#Stelle from star rail is rubbing off on me
nyxthejinx · 1 year
Hello, it's been a while since I wrote, the university is crazy. Location: Sumeru desert. Local time: Midnight "Wow wow, my dear big brother found himself a new pet to call family…they're so cutesy I get…Yuck!" -Scarlet swung her greatsword and threw it between Diluc and the traveler, hitting a column and making it fall and almost crushed them. The Scarlet Fury of the Fatui let out a loud laugh that seemed like the laugh of the devil himself, raised her hand and returned her command to it, from her body came an aura that did not belong to any elemental order of this world. -
"What did Dottore do to you?" -Diluc was disconcerted, in front of him was the only person for whom he would break the heavens, he almost did not recognize her, not because of her Fatui uniform, but because of the murderous look she projected towards the man- "Concentrate on the fight, big brother" -she replied with a grim smile, charging her attack against the red-haired man with the greatsword charged with dark energy- -Diluc could barely contain the blow, gritting his teeth fighting to return that tremendous force. The traveler attacked the Fatui from behind, but he dodged it in a fluid movement, and the blonde had no choice but to crash into Diluc for that maneuver- -A flash of purple electricity was detected by the Fatui who dodged a downward attack from Cyno- "Fatui… Your actions will be judged against my strength" -the general of the Mahamatra speaks seriously, very enraged by the danger in which the traveler found himself. While the Fatui looked at him with eyes full of sparkles of stars and his cheeks flushed, accompanied by a smile full of jubilation-
… "And then we were tied, and he told me that next time I won't be so lucky" -the redhead Fatui muffled a cry into the pillow she was hugging, resembling a love-struck fifteen-year-old- "The General of the Mahamatra is such an electrifying man"
"Less fantasies of lovers and more attention to the next one, that Cyno guy broke an arm, four ribs and not to mention that your uniform was shattered" -Dottore furiously reminded the teenager of the results of his confrontation against the man- "I heard you like that game of cards and dice, should I get you some new cards or a custom case instead?"
"Damn it, Scarlet"
{In the city of Sumeru there was a bedridden Cyno with various sections of his body in casts and an angry ranger guarding him}
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I swear- I SWEAR I'M STILL THINKING ABOUT THAT CONCEPT. I swear I try to write a single chapter, but it goes down the drain because I change my mind like, instantly. I've been shaping and reshaping this story so much during these months + every update contributed to that 🦍
I cannot thank you enough for fanning the flame because this had me feeling all silly and goofy (as if we weren't talking about a war criminal who's probably banned from 6/7 regions of Teyvat). The fact that it was a Childe x reader doesn't mean I won't lose my shit over that dad-jokes-spitting-machine we love so much.
They're enemies to lovers, your honour, idc that cyno is a justice fanboy. Reader is mostly crazy af, but they also spit some rational good shit from time to time, things that will have Cyno wracking his brain. Things that are, like, a new mad and feverish perspective on the world, one he never considered and maybe isn't so wrong.
It's such a wicked concept, who's gonna give in first? I think no one would be able to abandon their path, honestly.
Cyno can see where they're getting with their logic, but their ways are simply wrong and so deranged. There are times when he catches a glimpse of the real rag!sibling, and he thinks it'd be amazing if he could free them from their ties with the fatui. But he knows it's just a silly fantasy.
While reader finds Cyno's devotion to lawfulness cute, to say the least. He's so pure and precious, but also deadly, of course they'd find him attracting. It's not enough to stop them from dirtying their hands, though... They've been feasting on violence all their life, as if they'd stop now.
They'll show their weird affection through violence and murder attempts </3
But yeah I'm gonna review this story again bye aheuwheh
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sea-of-dust · 1 year
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Unexpected Affection
Kafka, Stelle,Blade x GN!Reader
Summary: They never really showed this level of affection before...
Notes: 🗿 just gonna cram this in so those two people that unfollowed me come back. Had a werid urge to cram asuka in here he looks like one of those little fluff dogs, dude.
Warnings: suggestive humor and scenes, betrayed audience (IM SORRY 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️),Barely proofread
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She's always showing you affection
Touching your hand if you were to sit across from her. Offering to carry you home if too tired. She's very happy to do things for you!
You think her being like this is almost her way of repaying you for being patient while she's out stellaron hunting
She'd text you whenever she was free she'd love seeing how fast you'd respond. "The missions taking a while, I'm sorry if I'm late" you'd type almost immediately after she sent that "don't worry about it! Stay safe." With a small thumbs up emoji afterword. Her heart melts, you can't be this cute.
She loves greeting you by getting home first and sitting down on the couch. "Long time no see~" "Kafka..." the way you say her name she wishes to record it. Your greeting smile and small sweets you prepare for her always make her warm up a bit.
"How did you know I was coming back?" She'd lean into the hug rubbing your arms with her thumb. "I don't so when you don't come back I just kinda eat those alone-" She takes a bag of those snacks with her now, how could you say something like that with a smile on your face-
The longest time she's been out was two months barely being able to text you. So as soon as the mission was done, she excused herself. Waiting for you to come home so she could great you.
"Kaf-" You couldn't even finish your sentence before she kissed you suddenly, holding your hands pinning one to the wall. She kisses you with an eagerness, almost a need for you. You pull away to catch your breath, she'd fail to hide her want for more almost hearts in her eyes. She goes back in holding your waist as she enjoys the long kisses in between short gasps for air. She'll get her fix of you,slipping her toungue in feeling yours squirm everytime they touch, she really can't get enough of you only backing off when she felt shes had enough. "I prepared dinner for us" she wraps her arms around your shoulders, leading you to the dining table completely decorated.
She pulls out a chair for you as you sit down with her and catch up. "So how was the stellaron?" "Alot more active than usual took too much work" a sigh escapes her lips. You two continue to chatter on while eating.
As soon as you two finish eating, she helps you clean up. She can't take your hands off you while you wash dishes. She slowly rock your waist to sync with her movements. She takes off her gloves to touch your face. "As unprovoked as ever" she mumbles leaning into you "Why yes it takes alot of focus to wash dishes" she smiles at the joke leaning in to kiss you "Why yes the dishes are quite a vicious foe"
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She just likes being near you. You smell nice...also you're able to keep her from turning into the local raccoon.
you would catch her looking at trash, always somehow be there to pull her away last second. "Come on, Stelle!" You drag her away.
She'd like to place small kisses on your cheek whenever you're not paying attention. She almost did this infront of the star rail crew. "The next planet..." You grab her face, holding her there. "heard that place is hotter than 12 volcano" March and Dan Heng would kinda continue to convo with her kinda stuck there
She can't sleep without you nearby. She's like the demon in the dark you run up the stairs from. She'd just stand there in the doorway as the light kinda makes her look like a shadow. "Uhhh Stelle" "..." you're barely awake yet you could tell it was her. You tsk before lifting your blanket lazily. "Come here" she nearly runs into bed with you cuddling into you. "You need a night light...maybe I'll take one from March" you pat her head as she scoots closer to you.
You had a maid run up to you shrieking about someone jumping out of a closet. "I'll go check it out miss I'll contact you if you it's anything serious" you go to check the room walking in and closing the door. You hear something in the closet and peak in only to have the doors fly open, Stelle almost jumping out trying to stop herself realizing who it was. "So you jump scared the room service lady" she nods "....wanna try that on sampo?"
She gets caught up in boxing and actively shows off how good she is. She always looks for you in the audience and shows off her win. "Congrats Stelle, but put him down!"
She won't admit it but she maybe maybe- likes pda. Maybe she does like holding your hand in public or the thought of you kissing her without a care. You'll never get her to say it tho. She just brushes her fingers on yours, occasionally hoping you'd hold onto her hand.
You found her in a trash can as usual but this time one on her head. You looked at her flabbergasted. "Stelle- get that off of your-" you were interrupted by her pulling it up and kiss you. Her tongue slipping in a bit, lowering the trash can down for a bit of privacy. You pull away, "Stelle what the-" she kisses you again before you pull her off gently "wait till we're on the express k?" You blush softly. She pounts a bit but still waits pulling the trashcan lower.
Turns out she forgot when you got back to the express a few days later when she does remmber tho she nearly runs at you slamming your door. "Eh what?" You rub your eyes seeing the raccoon in all of her glory "Stelle?" Your eyes a bit hazy yet you could still tell it was her, she nearly jumps on you immediately taking off her jacket. "Youre always up to something-" she cuts you off putting a finger to your mouth "shush" she smirks teasingly "been waiting for this for a long while now~" her voice is so calm yet you could almost feel mischief radiating off of her.
She kisses you for a long while, only pulling away to catch her breath quickly going back to it moments later. She didn't even care when March came knocking, wondering where she was. If anything, she just became more passionate. She adores your little tired noises every time she does something to fluster you. The infamous rubbing circles in your back always managed to get an embrassed squeak out of you. As soon as you pull her off breathing heavily, she'll notice just how flustered she made you. Her job was complete staying with you that night so she could do it all again in the morning.
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He isn't too open even when in a relationship
You know he loves you he just doesn't say it outloud. You usually have to make moves and he'd slowly respond to those things, he's almost confused. "You're so stiff" you hug him from behind "as stiff as a board~" leaning into him a bit. As you hug him he's not really sure what to do. Does he hug back backward? Does he turn around and hug you? Does he just embrace it? So may questions running through a very straight faced man
The quickest way you flustered him is when you ask about the future while laying your head on his lap. "Blade... you think you might settle down with me when there's no longer stellarons to hunt." He didn't move, but it was clear to see the blush on his face. As he softly pats your head, you could almost hear him mumble a "I want to..."
