#Stray kids sickfic
dudadragneel · 2 months
Hey guys it's me!
How are you?
I'm back with another original of mine!
I hope you'll enjoy!
And stay tuned! There's a really long fic coming up soon 👀
Spending the night in the bathroom because he got food poisoning
Goddamn these hectic schedules and how they affected the members' health.
They were on vacation, finally, and Chan, like always, would spend time with you and then would take you to Australia to stay with his family.
So far the perfect planning for a much-awaited vacation. But things went wrong on day one.
You decided to spend part of the day out and eat lunch at a newly-opened restaurant.
Good decision?
It would later be proved to not have been.
The food tasted delicious and it was quite the generous serving and you both knew the boys would love it if they were there.
You two talked about what you'd like to do while he was in vacation, like dates, romantic nights, trips etc.
Everything was going well, until it wasn't.
By the time you got back to your apartment, Chan was feeling under the weather, which was weird because he was feeling perfectly fine a few hours before.
He had cold sweats and his stomach was churning and gurgling loudly. It was burning and it felt heavy. Yes, he did eat a lot, but it was a different kind of heavy, he felt bloated. Not only felt, it was quite visible.
You were lying down on the bed, watching some series and you noticed Chan was restless, he kept moving and even hissing from time to time.
- Love? Are you okay?
- Yeah...it's just my stomach...it feels weird.
- Weird how?
- I don't know, maybe indigestion? It's kind of burning.
- Well, you ate a lot so it could be. I can make you some tea or do you want some medicine?
- I'm not sure medication is a good idea right now. I'll take the tea.
- Okay.
You left the bedroom to get him some tea to help with the burning sensation in his stomach and hopefully help it digest the food.
When you got back, Chan was curled up, looking like a baby kangaroo.
- Hey~ here's the tea. I didn't add any sugar so it might be a little bitter.
- Thanks... ugh- yeah, that's definitely bitter.
He added, making a disgusted face, earning a laugh from you and then smiling at you fondly.
The tea helped a little, at least in the beginning.
But what was going on inside his body was worse than just indigestion and he'd find that out pretty soon.
Despite being on vacation you still had one more thing to work on before you were 100% free, so you took you computer to bed and lay down next to Chan with him curling up one more time. Something was making him feel uncomfortable and you knew it wasn't just a simple case of indigestion.
As he was leaning on your shoulder, you started to rub his arm and then stroke his curly hair while he tried his best to focus on you working and ignore the increasing discomfort in his stomach.
He loved to see you so passionate abou your work, just like you did with him, with the countless times you stayed with him in his studio.
But no matter how much he tried, his stomach was in absolute shambles and burning. The awful sensation was growing stronger by the minute and he gave up on trying to deal with it on his own.
- Babe...
- Hmm? What is it?
- Can you rub my stomach? It's hurting really bad...
- Of course, honey. But don't you wanna go to the bathroom?
- No, at least not now.
- Okay, then. Come here.
You put you computer to the side and put another series on TV again while he lay down on your lap.
You started to rub his stomach up and down, and you could feel it rumbling under your touch, as well as how bloated it was.
Chan's expression would turn into one of pain and discomfort every now and then, but he was enjoying the feeling of your hand.
He had one of his hands buried under your thighs because that brought some sort of comfort for him.
But as you kept rubbing his stomach, it let out a loud gurgling noise and Chan unconsciously gripped your thighs and clenched his other hand.
Something was starting to move up inside of him and he could already feel the foul taste in his mouth.
- Honey, can you stop for a while? I'm gonna throw up-
He said covering his mouth to suppress a gag, quickly getting up from the bed and dashing to the bathroom with you following close behind.
He almost didn't make it to the toilet before vomit escaped through his fingers, the lunch he had coming back in disgusting undigested chunks.
- Oh god.
You stood next to him and started rubbing his back which was heaving under your hand, and for some reason felt a little hot.
He kept on retching until more vomit came out, a little thicker this time hurting his throat on the process.
- Oh baby. You're doing good.
You reassured patting his back and kissing the top of his head.
- It feels horrible....
- Do you think it was the food?
- Maybe...we had different dishes-
The sheer mention of food triggered his stomach again, sending more content up.
- There we go, just let it out.
After a few minutes he was left dry heaving and coughing.
- Do you feel any better?
- Not much. It still feels heavy.
- And the nausea?
- It's still here but less annoying.
- That's good enough. Why don't you take a shower? Maybe you'll feel a little better.
- Okay.
- I'll bring you some clothes.
- Thank you.
The shower although good, didn't really help with his situation. The cramps continued, the nausea kept coming and going, exactly like waves. He actually had to bend over the drain a few times but nothing really came up.
He thought that after throwing up he'd feel better but he kept on gagging, so he knew by now this could pretty much be a case of food poisoning.
And he'd soon find out he was right, unfortunately.
Finishing his bath, he was feeling more tired than before and hot, even if he'd just taken a cold shower.
You had gotten the bed ready while he was showering and was waiting for him to join you.
- Did the shower help?
- Not that much... I kept gagging all the time.
- Did you throw up again?
- No, but I'm still nauseous.
- Wanna try some medicine now?
- Yeah.
You gave him a gel capsule of an antiemetic and he gagged when it went down but thankfully it didn't come back up.
He cuddled on you, blanket covering his slightly shivering body and you proceeded to stroke his hair again, playing with it's curls and tracing patterns on his face, noticing it felt a bit hot to the touch.
- Honey, you're a little hot.
- Yeah, I noticed that when I walked out of the shower and I do feel a bit cold, actually.
- Lemme check it. 37.5°C. That's a low grade fever but I don't think it's anything to worry about now. But if it gets higher then you probably got food poisoning.
- I hope not.
- Want something to eat? Soup? Anything?
- I don't know if I can keep anything down but I'm also a bit hungry...
- I'll make something really quick. You don't need to eat everything just a bit okay?
- Okay.
You prepared him some light snacks, which he managed to eat a good amount and it did sit well with his stomach. And then he lay down on your chest again.
You went back to stroking his hair while he gently caressed your thigh and within a few minutes you were both fast asleep.
But the peace didn't last long.
About 1h30 into the night, Chan broke in cold sweats, his stomach was gurgling again and doing flips, he could feel the contents sloshing around. He tried to change his position but it didn't work.
The nausea he was feeling earlier had gotten really worse and his mouth started salivating. He was shivering which indicated the fever probably got higher.
Something started to creep up his chest and it felt like a burp but when he tried to let it out, he was betrayed by his body as it brought up a little amount of acid liquid. He knew he was gonna throw up sooner rather than later and he didn't want to bother you, so he quietly got out of the bed, suppressing a gag triggered by the sudden movement and locked himself in the bathroom.
He bent over the toilet but still tried his best to hold it because he knew that the sound would wake you up, and that's the last thing he wanted to do.
Leaving his mouth open, he started off only gagging unproductively and making as little noise as possible.
His body kept rocking back and forth and he was swallowing hard everytime, still trying to prevent himself from throwing up.
But his body really needed to get that out and it didn't matter what he wanted.
His stomach contracted making him gag one more time but he insisted on not vomiting and swallowed it back, but that proved to be a wrong move.
He ended up choking and that triggered a coughing fit which brought out his dinner, splattering in the toilet.
At the moment, he heard you calling out his name.
He thought to himself, he knew you were tired and really didn't want to bother you in the middle of the night.
- Babe?
You called sitting up on the bed, taking a few seconds to properly wake up and then you heard a retch and the sound of liquid hitting liquid.
- babe? Are you okay?
You asked with a worried voice getting up from the bed and heading to the bathroom.
When you opened the door, Chan was throwing up one more time and you rushed to his side, sitting on the bathtub and started rubbing his back.
- Oh honey...why didn't you call me?
- I didn't want to wake you up.
- Please don't worry about me...
You said, voice sounding concerned with a tiny tone of annoyance.
He coughed up another thick bout that came out of his nose making him choke and gag productively again.
- Oh my dear. That's it, just let it out. You're doing good.
When the next wave came out he ended up swaying forward and you quickly reached out to hold his forehead and noticed it was burning, compared to before.
- Babe, you're running a fever. This is looking like food poisoning.
You said with a worried and sad expression on your face, knowing how the next few hours and days would go by.
- Lemme check it.
You placed the thermometer under his armpit and helped him hold it there.
The numbers were almost alarmingly high, 38.9°C.
- Babe, what else are you feeling?
Chan rested his head on his arm, not really trusting himself to get his face away from the toilet.
- Dizzy, cold, sweating and nauseous.
- From the looks of it, it's definitely food poisoning...
- That's just great...
He said with a sarcastic tone and burying his face in his arm.
- I'll get you some water okay?
He just nodded, gulping down the awful taste in his mouth.
You came back with a bottle of cold water and handed it to him, while sitting back on the edge of the bathtub.
He took a few sips and rested his head on his arm again. You kept rubbing his back and stroking his hair, trying to comfort him.
But his stomach protested against those small sips of water and within a few seconds, it came right back up not giving him time to even change his position.
- Oh honey...
You cooed still rubbing his back again and yawning a bit. But oh boy was that a mistake. He loathed the idea that he cut your sleep short and your yawn just added to that.
- Honey, you can go back to bed, I'll be fine.
- No, Babe, I'm okay, don't worry about me.
- But you're tired, please. I want you to rest.
- Chan, I won't be able to rest knowing that you're sick and puking your guts out.
He chuckled at the last sentence but he was still sad that you were denying good hours of sleep to stay with him.
And again, his stomach was just determined to make him suffer and contracted strongly sending up a thick stream of vomit that soiled the entire inner part of the toilet. Neither the sound nor the sight were exactly pleasant.
After he threw up one more time, you knew for sure it would be a long night and Chan wouldn't be out of the bathroom anytime soon. And you wouldn't leave his side, because although he always wanted to deal with things on his own, deep down inside he subconsciously wanted comfort and he always found that when he was with you.
So you considered all the options and decided to camp out in the bathroom.
- Honey, wait here just a moment.
You went back into the bedroom and got a few blankets and pillows and came back, then organized them on the floor so you could make the spot as comfy as possible.
- What are you doing?
He asked with a raspy voice and a tiny smile.
- Well...you've got food poisoning and I don't think you're leaving this bathroom anytime soon and I won't leave you in here alone so..... we'll "sleep" here.
You answered him with a smile and laughing a little bit, trying to lift the mood.
- I'm sorry for making you do this....but thanks.
Chan said leaning on you and closing his eyes, trying to enjoy the moment of peace his stomach allowed him.
- You're welcome, honey.
The night was indeed long like you predicted with Chan vomiting more times than you could count and only getting enough sleep. His fever kept oscillating and in-between rounds of vomiting you managed to help him take at least two baths.
When morning rose, both of you were completely exhausted and if any of the boys were to show up at your house, they'd probably be scared because you had a complexion just like Samara's.
But by that time, Chan was feeling a little better or at least well enough to stay in the bedroom with a bucket instead of the cold floor of the bathroom.
You made him breakfast, which he managed to keep down until lunch but then it started again, after all it was food poisoning, just one night of continuous vomiting wouldn't do the trick.
After about 4 days, Chan felt like all the life had been sucked out of him but you made sure he ate every single meal that you made him to regain what he'd lost.
And he made sure you were pampered like you deserved after going through so many sleepless nights with him.
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fairyniceyeah · 2 months
🥟🧭 I’ll never make you lonely
Title from #LoveStay (Stray Kids)
Summary: Chan wakes up to a sick Hyunjin in the middle of the night.
CW: emeto
Sickie: Hyunjin Caretaker: Chan
Chan woke up to a loud gasping sound, followed by a cough.
For a moment he was confused - they all had their own rooms in the two dorms now. By no means should he be woken by a member. Right, they weren’t in their dorms but in a vacation house that the company had rented for them as a base for a SKZCode filming. Despite the house having enough bedrooms, Felix had basically begged the members to finally have a sleepover again and wasn’t the big living room a great opportunity?
Of course, nobody had even tried to say no to him. The dancer had looked so happy and determined at the prospect of spending the night all together in a cuddle pile on the floor that not even Seungmin had tried to argue himself out of it. The vocalist had paid for it by being squished in the middle of the human pyramid but they all knew he secretly loved it.
Chan himself had somehow ended up at the side with Minho half on top of him and half on top of Han. He lifted his head and tried to find out who that sound had come from without disturbing the sleeping dancer on top of him. 
Luckily the room was not quite dark, the curtains let through enough moonlight for Chan to see a silhouette pushed up on his arms on the other side of the mattresses. It was where the sound had come from, for sure. 
Apparently even after having his own room for some time now, his body recognized the sound of a distressed member even in sleep.
Something seemed off. Hyunjin - as he now recognized from the long dark hair - was still in the same uncomfortable position as before and Chan saw his back rise and fall from the deep breaths he was loudly taking. 
Carefully Chan slid out from under Minho, placing him down onto the warm spot where the leader had lain. “Channie?”, Minho mumbled, eyes opening a bit.
“Go back to sleep”, Chan whispered back, stroking his dongsaeng’s hair away from his face. Minho sleepily nodded and curled closer to Han before instantly dropping off again.
On quiet feet Chan walked around the other sleeping boys to kneel down by Hyunjin’s side, placing a gentle hand on the younger’s back. “Hyunjinnie? Everything alright?”
Hyunjin didn’t answer, he just looked up at Chan with wide eyes before leaning down to cough again. It sounded strangled and choked, like he was holding himself back - probably in consideration of the other sleeping members.  
“Hyung”, Hyunjin whispered then, a hint of panic in his voice, “I feel sick.”
Exactly what Chan wanted to hear in the middle of the night. But a mat-hyung’s and leader’s duty never ended. Or a parent’s …
Without even really thinking about it, Chan lifted the younger to his feet and guided him to the bathroom. In there they could talk without worrying about waking the other members and if Hyunjin would really need to throw up it was the place to be. Chan wasn’t fazed by it, sure he would have loved sleeping through the night, but this was not the first time he was awoken by a sick dongsaeng and it surely wouldn’t be the last. 
But instead of kneeling down by the toilet like Chan had expected, Hyunjin tore himself out of Chan’s grip and stumbled to the sink, bracing himself against the porcelain. For a second Chan’s heart skipped a beat, thinking that Hyunjin couldn’t even make it to the toilet but he just leaned his head over the sink and coughed softly. 
With a sigh, Chan flicked on the overhead light - mentally cursing just how bright it was - and closed the door behind himself. Then he stepped over Hyunjin and gathered Hyunjin’s hair at the base of his neck, at the same time using the back of his hand to feel his neck for a fever. Hyunjin’s skin was clammy cold, no sign of an elevated temperature. Small mercies. Once the hair was secure, he placed his other hand around Hyunjin’s waist to keep him upright. 
“Hey mate, what’s happening? How long have you felt this bad?”, Chan asked as Hyunjin nauseously bent even further over the drain. Watching the younger in the mirror, Chan saw that Hyunjin’s face was incredibly pale and there were beads of sweat on his forehead. His eyes were bloodshot and teary. There was no denying he was sick.
The leader tried to think back if he had noticed something off with Hyunjin, if something had been out of the ordinary. But Hyunjin had acted normal, he had been loud when in the mood and silent when needed, he had been energetic during filming and had even managed to get into so many shenanigans together with Changbin that Minho had ordered both of them to do the dishes and dry them on top of it. There was nothing that would have indicated Hyunjin being this queasy only hours later.
And indeed: “I just woke up like this.”
Hyunjin’s voice sounded rough and there were tears running down from the corners of his eyes now. He coughed again but it was clear he was still holding back and instead kept swallowing. 
“If your body needs to be sick, just get it up”, Chan encouraged, patting Hyunjin’s hip, “you might feel better if you throw up.”
Hyunjin jerked forward with an aborted heave and coughed again. It was clear he did not want to throw up. He shuddered.
“Hyung, I’m so tired”, he whispered, “I don’t want to be sick.”
“I know, kiddo”, Chan replied. He felt bad for Hyunjin, he really did. He knew that waking up in the middle of the night feeling like you’re about to puke out your guts was not the greatest experience. His dongsaeng seemed so tired.
Hyunjin shuddered again and fell back against his leader, unable to hold himself up over the sink any longer. Chan concernedly wrapped his arms around the younger’s chests, careful to not put any pressure on his stomach. “Let’s sit down by the toilet, okay? Just in case.”
It was clear that Hyunjin did not want that but Chan knew there was no way he could let him just lie back down in the living room. The chalky appearance, the way he kept swallowing or coughing to fight against gags and the obvious weakness were all signs that at one point Hyunjin would be sick if he wanted to or not. Chan would rather have him over a toilet when that happened.
With an arm around his waist again, Chan let Hyunjin to sit down by the toilet and then looked around for a towel that he could sit on. There was no use in catching an infection from sitting on the cold floor on top of everything. When he turned around from grabbing the towel Jeongin had hazardously left hanging over the open shower door - if he wanted it to not get used he could have put it away with the other towels on the heater like everybody else seemed to have been capable of doing - he found Hyunjin looking even more pitiful than earlier. His knees were pulled to his chest and he was leaning sideways against the toilet, his head resting on the seat. 
It was highly unhygienic but Chan couldn’t fault him - it was obvious how exhausted he was and holding his head up was not a priority. 
“Come on, sit on the towel. You’ll be more comfortable.” Hyunjin looked at him for the first time, eyes glassy and swimming with tears.
“I threw up, hyung.”
For a moment Chan was confused but then he saw the tiny spot of vomit on Hyunjin’s sleep shirt. Hyunjin had always been quiet when he threw up, often gagging silently, so Chan was not surprised he hadn’t heard. It broke his heart seeing his dongsaeng so sick and exhausted. He wished he had been there but there was nothing he could do about it now.
“Oh, love”, Chan whispered and rushed over to him, abandoning the towel beside them to take some toilet paper to wipe the sick away. It wasn’t much, barely even a mouthful, but it had started. 
