#Start-up Company Registration.
startanidea3 · 4 days
How to Start a Business in Dubai
At Start an Idea, we specialize in facilitating seamless Company Registration Dubai, catering to foreign direct investments and international business expansions. Our comprehensive services ensure compliance with local regulations, guiding you through entity formation, regulatory requirements, and obtaining necessary licenses. Whether you're looking to establish a new business or expand an existing one, our expert advisory ensures a smooth and efficient registration process in Dubai's dynamic market. Trust Start an Idea for all your Company Registration Dubai needs, and let us help you navigate the complexities of setting up a successful venture in the UAE.
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startanybusinessuae · 1 month
Dubai Mainland Business Activities: A Comprehensive Overview 
Discover a comprehensive guide to Dubai Mainland business activities. Learn about opportunities, regulations, and benefits for businesses in Dubai. Read more!
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How To Launch Your Business In 6 Steps
Uncover the secrets to launching your business successfully with this insightful video guide. From brainstorming innovative ideas to executing effective strategies, this video equips you with the essential knowledge to jumpstart your entrepreneurial journey.
Learn more about the comprehensive company registration services provided by Corporate Services Singapore, including professional accounting and secretarial services, to streamline your business setup process.
Source: https://www.corporateservicessingapore.com/possibility-reality-launch-business-6-steps/
Check this guide to company registration in Singapore.
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anlawvietnam · 11 months
Ultimate Guide to Starting a Business in Vietnam: Step-by-Step Comprehensive Process and Expert Insights
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As the economic landscape continues to evolve, entrepreneurs are constantly seeking new avenues to establish their businesses. Vietnam has become a prime destination for aspiring business owners due to its robust economic growth, favorable business environment, and strategic location in Southeast Asia. If you're considering starting a business in Vietnam, this comprehensive guide will provide valuable insights, expert advice, and step-by-step instructions to navigate the process successfully.
Understanding the Business Landscape
Vietnam's economy has experienced remarkable growth over the past few decades, transitioning from a centrally planned system to a market-oriented economy. The country's young and skilled workforce and its strategic trade partnerships have positioned it as a hotspot for foreign investments and business ventures.
Why Choose Vietnam?
Dynamic Economy: Vietnam's economy has maintained impressive growth rates, attracting investors worldwide.
Strategic Location: Situated in the heart of Southeast Asia, Vietnam offers convenient access to major markets in the region.
Supportive Government Policies: The Vietnamese government has implemented various reforms to facilitate foreign investments and business activities.
Steps to Starting a Business in Vietnam
Market Research and Idea Validation Before diving into the business registration process, conduct thorough market research to identify viable business opportunities in Vietnam. This step will help you tailor your products or services to meet local demands and stand out in the competitive landscape.
Choose a Business Structure
Vietnam offers various business structures, including limited liability companies (LLCs), joint-stock companies, partnerships, and sole proprietorships. Select a system that aligns with your business goals and operational requirements.
Register Your Business
The process of registering a business in Vietnam involves several steps:
Choose a Business Name: Ensure your name is unique and adheres to Vietnamese regulations.
Obtain an Investment Certificate: Foreign investors often need an Investment Certificate from the Department of Planning and Investment.
Register for Tax: Register for tax with the local tax office to ensure compliance with tax regulations.
Obtain Necessary Licenses and Permits
Depending on your business activities, you may need to obtain specific licenses and permits to operate legally. These could include business licenses, operational licenses, and specialized permits related to your industry.
Open a Bank Account
You'll need to open a corporate bank account in Vietnam to facilitate business transactions. This step is essential for managing finances, receiving payments, and conducting business operations.
Expert Insights and Personal Experience
Having navigated starting a business in Vietnam, I can attest to the country's welcoming business environment. The supportive government policies, coupled with the local workforce's vibrant culture and strong work ethic, make Vietnam an ideal destination for entrepreneurs. However, it's crucial to have a solid understanding of the local regulations and business practices to ensure a smooth journey.
Starting a business in Vietnam offers many opportunities for entrepreneurs seeking to tap into a dynamic and rapidly growing economy. With the right approach and thorough preparation, you can establish a successful business that contributes to your growth and the development of Vietnam's economy. Remember to conduct in-depth research, seek expert advice when necessary, and stay informed about the country's latest business trends and regulations. By combining your expertise with the favorable business environment of Vietnam, you'll be well on your way to entrepreneurial success.
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sm2uk · 1 year
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A UK Expansion Worker visa allows you to come to the UK to set up a branch of an overseas business that has not started trading in the UK yet. Call Our UK Expansion Worker Visa Lawyers to start your journey to open a branch in the UK. To know more you can BOOK A CONSULTATION on +91 98191 27002 or email us at [email protected] 
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helplineqatar · 1 year
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brandstorywrites · 2 years
Startup India Registration by Bizexpress company
A startup is a freshly formed company that is often tiny and was founded by one or more people. A startup delivers a novel good or service that isn't provided in the same way elsewhere, which sets it apart from other young companies. Innovation is the operative term. The company either creates a brand-new good or service, or it improves upon one that already exists.
In India, startups are growing in popularity. The Indian government, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has launched and pushed the Startup India programme to recognise and encourage companies in an effort to grow the Indian economy and draw in skilled entrepreneurs.
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Find more regarding Startup India Registration
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pranshucorpseed · 2 years
India has the world's oldest and largest traditional medical system. Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, Homeopathy, Yoga, and Naturopathy are all part of the Indian medical system. India has extensive traditional knowledge of herbal medicine as well as a diverse plant biodiversity. The Indian herbal market is one of the fastest growing because the government established herbal farm clusters to improve drug quality and promote exports, cultivation of medicinal plants, and effective marketing of herbal products.
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startupmantrasblog · 2 years
Why Startup Mantra Is One Of The Best Startup Consulting Firms In Delhi NCR?
For new and budding entrepreneurs, getting the guidance of experienced business consultants is no less than a boon! It not only gives a kick start to their startups but also helps them aware of the current and latest trends in their specific domains. Owing to the role they play in the lives of so many people today, many business startup consultants in Delhi have sprung up.
Among them, Startup Mantra is known to be one of the best startup consulting firms nowadays. Let us see why.
Curate Business Registration Packages As Per Different Budgets
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Irrespective of whether you are a novice or an established firm in the industry, you can get your hands on a wide range of packages for business registration from us. We provide affordable business registration packages that are strictly curated as per your budget.
These include:
1.      Startup Kit Package (Sole Proprietorship)
●       GST Registration
●       MSME Registration
●       Digital Signature
●       Bank account opening
2.      Partnership Firm Startup (Startup Package)
●       GST Registration
●       Digital Signature
●       Bank account opening
●       Partnership firm registration
●       Startup Indian Recognition Registration
3.      Startup Package (Private Ltd. Company)
●       Pvt Ltd Company Registration
●       GST Registration
●       Startup Indian Recognition Registration
●       Digital Signature
●       Bank account opening
So, choose the best business startup package for yourself from us depending upon the requirements of your brand. We will help you cover all the stages of turning into a well-recognized brand from a new startup. You won’t be bothered about any of these stages when you are there with us. We have the best Business Registration Packages for all your requirements.
In Which Domains Can You Take Our Startup Services In Delhi?
There are so many domains that one needs to look at while starting a new company. This is where Startup Mantra’s business consultants in Delhi step into the scene and guide you through this process. We tackle everything with full responsibility and provide exemplary results to our clients.
These are the areas where we have aided different startups over the last decade.
1.      Business Registration: We understand how tiresome the process of business registration is for a novice individual who doesn’t know the technicalities involved in the process. Thus, to cut it short, we do it for you. Based on the different budgets of different startups, we have the Business Registration Packages for you.
2.      Digital Marketing: Irrespective of whether your startup is a small or an established one, reaching potential clients has always been one of the most important tasks for everyone. And, Digital Marketing is the key here. Startup Mantra has exclusive digital marketing packages for you to help in enhancing the online presence of your brand.
3.      Startup Bundle Kit: If you don’t want to go through the hassles that every entrepreneur goes through while establishing their startups, then, our startup bundle kit packages are just the perfect thing for you. Everything is covered under a single package, and is super affordable too!
4.      Graphic Designing: Turning words into interactive graphic designs to convey the brand message to the target audience is vital nowadays for every brand. Owing to this, Startup Mantra has got a vast pool of talented graphic designers who will take your brand to newer heights.
5.      Website Designing: A website is what your customer wants to look at before taking your services. So, you must make it a point to make it the best, most engaging, and user-responsive. Don’t know how to do it? Startup Mantra has a vast panel of website designers who can get it done for you within no time. We have specialized website design packages that would definitely fit your budget.
