#Stingray City Trips
sailor-aviator · 1 year
Meet Me at the Sea: Prologue
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Meet Me at the Sea: Prologue
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader
Summary: Your best friend, Bob Floyd, had insisted you join him for the summer at his family's home along the Carolina coasts. You had been hesitant at first, but ultimately agreed to his request. Now, here you were in a new town with strange locals who spoke in hushed whispers and cryptic retellings about glistening scales, glowing eyes, and haunting songs that echoed from the sea. You didn't believe them at first, but when you wake up on the beach one morning after having fallen overboard the night before, you can't help but think that maybe you hadn't imagine the strong arms and deep, green eyes of the man that had saved you.
Trigger warnings: None.
Word Count: 1.1k
A/N: Here it is! The new series that absolutely no one asked for, but I decided to give to you! But seriously, I'm really excited for this one because it's been in my head for months, so long before fanfiction even crossed my mind. As always, reblogs, comments, and likes are greatly appreciated. 18+ ONLY!!! You can find me on AO3 under sailor_aviator where I will be posting updates there as well.
Series Masterlist || Jake "Hangman" Seresin Tag List
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You had always been fascinated by the ocean, drawn to it really. You supposed that most people were. The ocean was where all life originated, after all, and perhaps there was some innate desire to return to where one once came from. A desire so strong that it was embedded into the very fabric of one’s being to be passed on to future generations.
That’s what you mused, anyway. You, however, had very little experience with the sea, having grown up in a land-locked area of the country. The closest you had ever been to a large body of water was the local lake in the nearby state park. The closest you had ever been to the ocean, were the times you had successfully convinced your parents to take you to the aquarium in the city. You would spend hours there, entranced by the different creatures. You’d stare as the all the fish and different sharks swam above you in a timeless dance that you so desperately wished you could join in. Your favorite part, however, was always the stingray pool. You loved how affectionate the creatures seemed to be, eagerly swimming closer to the surface so that your fingers could glide down their backs. You could stay there forever if the aquarium didn’t have a strict closing time.
Your love for the ocean translated into your every day life too. You had several figurines from your visits to the aquarium, but your prized possession was a stuffed cownose ray your parents had gifted you oh so many years ago that you had affectionately named “Rusty.” This often surprised people, who assumed it would be the porcelain figurine your grandmother had brought back from one of her overseas trips for you
The mermaid was beautiful, yes. Her skin glowed with how pale she was, hair floating like she was still in the water. Her tail was painted a light blue that almost looked silver. You adored the figurine, of course, but she was certainly no rusty.
So, it came as no surprise to anyone who had met you that you chose to pursue marine biology in university. Your parents had been so proud when you had been accepted into Duke University, but they had also been hesitant.
“That’s a long way from home,” your father had reminded you. “If something happens, it’ll be hard for us to come and get you.”
“Your father’s right, dear,” you mother had frowned. “Are you sure you want to do this?”
And you had been. You had never been more sure of anything in your entire life. So, you had packed what you could and your parents drove you out to your new home for the next four years. You had made several friends during your time at school, but the one that stood out the most was Bob Floyd.
Bob was a quiet guy, but he was funny and quick as a whip. You had met him in one of your biology courses freshman year, and you found out quickly that he was also studying marine biology.
“What got you into the field?” he had asked you.
“I don’t know exactly,” you had hummed. “I suppose I’ve just always loved the ocean.”
You turned to him. “What about you?”
“Me?” He laughed. “Oh, I grew up on the coasts. Right here in North Carolina, in fact. My hometown is just a couple hours away from here.”
“Oh, so you’re a local,” you grinned.
“I suppose you could say that,” he smiled.
You two had been inseparable ever since. Well, at least during the school year. You would take small trips with your girlfriends during weekend breaks, only flying home for the longer ones, much to Bob’s annoyance.
“When are you gonna take me up on my offer to just spend the summer at my folk’s place?” he huffed in a laugh. You rolled your eyes playfully at him from where you lay sprawled out on his bedspread, several textbooks scattered around you. Bob was seated at his desk, textbooks also cracked open as the two of you studied for finals. “I’m serious, y/n. It’s senior year, and I’d really like if my best friend would come hang out with me for the summer.”
“I don’t want to be a bother,” you started, stopping when Bob scoffed, shooting you a scowl.
“You’re never a bother. And where’s that same attitude when you’re over here eating all of my poptarts?”
“That’s different,” you giggled.
Bob glared playfully at you. “I beg to differ. Besides, you’d be doin’ me a favor. I’m always so bored when I’m at home. I could really use the company.”
“Wow, what a ringing endorsement,” you joked, Bob rolled his eyes. “I’ll think about it, alright? I want to see what my parents have planned.”
As it would turn out, your parents had planned a trip abroad for the whole summer, and you were left with no other option but to accept Bob’s proposal.
“Don’t sound so happy,” he had laughed. “You love the ocean, and the house is right on the beach.”
“I am happy,” you countered, loading your bags into the back of his car. “But, I’m worried that I’ll just be an imposition.”
“For the thousandth time,” Bob said with a dramatic roll of his eyes, “you are not an imposition. My parents love you, remember? Sometimes, I think they like you more than they like me. Do you really think they would have let me invite you if they didn’t? Hell, I had to fight’em to keep’em from inviting you themselves.”
Bob’s parents were a sweet couple. Susan was a stay-at-home mom turned entrepreneur, while Richard was a tech developer, and both absolutely adored their only son. They had latched onto you the second Bob had introduced you to them during one of the home football games they had driven up to see, and now they considered you the daughter they never had.
“How did they react when you told them I was coming?” you asked him with a grin. He rubbed his chin thoughtfully.
“Pretty sure there’s a mountain of balloons waiting for us when we get there,” he mused, closing the door to the trunk. The two of you rounded the different sides of the car before getting in. Once your seatbelt was fastened, you looked up to see Bob giving you a peculiar look. You returned it with a confused one, and he looked down pointedly at your lap.
“Rusty does not sit in the back,” you said, hugging the stuffed ray closer. Bob let out a little laugh as he held his hands up in surrender.
“You sure you remembered everything?” he asked you as he started the car. You nodded, shifting in your seat to get more comfortable.
“I’m sure.”
“Alright then,” he grinned, turning to you. “Let’s get goin’.”
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icouldntfindquiet · 4 months
How's your trip going?
It’s been good! The weather hasn’t been the best but at least it’s not raining all the time. The ocean is nice (but too cold for swimming), the city center is cute, I found a cute garden, and I went tide pooling for the first time yesterday. 😁 I think today will be more exciting because we’re visiting Cannon Beach (a popular tourist attraction) at low tide so I’m excited to see some stuff. I’m traveling with a big group with two kids (ages 2 and 3) so I’m limited in what I can do/see but I’m having fun. Thanks for asking and here are some unedited pics. My videos are better but I have too many. 😁
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^ Stingray at the saddest aquarium I’ve ever seen says hello. 😆 The fish didn’t look too happy. I thought some were dead but they’re alive and not moving much. 🙈
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"Yikes! It's salty!"
