#Starbucks Unsweetened Blonde Roast Iced Coffee
bluepoodle7 · 4 months
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#Starbucks #StarbucksUnsweetenedBlondeRoastIcedCoffee#RefrigeratedUnsweetenedFlavoredIcedCoffeeReview
I tried the Starbucks Unsweetened Blonde Roast Iced Coffee and it was okay.
This just tasted like a smooth non sweet black coffee without creme and sugar added to it.
This was lightly bitter tasting with a water and coffee taste.
I tried this before I put this in my oatmeal.
I would drink it again if I added sugar free coffee creamer and monk fruit.
Got at Kroger.
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saschagemruler · 1 year
What I think the League of Villains would order at Starbucks bc I work there and I need entertainment sue me
~Disclaimer idk what Starbucks is like in Japan so I'm basing it off of the USAmerican Starbucks~
Shigaraki - Absolutely the sugarist thing on the menu. Pink drink with sweet cream cold foam on top; Iced white mocha with sweet cream cold foam, caramel syrup and extra caramel drizzle; iced pumpkin spice latte with sweet cream cold foam and extra pumpkin- you get the jist. The least sugary thing he's ordered was a french vanilla iced coffee and even then he asked for extra classic
Kurogiri - He doesn't like to drink much coffee, and if he does he has to brew it himself. Thus, he's one of like five people that gets the English Breakfast tea.
Dabi - Doesn't understand most of the drink names, doesn't care enough to. If someone is ordering for them, they'll get the "purple one" (Dragon drink). If they're ordering for themself it'll be a hot latte - vanilla if they're feeling fancy if not just a regular latte- or a mocha hot no whip. (They feel proud of themself for knowing to say "no whip". They should not be)
Toga - She's a pretty simple gal actually, never really gets an overly complex order. If it's in season she'll get an iced pumpkin spiced latte, if not she'll just get an iced white mocha. Is usually the one to order everyone's drinks if they're going in a group
Twice - She'll usually be unable to decide what he wants to drink and will debate about it for ten minutes before deciding on what she always orders- an iced black tea lemonade unsweetened. Before the huge splitting apart + trauma he'd always get a grande blonde roast with extra half and half.
Big Sis Magne - She's a simple gal. A simple tall black pike for her, sometimes a tall black iced coffee- no classic- if it's really hot outside. She also is the only one with a Starbucks app and always has Toga scan her account whenever the League orders. The stars she gets from their orders is enough to get free drinks for at least four weeks. Will order everyone's drinks if Toga is unavailable.
Mr. Compress - For him it's either the Passion Tango tea lemonade (sweetened, obviously) or a Mango Dragonfruit lemonade refresher. No matter the drink though he always asks for six splenda. Regardless of type of drink or size. No one knows why.
Moonfish - Will order the NASTIEST fucking drinks known to man. A trenta iced coffee, 10 pumps of classic, 10 pumps of vanilla, 10 pumps of toffeenut, 10 pumps of caramel, 6 scoops of vanilla bean powder, extra heavy cream, and caramel drizzle. Or what about a trenta pink drink made with heavy cream, sweet cream cold foam on top, seven scoops of vanilla bean powder, and 10 pumps of vanilla syrup.
Muscular - He wants a pink drink so bad. He wants that shit deep in his soul. He is too cowardly and orders a grande dark roast with two stevias.
Mustard - Give him a venti double chocolaty chip frappuccino no mocha sub white mocha and he'll happily sip on that shit for the entire day.
Bonus round:
Bakugo - Gets either a strawberry cream frappuccino no classic sub vanilla or a blonde vanilla latte if it's later at night. Caffeine makes him sleepy so he usually goes for the non caffeinated drinks.
Hawks - Fans speculate what drink he gets. They assume it's something like an iced vanilla coffee or iced toffeenut coffee. This is incorrect. Coworkers assume he gets pink drinks or iced pumpkin spiced lattes. This is also incorrect. He gets a hot cinnamon dolce latte and an everything bagel.
If people like this I'll do the entirety of Class 1-A.
Since I know no one is going to read this I used headcannon pronouns get off my dick
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samwrights · 4 years
Starbucks Order
Okay, I’m gonna pause on the requests for a second because I’m lacking brain function. So where does my mind go? To my natural state—Starbucks mode. This post is in no way affiliated with Starbucks Coffee Company, nor am I being paid to promote the brand in any way, shape, or form. The only compensation I receive is in the form of catastrophe pay. This post is entirely meant to be satire, and I actually had a lot of fun writing it!
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—Daichi, Kiyoko, and Ennoshita are the black coffee drinkers, iced or hot depending on the season.
—Asahi, Tsukki, and Suga are latte drinkers; caramel, toffeenut, and vanilla respectively.
—Tanaka, Yachi, and Yamaguchi are slightly more “adventurous”. They’re the ones who always try the seasonal launches. Yes, they tried the unicorn Frappuccino. Yes, they said it was good. Yes, they were liars.
—Kageyama gets a vanilla bean or strawberry creme Frappuccino every time, without question.
—Hinata and Noya are the chaotic secret menu drinkers. You all saw this coming. Noya totally orders a matcha green tea Frappuccino, sub peppermint, add java chips. Whereas Hinata prefers a vanilla bean with caramel and toffee nut, extra caramel drizzle. On colder days, Hinata prefers a black and white hot chocolate with extra whip and any kind of seasonal topping that adds a crunch.
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Aoba Johsai;
—Not to throw my babies under the bus, but the only men on this team drinking black coffee is Iwaizumi, Watari, and Kunimi. Everyone else too weak.
