#Stewart F Lane
shannendoherty-fans · 4 months
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May 24, 2004 - Shannen stars in the stage play "In the Wings" at the Revelation Theatre, Buffalo, New York (24th – 25th May 2004).
"In The Wings" is a comedy written by Tony Award winner Stewart F. Lane. The play was first presented as a staged reading at The Revelation Theater starring Shannen Doherty and directed by Mr. Lane. The other cast members were Luke MacFarlane, Madeleine Maby, Jana Robbins, John Krasinski, and Olek Krupa. It was then produced off-Broadway at the Promenade Theater in New York city in 2005 with a different cast. 
Two aspiring young actors, Melinda and Steve, in love with each other and the theatre get their big break when they are cast in a new musical by their Svengali-like acting teacher, Bernardo. But when the show moves to Broadway, only Melinda is asked to move with it. Their relationship is tested as well as their acting, singing and dancing skills. Steve’s mother makes frequent visits to the couple’s apartment with advice and money.
Because the play is set in New York city in 1977, the costumes and sets become secondary characters. The off-broadway production included many bell bottoms, fringed vests and smiley faces.
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ozu-teapot · 2 years
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Chicago Syndicate | Fred F. Sears | 1955
Dennis O'Keefe, Allison Hayes, Paul Stewart, Abbe Lane
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pechaberriesandsoju · 12 days
HELLO can I get 1 dislyte f/o please? @lficanthaveloveiwantpower
Okay, so I remember looking at your carrd a while back and noticing you mostly have platonic or familial f/os, which is extremely valid!! I know i have a lot of them as well. But you also have queerplatonic f/os, too. So I'm gonna mix this up a bit and give you two of them. One that's familial or platonic and one that could be queerplatonic or however you feel about him.
First off, for the familial/platonic? I assign you, Stewart. He's a sweet guy and works/runs an orphanage. His favorite thing in the world is story time for the kids he cares for. He remembers them even when they leave and will often stay in touch to give them gifts and to keep an eye on their progress with they're an esper. He's the type of guy that will always give you a shoulder to lean on and will lend an ear when you need someone to listen. He cares a lot, and it shows through his actions.
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For the second one? I assign you Jacob. Even though he's considered "evil" because he works with the Shadow Decree, he's really calm and laid back and mostly just cares about staying in his own lane. But he does show his care for others even if it seems brief or unlikely. He's also pretty sleepy most of the time and would prefer to have a nap more than fighting with others or fighting against the Esper Union. He just wants to enjoy his time on his own and stay out of trouble most of the time. He doesn't mean harm and usually tries to keep from harming others as best he can.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 21 days
Legacy of Jupiter
by summerpill Raised on Themyscira, Alexandra Wayne has always known she was different. The daughter of two legendary heroes, Wonder Woman and Batman, her destiny has been shaped by prophecy from birth. After spending fifteen years training with the Amazons, she is thrust into the world of men to stop the awakening of Cronos, a threat that could unravel all existence. As Alexandra, now known as Aegis, faces formidable enemies and uncovers long-buried secrets, she must also find her place among the Justice League. Can she live up to the legacy of her parents and fulfill her role as the world’s protector? Or will the weight of prophecy prove too much for her to bear? Words: 1012, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Justice League - All Media Types, Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M Characters: Diana (Wonder Woman), Bruce Wayne, Wally West, Shayera Hol, John Stewart (DCU), Clark Kent, J'onn J'onzz, Oliver Queen, Dinah Lance, Alfred Pennyworth, Dick Grayson, Barbara Gordon, Zachary Zatara, Aquagirl, Rex Stewart, Jonathan Kent, Lois Lane, Lex Luthor, Darkseid (DCU), Beatriz da Costa, Kimiyo Hoshi, Original Female Character(s) Relationships: Diana (Wonder Woman)/Bruce Wayne, Shayera Hol & John Stewart Additional Tags: Some chapters will be explicit, Angst, family times, alexandra will be adopted by batfamily, and will make many friends, bruce loves his daughter unconditionally, just like your wife, the "explicit" applies to both scenes of violence and adult content, wally will call Alexandra "mini Diana", and shayera will be a kind of mentor, Angst with a Happy Ending, Happy Ending via https://ift.tt/yOeZM6V
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socalwriterbee · 2 years
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Book: Open Heart
Pairing: Tessa Martinez (f!MC) x Ethan Ramsey
Song Inspiration: Unfinished Business (Acoustic) by Neriah x JC Stewart
Rating/Warning: Angsty(ish)
Word Count: 1,337
Summary: After a night spent together, the reality of what happened three years ago starts to hit Ethan.
A/N: I made it! I thought I wasn't gonna make it in time for the deadline but it's still Friday here. I am participating in @moodmusicmonday Luck of the Draw and the song that was given was Unfinished Business by Neriah. I was going back and forth with two stories for this song, which is an incredible song!
A/N 2: I must apologize, this time around I may not have understood the assignment but what a worse time to get some writers block. Sorry for any spelling errors and other things!
Characters and some storyline mentioned belong to Pixelberry
It was just shy of three years.
Three years when she said goodbye.
