#Stephen glass fluff
ysrjune · 1 month
Nerd!Anakin headcanons
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I love nerd anakin oh my goodness.
౨ৎ nerd!anakin reads to you every night because you told him you love hearing his soft voice.
౨ৎ nerd!anakin has multiple polaroids of you and him in his room. you have lots of them too, which are pictures you took of him covered with kissy marks in your lipstick.
౨ৎ nerd!anakin learned how to do your hair, so whenever he’s bored and you’re lying on him, he’s braiding or doing whatever hairstyle he learned how to do.
౨ৎ nerd!anakin loves when you get your nails done because he loves the feeling of them scratching his back or caressing his face and feeling the tips gently digging into his cheeks.
౨ৎ nerd!anakin writes his own silly stories to read to you.
౨ৎ nerd!anakin bought your mom flowers the first time he met her.
౨ৎ nerd!anakin loves to lay in between your thighs while you play with his hair, and he/you tell(s) you/him all about his day.
౨ৎ nerd!anakin won’t leave without a kiss.
౨ৎ nerd!anakin lets you try different makeup looks on him, but whines when you wanna take a photo of him.
౨ৎ nerd!anakin bought you a necklace/bracelet with his and your initials engraved on it on your 1 year anniversary.
౨ৎ nerd!anakin sometimes gets jealous when other guys talk to you, but never says anything because he trusts that they’re just friends/someone you talk to.
౨ৎ nerd!anakin always needs to touch you. holding your hand, arm wrapped around your waist or chest, sometimes he’ll rest his hand on your ass while you’re walking around.
౨ৎ nerd!anakin likes his hair pulled while he eats you out.
౨ৎ nerd!anakin loves when your stroke or suck his cock. especially slow. he likes to be teased, but if you edge him for too long, he’ll start whining and squirming around, thrusting himself into your hand just so he can cum.
౨ৎ nerd!anakin has the cutest whimpers/moans.
౨ৎ nerd!anakin has a huge praise and mommy kink. (you already know I had to put in the mommy one).
౨ৎ nerd!anakin secretly likes when you cover his mouth to keep people next door from hearing his loud moans.
౨ৎ nerd!anakin is obsessed with thrusting his cock up and down between your folds and cumming all over your tummy.
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• 。゚
tag list ✦ @heartsforanakin @anakinstwinklebunny @sockiess @erosmutt @rottencandyblood @radiantvader 🎀
please let me know if you wanna be added/removed from my tag list <3
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sockiess · 25 days
i demand a stephen glass fluff rn 😢😢 preferably where he kisses me all over and plays with my hair 🥰
only because you’ve been feeding me so well these past few days 🙄
Bear with me i’ve only watched half of Shattered Glass so this may be out of character 🙏
I think he wants to be gentle with me
Warnings: out of character stephen maybe??
“Stephen..” I yell from the living room. Stephen had been working on a new story for the paper all day long and I miss him and want his attention. “Coming my love” I heard him yell back from the down the hall. I then heard footsteps coming to the couch.
“What do you need my darling?” Stephen asked me while crouching down to be on my level and moving some hair out of my face. “You” Is all I say while I pout and give him the puppy dog eyes I know he can’t resist. “Alright” Stephen smiles and sits down on the couch moving my head onto his lap.
Stephen then leans down and starts attacking my face in kisses making me burst out in laughter. Stephen kissed my lips softly and pulled back and started to play with my hair. I sighed contently while focusing on the random show I put on.
I started to feel my eyelids getting heavy as Stephen’s hands on my head soothed and relaxed me. “You should take a nap my love” I hear Stephen whisper into my hair. Stephen then kissed the top of my head and continued to play with it. “Don’t worry i’ll be here when you wake up” He reassured me. Soon I let the tiredness take over and fell asleep while feeling Stephen scratch my scalp.
this is so bad and so short i’m so sorry Junie 😞🙏 please forgive me😞 if you want me to add or change anything please let me know
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rafesslxt · 2 months
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❝ Hayden Christensen Characters | Masterlist ❞
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Hayden Christensen
Anakin Skywalker
Sam Monroe
Stephen Glass
Scott Barringer
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If you are a minor, please do not read my work that is marked as spicy/smutty. If you do, you do it on your own risk. You're welcome to read my other work, thank you. 💖
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Please be nice, I'm doing this for fun + my first language is not english. I'm more than happy to learn from mistakes ( you can always tell me If you see some ) but be nice about it.
If you want to reblog or share my work on a different platform please ask me before you do. Also If you copy my work here on Tumblr without reblogging. Thanks 💞
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Well thank you all for every kind of support, no matter If it's a like, comment, reblog or follow. Hope you have/had fun reading! 🤍
My main Masterlist
some dividers are from @cafekitsune
xox sarah <3
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geckoomoria · 2 months
♥︎Meet cute at work with nerdy anakin!
Nerdy Anakin! who was caught off guard when u were so nice about him accidentally bumping into u
Nerdy Anakin! whose heart flutters when he hears ur laugh at his jokes
Nerdy Anakin! who couldn’t believe that the new assistant (you) at his work was this angelic like
Nerdy Anakin! who insisted to walk u to ur car when u stayed late at work ( he stayed just for u)
Nerdy Anakin! who couldn’t stop blushing when u genuinely seemed interested in his star wars talk and nerdy info dumps
Nerdy Anakin! who remembers every small thing u tell him
Nerdy Anakin! who couldn’t believe u actually wanted to build legos in his apartment with him when u came over
Nerdy Anakin! who loves kissing u on the forehead,hands,cheeks,lips anywhere and anytime.
Nerdy Anakin! who gets so nervous when u take charge in physical touch but almost immediately yearns for more
Nerdy Anakin! who has a Polaroid wall and more than half the photos are of u two together
Nerdy Anakin! who loves cuddling up and get cozy with u while watching movies
Nerdy Anakin! who has a Polaroid of you piggybacking on him and his face is covered in ur lipstick stains in the back of his phone-case
Nerdy Anakin! who teared up when u took a gentler approach when he was upset rather then yelling at him
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theladykassia · 3 months
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Stephen Glass ੈ✩‧₊˚
Blurb: You're in need of comfort
Content: This is how I think he'd react if you're crying. Fluff.