Check Our Wide Range Of Clientele Profiles That We Have Worked On
Startup Mantra has a vast pool of talented business consultants in Delhi who have been standing strong in this industry for over a decade now. In these years, we have come across a number of companies that were once a startup, and we have helped them turn into well-established brands today.
In different domains like Digital Marketing, Website Development, etc, these are some of the names of brands that we have helped.
1.      Chef Baldeep
2.      Cibes
3.      PMCerty
4.      Immune Bytes
5.      Light Digital
6.      Senpex
Why Startup Mantra For Business Registration Packages?
Amidst the cut-throat competition, Startup Mantra has evolved as the best organization for getting registration packages for business. This is because we take into consideration every budget of the clients, and work closely to curate the most relevant packages for them. Everything that needs to be taken care of is done by us so that you don’t have to get bothered about any activity related to your startup.
We are all ears to your business requirements, and are all set to give you the push that your startup needs to become a well-recognized brand. To know more about our business registration packages or any other packages in digital marketing, website development, and graphic designing, visit our website www.startupmantra.co or give us a call directly at +91-9599449323.
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bizarrequazar · 1 year
Zhang Zhehan, 813, and Zhang Sanjian FAQ
I’ve been thinking for a while that I should make this as a starting place for people just learning about the situation. Please let me know if you have any corrections or anything you would like me to add.
1. What happened to Zhang Zhehan? / What is 813?
On August 13. 2021, a photo was spread by online water armies of Zhang Zhehan in front of cherry blossoms from a trip he had taken to Japan in 2018. This was accompanied by claims that he had been there to visit the Yasukuni Shrine—a politically controversial shrine which honors WWII war criminals—and that he held right-wing anti-Chinese sentiments. This photo was later joined by others, all either photoshopped or with falsified context, “backing up” these accusations along with further claims slandering him and his family.
In the days following, Zhang Zhehan lost all of his endorsements, had all of his past works taken down, had all of his social media shut down, and was boycotted by the private association CAPA without the chance to defend himself. His name and image were also later banned from social media, he was used as a negative example in schools and on exams, and his name is blocked from registration on some social media sites and certain devices. He and his family have been subject to intense harassment including death threats.
All of the accusations against him have been shown to be false and he is currently pursuing legal action, but he is still unable to speak or appear publicly in any capacity.
Further reading:  -  Talking points pamphlet  -  Wiki page
2. Who was behind 813?
The boycott was issued by the China Association of Performing Arts (CAPA), a private industry association that at the time held sway (but no official authority) over many social media and streaming companies. CAPA is heavily suspected of being the ones who orchestrated the entire incident and related events, see point 4 below.
2.5. Was Gong Jun behind 813?
No, he had no motive whatsoever, was still a small name in the industry at the time, has no industry sway, had his most popular show taken down because of 813, and was targeted by similar attacks in the months after. If he had not stayed quiet about 813, Gong Jun very easily could have been taken down by it as well. Please see point 7 below if you have this belief because of Zhang Sanjian / zhangzhehan_super3, and if you have this belief because of the Twitter account Justice for Zhang Zhehan please know that she is an idiot.
3. Was 813 caused by censorship / homophobia / the Chinese government?
No. There is no evidence for 813 having anything to do with censorship, it was perpetuated by private venture capitalism. The Chinese government had no known involvement—CAPA has no government affiliation, and both the NRTA and MCT confirmed after inquiry that they had nothing to do with Zhang Zhehan’s cancellation. Quite the opposite, it was said by Li Xuezheng that government officials were in attendance during the interview between him and Zhang Zhehan released 2022-01-01.
4. Why Zhang Zhehan? / What was the motive behind 813?
The exact reason is not known for sure, but it is heavily suspected that he turned down an exclusive endorsement deal with one of CAPA’s subsidiaries around March / April 2021. CAPA took this as a slight and, because he was heavily in the public eye at the time, they decided to make him an example of what they could do to people who refused to play their game.
Other smaller parties who participated in 813 were driven by industry competition, private capital, mob mentality, and/or because they’re shitheads who found it fun.
Further reading: Lead-up to 813
5. Does the lack of news about Zhang Zhehan mean he’s given up / he’s lost his case?
Absolutely not, and quite the opposite in fact. Avoiding the public eye is the best thing Zhang Zhehan can do to avoid media frenzy and the potential skewing of the narrative that that could cause. Due to the length of time it has been since 813, whatever Zhang Zhehan first does when he becomes public again is guaranteed to cause a stir, and therefore he has to be very careful about not saying anything publicly until he and his case are at a favourable point to do so.
Further reading:  -  Question about the length of the case  -  Breakdown of the legal process in relation to Zhang Zhehan’s case
6. Could Zhang Zhehan pursue a career internationally instead? 
Until his name is cleared, no. 
Zhang Zhehan did not have enough international recognition prior to 813 to realistically build a career overseas, and he has not shown fluency in any language other than Mandarin with which to do so. Even if he did pursue this, until his name is cleared he will always be associated with 813 and would struggle to find success with how he would be viewed by Chinese diaspora. 
As well, given the nationalistic nature of 813, seeking a career overseas would communicate guilt and/or giving up on his case.
7. Is Zhang Sanjian / the zhangzhehan_super3 Instagram account / the person releasing new songs Zhang Zhehan?
No. There is overwhelming evidence that Zhang Sanjian etc. is a scam using Zhang Zhehan’s name and image, utilizing photoshopping, deepfakes, and impersonators. 
The people behind this have known professional connections to CAPA, and the activities the scam has engaged in have consistently been aimed at further damaging his image. The Zhang Sanjian persona is characterized as having given up on clearing his name, being degrading and rude to both his fans and former costars, and giving up on his career in China to pursue international fame (see point 6 above). Practically every action made by the persona and related parties go completely against Zhang Zhehan’s character and/or make no logical sense for someone in his position.
Further reading:   -  Timeline of the IG’s early activity  -  Deepfake breakdown  -  Collected information about the Bangkok concerts  -  Wiki page for the IG account
8. Why doesn’t Zhang Zhehan speak out against Zhang Sanjian?
See point 5 above. It is likely that part of the original aim of Zhang Sanjian was specifically to try to bait him into saying something against it. The scam has been trying very hard to control the public narrative via buying public screens, commissioning tabloid articles, releasing a ridiculous number of songs and artificially raising hit counts on these, etc.
9. Why go through so much effort to erase Zhang Zhehan / continue the Zhang Sanjian scam?
For CAPA, Zhang Zhehan winning his case and overturning his boycott will heavily diminish their industry influence (not to mention jail time, hopefully). It could, in the best case scenario, even lead to the complete disbandment of the company under Chinese anti-monopoly legislation. (see the first point under [this post])
For the smaller players involved in the scam specifically, the motive is by and large personal financial gain. Many are known to be in debt / have been in debt but are suddenly now making lavish purchases (Sophie for example), some are known professional con men (Peter), and some are seeking other personal goals such as trying to get famous themselves (Lexus), to promote their own businesses (the Chens and the gym bros), or even for sexual gratification (Hewitt). 
As well, it’s important to keep in mind the financial scale of the extremely lucrative Chinese entertainment industry. The amount that has been spent on 813 and everything since is barely anything in the grand scheme of things.
Further Resources:  -  Zhang Zhehan wiki  -  Masterlist of my posts about Zhang Zhehan  -  My ZZH info tag
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You know it's pretty wild that since S2 started, Stolas isn't needed as a character anymore. This whole arc with Blitz could be done with basically anyone from his past like(Fizz, Verosika, Barbie) or with the other actual main characters in Mox, Millie and Loona.
The whole Asmodean Crystal thing, given how fast Fizz was willing to just give him one after making up with Blitz and getting his life saved. ...There was a whole 1st Season worth of content right there that could have been explored, how Blitz gets to Earth for his company that way. Blitz also mentions that I.M.P. was killing in Hell before, so it's not as if they would be out of money if they weren't killing up top anyway(as well as actually exploring Hell itself). But there is a story hook there for a whole 1st Season.
It explores Blitz not only as a character, but also his past, who he interacted with, so on and so forth. This would then fit to make S1 more consistent with what S2 is going on with his character. Stolas isn't needed for any of this, he's just a S1 hanger on that no longer really matters from a writing standpoint.
Let's see what's more interesting for S1 as a character for Blitz?
Getting into a transaction deal with a Royal in order to keep his company afloat?
Trying to make amends to those he wronged in the past, exploring his internal issues, while at the same time trying to keep his company afloat?
