#Strategic Review
telomirage · 9 days
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before 🤎🖤 and after 🪲🌱🌿🥬💚
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oldschoolfrp · 1 year
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Another very early OD&D purple worm and its dragon friend, from The Strategic Review Vol 1, No 2, Tactical Studies Rules, summer 1975
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duskcowboy · 1 year
Halfway through The Hunger Games audiobooks and can I just say, I am Josh Hutcherson’s #1 fan, but man they really did Peeta dirty in the movie😅😅
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ahb-writes · 5 months
Book Review: 'Iron Widow'
Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao
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Asian sci-fi
gender studies
giant robot
social commentary
My Rating: 4 of 5 stars
The unearned demands of the noble class breed a very particular, very familiar stench of greed. Surviving preferential dicta for race, ethnicity, and gender, one encounters a sociopolitical infrastructure whose foundational phobias sting the eyes into blinking. The bigotry, the intolerance, and the chauvinism are ubiquitous, and as such, sweeping efforts of immense chaos are necessary to shake the firmament. IRON WIDOW affirms what is occasionally, truthfully, philosophized: Abrupt revolution is necessary when gradual progress is rendered functionally impossible.
Such are the woeful accuracies framing the corrupt polity of the land of Huaxia, its many provinces, and the army under whose auspices each citizen pays tribute. Forced conscription, unyielding tax burdens, a world under siege from biomechanical alien entities. The glaringly forthright and uncompromisingly distorted culture of violence, scarcity, and sexism of Huaxia gives readers a clear window into the novel's trajectory: Everything is terrible, and one young woman, Wu Zetian, pledges to fight for a new paradigm until it kills her.
Lady Wu, by fashionable accounts, is a mad woman. But readers know better. Readers know she enlists to serve as a concubine, a position of fealty and support during military operations, only to exact revenge upon a pompous fool. Readers know she acquiesces to train with a convicted murderer, only to further her ambitions to end the war on her own terms. Readers know she signs a contract with a sleezy media magnate, with her own blood, only because the manufactured splendor of public adoration is the only mirror that outshines the stratified grandeur of the national army. Many people view Wu Zetian as a bit mad, sure, but everyone in her life has failed her, abused her, or misused her. Zetian cannot unmake the trauma others have wrought, but she can definitely become a nightmare all her own, and terrorize in kind those who deserve it.
IRON WIDOW offers contemporary readers the type of noisy, foul-mouthed, vengeance-seeking young female lead character so many fantasy fiction titles lack. The type of hard-luck woman so many books mimic in earnest but ultimately blink when the blade is swung, when the trigger is pulled, or in the case of IRON WIDOW, when the 40m tall mech transforms and starts ripping people's limbs off. Zetian never knew a good person in her whole life, so why would she ever desire to become one herself?
The novel's setting is a futuristic Asian fantasy realm complete with giant robots, ravaging otherworldly beasts, hover-vehicles, holographic displays, fantastical god-beings, powerful physical manifestations of qì, and sprawling military-industrial complexes. The author clearly loves the mash-up, as readers will find multiple references to ancient Chinese literature and lore alongside sci-fi exploits like transforming mecha that typify the zodiac. The kitsch may not be worth admiring, if the reader isn't in tune with either, but it's plenty enough for those whose interests rightfully intersect.
The best thing about this book is how thoroughly committed the author, and by extension, the protagonist is to seeing this story through to the end. Zetian, for example, isn't bitter and pessimistic about death because she has no options, she's merely giving as much violence as she takes ("Too bad. I am exactly the kind of ice-blooded, rotten-hearted girl he fears I am. And I am fine with that. May he stay unsettled," page 114). Some characters match Zetian's grit; others push back. Another female mech pilot, Dugu Qieluo, for example, is aggressively unlikable. Lady Dugu doesn't hesitate to throw a punch (at a supposed ally) and defends her personhood with vigor ("Never appease. No one's ever been respected for appeasing. The only thing you did was let them know there are no consequences to treating you like trash," page 295).