Nimona hummed as she floated like a stingray... Or as a Stingray, in this case. "Oh, yeah. Be careful, it's salty."
Ambrosius narrowed his eyes at her late warning.
"Stings like a bitch, too, if you get it in the eyes."
So, that warning was earlier this time. "Right, thanks."
It was an off day, so Ambrosius and Ballister didn't have any Knight duties. It was one of the times they were both off. To make a day out of it, they decided to take a trip outside the wall to one of the newest discoveries the city found.
Nimona knew about it already, she said it was called the 'ocean' and a fun recreation time would be to swim around. It quickly became a popular recreation spot, so the three of them weren't the only ones there. It was a good thing, because that meant there were also establishments.
read the rest here
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From Mako Shark to Manta Ray: The Evolution of the Most Influential Corvette Concepts
Published: 14 Nov 2022, 16:04 UTC • By: 
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During the 1960s, General Motors introduced a trio of stunning show cars that laid the groundwork for the C2 and C3 Corvette. Although many other concepts followed, these three remain the most influential, as they went on to inspire the styling of modern iterations, including the current, mid-engine C8.
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Like the Corvette itself, the notion of a concept (or show) car was born in the U.S., under GM’s roof. Dubbed Buick Y-Job and designed by the legendary Harley J. Earl, the drop-top beauty unveiled in 1940 previewed a series of novel features and design cues that influenced the division’s mass-produced models for over a decade.
When GM decided to build a rival for the European sports cars that were flooding the North American market in the post-WWII years, the same Harley J. Earl was selected to draw it up. To build hype around it, the corporation commissioned Earl and the Chevy team to build a show car which was codenamed EX-122. First shown to the public at the 1953 Motorama in New York City, the concept would become known as the Corvette and with a few minor changes, it entered production a few months later.
Contrary to popular belief, the C1 wasn’t the commercial success that GM had envisioned but it did pique the American buyer’s interest in a homebuilt sportscar, so the corporation poured resources into the development of a successor.
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Under the supervision of Styling and Design head Bill Mitchell, the new Corvette’s design was ironed out as early as 1961 and, as they did in the past, the team created a show car that would help promote it. Like the upcoming production version, the vehicle was designed by Larry Shinoda, who drew inspiration from the 1959 XP-87 Stingray racer.
Gone was the curvaceous, European-looking theme of the C1, with the ‘Vette’s body now boasting far more aggressive lines that look like the sleek shortfin mako shark. Although it was officially codenamed XP-755, the concept car unveiled at the 1962 International Automobile Show would become known as the Mako Shark due to its unmistakable resemblance to the fast-moving predator.
One aspect that contributed to this was the car’s spectacular paintwork. Legend has it that, upon returning from a fishing trip with a taxidermized shark head (some reports state that it was a complete shark) as a trophy, Bill Mitchell hung it in his office and instructed the design team to replicate its coloring on the show car.
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Several attempts to make such an impossible task possible were made but Mitchell was not satisfied. The styling head would put the trophy next to the car and since the paint was not identical, he instructed the team to try again. Annoyed by this, an unnamed member of the team snuck into Mitchell’s office one night, took his beloved trophy, and airbrushed it to look like the car’s latest paint job. In the end, the boss couldn’t tell the difference and, since the car and the shark now looked the same, he finally gave his frustrated team the thumbs up.
The Mako Shark managed to draw enough interest in the C2 as it became a fan favorite at every event where it was showcased. It underwent styling and detail changes over time, gaining front fascia and interior upgrades. The car also lost the distinctive "double-bubble" canopy borrowed from a previous concept and became a pure convertible.
Apart from the unique paint and several flamboyant design cues, its overall styling made it to the mass-produced model. which became the commercial hit that its predecessor never was.
Unlike other GM concepts that were eventually destroyed, the original Shark is still alive and well, residing in the corporation’s Heritage Collection located in Sterling Heights, Michigan.
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Just a few years after the debut of the Mako Shark, the Corvette team began work on the third-generation model which would roll out the factory gates in 1967. While the mid-engine format proposed by Zora Arkus-Duntov with his race-bred CERV II concept was considered, Bill Mitchell's conventional front-engine design was deemed more marketable by GM’s top brass.
Under the codename XP-830, the development of a new concept car kicked off in early 1964 with the C2’s existing chassis as the base. For the C3, Mitchell wanted "a narrow, slim, center section and coupe body, a tapered tail, an all-of-a-piece blending of the upper and lower portions of the body through the center (avoiding the look of a roof added to a body), and prominent wheels with their protective fenders distinctly separate from the main body, yet grafted organically to it.”
Turning this vision into reality took about a year to pull off. Mitchell’s designers completed a full-size, non-running version in March 1965, and days later, key members of GM’s management were invited to see it. Everyone was blown away and unanimously decided that it had to go into production as soon as possible.
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Finished in a similar paint and carrying the same Mako Shark moniker as the XP-755, the non-functional concept was first shown to the public at the New York International Auto Show just a month later. While its exterior design was praised by everyone, its futuristic interior received a lot of criticism for ergonomically-nightmarish such as the yoke-style steering wheel with its complicated transmission controls.
Behind closed doors, the development team was working on a running model that would address these issues and in October 1965, it made its public debut in France, at the Paris Auto Show. Powered by the highly successful and versatile 427 version of Chevy’s Mark IV big block, the functional Mako Shark II had rear-exiting exhausts -as opposed to the static model’s side-mounted variants – and a conventional steering wheel with column-fitted transmission controls.
Although it’s unquestionably the most influential concept car to ever don Corvette badges, shaping the look of America’s popular sports car for generations to come, the story of the second Shark, in either non-functional or functional form, didn’t have a happy ending. Unlike its predecessor which enjoys retirement on top of a pedestal inside GM’s Heritage Collection, the static version was dismantled while the running model was transformed into another show car.
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This leads us to the third most influential Corvette concept. Completed in 1969 it left the Mako Shark name behind (but not the now-iconic paint) and became known as the Manta Ray.
Its front fascia remained largely the same, with the only additions being an extended bumper ring around the vents and a chin spoiler mounted underneath.
On the sides, the Manta Ray featured functional exhausts that were masterfully integrated into rocker panels, but its most distinct upgrade was the profusely elongated, tail. The now-classic four taillights layout was tucked under the rear deck line and a pair of pop-up flaps that reflected light from upward-facing lamps were added. You can see rare footage of them in action below, thanks to the video posted on YouTube by DtRockstar1
The reshaped tail flowed into a sweeping, scooped-out, stinger-style roof that helped accentuate the aggressiveness of the overall design. Speaking of aggressiveness, the car was powered by the newly introduced ZL1 427-ci (7.0-liter) V8, a lightweight, all-aluminum monster that could spit out no less than 430 hp.
Even if the Mako Shark II had to be sacrificed to build it, the Manta Ray was in itself a work of automotive art that captivated the hearts and minds of sports car enthusiasts. Thankfully, after its transformation, GM decided to keep it and it joined the first Shark in the corporation’s Heritage Collection.