He offen tries to sneakily hold your hand. "Oh?" He would stay straight faced, holding your hand behind your backs. Gripping your hand a bit tighter sometimes. "Is this your way of being flustered?" "No" he'd squeeze your hand. "Uh huh"
He wants you to braid his hair. He'd sit down with his back facing you, and you'd be so confused. When you finally offered, you could tell he almost ran but didn't wanna embrass himself. "Alright, sit -" he sits with his back turned to you in the same spot as usual. "Oh...so THAT'S what you meant." "What did you think I mean?" "That you were mad at me. " "...." he got his hair braided but still sensed undying guilt
He'd be so confused if you bought him any sort of gift. He's grateful, but... how to use it. "Blade...it's a fake flower, and when ya open it!" You carefully twist off the bud. "It's a chapstick!" He looks down at it, then back at you,"are my lips that crusty. " "No! No! I just got it cause I thought you wanted one! Always notice you staring at mine when I use it" he doesn't tell you, but he's been wondering about indirect kissing via chapstick.
All this thinking of kissing is gonna get in the way of stellron hunting it's too the point Kafka picks up on it and starts teasing him. "Bladie~, you seem flustered." "..." she smirks. "Is it that cute person you're dating!" He's pink trying to hide it, but he's blushing just thinking of you. "Your little play thing surprised you haven't given up on revenge just to stay with them longer." she walks in circles around him, annoying him but fluttering him none the less
He caught you asleep while waiting for him, so he tried to sneak into your arms without waking you. He'd fail...horrendously. you'd feel soft breaths and your arms going around a figure patting your head as you slept. Jokes on him, after you caught him doing this for a multitude of times, you just decided to pretend not to wake. Hopefully, making him feel like he's getting better at this.
He hides his cravings to wanna kiss you, but when he wants them, it's so odvious. He stays around you more often with almost no room for air, his frown deepening and eyes softening almost as if softly begging for something.
When he finally acted on this urge, it was only when you figured it out, kissing his cheek as he turned into a blushing mess. "Oh ho~, it seems someone got a bit excited for that," you smirk teasingly, hugging him. "Did you want one of these too?" His breath was heavy, his hair covering some of his face, but you could tell you had him on the ropes. Suddenly, he cups your face and leans in hesitantly before kissing you, slowly getting more passionate as he grips the clothes near your waist. You softly laugh at this, hearing him scoff, taking this chance you kiss him again in a slightly teasing way as he fully embraces your affection. He gets more egar gripping your clothes a bit tighter as his small kisses turn into deep, long ones with short gaps for air. He'd look so ashamed whenever he pulled away for breath. "If you're tired, we could save it for later." You smirk teasingly. "...just one more," you kiss his cheek. "..." You smirk, kissing his lips. "You're cute whenever you want something, you know"
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sh1-n0bu · 8 months
congrats on reaching 5k!!!!!
PomPom!!! (Hsr, platonic)
Hi!!! How are you?? I'm sorry I'm only able to help out when everyone else besides Miss Himieko is off the Express, or in the dead of night. I get soo nervous around them but you two seem to be the only people I can relax around. Especially when the General Jing Yuan came to visit??? I nearly had a heart attack when I thought they saw me. Don't get me stared on how Stelle/Caelus and March have been getting noesy especially about me in particular. Despite being the main culprits I know Welt and Dan Heng are also growing curious about me. I don't think anyone else besides the two of you guys have seen me, and I really hope to keep it that way. I hope keeping me a secret isn't that much of an issue,,, I promise I'll make your favourite hot chocolate and cookies for our movie night! (I am eternally thankful that Miss Himeko and you let me have my own personal kitchen in my room) Love you PomPom, I'll see you and Miss Himeko tonight!! Tell her I said Hi!!
Lots of Love,
your shy helper
𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜! 𝙣𝙤𝙗𝙪’𝙨 𝙢𝙖𝙞𝙡 𝙙𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙞𝙘𝙚!
to: pom-pom from honkai star rail
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lately, there has been some rumors floating about the astral express. which, most times, is completely fine since one of the passengers loves to make up all sorts of stories with her wild imagination. and it has only been fueled by their latest passenger, the trash loving one. so, with their imaginations running rampant, it was only normal for them to come up with all sorts of stories to tell the express visitors at times. mainly the younger ones.
however, one day, the general of the luofu’s cloud knights had decided to visit his express friends with his retainer. the young boy went about everywhere, taking in the atmosphere and the magical energy of the galaxy traveling train. of course, taking his young age and curious nature into thought, the trailblazer told the young retainer how the express had its own spirit. they went on to great details of how the spirit of the express keeps the train in check, helping the conductor but also sometimes, stirring up trouble.
it didn’t get better as march joined in, talking stories about how one night when she came back from another trailblazing mission only the cute tiny round plushie replicas of the astral express crew. when march went to thank pom-pom about it, the conductor only expressed concern and confusion while himeko only giggles with a knowing smile.
yanqing believed every word of course, thinking that the express had its own ghost and was haunted. it only calmed down a bit when dan heng came over, gently smacking the two unruly adults over their heads and telling them to stop spreading lies. however, jing yuan stepped in at that.
“i feel something” the general of the luofu said, rubbing his chin softly as he looked around the main cabin of the express in deep thought. “there is indeed something here. a weird and new energy. something that’s a bit… inhuman and i’m not talking of the conductor” he briefly nods towards the rabbit, where they were watering the plants. briefly, jing yuan looked towards the chessboard out of the corner of his eyes, where he was sure something tiny zipped across.
and with that incident, what started as a joke quickly became a case that march and the trailblazer would diligently chase after. acting like they’re detectives, the two would speak of something being on the express to every visitors who visited. some getting scared, some finding the story funny and some seeming to have an odd recollection in their eyes. but one thing stayed the same. the two didn’t give up their detective work.
and their suspicions were further solidified when after argenti — a certain dramatic knight of beauty — helped the express to get out of the stomach of a beast that happened to swallow them. the express’ outer sides were completely alright! not a single hint of blotch or hint of being burned with stomach acid. completely clean and pristine as usual. that’s when the two came to the conclusion to call this entity “guardian of the express”. meanwhile, a certain guard of the express sighs and rolls his eyes at the shenanigans of his friends. a certain former herrscher laughing it off, telling the guard to leave them to their own devices as they seem to be having fun. on the other hand, a certain navigator and conductor stay hush hush about something, whispering to each other about something as the conductor hands over a letter to the coffee loving woman to let her read over it as well.
it wasn’t until after the rest had went to their separate rooms to rest up for the night, did the two of them sit down on one of the tables of the main cabin. pulling out a paper and a pen to write their own responses back.
“dear ‘guardian of the express’,
what do you think of the new nickname the trailblazer and march thought up for you? i think it’s pretty cool! since in a case, you are indeed the guardian of the express. passenger dan heng may be a guard of the express and an amazing one at that, but he’s also a human that needs his own rest and therefore, can’t keep the express safe 24/7. i forgot to say thank you when you kept the outer sides of the express safe when it was swallowed by the true sting. i was so worried that the stomach acid of the creature would damage it (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞!
thankfully you were here with us to keep the train and us safe.
i’m sorry if i can’t keep both passengers march and trailblazer from being too nosy about you. they tend to get a bit too excited at times about certain things. and that time is specifically now more than ever as we are cruising the star rail towards penacony. i just hope you can stay out of sight whenever they’re awake!
and as for the general of the luofu, i was quite scared of the man too! he seemed to know so much and visited the express a lot of times to the point of almost finding out about you. i was so worried when he first came over! and he also tried to steal me away from the express as well the other day ٩(ʘ益ʘ💢)۶ ٩(ʘ益ʘ💢)۶!
well, i hope you can stay safe and out of the shenanigans of some of the passengers and even the visitors. it’s alright if you don’t want yourself to be seen, me and himeko would keep your secrets safe!
with love, pom-pom the conductor of the astral express”
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teaberrii · 8 months
Year of the Dragon
You and Dan Heng are a match made in heaven until fate takes him away from you too soon. Years later, you think you moved on with a mutual friend who shared your grief and stuck with you during tough times until you meet a mysterious man with a striking resemblance to your past lover and a hidden motive. You’re determined to get rid of him, but how are you going to get rid of a god?
Dan Feng/You
Cross-posted on Ao3
Genshin Impact and Honkai: Star Rail crossover
Female reader
Chapter index at the end of chapter one
Support my writing
Chapter 1: Take Me Home
The strapless, white dress with light, gold sparkles all around hugs your bodice and flares out at your hips and thighs, creating a dramatic silhouette that makes you look ethereal. Yet, the happiness reflected in your eyes is far from what should be present in a wife-to-be. You step off the small stool and leave the changing room, where your friends are waiting for you.
"This is the one!" March exclaims. Then, with a teasing smile: "Looks like a dress he'll want to get his hands on if you know what I mean."
Stelle sighs. “Is there no limit to your inappropriate innuendos?”
March puts her arm around you. “You know I’m right, Stelle. They’re taking the next step together as blissful newlyweds where intimacy is at its finest.” She winks at you. “You gotta take advantage of those golden years.”
“Gotcha,” you say. “I’ll definitely keep that in mind.”
March puts her hands on her hips. “Hey! I’m serious!”
Stelle has a hand on her chin, looking you up and down. “I agree with March. It’s a beautiful dress, but most importantly, it fits you very well.”
“Oh my! You look absolutely gorgeous!” You hear the heels of a woman working at the high-end boutique. She's already behind you, admiring the dress, by the time you turn around. “It’s like it was made for you.”
“...It’s like it was made for you.”
You were standing in front of a mirror with him behind you. His hug was warm and comforting, and when he put his chin on your shoulder and smiled, you felt like the luckiest woman in the world.
“It’s beautiful,” you said.
“You really like it?”
