#my scalp is kind of blue lmao WORTH IT
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telomirage · 6 months ago
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before 🤎🖤 and after 🪲🌱🌿🥬💚
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dulcewrites · 2 years ago
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x reader (kind of lol), implied aegon targaryen x reader (wc: 3.1k)
Summary: Being at court is a game, and your favorite opponent is a certain long haired Prince.
A/N: I sort of adapted this from my fool me once series. I got an idea of the reader being slightly more ambitious. But then realized that would change the story so this kind of a new one lmao. Some elements are from like Aemond being married (this time to Floris Baratheon) and possibly cheating 👀. But anyway just wanted to explore Aemond and reader being haters but also having crazy sexual tension. *insert something smart about Aemond hating someone that is a mirror of him*
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The heavy fabric of your dress seems to drag more than usual.
The extra care given to your appearance hopefully will not go unnoticed. The gown is your most expensive. A deep blue Lyseni cut dress with beaded bodice, and silk sleeves that slip open and ripple like water.
Walking the halls of the Red Keep is at night is not something you frequent. Working up the courage was always something that made you falter. But the result would make it worth it.
You bite back a smile when you see Ser Arryk not near his post. For a moment you consider knocking, worried that Aegon may be in the room with someone. The thought never bothered you till recently. A surge of confidence overtakes when you just open the door instead.
The fireplace in his is uncharacteristically blazing at this point. You stop in your tracks when you notice long legs extending from chair near the fire. Long silvery blonde hair catches your eye, and your heart sinks. Before you can turn around to make a beeline towards the door, an eye flick towards you.
“My Prince,” you bow your head softly. “You are back from the trip.”
You try to keep you voice bright, and unassuming but you are sure disappointment colors your tone. Aemond gives you sly smile.
“Come to look in on my brother, I assume,” condescension laced through his voice. He gestures to the book in your hand. There were days Aegon did enjoy hearing you read, but most of the time the conversation dissolved into other things. He would start at the seats in his room, you at his desk… till the you ended up on his bed. Faces close, and whispers soft.
“Yes, Prince Aegon always enjoys hearing about the histories.”
Aemond’s polite disposition drops, and he lets out a short laugh. “Right, I am sure he enjoys hearing about the histories from you.”
You feel yourself falter. An unnerved and unprepared feeling burst in your stomach.
But a lady is never those things. Not ever. Your mother’s voice rings in your head. A true lady never worries. The best of them can turn negatives into a positive.
You put on the sweetest smile you can and nod.
“This week we read about all about Maegor the Cruel.”
Something flashes behind his eye that you can’t quite put your finger on. He hums softly, giving you a once over. Inspecting your dress, your hair, your face. The hair jewelry holding back your hair starts to feel like it is digging into your scalp. Not feeling comfortable standing and letting him dissect you, your feet lead you to sitting in the chair opposite him.
“I do hope Prince Aegon is well.”
“What you mean to ask is where is he,” Aemond corrects. “He was not here when I arrived. He may be out on a late-night joyride with Sunfyre. Perhaps wandering the Street of Silk for another type of joy.”
You say nothing, laying the book flat on your lap. It should not shock you. Aegon is not getting that from you. You know Aemond does not believe that by the false innocuous way he mentions his brother’s indecisions. Every bit of attention Aegon puts elsewhere is a win for him. He decides to twist the knife more.
“I bet the discussions you two have are ravishing,” Aemond replies sarcastically, leaning back further in his chair. It only makes you more aware of your posture. More of mother’s words - Back straight, chest out, and head up my dear girl. “Aegon has always been known for his ability to hold a riveting conversation.”
“I think you underestimate your brother. He retains information quite well, and loves to debate,” your hands trace delicately over the large book.
Aemond’s eye doesn’t leave yours. The enjoyment wiped from his face. He just stares soberly.
“You know the sad part is that I genuinely think you believe that. You think you will be able to carry on like this. Pretending this all for companionship and light reading.”
Your eyes drift to the fire. A part of you wonders what it would be like to just stick your hand in it. Would there be excruciating pain or would the numbness that you force into you mind spread through your body? The old wives’ tales Aegon tells of Targaryens being fireproof pop into your head. Maybe that is where Aemond’s gall comes from; the inability to burn the way others would. You wish you could test the theory. What a sight it would be to see him engulfed in flames.
