#Sterrbhar Moenthubyr
aeriktirel · 5 years
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The Importers fend off the attacks of the Defense Grid at the Burning Wall’s Internment Hulk.
feat. Kugeki, Saelsria, Isilfyr, Sterrbhar, Mishani, Gracilda, Aerik, Ryssbhar, Theodric, and Resilient. 
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ffxiv-roleplayer · 7 years
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Dear Moon,
I found something during one of our sailing trips. Was diving for lobster and this thing was wedged under a reef. I think it is a crystal but I am not sure. I don’t trust anyone back in Eorzea with this kind of find and Boar doesn’t want me to keep it so its being sent to you and the others. Enjoy the treasure. I’ve come to call it ‘the eye of the sea’ a cool name right? I hope Kugane is everything you wanted it to be. 
I miss you.
- Love Bee. 
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                                     GRAPHIC IMAGERY WARNING
The midlander in the blood red fox mask tossed a dagger in his hand as he circled the large figure hanging by his arms.
“I won’t ask you again, Prince.” He said with a clear frustration in his tone.
Only silence was the man’s response. Growling, the hyur reached forward and grabbed the figure by the chin and brought it into the light. Saelsria’s face was covered in cuts and bruises. His eyes nearly bloodshot from strain. The green and purple eyes slowly turned to the man in the mask. “I-I will tell you nothing...” The Hellsguard said defiantly as blood trickled from his mouth. “Y-You are as good as dead, Inari....Just you wait.” The young man said spitting his blood onto the midlander’s red mask. Maniacal laughter filled the dark room as Inari took his blade and placed it on Sael’s neck. “You make me laugh.” Behind the mask, Inari licked his lips and leaned into the roegadyn’s ear. “I will enjoy breaking you, Grumble. Your screams have been so tantalizing thus far.” The hyur pressed the blade on to the sun kissed skin and gradually slit it the throat open. The cut was just enough to draw blood. “Feel your life slipping away?” The sinister figure’s cheeks rose behind the mask to show just how much he enjoyed this. “I-Is this the worst you can do? I-I have felt more pain m-making love then from your blade, I-Inari.” His tone was growing weaker but he continued to remain unwavering. Saels grit his teeth and took large breaths to deal with the pain of the torture. Inari finished the cut and dropped the Hellsguard’s head from his hand. “Far from it, Prince. We know just what will break you...” The man said as he took a few steps back and smiled once again. “Enjoy the show...” He quickly tossed a small orb of burning smoke just at the roegadyn’s feet. The smoke contained several hallucinogenic compounds they were released into the air. The midlander quickly made several hand signs and focused his concentration on the illusion. “Tell me, Prince...How much do you love them?”
For the Hellsguard, the smoke cleared and revealed three dark figures that stepped closer. As they entered the light, the figures were revealed to be, Sterrbhar, Isilfyr, and Aerik. They stood there only smiling at him. The faintest spark of relief built in the young man’s heart as he saw them. His heart swelled and his eyes ran over will happiness. But in a cruel twist of fate. Each illusion had their throats split open and fell to the ground lifeless. “N-NO!!!!” Saels cried out as he watched them fall one by one. He thrashed against his restraints as only wanted to reach out to them. His happiness quickly turned into saddness and his cries filled the room. This scene happened over and over again until the cries faded into the night and Inari’s laughed only grew louder.
@aeriktirel @singingseadog @scrawlinghellsguard
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berrodarmstrong · 7 years
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After a particularly stressful meeting, Berrod went out to Eastern Thanalan to fight N'hara, who had invited him to blow off some steam. Oblivious to the fact that he was in fact a testing aide, the Highlander fought toe to toe with the other before pulling ahead in a display of strength and prowess.  Once their bout had concluded and it was established that the other man was in no medical danger (with Reks’ assistance), Berrod turned to face Ulfarr, who had arrived on the scene (along with Sterrbhar, who had come separately) just at the end of his and N'hara's bout. Berrod struggled considerably against him, having suffered a few injuries at the edge of N'hara's blade. In the end, however, the use of specialised techniques saw him to another -- though very close -- victory.
