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floraracoon · 20 days ago
Emelie survives, Gabriel Dies AU
This AU is rather simple on a base level. Instead of Emelie using the peacock miraculous to create Adrien, Gabriel does. This results in Gabriel being the dead parent throughout the show.
So, as Gabriel is now dead and we still have no clue why Nathalie is the way she is, Mayura is the main antagonist.
The parts of this universe that aren’t changed by this but rather my own perspective on how things could have been written include:
- STEAM magnet school DuPont.
- Side character development
- Magic system rewrite
- Tweens being tweens
- Character rewrites.
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floraracoon · 20 days ago
Sometimes, waiting too long to ‘properly’ write something in an ongoing fandom means that your fic becomes disproven majorly. Such is the current situation with my Support Hero Gabriel AU. I started developing this fic back in Seasons 3 and 4, and have put in a lot of emotional energy into trying to make it work. But as I sit here today, I realize it no longer works in the way it used to.
So I’m re-vamping the AU. Instead of a long and very out of character explanation to reach a point, I’m just tweaking one thing in canon that reaches the results I want.
Sorry to anyone who was following me specifically for this AU, I’ll be posting the new one shortly and I hope some of you stick around.
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floraracoon · 2 months ago
Healthy reminder to fandom peeps:
If a character is part of a minority or discriminated against group, you can’t ‘headcanon’ it away.
If a character isn’t part of a minority or discriminated against group and you headcanon them as being part of a minority or discriminated against group, it’s fine.
Because the second one isn’t representation erasure. The first one is. There are plenty of characters to relate to that are in the majority and aren’t discriminated against. There are limited amounts of minority and discriminated against characters.
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floraracoon · 4 months ago
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Did it
I am *thiiis* close to doodling Mike in the Family Guy death pose in a corner of my sketchbook with Norman and Hannah being domestic as the main drawing.
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floraracoon · 4 months ago
I am *thiiis* close to doodling Mike in the Family Guy death pose in a corner of my sketchbook with Norman and Hannah being domestic as the main drawing.
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floraracoon · 6 months ago
Finral, after Charmy asks him to teach her how to read: Okay, what's the first letter of the alphabet?
Charmy: C.
Finral: That's the first letter of your name.
Charmy: Oh, it is?
Finral: Yes, but that's not the first letter of the alphabet. You've said it before. Aaaah...
Charmy: Aaaah... I.
Finral: Oh! It's the first letter, well, you wouldn't know that, because you don’t know how to spell.
Charmy: Fucking A, this is tough.
Finral: Oh! You said it!
Charmy: Fucking? A?
Finral: A! A is the first letter of the alphabet.
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floraracoon · 6 months ago
Henry: [gently places a small clamp of moss in Gordon's hand]
Gordon: We shall be married in the morning.
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floraracoon · 6 months ago
(Sorry for the delay)
Filler chapters -
- Kagami with the Black Cat miraculous training with the other heroes, with the Hyena leading a basic class on how to utilize miracle weapons and gives more details on how the Black Cat miraculous is supposed to work (besides cataclysm having an ability that creates misfortune to the one hit by it and another ability that destroys major damage caused by another miraculous)
- A group chat messaging back and forth about whether ‘Y’ or ‘B’ needs to be revealed first. The chapter ends before the answer is revealed
The Largest Fall -
- The students arrive the next day to find an interim-principal taking Damocles place. It’s mentioned that Mr Damocles is having a chat with the board members, something about his retirement.
- Chloe has a sudden rise in cockiness/frustration/etc. and begins treating Sabrina worse than usual, often lashing out at those around her.
- The next day a small note is found on Chloe’s desk, with no one being able to read it before Chloe is guided out of the classroom kicking and screaming by her parents and their lawyers.
- The next day, the new gem filled crown is found sitting on their classrooms desk. A stir breaks out as people theorize about who was what gem, coming up short for a couple of gems.
- A flashback starts up of Alix and Juleka going to the Dupain-Cheng bakery to have a chat with Marinette’s parents. After a short conversation about how they are concerned for Marinette, and that while they can’t get into the specifics, it is very likely that Marinette needs therapy to help her with her anxiety. After they head up to Marinette’s room to have a conversation with her about the specific concerns they had, holding Marinette close when she starts to cry and telling her they won’t let an akuma control her.