Once the shirt was sufficiently cleaned for the moment, Chan gathered Hyunjin in his arms and Hyunjin inhaled sharply at the hug. He buried his face in Chan’s shoulder and his body jerked with his sobs, quaking but safe in his leader’s embrace. 
With a sigh the leader pressed a kiss on the top of his head and let his hand wander up and down his dongsaeng’s back, hoping to calm him down before his cries made him sick. But Hyunjin had barely been crying for a minute when his body moved with a queasy-sounding hiccough. 
Not very keen on getting thrown up upon if it could be avoided, Chan gently pushed Hyunjin away from him. Well, he tried to but Hyunjin was now fisting the back of Chan’s shirt, refusing to let go.
“Come on, Jinnie”, Chan whispered, “let’s get you over the toilet, hm? Just in case. Your body sounds really sick.”
Patting him on the back again, Chan used a bit more gentle force to remove the sick boy from his lap and positioned him over the toilet. Hyunjin groaned but let Chan move him. He was probably too exhausted to fight it. So he just hung his head over the water, leaning it against his hand, elbow propped up on the seat. Chan gathered his hair again and tugged at Huynjin’s other wrist, trying to free the hair tie that was trapped by the arm pressed against his stomach. Once freed, he tied back Hyunjin’s hair in a messy ponytail, not pretty but enough to keep his hair out of danger.
Just in time, it seemed. 
Hyunjin jolted forward, a burp escaping him. Still, he refused to throw up, coughing and swallowing as if his life depended on it.
“Baby, your body needs to get rid of what is making you feel so sick. The sooner you get it all up, the sooner you can go back to sleep.” 
Apparently that was the right thing to say. Or maybe Hyunjin just couldn’t hold it back anymore. Whatever it was, the next burp brought up a small spray of thick vomit splattering against porcelain and water. “There you go. I’ve got you.”
Now that the floodgates were opened, Hyunjin couldn’t seem to stop. He coughed again, this time ending up gagging and throwing up more. Wave after wave of sick came up, some of it even through his nose.
Chan could feel the way Hyunjin’s whole body shuddered as he fought for breath, sour-smelling bile dripping down his lips into the rapidly filling bowl. The way he was holding Hyunjin in his arms meant that Chan had a first row experience of seeing and smelling what his dongsaeng was so desperately throwing up. He didn’t think he would ever look at chap chae the same ever again. 
Hyunjin gasped suddenly and the next second he was coughing harshly. Seeing that he wasn’t bringing anything up anymore, Chan quickly realized that he wasn’t done but rather choking on the vomit in his throat. Immediately the leader started slapping his back, trying to help him dislodge whatever was stuck. 
It took a few seconds to work but then Hyunjin leaned into the toilet even further, a huge wave of sick spewing from his lips in one go. Then, without warning, he went limp.
Chan felt a cold flash of fear, thinking the younger had passed out but as he pulled Hyunjin back into his lap it became clear he hadn’t fainted, just had lost the last of his strength to hold himself upright. 
“Jinnie”, Chan mumbled sadly, stroking his dongsaeng’s cheek tenderly. Hyunjin was still gasping for air but it seemed just a result of the exertion and he seemed content enough to rest against his leader.
Chan reached up to flush the toilet, then took a wad of toilet paper to wipe some leftover bile from Hyunjin’s lip and cheek. With another few pieces he dabbed at Hyunjin’s eyes, which were still leaking tears down pale cheeks.
“You with me?”
Hyunjin nodded weakly and Chan helped him sit up against his shoulder. He held out some pieces of toilet paper to the younger and instructed: “Blow.”
Tiredly Hyunjin took the toilet paper from the older and blew his nose loudly, a bit of sick coming out along with snot from crying so hard. With a disgusted look Hyunjin threw it into the toilet then tiredly blinked up at Chan.
“Sleep?”, he asked hopefully.
Chan laughed softly at the sleepy eyes and the pout his dongsaeng was sporting, causing a bit of offense to melt into Hyunjin’s expression. “Sorry”, he whispered and kissed Hyunjin’s forehead. “You’re really tired, huh?”
Huynjin nodded against Chan’s shoulder and yawned. 
“Do you still feel sick?”
A shrug.
“Do you want meds?”
A shake.
“Brush your teeth?”
Another shake.
“Just sleep, huh?”
A nod.
“Okay, I got it”, Chan mumbled, caressing Hyunjin’s hair, “let’s get …”
Well, they couldn’t go back to the mattress pile on the living room floor. Even if Hyunjin didn’t need to be sick again during the night - which seemed rather unlikely, considering he was still extremely pale and sick looking - there was the risk of contagion. One pukey dongsaeng was doable. Seven? No, thank you very much.
“Lay down here, okay? Hyung will be back”, Chan promised and helped the half-asleep dancer lie down on the towel.
Manager Choi was very unhappy to be awoken in the middle of the night. It wasn’t like he was not used to it, considering which group he was babysitting, but finding Bang Chan at his bedside again was not the greatest thing to wake up to.
“Channie?”, he asked sleepily.
“Sorry to wake you, hyung”, the leader whispered, “I need a favor.”
“What have the kids done this time?”, Manager Choi asked, stifling a yawn into his arm. He had been lucky, really. In a switched position the managers for once had to play kawi bawi bo for rooms, considering that Yongbok had wanted to sleep with all the members in the living room which had been planned for the managers. He had won a single room and had gone to bed hoping he would get to sleep through the night. Yet, here Bang Chan was.
“Hyunjinnie is throwing up”, Chan explained, which suddenly had the manager awake and sitting upright in bed. 
“What do you need? Meds? Doctor? Hospital?”, he asked, already mentally mapping out the route to the next emergency room.
“Relax, I just wanted to ask you to switch sleeping arrangements with Jinnie and me.”
That was how the head manager of Stray Kids found himself curled up on a small mattress with six-eighths of Stray Kids while Bang Chan carried a sleeping Hyunjin into his single room.
It seemed like he had just fallen asleep when he was awoken by a loud and terrified screech in his ear at barely seven thirty. He shot upright only to nearly collide with a wide-eyed Lee Know who had just found out upon waking that he had not, in fact, been cuddling his leader but his manager.
At least Han and Felix burst out giggling the moment they saw the horror in their hyung’s face and teased him relentlessly over it.
Masterlist links: Fairy's Full Masterlist Fairy's Masterlist - Stray Kids
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k-sickies · 6 months
Rest, please //
⚠️ emeto
All Lee Know needs is some good rest but his stomach got other plans. Luckily Han is there to make him feel better.
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It was an intense workload and busy schedule for Stray Kids’ Lee Know, and he was feeling really tired from it all. One day after a long day of practice, his stomach started feeling a bit upset, not severely unwell but with the tiredness it made him feel worse.
As he got in the car back to the dorm, he tried to nap, leaning his head against the window without drawing attention to himself. But his stomach felt worse due to all the moving inside the car. Lee Know squeezed his eyes and pretended that he wasn't feeling like he was on a boat.
By the time he got back to the dorm, he quickly went to shower and changed into comfy clothes.
He got into the shower, and he noticed his stomach feeling even more upset and starting to cramp. Immediately Lee Know jumped out of the shower and he held onto the wall and one of his hands was pressed against his stomach but his stomach kept feeling worse and worse. He ended up dry-gagging over the toilet even though he didn't throw up. Lee Know tool a few deep breaths to tey ans get himself back in control. A few minutes later that felt like and eternity Lee Know felt good enough to step back into the shower.
Once out of the shower and his hair was dry and he'd changed Lee know went out to his bed, but the pain and the need to rest made him start to cry as soon as he reached it. The thing was that Han was also in the dorm, and he heard his hyung crying quietly when he went out to the kitchen to grab a snack for himself. Han knew that his hyung had been feeling tired from their recent schedule, but he didn't expect this. Lee Know was never one to cry easily so Han was especially alert. Immediately Han goes to Lee Know's room, ready to comfort him, but he didn't expect that what was causing his hyung's tears was not just tiredness but also pain. He immediately runs over to him and comforts him as best as he can, sitting by his side and rubbing his back, helping him feel better.
With concern on his face he asks "Are you okay? What's wrong?"
Lee Know doesn't want to admit that there's something more wrong than just tiredness, so he plays it down a bit. "It's nothing, just tired," he says, his voice a bit shaky.
Han can see through this though and he still feels that his hyung isn't being entirely honest with him. After all Han knew Lee Know very fell so he could see that Lee Know is pretending that he's only tired and that there's nothing more wrong, but he knows that something is up.
However Han know better than to push Minho so he jsut sat there and rubbed Lee Knows back to comfort him. Suddenly Lee knows stomach cramps heavily, and he starts gagging. He quickly rushes to the bathroom and leans over the toilet bowl, dry-gaging intensely, because he feels like he's going to be sick. Hans eyes widened as he didn't expect this and rushes after his hyung, and when he reaches the bathroom, he finds Lee Know leaning over the toilet bowl, gagging intensely. He quickly kneels down next to him and rubs his back, comforting him while Lee Know vomits into the toilet bowl.
“It’s okay. Let it all up, Hyung. It's okay” *Han comforted ans rubbed and patted Lee Knows back.
After a while Lee Know finished but now he feels very tired and dizzy as well, as the cramps from his stomach aren't letting up at all. He's starting to feel more and more exhausted and dizzy, and he can barely keep his head up and his eyes open.
Han is worried, seeing the state his hyung is in. He asks him, "Are you feeling okay? You are getting very tired and dizzy aren't you? Do you want to go back to bed?"
Lee Know shakes his head slightly, but he's not in any condition to say anything. he knows he should rest more, but the pain from his cramps is making him feels so sick. Han thought for a moment what to do, he knows that massaging Lee Know's stomach would help with his cramps, so he tried to gently massage it for him. But Lee Know pushes him away a bit, feeling embarrassed about being touched in such a personal way.
"Don't..." he says, though his tone is weak and his breaths are shaky from his cramps. He doesn't want to be touched but the cramps hurt him so much that he's beginning to regret pushing Han away. Han looks at him, realizing that the cramps must be really hurting. Han knows how much shame there can be around getting a stomach massage especially for Lee Know but he also knows how much relief it can provide.
"Just one small massage?" he asks gently, trying to convince his hyung to allow him to help him.
Lee Know hesitates for a moment, fighting between his embarrassment and his pain. Finally, he decides to let Han massage his stomach a bit, but he's still feeling shy and reluctant about it all.
Han smiles and starts to gently massage his hyung's stomach, with the tips of his fingers. He works in small circles, trying to ease the pain and discomfort as much as possible. Lee Know tries to stay still, feeling a little bit embarrassed but also relieved at the same time.
About ten minutes later Lee Know starts to relax under Han's massage, and the relief is almost instant. He slowly lets his breath out, feeling the cramps start to ease a bit. Han notices this, and he continues to massage slowly, with light but firm motions. Lee Know can feel himself relaxing, and for a moment, he's completely forgotten about his embarrassment. He closes his eyes and relaxes, letting Han's touch comfort him.
Han can feel his hyung starting to relax under his touch, and he keeps the massage going for as long as needed. He keeps his movements light and gentle, but he also firmly presses where necessary to relieve the cramps. He watches as Lee Know slowly relaxes, his breathing becoming deeper and steadier. He seems to have forgotten about his embarrassment completely in the comfort of the massage.
Soon Lee Know begins to yawn, feeling really tired and drowsy. His eyes are starting to feel heavy and he rubs his eyes, trying to fight off the fatigue. He's starting to feel even more tired after the massage, and all he wants to do now is go lie back down in bed and sleep. His yawns becoming more frequent. He looks over to Han with a yawn, and he asks him, "Do you mind helping me back to bed?”
Han looks at him, seeing the tiredness in his eyes. He nods gently, "Of course I don't mind. Let's get you back to bed.”
He gently helps his hyung to his feet, and they walk out of the bathroom together. Lee Know is feeling more and more tired with each step, his eyes fluttering shut. When they reach their bedroom, Han leads Lee Know over to the bed and gently helps him to lie down on it.
Lee Know barely gets onto the bed before just crashing down and immediately passing out, exhausted after the day's activities, the cramps, and the emotional stress of feeling vulnerable and embarrassed. Han watches him as he falls asleep, and he knows it's the best thing that could happen right now.
Han stays by his side, and he starts to rub his hyung's stomach lightly, trying to soothe the cramps and comfort him while he sleeps. He stays with him until he's confident that the discomfort has eased and Lee Know is sleeping deep and peacefully.
Han stays with Lee Know for a few moments longer, just making sure that he's sleeping peacefully. He can tell that the cramps have eased and that his hyung is in a deep and peaceful sleep. He gives his hyung's forehead a gentle kiss, before quietly leaving the room, so he can give Lee Know some space.
Lee Know sleeps peacefully, his fatigue and cramping finally relieved so that he can rest and recover, all while dreaming peacefully.
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feverishly-kpop · 10 months
Seungmin & SKZ - Argument
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Seungmin was seeing red.
He had been frustrated all day. Mostly with himself to be honest. He had been off of his game all day, just feeling generally worn out.
“I’m not trying to be rude but the lyrics are right in front of you” Jisung said pointedly, only adding to Seungmin’s sour mood.
“It’s not the lyrics, Jisung” Seungmin snapped back. “It’s the rhythm. It doesn’t make sense to me. I’m getting mixed up.”
“It’s really not all that complicated” Jisung replied, his eyes rolling as he clapped the beat out twice over before dropping back to his seat, clearly too irritated to continue.
After a moment of silence Chan stepped in, realizing that the petty bickering between Jisung and Seungmin was teetering a bit too closely toward an actual argument for his liking. “Jisung, step out and get some air please” he said calmly, trying to bring the overall mood down, but, just as he suspected, Jisung was far too heated to let it go without a fight.
“If I step out, I’m going home” Jisung said, his eyes cold and still locked on Seungmin.
“He’s got a point, hyung.”
Great, just what Chan needed. An actual coup in the vocal studio at 10:00 PM.
“No offense, Seungmin, but you’re the only one who hasn’t gotten your part yet” Jeongin continued. “We’re so tired.”
Hyunjin nodded along in agreement, quickly taking the opportunity to interject. “Minho-hyung, Felix, and I have been here since noon. We didn’t have a break between dance and vocal. If we all can’t leave its only fair for the three of us to be excused.”
Seungmin glanced at Minho and Felix who kept their eyes cast down, but their expressions confirmed that they were in agreement with Hyunjin.
Of course they were.
And that’s when all hell broke loose.
“If they get to go, so do we” Jisung yelled as he sprung from his seat.
“Jisung sit down” Changbin shouted over the chaos.
“Bold of you to assume that you guys should be able to leave just because you got here a little earlier. Seems selfish…” Jeongin grumbled at Hyunjin on the other side of the room.
“Bold of you to talk to your hyung that way, Jeongin” Minho clapped, coming to Hyunjin’s defense.
“Guys, that’s enough” Chan said firmly but it fell on deaf ears.
Seungmin had heard enough.
“Shut up” he shouted, a sudden sharp pain sparking behind his eyes. “Seriously, stop it. Go home. All of you.”
The rest of the group suddenly grew silent. Seungmin was far from the most emotionally volatile member. He almost never raised his voice but when he did it was alarming to say the least.
“Seungmin” Felix started but Seungmin held up a hand.
“Just…go.” Seungmin understood that they were all tired. The dance line had a full day before vocal practice started, he knew that they must be dead on their feet. Just this vocal practice had left Seungmin exhausted.
Without another word Chan nodded to the rest of the members, who quietly grabbed their belongings and scrambled out of the room.
“I’m so sorry, Minnie” Chan said, his head hanging as he massaged his temples. “Jisung hasn’t been sleeping very well….”
Seungmin was too frustrated to listen to anything more.
“Hyung, just go home.” His tone made his mood clear.
And with that he reached into his bag for his headphones, making it clear that he was done with the conversation. He could see Chan’s lips moving, probably telling him not to stay too late, but he couldn’t bring himself to care what his hyung was saying. He just wanted to be alone and, within a few moments, his wish was granted and be was left to continue working by himself in the quiet studio.
It didn’t take long until the pain behind his eyes had turned into a full blown migraine. The low lights in the studio and the backing track playing in his headphones soon became too much to deal with, but there was no way he could walk home in his current condition. And he absolutely wasn’t about to call one of his members for help. He was still beyond angry with all of them.
Instead he tossed his headphones aside, unbothered as they slid across the table and landed on the floor, and curled up in the corner on the floor, using his bag as a pillow. Was there a lounge with a couch just down the hall? Yes, yes there was. But Seungmin didn’t have nearly enough energy to get himself there. The floor would be just fine as long as he could close his eyes for a few hours.
Then next morning came early which was absolutely not surprising to Seungmin. There was only so much rest he could get on the hard floor but he had hoped that it would be enough to shake his bothersome migraine. Unfortunately, it seemed to have the opposite effect. On top of his migraine his entire body ached, the pain exacerbated by the chills running through his body.
After a slow stretch in an attempt to regain some sensation in his arms and legs he stood up and checked his phone for the time.
5:00 AM.
Well shit.
Chan would be up any minute and would be on his way to bust the studio door down when he found that Seungmin hadn’t come home. Grabbing his bag he resolved to take a fast walk home, hoping to get there before Chan woke for the day.
Much to Seungmin’s surprise it was quiet when he arrived home. He glanced at the table and noticed a note from Chan:
No practice til noon tomorrow. Try and sleep in - BC
Seungmin felt the tension in his shoulders dissipated, relieved that he’d have a few hours to rest before dance practice today. After the feud that erupted the prior night Seungmin held out no hope that Minho would go easy on them.
Not wanting to waste another moment Seungmin slipped into his room, quickly changing into his pajamas while being careful not to wake any of his sleeping roommates. A few hours of sleep before leaving again would be better than none at all.
