#Stefan Djordjevic
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pilvimarja · 1 year ago
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Tom Cruise as Stefan Djordjevic in All The Right Moves, 1983
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driftershunt · 1 year ago
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maverickcalf · 3 years ago
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Tfw you are disassociating but can't tell anyone about it.
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gregor-samsung · 4 years ago
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Tilva Roš [Tilva Ros] (Nikola Ležaić - 2010)
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ellacalm · 7 years ago
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Stefan Djordjevic
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badgerhuan · 3 years ago
Stefan "Stef" Djordjevic
ohhh yes. i love he
Sexuality Headcanon: honestly i'm not sure but i don't want him to be straight so he's not ✨
Gender Headcanon: he had a gender crisis after leaving ampipe but ultimately decided he's still cis male but he's more Happy about it
A ship I have with said character: Stef/Lisa all the way 🥺 they love and care about each other so much!!! they actually talk about their feelings!!!! Lisa serenading Stef with her sax outside his bedroom window?? the night the whole town is at a game that he can't attend???? PEAK ROMANCE
A BROTP I have with said character: honestly just his brother and his dad. they care about him so much and he loves them so much. goddd i love them.
A NOTP I have with said character: nothing off the top of my head but like maybe not with the coach
A random headcanon: i got stuck on this one for too long. he has a knack for engineering and i like to think that he gets to design and make machines that help the workers in ampipe someday.
General Opinion over said character: he is a Good Boy. i love him so much.
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speok · 2 years ago
La clave del éxito
La clave del éxito
Stefan Djordjevic (Tom Cruise) vive en una ciudad industrial donde la vida gira en torno a dos cosas: la acería y el fútbol americano. Es titular del equipo de futbol del instituto, y su gran sueño es conseguir una beca para ir a la universidad a estudiar ingeniería.
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Tolga Diler - Baby Feel So Good (Stefan DJordjevic Remix)
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footballnewspapers · 5 years ago
Basketball Champions League MVP race: Zach Hankins highlights
Basketball Champions League MVP race: Zach Hankins highlights
2019-11-25T21:35:34+00:00 2019-11-25T21:35:34+00:00 2019-11-25T21:35:34+00:00.
Stefan Djordjevic
25/Nov/19 21:35
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Stefan Djordjevic