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i-zex · 8 years
Broken Key Part 1 and 2
Part 1: The Truth.
After the encounter with Zeviagoth during the end of the matters with the voidsent book and an untimely run in with one of the man’s generals in Azys Lla, Grave Shadow, with the permission of the Director, finally brought the truth to the Agent’s table.
Zeviagoth’s ultimate plan of striking at the Crystal of Light and Darkness with an assault of aether syphoned from the dead and unwilling for over three hundred years seemed quite absurd to many of the Agents. However, even if his desire to to kill both wills and replace it with a quiet source of aether and life was impossible, the potential damage to the world of such an attack could not fathomed.
Though due to the constraints of time and overwhelming those present, Grave was unable to reveal to all just how long Zeviagoth had been using the Agents to acquire the foci required for his assault. From tricking the heirs to House Reif into turning their backs on Ishgard to test the worthiness of Calen Skyfang and acquire the distorting aether from the ruins of Dalamud. Using the Agents struggles with Rysswilf to force Grave Shadow to summon forth a Voidsent once held inside the Book of Lies so that he could track down the book once more. The book then ‘was solved’ by the agents with the help of Xere’to, another unintentional pawn, to put together Passi Sunt, whom he converted into a foci as well. Where the third foci was acquired from is unknown.
With all three foci, Zeviagoth retreated to where he was storing all the aether, a location Grave Shadow once possessed access to with a key. Unfortunately, when the Seawolf severed ties with Zeviagoth, he shattered the key into three pieces and chaotically teleported far from each other, never wishing to see them again. In order to stop Zeviagoth, the aether stores needed to be destroyed, but first they needed the key.
Many of the Agents agreed that the matter was far too large for just the company, but the issue remained not having access to lair where the Aether was stored. Without the ability to enter Zeviagoth’s domain none of the Grand Companies would have reason to assist.
The only silver lining was there was a way to locate the Keys.
Part 2:  Three Crystals Three Pieces
After a sennight to allow the Agents decide if they wished to assist in the matter, Grave Shadow assembled a mission the Churning Mists. Berrod Armstrong, Exiled Wolf, Barnabe Benedict, Koh’li Delanoes, T’dras Tia, Reks Blanc, Cerina Borlaaq, Beexu Spiritbreaker, Sterrbhar Moenthubyr, Khaisen Tumet, and Zachary Evans answered the call to scry for the three pieces of the key.
Sterrbhar, Reks, and Koh’li assisted in scrying for the missing pieces while Grave focused on finding the entrance to Zeviagoth’s lair. The rest of the group dealt with the threats that met them at  Tharl Oom Khash. The first were two Aevis with large orange crystals jammed in their back, but they were swiftly dispatched by an assault led by Armstrong. During the scry the Agents were attacked by risen dead, including one of the slain Aevis, and a couple vicious coeurls.  All threats were handled well with little injury until the end of the scry.
When all three crystal foci shattered, a massive Ala Mhigian airship parted the clouds and opened fire upon the mages Thankfully, Koh’li, Reks, and Sterrbhar were able to evade with just singes. Samuel, more well known to some of the Agents as a man in Ishgard that may have encouraged assassins to attack the Agents during the encounter with Lady Aravyl, commanded the Airship as it continued its.. casually… aimed  attack on the Astral Agents until they fled.
With a bit of luck and magic the Astral Agents were able to withdraw from the Churning Mists and regroup at the company house where Koh’li, Reks, and Sterrbhar spoke with Grave Shadow on what they saw.
Koh’li saw snow, ice and red crystals and felt wind and cold. Finally, he heard the din of a thousand years of strive. Just before the crystal shattered the words “The End” echoed in his ears.