You turned around. “Of course!”
“Then, it’s yours.”
“Wh—What? Just like that?”
He awkwardly rubbed the back of his head. “I… designed it for you. It was my first time, and I wasn’t sure if you’d—”
You cut him off with a kiss on his soft lips. “...I love it, Dan Heng.”
“Would you like to see some accessories that’ll go perfectly with this dress?”
“Oh, yes, of course she would,” March answers for you.
Soon enough, you, Stelle, and March are following the worker toward another part of the boutique. You’re walking up the stairs when she looks over her shoulder and asks:
“So, who’s the lucky man?”
There’s a brief pause before you answer her. “We were high school friends.”
She gasps. “Oh! High school sweethearts? That’s adorable! I adore those kinds of stories. It’s so rare for a relationship after high school to work out, and… ”
The rest of her rambling falls on deaf ears. It’s something you’re used to hearing when you tell people the simple basics about your “fairytale relationship” with your fiancé. You met in high school and were friends for a very long time before you got together. As soon as people heard that, you never had to explain how you got together as most people were enamoured by the "high school sweetheart love story." You never want to explain anyway, considering how you ended up with your fiancé is as beautiful as it is painful.
If you never lost the love of your life, you and he never would've happened.
“Is there anything you have in mind?” the woman asks as soon as you reach an area filled with expensive but stunning wedding accessories for women.
“Not anything in particular, but—"
Elegantly displayed on the neck of a female mannequin is a crescent moon necklace made out of pure gold. As soon as the woman notices what you're looking at, she says:
“Oh, good eye! That design is new! It’s…”
Again, her explanation falls on deaf ears when you’re once again reminded of him.
“Can I look now?”
You were standing on the balcony of Dan Heng’s room, facing the view of his family’s garden with his eyes closed. You had a hunch that Dan Heng had a surprise for you, but nothing could’ve prepared you for what you were about to see.
“...Okay. Open your eyes.”
You were speechless upon seeing an elegant, golden necklace in the shape of a crescent moon where your initials are engraved. Dan Heng unclipped the necklace and put it around your neck. His hug was warm and comforting, and you could feel his heartbeat.
“Happy birthday.”
“Hey!” You turn at the sound of March’s voice. She and Stelle are looking at some headpieces in a glass case. March gestures for you to come. You come up beside her just when she says: “This would look great with your dress.”
“Mind the pricetag,” Stelle cautions.
March takes a breath. “Ooh, okay, never mind… This might be a little out of our budget.”
You look back at the necklace. Stelle, noticing that you’re a little distracted, turns and sees the beautiful necklace in the other corner of the room. She looks back at you but says nothing.
Eventually, you wander toward a different corner of the room, looking at earrings and bracelets when you hear Stelle’s voice.
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah,” you say. “Why do you ask?”
“You keep staring at that necklace.”
“Oh, well… It looks just like the one I have.” You force a little smile. "I guess I was a little surprised."
You turn back to look at a new collection of earrings, but Stelle knows what’s on your mind. And like you, she’s reminded of the loss of a friend. She’s seen it all. Your ups and downs with Dan Heng, the man who went from a childhood friend to a lover with the evolution lasting for close to a whole decade.
“This is… truly amazing,” Stelle said, looking closely at the necklace Dan Heng had got you for your birthday. “Rich kid’s… riching.”
“Is that even a word?”
“Probably not.” She stood upright. “But I expected nothing less.” Just then, a large advertisement of a high-end fashion brand introducing their latest fall collection flashed on a tall building. “You never would’ve thought by looking at him.”
You looked in the direction she was looking and saw models with perfect skin and fits on the screen. Then, an elegant-looking logo in the shape of an L appeared on the screen. Seconds later, the name ‘Lunae’ appeared underneath the logo.
Stelle was right. You never would’ve thought Dan Heng would be the heir to one of the biggest and most luxurious fashion companies in the world. When you first met, he was a scrawny, stubborn kid who ruined your sandcastle. And now, he was someone you loved with all your heart.
March stretches as soon as the three of you leave the boutique. The only thing you bought was the dress.
“Gosh, that was exhausting. I’m starved.”
“Isn’t there a Cultural Festival going on right now?” Stelle asks. “We could go there for some food.”
“Oh, you’re right!” March takes out her phone. “Today’s the second day… I think? There’s supposed to be some awesome performances happening.”
You’re on the way there with your friends when your phone goes off. You slow down and take the call as it’s from your fiancé.
“Miss me?”
“Oh, of course. It’s…” You look at your watch. “It’s only been an afternoon.”
“That’s too long without you.”
“Okay, okay. What’s the real reason you called, huh?”
“On my way to drop things off at the pawn shop, and then I’m going to grab some groceries for tonight. Anything you want for dinner?”
March looks back and sees you smiling and talking about something. Then, when you get off the phone and join her and Stelle, she asks:
“Was that your man?”
“He has a name, you know,” you say. “But yes, that was. Nothing exciting. Just syncing up for what we’re going to have for dinner.”
“Should’ve flustered him and said—”
“March,” Stelle deadpans.
“What? You don’t even know what I was going to say!”
Your fiancé had been a friend of yours, Stelle’s, and later Dan Heng's in high school. He’d confessed his feelings after knowing that your life was on the road to normalcy after the terrible, horrific accident that left you as an empty shell. Because of him, your days became brighter, but there was never a day where you didn’t think of Dan Heng and… what could’ve been. But, you love your fiancé, and that’s all that matters.
It’s late afternoon by the time you reach the Cultural Festival, which is bustling with visitors from all walks of life. You got to do some wine tasting from the Mondstadt booth—where you also heard the not-so-subtle gossip about how “hot” the bartender was—and showed off your calligraphy skills at the Inazuma booth. As the Year of the Dragon is right around the corner, you also enjoy a memorable lion dance performance with people from your hometown, Xianzhou, and the neighbouring region, Liyue.
“Oi, Haitham! Where’s my wallet?”
You and your friends walk by a pretty male who’s searching for something inside his bag while not too far away another handsome blonde is showcasing his swordsmanship with a blue-haired male on stage.
“Ooh, there’s also a fortune-telling booth,” March says. The map she’s holding is so big, it covers her entire upper body as she holds it. “Wanna check it out?”
“Lead the way.”
You and Stelle follow March past a popular circus show by the Cirque de Fontaine. You almost bump into a tall man with long dark blue hair with red tips and his friend, a man with long blonde hair and green eyes, as you’re distracted by the cheers for a young man and woman who look nearly identical on stage.
Is it silly that you remind yourself you're getting married when you look into the eyes of the man with the long, dark blue hair? He's handsome, you admit, and his gentle demeanour is reminiscent of Dan Heng. In the end, you quickly apologize and continue on your way.
“We’re here.”
Stelle looks around. “Are you sure this is the right place?”
Unlike the lively atmosphere at the other booths, the one a short distance away is a little… cold. There are no visitors around the dark green tent; the only occupant is a person sitting inside wearing a dark green, brown, and red robe. The hood is up, so you can’t see the person’s face.
“...This looks sus as hell,” March whispers. “Maybe we should go.”
Stelle takes another look at the map. “It’s a registered booth, though.”
“Hello, lovelies.” You and your friends turn toward the person—who you believe is an elderly woman from her voice—inside the tent. She puts her hands together and slightly bows. “Happy New Year… Would you like a free fortune prediction for the upcoming year?”
You and your friends glance at each other, and Stelle says:
“Sure. Why not?”
March grabs her friend’s arm just as Stelle steps forward. “...Girl, are you sure?”
“Ah… the one in pink,” the woman says, and March points to herself. “I see a raise… and possibly a promotion in your future this year. Would you like to learn more?”
March immediately sits in front of her.
“Well, that was fast,” you say.
Stelle sighs. “That’s March for you, I guess.”
You aren’t surprised that your friends are getting such great predictions for the upcoming Year of the Dragon. You assume it’s a business strategy, so you’re expecting to hear how you’ll also thrive and prosper this year. Once you sit in front of her and the woman takes your hand, she immediately looks at you, whereas her head has always been tilted down when reading Stelle and March’s fortunes.
“My child… A wedding is in your near future..." Well, that’s not creepy at all. If you recall, no one has mentioned your wedding, nor are you wearing your engagement ring. “...But, you will walk a path of uncertainty, and only when you walk with the man in the shadows, you will see the light at the end of the tunnel.”
“...Did you… understand any of that?” March whispers.
“No,” Stelle answers flatly. “Not at all.”
“...Man in the shadows?” you ask.
“I cannot see who it is,” the woman says. “...His presence is unlike anything I’ve ever felt before.” Her head tilts downwards, and you assume she’s looking at your palm. “My dear… You’ve suffered a great loss in your past." Your heart freezes over, and your eyes widen. "Fire, destruction… Their bodies were never—”
You didn’t mean to sound so anxious. But the short cry is clear that time does not heal all wounds. March has a comforting hand on your shoulder while Stelle is baffled and intrigued, though she does not show it. Just who is this woman?
You take back your hand. "Sorry... I... I think that's enough for today."
Then, you stand, but before you can leave with your friends, the woman says:
“...It’s up to you, my child.” You look over your shoulder. “Your Year of the Dragon will be the most exciting yet. Reap its rewards or fall further into darkness.”
“C'mon.” Stelle grabs your arm. "Let's go.”
The woman’s voice is quiet, but you hear:
“Be very careful, my dear.”
The large golden gates creak open, revealing a spacious room where small, floating lights flicker until they settle on a glowing honey yellow. A tall, slender young man with fair skin, black hair, and green eyes walks with an air of confidence over a gold, dragon-shaped bridge. Statues of dragons are situated around the room—where endless, liquid gold pours from their mouths—into a small river that runs underneath the bridge and into crevices of the walls. If one looks up, it will remind you of a cathedral with large arched windows… except if you look out, you’ll be looking straight into the galaxy.