The former fits more with just a sort of "Ha Ha" comedy/dark sort of line where you can have character moments, but they aren't really a focus and it's more just a side thing.
The latter fits more with....well what S2 is trying to do, in that it's become this character soap opera drama thing. In fact S1 was also building up to that, but they instead just brush by it so quick in S2 to instead focus on this 'romance'.
Notice how S2 is basically retreading all of S1, just with a different coat of paint? Because I swear we've been through all of this before already in S1, the only difference being is that Stolas isn't needed as a character anymore.
And yeah sure, I get same sex couples aren't exactly swimming through media. But this show wasn't setup as telling this 'soap opera romance' thing. It was setup as a whacky assassination show, that was the premise, it just so happened there were also 2 guys screwing.
I dunno, I just feel like a whole lot of other great potential was lost somewhere that would actually fit both of the Seasons way better.
Honestly yeah. ANYTHING would be better than St*litz. And I really feel you about retreading, we do it every 5 fucking minutes with Moxxie as well as with the constant Stolitz drama. It gets really tiring when meanwhile we barely know anything about stuff like Stella and Octavia's relationship, Barbie Wire, etc. Also yeah seeing hell more would be nice as I definitely want to see more of rings other than pride lust and greed, the rings are such a fun concept that I wish was utlilized more. Especially since Hazbin will probably only really show pride since its about earth born sinners and they only exist there.
To build off this idea of focusing more on a show where Blitz makes ammends, something I think that would have potentially been a better idea instead of the-stolitz-show would have been to make each season focused more on a certain side character. You'd have S1 Fizz, S2 Verosika, S3 Barbie Wire. And each one is an opposition of sorts.
Like, maybe in S1 Fizz has beef once hes with Ozzie since Blitz keeps robbing crystals to try and set up IMP without having to rely on St*las (you could just scrap the registration thing, maybe Blitz found a way to hack and bypass it even). Also make the crystals able to run out of power and need replacing, hence Blitz keeps stealing them. As a result of this we see Fizz on and off before they finally reconcile. And slowly through their beef we'd uncover what exactly happened at the circus and what they were like as kids.
Then in S2 when IMP starts doing well Verosika hears about it and shows up to ruin Blitz's life and they're both explored before coming to an understanding. We'd get to directly see the aftermath of what Blitz did, and how it put her in rehab, and how she clawed her way out and kept her career going anyway. She'd get to have her life outside of Blitz explored more like Fizz got to have.
Finally, in s3 rather than being an opposition, Blitz wants to save or help Barbie Wire and fix his relationship with his sister. Maybe Barbie was even friends with Verosika in this version so Verosika coming to terms with Blitz sends her spiraling/feels like a betrayal and Blitz becomes determined to make it up with her too so they can all be at ease. Or, maybe not, and instead when the understanding between Verosika and Blitz comes, later she contacts him that she knows Barbie needs help and that maybe Blitz should try reconcile with her too.
I feel you anon about St*las being unnecessary other than for the ship but I do think what we had of him in S1 was very powerful and had a lot of potential. I think a lot of the problem is that hes a side character that wasn't allowed to stay one. And so I raise you this:
St*las still exists in this each-season-focuses-on-an-ex-something-of-Blitz alternate show. But he exists as a side drama and a side character, especially since for S1 he'd be a kind of comparison to the healthy Ozzie/Fizz relationship. Perhaps he even becomes an antagonist especially towards the end. And ultimately they both part ways once Blitz has a legal way of always obtaining a crystal of his own at the end of S1 or start of S2. Sadly that would mean less Octavia and Stella and idk how Striker would then be used exactly but I feel like letting the St*litz ship die would have allowed for it to properly be explored in an interesting way instead of a fetishized sexual extortion way and without needing to make St*las a poor wooby baby. Hell, we could even have a catch up episode to see how the whole family is after St*las moves on.
The 3 side characters from Blitz's past focuses would also be overarching over the season they pertain to, so we'd have time to stop to explore Millie, Moxxie, Loona, side threads etc.
HB consistently has banger side characters. Say what you will about it but so many of its side characters have people in love and hooked. I feel like giving the female ones as well as male ones special focus, and focusing on Blitz's past drama since its so interesting via cool side characters instead of just showing us hints or snippets before jumping back to yet more gross annoying St*litz would be superior.
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MASTERPOST: eras tour presale (German dates)
since there’s already so much information floating around & we’ll probably get new info regularly, I’ve decided to create this post which collects all information available for the presale for Taylor’s German dates (Gelsenkirchen, Hamburg & Munich). I will pin this post to my blog and update it regularly! also, if you find information that is not on this list yet, please send it to me so I can update this post!
FYI: When in doubt, check out the FAQ page of eventim for the Germany shows!
+ I don’t know enough about the other European shows to be able to give you 100% right answers (keep that in mind if you send me an ask about those shows 😊)
UPDATED: July 11th, 7pm CET (latest two updates are marked through cursive font)
REGISTRATION for the pre-sale is only possible until June 23rd at 10am Central European Time (CET) (note: the website also names 23:59 as the time when registration ends. I don’t know which time is the right one, so I’d advise you to register before 10am). To register, click here or follow the link on Taylor’s homepage. Important information regarding registration:
Make sure to register with the same email address you use for your eventim account. They‘ve stated that they will check all e-mail addresses to make sure bots don’t get access, and they do so through checking if the email address refers to a valid eventim account. If you haven’t gotten an account under the email address yet, you should be safe as long as you create an account for it until registration ends (Friday, June 23rd).
Registration does NOT guarantee you will receive a code. They will randomize who will get a code, and the rest of the people who signed up will be put on a wait list.
it does NOT matter when you’ve registered, as long as it is before the deadline ends. like I’ve said, it’s randomized.
you should receive an email from eventim. in it, you have to confirm your registration. however, it might take a while for you to receive the email (e.g. on the first day of registration some people had to wait quite a while to receive the email, as the servers were overloaded).
YOU HAVE TO REGISTER FOR PRESALE TO BE ABLE TO BUY TICKETS! one of the venues tweeted that you’ll only get to buy tickets if you’re registered for pre-sale (x). (don’t know if that means there won’t be a general sale for now)
you have to register separately for each show you want to have access to. If you for example aim for Hamburg and Gelsenkirchen, you cannot make a joint registration for them. click on “register now!” for the dates you’re interested in (see screenshot below)
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you cannot register for the additional shows that were announced for Germany. The registration you’ve done before suffices. Via the company organising it: The code you’ll get for a city is valid for all the shows in one city. aka: you can pick the date you want to get tickets for, for example if you’ve gotten a code for Munich you can choose between the two dates.
eventim said that whether ticketholders of Lover Fest Berlin tickets will get a separate presale is up to the concert company organizing the concert, therefore they don’t have any information on it. I personally don’t think there will be a presale for Lover Fest Berlin ticket holders.
The PRESALE for the German shows will take place on July 12th. Important information regarding the presale:
please note that the presale for some of the European shows takes place on July 11th or other dates. however, July 12th applies to all shows in Germany.
The times when the presale starts are now different! The Gelsenkirchen presale starts at 9am, the Hamburg presale at 11am and the presale for the Munich shows at 1pm CET.
If you were chosen (per the email on July 5th), you will receive your code via email until July 11th, 5pm CET at the latest.
click on the link in this email for access.
it is very likely you’ll be sent to the waiting room. eventim says this about the waiting room: When completing your ticket purchase, stay within one browser window. Opening multiple windows or tabs to purchase tickets may result in errors.
tickets are limited to four per customer per unique code. this means: if you receive a code for, for example, Hamburg, you can pick a date and purchase up to four tickets for that date. If you purchase four tickets for that one date, you cannot use that code anymore. If you, however, only purchase two tickets, you can purchase two tickets for the second show as well with that code (see eventim’s reply).
UPDATE: please note that each code only refers to a specific venue. once you’ve gotten through the queue on presale day, you can only buy tickets for that one venue, but you can choose which date you’d like to try for. If you receive codes for several venues, you have to finish purchasing your first order before you get purchase tickets for another venue.
TICKET CODES CANNOT AND SHOULD NOT BE SHARED OR TRANSFERRED. you might not be able to buy tickets if you do so. (imo transferring does work if you’ve got the other person’s account info, as the code is specific to the eventim account tied to it)
tickets will be sold until inventory lasts.
per eventim’s faq page you can only deposit your payment info into your account if you buy tickets from the website. Otherwise it is NOT possible to save your payment info in your account before the sale. But! This should not matter since, after you have added a ticket to your basket, that ticket will be reserved for you for approx. 15 minutes, so plenty of time to put in your payment info! But you should still make sure to check if your credit card has a spending limit!