Had there been days where I could say good riddance? There were but I ended feeling like shit because I remember the last words I said to her when we signed on the dotted lines.
‘We were never a mistake.’
We weren’t.
I did what I did best when those thoughts crept in, I drank them away. They had no place in my head much less my heart.
She moved to another state, there was nothing holding her here anymore. But damn if I could still feel her presence everywhere I went. At least when I didn’t wallow in self pity and actually made an effort to go out. 
She was at Donahues, she was next to me when the silent city of Boston passed me by on my runs, whether it was in the morning or late at night, she was next to me with a gleam in her eye as she took in the opera. 
And now?
Now she was next to me or had been. The room I found myself in felt cold, there are no personal touches, nothing that makes it a home. Because it wasn’t.
Nothing that makes it her.
With my hands behind my head, I stare at the ceiling, the sound of the shower running, creeping through the small opening of the bathroom door mixing with the sound of her voice as she sings a song I don’t recognize. 
Somethings never change.
Was I the only one who heard her sing or at times hum in the shower? Had there been others in the same exact position I found myself in? I shake those thoughts out of my head, of course there had been, one look at her and how could you not find yourself falling in love and in my case more in love with her.
My mind goes back to earlier that night at Donahue’s. I had been outside in the beer garden, knowing she was going to be there, thanks to a certain friend of hers. So I waited patiently for her to find me because if Sienna told me, she told her.
And find me she did. Greeting me with another drink when she sat across from me and I did everything, and I mean everything in me to control the mix emotions that were running through me. If anyone would have told me that I’d be feeling like this ever, I’d call bullshit. I didn’t show emotion, I hadn’t been one to believe in love, I never got that butterfly flutter in the pit of my stomach, I never got the urge to take someone right then and there until her.
There I was taking in the loose dark waves of her hair, framing her face as a smile tugged at the corner of her lips, the iris of her brown eyes getting darker as we stared at each other. Similar thoughts running through us, we still knew our telltale signs of want. 
Three years had gone by and she looked the same, three years later and she was still beautiful. My wife. Fuck, ex-wife, she still took my breath away.
Me, on the other hand, I was looking older that was a given. Specks of gray touching my brown hair, a few wrinkles setting in the corners of my eyes. She had broke the silence between us, we had gone down memory lane. But in my mind I was going down my many what if’s.
That trip to Cape Cod…what if I made the effort to spend more time with her?
My return from the Amazon… what if I didn’t go? Would we had more time together?
What if I had been a better husband? What if I loved her the way she deserves? What if we started a family? What if, what if, what if!
I follow the sultry low voice and stop when my eyes fall upon Tessa standing against the doorway in only a towel. 
Letting out a groan at the sight in front of me, Tessa raises an eyebrow at me. “I’ve been calling you but you seemed lost in thought. You ok?”
Pushing myself up the bed into a sitting position, my back against the headboard, the tangled bedsheet covering my lower half. My gaze following her every movement until she is at the side of the bed.
“I’m fine.”
Tessa stares back at me, not believing the words that came out of my mouth. I’d like to believe that there was a time in my life that I didn’t overthink things but it felt like we still could make it. Getting lost with her in her hotel room, I thought it would help to get her out of my system but just like before she dug herself deeper into my soul.
Had that been my mistake? Not me falling for her but thinking she would fall for me again.
There was a dip in the bed as Tessa climb on and sat next to me, sitting with her legs tucked under her. “What are you doing tomorrow?” Tessa asks, the softness of her hand covering the back of my hand.
“I have the day off.”
“Yeah, ok. That wasn’t what I asked Ethan.” Tessa says, moving closer. I could see her fighting her body to stop from straddling me, my own body itching to reach over to her and wrap her around me. “Maybe we could have dinner.”
“I—.” I begin to say but close my mouth just as fast.
“We’re friends, aren’t we? Come on Ethan, it’s just dinner.”
I didn’t know what hurt the most, didn’t know what caused this feeling that felt like a punch to gut that took all the oxygen from my lungs. Showing her tonight what she still means to me wasn’t enough because right now in her mind I was just a friend. 
Not her ex-husband and certainly not her lover. 
There was a world where it was me and her but that world no longer exists.
“I’m gonna go.”
I go to slide my hand from under hers, when she tightens her hold. “That’s not what I meant.”
But it was.
Three years ago I didn’t think I would be the one still feeling like this. I promised myself that I wouldn’t let anyone in the way I had Tessa. I saw the look in her eyes when we signed our divorce papers, she thought we were forever and at some point I did too.
I had turned cold, showing no emotion when Tessa showed her emotions on her sleeve. I needed to let her know that we weren’t a mistake so she could move on.
Now it was time for me. Funny to think that after three years and after seeing her again, the failure of our marriage was finally hitting me.
Tossing the covers to the side, I get out of bed, no need to feel embarrassed by my nakedness around her, gathering my clothes that was scattered across the floor mixing with hers, I begin to dress.
Running my hand through my hair once I was dressed, Tessa in the same spot on the bed, watching me, never saying a word.
One word was on the tip of my tongue, that one word that would truly be the end of us, but I couldn’t say it and god I’m trying, my mouth going dry.