The footsteps stop just before a set of wide stairs. Two men are sitting across from each other on golden thrones in the shape of a dragon.
“You’re looking well for not having shown your face for weeks, Dan Feng.”
The one with pale skin and waist-length show white hair doesn’t spare Dan Feng a glance. Instead, he’s focused on the chess board in front of him where all the pieces are dragons.
It’s his playing partner, a man with yellow, diamond-shaped pupils and short brown hair with a long fringe on the side of his face, who says:
“Yes. Where have you been? We were quite worried.”
“Worried is a stretch, Zhongli,” the white-haired man says. With a snap of his fingers, one of the chess pieces moves to a different spot and suddenly takes out a weapon and smashes the other piece to smithereens. “I’m sure Dan Feng is capable of taking care of himself. He is one of us, after all.”
“Yes, well, before you two can continue talking as if I’m not here… The Aeons have escaped to the human realm.” Now, Dan Feng knows he has their full attention.
“How do you know this?”
“Not sure if you’ll like it, Neuvi, but a dead, little birdie told me all about it.”
Dan Feng nods.
"Did you confirm he was telling the truth?"
"Always the careful one, aren't you?" Dan Feng asks. "But, I did. Went down to the dank dungeons of death myself. Honestly, can't blame them. Their quality of life must've been horrendous."
Zhongli puts a hand underneath his chin. “...The Aeons have been locked up for centuries. How in the world could this happen?"
"Someone must have helped them," Neuvilette says, “why would they do that? And… What would the Aeons want with the humans?” Neuvilette looks at Dan Feng—”Why did Sampo tell you this now?”
“Well, my water dragon friend," Dan Feng says, "Sampo wants us to do something about it. The Year of the Dragon is coming, which means the gates to the human realm will open again. Assuming the Aeons left during the last Year of the Dragon, then they've been causing chaos for over a decade down there. We need to haul their asses back up because this is where they belong."
Suddenly, thunder rumbles in the distance, but no one is fazed. Then, a disembodied, cheerful voice sounds throughout the room:
“Happyyy Year of the Dragon!”
Lightning strikes a spot between Neuvilette and Zhongli, and when the smoke clears, there’s a young girl with mint-green eyes and long purple hair.
“It’s our year once again, my brothers!” She makes a fist and gently hits her heart. “How are we going to celebrate this year?”
“Work, Bailu,” Dan Feng answers flatly. “We have work to do.”
Bailu looks at him incredulously. “What do you mean we have work?” After Zhongli tells her about the conversation earlier, Bailu puts her hands on her hips. “So, you’re telling me that we have to spend the year cleaning up someone else’s mess? We won’t get to go down and party with the humans for another twelve years!”
“We aren’t supposed to get involved with humans in the first place, Bailu,” Neuvilette says. “You know that.”
“Well, yeah… I know. But, I’ve been seeing all the cool technology they’ve been coming up with. Like, did you know they have robots that’ll create art and write for you now? It’s literal magic!”
“It always baffles me how you can get so excited about human technology,” Dan Feng says. He snaps his fingers, and parchment and a quill appear in midair, where the quill writes what’s on Dan Feng’s mind:
We’re Gods.
“But, the fact that humans aren’t and can develop all these cool gadgets makes them so much more interesting!” Bailu looks at the disinterested faces of her dragon brothers. Only Zhongli seems to show mild interest. “Just wait until we get down there and we lose all of our godly powers. You’ll be forced to adapt to human technology just to survive.”
“...We lose our powers?”
“Guess you weren’t expecting that plot twist, huh, Neuvi? You would know if you visit every dragon year. The longer we stay down there, the more human we become. But, as soon as we poof back here, we slowly gain our powers back.”
Neuvilette almost looks disgusted.
“If the Aeons left during the last Year of the Dragon, they would’ve stayed in the human realm for twelve years…" Zhongli says. "At least, they'll be weakened, but we cannot underestimate them."
“We have one whole year!” Bailu whines. “Can’t this Aeon hunting mission wait until after we celebrate? It’s literally our year!”
“I guess it can’t hurt.” Everyone looks at Dan Feng. “It’ll be interesting to see the foolishness of humans during this time.”
“Woo! That’s one for Brother Moon!”
“Brother Moon?” Neuvilette asks.
“He’s the Dragon of the Moon, isn’t he?"
“Anyways,” Zhongli says, “looks like we’ll have no choice but to go to the human realm this year. Make sure you’re prepared.”
Neuvilette sighs. "And if we refuse?"
"Oh, come now, Neuvi," Dan Feng says. "Show some camaraderie. We have a traitor out there... At least the cronies of death know that we're innocent."
Only Bailu is beaming with excitement.
Later that evening, Dan Feng is in his room, looking out at the galaxy when he senses a presence. He doesn’t need to turn around to know who it is.
“Need something, Brother Earth?”
“I’m sure Bailu would be thrilled to hear you’re catching on to her nicknames,” Zhongli says.
“It’ll be our little secret.”
Zhongli is beside him just as an asteroid flies by. “...Sampo is neither friend nor foe." Dan Feng glances at him. “Call me curious, but I just find it strange he would go out of his way to tell you that the Aeons have escaped. How would he know? He’s the Reaper. The Aeons are none of his business.”
“...Sampo may act on his own interests, but even he is afraid of what the Aeons are capable of. Considering if they were to interfere with the natural order of things, it would be disrupting his work.”
“Natural order of things… Are you saying they’d interfere with the afterlife?”
Dan Feng briefly closes his eyes. “Sampo was the one who approached me first.”
The star-covered skies were different shades of purple and pink, and occasionally one would see shooting stars or meteoroids fly by. A tall, muscular man with tufted dark blue hair stood on a cliff, overlooking a long bridge where small, floating lights were bobbing their way across. They were the souls of the deceased, crossing the bridge that would erase their memories of their past life and toward an unknown realm, and only Sampo, the Reaper, could see what they looked like before they died.
“That bored, huh?”
Sampo turned around. “Let’s just say I saw something quite… intriguing. I can’t stop thinking about it, which is why I called you here.”
“Okay,” Dan Feng says, not interested in the slightest. “And what would that be?”
Sampo walked a few steps toward him. “...Did you know you have a doppelganger? A man who looked exactly like you in the human realm. Honestly, I thought it was you but with a better haircut.” He smiled upon seeing the hard look in Dan Feng’s eyes. “...Is it just me, or did you already know about him?”
So, he reincarnated, and if he looked like him, then his life was cut short once again… Dan Feng clenched his fists as he saw his brother’s face. What had happened to him this time? Was it because of a woman… again?
“Your silence is telling me a lot of things,” Sampo said.
“How did he die? You know, don’t you?”
“I do. I had a front-row seat to his untimely death so to speak. Very exhilarating, however.”
“...Untimely? Are you saying it wasn’t time for him to die?”
That cat-like smile was even more annoying than usual.
“I’ll tell you what you want to know. But, in exchange, I need a favour from you and your dragon friends.”
“...That’s when he told me he senses there's something strange going on in the human realm," Dan Feng says. "Over the last decade, he gradually noticed people are dying... when they aren't supposed to."
"And that led to the discovery that the Aeons have escaped?"
"Not directly. It was a fleeting thought, but someone went down to check anyway, and"—Dan Feng slightly smiles—"'lo-and-behold... our big, bad gods are gone. Apparently, there was an investigation without alerting everyone else, and while they couldn’t find our dirty, little traitor, they’re sure it wasn’t anyone from Castle of Dragons.”
“That explains why they entrusted this task to us.” Zhongli glances at his friend. “But it sounds like it worked in your favour. Sampo probably wouldn’t have told you about your doppelganger if he couldn’t get anything in return.”
“He would've baited me for as long as he can,” Dan Feng says flatly.
“...Who is this doppelganger of yours, if I may ask?”
Dan Feng closes his eyes for a brief moment and mutters a name that hasn’t left his lips in centuries.
“Dan Heng, my brother.”
Over the next couple of days, you and your fiancé are settling nicely in your new home. But, you never told him about the strange encounter with the fortune teller at the Cultural Festival, even though it’s been on your mind. You already know what he’ll say:
“It’s just a creepy coincidence… Don’t let it bother you.”
You’ve never asked, but you gradually noticed how he’d change the topic or brush it aside when it’s about Dan Heng. Perhaps the wound hasn’t fully healed.
Your fiancé is cooking a special dinner for New Year’s Eve when you go to the kitchen to find him.
“Have you seen my necklace?”
“Necklace?” he asks, looking at you. “What necklace?”
“The one Dan Heng gave me. I've been looking for it over the past few days, but—”
“...Oh, that. I… I pawned it.”
“You… what?”
He turns off the stove. “I told you I was dropping some things off at the pawn shop the other day.”
“Why would you do that?!”
“You never wore it anymore. I just…" He walks up to you and attempts to put his hands on your shoulders. But, you step away. "I thought you didn’t want it anymore.”
“Didn’t want it anymore?” You clench your fists. “You should've asked! That wasn’t for you to decide!”
“I’m sorry. I…” He takes a small breath. “You’re right. I should’ve asked instead of making that choice for you. But… It’s about time we move on.”
“...What are you talking about?”
“Don’t you think keeping that necklace is hurting you? Hurting us?” Is it just you, or do you have no idea what he’s talking about? “It’s been years since the accident. Keeping something like that… It’ll only remind you of the past.”
“So, according to your logic, I should also get rid of all the things my parents got me as well.”
“No! Of course not! That’s not what I meant.” You walk out of the kitchen with him following you. “Dan Heng wasn’t just a friend.”
