#Stichting Amsterdam Dance Event
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weownthenitenyc · 6 years ago
WOWZA! That was some week! Although, we’re back in NYC the buzz from ADE is still in full effect. We bring you some highlights from this year’s record-breaking
WATCH – Amsterdam Dance Event 2018 Highlights:
If you missed the Electronic Music Gathers Here video, WATCH IT.
The 23rd edition of the Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE) has come to an end in the early hours of Monday morning. For the first time ADE welcomed over 400,000 visitors from more than 100 countries for an extensive day and night program featuring over 1000 events and leading artists and speakers from around the world. From 17 to 21 October there were more than 450 night and 600 daytime events spread over 200 locations, with over 2500 performing artists and around 600 speakers participating in keynotes, workshops and master classes on a variety of topics. The conference and festival program by day saw an increase in numbers attending with daytime activities exceeding more than 600. ADE General Manager Richard Zijlma looks back on a ‘fantastic edition.’ This was the last edition under his supervision, with new director Mariana Sanchotene taking over.
A major focus was the anniversary of 30 years of Dutch Dance. Celebrations included the premiere of a three-part VPRO documentary and the launch/presentation of a reference book featuring the scene’s leading lights. South Korea was the focus country this year, consequently much attention was paid to the rapidly growing South Korean music scene. Several conference and festival events illustrated that musically and culturally South Korea has a lot to offer the rest of the world. Other countries highlighted as one to watch were Australia, Belgium, Brazil, China, Columbia and Mexico, with special industry network sessions and a growing number of artists performing in the day- and night-time program.
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A Growing Cultural Destination The Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE) has grown into a five-day poly-cultural event hosting more than 2500 music artists across all participating clubs and concert halls. Undoubtedly the biggest electronic music conference in the world, ADE hosted a myriad of events from countless panels discussions at the main conference through to pop-up performances, audiovisual installations, film screenings, tech schools and charity events. Some of the diverse and exciting speakers involved in this year’s conference program included; Albert van Abbe, Bonobo, Bruce Carbone, David Guetta, Headhunterz, Imogen Heap, Jayda G, Jean Michel Jarre, Jillionaire, Kerry Trainor, Lena Willikens, Nile Rodgers, Orbital, Paula Temple, Ralph Echemendia a.k.a. The Ethical Hacker, Yann Pissenem, Xosar, Zoe Margolis, and more.
Dutch journalist, musician and event organizer Gert van Veen received the Amsterdam Dance Event Lifetime Achievement Award for his enormous and crucial contribution to the dance scene, the city and ADE, only the second person in the history of the event to have received the honor.
For a visual overview of the best things that took place at ADE 2018 look at the website here: https://www.amsterdam-dance-event.nl/live/
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The Amsterdam Dance Event is organized by Stichting Amsterdam Dance Event, an initiative of Buma.
See you at ADE 2019!
WORLDWIDE: Amsterdam Dance Event rounds up Record-Breaking 23rd Edition WOWZA! That was some week! Although, we're back in NYC the buzz from ADE is still in full effect.
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noortjevanbaal · 5 years ago
Apa  bronnenlijst
amsterdams fonds voor de kunsten . (2016). Stichting Amsterdam Dance Event . Opgehaald van amsterdamsfondsvoordekunsten.nl: https://www.amsterdamsfondsvoordekunst.nl/toekenningen/toekenningen-vierjarige-subsidies/stichting-amsterdam-dance-event/
fabrique, d. (2020, 05 26). 10 TRENDS OM JE EVENEMENT MEE TE VERNIEUWEN. Opgehaald van defabrique.nl: https://defabrique.nl/how-to/10-trends-evenement-vernieuwen/
Feest Fabriek. (2020, 05 26). Over ons . Opgehaald van feestfabriek.nl: https://www.feestfabriek.nl/over-ons/
iamsterdam. (2020, 05 25). Amsterdam Dance Event. Opgehaald van iamsterdam.com: https://www.iamsterdam.com/nl/uit/festivals/muziekfestivals/amsterdam-dance-event
Lotte. (2020, 04 15). Dit zijn de 10 grootste festivals van Nederland!Opgehaald van festivalfan.nl: https://festivalfans.nl/dit-zijn-de-10-grootste-festivals-van-nederland/
Mojo. (2020, 05 17). Festivals . Opgehaald van mojo.nl: https://www.mojo.nl
Mojo. (2020, 05 25). Wij zijn mojo . Opgehaald van mojo.nl: https://www.mojo.nl/over-mojo/wij-zijn-mojo/
Weikamp, S. (2020, 05 26). Evenementenbureau: 42 trends en ontwikkelingen. Opgehaald van venementOrganiseren.nl: https://www.evenementorganiseren.nl/artikel/evenementenbureau-42-trends-en-ontwikkelingen-453.html
Wikipedia. (2019, 10 1). Mojo Concerts. Opgehaald van Wikipedia: https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mojo_Concerts
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club-pera · 3 years ago
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RAqS w/ Bu Nasser Touffar X Hello Psychaleppo
Zaterdag 2 oktober 2021 in Paradiso Zaal open 22:00, Aanvang 22:00
RAqS comes back w/ Bu Nasser Touffar (first time in Amsterdam) alongside the pioneer of the Electro Tarab experience Hello Psychaleppo. Join the DANCE!
About the artists Bu Nasser Touffar AKA Naserdine Al Touffar, is a lebsanese writer and a rapper originally from Baalbek who raises his voice by singing to break the silence of a marginalized society, which the state has persisted in impoverishing and silencing it. His songs and writings were used as anthems in the Lebanese popular demonstrations and protests, the latest of which was the revolution of 17 october 2019.
Bu Nasser's project began in 2009 with the release of Touffar's album "The Companions of the Land '', followed by several solo and Collaborations with others who share the hope, questions, revolution and musical passion of rap performers and music producers. Some of them were collected in the album "Bu Nasser - Tatlit '' in 2014, followed by successive new musical releases, the last of which was "Tar" in collaboration with Hello Psychaleppo.