—Never an iced one for Iwa, though. Hot and preferably over 200F like himself.
—Kyoutani doesn’t get anything because he lowkey hates the fact that Starbucks exists. That’s fair. If someone is getting it for him, he prefers a blonde roast with a teensy splash of milk.
—Yahaba also prefers a drip coffee, but he’s very particular. If he’s feeling a hot coffee, he prefers dark unless it’s Italian Roast bc garbage. If that’s the roast of the day, he goes with blonde. Splash of cream and three sugars. If he’s feeling iced coffee, he wants an iced Pike Pour Over because Yahaba is THAT extra. The regular iced coffee doesn’t cut it. However, he only orders it if nobody else is in the cafe and he’s alone.
—Oikawa’s orders depend on his mood. I could see him getting tall Nitros on a regular, but if he’s not feeling coffee, he’s an iced tea drinker. Preferably, the guava white iced tea, unsweetened of course.
—The meme team totally gets the color drinks. Makki is basic af, getting the pink drink. Mattsun prefers to think he’s exotic, getting a dragon drink.
—Kindaichi is the Seijoh Frappuccino offender. He prefers the Caramel Ribbon Crunch.
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—Oddly enough, I don’t see any of them being a straight black coffee drinker. The closest would be Kuroo and Yamamoto. Though, Kuroo would prefer a cold brew. If pumpkin cream cold brew is in season, it’s the only thing he gets.
—Yamamoto, on the other hand, I could see him being a standard iced latte drinker. Extra shot and almond milk.
—Yaku is definitely a flat white kinda guy. He strikes me as the person who thinks he’s cultured for getting ristretto shots.
—Inuoka is a tea drinker, and he doesn’t discriminate between any of them as they’re all good in their own right. However, if he’s feeling ritzy, black tea lemonade with mango refresher base, sweetened.
—Lev is a fan of the very berry hibiscus refresher. If he’s feeling ritzy, he’ll substitute the water for apple juice.
—Kenma is a chai guy, but only iced. With one less pump of chai and two pumps of vanilla, regardless of size.
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—Washio is our black coffee drinker for this team, because stoic trope.
—Onaga prefers a vanilla sweet cream cold brew, as it’s the perfect balance of creamy, sweet, and still tastes like coffee. If he’s feeling adventurous, he’d vie for an iced cocoa cloud macchiato.
—Akaashi strikes me as another one that orders depending on his mood, never sticking to regularity. Though if he’s unsure, he just orders a white chocolate mocha with no whip. Definitely prefers warm drinks to iced.
—Konoha is in the same boat as Akaashi, but I guarantee he’s tried everything on the menu at least once. Salted caramel mocha is a year round favorite for him, both hot or iced, and whether the topping is available or not.
—You all knew this was coming. Bokuto is our chaotic good friend here. Strawberry creme Frappuccino with a banana blended in, java chips, one scoop vanilla bean powder, and mocha drizzle on top.
—If he’s not feeling a blended drink, he gets an iced matcha latte with one less pump of white mocha and 1-2 pumps of toffee nut. (If you read elixir, you’ve seen this before! This is my actual drink.) Bokuto and I got the crackhead energy here.
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deliriumxtrigger · 7 years
ive been making my own homemade iced coffees in the morning because i am trying to perfect the at home recipe to sub for always buying coffee because with me going back to school we have to be a lot tighter with the monies 
i have found my ultimate recipe that i can make into an iced coffee or iced machiatto ! if i want it hot i just need to use my kuerig :)
-4-6 oz of vanilla unsweetened cashew OR vanilla unsweetened cashew almond milk (CALIFA is bomb!) -one-two packets of truvia or any sweetener of choice -ice -amino energy cafe aminos i went haywire on the flavors about 2 years ago so (i had a bunch of these laying around and it adds a significant amount of protein X caff :P) -unsweetened blonde roast or french roast starbucks iced coffee seriously it is their delicious coffee in 48oz for 5 bucks which is the price of one coffee -1-2 tablespoons of sugar free creamer of choice (seriously it makes it sooo much sweeter for a fraction of the calories and sugar)
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bluepoodle7 · 4 months
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#Kroger #KrogerFruitAndCreamOatmealVarietyPack#KrogerStrawberriesAndCreamInstantOatmeal #KrogerPeachesAndCreamInstantOatmeal #KrogerBananasAndCreamInstantOatmeal #KrogerBlueberriesAndCreamInstantOatmeal #FlavoredInstantOatmealMixReview #OatmealDay
I tried the Kroger Fruit And Cream Oatmeal Variety Pack and it was pretty good.
This oatmeal dry was soft, had a lightly sweet mixed fruit taste.
The dry oats in the oatmeal were crunchy in texture.
The dried fruit was lightly sweet and had a natural fruit flavor while also chewy in texture.
I would eat this again.
Got online.
I tried these oatmeal's mixed together with the Starbucks Unsweetened Blonde Roast Iced Coffee, and barbeque seasoned quail eggs.
This oatmeal mix was pretty good.
This oatmeal mix was firm and soft in texture while also microwaved like the constancy of a oatmeal cookie.
This had a light mixed fruit taste but with a watery black coffee not sweetened ice coffee with coffee flavor at the end.
This mixed fruit oatmeal did give a light sweetness to the oatmeal mix.
This oatmeal did have a chewy texture from the quail eggs.
The quail eggs with the lightly salty barbeque seasoning on them and was lightly salt but well seasoned while giving the oatmeal a light salty flavor.
This oatmeal with toppings were lightly sweet and salty.
I would eat this oatmeal mix again.
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