You turn around with a hard look in your eyes. “I’m getting my necklace back.” Then, you walk to the closet near the door to grab your jacket.
“It’s late.” His tone isn’t so kind anymore. “Is it really that important?” You don’t bother answering that question but instead, ask for the address of the pawn shop. He hesitates, and it isn’t until you ask for it again that he finally tells you. You grab your car keys and are about to open the garage door when he grabs your arm. “...It’s my fault, I admit. But, can’t you wait until tomorrow? It’s going to rain.”
Even if it can, you still want to get out of the house anyway.
By the time you arrive at the pawn shop, it’s already raining. The vintage-looking pawn shop looks as if it popped out of a fantasy novel. As soon as you step inside, you smell the scent of fresh wood. The place is lit entirely out of oil lamps. Some are hanging from the ceiling. Some sit on small stands. Old paintings and shelves with books and other knicknacks populate the walls. You walk past a glass case with old journals, compasses, and objects you’ve never seen before—not in Xianzhou, at least. Just when you reach the counter, a young woman pushes the beaded curtain aside.
“Hello.” She steps out. “Can I help you?”
“I’m here for a necklace.”
After describing it to her, she looks almost apologetic. “Oh, I’m sorry… Not too long after that young man dropped it off, someone bought it.” Your heart immediately sinks to the pit of your stomach. “Were you interested in buying it?”
“Buying it? That belonged to me," you say, trying but failing to let your emotions get the better of you. “...Do you know who bought it?”
“A woman. A very pretty one, at that. Long blonde hair and gray eyes. I didn’t get a name, though.”
Well… That really narrows it down.
“I’m sorry," the woman continues. "I wish I could be more helpful.”
You look around, checking the store for any CCTV cameras. When you finally find one, you point to it. “Could you check and see if you can identify her?”
“I can try, but… it's quite old, so I hope I can get some clear footage. Could you come back tomorrow morning?"
What other choice do you have?
By the time you leave the shop, it’s pouring. You quickly get in the car and take a glance at your phone.
Are you coming home? Are you okay? I’m sorry… Please forgive me.
You don’t want to forgive him, but a part of you still hopes that you can talk things out. You shoot a quick reply, telling him that you’ll be back at the shop tomorrow. As soon as you toss your phone in the passenger seat, it buzzes, but you don’t bother looking at it again.
You’re driving slower than usual as it’s getting difficult to see the road in front of you and your only companion is the heavy sound of rain against your car.
The one day you forgot your umbrella was the one day it rained. You were standing awkwardly at the bus stop, noticing that you were the only one to take public transportation while everyone else left in cars or had someone to drive them home. A bunch of your classmates drove past you, but you weren’t too surprised that they ignored you. You were like the black sheep of the school. You weren’t rich; you didn’t have connections. But, you did have good grades and loving parents who encouraged you to apply to this private school as it’d “look good on college applications.” There wasn’t any evidence that it’d truly help you, but it was an elite school with good programs. So, why not?
It wasn’t until a week in that you realized everyone knew each other. Or, at least they knew of each other. The community was small, and some people had asked about you and your background. You quickly caught on that telling the truth was a mistake. Some of your classmates made fun of you; others avoided you. The better ones were those who gave you a polite nod and smile. But the best one was Dan Heng, a boy who you met at a park almost a decade ago. A quiet, calm kid who made an effort to sit with you at lunch and unknowingly drew attention to you by giving you his.
You took a breath. Okay. Maybe you can run home. Twenty kilometres isn’t that bad. You ran 5 kilometres and survived. Then you’d have a fun story to tell your parents who were currently overseas. Just as you finished tightening your shoelaces, thunder rumbled in the distance, but it was the sudden calm, male voice that startled you.
You turned and almost gasped. “D-Dan Heng? What are you doing here?”
“...Practice got cut short.” He was still in his track uniform. “You don’t have an umbrella?”
“It’s refreshing to run in the rain, don’t you think?” Dan Heng continued staring at you until you finally sighed. “No, I forgot mine.”
“...You’re not running in this weather.”
“Yeah, well, if I continue waiting, it’ll be midnight.”
Dan Heng moved closer to you until you were under his umbrella. “I’ll take you home…”
Suddenly, the truck, speeding in the opposite lane, starts swerving. 
Tires squealed.
The incoming headlights come as fast as the speed of light.
You swerve.
A crash. A bang. And soon, you’re plunging into total darkness.
You want to open your eyes but can’t. But you know you’re still alive. You taste the fresh blood that runs from your head to your mouth. You feel the pain of a million needles stabbing you from all angles. You want to cry, speak, or move. But, you’ve become a vegetable. In the darkness, you see the silhouette of a man. Who is he? You have no idea. So, with the last of your strength, you mutter the name of the person you wish to see:
“...Dan Heng.”
And then the silhouette disappears. Now, you hear a calm, male voice.
"...Save her."
A chuckle.
“And here I thought you didn’t like getting involved with humans.”
Then, you hear someone snap their fingers, and then everything goes completely silent.
Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15
End notes:
I don't think anyone can be more excited about this story than me lolol This began as a little seed of an idea a few months ago, and it wouldn't leave my head. At the time, I was thinking of just posting it as a one-shot. But after finding out it's the Year of the Dragon, I kept getting more ideas about it, and what better time to post than, well, now? lmao
There will be a little bit of Blade/You but I've yet to decide if it'll turn into a love triangle... Regardless, I'm determined to make this an epic crossover with fun character interactions between the two worlds. LET'S GOO.
Tag list (open): @lunavixia @aerithsthingss @boomie-123 @sunsethw4 @kiarathace
70 notes · View notes
thenovelartist · 1 year
Life After Destruction - Chapter 4 - Honkai: Star Rail
<Previous Chapter ~ Next Chapter>
Dan Heng was used to Stelle clinging to garbage cans. It was rather tragic that he considered it normal to watch his scavenger of a wife digging through… whatever she could find.
That said, Dan Heng was very unused to Stelle throwing up in said garbage can. The only thing he could do at present was hold her hair out of her face and rub her back.
“Should I go grab water or something?” March asked, looking on with concern.
“Please do,” Dan Heng said.
“I saw a vending machine back there. I’ll be back.” Having been given a mission other than standing around and watching helplessly over her sick friend, March took off.
“I’m fine,” Stelle weakly murmured, finally pushing herself away from the can.
“You are most certainly not,” Dan Heng countered. “Let’s go sit down.”
Stelle didn’t argue as she followed him over to a bench across the street. Once there, she plopped heavily down on the seat.
Dan Heng knelt down before her, pressing his wrist to her forehead to assess her temperature. “You don’t feel warm, but you do look flushed.”
“I don’t know what’s going on,” she muttered, hanging her head in her hands. “I know I wasn’t feeling great at our last stop, either. I might have caught something from the stop before.”
That was true. Stelle had been a little off during their last mission, but she’d pushed through with no problem. With the amount of rest she’d gotten during their intergalactic travel, Dan Heng had honestly thought she’d be fine to go on this mission.
Unfortunately, he’d been wrong.
“I’m back!” March made a prompt reappearance, a water bottle in hand. “Here.”
“Thanks.” Stelle took it with a small smile before taking a few tentative sips from the bottle.
“Are you feeling okay now?” March asked, sitting next to Stelle.
“Mostly is good,” March said, trying to be positive but unable to erase all worry from her expression. “Do you think you’ll be okay to continue?”
“I think so. Whatever that sewage smell was just set me off.”
“I think that was food,” March responded, her nose wrinkled in disgust.
Dan Heng would have to agree with the assessment. A greasy, gamey smell did fill the air, courtesy of a food cart they had just passed. However, he had to admit that the line to said cart despite the smell of it was impressive. “As much as I agree that it was an odd smell, I’m concerned for your reaction. Particularly when you have the ability to ignore those kinds of off-putting smells.”
“That’s true,” March agreed. “You’ve dug through things I can’t even get near.”
Stelle chuckled nervously, screwing the lid back on the mostly full bottle.
Which was concerning. “You should drink more,” Dan Heng said.
Stelle shook her head, her brow scrunched in disgust. “My mouth is still watering a little. I’m trying to keep everything down.”
Dan Heng shared a worried glance with March. 
“Hey,” March tentatively started. “Um… It’s not too early to sit this one out if you’re not feeling up to it.”
“I can take it,” Stelle argued. “Just give me a day. Maybe I’ll get over it.”
Dan Heng hummed doubtfully. “And maybe it will take a while longer for you to recover because you’re pushing yourself.”
Although Stelle’s glare proved she didn’t like his assessment, she also didn’t counter it.
Dang it, he didn’t like doing this to Stelle, but her health was more important. “I’m putting you on a three-strikes system. You show signs of sickness, it’s one strike. Three, and I’m personally escorting you back to the Express.”
Defiantly, Stelle held his gaze for a while before she scoffed in surrender. “Fine. That’s probably the best deal I’m getting out of you.”
“Also, that was strike one.”
Stelle rolled her eyes. “Okay, fine.”
He would ignore her attitude for now. “Do you need to wait a moment longer?”
­­­­­“I’m okay.”
With a nod, Dan Heng stood up, offering a hand to her.
She took it, using it to steady herself as she stood. And then didn’t let it go.
Not that there was anything wrong with her holding his hand, but he was concerned with the way she was leaning so heavily on it to steady herself.
March didn’t seem to notice, though. “Just so you know, I’ll be keeping an eye on you, too. Nothing gets past the Great Detective March.”
Stelle smirked. “The Great Detective March has only minorly improved in four years. I’ll take my chances.”
Dan Heng grinned in amusement. Well, he’d take sassy Stelle over sick Stelle if it meant she was perking back up again.