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  Alright, we all know this anxious, lying, whimpering mess for a man is emotional asf.  Let's imagine this takes place several months after the whole scandal caused by Stephen himself, he was fired, everybody knew he fabricated Hack Heaven and most of his best articles. On top of that, his former buddies from work had decided he was practically dead to them. However, you and Stephen were sorta dating before all of this, probably had this cute dynamic where the both of you got shy whenever you were close to each other in the office which was pretty much daily, since you also worked for The New Republic.
  When the scandal occurred you were the only one that stayed by his side, although you had cursed him out for being so damn stupid and irresponsible.
  One day, someone from the office found out that you were in fact, dating Stephen after everything he did. And even though you were a clean reporter, always telling the truth and only using information from sources that were reliable and easily verifiable, suddenly everybody was against you too. They were accusing you of being just like Stephen, putting your credibility and reputation at risk. Which was bs because you've been part of The New Republic before Stephen even joined them. And your personal life was supposed to be that, personal. As reporters they were supposed to be unbiased, but apparently for this they weren't.
You let them investigate for two weeks, not telling Stephen about it because you knew he'd probably break down like he always did. And as much as you loved him, you weren't in the mood to deal with that just yet.  
  When your colleagues approached filled with shame and acknowledged you weren't lying, you had decided to quit and you did it using a rather... colourful language. Because fuck them.
  Overwhelmed with everything that had happened, you got back to the shared apartment where Stephen was reading something on the computer. He wasn't allowed to report, but you had convinced him to try writing fiction, or a young adult drama, whatever he wanted really. And he listened. He happened to be really good at it too, which wasn't surprising since he had such a wonderful imagination. 
  You stand there, admiring your boyfriend for a few seconds. He was furrowing his brows a bit, for a moment taking off his glasses to clean them with a microfiber cloth. He happened to take good care of everything that was his-- you included. And glasses were expensive, he wasn't about to use a random shirt and risk fucking them up. 
  When he feels your presence he speaks, his nose almost too close to the computer as he tried reading something.
  "Hi baby! Did you have a good day at work?"
  You try not to, but as soon as you sniffled and his big blue eyes focused on you with panic and confusion, you began sobbing. The action was enough for Stephen to clumsily get up from the desk and stumble his way towards you. 
"W-what-- why are you crying? W-w-what happened?! Baby what the hell happened?! Please talk to me" he begged, embracing you tightly. Seeing you so distraught only brought tears to his own eyes. Stephen almost immediately began rocking the two of you, wanting to calm you-- and himself. "Was it work? Was-- was it m-me...? Did I do something? Please tell me!!"
  He's not the best at this, being an anxious mess with legs himself, but Stephen would do everything in his power to not freak out more than he already did when he first saw you. 
  He would sit with you when you begin to calm down, and as you tell him everything he'd be nodding his head. Sometimes his eyes would not meet yours, feeling ashamed because once again the mistakes that he made kept making a comeback to further damage not only his, but your life as well.
  He would profusely apologize to you, and would try to not complain about how this was his fault because even when it sorta was, he was focusing on you and not himself. He would not make this about himself. 
  Stephen would be ten times clingier and take care of every single one of your needs. You want to change the tv? He'll do it. Want some water? He's stumbling to the fridge already. You're staring a bit too much at the chocolate on the newest add? He's putting his coat on, planning to make a trip to the store and get one. He would tell you he loves you over and over again. He'd do this almost to the point of it being annoying, but one look at his pretty blue eyes and you know he means well, that he's trying to support you the way you would do for him.
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bibiwrld · 1 month
Coworker Stephen Glass!— “𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙤𝙮 𝙞𝙨 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙚” pt.1
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Pairing: Stephen Glass! x Black Fem Oc!
Content warning: Stephen Glass isn’t a manipulative liar in this, jealousy, fluff, OC is a bit of a bitch. (It’s kinda short, but I finally decided I wanted to make multiple parts for this)
Summary: A young journalist working at New Republic, wants the attention of journalist, Stephen Glass, only on her.
Mary-Anne’s POV
I watched maliciously from the blinds of my office, as Francesca got up for the 5th time to use the bathroom.
My grin got wider.
Maybe if she stopped eating my lunch from the office fridge, she wouldn’t have vomiting and diarrhea.
My officer door suddenly opened. “Mary-Anne.” His sweet voice pulled out of my conniving trance.
I remember when he first said my name.
“Mary-Anne…that’s a very beautiful name. You don’t hear names like that anymore. It really suits you.”
The first compliment he ever gave me and it’s been stuck with me ever since I started working at New Republic 2 weeks ago.
He thought it was cute that I was named after my great grandmother, and I thought it was cute how he adjusted his round glasses and ran his fingers through his dark curls as he read my notes for an article I’m planning to publish , but I couldn’t say that— he’s basically my boss.
Out of everyone in the office, Steph is the only one I could call my friend. We weren’t extremely close, but close enough to have a relationship outside of the office.
“I’ve read your work, and it’s just..amazing. A freelance journalist with your talent coming to work for New Republic, is a dream come true.”
He stroked my ego that day two weeks ago. I was a smiling and giggling mess. How could one man be so funny, charming and beautiful all at the same?
But then there was his over friendliness that I hated, he treated everyone in the office the same. Giving out compliments to all the women in the office like god damn candy.
“Did you do something with your hair? It looks gorgeous.”
“I think your necklace compliments your eyes.”
I internally rolled my eyes in disgust at my thoughts and looked at the angel before me.
Stephen Glass. Even his name was perfect.
“Something wrong, Steph?” I batted my lashes and slightly pouted my lips.
“Are you okay?” The concern in his voice matched the look on his beautiful face. He closed the door behind him, taking quick strides to my desk.
“Yeah, why do you ask?” I tilted my head to the side, fiddling with my pencil.
“Francesca seems very ill and I hope it’s not something going around, everyone in the office could get sick.”
He was such a caring guy, busy wondering if everyone was okay and comfortable. I hate him. I hate him for how kind he is, but how could I stay mad at him? That perfect face, sweet voice and charming personality, I could never do that to him.
“I’m sure she’s fine and it’s probably nothing airborne. Stop worrying yourself, Steph.” I sighed, leaning back in my seat.
His body seemed to relax at my words. “Yeah, you’re probably right.”
I studied his face well, he looked like he wasn’t getting any sort of sleep. His glasses weren’t hiding anything.
“When was the last time you’ve had a good 8 hours?” I leaned forward. “You look exhausted Steph, you have eyebags.”
