine Rural Development Project’s (PRDP) second additional financing for the response to the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19); the Solar-Powered Fertigation System Project (SPFSP); the One Eastern Visayas Food Security and Agricultural Development Plan; and the proposed one-year extension of the Fisheries, Coastal Resources, and Livelihood (FishCORAL). 
 “These projects were endorsed by the body since these are crucial contributors to the post-Covid-19 recovery of Eastern Visayas,” NEDA 8 (Eastern Visayas) Director Bonifacio Uy said in a statement. 
 The additional funding for the PRDP supports the regional thrust of agricultural development and regional productivity, contributing to the country’s commitment to achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals on no poverty, zero hunger, industry, innovation and infrastructure, and responsible consumption and production.
 The SPFSP, a partnership between the Philippine government and the Mashav, Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation, seeks to raise the yield of rain-fed areas by at least 20 percent. 
 It is designed to establish solar-powered pump irrigation systems that feature cost-efficient fertilization and irrigation. 
 The body also backed the One Eastern Visayas Food Security and Agricultural Development Plan, a roadmap designed to address identified gaps under a value chain-oriented commodity development approach. 
 The plan aims to increase farm output, generate jobs, and provide support to agricultural start-ups. 
 The last project endorsed by the committee is the one-year extension of the FishCORAL project, which would allow catch-up activities delayed by the pandemic. 
 The five-year project, which expires this year, is being implemented in four regions, including Eastern Visayas. 
 Funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), FishCORAL aims to reduce poverty in economically challenged coastal communities while strengthening local food and nutrition security in target areas in the country. 
 The RDC executive committee acts on matters that require immediate attention and on behalf of the RDC when the latter is not in session. 
 The body comprises one-fourth of the total membership of the fully constituted council. (PNA) 
* Philippine News Agency. "E. Visayas dev’t council backs 4 key agri projects." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1121007 (accessed November 06, 2020 at 11:53PM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "E. Visayas dev’t council backs 4 key agri projects." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1121007 (archived).
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thisdaynews · 4 years
Three bank CEOs quit NESG Board over position on CBN's monetary intercessions.
New Post has been published on https://thebiafrastar.com/three-bank-ceos-quit-nesg-board-over-position-on-cbns-monetary-intercessions/
Three bank CEOs quit NESG Board over position on CBN's monetary intercessions.
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CHIEF Executive Officers (CEOs) of three prominent banks have resigned their membership of the Nigerian Economic Summit Group (NESG) board.
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They resigned on Wednesday in protest against the NESG’s position against some of the measures taken by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to stabilise the financial system and fast-track economic recovery.
The apex bank had also initiated a chain of policies to mitigate the negative impacts of the Coronavirus pandemic on Nigerians.
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Those who resigned from the NESG board are United Bank of Africa (UBA) Plc Group Managing Director Kennedy Uzoka; First Bank of Nigeria (FBN) Plc Managing Director Adesola Adeduntan and Sterling Bank Plc Managing Director Abubakar Suleiman.
Suleiman runs Sterling Bank, where Asue Ighodalo, who is the chair of the NESG board, also serves as Chairman.
Apart from Ighodalo, others on the NESG board are: Niyi Yusuf (Vice-Chairman);  Mrs. Onyeche Tifase (Vice-Chairman) and  Laoye Jaiyeola (CEO).
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On Tuesday, the NESG criticised CBN’s intervention policies as not being in the interest of the economy.
The resignation of the NESG Board members is believed among financial experts to be the confirmation of the eroding credibility of the private sector-led think tank and policy advocacy group under the current leadership.
It was learnt that the NESG management’s criticisms of President Muhammadu Buhari-led Federal Government policies and the Godwin Emefiele-led CBN have created disagreements among its members.
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It was gathered that the group’s Tuesday statement entitled: “Matters of Urgent Attention”, which did not have the input of members of the Board, draw the ire of members and triggered the latest uproar.
In a report, the NESG said since the inception of this administration, agriculture and the need to ensure zero hunger for Nigerians have received considerable attention.