Hailing from one of the most mystical and musically rich cities in the Levant. Hello Psychaleppo is deeply rooted in Arabic music tradition, captivating listeners with melodic strains of Tarab threaded seamlessly together with the convoluted sounds of electronic music.
Hello Psychaleppoʼs compelling visual presentation is integral to the live experience that engages the soul and moves the body. Hello Psychaleppo is the brain child of Aleppian music producer and visual artist Samer Saem Eldahr.
Hello Psychaleppo has released three full albums, ‘Gool Lʼahʼ (2013), ʼHA!ʼ (2014) and ‘Toyourʼ (2017) creating a journey for listeners into the world of Arabic melodies, elaborate arrangements, and cathartic dance music.
About Raqs Raqs is the word for dance in Arabic, it resonates through many cultures in the MENA region. In 2017 the initiative was born to empower the contemporary Levantine (Ash-Shaam) arts and to gather a community who want to live with joy, to understand similarities, differences by means of interconnectedness.
Presenting live performances fused in club culture. Chants and storytelling, Tarab rhythms and Andalusian classics in ambient and electronic music styles.
This event is organised by Raqs Amsterdam and made possible by Stichting Club Pera and supported by Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst.
Meer informatie & tickets
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Grote spelers uit het werkveld
‘’Wie van muziek en spektakel houdt, is op een evenement van MOJO geweest. Of gaat daar binnenkort heen.’’
Een grote speler in het organiseren van evenementen in Nederland is Mojo. Een organisatie die jaarlijks meer dan 150 shows per jaar, waar zo’n 2 miljoen mensen een kaartje voor kopen. Ook behoren een aantal grote festivals bij de MOJO-familie, hier kunt u denken aan bijvoorbeeld Lowlands, Down The Rabbit Hole, We Are Electric en WOO HAH!
Maar ook wordt er binnen het bedrijf af en toe iets geregeld voor Symphonica in Rosso en Cirque Du Soleil. Met deze namen, kan je je voorstellen dat het een van de eerste namen zal zijn waar iemand aan zou denken bij het werkveld event!
bron: MOJO
Amsterdam Dance Event
‘’The leading conference & festival for electronic music’’
Een van de grootste muziekevenementen die ons land kent. Met meer dan 2,500 artiesten die optredens geven op meer dan 140 locaties in de stad Amsterdam, waar in het jaar 2018 meer dan 400.000 mensen, vanuit de hele wereld, op het evenement afkwamen. 
Amsterdam Dance Event is een week gevuld met niet alleen goede feesten met bekende dj’s, maar er wordt geprogrammeerd op kunst, fotografie, film en theater. Doordat ze een breed aanbod hebben van (elektronische) muziek, maar ook andere kunsten, wordt het als 1 van de grootste spelers in het werkveld gezien.
bron: ADE
‘’We were the first to bring dance music to the masses, and our example has been leading the industry ever since.’’
Na het bespreken van Amsterdam Dance Event kan ID&T niet ontbreken. Zij waren namelijk eerst de organisatoren van Amsterdam Dance Event, waarna het een eigen stichting heeft gekregen. Maar ID&T is, zoals ze het zelf ook omschrijven, de eerste die dance-muziek naar de massa’s brachten en daar het voorbeeld in hebben genomen. Hoewel ze tegenwoordig ADE niet meer in handen hebben; staan ze nog in de geschiedenisboeken voor feesten als: Thunderdome, Defcon, Vunzige Deuntjes en Awakenings! Met al deze namen kan ID&T zeker niet ontbreken op deze lijst!
bron: ID&T
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utrechtcentral · 6 years ago
Celebrate International Womens Day in Utrecht
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There is so much to celebrate at the end of this week as Utrecht marks International Women's Day International Women's Day is celebrated in many countries around the world. It is a day when women are recognized for their achievements without regard to divisions, whether national, ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic or political. International Women's Day first emerged from the activities of labour movements at the turn of the twentieth century in North America and across Europe. Since those early years, International Women's Day has assumed a new global dimension for women in developed and developing countries alike. The growing international women's movement, which has been strengthened by four global United Nations women's conferences, has helped make the commemoration a rallying point to build support for women's rights and participation in the political and economic arenas
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  Come and celebrate International women's day in Culumborg. The theme is "Heroine " for women who do good things to help in their community and in the World. Stichting DIVC have selected a number of women who are Heroines from different backgrounds because Culumborg has more than 75 Nationalities living there. Eliane Becks Nininahazwe will be bringing a taste of Burundian culture with her  singing and dancing.
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YOUNITY On March 9 the first edition of the annual event YOUNITY will take place at Karibu Café Utrecht in honour of International Women's Day. During YOUNITY you can experience all the possibilities and opportunities that arise if you dare to be YOU. Join one of our workshops listed below and get inspired by many amazing performances and lectures. By women, for women. WORKSHOPS: Confidence Workshop - Shanity Alvares Women’s Well-Being Yoga - Iris Verstappen Poetry - Yael van der Wouden Vulva Schilderen - Mirjam Anusama ABC x Blossom Books (FREE) - Sayonara Stutgard PERFORMANCES: World of Afro Ferocious Cheroney Pelupessy & Yahaira Gezius EXPOSITIONS: Yoni Art - Mirjam Anusama Live Painting - Lou Hoekstra & Feadan McCall OPEN MIC: Various Artists (Hosted by Sayonara Stutgard) OTHER: Massage - Ankie Thuis Braids - Cherelle Alvares Henna - Fatima Haircuts - Kindredkuts & Precious Alvares Celebrate International Women’s Day at the Utrecht Mama Cash Feminist Festival! The feminist year starts on March 8th, right? Every year, Mama Cash celebrates International Women’s Day by highlighting and celebrating the artistic and creative contributions women make to our societies. They invite you to join them at the Mama Cash Feminist Festival in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht and the Hague.
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mama cash website But wait a minute: isn’t art, abstract and immaterial, the opposite of real political change? Isn’t art the realm of the elite? How exactly does a focus on art go with Mama Cash’s mission to support women, girls, trans people and intersex people who are fighting for their rights? The activists we support have shown us that there’s a different side to art than the glamorous, elitist world that may first come to mind. They organise screenings of movies that change gender roles. They use art therapy as a way of building community and healing from violence. They turn real-life experiences into story-telling performances that spark necessary dialogues in their communities.  