Many other concept cars that carried the Corvette nameplate followed in the next five decades, but none were as pure nor as influential as these three. They inspired the look of every mass-produced Corvette generation that followed, including the current and radically different C8. 
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umichenginabroad · 7 months
The Great Barrier Reef (Week 5)
After a very memorable trip to Singapore and Bali, it was time to visit the Great Barrier Reef with my summer class. But first, Lauren and I had to take a train from Brisbane to Hervey Bay where we would meet up with our class and fly out to Lady Elliot Island (LEI). The day we had in the 3rd largest Australian city consisted of a lot of walking through the city streets, spotting spiders in the Botanical Garden, and philosophizing about human nature as usual. 
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We were eager to get on our first Australian train that would take us to Hervey Bay, but after reaching the first stop and halting for the next 3 hours, we had started to lose hope. Apparently a tree had fallen down onto power lines which fell onto the tracks up north, preventing our train from moving forward. Southeast Queensland is notorious for having bad thunderstorms and flooding. With the canceled train and nowhere to stay, all we could do was wait patiently and hope that the train company would coordinate accommodation for us and secure us a train ride for the following day. Luckily, the train company followed through and we got to spend an extra day in Brisbane which we used to walk around some more and then watch Mean Girls in theater (I highly recommend giving it a watch). Seeing how patient and cooperative all the Australians were during all the train chaos was very inspiring and a testament to the lax culture Aussies embrace. Isolated from the rest of the world, people here seem to prioritize self-care and community instead of work and politics. When the weather is this nice all the time, I sure can’t blame them. Soon enough, we found ourselves in Hervey Bay, and then on one of the smallest planes I have ever laid my eyes on for just 12 passengers to get to LEI. 
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Just like that, I found myself standing on a tiny island that would take only 45 minutes to walk around. 
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A picture of LEI from the plane.
LEI is the southernmost point of the Great Barrier Reef and it’s known to be a breeding ground for almost 100 different species of birds, 3 species of turtle, as well as countless fish, rays, sharks, and so much more. It’s also home to an eco-resort dedicated to educating visitors about the surrounding coral reefs and wildlife while being fully self-sustainable. Through my class, we got behind-the-scenes tours from staff to learn about the sustainable practices used on the island including solar panels for energy, a water desalination and filtration system, and even a composting machine that could take any thrown out food from the buffet and turn it into fertilizer. In our spare time, students were free to snorkel, scuba dive, and explore as much as we wanted. Within the first 2 minutes of my first snorkeling adventure, I watched a small shark swim right below me, saw countless fish, and witnessed the beauty of an underwater world I never could have imagined. I had no idea that coral reefs came in every color from yellow to green to purple and that sea turtles use their flippers to itch their faces just like my dog, Roni, uses his paw when he has something in his eye. I watched a line of baby squid float side-by-side without a care in the world and a baby turtle poop as if performing for us eager snorkelers. I was introduced to over a dozen different turtles over the days and learned that my favorite part about turtle-watching was seeing them come up for air and poke their little heads up out of the water while they’re massive shells floated at the surface. Each shark I saw (all about the size of a dolphin or smaller) reminded me of their beauty and surprisingly calm nature, but impressive speed and agility. I also laid eyes on barracuda as well as a stingray in their natural habitat and I overcame my fear of scuba diving as I made my first dive down 12 meters! The experience was thrilling, but showed me that I could see the same beauty while floating at the water’s surface – a more comfortable location for a mild claustrophobe. 
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A screenshot from a video where a shark swims under a turtle we were watching! 
All in all, the quick 5-day trip was one I will never forget and one that I will never fail to recommend to any future Australia-travelers (just don't forget to bring a hat to protect you from the bird poop!).
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David Bayer
Biomedical Engineering
University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia
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caymanairways · 10 months
First Time Traveling to Cayman? Some Useful Tips For You
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Are you planning your first trip to the exquisite Cayman Islands? Exploring a new destination is an exciting adventure, but it can also be overwhelming for first-timers. To ensure your experience is smooth and enjoyable, here are some valuable tips to make your visit to the Cayman Islands memorable.
Things to Know About the Cayman Islands
(i) Weather Conditions:
The Cayman Islands boast a tropical climate throughout the year. It's typically warm and inviting, with temperatures ranging from 75°F to 85°F. Be prepared for occasional rain, especially during the wet season from May to October.
(ii) Currency:
The local currency used in the Cayman Islands is the Cayman Islands Dollar (KYD). However, the US dollar is widely accepted, so it's convenient for travelers to carry USD.
(iii) Stable Political Environment:
The Cayman Islands maintains a stable political environment, ensuring safety and security for all visitors. The islands are known for their peaceful and welcoming atmosphere.
Important Documents and Insurance
Before you embark on your journey, ensure all your necessary documents, such as a valid passport, travel visa (if required), and any other essential papers, are in order. Additionally, consider travel insurance to cover any unforeseen events during your stay.
Advance Flight Booking
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When considering flights to Grand Cayman, it's essential to plan and book your travel in advance to secure the best deals and schedules. Various airlines offer direct and connecting flights to Owen Roberts International Airport in Grand Cayman, providing travelers with options to suit their preferences and budgets. Being strategic about your flight selection can ensure a comfortable and convenient journey to this stunning Caribbean destination. Whether you opt for non-stop flights or those with layovers, exploring the available choices can help make your travel experience to Grand Cayman seamless and enjoyable.
While credit cards are widely accepted, having some cash on hand for small purchases or in case of emergencies is advisable. ATMs are available across the islands, making it easy to withdraw local currency.
Packing essentials for your Cayman trip include light, breathable clothing, sunscreen, swimwear, sunglasses, and comfortable footwear. Don’t forget your camera to capture the stunning scenery.
The Cayman Islands are known for their safety and security. However, it's recommended to remain vigilant and take general safety precautions as you would in any new destination.
Local Transportation
Getting around Grand Cayman (the largest of the three Cayman Islands) is convenient, with options like taxis, rental cars, and public buses. Taxis are readily available, while rental cars offer flexibility in exploring the islands.
Places to Visit in Cayman
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(i) Cayman Turtle Centre:
Explore the Cayman Turtle Centre to encounter various sea turtle species and even have the opportunity to swim with these majestic creatures.
(ii) Starfish Point & Stingray City:
Visit Starfish Point and Stingray City for an extraordinary experience with friendly stingrays and the chance to observe starfish in their natural habitat.
(iii) Hell:
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A geological wonder, Hell is a unique rock formation featuring black limestone formations that create an otherworldly landscape.
(iv) Seven Mile Beach and Rum Point Beach:
Relax and soak up the sun at the breathtaking Seven Mile Beach, or head to Rum Point Beach for a more serene and secluded experience.
(v) Cayman Crystal Caves:
Embark on an adventure through the Cayman Crystal Caves, exploring stunning formations and learning about the island's geological history.