He sighed deeply, looking away. “I’ve b-been working overtime.”
“You’re not a machine, you need sleep.” I tried hiding my anger. He was always there for everyone, but who was there for him? Not one of them, just me, and I’m fine with that.
He was mine after all.
“You’re on break, right?” I glanced at the watch on my wrist.
“Y-yeah.” He stuttered, looking back at me.
“You can take naps in here on your breaks if you want.” Maybe that was too much, but who am I to hide my attraction for him?
“It can be our little secret, plus, you can’t be fired for sleeping on your break.” I slightly shrugged my shoulders. “Just a little recharge in the middle of the day and your office doesn’t have a couch, so just use mine.”
He hung his head in defeat then looked back up with a smirk. “You’re very persuasive Mary-Anne.”
It took everything in me not to bite down on my bottom lip at his words. “ I know.”
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aparticularbandit · 1 year
I feel like I'm going to be switching pace more towards found family with romance than the stuff I've been writing recently. That's...actually not my huge wheelhouse in fanfic, but it's what I like to write better.
So - head's up that might be having change of pace here.
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sbdskate · 5 months
Laws Of Attraction (Epilogue 1) - DR x lawyer!fem!reader
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Summary: Daniel signed with RB at the end of the 2022 season, ending your attorney-client relationship. You decide to give romance a try in the off season.
Pairing: lawyer!fem!reader x Daniel Ricciardo
Warnings (18+): fluff, language, *SMUT*: p in v, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap)
Word Count: 2,291
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Epilogue 1
February 2023
You woke up to his breath tickling the back of your neck, which you had now grown pleasantly accustomed to over the last few months. His arm snaked over your waist with his hand lightly resting just below your breasts. Sometimes his face nuzzled into the back of your shoulder so that you could feel his stubble lightly tickle you. You treasured these soft, quiet moments that were hidden from the rest of the world.
By a miracle, your budding relationship had not yet been sniffed out by paparazzi or investigative fans, but you knew it wouldn’t last forever. The distance was hard, as expected, but ended up being more manageable than you originally thought. Of course it helped that one of you had almost unlimited resources. He ended up spending a good chunk of time at his property in Beverly Hills which at least got you in the same continent and country. You would make up excuses to work out of the LA office for a week or so and The Firm suspected nothing of it or didn’t care enough to ask why. During the day you worked on other client matters while he hung out with Scotty and other friends, allegedly figuring out plans for the next Enchante drop. At night you stayed with him, cooking dinners together, throwing small parties, watching the sun set over the hills.
When you weren’t on the West Coast, he occasionally stayed with you in your small NYC apartment in the West Villiage. At first you protested that he should stay somewhere else, that there wasn’t enough room for the both of you, and that your accommodations were far too modest for the extravagant lifestyle he had become so accustomed to. Fine, you book the hotel, he would say with a smirk knowing full well you wouldn’t be able to afford the reservation to override him. But he so desperately wanted to a glimpse into your home that you could hardly say no.
It was easier for him to explore the city in the dead of winter where he blended in with everyone else on the street, bundled in at least four layers to keep warm. With a hat and scarf covering most of his face, he went about his day with the rare freedom of being unidentified and anonymous. When you were done with work you would sneak into the diviest dive bar you could find, consisting of dark basements with dark liquor. Or you would order takeout for dinner and eat it out of the container on your couch with a beer or glass of wine.
The two of you relished these moments of normalcy. Including moments like now, in that tiny apartment, on a chilly Friday in February where you bathed in the rays of sun that began to poke through your curtains in the light of morning. He had been on Stephen Colbert the night before and you watched in awe from the comfort of your couch that the man on the screen, in a suit you picked out, would be coming home to you at the end of the program.
Your eyes fluttered open before your alarm went off, Daniel’s breath making the hairs on the back of your neck stand. You smiled to yourself, still unable to believe this was your new reality. Just to be sure, you gently grabbed the hand positioned on your upper abdomen to move it to cup your breast. Perhaps you should have let him sleep, but you couldn’t pass up the chance to have extra time with him. You felt his breath pattern change as he slowly woke from the delicate touch. The silver lining of long distance was that neither of you were lacking in libido. Granted your relationship was still in its infancy, of course you couldn’t keep your hands off each other.
He pulled you in close flush against his chest and gave your shoulder a kiss.
“Good morning,” he mumbled, voice muffled by skin. You held your hand over his, squeezing it.  
“Mmm good morning.” The crook of his nose caressed the path that followed the trails of kisses along your shoulder blade. He began to move his thumb over your sensitive nipple, feeling as it puckered under his touch. Your breath hitched as you squirmed, molding yourself into him. You partially turned your head to face him without disrupting your position. He propped himself on his elbow to meet you halfway and planted a messy kiss on your lips.
“Have I told you how beautiful you look in the morning?” You used to think he was joking, not that you could blame him if he were. There were people who were elegant sleepers, but you knew you were not one of them. Your hair almost always ended up looking like it could home a few birds or small rodent. Your eyes were puffy, slightly crusty, and every now and then there was some dried drool for good measure. Now that you had been at this for nearly two months, it was evident he was very serious each time.
“You have, but you can tell me again,” you mumbled as a smile grew on your face and stretched your limbs.
“You’re beautiful.” It came out muffled as your lips pressed together again, as his thumb continued to lazily graze your nipple.
You gently dragged his hand from your chest to the growing heat between your legs. You pressed against him again, feeling his hardened member against your ass. You smirked, satisfied with the results of your minimal efforts.
He kissed the crook of your neck as he drew tiny circles around your clit with his middle finger. You reached your arm behind you to gently scratch his head as little moans escaped your lips, breath becoming uneven with desire.
“Are you going to be late for work?” Ever the gentleman, you could tell he asked to be polite but it wasn’t actually a point of concern. You grinded into his groin in frustration.
“Not that I care at the moment, but no.” You moved his fingers even further south so he could feel your neediness. “I have twelve minutes and I don’t want to think about responsibilities until then. Do what you will with that information.”
A husky groan escaped his lips feeling how wet you were for him. His hand left you momentarily to stroke himself a few times before aligning with your entrance and you reached down to help guide him.