Aemond lip curls a bit. “But at least you can pretend with the best of them. First born sons deserve the best, even the best whores.”
The harsh words are strangely tinged with pity.
“Tis a shame, the way court changes a girl.”
Your eyes snap back to him. “I am not a girl, my Prince. The same way you are not a boy.”
The two of you are the same age. The superiority in his voice is not needed nor appreciated. You must bite your tongue not the bring up the stories of youth Aegon has told you about. His life has been court fodder many times over. It would be too easy to bring up the strife a young Aemond had to go through. Too unladylike to bring up the little boy you know is still tucked under the bravado.
He would revel in taking you out of yourself.
“You could get out of it, before it is too late,” he pushes the subject more. “Marry some lord and be swept away from here.”
The possibility sounds nice. Away from court, away from your family. Maybe a different version of you would agree with Aemond. Acknowledge that being at court, that striving for more has stolen something from you. A life of simple monotony away from the Red Keep sounds lovely. But you are not a different you. You were made and pushed into the world in your parent’s image. Simple is not enough, monotony is not enough.
“I appreciate the advice,” you smile calmly. “But I would miss everyone too much to do that just yet. I would miss Prince Aegon, along with Princess and the children. As well as you and sweet Floris.”
Aemond stands abruptly at the mention of his sister and wife. The light from the fire reflects on the side of his face. He looks like something out of a fairy tale. You are sure he wants to look intimidating but looks more ethereal if anything. He shares that trait with his siblings.
He goes to leave without another, but a sudden urge washes over you.
“Wait, my Prince,” you set the book in the chair and go to where he is near the door.
You wet your thumb slightly, watching his eye linger on your mouth.
“You have a little rogue there.”
Your thumb traces over the vein on his neck, and you feel him stiffen under your light touch. You flinch a little when his hand grabs your wrist firmly. For a moment, you don’t trust your instinct fearing your boldness has taken you to a point you cannot tip toe back from. You become acutely aware of blade resting snugly against his hip. He could slit your throat easily. But you have seen him training; he would go for a more gruesome approach if given the chance. Slow and painful.
Instead, he gently placed your hand at your side. His hand making a route from your wrist to the delicate tips of your fingertips. There is a coldness left when he lets go.
He leaves without another word.
“I will tell Prince Aegon you stopped by,” you lie as you call after him.
Aegon does eventually show up. Riding gloves on, and cheeks splotched, pink from the cold. He goes on and on about something Sunfyre did. You sit, pleasant and accommodating, the way men like him want. Hanging of every word as if you would die not hearing the next one spill from his lips.
Despite the dragon drivel, your mind does not drift often, liking the easiness that comes with speaking with an agreeable Aegon. But when it does, it only fixates on one thing.
First sons deserve the best… even the best whores
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“She is not pregnant, Your Grace.”
The maester seemed nervous to tell the Queen. Aemond bites back a breath of relief when the words come out, eye fighting to go back to outside the window next to the wall where he leans. Floris’ face scutches into a frown.
Alicent chews on her cheek in clear aggravation, a tell Aemond can pick up from years of noticing his mother’s ticks. But like any good diplomat, she quickly replaces the disappointment with smile towards Floris.
“Well, it can take time,” she tries to give a good-natured shrug. “No reason to worry.”
Alicent had gotten good at giving her kids the same empty placating statements sprouted to her by her own father. Everything is going how it should. No need to worry. You will be fine.
They do not believe her the way she does not believe Otto. She can at least say she knows her children well enough to see they do not believe it. Alicent is sure her father still deludes himself into thinking his halfhearted attempts at warmness work.
Even the smartest man in the Seven Kingdoms can be mind-numbingly daft at times.
The maester and Alicent jump into words of encouragement and ideas to help a seemingly upset Floris. Aemond assumes he should join in, comfort his wife but his legs don’t catch up with what his brain tells him is best. Instead, he stares out of the tower window, a flash of deep red and black catching his eye.
He sees you walking through the castle with such sure steps, in perfect tow with his sister. A creep of bitterness works its way up Aemond’s throat. The way you have encroached into the inner fabric of his family leaves him feeling uncomfortable. As if you were always meant to be here. A harmless addition, but he knows better. There is nothing harmless about the way Aegon looks at you.