Unfortunately, it did not last long.
Those next two strikes came quickly, with Stelle dry heaving once more before she almost passed out completely. They were lucky to have found themselves near a clinic.
“You might just be dehydrated,” the doctor said having examined Stelle. “It is dry here, and this fresh heatwave is likely exacerbating your symptoms. I can give you an IV for now while you rest here.”
“I’d rather just go back to the Express,” she said. “I can get water there.”
Dan Heng then held up her water bottle, one that was still half full. “If it isn’t too much of a hassle, I’d rather she have the IV. Considering she can’t seem to keep water down.”
“You always give it to me right after I gag and my stomach’s still queasy.”
“Then drink it now,” he challenged. “And I’ll let it go.”
She took the bottle hesitantly, unscrewing the lid, and taking a sip. Only to purse her lips as though it was a struggle.
The doctor hummed disapprovingly. “I’ll go get a drip and be right back. Last thing I’d want is for a patent of mine to get heat stroke.” With that, he left the room.
Stelle pouted in betrayal.
“Don’t be mad at him,” Dan Heng warned. “If you’re feeling queasy, then you get the treatment you need.”
With a huff, Stelle put the lid back on her bottle. She still had a quarter left, but Dan Heng supposed that was better than before.
“I messaged Mr. Yang about the situation,” March said from her seat in the corner of the room. “He said he can come take over for Stelle.”
“Inform him that I’ll bring Stelle back to the Express and that I’ll stay with her. He and Himeko can take over.”
March gave him a nod. “Okay.”
Stelle spoke up, “But won’t it be a hassle to explain everything to both of them?” 
“Not really,” March dismissed. “We’ve had way more hectic adventures. This one seems pretty straightforward.”
“Furthermore,” Dan Heng continued. “The people here know us and are willing to cooperate. I think this case will get closed quickly once we find where the stellaron is located.”
Dejected, Stelle nodded.
“As much as I hate to say this,” Dan Heng continued. “I think you should sit the next mission out, too. After that, we can reassess.”
“Can’t we just reassess after this mission?”
“If you were just tired, I would say so, but with you throwing up, this marks two consecutive missions where your health has declined.”
At that, Stelle frowned.
Before Dan Heng could respond, the doctor returned, dragging an IV stand along with him. “Alright,” he said, sitting down in the seat next to the examination bed. “Arm out, please.”
Stelle submitted, allowing the doctor to clean off a section of skin before sticking an IV into her arm.
“Alright, that’ll take some time, so enjoy your rest for the time being.”
At Stelle’s lackluster response, the doctor gave her a sympathetic smile. “You’re a bit of a go-getter, aren’t ya?”
“Her and that one both,” Dan Heng said, motioning to March sitting in the corner.
“Hey!” March cried. “Leave me out of this!”
“March,” Stelle said. “For that, why don’t we leave him behind next mission?”
“That sounds like a great idea. As long as you’re not throwing up.”
Dan Heng smirked. “That’s two against one.”
“Traitor,” she grumbled at March.
“Yeah, like you haven’t done that to me before,” March countered, sticking her tongue out at her.
“Hence, it’s decided,” Dan Heng said. “You’re not going on that mission.”
Stelle pouted. “That’s still to be determined."
“Then you best recover quickly,” Dan Heng said. “And even if you do somehow get past me, you’ll have to get past Welt and Himeko.”
Stelle rolled her eyes.
With a sigh, Dan Heng patted the top of her head. “Sorry,” he said. “But with as many missions as we have lined up after this, we need you to take your time to properly recover.”
“As much as I hate to admit it,” March chimed in, “Dan Heng does have a point. It’s not like there’s going to be a shortage of stellaron crises for you to help out on.”
Beside them, the doctor hummed. “If it will give you a little peace of mind, I can take a bloodwork panel to see if it’s more than just dehydration. It’s the least we can do considering your assistance in getting this awful stellaron off our planet. You might just be a little low on nutrients if you’ve been busy as you say.”
Dan Heng looked to Stelle. “You up for it?”
Stelle just sighed. “I guess I already have to have a needle in my arm. And I’m not exactly going anywhere.”
“Then if you wouldn’t mind,” Dan Heng told the doctor. “We would appreciate it.”
March stood from her seat, clearly getting anxious to move again. “Do you want me to go back to the Express and get Mr. Yang and Himeko up to speed?” March offered.
Dan Heng nodded. “Might as well. Stelle and I will be here a while. I’ll tell you when we’re headed back.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
As predicted, their mission had finished up quickly. The Astral Express and the Nameless that rode on it had garnered quite a reputation across the galaxy, which helped in getting people to cooperate with them on stellaron missions.
Stellaron missions Stelle had been temporarily banned from.
Why? Oh. Because her bloodwork had come back and incorrectly marked her as “pregnant.”
Knowing it was impossible, Dan Heng had dove into researching what kind of health problems she could possibly have to have been given a false positive. And so, because she had a worrywart of a husband (and best friend and family at large) she’d been taken off the exploration roster until they could get an answer.
Which sucked.
Thankfully, they only had one other mission before they needed to stop at Herta’s Space Station for an inventory restock. And while they were restocking supplies, Dan Heng had dragged her to the med ward for examination.
Stelle was not looking forward to being trapped there again, being poked and prodded and examined. Unfortunately, such was her lot in life.
The first day, they couldn’t find anything, so they drained her blood like a mosquito with the plan of running a more intensive panel than she'd previously been given and getting back to her the next day.
Well, it was the next day, and she was not happy with the results.
“You can be mad at me all you want,” Dan Heng quipped as they made their way back to the med ward. “But don’t be snippy at the doctors. They’re only trying to help.”
“I’m not snippy.”
Stelle huffed. “It’s just… frustrating.”
“Because they labeled you as pregnant again?”
“Yes! And I know you’re not gonna let up until we find out what’s going on, and neither Welt nor Himeko will clear me to go on missions until then.”
“I understand why you’re frustrated, but Himeko has already decided the Astral Express is not going to leave until we get an answer.”
“That’s worse.” Because here she was, holding up the Astral Express crew again because of her medical issues.
“Then let’s hope they can give you a diagnosis today so you can focus on recovering,” Dan Heng responded.
Stelle groaned, yet still marched along with Dan Heng to the med ward. “They’re probably going to wonder why I want more tests. What do we say when they ask how I know I’m not pregnant? That you’re sterile?”
Dan Heng nodded.
“Hopefully they don’t imply I cheated on you or something.”
“They shouldn’t. They’re professionals.”
“We’ve run into some… interesting people on our travels.”
Dan Heng paused. “Yes, unfortunately,” he agreed with a sigh. “But you know these people. They’re different.”
“If you say so.”
“Stelle, they saved your life. I know you hate it here, but they are only doing their best for you.”
“Don’t give me a stupid guilt trip.”
Upon arriving at the med ward, they were greeted by faces Stelle was a little too familiar with for her liking. Despite hating it here, Stelle would put on a nice face, be polite, and explain why she’d returned. Upon finishing her explanation of the situation, she and Dan Heng were swiftly shown to one of the examination rooms.
They didn’t talk much while they waited, each too on edge to really bother with conversation. But soon enough, a woman pushing a cart entered the room.
“Hey, Stelle,” the doctor greeted, shutting the room door behind her. “Hopefully you didn’t wait too long.”
“Actually, you were really fast today,” Stelle responded. “It seemed empty.”
“It’s what happens when we are fully staffed and the station runs smoothly,” she returned with a grin. She then sat down on the stool next to the examination bed. “So, the first test I wanted to start with is an ultrasound. Before we go on digging any deeper, I’d like to confirm you’re not pregnant or have any anomalies I should be aware of.”
With a sigh, Stelle laid back on the examination bed. “If you must.”
The woman gave her a sympathetic smile as she started up the machine. “If you could lift up your shirt and lower your waistband slightly for me.”
Stelle did as told, exposing her abdomen while the doctor prepared the wand. Dan Heng then took hold of Stelle’s hand, giving it a light squeeze as though to remind her he was always there.
She returned the favor, a hint of guilt bubbling up in her for the way she'd treated him earlier. Ultimately, she knew he didn’t deserve her attitude when he only did this because he cared. She’d apologize to him later.
Soon enough, the doctor was pressing the wand over Stelle’s abdomen, staring intently at a screen Stelle couldn’t see. But when the doctor paused, her brow furrowing, Stelle clung to Dan Heng’s hand tighter out of worry.
The doctor looked over to Dan Heng. “You said you were sterile?” she asked.
“Yes,” he answered hesitantly. “Why?”
She opened her mouth but couldn’t seem to get any words out. “Because,” she finally spoke, turning the screen towards them. “There’s the baby.”
Stelle’s stomach dropped. Baby? What baby?
“See?” The doctor began pointing at the screen. “There’s the head, then here’s the body.”
Faintly, she could feel Dan Heng’s hand tighten on hers, but the world seemed to disappear from around her.
There was a baby.
No… there was no way…
“You look to be about twelve weeks along, give or take.”
“Twelve weeks…” Dan Heng quietly muttered before covering his mouth with his hand.
The doctor nodded, suddenly looking concerned. “I can’t see anything concerning. It looks to be progressing normally. Um…” She turned to Dan Heng. “I know you said you were sterile, but… is there any possibility that’s not the case? Or… uh, should I leave the room for a bit? For you to talk.”
Words seemed to completely fail Stelle. She didn’t even know how to respond to that. This was impossible for her to be pregnant. Dan Heng couldn’t have knocked her up, but the ultrasound didn’t lie. So how…
“No,” Dan Heng shakily spoke, snapping Stelle out of her thoughts. “No, I… It’s fine.” Again, he ran a hand over his mouth, his eyes locked on the screen.