Two months, and it still took your breath away how full he made you feel. Your back arched into him and he caught your hips in his hand. Laced with sleep, he held on as he dragged in and out of you in deliberate, languid motions as though time didn’t exist. His hand moved slowly up your body, to your waist, over your soft stomach, the swell of your breast, where it snaked over your chest and enclosed around your throat with a gentle firmness that made your core clench. It was equally delicate and possessive. It delighted every surface of your body but his leisure pace now maddened you.
“Faster,” you choked out. He smirked as he slowed down the roll of his hips, tightening his grip around your neck. If he wasn’t awake before, he was now. Daniel was fascinated – you ordinarily enjoyed lazy morning sex but today you were extraordinarily needy for some reason. Not that he was mad at it. Your eyes twisted shut and you moaned through gritted teeth, simultaneously aroused and frustrated. “Fuck you.”  
“Happily,” he taunted. “What’s the magic word?”
“Please.” He felt your body quiver around him as you begged for more of him. He closed his eyes and prayed that he would last for the remaining six minutes.
He obliged your pleas, only letting go of your neck to lift your leg up.
Right there
His thrusts deepened with the new angle and watched excitedly as your arm moved down. He couldn’t see you playing with yourself but knew you were as your moans became louder and more frequent and he felt your walls squeeze and twitch. The image seared into his brain and he knew he was done. He inhaled the scent from your hair in his face and he wished he could see you. But you were warm and tight and wet and perfect and he couldn’t stop himself.
“Fuck, I’m-”  
Your hips stuttered and muscles spasmed around him. He spilled into you as his fingers sank into your skin, his vice grip unable to let go. You both laid limp for a moment, panting to catch your breath. Eventually you pulled yourself away from him to roll over.
Your hair was knotted and your flushed face was adorned with a shit-eating grin. You were stunning. Glowing.
“Good morning,” you said cheekily.
“Good morning,” he responded. He lifted his arm, inviting you to use his chest as a pillow. You did so gladly, intertwining yourselves in each other once more like vines. It was nice for all of forty-seven seconds before your alarm went off. He pulled you tighter before you could try to get up.
“Now I have to get going.” He placed a kiss at the top of your head.
“What if we just stayed in bed all day instead.” You groaned in silent agreement, but nonetheless peeled his arms off you.
“I would love to but I have to work. And so do you.” You kissed him before hopping into the shower.
Right. Daniel had almost forgotten that today was his first official day back as a Red Bull employee. His presence was requested for the livery launch set to happen in Midtown in a few hours. He laid in bed and smiled to himself as he listened to you sing I Just Had Sex by The Lonely Island.
“I still can’t believe it’s in New York,” you said casually as you poured yourself a cup of coffee. He hummed in agreement. “Suspiciously convenient, really.” You glanced at him through your peripheral to gauge his reaction. Nothing. Though he did look oddly pensive. You turned suddenly to confront him. “You’re sure you didn’t say anything to Christian?” He laughed at your skeptic accusation.
“Not a peep.”
“You swear it?” You held out your pinky.
“I swear it.” He linked his with yours.
“Kiss it,” you demanded. He rolled his eyes but obliged lowering his lips to his knuckles as you did yours, his focus on you never wavering.  
You continued getting ready, though you couldn’t shake the sense that there was an uneasy intensity to him this morning. At first you thought it might just be nerves about the livery event, but then you caught him staring at you in the mirror while you were brushing your teeth. You spit and turned around.
“Ok you’re being weird. What is it?”
“I’m not being weird!” he said defensively. You brandished your toothbrush at him threateningly.
“Yes, you are. You’ve barely said two words since we had sex.” He scoffed.
“I’ve said lots of words. That was five just now –“
“There’s nothing wrong with being nervous, you know.”
“I’m not nervous –“
“Then what is it?”
He both loved and hated that you could read him like a book. You seemed to be intuitively aware of all of his deepest thoughts - though maybe not this one. He watched as you walked into the kitchen to pack your work bag. You filled your travel mug as you patiently waited for his response. He took a deep breath before jumping into the metaphorical deep end.
“Since things are official with Red Bull as of today, I figured we should be too.”
You snorted coffee through your nose. A not-so-subtle tomato hue dusted your cheeks immediately. Yet again, you weren’t sure why you were so surprised. The man was traveling half way around the world for you. With the amount of time, effort, care, and money spent, how could you ever believe he would lull you into something as malignant as a situationship? As it was in the beginning, you were the stop-gap preventing things from progressing. He had been respectful with taking things at a glacial pace, as you kindly requested. He had given you the proof you needed that there was a way to make the relationship work when you weren’t traveling constantly together. When you considered that you had now existed in each other’s orbits for nearly five months, he really had been as patient as a saint with you.  
But he misconstrued your stunned silence as confusion, so he rephrased his proposition.
“Will you be my girlfriend?”
Your timing was impeccable as always, as you choked on your own saliva before breaking into a coughing fit. He sighed and poured you a glass of water, slightly disgruntled by your antics.
He had been putting this off. He had wanted to wait for the right time, for it to be romantic and dreamy, everything you deserved. But each time the opportunity arose he lost his nerve, and now here you both were: in your kitchen, before you had to go to work, choking on thin air, decidedly unromantic.
“I’ll take that as a no.” You shook your head ferociously before attempting to sip the liquid. He frowned “Well shit, you don’t have to be so enthusiastic about it.” You shook your head again, then nodded. “Yes, that’s right, you’re not interested?” You decided that this was the worst game of charades, ever. You shook your head again.
“Yes,” *cough* “I want,” *cough* “to be your,” *cough* “girlfriend.” Despite the fact that you were barely breathing, Daniel’s thousand-watt smile appeared before you.
“Drink your fucking water and stop coughing so I can kiss you.”
A/N: Please don't be a ghost reader and thank you for reading! I'm happy I've been on a roll with my posting schedule but I know the next Epilogue part will not be ready by next week, so expect a little bit of a break after this (hopefully not four months again).
And thank you @thef1diary for your help
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rebelliousstories · 2 months
Did You Know?
Relationship: Spencer Reid x Reader
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Request: No
Warnings: Angst, Light Fluff, Allusions to Pregnancy
Word Count: 1,083
Main Masterlist: Here
Criminal Minds Masterlist: Here
Part Two: I Know Now// Part Three: Somebody Knows// Part Four: What We Know
Summary: Spencer is sent to prison and is waiting on his team to get him out. Meanwhile, his partner is there for morale support.