UPDATE: Tickets will be personalized for the person from whose account the tickets are bought. the people accompanying them do not have to be noted when buying. The buyer of the tickets has to attend the concert! If for some reason the buyer cannot go, you can transfer the tickets to someone else, but it’s a rather lengthy process. an example for how to transfer personalized tickets for a different artist can be found on eventim’s faq page under 3.
make sure you have your password and payment method ready!
clear your cache & cookies!
you CAN and SHOULD already click the link in your presale code email before presale starts. the link sends you to the general presale page. Pick the date of the show you want to attend & click on the grey button to at the right (I’ve added a screenshot below but it’s for the Vienna shows for which the presale was already today, so the button is blue. The button tomorrow will be gray before presale). NOTE: dates may appear twice, as you can see below. the date at the top is always for regular tickets, the one below for vip tickets:
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after you have clicked the button, you will be send to a page which will say sth along the lines of “presale hasn’t started yet”
They’ll open a waiting room 30 minutes before presale starts. This waiting room will refresh & send u to the queue automatically once the clock hits the time of the presale. I don’t know whether it influences your position in the queue but I would recommend going into it anyway.
you will be send to the queue once presale starts. DO NO OPEN ANY OTHER TABS OR BROWSERS ANYMORE ONCE YOU’RE IN THE QUEUE! if you do, you’ll lose your spot in the queue.
per eventim’s faq page, this means that you’re waitlisted until more, if any, tickets become available for your chosen city.
if that is the case, you will be notified via email with the relevant information & timing details.
your notification may come at ANY TIME after July 12, 2023.
eventim & all the venues recommend signing up to the Taylor Nation newsletter in case new presales happen/more shows are added
eventim tweeted that they don’t know the prices for tickets until pre-sale begins (it was the same with the Lover Fest Berlin show). so I’d recommend setting yourself a budget (x)
UPDATE: eventim finally released the seating maps for all of the shows! here’s the one for Gelsenkirchen:
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this is the map for Hamburg:
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and this is the map for Munich:
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UPDATE: for Vienna, you could not pick your seat but only the price category of your ticket. eventim tweeted they can’t tell whether that will be the case tomorrow. So, once again, set yourself a budget!
Link to the venue’s site for Taylor’s concert
the stadium will sell hospitality tickets - those will go on sale on July 12th, 10am, too (you’ll be able to buy them under this link)
below, you’ll find the general seating chart for the stadium. They will close the roof of the stadium in case of rain, so - in contrast to Munich - you’ll be sheltered from it anywhere.
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General Advice
the venue is cashless - alternatively you can buy a card from them onto which you can load money via cash or use the “schalke 04″ app to preload money on a digital card. this is relevant for buying merch! the physical card might also have a special design for Taylor’s show. (thank you @youlooklikeasixtiesqueen​ for the info! for more information, you can read her full asks he/re)
below, you’ll find the general seating chart for the stadium. All seats in the bowl are covered by a roof, the floor isn’t.
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(I’ve actually been to a concert in this venue before, so if you need info re: where to sit & what the venue is like, send me an ask!)
Link to the venue’s site for Taylor’s concert
General Advice
the Olympiastadion has a roof (in case it rains). but! only sections E2 until V1 one are fully under it, with sections F1 to G2 and U2 to S2 being partially roofed (see general seating chart below). I had tickets for section U2 at my concert and I would actually recommend not going further than this if you really want to be covered by the roof.
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if you’re looking for cheap tickets: there should be standing tickets available for the bowl (besides the regularly seated tickets) and those should be the cheapest ones. I can highly recommend them! I had standing tickets for section U2. This section is tiered and has sectioned off rows. Each row consists of two stone steps on which you can sit down. So, imo, it’s essentially like having seats but paying much less money. And you have a great view from them! You also don’t have to worry about when you arrive - they fill these rows up from the back, so technically if you arrive shortly before the show begins, you should be at the front of the section.
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mixelation · 11 months
brainworms of the day: reborn au con shenanigans
i posted before about tori and kakashi going to a ninja fiction con like a tired older sibling taking his kid sister to a con. and i like the idea of them repeating this, because like. kakashi isn't super into interacting with fandom but he likes merch and he gets a kick out of seeing cosplays, and tori likes company and kakashi is pretty cill when he's not actively being a troll. so cons are like Their Thing and kushina gets very mushy over the idea of them bonding so obviously minato always gives them the time off
anyway i had some thoughts for shenanigans
thought one: minato canonically really likes icha icha and i think he deserves to have some fun. at first i was like "i don't think the hokage gets many vacation days, and surely if he DID take a vacation he'd spend it with his family?" but then i remembered he can teleport. minato takes days off all the time with the idea his assistant will just summon him back if there's a problem. he shows up unannounced in a pair of sunglasses
minato: i'm incognito :)
random passerby: the fourth hokage and hatake kakashi group cosplay? this place gets less and less original every year
kakashi and tori are unsure of this addition to their group because this is Their Thing. kakashi gets over it pretty quick because he does like getting casual time to hang out with minato, actually, but tori is annoyed because first of all. how is she supposed to behave normally* if her boss is here. secondly now everyone keeps asking her why SHE'S not in matching cosplay.
minato: do you want my cloak? lotta people in cloaks
*everyone who knows tori would like to point out that the only change in her behavior is a 15% reduction in swearing.
anyway i am getting a kick out of imagining actual hokage and infamous ninja namikaze minato waiting in the same-day registration line. squatting in a two hour line to get into one of the big panels. taking photos with other minato cosplayers. holding back tears because there's a fourteen year old kakashi cosplayer with a sERVICE DOG ALSO IN COSTUME!!!!!!!!
thought two: sasori crashes a con because he wants to pass on intel about orochimaru or soemthing
tori: oh my god WHY are you HERE
sasori: because you're closer than deidara >:(
tori: no i mean, in public? in the crowded dealER'S ROOM?
sasori: who's going to notice?
(a group of sasoris in ugly wigs pass by)
anyway the true shenanigan-y part of this is that initially kakashi thinks a weird 25 year old man is chatting tori up. which like. yes? technically true? but kakashi thinks this is just tori falling for the wiles of a hot cosplayer and that he needs to intervene immediately because she's FIFTEEN, you PERVERT--
kakashi: hi :) who's this :)
tori, feeling her spirit leave her body: he likes my sasori fic
sasori, in pain: yup. i. do. that's what this is.
kakashi: oh :) how nice :) then i'm sure you won't mind me standing here while you chat :) sharpening my kunai which are totally just props :)
thought three: i think in her later teens/early twenties, tori starts falling back on I HAVE A BOYFRIEND really frequently to get out of conversations. like in theory the card is for "a guy is hitting on me" but she'll also play it for "someone is talking to me and i don't want them to be."
in konoha this strategy works because even if you were just telling her the cafe is closing in five minutes, "but i'm waiting for my boyfriend, uchiha itachi :(" is enough to give this random poor employee pause. these words have meaning in konoha. however i think there's some Shenanigans to be had for her doing this without thinking about it at a con where context is very different.
man she's trapped with bc they're in line and he won't stop trying to get her to give him her room number: boyfriend? prove it.
tori, exasperated: (pulls out a photo she keeps on her)
man: that's uchiha itachi
tori: exactly
man: .....you honestly expect me to believe that? you clearly just have that on you because you're a fan
tori: .....fuck
for bonus shenanigans repeat a similar exchange but it's at a kitty girl stabby ninja con so itachi is there and immediately wonders up afterwards with like. cat ears on.
man: (eyes darting back and forth between the photo and itachi himself, terrified)
itachi: the food options weren't great but i brought you some bread. did the line move?
man: (now looking around to see if anyone ELSE has noticed this)
tori, very blatantly taking his hand: no they just made us rearrange to stop blocking the hallway
itachi: i see
thought four: something cute
i don't want tori to be as well known as deidara/itachi in civilian circles, mostly because it'd be funny. but also i don't think she's as flashy as them and a lot of the stuff she does relies on her not being recognizable. and i like the humor of interacting with itachi/deidara stans and cosplayer who just don't recognize her. so there isn't much in the way of tori cosplay/fic/etc even when she's older and has her own Reputation among actual ninja. but okay. imagine. at the ONE con tori can't make there's a lone tori cosplayer. she's sort of haunting the place-- obviously socially awkward and shy. kakashi loses his mind. he summons minato. minato brings kushina. they bother this girl for like hours and low-key make her day even though it's also kind of scary?
kushina has to physically hold tori back from stalking her after she sees the photos. SHE'S JUST GOING TO BREAK INTO HER HOME AND SEE WHAT FANFICTION SHE'S READING NOTHING VIOLENT OR SCARY--
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chichirid · 8 months
big informational post on israel & palestine
before i start, i want to say that the end goal is not defeating one side or the other. we want peace, for both nations to exist together. there are innocent and good people in both israel and palestine. here is a thread with basic information on the conflict.
trigger warning: mentions of amputations, chemical weapons, burning, general death and blood.
right now, there is a genocide happening in palestine. israel is using banned weapons that may not seem illegal to use, but are being used to kill innocent people who had no intention of joining nor fueling the war. this is a war crime.