She couldn’t blame him. Her eyes were pretty much stuck there, too.
The doctor gave them a sympathetic smile. “This must come as quite a shock to you both. But I do believe a congratulations is in order.”
Was it? Maybe that was the normal thing to do. Stelle didn’t know, nor could she really process anything at this point.
From there, the rest of the visit was a blur. Absently, Stelle realized the doctor had given her a laundry list of things pregnant women needed to know before handing Stelle two things: a large pamphlet outlining everything she’d just said and pictures of the ultrasound.
With that, she and Dan Heng slowly started making their way back to the Express.
They only made it halfway there before Stelle felt like she might just break down in the currently empty hallway. “I… I need a minute.”
Dan Heng stopped, allowing Stelle to collapse back against a wall for support. She ran her hands down her face, ignoring the papers that were getting crumpled in her hands.
Papers that disappeared as Dan Heng pulled them away. When she looked back up at him, she saw the concern etched into his expression. She swallowed, her hands shaking and stomach churning and head spinning. “I’m pregnant.” Her whispered words were like a confession and realization all at once, hitting harder than a blast from the Anti-matter Legion.
“I… I know,” Dan Heng responded, his voice shaky. “I don’t know how, but…”
Blinking up at him, she could feel the tears welling up in her eyes as she reached to grab his jacket. “I really didn’t cheat on you,” she said.
“I know,” he assured, cradling the back of her head and pulling her forward to rest his forehead against hers. “I know it has to be mine. I just… I don’t understand…”
“I don’t either.”
They stood there for a moment, just leaning on each other for support as they tried to navigate their world now that it had tilted on its head. Her illness, which had prevented her from going on missions, was because a baby was growing inside of her. Which was… better(?) than any of the other illnesses the crew of the Express had thought she could possibly have.
That’s when it struck her. “Dan Heng, how are we going to tell the others?”
Dan Heng stiffened under her touch.
“They know you can’t reproduce. They’ll never believe this.”
“I… I don’t know. We’ll… ugh…” He grimaced. “Let’s… let’s go back to the Express and talk this over. We…” He roughly raked a hand through his hair. “Aeons, you’re really pregnant.”
Mirthlessly, she chuckled, feeling on the brink of losing her mind. “Yeah. I know.”
“I don’t even know how to process this.” With a heavy sigh, he dropped his hand. “Okay, Express. We’ll talk about how to break it to the crew. We’ll have to tell Bailu, too; she’ll want to know. Maybe she can help figure out how—”
He stopped, his eyes suddenly growing wide.
It took Stelle only a little longer to realize why. She was three months along, give or take, which would place it back to… “Bailu’s medicine.”
“There’s no way,” Dan Heng breathed out.
Her heart was racing. “Can you think of any other reason?”
Obviously not considering he sputtered like a fish out of water. “We have to tell Bailu.”
“Like, now.”
Dan Heng’s head was spinning. Stelle was pregnant, and it was very likely because of the little vidyadhara they were currently calling.
Stelle sat on the opposite side of the little table in their bedroom, anxiously tapping her hands against the table while they waited for the call to go through. Between them sat Dan Heng’s phone, set on speaker.
Finally, the ringer dropped. “Hello? Dan Heng?”
“Uh… hi, Bailu.” His voice wouldn’t steady, but neither would his hands or his heart. After all, Stelle was pregnant with his child, and he was a mess. “Er, Stelle’s here, too.”
“Hey, Bailu,” she greeted, her voice just as shaky as his.
There was a pause on the other end of the line. “Something feels very wrong,” Bailu deadpanned.
Dan Heng took a deep breath, preparing to tell Bailu the news—
“I’m pregnant.”
—Only Stelle beat him to the punch.
“Oh,” Bailu said, her voice light. “Congra—”
And then there was a beat of silence as it hit her.
“Wait, wait, wait! What?! What do you mean pregnant?!”
“She means that despite all odds, she is carrying my child,” Dan Heng answered, his heart doing a weird flip in his chest.
“HOW?” Bailu screeched. “That’s impossible. Vidyadhara can’t reproduce!”
“That’s why we’re calling you,” Dan Heng continued. “Because if we trace back the weeks to conception, it aligns with the time we…” He cleared his throat awkwardly. “Assisted you in testing your fertility medicine.”
The phone went silent.
“So,” Dan Heng continued. “I wanted to inquire about it further. And what you’ve discovered about it in your experiments.”
There was a frantic rustling on the other end. “You don’t think that it actually works for vidyadharas, do you?” she asked, her voice pitched with excitement.
“That’s the only explanation we can think of,” Stelle replied.
“That would be incredible!” Bailu cried, the rustling only growing louder. “I should start up more research and—ack! Don't fall off the table—see if I can collect test subjects to replicate this since it will take some time.”
“I understand if you won’t tell us,” Dan Heng broke in. “But I was curious as to if you’ve had any success helping the intended couple.”
“That’s the thing!” she cried, her voice far off as though she was away from her phone. “I haven’t yet. But I’ve also taken down the aphrodisiac ingredient to a far lower level than what I gave you out of fear it would affect them negatively. I’ve been slowly upping the dose for them seeing as we haven’t had any success. But! Knowing you two had success, however unintended, gives me hope—Ah-HA! Found my notes—I’m on the right track.
“Hey!” she continued, her voice growing loud again as though she was close to the phone’s speaker. “Do you think it will be a full vidyadhara? Not just a mix but able to reincarnate and everything?”
Dan Heng and Stelle shared a look of surprise. That had been the last thing on their mind. “Um,” Stelle started. “We only just found out ourselves, so we didn’t really think much of it—”
“Because that would be incredible!” Bailu excitedly continued. “It would be the first Vidyadhara to ever be born. Can you believe that?!”
Seemingly unable to get a word in edgewise, Stelle chuckled, shaking her head while looking at the phone with a certain fondness. Her reaction to Bailu’s excitement served to relax Dan Heng as well. All of this was too much for words.
“Anyway,” Dan Heng said, trying to get Bailu to focus again. “We just wanted to inform you and see what information we could get.”
“Are you going to come by soon?”
“We don’t know.”
“Because I want to examine Stelle in person. This is the first vidyadhara child in the history of ever, even if it’s technically only a half-blood. I have to record everything!”
Dan Heng could see the awkwardness creep over Stelle’s expression. “We’ll keep you updated,” he spoke for her, knowing that the last thing she wanted right now was more doctor's appointments, even ones given by her friends. “We don’t know the next time we will land on the Luofu.”
“Ugh! How frustrating!” Bailu cried in such a way that Dan Heng could almost see her stamping her foot impatiently. “This is so important! I want to make sure everything goes okay.”
“Thank you, Bailu,” Stelle said. “But I’m sure it will be fine.”
“Oh! Right, I wish you all the health in the galaxy! If you tell me where you’ll be landing next, I’ll try to ship a package of herbs to you.”
“We just stopped at Herta’s Space Station to restock,” Dan Heng answered. “Though I doubt we will linger here long. I’m uncertain where we will end up next.”
“Keep me updated. And I’ll start digging into my research here. The potential of vidyadara offspring is too important to ignore!”
“Just be sure to take care of yourself, too,” Dan Heng gently chastised.
“We’re talking about the future of our clan! Sleep can wait!”
He shook his head, suddenly tired. What was he supposed to do with her?
“Hey, Bailu,” Stelle chimed in. “Don’t send Dan Heng to an early reincarnation worrying over you, okay? I’d like my husband around.”
“Ugh, fine. I just won’t tell him.”
Dan Heng shook his head, Stelle sniggering in the background.
“Alright, we’ll leave you to it,” he said, feeling the call had run its course and anything more would just be draining. He and Stelle still had much to discuss. “Please don’t overdo it.”
“I won’t. I’ll be sure to send my assistant for food.”
“Not just snacks.”
“Ugh, why you gotta worry like that? Snacks are an integral part of keeping one's energy up.”
“We’ll talk to you later,” Stelle said, smiling at the exaggerated expression he was surely wearing at this point. “And don’t worry; we promise to keep you updated under the condition you take care of yourself.”
“Don’t make me lie to you, too,” Bailu grumbled. Then she sighed. “Alright, alright. I promise. Keep me in the loop!”
“Will do. Bye for now.”
“Bye bye!”
Stelle hung up the call. “Are you tired?” she asked Dan Heng.
He gave her a nod. “Very.”
“Well, that’s one person out of the way,” Stelle said. “Now we just have to figure out… everyone else.”
That brought Dan Heng back to reality. “We’ll all gather back here after dinner. I guess we can inform them then. As for how…” He grimaced. “I suppose we’ll just have to confess we were testing something out for Bailu.”
“We could be vague at first,” Stelle suggested. “I don’t really want to admit we were testing an aphrodisiac if we don’t have to.”
Dan Heng couldn’t agree more. He would prefer keeping intimate things about his relationship as private as possible. They were given a room in a different railcar entirely for that reason. “Hopefully, they won’t ask us to elaborate.”
Stelle made a show of crossing her fingers. 
“After they learn that, I suppose they’ll want to put you on rest or hold you back for missions. Particularly when you get further along.”
Her expression fell, which Dan Heng understood. She had been so excited to start up trailblazing again that the prospect of losing that ability was devastating.
“Sorry,” he said. “I don’t want to take away your ability to trailblaze either, but… you’re pregnant, so things will have to change.” 
He let those words sink in, as much for her as for him. Aeons, there was a baby on the way. Never in his life did he so much as imagine he'd have to worry about such a thing, but the impossible was suddenly reality, and the facts were slow to sink in.
“What if they ask us to leave?”
He froze. “What do you mean?”