Delicious Cuisine
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Indulge in the delectable local cuisine of Grand Cayman, featuring fresh seafood, jerk chicken, and the famous conch fritters. Don't miss out on the opportunity to savor these authentic dishes.
Traveling to the Cayman Islands for the first time is an unforgettable experience. With the provided tips, you're now equipped to make the most of your trip, creating lasting memories in this paradise.
Some Frequently Asked Questions:
Question - 1: Is English widely spoken in the Cayman Islands? Answer - 1: Yes, English is the official language, making communication hassle-free for travelers.
Question - 2: Are there any restrictions on drone usage in Grand Cayman? Answer - 2: Drone usage is regulated in the Cayman Islands. Ensure you familiarize yourself with local laws before flying a drone.
Question - 3: What is the best time to visit the Cayman Islands? Answer - 3: The period between November and April is considered the peak tourist season due to pleasant weather.
Question - 4: Are there any cultural etiquettes visitors should be aware of? Answer - 4: Respect the local customs and traditions, and it's polite to greet people with a friendly "hello" or "good morning."
Question - 5: Is it necessary to tip in Cayman restaurants? Answer - 5: Tipping is appreciated but not mandatory in most restaurants. A service charge may already be included in the bill.
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feelinsexyandfree · 1 year
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Chartered a boat for a 5-hour snorkeling tour!
📍Coral Gardens
📍Stingray City
📍Rum Point Reef
📍Kaibo Beach
📍Bioluminescent Bay
Mia said, “Best trip ever!”
But then she said that on every trip we took 🤣
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gonehollywoodrp · 1 year
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Welcome to the twin islands of Antigua and Barbuda! Both islands present nearly 95 miles of coastline, coral reefs, a large lagoon, and even a bird sanctuary! Enjoy the welcoming and friendly atmosphere, sandy beaches and clear waters, and near perfect weather during your stay at Antigua. 
Adventure Antigua: Designed to take visitors to the most beautiful destinations on the islands by boat, you can expect both a day of education and sight seeing with their tours and activities! Some of them include the Eco Tour, where you can learn about the different protected areas of the island, and even go snorkeling near the reefs and hiking on Bird Island; the Xtreme Circumnavigation tour that takes visitors all the way around the island, including lunch and a visit to Stingray City; the Classic Yacht Sailing Tour which consists of sailing onto Cades Reef for snorkeling and relaxing at a secluded beach.
Springhill Riding Club: For those who love horse riding, a trek with the Springhill Riding Club can’t be missed! A small, friendly yard which offers a unique experience to visitors, you can ride in the cool of the morning and explore the rest of English Harbour in the afternoon. We offer some wonderful trail rides through the hills with scenic views, or treks to the beach with the opportunity to swim with your horse in the warm waters of this Caribbean island.
Nature Tours: Experience the natural beauty of the island through a kayaking and snorkeling expedition! This tour starts with a speedboat ride to Kayak Dock where you’ll be led through the beautiful sights of the nearby marine park. It finishes up with snorkeling near Great Bird Island and some relaxation and complimentary Rum on the beach.
Antigua Rainforest Canopy: The rainforest canopy is where visitors can embark on a fun journey high above the trees! Our features here include 12 ziplines of varying speeds, magical twin treehouses, and a challenge course with bridges and rope obstacles. You can challenge yourselves, scream, and most importantly have fun!
Reef Riders: This company gives you the chance to take your own 2-person inflatable Reef Rider out to explore the beautiful west coast of Antigua! And during the trip, you can put on your mask, fins, and snorkel, provided for the trip, to dive into the crystal clear waters and see all of the marine life. 
Donkey Sanctuary: Operated by  Antigua & Barbuda Humane Society, this sanctuary shelters more than 150 donkeys where visitors can enjoy interacting with donkeys who love attention and plenty of affection. There is also a dog shelter and cattery nearby for visitors who’d also love interacting with dogs and cats!
Stingray City: Your Stingray City Snorkel Adventure will be the highlight of your vacation, and an experience that will live with you forever. The Southern Rays are the brightest rays in the Caribbean, very friendly and gentle. Come and enjoy with us this unique experience of interacting and feeding a Stingray, together with snorkeling amongst magnificent coral reefs and colorful tropical fish.
Rastafari: Rastafari Experience is a locally founded organization that promotes sustainable eco-tourism, historic preservation, and recreational festivities. Our interest as an eco-tourism company is to offer visitors and nationals an opportunity to study and explore Green Castle Hill as a pre-historic and archaeoastronomy gem located on the Caribbean Island of Antigua and Barbuda. We also gives Island Tours that examines both the natural history of Antigua and Rastafari history and culture, along with hiking, retreats, and philanthropic events for locals and internationals.
Hiking: Discover Antigua by foot with our Happy Heights hiking tours!  Happy Heights in its essence, is about getting the blood flowing through your body whilst capturing your wild side through conquering vivid tropical landscapes. On our hikes, you can expect to encounter beautiful trees, exotic wildlife and picturesque panoramic views, all with a cool island breeze running through your hair.
Foodie Tour: Being the first of its kind on island, the Eat ‘N Lime Food Tours were created to give you a chance to experience Antigua’s & Barbuda’s culture mainly through your tastebuds all while learning about our rich history and interesting architecture. Our goal is to create more foodies and to expand the palate of the veterans. We’ll not only feed your bellies, but your mind too!
Premiere Off-Road Experience: Our exclusive tours offers a unique and exciting way for you to discover the island of Antigua off the beaten trails through dormant farm lands and fields, over rolling hills and swamp lands, and culminates at one of Antigua’s most hidden and untouched beaches, where you can cool off and enjoy a snack and beverage before returning.  Your vehicles are 2-seater automatics trail master brand buggies, utilized because of their rugged nature, coupled with their ease of operation, and proven safety record.
Culture Tours: GeoTourist is your own personal tour guide in Antigua, providing a walking tour of St. John’s Harbour,  a small group of houses existed in the cove in 1666, and Nelson’s Dockyard, where the British Royal Navy had its base of operations in the 18th century. The tours are accompanied with an audio-play guide that launches automatically from a smart phone and provides an immersive experience like never before.
Helicopter Tours: The Caribbean truly is a breathtaking landscape best experienced by air. From the stunning, crystal-clear turquoise water, vast reef systems, miles of untouched white sand beaches, and historic sights, we invite you to take in all its beauty with a bird’s-eye view.
Fort James Beach: Fort James Beach is popular with locals and visitors alike, a beach where you can often find a volleyball game, or a game of beach cricket to participate in. It’s a piece of fun and tranquility, with restaurants at each end for your choice of food and refreshments.
This itinerary is merely a suggestion, and you’re welcome to look at the website to plan your own vacation experience!
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elsie--young · 1 month
Best Things To Do in Tampa: A Traveler's Guide to the City's Top Attractions!
Tampa, Florida—a city bursting with energy and charm. When I first arrived in Tampa, I was overwhelmed with choices. There’s so much to do, see, and experience. It’s easy to feel lost in a sea of options, unsure of where to start. I wanted to make the most of my time in the city, but I wasn’t sure what the best things to do in Tampa were.