The only vindication he gets is his mother’s shared hesitance. But in the end, he knows Alicent is too tired to say anything unless true harm is being done. Even she can appreciate Aegon having a singular focus for once, even if it not his wife. And she is undoubtedly fond of your strait-laced yet kind nature. You knowing your place makes all the difference. But Aemond sees hints of boldness and rashness.
It feels odd watching a woman not of his family so garishly wear the color that matches the walls of the castle. But too terribly fascinating to look away from. The black dress with Ruby red trimming sits off the shoulders elegantly. Your hair pulled up showing off a swan like neck that he has only seen on his mother.
Poised, well-read, quick witted, and all wrapped up in a pretty package. You are the ideal vessel for a royal bastard; he knows you see it too, you are too bright not to. A perfectly placed temptation.
He knows his brother is foolish enough to try it.
Mindlessly, his hand goes to his throat. The touch is not the same as yours. His sword withered hands nothing like the dainty soft one that danced across his nights ago. He swallows thickly.
“Aemond, are you listening,” his mother voice breaks through his thoughts.
He nods. As he pushes himself from the wall, he swears he can feel eyes looking up at him.
— — —
Aemond starts to wonder if all his thoughts will be tinged with violence and paranoia.
Simple ideas can be quickly shifted into something morbid. He does not when it started. After he lost his eye? After watching Aegon and Helaena get married? After learning about get married himself. It is easy to have this to turn into dust and ashes in this family.
Though Floris is a welcomed difference. The right amount of different yet bland enough that his thoughts on her dissolve into nothing. Sweet, and palatable; things could be far worse he guesses. He could be stuck with far worse. She lets him do as he pleases. Finds ways to occupy herself that has nothing to do with him, a comfort.
When he hears laughter coming from their chambers, he assumes she must be with one of her ladies in waiting. He internally groans at the small talk he must make with them. Pretending to care about whatever court gossip they dither on about. But when he walks in he sees a table full of tea and treats.
“My love,” Floris hops up from her seat, a bright smile on her face. A warmer disposition than the one she had been sporting since the news of not being with child.
Before he can reply, the person in the seat turned away from he springs up with equal vigor.
“Prince Aemond,�� you curtesy, polite smile on your face.
For today, the cold, silk targaryen-esque garb had replaced with a lace emerald green and gold gown. Coils falling in way that create a halo around you. He should add chameleon to the list of attributes. The transformation is remarkable. The typical icy demeanor being washed away with a young, sheepish, and girly smile.
Aemond bites back a sneer. His body feels like it vibrates whenever you are near. He has not figured out if it is anger or something entirely different.
“We were just having tea,” Floris looks at you then at the wine on the table, and you two share a knowing giggle. “Chatting away.”
He waits for the moment you finally excuse yourself, but it never comes. The two of you continue to whisper and giggle as if there is an inside joke no one else will be in on. He tries not to focus on it as he takes off his riding gloves, and cloak.
A guard comes into the room asking for Floris. He sends a prayer to the Gods that his wife will take you with him. But all she does is tell you that she will be back soon.
“Did you have a nice ride,” your voice rings through the room. Aemond lets out a deep sigh, turning from the clothing cabinet. He turns to find you lounging in the chair, goblet in hand.
He doesn’t answer, just stares at her leaning against the wardrobe.
“I have always thought about it,” your lips are stained red from the wine. “Taming a dragon, riding a dragon. Your wife is very lucky.”
Aemond blanches at the image that passes through his head. The vibrating feels like it is starting to radiate inside to outside. You down the rest of the wine.
“I am assuming she had ridden on Vhagar with you.”
She had…. once. Aemond had assumed it would romantic or a deep connection would be had. His at the time future wife meeting his first friend. She threw up afterwards, politely saying that she would never want to do that again.
Dragons are not for everyone.
“Maybe my brother will finally put you out of your misery, and let you ride his.”
Your lips curl into a cruel smile. “I would like that. I hear one good ride always clears the head. I am sure you have needed that lately.”
Aemond frowns not understanding what you mean.
“Floris was telling me about your problems. Do not fret Aemond, impotence is very natural while under pressure,” your eyes travel down his body, and you give him a fake pout in pity.
