#Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town
solarismelody · 11 months
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" I am glad to have you returned to me, my dearest. "
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Damon propaganda:
No Damon propaganda :(
Leos propaganda:
“This propaganda will have spoilers because you need to understand just how much I love this man. 
Raen (player character) first meets Leos (1 of 3 love interests) in a town. Raen literally runs into his six pack abs and has the choice to take his hand or get up himself. Then later you find Leos when the place Raen and another love interest have been staying is literally caught on fire. Leos saves you from other assassins but turns out he's also an assassin but he's been hurt. So Raen helps him out. And they travel together with the other two potential love interests. And you find out that Raen and Leos were raised in a completely isolated town and don't know anything about the concept of love, sex, etc. This leads to shenanigans like them walking into a shop to buy Leos whips (for weapons) and the shop having whips (for fun times). They have an absolute slow burn enemies to lovers. Also plot twist at the end you discover that Raen is descended from the royal family and Leos is descended from the highest ranked of the royal family's royal guard. They're literally prince and knight. I can't. The tropes. They're so soft. I am not normal about these two.”
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baka-no-kacchan · 2 years
I actually put down Pioneers of Olive Town for this game
And not only that but I’m seeing people having the same reactions I did to the marriage candidates in PoOT: The lack of diversity and such.
Even the clothing and the hairstyles are getting to me
Not only that but I heard that they took away Ludus’ traditional marriage outfit but allowed Iori to have his traditional outfit?
That doesn’t sit right with me at all to be very honest.
I really hope they do make remakes of the past games and keep elements like that in it instead of taking them out, or else I’ll be quite upset.
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justaliltangy · 1 year
Part 10 of my Story of Seasons playthrough is up on Youtube for your viewing pleasure; please enjoy!
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satoshi-mochida · 2 years
The PS4 version of Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town releases today in North America, and on the 29th in the EU. It is also available on the Switch and Steam.
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morbid-mouse · 3 months
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Kimmy my farmer in STORY OF SEASONS: Pioneers of Olive Town. Love the hoe outfit you can put them in.
#SoS #sospot #kimmy #oc #cute #farmer #digitalart #art #ibisPaintX
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screechbat · 9 months
hey story of seasons enjoyers, has anyone managed to get the pioneers of olive town dlc working on linux/steamdeck?
been scouring protondb and every other online discussion about it I can find but no dice so far. my (very smart programmer) partner is on the job figuring it out but if anyone knows a way to get it to work we'd very much appreciate it 🙏🙏🙏
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yawningcryptid · 1 year
I was having trouble deciding who to romance in Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town cause I just wasn't feeling it with anyone when I found out you can romance Ludus from Trio of Towns with the DLC. Suffice to say that was $15 well spent.
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operationrainfall · 2 years
STORY OF SEASONS: Pioneers of Olive Town is Now Available on PS4
STORY OF SEASONS: Pioneers of Olive Town is Now Available on PS4
XSEED Games has announced that STORY OF SEASONS: Pioneers of Olive Town, which has already been released for both Switch and PC, is now available for PS4. A copy of the game on PS4 will cost you $39.99 and and the Expansion Pass is priced at $14.99. Feel free to check out the new launch trailer down below and read a little bit about the game. STORY OF SEASONS: Pioneers of Olive Town offers a…
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bovineblogger · 8 months
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sos and harvest moon change their cows from game to game but bubble cow reigns superior and everyone knows this
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joshseoh · 1 year
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Felisha Hair
Converted from Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town to The Sims 4
For feminine frame
Basegame compatible
V1: without tied hair
V2: with tied hair
24 EA swatches
9 swatches (acc recolors), can be found in Brow Ring Left category
For teen to elder
Custom thumbnail
Hat compatible
Shadow map
No specular map
No normal map
Disallowed for random
Read my Terms of Use before downloading!
Download here
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love-bokumono-fics · 16 days
Had a thought occur to me and it seemed like a fun idea for a poll.
If you were given a choice of which season to start playing a farm sim in, which yould you choose?
Spring? The traditional choice. Every game starts here. With mild weather, cheap but fast growing crops, and items to forage in abundance, it's a good place to start. You have a whole season to build up your funds and your stamina and prepare for the seasons to come. It gives you time to get your feet underneath you, explore the town, meet your neighbors, and maybe even afford some upgrades before the intensity of summer arrives.
Summer? You arrive to a wider selection of crops that are more time-intensive to grow, but also sell for a higher price. Not to mention the areas around your farm tend to be overflowing with the bounties of nature, which you can turn around for fast cash. You'll need it, as time may not be on your side this season. Half the season may pass before your first big harvest, and saving money would be difficult. Not to mention, there's the risk of hurricanes that could wipe everything you've worked so hard for off the map. But socially, your friendships can bloom quickly. With easy gifts to be found everywhere, you can quickly endear yourself to your neighbors.
Autumn? Often the most bountiful season, but also the most labor intensive. To get the most of the season, you have to be prepared to run before you walk. A beginner's low stamina may struggle to keep up with the demands of the farm if they hope to make enough money to spend through the winter. And the time demands of the farm may also cut into your time to meet locals and forge friendships. A boatload of money can be made off the few crops your beginning funds can purchase, along with taking advantage of the final bounties of nature for the season. But it can come at the cost of being a recluse, and going into winter practically a stranger to your neighbors.
Winter? Often it's a season in which nothing will grow, or there may be a few pricey crops that can be planted. But this season is usually marked with an abundance of free time. A season of rest and recovery and preparation Making money is difficult, with few things to forage, and going into the mines or collecting material resources will not be very easy with no stamina built up over the year. But careful planning can get you far. You can take the time to clear your fields, delve into the mines for ores to sell, start buying livestock, and spend every day making friends with the townsfolk. It would be a much slower start to your farming endeavors, but can also leave you set up to hit the ground running when spring arrives. Watch out for blizzards erasing all your hard work, though.
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Damon propaganda: Oh my stars he's so!!!! Damon is the son of the animal shop owner. Unlike his peppy sister, he is very quiet and awkward. He has a ~mysterious bad boy~ persona that he uses to keep people at arm's length. Behind this front, though, is a warm, sappy animal lover and all-around sweetheart. Also, he likes to go motorcycling with the farmer, which is just lovely. He's kinda like catnip for people who like secret softies.
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gelicarrotcake · 2 years
cow variants
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what if story of seasons gave us more cows............
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justaliltangy · 1 year
In case you missed it, part 9 of my Story of Seasons playthrough is up on Youtube! I hope you enjoy. ♥
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outofcontextbokumono · 3 months
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