#Strand Palace Hotel
lifestyleofluxe · 2 years
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coffeenewstom · 2 years
Toms Kaffee-Moment: Afternoon Tea im Strand Palace Hotel
Toms Kaffee-Moment: Afternoon Tea im Strand Palace Hotel
The Strand ist eine der typischsten Straßen in London. Ihren Namen hat sie aus einer Zeit, als an ihr noch die Themse vorbei floss, bevor sich das Thames Embarkment  dazwischen schob. Früher einmal war sie die Verbindung zweier Städte, City of London und City of Westminster. Heute beginnt die Straße am Trafalgar Square und verläuft nach Osten bis zur Grenze der City of London, wo sie in die Fleet…
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lxkeee · 7 months
Pairing: Lucifer Morningstar x Seraphim Angel! Fem! Reader
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Genre: Angst (for now)
Warnings: Daddy issues.
Notes: this is a long one, 3k ish words lol.
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A month before the extermination happens, Charlie Morningstar, the princess of hell was sighing by the railings of the second floor balcony and overlooking the lobby of the hotel. So many things inside her mind, so many problems that she's not sure what to act on first. Her girlfriend is a former exorcist but she and Vaggie already talked it out so I guess that's one problem out of the way, Adam is bringing an entire legion of exorcists and they will be coming for her hotel first, and she has a half angel brother who seems to not like her!
Charlie sighed, running her hands through her scalp, feeling the strands of her blonde locks with her fingertips.
She stared at the balcony by the hallway of the second floor of the hotel, seeing the others renovate the hotel so that it'll be fit for battle. Charlie leans on the railings, looking down as they work. Unaware that Vaggie was approaching her from behind.
“So, when are you going to tell your dad?” Vaggie asked, making the blonde haired girl jump in surprise, “Ah fuck! You scared me...” Charlie says, placing a hand over her fast beating heart—from the surprise.
Vaggie muttered a quick apology and stood next to her, Charlie sighs.
“I don't know Vaggie, I still can't wrap my head around the knowledge that... I have a half angel brother in heaven.” Charlie says softly, eyes downcast and her shoulders hunched. Vaggie's eyes softened, placing a hand on her girlfriend's shoulder.
“Dad didn't even tell me about it. Does this mean he had another wife aside from mom?” Charlie says sadly, starting to wonder if her dad cheated. The question is on who? Who's the first wife? She shakes her head, guilty for thinking that way about her own father.
Charlie can still recall how the older boy that was supposed to be her brother looked at her with such hostility in his [e/c] eyes despite the smile on his face, the tinge of sarcasm hidden by the gentleness of his voice as he spoke to her and Emily. It was unnerving to see such facial expressions on someone who is carrying the face of their father and it was directed at her.
“I am sure your dad had a reason why he didn't tell you, he probably didn't know.” Vaggie muttered softly beside her. Charlie sighs and nodded. Perhaps Vaggie is right, she needed to speak to her father to know the truth.
Charlie's eyes landed on Husk and Angel Dust who are busy hammering extra wood to the walls, the two men seem to be getting closer these days. It puts a smile on the girl's face.
“He probably does.” Charlie says with a forced smile, finally looking at Vaggie. “I'll go and speak to him about this, I want to tell him or hear him speak the truth.” she says softly, rubbing her hands together nervously at the thought of confronting her father.
Vaggie smiled at her, proud that her girlfriend is determined despite being so nervous about it. Vaggie patted the girl's shoulder comfortingly, “I am sure that it'll go well babe.” she says and Charlie nodded, “I hope so.”
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Lucifer expected to have a fun father-daughter hangout when Charlie called him that morning telling him that she'll be visiting as she wanted to talk to him. What he didn't expect to see such a worried look on his daughter's face, slight bags underneath her eyes when he opened the door to the palace for her.
His father's instinct immediately kicked in as he sensed that something was bothering or worrying her.
The grin on his face lowered as he gently placed a hand over the girl's shoulder, ushering her inside the palace. They walked the hallways of their home, towards the living room where the father and daughter sat down on the couch. “Charlie, sweetheart. It seems like there's a lot on your mind right now. Do you want to talk about it...?” Lucifer asked softly before clearing his throat, laughing awkwardly. Of course she wants to talk about it, she really called you that she'll be visiting as she wanted to tell him something!
“I mean, hahaha of course you want to talk about it that's why you visited.” he says awkwardly in-between chuckles and Charlie just smiled, a small chuckle escaping her lips before letting out a tired sigh.
Lucifer's chuckles die down as his eyes soften as he looks at his daughter, he wonders how her meeting with heaven went. Did she meet the seven virtues? Or did she meet with Sera?
To this day, Lucifer still doesn't know who the seventh virtue is as the last time he had a meeting with them, they were absent—had some important matters to deal with on earth at that time, he does know the angel goes by the name Raphael. He hopes that it was Sera, despite knowing the said woman is... Eh... Still a bad choice but might as well choose the lesser evil or strict.
“Dad..?” Charlie softly calls out to him, avoiding his gaze. Lucifer's thoughts were cut off as he heard his daughter's voice call out to him, “Yes...?” he spoke softly.
Charlie took a deep breath, mentally preparing for this conversation. It's now or never.
“Dad, do I have a brother?” Charlie asked softly, voice shaking slightly.
That single question made his ears ring, countless thoughts running on his mind. A brother? What did she mean by that? He thought, nervous.
He looked at Charlie in confusion, clearly not knowing what she was talking about, “I'm sorry, what? What do you mean Charlie?” he asked softly and worriedly, his first thought is that his twin brother might've gotten married and had a son without him knowing and since he and Michael share the same face, he assumes Charlie met Michael's son or something.
Charlie looked at him, genuinely surprised that her father doesn't seem to know what she was talking about. Her dad doesn't know.
“I met someone up there dad, he told me he was my half sibling and told me we shared the same father. If only you could see the coldness in his eyes dad, how his eyes got colder when he talked about you.” Charlie says softly, squeezing her hands tightly. Her body trembling slightly in frustration.
Lucifer's eyes widened in revelation, his heart thumping against his ribcage like a drum. It can't be... He thought to himself, his hand moving towards his lips in disbelief.
Don't tell me I left [y/n] while she was pregnant. I didn't even know she was pregnant!
He thought in horror, his skin turning paler at the thought. [Y/n], his first wife, his first love. He abandoned her for Lilith. He wonders if she was planning on telling him but didn't as he barely went home to her as he spent most of his time at the Garden of Eden.
Guilt. So much guilt.
After his fall he didn't stop thinking about her, regretting the choices he had made. Ending up burying his affections for his first wife as he knows he will be no longer seeing her again. Despite marrying Lilith, having Charlie, somewhere deep in his heart lies the love he still has for [y/n] that he chose to extinguish but very stubborn for him to kill the passionate fire for her.
Remembering her name is enough for tears to trickle down his cheeks, the teardrop passing by the red circles of his cheek.
Charlie looked at her father worriedly, he was silent for a few minutes and suddenly tears were streaming down his face.
“Dad...? Are you okay...?” she asked softly and worriedly, taking out her handkerchief from her breast pocket and wiped her father's tears away. This single act made Lucifer remember something, a distant memory when he was still in heaven.
“Do not cry my beloved, you know the elders are just like that. They are too closed minded to listen to new ideas, too scared to listen to your wonderful and beautiful ideas for creation.” [y/n]'s cooed softly at him, hand holding a handkerchief as she wiped his tears away after getting scolded by the elders. He was sobbing on her shoulders, upset about what happened but his wife is there, his wonderful wife always ready to comfort him.
“Promise that you won't leave me okay?” he asked in-between sniffles and [y/n] smiles and placed a kiss on his forehead, “I promise. You better promise to not abandon me too.” she says with a giggle and he nodded, locking their pinkies together in a promise, the wedding ring on their ring fingers shimmering against the radiant rays of the sun.
He broke that promise. He left her, he left her alone with their son.
That made more tears stream down on his cheeks, Charlie trying to calm him down and Lucifer sniffled and muttered a small thanks to her, opting to take the handkerchief and wipe his own tears away.
“No, but I will be.” he said, his voice raspy. He avoided his daughter's eyes, too embarrassed and guilty to look at her. “Did he tell you his name...?” he asked weakly and Charlie nodded, “Xavier Caeles.” she answered softly and his heart broke even more. Why wouldn't it? The last name is something he recognized, it's his first wife's last name. Caeles, which means heaven.
A single teardrop runs down his cheek. A smile filled with guilt was plastered on his beautiful face.
The realization that he was never there for his son, their son all throughout his life. Filled him with unimaginable guilt. He was never there for [y/n] nor there for his son, Xavier. What does he look like? Does he have the same features as him or is he a perfect combination between him and [y/n]?
Forget it, he hopes his son has [y/n]'s face, just imagining the pain the boy goes through every time he looks at a mirror and sees his face. Somewhere in Lucifer's heart knows that the boy, probably hates himself. He hopes he is wrong.
With a shaky breath, he gave Charlie a weak smile, “Xavier huh?” he says with a pained chuckle. His red orbs are downcast, filled with guilt. He doesn't even know the boy as he's absent from his life, [y/n] had to raise him alone and it's her first time being a mother too. He should've been there, he should've listened and stopped being so selfish and stubborn.
Charlie looks at him worriedly, placing a hand over his shoulder for comfort. “I hope you won't get offended by this dad but did you... Cheat on mom...?” she asked softly, he shook his head no.
“No... I didn't, not on your mother but... Your mother isn't my first wife...” he says softly, ashamed in admitting it. He didn't cheat on Lilith, he cheated on [y/n] with Lilith. He was such a fool. “I cheated on my first wife with your mother...” he says, voice cracking, “My actions cannot be excused but it is something I deeply regret and still do.” he added, wiping his tears away.
The gears on Charlie's head started moving, processing his words. Her dad married someone before her mom.
“... Why...?” she asks softly, squeezing his hands, Lucifer avoiding his daughter's eyes, “Your mother is such an amazing woman and I couldn't help but be mesmerized by her and in return, my feelings for my first wife were overshadowed by it.” he explained softly, guilt evident on his voice. His voice cracking, almost a whisper.
Charlie's eyes softened, her thumbs rubbing circles on her father's hand, “Do... Do you still love her...?” she asked softly.
Yes, he still does. He misses her every single day, a ghost of his past that is constantly haunting him, haunting him of his wrong choices in life.
With choked sobs, Lucifer nodded, “Yes, I still do...” he admits softly and Charlie smiles, even though it hurts to see her family split, she can move on. Her mother has already left and Charlie believes that her father deserves a second chance and she wishes that Xavier would get a second chance at happiness.
“I hope you'll get a chance to make things right, dad. You owe it to him, to them.” Charlie says softly, hugging the crying man.
“I hope I'll get that chance, Charlie... I owe it to them.” Lucifer whispers softly. Clenching his fists that he placed on his lap.
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Xavier waited patiently for his mother to wake up, his mom just returned from work yesterday and is currently resting. He would've shared the tea with her if he didn't know any better but since he knows how tiring work in the human world is, he decided to let his mother rest. He doesn't want to add more to her plate.
Xavier took it upon himself to prepare breakfast, cooking some waffles and bacon for him and his mother.
Brewing her some coffee, he knows she loves it when he makes her coffee. Grabbing two white mugs to prepare the espresso shots, steaming some milk while he's at it too.
Finally done, he prepares the table, grabbing the white ceramic plates with gold accents and the spoon and fork made of gold. Arranging them on the table.
Now he waits.
[Y/n] soon emerged from the door to the dining room, already dressed up for the day. A flowy pastel purple dress that reaches her knees, her hair nearly brushed and styled.
Xavier got up from his seat on the table and approached his mother, giving the older woman a kiss on the cheek. “Good morning mother, I hope you were able to rest well last night.” he says softly and [y/n] giggles and places a gentle kiss on her son's forehead.
“I did my sweet sunshine,” she says with a smile, her eyes sparkling in happiness as she finally notices the breakfast that was already displayed on the dining table.
“Oh my! You already made breakfast? How sweet, thank you my sunshine.” she says with a small smile, her voice soft as she gently ruffles the boy's hair.
The mother and son duo sat across each other on the dining table, enjoying the dinner that Xavier had prepared.
Xavier was nervous, unsure how to talk about what happened a few days ago.
[Y/n] being a mother she is, sensed that something is bothering her son. Gently placing down the golden utensils onto the plate, the golden utensils making small clinking sounds as she did so. Lifting her head up away from the plate, she looked at Xavier worriedly.
“Is there something worrying you, my dear?” she asked softly and worriedly and Xavier sighed and nodded.
With a deep breath, he calms down his fast racing heart. “A few days ago... I met... Lucifer's... Daughter...” he says with a small whisper.
[Y/n] freezes up, it's been awhile since she last heard that name, the very man that kept haunting her, the man she kept looking for at every person she meets. Even after all these years, she never forgot him nor stopped loving him, despite the pain he has given her.
With a forced smile, she looked at Xavier, “Really? As expected.” she says softly with a smile but Xavier can see the pain in her eyes, it breaks his heart every time.
“You still love him, don't you...?” he asked her softly, already knowing the answer as she told him the answer before. Though, he doesn't know the reason why his mother never moved on.
“You already know but yes, yes I still do.” she says softly, her voice cracking. Xavier's eyes softened, placing down his own golden utensils onto his plate, the utensils clinking against the ceramic, the sound echoing off the white walls of the mansion that they call home.
“But why mother? Forgive me for being too forward but why do you keep holding on to him knowing how much pain he gives you unknowingly?” he asked softly, his voice cracking in emotions, desperate to know the reason why his mother loved the man so much.
[Y/n] took a deep breath, looking at his son's eyes, she has one reason why and she thinks it's time for him to know.
“Because my love for him is unconditional. Even though he broke my heart, I'll still love him because my heart is only his to break which is pathetic. My love for your father is never conditional, he could be off being happy to an another woman and I'll still love him, even if it hurts.” she explained softly and sadly and Xavier's heart breaks listening to her explanation, to her reason.
Despite him hating his father, hating his appearance. He yearns for fatherly love, he yearns for a complete family and he envies Charlie for having something that he wants to experience.
“Is that really your reason, mother?” he asked softly and she nodded, “I still love him, Xavier... I still really do.” she whispers softly.
“I understand, mother... Thank you for telling me.” he says in a whisper and [y/n] smiled weakly at him, “I am sorry for not being enough, I know that you yearn for a complete family and I wish I could provide you that but my commitment to your father is unchanging.” she says, ashamed.
She really wished that her stupid heart would stop loving the man who abandoned her and their son but it is too stubborn to let go. She tried therapy, she tried look for someone new and it all failed.
Lucifer held such a tight grip on her heart and just like she said, he can continue to break her heart and she won't stop loving him. But even so, she doesn't know how she'll react if she ever sees him again. Will she be scared? Will she have another panic attack in seeing him again? Will she freeze on the spot? Or will she run into his arms like nothing happened?
She didn't need to say it, anyone can tell that she developed major abandonment issues after her ex-husband left her. Constantly worried if she's doing okay, afraid that people will leave her if she's incompetent.
She even wonders if that was the reason he left, was she not doing enough as his wife? Was she that easily replaceable?
Xavier shakes his head, seeing his mother's distress face, standing up from his seat and takes a seat next to her mother, cupping his mother's face with his hands, his thumbs wiping away her tears.
“No, mother... You're more than enough... I love you more than anything.” he says softly and kisses his mother's forehead.
“I love you too, my sweet child... Thank you for being such an amazing son of mine.” she says softly to him, giving Xavier a small smile, telling her about the extermination can wait, he doesn't want to add more to her problems.
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literary-motif · 4 months
honeymoon in Tokyo or Bali (?) as a nsfw pt 2 to bittersweet? 🤍
Bittersweet II (NSFW)
Isaac Rhoades x Reader
“I still can’t believe our flight was canceled,” Isaac huffed, opening the door to your hotel room with a swipe of the keycard. 
It was just your luck, and despite immediately getting a call from Asirel with the offer to use his private plane — which you gratefully but vehemently rejected — you got the idea to scrap your trip to Italy and fly to Japan instead.
Tokyo was beautiful and seeing Isaac’s eyes light up as he gazed at the city lights made you all the more grateful for the honeymoon. This trip was another way to connect to his heritage and you loved seeing him try to hide his smile as he spoke Japanese again. 
“Isaac,” you said in awe, slowly walking towards the wall of glass revealing the shining city landscape to you, “look at the view.” You were breathless, gazing at the sea of lights before you and pointing to the Tokyo Tower. “Look, we can see it from—”
Isaac cut you off with a kiss, wrapping his arms tightly around you and cradling your head until you were breathless for a different reason. “You’re the only view I want to see tonight,” he murmured, leading you to the bed and falling down next to you. “We can go all over the city tomorrow and the day after that. There is no rush,” he reminded you, kissing your neck.
You held onto his suit jacket, gently taking it off his shoulders and putting it aside. “I suppose it’s good we didn’t tell anyone when we would be back,” you said, shrugging out of your clothes. “We could spend years here and never run out of things to explore.”
“I wouldn’t be opposed to it,” he said with a laugh, “Not that Asirel couldn’t find us here if he wanted to. I have a few acquaintances in Tokyo as well.” 
Isaac rested his head on your chest, looking deeply into your eyes. There was a sudden shift in the atmosphere, changing from the giddy happiness at your honeymoon properly beginning into something more fragile. 
“I want to take you to the Imperial Palace, it’s not far from here,” he said, smiling gently at you, “I want to take you to the art museums and kiss you as we look at the Rainbow Bridge. I want to take you to Mount Fuji and walk across the city with you until we have seen every shrine there.”
You chuckled, gently caressing his cheek. “That is going to take years.”
“I don’t care,” he said, leaning in to kiss you. “I want to do everything with you while we are away from the reality of our lives.”
“I want to take you to that Meiji garden,” you whispered, watching as Isaac’s gaze softened, “and to Yoyogi Park.”
“Meiji Jingu Gyoen,” he said, surprised at himself that the thought of being in a garden with you did not give him the feeling of overwhelming dread. In truth, he looked forward to it, walking over the Sacred Bridge with you and kissing you under the Sakura. “I’d like that.”
You smiled, pulling him into another kiss and fiddling with his belt. “Should we shower first?” you asked, hesitating before freeing the bulge in his dress pants. 
“We can do it together after,” he said, brushing his hands over your naked hips and caressing the insides of your thighs. “Unless you want to?”
“No, it’s fine,” you said, relaxing into the soft mattress as Isaac shrugged off his remaining clothes. “I’ve been waiting for this,” you muttered, spreading your legs with a moan as he pushed himself against you.
“Me too,” he said, smiling warmly at you and brushing strands of hair out of your face. “May I?”
“Please,” you breathed, arching your back as he slowly pushed inside. You wound your arms around his neck, doing your best to relax into his gentle thrusts and threading your fingers through his hair, gripping it tightly as he shifted, changing the angle. 
This felt like a dream, having Isaac here with you, being on your honeymoon with the beautiful scenery outside and the person you loved most in the world right in front of you. It made your heart clench in gratitude. Never in your life had you thought that you would get this lucky — that you would be this happy.
You wrapped your legs around his hips, digging your heels into his lower back and deepening his thrusts. “Are you alright?” you asked, nibbling on his neck and holding onto him tightly as you blinked the tears of happiness from your eyes. 
“Yes,” Isaac panted, continuing to roll his hips faster and exhaling shakily. He was trying to keep his thrusts steady, but the feeling of you around him and your lips on his neck made it hard for him to concentrate. “You feel— ah— so good.” 
He made your breath hitch as he brushed against your sweet spot, and you muffled your moan with a kiss against his neck. 
“Isaac—” you breathed, feeling your pleasure rising as he kept thrusting into you. “Isaac—” you whined, grip tightening as your high crashed over you and you clenched around him, causing a low groan to escape him as he came as well.
“Thank you for this, Pickle,” he said as you lay snuggled together afterward, waiting for the bathtub to fill. “Thank you for making me this happy.”
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curi0us-gh0st · 11 months
Mama's Girl Pt.2 (Shim Suryeon)
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pairings: Shim Suryeon x Fem!Reader, Joo Seok Kyung x Fem!Reader.
word count: ± 3k
genre: angst, fluffy.
summary: you don't have to do anything to make them fall into their own pits of problems.
warnings: abuse of power, revenge, anger, use of weapons, sadness, crying, suggestive of murder and suicide (?), mention of life after death (?).
a/n: some scenes inspired by the drama.
Family Line; 1 / 2
We all know the stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression. Therefore, always at a stage as forgotten as it is most often invalid. Revenge. Everyone who has ever felt the thirst to avenge both their dignity and the desire to kill that feeling.
Knowing that actions due to this thirst and feeling would bring consequences to yourself, although everything pointed to this, that karma would also affect you, you didn't care, you didn't wait for karma to do it on its own. So when you infiltrated the Palace hotel, that's how it all began, your own revenge was beginning, your own quest to avenge your daughter on the vermin that lived in that penthouse.
It was so easy to get in that I thought it would be quick, but it wasn't. Revenge is a dish best eaten cold and slowly, it took about two months to plan everything, leaving nothing missing, every detail thought out in detail, no one would be left out. Nobody.
Invitations were posted to each family member involved, placed on their desks, closets, bags, and mails, where they would find them quickly. The day was set, arriving like a storm, the atmosphere tense among the members, all suspicious and anxious, even suspecting their own shadow.
Only one person was strangely different from the others, the pain in his eyes, the inner fight that he was slowly losing, the bitter and killing feeling gnawing at his being, thoughts not so different from when he saw you in the hospital, the guilt slowly killing him , slowly dying. Why Shim Suryeon?
Excluding Shim Suryeon's depressed and silent being, other people caught his attention while in the luxurious penthouse. The tearful and muffled requests from the other side, making your heart tighten in your chest, intrusive thoughts, how could someone be so cruel?