Fighting massive bug creatures in the wilds beyond the Great Wall occupy the official duties of these and other characters. But piloting giant robots to save humanity feels comically miniscule in importance when juxtaposed with the gravity of avoiding sexual assault, navigating corrupt officials, sniffing out traitors, and spitting in the eye of any supposed fate.
For example, Zetian allies with a wealthy young man, Yizhi, a possible paramour from her days as an impoverished girl in the mountains. Yizhi is a sympathetic man with a gift for big words. His kindness and his wealth seem limitless. But, "How far does the darkness in him go?" (page 183), she asks, knowing full well the corruption that girds her country doubtlessly lines the young man's pockets as well. A soft rich boy doesn't survive as one of dozens of sons what for being only a soft rich boy. He may be an animal, but evidently, Yizhi hides his teeth. A durable contrast to Li Shimin, a 19-year-old man convicted of patricide. Shimin is Zetian's co-pilot, and fittingly, the man is all rough edges, beset with the tired eyes and ruined liver of an alcoholic. Shimin doesn't hide his teeth, and his protective alliance with Zetian, a pledge to bark, tear, and destroy anything in their path, wavers on the border between keenly obligatory and affectionately benevolent. It's a love triangle appropriate for a novel layered with dead bodies.
IRON WIDOW is a thrill. It's difficult to find a fantasy book with female lead characters whose uncompromising disregard for state discrimination and fervent rebuke of institutionalized sexual violence manifest so clearly and cleanly. The first half of the book doesn't waver. Vengeance is on the table from the very first chapter. The action is pointed and the character dynamics are definitive. The violence only recedes when, in the second half of the novel, the story shifts into a rather strategic atmosphere, as Zetian maneuvers her successes and failures into greater grabs for political power.
Nevertheless, the book commits to characters-with-issues and unbuckles their ambitions with glee. It's a riotous adventure whose characters always know the stakes, and whose characters are just smart enough to know the pain of giving in to the greed of others is often greater than the suffering required survive on one's own terms. Buttressing these themes, compelling B-stories fill in the gaps, involving filial piety, bisexuality, the myth of popular karma, the quest to rid the world of entitled pricks, and the sad, disquieting inevitability of death ("Dread hollows through me. We spend so much effort living these lives, yet every trace of their substance and meaning can be erased so quickly. So easily," page 338).
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potionwitchmaya-15 · 1 year
darkest dungeon 2 makes me so angry in almost every run without fail and it's my favorite game ive played this year im literally obsessed with this game
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Online Reputation Manage — Small mistakes done by high-profile people will have huge consequences, and it’s even true in the case of a politician. Politicians are always followed by thousands of eyes and caught in a glimpse of wherever they go and whatever they do. They live in a fishbowl, constantly being photographed, interviewed, and interrupted by their electorate. They should always be aware of their footsteps and agile in their response in order to prevent their reputation management from the consequences of small mistakes, mentioned the very first. Understanding online reputation management is crucial in this regard.
Though you are very careful about your own doings, sometimes it isn’t enough. You are also responsible for the doings of others, maybe your competitor, opponent; against you. Instead of focusing on their own merits, political candidates often take to destroying the political reputation of their competition in an effort to win over the public. Over ages, this has been the least awful approach to the political race, but it serves as a good reminder to keep an eye on what you’re doing online.
Character assassination, smear campaigns accounts in dirty political practices to attack your reputation management to win the public over you, will happen commonly. Opponents will try everything from fake reviews and news articles to sensationalized blog posts and social media profiles in order to make you look bad in the eyes of the public. With the increasing popularity of social media, these attacks have gotten less blatant and more effective. Unfortunately, you can’t always keep clear of underhanded competition and walk away from those effects. But you can minimize the damage, however.
How can you keep yourself from being the victim of such an attack?
First, you have to understand the elements that influence your online reputation and then get ready to respond to the positive influence by uplifting their effects and negative influences by eliminating their traces.