The End(?)
Gems of Dupont - Rewrite
Since it's been bothering me these past few days, this is a list of how I would rewrite a fic I wrote last year, called The Gems of Dupont on Ao3 if I were to do so.
Spoiler Warning if you want to read the fic then read this
Premise: There is a group of students who while anonymous, are known to have a lot of power. Namely, they have a history of getting rid of unsavory figures in the school or associated with it. Their current targets are Marinette (stalking, minor abuse of power, and her actions towards her 'rivals'), Adrien (bystander, actions as Chat Noir towards Ladybug, etc.), Lila (obvious), Alya (misinformation, slander, and something else), Mme. Bustier (bystander, emotional manipulation, poor teaching methods), Mr. Damocles (fraud, neglect, etc.), and Fu (facing the consequences of his own actions)
Problems: A scene that I did not flesh out enough to show the reasoning behind it, too many characters involved in the takedown, illogical plot points, involving characters that make no sense, and moving too fast due to me losing interest but not wanting to go on hiatus or abandoning the work.
The Rewrite:
Establishing the Gems -
The sign of the Gems (a wreath of gems on Mme. Mendelieve's door) is shown, causing rumors to spread through the school
Adrien, Alya, and Lila ask what they are, giving them the full explanation
The Gems are a group of six that every year go through and gather evidence of people's wrongdoings, before giving them to those that would cause the most change. This most of the time results in someone leaving the school. When they are done, gems are left where the person sits. Each gem represents something, and while there are six Gems, there are more gems.
Chloe scoffs out loud while Lila internally scoffs. Chloe thinks she is immune, as she has never been hit before. Lila scoffs because she thinks she hasn't been caught, to begin with.
Cut to a group chat, where two people are arguing over the nicknames they have in the chat. "Eye candy" seems particularly frustrated and claims they bring something more to the team than their good looks.
Safety Measures -
We see a week pass, with people becoming more and more anxious waiting for something to happen. Some sign that this wasn't a fluke. The first week is always when it is that they send out the warnings, where are the warnings?
But one day, as Nino walks in, having not arrived with Alya due to her running off to record an akuma fight, he finds a note sitting on his desk. The note contains a list of numbers and timestamps. A small doodle of a gem sitting in the corner.
On another day, Rose finds a small slip of paper that has Prince Ali's phone number on it, also with a small doodle of a gem in the corner
Luka opens a note left on his bed. He finds the chords for a song, with no lyrics. Each page has small annotations of cherry blossoms in places where lyrics would be, and a doodle of a gem in the bottom corner.
Kagami is surprised when a note falls out of her locker, with a message in brail saying "He hesitates, where is his backbone?". A gem is engraved on the page
The first -
Alya is the first to go down. After a fight between her and Nino that results in their break up, she learns that her parents got a similar note to the one that started the fight.
The numbers and timestamps were coded for different videos on the Ladyblog. The one for Nino was instances where Alya endangered him and those around him. The fight was about her recklessness, and her want to get up close to akuma fights with little regard for her safety.
The one her parents got, however, was every single time she had endangered herself.
The two of them were busy with work often, so they only really watched the videos Alya sent them. Often those were the ones where she stayed safe for the most part or had a lot of views.
So they opened her blog, to investigate what these timestamps were, only to find their daughter once again throwing herself into situations she shouldn't have. Along with countless posts trying to figure out the identities of people who were trying to protect the city and a single post that had them questioning her integrity.
The next day, Alya was pulled into distanced learning. She was also grounded until further notice, with no blog posting for one day per timestamp listed.
Will continue this post tomorrow, as this is getting really long
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floraracoon · 7 months ago
I can excuse murder in tv shows and books, but I draw the line at second hand embarrassment
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floraracoon · 7 months ago
Fanart of Akumatized Luka from the Miraculous Choco AU by @chocostrwberry
He was giving
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floraracoon · 8 months ago
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Some of yall needed to hear this
Credits to @/mattxiv on Instagram
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floraracoon · 9 months ago
First up my credentials on this: Pastor’s Kid twice over, been going to church and hearing this story since I was a literal infant.