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Zach Hankins has been leading Basketball Champions League in blocks and that’s the only thing he does for Nymburk as he joins in on the MVP race
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sportsv · 6 years ago
文/ 黑熊
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身為歐洲傳統強權的塞爾維亞,其前身可能更為人所知,那就是拿過世錦賽(世界盃)金牌的南斯拉夫。而近幾年的塞爾維亞,或許可以稱呼他們為亞軍王!2014年世錦賽亞軍、2016年奧運亞軍以及2017年歐錦賽亞軍,連續三個國際大賽事通通以亞軍作收。 2014年,塞爾維亞接連擊敗希臘、巴西以及法國,挺進了決賽舞台。他們從首節開始,就造成美國隊禁區球員的犯規麻煩,並且首節還一度領先美國隊。之後美國靠著DeMarcus Cousins鞏固禁區,以及Kyrie Irving與James Harden跳出來頻頻得分才反超前。 2016年,他們在四強賽以26分之差擊敗澳洲後,再次在決賽面對到老對手--美國。美國隊這次雖然非精銳盡出,但陣容與14年相比並不遜色。而塞爾維亞這次在首節仍舊發揮的非常不賴,跟美國有來有往,並且讓美國隊得分在20分以下(以美國的得分能力,這樣算是守得不錯)。 不過最終球賽走向與兩年前差不多,塞爾維亞與美國隊還是有段差距,他們仍舊無法跨過美國這道高牆。 2017年歐錦賽,塞爾維亞在八強賽輕鬆淘汰有Marco Belinelli坐鎮的義大利,在四強賽擊敗俄羅斯。冠軍賽時則與斯洛維尼亞一路糾纏,一直到第四節剩下約2分半鐘仍然平手。可惜最終仍不敵斯洛維尼亞,再次只獲得亞軍。Dragic攻下35分,是斯洛維尼亞的致勝功臣,同時這也再次凸顯出塞爾維亞的弱點。
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不過雖然塞爾維亞最終只拿下銀牌,但這成績其實也夠出色了。過往被稱為「無敵艦隊」的西班牙,這屆派出Gasol兄弟、Ricky Rubio、「深水炸彈」Juan Carlos Navarro、Sergio Rodríguez、Hernangómez兄弟黨與Álex Abrines等擁有NBA資歷的球員。西班牙帳面陣容強大,但卻在四強賽以20之差敗給斯洛維尼亞。 雖然冠軍賽當中Luka Dončić因傷退出,斯洛維尼亞戰力多少受到影響。但塞爾維亞能與大勝西班牙的斯洛維尼亞一路纏鬥,其實力實在不容小覷。更何況塞爾維亞將再加入2019年NBA年度第一隊中鋒的Nikola Jokić,預期實力將會更加上升。 不少媒體與球迷都認為本屆的塞爾維亞,是2002年以來的最強陣容。該年他們陣中有6位NBA球員,在Vlade Divac與Peja Stojakovic領軍之下,他們最終拿下世錦賽的金牌。本屆包含Jokić在內則是有4名NBA球員,尤其Jokić可以說是本屆所有球員當中第二好的,僅次於新科MVP字母哥。(Jokić在MVP排行榜排第4,2、3名沒來) Aleksandar Djordjevic教練從2013年接掌塞爾維亞國家隊總教頭後,帶領球隊奪下三次重要國際賽的銀牌,這成績多多少少替他的執教功力背書。塞爾維亞在他長期穩定的帶領下,球隊默契與化學反應相信都有一定的水準。
Bogdan Bogdanović(SG/SF)6'6" 26歲
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Vladimir Lučić(F)6'8" 30歲
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Vladimir是17年歐錦賽的成員,他算是什麼都能來一點的綠葉型球員。雖然不期待他爆量得分,但是他能埋伏三分、空手切入,接應隊友的空拋完成灌籃,也有點持球切入的能力。在塞爾維亞這樣的團隊體系當中,他反而會是十分好用的球員,防守算是能從2號守到4號,這對球隊來說更是加分。 (可以參考highlight大致了解他的球風取向)
Nemanja Bjelica(PF)6'10" 31歲
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Nikola Jokic(C)7'0" 24歲
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相信Jokic就不用太多介紹了。年度第一隊中鋒,自帶體系的Jokic,相信塞爾維亞會好好利用他這一點,甚至戰術圍繞在他身上也不奇怪。Jokic的傳球視野與能力都屬頂尖,要融入過往塞爾維亞的戰術體系相信不會有太多困難。 塞爾維亞樂於空手走位、大量傳導的體系與近年的丹佛金塊有幾分相似。在Teodosić退出後,可以想見球隊的運轉重心、發動機有很大的機會從後場轉移到Jokic身上,相信現今的Jokic有能力去勝任這一位置。此外他與Bogdan的連線可能會是塞爾維亞最強大的武器。
延伸閱讀: 全能巨獸襲來!Nikola Jokic 季後賽巔峰時刻 Top 5
Vasilije Micić(PG)6'5" 25歲 
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年輕的Micić在2017歐錦賽才加入成人國家隊,先前則是U18與U19國家隊的一員。上個賽季可以說是他爆發的一年,各項成績都創下個人生涯新高。他幫助所屬的Anadolu Efes殺進歐洲聯賽總決賽,雖然最後敗給CSKA Moscow(莫斯科中央陸軍),但他入選2019全歐洲聯賽第二隊。
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Stefan Jović(PG)6'5" 28歲
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Jović是三屆銀牌的老成員了,同時他也是2017年歐錦賽Bogdan的後場搭擋。雖然上季他的投籃命中率(FG%:0.510、3P%:0.400)與得分(8.3分)都創下生涯新高,但比起進攻,塞爾維亞可能更需要他的防守。 他在一對一防守表現良好,也能防守對手的擋拆配合。6呎5吋的身高讓他能夠應付大部分的1、2號球員,甚至是部分的3號球員。由他來分擔Bogdan或是Micić的防守壓力是個合理的選擇。此外他的傳球組織能力也不賴,雖然在這支塞爾維亞國家隊當中或許不會是主要持球者,但也能夠幫助整隊傳導更加流暢。(同樣附上Highlights供參考)
