#Stormblood has so much of her worrying over Alphinaud and her friend and after what happened w her grandpa like yeah
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grimcatician ¡ 2 months ago
*thinks about the twins during class*
*starts tearing up*
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lookbluesoup ¡ 2 years ago
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(Spoilers for EVERY expansion to follow)
I have been thinking about Alisaie again and I just. Have an ache over how terrified she is of losing people she loves.
I also really do love how insanely protective of the WoL she is, as much as hurts how desperate she is for you not to leave her.
That antagonism toward loss is such a recurring element throughout her story. Her fear of losing the WoL comes up frequently, and she's shown to be much more overtly afraid of harm coming to them than most of the other Scions (not that the others don't also worry, Alisaie's just so loud about it.) Which, personally, I really like about her. She may idolize the WoL, but she never forgets that they're human, too.
Anyway, this is a theme for her from the very beginning, and Alisaie is faced with a major loss in every. single. expansion. Her grandfather, Emery, the Call taking the Scions, Tesleen, and Ultima Thule. And throughout those she learns to keep her heart open nonetheless, to keep trying, to keep caring. That's what she tells the Endsinger. "We take each other's hand. Share in each other's courage. Follow in each other's footsteps. And turn sorrow into strength!"
I'm gonna shove some rambles and a BUNCH of quotes under the cut, here, because they make me emotional and I like having them in one place. This isn't all of them, but it's some of the one's that stuck out to me most in my 95987324876423 screenshots (since Tumblr only lets me put in 30 per post >_> )
The Coils of Bahamut, where she begins to hope her Grandad is still alive, only to find his body has been possessed and turned into a tool for his enemy, and the man she loved is beyond saving, and that his body is now a puppet being used to try to kill her...
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The loss of Emery in "A Malm in Her Shoes" official short story, when Alisaie shuts down and stops looking for companionship:
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In Stormblood, trying to dissuade the Qalyana from following Lakshmi after the death of the leader's daughter:
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As the other Scions get Called to the First, their souls kidnapped and their bodies left behind:
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When it's just the WoL and her, about to face Garlemald on the battlefield:
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That her instinct is to reach for the WoL when you're both Called again...
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In Shadowbringers, when Tesleen is corrupted by the Sin Eaters and transformed into an aether-hungry zombie:
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Later, when you have to kill "Tesleen", if you run the dungeon with Alisaie in your party, at the end of it she will be facing back down the road, where her friend's body was, and wishing her a peaceful rest. (And if Alphinaud is also there, he will notice, too)
Then, when the Fuath kidnap and attempt to drown you, she searches for you frantically:
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When the Light in you starts to break free and the WoL collapses, she's the first to speak, "Are you alright? Say something!" and is also the first of those gathered to take even a step toward you. She doesn't walk, she runs, and only stops when the Exarch interferes - but she's immediately ready to throw hands with him too when she starts to think he means harm:
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She lashes out in frustration when trying to find a way to save the WoL from the Light doesn't turn up anything
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By Endwalker, you can see how much she's opened up to the WoL and the rest of the Scions. How she invites you to join her around Sharlayan, surprises you with food, and is just generally so much more open and happy.
After you go missing in Garlemald, her and G'raha are the only two who run to meet the WoL on the road when they're spotted returning to camp.
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And when you don't answer immediately, she asks if you're alright, with a much softer concern.
If you speak to her before chasing after Fandaniel and Zenos in the Tower, a battle you will have to undertake alone, she will give you some bonus dialogue and pray in front of the WoL:
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If she's the one that visits you the night after returning from the Moon, she has a really touching bit of dialogue to offer the WoL (if you have not watched this cutscene please go to the Unending Journey book to replay it and pick the Alisaie route, there's so much inflection the text just can't capture):
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And once she's out of the WoL's immediate view she SPRINTS away, she's the only potential visitor who will do that, as if opening up to you so much was still frightening and her courage only lasted so long.
Finally at Ultima Thule, as your friends are taken one by one, she gets progressively more distressed... (I am running out of image space so I'll type a couple of the shorter ones)
"No... Not Estinien too..."
"Y'shtola, no! You mustn't!"
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I wish I could post the whole cutscene here but - in Endsinger, when you send your friends away, the amount of screen time dedicated to showing Alisaie realize what you are about to do, and begging you not to do it. The shock and desperation as she recognizes that you're taking away any chance she has at fighting by your side - at protecting you. That same outstretched hand:
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And when she thinks you're going to die...
“[Sobbing] You can’t leave us... Not like this... If you do, I’ll never forgive you… So come on! Open your eyes and get up!”
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Of all the companions fighting desperately to revive them and call the WoL back, her's is first the voice the WoL hears clearly through the fog, too. It's the first uninterrupted line and actually gets a text box, where the half-finished fuzzy sentences you hear companions shout before do not. If Dynamis played a part in bringing you back, her desperation may well have been a tipping point.
And then she sounds angry enough through the tears that she might just murder you again anyway
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I could probably fit another 30 in here but those are some big ones.
I think it's a big part of what makes Alisaie such a favorite of mine, the struggle she goes through and the courage she has to keep caring anyway - something you can go back and see her learn throughout the series.
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windup-dragoon ¡ 5 years ago
【Rusted Heart】
Pre-Stormblood / Post Stormblood
Words: 3,704
Hien x Kiri 
It’s in the stillness that comes with nightfall that haunts her. When the commotion and energy of the day begins to subside, when she is left alone to rest her weary bones until the sun rises yet again. 
Always it begins the same; a whispered thought hummed inside her mind, echoing like a tune one was entranced to repeat for hours on end. But it begins to brew storm clouds behind her closed eyes. Where once she could distract herself from maddening thoughts, she now begins to taste it. Being forced to relive a nightmare, the smell fills her senses, the ash heavy again on her skin, blood on her teeth and lips. The whispered voices crescendo and all at once there’s a blossoming of sound in her skull; cries and screams, the crashing thunder of metal that stamps out their pleads and begging of mercy. 
“Are you well, Kirishimi?” A voice echoed, cutting through the thunderheads in her mind. 
Eyes fluttered against the warm glow of lit torches. The table she found herself at had collected a few guests since last she opened her miscolored eyes. Yugiri to her side, Gosetsu before her, and to the roe’s side sat Hien; all three heads tilted toward her and painted with worry. 
It had become almost habitual for the lot of them to share in sake as the sun sank low behind the yanxian mountains. Their days had grown long and tiresome as they plotted and schemed their next moves since having returned from the Azim Steppe. The House of the Fierce feeling more like home with each passing day. But while they toiled through the day to ready themselves against a powerful opponent, the evenings were spent resting and weaving tales long past. 
The topic for that evening however... 
Kiri shook her head and inspected her nearly untouched cup of sake. “Aye.” 
Fine. She was fine. Right? They would look at her, an Eorzean unaccustomed to the taste of sake and perhaps believe she was lost in her cups, dreaming the night away instead of responding. Or at least it was what she had hoped for when she forced herself to down the remainder of her drink. The taste of it washed away the reminiscence paste of ash and blood she could still feel on her lips and in her mouth. 
“Forgive me,” This time it was Yugiri who spoke. Such a soft, rich voice. Kirishimi admired it, knowing just how dangerous the woman beside her truly was. “Perhaps a change of subject is for the best.” 
She felt her jaw tense as she cast her eyes to the floor. It maddened her that mere words would cause such tribulation inside her. A knot in her stomach and a drumming of her heart that made her blood burn and boil. Everything was in the past now, nothing could change that. So then why? Why did she suffer at mere mention of the Wall? Of the Griffin or of Ilberd, that traitor. 
Why did her heart feel as if it were breaking like fragile painted glass every night? 
Her cup was refilled before she could protest. 
“You said so yerself, knowin’ the enemy helps.” An intentional growl set her voice low and hard, her annoyance unmistakable. “If it gives us a foot up on those bastards, then keep talkin’.” 
“Although useful,” Began Hien with a gentleness in his voice she felt she didn’t deserve. “there is little reason to continue this discussion without the others for their insight. Instead let us make merry and talk of brighter things! Gosetsu here is chock full of stories worth a good laugh.” 
Kiri dared a glance at the would-be prince of Doma, almost hurt by the smile he offered her now. Faintly she could hear Gosetsu rumbling with a belly laugh while vividly detailing his encounter with a ghost that plagued the docks years since passed. But to Kiri it felt as if the man should have been malms away; she was receding into herself once more. A hermit crab retreating inside its shell. 
Once more her eyes met with Hien’s while Yugiri encouraged Gosetsu and his storytelling. His smile began to fade at the corners of his lips before his eyes drifted to his own cup. 
Wordlessly the woman rose from her spot and left them to their animated stories of spirits. 