But the group added that despite the budgetary allocations and huge sums of money disbursed by the CBN through the Anchor Borrowers’ Programme (ABP), a huge gap remains in meeting the food requirements.
“Evidently, the issues are beyond money and therefore, require a complete overhaul of the management of, and support for the Agriculture sector and all related sectors – with a view to getting more value for our investments”.
Noting the evolving developmental roles of central banks around the world, especially as it concerns resource allocations, the NESG said such allocative roles must be undertaken in an open, transparent and fair manner.
It said: “The group expresses serious concerns about how the CBN has carried on the business of foreign exchange transactions, loan disbursements (intervention funds) and price fixings without appropriate policy clarity.
“This can be subject to abuses, manipulations and significant market disruptions, reflective of a policy akin to crony capitalism. We therefore respectfully request the appropriate authorities to properly review this policy to restore credibility into our financial sector.”
The NESG also expressed severe concerns about certain provisions of the ‘repealed and re-enacted’ Bank and Other Financial Institutions Act 2020; recently passed by the National Assembly, and in the process of being transmitted to the President for assent.
The NESG said: “These are draconian, totalitarian and inimical to the development of a stable and transparently regulated financial sector. We respectfully request that the President should please withhold his assent until the Bill is properly reviewed, amended and is made fit for purpose.
“We also most respectfully request that our legislative houses should subject all Bills, in particular, such crucial bills, to the most efficient scrutiny necessary to assure compliance with the Nigerian Constitution, transparency, good governance and the best interest of the people of Nigeria.”
The NESG pointed out distortions in the liquidity and interest rate management of the financial system it said portents grave disadvantage to domestic investors and pensioners.
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But the CBN fired back, saying its intervention policies were necessary to keep the economy going in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.
It also said similar interventions were extended to other developed and developing economies by their central banks.
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The apex bank said from the one year extension of moratorium on principal repayments for CBN intervention facilities, strengthening of the Loan to Deposit Ratio policy, which has resulted in a significant rise in loans provided by financial institutions to banking customers, to creation of N50 billion target credit facility for affected households and small and medium enterprises through the NIRSAL Microfinance Bank and N100 billion intervention fund in loans to pharmaceutical companies, the apex bank had taken steps to lift the economy and businesses during the pandemic.
“The CBN also feels compelled to let Nigerians know that in spite of the cordial and open relations between both organisations, the NESG could have raised its allegations directly with us but never did.
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“On the CBN’s development finance activities, we are comforted by the NESG’s reluctant admission that many Central Banks around the world are also engaging in similar actions. The CBN engaged in development finance in order to address the credit needs of the sectors critical to improving livelihoods, reducing poverty, and promoting inclusive growth.
“These goals have become doubly important in light of the significant shocks to the economy following the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. In pursuit of transparency, the CBN usually publishes disbursements made under these activities in our economic reports.
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“Although the bourgeoises atop the NESG may not feel the impact of the bank’s development finance activities, many ordinary Nigerians, including smallholder farmers, households, and medium-scale entrepreneurs across the country know better.
“As encapsulated in our most recent monthly economic report published on the Bank’s website, a total of N38.11 billion was disbursed as loans to 44,458 beneficiaries through the NIRSAL Microfinance Bank (NMFB). This number has risen to N59.12 billion; supporting to 103,189 beneficiaries as of August
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csrgood · 6 years
The Walmart Foundation Announces New Round of Grants Available for Canadian Organizations Focused on Reducing Food Waste
The Walmart Foundation today announced that it is making $1.5 million USD ($1.89 million CAD) available to fund proposals from eligible non-profit organizations working to reduce food waste in Canada. The Walmart Foundation is seeking proposals from qualified organizations that have experience in formulating, proposing, and implementing food waste reduction efforts. Requests between $300,000 and $1,000,000 (USD) will be considered.
This announcement is part of the Walmart Foundation’s commitment to award $15M USD ($19M CAD) to organizations that help reduce food waste and strengthen food banks in Canada. Previous grants awarded include a total of $6.3 USD granted to organizations leading and innovating in food waste reduction and charitable food recovery.