Aemond is sure he is about to lunge at you. His vision goes red for a second. “I am not impotent,” he hisses through clenched teeth. “Nothing of what my wife and I do is any of your business.”
He shouldn’t feel the need to explain himself to you. Insolent girl with too much time on her hands, and too many ideas in her head. Aemond slightly curses his brother for being the reason you even come around. You hold your hands up innocently.
“Your wife invited me to tea, and she brought up the conversation. I am only now trying to extend my support.” 
Aemond always thinks the people around him are too trusting, too open. Helaena is painstakingly warm to whoever shows her an ounce of kindness. Aegon is easily swayed with pretty faces or a sense of camaraderie. His mother’s whole being shuts down at the sound of compliments. Floris is alone at court, in need a friend. You meet all of their needs in ways he cannot begin to. You know it as much as he does.
He should feel upset at his wife, but he doesn’t even have the passion to do that.
So, all he can do is focus on how you bring on a nagging tug in the pit of stomach. How he trusts absolutely nothing you do. How embarrassed he feels about you knowing any intimate details about him.
“But if I could give some advice,” you get up from your seat, walking towards him. “If your wife is not doing the trick, perhaps thinking about other things may help. Something that makes the blood pump a little faster.”
Aemond’s throat bobs. He glares, trying to think of cruel insult to dismiss the notion, but he finds his mouth dry and his tongue heavy.
The moment is interrupted by Floris coming in with a smile. “What did I miss?”
The transformation happens again, Aemond thinks. The low voice you had put on, and the hazy look in your eyes instantly go away. You turn to her with a chipper smile.
“I was just telling Prince Aemond about how I am looking forward to going to the orphanage with you, Princess Helaena, and the Queen on the morrow.”
You lock arms with her, and all Aemond can do is watch.
Wretched girl.
—— —
Later that night, when he feels Floris’s lips on his neck, and her hand working down his chest. He tries to think about how lucky he is. Floris is pretty, and kind. He has bolstered his family through the marriage. It should make him happy.
Despite himself, he finds himself thinking about other things. About berry red wine-stained lips, and a perceptive mind. A wet thumb tracing where his wife’s lips are. Heat pulls in the pit of his stomach at the thought of you wanting to ride a dragon. That night he cums harder than expected.
Maybe second sons deserve the best too.
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chrysalispen · 5 years ago
an excerpt from some things i’ve been working on. ngl this was written because i really just love the intimacy of things like washing your SO’s hair for them LMAO
anyway, moar nerowol fluffy nonsense under the cut.
spoilers for the omega raids as this is set post-sigmascape.
He let his head rest on the edge of the pillow as she'd bid him. Carefully she set the pitcher and earthen basin to one side, then leaned forward just enough to kiss him right on his hairline. 
"You'll never be happy if you keep comparing yourself to Cid. You'll always find yourself wanting, and brooding over things you could have done differently instead of taking heart in your successes." Unbound by the product he used to keep it under strict control, his hair was a morass of blond waves and curls. She noted that he hadn't released his grip on her arm, either. " Living a life by your regrets is no way to live. Take it from someone who knows."
"You don't-"
"Don't what? Don't doubt myself? Don't make mistakes? Don't do things that other people can do better?" She tucked a stray lock behind one of his ears. "Of course I do, I'm not infallible. Nor is Cid for that matter. And for the record, he's told me plenty of times there are things you can do that he can't."
"Things that no one else recognizes."
"Is that what's bothering you?"
"No, I'm serious." She patted his cheek, ignoring the slightly abrasive scratch of beard stubble. He'd need another shave when she was done washing his hair. "Why do you need the rest of the world to tell you something you already know?"
Nero lay in silence for a very long time before he said, very quietly,
"I came from nothing. I don't want to return to nothing."
"You won't."
"How very idealistic of you, dear Warrior. The world isn't kind to those who languish in obscurity. And I," he shifted position just enough to take her hand, "worry that I will be forgotten, or left behind. I worry that any time lost and not working is a step I won't get back. I worry-"
"You want to leave your mark on the world. As one of the great engineers of the age."
"Among other things, yes."
"But you've already achieved that status." Aurelia combed her fingers through his hair, slowly and gently. "You have to share that spotlight with Cid, certainly, but it isn't as if you've gone entirely unnoticed."
His bandaged chest heaved with his sigh.
"This from a woman as famous as Garlond, if not more so."