DIME (Dense Inert Metal Explosive) are explosives made to release shrapnel that amputates the skin. this leads to limb loss & bleeding out. even after the limbs are amputated, victims have a high chance of dying from cancer as DIMEs were found to have carcinogenic tungsten.
White phosphorus bombs. I cannot explain in words how horrifyingly inhumane these are. White phosphorus can be released indoors as smoke, and contaminate water. They cause 4th & 5th degree burns, indefinitely burning as they go up to 1499 degrees Fahrenheit (815 degrees celcius) and the human body can only handle up to 122 degrees Fahrenheit (50 degrees celcius). White phosphorus is also highly flammable, and can be reignited during treatment. here is a thread with more information.
Armor piercing bombs. As implied by the name, they can penetrate metal and travel long distances. Armor piercing bombs are designed to pierce through bunkers, warships, and heavily enforced targets. They can easily destroy buildings and famously sunk the USS Arizona in 1941.
the main companies to boycott because they support Israel are Mcdonalds, Starbucks and Disney Plus. my main advice is to PIRATE ALL YOUR MOVIES! here is a twitter thread on all starbucks recipes, and a helpful thread on how to safely pirate content.
blumhouse, the studio behind, FNAF MOVIE supports Israel. pirate the movie if you want to watch it.
Google also supports Israel, and recently removed Palestine from Google maps. some Google alternatives are
Lingual search
duckduckgo - however there is speculation of data tracking.
here is an INCREDIBLY helpful google docs of all windows browsers that they could find made by @friendofthecrows
how to help?
talk about what's happening. tell a friend, post about it, repost information. if you feel the anger and resentment that this is happening across the world, don't lose your passion. you CAN make a difference. you are not only "one person". there are thousands of people fighting for peace. feel passionate, and keep fighting.
donate to charities, if you can. here is a thread of trustworthy charities to donate to. if you cannot afford to, arab.org generates web revenue that is donated to Palestine. clicking every day can support freedom, for free. no registration nor credit card information is needed.
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laxmiree · 20 days
[CN] MLQC Season 2 Chapter 59 Translation [Lucien’s Route (1/3)]
This post contains a VERY HEAVY SPOILER for the chapter that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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I turn around and see Lucien standing behind me, the fine mist enveloping his expression in a haze.
"Would my little lady lie to me?"
A brief silence flows through the air as the pool continues to steam, making every breath sound incredibly distinct.
For a moment, I almost think that Lucien had already discovered my identity before the first night even began.
Translation under the cut!
[Previous Chapter-> Click Here]
Before the summer heat sweeps across Loveland City, the Loveland City Digital Technology Summit, jointly organized by the City Hall and Infinite, officially opens.
This summit is the first online summit held in virtual reality in the history of Loveland City.
The stage is at the center, with audience seats arranged in a circular formation around it. Floating holographic screens are positioned between the stage and the audience.
I look around, and the thousand-seat venue is fully occupied. On the stage, Aether is speaking calmly about the prospects of digital technology and virtual reality applications.
[T/N: just to fill in y’all, Aether is representative of Infinite, the company that develops Odyssey]
Aether: Infinite's scientific and technological capabilities will lead society to new heights in medical care, education, culture, and other fields.
Aether: "Odyssey" is one of our greatest challenges in presenting virtual reality.
Aether: In the future, it might not be the pinnacle of the field, but it will undoubtedly be an important starting point. We are also challenging different technological updates…
As he speaks, some scenes and objects from the Odyssey occasionally appear in the audience.
The life-like presentation catches the eyes of many, and the low murmurs of other attending entrepreneurs can be heard.
??: Indeed, it's pretty impressive. No technology company currently on the market can match this level of technical capability and R&D.
??: It's just that we don't know the development costs…
Taking in these bits and pieces, I poke the chibi black swan "flying around" beside me.
The black swan spins around and pops out a line chart, showing the trend of Infinite's tech product coverage in Loveland City over recent years.
The black line representing Infinite shoots straight up into the sky, leaving a vast and unattainable gap between it and other technology companies.
Looking at such a straightforward image, my thoughts drift far away along with my memories…
From the launch of the Golden Apple 2 capsule pod to the official release of Odyssey, Infinite's technological development has left others far behind.
Even now, other companies are hiring "protection shields" in a desperate attempt to catch up.
I know their ambition has never been just a globally popular game but rather broader and more significant fields.
After the representatives from the relevant fields finish speaking, the host announces on the spot-
Long story short, an announcement is made of a beta test for the new "Carnival Night" gameplay of "Odyssey”, “Carnival Night” is based on the popular board game Werewolf (commonly known in the West as “Mafia”). Participants are transported to a virtual ballroom, and as MC navigates the crowd, she gets a message from Kiro, that has entered the game and encounters some familiar faces, like Gavin and Victor. Each male lead participates in the beta test and chooses a different scenario.
I put away this brochure and picked up several others, planning to study them all. The staff at the service desk smiles and hands me a form.
Staff: Hello, we are conducting an interest survey within the game. Could you please sign under the scenario you're interested in on the registration form?
MC: Sure.
I sign under several scenarios, and when I get to the last one, “Seaside Mansion",  I see a familiar signature — Lucien.
He messaged me the day before yesterday, saying that Infinite sent beta test invitations to the top three players on the in-game achievement leaderboard.
[Yes, Lucien is one of the top players; the chapter before this reveals that due to his deteriorating condition, he spends more time in the Odyssey to free himself from the pain:". The R&S that accompany the chapter shows how he spends his time in the game besides experimenting, which is observing the game, and from this observation, he finds many hidden mechanisms and achieves many hidden achievements along the way. A game world is full of puzzles after all and he's the greatest puzzle solver~]
I look around the crowd but don't see him.
MC: Has he already entered the game?
Thinking this, I also plan to study the brochures I just picked up.
Which one should I look at?
-Choose “Seaside Mansion”
Surrounded by the blue ocean, a seaside mansion with a luxurious design rises from the island.
A group of people from around the world are invited by the mansion's owner to the island, unaware that danger is silently approaching in the shadows…
Players will take on the role of guests arriving at the "Seaside Mansion," tasked with finding the werewolves responsible for the killings on this secluded island.
This scenario is designed for 13 players, with the following roles: Hunter, Guardian, Seer, Gravekeeper, and Hidden Werewolf, each one player; two Outsiders; three Werewolves; and three Mansiongers.
After reading the scenario introduction, I turned to the standard game rules at the end of the brochure:
This time, eight game scenarios are available, and players can select the one they are interested in by clicking to enter.
In all scenarios, everyone must return to their rooms and close the doors by 23:30. The werewolves and unique roles must go out within the system-specified times.
The action times are as follows:
- 23:30-23:59 - Guardian
- 0:00-0:29 - Werewolves
- 0:30-0:59 - Seer
- 1:00-1:29 - Witch
- 1:30-1:59 - Hunter
The werewolves win if the number of good players (human and unique roles) reaches zero. In contrast, the human and unique roles win if the number of werewolves (including the hidden werewolf) reaches zero.
Additionally, each scenario will have designated areas equipped with live-streaming cameras. A prompt will appear on the user panel when entering a live-streaming area, so please be aware.
MC: The introduction is relatively straightforward...
Closing the brochure, I opened the selection interface. Looking at the various scenarios before me, I felt a bit overwhelmed…
[T/N: Before we jump to the next part, here is a quick explanation about the roles!
- Villagers: Their goal is to identify and eliminate the werewolf.
-Werewolves: Their goal is to deceive the villagers and eliminate them.
-Witch: Has two potions, one to save a player from being killed and one to kill another player.
-Hunter: Once they die, they can kill the one player by their choice (usually kills who they believe to be their killer).
-Gravekeeper: can check the roles of the player that has already been killed.
-Seer: each night, the Seer can choose one player to identify their role.
-Guardian: each night, the Guardian can choose one player to protect from being killed.