Tearing my gaze away from her, I take the few steps that lead to the door of her hotel room. My hand steady on the door handle, we got so close or at least I thought so. That was what that sucker punch feeling was, the almost. 
The almost.
“Goodbye Tess.”
My words meet the closed door, I don’t bother looking back. The silent hallway greets me as I walk out the door leaving Tessa. 
We got so close but any unfinished business between us was done.
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tkwrites · 6 months
200 Follower Playlist Celly
As I was looking for my inbox last night (a huge thank you to the anon who sent in so many asks! I feel so loved knowing you’re reading and thinking about my works!) I was shocked to find I’d tipped over the 200 follower mark! 
To show my appreciation, I decided to share my Snapshots playlist. So many of these songs feel so S&Q coded to me.  (I listen to everything on shuffle, so the order has no real significance)
I’ve listed them out below for those not on Spotify: 
I'll try my best to keep this post updated if new songs are added
Lost - Blake Rose 
Tattoo Me - Haley Joelle 
Dancing in the Dark -  LØLØ
In Agreement - Lizzy McAlpine 
Fall Into Me - Forest Blakk
4runner - Brenn!
Golf on TV - Lennon Stella 
Little Bit More - Suriel Hess 
You Can Have Him - Antigoni 
HEARTFIRST - Kelsea Ballerini 
For Real - Lana Condor 
In My Hands - Natalie MacMaster 
Lady - Blake Rose 
late nights and lonely - Suriel Hess 
better with you - Virginia to Vegas 
faceplant - LØLØ
Butterflies (feat. FLETCHER) - MAX, FLETCHER 
I F*cking Love You - Zolita 
Kinfolks - Sam Hunt 
Karma - Taylor Swift 
Off Of My Mind - Icona Pop, VIZE
Meet Me at the Mistletoe - Dave Barns 
Body to Body - Sture Zetterberg, Andrew Shubin 
Everywhere - Live in Cologne - William Fitzsimmons 
Vienna - Billy Joel 
Time of the Season - Mono Version - The Zombies 
Caution - Radio Edit - The Killers 
Supermassive Black Hole - Muse 
be gentle with me - yaeow
birthday cake - duet - Dylan Conrique, Alexander Stewart 
Blue Eyed Constilation - Max McNown 
dancing in the kitchen - LANY 
The Manuscript - Taylor Swift
Stargazing - Myles Smith
Whatta Man - Salt-N-Pepa; En Vogue
Somebody Like You - Keith Urban
Fairytale - Culture Code; Amanda Collis
Memory Lane - Haley Joelle
Burn, Burn, Burn - Zach Bryan
Spotless (feat. The Lumineers) - Zach Bryan
thing u do - Tori Kelly
Snapshots Masterlist
Rather Be (feat. Jess Glynne) - Clean Bandit
I Am Always Gonna Love You - Jon McLaughlin
Why It Hurts - Jon McLaughlin
Before You - Jon McLaughlin
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goldenfox3 · 11 months
Night terrors, morning comforts.
The next installment of Living in the Fast Lane ft. Falcon muddling his way through comforting a shaken Stewart whilst also being one of the two densest men alive.
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ao3feed-westallen · 1 year
Zack Snyder's Justice League II and III: An Alternate Retelling
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/VxWnpiO
by Tyrannus2
This is about what should've happened had Zack Snyder's Justice League gotten a sequel. But this is my personal interpretation of what could've been.
Words: 2502, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 9 of Alternate DCEU (Snyderverse)
Fandoms: DC Extended Universe, Justice League - All Media Types, Injustice: Gods Among Us
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Diana (Wonder Woman), Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Calvin Swanwick | Martian Manhunter, Victor Stone, Arthur Curry (DCU), Mera (DCU), Slade Wilson, Lex Luthor Jr. (DCEU), The Amazons (Wonder Woman), Hippolyta (Wonder Woman), Original Female Character(s), Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Jason Blood, Hal Jordan (Green Lantern), John Stewart (DCU), Kara Zor-El, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne
Relationships: Diana (Wonder Woman)/Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent/Lois Lane, Arthur Curry/Mera (DCU), Barry Allen/Iris West, Tim Drake/Kaitlyn Chang
Additional Tags: Post-Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/VxWnpiO
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ao3feed-timkon · 2 years
Let's Try This One More Time
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/0syIHfj
by kurenohikari
Damian Wayne, the Devil's Spawn (quite literally!), + Raven, the Queen of Darkness, + Billy, the Champion of Magic, and their drunk uncle John Constantine travel back in time, dragging the whole universe into chaos and mayhem.
Darkseid hadd won. Earth was no more. They will try saving everyone one more time. There will be a lot of burning and death. Most characters won't understand what is going on, untill it happens. When it does, it will be too late to get away.
Hell hath no fury like an Unholy Trinity scorned!