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Problem: So Many Choices, So Little Time
I had only a few days to explore Tampa, and I didn’t want to waste a moment. The problem was that every corner of the city seemed to offer a different adventure. Should I head straight for the beach? Check out the museums? Or maybe spend a day at one of the theme parks? I needed a plan that would let me experience the best of Tampa without feeling rushed.
Agitation: The Fear of Missing Out
I’ll be honest, I was worried about missing out. I wanted to feel like I had really experienced Tampa, not just checked a few things off a list. But with limited time, I didn’t want to waste a single moment. Every traveler knows that sinking feeling of leaving a place and realizing you missed out on something amazing. I wanted to avoid that at all costs.
Solution: A Curated List of the Best Things To Do in Tampa
After a bit of research and some trial and error, I came up with a list of must-see spots that made my trip to Tampa unforgettable. Here's what I found:
1. Busch Gardens Tampa Bay
First on my list was Busch Gardens. It’s not just a theme park; it’s also a zoo with over 200 animal species. The roller coasters were thrilling, but what I loved most was the Serengeti Safari. For around $30, I got up close with giraffes and rhinos. It was an experience I wouldn’t trade for anything. A whole day here costs about $90, but it's worth every penny for the rides, shows, and animal encounters.
2. Tampa Riverwalk
Next, I headed to the Tampa Riverwalk. This 2.6-mile path along the Hillsborough River is perfect for a relaxing stroll. I rented a bike for about $10 an hour, which was a great way to cover more ground and enjoy the scenery. There are parks, restaurants, and even a couple of museums along the way, like the Tampa Museum of Art.
3. Ybor City
If you’re a history buff like me, Ybor City is a must-see. This historic neighborhood, once known for its cigar factories, is full of life. I spent an afternoon wandering the brick streets, popping into shops, and enjoying some delicious Cuban food. A meal at the Columbia Restaurant, the oldest restaurant in Florida, set me back around $20 but was worth it for the experience and the taste of authentic Cuban cuisine.
4. Clearwater Beach
A trip to Tampa wouldn’t be complete without a visit to Clearwater Beach, just a 30-minute drive away. The soft, white sand and calm, clear waters make it one of the best beaches in Florida. I spent a day there swimming and soaking up the sun. Parking cost around $3 an hour, but it’s well worth it for the chance to relax and enjoy the beautiful Gulf Coast.
5. The Florida Aquarium
Finally, I wrapped up my trip with a visit to the Florida Aquarium. It was a fantastic way to spend a few hours. For about $30, I explored exhibits showcasing sea life from Florida and beyond. I even got to touch some stingrays in the touch tank, which was a highlight for me.
Conclusion: Making the Most of Your Trip to Tampa
If you’re planning a trip to Tampa, make sure to check out these spots. They offer a mix of adventure, relaxation, and culture that showcases the best the city has to offer. Whether you’re into theme parks, historical sites, or just want to relax by the beach, there’s something for everyone. When I think of the best things to do in Tampa, these experiences come to mind immediately. They made my trip memorable, and I’m sure they’ll do the same for you.
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puntacanacitytours · 1 month
Discover Saona Island The Best Caribbean Attraction
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When it comes to the best excursions in the Caribbean, Saona Island stands out as a must-visit destination. Known for its pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and breathtaking natural beauty, Saona Island is the crown jewel of Punta Cana's excursions, offering an unforgettable experience for travelers seeking the ultimate tropical getaway.
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Saona Island tours with Punta Cana city tours Why Saona Island is the Top Attraction in the Caribbean Saona Island isn’t just another beach—it’s a slice of paradise that perfectly captures the essence of the Caribbean. Located off the southeastern coast of the Dominican Republic, this island is part of the protected Cotubanamá National Park, making it a haven for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike. From its powdery white sands to its vibrant marine life, every aspect of Saona Island offers something extraordinary. What to Expect ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByVEIjUVw2I When you book a trip to Saona Island with Punta Cana City Tours, you’re in for a day filled with exciting activities and serene moments. Start your adventure with a scenic boat ride across the turquoise waters, where you might even spot playful dolphins or graceful stingrays along the way. Upon arriving at Saona Island, you can relax on the beach, swim in the warm waters, or explore the island's diverse ecosystems. Snorkeling is a popular activity, allowing you to get up close with vibrant coral reefs and colorful tropical fish. If you’re a fan of photography, the island’s lush mangroves and secluded lagoons offer plenty of picture-perfect moments. Book Now, Pay Later with Punta Cana City Tours At Punta Cana City Tours, we make it easy for you to plan your dream excursion. You can book your Saona Island trip in advance and take advantage of our convenient pay later option. This flexibility ensures that your vacation planning is stress-free and tailored to your needs. We recommend booking your excursion early, as Saona Island is one of the most sought-after destinations in the Caribbean. By securing your spot ahead of time, you can avoid the last-minute rush and ensure that your place in paradise is reserved. Explore More Tours and Attractions While Saona Island is a top highlight, there’s so much more to discover with Punta Cana City Tours. From exhilarating adventures to tranquil retreats, our wide range of tours and attractions will cater to every traveler’s desires. And with our 24/7 online support, we’re always here to help you plan the perfect getaway. Whether you’re seeking an adrenaline-filled experience or a relaxing day by the beach, Punta Cana City Tours is your go-to for the best excursions in the Caribbean. Read the full article
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ctc-tourism-blogs · 3 months
A Guide to Visit Aquaventure Waterpark Dubai
Aquaventure Waterpark is one of the biggest waterparks globally and Dubai’s most luxurious city. Situated in the beautiful Atlantis, The Palm, it provides a thrilling getaway with various rides, sights, and unique experiences. Families looking for a relaxing day of excitement or thrill-seekers eager to experience their next big rush can choose from various options at Aquaventure. We will review many deals, rides, and attractions in this comprehensive guide, along with valuable information about Aquaventure Waterpark that you need to know.
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Offers at Aquaventure Waterpark
One of the highlights of visiting Aquaventure is the variety of ticket offers and packages available for anyone to enjoy and experience. If you need unbeatable Aquaventure offers on tickets, CTC Tourism can offer that. Following are some popular and interesting offers:
General Admission Tickets: This gives you access to all the rides and attractions at Aquaventure for one full day. These passes are meant for those who want a more leisurely way to tour the park.
Combo Packages: Pair up your Aquaventure ticket with other attractions in Dubai, like Lost Chambers Aquarium, or have dinner at Atlantis the Palm’s famous restaurants.
Family Packages: Offered especially for families, these packages offer discounted prices for groups, enabling them to have fun together throughout the day.
Season Passes: Season passes enable people who love Aquaventure to pay once and then enter it every other time they wish until some specified date, inclusive of some rewards and discounts.
Exclusive Discounts: Throughout peak tourist periods as well as during holidays, CTC Tourism often comes with exclusive discounts as well as promotional offers. You may want to visit their website to learn more about how much they sell their tickets during such times.