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mama cash website Art isn’t always just for art’s sake: it can be a means of bringing people together and breaking down boundaries, of challenging dominant norms and stereotypes, of creating a culture of change that can facilitate other forms of change (like in policies or laws). Music, theatre, spoken word, photography, film, literature, dance, and art in all its many forms have the ability to speak to us and move us in ways that a news report or online petition can’t.
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mama cash website Determination, resilience and creativity: these are the qualities of artists, activists and feminists alike. With the Mama Cash Feminist Festival, we celebrate not only this political potential of art, but also the often-overlooked contributions women have made to this field. Like most other industries, the art world is male-dominated. Women who are artists often don’t get the same chances as their male peers, experience sexual harassment, and have their work judged through limiting stereotypes of femininity. So if we can more easily think of famous male artists throughout history, it’s not because women have lacked talent, passion or ambition, but because they were not invited or allowed into the boy’s club. Despite this, women have found ways to express themselves. Because that’s what artists do.
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mama cash website Determination, resilience and creativity: these are the qualities of artists, activists and feminists alike. We can’t wait to engage with you all on these themes with diverse programs in Amsterdam, Utrecht, Rotterdam and the Hague. Join us at the Mama Cash Feminist Festival, and let’s celebrate International Women’s Day together.   Read the full article
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werkveldevent-blog · 5 years ago
Drie grote spelers in het werkveld
Als er over de evenementenbranche gesproken wordt, gaat het vaak over festivals en feesten. Echter, de evenementenbranche is veel breder dan dat. Onder de evenementenbranche vallen namelijk ontelbare gebeurtenissen en activiteiten. We maken onderscheid tussen zakelijke evenementen en publieksevenementen. Zakelijke evenementen zijn opgezet vanuit het belang van een bedrijf. Ze vinden plaats in het business domein. Publieksevenementen zijn gericht op een algemeen belang en spelen zich af in het toeristisch- en vrijetijdsdomein. Bij zakelijke evenementen kun je denken aan een productlancering, een bedrijfsfeest of een congres. Onder publieksevenementen vallen bijvoorbeeld festivals, voetbalwedstrijden, rommelmarkten of bruiloften.
 Om een beter beeld te geven van de evenementenbranche in Nederland heb ik drie verschillende Nederlandse evenementen uitgezocht. Alle drie de evenementen komen heel bewust uit verschillende hoeken van de evenementenbranche, om een zo breed mogelijk beeld te geven van ‘the world of events’.
 Mobile Healthcare
De eerste partij die ik ga voorleggen is een zakelijk evenement, namelijk het Mobile Healthcare congres. De Mobile Healthcare is opgezet vanuit een bedrijfsbelang. Het congres is uitgegroeid tot het grootste BeNeLux congres over digitale health en is tevens een jaarlijks ontmoetingspunt voor zorgprofessionals. Deze congressen trekken mensen vanuit elke hoek in het werkveld; zorgprofessionals, directie, management, bestuurders en innovators die werkzaam zijn bij een zorginstelling, maar ook patiënten en aanbieders zijn van de partij. Meer dan 90 sprekers inspireren de professionals over implementatie en de stappen die nodig zijn om de voordelen van digitale innovaties en mobiele technologie te realiseren. Het doel van dit evenement is het delen van kennis in de zorg. Daarom zijn de congressen bij voorinschrijving kosteloos toegankelijk voor bestuurders en projectmanagers van zorginstellingen, huisartsen en tweedelijns zorgartsen.
 Nacht van de Vluchteling
De tweede partij is een non-profit publieksevenement, ook wel een ‘goede doelen evenement’ genoemd. ‘De Nacht van de Vluchteling’ is een sponsorloop waarbij deelnemers 40 kilometer lopen midden in de nacht. Deze organisatie is gericht op het algemeen belang en heeft niet het doel om winst te maken. De deelnemers lopen namelijk de hele nacht in verschillende provincies in Nederland om geld op te halen voor noodhulp aan vluchtelingen. Er zijn routes van Rotterdam naar Den Haag, van Nijmegen naar Arnhem, van Utrecht naar Amersfoort en van Amsterdam naar Haarlem. Het geld wat hiermee wordt opgehaald is voor mensen die wereldwijd op de vlucht zijn voor oorlog, conflict en onderdrukking. Dit is echter niet de enige doelen van de organisatie. Met hun deelname vragen de lopers ook positieve aandacht voor vluchtelingen. Bij non-profit organisaties zie je heel vaak dat er ook een maatschappelijk doel is. Dit jaar wordt de tiende editie van Nacht van de Vluchteling. Sinds 2010 organiseert Stichting Vluchteling jaarlijks de Nacht van de Vluchteling en is in die jaren uitgegroeid tot een evenement met hoog aanzien. In 2018 is door de 5.200 lopers een bedrag van ruim 1,6 miljoen euro opgehaald.
 Amsterdam Dance Event
Als laatste wil ik een publieksevenement benoemen die de meeste mensen misschien wel kennen, en persoonlijk ben ik erg fan van het evenement, namelijk het Amsterdam Dance Event. Het Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE) is een muziekconferentie gericht op dance die sinds 1995 jaarlijks in Amsterdam gehouden wordt. Heel de stad verandert in een soort festival. Het Amsterdam dance event trok dit jaar voor het eerst meer dan 400.000 bezoekers, afkomstig uit meer dan 100 landen. Met zoveel bezoekers maakt dat ADE het grootste evenement van Nederland in 2019, en tevens de grootste conferentie voor elektronische muziek ter wereld. Overdag worden er lezingen gegeven en wordt het gebruikt als een platform voor kennisuitwisseling over de elektronische muziekindustrie. ‘s Avonds en 's nachts speelt het Amsterdam Dance Event zich af in poppodia, clubs en andere uitgaansgelegenheden, waar dan de bekende en minder bekende dj's en musici uit binnen- en buitenland voor publiek optreden. Daarnaast is er een ADE Playground opgezet als een cultuurprogramma voor overdag, met onder meer kunst, film en fotografie op tientallen locaties verspreid over de stad.