Words: 668, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of The Unholy Trinity
Fandoms: DCU (Comics), Batman - All Media Types, Teen Titans - All Media Types, Justice League - All Media Types, Green Lantern - All Media Types, Lucifer (TV), The Sandman (Comics), Justice League Dark: Apokolips War (2020)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Harper Row, Cullen Row, Colin Wilkes, John Constantine, Lian Harper, Flatline (DCU), Kyle Rayner, Hal Jordan (Green Lantern), John Stewart (DCU), Guy Gardner, Razer (Green Lantern), Saint Walker (Blue Lantern), Death of the Endless, Destiny of the Endless, Mar'i Grayson, Respawn (DCU), Lucien | Lucienne (The Sandman), Ra's al Ghul, Talia al Ghul, Slade Wilson
Relationships: Damian Wayne/Raven/Billy Batson, Dick Grayson/Koriand'r, Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Stephanie Brown/Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown/Tim Drake, Clark Kent/Lois Lane, Diana (Wonder Woman)/Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson, Roy Harper/Jason Todd, Roy Harper/Jade Nguyen, Suren Darga & Maya Ducard & Mara al Ghul & Jonathan Samuel Kent & Damian Wayne & Colin Wilkes, Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Dinah Lance/Oliver Queen, Barry Allen/Iris West, Dream of the Endless/Hob Gadling
Additional Tags: Magical Damian Wayne, Angel Damian Wayne, Damian Wayne is Flamebird, Damian Wayne-centric, BAMF Damian Wayne, Lantern Damian Wayne, Protective Batfamily (DCU), Caring Batfamily (DCU), John Constantine has an adoption addiction, he blames the unholy trinity, who the hell gave Damian Wayne powers, Gotham has a magical coven, BAMF Billy Batson, BAMF Raven (Teen Titans), Raven is the voice of reason, Demon Raven (Teen Titans), it started small and ended up being this huge mess, Time Travel Fix-It, Mayhem, Chaotic Batfamily (DCU), Worldbuilding, Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent, BAMF John Constantine
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/0syIHfj
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
After years of helping their hubbies climb the ladder of success, three mid-life Manhattanites have been dumped for a newer, curvier model. But the trio is determined to turn their pain into gain. They come up with a cleverly devious plan to hit their exes where it really hurts – in the wallet! Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Elise Elliot Atchison: Goldie Hawn Brenda Morelli Cushman: Bette Midler Annie MacDuggan Paradis: Diane Keaton Gunilla Garson Goldberg: Maggie Smith Shelly Stewart: Sarah Jessica Parker Morton Cushman: Dan Hedaya Cynthia Swann Griffin: Stockard Channing Bill Atchison: Victor Garber Aaron Paradis: Stephen Collins Phoebe LaVelle: Elizabeth Berkley Dr. Leslie Rosen: Marcia Gay Harden Duarto Feliz: Bronson Pinchot Chris Paradis: Jennifer Dundas Catherine MacDuggan: Eileen Heckart Uncle Carmine Morelli: Philip Bosco Dr. Morris Packman: Rob Reiner Gill Griffin: James Naughton Jason Cushman: Ari Greenberg Ivana Trump: Ivana Trump Kathie Lee Gifford: Kathie Lee Gifford Gloria Steinem: Gloria Steinem Elise’s Fan: Lea DeLaria Jilted Lover: Debra Monk Woman in Bed: Kate Burton Brett Artounian: Timothy Olyphant Federal Marshall: J.K. Simmons Young Brenda: Michele Brilliant Young Elise: Dina Spybey-Waters Young Annie: Adria Tennor Young Cynthia: Juliehera DeStefano Miss Sullivan: J. Smith-Cameron Eric Loest: Mark Nelson Gil’s New Wife: Heather Locklear Security Guard: Richard Council Film Crew: Producer: Scott Rudin Set Decoration: Leslie E. Rollins Second Unit Director: Jack Gill Director of Photography: Donald E. Thorin Editor: John Bloom Associate Editor: Antonia Van Drimmelen Casting: Ilene Starger Costume Design: Theoni V. Aldredge Music Supervisor: Marc Shaiman Production Design: Peter S. Larkin Associate Producer: Craig Perry Production Manager: Ezra Swerdlow Makeup Artist: Angela Levin Director: Hugh Wilson Screenplay: Robert Harling Hairstylist: Alan D’Angerio Assistant Art Director: Ed Check Art Direction: Charley Beal Choreographer: Patricia Birch Executive Producer: Adam Schroeder Camera Operator: Rob Hahn Casting Assistant: Kim Miscia Post Production Supervisor: Tod Scott Brody Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Lee Dichter Production Coordinator: Ray Angelic Sound Editor: Richard P. Cirincione Hairstylist: Frances Mathias Storyboard Artist: Brick Mason Construction Coordinator: Ron Petagna Makeup Artist: Bernadette Mazur Sound Editor: Laura Civiello Boom Operator: John Fundus