Rides at Aquaventure Waterpark
There are exhilarating rides at Aquaventure that appeal to both adventurers and thrill-seekers. Among these rides are a few of them:
The Leap of Faith is a ride that is synonymous with the park itself. It happens through a clear tunnel with several shark and stingray species all around it. For cowardly hearts, it is not intended.
Poseidon’s Revenge: This ride starts when a floor beneath your feet suddenly opens, taking you down 75 feet, where from there it loops through twists and turns. There is hardly any other ride within this park that gives riders what Poseidon’s Revenge does.
Aquaconda: Aquaconda is the world's biggest water slide that provides an exciting journey through a dark, twisting tube, which opens into a huge flume. It is more thrilling when you go with your friends or family members.
Zoomerango: This ride combines drops straight down with high-speed and high-railed turns so that it gives one the feeling of weightlessness. Once you experience it, you will want to do it again.
Slitherine: Twin racing slides where you can challenge your friend to be the last one to get to the bottom. With its curve, loop, and transparent parts, Slitherine brings competitiveness to your aquapark adventure.
Attractions of Aquaventure waterpark
Apart from the thrilling rides, Aquaventure prides itself on a variety of attractions that offer fun as well as relaxation for those who visit, regardless of their age.
The Rapids: Take an inter-connection tour around Aquaventure by leisurely drifting through The Rapids. With some calm sections and rousing rapids, the rapids provide tranquillity between your rides.
Splashers Kids’ Play Area: Splashers is a water playground with slides, climbing frames, and tipping buckets specially designed for younger guests. It is an entertaining place that kids can enjoy under the supervision of lifeguards.
Shark Lagoon: A trip to Shark Lagoon allows you to go snorkelling, where you get a close look at marine life. In this unique interactive attraction, visitors will have a chance to swim with stingrays and other marine animals that are friendly.
Aquaventure Beach: You can relax on sun lounges, swim in calm waters, or play various games on the isolated beach. It is an ideal location if you want to take time off from adrenaline-generating activities.
The Lost Chambers Aquarium: Get lost in the mysteries of deep-sea life at The Lost Chambers Aquarium. This captivating exhibit is home to more than 65,000 marine animals, such as sharks, rays, and tropical fish. Children will love the interactive touch tanks and educational displays explaining them, making them suitable for all ages.
Dining at Aquaventure Waterpark
All-day excitement and adventure at Aquaventure would leave one hungry; thus, there are many places within the park where one can find something to eat:
Shark Bites: Located close to the entrance area of Aquaventure Waterpark, Shark Bites has numerous fast-food options, including burgers, sandwiches, or salads. If you have no time between rides, then pass by here for a quick bite.
Barracudas: From pizza and pasta to Asian and Middle Eastern food, a food court-like space with diverse international cuisines is Barracudas. All will find something suitable for them at Barracudas.
Splashers Snacks: For instance, families with young children can choose to have their child-friendly meals here. Hot dogs, ice cream, and soft drinks are the types of snacks offered by Splashers Snacks.
The Edge and the Shore: Situated along Aquaventure Beach, these beachfront restaurants offer light meals, snacks, and refreshing beverages in a more relaxed setting.
Hints for Visiting Aquaventure Waterpark
Here are some tips to help you make the most of your visit to Aquaventure:
Arrive Early: The park opens at 10 in the morning, and arriving early helps you beat the crowds to be able to enjoy rides with shorter queues.
Appropriate Swimwear: Be sure to wear comfortable and appropriate swimwear. If possible, consider wearing rash guards and water shoes for additional comfort and protection.
Rent a Locker: Rent lockers where you can safely keep your belongings as you enjoy the park. It is advisable to store valuables and other essentials in a locker.
Stay Hydrated: In hot weather like Dubai’s, drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated.
Observe Safety Rules: Pay attention to safety instructions given by lifeguards and staff. These rules need to be followed to experience safety, happiness, or joy all around.
Buy Tickets Online: Save time and money by purchasing tickets online through CTC Tourism. In this way, you will take advantage of exclusive discounts as well as sidestep queues at entrance points.
Book Aquaventure Tickets with CTC Tourism
CTC Tourism provides numerous ticket options and packages for Aquaventure Waterpark, which assists in seamless, cost-effective booking alternatives. Whether it is a single-person tour, family trip, or group excursion, CTC Tourism has incomparable deals tailored towards respective needs. Booking via CTC Tourism enables one to get:
Best Price Guarantee: You will benefit from this feature aimed at ensuring that customers get maximum value for their money in the form of prices on Aquaventure tickets provided by CTC Tourism.
Exclusive Offers: Capitalize on these exclusive discounts only provided via CTC Tourism.
Easy Online Booking: This user-friendly website allows one to book tickets easily, quickly getting instant confirmation plus secure payment methods featured therein.
Customer Support: A dedicated customer support unit of CTC Tourism ensures smoothness as well as the absence of troubles at times of bookings.
Flexible Options: There is a variety of tickets and packages that can be chosen depending on your tastes or budget.
Aquaventure Waterpark at Atlantis the Palm is a must-visit destination for anyone seeking adventure, excitement, and fun in Dubai. With its thrilling rides, diverse attractions, and family-friendly activities, Aquaventure offers an unforgettable experience for visitors of all ages. By booking tickets online through CTC Tourism, you can enjoy the best prices and exclusive offers, making your visit even more enjoyable. So, get ready to dive into a world of aquatic adventure and create lasting memories at Aquaventure Waterpark.
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yashvitours · 5 months
Dubai: Where Dreams Take Flight Unveiling the Dubai Tour Packages
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The mere mention of Dubai brings to mind visions of skyscrapers scraping the sky, vast malls draped in gold and over-the-top experiences. Dubai, a vibrant city that is located in the east of UAE, provides a base for the intrepid traveler, avid shopper or anyone who wants a brush with the exceptional. Despite this, organizing for a trip to Dubai can be daunting as you have numerous tourist packages and sites to visit.
A City of Contrasts: Unveiling Dubai’s Treasures
Dubai is magical because it is able to merge the past and present together. Here are some of the interesting visual experiences that one might engage in case they have chosen to visit Dubai using a travel package:
Iconic Landmarks:
Burj Khalifa: Tallest building in the world, Burj Khalifa, and get fascinating panoramical landscapes of the city from the observation deck.
Burj Al Arab: The architectural miracle that is Burj Al Arab, an opulent hotel that resembles a ship sail, is truly remarkable.
Palm Jumeirah: Embark on a fabulous seaplane excursion or explore the Palm Jumeirah by taking a ride along the monorail, which is an artificial archipelago designed in the form of a palm tree.
Cultural Delights:
Dubai Museum: Explore the rich Dubai history and value-effective heritage at the Al Fahidi Fort Dubai Museum. The city’s development is portrayed in a gallery with artifacts of traditional Emirati lifestyle, among others.
Deira Souks: Experience the bustling noise and crowds of the Deira Souks where a complex system of traditional markets forms a labyrinth. In doing this, you will discover hidden gems, make the best of bargains by haggling over spices, gold jewelry or textiles.
