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etcemais · 2 years ago
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Aproveitando a onda de anuncios da Warner Bros. Discovery, James Gunn revelou o elenco principal da série Comenado das Criaturas.
Segundo o Collider, a série terá alguns retornos esperados, como Sean Gunn no papel de Doninha e Steve Agee voltará a interpretar John Economos, além de contar com Frank Grillo como Rick Flag, Maria Bakalova como a Princesa Ilana Rostovic, Indira Varma como A Noiva, Zoe Chao como Nina Mazursky, Alan Tudyk como Dr. Phosphorus e David Harbour como Eric Frankenstein. Sean Gunn também dará voz a G.I. Robot.
A série terá 7 episódios e vai mostrar ecos de Esquadrão Suicida, já que a premissa parte da Amanda Waller novamente reunindo uma equipe inusitada, dessa vez formada apenas por monstros. O diferencial, é que a produção irá transitar entre animação e live-action. A ideia é que o elenco de dubladores também estrele o live-action. Comando das Criaturas é parte da nova configuração do DCU, que começa com um capítulo dedicado aos deuses e monstros.
Comando das Criaturas estreia em 2024 no Max, novo serviço de streaming.
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mikesfilmtalk · 3 months ago
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geekbroll · 3 years ago
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PEACEMAKER on HBO Max is freaking amazing. The opening has everyone dancing. Also this show LOVES it some hair metal! Danielle Brooks from OITNB Elizabeth Faith Ludlow from Netflix’s Another Life  Rizwan Manji from Backstrom, Better Off Ted, The Magicians, Perfect Harmony Nice DC comics references. #peacemaker #hbomax #peacemakerhbomax #jamesgunn #dccomics #suicidesquad #thesuicidesquad #tv2022 #bestof2022 #eagly #DanielleBrooks #ElizabethFaithLudlow #johncena #robertpatrick #dccomics #steveagee #jenniferholland #RizwanManji #FreddieStroma #ChristopherHeyerdahl #vigilante #judomaster #batmite  (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYq-Yulrm5Z/?utm_medium=tumblr
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richard-is-bored · 3 years ago
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King Shark #kingshark #nanaue #sylvesterstallone #steveagee #thesuicidesquad #dccomics #mcfarlanetoys #toyphotography #toypic_community #toyworldorder #toyartistry_elite #toyartistry #epictoyart #o3pfeatures #dcprimecollective #articulatedcomicbookart https://www.instagram.com/p/CXFG7U_vEyf/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lumber · 4 years ago
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❤️👑🦈💕 Thank you for being a friend, friend. #KingShark #SylvesterStallone #SteveAgee #TheSuicideSquad #DCComics #DCU #JeauxJanovsky #JeauxJ #ReadMoreComics #Cute #Kawaii (at Culver City, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSt0PaLHOU2/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Repost from @dcfilms.ph • James Gunn expresses his love for Harley Quinn and actress Margot Robbie when asked by a fan if Warner Bros/DC forced the character into his film. #TheSuicideSquad #MargotRobbie #JaiCourtney #PeterCapaldi #PeteDavidson #ViolaDavis #JohnCena #JoelKinnaman #IdrisElba #SteveAgee #MaylinNg #DavidAyer #ReleaseTheAyerCut #WarnerMedia #WarnerBros #DC #DCEU #DCFilms #DCFanDome #DCComics https://www.instagram.com/p/CFpnO9uD3Ri/?igshid=lhaakwvmc94z
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almasgeeks · 5 years ago
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Nuevo Póster de #ElEscuadrónSuicida 🔥 #DcFandome @wbpictureslatam @thesuicidesquad . . . #dc #dccomics #dcu #daviddastmalchian #johncena #jaicourtney #joaquíncosío #nathanfillion #joelkinnaman #maylingng #flulaborg #seangunn #juandiegobotto #stormreid #petedavidson #taikawaititi #alicebraga #steveagee #tinashekajese #danielamelchior #petercapaldi #julioruiz#fenniferholland #violadavis#idriselba #margotrobbie #michaelrooker (en Panama City, Panama) https://www.instagram.com/p/CENHdHYh5nd/?igshid=1kibgmwkeh15v
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breakingnerdnews · 6 years ago
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#BNNFirstLooks At #TheSuicideSquad as #SteveAgee joins the cast as #KingShark Please TURN ON YOUR NOTIFICATIONS plus like, comment, repost, tag & follow us on our other media outlets: #Instagram #Facebook #Tumblr #Reddit BREAKINGNERDNEWS & #Twitter BreakinNerdNews #WeAreBREAKINGNerdNews #AsSoonAsWeGetYouGetIt #StartSpreadingTheNerdNews #SupportLocalComicBookShops https://www.instagram.com/p/B1kNLMlh0Cx/?igshid=8yjjjtk2pz7r
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xespionagex · 6 years ago
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I cant wait for @zoesaldana to sign this #guardiansofthegalaxyvol2 #movie #poster This has already been signed by #tommyflanagan #pomklementieff #seangunn #steveagee @tommyflanaganofficial @pom.klementieff @thejudgegunn @steveagee #zoesaldana #acecomicon #comicon2019 #comicon #comics #comic #comicbook #comicbooks #mcu https://www.instagram.com/p/Bygtvvnj6Cu/?igshid=98k2reu55250
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etcemais · 9 months ago
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A próxima animação da DC, Comando das Criaturas, ganhou uma nova imagem oficial e confirmou que novas novidades serão reveladas na San Diego Comic-Con 2024.