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“It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much preforms much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is well done.” Vincent Van Gogh
Never in a million years did she think she would be in this position. Getting a call from Emily in the middle of the night was not what she expected. But to be told that her husband is currently in federal custody and awaiting trial, that was another. But she took it as it came. There was nothing she could do for her husband except just to be there for him. She would never be able to get the image of him in handcuffs in the BAU out of her head, but she was glad she was able to hug him.
“Spence. Oh my Spence.” She hugged him over the handcuffs that were hidden with the jacket. His fingertips were just barely able to grasp on to her shirt to pull her as close as physically possible.
“Hey honey. I’m sorry you have to see me like this. How’s my mom?” He whispered into her ear. Spencer was thankful that everyone decided to keep a healthy distance as the husband and wife reunited.
“She’s good. Wondering when you’re coming home, but I am helping Cassie take care of her. I don’t care about seeing you handcuffed, sweetheart. I’m just glad I can see you and hold you.” Her reply made Spencer want to cry. He knew it was not fair to her to have to deal with this whole situation. Stepping back, she pressed a sweet kiss to his lips and tried to convey all of the lover she felt into that kiss. Pulling away completely, she watched as he accepted embraces from his teammates.
If only they knew at the time, how much of a roller coaster this was going to be. She sat on the prison bus waiting to be taken to the facility. Being able to see her husband was wonderful, except for the fact that she would be sitting across from him in a cubicle, with a sheet of glass separating them. The bus ride was bumpy, but thankfully it was over quick. Stepping off, her hair was swept away in the windy weather outside.
Walking inside the correctional facility, her eyes kept scanning the room, looking for any threats. A side effect from working for the FBI all those years ago. Now, it only served as a reminder of where she had once been, and of how her husband became that title. She walked up to the reception desk and placed her id down.
“Inmate name?” The officer asked. Her voice was devoid of any emotion.
“Spencer Reid. I’m his wife.” She supplied her name, and waited as the officer scanned a list and then her ID again.
“You’re not on the list. Next!” The officer yelled, pushing the woman off to the side. She stood there dumbfounded as she was handed back her ID, but knew better than to fight with the officer. Her body, especially her heart felt numb as she walked outside and waited for the bus to take her back to the car lot. Why was she denied access to see her husband? JJ was able to see him; so why was she not?
After the numbness wore off, rage fueled her. It kept her going all the way to the FBI headquarters where she signed in for a visitor’s pass silently. Marching her way into the BAU’s office on the sixth floor, she noticed how everyone was still there thankfully. She made her way over to JJ, who was surrounded by Tara, Matt, and Stephen.
“Hey,” JJ greeted, ”how are you doing?”
“Don’t give me that.” She snapped, leaving the agents in a state of shock. Never had she ever snapped, not even raised her voice.
“Whoa, what is going on?” The blonde woman asked, holding her hands up in surrender.
“Did you know?” Mrs. Reid growled, with her patience wearing thin.
“Did I know what? You’re not making any sense.” JJ tried to reason and de escalate the situation, but Emily and David were already out of their offices and looking out at the bullpen.
“Did you know when you went to visit Spence that he had put me on the ‘no visit’ list?” There it was. The million dollar question. JJ remained silent for a minute, but her face did the talking before her words caught up.
“Listen, you have to understand his reasons.” She tried to reach for the woman, but she slipped out of the way.
“You knew? And you didn’t tell me? I just got back from there, hoping to see my husband and check in on him. Only to be turned away at the gate. And you never told me?” Now, she was yelling. It was scary to see the former profiler turned professor yell. She spoke sternly sometimes sure, but she never raised her voice in anger.
“He wants to protect you from the inside. Spence asked us not to tell.” A slip of the tongue and now her fury was leveled to everyone.
“You all knew?” Prentiss and Rossi made their way down the stairs by this point.
“Yes, we did.” The dark haired agent said, walking along with her right hand man.
“Spencer doesn’t want you to see him like that so he asked if we would not tell you that he had put you on that list.” Emily placed her hand on the woman, and it was like her strings were cut. Rage left and was followed by intense depression. Sobs wracked her body as she crumpled to the floor. Emily tried to grab her, but Luke was the one that actually got his arms around her.
There was nothing left for her now. Everything came crashing down around her; her world was shattered. She thought about every interaction that she had ever had with Spencer. There were probably some that she was missing, but she was not blessed with his memory skills. But every major moment came to her at that time. The first time they met, their first date, when he introduced her to his mom, their proposal and wedding. Rubbing her stomach, she wondered when she would wake from this nightmare and be safe in her husband’s arms once again.
Zsa Zsa Gabor said, “To be loved is a strength. To love is a weakness.”
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ironstrange1991 · 11 months
You Are My Home
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Pairing: Stephen!Strange x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: Stephen is happy to get home and have you there waiting for him.
Word Count: 1,5k
Warnings: Very lovely p n v sex, basically just fluff.
A/N: Wrote this yesterday afternoon and decided to post it while the sex pollen fic isn't ready yet. Hope you like it.
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Stephen used to be a man of exquisite tastes, who wanted to own the best car, impress as many women as possible, draw the most attention to himself at all times. This was Stephen before the accident, then there was Stephen after the accident, the one who lost everything he owned, who stopped looking after himself because he just couldn't make his hands obey him, the one who found purpose in the mystical arts and which ended up being dragged into the infinity war and blipped for five years.
Today Stephen was a third type of man. Less arrogant, more wise, he liked to think. Neither rich nor poor, but a comfortable thing between those two, somewhat eccentric in style for his old self's eyes, but most important of all: Stephen had you now. The woman he met after returning from the blip, with whom he had been together for three years and who had now agreed to live with him permanently in the Sanctum. Stephen was for all intents and purposes married now, although the papers still hadn't been signed and he still hadn't slipped a ring on your finger.
He never thought it could make him so happy. Of course, you made him happy enough just by loving him, but there was something special about knowing that every time he came home you were there to welcome him. It made him feel that everything he fought for, sometimes such abstract concepts as reality, the universe, now had a form and a name. You.
That night when Stephen opened a portal to the Sanctum after returning from an extremely long mission, he felt lots of feelings welling up in his chest. Satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment for having succeeded in yet another mission, relief for finally being home and knowing that he could take a shower and give his tired body the much-deserved rest, and a much stronger feeling, one that dominated all the others: gratitude for you being the first thing he saw when he got home.