He felt like he had just closed his eyes. There was no way that hours had passed. Even minutes would be generous. It couldn’t have been more than second.
Yet Hyunjin was standing in the doorway dressed and ready to go.
“Seungmin you’ve gotta get up. Jisung will lose his shit if he finds out you’re still sleeping” Hyunjin said sympathetically. Seungmin couldn’t help to feel a little guilty about how mad he still was with his members, but his thoughts were immediately redirected to the pain in every inch of his body. Somehow it seemed to have gotten worse than it had been this morning, something that Seungmin didn’t seem to think was possible.
“Okay, I’m getting up” Seungmin said as he swung his legs over the bed, forcing himself to sit up. His stomach lurched at the movement, the pain in his head so intense that it was making him nauseous. Unfortunately for him, however, he didn’t have time to do anything about any of it.
He knew he’d be in for a rough day.
Practice was tense, just as Seungmin had anticipated. They had all taken the opportunity to get some much needed sleep that morning but that left them with no time to discuss what had happened the previous night.
Seungmin muddled through song after song, doing his best not to draw any attention to himself, but he could feel the pain wracking his body growing worse by the minute.
He made it half way through their run through of Domino before he hit the wall.
“Hyung” Seungmin called out weakly, hoping to get Minho’s attention but the music was too loud and he could hardly get his voice above a whisper.
Then his feet stopped moving. Despite his best efforts to keep up with the music his feet felt cemented to the ground. Before he could give it a further thought he felt a body crash into his, sending both of them to the floor and, just like that, Seungmin vomited on the floor in front of him. For just a second he couldn’t help but notice how much better he felt after getting sick, but that feeling was short lived as he was overcome with a sudden sense of absolute exhaustion followed by darkness.
“Jisung sit down, please.”
That was Minho’s voice. Or maybe Chan’s? But maybe Changbin?
Seungmin’s head felt foggy as he came to.
“Sit your ass down, Jisung-ah. And get the ice back on that bump. Hyunjin didn’t run across the building to get it for you for his health.”
Well that was definitely Minho’s voice.
“Hey, there you are.” Felix’s soft voice and face came into focus simultaneously. “Take your time opening your eyes, okay?”
Chan immediately joined Felix on the floor when he saw Seungmin stir. “What happened, Seungmin?” Seungmin could hear the stress in Chan’s voice despite his best efforts to mask it.
“I think I fell…” Seungmin said, trying to remember exactly how he had ended up on the floor but coming up with nothing. “Yeah I fell I guess.”
Chan and Felix exchanged a knowing glance before Chan turned back to Seungmin. “I think you did a little more than fall, Minnie. You froze during the run through and Jisung backed into you.”
Neither Chan or Felix could miss the look of confusion and pain on Jisung’s face.
“Jisung knocked you over and then you got sick and passed out” Felix added, trying to jog Seungmin’s memory.
“I’m sorry…I can clean it up” Seungmin responded before making an attempt to sit up only to find resistance from Chan’s hand on his chest.
“Don’t try to get up. You’re really sick. When did you start feeling unwell?” Chan’s tone was serious in a way that made Seungmin guilty for having been so upset with them all just a few minutes ago. He tried to respond but only a sob came out.
Just then a cold hand grabbed his and squeezed it.
“I’m so sorry. Last night. There’s no excuse” Jisung said, a tear falling down his cheek.
“It’s okay, water under the bridge” Seungmin replied, squeezing Jisung’s hand a little tighter, trying to warm it up a little. “I hate to say it, but…karma?” The room erupted with laughter at that comment, even Jisung couldn’t help but let out a chuckle despite the joke being at his expense.
“Yeah, turns out the floor is hard when you fall and whack your head on it” Jisung responded with a smile. “Who knew?”
After taking a few more minutes to get his bearings Chan sat down next to Seungmin again, setting a palm on his forehead. “All jokes aside, Minnie, you need to be in bed. Let’s get going.” Chan and Jeongin helped Seungmin to his feet, the woozy feeling that Seungmin had been feeling all day slowly creeping back.
“You’re going to bed when we get home, understood?” Minho said to Seungmin as he grabbed his bag off the floor. Seungmin responded with a silent nod, honestly too exhausted and sick to even consider doing anything but sleep. “And you too, Humpty Dumpty. Straight to bed.”
Jisung blushed but nodded in response, still holding the bag if ice to the side of his head. And with that, any hard feelings that Seungmin was still feeling from last night disappeared as they locked up the dance studio behind them.
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whats-k-popping · 11 months
sick han with prompts 1, 31, 81 and caretaker chan?
Remember back in July when I opened requests for this prompt list?? I'm so so sorry it's taken me this long to finish! But I hope this anon is still around! Thanks for requesting it. Despite the long time it took me to finish, I really did enjoy writing for Stray Kids. While I really enjoy them, it's the first time writing them. I hope the characterization is decent.
Pairing: Chan x Han - platonic intentions but read as you want.
Prompts: "You're burning up" || "Hey, are you still with me?" || Holding your hair as you're vomiting into the toilet. You keep apologizing, but seriously I don't mind.
Words: 2197
Warnings: Fever || Emeto || Graphic Descriptions of illness || Slight Angst
Jisung's been staring at the same piece of paper for hours now. He holds his head in his hands as he watches the words blur together, swimming around whatever percentage of his vision hasn't been plagued with floating black spots.
He promised Chan he would finish these lyrics, but he hasn't been struck with a single ounce of inspiration. And he's been re-reading the draft for so long that the words he's already written hardly make sense anymore. As much as it pains him to admit, he's not going to be able to finish it. 
Chan is sitting at his desk, while Jisung's sitting cross-legged on the floor. It's amazing, Jisung thinks, just how focused and dedicated his leader is. It's nearly 2 AM, and they've been holed up in this studio trying to finish this song since 6 PM. Chan hasn't complained once. He hasn't so much as stopped for a bathroom break, still clicking away on his laptop. Meanwhile, Jisung is putting all his energy into making the words on the paper stay still. It's just not fair. 
Eventually, the swirling syllables make his head pound and his stomach roll. He suddenly feels like he's on a boat in the middle of the ocean during a tropical storm. If he so much as glances back at that paper, he's going to lose his dinner. So he pushes the pages aside. 
The rapid fluttering of the paper startles Chan, who turns and looks at the youngest producer for the first time in hours. He looks confused, "You good?" 
Jisung nods, one up and down motion because anymore may make him dizzier than he already is. "I just need a little break. Been staring at the same thing for too long. It's starting to look like gibberish." 
Chan smirks, knowing he's been there before. He glances at the time and is shocked at just how much time has passed. Working until the early hours of the morning is nothing new for him, but usually Jisung calls a quits around midnight. Especially if they have early schedules the next day. 
The leader walks over to the younger member and drapes a blanket over his shoulders, "Take a rest. It might help refresh your mind." 
Jisung only protests for a moment before he rests his head against his folded arms. The blanket brings him a warmth he didn't realize that he was missing,  "Wake me in 30 minutes." He requests before quickly succumbing to the exhaustion. 
30 minutes passes like seconds to Chan, never an expert at keeping time when in the production zone. He falls so deep into the track he's working on that he forgets Jisung is even in the room with him. He's reminded when the young rapper lets out a whine loud enough to break through the leader's headphones.
Chan turns his chair to look at Jisung, who is still curled over the table asleep. Despite the whine that alerted him, he seems rather peaceful. So the leader assumes that it was just Jisung talking in his sleep. He's no stranger to the younger mumbling weird and random things in his sleep. 
He spares a glance at the clock and finds that two hours passed in the blink of an eye. It's after 4 now and Chan thinks maybe it's time the two of them head back to the dorm. Before Jisung wakes up with an awful cramp in his neck and an ache in his lower back. They have dance practice in the afternoon, and Chan knows Minho will not shy away from scolding him if Jisung's not in his best condition. 
Making sure he's triple saved his work, he shuts down his station and slides himself beside the sleeping rapper. As he scoots a little closer, he notices that Jisung's face is glistening with sweat. And his skin is noticeably pale even under the dimmed studio lighting. Weird, he thinks, Jisung seemed fine when they were working earlier. He presses one hand against Jisung's forehead and the other against his own. Jisung's skin is blazing compared to his. 
When Chan pulls his hand away, Jisung subconsciously follows. And when he can't find the cool hand anymore, he blinks himself awake with a quivering pout. His eyes eventually settle on Chan's figure beside him and he whines. "Hyung, where'd the cold go?" He slurs the words together, it's nearly indecipherable. 
Chan quickly realizes what Jisung wants and holds his hand back out for the rapper. Jisung takes the hands and holds it close to his face like a stuffed animal, nuzzling his cheek into the leader's palm. "Feels nice." He mumbles, nearly falling asleep again. "I feel funny," he admits.
"I'd bet you do," Chan uses his other hand to play with the rapper's sweaty strands of hair, "You're burning up." 
Jisung shakes his head, and Chan feels it in both of his hands more than he sees it happening. "No, not that. My tummy." He whines, "my tummy feels funny." 
At that, Chan moves the hand from Jisung's hair and presses it over his stomach area. He finds the rapper's middle swollen. And he can feel the organ gurgling angrily through the fabric of Jisung's shirt. "Oh, Hannie." Chan comforts. "You must've caught some kind of bug. Poor thing." He rubs the younger’s stomach, trying to relieve some of the pressure. 
Jisung leans into the touch longingly, inching himself closer to Chan. "Hyung, ‘m sorry," he whines, "I don't think I can finish the lyrics tonight." The words fall out of Jisung's mouth like an afterthought, a similar slur to his sleep talking voice. 
Chan clicks his tongue. In all honestly, Chan had even forgotten about the lyrics and deadlines and group responsibilities. His sole priority right now is Jisung's health. “Don’t worry about that right now, Sungie.” he reminds in a soft voice as he strokes through Jisung’s sweaty hair. “Let’s just get you back to the dorm.”
What’s usually a simple task seems impossible. Jisung is so out of it, he can’t even force himself to stand on his own. Chan has to pull him up by the armpits. And even once he’s on his feet, Jisung sways a little before his head falls against Chan’s shoulder. “Hey,” he nudges the younger, “Are you still with me?” he panics, thinking Jisung had passed out on him. At this point, he’s thinking of skipping the dorm altogether and going right to the hospital. Jisung’s gotten too sick too quickly. 
When he feels Jisung nod his head against his chest, he relaxes a bit, just relieved that his dongsaeng is still conscious. He does his best to keep Jisung engaged while he thinks up a plan to get them back to the dorm. Walking doesn’t seem like a reliable option. 
While Chan comes to terms with the fact that he’s going to have to carry his sick member home, Jisung pushes Chan away with a force the leader didn’t know he still had. Jisung’s eyes widen and he lets out a wet hiccup. Clamping a hand over his mouth, Jisung runs out of the studio. Chan doesn’t have time to question the newfound burst of energy as he bolts after him. He follows him into the bathroom and into the largest stall at the far end. Jisung doesn’t even try to waste time locking the door. There are no obstacles in Chan’s way, which he greatly appreciates. 
Jisung bends at the waist over the clean bowl, stomach contents immediately slip between his finger tips, staining the seat and the walls. Some droplets splatter on the floor in front of him. He removes his now vomit soaked hand and uses it to grip the side of the bowl, mirroring his other hand. For a second, they are the only thing keeping him from smacking his head against the porcelain. But two hands support him quickly, one on his waist and the other on his shoulder. Jisung doesn’t have the mental bandwidth to resist as they guide him into a kneeling position. It’s probably for the best. His legs have nothing left after his sprint from the studio.
“Okay, okay,” Chan soothes. “I’ve got you.” 
Jisung just shakes his head, tears streaming down his cheeks as he continues to heave into the toilet. He has so many things he wants to say, but he can’t get a syllable out between gags. It’s warm and it burns his throat. The taste left behind just makes him more nauseous. When he sniffles, the sting of vomit burns the back of his nose. It’s a miserable experience. 
Strands of Jisung’s longer hair dangle in front of his face, frequently getting caught up in the sick pouring from his mouth. Chan does his best to pull them back, but every time he thinks he has them all one strand falls loose and dangles around the younger's mouth. It's a never ending cycle of carding and tugging at Jisung's hair. Chan even gets remnants of vomit on his hands in the process. But he manages to hold back the grimaces of disgust to spare Jisung's feelings. 
Jisung momentarily loses his sense of awareness to his surroundings. The only thing he can think about is the eruption of mostly digested food, stomach acid and bile pouring out of him. Every time he thinks it's over, he's starting again before he can even get in a decent breath. After 10 agonizing minutes, Jisung finally catches a break. He's able to take a deep breath that doesn't trigger a wave of nausea and assumes his whole body is empty. There's a hollow feeling in his abdomen and he briefly wonders if he's actually thrown up all of his organs in the midst of it all. 
He's shocked into reality when present company tugs at his hair, jostling his whole head. He's got a headache now, and that didn't help. He looks at the offending individual with as much malice as he can muster. It's a mere 2% intimidating. 
"Do you feel a bit better now that you've gotten it all out?" Chan asks, so gentle and kind and hand still clamped to the back of Jisung's head. He doesn't look mad. 
Jisung can't understand why he isn't. He sniffles, trying to ward off a new wave of tears. He's not sure why he's crying now. Maybe it's shame, or guilt. It could be the headache. It's probably the fever. But there's a lot going on. Jisung is overstimulated by his own emotions. It pours out of him like a fountain. "I'm sorry, hyung!" He whimpers. 
"I'm sorry for being so gross. I didn't mean to. And you had to stay with me."��
"And I missed the toilet a bit. I made a mess here. And some of it got on you. I'm so sorry," 
"Han, it's-" 
"What if you get sick now? How will we get work done?" Jisung's eyes widen, "and I didn't finish the lyrics like I promised. I'm sorry, hyung! I tried. And you couldn't finish your work either. You stopped to take care of me." 
"Han Jisung!" Chan tried a third time in a more demanding tone. It startled the younger rapper, which Chan feels bad about. His dongsaeng needs comfort. Not scoldings. But it did finally got him to stop rambling. He softens his tone quickly. "You don't need to apologize for anything, alright?" He assures. 
Jisung just continues looking at him, still too stunned by his hyung's authoritative tone to react. 
"Everybody gets sick sometimes. It's out of our control. It's my job, as your leader and your hyung to take care of you when you need it. So I need you to let you me. And don't worry about work or the deadlines. I know you're doing your best with the lyrics. And they will still be there when you're feeling ready to finish them. But for now you need to focus on your health and getting better. Do you understand?" Jisung nods. "Good, now. How are you feeling? Any better than earlier?" 
Jisung shakes his head this time. "My tummy feels empty now. But I have a headache, and I'm really really cold." He admits, "Hyung, I just wanna go home." 
"That's my Hannie," Chan smiles, petting the younger man's hair. "Let's get you home. I'll get you two days off schedules so you can rest up. How does that sound?" 
Jisung smiles a bit. Chan thinks it's the smallest smile he's ever seen in his life. "Thank you, hyung" 
"You're welcome Sungie." He helps the younger to stand up and guides him out of the bathroom. He asks Jisung to wait on a hallway bench while he calls Changbin. It's nearly 5 AM now, and the third 3racha member is probably waking up to get ready for his morning workout. Probably the only member ever willingly awake this early, besides the ones who don't sleep.
While they wait for their fellow producer, Jisung bobs in and out of sleep leaning against the bathroom wall. Chan's taken to cleaning the mess that became of the stall without complaint. Because that's just what hyungs do.
A/N: The ending feels a little rushed to me. I always feel like I want to keep writing until the sickie feels better, but that would be a super long fic. So I apologize for the abrupt ending.
As always, thanks for reading to the end! I really appreciate each and every one of you who make it this far! Feedback is always appreciated. And please let me know if I missed any tags or TWs. Please call me out for any errors you notice!
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i think i have one request, what about a sick jisung with the flu who has to miss the new year's eve party almost everyone is attending except for minho who chose to stay and welcome the new year with him even if it's just in his bed with tissues and maybe a bucket by his side, watching some kind of romcom until the fireworks light up the sky
(Set in the old dorms)
“You guys can go without me. Really, I’ll be okay here. It’s just a little cold anyway. I’ll probably just sleep the night away, you don’t have to waste your new year on me.”
“Okay, if you’re sure. But make sure you take you take you medicine and drink lots of water. The flu is no joke.” Chan said. “Okay?”
“Okay.” Jisung nodded.
“I promise.” he said, hooking pinkies with Chan, before ducking into his elbow to let out a harsh cough. 
“You guys have fun without me, alright?” Jisung said, parting ways with Chan. 
Jisung flopped onto his bed. He stayed there peacefully, but that peace didn’t last long, as he felt bile rising in his throat. Since the rest of his members were distracted getting ready to go, he slipped off to the bathroom, hoping to be able to be sick alone. He fell in front of the toilet, barely having time to open the lid before letting out a wet belch, a fountain of the little he’s eaten today spewing out painfully. The acidity burned his already sore throat. Tears spilled down his face, mixing with the remnants of vomit splashed on his face.
When he finally got a break, he leaned back against the wall, hearing a knock on the door.
Shit, he’s been caught.  He really didn’t want any of his members with him right now. He can handle his own.
“Hannie, can I come in?” Minho. Jisung has a soft spot for Minho. Maybe he can let him in. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to have Minho take care of him.
He scooted himself to the door, quickly reaching up to unlock it. He scurried back to the toilet, feeling the second wave of vomit on its way up. Minho opened the door just as Jisung lost whatever was left in his stomach.
He cringed in sympathy, dropping to his knees and rubbing jisung’s sweaty back who instantly leaned into his touch. 
It didn’t take long before he had run out of stomach contents to bring up and was left dry heaving over the tainted water, occasionally coughing.
