#Stray cat behavior
mommy-mortis · 6 months
Having a one night stand with Homelander would be hell, He'd wake up in the morning, in your bed and be like "When's breakfast" after drinking all of your milk and you're like boy I didn't even save you in my contacts, let me open the window for you so you can leave.
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shrugemojiidk · 7 months
My favorite Jason centric kidfic AUs are the ones where Jason fucks off the face of the earth to have a baby. Whether it be by adoption or by birth I can absolutely see him disappearing to have a kid like the neighborhood stray cat disappearing to give birth under someone’s car. The Bats don’t hear from him in several months and assume he’s at the bottom of the harbor or something. When they finally find him he’s in the suburbs under an alias raising a kid
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karmicpunishment · 1 year
i was re-watching nimona and looking at the moments of nimona’s tapetum lucidum and thinking “atsushi’s eye’s definitely do this”
kyouka, getting a glass of water in the middle of the night and seeing this shit:
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looking back at her from the closet where atsushi sleeps
atsushi had absolutely no clue this was happening, he just thought even had night vision this good
nearly gives half the office a heart attack the first time they see it
it makes night stake outs easier at least!
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luck-of-the-drawings · 10 months
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IM SO IN LOVE WITH VAMPIRES!! and boy do i love THE SUCKENING!! VERY excited to see the misadventures of sad wet cat, sharp angry cat, and the COOLEST cat i ever did see
#jrwi fanart#jrwi show#jrwi suckening#some of these were drawn with MOUSE and others were made with my COOL NEW TABLET OOOOHYEAH!!#I JUST FINISHED EP 3 AND OOOHHH MY GGOD. OHHH MY GOOOODD IM IN LOVE WITH EACH OF THESE CHARACTERS#LIKE ARTHUR OH MMY GOOODD ARTHUR FUCKIN BENNEEETTT#SO CONFIDENT SO COOL I FUCKIN LOVE THOSE JUST. UNBREAKABLY CONSTANTLY STOIC CHARACTERS#HIS LIKE CATCH PHRASE. HIS TO-THE-FUCKING-POINT BEHAVIOR#HES LIke a hard candy with TRAGIC GOO TRAPPED INSIIDEEE he is a mollusk to me and i wanna break opEN THAT SHHHEELLL BABYYYY#AND SPEAKIN OF SHELLLSS emizel oh mmy god little guy#i KNOW hes softer than he lets on. and yet i wanna see him bite and attack more people and set things ablaze#i wanna fund his research. and by research i mean arson#AND OOHH SHILLOOO lil prince shilo hes my small baby boy whos okay with death as long as he doesnt have to see#THERES SOMETHING RRRROTTEN AT THE CORE OF THIS BEAUTIFUL APPLE PIE#AND I CANT WWWAIT TO SEE WHAT COMES OF IT#ALSO FUNFACT!! im tryin to make emizel n shilo look more similar#so if u CLOSELY LOOK u will see that their hair is similar. noses n face shapes are the same. they have Heart shapes in their bangs#also unrelated but im a lil in love with deacon keller.... i just rly like cowboys.... like i just think hes neat.... yeehaww#I ALSO LOVE KITTIEESSS ALL THE LIL KITTY SOUNDS IN THIS SHOW ARE SO CUTE...#i heard 'gray cat with round orange eyes' n immediately thought of tama from jjba. yknow the stray cat? dies and becomes magic plant?yeaaaa#cant wait for more. ill scream abt what happened in ffUUUCUKKIGNG EPSIODE 3 LATER BC OH MMY GGOOODDDD!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!!
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kaurwreck · 2 months
pm!dazai didn't abuse akutagawa. he reacted proportionately to the threat akutagawa posed to himself.
when dazai smacks akutagawa around in canon, they're running drills. dazai is not hitting him in misdirected anger or because he is venting his own suffering on him. akutagawa does not instinctually protect himself. in his fits of hyperviolence, he seeks to kill and be killed, and nearly is in beast, and in the course of his initial pursuit of atsushi.
he does not have the reflex or will or instinct to defend himself, and he is slow because he is having to consciously process the effort. his automatic reflex is to attack, but that will not stop him from being shot or overwhelmed or blindsided.
what they are doing in those scenes, what dazai is uniquely able to practice with him since rashomon can't pierce him, is not unlike cognitive behavioral therapy interventions. akutagawa is wired such that when he is triggered, he develops tunnel vision, pressing forward relentlessly without registering danger or responding to negative stimuli. this is a pattern developed from when he deemed dearh inevitable, and one which is liable to get him killed regardless of whether he has a reason to live.