You laid lazily under a blanket in the sofa of the living room, distracted by whatever it was you were watching. Your face lit only by the brightness that came from the tv once all the lights were off and just for being there, Stephen thought, you made the Sanctum Sanctorum really feel like home.
The loud sound of the tv and the horrendous screams and a horrifying music were enough reasons for you not to notice his presence, which made Stephen smirk to himself and close the portal behind him. He walked slowly towards you, his boots making the floor under his feet squeak and finally you looked up at him with a beautiful smile and promptly sat down crisscrossed on the couch.
"Hey, you're here. I had already given up hope that you would come back today." You said stretching out your hand for him to hold and pulling him closer.
"I confess it took me longer than I expected this time, but in the end you know I always come back to you." He said snapping his fingers and turning on the living room lamps, which made you squint behind the lenses of your glasses. You examined him closely, running your hands down his arms and chest and then letting out a small sigh of relief.
"No injuries this time, a real miracle."
"Sometimes it happens." Stephen chuckled, reaching his hands up to the sides of your glasses and carefully taking them off. He placed them on top of the coffee table. "Now I want a welcome kiss."
With those words, Cloaky let go of his shoulders and flew up the stairs as if it knew the two of you deserved a few moments alone after everything Stephen had been through the last few days.
"Hm, I think I want to give you more than just a kiss." You replied letting yourself be pulled to his lips. Stephen wrapped his arms around your waist and lifted you off the couch like you weighed nothing. He sat up and helped you straddle him and as soon as you settled into his lap you pulled him to your lips again, your hand holding him around the back of his neck, the other running aimlessly down his chest, your hips gridding on him until you managed to get a moan from his lips. Moan that you smothered with your kisses full of saliva, teeth, and desire.
Now this feels like home. Stephen thought.
"I missed you, Stephen." You breathed right under his ear, making his skin tingle and an electrical current run down his spine towards his cock, making him throb beneath you.
"I missed you too, Sweetheart."
Unable to contain the desire he felt for you, Stephen grabbed your hips and forced you down, grinding you on his cock and closing his eyes, lolling his head back and letting you continue with your kisses and nibbles on his lips, chin and neck. It all felt too good to be true. He had won one more mission, he was home and you were there in his lap.
He exhaled deeply cupping your face between his hands. "Let's go upstairs, I need a shower first, I'm all sweaty and dirty."
But you were eager to deny his suggestion, grabbing a handful of his hair in the back of his head and placing your other hand flat on his chest to hold him in place.
You buried your face in the crook of his neck and inhaled deeply, "I like it. It's very masculine."
Stephen couldn't help but giggle, but shortly after he let out a loud moan when you rolled your hips on top of his cock in such a way that he saw stars. After 12 days away from home, he was climbing the walls, begging for some relief and you were more than willing to torture him with all that tease.
"You smell good actually. Makes me horny." You confessed. Stephen loved that about you. You were always so open about everything with him, especially in bed.
"May I?" You asked taking your hands to his belts and glancing at him through your lashes.
He nodded and you were quick to unbuckle all the belts. After years of doing that you could tell you were used to dealing with Stephen's robes, and an instant later you had his cock out of his pants. You pumped him slowly and then stopped for a second just to spit in your hand and bring the saliva to the tip of his cock. You lifted yourself up enough to pull the pajama shorts you were wearing to the side and direct him inside you.
"Fuck" Stephen groaned when you let yourself sink on his length. His head tilting back, eyes closing.
You kissed him passionately, but instead of starting to move you just stood there, still, feeling him pulsing inside you. That was like heaven for you.
When you finally moved, you did it slowly, not necessarily searching for a release, but taking your time, enjoying the feeling of having the man you loved between your legs.
He didn't thrust up, instead he pulled you to his mouth, placing kisses on your lips, on your chin, down to your neck, rubbing his goatee there and smirking at the prickling of your skin. He loved that.
You kept that slow motion pace for what seemed like a long time, neither of you willing to change a thing about it, reveling in that intimacy of making love instead of fucking that you knew was so rare.
When your release came it wasn't like an explosion, but like a flowing river, strong but calm, long but silent. You buried your face in his neck, moaning softly and breathing hard, your body trembling on top of his.
He tightened his grip on your hips, moving you back and forth on his cock, prolonging your climax and you felt his cock pulsing harder inside you, his breathing getting harder. You cupped his face in your hands and rested your forehead against his, your eyes locked, but neither of you said anything, not with words at least.
When his release came, he kissed you passionately and your bodies movements stopped completely, you could feel his cock pulsing and spurting his warm cum inside you. It felt right, it felt like home.
Stephen doubted he would ever get used to coming inside you. Not because of the act itself, but because of the sensation, the consummation of a love so great that it went far beyond sex, but that somehow was enshrined in that gesture. He was sure there was something sacred about the way you made him feel when he came on you.
You stayed a few minutes without exchanging a word. You dropped your body weight on top of his and he wrapped his arms around you keeping the two of you connected and the silence never felt more comfortable. Just your soft breath against his chest and his on the top of your head. Outside Stephen could hear the sound of cars passing in the street, but inside the Sanctum the complicit silence prevailed.
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Reblog please! Leave a comment if you liked it. Interact! I will love to read all of your comments and opinions. It inspires me to keep writing!
Tag list: @doctorstrangelovemusic-blog @rachelessfreedom-world @a-tong @ppatricia34me @strangesgirls @dreamxonxx @benaddictcumberpatch @iamsherlocked1479 @evelyn-kingsley @veryladyqueen @notglucose @wickedscribbles @agathassscribbles @rmoonstoner @fanartka @katehawke @nicoletk @azu21 @captaincarmel416 @harlekin6 @coffedraven @withalittlehoney
@dontmindme262 @dementeddoll @yourmajesty13 @strangeions @bloodyflowerrr @insanelyobsessedwithdilfs @dragonqueen89 @newtsniffles @whiskeyho @sherlux @xourownsidee @kakashibabe02 @hobimysolecito @geeky-politics-46 @lykaonimagines @d0ct0rstrangewife @classickook @iobsessoverfictionalmen @bobateadaydreams @aphroditesdilemma @sassenach-on-the-rocks
@thealleydog @anadlockfan @pinkthick @loverofallbroken @butchers-girl @singhfae
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ysrjune · 1 month
Okay another fic idea, Nerd!Anakin talking about something that the reader doesn’t understand but she just thinks he looks so cute talking about it that she doesn’t even ask questions, just sits there intently listening to every word because he has the prettiest voice and a face that matches, meanwhile he’s super passionate about the topic and doesn’t even realize she’s making heart eyes at him until she makes it abundantly clear
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“Oh! and then they started talking about how—” you tuned out whetever else he was saying since you didn’t even understand. all you paid attention to was the way his eyebrows would shift upwards when he remembered something he forgot to add, the way he spoke with his hands everywhere in the air, making circles or pointing to nothing.. the way he smiled everytime he recalled something someone said that made them sound stupid.. Anakin just looks so cute whenever he talks your ear off about the things hes working on or the conversations him and his colleagues had.