“Hannie I think you’re empty.” Minho stood, grabbing one of the little paper cups by the sink usually used to wash their mouths with water after brushing their teeth and filling it with water. He handed it to jisung who swirled the water around in his mouth before spitting it out, hoping to get rid of the foul taste left in his mouth. Minho took the cup and refilled it, passing it back to Jisung. 
“Drink it this time.”
Jisung complied of course.
“I’m going to stay back with you.”
“Nooo.” Jisung whined, laying his face on the toilet seat, almost blending in with the porcelain with how white his face was. In truth, Jisung wanted Minho to stay back. But he would never admit that.
“Okay Ji. Couch or bed?”
He helped Jisung to get comfy on the couch, setting him up with a bucket and a box of tissues. Once he was all situated, Minho went to inform Chan that he was going to stay back, who was relieved that Jisung wouldn’t be alone all night while sick. He waved the rest of the group goodbye before voyaging back to the living room, the quiet hun of hans snores, who had fallen asleep sitting up. Minho sat down carefully onto the couch as to not wake the sleepy quokka. Jisung leaned into Minho’s warmth, feeling chilly from his fever. Minho cozied up under the blanket with him, placing his hand on Han’s forehead lightly, unsurprised at how warm he felt. Jisung rested his head against Minho’s shoulder. 
The next time the pair woke up was just about midnight, just in time to see the fire works. The colors bursted in the sky beautifully. Luckily, they’re dorms are far away that it’s not crazy loud and the just get to enjoy the colorful show. 
Although it was pretty, Han felt his stomach stirring. He urgently grabbed the bucket off the floor and put it between his legs, quickly drawing Minho’s attention from the fireworks display. He felt his hands combing through his hair, the sensation immediately relaxing him. The gagging was painful, his stomach had nothing left to give, it was turning inside out to try and find something to send up. Somehow, this was ten times worse than really throwing up. When his stomach did manage to bring something, it burned through his whole body, mostly containing bile and the little water he had drunk earlier. 
When he was finished, he practically collapsed back into the couch, strings of saliva still hanging from his chin. Almost immediately breaking out in a coughing fit. Minho grabbed a tissue and started to clean him up.
“‘Went out my nose. :(“
“Here, blow.” Minho held the tissue to Han’s nose, who (all though he found it kinda awkward and gross to do so) did as commanded and blew. Minho didn’t seem to find it awkward at all. 
Once they had settled back down, Minho carried Jisung (who was only about half asleep and probably could have walked himself, but wanted to be carried, like a child.) bridal style back to bed. He went to exit the room to his own bed for the night but was stopped by a shrill sickly voice.
“Can you stay?”
Minho smirked, “Oh so you’re awake now.”
“Shhh, just come cuddle with me.”
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LDR Struggles: Chapter 1 (Illness)
You get sick. How would you ldr skz bf react?
Part 1: Hyung Line
Warnings: being sick, throwing up, talk of taking medication, mentions of food
Channies head lifted from his desk, jolted awake by the buzzing of his phone. He had fallen asleep in the studio- again. His eyes barely open, he reached for the device and furrowed his brow. You had tried to call him, apparently, but he must have just missed it. Without a thought, he calls you back, holding the phone to his ear.
“Hullo?” You answered, the congestion obvious in your voice.
“Are you okay?” Chan was fully awake now, concerned for his partner.
“Uh, yeah.” You coughed for a moment and then spoke again. “I have a pretty gross cold though. I just wanted to hear your voice. But you must be busy.”
“You don’t sound good at all, baby.” He sighed, wracking his brain for something he could do. His options were very limited. “Do you need anything? I can have it sent to you?” You coughed again, groaning softly in pain.
“I have all the medicine and stuff I need. I just need to *cough* rest and get better. Sorry to have worried you.” Chan bit his lip, looking down at his shoes.
“I hate this, being so far away. It’s killing me knowing that you have to be in so much pain all by yourself.” He scratches the back of his head, furiously blinking away the tears welling in his eyes.
“It’s not *yawn* your fault. It’s just how it has to be for now. I love… you…” You trail off, your voice soon replaced by gentle snores, indicating to Chan that the call was clearly over.
“Love you too.” He smiled softly to himself and ended the call. He sat quietly for a moment before grabbing his phone again and pulling up a food delivery app, sending some warm soup to your house before proceeding with his work.
After ignoring whoever was incessantly calling you, you finally answer it with a weak “Hello?”
“Hey! Why have you been ignoring me?!” The loving voice of your boyfriend boomed through the speakers, almost making your eyes water. You frantically tried to turn the volume down, but the room was suddenly too bright.
“Have… Migraine… Softer… Please.” You plead with him, holding the phone a good distance from your aching head.
“Oh.” He’s quiet for a moment. He then speaks again, much softer this time. “I’m sorry, love. I hadn’t heard from you since yesterday and got worried. Is it a bad one?” All you can do is hum in response, trying to hide under your blankets for any sort of relief. “You ate today, right? You need to eat something even though you may not feel like it.” He’s quiet for a moment, but you can hear him softly reading something to himself. “I made a list of the foods that can help you feel better. I’m going to order you something and have it sent there.”
“Min, you don’t have to do that. You must be busy.” You protest, daring to poke your head from your blanket bubble.
“You’re right, I am busy.” He agrees. “But I know you won’t eat unless I feed you when you’re like this. And since I’m not there, having it brought to you is the best I can do.” After a few more quiet moments, he sighs softly. “Okay, it’s on the way. Go get some water, stretch a little, then eat everything I sent to you. Once you’ve done all of that, you can go back to bed. Deal?”
“Deal.” You smile softly, hesitantly crawling out of bed.
“I have to get back, but I expect text updates.” His voice is stern but you can feel his love.
“I love you, Minho.” You mutter softly, a smile resting on your face now.
“You better.” He teases and then follows with a quick “I love you too.” Before hanging up.
Being on different sides of the world usually meant that you would bombard Changbin with funny Tiktoks while he slept and he would do the same to you. So, naturally, when he received one from you just as he was about to send you one, he frowned and called you.
“Why are you up at this hour?” He asked as soon as you picked up.
“Hi baby to you too.” You rasp, your voice deeper and scratchier than usual.
“Are you sick?” He sat up from the spot he had been laying on the floor (to stretch out his back or something like that), worry evident on his face.
“Ah, you caught me.” You chuckle and then wince at the pain. “I got strep throat from one of my nephews, so it hurts a lot right now to swallow or do anything really. It’s been waking me up around this time for the past few days.”
“You went to the doctor, though, right?” He asks gently, trying his best not to nag.
“Yup. And I’ve got all the medication and cough drops I need. And I’m drinking a ton of water.” You inform him proudly. You can hear him sigh a bit, the silence on his side of the phone extremely loud. “Binnie? You there?”
“Why didn’t you tell me? Were you really going to try and hide it from me?” He sounds hurt and you can almost perfectly imagine how his face looks: pouted lip with sad eyes and furrowed brows.
“Bin, I just… I’ve had to take care of this stuff myself for all of my adult life. It’s kind of just an automatic response to just handle it quietly at this point. I live alone and no one has the time to baby me.” You explain gently, a dry cough ending your sentence.
“Someday, when we get married, I’m gonna baby you so much whenever you get sick. I promise.” He says with a tone of voice that’s so cute you can’t help but swoon.
“I look forward to it, baby.”
You jumped awake, lifting your head from the cool bathroom floor, sweat dampening your hair around your face and on your neck. Your stomach lurched and you clung to the toilet, dry heaving since everything had come up hours ago but your stomach hadn’t gotten the memo. Your phone buzzed from the kitchen counter and, to your embarrassment, your boyfriend was trying to FaceTime you. With no excuse, you accepted the call and pointed the camera to the ceiling.
“Hey, my love. What’s up?” You tried to make your voice sound normal, head resting against the wall.
“Hm? Where’s my pretty girlfriend?” He muttered, looking closely at the screen. You rolled your eyes and brought the top of your head into frame.
“I’m right here.”
“Why are you sitting in the bathroom? Something’s wrong here.” He pressed and you could see his lips purse together. You yielded, too tired to lie to him. You pull the phone down and show your entire face, wiping the sweat from your forehead. “Whats going on, my love?” He asked softly, seeing that you’re not well.
“I think I ate something bad when I was out with my friends last night. It hurts so badly and I can’t keep any food down.” You closed your eyes and sighed.
“Aw, honey, I’m so sorry. Is there anything I can do to help?” He asked and guilt bubbled in your chest. You knew what he was feeling, that useless feeling while your love is in pain. Too far away to do anything or to even help. You slowly stood and walked to your bed, feeling better even just having your boyfriend here with you like this. As you laid down, you looked at the screen and smiled softly.
“Can you just sing for me, Hyune? Sorry that’s cringe, I just-“ You immediately felt embarrassed by your request, not thinking about what he might be doing right then.
“Of course, love of my life. Are you comfy?” He looks at you with a small smile, propping his device against something and scrolling through his iPad for backtracks. “Any requests, pretty?” His voice is soft and you can see how happy he is to be helping you feel better.
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leeyanyanyaaan · 1 year
a curtain away - han jisung
an incomplete hospital fic i found in my notes from last year when i was admitted to the hospital lol XD can be read as romantic or platonic. lighthearted/fluffy, altho bittersweet at the end but no angst. no warnings except for the fact that this is a hospital-centered fic so there's gonna be a lot of mention of sicknesses and stuff lol. and also rushed/incomplete ending oof honestly if someone wants to yoink this idea and make it better then by all means feel free to XD
"a curtain away"
han jisung x reader
platonic/romantic/friends to lovers - reader's interpretation
fluff, crack, sickfic, hospitalfic, bittersweet ending?
warning: hospital jargon, mentions of asthma (both reader and jisung are asthmatic), pneumonia, and other sicknesses, but no deaths or anything graphic/severe.
first person pov
"great. here i am again." i thought to myself as the nurse led me into a single room in the emergency department. 
though it was nothing compared to the asthma attacks i had as a child, it was still rather painful to breath with the intense tightening in my chest paired with this high fever i have, so here i was. 
to be honest, i didn't think it was bad enough to be sent to the hospital for, but being an asthmatic, i understood my parents worries.
i wanted to go home soon though...
after the nurses' many testings and medications, in the end, they admitted me to an overnight stay in the ED. then they extended my stay for another day, moving me to the assessment and diagnostic unit. well, at least it wasn't a ward. 
in fact, this is where i met han jisung.
the room i was moved into was a four unit room, two of which already being occupied, with one being ready to moved into a ward, as i heard on the way in. after setting everything up, the nurses left me be to rest.
second person pov
you never planned on poking my nose into the other patients' businesses, no one does really, but hearing a loud crash from beside you raised a lot of concern, i mean what if someone was hurt?! 
it didn't take long for you to debate with yourself before coming to a decision. slipping on your shoes and putting on a medical mask just in case, you get off your bed and step out from your curtains, now standing in front of another. you inhale nervously before opening the curtains of your roommate.
on the other side of the messy, unoccupied bed, was a boy on the floor, who seemed to be around your age, rubbing his backside in pain. he fell...
"uhm... are you okay?" you ask meekly. realizing that someone was in his space, his eyes widen and turn to you, frantic.
"dude! you'll get in trouble if they see you in here and not in bed!" 
"i-i know! but how could i not be worried when i just heard a huge crash?!"
then the boy turned away, face now flushed with red. oh no, was he having a fever this whole time? or-
"...i fell trying to get out of bed to the toilet..."
you look at the toilet in front of him. so that's what it was... you look back at the boy who was yet to get off the floor.
"are you okay though? you seem to be in a lot of pain..." 
"i-i'll be fine... i'll get up... soon..." was his weak response.
you briefly glance at the unlit "call" button above his bed. there you also saw his name.
'jisung han...'
you wanted to help the poor guy up off the floor, but like he said, you'd probably get in trouble for being in another patient's space. 
"i think you should call your nurse just in case."
you see jisung's hand peak out and silently press the green button next to his bed, which you chuckle quietly at. 
"alright, i'll leave you alone now neighbor. but if no one comes in five minutes i'm going out there to ask for a nurse."
thankfully one came in at four minutes and 30 seconds (you we're checking your phone, ready to go out there and cause a fuss /hj).
after everything was sorted out, you wanted to see how the jisung guy was doing. but you didn't want to risk anything more by entering his space again, and talking/shouting between each other from your beds felt kinda silly. then you got an idea... though yes, it did require a bit of shouting lol
"hey neighbour?" he hums in response; you've gotten his attention! "by any chance do you have discord?"
"i do, why?"
"wanna be friends and chat there?"
he chuckles at your straightforwardness, but agrees nonetheless. after verbally exchanging discord ids, you moved your conversation to dms.
This is the beginning of your direct message history with @/hanji.
----- Jul 10, 2015 -----
[Y/U/N] Today at 12:06 PM
(you send the wumpus wave sticker)
hi :D
hanji  Today at 12:06 PM
hiii :)
[Y/U/N] Today at 12:07 PM
lol u have a cute usrname XD
fits very nicely w ur name hehe
hanji  Today at 12:07 PM
oh? how do u know my name 🤨 should i be concerned 🤨
[Y/U/N] Today at 12:07 PM
your name's written above your bed on the whiteboard dummy.
hanji  Today at 12:08 PM
you couldn't help but burst into laughter at his response. you heard jisung shout a begrudging "hey" at you, but your contagious (not a nice word for a hospital setting lol XD) joy has reached him too as he laughed along in the end.
hanji  Today at 12:09 PM
hey, but if you know my name, then i think you should let me know yours too!!!
[Y/U/N] Today at 12:09 PM
hmmmm 🤔 lets see...
maybe u should wait for the nurse to come in so u can hear her say it 🥰
hanji  Today at 12:10 PM
heyyyy noooo dont leave me like this 😩😩😩
[Y/U/N] Today at 12:10 PM
ahaha i was just joking XD
my name is (y/n) (l/n)!
nice to meet you 😊
hanji  Today at 12:10 PM
sweet, nice to meet you too (y/n) :)
actually, i think im registered here w my korean name, but u can call me by my english name if u want to
which is peter
[Y/U/N] Today at 12:11 PM
mmmm i think id like to call u by ur korean name instead
or even ur discord usr
its cute ;)
hanji  Today at 12:11 PM
awh, you think im cute? 🥺
[Y/U/N] Today at 12:11 PM
i said ur usrname but yknow what maybe i should take that back 🙄
(you lied, you did think he's cute)
hanji  Today at 12:12 PM
[Y/U/N] Today at 12:12 PM
whats your story? how did you get here?
so jisung told his story. he's an asthmatic like you, and unfortunately he just went through an asthma attack the night before. luckily, he responded to treatment well and wasn't needed to be brought into the intensive care unit. you sighed in relief for him, glad he was fairing well. then he asked about you. you told him everything from when you got admitted to the hospital, about how you have a bacterial infection, but was also diagnosed with pneumonia, which is a no-no especially for asthmatics. 
[Y/U/N] Today at 12:20 PM
so since being admitted here theyve been giving me antibiotics thru the iv line to help w the infection and probably avoid it from getting as more serious
ngl theyre also probably keeping me here bc of my asthma aksnamnsms
hanji  Today at 12:21 PM
us asthmatics gotta stick together 😔✊
[Y/U/N] Today at 12:21 PM
indeed *holds up blue inhaler* 😔✊
after hearing each other's stories, you two move on to more lighthearted topics: your interests, hobbies, music, school; being the same age, it was pretty easy for you two to get along well. despite chatting online, you would react as if he was physically talking to you, and he'd do the same, filling your hospital room with joyous sounds of laughter. it'd even amuse the nurses who come to do their regular check up on you and him when they heard that you were having a nice time with the other patient (though they'd occassionally tease you, asking if you were in a romantic relationship with him, or that it was fate (the latter made your heart race oop))
your mom came to visit you in the middle of the day too, so you had to put your phone down to have some bonding time with her. with her being a nurse, you laughed at the image of her pretty much acting like one with all her nurse-like questions, receiving a playful slap from her. she brought you some spare clothes, toiletries, your tablet and charger (though no earphones) as well as some snacks for you to eat in case you got sick of the hospital food. 
'ooh chips! i'll try share some with hanji!' was your first thought when you looked through your bag. then you blushed realizing what your first thought was. god you could not be this down bad for the hospital boy already, you just met him three hours ago! 
although you tried to hide it, your mom instantly spotted your reddening face. you saw her see it. you try to act normal, but there was no way you could fool your mom. 
"you know dear, on my way in, one of the nurses told me you're on good terms with your room neighbor. you two aren't up to anything are you?"
"mom! he's right there! he can hear you!"
"ahaha i'm just joking, dear! gosh your face got even redder, must i call the nurse to check your temperature?"
you, who now has your face burried into your hands to hide from your mom's teasing, shouted a muffled "no!" only to her amusement. after your mom's laughter died down, she checks her watch.
"oh dear, it looks like i'll have to leave now. rest well, love, and get better soon."
"alright, safe travels mom. and thanks for the stuff!"
your mom sends you a flying kiss on her way out of your space and you play along and catch it, putting it on your cheek with a grin. your mom smiles, giving you one last loving look, before closing the curtains and walking out. you sigh, already missing your mom, but your thoughts are cut short as a nurse comes in not long after with your dinner. yay! hospital food!