His eyes searching for someone else in the large room, silence to the requests, his body moving towards the clamor. The metal door, the hand going to the lever and opening it, the girl fell to her knees in front of her, crying louder as she asked for forgiveness several times, her chest hurt, her maternal side pushing her body to kneel in front of the girl , hold your face in your hands and pull out a few strands of your hair.
Her eyes met, her face full of tears, her cheeks and the tip of her nose red, sniffling realizing that it wasn't the person who trapped her. Your expression went from something empathetic to amazed, looking at the girl's features, your heart racing, a nervous feeling running down your spine, the world stopping for you. It looked like her, so almost like her, but it wasn't her, Min Seol Ah.
"W-who are you?" She asked with a blurry voice, almost voiceless from asking to be released.
Her brain stopped at the question, you quickly let go of her face and stood up as if you had just seen a ghost. She wasn't much different, getting up soon after, wiping her face with the back of her hand, waiting for his answer.
"I… I'm the cleaning lady!" She lied. "I heard you and came to see what was going on. In fact, look at the dirt!"
She ran to the cart pretending to be cleaning something, the girl was surprised, not wanting to continue with that stranger, she left, leaving her alone in the room, a sigh of relief leaving her lips until she left that place, leaving no trace.
𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑⋆·˚ ༘ *
The night came like any other, she sat on the bed, facing the door, the time was getting later and later, seeming to wait for someone who would never come through it. Missing, anguish, pain. A mixture that made your stomach turn and turn, the hope of waking up from this nightmare was lost when calls were not answered, messages were not answered, when the entrance did not open to reveal the smile that lit up your life.
The noise of her cell phone interrupted her moment, calling and seeing another of Suryeon's many messages, eager for a response, for attention, for love, wanting to share the same pain that was caged in her chest, in the darkest and gloomiest place.
“Hello, Y/N.
How are you?
I'm sorry, I should have known you weren't okay.
In fact, nothing is.
I paid the hospital bill.
I don't want to redeem myself with this, I know you're not that type.
I... Well, I don't know.
4:00 am
Can we meet?
I want to talk.
I want to see you.
I want to know if you're okay.
Can you answer me?
Am I bothering you?
Sorry, I'm sorry.
It's not my intention.
I really need you right now."
7:00 am
"What you been doing?
Have you changed your number?
Did you leave Seoul?
Where are you?
I can go?
I want to be with you.
There are things I need to talk about in person.
Y/N, Min Seol Oh, she…
Was she happy?
How small was she?
Did she look like you?
What did she like?
Forgive me, I don't know what I'm doing..."
10:00 am
"I bought some flowers and placed them on her grave.
I didn't know what color she liked So I bought one of each.
I talked to a friend today.
He said you can see the messages.
I think you are seeing them and reading them.
Answer me.
I accept your silence."
15:00 pm
"I think I owe you a lot.
I won't be able to pay in this life.
Maybe next time."
23:50 pm
"In the next life.
Where we can be happy."
23:55 pm
*message deleted*
"In the next life,
I will pay for every wrong I did to you.
I know.
I look like a teenager.
So I love being the best of everything,
Imagine when it hurts to be so mean to you...
The pain of being so insufficient.
Your forever ended after meeting me.
I healed old wounds and ended up creating new ones.
I'm sorry, Min Y/N.
It hurts too much to admit that love alone is not enough and does not solve everything.
Hurt so much. I wanted so much,
I still managed to pretend I didn't love you."
00:10 am
The dawn followed like any other, bottles of soju next to the bed, the cell phone vibrating with each message arriving. You didn't think about how she was saying that, but you know, loving is good, therefore, forgetting too, living with and living without, you can say that it healed and there was no aftereffect.
In the morning at the penthouse, that smile appeared on Shim Suryeon's beautiful face, but it no longer affected you, it no longer despaired you. You barely remember your phone number, you don't know when you met, whether it was in winter or autumn, or whether you broke up in summer, you no longer know your favorite color, the wound that formed has healed and you are no longer afraid. of farewell. She no longer dreams or has nightmares, she no longer hates or desires, her eyes no longer fill with water, she no longer feels drowned, reading her messages or letters.
It doesn't matter whoever made the mistake was left behind. It doesn't matter if there's someone else, or if he's going to give her back, if he shows up in front of her house, he'll pretend he's not there, a way of saying he doesn't want to see her or talk to her, the most polite way he's found to deal with her. Looking at her face, and not remembering the beginning, you don't know her anymore, did she really exist or was it just something you invented? How much did she feel? How much did you give yourself? When did she lose you? When did she not see? The fact is that she gave up, she didn't go after it or look for it, she didn't lose her hunger or sleep, but she didn't care who she was with or where you were, she even smiled when they asked about her love and she almost forgot your name, she didn't remember your perfume, your birthday. Stuffing her face like anyone else who just lost their love, she pretending she didn't know you when she saw you walking with Seol Ah, years ago.
𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑⋆·˚ ༘ *
Her heart grew cold, her fists clenched and she reminded herself why she was here. Wanting to see the pain and suffering of those people, to make her feel what her daughter felt, alone.
Everyone invented an excuse to leave the house at dusk, everyone inventing an excuse to find you, in that abandoned dump, far from the city, an inappropriate place for those who didn't see where their trash was dumped. The first to arrive behind someone, entering their cage, one by one, getting scared by the presence that arrived as they went along, trying to find the reason why everyone was there.
Jumping in fright as they were about to give up when the door of the old bus closed and the fire spread around them, fear and nervousness forming a tense and agonizing atmosphere. The masked person holding a shotgun, making the rich tremble at just the sight, but that doesn't mean that even though they were nervous, they didn't feel superior. Banging against the fence, asking to leave, asking who that person was, what the hell they were doing there.
"What the hell- Who are you?!" One of the men shouted, the feeling of knowing that voice, a familiar feeling.
"Release us, now!" One of the women shouted as if bossing you, what is she thinking?
Raising the shotgun towards them who ducked for cover, a Latin smile overshadowed by the mask.
“Min Seol Ah.”
They looked at each other, now I understand what it was about, murmurs being heard in the distance. An ignorant laugh that made his hands grip the gun more firmly, determined to do his worst.
"What are you? Some kind of avenger? Is that it? An avenger for that bastard girl?" The arrogant speech making anger course through the veins.
"Shut up! You don't know what the fuck you're talking about, you didn't even know her, you little shits!" The scream was thunderous, chills running down the spines of some present.
"You wouldn't have the courage to do that, of course."
What the hell is that woman thinking? Who does she think she is to say such a thing? Damn it, her body will rot with maggots tonight. A tightening of the jaw, the weapon being positioned, aiming at its target, hatred, rancidity, making soup in your stomach.
"That's what we'll see." They stopped quickly with the speech and positioning of the masked shooter.
A noise right next to him made him look away and a pistol was aimed at the unexpected guest. The eyes behind the mask being met with frightened eyes, standing a distance away.
"Shim Suryeon!" "Are you behind all this?!" The screams and accusations were heard from a long distance now, just staring at the woman standing still, her eyes red and her breathing unsteady.
"Hey…" Her voice, low and shaky. "I need you to control yourself." Her soft tone sounded not far from where she stood, eyes inspecting the inmates and returning to her.
“I know what you’re feeling right now, Y/N…” She said your name quietly. "The anger and the pain and the hate in your chest, I know you want revenge, you want to see them pay for it. But, it's not worth it. You know." Comprehensive.
"This won't make Min Seol Ah come back, much less make her pain go away…" The head lolling to the side, trying to find some lie in the strangely familiar eyes. "I'll let them go, please, darling…"
A huff left her lips, irritated. If she were without her mask, she could see his eyes rolling at his rather famous speech. The pistol lowered, turning to those trapped people, muttering and speculating Suryeon's unexpected appearance.
"Screw this." The voice cursed, before quickly disappearing from that place, leaving them trapped, screaming for freedom. Suryeon determined to go after you, I let go once again.
𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑⋆·˚ ༘ *
“So, Madam Oh..” The voice sounded so calm in such a desperate moment. "How it was?"
“Oh! What the hell are you talking about? What do you want?" She screamed as fear spread through her tiny body as she struggled to stop the other woman.
An almost devilish smile appeared on the lips of the woman in front of the car, she pushed some more as the woman screamed to stop.
“What was it like letting my daughter fall off that damn penthouse, huh?” The question made the woman's body stop instantly.
"No. I don’t… That’s not… How do you know?” Her eyes glazed over, fear radiating from her body.
Reaching inside his coat and taking out an apple necklace, burnt and half destroyed.
“All this for what? What should I do with you? Let me see…” A silence appeared in the air being replaced by thunder. “Maybe, I should kill your daughter? What do you think?"
The eyebrows raised, suggestive and almost funny, a dark tone hovering between the speech.
"No!" She screamed.
“Hey, why not? Isn't that what you did to Seol Ah? Pushing from the balcony?”
"No! No! No! You are crazy! That is not what happened! You crazy!"
She continued screaming, a small alarm on her cell phone waking her up at the moment.
“That’s what we’ll see, Madam Oh.”
Was you?"
03:33 am
03:34 am
𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑⋆·˚ ༘ *
The man found himself in the room seeing the girl behind bars, her face a little bruised, short hair different from before she was admitted, anger flowing through her veins.
"What are you doing here?" She muttered staring at the man in the suit.
"One moment." He replied, picking up a phone as he talked to someone else on the line, the girl approaching the bar.
“What the hell are you doing here?!” She screamed and the voice on the other end of the line caught her attention, her mother's voice.
"She does not know? Why don’t you tell the truth, Shim Suryeon?” He gave his smug smile as he stared at the girl.
"What I do not know?!" She screamed again. "Mother!"
“That Min Seol Ah was your twin sister.” He said amid protests on the other end of the line, looking the girl in the eyes.
“That’s not true… That’s a lie… That’s not…” The girl muttered.
She quickly grabbed the man's tie pulling him against the bars, hurting him, the doctors quickly got him out of there while the girl screamed curses and her own thoughts.
A long moment as he processed the new information, all these years of hurting a single person to alleviate his internal problems, his wounded heart dying as time passed, Seok Kyung didn't even notice when the nurse entered the room, approaching to take care of him. your injuries.
“Hello, Miss Joo, I came to take care of your injuries.” The voice was calm, as if speaking to a small child. "Do not worry about a thing."
The woman approaches the girl who looked like a dog after being beaten, cowering in the corner of the room. She lifted a small cotton ball, placing it on the girl's cut mouth, who moaned from the sting, cleaning the blood and applying medicine immediately afterwards.
She got down on her knees, holding the side of her face and brushing away the strands of hair, taking another piece of cotton to clean the wound on her head, the girl fighting back in pain. The eyes focusing on the things the nurse brought, then focusing on the eyes, those eyes... A feeling of familiarity being prevented by the mask, Seok Kyung raising his hand to take it off and the nurse walking away.
"Ready. You look brand new.” Her eyes closing, smiling behind her mask. “Be careful not to take off the Band-Aids.”
“Wait…” The girl said holding the nurse’s wrist. “Do I… Do I know you?” The voice gradually disappears, the woman leaving, leaving the girl alone behind bars.
“I always wondered what Min Seol Ah would look like with short hair.” The woman said before leaving the room, leaving a distraught Seok Kyung behind.
𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑⋆·˚ ༘ *
“I never thought we would be here…” The woman said with bright eyes and a pained smile on her lips.
“Maybe, I always thought about that…” The other replied looking ahead at the woman in front of her.
The car stopped on the cliff, the dark forest being illuminated by the moonlight that hit the side below, a silence filled with pain, sadness and regret.
"Forgive me for…"
"No. You don’t have to do this, I promise.”
The arms around the body tightening a little more, the desire to merge and live together, this time, happily.
“I don't blame you and I don't want your excuses, just like I don't want to give you mine which would just be lies to ease your pain and my pain now... So, life makes crazy things happen, but don't blame yourself completely for that."
Her eyes filling with tears, her heart breaking into millions of pieces, the desire to go back in time and change everything wrong.
“In the end, you will always come back to me… Just as I will come back to you. Thank you, Shim Suryeon.”
A smile in the midst of sadness appearing on the lips, a mutual feeling, the past coming together one last time, maybe it's not so bad.
“Thank you, Y/N… I love you. I always loved you."
Lips meeting one last time, a single desire, a single feeling, a bittersweet feeling, awakened since the day one of them left and only one loved nothing, a last whisper of love echoing in their lives now, without meaning. One step closer to the tip, arms around each other, as the moon witnesses the last moment of togetherness, the last moment of love, the last breath of this life.
Maybe in another life...
𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑⋆·˚ ༘ *
I'm so good at telling lies.
This came from my mother's side,
She told a million to survive.
God, I have my mother's eyes
But it's my sister's when I cry.
I can run, but I can't hide
From my family lineage.
“Hey Seok Kyung, come quickly!”
The girl ran to catch up with the rest of the family, holding her twin sister's hand, as a small red line passed between them, connecting them.
The looks and smiles on their faces as they ran across the large field, the smell of nature and the warm feeling that warmed their hearts, family.
“I love you, Shim Suryeon.”
“I love you too, Min Y/N.”
“We love you too, mommies!”
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aangelinakii · 1 year
in which you come back from your friend holiday in oslo and tell felix all about it
idol : lee felix
group : stray kids
song : together , beabadoobee
date : 18th june 2023
prompt : " i could listen to you talk for hours "
note : made myself feel lonely writing this oml 😭😭
Tumblr media
sun shone through the blinds, streaks of light landing on the sheets, warming your skin. fingertips grazing against collarbones and shoulder blades, drawing shapes against the soft surface.
"and then we visited the palace, and saw the guards change out. it was so interesting! imagine being a royal guard, and having so many people watching you all the time, and you can't talk or move until your shift breaks."
felix's deep voice chuckled throughout the room, his belly squirming beneath you, and his chest vibrating next to your ear.
"i can imagine it would be quite taxing," he replied, his fingertips finding your hair and playing with the soft strands between his fingers.
"but it's so cool to watch!" you grinned, pulling away from your pillow that was his bare chest.
a moment passed in which you both admired each other in the morning light, felix's kind eyes searching your face warmly. his plump lips sat in a soft smile, your happiness fuelling his.
"then what did you do?"
"oh, yeah!" you ran a hand through your own hair before your fingers found home back in felix's wavy brown locks. "so, after that, we went and grabbed food at the hotel and changed into our swimsuits under our clothes, and we walked down to bjørvika where we'd booked one of these floating saunas in the lake."
"oh, yeah? how come?"
"oh, felix, it was the coolest thing! you go in and, you know, sit there for a bit, as you do in a sauna, and then you go outside and jump in the lake, and it's so cold, but so cool!"
felix chuckled. "no, yeah, it sounds like it, my love."
at the nickname, you smiled, eyes shrinking even more into crescents, a soft flush beginning to appear on your cheeks. felix brought a hand up to cup a cheek, thumb brushing over your soft skin, eyes filled with utmost love and adoration.
"ah, i could just listen to you talk for hours," he sighed, eyes twinkling, mouth unable to contain a smile.
bashful giggles racked your frame, blush growing in colour. you shrugged, rolling your eyes jokingly. "i could watch you listen to me talk for hours," you replied with humour in your tone. "you're so pretty when you listen."
"and you're so pretty when you talk."
felix carefully pulled your face towards his and pressed a sweet kiss to your lips. "i'm glad you had a fun time away. can you take me next time?"
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ryverbind · 11 months
Faceless Fixation (Sal Fisher): Twitterpated Brat [17]
TW/// smut!!! :D
Ash throws a cold, soggy fry into her mouth, stumbling around with her arm linked through Larry's. The two look like they're about to start line-dancing through Caesar's Palace. They kick their legs up with each step, giggling about nothing and everything all at the same time.
And that leaves Todd, Sal, and me to scramble around and try to cover their tracks.
Between the two of them, Larry and Ash managed to kill all three dozen jello shots. When you slap those on top of the giant daiquiris they both drank earlier, and then the screwdrivers they grabbed somewhere on the way back to the hotel-- they're pretty sloshed. 
"Let's take the stairs," Ash gasps, squeezing Larry's toned arm. She points up at the spiral staircase that she and I climbed just two days ago. 
"This is why I love you," Larry whispers, leaning toward the woman with his best, award-winning smile. In reality, he looks deeply pained... but he's trying, I guess. "You have the best ideas," he praises, booping Ash's nose with his index finger.
Ash scrunches her nose and closes her eyes, pushing her face closer to emo buff daddy.
"Yea," Sal says nonchalantly from beside me. I glance over at him-- his hands are stuffed into the pockets of his black cargo pants, cerulean gaze focused on our mutual friends milling about in front of us. "So that's what we're not gonna do," he continues, shifting his stance and tilting his head. "It's time to head up to our room."
For once, I'm inclined to agree with him. Have pigs started flying? Did Sal miraculously become a nice person in some alternate universe? The world is spinning off its axis.
Ash turns her head over her shoulder, her hair slapping Larry in the face. She's wearing a pretty pout, eyebrows furrowed and lips puckered in disappointment. "But I want to go gamble and walk around. Larry wants to, too. Right, Lar?"
When she looks back at Larry, he's too busy pulling strands of Ash's hair out of his mouth to even realize he's been brought into the conversation.
Sal and Todd simultaneously sigh.
"Do they... do this often?" I ask no one in particular, staring at the pair that start bickering. It's kind of wholesome, actually. Ash is fussing at Larry for not moving out of the way when her hair swung around and Larry's just telling her about how pretty and soft each little strand is.
Todd casts me a glance. "Every time we go out somewhere. Every single time." He bites into his cheek, turning his attention back to Larry and Ash to keep an eye on them. "Sal and I have to parent them. We're just lucky that they somehow have some common sense packed into their brains even when they're drunk."
"Larry is even more of an issue when he has alcohol in his system though," Sal murmurs, adding on to Todd's overview of drunk nights with The Faces. "His actions are already questionable when he's sober, but when he's drunk, there's nothing holding him back."
Yea, I watched him decimate the entirety of today's photoshoot so I have no doubt that he's capable of some pretty bad things when the consequences don't matter. 
Wincing, I nod subtly. Maybe letting Ash and Larry wander around, even with the three of us watching them, isn't such a great idea. This wouldn't be a good look for them online, especially if they would end up getting involved in some risky (cough, illegal) business.
"Hey, Larry," Ash whispers loudly. "Do you still have weed? Or like... something better?"
"Hell yea, I do!" Larry chirps back to the beauty, squeezing her arm closer to him. "We're in Vegas, baby, it's time to live it up!"
I dip my head down, pursing my lips. Todd flinches and Sal jumps into action, walking up to the two and grabbing their arms. It's definitely time to bring them up to the room. "Hey," Sal snaps, but ultimately lowers his voice after checking to see if anyone was watching us. "Let's not do this right now. Come on, you two can do whatever the fuck you want in our room, but not here."
Watching Sal take on the authoritative role for Ash and Larry is... something. He's obviously worried for them, trying to keep their reputations intact. He's handling them with care too, tactfully gaining their attention with physical touch. Keeping eye contact while he talks to them. He really must do this often.
We somehow manage to convince Ash and Larry to get into the elevators. I think what really got them to comply was our promise to let them be once we finally get to the suite. Right now, they're planning this slumber party. Where they're going to do it-- I have no idea. But Todd and I are carrying everyone's leftover food and clothes. Sal has a good grip on both of our drunk friends, his pale fingertips digging into their skin. 
Poor little Sally Face does not seem impressed. 
I don't really have an opinion on the current matter. Ash and Larry just want to have fun, but I can also understand why its stressful for Sal and Todd. Having to take care of them when they can't do it themselves. They're the designated dads. Not drivers-- dads.
Our ride up to the suite doesn't take too long and we don't run into many people, thankfully. I guess since it's evening, everyone's either in bed or getting lit in the casinos. No issue there. Makes things much easier for us.
By the time we burst through the doors of our suite, Ash has tears running down her face and Larry's a giggly-gaggly mess. They're on two opposite ends of the drunk spectrum. Ash is reminiscing on her past and Larry's just vibing.
I let out a quiet groan when I finally put the bags of leftover food and clothing down on the dining table. Todd's right next to me, pulling boxes from the plastic bags. 
"Help Sally," he says, opening one of the boxes to see what's inside. "I've got this."
"Are you sure?" I ask, brows furrowing as I take a hesitant step away. Putting me and Sal together with a task to complete isn't exactly the best idea to exist.
Todd just hums, focused on his job. Okay then, that's fine. I'll just help Ash get ready for bed and Sal can take Larry to their room. It's not like I have to be stuck with the sexual bane of my existence.
Still, as I walk over to where Sal has corralled our friends into one section of the couch, I feel this nauseating sense of destruction slowly climbing up my spine. It's like a knife in the back, utter betrayal. It's a bit humorous given that I'm the one with the own knife to my back. I chose this. 
Had I just never created this online persona, Sal and I never would have become this. The topic of y/n would have died with that one Youtube video. Nothing would have come of it-- I would be back in LA going to work and paying bills like I always have. 
I don't think I regret making this decision, I just think I should have gone about this differently. Of course, I don't regret it-- just the thought of getting a second alone with Sal fills me with a kind of giddiness I've never experienced. But the fact that I'm still stuck arguing with this man constantly makes it all seem... not so worth it sometimes.
Ash suddenly looks up at me with her watery green eyes and I find that my depressing internal monologue is replaced with mind-numbing love almost instantly. 
Things with Sal are weird and they kind of suck, but this was worth it. If I didn't start streaming, Ash and I would have gone much longer without seeing each other. And she's someone that will always be worth any struggle of mine.
"I don't feel good," Ash mumbles to me, her words slurred and her arms wrapped around her tummy. 
I gulp. Okay, so that's not too good. I should have expected it too. 
I grab onto Ash's wrists carefully. "I know, honey," I tell her softly, looking into those forest green eyes of hers. She's on the brink of tears. "Look, let's go to the bathroom. We'll sit in there for a while until you feel better." I try to keep my voice as light and comforting as possible. Feeling sick while you're drunk alters the mood so quickly and it sucks. All the freedom and happiness gets replaced by shackling anxiety and fear in a moment's notice.