Marko Gudurić(SG/SF)6'6" 24歲
Gudurić跟Micić一樣是2017歐錦賽才加入成人國家隊,是球隊的��血。Gudurić上賽季的表現是生涯最佳,三分命中率4成77,他幫助所屬球隊Fenerbahce打進歐洲聯賽最終四強(Final Four),不過Gudurić有著多數年輕球員的通病--「不穩定」。 他算是很典型的人來瘋型側翼球員,進攻端什麼都能來一點,投籃、殺入禁區、切傳,順的時候隊友跟球迷愛死他,雷的時候你會懷疑他在場上在幹嘛。防守端則還算是能夠擦好自己屁股,但幫助整隊防守就不要太期待了。有鑒於他這樣的特質,如果本屆狀況調整的好,他可能會是固定的板凳暴徒;反之,他可能就只能擔任奇兵,上來突襲並打亂對手節奏。
Marko Simonović(SF)6'8" 33歲
Stefan Birčević(PF)6'11" 29歲
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Boban Marjanović(C) 7'3" 30歲
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Nikola Milutinov(C)7'0" 24歲
Miroslav Raduljica(C)7'0" 31歲
Miroslav上賽季在CBA蘇州肯帝亞(江蘇龍)效力,他可以說是球隊最好的球員,曾單場拿下48分15籃板4助攻的成績。例行賽交出平均23.5分9.6籃板3助攻與1.2抄截成績,幫助球隊打進季後賽。Miroslav在季後賽二輪繳出29.5分9籃板3.5助攻成績,但球隊仍不敵季賽龍頭的廣東東莞銀行(華南虎)。 (對照組:曾效力籃網的Justin Hamilton上季在CBA例行賽平均23.3分9.7籃板2.4助攻1.6抄截)
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pilvimarja · 1 year ago
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rigginsstreet · 5 years ago
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i have points i need to make today
Stefan Djordjevic (Tom Cruise), the star player of his high school football team, is desperately hoping that his football talents will earn him a scholarship -- his only chance to get out of his dying hometown of Ampipe, Pennsylvania. When a heated argument with his coach (Craig T. Nelson) gets him kicked off the team and blacklisted from college recruiters, Stefan must fight for a chance to live out his dream and escape the dead-end future he faces.
hello ????
After seeing one gifset I’m starting to question if they modeled flashback!fp after Tom cruise in all the right moves...
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buenosairesnews · 6 years ago
Campazzo on Laprovittola- We fantasized about playing together when we were kids
Campazzo on Laprovittola: We fantasized about playing together when we were kids Eurohoops By Stefan Djordjevic- [email protected]. Facundo Campazzo and Nico Laprovittola have been teammates in the Buenos Aires news today
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gregor-samsung · 5 years ago
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Tilva Roš [Tilva Ros] (Nikola Ležaić - 2010)
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mikee05242makori · 4 years ago
Champions League all-time top scorers - Ronaldo, Messi & UCL goal kings |
Uefa champions league scorers all time - List of UEFA Champions League top scorers - Wikipedia
David Silva. Dirk Kuyt. Diego Milito. Arda Turan. Predrag Djordjevic.
All Time Top Scorers - Champions League
Marc Overmars. Eden Hazard. Nicola Amoruso. Corentin Tolisso. Aaron Ramsey. Obafemi Martins. Teddy Sheringham. Lucas Moura. Toni Kroos. Ezequiel Ivan Lavezzi. Ulf Scorets. Bafetimbi Gomis.
Ludovic Giuly. Dado Prso. Hasan Salihamidzic. Ousmane Dembele. Mauro Icardi. Artyom Dzyuba. Serge Gnabry. Luuk De Jong.