“ I would hardly call myself ‘famous,’ in truth, “ she replied. "Few know my name, nor am I known for what I would desire to be known."
"Fame is fame."
"Fame of this sort is a double-edged sword," she said, and cupped his jaw to tilt his head back into the basin of warm water. He shut his eyes, the gentle rhythm of her fingers working soap into his hair coaxing him out of his dark mood almost against his will. "Frankly, I miss being anonymous."
"And what would you want to do, then, had none of this happened? The Calamity, or any of it?"
She smiled. "I'll have you know I had plenty of lofty dreams as a girl. Some of them might sound silly to you."
"Try me."
"Hmm... bringing 'civilization' to the far-flung corners of the star through the wonders of magitek and modern medicine. Further study at the Academy, of course, perhaps their bioengineering programme. Travels to lands throughout the Empire if not beyond it. I had designs on coming to Eorzea in my own time." She paused, then shrugged. "Perhaps even love, and a family, eventually- though of course that would have come later. At least in my girlish imaginings."
"And now?"
"...At least I got the traveling bit, I suppose," she said with deceptive lightness.
Fame of this sort is a double-edged sword, she had said. He thought he understood, at least somewhat. For all the privilege into which she had been born, fate had not been particularly kind to her. Even in freedom from the Empire’s strictures she had spent much of her time as a woman-shaped weapon upon whom an entire realm had thrust its hopes and burdens.
That was no freedom at all. The realization saddened him more than he cared to admit.
"I admit I would not have consciously chosen the life I have led thus far. But I have often wondered what would have become of me had things turned out even a bit differently."
"I cannot say I disagree,” he said wryly. “Coerced defection does rather change one's outlook.”
The solemnity of her expression was at last broken by a small and hesitant smile, like watching the sun peek from the depths of a heavy cloudbank. 
He pondered his next question, shutting his eyes and blinking slowly like a contented cat, as she continued to run careful, soapy fingers through his curls. "So if you had the chance to go back in time," he said finally, "and change anything you liked-"
"Well, time travel doesn't really work like that."
"Oh, come now. Humor a man at death's door, won't you?"
"Death's door? That's rather dramatic, isn't it?" Carefully she tipped the pitcher of fresh water at the edge of his hairline, watching the soap rinse out of the wet locks. "For the record, you were only partially dead."
"Point of order: I was mostly dead. You said so yourself."
"That was when Cid had just pulled you from the rift."
"Pedant. You- ow."
Aurelia lifted one damp hand from the open-palmed swat she'd dealt his thigh. "No name calling."
"You are cruel, Warrior of Light. Utterly ghastly," he proclaimed, his mouth bowing in a mocking and exaggerated pout. "No care whatsoever for a man's aches and pains. No projects. No commissions. No leaving the bed. No toys. And now I must needs be subjected to the merciless thews of the eikon-slayer?"
"Mercile- there's no way that little love tap hurt, you peacock."
"Merciless thews, I say. What in all of the seven hells have I, a man of impeccable reason and mountainous intellect, done to deserve the worst bedside manner in all Hydaelyn?"
"Clearly your life is naught but a struggle." Aurelia struggled to keep the bowl steady for her own laughter. "May I finish washing your hair, Master Scaeva, or have you yet finished laboring beneath the terrible weight of your own genius?"
"Perhaps," he drawled. "Are you going to answer my question?"
"No. Now hold still, unless you want soap in your eyes."
"Only if you answer my question."
"Nero, I'm not-"
"Sweetling, come now, it's a thought exercise. Purely in the realm of the theoretical. I wouldn't ask if I weren't curious."
She was still smiling as she gently wrung the water from his curls with one hand, then tilted the jug for another rinse. Nero fought the urge to shut his eyes; the cool water felt good on his scalp, and it felt even better to have clean hair, but he was intent on watching her. Her dark blue eyes seemed very far away.
At last, she said:
"...I think I would not change a single thing."
"Not even-" he began, and caught himself with a grimace.
"You can say Haurchefant's name." Aurelia reached for the fresh linen towel that lay neatly folded on the stool. "It won't hurt me."
He exhaled. 
".....I really am a shite on occasion," he said. "Garlond's right about that much. I'm sorry."