"No," Ash yanks her hands away from me and curls in on herself. I glance at Sal who's watching the ordeal, sitting between Ash and his step-brother with his hand on Larry's back, trying to get him to sit up. And poor Larry looks like he's just about to fall asleep right here. "I don't want to throw up. I really don't wanna," Ash speaks again, pulling my attention away from our one-man audience.
I frown at my friend. Poor thing, I know that fear. 
Instead of trying to force her to stand up, I scoot in beside Sal. It's not ideal, but I don't really care. If he has a problem with my thighs squished against his, which I doubt he does, he can just move.
I wrap my arm around Ash and pull her into my side. Her head plops onto my shoulder, a soft whimper leaving her lips the moment we touch. "I didn't say anything about throwing up, sweetheart," I coo, setting my head on top of hers. I run my hand over her hair, gently threading my fingers through her slightly tangled hair. "We can just go sit in there until you feel better. And if you do end up feeling so bad that you have to use the bathroom, we'll already be there. You can take a shower if you want."
She's quiet for a moment. I sit there, staring ahead at Todd who's opening his laptop on the dining table. At the same time, Sal sighs softly and uses his hip to forcefully push himself away from me and closer to Larry. It takes quite a lot to not roll my eyes.
One second he wants to fuck me, or something akin to that, and the next moment I'm carrying the bubonic plague, measles, and various other diseases. This guy needs to pick a struggle and go with it.
I feel Ash's head move up and down against my shoulder, so I glance down at her and frown at her quivering bottom lip. Sweet thing. I know she's just drunk, but seeing her so upset and feeling sick really pulls at my heartstrings.
"C'mon then," I murmur, rubbing my hand over her back before slowly standing up. Ash struggles to follow me, so I grab onto her elbows and shoulder most of her weight with a grunt. 
With her tall stature, the force of her falling into me makes me stumble a bit. I blink through my struggle and keep a good grip on her, looking up at her as she purses her lips and wraps her arms around my shoulders. Okay, she's up. Now we just have to take the short walk to the restroom.
I tilt my head back down, making quick eye contact with Sal. He's bearing dead eyes and that forever numb-projecting prosthetic. But our gazes turn opposite ways in a moments notice. Not like I really care to begin with. I'm more worried about Ash than anything else.
Ash drags her feet to the bathroom, her arms latched around my neck as she voices unintelligible pleas to help her feel better. I feel like my heart is about to snap in two. It's hard to remind myself that she's okay when she seems so miserable like this.
After a couple seconds, I gently kick the bathroom door open and flick on the light. My eyes squint against the sudden brightness, but I still lead Ash into the room and shut the door behind us. 
Sighing, I help lower Ash to the floor. Her legs are spread out in front of her and her pretty head is leaned against the wall behind her. "I feel so icky, Vi," she mumbles, the words slurred as they tumble from her lips. 
I shrug halfheartedly. "At least 'Vi' is a default now," I whisper to myself. I'd have been fucked hours ago if she hadn't been calling me Vi all this time. "I know you feel yucky, love," I tell her, my voice a little louder for her to hear. I squat down in front of her, running a finger over her forehead to push a strand of hair away from her face. 
Ash's vibrant green eyes open to glance over my face quickly, then they close again as a soft, pained moan falls from her pale lips. In fact, her entire face is a bit paler than it was moments ago.
I chew on the inside of my cheek. She needs to be closer to the toilet. 
I gently grab onto her dainty hand and pull her over to the toilet, squatting beside her again. "Tell me if you feel sick, Ash," I say, pushing her hair behind her ears again. "You might feel better if you get it out." 
She groans again, but her arms grab onto the back of the toilet almost instinctually. "I know, but it sucks so much," Ash admits. 
I pinch my lips together, smiling tightly at her. "Trust me, I know," I reply, moving to stand behind her. I can't do much for her right now. She can't take any medicine with alcohol still in her system and I don't want to leave her to get a bottle of water. I'd hate to not be here for her if she does get sick. So I do the only thing I can do and gather her hair into my hands. I pull a ponytail from my wrist with the intention of wrapping it around her hair, but she cuts me off.
"Play with my hair," Ash whispers, head lolling to the side. 
I smile a bit at that and let the band fall onto my wrist again. So Ash and I sit in silence while I run my fingers through her hair. I braid it, then undo it, twist it around my hands, then braid it again. It's a back and forth motion in loud quietude. But only for a few minutes.
The bathroom door flies open, the wood hitting the wall with a deja vu-like thunk. I can almost hear my dad running through the house to check out what happened in my memories. 
Mine and Ash's heads both snap to observe whatever the hell is happening, but all I get to see is a blur of blue and brown. I hear the squeaking of quick footsteps, and then "Bathtub, bathtub, tub!"
My eyebrows scrunch together as I assess the situation. Not Larry too...
I swivel my head around like an owl to look at the tub just in time to watch Larry drunkenly dive into it like it's some kind of pool. Then the sickening sound of vomiting follows immediately after.
I suck in a breath, turning my gaze up to Sal. He's leaning over the ledge of the bathtub, his hands holding Larry's long hair away from his face.
"Oh, fuck," Ash groans, her voice shaky. My attention leaves Sal quickly upon hearing the inconspicuous alert she gives me. I gather her hair in my hands again and rub her back as she mimics Larry. 
It's a mess and it sucks for all four of us.
After a couple minutes of what feels like a never-ending rendition of The Exorcist-style vomiting, but in double, both Larry and Ash are finally in the hard relaxation phase of their drunkenness. And hopefully it'll stay this way.
I sigh to myself, feeling relieved now that the worst part of this is over.
Ash is moaning and groaning about how gross she feels, and about how her teeth feel like fresh cement. Sal just leapt to his feet and bolted out of the bathroom, likely to get something for Larry. 
"Here," I murmur to my friend, helping her to her feet. My hands are gently pushing on her arms, giving her some leverage to stand. She and I stumble over to the counter in the bathroom and I start looking for necessities. Because, oh, Ash, I understand. "What color is your toothbrush?" I ask her.
"Purple," she sighs. "For VioletViolence."
I blink, my gaze cutting to my friend who smiles gently. I can't help the smile that grows on my face either, or the way my cheeks warm up a bit.
"You're so silly," I giggle, opening up a drawer where... apparently all members of The Faces keep their toothbrushes? I just pack mine up in my suitcase every night. I guess they feel like family. 
But I find the purple toothbrush pretty easily. It's glittery and a deep, dark purple. Just my style, in fact. 
I put a bit of toothpaste onto the bristles, wet it (because what psychopath doesn't wet the toothbrush before brushing?) and then turn to my friend. "Open up," I chirp. "I'm playing dentist today."
Ash frowns at me. "But I hate the dentist," she grumbles, crossing her arms over her chest. "And what if I throw up on you?" 
"Then I'll take a shower," I reply with a tilt of my head, trying to ease her worries. She seems to think of everything while drunk. Who stresses when they're drunk?-- well, Ash does, apparently.
At that moment, Sal walks into the bathroom again. He has a frantic, exhausted look in his bright blue eyes when they meet mine. For a moment, I'm wondering why he's even acknowledging me, but then he holds out a hand, gesturing to me. I narrow my eyes then look down, noting the bottle of cold water in his grip.
"For Ash," he says quietly, pushing the bottle closer to me.
"Oh." I snap myself out of my confused state and take the bottle from him, nodding. "Thanks."
I get nothing in response, but I expected as much. Sal simply turns his head back to poor Larry who's sitting on the edge of the bathtub and rushes over to give him some water.
The bathroom actually smells horrid, but I power through just like the other three people in the room are doing. Sal's getting Larry ready for bed and I'm doing the same with Ash. Both of us silently and simultaneously prep our friends for a good night's sleep. Hopefully. Even though I know they're both going to wake up with the worst case of acid reflux known to man-- headaches and body aches too. But they'll be fine.
It doesn't take me long to brush Ash's teeth. The time consuming part was trying to stop her from biting down on the toothbrush-- and my fingers.
At long last, which is only five minutes later, I rinse Ash's toothbrush and hand her the bottle of water that Sal so graciously brought. 
"I'm going to go grab some clothes for you, 'kay?" I inform Ash, putting her toothbrush back into the  drawer near the sink. I help move her over to sit on the floor so Larry can brush his teeth or use some mouthwash-- I don't know. Something.
Ash sleepily grumbles in acknowledgement of my statement. I'll just take that as an 'okay.'
I grab onto the doorknob with the intention of slipping out then quickly slipping back in, but Sal calls to me.
I pause, turning my head over my shoulder to look at him. He's holding Larry up with one arm and digging in the same drawer I just returned Ash's toothbrush to with the other. He glances up at me, hair falling into his eyes and forming a halo around his forever expressionless prosthetic. "Can you get Larry some clothes too?" He asks, looking down at the drawer again. "He's sleeping farthest from the door. Stay away from my shit," he tacks on.
I roll my eyes. Typical Sal behavior. But I reply with a quick, "Sure." It's not about Sal and I fighting right now, it's about making sure that our mutual friends are safe and comfortable.
My heart beats a little faster when I slip out of the bathroom and quickly grab a change of clothes for Ash in our shared room. She already had her pajamas laid out and ready to go, so I didn't even have to go looking. But walking to Sal and Larry's room puts me on edge. Something about being in a place that Sal would never even allow me to get a glimpse of in any other situation is both invigorating and terrifying. Imagine I still pick the wrong bed by accident? Suppose I knock over his guitar or something? These are high stakes.
I swallow the anxiety building in my belly and throw open the bedroom door, trying to keep my eyes downcast as I walk to the bed occupying the far end of the spacious room. Todd must have gone to bed by now, that or he's doing work in his room. He wasn't in the dining room when I passed it. Somehow, that makes being in here feel criminal. 
If I snooped, no one would know.
But I'm not a fucking idiot, so that's not even on my bucket list of things to do in Vegas. I'm already on Sal's shit-list. I don't want him to put me even higher on it-- though, maybe working my way up that list might make for a good hate-fuck or something...
A side-tracked mind results in borrowed time. And my borrowed time is probably going to end up with Sal murdering me in my sleep if I take any longer.
I still can't help but look up though. Just to see something. To keep my knowledge of this room a secret forever.
My eyes glaze over the entirety of the room as I reach Larry's bed. The mattress itself is cleared, but all of his clothes are thrown on top of his suitcase that's hiding beside his bed. My guess is that Sal told him to clean up the place and this was Larry's definition of "clean."
I sink to my knees and dig under Larry's pile of clothes. There's a couple pairs of shirts and shorts still folded way at the bottom of his suitcase, so I grab those and then pinch the waistband of a pair of boxers between my index and thumb. I have no idea if they're clean and I have no desire to find out if they're dirty. 
I fold the clothes under my arm then acknowledge the room once more. It's pasty white, as are the beds. But I pay closer attention to Sal's side of the room for... reasons.
There's a glass of water on his bedside table. I have no idea what it's there for. Maybe he gets thirsty at night. But there's also a guitar case leaning up against his bed. His suitcase rests neatly on top of the white comforter on his bed, all his clothes folded to perfection and stacked inside. He's so much more organized than Larry. In fact, he'd have been better off rooming with Todd.
It's so... normal. And I didn't think his belongings would be normal. I didn't think his room would look so domestic. I half-expected to find a blue wig hanging off the bed post, or taxidermy animals, or furniture made from skin-- inspired by Ed Gein, of course.
But he's normal. Hell, he seems more normal to me right now than Larry given the different states of each half of this room.
I swallow down the odd feeling of having different results than I'd originally expected. It's not saddening, it's just... weird.
My time here is done though, so I quickly skitter out of the bedroom, shut the door behind me, and speed-walk back to the bathroom. 
When I walk in, I happen upon another thing I didn't originally expect to see tonight. Or ever, for that matter. 
Sal's standing on the toilet seat, all focus and dedication as he carefully brushes Larry's teeth for him. Much like I did for Ash earlier. I don't even know how to react upon seeing the scenario because Larry's even holding onto Sal's waist. It makes me want to laugh my ass off, but it's also kinda cute. Seeing them work together and not caring about how others perceive it is just sweet. But it's still fucking hilarious. 
My eyes tear up a bit as I try to hold in the laughter bubbling up my throat. For God's sake, I need to get out of here before I lose it.
I put Larry's clothes onto the bathroom counter then drag Ash into a standing position. "Larry's clothes are near the sink," I say, my voice wavering as I try to bite down the giggle that so desperately wants to be released.
Sal answers me with a nonchalant, emotionless, "'kay."
I puff out my cheeks as I help Ash over to her room, biting my lips to hold in my little giggles. But once I finally get us both inside and shut the door, I let the giggles flow. Not like anyone but Ash can hear me anyway.
"What are you laughing at?" Ash asks, her words drawn out and so, so soft. I lift her shirt over her head and push her arms through the new shirt I'd grabbed for her. "Do I look ugly?"
"No, no. You're gorgeous, as always," I quickly say, grabbing onto the collar of the shirt and pulling down until her head pops through the hole. Her hair is a static-y mess and splattered across her face. "I'm just laughing at the position I found Sally and Larry in earlier." I use a finger to brush strands of hair out of her face, then I run my fingers through it to tame the frizz.
"Oh, yea," Ash opens her watery, sleepy viridian eyes. "I saw that. Sal wanted Larry to sit for him but Lar said something about not wanting to hurt the bacteria living on his skin." Ash squints her eyes in obvious confusion, then closes them again.
Larry is so ridiculous. He's just like Ash-- worrying about things that don't need to be worried about. Come on, body bacteria?
I just shake my head, smiling at my sweet Ashy-poo while she unfastens the button on her cargo pants before shimmying her way out of them. They get stuck around her ankles, so I kneel down and gently pull them off of her.
But then she drops her panties without even an ounce of a warning to me. 
I spin on my heels and purse my lips. I take it she's got the rest of this on her own.
I let Ash do her thing, tapping my feet against the ground and acting like this isn't my room too. Just puts me in an odd position knowing that Ash is just... yea.
With the way I'm standing, arms crossed and posted up awkwardly, I feel like a guard. Or a princess's personal knight. Damn, I actually wish I was the princess to that dark knight from earlier.
Oh, no. Now Larry's gotten the Batman reference stuck in my head forever.
Speaking of Larry, he and Sal are suddenly in the doorway and Ash is still getting dressed behind me-- crap.
I rush up to the two men and slap my hands over their eyes. Not that it matters much considering that Sal is wearing a prosthetic and Larry's so tall that his head almost hits the top of the door frame.
"What the fuck?" Sal gripes, grabbing onto my wrist and yanking it off of his face.
He glares at me, eyes so incredibly close that I can see all the different shades of blue populating his irises. I'm momentarily distracted, which ends up sucking because Sal's eyes snap to Ash.
They widen, meeting my own eyes again. And then he does the last thing I'd ever expect-- which seems to be my motto tonight. He grabs my hand and slaps it back over his eyes.
I take a breath, trying to calm the panic that's wreaking havoc on my body.
"What the hell are you two doing in here?" I snap at the boys, blinking at their stone-still figures. Sal and I are shoulder-to-shoulder, but since my arm is raised, it's more like chest-to-chest. And the same goes for Larry, but that somehow doesn't matter as much.
Sal huffs. "Larry wants to sleep with Ash tonight. It's.. it's their drunk thing," he grumbles, though his voice is a tad shaky which suggests that he might be nervous with a little spoonful of shocked.
"Okay, well, drunk ritual or not," I say pointedly. "You could've knocked."
"Fuck off," Sal bites out, but his rebuttal is weak. He knows he can't fight this, and he knows he's in the wrong either way.
I turn my head over my shoulder to see if Ash is done changing. She finally has underwear on-- thank God-- but she's struggling with her sweats now.
Not like these guys haven't seen Ash in panties before, I suppose.
I rush over to my pretty friend and help her as best as I can by grabbing the waistband of her sweatpants. She bounces on her toes, trying to work the fabric up her legs. And I almost giggle when I realize the boys haven't moved farther into the room. Poor Sal must still be recovering.
Once Ash finally has her pants on, I guide her to the bed and pull the blankets back, helping her to flop onto the clean sheets. 
"Take my pants off," she whines, scrunching her face up as she rubs her legs all over the mattress, stretching her arms over her head.
Sighing, I place my hands on my hips and stare down at her. Sal has finally walked over to the side of the bed that I sleep on, trying to help Larry get under the blankets as well. "Larry can help you out of your sweatpants, I just got you into them," I tell Ash, watching as she sticks out her bottom lip in an adorable pout.
"Well then get in bed, I'm tired," she murmurs a bit more, rolling over to throw an arm and a leg around Larry. And Larry, in turn, wraps an arm around her waist and buries his face into her neck. It's quite cute. I can't help but smile at the sweet embrace.
"There's no room for me, lovebug," I say, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "I'm going to sleep on the couch tonight. Get some rest, okay? I'll see you in the morning."
Before I leave. And then not for another long period of time which hurts so, so bad. I gulp down those words before they can leave my mouth though. I don't want to make Ash feel bad for anything. She had fun tonight-- we all did.
"But how will I make it through the night without you?" Ash asks, starting to stir a bit. Larry looks so comfy, I don't want either of them to interrupt their positions or their sleep.
"The same way you always have, honey," I say solemnly, leaning over to run my hand over her hair. "Don't worry, you'll be fine. You're a strong, brave girl."
"Yea." She yawns, settling in beside Larry again. "You're right. I'm strong and brave."
"Vi, just sleep in my bed. Don't rot on Sal's smoking couch," Larry slurs, his voice muffled from Ash's shoulder.
"Fuck no," Sal instantly bites out. I glance to him, noting his arms that are crossed over his chest and the disdain in his eyes that are shadowed by the darkness of the room.
For once, I can agree. I absolutely will not sleep in the same room as Sal. That's the very last place I want to be on my final day in Las Vegas. The smurf would slit my throat. 
"No, that's okay, Lar." I wave him off even though he can't see it. I'd much rather take the couch, especially since I suddenly feel like crying. I have to leave everyone tomorrow. No matter how many nights I've slept wrapped up in Ash's limbs and no matter how long I've gotten to hang around Larry and Todd, it still just doesn't feel like anywhere near long enough. And tomorrow, I'll be back in LA. Back to where I was before. To where we all were before. Distanced and displaced.
"Vi, don't fight me," Larry sighs, squeezing the fabric of Ash's shirt in his fist. "It is my dying wish for you to sleep in my bed. And don't let Sal scare you off either. He couldn't harm a fly, let alone a pretty girl like you."
Pretty girl. That's what Sal called me earlier. Maybe he stole that line from Larry.
I lick my dry lips and swallow down the lump in my throat. I'll appease him with agreement and take the couch anyway. It's not like he'll remember telling me to sleep in his bed anyway. But I just need to be away from the things that make me want to cry. Sal makes me want to do multiple things, so I'll just attach him to that list anyway.
"Fine, fine." I push the words past trembling lips, trying to ignore the way that the weight I've been ignoring for the past couple hours is suddenly starting to crash down on me. 
"You guys fucking suck," Sal hisses, uncrossing his arms and moving to the door. And even though he's voicing his opposition, he hasn't fought against the plan for me to occupy Larry's bed. He's just... going with it. If anything, it seems like he's complaining just to keep up appearances. There's just no bite to his words.
Weird. But whatever.
I roll my eyes at Sal to try and ignore my own concerns about his behavior. I was sad a moment ago, I don't want to circle back to confused. Or maybe I do? I don't even know anymore. I think I'm officially starting to go crazy.
"Um," I voice, chewing on the inside of my cheek as I look down at my two cuddling friends. "Thanks for the bed, Lar. And don't hesitate to call if you need anything. Both of you."
"Yep," Ash mumbles, followed by Larry who says, "Night."
Well, that's that. And I can't hold off the awkward moment where Sal and I are going to walk out of this room together.
I turn on my heel, keeping my head down as I walk over to where Sal's at. But he's already swung the door open and stepped out, making his way into the dining room. 
I close the door softly behind me, making sure to switch off the light right before it's fully closed. I guess it's time to move to the couch. I'd really appreciate Larry's pillows and blanket now, come to think of it. I'm basically a kitten stranded in a tundra-- I can't sleep in this place without a blanket.
Aware that I might get my head bitten off, I awkwardly walk over to the dining room and peek around the wall, eyeing Sal who grabs another bottle of water from the fridge, but this time it's for him. 
He turns to walk to his room, no doubt, but finds me standing there watching him. Which only makes me feel even creepier than I did a moment ago. I should've just said something, but he's constantly so hot and cold. I'm walking on eggshells here.
"Would you, um," I purse my lips, trying to think of a way to put my thoughts into word form. "Could you bring Larry's blanket and one of his pillows to me? I'm just going to sleep on the couch." I try to keep my voice as even as possible. I don't want him to know that my thoughts are taking over every inch of me like a never-ending typhoon. That I feel so out of control right now with no way to organize my emotions. 
His eyes go from wary to disbelieving. "Don't be weird about it," he says, a tad aggravated. "Just take his bed. I don't care."
"You really think I'm just going to sleep in the same room as you?" I ask him, quite seriously in fact. He must know how much I don't trust him.
He seems to raise an eyebrow beneath his prosthetic as he tightens his hold on the bottle in his hands. The plastic crinkles, the sound echoing through the large room. Disrupting the quiet. "Nothing bad is going to happen to you. The most you'll get is fucked, like I said I'd do earlier."
My immediate reaction is a tongue-in-cheek, wide-eyed stare in his direction. He was serious about that earlier? Even after I pelted him with paintballs? Or is this his way of getting back at me for covering him in paint? Hell, neither of us have gotten a chance to change out of the tactical gear we left the shoot in. 
At least I have the clothes I originally wore sitting on the dining table. I can change into those later.
I take a deep breath and hold onto it for a moment. Sal watches me, waiting for a response. In truth, this is the kind of distraction I need right now. To ignore all the guilt and sadness building up in me. Fuck the pain away, I guess.