Al Bastakiya District: Tour the lovely district of Al Bastakiya, where you will see Arabian architecture in carefully rehabilitated houses and traditional wind towers.
Thrills and Adventures:
Desert Safari: Embarking on an exciting desert safari, cross the golden dunes in an off-roader vehicle. Try the thrill of dune bashing and have a traditional barbeque dinner under the stars as you watch belly dancing performances.
Ski Dubai: Believe it or not, you can ski in the desert! Ski Dubai, an indoor ski resort, offers slopes, a chairlift, and even a penguin encounter for a truly unique experience.
Wild Wadi Waterpark: Get rid of the heat and enjoy yourself in the Wild Wadi Waterpark; it’s equipped with these breathtaking waterslides, a wave pool as well as slow winding river rides that suit everyone coming along.
Family Fun:
Dubai Aquarium & Underwater Zoo: Discover thousands of marine animals from all over the world under water when you visit the Dubai Aquarium & Underwater Zoo; marine animals such as sharks, stingrays and giant crocodiles.
IMG Worlds of Adventure: IMG worlds Adventure is the biggest indoor agency park globally; here you experience excitement from thrilling rides on famous cartoon characters as well as superheroes.
Laguna Water Park: One more great choice for a water park is Laguna Park. They provide numerous water-slides and, apart from that, there is a wave pool as well as a gentle river that are great for a family day.
Conclusion: Where Dreams Take Flight
Dubai is a city that caters to every desire, from the extravagant to the culturally enriching. With the right Dubai tour package, you can experience the best of what this captivating city has to offer.
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Contact us today and let us help you plan your dream Dubai vacation! We’ll ensure your journey to this magnificent city is an unforgettable one.
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umichenginabroad · 7 months
Swinging by Singapore (Week 4)
Hello from Singapore! Having always wanted to travel to Southeast Asia, I was ecstatic to learn that one of my roommates had a similar dream. I couldn’t believe it when we started discussing the trip just two weeks in advance, but I seized the opportunity to immerse myself in a new culture. My schooling at UNSW is split between the Summer semester which runs from Jan 2 - Feb 5 and term 1 which runs from Feb 11 - May 9. During the summer semester, I have been taking a single Ecotourism class which is entirely asynchronous until the end of January when the class takes a trip to the Great Barrier Reef! This meant that I could travel with no fear of missing class. After a 9hr flight, Lauren, Charlotte, Shaunak, Evan and I landed in Singapore and got right to exploring. The Jewel is a mall containing the world’s largest indoor waterfall located just outside the Changi Airport. As soon as we got off the plane and laid eyes on the beauty we were speechless. Luscious trees and shrubbery surrounded the waterfall and staggered up all around it. The light shone through the windowed ceiling and made me forget about any stress I ever had. We might as well have been standing in a jungle. The surrounding mall was just as exciting. Several minutes were spent wandering around the Pokemon store where I got a pack of cards in honor of my ever growing childhood collection. The chocolate croll I got at a little bakery stand was one of the best things I had ever eaten in an airport. After 2 hours of exploring, it was clear to me that airports in the US need to step up their game. 
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Utilizing the very reliable train system known as the MRT, we made our way to our AirBnB located in Little India. For reference, Singapore is a melting pot of cultures with a 74% Chinese, 14% Malaysian, and 9% Indian population. This means that when you look around, all signage is in Mandarin, Malay, Tamil, and English. The fact that English is widely spoken across the country made transport and communication extremely easy and not something we had to worry about. After settling into our single room with just enough space for our beds and bags, we made our way towards Kampong Gelam which is Singapore’s Muslim Quarter and the site of the remarkable Sultan Mosque. Starving, we found a restaurant for dinner which was full of new foods and a particular favorite of mine – Kothu Paratha which I’d only ever had at my favorite Indian restaurant in Ann Arbor. We called it a night soon after that, but I was excited to be on a new continent and get right to exploring. 
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The next day we hit all the major stops including Gardens by the Bay, the Cloud Forest, and Marino Bay Sands. The first two attractions, like the Jewel, emphasized the appreciation for nature that Singapore has as many of its major attractions are centered around greenery. 
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Pictured first is Gardens by the Bay. Second is me in the Cloud Forest!
Nearby was a Hawker Center called Satay by the Bay where we got lunch. Hawker Centers in Singapore are essentially large food courts with countless stalls of diverse Indian, Chinese, and Malaysian foods and drinks for incredible prices. On average, you could get a whole meal for about $5 and a side drink for another $1 so needless to say I seized the opportunity to try as many foods as possible. That lunch I had chicken satay, my first ever stingray, carrot cake (a dish local to Singapore containing absolutely no carrot nor cake), and pineapple juice. I can’t even begin to describe how delicious everything tasted so I’m afraid you’ll just have to imagine through the picture below. 
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Hawker Centers like that one are scattered all throughout the city, so we made it a rule to seek them out for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. At Marino Bay Sands, one of the most unique buildings I have ever stepped foot in, we made our way to a restaurant called Lavo at the highest floor where we got drinks, incredible views, and a 20-layered chocolate peanut butter cake. We may have been exhausted from walking around all day, but we did not leave until that cake plate was clean, even if it meant spending the next hour there. 
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Marino Bay Sands is the building pictured above followed by the equally-as-intimidating chocolate cake.
The next day we ventured to Sentosa Island where you could take cable cars across the island and see the beautiful beaches and various amusement parks. Though the weather wasn’t in our favor, it was nice to see what beaches look like outside of Australia since they reminded me of just how lucky I am to be living on Coogee. Sentosa was followed by Chinatown and Clarke Quay in the evening, both of which are full of rich culture and were a pleasure to roam in. Before our flight to Bali, we concluded our trip with the MacRitchie Treetop Walk where we were greeted by monkeys and even more beautiful greenery. 
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Though we were only able to spend a few days there, I fully intend on returning to Singapore one day and making my way to those Hawker Centers. Until then, back to exploring Australia!