 Ik hoop jullie met deze blogpost een klein kijkje in de evenementenbranche gegeven te hebben. Zo zie je maar weer hoe breed de evenementen business is en wat er wel niet allemaal onder events valt.
        About ADE - Amsterdam Dance Event. (n.d.). Retrieved December 27, 2019, from https://www.amsterdam-dance-event.nl/about-ade/
 BKB - Nacht van de Vluchteling. (n.d.). Retrieved December 27, 2019, from https://bkb.nl/nacht-van-de-vluchteling/
 Dit was Amsterdam Dance Event 2019. (2019, 22). Retrieved 27, 2019, from https://www.parool.nl/nieuws/dit-was-amsterdam-dance-event-2018~bbf1f761/
 Mobile Healthcare Congres & iZone. (n.d.). Retrieved December 27, 2019, from https://www.sbo.nl/zorg/mobile-healthcare-congres-izone/
 Mobile Healthcare Congres & iZone - Het grootste mHealth congres in Nederland. (n.d.).
Retrieved December 27, 2019, from https://www.mobilehealthcare.nl/
 Nacht van de Vluchteling. (n.d.-b). Retrieved December 27, 2019, from https://www.nachtvandevluchteling.nl/?gclid=CjwKCAjw8e7mBRBsEiwAPVxxiB2yk-Eirqwh3SIHpcqa5vfpzg2G5DQ3YHT0KlE9_cyyIiUU-96MshoCh1QQAvD_BwE
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avalonemerson · 6 years ago
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HOT DROP ALERT 🚨 Dance with Pride X Odd Fantastic: the dopest collab of ADE. Glow in the dark ink on easy breezy cotton all in a classic as hell silhouette! Proceeds from the shirts and the event go to Stichting Prisma Groeps' new Buddy Project. They're avail at Bordello A Parigi in Amsterdam from today and at Sound Metaphors Berlin from Saturday, we'll also have them at the party! And you better believe Rubi and I shall be sportin these luxurious limited edition shirts for the occasion. Join our style squad. https://www.instagram.com/p/BouC8bLFjSs/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5yodtrg66gz7
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nexusradiodance · 7 years ago
ADE Announces Second Wave of Artists
The Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE), the world’s largest festival and the most important global business conference for electronic music, announced its second selection of artists today. Among them are Amelie Lens (BE), Axwell / Ingrosso (SE), Broederliefde (NL), CIFIKA (KR), Kiasmos (IS), Oliver Heldens (NL), Ricardo Villalobos (CL) and Sasha (UK).
With seven weeks left to go, ADE, an initiative of Buma, has nearly completed its festival program. From October 17th through October 21st, the organization expects over 2500 artists in a record-breaking 200 locations, making Amsterdam the epicentre of the global electronic music industry for five straight days.
Alongside the previously announced focus on South Korea, this year’s edition also pays tribute to 30 Years of Dutch Dance in both its day and night program. This autumn marks the exact 30th anniversary of when the new wave of music started its rich history. The Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE) kicks off on Wednesday, October 17th with an opening concert that this year features Colin Benders and the Metropole Orkest. The organization expects over 400.000 visitors from both national and global backgrounds for its 23rd edition.
Among the second wave of confirmed artists are: 808 State (UK), ACE1 (JP), Adam Beyer (SE), Agar Agar (FR), Agoria (FR), Amelie Lens (BE), Amy Root (NL), Anna (BR), Andrew Weatherall (UK), Anja Schneider (DE), Antal (NL), Animistic Beliefs (NL), Anthony Parasole (US), Arp Frique (NL), ATEQ (DE), Avalon Emerson (US), Awesome Tapes From Africa (US), Axel Boman (SE), Axwell / Ingrosso (SE), Baris K (TR), Bassjackers (NL), Blawan (UK), Bob Sinclar (FR), Bokoesam (NL), Boo Williams (US), Broederliefde (NL), Bruxas (NL), Call Super (UK), Carnage (US), CIFIKA (KR), D-Block & S-Te-Fan (NL), Dâm-Funk (US), Detroit Swindle (NL), DJ Bone (US), Dj Boring (AU), DJ Nobu (JP), DJ Stingray 313 (US), Dr. Rubinstein (DE), Edward (DE), Eefje de Visser (NL), Efdemin (DE), Etapp Kyle (UA) FJAAK (DE), Fedde Le Grand (NL), Feed Me (UK), Gerd Janson (DE), GoldFish (ZA), GOOSE (BE), Gregor Salto (NL), Gui Boratto (BR), Haiku Hands (AU), Headhunterz (NL), Hernan Cattaneo (AR), Honey Dijon (US), Hunee (DE), I-F (NL), Idiotape (KR), Inga Mauer (RU), Jameszoo Quartet (NL), Jayda G (CA), Jensen Interceptor (AU), John Talabot (ES), Joost van Bellen (NL), Josylvio (NL), Julian Jordan (NL), Karenn (UK), Kenny Dope (US), Kevin Saunderson (US), Kiasmos (IS), Konstantin (DE), KSHMR (US), Lena Willikens (DE), Lil’ Kleine (NL), Loco Dice (DE), Low Steppa (UK), Lucas & Steve (NL), Lyzza (NL), Map.ache (DE), Marcel Dettmann (DE), Max Abysmal (NL), Max Cooper (UK), Mehmet Aslan (CH), MEUTE (DE), Michael Mayer (DE), Miss Kittin (FR), Modeselektor (DE), Modestep (UK), Molly (FR), Moody Mehran (NL), Motor City Drum Ensemble (DE), Mount Kimbie (UK), Mr. Wix (NL), Nakadia (TH), Neel (IT), Netsky (BE), Noisia (NL), N’to (FR), OBJECT BLUE (CN), Oliver Heldens (NL), Oceanic (NL), Optimo (UK), Or:la (UK), Orpheu The Wizard (NL), Pachanga Boys (MX), Paquita Gordon (IT), Paul Kalkbrenner (DE), Pegboard Nerds (NO), Phaeleh (KR), Prins Thomas (NO), Project One (NL), Raiden (KR), Rebolledo (MX), Red Axes (IL), Ricardo Villalobos (CL), Rinaly (JP), Robert Hood (US), Roisin Murphy (UK), Roman Flügel (DE), Romare (UK), Ron Morelli (US), Saagara (IN), San Holo (NL), Sandrien (NL), Shanti Celeste (CL), Sasha (UK), Seth Troxler (US), Sevn Alias (NL), Soichi Terada (JP), SOPHIE (UK), Space Dimension Controller (UK), Steven de Peven (BE), Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano (NL), Surgeon (UK), The Mauskovic Dance Band (NL), Tiga (CA), Tijana T (RS), Tsepo (NL), Vladimir Ivkovic (DE), Volvox (US), W&W (NL), Wildstylez (NL), Woody’92 (NL), Yallah! Yallah! (NL), Yellow Claw (NL) & Zip (DE). More than a festival
For more information about ADE visit: https://www.amsterdam-dance-event.nl/about-ade/
The Amsterdam Dance Event is organized by Stichting Amsterdam Dance Event, an initiative of Buma.