"here's your dinner for tonight: chicken and rice, with strawberry jelly and vanilla ice cream. enjoy your meal!"
you take off the lid of your plate and immediately squint at the portion of rice in comparison to all the microwaved vegetables. this is a crime! but then again, what can you ask from hospital food? you wouldn't even be surprised if the ice cream was already melted (spoiler alert: it was)
you shrug and start eating, turning on your tablet to watch (choice of anime) while you eat (i watched hunter x hunter!). not long after, you receive a ping from jisung. you almost forgot about him oops /j
hanji  Today at 6:16 PM
bruh i can hear anime playing from ur side r u watching (anime)? 🤨
[Y/U/N] Today at 6:16 PM
help i forgot u existed
hanji  Today at 6:16 PM
that hurt my kokoro 🥲💔
[Y/U/N] Today at 6:17 PM
also yeah im watching (anime)
im surprised u figured out
hanji  Today at 6:17 PM
how could i not
the opening is blasting through this room
[Y/U/N] Today at 6:17 PM
its less than half volume ok
u just live next to me thats why
...also my mom didnt bring any earphones so i have no choice </3 
hanji  Today at 6:18 PM
ok fair enough
cant complain anyway, (anime) has the best ops 😤
what did u get for dinner?
[Y/U/N] Today at 6:18 PM
chicken with an illegally small proportion of rice
pretty sure we all get the same thing tho
and just like that, the two of you carried on your long discord chats, your silly laughters filling the room once again (in addition to your anime playing in the background). for once, you actually enjoyed your hospital stay over the past multiple times you've been admitted. for once, you were ironically glad to be here, meeting him.
time flew by and it was already midnight. your nurse just finished the regular routine of checkup and replenishing your antibiotics. after making sure she left, you pulled out your phone and texted your neighbor.
----- Jul 11, 2015 -----
[Y/U/N] Today at 12:02 AM
han jisung
peter han
are you awake
hanji  Today at 12:02 PM
[Y/U/N] Today at 12:02 AM
ur nurse alrdy came in to check on u right
hanji  Today at 12:02 AM
[Y/U/N] Today at 12:03 AM
is it okay if i come over to your side a bit?
please 🥺
wait no why did you send a text like that. you silently kicked yourself. stupid, what if he thinks you're a weirdo now! why'd you have to word it like that???
unbeknownst to you, the boy next door was flustering silently, his blushing face hidden in the dark.
[Y/U/N] Today at 12:04 AM
i just... i actually was just hoping we could take a photo together...?
neither of us know when we'll be discharged or moved out of the room right?
i was just hoping we could take a photo while were both still here
hanji  Today at 12:05 AM
so yes pls come over, i'd like to take a photo w u too :D
you'd better send them to me too 😤
you huff a silent sigh of relief, glad that he interrupted you before you rambled any longer. you shuffle out of your bed quietly, slipping on your shoes, before making your way to his side, your phone tight in your grip. inhaling nervously, you pull the curtains to the side. (de ja vu much? hehe)
if you hadn't already fallen for this boy, you sure were falling hard now. underneath the small hospital light sat jisung in his bed. he was smiling warmly at you, welcoming with chubby cheeks puffed out a bit, as his eyes twinkled with delight. you didn't notice at first, since he was mostly scrambled on the floor when you first met him, but jisung is... actually quite handsome. attractively cute. you really had to stop yourself from blushing so much so you didn't make yourself more of a fool than you already are lol.
on the other hand, this was jisung's first time properly seeing you. despite your slightly sickly complexion and just being dressed in a hospital gown, he still think you looked sweet and bubbly, just as cheerful as you were in text. that was enough to take the boy's heart. your uncharacteristic shyness made you look even cuter, he thinks to himself.
since his food table was on his right side, jisung scooches to give you room to sit on his left. you scurry over and lift yourself onto the bed next to him. you couldn't help but blush at your guys close proximity.
"s-so... ready?"
jisung grins, taking your phone off of you to take the photo for you, since your arms were shorter </3 
"ready! now three, two, one...!"
jisung hands you back your phone, and the two of you smile at your cute selfie. even if you two were in hospital gowns in a hospital bed in a hospital room; it's a reminder of how you two met.
"hey, send it to me too okay?"
and so you return back to your side of the room with a silly grin on your face, happy with the photo you two took. you send the photo to jisung just as requested and turn in for the night, the happy smile never left as you drift off to sleep.
it was three am when you woke up to the nurses doing their regular routine. only you were puzzled at the sight of more than one nurse. was something going on.
"hey (y/n), sorry to disturb your sleep. i'm hana, your nurse for tonight, and we'll be moving you to a single room in the ADU after this alright? we'll be needing to clear this room out for the new patients that are coming in."
"oh... okay..." was all you can say, still dazed from being half asleep, though truthfully, you were already getting sad at the thought of being away from jisung. everything went by so fast, you were already being rolled out of the room. just before you were out, you caught a glimpse of a confused jisung peaking from his curtains, eyes questioning your departure. you could only give him a small wave and a sad smile before you were out into the hallways.
it wasn't even a long travel since the room you're now in is in the same department of the hospital of the last room. still, it felt far more lonely being in a single room, without jisung. 
it was three am still. you wonder if jisung would be up. you check your phone. he is.
hanji  Today at 3:05 AM
you got moved out D":
did you know???
[Y/U/N] Today at 3:05 AM
no not at all
they only just told me before they moved me...
hanji  Today at 3:05 AM
oh ok
man its gonna be so lonely here tho =3=
[Y/U/N] Today at 3:06 AM
lol not like we rlly talked physically anyways, were still on discord XD
but i get what you mean... especially now that im in a single room, its weird that youre not a curtain apart
its just me alone in this single room
hanji  Today at 3:06 AM
yeah... its weird just knowing ur not next to me anymore
you both sigh at the same time, looking up at your ceiling. in your case, you knew that they wanted you to stay here for one more day before discharging you... but what about jisung?
[Y/U/N] Today at 3:08 AM
do you know when you are being discharged from the hospital?
hanji  Today at 3:08 AM
actually, i have a feeling theyll discharge me today
[Y/U/N] Today at 3:08 AM
oh ok
that's good to hear :D
hanji  Today at 3:09 AM
omg do you want me to go so badly
i am hurt 💔
[Y/U/N] Today at 3:09 AM
hanji  Today at 3:09 AM
hbu tho?
[Y/U/N] Today at 3:09 AM
since they moved me to this new room, im gonna be staying here a lil longer :”)
hanji  Today at 3:10 AM
heres to hoping for your speedy recovery too 😔✊
[Y/U/N] Today at 3:10 AM
fighting!! ✊
now get some sleep before a nurse catches u up XD
you send jisung one of those cute wholesome good night memes before shutting off your phone for the night. you could only heave another heavy sigh as you stare at the blank ceiling, the rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor beside you slowly lulling you to sleep, yet the thin blankets could not keep away the cold of the loneliness you felt in your solitary room as you miss the company of your neighbor, and once again you’re reminded of your dislike of the hospital that’s practically become your second home.
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ready-for-take-off · 6 months
Hey! You might know me as readyfortakeoff on ao3, but I decided to make an account here because I noticed the kpop sickfic community was fairly active here (and there are several authors on here that I admire that I would like to support).
A little about me and what I write—
I mostly stan NCT and that's reflected in my fics, haha. My ults are Kun and Jaemin, but I'll pretty much write anything for any member of any unit & any relationship since I know them all so well (excluding Wish for now).
I also recently started stanning ZB1 and feel like I have a pretty good grasp on their personalities, so requests for them are also welcome!
I'm also very familiar with the members of BTS, TXT, and Stray Kids. I'm pretty into SKZ right now too, but not much with BTS or TXT.
There's a few groups that I'm only familiar with a few members of, like Seventeen and RIIZE. I mostly have an idea of a few members' personalities but not much about their relationships.
As for scenarios I write about—
My fics are almost always sickfics with some sort of underlying moral to be learned (you'll understand if you look at them).
I've only written about stomach-related illness so far, but would definitely like to try out other scenarios.
So now that all of that is down, here's info if you want to request something!
I am mostly doing this just for fun so there's a chance I turn down your idea for seemingly no reason (but it's actually just because I'm not confident that I can write it lol). Your idea might be better suited to another author if so.
Please be specific in your prompt and what you want/don't want.
A few things that I won't write—snz, scat, urination, smut, x reader... and basically anything else that's inherently fetish-related or explicit.
What I'm most confident in writing—stomach aches, emeto, fevers, mental health struggles—even a few hurt/comfort tropes, like fluff, cuddling etc. General hurt/comfort requests would actually be greatly welcomed along with sickfics!
I'd be most likely to answer requests about NCT and SKZ. You can also inquire about members of the other groups I mentioned, but I might need a quick description of their dynamic with the caretaker.
A quick note about emeto—I only enjoy emeto up until it reaches a loss of control extent (e.g. I can't bring myself to write it when it gets to the sickie throwing up anywhere but a receptacle). Just be aware that I might change your request a little if it goes into that territory!
Here's my new masterlist with both ao3 originals and Tumblr fics.
Thanks for reading and leave an ask with any prompts you have! Any shares would be greatly appreciated as well :)
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pips-fics · 2 years
ask: i have a request for one where han gets nauseous and sick while 3racha were recording and chan and changbin comfort him. thanks so much!
this is a submission for @monthofsick day 6!
tw: vomiting
worse at night ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
recording had been going well all day - the group was cruising through songs for their next album at record speed. they were in such great shape that it looked like they might even be able to have their comeback early. to congratulate themselves and regain a bit of energy, the members of 3racha grabbed a bit to eat before returning to the studio around 9 pm to finish up some post-production work for a few hours.
as they walked back to the studio, changbin noticed that jisung had boxed up almost his entire meal. he’d known that the younger man had been enduring a headache all day, but he’d assumed it had gotten better as jisung had seemed in high spirits throughout the day. now he was notably dragging his feet.
changbin kept a close eye on him as they settled back in and was relieved when jisung regained a bit of color and pep after sitting down and having some water. changbin wrote it off as dehydration, which was alarmingly common for the youngest member of 3racha, and made sure to encourage him to drink more throughout the next hour and a half. by 11 o’clock, they were all tired and had drifted into their own little worlds, ironing out some lyrics and nitpicking each other’s edits. changbin was thinking about calling it when a quiet and unsteady voice broke the silence.
“hyung,” jisung’s voice wavered. changbin’s head whipped towards him, and chan’s did the same next to him. “i think i should go home.”
that much was evident even without it being vocalized. within 30 minutes, jisung had gone from looking like a guy with a moderately bad headache to sweating enough that the studio lights glistened off of the side of his washed-out face.
“what happened?” chan asked. jisung shrugged. the combination of flushed cheeks and heavily bagged eyes made him look both very young and much older than he really was. changbin couldn’t stop himself from placing his forehead on jisung’s head, just to confirm the near-surety that he had a fever
“i just started feeling worse the later it got.” he slumped forward on the desk in front of him, breaths coming deep and slow and erratic. changbin watched jisung’s hand drift to his stomach and made eye contact with chan. these were, unfortunately, not unfamiliar gestures to either of them.
“your stomach’s acting up?” chan asked, only to earn himself another shrug.
“jisungie, do you think you’re gonna throw up?” changbin was reaching for the trash can beside the desk even as jisung robotically shook his head. mere seconds later, he ducked his head under the desk with a heady belch that escalated into an aborted heave. 
“fuuuuuuuck,” jisung groaned, reluctantly accepting the receptacle that changbin practically pushed into his hands. “i feel so sick all of a sudden, i don’t know urk!” he lurched over the trash can, only to expel air. “don’t know what happened.”
chan and changbin watched helplessly as jisung’s thin frame jolted forward with multiple aborted heaves, not knowing whether to offer a comforting touch or give him space.
“you guys can leave,” jisung choked out. “you don’t need to, uh…” his body drifted dizzily from side to side as if he was having trouble holding himself upright until chan placed two hands on his shoulders to steady him.
“don’t worry about us, sung, just focus on yourself for now, yeah?”
changbin nodded. “we’ll stick with you until you’re okay to head back home.”
for a moment, jisung’s face was open, vulnerable, and grateful. he leaned into chan’s side, and clutched changbin’s hand in a vice grip as his stomach gurgled ominously. for a moment, it was quiet and calm, and only the sounds of jisung’s labored breathing could be heard. changbin felt a pinprick of sharp malice towards the world for making his hardworking teammate suffer so intensely. then jisung’s back arched suddenly, an obvious reaction to his stomach muscles contracting, and a tentative heave brought up a small mouthful of puke splashing into the trashcan.
changbin’s own heart-rate kicked up as the stench of barf hit his nostrils. jisung’s hand squeezed tighter on his own and the sick man made a noise of disgust, or possibly regret. it was too late to go back now, though. the floodgates had been opened and, accompanied by a full-body shudder a massive amount of vomit gushed forth. jisung got no more than a whimper in before the second powerful rush, and by the third, his grip on changbin’s hand weakened while the older boy’s did the opposite, clenching tight as jisung was wrung out.
“breathe, sung,” changbin said. on jisung’s other side, chan brushed his hands through sweaty hair, but it didn’t seem to have the soothing effect he was going for as jisung continued to cough and sputter, lips dripping with rapidly accumulating spit.
“i can’t,” jisung gasped. “can’t breathe. make it stop.”
changbin wished desperately that he could. “soon, jisungie,” he said instead, but his words were drowned out by a gut-wrenching and drawn out belch. a dark stream of liquified stomach contents splattered against plastic.
“i want this to stop,” jisung whispered, voice rough from rawness. “i want to go home.”
“you’re doing so well, baby,” chan broke in, but jisung only shook his head, tears rolling down his face freely. changbin checked his temperature again and was unsurprised to find that the heat of jisung’s forehead had intensified. after two aborted heaves in quick succession, changbin offered a water bottle.
“you’ll feel worse if you get dehydrated.”
“too sick,” jisung choked out, jaw clamped tightly shut. changbin’s heart clenched.
“you gotta relax a bit, buddy,” chan brushed a gentle hand up and down jisung’s spine. his muscles unwound minutely and the retching tapered off. he looked like a rag doll, completely drained of energy. changbin’s arms opened wide, inviting a hug, and jisung leaned into his embrace. after a few moments changbin heard jisung’s breath slowing down and evening out.
“do you feel okay to head home now?” chan asked. the clock on the wall read 11:53 but changbin felt like they’d been stuck there in a room smelling of puke for days. he could only imagine how jisung was feeling.
“i’m so tired, hyung,” jisung mumbled. “wanna go home and sleep.”
changbin helped him to his feet. “let’s go home, then.”
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dudadragneel · 6 months
And I'm back!
I hope you'll enjoy it!
This fic is based on a TikTok I saw!
Idols tend to receive tons of gifts from fans to the point where the companies issue a statement that they won't be accepting any more. But that also has to do with their safety, you never know what a sasaeng can do.
One day, Chan and Lee Know decided to go live to open some of the gifts they had recently received.
They had managed to get the staff away so they could be a little more carefree during the live, but still paying attention to what they said.
They enjoyed opening up all the presents and fan letters, some even made them tear up.
It was all going well until things unexpectedly took a turn for the worse. Before going live they had lunch and since eating Lee Know was feeling bloated, as if he ate a serving for three people.
As they went on he kept on taking his hand to his stomach and rubbing it in useless attempts to calm it down. But he kept his composure, as much as he could, the last thing he wanted was to get sick live.
Chan had picked up on Lee Know's obvious discomfort and placed a hand on his thighs, trying to comfort him without saying anything.
Lee Know tried his best to focus on his hyung's touch and the presents, but eventually, it got too much. His stomach was churning and his head started to hurt as well.
Before he even noticed he had lowered his head so it was now resting on his hand and Chan immediately stopped everything he was doing and turned his attention to Lee Know.
- hyung...I feel sick...
Chan got closer to him and started massaging his nape. He knew that if Lee Know admitted to feeling unwell, it meant it was really bad.
The staff that was monitoring the live from another room, had gone to the room where they were but before they could get in, Chan glared at them, and a single nod made them leave. He knew Lee Know wouldn't want attention right now.
- Do you want some water?
- No...I feel nauseous...
He said, bringing his hand to his stomach one more time and letting out a sigh. Chan grabbed Lee Know's hand and started rubbing it with his thumb.
- Do you wanna go to the bathroom?
- hm...I want to throw up...
- Let's go. Hyung will help you.
Chan placed his arms under Lee Know's and helped him up, being in a standing position was not something his stomach had agreed to so he lurched forward suppressing a gag with his hand.
- Hang on just a little more, okay?
He embraced his dongsaeng and guided him to the bathroom and into one of the stalls, locking the door behind them.
Usually, Lee Know would rather deal with this on his own but he acted like a dongsaeng when he was with Chan. The difference in how he acts is huge.
Lee Know bent over, hands on the edges for support, and started gagging unproductively.
He kept on rocking back and forth, spitting out saliva and retching, but whatever it was that made him feel like that was not coming up.
Chan was rubbing his back up and down, with the softest expression on his face.
- hyung...
Lee Know whined.
- I know it hurts... it'll be over soon.
Lee Know squeezed his eyes when his stomach cramped badly making him gag unproductively again.
Chan took his chance to help his dongsaeng by gently rubbing his abdomen in a circular motion.
Lee Know retched a few times before a wet burp triggered his sensitive stomach, bringing up partially digested food. Chan could swear he saw chunks of what was Lee Know's lunch from earlier and grimaced at the gross sight.
His stomach did not give him a break and before he could even breathe, it sent up a thicker stream of putrid vomit immediately followed by another making the poor boy go red from the effort and sway forward.
Chan tightened his hold on Lee Know so that the boy wouldn't fall and used his other hand to rub Lee Know's chest, trying to comfort the sick boy.
- Agh...
Lee Know groaned at the discomfort he was feeling before another bout of vomit gushed out with a wet burp, arching his back.
- You're doing good. Get everything out. It must have been the lunch. You'll feel better when it's all out of your system.
Lee Know spat out thick saliva and then his stomach gave him a break. But now his head was throbbing from the ordeal and he felt a little dizzy, like someone was squeezing his head.
- Minho-ah? Do you think you're done?
- Hyung...I need to sit down...
- Are you feeling dizzy?
- hm...
Lee Know just nodded swallowing hard. Chan carefully guided him so he was now sitting down on the floor. Thank God for the ridiculously clean bathrooms of the company.