"Okay," I say, attempting to sound more sure of myself rather than bashful and fucking shy. Of all things. I sucked him off earlier. He's had his fingers in my pussy. I couldn't be more sure about disappearing into his room with him-- but something just makes me feel... "Lead the way."
He doesn't say a word. Simply walks past me and into the hallway, heading for the door to his room at the end of the hallway. So I follow him, tiptoeing behind him and keeping my distance because I'm still wary. For all I know, he could open that door and then slam it shut in my face. 
Very Sal of him. I wouldn't be surprised.
But when we do make it to the room (and we get there way too quickly), Sal opens the door and he leaves it open, allowing me to walk in behind him.
He looks at me for a moment, watches me come to a stop a few steps away from him. 
And just when I'm beginning to rethink my decision of coming in here with him, the air in the room suddenly shifts. The situation I'm in feels primal now, like I'm being hunted. And again, I'm shocked by how quickly Sal's able to diffuse an awkward situation. He hasn't even said a word, hasn't even touched me. All he's done is tilt his head down a bit and change his stance-- the action so small that I hardly even noticed it.
He walks past me, so close that his shoulder brushes against mine as he aims for the door. A chill erupts along my spine and images and ideas of all the other places he could touch me take over my brain like a disease.
Sal slowly shuts the door, the lock falling into place with a soft click. Everything feels tense. He's standing there, I'm standing here. I know he's going to walk over here and dominate me to pieces soon. I'm so enthralled in the idea alone that I don't know what to do with myself. All of the pain I felt just moments ago is gone. Disappeared into thin air.
And I couldn't be happier.
He turns to me after locking the door, but never moves. Only stares. His blue eyes seem dim in the bright room, the ceiling lights reflecting off of his white and pink prosthetic. One veiny, ring-clad hand, decorated with bracelets, rests at his side while the other is safely tucked away inside his pocket. His stance isn't rigid, but it's on guard. It's waiting for a singular move from me to set this plan into motion.
The air condition blows a few strands of his cerulean hair, making him bring a hand up to push it away from his eyes. But other than that, he just stares my way.
I stare back, fidgeting with my fingers and lightly tapping my foot against the ground. Maybe Sally changed his mind all of a sudden. Maybe he doesn't want to do anything with me; he may just want to go to bed. And that's perfectly fine, I mean, I'm leaving in a few hours now anyway. It's uncharacteristic of him to change his mind when it comes to anything sexual, but who knows. He may have lost interest.
Sal's head tilts to the side a bit. "Are you just going to stand there?" He asks, voice coated in a mixture of agitation and hidden expectations. "Are we going to continue where we left off or are we going to go to bed hating each other as always?"
I purse my lips, picking at my fingernails. "Even if we continue, we'll still go to bed hating each other." I look off to the side, a little miffed over his words. We can't stand each other, even if all we crave lately is each other.
"Might as well have some fun before the hate then, right?" Sal says matter-of-factly, seemingly waiting for my consent. "I remember saying something about scaring your fantasies away, after all."
Adrenaline fills up every inch of my body. It happens so quickly, so viscerally. The only thing I can do is squeeze my thighs together and chew on my lip. Otherwise, I'd probably do something weird and ruin this entire moment. "Show me what you've got then. Because I still don't believe you," I say, my voice low and on the quiet side.
Sal takes that as his cue and closes the distance between us. I assume he'll start off like he did last night, but he takes me by surprise instead. 
He grabs me by the nape of my neck, sneering to himself. His strong hands force me to turn around and then he slams me into the vanity against the wall, his painted nails digging into my skin.
I hiss when my chest and face press into the dark oak surface beneath me. I squeeze my eyes shut and pinch my lips together, trying to stay quiet. There was so much in that one little push— so much dominance, anger, even satisfaction. On the other hand, my mask is pinching into the side of my face. It even lifted up to uncover the tip of my nose. I move my hands to hold onto the edge of the vanity, using one to quickly fix my mask.
My heart screams in my chest. He can't see me. Could he have seen me? And he couldn't recognize me just by the tip of my nose, right?
Sal leans over me. His warmth envelops me so quickly and I suck in a breath, shivering when his hair brushes along my jaw. One of his hands is still clutching  the back of my neck and the other comes down harshly against my ass. I flinch at the contact, pulling my bottom lip into my mouth to contain whatever filthy sound that was about to be released.
Things have taken a dark turn and I'm here for it.
"You keep testing me. Every single day. Can't you shut up for once?" he hisses into my ear while his lower half presses into me from behind. More specifically, his thick cock against my ass. The only thing separating our skin is our cargo pants that are covered in neon paint splotches.
He presses down on my neck, pushing my face into the cold wood. "You think you're all special and pampered because I went easy on you last night, don't you?" He harshly says, grip tightening. "You haven't seen even a fraction of what I'm capable of. And I'm not sure you're ready either."
I snort. He doesn't know a single thing about me. This is what I want— I want to be scared. I want to be hurt. Doesn't he realize?
"And honestly, I don't give a fuck whether you're prepared or not. You're walking into my world now." His voice is an aggressive whisper in my ear, making goosebumps rise along my skin. His hand moves from my neck to grab at my hair, right against my scalp. He gives a tight yank, causing me to tilt my head up and arch my back to relieve some of the pain.
My mouth falls open as I stare at him through the mirror before me. He's hovering over me with the most devilish look in his pretty blue eyes. His hand in my hair, the other resting on my butt. He looks like he has perfect control over the situation.
"Do you wish to proceed?" He asks, this time more seriously, taking a second to focus on consent before continuing.
"Not if you talk like that, Todd Morrison," I rasp out, grinning mischievously at his reflection.
His eyes narrow in response. "I'm serious, Vi," he growls out.
My own eyes roll in response while butterflies kick up in my belly. "Fine," I murmur. "Yes, I want to do this." The words tumble from my lips so effortlessly. It was so hard for me last night, even just a few moments ago, but seeing our position fills me with anticipation. I can't pass up such an offer when he already has me bent over a piece of furniture. This is a dream come true.
Sal hums, the vibration transferring from his chest into my entire body, making some unknown exhilaration soar to life within me. I grip onto the edges of the vanity, trying to hold myself together. But the truth is that I'm falling apart in his hands. The world around me is absolutely nothing-- I have no worries, no thoughts so long as he continues to touch me. 
He drags his fingers from my scalp to the end of my hair and wraps it around his fist before shoving my face back into the wood. Thankfully, this time he's a bit gentler so I can adjust my mask by simply moving my face against the wood. "Give me a safe word," he commands hoarsely, palm running up my ass to the top of my pants.
I let out a breath, finding it hard to get in a good dose of oxygen at the moment. His touch is so rough, but nowhere near enough at the same time. I want to feel him everywhere. I want him underneath my skin-- something. Anything more than just this little bit he's giving me.
"Safe word?" My heart skips a beat. "So we're getting really slutty then."
"I won't say it again," Sal warns, absolutely done with my antics. "Don't test me. I'll fuck the brat right out of you."
His words make a shiver crawl up my spine. Yum, how fun.
I shut my eyes again and release another shaky breath. "Okay, uh," I trail off, taking a moment to ponder. Coming up with safe words is always so hard, especially when I'm put on the spot. Naturally, my first thought is to make it something that only he and I will understand. We don't have many memories, but we've done some dirty stuff, so we do have a couple things in common. I think he's hot and hopefully the same goes for him.
"Time's ticking," Sal says, voice monotonous but much deeper than it was seconds ago. Patience wearing thin.
The only thing that comes to mind is the argument that Larry and Sal had the day I got to Caesar's Palace. And then an image of Sal and Larry dressed as deer follow the memory.
"Twitterpated," I quickly spit out, gulping down the flash of embarrassment that's overcome me. I don't want to risk having this moment ended because I couldn't come up with a simple safe word. How ridiculous would that be? The one I chose is ridiculous in and of itself.
Sal snorts quietly. "Alright. Twitterpated. You say that, everything stops. I say that, everything stops. Got it?" He asks me, wrapping his arm around my waist and fumbling with the buttons on my pants.
I lick my lips while my heart jumps into my throat. "Got it."
"Prove it," Sal says, fingers squeezing my hair tight.
My mouth gapes open when a spark of pain ignites along my scalp. It renders me speechless for a moment while I relish in the blissful feeling. "Twitterpated," I say, loud enough for him to hear even though I feel so breathless.
Sal's hands stop. One moves away from my pants and the other untangles itself from my hair, but he still hovers over me. "Good girl," he purrs. "Ready to continue?"
I swallow thickly, my cheeks turning a dark shade of red over the praise. My breasts uncomfortably squish into the vanity while I impatiently wait for Sal to touch me again. "Yes," I say softly, eager to see where this goes.
Without a second of hesitation, Sal's hands are back where they were a moment ago. Only now, he's quickly and effectively undone the buttons on my pants. He hooks his fingers into the waistband, gives a quick tug, and then the fabric is pooling around my legs.
"Pick up your feet," he demands, bending away from me to grab the piece of clothing. His cool fingers lightly trail down my thighs and calves, making an involuntary shiver take hold of my body. He knows exactly what he's doing. That much is obvious when he drops to his haunches and wraps one large, ring-clad hand around the top of my thigh. His fingertips brush the edge of my panties and I feel like I've lost all ability to breathe.
I lift one foot at a time, letting him to pull the article out from under me. He haphazardly throws my pants to the side before returning to me, one hand still wrapped around my thigh and the other palming my bare ass like it's some kind of science project. "How pretty," he purrs, fingers dancing over my skin— down the inside of my thigh then between my legs, teasing my clothed pussy. His index finger presses into my clit with purpose and I flinch, heart racing as I press my legs together. The light touches and teasing make me want to whimper, but I refuse to give in so quickly.
Sal hums amusedly, pulling his hand away from my core to drag it up my back. "You're behaving so well. How long will that last?" He muses. His hand trails down to my underwear again. For a moment, every one of my bodily functions stops. He ripped my panties apart last night, who's to say he won't do it again?
But thankfully, Sal only pulls those down my legs too, allowing me to step out of them.
I let out a little breath of relief, blinking at the cream wall to the side of me. "It'll last as long as you let it. Up to you," I tell him. He must be able to tell that I'm holding on by a thread from the sound of my voice.
"As long as I let it?" He repeats my words, forming them into a question. I can feel his hard dick twitch against my bare ass, the feeling of it sends a shock through my body and straight to my core. My chest feels heavy with satisfaction as I shut my eyes and lick my lips. He's just as enraptured as I am-- the knowledge of that will never not fill me with an insatiable amount of pleasure.
"Treat me well and we'll see how long I can keep up the good behavior," I say quickly, trying to hide how affected I am, though there's no reason to do so. If I wasn't so worried about looking like an idiot, I'd be panting like a dog right now.
I hear a grunt behind me, his fingers flexing against my skin and scalp. "I don't treat anyone well. This is all for me and you'll do well to know that. Now shut the fuck up."
My eyes are still closed when his hand wraps around my waist and moves down to my swollen clit, his fingers expertly teasing the bud. He's skilled. Knows what makes me tick and what gets me going. He's only done this to me once before so I can only guess that he just has a good amount of experience.
Sal's fingers leave my clit, exploring downward to dip into me just a bit, soaking up all the wetness that had collected between my folds. The light intrusion is both unbearable and incredibly pleasing, I can't decide what I want to feel.
My thighs unintentionally squeeze together as my emotions battle each other. I've been waiting for this all day. He's only just brushing the surface of this experience and I feel like I'm going to fall apart. Hell, maybe I've already fallen apart but my pride won't allow me to acknowledge it.
"And there we are," he suddenly grinds out between clenched teeth, the sound of his aggressive tone spooking me momentarily. "Keep your legs open."
"Or?" I say without thinking.
I open my eyes when Sal's fingers leave my folds. Then his feet push my legs apart, keeping my feet firmly planted into the carpet with his own legs. My pussy is on full display for him, my back arched and ass pressed into him.
"I told you to shut the fuck up," he hisses quietly, voice so dangerous and delicious. His prosthetic face is right beside mine and I flinch at his words and our proximity, a little thrum of unease passing through me. It's soon replaced by excitement though.
Suddenly, without warning and despite my initial worry, Sal plunges a finger into me. And he doesn't stop.
Everything moves insanely quickly and I feel like my eyes are going to pop out of my head, that or I'm going to cry— in a good way. Sal's finger thrusts into me at an unforgivably fast pace and each time he sinks into my pussy again, a garbled moan falls from my lips.
The skin of his wrist repeatedly slaps into my ass, creating more friction and tension. There's so much happening— his fingers in me, his skin on mine, his hand buried in my hair.
I squeeze my eyes shut, whimpering when he curls his finger at just the right angle, sending a rush of pleasure through my entire body. I shiver, digging my fingers into the wooden surface beneath me.
Sal yanks my head up by my hair, forcing me to look at this salacious scene through the mirror in front of us. I can see him, bent over me with his prosthetic lips pressed into the side of my head and his arm moving so quickly behind me, so brutal and unrelenting.
The feelings that build up within me hit hard. There's the cliff I'm trying to chase, the one I want to jump over. Reach the peak. Anything to feel more of what he's giving me.
"Look at yourself," Sal says breathlessly, his eyes meeting my own through the mirror as he turns his head, keeping his cheek pressed against mine. "Dirty little whore. You like being used. You like being disobedient. You like being broken," he says these words to me, each syllable coming out in a light, controlled pant. He's definitely enjoying myself. "I'll break you if that's what you want," he continues, finger curling into me again. "But it comes at a price."
My eyes roll into the back of my head. If I could form words, I'd tell him "please" but lucky for him, I'm afraid to open my mouth. With his finger slamming into me like this, I'd wake up the entire suite. I don't trust myself and I sure as shit don't trust him, but what I do trust is his ability to make me cum. He's good at it, after all.
"Come on," he growls out, yanking my hair a bit more. I'm forced to bend my neck due to his grip. My back is pressed against his chest, there's no way for me to move to find some kind of solace. And still, I'm quickly gaining on an orgasm that only he can bring me to.
My legs squeeze together of their own accord, but his thighs keep them from completely closing. He's still pumping his finger into me at that same, beautifully addicting pace that he started at. I think I'm seeing stars.
"You gonna cum for me like a good bitch?" he rasps out, squeezing my hair tighter in his hand. I only moan as quietly as I can in response, still not trusting my ability to speak. Even then, the sound was still easy to hear.
"Speak," Sal commands, hooking his finger into me yet again. He's buried deep, to the hilt with his hand cupping the bottom of my butt and his finger moving quickly inside me. It's overwhelming in the most amazing way. My heart flutters in my chest, already running a marathon regardless. My lungs can't hold in a good breath and my limbs are quaking furiously.
"Yes," I say hoarsely, reaching my arms up to grab onto the back of his hair. I need to hold onto something; pleasure doesn't come to me in sections right now, it's one huge tidal wave that ceases to end. I'm practically drowning in the oncoming orgasm. "Please, I'm so close," I groan, biting down on my bottom lip while squeezing my eyes tightly.
Sal's neck is pressed against mine. I can feel every breath he takes, feel every little grunt that leaves his throat. His skin is hot, a little sweaty. His azure hair is mixed with mine. My mask and his prosthetic are cheek-to-cheek. I can't tell if the deep breaths and panting I'm hearing are coming from me or him.
"Really?" He says, voice condescending. Each syllable reverberates through my entire body, only pushing me even closer to the edge. I don't have enough time to focus on him— the end is in sight and he's thrusting his finger so hard, so deep, so fast. Just one more—
But there's never another thrust. When he pulls his finger back, it leaves me completely. And then I'm feeling empty, out of breath, fluttery all over, and quite frankly, a little pissed off.
I open my eyes, looking up at Sal through the mirror. His gaze travels over the image of my body before meeting mine in the reflection. "I told you all good things come with a price," he says, probably reading the negative emotions in my gaze. "You don't get to cum until I say you do."
Eyes dark with desire, malice, and sinful intentions, Sal lets go of me and turns his head. My hands fall to my sides as I watch him take a step or two away from me. "Move and I'll kick you out," he grunts out quickly. "You're going to be a fucking problem with all the touching," he continues, moving away from the vanity and out of my line of vision. I stay rooted in my spot, orgasm slowly fading away from me and being replaced by an almost painful yearning in my gut. Fuck, how dare he.
But from the sound of it, he's not finished. He just has an issue with me touching him. He said something about that earlier today too, which, fine. Hard limit— okay. I won't touch. I just wish he would get back here and finish what he started because I'm about to go feral.
I can hear what sounds like metal clanking together quietly behind me, and then Sal reappears in the mirror with a leather belt in his hand. I can't help but tense up my entire body, mind going blank.
There's a little glimmer of amusement in his cerulean eyes when he notices my reaction, so he holds the belt up, shaking it a bit. "This scare you?" He asks, but I shake my head, gulping down the exhilaration that threatens to practically crawl out of my skin. I'm so excited.
"It should," he says pointedly, tilting his head down slightly to intimidate me. And... okay, it definitely works. I've never done this type of thing with him before so this could go one of two ways. But I don't say anything, I just stare back at him, lips parted while I try to catch my breath.
Sal blinks then looks down at my bare ass. "Do you like pain?" He mumbles, running a teasing finger down the slope of my butt.
"Yes," is what I reply with, my voice shaking and my thoughts completely clouded. It's like we've gone the complete opposite way from last night. I couldn't get a word out yesterday— too nervous and embarrassed. But now I'd do anything to make him touch me, hurt me. Anything.
His eyes meet mine for a fraction of a second, then he lifts that belt and swings it down, the leather cracking against the skin of my ass harshly.
I yelp and jolt away from him instinctually, my hips slamming into the wooden vanity. My eyes shut as pain closes in on me from all sides and I grip onto the oak in front of me, taking a slow breath.
Then comes the good part, the satisfying feeling of being hurt. The wetness that gathers on my folds, the delightful queasy feeling in my tummy that spreads through my chest all the way to my toes.
I lick my lips, blinking my eyes open when a pleasurable cry threatens to build in my throat.
I'm too close to the vanity to tilt my head up and look at Sal's reflection, but that doesn't stop him. He takes a step toward my retreated figure, palm enveloping the skin he'd just abused. His fingers expertly massage my sore butt, only bringing out more feelings for me to indulge in.
"Well, aren't you fun," he purrs into my ear, chuckling softly. He pulls my hands off of the vanity, putting my wrists together against my back. Then, he moves his hand from my ass to the spot between my shoulder blades and pushes my upper body down onto the surface of the wooden dresser. "Stay there. Be good." His words are drowned out the second he wraps that leather belt around my wrists like he's done it a thousand times before.
He loops the fabric around one wrist, then does the same to the other, leaving absolutely no wiggle room for me to get out. Next, he puts one end through the belt buckle and yanks it tight, making the leather pinch my skin uncomfortably. I hiss at the feeling, squeezing my hands into fists as a spear of gratification stabs into me. This is borderline embarrassing, but definitely worth it.
Sal huffs out a quick, disbelieving laugh at my reaction, his hands pulling harshly at the belt to make sure I won't be able to get out. "I guess I underestimated you," he acknowledges, albeit he does so hesitantly, like he hates to admit that he may have been wrong. "Maybe I can't scare you off. Maybe you've been a freak all along."
His hands spread over my back and to my waist, dragging up my sides and pushing my shirt up with it. His cold, nimble fingers trail over my ribs slowly, feeling each bone and every inch of my heated flesh. Then, two of his fingers push into the skin right below my breast on the left side of my body. I clench my teeth together when a dull ache follows the action. He found the bruise that his paintballs left on me earlier today.
"Did I hurt you?" He asks, tone patronizing in a way that would cause an instant fight in any other situation. Being belittled in this scenario is oddly satisfying in a way I can't quite explain though.
Sal leans over me again, his hard cock rubbing over my skin. His fingers are still gripping my sides as he whispers to me, "I'd bite that bruise if I could-- make you hurt even more."
A groan is ripped from my lips despite how badly I wish I could have kept it hidden within me. I really wish he would bite me.
As quickly as he'd grown closer to me, he pulls away. But this time, I hear the rustling of clothing and my breath is stolen from me again. I can hear my heart, feel it beat in my fingertips. This is it, the moment I've been waiting for for... well, weeks now. 
My legs quake in anticipation when Sal presses a hand onto my lower back, settling me against the vanity. And he doesn't say a word-- neither do I when I feel the soft skin of the head of his dick pressing gently against my cunt. I bite into my bottom lip, my head feeling fuzzy as adrenaline grips me. 
I push myself backwards, hopefully discreetly enough to the point that Sal's unable to tell, but just the very tip of him sinks into my pussy from my motions. A shaky whimper comes from Sal and it's so quiet that it seems to have been ripped from him, like he hated to even make a sound so soon.
"Stay fucking still," he bites out, voice higher pitched than it was the last time he spoke. The way I can tell exactly what he's feeling just from the way he speaks is incredible. He's so easy, yet so hard to read. 
I still don't say a word. Damn him for momentarily taming the brat because this is a violation of my own personal rules. But I can't help myself-- so long as my silence brings him closer to me, I'll give up my voice box. I'd give it up forever.
"Good fucking girl." The words are barely audible, only meant for himself as his thumb rubs over the top of my ass. He pushes his cock just a bit farther into me, taking his sweet fucking time. I don't know how he has so much patience because I'm really about to lose my mind. I can't hold out, I can't.
"Sal," I almost cry out, taking a quick breath to try and regain my composure," Please."
"I said to shut up, Vi," he rasps, but his voice has no aggression or bite. He's losing himself. "When will you learn your lesson?" 
I turn my head in an attempt to shake it, but find that the vanity's surface stops me from doing so. I couldn't care less about his no-talk thing right now. "Can you just--"
The sound of a jiggling door knob results in Sal quickly pulling out what very little bit of his dick had actually entered me. I jolt upright myself, taking staggering and panicked steps back until I bump into Sal's front. His hand instinctually grabs onto my waist to stabilize me as we watch the door. Fear is thrumming through my genes at the terrorizing thought of someone entering this room with Sal and I almost completely naked like this. So much is going wrong-- 
But the door knob stops jiggling and that's when Sal and I both suddenly realize that the door is locked.