Reks saw sand and ruins. He felt heat and the weight ancient lost empires, and then heard presence of lost refugees in the shadow of an empire. Like Koh’li, Reks heard two words as the crystal shattered: “The Beginning.”
Sterrbhar, unfortunately, was distracted with other matters while he scried and only was able to gain small fragments. Noise of adventurers, odd accents, the feeling of ‘knowledge,’ unusual masks, and sensation of weath. Even with such vague offerings, the scry included “The Center” before ending. With the two sennights since the mission, Grave attempted to narrow down the scrying to a more precise locations with little success. However, Lady Aravyl arrived at the company doorstep with the disturbing news of disappearing bodies of Ishgardian and Dragon alike. It would seem the investigation would focus on the potential actions of Fasi-Tori the fleshcrafter in the service of Zeviagoth before finding “The End.” @astralagents
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ffxiv-roleplayer · 7 years
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“We got ourselves a hunting trip. Those assholes took Saels.”
Beexu had been walking back through Limsa from fishing. Outside the wench she ran into a crying raen of the name Izumi. With Fier’s help, they learned the woman had witnessed her friend get abducted. Though it wasn’t until later out in the orange groves did they learn it was Saelsria who had been taken. Beexu called for Sterr, Aerik and Alec. The three roegadyn joined them. Lead by Fier, they tracked the kidnappers into the rain forest. 
As they got deeper into the jungle, the group was ambushed by four of the kidnappers. It took everyone’s combined strength to bring the few down. Leaving one alive for questioning. Though he did not last long as his taunts left the doman a bloody pile of bits thanks to Sterrbhar. 
The group would have to retreat and gather their energy. They needed everything together to face down the rest of the mongrals and take back what was rightfully their’s. 
Hopfully they aren’t too late...
@saelsria-grumble @aeriktirel @shadowsthatgiggle @fatedadventurersxiv
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The Cards and the Scrolls
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The young Raen girl found herself on her knees outside the wench in early morning. Little did Izumi know she would have such a chance encounter with a miqote named Beexu. The only problem being the language barrier between them. Calling upon the help of Fier, the seeker and the midlander were about to find out what was leaving the Raen in such distress. Her employer, one Saelsria Grumble, had been taken by the notorious Fox Gang...for the second time. The gang had made it’s way over to Eorzea after the Hellsguard slipped from their capture only a few moons before. They had tracked him down and waited for the trade prince to be alone so they could finally strike. A sight Izumi saw with her very eyes but was unable to stop by herself. 
Izumi quickly showed them to the area where the kidnapping had happened. She pointed out where the Hellsguard was standing and where she was able to take cover and hide. The party found nothing but a dagger thrown from high elevation and a trail of blood. With enough information to back the Raen’s claims, the midlander found it prudent to finally reveal to Beexu just who went missing. Needless to say, there was no delay in assembling the team.
Sterrbhar, Aerik, and Alec all arrived at the moment’s notice. With all those who were able to present, they set out to follow the blood tail on to the rain forest of eastern La Noscea. Following a trail of corrupted aether they fell right into the enemy’s hands. 
Before they could realize they had been set upon by four members of the Fox gang. Dressed in black garbs, blood red chain mail chest armor and adorned with black fox masks they poised for an attack. A barrage of blade, fist and spell was thrown throughout the battlefield as the two parties battled. The battle was close to its end but the final fox called forth his trump card with his dying breath. Pulling free a scroll, he pulled it open and smeared his blood upon its words. Upon expiring, a large toad was called forth as per ninki contract. The red monster was large enough to almost reach the top of the canopy and attacked the party.
But, the cards and fate were with them. As Izumi drew from her deck, their fortune smiled upon them. Azeyma’s balance lent it’s aid to the party and granted them great strength. Each member assaulted with the creature with new found fury. Tearing it to shreds in a display of petals, the toad falls and left the very scroll that summoned it on the floor.