-Hidden Werewolf: Werewolf that appears as a normal villager when investigated by the Seer or other investigative roles]
—[Lucien's Route - 1: Raging Sea Storm]—
Without hesitation, I pressed the confirm button for "Seaside Mansion."
White light envelops my vision, and when I open my eyes again, the sunlight pierces through the thin mist, falling on the gray-black low cliff beneath my feet.
The deep blue sea water tirelessly crashes against the steep cliffs as if trying to engulf the entire island.
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MC: So high…!
I shiver in fear at the cliff beneath my feet and take a few steps back. Turning around, a modern mansion fills my entire view.
The seaside mansion boasts a luxurious design, rising with opulent grandeur and resembling the safest fortress perched on the cliff.
I rush towards the door. As soon as I arrive, the door opens for me, and a butler dressed in a pitch-black suit steps out from behind the door to greet me.
Butler: Welcome home, madam*.
[T/N: fun fact: the Butler calls her with the same title (夫人, read: fu ren) as the one in Lucien's latest Halloween Date 🤧; this title used to refer to a married woman. Interesting that both this chapter and that date have similar kind of ending-]
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MC: Ah…?
Although I know the "Carnival Night" mode assigns roles to players, I am still a bit confused when such an address suddenly comes up.
Butler: Madam, you are the owner of this mansion.
The butler hands me a letter as he speaks. I break the wax seal on the letter, and the crimson handwriting catches my eye — “Werewolf”.
MC: …!
Butler: Once all the guests have arrived, you need to conceal your identity as the host and choose one guest each night to be thrown into the pool—
Butler: End their life and offer it to the sea.
I didn't expect to be the werewolf... My initially steady heartbeat skips a beat, and I take two deep breaths to calm myself.
It seems that no other guests have arrived at the mansion yet. With such a "villainous" role, it's better not to be the "first to arrive" and draw attention…
So, I paused my step into the mansion, quickly ran back outside, and planned to hide behind the wall to observe secretly first.
I wait until most players have entered before I pretend to be entering the game myself, lifting my skirt as I step through the door.
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Suddenly, my gaze meets a pair of familiar eyes.
Lucien walks through the crowd in white clothes. The sea breeze tousles the strands of hair on his forehead. His silent eyes spot me through the crowd and curve into a smile.
The raging sound of the waves in my ears seems to have instantly dissipated by that silence, and my rapid heartbeat from a few minutes ago gradually stabilizes.
I take a few quick steps to his side, and Lucien naturally takes my hand.
MC: Mr. X, are you good at playing this kind of game?
Lucien: [chuckle] I can only say I'm average; perhaps I might need your help, Miss MC.
If it really is "help," then that would be nice…
Perhaps it's the werewolf identity at work; the game hasn't officially started, but I've already begun scheming in my mind.
I wonder what Lucien's identity will be... Will he be a werewolf like me?
I absentmindedly ponder this while casually chatting with Lucien, and we enter the mansion together.
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The butler leads us to the banquet hall, surrounded by a circle of exquisitely designed luxurious pools.
The clear pool water shows a faint aquamarine hue, reflecting off the gilded walls and casting a cold-colored light on us.
A long table divides the banquet hall in half, with a name tag displaying an ID in front of each seat.
Lucien and I sit down according to the name tags. I quietly count the name tags on the long table; there are thirteen in total.
Suddenly, three clear, rhythmic sounds emerge on the bustling long table, interrupting our cautious scrutiny of each other.
Lucien lowers his hand after lightly tapping the dinner bell and stands up from the long table. The light, fragmented into countless tiny ripples by the water's surface, penetrates his deep eyes.
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Lucien: As a member of the human faction with a divine duty, I think it’s not too presumptuous for me to start the game abruptly. So…
Lucien's face unfolds into a calm, confident smile, and his unhurried voice clearly resonates throughout the banquet hall.
Lucien: I am the hunter in this game.
MC: ?!
The originally somewhat dull atmosphere in the banquet hall instantly simmers like boiling water.
Everyone seems somewhat surprised by Lucien's decision to reveal his identity at this moment, while I have no interest in participating in the discussion.
It's over. It seems I will have to spend the following nights alone and be forced to keep my distance from Lucien during the day so he doesn't see through my identity…
Although "engaging in a battle of wits and valor" with him is quite interesting, I still prefer being together with him.
I am immersed in my "thoughts" when someone nearby suddenly lets out a disdainful snort.
Player: Huh? Do you even know how to play?
I look up and see a young man with the name tag "Brother Genius" on the table, who is the first to speak against Lucien.
Brother Genius: Revealing your role on the first day? The werewolves will “kill” you tonight, and at most, you can only take one person down with your shot.
He tilts his chin up and shakes his head.
Brother Genius: The human faction is really out of luck, starting without a hunter. Learn from me; only someone with my role can reveal their identity openly.
He gestures with his chin towards the farthest corner.
Brother Genius: Look at us, the two outsiders.
Brother Genius: We arrived at this Mansion only after the werewolves appeared, so we can't be werewolves. We don't have any skills, but we are definitely good people. Do you understand?
The person in the corner, whose identity was suddenly exposed, stands up coldly and abruptly, causing the chair to slide backward with his movement.
The ear-piercing scraping sound makes everyone's scalp tingle, and almost everyone frowns in unison.
??: Idiot.
He had been sitting silently in the corner, and I hadn't noticed him before. Now that I look closer, I see his dark green hair and hollow dark gray eyes...
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MC: ...Joker?!
[Some fun fact: Lucien's route is the only one where MC and the ML belong to opposite factions (they're truly Lovepro’s star-crossed lovers ahah🥹); other ML's (and MC) roles in their respective split routes are:
BQ/Gavin: Werewolf MC, "Hidden Werewolf" BQ
LZY/Victor: Guardian MC, "Witch" LZY
XM/Lucien: Werewolf MC, Hunter XM
ZQL/Kiro: Seer MC, Gravekeeper ZQL]
[Also, if it's not predictable already, Lucien already knows that MC is Werewolf; man can read her like an open book after all 😂 I think this is what leads to his decision to reveal his role as Hunter so early because doing so, he can gain others’ trust and have more ‘’control and power” for the sake of protecting her. There's also (spoiler) reason, but you all will know about it eventually~]
—[Lucien's Route - 2: Humid Airflow]—
Past experiences flood my mind, making my scalp tingle instinctively. How did this terribly nefarious person also end up in this game!
He hasn't appeared for so long, and his mind is always full of the lighthouse. How does he even have the time to "waste" here?
If I remember correctly, he's still wanted. How does he come out without changing his appearance?
As if in response to my question, the ID "Joker" above his head flickers glaringly a few times.
I instinctively glance at Lucien. He only casts a fleeting look in Joker's direction before shifting his gaze away.
Hearing what Joker said, Brother Genius seems a bit incredulous.
Brother Genius: ...What did you say?
Joker ignores him, shifts his gaze to Lucien, and speaks in a cold tone.
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Joker: Fortunately, this game is at least worth participating in.
After saying that, he turns around and leaves the banquet hall without looking back despite everyone's gazes.
Lucien does not respond to his words at all, simply watching everything unfold calmly.
I quietly watch Joker's back, mentally drawing a big X over it.
Arrogant bastard, I will kill you tonight!
After the scene quiets down, Lucien speaks gently.
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Lucien: Since three players have already revealed their identities, I suggest we start the election for the sheriff early.
Lucien: The sheriff has 1.5 votes, and they can also guide and organize thoughts…
At the long table, Lucien explains the necessity of the sheriff in a clear and understandable manner to those who are still confused.
And for those who raised objections to the sheriff system, he accommodates their opinions and adopts a compromise approach.
The more I listen, the more I feel that this Mr. Hunter beside me is like a "kind-hearted God” who calmly accepts and gently gives.
And the weaker players on the field seem to share my sentiment, their faces showing apparent trust.
Ultimately, Lucien is elected sheriff without any suspense due to his revealed hunter identity and charismatic personality. I can't help but sigh.
MC: It'll be difficult for the werewolves…
Lucien: What are you talking about?
I shudder all over, realizing that Lucien has finished the discussion and is now looking at me gently.
I give him a guilty smile, but a dangerous thought arises within me.
If Lucien is willing to "favor" me just a little... Maybe him being the sheriff could actually be a good thing?
With this in mind, I discreetly wink at Lucien.
MC: I was thinking, this mansion looks so big, I have a feeling I might get lost if I'm not careful.
MC: [smiles] Would the newly elected Sheriff X accompany me for a walk?
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The clear water surface reflects a faint glow as if whispering unknown secrets.