King Solomon is a king in the Bible who had been favored by god and generally had been a pretty good king. Then god decided to give him something like infinite wisdom so he can better rule after some form of test to see if he deserves this.
This particular passage is the test to SHOW that Solomon has this wisdom. In theory this could be a parallel with Bdubs using an unconventional method (such as the mentioned chopping a baby in half so both women can have a half to expose who truly cares for the baby) in order to resolve issues. It could also be seen as a parallel to the Big T vs Little T situation which already has that going for it (by using a loophole)
However, something to take note of is that King Solomon if he were a play would be a tragedy. He over time becomes corrupted and loses god’s favor until eventually he dies in a pathetic manner. So this could also mean that there is plans for the revolt not to be the Permit Office and Permit Officers, but instead will be a revolt against BDub’s court system as that will be the fully corrupted portion.
This also makes a lot of sense when you take into account that the main conflict sources so far (Doc, Skizz, Beef, Scar, and BDubs) mostly have reasons as to why they WONT be part of the conflict.
Doc has a non Permit related conflict. Likely he won't be a center in a war.
Beef and the Big Salmon plot line tends to focus on individuals and not groups, so he likely won't either.
Then there's Scar, Skizz, and BDubs. All three have a tendency to lean towards being lackey's, with the only real exception to my knowledge being the Mayor Scar plot line. BDubs however, has a pattern of being the one to choose the leader that creates the chaos. Maybe this time, he isn't picking one, and the antagonist role is staying with him and this is his way of saying so.
I have not seen anyone talking about the Bible verse in the middle of Bdubs' episode. Hello.
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Listen if anyone gets wicked w the Bible feel free to drop your interpretation because I'm not sure if Bdubs is calling himself King Solomon or like. What the connection is here. Objectively funny but also just as baffling. Can we get a little blasphemous in here
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floraracoon · 9 months ago
What would a Princess Bride AU of Ted Lasso look like casting wise?
I think the obvious one is having Ted as the Narrator and he’s reading the story to Henry.
A funny/interesting one would have Beard as Princess Buttercup.
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floraracoon · 10 months ago
How do the Black Bulls tie/untie their shoes?
Yami - Squats.
Nacht - Nobody has ever seen him take off his shoes. Comes downstairs fully dressed shoes and all.
Secre/Nero - Stands on one foot, leans backwards slightly and takes them off. Exclusively wears shoes that she doesn’t need to lace up.
Henry - Only wears slippers, and thus steps out of them.
Vanessa - Lays down with a drink and waits for Finral to freak out about shoes on the couch. Then proceeds to untie the top of her boots and slides them off.
Finral - Sits in a chair, pops his ankle onto his other leg and goes from there.
Gordon -
Gauche - Wears boots that he can just undo the top lace and then press down on the heel to get out of. He then takes them by the top and throws them in the general direction of wherever he wants his shoes to be.
Grey - When in big Grey form they never take them off. In her natural form she basically curls into a ball sitting on the floor.
Charmy - Sits down with legs spread and leans over to take them off one at a time. No laces involved, exclusively fits into slip-ons and velcros.
Zora - If people are present he kicks them off in the general direction of whoever has annoyed him the most recently.
Magna - Sits down on the floor with both knees up. Takes up as much space as possible
Luck - Either wobbles around with one foot in the air or has his leg stretched out so his foot is leaning on a couch or something
Noelle - Sits down on a chair and leans to one side so she can maintain somewhat proper posture.
Asta - Forward folds, undoes his laces to the maximum, and then steps out of them.
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floraracoon · 10 months ago
Guess who.
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I just want to know if I drew them recognizable or not.
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floraracoon · 11 months ago
The Raven point brings up something I’m curious about.
So villains face long term consequences for following the script? Would Raven and Faybelle be imprisoned for their acts of poison? Would Ramona for destruction of property, cannibalism, and attempted murder? Even if they signed the Storybook of Legends, a magically binding contract, would they still be forced into facing the consequences of their ancestors for falling into societal expectations?