I physically fold, bending forward in relief as a cold sweat suddenly takes over me.
Sal removes himself from behind me. When he walks around me, he's holding his pants up by the waistband and taking a couple steps toward the door. He doesn't say a word, confusion and pure, unadulterated fear is written in his body language.
"Sal, I want to come back in here with you." It's Larry, and poor thing. He sounds so desperate. 
Sal glances back at me, his bright, icy blue gaze unreadable. I watch him, glancing between those eyes of his with a pout that I can't hide. We were so close. 
"Okay, Lar," Sal says monotonously. He makes no move for the door though, likely because I'm still half naked. 
"Alright," Larry says, voice muffled from the hunk of wood separating him from us. He sounds so relieved. "I'm going use the bathroom real quick. Can you unlock the door for when I get back?"
"I will," Sal mumbles back in response, walking back to me with a little glare in his eyes.
I suck in a breath. I'm disappointed, in truth. I was excited for this. We had both agreed and we were right there, but the opportunity is gone.
Sal stands behind me, undoing the belt around my wrists. I pull my hands away from my back when the belt is removed and flex my fingers, admiring the red marks left on my skin from the leather.
I glance off to the side after a moment and grab my clothes, quickly pulling on my underwear before I take a chance and turn. Sal has been quiet, which is weird. It's unsettling, even. Makes me kind of uncomfortable.
When he finally enters my field of vision, he even looks a bit awkward. Maybe it's because the moment is ruined and I'm literally almost half naked, fighting to get my cargo pants over my ankles.
"This is over," Sal finally speaks, his eyes boring into mine. Well, duh, it's over. Larry interrupted us. I don't have to say a word for him to see the words on my face.
"This thing," he continues, all nonchalance and unbothered as he gestures between us with a hand. "It's over. No sex over the phone, no hand or mouth stuff, no sex in general. I'm done with you. I was done with you yesterday."
My breath gets caught in my throat for the umpteenth time tonight. His words don't necessarily hurt-- I should have expected them. But the point is that I didn't expect them, and now I'm leaving Las Vegas in the morning... but I likely won't see Sal for at least another year anyway. So why am I shocked? Why can't I think? Why can't I process that he just ended our sex agreement?
I just watch him, trying to hide all of the panic, the disappointment, the fear, and the sadness I've been trying to bite down all day. I don't know how to feel. Again. I simply keep my gaze locked on his as I finally get my pants up my legs and begin buttoning them.
Just like that. It's done and I didn't even get the full experience. I feel... upset. I feel angry knowing that I was just a quick fuck for him. Not that we even got to fuck. But, then again, he was the same thing for me. I shouldn't be angry-- I can't be angry.
I should be relieved.
"Okay," I say evenly, peeling my eyes away from him.
I can't look at him. I'll cry or punch him. Maybe I'd yell at him. I don't know. And I don't know why I'd do any of those things to begin with. Maybe it's just because I'm upset that I have to leave tomorrow and all the negative feelings that come with being separated from my friends again is finally starting to make me crack.
"Okay," he responds, voice just as emotionless as mine.
I do the walk of shame to his door, unlocking it quickly and pulling it open. My head feels heavy, too heavy from my neck. My body weighs too much for my legs to uphold right now. I feel like crumbling to the floor. I said that I was falling apart earlier and now I really am.
Sal and I don't exchange a word as I step into the hallway and start closing the door behind me. I swallow my emotions, trying to keep my tears at bay. I don't need to cry. I shouldn't-- there's no reason. None at all. And crying's only going to make me have a terrible headache later.
I look up, tears brimming my eyes as I make quick eye contact with sleepy Larry. Fuck, terrible timing.
"Hey, Vi," he slurs a bit, smiling gently at me. "I'm not kicking you out, you can bunk with me." He's so sweet, but I need to be alone. I need separation or else Larry's going to wake up to me weeping beside him.
"That's okay," I give him my best smile, which probably isn't even really that great. "I'm going to go lay with Ash. I'm pretty tired. Plus your bed is a twin size-- we wouldn't fit."
"Fine." He pouts, following the expression with a yawn. "I'll see you in the morning then. Night."
I swallow down the lump in my throat so I can answer him without giving my feelings away. "Goodnight," I say quietly, because whispering is easier than saying it out loud.
I continue my trek down the hallway, my footsteps picking up speed as I turn a corner and make my way to the bathroom. I can't suppress the urge to cry and the frown marring my face is horrific. I can't keep it away no matter how badly I wish I could feel differently.
I never should have gotten involved with Sal. I never should have come to Las Vegas. Leaving is so much harder. Missing out on this opportunity to see everyone wouldn't have hurt this bad.
I regret everything.
My hand slaps onto the light switch, flicking it on and enveloping the spacious bathroom with blindingly bright light. I shut the bathroom door behind me and grab onto the counter, facing myself in the mirror.
I look sexed out and exhausted. I look broken. He said he'd break me. Fuck, he said he would. It wasn't just him though-- it's everything. Everything that I should have done differently. And now I'm stuck here, pitifully watching myself holding back tears in the mirror and unable to control my raging guilt, disappointment, and regret.
I should shower. That might calm me down, might shut my brain up for a few minutes. 
Without a moment of hesitation, I yank my paint-stained shirt over my head and spare myself another glance in the mirror as my hands work on the clasp of my necklace.
But seeing the necklace in my reflection-- hanging around my neck and resting right between my breasts makes me feel so, so sick. Because it's not my necklace. It's Sal's. It's his guitar pick. And for the last few weeks that I've had it, I've forgotten it was there because it became second nature to take it off before my shower and put it back on right after. It became a part of me-- so much so that I forgot it was even there. I forgot about the meaning it holds, and the power it holds over me.
I pinch my lips together, aggressively pulling the thing away from my body after unclasping it. I squeeze the pick in my fist while leaning over the sink, watching myself in the mirror.
How could I have done this to myself? Every decision I've made recently has ended up being the ultimate betrayal. Every second. Even since right before I became VioletViolence. The day I met Sally Face is the day that everything started going wrong, and it's my own damn fault.
My reflection suddenly has wet, hot tears flowing down her cheeks and a pitiful look on her face. And she's the only one who feels as terribly as I do right now.
A/N::::: hiiiiiiii!!! :3 UGH i've missed you guys so much! and i've missed writing so terribly much as well. it's been over a month and that fact literally makes me SICK. i hate being away from the thing that brings me so much joy :( but the good news is that i have less than a month in the semester which means plenty of time to write starting soon!! i've been hellaaaaa busy with my big, really important courses this semester. the amount of work piled onto me is atrocious, but we'll make it through. pinky promise <333
so about faceless fixation-- GRRRRR I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS CHAPTER so many of you have been asking about the necklace and i've literally been clawing at my own soul with anticipation for this final moment!! i have so many plans for future chapters and the only thing i can say with confidence is that it will literally never get any less shocking. i'll keep you guys on your toes forever.
anywho, it's 3:30am and i have class at 9:30, so goodnight my darlings!! i hope you all have a wonderful morning/day/evening/night! and never forget i love you all with my entire heart and soul <33
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uzumaki-rebellion · 1 year
"Black Boys Bloom Thorns First: Volume 4, Chapter 74 (Finale) Part 2
Find Part 1 of Chapter 74 HERE.
Masterlist HERE.
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"Years I have known I am living in a war zone
Poison of my enemy blatantly attacking me
War goddess arouse your power
Know this is indeed your hour
Dying to be heard literally
Constant screams convincing me
Caron Wheeler – "Beach of the War Goddess"
"Hand me your beads."
Disa stretched out her arm toward Joba and waited for her daughter to slowly, and reluctantly pass over her kimoyo beads.
"Little girl, it is three-thirty in the morning. You know better."
"I wanted to see the blue butterflies with Riki," Joba said, crawling under her bedcovers in the hotel suite.
"They'll still be migrating when we return. Goodnight."
She kissed Joba's forehead and tugged on her hair.
"I'll give these back after I talk to your father. We have to keep all lines open."
Disa slipped the beads over her left wrist where they lined up with her own kimoyo. Turning off the lights, she cracked the door and moved into the living area to take a bottle of water from the mini fridge. Swiping her hair back she moved to the far side of the suite where her bedroom door was closed. She slipped in quietly. Adebiyi waited for her in the king-sized bed.
"Everything fine?" he asked.
He lifted up his nude body, ready to scramble out of her suite if needed. Disa snuck him into her room hidden from Joba and under the nose of the Kingsguard assigned to them. Adebiyi pretended to be checking on them under the instructions of the king. He just never left the room hours later.
It took Disa twenty minutes to fully relax into making love to him with Joba across the way. She wanted her daughter asleep. The thought of going to his junior suite crossed her mind, but she didn't want Joba to wake up in the middle of the night with her mother gone.
Being with Adebiyi made her giddy, reverting back to a teenage innocence of being on a first date and worrying about everything being perfect. She was a grown woman with a child, and so was he…two adult ones. His affection toward her had grown into love and she matched his energy and desire. Having him above her with her heavy thighs spread wide felt like the return of heaven in her life. He took his time. There was no need for switching positions or trying to impress each other with lovemaking tricks. They simply wanted a bonding, a spiritual connection that proved that what they felt for one another was real.
His soft grunts rained down on her ears and she gasped when he held her breasts, squeezing their weight and stroking her down deep. She liked the sprinkles of gray in his pubic hairs and she appreciated the thickness and stamina of Jabari men. He made her cum quickly before he spilled into her. She bit into his shoulder to stifle loud moans. That's when she heard Joba's voice. Her daughter and Riki had a habit of whispering together, but then their voices would get loud from the excitement of communicating together.
N'Jadaka's voice had her jumping out the bed and throwing on a hotel robe to check on the family. Now she slipped it back off and climbed in next to her lover.
She touched the pillow that had once been bare when she left to check on Joba. A four-stranded layer of silver and lavender waist beads sat waiting for her.
"What is this, Adebiyi?" she asked, palming the beads.
"I'm asking for you to allow me the honor of claiming you as my woman."
She clutched the beads to her chest and sat down hard.
"Will you take me as your man, Disa? Can I call you my own?"
He reached for the beads to take them away. She jerked her body away from his grasp.
"I want them! I want you!"
Disa jumped on top of him and the older man chuckled and ran a gentle hand over her hair. She snuggled into his neck.
"I will have to follow the proper procedures of the palace. Ask for your mother's blessing…and the king's—"
"I'm a grown woman. I can accept on my own behalf—"
"I said blessing, not permission."
"Well okay then."
"In the past, a widowed royal could marry within noble bloodlines. But you and King N'Jadaka were never married—"
"And he's still alive."
"Yes. This will be a delicate courtship."
"Your sister will love the idea of two powerful families uniting," Disa clucked, tickling the beard hairs under his chin.
"We must plan a time for our children to meet. They have been waiting years for me to find someone of my own. There will no longer be name-calling from them."
"What kind of names?"
"Old meanie on his porch. Grouchy mouth homebody. Solo Joy killer."
He tilted her chin.
"If you do not think I am worthy at any time, you may end our union before it goes further, Disa."
"I want a full-on courtship, the way the Jabari do it."
"Dear Hanuman, that will be a long and arduous process. I was hoping to do it like the Wakandans."
"As long as we do this right, I really don't care."
Disa crawled on top of him, allowing the peaks of her breasts to brush against his lips while she rode his dick.
By mid-morning she was holding back tears staring at N'Jadaka's face, terrified of the unknown coming down from the sky. Her feelings for Adebiyi notwithstanding, N'Jadaka was always going to be her heart, too. He looked so brave and strong. Even Yani appeared powerful standing next to him. Something was different about her chosen little sister. A new confidence rested within her and it was visible to everyone.
When it was time to go walking in Central Park, her conversation with Yani stayed at the forefront of her mind. Her kimoyo beads notified her that a half cruiser had reached the Atlantic and would be arriving off the coast of the Hudson River in a few more hours. She sent word to her family, then gripped Adebiyi's strong hand and stepped into harsh sunlight and humid temperatures. Joba walked in front of them, exploring the hedges and scuttling sounds of wild rabbits and squirrels. While they were meandering around the park, Wakanda was in the midst of a battle that the rest of the civilian world was unaware of.
"Are you and Uncle Adebiyi dating?"
Disa halted in front of a large black tupelo tree to enjoy some shade in the southern part of the park in billionaire's row. Joba looked up at her with questioning eyes. Adebiyi squeezed Disa's hand.
"Are you getting married like Umi Yani and Baba?"
Disa swallowed dry air with nervous energy. Releasing Adebiyi's hand, she threaded her fingers together.
"Yes, we are dating."
Joba pointed to the beads around Disa's waist.
"Adebiyi has asked me to start a courtship with him. At the end of that, we would like to consider marriage. What do you think of that?"
"You love each other?"
"I love your mother very much, little one," Adebiyi interjected.
Joba waved her hand at him to make him get on one knee so she could be at eye level with him. Adebiyi obliged, lowering himself the way N'Jadaka always did to speak earnestly with his children.
"Mommy loves my Baba…"
"I understand that," Adebiyi said.
Joba's eyes darted between the two adults, assessing the situation thoroughly in her own special way.
"Will Baba get angry?"
"No honey, Baba has no say in this really. We'll become a bigger family, that's all."
"Where will we live?"
Disa sensed the tense nature of Joba's voice. She hadn't spoken of moving or any fundamental changes yet with her daughter.
"For now, we'll stay in the palace until I speak with the rest of the family."
"And then?"
Joba poked at her cheek and her brows knitted together.
"We'll decide all together on what happens next," Adebiyi said. "I know you are close with your siblings and I want to know what you think about us dating. I have a lot to prove to your mother that I am good enough for her, Princess Joba. This will take some time…lots of planning and talking."
Joba inhaled deeply and nodded her head. Letting her know that they weren't rushing into anything calmed her. A small smile lifted her lips.
"Shall we continue walking, little one?" he asked.
Joba grinned and Adebiyi grunted when he lifted back to his feet. Her daughter helped him and he patted her head.
"I need to walk more. My knees need to be oiled… they are creaking so loud," he joked.
"I will help you," Joba said, grabbing his fingers and pulling him toward a small, rocky bridge that crossed over dirty brown water.
Joba walked between Disa and Adebiyi admiring the foliage that would turn color in a couple of months. New York seemed so dry and drab compared to Wakanda, and the urge to return tickled the back of her neck like a soft nudge.
Joba halted, refusing to take another step in the middle of the bridge. She touched her stomach.
"You okay?" Disa asked.
A scream ricocheted throughout the park and Disa immediately picked up Joba and held her close to her chest. The two Kingsguards that followed discreetly around them wearing dark suits and sunglasses stepped closer from behind. The Dora further ahead of them glanced around and released her sonic spear from its hidden sheath.
People west of them began to run in a stampede as more blood-curdling cries rang out in the air.
"What's happening?" Disa shouted to the Dora.
A white man running with his female companion fell on the ground and disintegrated in a cloud of grayish-black ash. His companion shrieked hysterically and flailed her arms before turning into a dark cloud of dust.
"We must return to the hotel!" the Dora shouted.
She ran forward three steps throwing out a vibranium shield to protect them and collapsed into fluttery ash. More people ran their way in a rush of terror. Adebiyi wrapped his arms around Disa and Joba to push them toward safety with the Kingsguard, but his face froze in horror. The color of his skin rippled and drained into sooty patches.
"Adebiyi!" Disa shrieked.
"My love," he gasped, pressing his forehead against hers.
Disa's chest compressed and the air in her lungs felt like liquid sand filling her up.
"No!" she hacked out with a raging cough.
Her eyes connected with Joba's whose solid flesh slipped out of Disa's flakey grasp.
"Mommy!" Joba shrieked.
Disa's skin fragmented away with the breeze and mixed with Adebiyi's and the Kingsguards behind her, floating up into the sunlight and through the tupelo and elm trees as their consciousness mingled. Despite the terror of loss, Adebiyi's love energy became a mixture with hers and then they were all gone…leaving Joba to fall from their arms on the hard stone bridge.
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N'Jadaka exhaled onto his arm as he rested his head on his desk.
The half cruiser they deployed to standby off the coast of the Hudson crashed into the sea with the disappearance of its entire crew. Luckily the aircraft was equipped with autopilot and a soldier from the Wakandan Air Force programmed it to stay put under the ocean halfway to its destination. He had to assume that Disa, Joba, and Adebiyi had vanished with their security team. His heart ached and he exhaled again into his arm.
Yani's parents had disappeared as did most of her extended family back in St. Thomas. In Wakanda, the Avengers lamented their losses among the Wakandan people. Throughout the streets in Birnin Zana, N'Jadaka listened to the wailing and ululations of grief. Four billion humans snapped out of existence. He had done everything in his power to save them, but he failed because of the Scarlet Witch. The bitch got dusted too before he could kill her with his bare hands. They wasted time giving Vision a window of a chance and it cost the world. His rage salted deep in his bones. He ordered the Avengers to leave Wakanda before he ripped Roger's head off for not destroying the mind stone the moment they knew what was coming to Earth.
"Kumkani, you must rest."
Okoye and W'Kabi watched him from the door of his office. He sat up and rubbed his eyes.
"I'm good," he said, checking his kimoyo beads. Yani, Sydette, and Riki were in their home safe.
He couldn't push away thoughts of Disa and Joba. Rage coursed through him again. Okoye brought him hot tea and herbal pills to sleep. He took the tea and pushed away the pills.
"We can handle the status reports and updates without you. Kumkani…please. You fought in a battle and have been up for over twenty-four hours. The golden jaguar you may be, but you are still human," W'Kabi said.
"What about you two? You're in the same boat as me."
"We are trained for this," Okoye said.
"So am I."
"Go be with your family. Elder Zinzi will make a statement to the public within the hour. We will contact you after you have slept for at least ten hours, nothing less," Okoye insisted.
N'Jadaka drank his tea and carried the small cup with him out of the office. In the grand halls, the hem of his oyster gray jalabiya dragged on the floor. Ahead of him, a palace attendant wept while waiting to receive him at the private elevator to his home.
"Hey now," he said.
Holding his arms out, he hugged the young woman who stood stiffly in his royal touch.
"Forgive me kumkani," she said.
She pulled away from him and took his empty tea cup.
"I told the evacuation wardens to release everyone except for essential workers still here for the night shift," he said.
"I know, but I wanted to be here when you finally came home. To give you comfort for your loss of Lady Abdullah and Princess Joba."
"Don't you have a family to tend to at home?"
"My parents are fine. Some of my family have vanished but it is easier for me to be here, serving your family."
"Go home. We will be in a state of national mourning and we are still figuring things out. Be with your own, okay?"
"Thank you, kumkani. And thank you for protecting us."
"Go on now."
She scurried away and he turned to his Doras and Onyx squad.
"You all do the same. Split your shifts and go check on your loved ones," he said.
None of his protective duty left him.
"Stubborn like me, I see."
Ayo approached from the rear, her spear held tight.
"You fought bravely before the decimation took people away King N'Jadaka. Many of us fought beside you or watched the battle from behind the defensive line in the capital. We will stay on duty to watch over our protector."
"I will relieve Aneka so you can see her," he said.
"No need, kumkani."
Aneka's voice chimed in from behind him on the elevator. She stood tall with Noxolo. N'Jadaka reached for her, giving her a hug.
"Thank you for watching over my family," he whispered in Aneka's ear.
Noxolo didn't even give him a chance to release Aneka before she hugged him tight with one arm, her other hand never letting go of her spear.
"Listen everyone. We have been through the wringer and this isn't over yet. Stay strong and please take time for yourself if you need to," he said.
All heads bowed as he entered the elevator with Aneka and Noxolo. He noticed Ayo blowing Aneka a kiss, her eyes shiny with unshed tears.
The ride up was quiet and entering his home was like walking into the silence of an ancient tomb. Elana and Zora rose from the couch cradling their hands and watching his face.
"Yani?" he asked.
"She is asleep in your bed, kumkani," Elana said. "I gave her a sedative with tea two hours ago."
"The children?"
"With her," Zora said.
"Noxolo and Aneka, go rest in your quarters—all of you. Please rest. I'll call you if needed."
Aneka and Noxolo tapped their spears and departed to a lower floor below his living room that was kept for in-house staff.
"We saw you," Zora said.
She pointed to the screen on the wall that played an emergency Wakandan broadcast. He caught a glimpse of the Royal Talon Fighter swooping past a giant death wheel ripping the land to shreds. He shot at it in a vulnerable spot and it exploded, ripping into several of the monstrous outriders. Someone on the front line leaked the images for the Wakandans to see. He flew low to the ground and his cousin T'Challa leaped onto the aircraft for a lift to kick some more ass on the battlefield.
N'Jadaka groaned when he watched his cousin slam his fists together directing his built-up kinetic energy to destroy a giant alien. Elana ran to him and gripped his hand. Zora rubbed his back to comfort him, their tears springing forth making him feel worse.
"Go to her," Elana said, pushing him toward the stairs.
He climbed his way up two long flights and wandered down a long hall to reach his bedroom. Yani had the children nestled under each arm, their heads on her chest fast asleep. Or so he thought.
Riki sat up, bleary-eyed, but awake. He rubbed his eyes and crawled over N'Jadaka, climbing onto his lap.
"Hey, Lil Man."
Riki clutched him tight, pressing his face into N'Jadaka's chest like his mother did when she was scared or needed comfort from him.
"Are the monsters gone?" Riki breathed into the center of his chest.
"They're gone."
"Will they come back?"
"I don't think so."
"Why did they have to kill people? I saw them come apart, Baba…like smoke."
He held up his small wrist. His kimoyo beads were there again.
"I can't get Joba to answer me, Baba."
"She's gone, Riki—"
"No! I feel her…right here."
Riki touched his chest.
"We've tried calling Umi Disa, Joba…their security people. They're gone, Dumpling."