A série, que será uma mistura de animação e live-action, terá sete episódios que serão escritos por James Gunn. A produção vai mostrar ecos de Esquadrão Suicida, já que a premissa parte da Amanda Waller formando uma nova equipe de operações secretas, mas dessa vez com prisioneiros monstruosos. Entre os personagens teremos Rick Flag Sênior, Princesa Ilana Rostovic, A Noiva, Dra. Nina Mazusky, Doutor Phosphorus, Eric Frankeinstein, entre outros.
O elenco conta com Sean Gunn no papel de Doninha - além de também emprestar a voz para a G.I. Robot.-, Steve Agee voltará a interpretar John Economos, Frank Grillo como Rick Flag, Maria Bakalova como a Princesa Ilana Rostovic, Indira Varma como A Noiva, Zoë Chao como Nina Mazursky, Alan Tudyk como Dr. Phosphorus e David Harbour como Eric Frankenstein, enquanto James Gunn, Peter Safran e Sam Register serão os produtores.
A série é parte da nova configuração do DCU, que começa com um capítulo dedicado aos deuses e monstros.
Comando das Criaturas irá estrear em dezembro.
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doomonfilm · 6 years ago
Review : Brightburn (2019)
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I’ve always been a sucker for movies about individuals with super powers.  Be it established comic book heroes translated to the screen, or entirely new characters created to tell familiar (and sometimes new) stories, there’s something about these modern-day mythical figures that intrigues in a way that the average story structure cannot.  As a Marvel fan, the ‘What If...?’ realm with the super-powered always fascinated me, as there seemed to be an inherent (but unspoken) ‘moral’ code that went with this level of power.  That’s why I was hooked when the ‘what if Superman was evil?’ premise was presented to me via Brightburn. 
Tori (Elizabeth Banks) and Kyle Brewer (David Denman) are a young couple in Brightburn County, Kansas attempting to start a family, but facing infertility issues along the way.  One night, a mysterious object crashes in the woods on the edge of their farm, and Tori discovers an infant boy among the wreckage, whom she adopts and names Brandon (Jackson A. Dunn).  Over the next ten years, the couple raises Brandon, but as he becomes a young man, everyone begins to take note of changes in Brandon’s behavior, including his obsessive drawing of a symbol and a more aggressive nature.  As secrets that the couple tried to keep from Brandon become unearthed, a change begins to take place in him that nobody can prepare for, putting everyone in danger as Brandon seeks to fulfill his newly-discovered destiny.
Taking a look at the Superman mythos under this lens is refreshing, as other directors (who shall remain unnamed) have done their best to try and make Superman a dark character.  With Superman being such a modern-day folk hero, using him to study the opposite side of the absolute power and nature vs. nurture debates can be stifled, but using a similar character with inverse characteristics allows the examination to occur without many of the pre-conceived opinions and notions present.  Ultimately, it is fertile grounds for debate to toil over whether an alien with powers of this level and a base-level lack of empathy for humans could eventually be shaped and molded into a hero figure, or if his superior nature would always put him at odds with those lesser than.
Though this movie is being marketed as a horror film, I did not find it to be one... I would say it is more of a violent suspense film.  The narrative is not full of twists and turns, but it is not meant to be, as the premise is the primer.  With the information given in the premise, our mind is forced to dwell on the ticking time-bomb that is Brandon, and knowing that he can turn a bad situation infinitely worse in a heartbeat carries the suspense of the film.  Brandon’s tendencies are clearly psychopathic, but seeing as he is not ‘one of us’, it puts the definition of pscyhopathy (in this case) in question... can we truly expect a non-human to value human life the way we do?  Essentially, those in the world of the film (and us as viewers) are held hostage by the hopes that what equates to a pre-pubescent God-figure chooses to regulate his own urges and behaviors, for our sake.
The special effects for this film are pretty impressive... the superhero powers are portrayed effectively, and the violence that Brandon implements is executed well enough to make me watch most of these sequences through my fingers.  The movie is well-shot, and the lighting throughout (especially in the night scenes) ratchets up the tension further.  Color is used wisely throughout the film, as most of it relies on a flat interior, green (read natural) exterior... the two real colorful presences are Tori’s art (possibly to symbolize her as a loving presence), and the red that follows Brandon around (in his costuming/symbolism, the ship hidden in the barn, and the wake of his destruction).  Speaking of Brandon and red, the Brightburn costume design was simple, but wonderful, with the hood/cape combo being a nice touch.  The button in the credits featuring Michael Rooker was also a nice closing point, but for more feelings about that, see the final paragraph.