Sound Mixer: Peter F. Kurland Location Manager: Joseph E. Iberti Assistant Art Director: Paul D. Kelly Negative Cutter: Noëlle Penraat Costume Supervisor: Hartsell Taylor Music Editor: Nic Ratner Special Effects Coordinator: Matt Vogel Costume Supervisor: Michael Adkins Still Photographer: Andrew D. Schwartz ADR Editor: Kenton Jakub Sound Editor: Eytan Mirsky Supervising Sound Editor: Maurice Schell Chief Lighting Technician: Jerry DeBlau Hairstylist: Werner Sherer Makeup Artist: E. Thomas Case Hairstylist: Robert Ramos Foley Editor: Bruce Kitzmeyer First Assistant Director: Michael E. Steele Script Supervisor: Shari L. Carpenter Music Editor: Nicholas Meyers Unit Publicist: Eric Myers Music Programmer: Nick Vidar Second Assistant Director: Julie A. Bloom Art Department Coordinator: Julia G. Hickman Transportation Captain: Steven R. Hammond Stunt Double: Joni Avery Transportation Co-Captain: Tom Heilig Color Timer: Tom Salvatore Cableman: Tommy Louie Co-Producer: Thomas A. Imperato Novel: Olivia Goldsmith Associate Producer: Heather Neely Associate Producer: Noah Ackerman Property Master: Octavio Molina Storyboard Artist: Lorenzo Contessa Makeup Artist: Marilyn Carbone Assistant Costume Designer: Wallace G. Lane Jr. Assistant Sound Editor: Jay Kessel Foley Editor: Stuart Stanley Movie Reviews:
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sporadiceagleheart · 4 months
This edit says for birthdays and deaths of May 19th 20th and 21st and Jesus is our only holy God just like our father God who healed and lifted them up to be our Angels
Star Hobson, Peggy Cass, Andrea Helton, Emmett Goins, Gavin Lane Morris, Evelyn Ward, Robert White Creeley, Alexander Dale Oen, Biggie Smalls, Philip II, Aurelia Cotta, Alexander Pope, Elizabeth Fry, Mary Anning, Henry VI Of England, Albert David Hedison Jr., Albert Hay Malotte, Sir Michael Elias Balcon, Anthony Arnatt Bushell, Albrecht Dürer, Eleonore Maria Josefa of Austria, Gaspard-Gustave de Coriolis, Joseph Fouché, 1st Duc d'Otrante, 1st Comte Fouché, LUCIEN BONAPARTE (PRINCE OF CANINO), 1775-1840, MINISTER, Dabney Herndon Maury, Reverdy Johnson, JOHN F. LOUDON, Konstantin Petrovich Pobedonostsev, Brigadier-General Mosby Monroe Parsons, George Lafayette Beal, William Peter Sprague, Elizabeth Storrs Mead, Newton Martin Curtis, Louis Renault, Joseph Parry, Charles Albert Gobat, Léon Victor Auguste Bourgeois, Henri Julien Félix Rousseau, Giuseppe Mercalli, Princess Stéphanie Clotilde Louise Herminie Marie Charlotte of Belgium (21 May 1864 – 23 August 1945) was a Belgian princess who became Crown Princess of Austria through marriage to Crown Prince Rudolf, heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.Stéphanie of Belgium, Émile Adolphe Gustave Verhaeren, Jacques Marie Eugène Godefroy Cavaignac, Princess Sophie Helene Cecilie of Schönburg-Waldenburg, Maybelle Evelyn Taliaferro, May Frances Aufderheide Kaufman, John Peale Bishop, Baroness Suzanne Lilar, Raymond William Stacy Burr, Marcel Lajos Breuer, Manly Wade Wellman, Harold Robbins, Andrei Sakharov, Doris Mae Akers, Justine Kay Kendall McCarthy, Alice Elizabeth Drummond, Malcolm Fraser, Hernando de Soto, Archibald Primrose, Jane Addams, Sammy Davis Sr., Rajiv Gandhi, William Russell Hardie, John Emery, James Stewart, John Gielgud, Otto Waldis, Ion Dumitrescu, Peter Copley, George Leslie Goebel, Edith Marilyn Fellows, Elizabeth May "Betty" Driver, Alfred Moore, and so many more names I probably can't add but I got names on my paper list of Angels
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ao3feed-superbat · 6 months
Finding Neverland HalBarry Omegaverse
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/m197Gbj by LilyOkumura12 ──── ❝ HalBarry Omegaverse AU ❞ ──── De niños conocieron la inocencia del amor. De jóvenes el sacrificio por un bien mayor. Y de adultos lo que era la verdadera pasión. Desde su infancia han compartido sentimientos y la vida se había encargado de ponerles pruebas que habían logrado superar. Pero que pasará cuando el anuncio de la "Gran boda de Blanco" del Linterna Verde se haga presente. Podrá el Velocista impedirlo o el destino intervendrá una vez más. Solo las estrellas tienen las respuestas. Words: 4402, Chapters: 1/22, Language: Español Fandoms: DCU, DCU (Comics) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi Characters: Barry Allen, Hal Jordan (Green Lantern), Jay Garrick, Alan Scott (DCU), Wally West, Kyle Rayner, Iris West, Leonard Snart, Eobard Thawne, Bart Allen, Thaddeus Thawne, Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, Diana (Wonder Woman), Steve Trevor, Michael Carter (DCU), Ted Kord, John Stewart (DCU), Shayera Hol, Guy Gardner, Tora Olafsdotter, Dinah Lance, Oliver Queen, Arthur Curry (DCU), John Constantine, Hartley Rathaway Relationships: Barry Allen/Hal Jordan (Green Lantern), Barry Allen & Hal Jordan (Green Lantern), Jay Garrick/Alan Scott, Jay Garrick & Alan Scott, Kyle Rayner/Wally West, Kyle Rayner & Wally West, Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent & Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent & Lois Lane, Michael Carter/Ted Kord, Michael Carter & Ted Kord, Barry Allen/Leonard Snart, Barry Allen & Leonard Snart, Barry Allen/Eobard Thawne, Diana (Wonder Woman)/Steve Trevor, Shayera Hol & John Stewart, Guy Gardner/Tora Olafsdotter, Dinah Lance & Oliver Queen Additional Tags: Drama & Romance, Angst and Drama, Adventure & Romance, Slice of Life, Omegaverse, AU, Elseworlds, Fanfic read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/m197Gbj
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ozu-teapot · 2 years
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Chicago Syndicate | Fred F. Sears | 1955
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wqbytop100 · 6 months
Top 150 for the week ending April 7, 2024
Jet Plane --R3HAB, VIZE, JP Cooper -2 [1] (11weeks)
Outlaw Love --Brooke Eden (Dave Aude Remix) -1 [1]
Weight of the World --Bonnie X Clyde -5 [3]
When I Wake Up --Lucas & Steve, Skinny Days -7 [4]
Monster --A7S, ALOK -4 [4]
Houdini --Dua Lipa -3 [2]
Reckless Child --Milky Chance -8 [7]
Slide Out --Life on Planets -6 [3]
The Afterhours ---Kyle Watson -18 [9]
What If We Met --Ali Gatie -22 [10]
She's On My Mind --Romy -9 [1]
Give Me --Will Clark, BURNS -13 [12]
Before You Go --Seeb -15 [15]
Lonely Dancers ---Conan Gray -16 [14]
Make Me Your Mrs. ---Mae Stephens -17 [15]
Low Again --Bakermat -20 [16]
I Don't Wanna Worry --NEEDTOBREATHE -10 [1]
Dirty Desire ---Vicetone -14 [5]
Never Be Friends --Jost, Minogue -18 [1]
Sleep Tonight (This is the Life) --Switch Disco, R3HAB, Sam Feldt -26 [20]
Young & Foolish --Loud Luxury f/Charlieonafriday -23 [21]
Kissing Strangers --USHER --21 [16]
You're Hired --NEIKED, Ayra Starr -12 [1]
Weak --Vintage Culture, Mavrick Sabre, Tom Breu -11 [1]
Waterslides --Tiesto, Rudimental, Absolutely -25 [22]
Lighter --Galantis, David Guetta, 5 Seconds of Summer -83 [26]
Mr. Useless --Shygirl, SG Lewis -24 [24]
Feel This Way --Victoria Nadine, R3HAB -52 [28]
Anyone --Morgan Page --29 [2]
Texas Hole 'Em --Beyonce -30 [17]
Heart Still Beating --Nathan Dawe, Bebe Rexha -27 [2]
Graveyard --A R I Z O N A (Shoffy Remix) -28 [5]
Close Your Eyes --Lucas Estrada, Tribbs, Stephen Puth -32 [7]
Spicy Margarita --Jason Derulo, Michael Bublé -33 [7]
It's Love (If We Get It Right) --Anthony Russo -31 [3]
Kill Anyone --Two Feet, Ari Abdul -38 [11]
Bad Blood --Theresa Rex -37 [20]
Yes, And? --Ariana Grande -39 [19]
One On One --The Knocks, Sofi Tukker -34 [1]
All Fckd Up --Kapuzen -35 [9]
Both --Tiesto, 21 Savage, BIA -36 [4]
Do You Feel It --VAMERO, Cyril M. Mougleta -44
Flex ---Tony Dark Eyes -45 [20]
Cutting Loose --Disco Lines, J. Worra, Anabel Englund -47 [44]
Triumph --Bishop Briggs -49 [45]
Feels Like Us --GT_OFICE, ALWZ SNNY, Robbie Rosen -43 [6]
Forever (Stay Like This) --Armin Van Buuren -50 [47]
Without You ---Disco Fries, Lavish Life -56 [48]
Beat Of Your Love --Ownboss, LAWRENT feat/Ekko -53 [48]
I Got Time --Brittney Spencer --55 [49]
Rusty --Layto -57 [50]
Raccoons --Caravan Palace -63 [51]
Take A Moment --ATB, David Frank -76 [53]
Diamond Therapy --Diplo, Walker & Royce, Channel Tres -51 [6]
Dizzy ---Sick Individuals, LOUI LANE -48 [48]
Murder On The Dancefloor --Sophie Ellis-Bextor -111 [56]
Lie To Me --Jubel, KIDDO -58 [57]
ADHD --Mae Stephens --54 [54]
Progressive Heart --Pat Premier (Dave Aude Remix) -64 [59]
Underwater ---Dubvision, Afrojack -65 [60]
You Know It --Gorgon City -66 [61]
In Your Arms --Jes Bays, Jem Cooke -67 [62]
Beautiful Things ---Benson Boone -68 [63]
Next Years Light ---Elliot Moss -40 [24]
Lil Tune --Gus Dapperton, Electric Guest -71 [71]
Home --CamelPhatt, RHODE (Vintage Culture Remix) -72 [65]
One, Two & 3 --Galantis -117 [67]
Soultrain --Tripolism, Nandu, Radeckt -94 [68]
No Reason --The Chemical Brothers (Chris Lake Remix) -69 [31]
You ---Svidden, Seeb -42 [2]
Everybody Knows I'm High --SHAED -139 [71]
***Hell Together --David Archuleta -(new) [72]
Kettle's Up ---Mahmut Orhan, Axelax, Botan -92 [73]
Good In Goodbye --Frank Walker, Trivecta -40 [10]