A deep cry erupted from the boy's chest.
"We have to go there and find her!"
Riki jumped down from his lap and pulled N'Jadaka's arm to leave the bedroom. Yani stirred on the bed and Sydette woke up.
"What's going on?" Sydette asked.
"Go back to sleep Sweet Pea," he soothed.
His oldest wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her face on the back of his neck.
"I can't," she said, the warmth of her breath a comfort for his internal anguish.
Riki tapped his beads and called out Joba's name in a high-pitched tone.
"Please…answer me," Riki murmured.
"She didn't have her beads anyway. That's what her grandmother said," Sydette said.
"You spoke to Grandma Theresa?" he asked.
"Mama did. She said Umi Disa took away her beads so she wouldn't sneak-talk to Riki while you were away fighting."
N'Jadaka stood up. He stared at both of his children and pulled away the collars of their pajama tops. Touching their necks he moved away from them fast, dashing down the hall and to the stairs. He took them two at a time and ran toward Yani's bedroom. Flinging open one of Yani's jewelry boxes, he searched for three necklaces. One drawer after the other he looked until he shouted for Yani on the intercom system.
"Yani, where are Riki and Sydette's unvikeli necklaces? The ones T'Challa gave them?"
Yani mumbled, the sedatives still clinging to her consciousness. He ran back up the stairs and gently shook her.
"Baby…wake up…please…I need your help. There's a chance Joba is still alive and here with us somewhere in New York."
Yani sat up groggy with a scrunched-up face trying to figure out what was happening.
"Joba?" Yani said.
"Yes. Where are the unvikeli necklaces?"
He helped Yani step off the bed and she shook her head, following him back down to her bedroom. She walked into a separate dressing room where a long glass jewelry case housed enough necklaces, earrings, and finger trinkets for each day of the year. Many were family heirlooms given to her from Baba Z and Umama's bloodlines. Sliding open a bottom case, she pulled out a corral pink satin jewelry box. N'Jadaka took it from her and opened it. Three necklaces rested there. An adult one that once belonged to T'Challa, and two smaller ones that went to Riki and Sydette.
"Thank you, Bast," he said.
The king lifted the one precious adult necklace that glowed. There was no communication access on it, but the tracking device would locate his youngest child. Only her fingerprint could access the security touch needed to activate the adult necklace. If Joba had disappeared, no life could call out for help without her personal signal. Tears burst from his eyes and he cradled the necklace against his forehead.
Breathe. Release the tension in the shoulder muscles. Breathe deeper. He kissed Yani on her lips, thanking her for saving the necklaces.
"I have to go find her," he said leaving the dressing room.
He rang the alarm with the staff he had left and called Okoye on his kimoyo.
"Bring the Royal Talon fighter to the king's port right away. I'm going to New York. Joba is alive. I have the unvikeli necklace T'Challa owned and it's lit up with her signature. I'm sending you the coordinates now!"
"We're going with you," Yani said.
"You and the kids stay here, I will bring her home."
Riki grabbed his hand with a tear-stricken face.
"I want to go too," Riki said.
Sydette stared at him with pleading eyes too.
"Okay, go get dressed and meet me at the king's port in ten minutes," he said.
N'Jadaka leaned his left temple against the glass partition of the king's port waiting for Yani and the children to join him. Okoye stepped down from the ramp of the Talon Fighter with Ayo. Behind them were four members of the Onyx Squad assigned to his family.
"We can retrieve her for you," Okoye offered.
He shook his head.
"I want her to see me. I have to be the one to get her. I know what it's like to lose a mother and only I can comfort her properly after something so traumatic."
"Then you must sleep while we travel. You look like you will collapse on your feet. Forgive my bluntness," Okoye said.
Yani and the children hurried to his side with Elana and Zora in tow. The two Ladies in Waiting wept, their keening moans piercing his soul. He escorted his family on board, insisting that they ride in the back. The sleeper couch extended into a flat comfortable bed and Yani helped Sydette and Riki onto it. Ayo brought them soft Border Tribe blankets and they all hunkered down in a pile.
The Royal Talon Fighter lifted and rotated with an array of stinger escorts. From the side viewscreen, he and Yani regarded the destruction down below as Wakandan military crews led a coordinated effort to burn up dead alien bodies and cart off the last remains of their own soldiers. Two of the giant earth destroyer wheels smoldered while embedded in a rocky hill looking like giant monuments. N'Jadaka commanded that the wheels would stay as a testament to the war they had fought valiantly for and lost.
"Oh, God," Yani murmured.
The land below smoldered and bore scars of a great battle. The wide swath of ruin brought tears to her eyes. He comforted her in his arms. She clung to him and buried her face in his neck. Her gentle fingers rubbed his bicep, occasionally squeezing it as if to make sure he was still with her.
"What happens next?" she whispered, the horror below stuck in her throat.
He glanced at his side where Riki and Sydette were bundled.
"Sleep, Yani. Right now I can only think about Joba and getting her back with us."
She patted his chest and he rubbed her back. Closing his eyes, he tried to rest so he could have the energy for rescuing his baby girl.
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Ayo woke him up with a light shaking of his arm.
"Kumkani, we have arrived above Central Park. Okoye has tracked the location of the unvikeli necklace on the southern perimeter."
N'Jadaka sat up, disturbing Yani's sleep.
"We're here," he said.
They left Sydette and Riki sound asleep under the watchful eye of Ayo. At the bottom of the ramp, Yani touched his wrist.
"Would you prefer me to stay here and wait? I don't want to overwhelm her," Yani said.
N'Jadaka threaded his fingers with hers.
"I need you with me."
Okoye and the Onyx Squad guards spread out and sealed them all inside a protective spectral camouflage shield. The setting sun shrouded the park in the growing shadows of creeping darkness. Okoye kept her gaze on the tracker image on her wrist.
"Over by that bridge, kumkani," Okoye said.
The Onyx Squad fanned out toward the bridge and N'Jadaka picked up his pace with Yani.
"Joba!" N'Jadaka called out.
They ran onto the bridge, eyes darting about.
All of their voices sprinkled the hollow air. Disheartened, N'Jadaka ran to the north end of the bridge.
"Joba…daddy is here. Where are you?"
Fear laced his voice.
"Please…please…," he mumbled, biting back the terror welling up in his chest.
He ran down the side of the bridge where the Onyx squad checked the water with scanners.
"The signal is here, kumkani," Okoye said, her voice ready to crack from disappointment.
A pile of leaves under the arch of the stone bridge moved. He jumped back thinking a wild animal was about to pounce on him, but he noticed small brown hands pushing the fallen foliage away. He reached for the hands and pulled Joba free from the covering.
He cradled his daughter's trembling body which felt cool to the touch.
"Mommy and Uncle Adebiyi disappeared, Baba," she said.
Her voice was weak from dehydration and her head lolled forward. Okoye brought her water and helped her take small sips. He lifted his child and carried her out from under the bridge. Yani ran to them and caressed Joba's forehead.
"Get her back to the Talon Fighter," Yani said.
He raced back to the ship, holding Joba close to his heart. Once on board, he handed the girl to Yani who placed her on the makeshift examining table she turned his war table into. She had brought along a medical bag and injected Joba with fluids to hydrate her faster. After cleaning her up and changing her into some fresh pajamas, N'Jadaka picked her up and cradled her on the converted couch next to the still-sleeping Riki and Sydette. Yani moved to lay next to him and stroked Joba's hair.
"I got you Sunshine," he said.
His youngest fell asleep in a matter of minutes, her small form warmed up by his body heat. He touched the necklace T'Challa gave her when he was her protector, none of them knowing how true that sentiment had become. Without the necklace, he may have lost Joba forever in the panic of the new world order because of Thanos. Or a nefarious American government agency could've taken her and used Joba to get to him. His baby girl was smart enough to hide and trust that her own people would find her. But she sure did take a chance staying out in the elements all alone without seeking an adult authority figure's help. They were very lucky.
Yani helped him move Joba over next to Riki and covered them both with another blanket before curling into N'Jadaka's side again.
"We're heading across the Atlantic Ocean, kumkani. Ayo and some of the Onyx Squad can go aboard the half-cruiser hidden five miles away if you wish to bring it home," Okoye said.
No one from Disa's immediate side of the family had contacted him about anything. If there were any members of that family left, he wanted them to have the option of coming to Wakanda.
"Leave it for now. Have a reconnaissance team in the lower Atlantic take care of it for now."
"As you wish," Okoye said.
N'Jadaka closed his eyes and clutched Yani's body tight against his. He'd have to face dark days in the morning, but at least he had all of his children. He cried softly for Disa and was thankful that Adebiyi was with her in the end.
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Wakanda passed through a sorrowful month assessing the total missing and then another month of mourning and rebuilding their lives. They resolutely transitioned through the decimation and adjusted to the loss of life in order to stay focused on the future. Memorials and public commemorations were the daily norm and N'Jadaka spent his time comforting Joba.
His youngest daughter and baby boy said strange things.
While most Wakandans cried and lamented the loss of life, Riki and Joba declared to him that the missing billions weren't truly gone. He sought therapy for their entire family as most Wakandans adjusted to the trauma, but Joba and Riki insisted that they could feel the presence of the disappeared citizens.
Shuri understood it to mean that there was hope for their lost loved ones, but they kept the chatter of the children to themselves. False hope was a detriment to the mind, and N'Jadaka couldn't afford to tease a mentally stretched population of mourners. However, it appeared to give some solace to Joba, even though she cried on and off sporadically for weeks, missing her mommy's physical presence and going through spells of silence that worried him and Yani. To her credit, Yani smothered the girl with love and helped her transition into a new life without Disa. It wasn't easy. Yani wept privately when she thought he didn't know. She missed Disa, her parents, and all the people she loved in Wakanda who had winked out of existence. Yani barely slept and he made Elana and Zora give her sedatives to force rest upon her. He stayed strong in front of them all, especially the nation, his stoic mannerism hiding the sadness in his soul.
World leaders called on him for details of the Infinity War, but he left the Avengers to that. Fury never returned calls and N'Jadaka stewed in the knowledge that his insider track into U.S. intelligence was gone.
The final day of public mourning arrived and he dressed to address the nation outside the ancient gathering temple where he brought his late parents. Yani dressed herself and the children in the same colors of his pale blue royal robes to usher in the continuation of life. There were rumors of war in the outside world as other countries quietly pressured America to force Wakanda into sharing vibranium simply because they all experienced the madness of Thanos. Even in the midst of entering a third month away from the events of the global disaster, America and her lackeys commenced with their daily fuckery. He refused to be shamed into sharing any resources or technology with people not aligned with his agenda. If Wakanda had to fight another battle, there was no fear of them failing this time. No nation was a match for them. If a bit of otherworldly sorcery hadn't happened two months ago, they would've no doubt conquered Thanos.
World War Three with outsiders was the least of his concerns. Healing his family and Wakanda were the only items on his actionable tasks going forward.
They arrived at the formal ending of public mourning to much fanfare from the people. His children walked in front of him and Yani showcasing the Wakandan way of centering their children as the future. Yani kept her head covered the way Disa used to in public appearances paying homage to the woman whose child was now in her care for life. Yani fretted often about raising Joba up in the way that Disa would've wanted, and he had to reassure her that they were going to be fine. Even his grandmother and Ramonda put on confident faces to help their family make it through the pain. He worried about Umama the most but his grandfather Dante kept her spirits up. They had to move the country forward as a solid unit.
"There are still a lot of people, Baba," Joba said.
She clasped his hand and looked up to him, her head covering making her face look even smaller.
"I know. They look to me to make sure we are alright."
"We are," she said.
She patted his hand and leaned her head into his hip.
"The other people are still here… we just can't see them."
N'Jadaka stared at her.
"What do you mean? What people?"
"The ones that disappeared."
Joba held her hand out like she was feeling something invisible.
"Kumkani, step this way please," Elder Zinzi said.
N'Jadaka placed Joba's hand inside Yani's and walked to a floating podium that adjusted to his height. Thousands of faces gazed at him, hopeful and expectant. He wasted no time getting to the heart of the matter and did his best to provide comfort and future agency for the people. His eyes latched onto Mpilo's. The young man beamed from his seat, eating up every syllable N'Jadaka uttered. He glanced at Yani and his children, then observed the audience before him. This was not a time to appear uncertain or weak. Drastic changes in societies often precipitated hostile takeovers by those who needed a significant catastrophe to wedge them into power. He was ruling during a dangerous time and all of his Special Ops senses told him to be wary of the political challenges to come. He moved his hands from the podium and stepped in front of it, going off script. A king had to appear in control and he wasn't going to give off a whiff of uncertainty to his enemies watching. He felt his mama's energy building up within and he spoke the way she would have to the people. Bold. Fearless. Encouraging.
"Who are we to fear the unknown ever again? We stood our ground and Wakanda still stands. This battle looks bleak but the war for our sovereignty is not over! The days ahead may still look dark for some, but I promise you, Wakanda will always stand. We are the light of the world and I will never let it dim. Never!"
Mpilo leaped to his feet with more than half the people joining him in a rousing display of support. Others still seated clapped, and he knew he had to prove his convictions to them in the months ahead. Joba jumped up and down with her hands clapping above her head. A warmth filled his heart. If his baby girl believed in him, then who could indeed doubt him?
"All hail King N'Jadka, the Golden Jaguar!" Mpilo shouted.
A chant started up and overwhelmed the exterior of the temple with amplified voices. The sound washed over him and he closed his eyes for a second just to feel the sensation. He had fulfilled his life goal. The moment he uttered the words at eleven years old, his life trajectory was a rocket-fueled ride to a speech in front of his father's homeland. His homeland. His people.
A final chapter of his past life closed. A new one was being written right where he stood.
"Wakanda Forever!" he shouted.
The nation affirmed his place by shouting back to him, "Wakanda Forever!"
W'Kabi rushed forward and pulled N'Jadaka aside as the Council of Elders concluded the event with a prayer. They stepped behind a wall of security.
"This was left on our shores. A witness stated that someone looking like a Talokanil female came on land to deliver it."
W'Kabi thrust out a giant conch shell with a pale salmon coloring so distinct that it didn't come from their African waters. He tapped his kimoyo bead and an image of a young water woman with a feathered headdress appeared dropping the conch shell on the sand. She spoke in Talokan and the person recording the image kept stating they didn't understand her. W'Kabi replayed the image again with a translation.
"K' uk' ulkan wants your king to speak with him. Blow on this shell after your mourning period finishes and he will come to your ruler," she said.
"Who made this vid recording?" N'Jadaka asked.
"A fisherman hauling in shrimp. What will you do?"
"He can wait. They don't know when our mourning period is over so I'll act as if it is ongoing until I see what else is happening beyond our borders. It's only one woman so I will not take this as a threat or anything urgent."
"We have stayed out of their territories and have not pried into their lives. What can they want from us?"
"Perhaps intel on the surface world from our perspective since the war. I will see to him later. Keep our navy informed of the intrusion on our land. If they can slip through our coast easily, then we have to tighten up."
W'Kabi left his side and N'Jadaka held the conch shell. Namor could be a potential ally or an enemy. He wasn't in the mood to speak to the flying god. Not anytime soon. He gestured for Mpilo to come forward.
"Mpilo, take this to my office. Do not blow into it and let no one else touch it on the way there. Understand?"
"Yes, King N'Jadaka."
Mpilo covered the shell with his overshirt and left the temple.
N'Jadaka's family joined him and they walked toward the transportation that would take them to an outdoor celebration of music and poetry. His mind wandered amidst the chatter of his loved ones. Riki and Joba whispered together in the seats behind him and Sydette focused her attention on his face while sitting between him and Yani.
"Baba, will we ever be happy again?" Sydette asked.
"Yes, Sweet Pea. We are all getting better. Today we're celebrating happiness again. For all of us still here, we will live a good life."
Sydette nodded and picked at her dress. Her eyes looked wary.
"I wish we could go to St. Thomas. I miss it there," she said.
"When I get things settled here, we'll go for a couple of weeks."
Sydette grabbed his hand in excitement. Twyla and Bibi had gone there a month ago on Yani's behalf to help with any family who needed assistance. They were all grateful that Aunt Leona had been spared. He glanced behind his seat to check on the quiet. Riki and Joba had both nodded off, their heads touching in their slumber.
Attendants greeted them stepping out of the royal SUV. Yani carried Riki and he lifted Joba in his arms. She woke up and wrapped her arms around his neck. They were all guided to a private platform to observe the musicians and other artists scheduled to perform. The younger children stayed on his and Yani's laps while Sydette watched from her own seat.
Dancers, singers, poets, and aerial ballet performers entertained the enormous crowd in stadium seating. He rested his chin on Joba's hair when she fell asleep again. Riki was knocked out also and snoozed on Yani. All of the lengthy ceremonial rites exhausted the children. Sydette's ability to stay awake surprised him.
Talented Wakandan artists lifted the hearts, minds, and spirits of the people. Yani leaned over and kissed his lips. Her beautiful eyes gave him peace. He thought of making love to her once they returned to the palace. It had been too long since they'd been intimate. The stress of the last two months doused his arousal and hers. Their lives centered on keeping the children mentally well and working through their collective grief despite her job and other royal responsibilities. The reduction in hospital staff at the birthing centers created a medical crisis and Yani filled in where she was needed. Birthing babies didn't stop in the middle of a national emergency. Yani worked long hours and maintained her composure even when he knew she was worn thin like him. She made the curious observation to the national census bureau that not one pregnant woman registered to give birth had vanished throughout Wakanda or the Jabari mountains. He wondered if it was the same in other countries.
The music helped remove the gray in his mood, and looking at his fiancé brought back the desire for her touch and some alone time. He reached over and fondled the soft curls she cultivated letting her hair grow out. He kissed her again and she took the hint that he needed a more intimate connection later.
The palace had been cleaned from top to bottom with the Bashenga mountain priests blessing the halls and walls with divine incense and burned bundles of lavender and chamomile leaves mixed with the precious dried petals of the udomo flower that was only used for ceremonies releasing the dead. Nakia wore them in her hair during the family dinner as Toussaint suckled from her breast. The Council of Elders had been invited with their families to dine in the hall named for the great queen herself, Shuriya, and it filled with genuine laughter and grasping at closure from the decimation.
But not Nakia.
Despite her winsome smiles and small chuckles at jokes about the baby, a wound festered unhealed in her heart.
"I have something to say," she announced abruptly in the middle of dessert and coffee.
N'Jadaka glanced at Yani as if she knew something was up, but Yani only flicked her eyes over toward Elana and Zora who only shrugged at the outburst. The richly brocaded table seated forty people in their inner circle.
"Speak," N'Jadaka said.
Nakia looked at him and then at Ramonda.
"T'Challa and I were married. Before Toussaint was born. We wanted a small ceremony just for ourselves once we knew the baby was coming. Our nuptials were in America, right before we told the family about the pregnancy."
"Eh eh," Ramonda clucked, tilting her head back with a delighted smile on her face.
"Forgive us Queen Mother Ramonda, Umama…we didn't want any big ceremonies. T'Challa doesn't…didn't like them. We planned on having a small party instead when Toussaint reached six months."
"You are officially family…even though you have always been my daughter in my head since you were a little girl," Ramonda said.
Umama chuckled and nodded her head.
"I wanted you all to know that. I would also like to say that this trying time has made it difficult for me to be in Wakanda. Everywhere I go, I see him…I hear his voice…I feel his presence all over the palace. It hurts. Lately, I have been able to laugh again because of my son, but I cannot live here anymore. I want to go to Haiti again. Raise Toussaint away from the palace and the pressure of being an Udaku. I want a regular life for us where I can rebuild my heart and move forward as a mother."
"Nakia, no…" Ramonda said.
"Daughter Nakia, I understand how you feel. Losing my life partner, my best friend…my beloved husband has bruised me on top of all the other losses I've endured in this family. If you need to leave in order to heal yourself, you have my blessing. I will miss you both," Umama said.
"I will be selfish and say I do not want you to leave us," Ramonda said. "You need family around you to get better. Please give yourself time to think this through."
"I will stay until after King N'Jadaka marries Princess Yani. This will give me time to prepare for our new home."
"What will you do there?" Yani asked.
"Run a school…teach… raise Toussaint up to be a good person that Wakanda can be proud of."
"Will you stay there forever?" Sydette asked.
"I don't know."
"That's not fair!" Riki interjected.
He slammed his fists on the table.
"I promised Uncle T'Challa that I would be Toussaint's big brother. How can I do that when you go?" Riki blurted in a rage.
"Riki…" N'Jadaka said, leaning over and covering the boy's left fist.
Sydette chimed in.
"But it's true, Baba. Uncle T'Challa told us we were very important to Toussaint. He expected us to help teach him how to be a prince and love him as if he were our little brother. If Auntie Nakia leaves, we can't keep our promise," Sydette said.
Joba kept silent and watched her brother's face.
"None of this will happen for a while, so there's no need to get upset now…here, raise your glasses everyone…let's congratulate our new Princess Nakia of the Udaku clan and the Panther tribe," Yani gushed.
N'Jadaka raised his glass next to Yani's. All the adults at the table did the same. Riki jumped down from his seat and ran away from the table. The patter of his feet struck the marble floor becoming a resounding slap to the joy Yani tried to muster. Joba slid from her seat and dashed after him, calling Riki's name with aching clarity.
Shuri ran after Riki and Joba and consoled them both outside of the dining hall.
Umama glanced at N'Jadaka and he waved a hand down to keep her from leaving her seat.
"It's okay, Umama," he said.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset everyone. I just wanted to share how I feel and tell you that T'Challa couldn't wait to get married. He wanted me to be his wife for so long and I guess he was afraid I would change my mind again."
Umama chuckled and stood up from her seat. She walked over to Nakia and hugged her. Ramonda joined in the hugfest. Sydette lowered her head and picked at her dessert fork.
"May I be excused to check on Riki and Joba?" Sydette asked.
Yani nodded and Sydette slid down from her seat and walked away.
"I should go check on them too," Yani said, folding away her linen napkin.