- - - 
Another day had come and gone. While there was no shortage of work to be done around the House of the Fierce, Kiri lending her talent for gathering supplies or scouting for imperial troops mucking about, when pools of moonlight flooded through the roof and over the aetheryte, she found herself feeling unaccomplished. Alphinaud and Hien had spent much of the day in heated discussion on their next plan of attack that went well over her own head. Alisaie, Yugiri, and Lyse made the day about honing themselves, even conscripting Gosetsu to help in their endeavor. Everyone had a place to be and a job to finish while they urged her to sleep and rest. 
“You’ve worked hard,” 
They would repeat for the umpteenth time. 
“Take it easy and breathe.” 
She had lost count of how many eye rolls she had given that afternoon. 
How could they all expect her to just relax? There was so much work left undone. 
Kiri groaned to herself as her mind continued to swarm. She dropped her head and slumped her shoulders, her forehead against the table before her causing an abrupt thump in the silence of the room. 
“Looks to me as if you could use some company. May I?” She needn’t look up to recognize the voice that filled the midnight quiet. It was Hien, no doubt with sake in hand. 
Her head lulled to one side, just enough to peer up at the prince beneath a curtain of silvery-white hair. There was, in fact, sake accompanying him. Kiri surprised even herself by letting a small grin creep across her lips at the sight. 
“Does a prince really have’ta ask? Can’t’cha just... do what ever it is ya’ want?” 
“I may have royal blood however I am not without manners. Sorry to disappoint you.” Hien’s voice was filled with a smile she couldn’t quite see from her current position, but it was recognizable enough. Even to her. 
Kiri sluggishly pulled herself from the table, her hair a mess that she tried to smooth out before quitting her fools errand. “Yer no fun. A prince should be commandin’ of attention, yea? Barkin’ orders and what have ya’.” She reached for a cup that Hien had placed at the table once he had seated himself but found her hand empty as he withdrew it. 
“Is that how you see it?” A chuckle on his lips had Kiri fighting against her own smile, focusing instead on the sake he poured for himself. He raised it to his lips, stopping mid drink to quirk a brow. “Oh, did you wish to have some? My apologies.” 
There it was again, the smile in his voice. A touch of good humored teasing to be fair, but it brought such life to the tone. She dared not admit it out loud, but his was a voice she could listen to endlessly. The way laughter filled his eyes with stunning warmth, the sound of it encouraging a laugh of her own. 
With lips drawn together to pout, she dropped her cheek against the palm of her hand, her elbow supporting her. “If ya’ didn’t wanna share ya’ could’ve had yer drink else where.” 
“Aye, ‘tis true. Very well,” Hien returned her cup, even filling it for her. “A drink shared in good company is much preferable in any case.” 
Together they shared the first cup. While it had come to Kiri’s attention that certain guidelines were often followed as one drinks in the company of others, especially that of a young would-be prince; full glad she was that Hien had never pressured her to follow their traditions. With her thoughts incoherent as they were already throughout her day, she was certain there was room for precious little else. She would apologize here and there, yet it never seemed to bother him. Perhaps one day she would put herself to the task of committing it all to memory, but certainly not tonight. 
As Hien finished a second cup and rolled his shoulders, his lips pulled at the corners with an impish grin. 
Kiri, having noticed this just moments before taking her own drink, paused mid action and stared over the rip of her cup. “...That can’t be a good sign.” 
“And what’s that?” He tilted his head, feigning innocence. 
“The look on yer face. Smug and up to no good. Or maybe yer thinkin’ too hard?” Without finishing her drink she put the cup down and leaned on her elbow. “C’mon, spill.” 
“Oh. I was merely contemplating on what sort of secrets you harbor. After all, I did win our bet.” Hien looked triumphant in his reply, leaning back and releasing an airy chuckle. “Or have you forgotten? We had made an agreement at the steppe. Should I win, you would reveal to me your secrets.” 
A silver brow arched as mismatched eyes focused on the prince. She did recall a brief mentioning of a similar challenge but she hadn’t thought him serious. “And if I refuse?” 
“You are honor bound, my friend. Your secrets are as good as mine.” Hien’s smile was only brightening. As if he had won at some unspoken game or held a good hand of cards to use against her. 
“I thought you were above using your princely status,” She teased in return, at last finishing her second cup and setting it aside to be refilled. Hien seemed to enjoy being in charge of how much she drank. Perhaps for the best. 
“This has little to do with my title.” He corrected. “Although this might be seen as the Warrior of Light hiding something...” A wicked grin he flashed her, almost issuing a challenge. 
“Fine!” Kiri relented, throwing her hands up in forfeit. “Whaddya want ta’ know? That I fell overboard on a ship still at harbor? Or that I tried ta’ pierce my ears with a fishin’ hook as a kid?” 
Hien tried to contain his mirth, partly for her sake and partly to keep from waking everyone around them. “I hope the ship incident was also while you were a child.” His voice came out shaky with restrained laughter. The prince forced himself to inhale and exhale slowly, an act that only made Kiri puff her cheeks. 
“Does that satisfy our deal or not?” Kiri wrinkled her nose before blowing out a sigh. 
Each memory was easily recalled; Eyriwolk’s laughter still fresh in her mind and the scolding she received from Lynawyb just as unforgettable. But despite the pain she had felt in her ear for having used a hook instead of needle and regardless of the burning sensation of saltwater up her nose.... The memories were fond. Her heart beat felt soft in her chest, not quite an ache but still hurt. A longing she hadn’t realized she harbored until now. Every night had seemed torture before, she could only wish for dreamless nights. But as she drew up these memories from the bottom of a well, she felt just a touch of relief. A bit of hope... To remember there had been more to her life than just these past couple months. 
Somehow it made her feel awake again. Pulled away from the nightmares that plagued her. 
“Seeing your smile is more than satisfactory.” Where once his voice was bubbling with laughter and chuckles, it came now as soft and heartfelt. 
Kiri looked up, her eyes meeting his. A bright smile greeted her, his attention never faltering. This alone made her heart flutter awkwardly in her chest; a sudden feeling as though it were a tiny bird locked away in a cage beneath her ribs. A rush of heat across her cheeks had her immediately spinning away, finding the ground suddenly much more fascinating then the curve of his lips or the way he tilted his head when he spoke to her. Yes, the ground was far more entertaining than any of those things. 
“If I may?” Hien angled himself suddenly, obscuring her sight of the floor as to take her attention once more. When she inevitably caved and met his gaze once more, butterflies again thrived in her veins. “Although I cannot speak as if I know you, we’ve only but met it seems, however it is clear to me that every one is concerned for your well being. Alphinaud and Alisaie especially. You are always staring off into the distance, as if you aren’t truly here. Out at Azim Steppe I watched you battle so fiercely, with such powerful determination I admit I was awestruck! You were spirited and enjoyed it as far as I could tell.” 
Hien paused and it made her nervous. She wasn’t entirely blind to everything around her. Alphinaud and Alisaie were certain to take notice of her change of demeanor. From cracking jokes and poking fun at the twins as if her own younger siblings, to a quiet woman who left mid conversation in favor of being alone. To them it must have felt a knife wedged between them but how could she inconvenience them with these maddening thoughts? It seemed somehow easier to dwell in solitude than worry them.... but even that had failed. Kirishimi ran her hand through her hair briskly, unaware in that same moment Hien had been reaching for her hand.
“When yer in battle...” She interrupted in a soft tone, once more looking away as she spoke. ”That’s all you think about. When ya’ work, you think about the job at hand and seein’ it through to the end. It was easier since I had something to focus on. First it was ta’ find you. Then to win the naadam.” Kiri paused in order to blow out a sigh. She hated this feeling. As if a child trying to tell an excuse for their rotten behavior. Which, she supposed, wasn’t far from the truth of it. “I like ta’ not think.... Because thinkin’ makes it all come back. The smell of it, the taste of blood in my mouth, and when it’s real quiet at night-” 
Just as tears stung at her eyes, threatening to fall over the crest of her freckled cheeks, Hien’s hand gently came to rest on her lowered head. The weight should have been an annoyance but instead she found comfort in the warmth of his palm. She hadn’t realized just how cold her body felt until that moment. 
He said nothing, instead choosing to be patient as he listened. 
“How many more never get ta’ go home? Maybe if I had been there sooner,” Her voice cracked. Behind closed eyes she envisioned the Wall. The Griffin rallying everyone to his side, believing they were winning a loosing fight. Her blood boiled as Ilberd’s face taunted her memories, his words still haunting her like a phantom. Spoken before his betrayal, before the slaughter he encouraged, he had promised they would see a brighter future thanks to their hard work. It was all pretty lies. How many suffered because she couldn’t see the wolf in sheep’s clothing? 
A tear rolled down her cheek, beading along her jaw before falling to the back of her hand. A hiccup interrupted her attempt to continue, hair now falling across her brow to hide herself away from the watchful eyes of Hien. 