Jackson A. Dunn and his quite, brooding sense of power he communicates through his stillness and his piercing stare make him a silent monster on the level of Jason Vorhees, only with the skills of Superman in tow... it’s surprising how well the young actor is able to ground his performance, considering most young actors would probably run a bit wild with the character.  Elizabeth Banks has always possessed dynamic range, and her ability to project unconditional motherly love (even in the face of the obvious) plays well.  David Denman plays the powerless dad to a tee, easily communicating a man that is used to being at the head of the power table now at his wit’s end and acting desperately, though trying to hold it together.  Meredith Hagner brings a lighthearted energy to most of her performances, displaying the love of a family member while managing to keep the distance of an Aunt and counselor, keeping her from direct involvement into the problem.  Matt Jones brings his loveable, true-to-life characteristics to his performance, becoming an audience connection point in a film full of the unbelievable.  Emmie Hunter and Becky Washington both play solid shades of those who sense and fear the threat that Brandon is.  Appearances by Michael Rooker, Steve Agee, and other supporting cast round out the world of the film.
For what it’s worth, I really enjoyed Brightburn, but I do hope that it is a standalone project.  While highly entertaining to me, it certainly falls more into the world of the pulp-film or cult-classic more so than the establishment of another ‘cinematic universe’, and hopefully it encourages others to tell similar one-off stories as well, similar to films like Chronicle. 
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space-trash-princess · 4 years ago
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Kingshark is ready to go trick-or-treat. He finally got his fake mustache! #kingshark #art #thesuicidesquad #fanart #halloween @steveagee @jamesgunn @thesuicidesquad https://www.instagram.com/p/CURCjaytNEU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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richard-is-bored · 3 years ago
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King Shark #kingshark #nanaue #sylvesterstallone #steveagee #thesuicidesquad #dccomics #mcfarlanetoys #toyphotography #toypic_community #toyshutterbugs #toyworldorder #toyartistry_elite #toyartistry #epictoyart #o3pfeatures #dcprimecollective #articulatedcomicbookart https://www.instagram.com/p/CXEgwodvLkj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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whatelsecanwedonow · 5 years ago
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pom.klementieff: 🖤 my @indianmotorcycle 🏍 in Atlanta 📷 @steveagee #ScoutBobber #indianmotorcycle
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#RepostPlus @mostlydc - - - - - - #TaikaWaititi is in talks to join @JamesGunn The Suicide Squad -------- No word on what's the role or how big the role actually is -------- @TaikaWaititi has a existing history with DC Comics Films. He previously played the role of Thomas Kalmaku in Ryan Reynolds Green Lantern Movie -------- The cast will have a table read at 11th of September and the production is set to start on September 23 -------- Source: @Deadline #NathanFillion #SteveAgee #FlulaBorg #DanielaMelchior #DavidDastmalchian #JamesGunn #JohnCena #JoelKinnaman #IdrisElba #TheSuicideSquad #SuicideSquad #ViolaDavis #DCFilms#AmandaWaller #BirdsOfPrey #WillSmith #DCEU #DCExtendedUniverse #DCCinematicUniverse #Batman #JusticeLeague #Superman #HenryCavill #WonderWoman #KingShark #Joker #Deadshot #HarleyQuinn #MargotRobbie #SuicideSquad #KingShark https://www.instagram.com/p/B1r-_iwDILn/?igshid=s2oijy6p0r5m
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almasgeeks · 5 years ago
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Finaliza la filmación de #TheSuicideSquad! 🎬 El director @JamesGunn compartió la foto en su instagram con el siguiente mensaje: "Y así terminamos The Suicide Squad. Mi padre murió dos semanas antes de empezar a filmar y mi perro murió dos semanas antes de finalizar. Fue un momento difícil, difícil en mi vida y sin embargo, el tiempo más satisfactorio que he tenido haciendo una película. La profesionalidad, el talento, la compasión y la bondad de este elenco y equipo me inspiraron todos los días. Gracias a todos los involucrados en esta película, en cada etapa de desarrollo, en cada departamento, estoy agradecido desde el fondo de mi corazón por todos ustedes. Ustedes son el por qué hago películas.❤ " @wbpictureslatam . . . #elescuadronsuicida #dc #dccomics #dcu #daviddastmalchian #johncena #jaicourtney #joaquíncosío #nathanfillion #joelkinnaman #maylingng #flulaborg #seangunn #juandiegobotto #stormreid #petedavidson #taikawaititi #alicebraga #steveagee #tinashekajese #danielamelchior #petercapaldi #julioruiz #fenniferholland #violadavis #idriselba #margotrobbie #michaelrooker (en Panama City, Panama) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9IdkS0hBBB/?igshid=tu2s9f2rqje5
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