N'Jadaka lifted a hand out toward their guests.
"There will be more coffee and cake in the Tea Room. Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone. We will take our leave," he said.
Everyone else stood up as N'Jadaka clasped the fingers of Yani's right hand and escorted her out of the dining hall with her Ladies in Waiting following behind. Riki stood outside kicking a pillar and fussing with Shuri about the unfairness of everything. Joba and Sydette stood near him with fretful expressions.
"Lil Man," N'Jadaka said.
Riki stopped kicking the pillar and kept his bottom lip poked out, his eyes downcast.
"Let's go home," Yani said, holding out her free hand.
Riki reluctantly dragged his feet over and took her hand.
"Stand like a prince," N'Jadka commanded.
Riki raised his head and straightened his back. That bottom lip stayed put. The urge to tell him to fix his face the way his mother used to tell N'Jadaka as a child percolated in the king's mouth, but he allowed the boy to feel his disappointment. Sydette and Joba fell in line beside him and they strolled to an awaiting elevator.
"Do you think I should've stayed with Nakia?" Yani asked Elana and Zora back inside their home.
Elana lit up a cigar for him and Zora poured Yani a glass of wine and they all sat together in plush chairs watching the moon rise above the river lagoon surrounding the palace. Zora puffed on a thin cigarillo filled with the sickly sweet pungent odor of a Wakandan mind-altering plant. She passed it to N'Jadaka and he puffed before passing it to Yani. The effects were immediate, relaxing them all in a dull buzz of serenity. He appreciated the company of Yani's Ladies in their guest parlor. They had all grown closer in the trying times and their deference to Yani was duly noted by the nobles who envied their positions and the leeway N'Jadaka gave them around him. The rumor mill had also started up during the mourning period that he had taken them on as low-tier consorts for himself. Traditionalists took it as a sign that he had gone old school and watched his every move with wry smiles and others who knew it wasn't true vied for Elana and Zora's attention with their accomplished sons eligible for marriage. Their stock had gone up and being baddies already gave them a wide variety of high-quality men to choose from. They ate it up and shared all the juicy details with Yani and him. The insular social media of the elites adored the glimpses of photos taken of the four of them visiting parts of Wakanda to boost the morale of the nation. He had to acknowledge that they all looked amazing stepping out into the public together, and he was grateful that they carried the emotional burden of the difficult times Yani experienced mothering Joba and feeling the guilt of stepping into Disa's missing shoes. The sisterhood encouraged Yani to release that guilt. Zora constantly reminded her that Disa would've stepped up without worry if the roles were reversed because the children had been raised to see both women as their co-mothers.
"Lady Nakia is in a delicate place right now. She looks at you and King N'Jadaka and wishes her family unit was still intact. That will crush any woman with a newborn child. It is better to leave her to Queen Mother for now and seek her out after a day or two. This long celebration day was too much for her. I believe she will go away in a year and come right back once she sees that life goes on and she will miss all of you," Elana said.
N'Jadaka patted his lap and widened his thighs. Yani left her seat and sat on his lap. He rubbed on her backside and nuzzled his face in her bosom.
"It is wise for her to leave here after all that has happened? And why Haiti? She could go live in the mountains with the Jabari if the palace brings on too many memories. Her parents would love to have her back in the River Tribe territory," Zora said.
"Many people have a hard road to walk still. That evil alien stole lives and every one of us here has been touched by that. None of us can hold up a family lineage blanket and not see the holes in it from all the ones missing," Elana said.
The cathartic smoke lingered in the air like thick perfume, relaxing their minds in a glorious haze of pink smoke the color of the burning plant. A house attendant brought them small puff pastries filled with chocolate and covered in powdered sugar. He fed one to Yani and she licked warm melted chocolate from his index finger.
Yani cradled his face and licked powdered sugar from his lips. Zora turned on music from their sound system and Elana kicked up her heels, puffing on a fresh cigarillo, and linking her pinky finger with Zora's as they danced around the room, swirling their long skirts.
"Tired?" he asked Yani.
She cuddled up closer to him and sighed into his neck.
"Happy to have you like this…away from everyone."
"Everyone?" he said, glancing at her Ladies.
Yani waved a dismissive hand at Elana and Zora.
"They are so far gone. Look at them. They've smoked more, drank more…the entire nation seems to breathe again…like a new door has opened and we can all see some light finally. You've worked non-stop since the decimation. We should drink all night and get higher than that moon," she said.
She slurred her words and her glassy eyes held love within them. Her lips trembled.
"Baby?" he whispered.
Tears swelled and fell from her eyelids.
"I want to feel like them," Yani shuddered.
N'Jadaka wiped away her tears, kissed her nose, and pulled her onto her feet. He rocked against her in time to the soothing music. A Wakandan woman with a passionate alto voice sang of having fun and loving life. The beats had them stomping their feet and clapping their hands above their heads until Yani found her smile again. After an hour, he turned the music off and summoned attendants to clear away their snacks, empty wine glasses, bottles, and ash trays filled with refuse.
Zora and Elana lowered their heads to them.
"We bid you both a goodnight…finally," Zora teased, eyeing his hand squeezing Yani's backside.
N'Jadaka pretended to shove Zora away. The two women left them for their own quarters on the lower floor. Yani passed him the last cigarillo as he mashed his cigar in an empty ashtray on the end table. Sitting cozy together once more, they smoked down the cigarillo and continued watching the evening sky together, the intimacy he craved satisfied with Yani's heartbeat thumping in time with his.
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"Does it feel the same?" Yani asked.
N'Jadaka took a deep breath as his eyes adjusted to the brightness of the sunlight striking the water of the cove.
"Nothing has changed," he said.
The place where it all began for the two of them looked the same and his soul rejoiced at the peace that came over him. He shucked off his swim trunks and followed his naked woman into the sea.
Their children were preoccupied eating conch fritters, grilled hot dogs, and chicken roti with Aunt Leona back up at the front house, so he and Yani had that part of Our Lady's Manor in St. Thomas to themselves. Yani splashed water on him and he grabbed her by the waist, lifting and throwing her into a gentle wave. She laughed and beckoned him to swim closer, his Black mermaid back in her realm. Her breasts bounced as she shook them to tease his eyes.
They had been on the island for less than an hour before the kids were stuffing their faces with food and he was palming titties in the pristine liquid paradise. He scanned the waters to his left where the craggy rock formation led to the place he lost Yani and his children that first time. N'Jadaka had been so frightened for them and thinking about himself as a mercenary brought a chill down his royal spine.
The past was no longer prologue, and the seeds he dropped on the island had brought forth fruits to his new future. Next spring he would marry Yani and maybe a few years down the road she would let him put more babies inside the soft belly he splayed his fingers on. Lifting strong hands north along her body he gripped her breasts and played with them. She pressed her backside into his groin and his thick dick plumped up between the cleft of her ass.
Deft fingers trailed down the supple skin of her torso until they found her jeweled clit. Yani whimpered as her slippery folds were played with by an expert. They tilted their necks so that he could kiss her while he rubbed slow circular motions on the tender parts of her body. To hold and caress his future queen ignited a flame in his heart. He made a sacred vow to himself to love and honor Yani for all of their lives in that world and the next.
Their lips smacked with wet friction and he stopped tonguing her down in order to watch his fingers grow slick from her wetness. He held her breasts again, enjoying the weight in his hands. That's how it all began so long ago between them. Him asking to touch her nipples as milk ran down her breasts. He groaned thinking of touching her that first time. She had been ripe and ready for his plucking and he took Yani for himself understanding implicitly that he would never know a love like that again. Ever. All of the gods converged on that day knowing the wheels were set in motion to unite them for life.
His dick grew long and strong enough to part her folds without help from her, and he packed his dick inside her walls and pumped her pussy with harsh grunts. That first time he could only masturbate and watch her play with her pussy. Not anymore. He took what he wanted.
Another wave brushed against their legs, but not enough to push them off their footing. Yani widened her stance and he thrust harder, gripping her elbows to keep their balance in the sifting sand under their feet. The warm water made him feel like he was inside another pussy while fucking and listening to her cheeks clap.
"Fuck that dick," he gasped
Yani moaned and dropped her head forward. Her pussy was a sweet throbbing on his fat dick. Ain't no way Bast didn't form Yani's pussy to fit around his girth like that.
"Oh my God, this the best pussy….baby…fuck this dick…oh you're fucking it so good Yani…'
A nigga wasn't afraid to cry like a bitch with pussy that sugary on a big dick that knew how to work all the angles. N'Jadaka shed thug tears while talking that talk to get her to squeeze her pussy muscles the way he liked. How many dudes fought over her to have access to the pot of gold he dipped his meat in? Only N'Jadaka was the big stepper to claim his rightful ownership of the walls gripping him. A surge of boastful pride flooded over him even as tears flicked away in large droplets into the sea. This woman loved him and showed out on the dick. His toes curled over lumps of sand. How could pussy be that fucking exquisite? He couldn't even breathe anymore as the life was sucked out of him because of the gushy walls snug around his length.
Water and tears fell on Yani's ass. He gripped her hips and wrote love poems in her depths, the tip of his dick a master at transcribing scripture on tight wet walls. He grabbed her arms and pulled them back further, pumping faster, his eyes on the waves coming in. His first nut coated her walls fast and hot before he pulled her out of the ocean and forced her to bounce on his dick in reverse cowgirl on a beach blanket warmed by the honey-yellow sand. Yani rode her king, looking over her shoulder at him with a slick smile on her glossy lips. The second time he came he screamed her name as loud as he pleased while bucking his hips. No one would hear them from the front house so far up on the hillside.
Yani slithered across his chest and switched directions so that he could taste her pussy after he fucked it well. She came in his mouth and he had her on her back before his cum flooding her pussy ran back out.
They learned to work out a system to handle his stamina, so the rest of their time on the sand was spent with his dick between her breasts hard fucking her tits and cumming all over her chest. He let her swim and rinse off and then afterward he fingered her clit. Watching her face during her loud release pleased him.
After a short nap, they dressed and returned to the main house. Yani snuck off to their master bedroom to rub their special cream on her folds and inside her pussy. They walked up a familiar path to the top of the compound and ate leftover lunch with the children and Leona sharing the events on the island and the remnants of old gossip about remaining family members. He observed Yani nourishing her body heavily for more pounding after the children were put down for naps. It was good to catch up with Aunt Leona. The world was different, but she was still the same, which was what the royal family needed. Joba took an extra shine to her and the older woman had her laughing and feeling loved into wholeness.
After they ate, the children scattered before Yani could catch them.
"Come with me for a minute. I want to show you something," he said.
Yani walked with him back down to the main house. They entered the coolness and sauntered into the room where Ulysses Klaue once tried to shoot him with his arm and where greedy mercenaries attempted to end his found family. Next to the collection of ancient drums, he picked up the conch shell left to him by Namor.
N'Jadaka sat Yani down and told her everything about the ocean dweller. She listened and asked no questions until he was finished.
"When will you call him?" she said.
"Maybe after we go back to Wakanda… I dunno. I really don't want to. As long as he stays down there and we mind our business up here…I'm not itchin' to get tangled up with that dude."
"Is he more dangerous than Thanos was?"
"Thanos had a distorted sense of purpose…sympathetic righteousness. At least that's what I got from the Avengers. Imagine the biggest liberal white vegan with a magical power screaming about saving the planet. He thinks he's saving people from future ills. That's Thanos. Namor…there's no compassion for surface dwellers. He had the most 'I don't give a fuck' energy I have ever witnessed. That man does not care. He only accepts Wakanda because we act the way his people do. As long as we continue to mind our business, I don't see us being a threat to him."
"Then let's do that," Yani said, holding his hand.
He put the conch shell back on the drum shelf and checked his kimoyo beads.
"Let's get the kids," he said.
Strolling hand-in-hand to the middle house, they ran into Twyla and Bibi.
"Go get your wild children and we'll catch up later. You two look worn out," Twyla said.
She held onto Yani as N'Jadaka shook Bibi's hand.
"How are you liking island life?" he asked Bibi.
Twyla's husband grinned and touched his forehead.
"So much to see, but Aunt Leona makes me eat so much. I think I will be twice my size when I go home."
"Are the kids with you?" Yani asked, looking behind them.
"No, they were in the middle house a few minutes ago. We gave them gifts before coming out here. We're going swimming. Want to join?" Twyla asked.
"We did that earlier," he said.
Twyla looked over Yani's shoulder.
"I can't believe you brought that hellion back here on vacation," Twyla said.
She pointed to Jerome who had lodged himself comfortably in an overgrown flamboyant tree. The burnt orange foliage made his mottled green and pink skin stand out on the hanging branch.
"We couldn't come back here without him," N'Jadaka said.
"Just leave his old bossy ass here. He can keep Auntie company. See you guys later," Twyla said.
"No, no," Leona said walking down the path to hand N'Jadaka freshly washed bathroom towels. "That boy loves living his rich life in the palace. He won't want to stay here anymore. Him spoiled."
She looked at Bibi.
"Bibi, are you allergic to shellfish? I'm making us a sweet and sticky shrimp tonight for dinner."
N'Jadaka stared at Leona as a sense of déjà vu washed over him.
"I can eat anything, Auntie, as long as it isn't too spicy," Bibi said, rubbing his belly.
Leona patted his arm and shuffled back up toward her domain to prepare a lavish spread for her family.
"Bye!" Twyla said pulling Bibi toward the main beach down below.
Waving the couple off, N'Jadaka threw an arm around Yani's shoulder and entered the middle house.
"Where y'all at?" he shouted into the house.
Toys were spread on the living room floor unattended. He placed the towels on the couch and looked around more.
Yani stood in the doorway of the master bedroom and wiggled her index finger to get his attention. He joined her and peeked into the bedroom. All three of the children were fast asleep on the bed. He kicked off his sandals and moved around to the side of the bed they shared. Riki and Joba were curled into twin balls facing each other and Sydette was on her stomach.
A lump lodged in N'Jadaka's throat.
"This is where it all started, Yani," he said.
"Here…this bed. You put Sweet Pea to sleep and I found her. Look at my baby now. She'll be nine next year."
He reached down and touched the frazzled curls let free from the humidity on Sydette's head. From one child to three. He gazed at Riki and Joba. A gust of hot wind flowed through the open door and tickled the back of his neck. He touched it and closed his eyes thinking he could smell the aroma of Disa's perfume riding on the wind too, reminding him that her love would surround their daughter.
Yani climbed on the bed next to Joba and he curled around Sydette. They held hands across the bodies of all three children creating a protective arc.
"We'll be okay," Yani said, reassuring him with the dulcet tones of her melodious voice.
"I know," he answered.
He watched his loved ones sleep and listened to the sounds of the sea and their calm breathing until he joined them in the bliss of slumber and sweet dreams of family.
N'Jadaka was finally rooted and free.
The Golden Jaguar rested as the world waited for his next move.
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Hey faithful readers, it's done!
The next book in the series will start next month. It's called "King Killmonger: The Golden Jaguar"
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deathinfeathers · 6 months
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Main verses:
;Main verse¹ || Snakes and fetters
Lute is stranded in hell in the wake of the 2023 purge. She finds an unlikely ally in Lucifer Morningstar who's guidance gradually helps her unravel the ugly truths behind the docterine she has abided by her whole life, and the man who's service she has been sworn into for equally as long.
Place of residence: Morningstar palace, Pride ring.
Relationship status: Wife of Adam, the first man (estranged, MIA) Consort to the kings and queens of hell, in a polycule with Lucifer and Satan
Affiliations: Adam (former master/mentor, husband, tormentor, object of murderous infatuation) Paimon (Adoptive father) Merihem (daughter, estranged) Evangeline (Older sister) Cain, Abel, Seth (step sons), Mammon (formerly deal-bound), Asmodeus (Employer), the excorcists (Flock)
Pronouns: Any
;main verse² || Another eternity
Lute and Adam navigate the tumultuous political landscapes of heaven and hell with varied success, all the while staving off the indomitable forces which threaten to tear them apart at any given operatunity. It is a wearisome but relatively consistent status quo which is irrevocably shattered when the midyear purge of 2024 goes horribly, terribly wrong.
Place of residence: The golden city.
Relationship status: soul-bound to Adam
Affiliations: Adam ("master", companion, best friend, husband), Sera (former master), Ephraim (former master/mentor), Michael (superior, father-figure, mentor), Eve (friend, roommate), Lilith (it's complicated), excorcists (subordinates, charges, flock/family)
Pronouns: Most commonly goes by she/her but has no preference
Secondary verses:
;Eden verse || Dawn in the garden
Lute is one of the sentinels tasked with overseeing and ensuring the wellbeing of the curious new creations known as humans. Drawn in by their unpredictable nature, she gradually oversteps the bounds of her station in order to learn and experience more of what it means to be a creature of the earth.
Place of residence: The outskirts of Eden
Relationship status: N/A
Affiliations: Eden (guardian), The first humans (protector)
Pronouns: it/they
Private verses:
;Private verse || Angelic Venom
A canon divergent verse in which Pentious never joined up with the hotel crew. The scientist and newly appointed commander of the excorcist unit combine their forces in an effort to topple the Morningstar family and seize absolute power over hell for themselves in the wake of the heaven/hell war.
Place of residence: The golden city
Relationship status: N/A
Affiliations: Sir Pentious, the excorcist unit
Pronouns: she/they
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11 Meaningful Pieces In Catherine’s Jewellery Collection That Belonged To Queen Elizabeth II
By Emily Chan
6 December 2023
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First worn by the Princess of Wales in June at the wedding of Crown Prince Hussein of Jordan and Princess Rajwa Al Saif in Amman, Jordan, the Greville chandelier earrings were seen on Queen Elizabeth II throughout her reign.
The dazzling diamond earrings made by Cartier were a wedding gift to Her late Majesty from her parents – the Queen Mother had inherited them from Dame Margaret Helen Greville, a British socialite, in 1918.
Catherine was most recently seen wearing the jewels at a Diplomatic Corps reception at Buckingham Palace.
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On Remembrance Sunday this year, Catherine debuted a pair of diamond and pearl leaf earrings that were previously seen on the Queen during a visit to Nigeria back in 2003.
Some experts believe that the earrings may have been detachable pieces from the brooch featuring the same design.
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Commissioned by King George VI, Queen Elizabeth II’s Festoon necklace features 105 loose diamonds that her father inherited when he ascended the throne.
Featuring three strands, the monarch wore the piece on numerous occasions throughout her life, from attending state banquets to posing for official portraits.
The Princess of Wales paid tribute to Her late Majesty by wearing the piece for the official Coronation photograph when King Charles III officially assumed the throne on 6 May.
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The Princess of Wales wore Queen Elizabeth II’s three-strand pearl necklace – an item Her Majesty was famous for – during a Buckingham Palace lunch for the governors-general of the Commonwealth nations prior to the monarch’s funeral in September 2022.
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The then Princess Elizabeth received this jaw-dropping diamond necklace by Cartier from the Nizam of Hyderabad as a wedding gift in 1947.
Featuring a rose motif, the royal picked the necklace herself, along with a matching floral tiara.
The Princess of Wales first wore the statement piece at a gala for the National Portrait Gallery in 2014, before rewearing it at a Buckingham Palace reception for the Diplomatic Corps in 2019.
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Queen Elizabeth II was first photographed wearing these diamond and pearl earrings during her Silver Jubilee celebrations – marking 25 years on the throne – in 1977.
Catherine has sported the earrings a number of times in the past, including after Prince Louis’ birth in 2018 and while visiting Commonwealth troops ahead of the Queen’s funeral.
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Queen Elizabeth II commissioned royal jeweller Garrard to create this four-strand pearl and diamond choker, using pearls sourced from Japan in the early 1980s.
Princess Diana was loaned the piece for a state banquet in honour of Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands in 1982, while the current Princess of Wales has worn the necklace on several occasions, including for Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip’s 70th wedding anniversary in 2017 and Her Majesty’s funeral in 2022.
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The Princess of Wales debuted Queen Elizabeth II’s emerald and diamond earrings during an evening reception in Jamaica in 2022, along with a matching bracelet.
Both pieces are from Her late Majesty’s emerald tassel suite, which the monarch first wore at a state dinner held for Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan of the United Arab Emirates at London’s Claridge’s Hotel in 1989.
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First worn by Queen Elizabeth II during the 1990s, the Princess of Wales has borrowed Her late Majesty’s diamond and pearl leaf brooch a number of times over the years, including on a visit commemorating the Battle of Passchendaele in Belgium in 2017.
Catherine wore the piece in tribute to the monarch while attending her funeral procession at Westminster Hall in September 2022.
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The sapphire and diamond earrings
The Princess of Wales borrowed Queen Elizabeth’s sapphire and diamond earrings for a visit to Edinburgh in 2021.
The sapphire earrings are part of a suite of sapphire and diamond jewellery by Asprey, which Her late Majesty added to her collection during the late 1970s.
The Bahrain pearl drop earrings
Featuring two pearls gifted to Her late Majesty by the Hakim of Bahrain as a wedding present, these diamond and pearl drop earrings were also worn by Princess Diana in the 1980s.
The Princess of Wales was first spotted wearing the earrings at a Remembrance Day service in 2016, before going on to wear them for Trooping the Colour in 2019 and Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral in 2022.
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aimeedaisies · 10 months
Court Circular | 23rd November 2023
St James's Palace
The Princess Royal, Commodore-in-Chief, Portsmouth, this morning opened Alford Schools of Military Music, HM Naval Base, Portsmouth, and was received by His Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant of Hampshire (Mr Nigel Atkinson).
Her Royal Highness this afternoon attended a Luncheon at Spithead House, HM Naval Base, Portsmouth, for The Princess Royal's Patronages based in Hampshire.
Her Royal Highness, President, the City and Guilds of London Institute, this afternoon presented The Princess Royal Training Awards at St James's Palace.
Her Royal Highness, President, British Olympic Association, accompanied by Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence, this evening attended the Team GB Ball at the Savoy Hotel, Strand, London WC2, and was received by Mr Stuart Shilson (Deputy Lieutenant of Greater London).