Some elements that really matter in influencing your online reputation management:
Project yourself with your own content
Project your own image by yourself rather than be projected bad in the hands of your competitors. In today’s world people mostly seek Google for any information they need. If they want to learn about you, obviously they step out to Google for your information. So by defining who you are and what you stand for by creating your own content will probably impress them at first sight. By this, you are promoting your deeds and helping the public to find lots of information about your campaign, as well as evidence of your good character and reasons why you are the best candidate for the office.
Prevent deep digging
The researcher can dig deeper to any level to gain whole information about you. The deeper they dig, the more they gain. In politics, the information that can be unearthed. The permanence and the viral nature of the internet make it easy for them to even dig the content that is decades old. So never leave any traces of your negative activities that can be dug and unearthed easily. Seek out or neutralize any negative content that harms your political reputation.
Prioritize the good ones
Never let your bad content win over your good ones. Along with seeking out and neutralizing negative content, pushing your positive content to appear first is important. Because they are always responsible for making the best first impression as people search for you.
Confirmation Bias
People have a tendency to find, favor, and remember information that already confirms their existing beliefs on something or someone. If the information proves their belief to be right, then they are completely proud of it and that is what they expect too. But when something fishy appears against their perception they try to forget or deny it firstly, but gradually their brain tends to accept the reality and change their mindset. This confirmation bias of the people is valued more in politics, where people shower their complete support to one, drastically jump to another party. So be kind to their perception and never let anything that breaks their belief for you.
Social media
A social media stand has the backbone to spread any content and make it viral. People seek more information through social media than anything else. Having the best social media profile is at most advantage to build or improve your online reputation. Social media enables an individual to interact with their real stories with you and serves as a platform for a discussion, different from mainstream media. They connect you directly to the public where you can portray you the way you want to be. To maintain an effective online reputation management strategy, it’s crucial to engage positively and proactively on social media platforms.
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readerviews · 3 months
"Infinite Impact" by Amber Vilhauer
An innovative and unique guide for business and book success #books #bookreview #reading #readerviews
Infinite Impact Amber VilhauerSTRONGPrint Publishing (2024)ISBN: 978-1962074209Reviewed by Dawn Colclasure for Reader Views What is the Foundational Four Framework? Allow Amber Vilhauer to tell you all about it in her book, “Infinite Impact: The Entrepreneur’s Strategic Guide to Books and Business Success.” This is not just another business book or even another personal development book. No,…
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bluepillexpress · 3 months
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fouldinosaurzombie · 6 months
The Strategic Advantage of Buying Facebook Reviews
Buy Facebook Reviews
In the digital age, online reviews play a crucial role in shaping the reputation and credibility of businesses. Positive reviews on platforms like Facebook can significantly influence potential customers' purchasing decisions and contribute to a company's success. However, obtaining authentic reviews can be challenging, leading some businesses to explore the option of buying Facebook reviews. This article delves into the benefits of purchasing Facebook reviews, considerations to keep in mind, and where to find reputable sellers.
Benefits of Purchasing Facebook Reviews
Build Trust and Credibility
Positive reviews on Facebook help build trust and credibility among potential customers. Buying Facebook reviews allows businesses to quickly establish a positive online reputation, making them more appealing to prospective clients.
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Increase Visibility and Engagement
Having a high number of positive reviews can improve a business's visibility on Facebook and increase user engagement. When potential customers see positive feedback, they are more likely to engage with the business's page, leading to higher visibility and organic reach.
Competitive Edge
In today's competitive market, standing out from the crowd is essential. Purchasing Facebook reviews gives businesses a competitive edge by showcasing their excellent reputation and customer satisfaction compared to competitors.
Factors to Consider When Buying Facebook Reviews
Authenticity is paramount when purchasing Facebook reviews. Ensure that the reviews come from real users and reflect genuine experiences with your business. Fake or misleading reviews can harm your reputation and credibility in the long run.