David Bayer
Biomedical Engineering
University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia
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Charleston with Kids: Family-Friendly Activities and Attractions Shop Local Charleston, SC Businesses [ad_1] Charleston, South Carolina is a charming and historic city that offers a plethora of family-friendly activities and attractions for kids of all ages. From interactive museums to outdoor adventures, there is something for everyone to enjoy in this vibrant destination. In this article, we will explore some of the top things to do in Charleston with kids, making it the perfect destination for a fun-filled family vacation. Interactive Museums One of the highlights of visiting Charleston with kids is the abundance of interactive museums that offer hands-on learning experiences. The Children's Museum of the Lowcountry is a must-visit for families, with exhibits that encourage creativity, exploration, and imagination. From a pirate ship to a water table, kids will love exploring and playing in this dynamic museum. Another great museum to check out is the Charleston Museum, which is the oldest museum in America. Kids will love learning about the history of Charleston through interactive exhibits, artifacts, and programs. The Charleston Museum is a great way to introduce children to the rich culture and heritage of the city. Outdoor Adventures Charleston is also home to a variety of outdoor adventures that are perfect for families with kids. The South Carolina Aquarium is a popular attraction that allows visitors to experience marine life up close. Kids will love the touch tank, where they can interact with stingrays and other sea creatures. If your family enjoys exploring nature, be sure to visit the Charleston Waterfront Park. This scenic park offers stunning views of the Charleston Harbor and plenty of green space for kids to run and play. The Waterfront Park is a great spot for a picnic or a leisurely stroll along the waterfront. Cultural Experiences Charleston is known for its rich cultural heritage, and there are plenty of opportunities for families to experience the city's unique history and traditions. The Charleston Tea Garden is a fun and educational experience for kids, where they can learn about the process of growing and harvesting tea. Kids will also have the chance to taste delicious, freshly brewed tea. For a taste of Charleston's history, be sure to visit the historic district and take a carriage ride through the cobblestone streets. Kids will love learning about the city's past and seeing the beautiful historic homes and buildings that line the streets. Conclusion Charleston is a fantastic destination for families with kids, offering a wide range of activities and attractions that are sure to keep everyone entertained. From interactive museums to outdoor adventures, there is something for every age and interest in this historic city. Whether you are exploring the Charleston Museum, splashing in the water at the Waterfront Park, or tasting freshly brewed tea at the Charleston Tea Garden, there is no shortage of family-friendly fun to be had in Charleston. Plan your trip today and create lasting memories with your loved ones in this charming Southern city. With so many family-friendly activities and attractions to choose from, Charleston is the perfect destination for a fun-filled family vacation that is sure to create lasting memories for everyone. Don't wait, start planning your trip to Charleston with kids today! [ad_2] EXPLORE MORE: Things to do in Charleston SC CHARLESTON BUSINESS OWNERS: Get a Free Business Profile FIND BUSINESSES: Charleston Business Directory BE SEEN: Advertise Your Business Here #THINGS_TO_DO
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chsthrive · 5 months
Charleston with Kids: Family-Friendly Activities and Attractions Shop Local Charleston, SC Businesses [ad_1] Charleston, South Carolina is a charming and historic city that offers a plethora of family-friendly activities and attractions for kids of all ages. From interactive museums to outdoor adventures, there is something for everyone to enjoy in this vibrant destination. In this article, we will explore some of the top things to do in Charleston with kids, making it the perfect destination for a fun-filled family vacation. Interactive Museums One of the highlights of visiting Charleston with kids is the abundance of interactive museums that offer hands-on learning experiences. The Children's Museum of the Lowcountry is a must-visit for families, with exhibits that encourage creativity, exploration, and imagination. From a pirate ship to a water table, kids will love exploring and playing in this dynamic museum. Another great museum to check out is the Charleston Museum, which is the oldest museum in America. Kids will love learning about the history of Charleston through interactive exhibits, artifacts, and programs. The Charleston Museum is a great way to introduce children to the rich culture and heritage of the city. Outdoor Adventures Charleston is also home to a variety of outdoor adventures that are perfect for families with kids. The South Carolina Aquarium is a popular attraction that allows visitors to experience marine life up close. Kids will love the touch tank, where they can interact with stingrays and other sea creatures. If your family enjoys exploring nature, be sure to visit the Charleston Waterfront Park. This scenic park offers stunning views of the Charleston Harbor and plenty of green space for kids to run and play. The Waterfront Park is a great spot for a picnic or a leisurely stroll along the waterfront. Cultural Experiences Charleston is known for its rich cultural heritage, and there are plenty of opportunities for families to experience the city's unique history and traditions. The Charleston Tea Garden is a fun and educational experience for kids, where they can learn about the process of growing and harvesting tea. Kids will also have the chance to taste delicious, freshly brewed tea. For a taste of Charleston's history, be sure to visit the historic district and take a carriage ride through the cobblestone streets. Kids will love learning about the city's past and seeing the beautiful historic homes and buildings that line the streets. Conclusion Charleston is a fantastic destination for families with kids, offering a wide range of activities and attractions that are sure to keep everyone entertained. From interactive museums to outdoor adventures, there is something for every age and interest in this historic city. Whether you are exploring the Charleston Museum, splashing in the water at the Waterfront Park, or tasting freshly brewed tea at the Charleston Tea Garden, there is no shortage of family-friendly fun to be had in Charleston. Plan your trip today and create lasting memories with your loved ones in this charming Southern city. With so many family-friendly activities and attractions to choose from, Charleston is the perfect destination for a fun-filled family vacation that is sure to create lasting memories for everyone. Don't wait, start planning your trip to Charleston with kids today! [ad_2] EXPLORE MORE: Things to do in Charleston SC CHARLESTON BUSINESS OWNERS: Get a Free Business Profile FIND BUSINESSES: Charleston Business Directory BE SEEN: Advertise Your Business Here #THINGS_TO_DO
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alisyamark · 5 months
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Your guide to the most unique things to do on Grand Cayman
Grand Cayman offers a variety of unique activities that cater to different interests. Here are some ideas:
Stingray City: Interact with friendly southern stingrays in their natural habitat. You can snorkel or scuba dive among them in shallow sandbars, making for an unforgettable experience.
Bioluminescent Bay Tour: Witness the mesmerizing natural phenomenon of bioluminescence. Take a nighttime kayak or boat tour to see the water light up with glowing organisms.
Visit Hell: Yes, you read that right! There's a small town called Hell on Grand Cayman where you can send postcards postmarked from Hell, take quirky photos, and explore unique rock formations.
Explore Crystal Caves: Discover the stunning underground Crystal Caves filled with stalactites, stalagmites, and other geological formations. Guided tours offer insights into the cave's history and formation.
Cayman Turtle Centre: Learn about sea turtle conservation efforts and get up close with various species of turtles. You can even swim with them in specially designed lagoons.
Mastic Trail Hike: Embark on a nature hike through the Mastic Reserve, a protected area offering lush forests, diverse wildlife, and a glimpse into the island's ecology.
Cayman Spirits Co. Distillery Tour: Explore the island's only distillery and learn about the process of making rum. Enjoy tastings of their artisanal spirits, including rum, vodka, and whiskey.
Camana Bay Observation Tower: Take in panoramic views of Grand Cayman from the Observation Tower at Camana Bay. It's a great spot for sunset or nighttime vistas.
Local Food Tour: Dive into the culinary scene of Grand Cayman with a guided food tour. Sample traditional dishes like conch fritters, fish tacos, and jerk chicken while learning about the island's culinary heritage.
Horseback Riding on the Beach: Experience the beauty of Grand Cayman's coastline on horseback. Guided rides along the beach allow you to soak in the scenery and enjoy a unique perspective of the island.
The Cayman Islands are like a dream vacation come true. Whether you're into adventure, relaxation, or just soaking up the local culture, there's something here for everyone. So pack your bags and get ready for an unforgettable trip to paradise! Happy journey.
These are lots of activities offer a blend of adventure, nature, culture, and relaxation, making your visit to Grand Cayman truly memorable.
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