Izumi rushed to the scroll and did her best to read the doman script behind the blood. The writing spoke of three scrolls, the toad, the snake, and the slug, only with the three assembled could they dispell the genjutsu that miraged the Fox gang's hide out. With their objective ahead of them, most of them returned home for a well earned rest. @ffxiv-roleplayer @aeriktirel @albinomiqote @scrawlinghellsguard
Poster Credit: @ffxiv-roleplayer
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ffxiv-roleplayer · 7 years
The third scroll...
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When Boar did not answer her linkpearl call, Beexu rushed to Sterrbhar’s apartment to check on Izumi since she had asked Boar to watch over the small raen female. Things were in order, and not long after did Sterrbhar and Aerik show up. 
While discussing their next course of attack, a note was slipped under the door. Sterr disarmed the shotty trap and after reading the letter’s words, the group left quickly to travel to the Costa. Where the hidden falls were located as the note mentioned that was where they would find Saelsria or so they’d think. 
And of course, Izumi ran ahead of the others only to stop at a wall of mist. Beexu pulled her away while Sterr went in a head of them. And they waited.
And waited...
Beexu and Izumi both were restless, they were worried. It was Aerik who spoke of another plan of attack. Get above the falls and see if they could see anything else. It was better than standing around. Aerik, Bee, Izumi and Boar rushed up the cliffs to do just that, of course for the moment things seemed normal and quiet. However, Boar kicking a rock off the ledge caused the surface below to ripple, it was an illusion. Aerik and Izumi jumped down through the barrier while Beexu and Boar punched their way through the wall up above. 
The curtains were pulled away and the four discovered the masked gang leader, Inari fighting Sterr. He had created water clones to fight the group. They were dispatched easily. Before Inari vanished, he summoned a snake from a scroll to fight them. The snake was a much more difficult enemy, plus added that there was another laying in wait under the falls. 
Beexu was never a fan of snakes, she wasn’t afraid of them but plenty have startled her as a child; so when the second struck and took the miqo’te be surprise and swallowed her. It was a not great situation. She clawed and flailed about in the stomach of the serpent. It was a tightening space and it was going getting worse due to the slow erosion due to the acids. 
The acid got on her skin and clothing and while it was a slow burn, it still irritated her flesh. She needed to get out of there. Thanks to the outside force of Boar bear hugging the snake, she was able to cut herself free and fall face first into the water. Least the acid washed away. 
Aerik and Izumi got the final scroll, which meant the next step for the group was to use the key and get their friend back. None of the fox gang was going to be left alive once these guys get their hands on them. 
@fatedadventurersxiv @aeriktirel @tadbitreckless @scrawlinghellsguard
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ffxiv-roleplayer · 7 years
Another scroll.
Beexu had run into Autgar on the docks in the Mists. She had been fishing and he came by to see what she was up to. The two acquaintances spoke at length about varying topics before parting ways for the day. With no desire to make the trip to Ul’dah; Bee settled on sitting in the Wench for a drink. 
The drink and quiet did not last long. Syvin appeared in the tavern covered in bloody cuts with an unconscious Izumi at his back. She was not looking so well herself. Beexu took to treating Syvin’s wounds to the best of her ability while getting the story from the deaf roe and calling for Sterrbhar’s aid. 
Of course Izumi was attacked. Why did Beexu let that girl out of her sight? The seeker was mentally kicking herself for thinking things would be easy while they worked to formulate a plan on getting Saelsria about from the fox gang. Sterrbhar did a better job at treating Syvin’s cuts while Beexu almost bottle fed a tonic to Izumi to get her burn wounds mending. 
All was not lost however, Syvin managed a scroll. Beexu had sent it on it’s way with Sterrbhar for him to translate or have Fier read. Syvin booked a room at the wench and Beexu opted to carry Izumi back to Sterr’s apartment to let the girl rest and keep guard until the hellsguard returned. 
What a day, and it was only going to get worse. Best call Reckless Boar and see about getting some extra muscle on this case. 