Why is it that the villain kids even get a punishment in school? It seems incredibly counter productive. At least with the Evil Queen you have her stepping out of script to imprison her for, but what of her attempts on Snow White’s life?
The most effective thing about Ever After High is that every student has their own personal struggle that adds another element to just how life-ruining the destiny system is.
Apple is so terrified of what will happen to her if she doesn’t follow her destiny, that she is willing to compromise everyone else’s happiness to make sure it happens. This disregard for other people is only encouraged by the influential adults in her life.
Ashlynn has to be a servant to an abusive family and live knowing that the ultimate end to her supposedly happy ending is dying to set the stage for her daughters traumatic backstory, starting the whole cycle over again with no chance for any of them to escape.
Blondie feels so pressured to fit in to a deeply classist/monarchist society and ashamed of her parentage that she constantly presents a fake version of herself to everyone she knows, even her best friends.
Briar has to spend her whole life waiting for the moment her destiny comes and she falls asleep for a century. She knows that when she’s woken up, she will be forced to marry a boy dozens of years younger than her who she’s never met and live knowing that everyone she ever loved is dead and gone, the very things that she watched cause her mother’s emotional breakdown.
Cedar’s father was so afraid of watching her repeat his mistakes that he overcorrected, making it impossible for her to ever learn lessons for herself. She is also forced to share incredibly personal details with anyone who asks her questions, and can’t be trusted by her friends with any of their secrets, and it’s all because of her father’s past trauma.
Cerise has to hide who she truly is and never gets to see her family together and happy despite the fact that her parents have potentially the most healthy and mutually beneficial marriage in the whole franchise.
Daring was groomed from birth for a destiny that ends up not actually being his at all, leaving him aimless, feeling as though he has no purpose and has wasted his entire life.
Darling is forbidden by patriarchy and destiny to become a knight, the only thing she really wants, and at which she would be better than both of her brothers. She has to hide who she is and what she loves from everyone she knows
Dexter lived his whole life never knowing what his destiny would be but also knowing that whatever it was he’d have to commit to it forever the moment he discovered it at Legacy Day.
Duchess has spent her whole life knowing that the story she’s commited to living out ends in tragedy for her, and then had to watch the very people she’s been jealous of for years because of their seemingly happy endings give up those endings, while Duchess, loyal and rule following Duchess, is still stuck with her tragedy.
Faybelle tries so hard to commit to what she sees at her destiny that she’s never had a real friend in her life. Even still, no one recognizes her for all that effort and all she’s given up to be a suitable villain. Everyone is more afraid of Raven, who doesn’t even want to be evil.
Hunter has to constantly go against his moral compass to fulfill his destined role as a Huntsman and to try and make his father proud of him.
Kitty has been taught over and over again to value her Mother’s approval over all else, even at the expense of her friends. Her destiny is to create mischief, but how much more mischief can a dissolving world take before it’s too much?
Lizzie finds it almost impossible to express love or care for anyone else due to her mothers excessive conditioning that’s nearly akin to brainwashing. The saddest thing might be that her mother is actually, in her own way, trying her best to prepare Lizzie for a world that will only ever see her one way—as a villain. Now she lives in Ever After, princess to a kingdom that might not even exist for much longer, having given up everything for a destiny that may soon be impossible.
Maddie is a refugee forced from her home into a world she barely understands at a tender age. But she cannot express any angst or negative feelings about this circumstance, because to do so would go against her character. She lives in a world obsessed with destiny and stories while not even knowing if she’ll ever be able to return home and live out her story.
Raven is judged by almost everyone around her for her mothers crimes, many of which were required of her by destiny in the first place. She is nearly forced to commit to becoming a tyrannical megalomaniac (and almost falls into it herself, several times) who would be sentenced to lifelong punishment and torture for committing acts that weren’t even her idea in the first place, and the one punishing her would have been the very girl who begged so often for her to stop being so difficult and just follow her destiny.
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floraracoon · 11 months ago
Genuine Question to the Hermitcraft etc fandom:
There’s like a decent amount of fanart that has him in his base skin with a hat that is similar to a cowboy hat, but I can’t find its origin. Where did it come from? Was it mentioned in a stream a while back?
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