Thoughts of Papalymo came drifting to mind as well, memories caught on the oceans tide. She had enjoyed listening to him talk, so well educated and clever; even if he scolded her for not understanding certain terminology or phrases that he used. But it was his devotion that kept her coming back; he was so happy and proud of his work. And yet at the end he turned her aid away. He gave himself entirely to clean up a mess left behind by a mad man. 
How many were gone that she had not been able to save? Minfilia, Papalymo... Not to mention the hundreds of soldiers and citizens alike who had perished waiting for her. Be it in Ishgard, the Wall, or even Rhalgar’s Reach. All her failures would follow her, even here in the Far Eastern parts of the world.
The heel of Kiri’s palm hit her cheek harder than she had intended, a clap filling the silence. Angry and frustrated she scrubbed away her tears before any more could fall, sniffling as if she were only suffering from a spring cold. 
“Those who have departed would be proud to see what you have accomplished in their stead. And there are those still with us that have need of you as well. The road has been difficult, aye, but it does not make you a failure. Instead, grow from what you have learned. Stand tall, my friend.” Hien broke the silence in a hushed voice. Slowly, his fingertips dragging through silk soft hair, he removed his hand from her and settled back into his seat. 
She heard the words spoken in his voice, felt the weight in his tone and even felt comfort in it. But Kiri couldn’t help but imagine Minfilia’s voice overlayed with his. Soft, delicate, full of wisdom beyond her years, and a tenderness Kiri had so rarely come across in her travels. And when she closed her eyes, fighting off the blur from more gathered tears, all she could see was those she had lost waiting for her with gracious smiles on their faces. Minfilia, Papalymo, even Lynawyb and Eyriwolk. Were they smiling at her? Were they some how proud of her? Despite her missteps and failings... 
They still had such faith in her. 
“I believe that’s enough secrets for one evening.” Announced the prince as he rose, his voice still hushed. “You need rest.” 
Scrubbing her cheeks again Kirishimi lifted her gaze to an outstretched hand before her. “R-Really...” She sniffled, “I’m not... tired...” 
But Hien tilted his head with a smile. “Not tired? Then pray tell, what are those rings underneath your eyes? The latest trend in Eorzea?” 
Kiri huffed. “I don’t think I can-” 
“Ah, you have forced my hand,” Hien gave a feigned sigh, a sly grin still hinted at the corners of his lips. “As prince of Doma, I demand you to get some rest.” 
“Truly?” She nearly snorted, her brow arched as she studied him. “And what of manners?” 
“My opponent seems stubborn enough to warrant it.” 
- - - 
There was a strange pounding in his chest as he watched Kiri walk away that night. She was off to board a ship to carry her home, her task completed here in the east. He had bid farewell to them all, even Yugiri who would travel once more to Eorzea by his command. But when it came to her, the words didn’t seem to exist. 
His chest felt heavy with things left unsaid to the Warrior of Light. Memories of their time together running constantly through his mind, afraid he might forget if he stopped thinking of them. Would he forget the sound of her laugh? Or her mismatched eyes? 
But as he stood in silence, his heart suddenly skipped. Kirishimi had turned to look back once more. The wind caught in her hair and sent it dancing as her eyes met his. Even from this distance he could read her like an open book; the worry on her features clear as day. 
Again he said nothing but gave her an approving nod. She had spoken of her fear of returning to Eorzea; worried that she would only let everyone around her down again. But he had seen it for himself first hand. The wondrous accomplishments she could achieve. An entire country had been liberated thanks to her and the Scions. He had faith in her, as did all of Doma. 
And with a smile in return, Kirishimi was gone. Off on another grand adventure. 
Hien sighed. 
“You foolish man!” A sharp voice at his side nearly startled the prince. He had nearly forgotten the small Scion at his side who had offered to stay in Kugane; his mind still racing with thoughts of Kirishimi. From their first wide eyed meeting, to collecting sheep and her soft blush when he spoke so softly to a frightened lamb, and back again to mere moments ago when she left him with a smile gracing her lips. He simply couldn’t be helped. 
“Hm? Pardon me?” Hien blinked, worried he may have offended Tataru in some manner. 
“You can’t fool me, you know! I saw how you stared at her!” Tataru pressed on, all but wailing on Hien’s knees at this point. Though he wouldn’t put it passed her. 
“S-Stared at who?” The prince feigned innocence, his hands up in defense as he tried to quell Tataru’s anger. He knew precious little about the woman aside from Alphinaud and Kiri’s talks of her. 
“Must I spell it out?” The lalafellin woman sighed. “Kirishimi!” 
Hien swallowed, sheepishly rubbing the nape of his neck. “Ah.” 
With her arms firmly planted on her hips, she could only shake her head at the prince. “You never even told her ‘goodbye’ let alone confessed! You’re hopeless.” 
But this only caused Hien to chuckle. He turned away from Tataru and back to the expanse of ocean that now separated him and Kirishimi. On the horizon he could scarcely make out the white sail against the midnight sky. 
“Saying goodbye to her felt only too final. As if I may never see her again. And I certainly don’t want that. But tell me, am I truly that easy to read?” 
Tataru had to stifle an urge to fawn over Hien’s choice of words. So romantic whether he thought as much or not. Too bad for him that Kirishimi would no doubt wonder why he said nothing at all. 
“It’s all in your eyes.” Tataru admitted with a matter-of-fact nod. 
“.... Do you believe she noticed?” 
A sigh. “Knowing Kiri? Certainly not.” 
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thecat-inthehat ¡ 5 years ago
Me: oh man I hope Alisaie gets some good content this patch, she’s the best girl and deserves the world, and she’s been lacking a bit. 
Me: she really deserves some payoff considering how much the game and narrative beats down on her constantly, repeatedly compares her to her brother, never gives her a break, and just kinda uses her pain to hurt the player so you know something’s horrible. 
Me: I mean like, shit, the trauma conga line started with Ga Bu back in 3.4, on top of her short story, on top of the Binding Coils of Bahamut, and then it just continues on into having her beat up in Stormblood. I mean like, that whole thing where she worries over Alphinaud being inside the Specula Imperatoris while it collapsed, then she gets beat up by a newly powered Fordola to illustrate just how dangerous Fordola is now, and she gets sidelined until the patches. Oh, and then in the patches, she gets to watch her entire family collapse one by one, after her brother leaves for dangerous enemy territory, and she’s wracked with worry and guilt for months on end. And then she outright begs you not to leave her, terrified of what might happen, her fingers desperately trying to reach you as the Call sounds. 
And then the narrative further shits on her by assuming you go to Alphinaud first, despite how horribly she’s taken from you, and you never get to really confront the fact that she never got much closure for all that trauma. And then Tesleen!! Man, can’t forget about how horrifying it was for her to see one of her best friends in this new world get killed and transformed into a sin eater, only for that to be a mid dungeon boss fight with no emotional weight given to it other than a floating text box of “Alisaie? You’ve gone pale...” and no resolution, because the second half of Ahm Araeng is about Thancred, Minfilia, and Ryne. Yeah, she gets a little line after Malikah’s Well that has her look up to the sky and promise to Tesleen to save the world, but that’s pretty weak. And then she gets to watch you disintegrate into Light, and have her desperately searching for a cure, an answer, something to save you. I mean yeah! She gets to help Halric claw his way back to lucidity, but it feels a bit like “too little, too late”, you know? 
And like, all this is on top of the fact that the narrative gives you chances to criticize her or act as her mentor, which is iffy at best, but then there’s also the implications that she’s got a crush on you, the WoL, and that she’s somewhat written with romantic intent so you can ship with her if you like. Despite the fact that she’s canonically 16. Oh, and some of the official art of her is questionable at best, intentionally sexy or objectifying at worst. Oh, and her narrative usually comes down to “good, but always second best” no matter who she’s foiling off of. It’s great! 
Me: [internally screaming] yeah I hope she gets some good content this patch :) I love my daughter :)
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whitherliliesbloom ¡ 5 years ago
CAN WE TALK MORE ABOUT PLATONIC STUFF??? Illya and Yotsuyu / Illya and Hien / Illya and Hilda uwu!!!!
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This some good fucking food thank you. No gposes because I’m still in the middle of writing reports and like I have little to no time for self indulgence lately as it is sowwie
Illya + Yotsuyu
LOVE Yotsuyu to death, don’t get me wrong. I just don’t know how much ‘friend’ they can put into friendship if it even is possible for them. I’d like to think there’s possibilities for that, though.. since it was shown when she got her memories back after living as Tsuyu, she showed genuine regret and sadness over her actions. I will never get over that ‘i will not suffer his kindness, not after what i’ve done to him’ scene okay just slay me on the spot. Same could possibly be said for Illya since we all know she’s such an incredibly gentle and forgiving person... provided Yotsuyu proves that she’s not a threat anymore, at least. 