@fatedadventurersxiv @scrawlinghellsguard (Syvin it wont let me tag you ;w;)
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ffxiv-roleplayer · 7 years
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“Did I lose?”
It was after Braxis’s fight did Beexu lose touch with the world around her. Her mind was focused on the fights, even with Aerik and Saelsria caring for her, Beexu had the mental state of ‘Don’t Stop Until They are Dead.’  She walked into that final fight with the will to win. It was an axe wielding highlander, easy enough. The woman came in with heavy blows but Beexu easily countered and even took her weapon right from her hands. 
Witnessed by a small crowd, Beexu cleaved the highlander’s shoulder, winning her the grindstone. After two years, she reached the top. With no energy, Beexu collasped. Sterrbhar and Saelsria carried the tuckered out Miqo’te back to their apartment. 
She slept soundly through the night, in the morning Beexu stirred and got up slowly. Body aching and sore; she had a laps of where she was until the front room came into focus. Bee smiled as she sat on the couch assessing herself and pulling the light and silky robe around herself. It consumed her body as it was the one Saels had been wearing. 
Finally, Beexu was lead by her nose to the counter in the hallway. Someone had made breakfast and it was still cooking. She could not wait to eat. She was starving since last night. 
“Things will be just fine in a week.”
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ffxiv-roleplayer · 7 years
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Belated gift for the wonderful @saelsria-grumble 
ft - Sterrbhar (who never uses tumblr)
Sterr treating Saels to a romantic dance. 
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ffxiv-roleplayer · 7 years
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“Moon provided me with a map.”
Beexu assembled a group to join her on a treasure hunt. The map given to her by Sterrbhar was of a graveyard for wrecked sea vessels. This would be the perfect place for her to find the ship she wants to sail with. On the adventure, she was joined by T’dras, Tira, Wolf, Tempest, Rei and Boar. 
The group journeyed to the island, it hung heavy with a foreboding mist but they powered through the fog and traps. Rei and Sterrbhar kept the group safe from aetherical illusions and the group worked together to solve puzzles laid before them by a mysterious roegadyn. Who was no roe but a siren. 
A young feathered female who just wanted to have fun. And fun the group provided, as their reward. They were allowed to take from her mounds of treasure and through all of the wrecked boats; Beexu and Boar found the perfect ship. It needed repairs as she figured but it was in good enough condition that repairing it would not take long at all. 
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“What should we name it?”
“That feathered Bitch?” 
“No, if ya gonna name it, give it proper respect,”
Beexu listened to everyone as she considered names for the ship. With everything in mind, she made up her mind on the debate. 
“Aight, ‘Siren’s Game’ it is.”
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ffxiv-roleplayer · 7 years
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“No matter, I accept you regardless. Still the best mage I ever met.”
Beexu and Sterrbhar have a heart felt talk after a long day of bullshit. 
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ffxiv-roleplayer · 7 years
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“Thankyou, for everything you’ve done so far.”
Beexu, Rei, Boar and Sterrbhar spent their evening watching the waves roll and passing ships. A motley crew of friends but none of them would trade each other for the world. Bee hopes one day, she can bring all her friends together. 
That will be a tough project. 
@reioshora / @tadbitreckless
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ffxiv-roleplayer · 7 years
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The night was long. But Beexu enjoyed every second of sharing it with her friends. 
Sterrbhar promised her a story, she can not wait.
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ffxiv-roleplayer · 7 years
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“Glad to hear ye two hitting it off so well.”
Beexu caught up with Sterrbhar on the dock in the mists yesterday evening to see how he was doing. The two friends talked at length about his health and aether before the topic changed over to Bee and Boar’s relationship. The hellsguard was happy to hear of the so far successful pairing between the two. 
Sterr could see right through the fighting and bickering of the couple, and knew full well what they couldn’t hide. Beexu didn’t care if he knew or not, she was just happy to share with her friend. Things were going well. 
The scales were tipped back in her favour again. 
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