Stelle frowned, staring at the table as though unable to meet his gaze. “Trailblazing is both hard and dangerous. A pregnant lady would be a useless member. But what about once the baby is born? I’ll have to stay back for… all the time. And then when it comes to traveling, babies are a lot of work. Asking them to live with one is—”
“A lot to ask of them,” Dan Heng finished. The thought hadn’t even crossed Dan Heng’s mind, but now, it wouldn’t leave. They were busy as Nameless, so how would that leave time for caring for a child while also not abandoning their other duties? As much as Dan Heng cared for the other crew members and loved the place he’d made here on the Express, there was a line of what he could ask of them. And this was it.
“I don’t want to leave,” Stelle said, finally looking back up at him. “I know it’s selfish, but this is the only home I’ve ever known.”
“I feel the same,” he reassured, reaching out to take hold of her hands. “But you bring up a good point. They might decide that’s for the best we leave.”
Sadly, Stelle nodded.
His heart hurt and his mind was a mess, but he had the good sense to round the table before pulling Stelle up from her seat so as to embrace her. She clung to him tightly in return. 
“If we have to, we’ll find somewhere to settle,” he told her. “We’ve been to a lot of places, so I’m sure we can find a place we agree on. I’ll find work, we’ll get a place of our own, and we raise our child there. We’ll… we’ll be okay.” 
Stelle sighed, burying her head against his shoulder. “It still doesn’t feel real.”
It didn’t. Fact was they were going to be parents. A baby was on the way and they only had six months to figure everything out. Knowing that felt like facing an ocean wave about to swallow them whole.
So, they could only take one step at a time, and that next step was to inform the crew and let them make a decision. They’d figure out everything else after that.
Stelle felt like she was going to throw up. 
The crew had all had dinner separately, as was common when they arrived at the station and were allowed to all go do their own things—as close as they all were, the time apart was a blessing—but that meant she and Dan Heng would have to wait for the crew to collect back in the Express before they broke the news. 
Usually, Pom-pom was around but not today. Frankly, Stelle had never seen the little conductor leave the Express so it was likely they were up checking the engines or getting some well-deserved sleep. 
Welt was the first to return. “Ah, you’re back,” he commented, approaching them. “Did you happen to get a diagnosis?”
Stelle did her best to smile, but her gut was churning too strongly for it to stay on her face. “Yeah. I did.”
Dan Heng spoke up, saving her from having to continue. “We wanted to wait for everyone to return so we could tell you all at once.”
Welt’s expression fell. “Is it grim?”
Dan Heng grimaced. “It’s not that. It’s… hard to explain.”
“Then you should message the others to come. I know we’ve all been worried about you.”
That only made Stelle feel worse. “Sorry.”
“There’s no need to apologize,” Welt assured. “All we want is for you to recover fully.”
Even though his words were touching, Stelle wondered how they would react when she told them there was no real “recovery” for her condition. “Thanks.”
With Welt’s prompting, they sent a message to March and Himeko, asking them to return so Stelle could properly explain the results. 
Himeko came within a minute after that. “I was already on my way back when I got your message,” she said. “Everything go okay?”
“Yeah,” Stelle said. “It’s just… something I only want to explain once.”
Himeko’s expression fell. “Is it complicated?”
“More or less?” Stelle answered. 
Which didn’t ease Himeko in the slightest. “Is Pom-pom not here?”
“I haven’t seen them.”
“I’ll go get them, maybe bring out some drinks for everyone when I come back. Do you want some coffee?”
While Stelle had looked over the doctor’s packet, particularly the section of foods pregnant women should stay away from, she couldn’t quite remember what drinks were on it. But on the other hand, coffee did not sound good. “Um, maybe tea today.”
“I can help you while we wait for March,” Welt offered.
“I’d appreciate it.”
Only once they were out of the parlor car did Stelle hang her head in her hands. 
“Are you okay?” Dan Heng asked, rubbing her back. 
“I hate worrying them like this.”
“I hate it, too,” he said. “But it’s more efficient this way. That, and March would have a fit if she was the last one to know.”
“I know,” Stelle said. “I don’t think I would have it in me to explain it to every one of them individually, anyway. This is exhausting enough.”
“It’ll be okay,” he reassured. “Whatever happens, we’ll make it work.”
Stelle leaned her head against his shoulder, to which Dan Heng responded by looping his arm around her waist and holding her. “I know.”
Pom-pom eventually scuttled into the room. “You got the results?”
Sitting up straight again, Stelle nodded. “Yeah. We’re waiting for March to return to explain it.”
“Is it serious?” Pom-pom asked, their ears falling in worry.
“It’s… something.”
“That’s not what I asked!”
Suddenly, the Express’s door opened. “I’m here!” March cried, practically tripping as she ran up to them. “So, what’s going on? It sounded serious.”
“Stelle got her diagnosis,” Welt explained right as he entered the car, carrying a tray of drinks for Himeko who was following behind him. “And she insisted we were all here.”
March’s already nervous expression worsened as she looked at Stelle. “Is it bad?”
Nervously, she wrung her hands together. “It’s something.”
“Enough keeping us in suspense,” Himeko said, beginning to take cups from the tray and set them before everyone. “A two-time misdiagnosis is already worrisome enough. What’s the verdict?”
Silently, Dan Heng gave her a gentle squeeze. 
Taking a deep breath, Stelle forced a smile. “Turns out… it wasn’t a misdiagnosis.”
A shocked silence hung over the room for a moment. 
“Wait,” March spoke, almost spilling her drink as she slammed her mug back down on the table. “So you’re… you’re actually pregnant?”
Awkwardly, Stelle nodded. “Yeah. I am.”
“We know it’s a shock,” Dan Heng said, “since you know vidyadharas cannot reproduce. We believe it has to do with a well-intentioned medicine Bailu gave us. That’s the only thing that has changed.”
After a moment longer, Himeko was the first to respond. “And here we thought it was serious,” she lightly scolded, smiling all the while. “But that’s wonderful news.”
“Yeah!” March jumped in, almost knocking over her mug as she threw herself at Stelle in a hug. “Did you know how worried we were?”
“Sorry,” Stelle muttered, returning the awkward hug. “We didn’t really know how to process it ourselves.”
“I’m certain,” Welt reassured. “It must have come as quite a surprise. But, I’m very happy for the two of you.”
“Yes,” Himeko agreed. “Congratulations.”
“What a joyous day!” Pom-pom finally added, their bright smile serving to lighten the atmosphere. “Another trailblazer has been added to our ranks.”
“We can call them the ‘Tiny Trailblazer’,” March suggested, finally letting go of Stelle only to plop down beside her.
Despite the quiet laughter, Stelle’s stomach tightened. “Actually, um… there’s one more thing we want to talk about.”
Dan Heng cleared his throat, calling everyone’s attention to him. “With this revelation, we realize that this will change… everything. Stelle’s pregnancy and raising a child will require a lot of our time and attention. Furthermore, it will force the rest of you to pick up tasks we cannot take on due to the child. Trailblazing is a time-consuming and dangerous job, and while we love it, we have both agreed we cannot ask you to work around us if you believe it would be a burden or hindrance to the functionality of the Express. Hence, we wanted to be the first to bring this suggestion to the table: if you believe it would be best for us to leave, we will do so.”
“We don’t want to,” Stelle added, unable to stand the somber expressions that had overtaken the joy on her closest friends' faces. “We love being here on the Express. And we want to help with cleaning up the stellarons. But… we don’t want to force you all to work your lives around the fact I’m having a baby.”
“We wouldn’t mind.”
Himeko’s quick response was a bit of a surprise. 
Her smile was a reassuring one. “At least, I wouldn’t. While it would slow us down a little, I would rather rearrange everything to work around you two and the baby rather than have you two leave altogether. Worst case scenario I foresee is Dan Heng and Stelle always stay behind with the Express to watch it, leaving three of us to go handle the stellaron. Even with the baby, having you two around would still be preferable to you leaving.”
“I am in agreement,” Welt said. “But, I feel it is in everyone’s best interest I play devil’s advocate for a moment. You’re right: the Express does travel everywhere, and safety is not guaranteed. The life we live is one full of adventure and chaos. Before we persuade you to stay, consider if you two are willing to raise a child in this ever-changing and sometimes turbulent environment rather than settling down somewhere to give the child more stability.”
His words gave Stelle pause. Yes, she didn’t want to leave, but was that really what was best for her child? She bit her lip nervously as she stared at the floor.
“Sorry,” Welt spoke. “Above all personal feelings, I want you to make an informed decision.”
“No, we understand,” Dan Heng replied. “You bring up a good point we haven’t been able to think about yet. This revelation as a whole has been a little overwhelming.”
“Then let’s not talk about sad things anymore!” March cut in. “We should just be excited for the baby, yeah? I mean, you’ve got time to decide all that, right?”
Stelle grasped at March’s desperate attempt to change the mood. “Er, yeah?”
“Do you know how far along you are?” Himeko asked.
“Twelve weeks.”
“You’re three months already?”
Nervously, Stelle chuckled. “Apparently? Give or take.”
“Then you’ve got about six months before the baby arrives. You still have a little time to process things. And if you change your mind as you progress, we’ll help you in whatever way we can.”
“Furthermore,” Welt said. “If you do decide to stay only to change your mind down the road, we will help you then, as well. Ultimately, we want what is best for you and are more than happy to help you in whatever capacity we can.”
“Even if you leave, you’ll still be part of the Nameless,” March said. “At least, I think so.”
Her words warmed Stelle’s heart, and she felt her eyes begin to water a bit. “Thanks, everyone.” It seemed everything really would be okay. And for the first time all day, Stelle felt the knot in her stomach loosen up, enough that she could properly enjoy her drink.
She lifted it halfway to her lips—
Er… maybe not.
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