It’s difficult to really convince myself of a timeline where Yotsuyu just.. magically gets over years of abuse and trauma and quits her plans for revenge.. but in an ideal world where Yotsuyu survives and is willing to change and continues to live with maybe Gosetsu, then yeah definitely Illya would try to befriend her. There’d probably be something of resistance on Yotsuyu’s part, but like with Gosetsu, seeing someone she once saw an enemy treat her so kindly would probably sting her conscious a little. I’ve got a lot of ideas on how that may turn out and how Yotsuyu’s life with Gosetsu would be like if she did survive but I’ll probably save that for another post to ramble in... if anyone even cares that is.
Illya + Hien 
GSKGJSIOGJI God okay.. So during Stormblood I definitely got the feeling that Hien was constantly trying to flex and show off to Illya.. Though I didn’t get any sense it was from romantic intent of flirting. I think Hien just really wants to look cool in front of a known hero ajdfnsujfnsf, even more so if he knows it’s one of Kirishimi’s most trusted friends. Gotta make a good impression somehow.
Hien being as friendly and as much of a bro he is got Illya to open up a little more quickly to him than she did with most other people, and she definitely looks up to him being a prince who must have so many responsibilities and he clearly has a strong sense of justice and charisma. 
There’s also the fact that Hien likes to..compete with Illya somehow. Racing to see who can kill the most rampaging mobs? Competing to see who collects the most beans within a certain time? There’s no sense or reason to make everything a contest but he just does, and maybe he does it to get Illya out of her shell a little more. 
And most importantly Illya is just... genuine. She’s pure and incredibly good-natured, which is rare these days. He confides in her a lot when it comes to his past, his worries about the responsibilities he has to shoulder and of course later on, one of the few people he asks advice from when it comes to Kiri.
Illya + Hilda
MY GIRL HILDA AAAAAAAA What a wonderful character we really need more of her please. I don’t think they’d be SUPER close as friends, but definitely close enough to be able to hang out once in a while while Illya drops by Ishgard.
Their relationship started out somewhat tense at first though it’s been a while since i played hw so i can’t remember the exact details of their first meeting. And Hilda’s more forward and domineering personality definitely caused Illya to b wary and scared of her at first... ESPECIALLY since this is Heavensward Illya, who is arguably at her most emotionally vulnerable and meek in life. 
But as Hilda proved to be a reliable ally later on, I think Illya would open up a little more enough to not shrink away when they meet. It probably wouldn’t be until after the Stormblood though that Illya would probably consider Hilda a friend. 
Hilda’s also one of those who was acutely aware of Alphinaud’s growing feelings for Illya and constantly bugs them about it. 
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astoriellark ¡ 5 years ago
Upon the Great Loch’s Shore
currently going through stormblood msq and saw Aymeric. The shipping gods have answered my prayers!!! Mild stormblood spoilers. A bit of angst. awkward Wol x Aymeric. Implied Wol x Haurchefant.
Weariness stoops your posture as you trudge to the east. Each step is accompanied by a hollow echo as you go onto the next objective. Your shoulders feel heavy. Heavy with the hopes and expectations of everyone around you. Will you win the war? What does Zenos want? What comes next? You lighter mood from earlier drops as you remember - There is no rest for the Warrior of Light. Something will always be next. You’ve always known this.
None of your companions notice your darkening mood. Nor do you expect them to. They are plagued by their own thoughts. Alphinaud, with worries for Krile and Alisae. Lyse, with the new burden of leadership. This was not the time to talk about feelings. You are not the priority here.
Against your better judgement, you allow yourself to reminisce, if only for a moment. You think about the first and probably last one who was foolish enough to make you the priority. The only one who ever tried to shield you.
It doesn’t hurt as much as it used to when you think of him. In the sand and heat of Gyr Abania, those memories feel so distant. But it still does hurt.  You don't mind it though. The dull throb in your chest reminds you that you are...Still you.
You are you. Not just an emotionless tool who takes on the prayers and hopes of everyone around you and channels it into violence. This oddly cheers you up. You needed this reminder.
Your determination rekindled, you stand tall as you make it through to the other side of the tunnel.
You have arrived at the Lochs.
If all goes well, the Ala Mhigans will win their freedom here, side by side with the alliance.
A feeling somewhere between pride and satisfaction wells up in your stomach as you see the familiar the uniforms around you. Your comrades have worked so very hard to get to this very moment. As you look around, you take note of everyone present. 
The winged hoods of the Resistance.
The red of the Maelstrom
Black, of the eternal flames.
Yellow, of the twin adders.
You feel a shock jolt through you as you find yourself gazing at a familiar back. Your heart stutters, before restarting with a vengeance. You could recognize him anywhere. After all, you've spent countless hours helplessly staring at it. You know him by the straightness of his back. The effortlessly tousled black waves of hair. The quiet dignity of his stance.
All of a sudden, you are brought back. To the breathtaking spires of Ishgard. You suddenly feel the brush of the cold wind against your cheeks, and the taste of birch syrup and tea on your tongue.
So many emotions rush through you, you barely have enough time to register them all.
As shameful as it is, you are overcome with joy as you see him. It has been far too long. After all, you had been busy liberating Doma before immediately stepping into another war. You've barely even had the time to send a letter, much less go to see him.
How long has it been since you bathed? You immediately set off after the spar with Lyse. What if he smells you before he sees you? You want to punch yourself. This is a battlefield. How could you worry about smelling nice when you should be worried about your friend? Your eyes immediately falls to the sword by his side.
Why is he here? shouldn't he be looking after Ishgard? Not risking his life here? Why hasn't Lucia stopped him?
A horrible irrational fear runs through you, as cold as an Coerthan storm. In your mind's eye, you replace the far too clear image of Haurchefant's dying smile with Aymeric's.
He must've noticed the hole you've burned into his back by now, as he turns to smile at you. Damn him. That smile of his is as unfair as always.
You don't smile back. It takes all of your willpower to maintain your mask of neutrality. Luckily, you aren't known as the stoic warrior of light for nothing. Your face betrays no emotion.
He stands next you as Raubahn begins the briefing. As expected of the flame general, he wastes no time as he assigns everyone their tasks. The briefing is just like the bull of Ala Mhigo himself, swift, decisive, and confident.
It is over quickly, and everyone seperates for their preparations. You watch as Aymeric and Lucia walk up the stairs to the eastern lookout.
You follow them with your eyes. A short while later, you follow after them. You're not sure what you want to specifically. You tell yourself it's because you want to give him a piece of your mind. He's the leader of Ishgard. He can't just up and leave all willy-nilly.
But you can't lie to yourself. The truth is that you just want to be near him.
"Hilda and her watch will keep Ishgard safe in my absence."
He turns and explains before you can even get a word out. Already anticipating what you were going to say. All you can do is stare at him stupidly. You didn't think ahead enough to prepare a second topic.
A small chuckle warms his perfect blue eyes as he seems to see right through you. As gracious as always, he saves you before you make an even bigger fool of yourself. "It has been far too long. How have you fared?"
"I'm good. You?"  Your eloquence is as impressive as always. You groan inwardly. Surely he's dazzled by your choice of diction.
"I am glad to be here. You know I would not miss this for the world, my friend." His gentle words make your knees feel weak.
"I'd not miss you for the world too." You blurt out before you can help yourself. Realizing what you said, you stumble over the rest of your words. "I mean. uh. The world could've waited. and er...I..."
His gaze makes you self conscious. You hope he mistakes the blush on your cheeks to be a bad sunburn. Was it always this hard to speak? you blame the dust and the dry air. "...I'm just glad you're here. I...missed you."
Before you could stop yourself, you wrap your arms around his waist and hug him tight. A wonderful scent fills your nose. Something uniquely Aymeric. Closing your eyes, you take it in greedily, and hold him a moment too long to be friendly.
In your embrace, Aymeric's stands perfectly still, letting you hug him. His arms do slowly lift to reciprocate the gesture, but he freezes as his eyes catch a glimpse of the ishgardian choker around your neck.
Despite your constant changing of equipment, it's only piece of jewellery you haven't replaced yet. The one that Haurchefant gave you. His arms drop. And the Lord Commander reminds himself to be respectful. To not misunderstand your gesture of friendship.
The moment ends too quickly for the both of you.
You let him go as soon as your common sense returns.  "Right...I'll uh. Let you go prepare. Don't die or else!"
"I would not dare, my friend."
You avert your eyes from his dazzling smile. It's bad for your heart. Hastily, you retreat. Not realizing the effect your simple hug had on the man. His own heart beating quickly in his chest, he watches your retreating form with veiled longing. Friend. He repeats to himself. Only friends...
His eyes fix upon the distant shores of the Great Loch, and he wills his heart to calm. There is much that he still wishes to discuss with you. But those matters would have to wait.