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lxkeee · 7 months
Pairing: Lucifer Morningstar x Seraphim Angel! Fem! Reader
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Genre: Angst (for now)
Warnings: family trauma/lore
Notes: we love a family that bonds.
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Xavier was worried, scared even. He's pacing back and forth in his room. Having second thoughts whether he'll go down to hell and look for his beloved mother or just wait for her here.
What he's afraid of is what'll happen if his mother sees his father. His father already caused so much emotional pain to her. Xavier cannot imagine what kind of heartbreaking pain she'll experience once she sees her husband.
Xavier looks outside his window, rays of setting sunlight peaks through the white curtains, giving his room an orange like glow. He runs his hand through his light blond locks in frustration. He can't wait a second longer to look for her.
Xavier wonders if his parents already met down there, the idea makes his blood boil.
The idea of his father suddenly back to their life makes his skin crawl. Xavier knows how much influence his father had on his mother's heart.
He sighs, a long exhale filled with tension and worry. It's already been a few hours now, what could she be possibly doing down there? He thought to himself.
With a small huff, he fixed his uniform. That's it, I'm going down there. He took a deep breath, snapped his fingers together and opened a portal that leads to hell.
He steps inside the portal, summoning his three pairs of wings so he can fly down. Xavier hopes that his mother is alright.
The portal closed and the angel who once stood inside his large magnificently large white room was no more.
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Lucifer returned back to the palace, teleporting back to his bedroom. A sigh of relief escaping his lips as he saw that [Y/n] was still passed out asleep. His eyes softened, sitting at the corner of the bed, in the empty space beside her sleeping form.
He lets out a long exhale, a tired sigh. He gazed down at her sleeping and tired face, his heart ached. Clearly torn between two women. Lilith, his wife of many millennia and [Y/n], his first wife and the angel who stood by his side and supported him despite his neglect.
He regrets it, genuinely. He was young and stupid, he and [Y/n] got married when they were in their 200's. Romance wasn't common back then, nothing to learn from. The only love they were taught was loving heaven and its creator. Romantic love barely existed during those times as every angel was busy with their respective duties.
He loves [Y/n] genuinely and he was wrong for not upholding his vows to her.
He gently swept away some strands of falling hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear. A small smile on his face once his eyes landed on his hand, devoid of any rings. He finally let go of his wedding ring, the one he used for Lilith. He didn't wear his wedding ring—the one he used for [Y/n]—as he feels like he doesn't deserve it.
Lucifer remembers that he didn't want to remove his first wedding ring with his first wife but Lilith insisted he should.
Lilith was envious, because after so many years he still wore it and led to some arguments.
He can't just forget about [Y/n], he doesn't have the heart to. Her heartbroken face is forever embedded into his memories, her empty and blank face as she stared at him and Lilith when they were banished.
A look in her face told him that she was tired, tired of waiting for him, tired of his second priority.
He should've been better, he should've treated her better. He should've been her perfect husband just like how she was his perfect wife.
His love for Lilith is slowly disappearing, ever since they've begun arguing. Their beliefs and ideals no longer match with one another.
He accidentally mentioned [Y/n]'s name during their heated arguments, which causes Lilith to be mad at him and eventually left, leaving divorce papers for him to sign on his desk.
He tried so hard to bury his love for [Y/n], he tried so hard to forget her as he knew he wouldn't see her again and most likely didn't want to see him either.
A single tear runs down his rosy red cheek, breath hitching. Emotions are finally spilling forth, his love and heart ache that he bottled up for so many eons finally erupting.
“So this is how it feels,” he sang softly, careful not to wake her up. His voice broke as he sang ever so softly, “To fall in love with you, to always think of you, to always dream of you,”
He made a mistake in his decisions, he admits that. He should've done things better. Choosing Lilith over her was a mistake, “Yes, it hurts so much to fall in love with.”
He sighs softly, choking on his words as he sings his unspoken feelings. His hand trembled with emotions, “Sorry for leaving like that, you don't deserve to get caught in my mess.”
He was a troublemaker, he didn't want her to get caught in his mess but whatever silly idea he had, she was always ready to listen and comfort him when the elders rejected it. He gently held her hand, feeling how cold her skin was, he cups it with his hand and blew some warm air to it to warm her hand. He used to do this when they were back in heaven.
He gently laid down her hand back to the bed and back to her side, a small smile on his face before he let out a sad sigh, “Loving me is just so difficult, I don't know how I should tell you that.” he admits softly, he knows how tiring he can be, he knows... He had to deal with himself after all. He sighs, he's been doing so much of it lately.
“I've fallen for somebody else, happened so quickly, I lost myself.” he admitted, he realized years ago that he was only infatuated with Lilith, when the honeymoon phase was over, arguments started.
“A shadow of you drifts along by my window or did I imagine that?” he could remember when he would spend all by himself at the kitchen, drinking after a fight with Lilith and during his drunken delusion, he would often see figures of [Y/n] comforting him.
A shaky breath leaves past his lips, eyes tired and dull. He looks at the sleeping once more, she looked so peaceful.
He wonders if he should transfer her to the hotel, he needs to check up on Charlie and the others too. With a heavy sigh, he gently lifted her up into his arms once more—effortlessly carrying her. A sense of deja vu hits him, a memory of the time he carried her like this after they got married, [Y/n] happily laughing in his arms while he grins at her as he held her. Times were simple back then.
A single tear drop, running down his blemish free pale skin, the droplet running past his rosy red spots of his cheeks.
He took a deep breath, summoning a portal that leads to an empty vacant room of the hotel, he steps in with her still asleep on his arms. The portal closes behind them as the room shifts into one Hazbin Hotel's newest guest rooms.
He gently walked towards the bed, gently laying her down comfortably, making sure to tuck her in.
Finally, he slowly gave distance between them. Standing just a few feet away from the bed, a sad look on his face, “This is how it feels, to fall in love with you, to always think of you, to always dream of you,”
Seeing her after all these years, ignited the fading flame of his love for her. Adding gasoline to a flame.
“Yes, it hurts so much to fall in love with you.” he silently admitted, she doesn't hurt him, he knows it was his fault. He made everything complicated, his decision caused harm to her and their son, to these sinners. He made a reckless decision of abandoning her, giving both of them pain in the process.
He doesn't deserve her. Not after the things he's put her through.
He thought sadly, before turning his back away from her, walking out of the room. He took one last look at her sleeping form before eventually closing the door as he left the room.
The heels of his boots tapped against the dark red tiles of the hallway of the hotel as he walked towards his own room. He needs some time to process everything.
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Charlie wasn't expecting a visitor this soon after the extermination, she certainly didn't expect her visitor to be her half half brother, a frown on his face and a glare on his eyes. She would've mistaken him for her father if he didn't have [e/c] eyes and also if the boy wasn't ridiculously so tall.
Charlie smiled nervously, how could she not? Xavier was looking down on her literally with the same coldness in his eyes.
“Xavier... Hi! I didn't expect you to be here...” Charlie says nervously, waving at him.
Xavier just raised an eyebrow, clearly not interested in small talk, “Where is she?” he asked, voice cold and means business.
Charlie tilted her head, “Who...?” she asked, wondering who the older boy was referring to.
Xavier scoffed, [e/c] eyes narrowing down on the blonde girl as he crosses his arms together on his chest, “My mother,” he answered, a deadpan look on his face, “—She came down here a few hours ago, she should've been back by now.” he added, a worried tone on his voice. Xavier was beyond worried, his poor mother alone in this disgusting place—the realm his blood father ruled. He can't imagine the possibilities that could happen to her.
Charlie's eyes widened in realization, oh, the angel. Why didn't she realize it sooner? Of course he's referring to the passed out angelic woman. Charlie is slightly nervous about telling the older boy, but she has to, “She's resting, she suddenly passed out awhile ago....?” She says, nervously, avoiding Xavier's eyes.
Xavier's eyes widened, ears ringing as everything suddenly went numb. For a brief moment, it felt like he was alone once more, the scared little boy who begged for his mother's attention.
He could remember how close she was to him but for some reason, he couldn't reach her. His mother can barely look at him in the eyes without crying. He felt useless, pathetic for being born this way and caused his beloved mother so much pain. He failed, he failed, he failed, he failed, HE FAILED HER. He couldn't save her again.
Mom...? Where are you? Please... Don't leave me again...
Charlie's eyes widened when she sees a single tear slid down Xavier's cheek despite the boy's unchanging glare, Charlie though could notice how sad his eyes were.
“Xavier...?” She calls out to him, no response.
“Azrael... He looks so much like him... I... I can't... It hurts to look at him.” his mother sobbed on the unknown taller and black haired man's shoulders. Xavier grips his duck plushie, he was somehow fond of the animal. The little boy peaked through the small gap of the door to his mother's room, hoping for some comfort after a nightmare—he didn't expect to see his beloved mom crying about him and that made him freeze on the spot. He was a smart child after all, just like his father.
“[Y/n]... He's just a kid... He needs you...” Xavier heard the man say, he still has trouble saying his name. Was it Azwawel? Or Azrawel? He forgot. Xavier, despite being so young, barely six years old—suddenly felt so numb. He slowly walked away from his mother's room, dragging the duck plushie. It felt heavier than usual, his little arms too weak to hold it.
He felt his chest tighten, he couldn't breathe. Chest heaving up and down as he tries to catch his breath.
Charlie got even more worried as she saw him begin to hyperventilate, “Xavier! Hey, hey... Look at me.” She says softly, holding on to the arms of the shaking boy, the physical contact snapping him out of his trance as he quickly pulled his arms away from the girl.
“Do not touch me.” he hissed, glaring at Charlie, “Tell me where my mother is or I'll destroy this hotel just to find her.” he threatened, making Charlie's eyes widen in fear. She knows she can't fight him, let alone her friends aren't as powerful to fight an angelic being—a Seraphim.
“She's upstairs, resting... Just don't hurt anyone.” She stammers, giving way for the older boy to come inside the hotel. She knew as her father texted her about it.
Vaggie's eyes widened when she saw the angel walks in, she could feel the man's power as he entered the room. Suddenly, the room got colder. Vaggie summoned her spear but she saw Charlie crossing her arms into an 'X' while shaking her head. Vaggie hesitantly lowered her weapon as they all looked at each other, she had to grip Angel Dust's arm to stop the arachnid from doing stupid—thankfully, Angel Dust seemed to get the memo and closed his mouth. Husk had to hold Niffty to stop her from causing chaos again.
Charlie led him up the stairs to the second floor, the others watching as they disappeared from sight.
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Xavier's eyes widened as the door to where his mother was resting was opened, the first thing he saw was his mother's passed out form, lying down on the bed.
Xavier immediately kneeled down to his mother's side, holding her hand affectionately. What happened to her?
He looked angrily at Charlie, dull [e/c] eyes staring at bright red ones, “What did you do to her?” he asked, voice lowering and clearly pissed off. Charlie shakes her head, clearly afraid of him, “We didn't do anything! She suddenly just passed out on her own.” she explained and he just sighs, shaking away his thoughts.
‘They wouldn't just recklessly harm an angel, they couldn't land a hit on her if they tried. She must've overworked again.’ he thought to himself, sighing.
“Just leave us alone please? Now.” he ordered, Charlie flinched in fear but nodded and quickly left the room, making sure to close the door on her way out.
Xavier sighs, his shoulders dropping. It suddenly felt like the weight of the world was on his shoulders. His mother is his world, after all.
“It's going to be okay, mother. I am here for you, always.” he spoke softly, kissing his mother's hand before lowering it back down to the bed, hovering his hand over her sleeping form and began to heal her.
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Lucifer stood outside the door to where [Y/n] was resting, his hand hovering above the doorknob—shaking. Charlie just told him about the situation. His son is here, the son he didn't know who existed was here.
He took a deep breath, ‘You can do this, Lucifer... This is your chance to ask for forgiveness.’ he thought to himself before knocking first and then slowly twisted the doorknob, pushing it open.
It felt like he was looking at the mirror, it felt like he was looking at a reflection of himself—the reflection glaring at him, sharp [e/c] eyes glaring at him with so much hatred.
“You!” the boy growled, standing up from where he was kneeling.
Lucifer was taken aback from the boy's anger. It felt like he was looking at a past version of him, the past him who despised heaven who treated him so wrongfully.
“What are you doing here? Why do you have so much audacity to come here like you didn't do anything wrong?” the boy asked, his voice filled with so much distaste for his father.
Lucifer's eyes widened, words stuck in his throat. Say something!
With a heavy inhale and exhale, Lucifer looked at the glaring boy, trying to calm him down, “I know what I did and I... Want to apologize... For all the things I've done.” he said softly, stammering slightly. He's trying so hard not to show that he's beyond nervous.
Xavier's glare sharpened, who does this man think he is?! Did he think a mere apology can undo all the damage he has done to him and his mother.
“Who do you think you are?” he asked Lucifer mockingly, a cold look on his face. Lucifer just stood frozen on the spot.
“Just because you're the most beautiful being of all of creation doesn't mean you can have anything you want,” Xavier sneered, a mocking smile on his face, “Your title and power doesn't mean anything to me, how does it feel to be the most beautiful being in all of creation yet you are thoroughly despised by your own flesh and blood?” Xavier asked and suddenly Lucifer couldn't speak, his chest tightening at the harsh words his supposed son had said to him. His breath caught up on his throat.
“This face...?” Xavier says, his hand moving towards his own face, he glared at his birth father, “I despised it so much, it's horrendous.” he says flatly.
“I do not know what my mother sees in you,” he says, looking up and down on his father's frozen form—not moving a muscle, “All I see is an angel who failed to become what he needed to become. A failure, nothing more and nothing less.” he says sharply, [e/c] eyes dull and hollow as he gazes at dull red ones.
Lucifer felt the familiar sting in his eyes, he desperately willed himself not to cry. What a failure of a father he is. First Charlie, now it's.... He doesn't even know the boy's name, he remembered Charlie telling him, but he somehow forgot. Pathetic.
Xavier's lips were formed in a thin line, turning his back away from his supposed blood father. He still doesn't understand why his beloved mother loves his father so much. He's too afraid to ask. Too afraid of making her remember such painful memories. He'll wait for her to open up. They have so much time to heal, he'll wait. He could remember young him who wanted to meet his father so much, the young naive Xavier who admired his father—the father who created the very species he loved so much, ducks. Poor naive Xavier who finally learned the pain his father gave to his mother to point his mother can't look at him, her beloved son in the eyes.
With a shaky breath, finally letting go of the breath he took in. Xavier sighs, “I will be taking my mother back home, thank you for your hospitality.” Xavier murmured, gently lifting his mother into his arms with no effort.
Lucifer's eyes widened from what the boy has said, they're going to leave. He needs to do something, anything to earn their forgiveness.
“Wait..! Please let her recover mor—”
“Haven't you done enough damage already?” Xavier asked, his voice devoid of any emotions as he tilted his head slightly to look at his father, a single stray tear running down his pale cheeks, the single droplet running past the rosy red spot on his cheek.
Lucifer was taken aback once more, the King of Hell can see so much sadness, anger, and longing on the boy's eyes. Lucifer wanted to reach out to the boy, his fatherly instincts kicking in. His hand extending where the boy stood, pausing as he hesitated.
Even after all these years, sweet little Xavier is still somewhere inside him. The sweet naive Xavier who wanted a complete family, who wanted a father.
“I said what I said, she'll be going home and get proper treatment. I doubt hell is a appropriate place to treat an angel like her.” Xavier says flatly, clearly not open for any discussion left. His decision is final. Lucifer can only respect that, he owes it to them. Lucifer finally lowers his hand, regrettably so.
Xavier turned away from Lucifer once more, summoning a portal back to their home in heaven.
A bright golden light formed in thin air as a portal opened, Xavier stepped in with his mother in his arms. He dared not look back. He doesn't have any reason to.
The portal closes in. Lucifer was left alone standing in the guestroom, his first family gone in a blink of an eye.
He cried in anguish inside that room.
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He can hear his bones rattle against his skin as he dragged his body to his mother's bedroom, Xavier is incredibly exhausted. Physically, no. Emotionally and mentally? Yes, absolutely.
He is still carrying his mother in his arms, prioritizing her comfort over his.
Kicking the door open, he walked at the center of the room where his mother's bed was, gently laying her down. Making sure to tuck her in.
[Y/n] snuggled, against her blanket. Xavier smiled, a gentle yet strained smile on his face.
“I'll protect you mom, sleep well and dream well.” he says softly, planting a small kiss on his mother's forehead before eventually leaving the room.
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sbrown82 · 2 years
How did Keith take Ronnie’s virginity when she was with married to Phil? When did they live 15 minutes from each other? Is it the same apartment where Mick lived around Jimi, Steve, and PP?
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Ronnie met her future husband, producer Phil Spector in 1963, but claimed she didn’t lose her virginity until they got married in 1968. She was also unaware that he was already married at the time they started dating. 
In 1964, during the Ronettes’ European tour where they headlined with the Rolling Stones, she met Keith Richards. Before the girls even arrived from the states, Phil sent a telegram to the Stones’ manager Andrew Loog Oldham saying, “Keep the Stones away from my girls”. So, of course they became like forbidden fruit to all the guys, especially Mick, Keith and Brian who actually ended up dating all 3 of them. They were in love, but their relationship was very clandestine, and Keith claimed they had to sneak around a lot just to spend time with each other. They held hands, tongue kissed, shared the same bed, etc.
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Here’s a quote from his book, Life: 
“The first time I went to heaven was when I awoke with Ronnie (later Spector!) Bennett asleep with a smile on her face. We were kids. It doesn't get any better than that. Just more refined. What can I say? She took me to her parents' house, took me to her bedroom. Several times, but that was the first time. And I'm just a guitar player. You know what I mean?”
He also said:
“I found myself in Ronnie’s room one day on that U.K. tour – Strand Palace Hotel – she was packing to head off to the next stop. I don’t even remember how I did it, you know, I got into her room. It was a bit of magic, you know. A slight trick of the hand. Phil looked away, Phil walked away, or something. Phil made like a tree and I made my move. I was only 20 you know, my turtle neck shirt all the way up to my chin, my hair down over my ears. Ronnie was 20 also; a couple of kids. Every move she made shot electricity through my bones: The way she smelled, the way she smiled, the way she packed her shirt in her suitcase on the bed in the hotel room - I loved her, you know! But listen, man…a gentleman never tells, you know what I mean? But I will say, we got around to doing more than just looking at each other when we could find ourselves alone without the watchful eye of Phil Spector bearing down on us. I was a bit afraid of his wrath, of his jealousy, afraid of what he could do to me, to my career, you know, if he found out. Because he was a music industry into himself at that time, you know what I mean?! I guess the part of me that didn’t give a fuck beat out the part of me that was concerned. You know, we weren’t the anti-Beatles for nothin’, man….Phil Spector expected that the world would obey his orders and leave Ronnie alone, but, I’m not the world am I now?!”
And it's true, before her passing, Keith and Ronnie did live 15 minutes away from each other in Connecticut and even shared the same dentist. Ronnie even once said, "Keith [Richards] always sends me flowers. I mean, he lives 15 minutes away from me."
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grandmaster-anne · 2 years
Court Circular | 23rd February 2023
Buckingham Palace
The King and The Queen Consort this afternoon held a Reception at Clarence House to celebrate Literature and the Second Anniversary of Her Majesty’s “Reading Room”. The Queen Consort later re-opened Boston Manor, Boston Manor Road, Brentford, marking its Four Hundredth Anniversary, and was received by Ms. Rosemary Prescott (Deputy Lieutenant of Greater London). Her Majesty afterwards visited the Jimmy Choo Academy, Boston Manor Road, Brentford. The Prince of Wales, on behalf of The King, held an Investiture at Buckingham Palace this morning.
Kensington Palace
The Prince of Wales, Patron, the Passage, this afternoon opened Bentley House and Passage House, King’s Scholars Passage, London SW1. The Princess of Wales, Patron, All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, this morning received Mr Ian Hewitt (Chairman) at Windsor Castle. Her Royal Highness, Colonel, Irish Guards, this afternoon received Major General Christopher Ghika (Regimental Lieutenant Colonel) and Lieutenant Colonel James Aldridge (Commanding Officer).
St James’s Palace
The Earl of Wessex this morning visited Ed Gartland Youth Centre, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands. The Earl and Countess of Wessex this afternoon attended a Luncheon at the Palm Hotel, Grace Bay Beach, Princess Drive, Providenciales. The Countess of Wessex this morning visited Blue Haven Marina, Leeward Settlement, Providenciales. Her Royal Highness afterwards attended the Turks and Caicos Women’s Leadership and Empowerment Meeting at the Palm Hotel, Grace Bay Beach. The Earl and Countess of Wessex later departed Providenciales International Airport for Nassau, Bahamas. His Royal Highness, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Foundation, and Her Royal Highness, Global Ambassador, this evening attended a Reception at the Breezes Hotel, West Bay Street, Nassau, for young people who have achieved the Gold Standard in the Award. The Earl of Wessex, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Foundation, and The Countess of Wessex, Global Ambassador, afterwards attended a Dinner at Lyford Cay Club, 1 Lyford Cay Drive, New Providence.
St James’s Palace
The Princess Royal, President, The Duke of Edinburgh’s Commonwealth Study Conferences, this morning attended a Global Leadership Seminar at Coutts and Company, 440 Strand, London WC2. Her Royal Highness, Patron, Voluntary Service Overseas, this afternoon received Mr. Samuel Younger upon relinquishing his appointment as Chairman and Ms. Julia Lalla-Maharajh upon assuming the appointment. The Princess Royal, President, British Olympic Association, later attended an Executive Board Meeting at 101 New Cavendish Street, London W1.
St James’s Palace
The Duke of Kent, Fellow, the Royal Society, this evening presented the Royal Medals at the Society’s Premier Awards Reception at 6-9 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1, and was received by Mr Gareth Neame (Deputy Lieutenant of Greater London).
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flavours-horizons · 3 months
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raymondduggantravel · 3 months
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