#Stability and security.
I don't like chaos.
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svdaily · 8 months
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glitchedrabbit · 2 months
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walking in with shame cause i posted this late…
but to be fair i was at the doctors office and needing to sanitize my entire room/bed because of my contagious infection…SO…i’ll give myself a little credit…
since i was late though, i decided i might as well go all out, and here it is <:)
sorry if you notice many messes and mistakes, i’m currently also on a bad mental state and drawing hasn’t been much on my mind, it’s been pretty badd, BUT IM NOT HERE TO VENT
we are here because ruin is already..a year old..GOD.
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neonbuck · 7 months
i was going to apologize for being so "sensitive" about trans peoples' lives and safety and explain that its due to the fact that i live in fear for my loved ones every day. then i realized wait, thats stupid. im not sorry for that, why should i be
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nikkidafox · 11 months
Reblog if you want to form the Transgender Empire
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In order to ensure the security and continuing stability, the Republic will be reorganized into the
For a trans and euphoric SOCIETY!
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Join me @xenasaur
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angry-yet-apathetic · 2 years
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never not thinking about this. this feels like the key to adam's character WHY would they say it like that....
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tomorrowusa · 2 months
« If Putin succeeds in this aim the consequences for Europe will be horrendous. At the moment, the Russian forces facing the Baltic States are negligible. The units studied by Nato before 2022 are decimated, their equipment wrecked and crews slaughtered in Ukraine. The minute the war there ends, Putin will start to reconstitute and reinforce them. Unless Nato immediately restores credible deterrence, the three Baltic states would soon become uninhabitable. Moreover, the subjugation of Ukraine will lead to a fresh wave of millions of refugees westward, aggravating the already very fragile domestic politics of many polities here. The money we refused to spend on Ukraine will then have to be raised twice over to deal with the aggravated threat. »
— Brendan Simms, Director, Centre for Geopolitics & Professor in the History of European International Relations, University of Cambridge. Writing at The New Statesman.
Prof. Simms makes a case for the recently elected Labour government in the UK making protection of Ukraine one of its priorities. Fortunately, Prime Minister Keir Starmer has already voiced his support for Ukraine and visited President Zelenskyy in Kyiv after Russia's illegal invasion.
Appeasers and tankies are too addled to understand how kowtowing to Putin and his totalitarian Kremlin lickspittles would lead to disasters which would play out for decades. Pacifism and appeasement did not prevent World War II but only fueled its onset. Bullies never respect those who cave to them.
Respect for international boundaries is a foundation stone of peace and stability. Putin's invasion of Ukraine shows that peace and stability don't interest him. Putin's nostalgia for the decrepit Soviet Union and his ambition to be known as the Peter the Great of the 21st century are all that matter to him.
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zimmbzon · 1 year
Does anyone remember that Brennan Lee Mulligan quote that went something like:
“The healthcare you receive is as good as your ability to advocate for it”
Where was that from? Please hivemind, and thank you!
As payment I present to you Mama Brennan (Rebecca Everpetal) being just lovely to adopted trans daughter Sam Nightingale.
Honestly, Dropout is the only platform that I consume with my guard down.
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alt text included
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justupinthecosmos · 3 months
The Stone of Endurance, Red Jasper
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plague-vulture · 7 months
the pearlina dynamic is all about defying whats expected of you i think.
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svdaily · 5 months
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angelsdean · 10 months
so. where do i sign up to get adopted by a queer found family?? i need. community.
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harmonicabisexuals · 4 months
too many fujoshis in the challengers tag cutting out tashi....don't you understand she is literally the glue holding all their relationships together
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leng-m · 7 months
I need more adult fantasy with adult characters in their own self-discovery and coming-of-age journey, doing explorations of parts of life for the first time without the story pathologizing them or condescending to them.
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vladimir777sk · 6 months
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🏭 +/- В 20 км от моего дома (Самара): опять взрывы на нефтеперерабатывающем заводе. По предварительной информации, речь идет об атаке беспилотника. «Было два прилета», — рассказал очевидец. * С - стабильность. ** Б - безопасность.
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☝ ...
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daeum · 9 months
my 2024 wish is for 2024 to leave me alone lol
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