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mintdrop ¡ 4 years ago
Mint is ADORABLE! How did she and Estinien get together? :)
aejisfiusdfsdidgj thank you!!!!! ;_;
i actually have this saved from an old ask that i got back when mint was a new character and i was new to wol/npc shipping! i’ll put it under a readmore because it’s super long
mint/estinien kind of started off as a continuation ship I had of my old character Amira (a purple bookwormy lalafell SCH) but it has turned into it’s own thing and it’s like 40% cuter imo.
since I’ve only ever actively played one character, WoL!Mint has all the memories of her adventures from from 2.x to now, ignoring all the fantasias I’ve gone through. She started off just absolutely despising him during the final 2.x dragoon quests and, going into Heavensward, refused to trust him. Refused to acknowledge him unless absolutely forced to, would usually reply in one or two words at best, and occasionally she’d catch herself thinking “but what if.. I “missed” a heal on him during this fight….” but in the end would rather physically remove all of her teeth by hand than sabotage a battle and sacrifice someone’s safety for her petty high-school-level drama. after all, even if she didn’t trust him, the others clearly did.
she only started to trust him, and inevitably start falling for him, after the incident at the Vault. she went mute for a length of time, didn’t give any input to anything and accepted all requests/orders without so much as a nod of her head; she’d just go, do it, show back up with some kind of proof of whatever was required and leave again. everyone tried to get her to go back to how she was before, or at least get her to speak again, but it was like reasoning with a brick wall to move.
at one point, Alphinaud needed Mint to scout the area surrounding the Gubal Library, but he couldn’t find her. she wasn’t in her inn room in Idyllshire, and there were no sightings of her around the Hinterlands; he contacted Aymeric through a linkshell, but none of the guards at any of the gates had so much as seen a glance at her. worried for his friend’s safety more than anything, he enlisted Estinien’s help in finding her, simply because he could cover more ground than most others. estinien already had a fairly good idea of where she was, though, and his hunch wasn’t wrong; she was, once again, at Haurchefant’s grave.
it had been lightly dusting snow at the time, but Mint was covered in what looked like several hours worth from simply sitting there, unmoving. frustrated with it all, Estinien stomped over and picked her up by the fuzzy collar of her top, lifting her to eye level with his visor. “You are needed, Totomi.” she gave a blink of acknowledgement and a small nod, expecting to be put down and given a location. instead the visor on estinien’s mask rose and he was glaring daggers. “You misunderstand. You are needed. Not this fragment of despair that is here right now.”
I used to have this whole scenario written out but it looks like it got lost when I moved computers. Basically he shook her to her senses (both mentally and physically, just wiggling his hand to try and get her to wake up) and it ended with Mint turning into this miserable faucet of tears and hiccups as she babbled out what you’d expect; how he shouldn’t have been the one who die for her poor judgement, that she was a bloody fool and wasn’t worthy of being the warrior of light, etc. Despite being incredibly blunt and calling her a dumbass, Estinien managed to calm her down and make her realize that it wasn’t her fault, and that if time were to rewind and Haurchefant was told what was going to happen, he’d still take the spear for her.
Heavensward goes on as is until the peace trial between Ishgard and Vidofnir, which results in Mint getting fucking pissed and swears to bring Estinien back or kill him to free him of Nidhogg’s possession, because she’s learned that he would prefer to die than let Nidhogg use his body to ruin Ishgard and get revenge. Luckily, it doesn’t come to that thanks to Ysayle and Haurchefant. Mint refuses to leave Estinien’s room after he’s brought to the chirurgin, going so far as to veil a threat or two under a very cheerful demeanor if she’s forced to leave. When he wakes up and notices her, the first thing he gets is a slap to the face followed by copious amounts of swears that would make a Limsan sailor gasp.
After a full recovery, unless the situation calls for either of them to do something, you’d always be able to find Mint basically glued to Estinien’s hip, although he would refer to her as a thorn in his side, “but not one that really needs to be removed.” The story progresses into Stormblood and Mint considers confessing, until the war between Garlemald and Ala Mhigo begins and she realizes “hey, maybe I’ll wait until after this is said and done.” That time doesn’t come, though, due to Zenos being Zenos and the threats from Garlemald still looming in their faces. Nothing really happens during Stormblood because of how busy Mint ends up being.
while it isn’t canon to the opening of shadowbringers, in this ship, Estinien was at the ravine with Biggs/Wedge/Tataru/Mint while they were investigating, and despite his attempt, isn’t able to stop Mint from being pulled to the First. After convincing both Tataru and himself that she’ll be fine because she’s Mint, he goes and fulfills his investigation into the black rose for the scions, using his end of the bargain as an excuse to keep himself busy.
When he returns to inform Tataru of what happened and that he’s done, he’s met by a bombshell of a Lalafell running at him at full speed, launching herself into a hug whether he likes it or not. Even though it was only a few days? weeks? maybe like a month idk the timeline too well to him, it felt like much, much longer to Mint because of how the time passes between worlds, and she once again ends up as a babbling mess. Krile and Tataru give them a few minutes alone because they feel like Mint probably doesn’t want to be seen like this, and she takes the time to confess before he can even open his mouth to welcome her back, “because I didn’t know how long I’d be gone and I missed you and I was terrified I wouldn’t be able to come back and”
after that is some REALLY GUSHY stuff that makes me grin just thinking about because it makes my heart fluffy. Mint now spends all of her time on the Source with Estinien because she’ll be damned if she doesn’t get to make up for the time it felt like she was gone for. Her usual spot is on his shoulder, kind of carried like a sack of potatoes “because it’s comfy.”
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faeintwilight ¡ 5 years ago
The Bonds You Make
Hi! This is cross-posted from my AO3. This is my first attempt at dipping my toes into the FFXIV writing pool. It does have some spoilers for Heavensward and makes reference to Stormblood, but I believe it is otherwise spoiler-free.
Hoshiko knew as soon as she truly became the Warrior of Light that motherhood was no longer in the cards for her. How could it be when the world was always a hair’s breadth close away from the next Calamity and she was called on each time to help prevent it, as well as each milder one? She was the one on whom so many people’s hopes and dreams fell upon and she harbored no intention of letting them down.
With all of that pressure and responsibility, how could she knowingly bring a child into the world when she would spend most of her time attempting to save that world? Hoshiko needed to travel to dangerous places that were no place for a child at all. What would happen should she die?  Who would take care of the child? Would they be raised by the Dutiful Sisters of the Edelweiss as she was? Would Vivire or  Aisithota take them in? Or would it fall to the Scions to take care of the child? Perhaps that was the option that worried her most, as the Scions were no different from her, tossing themselves into the frontlines of battle to save the world. At the same time, the Scions would certainly be the most devoted caretakers for the child. Between F’lhaminn, Y’shtola, Thancred, Urianger, and the twins, it would be the most learned child, of that Hoshiko was sure.
Hoshiko couldn’t risk bringing a new life into the world, so children were out of the question. She was unsure who the father of her children would be in the first place, as she had no romantic paramours in the first place. As the Warrior of Light, she was too busy for affairs of the heart (even though there were pieces of her heart scattered across Eorzea, with some of it tucked in the chest of Aymeric, where he kept it warm from the Isgardian cold, and some of it in buried in the snow with Haruchefant with his eternal watch over the land he loved, with Hien in Doma, with her home there, and with the Scions, tucked in Thancred’s pocket, though Hoshiko doubted that he knew that he had it). Too many were intimidated by her standing as the Warrior of Light. It was just as well. If she was with someone, she wanted them to view her as an equal, not as someone to be placed on a pedestal.
Even with her decision for forgo children, Hoshiko herself was not immune to maternal urges. They presented in the way she brewed tea for Y’shtola when she stayed up far too late on research and needed something to help keep her mind sharp (Hoshiko knew better than to argue with the Miqo'te when it came to research), or the way she insisted Thancred get rest when he returned from missions, or when he refused to, how she would sit up with him so that if he had to remain awake, he would not be alone. She made sure that Tataru had breaks or time to just relax without being worried about the functioning of the Scions for a time.
The biggest target of her urges were the Leveilleur twins. In Ishgard, during that first visit with Alphinaud and Cid, Hoshiko had fought and bartered and traded for a warm thick cloak, blue with white fur, for Alphinaud, to make sure that he was bundled up and warm as much as possible while they were there together. When the Scions fell to the Crystal Braves, she had fought the urge to pull Alphinaud to her and stroke his hair, to let him know that the following events were not his fault. That was the one time she found herself furious with the other Scions. Alphinaud for all his wisdom, was still a child, and here they were, placing him in power and looking at him to save things when as adults, they should have been the ones to step up.
In Ishgard proper, she felt protective of him because all of the Scions were gone except for Tataru and he was all she had left. That was why she would fling herself into the first sign of danger if it meant that Alphinaud would be okay. If it meant that he would live, then it would be alright if she was injured.
As Hoshiko reunited with Alisaie and learned more about her, she found herself feeling that same protectiveness for the other twin. She appreciated how clever Alisaie was, in a way different from Alphinaud. While she trusted Alphinaud to be clever when it came to politics and governments, Hoshiko found that she trusted Alisaie on the battlefield, for the girl to make her own quick decisions. Even though she trusted the Elezen, Hoshiko still threw herself into battle in order to protect her. These two teens were the future and she would protect them.