he needs to consciously retrain his instinctual response, and he has to consciously and consistently reinforce it against his existing, much quicker instinct. he has to do it before he has the conviction or will to do it. and he has to do it over and over again, even when it isn't immediately life or death, because the instinct is self reinforcing, and the pattern he is trying to supplant it with is not yet.
skills are part of their users' framework for responding to their environment. jun'ichiro is anxious, but he can hide within light snow. kunikida has his notebook, but it has rigid limitations that he adapts to, similarly to how he works within the limitations of reality to keep from becoming consumed by his ideals.
akutagawa's skill, meanwhile, is wildly fucking disproportionate to akutagawa's constitution which is a problem when akutagawa wont react defensively. akutagawa is canonically frail, chronically ill, thin, and short (he's 5'8", but asagiri insists he's itty bitty every time he describes him in prose). rashomon, meanwhile, is monstrously powerful and hungry. it lends a false sense of untouchable violence when akutagawa himself is weak, and also is just really difficult to focus and control such that using it brings akutagawa into coughing fits. rashomon is also terrifying even in visage; it invites others to react with violence proportionate to their terror against the spectre of rashomon — but akutagawa is small, sick, and human; what is proportionate to rashomon is IMMENSE overkill if aimed at akutagawa. which is especially egregious because akutagawa will let them.
in other words, when dazai meets akutagawa, rashomon is as dangerous to its user as to anyone else. skills should not get their users killed. dazai is right. it's a shit skill.
akutagawa is vulnerable and self-destructive, and he and dazai are working to rewire his instinctual evaluation of his stakes. even when dazai punches akutagawa after akutagawa kills the mimic soldier, it's not a random act of violence or unregulated anger. the mimic soldier was not going to lead them to gide, there was no reality where they restrained him before he bit his cyanide, and he'd attacked dazai. but instead of reacting defensively at the opportunity, akutagawa fell to the former instinct, leaving himself wide open.
dazai reacts how he does because:
they are supplanting an ingrained instinct that is self reinforcing, the correction needs to be consistent to change the pattern and the former instinct needs to be discouraged with the same severity as the threat it poses;
by punching akutagawa first, dazai gave him notice and time to consciously muster the defense reaction theyre working on;
akutagawa needs to build an association between the defensive reaction and the triggering stimulus for this to work;
the context in which this happens is the exact sort of threat that rashomon is then ill equipped to handle— gide can see into the future, like oda, and mimic are military trained gunmen.
when dazai tells akutagawa that he couldn't ever defeat oda, he's not taunting him, he's right. akutagawa is relying on swift killing blows, but against someone who can see into the future, akutagawa is as vulnerable as a baby. and then, shortly after, that's what happens: gide wrecks his shit and is about to murder him dead when oda swoops in to grab dazai's dumb horrible baby kouhai who's trying to kill himself with the ambitious gusto of a horse.
as long as akutagawa fails to seek self-preservation, he is remarkably vulnerable. he's weak, and he's going to get himself killed. dazai doesn't coddle him about it for the same reason fukuzawa slaps ranpo for scampering into a police car with a murderer. you dont get praise for self endangerment.
dazai is not going to affirm a version of akutagawa that is trying to kill the boy dazai promised to save.
(also, this explains why akutagawa hates taking baths and being without his coat. dazai tried to instill in akutagawa the vigilance to register danger. in his absence, akutagawa strove to be worthy of demanding his approval by diligently practicing. but he's dazai's dumb baby kouhai who. takes things too far lmao.)
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sunnysam-my · 3 months
Warning I get a bit politically and frustrated I guess.
One important message to you all. Keep your fucking indoors-outdoors beef outside of the adoption groups, post and shelters. I don't care what side you're on, do not bring it up, because by doing that you are actively harming the chances of the kitten/cat being adopted.
Here, let me explain to you a few concepts that so many people apparently can't graspt:
Not everyone can adopt any cat in need they see. That's just not possible.
Just because someone isn't trapping every single cat outdoors they see doesn't mean they're animal abuser or are single handly responsible for ecological damage.
Not every feral cat can be caught and castrated by a random person with no training or equipment.
Cats born into the wild are not homeless. Do not treat them like strays.
A feral cat is an outdoor, free-roaming cat that has never been socialized to humans and is living in a “wild” state. Because they're not socialized to people, feral cats are not adoptable. If you take them to a shelter, they will almost certainly be killed there.
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In the eyes of the law of many countries feral cats born in the wild are not and, by the definition, cannot be homeless as the wilderness is their home. Taking them from their natural habitat and entrapping them in houses is wrong and in same place even illegal.
Feral cats, unlike strays, cannot live a happy life indoors. They often live in groups, called colonies, wherever they can find food. They are happier in their own territory with their colony family.
