frustratedpker · 7 months
Hey there,
I hope I'm not bothering you, but I have a question that needs answering and I figured that you as a Stefanologist are probably the best person to turn to with this One
I'm currently writing one a few Camera Nine Fanfictions, since I felt inspired after rereading some of the Comics and seeing the Content here on Tumblr
They are mostly going to be focused one the possible friendships between him and Layla, which works really well but the Proplem I run into is that i don't know how he would respond to being asked a question about his past ( by Layla, as well as possible strangers )
The past itself isn't the proplem, ( I have to admit I have the whole thing planned out in detail based on the scraps we got from the comics) but how he would answer it, if at all.
Would he avoid the question at all costs?
Would he give some cryptic answer?
Would he just tell Layla because he knows he can trust her?
I don't know, honestly. But without some answers given, a real friendship isn't really possible (and would make for a pretty boring fic)
What do you think about it?
(Also I'm really sorry this ask got so long)
You are not bothering at all, on the contrary I am very glad to talk about my favourite camera guy! No ask is long enough in this case!
First let me say that whenever you write the fic, I will be your first reader, we need more of those! I love possible Stefan and Lyla interactions!
And thank you for considering me as your first choice to talk to about this, it's an honour, but let me say that I am no authority, nor expert, so don't let my opinions confine you.
Now, to answer your question:
I think that whether or not he would reply and the way he would reply depends on the moment. When is Lyla asking him, at what point of the story?
If the question is asked early in their friendship, I don't think he would answer. He would either change the subject or ignore it. If he got asked later, he could provide a very generic or cryptic answer. I could also see him lying by omission.
Now, telling Lyla everything is tricky. I could see him doing that, but only under specific circumstances. If their friendship has progressed enough, maybe he could tell her the whole truth, but I can't see him getting into extreme detail.
I think that it would be easier for him to talk unprompted. At a right moment I think that he would open up by himself and share something. He definitely trusts Lyla. He knows that she has secrets too, so he would feel that there's some kind of leverage in his favour. He knows that she can't and wouldn't betray him.
Another scenario where I could see him telling the truth would be if his past got relevant in the present. For example, past enemies coming back or consequences of past actions resurfacing. In this case, I could see him revealing his past if asked under pressure, or to protect Lyla.
Also, I think that the way that he gets asked is important. A very direct question like "Tell me about your past" wouldn't have effect. Stefan answering simpler questions like "have you been in X", "do you know X" seems more possible to me. Generally 'yes or no' questions are more difficult to dodge, so they make excellent starting points for a conversation that will later reveal more important stuff.
Please, have in mind that this is just my opinion. You are free to address the subject in the way that makes the most sense for your story. After all, fanfiction is a what if...?
I hope this has been helpful
It all depends on when and how Lyla asks him. Put them in the "right" conditions that make sense in the context of your story and you couldn't go wrong!
Writing is hard, so have courage and keep going! I can't wait to see what you will come up with, dear stefanologist!
Allow me to tag @madmachaca whose opinion on the subject I'd like to hear (and whose Stefan fics, here on Tumblr, are the most in-character I have ever read, in my opinion)
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frustratedpker · 11 months
I can't believe I added "Stefanologist" to my bio
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