She wanted to be there to help. To watch them grow into the amazing adults that would take Eorzea by storm as she knew they would. The Twelve knew that their parents weren’t there to witness it. 
After that, it became easier to view them as family, as something akin to younger siblings. It was different than how she felt about Ryuuji, who she remembered viewing as an annoyance more than anything else. Perhaps it was because of their age, but Hoshiko felt closer to them than she did her own brothers. Then again, at this point, she didn’t know if her brothers still lived.
That concerned her. While she would not have children, she did not want to leave her family without heirs of sorts. Thus an idea came to her. What if, she asked the twins to be her next of kin should something happen to her? It would mean that her family resources would be passed down, she knew Hien would make sure of that.
It took a bit of time to figure out the workings before she called for the twins to meet her in her room at the Rising Stones.
Alphinaud was the first of the two to arrive, ever punctual. “Is anything amiss? Rarely do you call for me specifically,” he asked as he strode into the room.
Hoshiko smiled slightly and gestured to the table in the middle, where she had a spread of sandwiches and snacks. Thanks to Urianger and her own travels with them, she was able to pick up on their preferred snack preferences.
“Nothing is wrong,” she replied. “I just have something I need to discuss with you and your sister is all.” She busied herself by pouring cocoa into a mug, the same drink that Haruchefant had introduced both her and Alphinaud to while at Camp Dragonhead. The action served to distract her from the nervous fluttering in her stomach. There was no telling how this conversation would even go. Would the twins agree to this?
It was well enough that Alphinaud was the first to arrive. Between the two twins, he was more agreeable following social customs and niceties, meaning that he made no remark about her trembling hands, instead taking a seat at the table and taking the mug from her.
“Hm… This must be important if you are making hot cocoa.” He held the mug to his nose and closed his eyes, looking as though he was trying to savor the scent before he took a sip. She hoped that it met his expectations. She would never be able to make it like Haruchefant did, but she hoped it would be close enough.
“Does it meet with your approval?” Hoshiko asked after a moment passed, internally wringing her hands. This made her more nervous than she had originally anticipated.
Alphinaud opened his eyes and she saw the smile that formed behind the steam. “Do not worry friend, it is very well done. Did you get the chocolate from Ishgard?”
Hoshiko nodded. A trip to Ishgard resulted in the chocolate, especially after she told Count Eamont the reason behind the trip. He had smiled and procured the chocolate for her, stating that he hoped it would help. “It is. I was there recently and happened to get some drinking chocolate.”
“It definitely has a different taste than the chocolate around here.”
Hoshiko took a seat at one of the other chairs, sipping her own mug and letting the chocolate attempt to relax her. “It does. I will admit that chocolate is something the Ishgardians definitely got right. Now, pray tell, what have you been up to since we last spoke?”
Alphinaud came to life, speaking of how he had been bouncing between Ala Mhigo and Doma, as well as Kugane, and the city states in order to strengthen the alliances and ensure resources for all, as well as serve as the representative for the Scions. Hoshiko wondered if Alphinaud knew how expressive he became when talking about the details of politics, how he would use his hands to communicate and emphasize important topics. It was in moments like this that Alphinaud really came across as an excitable teen and not the miniature adult that he attempted to show to the rest of the world.
She wondered about his parents. Had they ever shown such interest in listening to Alphinaud talk about where his passions lay? She knew they objected to both of their children leaving Sharlyan in order to come to Eorzea, but she rarely heard much else about them. If they had never shown a fascination, than that was a shame, because it was nice listening to Alphinaud talk.
“I suppose I must be boring you.” He set the mug down, smiling ruefully. “Dare I ask what thrilling adventures you’ve gotten up to at this time?”
“It’s not boring at all. It’s nice to listen to you talk about things you enjoy.” Both hands wrapped around the mug, she looked down at the surface of her drink. “I promise, nothing of particular note has happened. I have been going to slay more Primals that the beast tribes keep bringing back.”
“And you say this like it is a common thing. Rarely do people fight a Primal once and come back alive, but here you are, fighting them multiple times.” He smiled at her. “You can never claim that your life is boring.” 
“Perish the thought.”
The two fell into soft conversation as they waited for the third part of their group to arrive, keeping the conversation flowing light and easy.
“I do hope I’m not terribly late.” Alisaie said after pushing open the door to the room and dusting herself off. “I was looking into something with Urianger, which always takes longer than anyone expects.”
Nerves returned, but Hoshiko smiled as the other twin came into the chamber. “There’s not really such a thing as too late in this case. Unless you meant returning during the next sun. Then I would hope you’d have the decency to use our linkshells to tell me.”
Alisaie’s lips quirked up into a tiny smile before she looked over the table and the spread there. “What is this?” She asked, walking closer. “I’d almost say you were planning something.”
Hoshiko pushed herself out of her chair and got up, motioning for Alisaie to take a seat while she worked on getting the cocoa for her. Thanks to aether and her journeys, she was able to use fire crystals to help keep the cocoa warm without scorching it. “Perhaps I am. Since you are both here, I can explain things.”
Fiddling with the drink gave Hoshiko the excuse of not having to look at them while she started speaking. “I want to start off by saying that you two have become some of my dearest companions. I’ve watched you become wonderful people over the time and while I never had the pleasure of meeting Louisoix, I can’t help but feel that he would be proud of the two of you and how you’ve grown.”
She felt the confusion in the air as she brought the mug over to Alisaie and set in front of her without looking up at her before taking her own seat. “At this point, I view the two of you as my own family.” She folded her hands into her lap, looking at them before looking back up.
“What is all this about?” Alisaie asked.
Hoshiko held up a hand to stop her so that she could finish. “I just need to tell you this. I promise, I will get to the point.”
She took a deep breath. She could do this. She’d stood in front of Ascians and Primals without faltering, so it would only make sense that she would be able to do this, right?
“I am not likely to ever have children. With how my life is, I don’t think I safely can. I have too much of a target on my back and there is a high chance that I will perish in battle as opposed to natural causes at this point.” She reached over for one the sandwiches she’d made, tearing it into smaller pieces on her plate as a further distraction for her anxiety. 
“I also do not know if my family still lives. My brothers were both taken by the Empire as far as I know, but I don’t know anything else. I don’t even know where or how to look. As such, I am assuming that I am the last of my line… I know you two have family already, but I would like to, if I may, if you would be alright with it…” She trailed off.
“Be alright with what?” Alisaie asked, motioning for Hoshiko to continue and earning a slight glare from her brother.
“Would it be alright if I made you two my heirs or my next of kin? Should anything happen to me, I want to make sure that people are told and that my properties and my family’s legacy, whatever may be left of it, are not left to wither away and die.” She did not add that she wanted to make sure that the twins were taken care of as well. She had no doubt in her mind that they would survive with or without her. Still, she wanted to care for them in her own way.
Two pairs of shocked eyes stared at her. It was Alphinaud who first spoke up. “You would claim us as kin?”
“I would. I cannot adopt you, as you two still have family and I am not sure you would even want to be adopted by me, but…” She felt tears gather at the corners of her eyes. “You two are so dear to me and I would like it so that Eorzea and the realm know this. Would that be alright?”
She noticed the way that both of them looked away from her, but there was a glossy sheen to them.
“Speaking for myself, I would be honored…” Alphinaud spoke softly. “That you would consider me to be family, my dearest friend. No one has served as a greater source of inspiration to me and the realm. But I cannot agree to this alone.” He blinked and looked over at his sister. “Alisaie, we are in this together, or not at all.”
Alisaie reached up and rubbed at her eyes, before looking at Alphinaud. “As if you have to ask. I would gladly claim you as my sister, Hoshiko, as long as you will have me.”
Relief flooded her system as the tears streamed down Hoshiko’s face. She reached up to rub at her eyes. Rarely did she cry in front of others, let alone tears of joy, but there they were, running down her face. “Thank you.”
She heard a sniffle as Alisaie looked away again. “I don’t see the need to cry about this. It really is the most logical answer.”
“I suppose so, but I worried nonetheless.” She finally took a small bite of her sandwich, one of the many shreds on her plate. “There will be a few things to do. I should talk to Urianger for the paperwork, just so that it will be recognized in Eorzea. And then there’s Ishgard and I will need to let Hien know as well. Perhaps him most of all. With his assistance, or maybe Yugiri’s, I’ll be able to find more information on my family resources. And then you will need to meet Vivi-”
Alphinaud reached out, placing a hand on top of hers. “One thing at a time.”
Hoshiko beamed at him, at the two of them really. “Right. One thing at a time.” Her first step would be the paperwork, followed by taking them to visit her aunts. It would only make sense to have both parts of her family that she knew about meet.
But that was something to worry about later. Right now, she would enjoy snacks with her family and worry about everything else later.