The younger boy was kind of in a daze with how things went south in a matter of minutes, so Chan stepped up to keep on helping him, getting some toilet paper to wipe Lee Know's mouth.
- Thanks hyung...
- How are you feeling?
Chan asked sitting beside Lee Know who was resting his head on his hand again and kept on rubbing his back reassuringly.
- Sick...my stomach is churning and now my head hurts...
- Do you want to move to the studio?
- No... I feel like I'll throw up again...
- Okay. We'll stay here then. I'll be right here with you.
Chan reassured, grabbing Lee Know's hand and squeezing it.
- Agh..
Lee Know winced again...
- What is it?
- My head is throbbing....Hyung...can I rest my head on your hand?
- Of course.
Chan couldn't deny that he was taken aback by the sudden request, Lee Know being this vulnerable was a rare sight, one that was mostly only shown to Chan.
Lee Know rested his head on his hyung's hand, allowing the whole weight to be held by Chan. The pressure against his forehead miraculously helped with the throbbing pain.
Even so, Chan kept rubbing Lee Know's back, and for a while, the young boy seemed to have calmed down.
- Minho-ah, were you feeling like this before?
- Only after lunch...my stomach felt too full...
- I think it might've been the lunch.
The young boy was still resting his head on his hyung's hand when he started shivering a bit. Chan could feel Lee Know's forehead was starting to feel hot and that was an indicator that this wasn't a case of food not sitting well, it was most likely food poisoning.
- It's cold in here...
- I think you're starting to run a fever, Minho-ah. I'm pretty sure this is food poisoning.
- Great.
Lee Know said, clearly getting mad at the situation. He hated feeling sick, weak, and vulnerable but he felt safe to feel like this when he was with Chan.
The chills just wouldn't stop and his stomach was determined to get everything out.
It cramped badly again making him gag, startling Chan a bit, who was still holding the boy's head.
- Hyung...I'm gonna be sick...
He said weakly gagging again on his hand and failing to contain a bit of liquid that escaped his mouth but thankfully hit the floor and didn't get on his clothes. He already felt too weak so Chan had to help him to the toilet, holding his forehead and keeping the boy's hair away from his eyes.
Lee Know didn't even have time to think before his stomach contracted making more vomit rush up his throat. The thick wave that came out still had chunks of food, given that he had just eaten, and it triggered another wave that was followed by another one leaving him breathless.
- You're really not okay.
Chan said, somewhat impressed by how quickly his symptoms worsened, which meant that Lee Know's immune system was not in good condition.
The older boy kept on rubbing Lee Know's back and then moved to his chest when he choked, the bout that followed made food come out of his nose as well.
Fuck. He cursed inside, today just wasn't his day, and if it was really food poisoning, then this suffering would last a few days.
He straightened his back and took a deep breath in, trying to control his body, but gagged a few times before he was over the toilet one more time retching up what felt like it was yesterday's dinner.
After this bout he was dry heaving, just barely bringing up thick saliva and bile. Chan decided to flush the toilet before the stench and sight triggered Lee Know's stomach again.
- Grab my hand.
Chan offered but he didn't even need to, as Lee Know did that immediately, trying to take deep breaths to control the nausea that persisted.
- Come on, breathe with me, just like what we did that day.
Lee Know was still squeezing Chan's hand as he was guided through the breathing exercise. A few minutes after, he was more calm.
- Better?
- Yeah...
- Do you feel like you're gonna puke again?
- No...not now at least.
- Do you wanna move to the studio?
- Yeah...hyung, can you help me up? I feel dizzy...
- Sure, come on.
Chan placed his arms under Lee Know's again and lifted him, most of the boy's weight being held by his hyung.
- Let's rinse your mouth first.
While Lee Know did that, Chan wiped the sweat off his damp forehead and only then noticed that Lee Know's face was already pretty flushed because of the fever.
And the dancer couldn't deny, his whole body ached because of the fever, even Chan's hold on him hurt.
The oldest carefully guided Lee Know to his studio and lay him on the couch, covering his shivering body with a blanket and leaving a bin nearby.
- Minho-ah, hyung will go tell the manager what happened and see what we'll do okay?
- Yes...
When Chan got to the practice room, he was met with worried eyes, that were clearly asking what happened without saying a word.
- Chan-hyung, where were you?
- You were doing a live with Lee Know hyung, right?
- Yeah. Kids, gather here. Lee Know got sick, he probably has food poisoning. He threw up a couple of times and he's running a fever.
- Where is he?
- I took him to my studio, that's the place where he'd get more privacy.
At that time, their manager came into the room and upon noticing one member missing went straight to the gathered group.
- What happened? Where Lee Know-ssi?
- He got sick during the live. He threw up a few times and he's running a fever. I'm guessing it's food poisoning. Should we take him to the hospital?
- Going to the hospital can be a hassle, especially because of the possibility of encountering fans and god forbid, saesengs. Let's take him home and see if we can make him stay hydrated and fed, if in two days he doesn't manage to keep anything down, well take him.
- Okay.
- Since you have no official schedules, if you want to you can go home as well kids.
- I think Lee Know-hyung would want to keep his privacy for a while. We'll go have lunch and go back home later.
- Okay then.
The manager said, leaving the room to inform the other staff about the situation.
- Kids, can you gather Lee Know's thing for me? I'll go check on him.
- Yes, hyung.
Chan promptly left the room, worried about the sick dongsaeng in his studio. Opening the door, he found Lee Knows hunched over the couch spilling more of his stomach's content into the bin.
He went to his side, sitting on the edge of the couch, repeating the same process from earlier, holding his forehead and rubbing his back, and noticing that the fever had worsened, he could feel the heat through Lee Know's clothes.
- Hyung...it hurts...
- I know... we'll take you home in a few minutes okay?
- Okay.
- Can I dispose of this? Or are you gonna vomit again?
- I feel empty...but the nausea is still here...
- Okay.
Chan went to the bathroom and quickly returned.
- The boys gathered your things, the managed will take us home.
Lee Know stood out his arms so Chan could help him sit up and then waited a few seconds to see if he would throw up again.
- You good?
- Yeah...
- Want me to carry you?
Lee Know's face which was already red due to the fever had gotten even more red.
- Uhm...
He hummed in agreement, head down a little embarrassed. Chan just smiled fondly, even though Lee Know couldn't see.
The leader positioned himself kneeling in front of Lee Know so he could climb on his back, wrapping his arms around his hyun and burying his face.
Chan walked out of his studio and was greeted by their manager holding Lee Know's bag and a big coat which he used to cover Lee Know who was still shivering.
Thankfully their van was parked in the garage so no chance of paparazzi.
Chan settled Minho inside the car and sat beside him, pulling his head so it was resting on his shoulder.
- Manager-nim, do we have a plastic bag?
- I think we do, hold on.
The manager looked inside the glove box and found a plastic bag from one of the many grocery shopping he did with the kids, and handed it to Chan.
- If you feel sick, just let me know okay?
- hmm...
Lee Know just hummed, his fever making him sleepy and dizzy. Chan offered his hand for the sick boy to hold and he did it without hesitation. And again Chan was surprised by how hot he felt, it was high enough to mess with his breathing, and they didn't have a thermometer in the studio so he had no idea how high it was.
A few minutes into the ride home, Lee Know felt increasingly nauseous, burping wetly from time to time. Then he felt something creeping up his chest, a foul taste in his mouth.
He squeezed Chan's hand as he began to swallow convulsively, not wanting to throw up in front of their manager.
- Are you feeling nauseous again?
Lee Know just nodded, swallowing hard and then suppressing a gag, his stomach clearly mad at him for trying to swallow it down.
- Don't hold it in, Minho-ah. He's seen us sick before.
Chan reassured, not letting go of Lee Know's hand and putting the bag under his chin.
The boy helplessly ducked his head closer to the bag just in time for a wet burp to bring up a wave of putrid liquid hitting the bag. Lee Know kept squeezing Chan's hand, that was the only thing keeping him sane and grounded at the moment. Another queasy burp brought up another mouthful of vomit, and by now both he and Chan were thinking he was vomiting everything he ate during the week.
- We're almost there Lee Know-ssi.
Lee Know Just spat out some thick saliva and then just leaned his whole weight on Chan, who was holding the dirty bag, wanting to get rid of it as soon as possible, before the stench filled the car.
When they arrived at the dorms, the manager quickly got out of the car and went to Chan's side to get the bag and dispose of it.
- Minho-ah. We're home.
Chan said softly, caressing the sick boy's arm in an attempt to wake him up. Lee Know was barely conscious but he managed to move so he was sitting on the edge of the car's seat for Chan to pick him up.
- Here we go. Are you okay? Do you feel nauseous?
- No...
- Okay, I'll start moving then.
The manager carried their stuff while Chan carried a flushed face Lee Know, who also looked a little pale.
Entering the dorm, Chan sat Lee Know on the couch and the manager put their things in their bedrooms.
- Call me if you need anything, okay? I'll leave you two alone. Get better soon, Lee Know-ssi.
- Thanks, hyung.
Lee Know said before ducking his head and looking between his knees, he brought a hand to his stomach and sighed. Chan had gone to the bedroom to get Lee Know a fresh set of clothes and a thermometer.
- Let me take your temperature and then I'll help you take a bath, okay?
- yes...
Just as Chan suspected, the fever was really high 38.8°C.
- Minho-ah, we need to cool you down and we need to try to take some medicine, okay?
Just the thought of having to take a pill and most likely taste it was enough to trigger his stomach.
- hyung...
Lee Know called grabbing Chan's arm for dear life.
- bathroom...
He already felt something coming up his throat so he didn't manage to say a proper sentence.
- Come on.
Chan promptly helped his dongsaeng up, grabbed the change of clothes, and rushed to the bathroom with him.
Lee Know went straight to the toilet, vomit spewing out without much control and getting on the edges and the floor.
- Don't worry about that, hyung will clean it up.
Chan reassured placing the clothes on the sink and then going to Lee Know's side to rub his back and his chest for the nth time that day. Chan was scared at how much content was still coming out after the few rounds from earlier, he was getting afraid they'd have to take him to the hospital. As the oldest hyung, he just wanted his dongsaeng's well-being but avoiding the hospital is something everyone wanted.
As Lee Know continued to puke his guts out, Chan prepared his bath.
When he was done, Chan helped him out of his sweaty clothes and helped him into the shower, thankfully they had a bathtub because Lee Know was in no state to keep standing.
- Minho-ah, do you want hyung to wash your hair?
- please...
All this cuteness and vulnerability just showed how awful he was feeling. Chan carefully washed his hair and hoped the bath would help reduce his fever.
- Thanks, hyung
- Don't mention it. I'll let you take your bath now but I'll stay here just in case.
Lee Know slowly washed himself, the water hitting his skin making him wince from how much it stung. What usually would be a means to relax, today was almost a torture session.
When he was done, he surprisingly asked Chan for help getting dressed, and so his hyung did. He was now clean, wearing comfortable clothes and completely drained of his batteries.
- Come on, let's get you to bed. Do you feel like you're vomit again?
- No...not now...I'm tired...
- I know, let's go.
Chan cooed, wrapping his arms around Lee Know and guiding him to his bedroom. Since Lee Know shared a bedroom with another member, Chan thought it would be better for the young boy to sleep in his bedroom. That way he could keep an eye on him, and Lee Know could be more comfortable since he didn't like to show this side to the others.
Lee Know lay down on his hyung's bed and was promptly covered with a blanket by him.
- I will get you an antiemetic first and see how you'll hold up, okay? You need to put something in your stomach, water, a sports drink, soup. I'll be right back.
The poor boy's fever was so high, it was tearing up his eyes, and his head was still throbbing. He just sunk into the pillow and closed his eyes to ease some of the pain until Chan came back.
- Minho-ah. Here take these and let's wait.
- Hyung...my head is still throbbing...
- I'll sim the lights for you. let's see if the antiemetics work, then you'll try to eat something so I can give you painkillers, okay?
- Yes...
Chan stayed with Lee Know in the bedroom and within a few minutes the medication seemed to have worked.
- Do you think you can stomach some soup? Or bread? It might help better than soup actually.
- Bread...
He answered weakly, eyes half open.
Chan came back with a few slices of bread and gave them to Lee Know, who hesitantly took it.
- Just a few bites okay?
The older boy helped Lee Know to sit up on the bed, he was wearing a black hoodie and was half-covered with a blanket. Lee Know was fairly muscular but to Chan, at that moment, he looked so tiny.
He sat at the edge of the bed and stayed with Lee Know while the poor boy took small bites and slowly ate the slices.
- How do you feel? Nauseous?
- No...feels settled...for now.
- That's good.
Chan set the tray aside and placed his hand on Lee Know's forehead.
- It's still high. Let me check it.
The thermometer showed almost the same temperature from earlier, 38.5°C.
- it's still pretty high. Do you think you can stomach some pills?
- Yes...
- Take them with a sports drink, that way you won't feel the taste.
Chan quickly left and came back with the medication and the drinks. Lee Know took them and gagged but managed to swallow it. They waited a few seconds to see if he'd vomit but it didn't happen.
Lee Know was falling asleep even while sitting, so Chan carefully laid him down on the bed, placed an ice pack on his forehead, and covered him before leaving the room to eat something and get a mattress.
Then he was met with the rest of the kids who had just returned home.
- Hyung! How's Lee Know-hyung?
- He threw up again but after taking some medication, he managed to eat something. He was pretty tired so he's asleep now. He'll stay in my room for the time being, okay?
- Okay hyung.
- Let's just keep quiet. I don't want to wake him up.
They all had dinner, took a shower, and then went to do their own stuff but before telling Chan to tell Lee Know they wished he gets better soon.
Chan entered the bedroom and found Lee Know still asleep, his breathing was a bit off but it was due to the fever. He hoped the sick boy would sleep well through the night, but those prayers were not heard.
Chan checked on Lee Know one more time before going to bed himself but was woken up after 1h or so.
Lee Know was sleeping rather peacefully when his stomach decided to remind him he was going through a food poisoning process.
It started churning again, in complete turmoil making Lee Know toss and turn on the bed but no position was comfortable enough. He lay on his back and squeezed his hands in an attempt to control the urge to vomit.
It didn't work, he turned to his side and that must've been the worst decision he made that day. As soon as he turned his stomach jumped shooting up its contents way too fast, Lee Know rushed out of the room, hand covering his mouth so he wouldn't make a mess on the floor, that would be too humiliating.
He got to the bathroom, hurriedly closing the door behind him and bending over the toilet as a stream of bread mixed with stomach juice gushed out, immediately followed by another bout.
The motion of getting up so quickly and being bent over made him feel really dizzy, so before he could actually fall, he managed to sit down next to the toilet. His stomach was cramping badly, sending queasy burps repeatedly but not actually making him vomit, even though he felt like there were still things to come out.
He was starting to feel even more miserable than before, and he was sure his fever spiked again, even his clothes were hurting his skin.
He sat for a few seconds on the floor not sure of what to do, then he noticed his phone inside his hoodie pocket.
- Hyung. Can you come to the bathroom? Just need to know you're here.
Chan was already half awake when he got the message.
- Be right there.
He got up and made his way to the bathroom, but he didn't go in. He respected Lee Know's request of just being close, if the sick boy needed him inside with him, he'd say.
He sat by the door and gently ordered one of the members who had woken up to use the other bathroom, wanting to secure Lee Know's privacy as much as he could.
Chan kept hearing Lee Know retching over the toilet but never heard anything splashing in the water and he thought that maybe Lee Know had nothing else in his stomach.
But a few minutes later, he got another message.
- Hyung...come in, please...
Chan got up and politely knocked on the door, letting Lee Know know he was coming in.
Chan's heart dropped to his stomach when he saw Lee Know's state. His face was bright red from the fever that was obviously higher than before, he was sitting next to the toilet holding his stomach and with a pained expression on his face.
The leader locked the door behind him and walked up to Lee Know, grabbing his hand and feeling the heat of his skin.
- Minho-ah...
- hyung...it hurts...
Lee Know said, tears swelling up in his eyes. Chan immediately pulled him into an embrace, allowing him to break down if he needed to. It was a rare occurrence to see Lee Know cry, so whenever he needed to, Chan was always there to provide him the safe space he so much needed.
Lee Know broke down into sobs from frustration, pain, and embarrassment. Chan tightened his grip around him, gently rocking him from side to side, rubbing his back.
- It's okay. Hyung's got you.
When Lee Know finally calmed down, he kept looking down, still embarrassed by everything that was happening.
- hyung...I've been trying...but nothing's coming up...and it hurts so bad...
- Do you want hyung to help you?
- hmm.
Lee Know nodded shyly, hating to admit he was desperate for a comforting touch.
He leaned over the toilet, his stomach still cramping but only making him dry-heave and nothing came up.
Chan was by his side and rested his hand on Lee Know's abdomen and it felt heavenly for the sick boy. Because of his scar, Lee Know wasn't too comfortable with people touching his abdomen, but right now he really needed that.
- Can I press on it a bit? I think it'll help bring something up.
- please...
Lee Know pleaded, clearly done with how awful he felt, he was accepting every and any help.
Chan first started rubbing circles to soothe some of the pain and gently pressed the middle, earning a wince from Lee Know.
- I'm sorry...but it'll be over soon.
The motion seemed to be working as Lee Know started burping wetly and for a while, gagging unproductively.
Chan proceeded to press on his stomach until Lee Know retched wetly and a thick stream of putrid pale brown liquid hit the toilet water with a sickening sound, followed by another harsher one, leaving Lee Know breathless.
He coughed a few times because something got stuck in his throat, and Chan changed his approach to run his chest again as well as his back providing some comfort in the middle of the ordeal.
Another wet cough brought up small chunks of food mixing with the mess inside the bowl.