from Dance – Nexus Radio https://ift.tt/2orkcNL
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groningsnieuws · 7 years ago
<b>Groningen</b> ontmoet China op Amsterdam Dance Event
Groningen was het afgelopen weekend goed vertegenwoordigd op het Amsterdam Dance Event. Zowel het Groningse Confusius Instituut, de stichting ... meer http://ift.tt/2yGnrrI
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club-pera · 6 years ago
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Concert to Rave
Saturday 17 August 2019 Paradiso Noord
RAqS brings you again ‘Concert To Rave’. An invitation to share a musical journey, which starts with poetic storytelling and beautiful  instrumental/electro acoustic music to end in smoothly swaying on melodic - deep - techno - rave. In 'Concert To Rave' we share, listen, blend, shake & love!
Line up: Rasha Nahas, Aya Metwalli, ArchAngel, Korben & Leelee and more.
Rasha Nahas, Singer/songwriter, guitarist and performance artist. Her unmistakable sound and unique artistic identity were born and shaped in the Palestinian underground scene in her home town "Haifa"; fabrics of electric guitars combined with classical technique, with a penchant for fierce yet intimate storytelling carrying bold, unabashed poetry and howling violins.
Aya Metwali, Egyptian singer/songwriter, composer and producer who makes way for the influences of all the Egyptian pop as well as the classics she listened to growing up to leak out of her subconsciousness and find their way onto a bedding of what she calls "strange sounds coming out of synthesizers and drum machines. She defines her music as experimental pop or avant-pop.
ArchAngel, Al Sammour's Brothers "Manar & Faris", Both are Techno DJ-Producers from Damascus. they express their thoughts, imaginations and dreams through deep, melodic and ethereal Techno music productions.
Korben & Leelee, DJ & VJ Duo from Eindhoven. Started their collaboration two years ago at a radio show and ended up as audio visual creators. “What we actually do is translate the way we experience the world within and around us. We communicate this through the techno music that we select and the video art that we create”
Raqs is an event organizing group aiming to support talents and create full musical, visual and atmospheric experiences for art appreciators. "Raqs" is an Arabic word that in English means "dance", we believe that whether it is letting go completely, swaying with the sounds or the dance of your heart and stomach when experiencing beauty, dance had been essential in human ways of interaction since way back. We find pleasure in creating -with the help of many more- mind, guts and body dance.
This event is made possible by Stichting Pera, Paradiso Amsterdam and supported by AFK.
Saturday 17 August 2019 Paradiso Noord, IJpromenade 2, Amsterdam Noord Open: 22:00-04:30 hrs Tickets: online: €14,50 / at the door: €15,- (incl. service charge)
Buy tickets > Facebook event
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club-pera · 6 years ago
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Electro Tarab: Hello Pyschaleppo & Boshoco
Friday 3 May 2019 Paradiso, Small Hall
Raqs presents Electro Tarab with Hello Pyschaleppo (live) and Boshoco (DJ set).
Tarab is a state of sensory interaction sought by the singer and the performer to make the listeners interact in their mind, soul and body, it's the ecstatic feeling associated with listening to Maqams and microtonal music.
Electro Tarab is a music genre pioneered by electronic music producer/visual artist Hello Psychaleppo.  VICE Magazine described the music as: “A pastiche of twitchy electronic sounds and golden age Arab pop music of the 1950s and 60s. It is alternately danceable and cathartic, melancholic and apocalyptic. Itʼs Massive Attack meets Abdel Halim Hafez.”
Raqs is an event organizing group aiming to support talents and create full musical, visual and atmospheric experiences for art appreciators. "Raqs" is an Arabic word that in English means "dance", we believe that whether it is letting go completely, swaying with the sounds or the dance of your heart and stomach when experiencing beauty, dance had been essential in human ways of interaction since way back. We find pleasure in creating -with the help of many more- mind, guts and body dance.
This programme has been made possible by Stichting Pera.
Friday 3 May 2019 Paradiso, Small Hall, Weteringschans 6-8, Amsterdam Open: 00.30-05.00hrs Tickets: early bird (till 26 March): €12,50 / online: €17,- / at the door: €22,50
Buy tickets > Facebook event
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noortjevanbaal · 5 years ago
De drie grote spelers
Als ik aan mezelf en mijn omgeving vraag welke grote evenementen ze kennen, worden Lowlands, Pinkpop, Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE) en de Zwarte Cross 9 van de 10 keer genoemd.
Wie is nu het onzichtbare brein achter deze evenementen. En wat doen deze organisaties?