Rafael van der Vaart. Alen Scoerrs. Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain. Ciro Immobile. Juan Sanchez. Phillip Cocu. Samir Nasri. Thiago Alcantara. Juan Mata. Nicklas Bendtner. Anderson Talisca. Salomon Kalou. Dusan Tadic. Andreas Moller. Stefan Effenberg. Sigurd Rushfeldt. Johan Micoud. Hristo Stoichkov. Gaizka Mendieta. Alex Costa. Alan Dzagoev. The composition of the all-time goalscorers list is mostly scoreers up of players who are playing or played in the modern Champions League era i.
Specifically, of the 20 players in the list above, 15 of them played from the mid s on. However, despite that, two players who played in the pre-Champions League era when the tournament was known as the European Cup still figure prominently, with former Real Madrid star Alfredo di Stefano uefa champions league scorers all time Benfica icon Eusebio featuring in and around the top Considered by many to be the greatest Finnish footballer of all time, Jari Litmanen helped lead Ajax to Eredivisie domination throughout the 's and a Champions League title inwhich also made him the first Scorera player to take home a winner's medal in the tournament.
Although injuries prevented him from repeating his successes at Liverpool and Ajax, Litmanen has continued to play—and score goals—all over Europe.
Love of the game, thy name is Jari Litmanen. A great from the days uefa champions league scorers all time the Champions League, the man known as 'Mazzola' led Alll Milan to uefa champions league scorers all time first ever European Cup victory, scoring both the team's goals in the final against Benfica.
A prolific scorer with stellar European performances for Milan and Juventus, Altafini has more than career goals to his name. Now retired, he's taken uefa champions league scorers all time knowledge of the game to a career in football broadcasting, where he is credited with inventing the word 'Golaccio,' meaning 'Goaltastic. The Red Devils' preferred chant for their recently-retired star says it all: 'Paul Scholes, he scores goals. Scholes spent his entire career at Old Trafford, making appearances in European competition for United and helping his side bring home two Champions League titles and two runner-up spots.
His creativity and leadership made him a key ingredient in United's success, hence Sir Alex Ferguson's eagerness to find an heir-apparent following his departure. But the gifted Brazilian attacker not only recovered, he went on to make waves in three consecutive Champions League appearances for the Rossoneri and two finals, including their victory. His tournament prowess and spirited performance garnered him plenty of top honors from writers, fans and UEFA itself, who named him Footballer of the Year.
Wayne Rooney has been a key strike force in a victory and two runner-up spots for Uefa champions league scorers all time United in the Champions League. And it looks as though he'll repeat his success this year with eight goals and hat tricks in two consecutive matches so far this season. Rooney made a number of key leauge in the last stages of United's most recent campaign for Uefa champions league scorers all time supremacy, including their only goal in last year's final, in which they were defeated by Barcelona.
He continued his successful run at Inter Milan, where although he may not have put hime many goals in the net, he built a fantastic rapport with fans and management and received a standing ovation for his final performance at San Siro.
The Argentine international has spent time at four of Italy's top clubs and was a high-impact uefa champions league scorers all time in Serie A, the Premiership and European competition. While on loan to AC Milan, he scored twice in a valiant Champions League final performance, although Liverpool came from super tips footy to make the Rossoneri the runners-up.
Crespo, an adaptable striker who quickly melded to several different teams and playing styles, remains the only player uefa champions league scorers all time Champions League history to score a competition goal for all five European teams for which he played. Porto, Galatasaray and quite a few other clubs. Hailed for his preparedness, field position and ' being in the right place at the right time ,' Jardel was a fan favorite in Porto and Istanbul.
He won two Golden Boots at Porto and in his sole season at Galatasaray, he helped the latter reach the quarterfinals of the Champions League and defeat historically tough opponents like AC Uefa champions league scorers all time and Real Madrid.
From the favelas of Recife to some of the game's most hallowed grounds, Rivaldo has shown epic strength and adaptability on and off the pitch. He held the record for most Champions League goals for Barcelona untilwhen Lionel Messi overtook him, and was visit here talismanic force visit here league and European play for the Blaugrana, AC Milan with whom he took home his only Champions League title and Olympiacoswith whom he garnered several key free-kick goals and scored leage memorable yard blast against Rosenborg in the group stages.