Lee Know scooted away from the toilet for a while, allowing Chan to flush it and get rid of the unsettling sight. He grabbed a few napkins to clean Lee Know's mouth and pulled the poor sick boy into his embrace so he could try to relax for a bit.
- I'm sorry hyung...
- You don't need to apologize.
- But I took over your room and now I can't even let you sleep...
- It's not your fault, Minho-yah. You had no idea you'd get food poisoning.
- What about the others?
- I made sure they'd stay away from the bathroom and my room, at least for now. I know you don't like much attention when you're sick.
- Thanks...I feel dizzy...
- It's because of the fever. Let me check your temperature again.
Chan took the thermometer from the cabinet and put it under Lee Know's arm.
- 39.1°C. It spiked.
It was obvious his fever got higher, he was looking red as a tomato, even his breathing felt hot, and despite wearing sweatpants and a hoodie he couldn't stop shivering.
- Minho-yah. Do you wanna take another shower? Or do you think you can stomach a fever reducer? If we don't get your temperature down, we'll have to go to the hospital.
As if on cue, Lee Know's stomach shot up what felt like it was the last of its contents barely giving him time to reach the toilet bowl, thankfully Chan helped him, otherwise he'd soil his clothes. The older boy gave him a glass of water so he could rinse his mouth and helped him brush his teeth.
- Thanks hyung...
- So, what do you wanna do?
- I don't wanna take another shower...my skin hurts every time something touches me.
- Then we'll try the pill again. Let's go back to the bedroom.
Chan offered a hand but Lee Know was far too exhausted to get up on his own, let alone walk.
- Come here, hyung will help you.
He put his arms under Lee Know's and carefully helped him to his feet but his legs almost instantly gave up on him.
- I'll carry you, okay?
- hmm.
Lee Know was in no state to protest, and honestly, he didn't want to. His hyung's presence and touch helped him more than Chan could imagine.
Chan hugged Lee Know and gently lifted him, one arm around his waist and the other around his legs. The image of a father carrying a son, that's how one would describe it.
He walked slowly to the bedroom, being extremely careful to not upset Lee Know's stomach, which seemed to have calmed down for a while.
He settled Lee Know on the bed and looked for a clean shirt and hoodie.
- Let's get you changed up. You sweat too much, your clothes are soaked.
Chan helped Lee know out of his hoodie and shirt and before putting on the clean ones, he wiped Lee Know's upper body, then helped him put on the new set.
- Can we take the medication now?
- Hmm
- Here, take one antiemetic and wait for a bit. Then take the fever reducer and another antiemetic.
Lee Know hesitantly took the pills from Chan's hand and contemplated for a bit, clearly afraid of vomiting again. He didn't want that, his whole body hurt because of the strain and the fever, and his throat was hurting as well, to the point his voice was raspy.
- Trust hyung, okay? You can keep it down, I know you can.
Chan reassured grabbing Lee Know's hand and started rubbing circular patterns.
Just like before, the first sip of water with the pill made him gag, but he managed to take everything.
Both he and Chan stayed sitting on the bed, waiting until Lee Know felt safe enough to lie down.
- How are you feeling? Still nauseous?
- just a bit...
- Do you wanna lay down?
- Yeah.
He lay down and Chan covered him, then lay down on the mattress next to the bed.
- Hyung...
He heard a soft whiny voice coming from above, it was Lee Know standing out his hand, after moving to the edge of the bed.
- What is it?
- Can you hold my hand?
- Of course.
Chan grabbed Lee Know's hand and just held it until he fell asleep. But he didn't let go, he knew Lee Know needed that, so he found a way of sleeping while holding his hand.
Thankfully, the medication seemed to have worked, at least for the night, because Lee Know slept until morning without any other incidents during the night.
When Chan woke up the first thing he did was check Lee Know's temperature.
- 38°C. It went down a bit, thank god.
He said quietly. Since Lee Know was in deep sleep, Chan quietly left the room to get breakfast and see the other kids.
- Good morning, hyung.
- Good morning kinds.
- How's Lee Know-hyung?
- He's still asleep. He managed to keep a few pills down yesterday, so his fever went down a bit, but it's still high.
- And you, hyung? How are you doing?
- I'm okay. He's got food poisoning, so I think we are all in the clear.
- Aren't you tired? We know you. We know you didn't get enough sleep.
- I'm doing good, kids. Don't worry about me. My concern now is getting Lee Know better.
Chan said walking to the kitchen to prepare something for him and a soup or some toast for Lee Know.
When he got back to the bedroom he found Lee Know sitting on the bed but still covered with the blanket, eyes puffy and face still red.
- Good morning.
- Good morning hyung...
Lee Know answered, voice raspy and weak, signs of a rough night.
- How are you feeling?
- Tired...
- And your stomach?
- A little nauseous but not that much...and a bit hungry.
- I made you some food. Wanna give it a try? There's soup and some toast.
- Can I try both?
- Sure, but don't force it. Take as long as you need. Want me to turn on the TV?
- Yeah.
Just like the previous night, Chan stayed in the bedroom with Lee Know as the boy slowly ate his meal. He then took the medications again and sunk into the bed, falling asleep almost immediately.
Chan left the room one more time and was met with six kids demanding him to rest. They knew Chan always took care of them, no matter what and he wouldn't say anything even if he was too tired.
- Hyung. You need to rest as well. We'll take turns.
- Thanks kids.
Chan said opening his arms to give all of them a big hug.
With that settled, Jisung was the first one to stay with Lee Know, the sick boy accepted cuddles from him and they helped him stay calm and asleep.
And just like they said, everyone took turns to stay with Lee Know and help him whenever he got sick the following days. They were some tiring 5 days for all of them, with Lee Know vomiting a few times during the day and night and his fever refusing to go lower than 37.5°C.
When the ordeal was over, they were all tired but relieved to see their dancer back to full health. Lee Know being one to not show his weak side to many, had to let go of his pride in order to get better, and deep inside he was grateful to all of them, especially his only hyung.
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fairyniceyeah · 13 days
🧭🐰 Day 12: “You’re not fine, you’re throwing up"
Summary: Han wakes up to a commotion at night. 
CW: emeto, cursing
Sickie: Lee Know/Minho
Caretaker(s): HAN/Jisung
Han woke up to the sound of loud voices talking over each other and light spilling into the dark dorm room he shared with Jeongin. He groaned, resisting the urge to place his pillow over his head to block out everything.
He could have sworn it was only an hour since he and Changbin had come back home from the studio. He wished he had slammed their broken bedroom door shut when he had gone to bed - it was the only way it shut now - and Han regretted being nice and considerate towards the other members’ sleep. The door must have opened all the way again, allowing light and sound in.
“‘m awake, ‘m awake”, Jeongin muttered, sounding anything but, “wait, I don’t even have school anymore. Shut up!”
Han giggled a bit and opened his burning eyes. While the maknae’s tiredness was cute, a glance at his phone revealed that it was indeed only shortly before 4am. Unless they had all collectively forgotten a schedule in yesterday’s meeting about today’s schedule, they needn’t be awake for at least another three hours yet. 
“Your prince in shining armor will make them shut up”, Han declared and pushed himself up to give the disturbing members a piece of his mind. 
“Wait, I wanna yell at them too”, Jeongin slurred and pushed himself up, stumbling into Han and leaning on him on their way out the door. 
They both groaned at the bright hallway light, Jeongin even covering his eyes for a moment. To their utmost surprise the other members (except for the two eldest hyungs and Hyunjin) were gathered in the hallway in front of the bathroom. Felix and Seungmin were both wide-eyed and talking quickly to each other, while Changbin was knocking on the bathroom door, yelling something that Han’s tired brain didn’t catch.
“Shut the fuck up”, Jeongin said at the same time that Han realised that something must be up and asked: “What’s going on?”
His question was answered by a disgusting sound echoing from the bathroom, sounding like somebody (or something) was turning himself inside out, followed by the sound of liquid hitting liquid. As Felix stepped aside to turn to them, Han saw the puddle. Chunky, yellow puke was covering the hallway floor and a bit of the wall, reeking all the way to the two members now that they noticed it.
“Hyung is sick”, Seungmin said, raising his eyebrows, “obviously.”
Before Han could even wonder if he meant Minho or Hyunjin, assuming that Chan was still at the company, Changbin called: “Minho-yah, I know you don’t want an audience but can you at least let one of us in? Or do you want me to call Channie-hyung?”
He didn’t receive an answer except for a loud, hacking cough. Changbin sighed.
“What happened?”, Han asked worriedly, gesturing at Felix to take Jeongin, who was falling asleep against Han’s back. With the maknae so tired and Felix a rather squeamish person, it would probably be best for them to comfort each other. Looking relieved, Felix hugged Jeongin against his chest, supporting him as he dozed. 
Seungmin explained: “I dunno, woke up to him slamming the doors and found, uh … this.” He gestured awkwardly to the puke on the floor. “Changbinnie-hyung and Lix-hyung woke up too, I guess. Hyunjinnie-hyung is still asleep, the bastard.”
“Let’s be glad at least somebody is getting any sleep.” Changbin sighed and turned to Han, pointing at the closed door with his thumb. “Now, you try.”
Han nodded. He likely had the best chance of getting through to Minho if he was feeling vulnerable. If he was embarrassed and in fight-or-flight-mode … they would cross that bridge when they came to it.
The rapper stepped towards the door, hesitating a bit. He knew that Minho would not like the audience at all and he would not open the door if he knew that there were other members outside. 
“Lixie, I.N.-ah, why don’t you go sleep in Lixie’s room?”, Han suggested, though making sure his tone left no room for arguments, “Binnie-hyung, can you call Channie-hyung? Even if Minho-yah doesn’t want his help, he will come back in an instant and we might have a double win if he falls asleep. Seungminnie, go see if we have some medicine and set up my room with a bucket and stuff. You’re on cleaning duty.”
Seungmin crossed his arms. “Why me?”
“Listen to your hyung, baby”, Han teased, ignoring the fact that the eight days didn’t really mean much. Changbin laughed and pulled the pouting maknae with him. Felix and Jeongin had already gone back to the bedroom.
Han knocked on the bathroom door, glad that the sound of vomiting had died down.
“Hyung? It’s just me. Can you let me in?”
“Leave me alone, Han Jisung”, Minho groaned. “I’m fine.”
While Han was happy that Minho was at least acknowledging and not just straight up ignoring him, he couldn’t help the exasperated sigh leaving his lips. He was very worried about his hyung, so much was true, but he was also frustrated by his stubbornness. Of course he couldn’t blame Minho for being sick (what kind of friend would?), but it was also the middle of the night and the earlier they could get back to bed the better.
“You’re not fine, you’re throwing up, hyung”, Han stated the obvious. “I know you don’t feel well and everything, but can you please let me in? It’s just me and I’m really really worried.”
Silence followed and Han was about to speak up again, not above begging, when the lock clicked. Han opened the door and slipped inside, locking it again after himself. He knew it would bring Minho a bit of comfort.
Speaking off, the dancer had laid on his back on the cold tiles, looking nearly as white as the floor. He was shivering badly, his whole body moving with the force of his chills, and there were specks of vomit on his chin and sleep shirt. 
Han didn’t even freeze despite his worry at how sick the older looked, just knelt down by Minho’s side. Glassy red eyes looked up at him and suddenly Han had his lap full of sick human. Apparently now that Han was with him, Minho couldn’t care anymore about his image, just how badly he was feeling. Or maybe he didn’t have the strength to pretend anymore. Minho was clutching Han’s waist and his face ended up buried in Han’s stomach. Ignoring that the puke was likely on his clothes now too, the rapper rubbed his hyung’s back gently and pulled him closer, feeling the shivers wreck his body.
“Tell me how you feel”, Han encouraged.
“Awful. My stomach is cramping so badly”, Minho mumbled, voice nearly swallowed by Han’s shirt, “I’m so cold and so hot at the same time. Everything hurts from the shivering and I still feel like I’m gonna be sick any second.”
“Oh, hyungie”, Han cooed, knowing that he only got away with this tone of voice because Minho was feeling vulnerable and sick, “try to tell me if you need to puke again. If you can't, it's okay too.”
Han didn’t particularly fancy getting puked on but he knew that Minho was so sick that it was a possibility that he might not be able to prevent it. Exhibit A: the hallway. Besides, Han himself had not the best track record of making it to the toilet or even the bathroom.
Minho nodded and sucked in a deep breath, curling more into himself and clutching Han’s shirt tighter. When Han lifted his shirt and placed his hand against Minho’s bare stomach he could even feel the awful cramping that was wreaking havoc inside. No wonder Minho was so emotional. 
They stayed like that for a few minutes, just existing together and Han comforting Minho, when the latter tensed. With his hand on Minho’s abdomen, Han could feel how hard he suddenly swallowed. He managed to sit Minho up before the older could even finish his panicked whisper of “Hannie, I’m gonna throw up”.
Minho barely had his head over the toilet bowl when his body jerked forward with a retch and vomit sprayed from his lips, hitting the inside mostly but a few specks landed on the back of the seat. Han placed one comforting hand on back of the quivering dancer and used his other hand to hold back sweaty black hair. Minho whined lowly in his throat before throwing up again and again. All Han could do was rub his back and whisper sweet reassurances. 
It was a long five minutes until Minho was done and by then he was so exhausted he just slumped into himself, nearly hitting his head on the toilet before Han managed to catch him and pull him into his arms.
“It’s okay”, he whispered, “you’re okay. I got you.”
Reaching up, Han grabbed a few wipes of toilet paper and wiped Minho’s mouth. Before he could throw them into the toilet and flush, Minho stopped him with a hand on his wrist and took one of the pieces from Han. For a moment confused, Han watched as Minho blew his nose. He couldn’t be disgusted when he saw the puke that must have come up through his nose and got stuck there on the white paper. Instead he just felt bad for his violently sick hyung.
Minho barely had the strength to throw the paper into the toilet and so Han was left with placing them inside and flushing, while Minho was still shivering in his arms. Han could see the deep exhaustion in his eyes when he propped Minho against his shoulder. 
“I just want to sleep”, the dancer whispered, eyes shining from exhaustion. “But I don’t know if I can go back to bed. I still feel so sick and I’m disgusting.”
“I sent Seungminnie to set up my and I.N.-ah’s room for us with a bucket and old towels and stuff. If you want me to, I could carry you there and we can go back to sleep?”, Han suggested, placing his hand on Minho’s upset stomach again. He had noticed how much it had relaxed the older earlier and he wanted to do anything he could do to help. “Besides, you’re not disgusting. You’re just sick, you can’t help it.”
“No, I mean, I’m soaked in sweat and there is puke on me and I don’t think I could sleep like this. I just wanna be fine.” Minho sniffed and sneezed. “And I think I still have puke in my nose.”
He gagged again but luckily nothing came up. Han handed him more tissues, hoping for Minho that he could get it out. He pressed a kiss against the older’s shoulder as he forcefully blew his nose.
“Better?” He received a nod and Han took the paper from Minho to throw it into the clean bowl.
“Can I … can I take a shower?”, Minho whispered, “I wanna get clean and maybe the heat will help my stomach cramps.”
He looked so pitiful that Han couldn’t imagine saying no, especially since Minho didn’t feel warm and so a hot shower wouldn’t bring a fever up.
It soon became clear that Minho couldn’t stand on his own, too shaky and stomach in too much pain to balance. Instead Han had Minho sit on the shower floor while he cleaned the older up. He took extra care to wash Minho’s hair, knowing the older loved the feeling of somebody playing with his hair, and was cautious to not let any suds run into his eyes. Minho seemed content enough, eyes closed and letting the warm water soothe his aching stomach.
“Come on, let’s get you dry and into bed, hm?”, Han said after a few minutes. He really wanted Minho to get some sleep before he was inevitably up sick again. He didn’t know if it was a stomach flu or food poisoning or something else but with the way Minho had been puking it was clear he would suffer for longer.
He soon had Minho wrapped in a fluffy towel and pressed a kiss to his forehead. “I will be back with clothes soon, okay?”
Han was glad that the puddle of vomit in the hallway was cleaned up by the time he stepped out. He had intended to just hurry to Minho’s room and get him some fresh pajamas but he was intercepted by Changbin and Chan, who seemed to have arrived just then, still in his jacket and shoes.
“How is he?”, the leader asked immediately, a worried frown on his face, “should I go check on him?”
“No need, I think. I think he needs a bit of space, no offense, hyung”, Han said, “I’m gonna get him some fresh clothes and then we’ll go to bed. I got him.”
“He isn’t well…”
“He isn’t but crowning him won’t help”, Han added, “he doesn’t need an audience watching him when he throws up again. No offense, again.”
Chan sighed. “None taken. I guess you’re right.”
“We sent Seungminnie to bed and when I checked on them Lixie and I.N.-ah were cuddling in Lixie’s bed, asleep. I am amazed and impressed that Hyunjinnie didn’t wake up at all”, Changbin added, “come on, hyung, let’s go to sleep ourselves. Hannie got Minho-yah.”
Changbin pulled Chan with him to the bedrooms, high fiving Han on the way to the confusion of their leader. “Mission success.”
Han grinned, happy that Chan was home and would get some sleep, even if the reason for him being home wasn’t ideal. He tiptoed into the room Minho shared with Seungmin and Hyunjin and quickly fetched a new set of clothes, both members deeply asleep.
Ten minutes later he had gotten Minho dressed in fresh pajamas and tucked into Han’s bed. Seungmin had indeed placed down towels and the designated puke-bucket and had even found the electric heating pillow they originally had for pulled and tense muscles but would serve the purpose of helping a cramping stomach as well. 
“Lay down with me?”, Minho mumbled sleepily.
“Wouldn’t dream of leaving you now”, Han agreed and settled behind the dancer, wrapping him in his arms and situating the heat pillow against Minho’s abused abdomen. “The bucket is right below you if you need to puke again. If you feel like drinking, there is a glass of water on the night table. Wake me if you need anything.”