Mojo - Lowlands & Pinkpop
Lowlands en Pinkpop maar ook Down The Rabbit Hole, North Sea Jazz Festival en Woo Hah! worden georganiseerd door Mojo (Mojo, 2020). Mojo organiseert al sinds 1968 (Wikipedia, 2019)concerten in alle vormen en maten (Mojo, 2020). Wat ik persoonlijk zo tof aan Mojo vind is dat ze zowel kleine concerten als mega festivals organiseren. Het festival Pinkpop heeft in 2019 het bezoekersaantal aangetikt van 210.000 bezoekers (Lotte, 2020). In mijn eigen stad Groningen organiseert Mojo ook concerten. Deze concerten vinden plaats in de Oosterpoort en in de grootte zaal kunnen maximaal 2000 bezoekers. De diversiteit in de grote van de evenementen vind ik heel interessant aan Mojo. Mojo organiseert dus zowel kleine als grote evenementen. De afgelopen 50 jaar heeft Mojo ontzettend veel ervaring op gedaan in het organiseren van evenementen. Zij zijn degene die een standaard hebben gezet voor de evenementen branche (Mojo, 2020). Ik kan concluderen dat men binnen de evenementen branche niet om Mojo heen kan en daarom vind ik dat Mojo een relevante speler is in de evenementen industrie.
Stichting Amsterdam Dance Event - ADE  
Amsterdam Dance Event is het grootste dance festival ter wereld (iamsterdam, 2020). Alleen al om deze uitspraak vind ik dat de organisatie van het Amsterdam Dance Event in het rijtje moet van belangrijkste organisaties binnen de evenementen branche.
Amsterdam Dance Event is hét visite kaartje van Amsterdam en het brengt de stad veel. De organisatie van ADE is een stichting. Het doel van de organisatie/stichting is dat er een podium wordt  geboden voor startup artiesten. Ook wordt er hard gewerkt aan het leggen van verbinding tussen investeerders en act. Ik kan concluderen dat de organisatie zijn uiterste best doet het tot dé ontmoetingsplek te maken voor de dance muziek industrie wereldwijd (amsterdams fonds voor de kunsten , 2016). De doestelling van de organisatie van ADE vind ik uniek. Er zijn weinig organisatie die dit neer te zetten. Daarom hoort de organisatie van ADE zeker in het rijtje van belangrijke spelers binnen de evenement branche.
Feestfabriek - Zwarte Cross
Persoonlijk had ik nooit gedacht dat de organisatie van de Zwarte Cross in het rijtje van belangrijkste organisaties binnen de evenement industrie zou passen. Toen ik ging googelen kwam ik al gauw tot de conclusie dat ik niet om de Zwarte Cross heen kan. Met 220.000 bezoekers is de Zwarte Cross een (betaalde) festival met de meeste bezoekers van Nederland (Lotte, 2020).
De Zwarte Cross is een muziek festival, maar er wordt meer gedaan. Er vinden namelijk ook motor cross wedstrijden plaats. Het blijkt dat er een grote doelgroep is voor dit concept.
De Zwarte Cross wordt georganiseerd door de Feestfabriek. Bij de start in 1997 waren er 150 cross deelnemers en 1000 toeschouwers. Het feit dat ze nu zijn uitgegroeid naar een festival met 220.000 bezoekers, is voor mij de reden waarom ze zeer belangrijk zijn voor de evenementen industrie. Veel organisaties kunnen hier van leren (Feest Fabriek, 2020).
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weownthenitenyc · 5 years ago
As leaves begin to turn and Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE) nears, we’ll soon begin our annual journey from our respective nooks in the world and head to Amsterdam for a nothing short of magnificent 5-Day Marathon.
For night owls hoping to get the most out of their time in the Dam, here are some of the events on our radar:
John Digweed’s bedrock at Ponton  for a picturesque evening riverside
Ann Clue & Boris Brejcha at Warehouse Elementenstraat, inspired by these hand-picked sets 
Authentic Afro at JD Williams Whisky Bar for something a little different
Apparat, Matias Aguayo and more at Melkweg for ADE Live
Innervisions x Loveland at Warehouse Houthavens, after years of enjoying 2012’s genre-spanning Âme B2B Dixon ADE Boiler Room. Note that 8-11pm is an audio-visual show merging movement, music and video projections in an immersive live performance by RY X, as well as a dance performance by Nina Kurtela.
Audio Obscura x Motor City Drum Ensemble & Young Marco at Centraal Station. Enough said.
Into the Woods: Detroit Swindle, Maya Jane Coles, Project Pablo at NDSM. Festival within a festival, so meta.
Thuishaven with Life & Death, including 2manydjs, Axel Boman, DJ Tennis, and DJ Seinfeld
Awakenings, a proper Friday night with Tale of Us, Stephan Bodzin, Rodhad, and Recondite at Gashouder
909 + Loveland takes over Mediahaven with Chris Liebling, Jennifer Cardini, Sam Paganini, and Pan-Pot
DGTL Orbital skews toward IDM selectors and crate-diggers, including Floating Points, Âme, Motor City Drum Ensemble, Mr. Scruff, Antal, Job Jobse at Scheepsbouwloods
…and then there’s Pornceptual at Ruigoord not for the faint of heart
Photo by Fotograafniels.nl | Niels de Vries
If you’re somehow still kicking around, there’s a few sunrise sets to scope out… or power through to the evening altogether!
The aptly named Breakfast Club has Peggy Gou, Ben UFO and Carista at RADION
(Reverend) Robert Hood will bless you with his presence bright and early, along Joy Orbison at Maceo Plex’ Awakenings x Lone Romantic at Warehouse Elementenstraat
Mystic Garden Festival’s not messing around! If we had to name-drop, we’d pick Nastia, Matador, Mind Against, Ben Sims, Monika Kruse, Len Faki, Nic Fanciulli, DVS1, Ellen Allien, Paco Osuña, Oscar Mulero, Surgeon and KIRILIK live (aka KiNK)
DGTL Outlier: Bonobo’s curation is unsurprisingly well worth the final night out, including HAAi and The Black Madonna to Jon Hopkins to compliment his eclectic, ethereal creations.
ADE After Dark (ADE 2018 Album)
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It’s safe to say we’re counting down the days for the long nights out in Amsterdam, truly an itinerary bursting with world-class dance acts.
Audio Obscura’s Breakfast Beats Parties will make you rethink the meaning of endurance. Remember, Solomun from ADE 2018 😀
Breakfast beats for night owls – Audio Obscura at the Loft (ADE 2018)
For more information about ADE: www.a-d-e.nl/about-ade
The Amsterdam Dance Event is organized by Stichting Amsterdam Dance Event, an initiative of Buma.
