#Still thinking about the F4 adopting Scott.
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timbit-robin-art · 8 months ago
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It’s fantastin’ time.
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mightytwogunkid · 6 years ago
MCU Winterhawk/West Coast Avenger AU
I had an idea for a MCU west coast avengers/winterhawk AU, but I have to explain the AU first
 half of it isn’t that important to the plot but
So it’s MCU based  but then there’s a heavy canon divergence and some things are more 616 based
The first difference is obviously that Clint is a lot more like his more recent 616 self (think Fraction Hawkeye, Kate’s run as hawkeye, Occupy Avengers, West Coast Avengers, Captain America & Hawkeye,  etc)
Also, Jarvis is a butler, not an A.I,  since we don’t care if people think he’s too much like Alfred,  but  Tony  worked on an A.I. (or two   one J.A.R.V.I.S based,  the other Friday based)
As for the events, everything happens the same up until Age of Ultron,  where Wanda tries to get to Clint first, but Clint uses his super secret power a.k.a adopt stray, like he had on Natasha years before,  the rest of the movie doesnt happen
So 1. Clint doesn’t have a secret family hidden in a farm, 2.Ultron is not built 3. Bruce is not lost 4. PIETRO LIVES
There’s a small difference  with Captain America: Winter Soldier and that is since we arent constrained by actors schedules,  that clint scene happened
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Not that it makes a big difference in the grand scheme of the AU, but it appeases my mind
Tony does end up building Vision, but since AoU didn’t really happen  and wanda didn’t put that vision of the future in his head, he’s taking it more slow  and ends up using one of the A.I he was working on as the base for Vision.
The team works together, they look for Bucky, fight against Hydra, A.I.M. Doctor Doom, Aliens  etc
Steve told Tony that bucky had killed his parents and Tony came to terms that Bucky was under hydra’s control
Also not that it makes a difference but 1. Peter is 23  and not a high school teenager, 2. the x-men and 3. deadpool exist and 4. So do the Fantastic Four  and 5. Pietro mostly works with the x-men 6. Falcon’s Red Bird is an actual bird  6. Doctor Strange is like 70 years old in this AU, his car accident happened not because he was distracted by a screen, but he was reading some notes. He doesn’t age, so he’s forever 35
Oh and Pietro and Wanda are ROMANI
Okay so about Civil War, when ross comes knocking on Avengers Towers, Bruce looks at him in the eyes and tell him “Harlem was YOUR fault” and also “Pretend all you want, you haven’t changed. For you, it was always about having the power controlled by you.”  and ross goes away
And to ensure he doesn’t come back, Tony hires attorney Matt Murdock to find a loophole to make the avengers not-privately-owned
Then, Bruce and Thor  are bff (or boyfriends if you prefer) and go on a space adventure, Thor goes back to Asgard and Bruce tries to go back to earth but ends up on Sakaar. Thor Ragnarok happens
Then infinity war, so Thanos kills the people on the Asgard ship (including/especially Loki (i have plans for him, just wait)), he also kills Gamora.  And Visions mind stone is destroyed,  but since the Avengers + the Guardians + Doc Strange + Wakanda + the X-men+the Fanatstic Four+ the Defenders + Frank Castle + Phil’s SHILED team are all working together as a team, they defeat the purple grape.
Now more important to the AU, a lot of this part is based on the Young Avengers comics, but still based in the MCU
After the battle au Wakanda, half the Avengers retire. Harley Keener comes in and becomes Iron Lad. He basically takes the place of  Nate/kang the conqueror as kid  from the comics
“[...] he downloads the remnants of the destroyed Vision's operating system into his armor. This reveals a fail-safe plan created by the android to reform the Avengers should they disband or fall in action by locating the next generation of Avengers [...] Using this plan, [Harley] assembles his new team, the Young Avengers”
Harley recruits Teddy, the son of og Captain Marvel (Mar-vell) and a Skrull princess (this au is made before the Captain Movie comes out, so we don’t know yet if Mar-vell dies  and if he does, then when but this is an AU so we just say that he wasnt dead around 2002), and Billy (who is, along with Tommy, the soul son of Wanda and Vision)), Eli, the grand son of a soldier who had received a trial of a super soldier serum. They later crash into Kate Bishop, who joins them and becomes Hawkeye. Together they bust Tommy out of juvie
Shuri is able to save Vision, but his memory/life experience is  none existent, so he’s given a kid/teen body and he calls himself Jonas
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Then most of the Avengers come back to being Avengers  and Steve decides that the Young Avengers need training and supervision and names Clint as the leader/mentor of the YA (both because he thinks Clint is the best for the jobs but also to shut him up (Clint is always arguing with Captain America about how he could lead the team better than Steve))
Then most of the Young Avengers have to leave for College and they all decide to go to California together, Clint goes with them  and they rebrand to  the West Coast Avengers. Except Eli retires and stays in New York with his grandpa.  Tony gives them a mansion they make their home/headquarters andgives them Jarvis (the human) (because can you really trust Clint to take care of himself and a bunch of college kids?) (and also by then tony has already finished the other A.I which, as you already know, he named FRIDAY)
Then America punches her way into the dimension and joins the team.
And since Scott lives in the West coast too, he and Hope work with the WCA avengers sometimes too.  They also found out that Cassie Lang, Scott daughter, had powers because she used to sneak and used Pym particles  so now she can size shift.  She hangs out a lot with the WCA and joins then on missions sometimes  but she’s like 16 (she argues that that’s the Age the YA started at tho  but her mom is still protective of her)
Oh and then Thor brought in Loki who was reborn/reincarnated/resurrected as a kid, Billy aged him  to a teen to make him more powerful
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So all that was the world building,  now we get to the premises of the fic
All this time, Bucky was still in hiding, in Romania, trying to figure out who he was. He’s no longer afraid of who he was, gets in contact with Steve. They have a tearful reunion.
Bucky gets along with Tony and Tony works on his arm. Tony works with Reed Richards (from the F4), Prof X (from the X-men) and Doctor Strange to ensure that Bucky is 100% free of Hydra (aka make sure the Trigger words don’t work ).  (stupid note aside,  Namor sees the four of them working together without him, thinks they’re excluding him from the Illuminati, goes to the King of the Inhumans  who just ignore him , So Namor ends up planning revenge with Doom/making out with him)
Bucky still first weird around the Avengers  and the relationship with Steve is weird because although Steve still gets into fights, he doesn't need protecting,  Bucky has yet to find a purpose.  So Steve sends Bucky to the one the guy who can understand Bucky the most, regarding mind control and also has a super power, which is “adopting strays”. In other words he assigns Bucky to the West Coast Avengers.
Which work out great because Clint is no longer the only full-time adult on the team (other than Jarvis,  and Jarvis  would say he’s the only adult there if you asked him) and Bucky has another blond accident-prone disaster he can protect.
So Bucky and clint get to know each other, bond, be kind of Dads(™), and fall in love
Oh and i didn’t say but Lucky’s there
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