Stray cats on the other hand were once pets and are lost or abandoned. They will try to make a home near humans in garages, porches or backyards, because they relay on human help.
Not every wild-born kitten will be feral, in fact most won't, and not every feral cat can't be tamed, some can go through process of socialising to make the adoptable. That's not up to you to decided tho, unless you met the cat and know your shit.
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Because people where I live (Poland) found this simple concept so hard to understand, animal shelters around me no longer accept cats from private people, only from organisations and authorities, since so many of them were people's outdoors pets and feral cats. This already makes it harder to help cats in need.
But the real problem I have is something that happens more and more nowadays and even happend to my family. A feral cat, who lives in our forest and we're trying to tame, gave birth to 7 kittens on our farm and left them in our care. Only two of 7 were feral and strong enough to live in the wild, so we tried to find homes for the rest. Upon mentioning they were born from a feral living close us we were blocked from every single adoption group. The reason? We apparently were 'abusers and breeders', because we tried to help kittens who would 100% died if left alone, instead of focusing on somehow finding cats that lives somewhere in the giant woods, capturing them with no equipment and driving with them 2h+ to make them go through abortion and castration that most of them probably wouldn't even survive. Yeah.
BTW we never found homes to those kittens, because of crazy indoor cat ladies that would shit on every single post of ours and got us blocked. Obviously we didn't leave the cats alone, considering only one in five feral kittens will live to five months of age. We were forced to travel with them 4 hours and keep them in our small house with 3 other adult cats that were not happy about the situation. Eventually we gave one to my Uncle, one was left at the vet to find home (she did), and the last one stayed.
So, for the love of God, regardless if you think cats should be indoors or outdoors DO NOT FUCKING ARGUE ABOUT IT UNDER SOMEONE "FOR ADOPTION" POSTS. Even if you're right. Do not try to bring feral cats to shelters. Do not make it some random person responsibility to deal with feral cats. If you really care about those outdoors, stray and feral cats then research the topic and try advocating for change with how we handle wild-born kittens and castration of feral cats, because right now, depending on where you live, the authorities will most probably only maybe check on them and give them food.
In case I haven't made it clear, I do not think feral cats should be just left alone, even if they shouldn't be adopted.
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kenmakaminari · 1 year
Does anyone else think of Atsushi having small cat quirks? Like he loves it when Dazai or Kenji come up and start petting his head. When he's really comfortable and feels safe he starts purring (but he'll deny it till the end of time).
Or he HATES sitting in chairs, he'll climb up on his desk to do paper work. And when sitting on a couch he'll ignore open cushions and sit on the arm rests.
Atsushi has definitely hissed at Akutagawa before. And Aku just looked at him like "wtf was that bro?" and Atsushi had to stammer out a response "uhh idk, that definitely did NOT come from me. What r u talking about??"
He ignores people when mad. Like if they walk into the same room as him when he's pissed he'll just leave.
He also scratches people
Rough play wrestling with Kenji <3 (just imagine, adorable)((Yosano and Dazai have a betting pool about it going. Yosano always wins, because Ranpo gives her the answers))
Food aggression like a street cat. Cuz that is basically what he is. Holding his arm in front of his plate/bowl, hissing at people who come too close when he's eating, eating so quickly that he gets sick :(
Fascinated by string, toilet paper, and long dangly things
One day he accidentally gets high on catnip
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milomaxxy · 2 months
Me asking what kind of cat I am only for my spouse to immediately respond "orange" 😠 and I can't even be mad about it bc he used the way we play cat games against me.
"When we played Stray you went out of your way to break shit and knock things down"
"In Little Kitty Bit City you literally knocked people over if they didn't pet you"
"You found an achievement in Stray we didn't even know about bc you kept scratching furniture and walls and carpet every chance you got"
Like, yeah, okay?? I guess you got me there
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is your hat stealable :3
No 3:<
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quietwingsinthesky · 9 months
RHYS: And you know, I'm even cool about Jack. Yeah, all right, yeah, he's handsome, enigmatic, saves the world and all that. But it's me you come home to at the end of it all. GWEN: And I always will.
this show.