2019 Amsterdam Dance Event: Our Picks for ADE After Dark | For night owls hoping to get the most out of their time in the Dam, here are some of the events on our radar... #ADE2019 #AmsterdamDanceEvent #ADE #Amsterdam As leaves begin to turn and Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE) nears, we'll soon begin our annual journey from our respective nooks in the world and head to Amsterdam for a nothing short of magnificent 5-Day Marathon.
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club-pera · 5 years ago
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Electro Tarab w/Hello Psychaleppo, Muqata'a & Ahmad Aba Zaid
Friday 13 December 2019 Paradiso, Small Hall
Raqs presents Electro Tarab with Hello Psychaleppo, Muqata'a and Ahmad Aba Zaid.
Tarab is a state of sensory interaction sought by the singer and the performer to make the listeners interact in their mind, soul and body. It's the ecstatic feeling associated with listening to Maqams and microtonal music. Dancing on tarab music is deep and expressive, you can consider it soulful and cinematic.
Hello Psychaleppo is the brain child of Aleppian music producer and visual artist Samer Saem Eldahr. Hailing from one of the most mystical and musically rich cities in the Levant, Hello Psychaleppo is deeply rooted in Arabic music tradition, captivating listeners with melodic strains of Tarab threaded seamlessly together with the convoluted sounds of electronic music. Hello Psychaleppoʼs compelling visual presentation is integral to the live experience that engages the soul and moves the body. Hello Psychaleppoʼs first album 'Gool Lʼah' released in 2013 pioneered the music genre of Electro-Tarab and gained a credible following. The album was the first of its kind, combining Arabic music theory and rhythms with electronic music tools and sounds creating a harmonious blend that is Electro-Tarab. VICE Magazine described the music as, “A pastiche of twitchy electronic sounds and golden age Arab pop music of the 1950s and 60s. It is alternately danceable and cathartic, melancholic and apocalyptic. Itʼs Massive Attack meets Abdel Halim Hafez." Website| Soundcloud
Muqata'a is an electronic musician and MC based in Ramallah, Palestine. Creating sounds using sampled material, field recordings, and electronic devices, the results range between harsh beats, abstract tones, and glitch. He co-founded the Ramallah Underground Collective which toured extensively across the Arab World, Europe, and Australia, until the collective split up in 2009. Muqata'a is also co-founder and member of the sound and image performance group Tashweesh alongside artists Basel Abbas and Ruanne Abou-Rahme. He has released several solo albums including; 'Inkanakuntu' (2018) on Discrepant, 'Dubt Al-Ghubar' (2017) on Third Type Tapes, 'La Lisana Lah' (2017), and 'Hayawan Nateq' (2013). Muqata’a has composed several film scores, as well as scores for dance performances, and is now working on different collaborative and solo projects. Website| Soundcloud
Ahmad Aba Zaid is a beatboxer, looper and sound designer based in Amsterdam, and originally from Syria. Aba Zaid will be showcasing and flash looping fusions influenced by hip Hop, Dub, Psychedelic music and Maqams preparing for his debut album.
Raqs is an event organizing group aiming to support talents and create full musical, visual and atmospheric experiences for art appreciators. 'Raqs' is an Arabic word that in English means 'dance', we believe that whether it is letting go completely, swaying with the sounds or the dance of your heart and stomach when experiencing beauty, dance had been essential in human ways of interaction since way back. We find pleasure in creating -with the help of many more- mind, guts and body dance.
This event is organised by Raqs Amsterdam and Stichting Pera and made possible by AFK & Paradiso Amsterdam.
Friday 13 December 2019 Paradiso, Small Hall Open: 22.30-04.30hrs Tickets: €10,50 (incl. service charge)
Buy tickets >
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weownthenitenyc · 6 years ago
Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE), the world’s largest festival and business conference for electronic music, announces the second wave of artists for 2019. Among them are Avalon Emerson (US), Apparat (DE), Carista (NL), Carl Craig (US), Colin Benders (NL), Floorplan (US), Jayda G (CA), Jeremy Underground (FR), Maya Jane Coles (GB), Peggy Gou (KR), rRoxymore (FR), San Holo (NL), Sam Feldt (NL), upsammy (NL) and Vladimir Ivkovic (RS). The organisers expect to welcome 400,000 visitors from more than 100 countries for the 24th edition.
The five day and night gathering runs from October 16th-20th, 2019 and is the world’s most extensive festival and conference program for electronic music, offering a broad range of art, film, photography, alongside music and the latest trends in technology and social good.
Alongside the popularity of the night and day program from national and international visitors, the organizers see growing interest in the ADE Sound Lab conference, the daytime cultural activities and the live electronic music and sustainability focuses in both the festival and conference program. ADE’s organizers expect to welcome more than 2,500 artists and 600 speakers in almost 200 locations.
ADE’s organizers have previously announced France as the 2019 Focus Country, that the opening concert will feature SOHN & Metropole Orkest, and ADE LIVE and ADE Green will return to this year’s program. ADE closes on Sunday with the ADE Hangover, a free outdoor event at NDSM-wharf with a wide range of activities for all age groups including live music, a vinyl market and theater.
The latest announced conference speakers include Ukrainian artist and label owner Nastia (UA), DEAG’s Detlef Kornett (DE), ID&T founder Duncan Stutterheim (NL) producer/DJ Hannah Wants (GB), early AKAI MPC innovator Roger Linn (US), global music rights clearance expert Deborah Mannis-Gardner (US), Phase One Network Inc. CEO Frank Babar (US), award winning African hip hop Artist Gigi LaMayne (SA), artist and label owner Elena Colombi (IT), Elrow Family’s Jo Vidler (GB) and noted hardstyle artist William Rebergen aka Headhunterz (NL). They join the already announced Amazon Chief Technology Officer Dr. Werner Vogels (NL), Lisa Ellis (US), Soundcloud’s global head of music and artist relations, Group Vice President of Tencent Music Entertainment Andy Ng (CN) and head of AEG Studios Raymond Roker (US) amongst others.