"Don't be. This is where the results of my choices and my circumstances have led and even knowing what I do now, I think I have learned to live with them. I think it's... it's very important to accept your losses alongside your victories. No matter how painful."
That remark felt pointed, but Nero didn’t have the chance to mull over it before that small, sunny smile of hers returned. 
Quickly his eyes fell shut again.
“And I think had I not made the choices I made,” she said, “it’s very likely our paths would never have crossed-- just as they would not have done had your choices been different. That knowledge alone is enough.”
One of his hands blindly sought hers, and squeezed. 
“For what it’s worth,” he observed, hoping she would assume his eyes remained closed in order to keep out the soap, “I do count myself fortunate that they crossed.”
She squeezed in return.
“For what it’s worth,” his eyes didn’t need to be open to hear the smile in her voice, “so do I.”    
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carry-on-my-wayward-butt · 6 years ago
what did u do to your hair !! i love it !!! whatever it is i wanna try it lmao
hope it’s cool if i answer public!
step 0 starts here: resolve to never brush your hair again. ever. your fingers are your comb now.
anyways I stumbled across r/curlyhair and read their big shiny START HERE!!! post. and the wiki, I basically inhaled the wiki.
the main product is Tresseme Boutanique Coconut and Aloe Vera Conditioner. the starter product list for the US (theres different region lists holy fuck!) is available at literally every Walmart and then entire list generally costs less than 20$, but I only picked up the conditioner.
other materials that I used other than that conditioner include:
palmers mycelliar rose water cleanser (a great low-poo that I’ll only need once or twice a month if I get really gross)
herbal essences tousle me softly mousse
a very wide toothed comb
a 100% cotton t shirt
microfiber towels (I cant afford big ones, I got mine at target for like 3 dollars on clearance, they’re advertised as duster cloths. they’re blue if it helps.)
the beginner guide I linked recommends gel, but if you have thin hair, wavy and not too tightly curled hair, or hair that’s prone to flattening, a mousse may be a better idea since its lighter.
the techniques matter more than any brand name honestly, its called Squish To Condish, and heres a video explaining how. you dont need that many products at first, just gently cleanse your scalp to ‘reset it’ and when you’re ready get a shitload of conditioner and go to town. by letting it work for about five minutes then detangling and squishin gud.
once I’ve got a shitload of conditioner in my hair, I include mousse into the mix. like a grapefruit sized quantity of mousse, but not all at once. I do it in about 3 handfuls, I’m just guestimating it adds up to about a grapefruit sized dollop overall.
then I use one microfiber cloth to gently pat my hair in much the same way I’ve just squished. this obviously leads to the towel getting very silky-slimy with conditioner. I try not to grab too hard, but enough the get the water off my scalp so I can dry easier. then I plopped it.
most curlies and wavies should be familiar with plopping already, it’s when you plop your head into a wrap of some sort, letting gravity tell your curls which way to go. then you wrap up your head for an appropriate amount of time. let me tell you right now, 5 minutes is enough for thin hair. never plop overnight unless you know EXACTLY what you’re doing. and dont experiment if you have something important happening soon lol. heres a video on how to plop if you need guidance. like I said, you dont need tons of products at first, stick to routine-building. az for a shirt I recommend a men’s large 100% cotton tshirt, but 100% is a rare find nowadays if I’m being honest. I was lucky and found mine lying around in an old box of lootcrate stuff!
you then allow your hair to dry. whether you use a diffuser on LOW speed and COLD temp, or let it air dry on it’s own is up to you. I diffused for like 30 seconds then its it air dry for the rest of the time.
finally, once its dry, Scrunch Out The Crunch! if you used a gel this will feel much more satisfying than a mousse does. also I used a second microfiber cloth for this step, because I worried about my hands frizzing my hair.
this seems daunting because I wrote it all out and it looks rly long lol, it’s a bit time consuming but honestly the results are worth it. my hair is less frizzy because it’s getting the hydration it needs, I’m not greasy because my scalp is properly cleansed and not over-producing oils, my curls actually EXIST because I actually NOURISH and ENCOURAGE them instead of screwing them over with brushing and terrible shampoo and awful terry-cloth towels and heat heat heat with the dryer.
putting in the effort to be kind to them is worth it!
also pineappleing or a satin bonnet is a good idea for nighttime. my hair is too short for a pineapple tho. maybe someday!
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