He even has a move named after him: ' The Rivaldo ,' a tricky flick-and-drag maneuver designed to keep the akl away from a defender at close range. Retrieved 2 November Ronaldo — C. Ronaldo — NeymarC. Ronaldo — Messi — Lewandowski. Hidden categories: Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages Articles with short description Short uefq matches Wikidata. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read View source View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file.
Download as PDF Printable version. Manchester United 15 Real Madrid Juventus Borussia Dortmund 17 Bayern Munich Real Madrid 66 Schalke 04 5. Lyon 12 Real Madrid Monaco 7 Arsenal 35 Barcelona 8. With goals in games sinceCristiano Ronaldo is the all-time top Champions League goalscorer.
It is uefa champions league scorers all time privilege to have both Messi and Ronaldo playing in their peak at one clicking here. Ronaldo also has the Euro Championship record, he has scored nine goals across an 21 games in four separate Euro Championships, helping Portugal win Euro He will almost certainly feature at Euro and keep adding to this. The top Premier League goalscores of all time.
Are you or someone you know raising money for sport?
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orendarecords · 5 years ago
Drummer and Composer Pedja Milutinovic Releases Electrifying Debut "Veritas Vincit" On Orenda Records
Veritas Vincit is Pedja Milutinovic’s debut album, featuring the visionary David Binney, Pera Krstajic – the rising star of the LA jazz scene, Luka Ignjatovic – the most original sax player in the Balkans, Ron Warburg – the critically acclaimed trumpet player and producer, Ilija Nikolic – a highly innovative keyboardist and designer, and Andrija Gavrilovic – a brilliant classical and jazz trumpet player and composer, all based in NYC, the exceptional guitarists Nikola Milenkovic and Branko Trijic, and hip hop producer Stefan Todorovic Mystee, based in Belgrade, and Ivana Vukmirovic Manivi, a phenomenal singer based in Berlin. 
As Milutinovic, who just turned 30, explains, Veritas Vincit (from Latin “truth prevails”) is about his coming of age and finding his own truth – that the most fulfilling things in his life have happened through honest and truthful cooperation with others. In a world that has mastered competition and conflict, Veritas Vincit invites us to explore Milutinovic’s collaborative reality, an alternative imagining that, through effortless swing and flow, and a fine sense of time and rhythm, sketches a horizon of hope for greater social harmony in a truly global world. A very welcome message, as this album is released during a pandemic that knows no borders and enforces social distancing upon us, and in times when we are rediscovering the value of being part of a community and having longstanding and loving relationships and collaborations.
Pedja Milutinovic is a drummer and now composer from Serbia, and a leading figure of the jazz scene in the Balkans. He is an arts activist, locally known for encouraging bottom-up organisation and mutually supportive collaborations between talented individuals in a region that has scarce resources for the arts, using the internet to overcome geographical boundaries and build new collective capabilities among musicians who share these values. Milutinovic is all about unexpected alliances and unintended outcomes. By publishing his debut album with Orenda Records, he shows us that, through collaboration, it is possible to change conditions that structure our lives no matter where we live or where we come from, and to develop languages that speak across cultures and even across continents, while respecting our different cultural influences and staying true to our origins.
“Pedja Milutinovic is a uniquely skilled, ultra-creative drummer whose playing is full of musical surprises! On his noteworthy debut release Milutinovic combines compositions featuring ensemble interaction/improvisation with simpler, groove oriented tunes, thus creating a balanced mix that is well paced and sonically pleasing. Overall high quality of musicianship is in evidence, while the telepathic connection between Milutinovic and his sidemen (from years of playing together in various musical projects) gives this album a potent cohesive force that has become somewhat rare in today's music. Over the years, Pedja Milutinovic has become one of Europe's most in demand sidemen. With this release, he is moving into the arena of original composition and leading a band of his own. If this goes as well for him as his drumming has, he will surely become a household name in the world of contemporary music.” 
–Marko Djordjevic, drummer and associate professor at Berklee College of Music
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