Relevance and Diversity
Look for reviews that are relevant to your business and cover various aspects, such as product quality, customer service, and overall experience. A diverse range of reviews adds credibility and authenticity to your business's online presence.
Compliance with Facebook Guidelines
Ensure that the purchased reviews comply with Facebook's guidelines and policies. Violating Facebook's rules regarding reviews can result in penalties, such as account suspension or removal of reviews, which can negatively impact your business.
Where to Buy Facebook Reviews
Online Marketplaces
Online marketplaces such as Fiverr, SEOClerks, and Upwork often have sellers offering Facebook review services. However, exercise caution and thoroughly vet sellers to ensure the authenticity and quality of reviews.
Social Media Marketing Agencies
Many social media marketing agencies offer services to help businesses improve their online reputation, including purchasing Facebook reviews. Research reputable agencies with a track record of delivering high-quality results.
Specialized Review Providers
Some companies specialize in providing authentic and verified reviews for businesses on various platforms, including Facebook. Consider partnering with these providers to ensure genuine reviews that comply with Facebook's guidelines.
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abiodun-360degree · 7 months
BOOK SUMMARY: "Strategic Marketing Management" by Wilson and Gilligan
"Strategic Marketing Management" by Wilson and Gilligan is a comprehensive guide that delves into the principles and practices of strategic marketing. The book emphasizes the strategic aspect of marketing...
“Strategic Marketing Management” by Wilson and Gilligan is a comprehensive guide that delves into the principles and practices of strategic marketing. The book emphasizes the strategic aspect of marketing, emphasizing the importance of aligning marketing activities with overall business objectives. Below is a condensed summary of key concepts covered in the book: 1. Strategic Marketing…
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misskamelie · 8 months
Chanting the next small task I should be doing in my head so I don't get sidetracked by my phone or the vast possibilities that my computer browser offers
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biglisbonnews · 1 year
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A Framework For Risk Governance By Pedro B. Agua When it comes to approaching risks, we find that compliance is a necessary condition, but, not a sufficient one. Risk has progressively become a significant part […] The post A Framework For Risk Governance appeared first on The European Business Review. https://www.europeanbusinessreview.com/a-framework-for-risk-governance/
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imrovementcompany · 1 year
How do you ensure that your quarterly Objectives are both ambitious and achievable?
Ensuring that your quarterly objectives are both ambitious and achievable can be a balancing act, but several strategies can help: Align with Strategic Goals: The objectives you set for the quarter should be a subset of your larger strategic goals. This alignment helps ensure that your objectives are ambitious – they contribute to big-picture goals – but also achievable because they are smaller…
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thislifeisjustmine · 2 years
Steam festival - Roots of Yggorasil demo
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I am so happy that I found this absolute gem. The artwork is breathtaking and I am a sucker for roughlike elements and this connectet to a story owo I am really impressed. I am sure the characters and the story arent at their full potential yet but it is just a demo. I am a little afraid of the strategic elemts here but for now it`s a new gem for my wishlist
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Online Reputation Management: Tips For Industrial Companies To Improve Their Reputation Online
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Online Reputation Manage — The digital information and the internet have opened up new avenues, both for businesses as well as customers. Businesses are investing in huge finances in order to strengthen their position in the digital world. Search engines and social media have made it easy to find new products, services and companies by just a few clicks.
If the information is positive, you will get potentially more customers. But what if the information is negative and fake? It will end up being a serious problem for you!
Reputation management is important for all business and personalities. Blogs, forums, reviews, articles and social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter are the platforms on which unhappy customers do not fear anymore to take their complaints forward. If this kind of information appears on the top rankings of your search engine results, it would be very difficult to deal with it.
Be empathetic with your response
You should always respond to positive feedback with gratitude. Thank the respondent for sharing the feedback and you can post these positive comments from your blogs, reviews and forums on your social media accounts. You can use the Google Alert tool to make sure you are aware of the positive feedback coming in. You can dedicate posts to customers providing valuable feedback. This helps spread positivity and also boost your SEO rankings.