Lift Off ---Dombresky -46 [13]
More Baby ---Chris Lake, Aluna -59 [5]
U Miss Me ---Vicetone -60 [1]
Out Loud ---Cage The Elephant -96 -[78]
How Do I Say Goodbye --Adventure Club, Delaney Jane -62 [58]
***Electricity --FAST BOY, R3HAB -(new) [80]
Premeditated ---FETISH -85 [81]
Broken By You ---Alexander Stewart -93 [82]
***We Ain't Good At Breaking Up --Brothers Osborne -(new) [83]
***Can't Stop Us ---Regard -(new) [84]
Life Goes On --HU -88 [85]
My Body ---Illusionize, Y&M -97 [86]
Lose Control --Teddy Swims -120 [87]
Count Me Out --Vicetone, Emily Falvey -122 [88]
Cutting Through The Country ---Medium Build -118 [89]
Missing You ---Frank Walker, Nate Smith -119 [90]
Come With Me ---Claptone -87 [87]
***Level Up --Wolfgang Gartner, Scrufzzer -(new) [92]
Space ---Shane Codd -106 [82]
Anthem --Diplo, Shram, Pony -116 [94]
Regret The Morning ---SILK, Mali-Koa -124 [95]
Love Me ---INNA -(new) [96]
Dark Skies --A R I Z O N A --61 [1]
Purple Irises --Gwen Stefani, Blake Shelton -97 [28]
Powerful Women --Pitbull, Dolly Parton -94 [15] *]
Rhythm Machine --Westend, Max Styler -70 [50]
The Pussy Song ---Ken The Man -95 [95]
***Save You A Seat --Alex Warren -(new) [102]
She ---Karin Ann (Benny Benassi remix -110 [94]
Other Boys ---Mashmello, Dove Cameron -52 [1]
Say It Right --Dubdogs, Farfetch'd -79 [65*]
Me Before You --Bleachers -107 [88]
Dreams ---Ali Farben, Maurice Lessing, Emma Wells -108 [92]
Might Just --Walker & Royce, James Patterson -109 [93]
Lullaby --Britti -74 [33]
Fire ---Alan Walker, YUQI, JVKE, (G)I-DLE -75 [26]
Mirrors ---Caravan Palace -73 [36]
Spend The Night --BJ the Chicago Kid, Coco Jones -82 [3]
Some Kind of Static --Neil Francis, Alan Braxe -84 [84]
Everything You Do --AFROKI, Afrojack, Steve Aoki, Aviella -91 [91]
Sorry Ain't Enough --Michael Gerow -98 [52]
Gravity ---Matt Hansen -114 [111]
Hanging On --A R I Z O N A -99 [1]
I Still Believe --Lecrae, for King & Country -112 [112]
Dreamteam --Galantis, Neon Trees -82 [12]
Fire In My Soul --Yulia Niko, Carn Crua -124 [120]
Body Moving ---Eliza Rose X Calvin Harris -101 [43]
Can I Have This Groove --Kenyon Dixon -121 [121]
What Do You Do For A Living? I Do My Best --Iamnotshane -113 [72] >>>
Kiss Me Better --Julie Bergan -125
Need Your Love -- Ikay Sencan, KALUMA, Adam Woods -126
Wanna --Paul Dally -102 [42] >>>
Good For You --Dimitri Vegas, Chapter & Verse, Goodboys -127 [61]
Fantasy ---Cosmo's Midnight f/Frank Moody -128 [71]
Without Your Love --Deorro, TELYKAST, Catello -129 [128]
Stress You --Lucas Estrada, SUPER Hi -103 [12]
Sorry Now --A R I Z O N A -104 [9] >>>
Strangers ---Kenya Grace -105 [3] >>>
Never Be Lonely --Jax Jones, Joe Wees -130 [84]
DFHMPU --Ari Abdul -112 >>>
Lucky --Dermont Kennedy -131 >>>
Run Free (Countdown) --Tiesto, R3HAB -133 >>>
Somethings Gonna Workout --Jai Piccone, 1tbsp -135 >>>
Ohh LA LA --Edris Elba, Sasha GiGi -136 [21] >>>
Follow You ---Return of the Jaded, MELLY OHH -138 [79] >>>
The Tower ---Future Islands -140 [48] >>>
Pictures of You ---Anyma --142 [75] >>>
Hustla ---Francis Mercier, Emmanual Jai -14 [110] >>>
Beautiful Drug --Zac Brown Band (Avicii Remix) -144 [113] >>>
Taking It Back --DJ Minx -146 [94] >>>
No Man's Land --Marshmello f/Venbee -148 >>>
Dance Is The Answer --Dubdogs, RUBACK, Ticon, Raja Ram -147 [57] >>>
***Outside Of Love ---Becky Hill -(new)
***Higher Ground --Purple Disco Machine, Roosevelt -(new)
***Nothing Ever Changes --Vintage Culture, MAGNUS -(new)
***Addicted --ZERB, The Chainsmokers, Ink -(new)
9 new on the Chart this week / no <> re-entries >>>off next week #72 Hell Together #83 We Ain't Good At Breaking Up #84 Can't Stop Us #92 Level Up #102 Save You A Seat #147 Outside of Love #148 Higher Ground #149 Nothing Ever Changes #150 Addicted
0 notes
ao3feed-brucewayne · 21 days
Lío de Amores
by Aviondisparandoalcielo Bruce Wayme un alpha de alta millonario categoría tambien conocido con Batman el caballero de noche quien protege la ciudad de Gotica, nunca logró tener una relación estable a menudo fueron "aventuras" de una sola noche, omega o beta que se topaba con el Play boy era directo a sus sabanas, claro tuvo consecuencias de su calentura juvenil fueron tres adorables cachorros. Words: 1836, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Español Fandoms: DCU (Comics), Batman - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Underage, No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other Characters: Bruce Wayne, Hal Jordan (Green Lantern), John Constantine, Minhkhoa Khan, John Constantine's Sister, Alfred