He really thought you were listening since you made eye contact and nodded your head along with a few ‘mhm’s and ‘yeah’s. the only reason he didnt notice you weren’t listening was because his eyes were darting around everywhere because he always needs to be looking all over the place when hes explaining something or else he ends up repeating himself and stuttering a lot. “Maddie said she was getting tired of Vixx talking about jars..” he all of a sudden went off topic. “I don’t really get her fascination with jars, its weird, but I never say anything.” Anakin adjusted his glasses.
“Ugh, how could I forget! Vixx told Mad—” there he went again. changing topics for the 5th time. not like you even noticed.. you thought he was still talking about writing and a bunch of other things he always babbles about. it took only a few moments for you to realize that he hasn't realized you were staring at him and not actually paying attention. for a whole minute, you tried to make it obvious but he just kept saying stuff. “Anakin,” you start off, and receiving his attention right away. “yeah?” he responds. “im not paying attention to a word you’re saying, you know that, right?”
he became a little embarrassed, looking down at his hands resting on his tummy. “no, I didn't notice.. sorry for talking so much about these things, but I—” you stopped him and took his hand. “its not like you’re being annoying.. its just that whenever you talk about these things, you look really cute.” she smiles, rubbing his thumb with hers. “the way you talk with your hands, the way you adjust your glasses every 5 minutes—gosh, its just.. I cant pay attention to what you're saying while you look so handsome doing it.” Anakin blushes, looking down at his sweatpants, not smiling (because hes still a little embarrassed, but relieved for the most part.)
“Oh.” he finally replied and looked over to you. “so you have a thing for me not being able to stay still. is that it?” he laughed and kissed your cheek. “well, I think it's cute that you make heart eyes at me while I'm talking about things you sometimes don't understand.” his hand travels to her hip, bringing her in closer while he rests on his side to match her position. “I love you, baby. thanks for letting me talk and not telling me to shut up just so you can make out with me or something.” he joked again and placed a loving kiss on your lips.
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• 。゚
@vixxensvoid and @heartsforanakin MENTIONED 🥰🥰 (not paid actors in this HAW HAW!!)
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sockiess · 1 month
which Hayden character do you think would play Dress To Impress with you on Roblox
i’m thinking Stephen but i need other opinions
also these little 10 year old bitches didn’t know who Britney Spears was so I didn’t place 😐
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like wtf
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rafesslxt · 2 months
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as a special I want to make this thing for you guys where you can choose prompts and a character and I write an one shot for you <3
[You don‘t have to be a follower]
Character‘s to choose from:
1. Slytherin Boys ( Mattheo Riddle, Theodore Nott, Lorenzo Berkshire, Draco Malfoy )
2. Hayden Christensen Characters ( Sam Monroe, Stephen Glass, Anakin Skywalker, Scott Barringer )
3. Rafe Cameron
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Prompts: please don't forget to tell me the letter <3
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choose what u want and some own ideas u want to have included, If not I‘ll think about something on my own 🫶🏻 oh and you can choose as many prompts as you want 🫣
for example: A 2. + D 6. + character
Update: please be a little patient cause I got a lot requests and I‘m gonna throw similar ones together, ty <3 And look at my new Upcoming/requests List bc maybe someone already requested something similar to what you want.
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I‘m really thankful for every follower, every like, repost, comment and request. 🫶🏻 I would‘ve never thought that so many people enjoy my writings and it makes me really happy, emotional and thankful. Feel hugged from me. 🤍
xoxo sarah <3
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sweetpinkchampagne · 7 months
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gentle love
pairing: simon riley x fem reader
synopsis: simon has been feeling guilty about his work hours and how unpredictable they are - leaving dates cancelled, and the bed cold when you go to sleep. he comes home to your sleeping figure.
warnings: noooneee :)) just toothache inducing fluff, seriously u needa call the dentist, sexual innuendo
note: hellooooo!!! omgg :) im so scared to post this u have no idea, i typically write in a different style and for stephen strange but something just came over me (you get it, i know you do) i hope you enjoy, please leave feedback or any comments you'd like i love you all so so much <33
heavy, unforgiving boots trudged through your home tracking mud before being pulled off as well as his heavy tactical vest that he dropped with a grunt.
"baby..??" simon called out to you, assuming you would be upstairs as he made his way towards your shared room. his gaze softened as he saw your sleeping figure clutching the pillow from his side of the bed that he guessed smelled of him. cute. your hair was covering your face messily and you were curled up into a ball. a moment of guilt struck him. he wished he could give you the romance you deserved, the date nights and planned holidays - but he was either on call or on deployment. it made the moments you had together even more special to him. he gently opened the door to your ensuite to run a shower, careful not to wake your sleeping figure.
hot water poured down his face as the heat fogged up the glass. memories of you sharing intimate moments in the shower together ran through his mind. not just sex, but the type of showers that unearthed the gentle love the two of you shared. it was only with you that he felt comfortable dropping his cold exterior, 'ghost' if you will. with you, he was always just 'simon' and you loved him more than anything in the world. he wrapped his torso in a freshly washed grey towel as he studied the cuts on his face he had gained ealier in the night. they would worry you. he knew that.
he slipped on his signature grey sweatpants that hung loose on his torso, exposing his chisled v-line, something he often slept in, shirtless n sweats. he was unaware you were awake, smiling at him as he tried to be as quiet as possible. it was 2am. he always mentioned the awful feeling he was used to experiencing at work, the feeling of 'being watched' and in order to combat that, he learned to be hypervigilant, but not with you. never with you.