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thepetcares · 5 months
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purrfectlycontent · 2 years
14 year old ranpo really looked at a loner, former contracted assassin and decided that he would be the one to adopt him
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I have created lore for Wyatt
Also created another farmer named Salim who's Wyatt's childhood friend
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starry-blue-echoes · 2 years
Thinking about cat koichi bapping people. A little smack to the face to give them some common sense
Y e s s s s s s s s
Rohan is the most common victim of the Bapping, specifically when he’s being a bit too much of an ass and needs to chill out
........dangit now I'm having a bunch of thoughts about the AU so yEET-
The Ultimate Therapy Animal. The second he picks up on the fact you're distressed for some reason or another he cranks up the cuteness all the way and goes in for cuddles
for the most part he's a pretty quiet cat, but when he decides to be loud he is LOUD, mostly when it comes to food
pretty chill when it comes to being carried around, but he does get anxious if he's picked up without warning and doesn't know where he's being taken
he and Police get along just fine, and the two even sleep together sometimes. Koichi sometimes uses him as a jungle gym
Him and Stray on the other hand? Yeah these two have it out for each other and Okuyasu has to make sure they stay separate
he really likes curling up in people's laps and on their chests. He finds the feeling of their breathing comforting and can sit there for hours
Josuke and Okuyasu gave him catnip One(1) time and it was both the funniest and most chaotic thing because they misjudged just how little control Koichi would have over Echoes
he still has some scars and lingering health issues from what happened at Centipede Shoes, most noticeably being a slight limp on one of his back paws and a couple burn scars scattered about
even after everything works out and Koichi returns to his family, he checks in on Hayato every few days to help him out with his trauma and generally just to check up on the kid
I don't have too many thoughts for Italy, but I do know that Giorno gets very attached and Koichi accidentally gets brought along for a ride and nobody realizes he's not a normal cat for a while
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hanjisquokka · 2 years
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craig960114 · 5 months
story by me (craig)
I are literature
In the quiet town of Doodleville, there lived a peculiar doodle named Craig. Craig was no ordinary sketch; he was a cat with a mission. Despite his simple appearance, Craig harbored ambitions far grander than his humble origins suggested.
From a young age, Craig possessed an insatiable curiosity and a keen intellect. While his peers contented themselves with idle doodling, Craig spent his days studying the world around him, absorbing knowledge like a sponge. He learned about history, politics, and the intricacies of human behavior, all from the confines of his paper realm.
As Craig grew older, his ambitions expanded. He yearned for something more than the confines of Doodleville. He dreamed of venturing beyond the borders of his sketchbook and making his mark on the wider world.
One fateful day, Craig's opportunity arrived in the form of a stray pencil left unattended on the edge of his page. With a mixture of determination and excitement, Craig seized the pencil and began to draw. He sketched a doorway leading out of Doodleville, and with a final flourish, he stepped through into the unknown.
The world outside was vast and full of wonders, but it was also fraught with danger. Undeterred, Craig embarked on a quest to carve out his own destiny. Along the way, he encountered a colorful cast of characters, from mischievous doodles to formidable adversaries.
Despite the challenges he faced, Craig never lost sight of his ultimate goal: to leave his mark on the world and reshape it according to his vision. With each obstacle overcome and each victory achieved, Craig grew stronger and more determined than ever before.
In the end, Craig's journey was not just about conquering the world, but about discovering his true self and realizing his full potential. As he stood atop the highest peak, surveying the realm he had conquered, Craig knew that his adventures were only just beginning. For Craig was not just a doodle; he was a legend in the making, destined for greatness beyond the confines of his paper kingdom.
#In the quiet town of Doodleville#there lived a peculiar doodle named Craig. Craig was no ordinary sketch; he was a cat with a mission. Despite his simple appearance#Craig harbored ambitions far grander than his humble origins suggested.#From a young age#Craig possessed an insatiable curiosity and a keen intellect. While his peers contented themselves with idle doodling#Craig spent his days studying the world around him#absorbing knowledge like a sponge. He learned about history#politics#and the intricacies of human behavior#all from the confines of his paper realm.#As Craig grew older#his ambitions expanded. He yearned for something more than the confines of Doodleville. He dreamed of venturing beyond the borders of his s#One fateful day#Craig's opportunity arrived in the form of a stray pencil left unattended on the edge of his page. With a mixture of determination and exci#Craig seized the pencil and began to draw. He sketched a doorway leading out of Doodleville#and with a final flourish#he stepped through into the unknown.#The world outside was vast and full of wonders#but it was also fraught with danger. Undeterred#Craig embarked on a quest to carve out his own destiny. Along the way#he encountered a colorful cast of characters#from mischievous doodles to formidable adversaries.#Despite the challenges he faced#Craig never lost sight of his ultimate goal: to leave his mark on the world and reshape it according to his vision. With each obstacle over#Craig grew stronger and more determined than ever before.#In the end#Craig's journey was not just about conquering the world#but about discovering his true self and realizing his full potential. As he stood atop the highest peak#surveying the realm he had conquered#Craig knew that his adventures were only just beginning. For Craig was not just a doodle; he was a legend in the making
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