Pennyworth, Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake (DCU), Vicki Vale, Lois Lane, Lex Luthor, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Barry Allen, Iris West, Wally West, John Stewart (DCU), Carol Ferris, Zatanna Zatara, Leonard Snart, Jim Gordon (DCU) Relationships: Minhkhoa Khan/Bruce Wayne, Hal Jordan (Green Lantern)/Bruce Wayne, John Constantine/Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent & Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent/Lois Lane Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, DC Comics References, Alpha Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Gotham City is Terrible, Alternate Universe, Implied Mpreg, Porn With Plot via https://ift.tt/hPTOLk2
0 notes
smokeybrandreviews · 1 year
World of Tomorrow
I am a Marvel shill. I love the comics, the worlds, the films; All of it. To this day, i am an MCU apologist, though, lately, that’s becoming harder and harder to do. I personally feel that, between the Big Two, Marvel is the superior company in all aspects, save one - animation. Marvel animated fair is pitiful in comparison to what DC has given us over the years. I mean, the Nineties were solid with the X-Men, FF, Spider-Man, Hulk, and Iron Man shows but Batman: The Animated Series trumps all of that. B:TAS is more than classic and gave birth to one of the most intricate, enduring, and entertaining franchises, ever. DC has had a penchant for animation since On Leather Wings first aired so long ago and that has continued to this day. I mean, they made kind of a detour with that mixed bag of a film universe based on the Nnu52, the DCAMU, but that got the reboot treatment with Justice League Dark: Apokolips War and gave birth to what looks to be a brand new franchise: The Tomorrowverse.
Superman: Man of Tomorrow
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On the surface, this is a solid “Superman” origin story. In reality, it's a dogsh*t watch. This is the firt entry into the Tomorrowverse and it's definitely a mixed bag. Love the animation and art direction. Love the casting, outside of Lois Lane. Kind of hate the Parasite and Martian Manhunter redesigns. Really hate this universe's take on Lex Luthor. Out the box, for me, The Tomorrowverse stumbled and hasn't really recovered yet. The following two entries (three if you count the two part Long Halloween entry) are much, much, better. Unfortunately, the last two, so far, are much, much, worse.
Justice Society: World War II
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I kind of liked this one. It’s basically Flashpoint mixed with New Frontier. It’s an interesting idea and the execution is there, but it feels like filler almost. Almost as if this is the jumping off point for something more. All in all, it’s kind of my favorite of the bunch, not named Long Halloween. It’s always dope seeing DC’s wildly overpowered take on heroes, participate in very much human conflict. All in all, solid watch.
Batman: The Long Halloween
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I actually wrote and entire proper review on this when it first released. I loved it. Most accurate adaption of the iconic Bat-story to date and the best entry of The Tomorrowverse to date. Well worth a watch or two.
Green Lantern: Beware My Power
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This on was weird as f*ck. Actually, to be honest, all of these are kind of weird as f*ck. All of the Tomorrowverse entries, except Halloween, are weird retellings of iconic narratives from the comics, but wrong? Like, this is definitely the origin story to Kyle Rayner’s take on Green Lantern, down to a really corny take on Parallax, but it was given to Jon Stewart. Hell, they threw in a little bit of sexual chemistry with Hawkgirl at the end as a nod to their DCAU romance. Ultimately, this thing was f*cking boring. Zero out of ten, would not recommend.
Legion of Super-Heroes
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I think i liked this one even less than Green Lantern. I honestly have nothing good to say about it outside of the costumes are dope. That’s kind of it.
The Tomorrowverse is in it’s infancy but, so far, it’s underwhelming. The writing needs to be much better and the overarching plot should probably be much, much, more compelling. Still, i love the art style and character designs but, if I'm being honest, it’s worse than it’s predecessor. There’s still room to grow but if this is what tomorrow holds, I'm happy with what we got today.
0 notes