I did not expect such pools to occupy this mansion's corridor and every room.
No matter where we go, the sound of flowing water never ceases.
The heavy and silent humid air wraps around us from head to toe, causing a wave of discomfort to surge within my heart.
MC: I thought a seaside mansion would be a beautiful, fresh-air vacation spot.
MC: Lucien, don't you feel like we've been swallowed by a giant monster, all sticky and slimy…?
Lucien is observing at the direction of the pool not far away. Hearing my words, an inscrutable smile tugs at the corner of his mouth.
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Lucien: Based on the current findings, it is likely that these pools are connected underground, forming some sort of waterway...
Lucien: If these waterways are like circulating blood vessels, then the pools are the organs that transport the blood. In that sense, we do seem to be inside some kind of giant monster...
The hairs on my body instantly stand on end, and I turn and throw myself into Lucien's arms. He catches me as if he had planned it, then gently pats my back.
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MC: ...I was already scared enough, and now you're scaring me even more!
Lucien: [coaxing by whispering softly] I just wanted to agree with this imaginative girl's metaphor. Is that not allowed?
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Seeing his cunning, squinting eyes, I can't help but let out a huffy little hum.
MC: Let's not talk about this anymore and change the subject!
MC: For example... weren't you worried about being targeted by the werewolves on the first day when you revealed your identity today?
I glance around and ask the premeditated question, only to see Lucien's eyelashes flutter slightly as he responds in an innocent tone.
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Lucien: Huh... was I supposed to keep my identity hidden?
MC: Hmph, Professor Lucien, don't play innocent. I know you're a master at these kinds of games.
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Lucien: I just don't want to lie in front of you.
He speaks frankly, with no intention of hiding anything. Being gazed at like this makes my heart skip a beat, and I almost want to confide my own secrets to him.
I quickly suppress the impulse, turn away to escape from his gentle allure, and hold his hand to lead him forward.
MC: Alright, alright, it seems you already have your own strategy. You're so intelligent. You definitely don't need a fool like me to worry needlessly.
I speak in a listless tone, with a little wistful expression, when I suddenly hear Lucien's voice.
Lucien: And what about you?
MC: What?
I turn around and see Lucien standing behind me, the fine mist enveloping his expression in a haze.
Lucien: [softly] Would my little lady lie to me?
A brief silence flows through the air as the pool continues to steam, making every breath sound incredibly distinct.
For a moment, I almost think that Lucien had already discovered my identity before the first night even began.
...No, I can't lose my composure first! I secretly pinch my palm, look straight into his eyes, and smile.
MC: Professor Lucien is so smart; how could my little tricks ever fool you?
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MC: Why not take a guess?
After all, more than winning, I want to enjoy this game with you in a "special way".
[Dang, the way he said, “would my little lady lie to me?” 🤧🤧🤧, you can almost hear his insecurity and sense of feeling wronged(?). 😂 This is one of many instances in this chapter that show, under his calm and composed demeanor and how he acts as if everything is under control, he isn't as in ease as he appears to be🤧 there's still a possibility and choice that the MC might want to win and abandon him to achieve that, and her not answering his question definitely doesn't put his heart at ease. He will respect her choice, whatever it may be, yet selfishly, he wants her to choose to trust him and 'be with him' instead of winning]
—[Lucien's Route - 3: Sneaks through the night]—
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As night falls, I quietly leave the door and see a bald man and a slim young man standing in the corridor from afar.
MC: You must be my teammates, the Ferocious and Superior Baldhead* and... Super Mousy*, right?
[T/N: not sure if it's deliberate, but the name… I'm going to scream lmao. The bald man's complete ID is 邪魅狂狷的光头. While "光头" (guang tao) literally means "bald head," it's also a term that lovepro players use to refer to the neighboring game 光与夜之恋 (guang yu ye zhi lian), also known as Light and Night. The slim man's ID is 超人鼠鼠; in Chinese slang, "鼠" (shǔ) is often used to describe someone timid, cowardly, or passive. It's like a person behaving like a mouse, often in the context of being overly cautious or submissive. Anyway, after this, I'll refer to the mouse guy as Mousy and the bald guy as Baldhead]
The bald guy responded with a grunt through his nose, and the slim guy timidly greeted me.
I remember these two; the bald guy is indeed "ferocious and acts superior" as his ID suggests, while the slim guy seems socially anxious and introverted, barely speaking during the day.
Baldhead: Stop wasting time discussing. Let's find someone who talks a lot and kill them first!
The bald guy speaks up domineeringly, leaving no room for doubt, while the young man timidly opens his lips but says nothing.
I can't help but sigh inwardly; how are we supposed to defeat Lucien and Joker with teammates like this….
However, they don't seem good at logical games, so maybe I can try to induce them.
Not giving them time to think and possibly connect the dots to Lucien, I quickly nod, showing a look of agreement.
MC: I agree. And I already have someone in mind.
Both of them look at me, and I try my best to put an air of authority.
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MC: I suggest taking out Joker first. I've played other games with him before... and he's a very tricky player.
MC: You can also sense his attitude today, right? He's very dangerous. Eliminating the smart ones first will increase our chances of winning.
I deliberately mention Joker's attitude during the luncheon; sure enough, both the bald guy and the slim young man frown.
Baldhead: It'll be him then! D*mn it, daring to act arrogant in front of me, he won't live through the night!
I can't help but feel a secret delight inside. Joker, oh Joker, you never thought there would be a day when you'd be "at someone else's mercy," did you?
We hit it off and head towards Joker's bedroom together.
The lights in the mansion are dim at night, making the pool seem even more unfathomable. I nervously swallow hard.
At this moment, Baldhead, who was walking in front of me, suddenly stopped. Mousy and I almost bumped into him but managed to steady ourselves.
Before I can ask, I see from beside him that a bedroom door, which should have been tightly closed, is wide open about three meters away, with someone standing in the doorway.
At this time, only werewolves are supposed to be out and about. How can there be someone else outside?! My heart jumps to my throat as I hear that person speak.
Brother Genius: Oh, finally, you're here. I've been waiting for you wolves for quite a while.
...it's the Brother Genius who was mocked by Joker in the banquet hall earlier today.
Brother Genius: I have discovered the biggest loophole in this game. Now... just watch and see!
A brass candlestick is suddenly pulled out from behind him, and in the blink of an eye, it is plunged into his own body.
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MC: ….?!
Everything happens so suddenly that we don't have time to react, and Brother Genius falls right in front of us.
Still in shock, we step forward to check, and he is indeed motionless.
Mousy: How... isn't it true that only the wolf can commit suicide in "Carnival Night"? How did he manage it? Did he find a bug in the game?
Like the blood, an uneasy atmosphere spreads from the still soft corpse before us. Just then, the three of us simultaneously receive a private message.
Butler: There are 10 minutes left until the werewolf activity time ends.
Mousy: What... What should we do... The system doesn't seem to show any issues. Should we still follow the plan to kill someone?
Baldhead grits his teeth, seemingly making up his mind.
Baldhead: We're already here, let's go!
Even though I am still slightly confused, I follow them, stiffly walking towards Joker's room.
I input the werewolf's fingerprint and press down on the door handle, but the door remains firmly shut.
Seeing that I am not taking further action, Baldhead shoves me aside and forcefully presses the handle, but the door still won't open.
Could it be another bug, or...? I ponder momentarily, then suddenly think of a possibility, and my heart sinks instantly.
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MC: ....Could it be that he is being guarded? Since the werewolf's fingerprint can unlock it, the Guardian might be able to add another lock...
Baldhead curses and, still unwilling to give up, tries other doors, but none of them open.
Eventually, the werewolf's activity time ends, and we can only return to our respective rooms in defeat.
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I lie down on the bed with a headache. The werewolf's action failed, and Brother Genius inexplicably "committed suicide"......
Trouble keeps piling up, and I feel like my brain is about to burn out.
The pool inside the room reflects a cold, icy light. I toss and turn, not knowing when I finally manage to fall asleep.
When the rapid knocking sounds for the third time, I groggily wake up and open the door.
Lucien walks straight in, the worry in his expression not yet completely gone. He relaxes only after seeing me.
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Lucien: Did you sleep uncomfortably?
I look at his slightly disheveled cuffs, clearly showing he hurriedly threw on his coat to rush over, and I can't help but open my arms to hug him.
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MC: I was a bit nervous and didn't sleep well... but now that I see you, all those feelings have vanished.
Lucien wraps his arms around my waist, allowing me to hold him tighter.
His clean and pleasant scent wraps around my tense nerves, making me unable to resist nuzzling closer.