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alvaar-aldaviir ¡ 5 years ago
Movement: Affrettando
Time Frame: Stormblood, 4.4 patch. Spoilers accordingly.
Notes: No real warnings required. Just an introspective piece on Alvaar’s thoughts through the Burn in the search for Alphinaud. A companion to Patching Up Wounds, and part of that lovely segment in the SB post patch where Alvaar and Alisaie's friendship strengthens
Cross-posted to Ao3.
It’s been some time since he’d last slipped the lease on his anger but there’s enough sand and wind and plenty enough teeth to warrant Alvaar’s rage in his solo flight through The Burn.
It’s not something that he’s proud of, but letting the rage consume him is far more preferable to the paralyzing fear that waits for him outside of it.
  He remembers landing in the harsh sands with his yol, still hearing the faint echoes of Lord Hien on the winds calling them to seek shelter.
Shelter. Pah.
If they were afraid of a storm, then he would continue alone. He would scour all the Burn if he had to. He would march straight to Garlemald and rip this fake Zenos’ throat out a second time and torch his infernal body if he found so much as a hair on Alphinaud’s head had been damaged.
Like hell he was about to sit and wait when he was in danger…
Alisaie wasn’t here right now. He didn’t need to keep up the calm air of faith and be the steady rock between them. The level head else it would send them both weapons drawn straight to the Garlean border.
There were monsters. A few machines he thinks. A stretch of time running in metal corridors with the baleful cry of the sandstorm against the hull of a broken ship.
It was all cloaked in red, and he didn’t even try this time to reign it in with the single-minded purpose and anger coursing in his veins. Rage was preferable to the coiling knots of terror. Fighting better than an endless assault of potential death or capture or- His heart pounded a staccato as his bow creaked and hummed with every snap of the string. A lone lupine howl of his song wailing higher and more fearsome than the storm in his wake as he cut a bloody path through whatever moved to oppose him.
Alvaar was not afraid of wind and sands when they beckoned to his call. He was the eye of this storm and God’s be good and true if they did not find some sign Alphinaud was alright...
He would bury the empire under a mountain of fire and sand and ash. He’d ask penance from corpses and play a dirge even Nidhogg would envy.
There are white scales and teeth. A draconian form slipping through the fog and sands to harry him, slowing his frantic search. And its fire and snow and the bitter cold of Coerthas cutting against his skin as he settles into a familiar dance of death. Carving their path forward as he has always done for the youth that believed him capable of miracles. For the ally that had remained at his side and steadied him in his darkest moments…
The blade-point of the Halonic bow is sunk as far as it can reach behind the dragon’s skull. Severing nerves and tendons as Estinien had shown him while the white scaled beast shudders its last under his feet.
And the world is blue and bright and dazzling as he gasps for air in lungful’s that sting like sandpaper though the storm has since abated. And this white sandy hellscape is not Coerthas. There is no Estinien, no Alphinaud, no Ysayle trailing in his wake on their joint quest for peace...
There’s instead a firm hand at his wrist, someone that looks like his precious friend but who definitely is not. And it’s the part concern, part nervous look on Alisaie’s face that breaks through his fatigue and sends sound back through his ears. He can hear Y’shtola and Hien speaking in the background while Alisaie studies him worriedly, though he can’t yet comprehend what they’re saying through the fog of fatigue.
Her white magic doesn’t feel the same as her twins. It’s not calm and warm, but passionate and hot as it races through him sealing his wounds. It feels like a burn by comparison and the realities crash in around him in the wake of his last full rage since they’d rescued Rauhban as he puffs for air and notes he’s covered in splatters of blood. This is not a hundred previous battles with worried hands and voice at his side patching his wounds. The winding fluff of a carbuncle leaned against his shin while it’s master frets in that quiet but obvious way of his.
He’d thought he’d be done with feeling helpless. That after this bloody campaign and storm of steel, with a true turning point in the steady march of their enemy, maybe things could be different now. But no, he was seldom ever that lucky.
This world only ever saw fit to take what desperate things he struggled to hold on to…
Hands grip on his forearm carefully, a brief pause to pat firmly at his leather jacket and shake off some of the sand in a shower of white grit. He feels fingers threading with his own over the supple leather of his gloves, squeezing tight as his name sounds between them. Soft and gentle with concern.
His fingers hurt as he releases the white-knuckle grip on his bow to leave it standing blade down and unwavering where it’s still imbedded in flesh. The joints in his hand creaking as they’re finally allowed to move and flex a moment before he’s settling his hand over hers slowly.
He hurts. Inside and out. Muscles aching faintly from a berserker fury and pushing himself just a bit too hard. Heart clenched in a mute fear as the lack of news or evidence of Alphinaud’s presence cuts him up inside. Heavy with guilt that he’d let him go when all his instincts had screamed not to. That it was too dangerous no matter how right Alphinaud’s reasoning had been or how much Alvaar had seen the Arcanist had needed to stretch his wings and fly solo for his own dreams of peace.
He’d failed to protect him and the knowledge it might cost Alisaie her sibling hurt even more than the silent fear that the one person who probably knew him best was now well and truly missing and possibly even dead...
“Alvaar,” she tries again, shaking him just a bit and tone a little more forceful. Pulling his focus steadily from everything dark and haunted within him. Making his fingers twitch over hers as he starts to rouse back to the present.
“Alvaar.” Still quiet, but there’s a command in that tone and it breaks him free and has him meeting those too blue eyes again. Deep and vibrant as the midday sea.
“M’here,” he murmurs softly, voice dry and weak. “Still here... sorry. Sorry I didn’t... I couldn’t...” He looks about, unable to find better words before meeting her gaze again sadly.
The tight look of worry on her face holds for a moment before she dips her head and leans into his arm. Takes a moment to steady herself before lifting her gaze to his again, azure eyes burning with firm conviction. “We’ll find him. My brother may be foolish, but he knows better than to die on me. He’ll send word once he can. Come on, let’s go back and sort out a plan. ... You need a bath too; you look a wreck.”
It’s enough to make him blink, an ear flipping faintly in disbelief as she manages the faintest grin before pulling away and freeing the canteen from his belts. Taking off the cap she hands it to him with a no-nonsense air, pushing it at him again when he takes a second too long to claim it. “Come on. We’ll all be in trouble if you wear out your voice and can’t be your usual chatterbox self.”
It’s not the same as what he’s known. It’s not the dear friend he’s grown to rely on more than he wanted to admit, who’s seen him at his best and at his absolute worst.
But Alisaie doesn’t have to be. They’re different in many ways, but alike in more ways that matter. He’s no less committed to protecting her either, even as it seems she feels the same. So he rinses his teeth and takes a drink. Coughs and clears his throat before offering it back, staying put so she can cap it and hook it back to his belt while he yanks his bow free and shakes the dark blood off the spearhead. Clipping it onto his back, he settles a hand at the Red Mage’s shoulder and pulls her into his side for a brief one-armed hug.
“Whatever it takes. I’m with you,” he murmurs, lifting his head to meet Y’shtola’s thoughtful look while Hien politely studied the landscape instead. Neither miss the way Alisaie grips onto the hand still at her shoulder, but the Miqo’te doesn’t comment on it as she tilts her head.
“There’s naught left here for us. Let us away.”
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whitherliliesbloom ¡ 5 years ago
Do you have any headcanons for Illya's parents meeting Alphinaud?? I think it'd be hella cute fam.
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[Good First Impressions]
Canon Verse - Post Stormblood, pre-returning to Doma   ✿ Alphinaud meeting Illya’s parents  ✿ 945 words
It’s all smiles and laughter until the rich boy expresses his romantic interest in her daughter.
Perhaps keeping her newly blossomed relationship with a close work colleague from her mother hadn’t been the greatest idea. 
In fairness, it hasn’t even been 12 whole moons since her, in hindsight, embarrassing mutual confession to Alphinaud while they were in Doma. Much has occurred since the liberation of two nations alike, and while there was still much and more they had to do in the wake of a newly independent Ala Mhigo, there was relative peace. 
And as Alphinaud had stated quite eloquently, he had no mind to squander such an opportunity of respite for the both of them. He proposed that Illya return to pay her parents a much needed visit, knowing the Warrior of Light has not had contact with them outside of bimonthly letters sent back and forth. 
It hadn’t been his immediate thought to insert himself into the mix, but after much consideration, he deemed that now was a better time than later to get to meet the wonderful couple who had raised such an equally wonderful young lady. 
Perhaps it’d be more appropriate to save such a first meeting until after they’ve made plans to be eternally bonded.. but Alphinaud was hardly one for flings, and he very much doubted that Illya was either. He could take the time to pay his respects, learn more about his beloved’s childhood, and though it rattles his nerves to think about, express his sincere feelings to them and pray for their blessings. 
He’d prevented Illya from clarifying the full extent of their relationship in her letters too for that purpose. It didn’t feel quite right to have her be the one to break the news. If there was nothing else he could do, he could at least play the part of a gentleman and introduce himself officially to them face to face. 