“The work being accomplished by the outstanding recipients of the Walmart Foundation grants to date is inspiring, and we remain committed to being part of the solution on the important issue of food waste in Canada,” said Kathleen McLaughlin, chief sustainability officer, Walmart Inc., and president of the Walmart Foundation. “Today’s announcement will build upon our efforts to help accelerate momentum to reduce and prevent food waste and alleviate hunger in Canada by investing in infrastructure to move excess perishable food from facilities and farms to the charitable meal system, funding innovative initiatives and advancing successful, existing programs.”
The announcement also builds on the retailer’s commitment to reduce waste in its own operations and achieve zero waste in key markets, including Canada, by 2025. Food waste is an urgent global issue, with substantial repercussions in terms of both food security and the environment. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Programme reports that roughly one third of the food produced in the world for human consumption every year — approximately 1.3 billion tons — gets lost or wasted. In Canada, the cost of food waste was identified as $31 billion in 2014, according to a report from Value Chain Management International, up 15 per cent from 2010.
About the Grants This funding seeks to support promising programs that have the potential to significantly reduce food waste and loss – with the ultimate goals of preventing loss, maximizing donations of usable food, and minimizing food waste that ends up in landfills. Applications will be considered in three areas:
1. Prevention: Stopping waste from occurring in the first place
Advance the adoption of measurement tools and/or develop innovative prevention solutions
2. Recovery: Redistributing food to people
Test innovative approaches or scale proven models that advance the food recovery and distribution of perishable food
3. Recycling: Repurposing waste as energy, agriculture and other products
Accelerate innovations and programs that improve organic recycling
Walmart’s Food Waste Efforts Walmart is working to achieve zero waste, using the Zero Waste International Alliance definition, across its operations in key markets – including Canada – by 2025. Walmart Canada’s commitment to reducing food waste includes selling food that is nearing its best before date at a discounted price as part of a Customer Value Program. The retailer has also donated more than 14.5 million pounds of food to food banks across the country through a comprehensive food diversion program which pairs Walmart Canada stores with a local food bank to help get food to those who need it most, aligning with Walmart’s commitment to provide 4 billion meals globally. Today, 244 of Walmart Canada’s stores send organic waste for composting or anaerobic digestion so it doesn’t end up in municipal landfill. Walmart also continues to work with suppliers to improve packaging and food handling processes to maintain quality and freshness.
More Information and How to Apply Food Waste Solution Search (English) Food Waste Solution Search (French)
For more information and to begin the application process, follow the instructions in the information document. Deadline: October 19, 2018 by 11:59 p.m. PDT/PST.
About Philanthropy at Walmart By using our strengths to help others, Walmart and the Walmart Foundation create opportunities for people to live better every day. Walmart has stores in 27 countries, employing more than 2.3 million associates and doing business with thousands of suppliers who, in turn, employ millions of people. Walmart and the Walmart Foundation are helping people live better by accelerating upward job mobility for the retail workforce; addressing hunger and making healthier, more sustainably-grown food a reality; and building strong communities where we operate. We are not only working to tackle key social issues, we are also collaborating with others to inspire solutions for long-lasting systemic change. To learn more about Walmart’s giving, visit foundation.walmart.com.
About Walmart Canada Walmart Canada operates a growing chain of 410 stores nationwide serving more than 1.2 million customers each day. Walmart Canada's flagship online store, walmart.ca is visited by more than 750,000 customers daily. With more than 85,000 associates, Walmart Canada is one of Canada's largest employers and is ranked one of the country's top 10 most influential brands. Walmart Canada's extensive philanthropy program is focused on supporting Canadian families in need, and since 1994 Walmart Canada has raised and donated more than $300 million to Canadian charities. Additional information can be found at walmartcanada.ca, facebook.com/walmartcanada and at twitter.com/walmartcanada.
source: http://www.csrwire.com/press_releases/41380-The-Walmart-Foundation-Announces-New-Round-of-Grants-Available-for-Canadian-Organizations-Focused-on-Reducing-Food-Waste?tracking_source=rss
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