“Thanks, Hannie”, Minho breathed and soon snores filled the room.
Masterlist links: Fairy's Full Masterlist Fairy's Sicktember 2024
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k-sickies · 7 months
They get food poisoning...
Han / Lee Know / I.N x reader headcanons
TW: mention of food poisoning symptoms (Emeto, Scat, fever, aching muscles, gas etc.)
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- his stomach either is quiet or suddenly churns loudly
- gets bloated, like really bad
- tiny nauseous burps that just make him more queasy
- sleep is his medicine
- probably comes to you and tell you the minute his stomach hurts
- wants to lay down with you, cuddle and just sleep it off
- tummy rubs if he doesn't get too bad cramps
- his body gets achy and he gets really whiny, he will literally complain every two minutes
- freaks out before he need to throw up and just wants to be held by you, please rub his back
- gets shaky and you need to help him back to bed
- doesn't really get diarrhea but if he does he gets so embarrassed and just hides in the bathroom until it's over
- nauseous hiccups
- feels queasy and aching for most of the time ans there's no relief
- please cuddle him a lot, head petting, stroking over his back. The whole package
- asks one of the members to call you because he really needs you
Lee Know
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- cramps, horrible cramps
- his stomach is super loud and mostly gets bloated and hard
- feels gassy but can't really pass anything
- if there is a tight schedule he tries to handle it on his own but he gets overwhelmed and appreciates your present
- tends to play it down but feels horrible, as soon as you notice he melts in any comfort. He had a hard time to admit that though
- is insecure about his stomach being touched so you need to reassure him a lot. However as soon as you give hims stomach rubs he melts into it
- boy throws up a lot and there's also a lot of diarrhea
- appreciates it if you rub his back while he throws up or if you hold the bucket for him, he feels guilty about it though
- is embarrassed but definitely needs you by his side when he gets diarrhea because he gets extremely dizzy during it
- loves to lean against you and holding hands
- gets absolutely clingy, please don't leave him he will cry
- he's absolutely miserable but will still try to go to practice
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- quiet stomach, no rumbles
- doesn't really get bloated but his stomach becomes really tight and hard
- queasy burps, sometimes farts too but he gets super embarrassed
- doesn't really look for comfort but embraces it the moment you give him some
- doesn't really need stomach rubs but likes them, he blushes a lot though
- gets a high fever and his whole body is aching so bad that you need to give him massages
- sleeps most of the time
- gets cranky if he's sick for too long, also gets really insecure so you need to comfort him
- please rub his back when he throws up or has diarrhea (he is too embarrassed to ask for him
- gets really weak
- tantrums if you try to get food or water in him
- his stomach ache isn't so bad but the nausea sure is
- as soon as he feels better he treats you with flower bouquets and chocolate, he's just so grateful
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feverishly-kpop · 1 year
Hyunjin & Stray Kids - Spicy Food Challenge
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Stray Kids were no strangers to appearing on variety shows and, with their new comeback, they were once again making the rounds. Some of the shows really were great to go on. Fun hosts, interesting challenges, kind staff, overall truly just a good atmosphere to work.
Unfortunately, this given show was not one of them.
When Chan had announced that they’d be back on the show this week promoting the comeback he was met with a chorus of groans.
“Every time we go you tell us that hopefully it’ll be the last time but somehow we always end up back there” Changbin said, the frustration evident in his voice.
“I know, I’m sorry,” Chan responded, carefully towing the line between being a leader and a friend. He didn’t want to go any more than anybody else in the group but if JYPE said that they were going, then they were going.
The mood was undeniably sour over the next couple of days as they awaited their afternoon of filming, everybody on edge about what was to come. Felix hadn’t said more than a few words to Chan, feeling sensitive about the last time they were on the show and some off-colour remarks were made about Felix’s freckles that didn’t make the final edit. Chan had assured him behind closed doors that they wouldn’t have to go back again but that was clearly a promise he couldn’t deliver on.
Hyunjin had immediately picked up on Felix’s discontent and pulled him aside, where Felix promptly began crying as he explained why he was upset. The unkept promise, the embarrassment of having to face the hosts again, and the fear that they’d make more cruel jokes at his expense again. Hyunjin listened attentively before pulling Felix into a hug, promising that he’d make sure that nothing happened this time.
Hyunjin made sure to deliver on that promise, patting the seat next to him in the van that morning, inviting Felix to stay by his side. Chan looked on, knowing that Felix was rightfully upset with him but also recognizing that now was not the time to deal with that. Hyunjin seemed to have things under control and that would need to be enough until they had wrapped filming and Chan could sit down with Felix and hash things out.
The shoot had started off innocuously enough, introductions followed by a dance challenge, some harmless jokes sprinkled here and there. Hyunjin stayed by Felix’s side as much as he could and kept his eyes glued on him when they had to be separated. When they made it to the last challenge without incident Hyunjin was almost convinced that maybe things had changed since the last time they appeared on the show.
That notion was quickly dispelled when the last challenge was explained - a hot wing challenge. They would all eat one hot wing, gradually increasing in heat.
“Last time Felix was here he got a little teary eyed over something that was said. So we figured we’d give him the opportunity to redeem himself by giving him the hottest wing to eat” the host said, his tone upbeat but with a recognizably sinister undertone to anyone who was actually paying attention.
Felix immediately made eye contact with Hyunjin in a way that made it clear that Hyunjin had to do something immediately. Without giving it much thought, Hyunjin quickly spoke up.
“Felix isn’t a fan of spicy things, he can eat mine and I’ll eat his” he said, knowing he’d regret every word of it once it was his turn to actually eat the wing. It was true that Felix wasn’t fond of spicy food, but it was also true that Hyunjin himself was even less fond of it. Felix looked back at Hyunjin very much ready to walk back Hyunjin’s declaration, but Hyunjin gave him a look that made Felix turn away, accepting the favor that Hyunjin had done for him.
The first few members ate their wings, all fairly mild comparatively. Han got a few laughs when he dropped his on the floor, making a small mess that he was forced to clean up himself. Hyunjin knew that editing would surely have a heyday with that, which made him laugh a little harder.
Minho was the last to go before Hyunjin, his face turning crimson as he swallowed his wing. Minho had a fairly high tolerance for spicy food, which meant that if his wing was hot enough to make him blush, Hyunjin was in for it.
The moment that the host put the wing in front of Hyunjin his heart began to race. The smell alone almost burned the inside of his nostrils.
“The last hot wing is made from the hottest pepper on Earth, the Carolina reaper” the host said as Hyunjin looked at the wing. He delayed another moment before finally picking it up and taking a bite.
For a second Hyunjin thought that maybe it smelled spicier than it actually was. But that changed in a matter of seconds when the heat kicked in and continued to rise unlike anything that Hyunjin had ever experienced. He put the wing down on the plate, trying his best to chew and swallow which would signify successful completion of the challenge. After what felt like an excruciatingly long time, Hyunjin swallowed and opened his mouth, earning applause from everybody on set. He stood up quickly, doing his best to feign a smile as he swayed on his feet out of dizziness.
Felix immediately noticed Hyunjin’s discomfort, discretely sneaking to his side. Hyunjin quickly grabbed Felix’s arm in an effort to steady himself as his head continued to spin.
“I need a drink” Hyunjin said quietly in a voice only audible to Felix. Felix nodded quickly in response, making eye contact with a member of the production team who was already a step ahead of him, pouring a cold glass of milk for Hyunjin.
Hyunjin accepted the glass with shaky hands but Felix couldn’t help but notice the way he struggled to get it to his mouth.
“Hey, how about you sit down again and have a few sips” Felix said, guiding Hyunjin back to the chair he had been sitting in for the challenge. Hyunjin took a step forward but tripped, spilling a bit of the milk from his glass to the floor. He tried to smile, doing his best to play it off, but it was becoming clear to Felix that Hyunjin wasn’t feeling very well.
The side conversion continued as Hyunjin collapsed heavily into the chair, spilling some milk on his pants in the process prompting more laughter from some of the members. Felix promptly grabbed a napkin to wipe the wet spot near his knee as Hyunjin took a sip from the glass.
Chan had made his way to Hyunjin’s other side, pushing his hair behind his ears in order to get the loose strands off of his face, which was becoming more and more flushed by the moment. Minho was kneeling down in front of him, supporting his hand and quietly encouraging him to take a few more small sips of milk.
The rest of the members, however, seemed oblivious to the discomfort that Hyunjin was experiencing, continuing to laugh with the hosts as they made jokes that Hyunjin couldn’t hear over the ringing in his ears. All he could focus on was the dizziness and the uncomfortable heat radiating from the inside of his body out.
And that’s when his stomach turned.
Minho had been trying to coax him to take another drink when Hyunjin quickly shook his head. Minho had seen that look in Hyunjin’s eyes enough times to know what came next. Without missing a beat he quickly pulled Hyunjin to his feet, wrapping an arm around his waist, just in time for Hyunjin to put his hand over his mouth. They made it off set and into the hallway before Hyunjin doubled over the first waste bin they came across, immediately vomiting up the hot wing and just about everything else he had to eat and drink that day. Chan and Felix followed them off the set and stood at a respectable distance until Hyunjin finished.
Nobody in the hallway said a word. Instead, Hyunjin was left to take in the sounds of half of his team laughing at his pain along with the hosts as Minho held him upright, Felix rubbed his back, and Chan searched for a chair to sit Hyunjin down in before he collapsed.
Hyunjin wasn’t sure how the show ended. Chan had returned and helped Minho drag him to a nearby lounge where they quickly laid him down on a couch. Minho pulled a couple of pillows off some of the surrounding chairs and placed them under Hyunjin’s feet, worried that he would pass out based on how dizzy he seemed to be. Chan dampened a folded up paper towel and placed it over Hyunjin’s forehead hoping to get him more comfortable. Felix stood back letting his hyungs take care of Hyunjin apologizing repeatedly until Minho shushed him, kindly advising that he needed to calm down so that Hyunjin could calm down.
Once the filming wrapped the rest of the members found Chan, Minho, Hyunjin and Felix in the lounge.
“Hyunjin you were so funny! The funniest part of the show” Han said through his laughter.
“This shoot was so fun, I can’t believe we didn’t want to come” I.N. added before getting a glare from Minho, who was doing his best to comfort a sick and now crying Hyunjin.
“Out” Chan said sternly, turning away from Hyunjin to face the rest of the team that had just come in. “Get out. Now. Tell the driver to take you all home and come back for the rest of us.
They all froze, not at all accustomed to seeing Chan in such an angry state, but quickly followed his directions and filed out of the room.
“Our ride won’t be back for another half hour or so. Just close your eyes Jinnie. Minho, Felix, and I will be here if you need anything” Chan whispered to Hyunjin as he replaced the compress on his forehead with a fresh one.
By the time they returned home Hyunjin was feeling much better apart from being exhausted by the entire experience. Minho had sent Felix back to their apartment as Chan helped Hyunjin get cleaned up for bed.
“Are you sure you’re alright now, Hyunjin?” Chan lingered on the edge of his dongsaeng’s bed, brushing some rogue strands of hair from Hyunjin’s face. “You gave us a scare.”
Hyunjin nodded his head and Chan stood up, pulling the blankets more snugly. Just as he was about to leave the room, he heard his name being called from the bed softly. He turned around to find Hyunjin suddenly tearing up.
“Why were they all laughing?” Hyunjin asked, wiping the tears from his eyes before they could fall. “I was sick and they all laughed.”
“I’m sorry, Jinnie. I’m going to talk to them. I promise” Chan replied as he closed the door finding very angry Minho and a very scared Han and Changbin.
“My apartment” Minho growled through gritted teeth. “Now.”
Han and Changbin instantly rose to their feet and headed out the door followed by Minho. Chan couldn’t help but laugh, knowing that Minho was about to give them exactly what they deserved.
Hyunjin woke up the next morning feeling fairly well apart from a bit of residual pain in his stomach. He found his phone on his bedside table where Minho had made sure to place it on its charger the prior evening. Upon unlocking it he immediately found a text from Felix:
“I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have let you eat the hot wing. I hope you’re feeling better.”
Hyunjin responded, assuring Felix that he was feeling just fine and that he had nothing to apologize for before stepping out of him room to find two very guilt-ridden members eating breakfast in nearly complete silence. Han and Changbin’s eyes both shot up at Hyunjin as he exited his room but Changbin was the first to speak as he leapt to his feet.
“I’m so sorry, Jinnie, we all are. Truly,” Changbin said as he guided Hyunjin by the shoulders to a seat at the table. “I didn’t realize how sick you were.”
Han was the next one on his feet, filling a glass of water and placing it in front of Hyunjin.
“We can’t have you getting dehydrated on us. Make sure you have plenty to drink today to replenish your fluids. Is your stomach feeling better? Do you still feel dizzy? You look a bit flushed…”
Hyunjin cut Jisung off before he could continue to spiral.
“I’m fine, Hannie. If I’m flushed it’s only because you two are embarrassing me” Hyunjin replied with a laugh.
Han smiled sadly as he sat down across from Hyunjin again. “That’s fair,” he said before pausing. “But I’m really sorry. We were jerks last night.”
“Thank you. I accept your apologies. But I’m really feeling a lot better today. No more apologies” Hyunjin replied, standing up to get himself some breakfast.
Just then, there was a knock on the door. Hyunjin opened it to find Seungmin and I.N. on the other side, both looking just like Changbin and Han had when Hyunjin had come out of his room a few minutes earlier. Without delay they both launched themselves at him, sputtering about how sorry they were.
Hyunjin sighed. So much for no more apologies.
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skz-akira · 3 months
guysssss im bored af… please send me skz fic requests. please. i’m begging you. i’ll write basically anything besides smut. my fav things to write are angst and sickfics :)
don’t be shy~~ 🤡, like i’m bored out of my mind.
(i mostly write skz. i can do bts too ig)
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In the event you get a free moment for a mini fic,
Poor Channie gets food poisoning from some takeout he ordered and spends an evening hunched over a bucket, nauseous and burpy. Every now and then a bit of sick comes up his throat, but always goes back down which makes him feel sicker.
Maybe Felix stays with him, rubs his back, play with his curly hair, and talks to him in English to keep him calm when his nausea gets too much. Maybe Minho checks in every so often to see if he's been sick or is still queasy.
sorry this took so long, i didn’t have free moment for a mini fic 😅 it also kinda was more like a full length one anyway. Suprise!
~Spicing it Up~
Yet another late night spent working on music for the latest comeback, it was all Chan had grown to know. Which meant when his stomach growled at him angrily for food, he pulled out his phone and opened his door dash and clicked the place he usually gets from. But wait. He had that last night? Why not spice it up and try something new! He clicked off that restaurant and searched for something else. He found a small local takeout place and placed his order, before getting back to work.
Sometimes, spicing up your usual door dash is not the best idea, which Chan soon learned late that night once he returned to his dorm. It was maybe 1 AM, earlier than he usually would get home, but tonight he felt strangely uncomfortable after dinner in his office, and decided he could head home and finish up at the dorm. By the time he got there, he felt severely worse. His stomach was swirling annd full, he felt awful. He probably had over done it with the food, although he didn’t remember eating all that much of it. Must of just been extra filling. When he opened the door to the apartment, he was surprised to see Minho and Felix sitting on the couch.
“What are you guys doing here?”
“Well we were watching a movie with Jisung.” Minho said sounding a little annoyed.
“But he got tired and went to bed, so we’re finishing up the movie ourselves before we head home to our place.” Felix cut in, being the ball of sunshine he is, there was not a hint of annoyance in his voice, in contrast to Minho.
“Mind if I join? I was gonna do so work but i’m not feeling it tonight and you guys (A/N- the urge to put y’all😭) are here anyway.”
“Of course we don’t mind!” Minho said, patting the cushion next to him.
Chan melted into the couch, exhausted.
“You okay Chris?” Felix said to him, noticing how he curled in on himself.
“Yeah. My stomach hurts a bit.” He responded, wrapping his arm around his stomach.
“Have you eaten?” Felix said, concerned.
“Yes. I think that’s the problem.”
Minho was trying to translate the English, but eventually gave up and watched the movie.
“Did you eat too much? What did you eat?” Felix asked, seemingly turning on his big brother mode that he would use if Olivia wasn’t feeling well, even though he is younger than Chan.
“I tried a new place tonight. I don’t remember eating a lot of it, but I must have.”
“Or maybe the new place simply isn’t agreeing with you.”
“I guess.”
They sat and watched the movie in silence for a while, until the silence was finally broken by Chan, still speaking in English, much to Minho’s annoyance since he was experiencing some FOMO from barely understanding the conversation. Couldn’t they just speak Korean for his sake.
“I’m gonna vomit.”
Vomit… what does that mean again? He’s gonna what? Minho couldn’t quite recall. Minho figured it was not good, seeing Felix’s eyes widen as he hurriedly stood up and rushed to get something as Chan put his head between his knees. Minho put two and two together that his hyung was nauseous, and placed a hand on Chan’s back, just as Felix returned with a bucket.
“It going to be be a-okay, Chan. Don’t worry. It will be over before you know it.” Felix stated reassuringly as he gave Chan the bucket. Felix instructed Chan to sit up, just as he ducked his head into the bucket with a retch. Nothing. He just hung there over the bucket salivating into the bucket as he stared at the bottom. The next retch came with some liquid but it didn’t want to come all the way up. It burned his throat and made him gag more, still unproductively. Minho stood to get him some water and things, as Felix quietly comforted him, his accent reminded him of home which helped him feel a little less miserable as the nausea was so very awful.
It took almost an hour for anything to really come up. And once it did, it brought up everything Chan had in him. It tore through him painfully, but once it was done, it was a huge relief. He could finally breathe. The nausea was becoming insufferable, he was just glad it was over, for now atleast.
“You did good, Chan” Minho said, in English, as he handed him the water bottle.
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