For all his enthusiasm and excitement however, Illya knew the moment Alphinaud had stepped off the ship and began walking along the dirt path that would lead them through the countryside that he was truthfully losing his nerves. 
Worried about what her parents would be like, perhaps. Though she’d spoken at lengths about what both her mother and father was like, he had no way of knowing if they’d think favorably of him. 
More than anything though, Alphinaud was terrified of the prospect of giving a bad first impression. He’s made extensive preparations, rehearsed his planned words of greetings, even brought gifts as a small token of his earnestness. But he could still not shake off the racing of his heart, barely keeping his knees from bucking together. 
Illya’s attempts at calming him down with a mixture of reassuring words and gentle tugs of his hand had helped to an extent, until the pair stood outside the wooden cottage that was home to her parents. 
He’s nervous almost to the point of dizziness, but forces his hand to raise up and knock upon the door. 
No more than several seconds later, the door opens, and the pair are greeted by the radiating smile of a lalafellin woman with short white hair and red eyes.
“Oh Illya! You’re home!” 
The woman’s arms are thrown forward to pull Illya into a hug, who is more than eager to embrace her mother in return. One wouldn’t be able to tell this was the selfsame mother Illya had described as being ‘intimidating at times’, though perhaps such show of affection was only natural for a mother who has not seen her child for over two summers.
“Mother.. I’m home.”  The emotions in Illya’s tone of voice alone was palpable, and she’s already quick to sniff back tears that had begun to well up in her eyes back. 
Alphinaud is a mere silent observer as he watches the touching reunion unfold before him. He is but an outsider at the moment, and he knows it was not his place to interrupt. He only offers a small unrestrained smile, as he continues to watch the pair exchange words to each other. 
Finally, when Illya’s mother turns her head to look up at the elezen man, she gives a nod in greeting.
“You must be Illya’s friend, Alphinaud. Come in and make yourself at home. You both must have sailed for such an awful long time, so I prepared my signature beet stew.” 
Friend. Not quite.. The ignorant smile the woman gave him felt like a gut wrenching punch.
He meant no ill will, nor did he ever ask Illya to mask the truth behind their relationship out of any selfish motivation.. but it nagged at his subconsciousness all the same. It felt like a blatant lie. 
What better time to formally introduce himself than at that time, then.. before his guilt grows further and prevents him from being able to stomach the stew Illya’s mother had so lovingly prepared. 
“Actually, Miss Cocona..” He beckons for her attention by calling her name, and the sharp eyed lalafell turns around to raise an eyebrow at Alphinaud.
“The relationship I have with your daughter extends beyond friends.”
Cocona’s crimson eyes are narrowed now, and her arms fold across her chest. 
“I have been courting Illya for a while now.. And she has recently reciprocated my feelings.“
The silence in the air was deafening, as was the tension that felt like it was gripping at his throat and crushing his airway. The narrowing of Cocona’s eyes as she glared up at the man and the deepened scowl upon her face was enough to send a gulp bobbing down his throat.
And there was nothing Illya could do but to simply watch as the pair stood in silence, one staring with anger and the other, pure unbridled fear.
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mintdrop ¡ 5 years ago
H-hewwo? Estinien X WOL mint?? I've never heard you talk about it and i wanna know more??
this is a post-writeup note to say holy FUCK this came out so much longer than I thought. i am so sorry. i couldn’t stop myself
huhuhuhu I haven’t talked about it because I used to feel like.. ashamed for shipping it? since most of the ff community is like “lalafell are children!!!!!! that’s WRONG!!!” but I have since realized that their opinions are garbage and I’ll ship whatever I damn please within reason. :3c mint/estinien kind of started off as a continuation ship I had of my old character Amira (a purple bookwormy lalafell SCH) but it has turned into it’s own thing and it’s like 40% cuter imo. 
since I’ve only ever actively played one character, WoL!Mint has all the memories of her adventures from from 2.x to now, ignoring all the fantasias I’ve gone through. She started off just absolutely despising him during the final 2.x dragoon quests and, going into Heavensward, refused to trust him. Refused to acknowledge him unless absolutely forced to, would usually reply in one or two words at best, and occasionally she’d catch herself thinking “but what if.. I “missed” a heal on him during this fight….” but in the end would rather physically remove all of her teeth by hand than sabotage a battle and sacrifice someone’s safety for her petty high-school-level drama. after all, even if she didn’t trust him, the others clearly did.
she only started to trust him, and inevitably start falling for him, after the incident at the Vault. she went mute for a length of time, didn’t give any input to anything and accepted all requests/orders without so much as a nod of her head; she’d just go, do it, show back up with some kind of proof of whatever was required and leave again. everyone tried to get her to go back to how she was before, or at least get her to speak again, but it was like reasoning with a brick wall to move. 
at one point, Alphinaud needed Mint to scout the area surrounding the Gubal Library, but he couldn’t find her. she wasn’t in her inn room in Idyllshire, and there were no sightings of her around the Hinterlands; he contacted Aymeric through a linkshell, but none of the guards at any of the gates had so much as seen a glance at her. worried for his friend’s safety more than anything, he enlisted Estinien’s help in finding her, simply because he could cover more ground than most others. estinien already had a fairly good idea of where she was, though, and his hunch wasn’t wrong; she was, once again, at Haurchefant’s grave. 
it had been lightly dusting snow at the time, but Mint was covered in what looked like several hours worth from simply sitting there, unmoving. frustrated with it all, Estinien stomped over and picked her up by the fuzzy collar of her top, lifting her to eye level with his visor. “You are needed, Totomi.” she gave a blink of acknowledgement and a small nod, expecting to be put down and given a location. instead the visor on estinien’s mask rose and he was glaring daggers. “You misunderstand. You are needed. Not this fragment of despair that is here right now.”
I used to have this whole scenario written out but it looks like it got lost when I moved computers. Basically he shook her to her senses (both mentally and physically, just wiggling his hand to try and get her to wake up) and it ended with Mint turning into this miserable faucet of tears and hiccups as she babbled out what you’d expect; how he shouldn’t have been the one who die for her poor judgement, that she was a bloody fool and wasn’t worthy of being the warrior of light, etc. Despite being incredibly blunt and calling her a dumbass, Estinien managed to calm her down and make her realize that it wasn’t her fault, and that if time were to rewind and Haurchefant was told what was going to happen, he’d still take the spear for her.
Heavensward goes on as is until the peace trial between Ishgard and Vidofnir, which results in Mint getting fucking pissed and swears to bring Estinien back or kill him to free him of Nidhogg’s possession, because she’s learned that he would prefer to die than let Nidhogg use his body to ruin Ishgard and get revenge. Luckily, it doesn’t come to that thanks to Ysayle and Haurchefant. Mint refuses to leave Estinien’s room after he’s brought to the chirurgin, going so far as to veil a threat or two under a very cheerful demeanor if she’s forced to leave. When he wakes up and notices her, the first thing he gets is a slap to the face followed by copious amounts of swears that would make a Limsan sailor gasp.
After a full recovery, unless the situation calls for either of them to do something, you’d always be able to find Mint basically glued to Estinien’s hip, although he would refer to her as a thorn in his side, “but not one that really needs to be removed.” The story progresses into Stormblood and Mint considers confessing, until the war between Garlemald and Ala Mhigo begins and she realizes “hey, maybe I’ll wait until after this is said and done.” That time doesn’t come, though, due to Zenos being Zenos and the threats from Garlemald still looming in their faces. Nothing really happens during Stormblood because of how busy Mint ends up being. 
while it isn’t canon to the opening of shadowbringers, in this ship, Estinien was at the ravine with Biggs/Wedge/Tataru/Mint while they were investigating, and despite his attempt, isn’t able to stop Mint from being pulled to the First. After convincing both Tataru and himself that she’ll be fine because she’s Mint, he goes and fulfills his investigation into the black rose for the scions, using his end of the bargain as an excuse to keep himself busy. 
When he returns to inform Tataru of what happened and that he’s done, he’s met by a bombshell of a Lalafell running at him at full speed, launching herself into a hug whether he likes it or not. Even though it was only a few days? weeks? maybe like a month idk the timeline too well to him, it felt like much, much longer to Mint because of how the time passes between worlds, and she once again ends up as a babbling mess. Krile and Tataru give them a few minutes alone because they feel like Mint probably doesn’t want to be seen like this, and she takes the time to confess before he can even open his mouth to welcome her back, “because I didn’t know how long I’d be gone and I missed you and I was terrified I wouldn’t be able to come back and”
after that is some REALLY GUSHY stuff that makes me grin just thinking about because it makes my heart fluffy. Mint now spends all of her time on the Source with Estinien because she’ll be damned if she doesn’t get to make up for the time it felt like she was gone for. Her usual spot is on his shoulder, kind of carried like a sack of potatoes “because it’s comfy.”
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