Do not engage in online arguments
The best way to deal with a negative argument is to accept the mistake and deal with the situation. Getting in an argument with the customer may add fuel to the fire. This hampers your company’s reputation, as well as more people indulging in the argument, will affect your SEO strategy. Post something positive like “We are very sorry that you had this negative experience.” Ask for email id or contact information. Send them a private message and try to resolve their issue. You can also include a website link to make it easier for you to be contacted online.
Optimize your SEO strategy
Make sure your website is optimized for search engines. Include all the necessary information about your company, your offerings with relevant page titles, CTAs, landing pages, blogs, images and visuals. Don’t just include good feedback from customers. If your SEO is well in place, it can definitely help you tap and get new customers. SEO is a way to maximize the success of the organic traffic your website receives.
Engage in social media
Is your company active on social media? Does your company engage with customers on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook? If not, use them frequently. Listen to what people talk about your company online. You can even address common issues that customers face with your product or service and improve it. Keep a track of your competitors to strategize your offerings accordingly. The last thing you want is for a negative post to be the main source of information about your company. Hence, try to put customer stories on your website that can encourage people. Increase in positive online reviews and testimonials will help increase brand awareness.
Video Marketing practices
Videos, being able to deliver the maximum amount of knowledge in a shorter duration has become one of the most sought after content for B2B companies right now. Videos about your products or services are a great way to reach out to your customers and also to distinguish yourself from the competition. Videos that are catchy enough and trigger the stimuli for customers largely impact purchasing decisions. There are many types of video that can be used to target various customers such as company video, customer service, product demos and many more. Different videos enable you to connect with customers at different stages of a purchase decision.
Be a real person
When representing the company online, whether via a corporate blog or on public forums, it is important to show some humanity — more specifically, state who you are and what your role is. This facilitates trust. If your internet presence is littered with faceless, nameless logos, people will perceive your company as cold and aloof, run by corporate suits, instead of people who care and really worry about your demands.
Hire experts
Brands nowadays are extensively focussing on improving their services and products to attract more customers due to which they are not quite able to maintain a balance on their reputation online. Brands face the aftermath of people talking negative about them on social media which eventually breaks the bonds and ends up losing customers. Hence brands can really hire experts or tie up with agencies that offer online reputation management services to brands and personalities to handle their reputation sensibly.
The response mechanism by these agencies is the amalgamation of social media optimization, management of negative online content, organizing custom domains, and 24/7 monitoring. Brands can get access to support team agents or personal account managers. Furthermore, you can avail insightful monthly reports, instant coverage, round the clock customer support, and receive a lifetime of online alerts.
Brands can now integrate new social networking modifications to improve their online presence. It is a business strategy that is bound to work for every industry professional. Subsequently, you can savor the financial and reputational benefits through relentless promotion of business operations.
You must have understood by now that while conversing with customers on blogs, articles, forums and social media, it is important to show some humanity. Engaging freely and helping out people facilitates trust. If you act as if you don’t care about people, then people perceive your company as cold and won’t respect your reputation.
Looking for more ways to improve your reputation management and build a strong online presence? Our team of experts at Online Reputation Manage have helped brands from the Fortune companies to restore their reputation and build a strong presence over the online community that comprises blogs, forums, articles, review sites, search engines, press releases and of course social media.
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readerviews · 9 months
"Summer (With Collateral Damage)" by Denise Ann Stock
Riveting Romantic Suspense #books #bookreview #reading #readerviews
Summer (With Collateral Damage) Denise Ann StockStrategic Book Publishing (2023)ISBN: 978-1682357941Reviewed by Paige Lovitt for Reader Views (12/2023)Alyse Johnson is a young attorney living a good life on the Florida coast. Fresh out of a relationship with her college boyfriend, she and her best friend Anna Connor vow to have a fun summer free of relationships. Both young ladies grew up across…
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