"hi si.." you yawned sleepily smiling at him and he whipped his head around and met your smile with one just as big. he walked over to the bed abd your eyes couldn't help but wander to the sweatpants that swayed as he walked.
"oh lovie.. 'm sorry baby - tried to be quiet for ya.. know it's late." he huffed as he knelt beside you and kissed your lips gently, tucking your hair behind your ear.
"your cheek! oh my god simon.. you.." you said panicked as your gently cupped his face, tilting his head to study the cuts on his cheek. he chuckled.
"it's nothin' i promise, just glad i came home to the missus..in fact.." he smiled at your flickering eyes, you cared about him so much..simon laughed softly as you squealed in laughter as he pulled you by your legs, down lower onto the bed and spread them apart gently.
"honeyyy, what are you doing- oh.. oh." you looked down at him as he crawled onto the bed, laughing at your assumption.
"psshh, 'ts not that baby, you're half asleep.. jus' wanna get comfy thas' all" he yawned and smiled sleepily as he laid between your legs, arms wrapped around your waist and face in the plush of your tummy. you sighed in contentment at the feeling of safety that washed over you. your hands ran through his soft hair and he moved his head down and peppered kisses along your stomach, something that in a different circumstance would send butterflies to your stomach but instead, you just felt love.
"goodnight si, i love you" you smiled, looking down at the blonde curls buried into your stomach.
"night lovie, i love you too."
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motelofmermaids · 19 days
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kel’s 800 follower celebration!!
— i took heavy inspiration from my good friend @skywqlkergf
ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅ i would like to start this celebration off by thanking each & every one of y’all for your support! i genuinely never expected to make it this far—to even have tumblr long. i genuinely thought that i’d be writing to a brick wall lmfao!! every like, reblog, comment, ask, and so on, is extremely appreciated. it brightens up my day, motivates me to write, and i get to interact with amazing people. i’ve met some really beautiful and loving friends on here (dippy… literally my third follower. indigo, my star, dorian, dandan, rowan, and my other lovely friends)! i am so very grateful for them. y’all know who you are! 💋 ‘m thankful to the hunger games community that welcomed me in when i wrote for finnick odair… and i’m so thankful to the writers & people who still continue to support me, even if i haven’t written for finnick in a while. i’m extremely thankful to the star wars/hayden christensen community for taking me in after my very long tumblr/writing break (university 😔). it was such a treat to start somewhere fresh when i came back to this godforsaken app. i’m so grateful! i hope to keep improving my writing, and i hope to continue making folks happy. thank you, thank you, thank you. ♡︎
now… let’s get started! (reminder: this is an +18 blog)
guidelines. masterlist. navigation.
characters available for the 800 celebration are listed below:
anakin skywalker, james kelly, kurt matheson, stephen glass, clay beresford, maximus (fallout show), finnick odair, bellamy blake, jon snow
below are some prompts!
smut one & two ♥︎ angst prompts + more ♥︎ fluff prompts
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💋 . . . send this with a prompt & character! you’ll get a lil’ blurb!
🎀 . . . send this with a song & character (optional)! i’ll write a scene based on it OR if you do not send a character, i will assign a character to the song!
🐇 . . . let’s talk!!!! you can send me pretty much anything… (vents, brainrot, tiktoks, fanfics, etc etc. the list goes on)
🦢 . . . send me information about you (mbti, likes & dislikes, hobbies, aesthetic(s), and so on)! i’ll ship you with one of the given characters!
💐 . . . game time: fuck, marry, kill… would you rather… cast your mutuals as… never have i ever… most likely to (characters)
🍓 . . . send this with a kink or a trait & i’ll tell you which character is most likely to have it!
🩰 . . . learning time! send this with 3-5 words from a language you natively or fluently speak and i will learn them (meaning, pronunciation, etc). let me know if you’d like the same back! (i speak english, german, and a little bit of serbian, spanish, and french)
💒 . . . (mutuals only) send this & i will give you four pictures from pinterest that reminds me of you!
💌 . . . (mutuals only) send this & i will write you a lil’ love/appreciation note!!
👙 . . . shopping time! send this with your aesthetic (size is optional, of course) & i’ll find 3-5 items off of depop for you. i have an unhealthy obsession with depop.
🍉 . . . send in a character & i’ll create a mini playlist for them
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that’s all! again, thank y’all so kindly. i feel so blessed.
‘m tagging some mutuals just for a lil’ boost: @skywqlkergf @dipperscavern @starwarsbian @anisscarletstarlet @dazednstars141 @geekforhorror @st4rfckerz
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skywqlkergf · 1 month
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⠀  。・*:・゚★ skywqlkergf’s 100 followers celly ・*:・゚☆
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hi, thank you so much for following me, i like to do celebrations when i hit a follower milestone. partially because it's fun and everyone gets to participate but also because it helps me put out extra content for you guys. i’ve never felt so welcomed and ecstatic to be apart of an online community. love you guys so much!
so sit back, grab a drink and let's have some fun!
requesting rules. masterlist. navigation
fluff prompts. angst prompts. smut prompts.
characters you can send for this celly — sam monroe, anakin skywalker, clay beresford, james kelly, kurt matheson, stephen glass
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🎧 — send this with a prompt + character and get a blurb / one shot
💿 — send this with a song and I'll give you a small scene based on it
📓 — send this with information about you (astrology, mbti, likes/dislikes, hobbies, etc.) and I'll ship you with one of the characters listed above
🐈‍⬛ — send this with an au and a character and I'll make a moodboard + 5 - 10 hc
🕷️ — time to celebrate other creators, send this with your favorite fic and show that creator some love! i will read the fic, reblog it and everything!
🎮 — give me a kink and I'll tell you which character is most likely to have it
🎬 — let's chat! rant about anything, vent, just chat, brainrot over anyone, just come talk to me about anything and everything!
🎱 — let's play a game! hot or not, fuck + marry + kill, would you rather, cast your mutuals as, etc. ( can be unrelated to hayden + his films ).
🛹 — ( mutuals only ) send this and I'll make you a moodboard on how i perceive you.
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tagging mutuals for boost : @anisscarletstarlet @euphorichistory @heartsforanakin @jameskellygf @motelofmermaids @starwarsbian @lunalitva @sockiess @ysrjune @geekforhorror @anisscarletstarlet @decaffeinatedunicorn @anisdolly @garbagebomb @vixxensvoid @divineani
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