Although the tension wasn't due to fear of being killed, last night was really too frightening.
Just at that moment, a scream comes from the other end of the hallway.
??: Brother Genius is dead!
I shudder all over, pretending to have just relaxed only to be scared again, and bury my head in Lucien's shoulder.
Lucien's hand moves up to my chin, and he looks me in the eyes. I can clearly see my own unease reflected in his eyes.
Lucien: [in a gentle tone] Were you scared?
MC: Mm...
——Not because of them, but because I have to walk through a night without Lucien. I purse my lips and hold Lucien tighter, yet I seem to hear his barely audible chuckle.
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When Lucien and I arrive at the banquet hall, I notice that everyone's faces look rather pale, and there is little discussion.
Although it is just a game, the solemn atmosphere brought by "death" grows even more chilling with the constant sound of running water.
I sit down with an uneasy expression, my heart filled with doubts.
Before coming to the banquet hall, Lucien and I went to see the crime scene.
To my shock, Brother Genius, who was dead by the door last night, is now found inside the room.
The butler claims that Brother Genius fell victim to a werewolf last night, but this is clearly not the truth.
...Could it be that he really exploited some loophole in the game, and the game's rules tacitly allowed his actions?
Just when I am puzzled and unable to figure it out, someone nearby breaks the silence.
Red Nose: It's almost time to vote. Why is no one talking? I'll go first.
A guy wearing a clown nose accessory anxiously taps the dinner plate with a spoon.
Red Nose: Could it be that the wolf targeted "Brother Genius" because he exposed his identity as an outsider…
The middle-aged man sitting at the head of the table hears this and slowly shakes his head.
Uncle: "A gentleman does not deceive in the dark." I suggest we all play openly; that would make the game much simpler…
[T/N: basically, the uncle would rather have everyone reveal the role, while the red-nosed guy is afraid that if anyone reveals their role, they will get targeted. Hmm, I wonder why-]
The two begin to discuss it heatedly, and soon, Red Nose's increasingly sharp voice turns it into a one-sided argument.
Watching the human faction fall into disarray, I wish they would argue even more fiercely. However, when I look up, I see Lucien's thoughtful expression.
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Lucien: Based on your discussion, I believe that Brother Genius's death is not the worst situation.
Lucien: Please don't forget that his identity was that of an outsider, and the seer is still among us.
Red Nose: So what, are you suggesting that the seer should reveal themselves like you?
Red Nose: Seer, I don't know who you are, but if you didn't identify a werewolf last night, don't reveal your identity!
Facing Red Nose's targeting, Lucien merely shows a gentle smile.
Lucien: I can't control the seer's actions, but since we currently lack sufficient clues, I have a suggestion for everyone to consider.
Lucien: Tonight, I hope the seer can verify the identity of whoever is willing to prove themselves first.
—[Lucien's Route - 4: Banquet Social Season (Non-story/a.k.a Stage part)]—
Every banquet is an encounter.
—[Lucien's Route - 5: Misty Water Mirror]—
Whoever is willing to prove themselves first...?
What does that mean? I pause slightly and then hear the uncle burst into hearty laughter.
Uncle: Good! Great idea. With so many people present, the seer does indeed need some "hints!"
Lucien: So, who is willing to be verified by the seer tonight?
Lucien's lips curve into a relaxed smile as if he is merely making a casual suggestion.
However, alarm bells go off in my mind, and the fork in my hand unconsciously scrapes the plate twice.
Could he really just be signaling the seer hidden in the crowd to start working? No, based on what I know about Lucien, there's definitely more to it than that…
I instinctively want to stay silent; we still don't know who the seer is. What if I'm the only one who raises their hand, and the seer really investigates me? But…
My heart is beating faster and faster, and my mind is whirling.
Until an almost terrifying thought suddenly flashes through my mind, exploding within me.
——Could Lucien be setting up a trap? This trap targets not only the wolves but also the humans.
If I think outside the perspective of a wolf and view it from a human's standpoint, only the wolves wouldn't want to be verified by the seer...
With this thought, I impulsively raise my hand, cold sweat running down my back.
Whatever, I'll take the gamble!
MC: I am human. If the seer doesn't have a suitable candidate, they can verify me tonight.
It seems my action also encouraged others, and soon, more people raised their hands.
As the first to raise my hand, I openly look at their faces, only to notice that the uncle is also observing in secret.
He was so supportive of Lucien's suggestion, yet he didn't raise his hand... Doesn't he want to prove his identity first?
As I ponder this, Red Nose suddenly stands up from his seat and almost shouts from his throat.
Red Nose: Stop doing foolish things! How can you be manipulated by a few fancy words and consider exposing yourself?
Exposing...? In a flash, I suddenly realize Lucien's trap for the humans—the seer, who isn't good at scheming, risks being exposed because of this!
Unfortunately, such shallow and aggressive rhetoric would only enlighten someone with ulterior motives like me. Who else would want to listen?
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Joker: Ridiculous.
Leaning against the wall, Joker speaks coldly, casting a glance at everyone present as if looking at a group of monkeys in a zoo.
Finally, his gaze falls on Red Nose.
Joker: Your stupidity makes you useless in information sharing, only capable of creating arguments and stirring emotions.
Joker: Even if you are not a wolf, your voice is redundant for the human faction.
After speaking, Joker ignores the discussions and Red Nose's curses that follow, crossing his arms and closing his eyes as if to sleep.
.......even though the situation is favorable to me, I still feel that he is more of a "shit-stirrer" than the werewolves.
The interruption leaves everyone a little unsure for a moment, and Lucien takes the opportunity to speak up.
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Lucien: In deduction and confrontation games, good people always hope to prove their innocence regardless of skill level.
Lucien: Therefore, those who actively seek to have a voice are naturally more eager to prove their identity first, thus leading the direction of the voting.
The cold, shimmering light blurs his expression, drawing more attention to his firm words.
Lucien: Actively seizing the right to speak while not wanting to be checked... If there is still no reasonable explanation, then it's very likely a wolf trying to confuse the humans.
Immediately, everyone’s hands shot up in unison as if driven by a death warrant.
I watch as Lucien steers the situation, effortlessly controlling everyone's emotions, making me feel both proud and nervous.
Then, everyone's eyes converged on the one person who had yet to raise their hand.
Red Nose breathes heavily, his bloodshot eyes glaring fiercely at Lucien, his face full of unwilling rage.
Red Nose: If you're going to vote, then vote!
As expected, Red Nose is unanimously voted out. The attendants take him to the edge of the banquet hall's pool and push him in.
Like the empty stomach of a giant monster finally capturing its nutrients, the calm water surface surges and engulfs his body violently, a striking crimson color spreading across the water.
The pool becomes very bright instantly, but just as quickly, it calms down again. The vivid red water reverts to a pale aquamarine, just as it was before.
Obviously, such a display in the game doesn't relax anyone. People start to leave one after another, unwilling to stay any longer.
I walk to the edge of the long table and turn back to take another look at the uncle, who remains in place.
He sits at the table enjoying his dessert, his brow relaxed, and he seems much more at ease than before the luncheon.
I go over his behavior today in my mind, and an answer becomes apparent to me.
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Lucien: [gently] Are you feeling better?
Lucien walks toward me, naturally taking my hand, and I instinctively avert my gaze from the uncle.
MC: Hmm, much better~ Maybe because I ate something, I feel more energized!
My palms are still sweaty from the luncheon, and although I let Lucien hold my fingertips, I never dared to fully open my hand and interlock fingers with him.
Lucien's long fingers gently squeeze my fingertips, seemingly unaware of my little thoughts.
It's just that the time he spends gazing at my face seems... a bit longer?
Lucien: But your complexion is still a bit pale. Have some more sugar.
Lucien picks up a glass of juice from the table and hands it to me. I happily take it and drink a sip, then immediately frown.
...Why does it taste so strange? It's not good at all.
Lucien: Don't like it?
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MC: ...No, of course I like anything Professor Lucien gives me!
As soon as the words leave my mouth, I feel a bit regretful. There was no need to explain something so trivial; I'm being overly cautious…
Lucien just smiles slightly, his eyes as gentle and profound as always.
But perhaps due to the mindset of a werewolf, I have the feeling that he is subtly punishing me for lying.
...With him by my side, I have to be even more careful with every move I make.
[When she doesn't answer last night, he understands why. He understands her choice, hesitation, and pain. So, he still comforts her with so much care. However, he can't help but still feel a bit wronged that MC doesn't trust him enough to tell him the truth and chooses to endure everything alone, so that not-so-palatable drink was his small retaliation.... this fox can be a bit petty sometimes skskks]
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