The complete festival and conference program will be announced in the coming weeks. Keep up to date with all the ADE news and announcements here: www.amsterdam-dance-event.nl/en/news
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A selection of latest announced artists includes: Abstract Division (NL), Ace Ventura (IL), Afra (NL), Agents Of Time (IT), Alfa Mist (GB), Ancient Methods (DE), Antal (NL), Apparat (DE), Avalon Emerson (US), Ben Sims (GB), Beta Librae (US), Booka Shade (DE), Carista (NL), Carl Craig (US), Catching Flies (GB), Caterina Barbieri (IT), Colin Benders (NL), Courtesy (DK), D.O.D (GB), Damian Lazarus (GB), Dan Shake (GB), Danny Krivit (US), Dasha Rush (RU), Dave Clarke (GB), David Vunk (NL), De Jeugd Van Tegenwoordig (NL), De Sluwe Vos (NL), Deetron (CH), Denis Sulta (GB), Detroit Swindle (NL), Dimitri (NL), DJ Bone (US), DJ EZ (GB), DJ Seinfeld (SE), DJ Stingray 313 (US), Donato Dozzy (IT), Dr. Rubinstein (RU), Dubfire (US), Emma-Jean Thackray (GB), Extrawelt (DE), Floorplan (US), Freddy K (DE), Full Crate (NL), Gene On Earth (DE), Gerald Henderson (FR), Gerd Janson (DE), GoldFish (ZA), Hælos (GB), Hernan Cattaneo (AR), Inga Mauer (RU), Isis & Mozes (NL), Jamie 3:26 (US), Jayda G (CA), Jeremy Underground (FR), John Digweed (GB), John Talabot (ES), KC the Funkaholic (NL), KiNK (BG), Kornel Kovacs (SE), Larry Gus (GR), Len Faki (DE), LSDXOXO (US), Lyzza (BR), Mairo Nawaz (NL), Marcel Fengler (DE), Maya Jane Coles (GB), Menno de Jong (NL), Midland (GB), Mike Williams (NL), Miss Melera (NL), Moksi (NL), Niels Broos (NL), Oceanic (NL), Ofenbach (FR), Olivier Weiter (NL), Omar Souleyman (SY), Optimo (GB), Ørjan Nilsen (NO), Palmbomen II (NL), Palms Trax (GB), Pan-Pot (DE), Parrish Smith (NL), Peggy Gou (KR), Randomer (GB), Roger Sanchez (US), rRoxymore (FR), Sam Feldt (NL), San Holo (NL), San Soda (BE), Sandrien (NL), Skee Mask (DE), Solar (US), Solid Blake (DK), Spekki Webu (NL), Spencer Parker (GB), Steve Aoki (US), Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano (NL), Surgeon (GB), Tammo Hesselink (NL), The Partysquad (NL), The Weather Girls (US), Tim Hecker (CA), Todd Terry (US), Tomer Baruch (NL), Tsepo (NL), upsammy (NL), Vini Vici (IL), Vladimir Ivkovic (RS), Volcov (IT), Wata Igarashi (JP), Wilkinson (GB).
ADE Pases
The ADE Pro conference is accessible for ADE Pass and ADE Conference Pass holders, available here.
The Amsterdam Dance Event is organized by Stichting Amsterdam Dance Event, an initiative of Buma.
#THEBUZZ: AMSTERDAM DANCE EVENT (ADE) 2019 Announces Second Wave of Artists #ADE2019 #ADE Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE), the world's largest festival and business conference for electronic music, announces the second wave of artists for 2019.
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weownthenitenyc · 6 years ago
For the fourth year in a row live music takes centre stage within the Amsterdam Dance Event. Paradiso and Melkweg join forces once again for ADE LIVE: a two-day festival where fans and professionals alike honor the newest electronic live-acts as well as the household names. ADE LIVE will take place on Wednesday the 16th at Paradiso and Thursday the 17th of October at Melkweg.
In just a few years ADE LIVE has grown into a vital part of Amsterdam Dance Event. In previous editions it featured behemoths like Fatima Yamaha, Hercules & Love Affair and Roísín Murphy next to upcoming talent as Marie Davidson & Phlake who have now gone onto to be successful in their own right, showing that electronic live music deserves a prominent spot on the ADE menu.
This year it’s up to the compelling grandmaster of electronica Apparat to lead the festival. And with surprises like the Belgian leftfield pop singer Charlotte Adigéry or the laidback vibes of Catching Flies there’s plenty to discover again! The full line-up is listed below:
Wednesday October 16th | Paradiso Haelos Yellow Days Larry Gus Warhola Oklou OTHA Meetsysteem
Thursday October 17th | Melkweg Apparat HVOB Tourist De Sluwe Vos live Matias Aguayo Catching Flies Charlotte Adigéry Polynation
Tickets for both nights are available through the ADE site. Just like last year there is a two-day festival ticket which grants access to the full ADE LIVE program.
Laura Jacobs Fotografie
Ticketsales start Friday August 2nd, 10.00 am. Tickets Wednesday October 16th in Paradiso: € 25 Tickets Thursday October 17th in Melkweg € 28 Two-day ADE LIVE tickets: € 40
ADE LIVE is also accessible for ADE Pass holders.
ADE Pases The ADE Pro conference is accessible for ADE Pass and ADE Conference Pass holders, available here.
About ADE
The Amsterdam Dance Event is the leading platform for electronic music culture and innovation, attracting thousands of industry delegates and music enthusiasts from around the world. ADE takes place from the 16th to the 20th October. For tickets, more information about ADE and an overview of announced artists: a-d-e.nl
ADE 2018 (Album)
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For more information about ADE: www.a-d-e.nl/about-ade
The Amsterdam Dance Event is organized by Stichting Amsterdam Dance Event, an initiative of Buma.
Amsterdam Dance Event - ADE Live 2019: The two day program for electronic live music at Melkweg and Paradiso within Amsterdam Dance Event features leading artists and upcoming talents. #ADE #ADE2019 #Amsterdam For the fourth year in a row live music takes centre stage within the Amsterdam Dance Event.
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