#St. Vincent carnival
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whodonthear · 2 years ago
Nailah Blackman at St. Vincent Carnival
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mymusicbias · 2 years ago
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curryvillain · 10 months ago
Gargamel Looks To Bring Out The "Rum Head" This Vincy Mas
The Carnival season is still in full effect, and the Caribbean has many events lined up in different Islands for you to be a part of, and enjoy to the fullest. St. Vincent & The Grenadines is gearing up for another memorable “Vincy Mas“, and Soca Artist Gargamel is ready for the vibes. He gets things jumping with, “Rum Head“. Produced by Strike Mode Music and Boss Raw Records on the “Roll Start…
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havatabanca · 2 years ago
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pillarboxstudio · 2 years ago
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6-and-7 · 2 months ago
Final Scores for Classic vs. New Who
Classic: 81 New: 71 Tie: 5
Additional breakdowns below the cut
By Doctor:
1 vs. 9: 10 1: 4 9: 5 Tie: 1
1 vs. 10: 19 1: 7 10: 12
2 vs. 10: 17 2: 8 10: 9
2 vs. 11: 4 2: 3 11: 1
3 vs. 11: 24 3: 13 11: 11
4 vs. 11: 11 4: 8 11: 2 Tie: 1
4 vs. 12: 30 4: 12 12: 17 Tie: 1
5 vs. 12: 5 5: 3 12: 2 Tie:
5 vs. 13: 15 5: 12 13: 3 Tie: 0
6 vs. 13: 8 6: 4 13: 3 Tie: 1
7 vs. 14: 3 7: 0 14: 3 Tie: 0
7 vs. 15: 9 7: 6 15: 2 Tie: 1
4 vs. Shalka: 1 4: 1 Shalka: 0 Tie: 0
Cushing vs. 8: 1 Cushing: 0 8: 1 Tie: 0
Individual Stories
An Unearthly Child vs. Rose The Daleks vs. The End of the World The Edge of Destruction vs. The Unquiet Dead Marco Polo vs. Aliens of London/World War Three The Keys of Marinus vs. Dalek The Aztecs vs. The Long Game The Sensorites vs. Father's Day The Reign of Terror vs. The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances Planet of Giants vs. Boom Town The Dalek Invasion of Earth vs. Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways The Rescue vs. The Christmas Invasion The Romans vs. New Earth The Web Planet vs. Tooth and Claw
The Crusade vs. School Reunion The Space Museum vs. The Girl in the Fireplace The Chase vs. Rise of the Cybermen / The Age of Steel The Time Meddler vs. The Idiot's Lantern Galaxy 4 vs. The Impossible Planet / The Satan Pit Mission to the Unknown vs. Love & Monsters The Myth Makers vs. Fear Her The Daleks' Master Plan vs. Army of Ghosts / Doomsday The Massacre of St Bartholomew's Eve vs. The Runaway Bride The Ark vs. Smith and Jones The Celestial Toymaker vs. The Shakespeare Code The Gunfighters vs. Gridlock The Savages vs. Daleks in Manhattan / Evolution of the Daleks
The War Machines vs. The Lazarus Experiment The Smugglers vs. 42 The Tenth Planet vs. Human Nature / The Family of Blood The Power of the Daleks vs. Blink The Highlanders vs. Utopia / The Sound of Drums / Last of the Time Lords The Underwater Menace vs. Voyage of the Damned The Moonbase vs. Partners in Crime The Macra Terror vs. The Fires of Pompeii The Faceless Ones vs. Planet of the Ood The Evil of the Daleks vs. The Sontaran Stratagem / The Poison Sky The Tomb of the Cybermen vs. The Doctor's Daughter The Abominable Snowmen vs. The Unicorn and the Wasp The Ice Warriors vs. Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead
The Enemy of the World vs. Midnight The Web of Fear vs. Turn Left Fury from the Deep vs. The Stolen Earth / Journey's End The Wheel in Space vs. The Next Doctor The Dominators vs. Planet of the Dead The Mind Robber vs. The Waters of Mars The Invasion vs. The End of Time The Krotons vs. The Eleventh Hour The Seeds of Death vs. The Beast Below The Space Pirates vs. Victory of the Daleks The War Games vs. The Time of Angels / Flesh and Stone Spearhead from Space vs. The Vampires of Venice Doctor Who and the Silurians vs. Amy's Choice
The Ambassadors of Death vs. The Hungry Earth / Cold Blood Inferno vs. Vincent and the Doctor Terror of the Autons vs. The Lodger The Mind of Evil vs. The Pandorica Opens / The Big Bang The Claws of Axos vs. A Christmas Carol Colony in Space vs. The Impossible Astronaut / Day of the Moon The Dæmons vs. The Curse of the Black Spot Day of the Daleks vs. The Doctor's Wife The Curse of Peladon vs. The Rebel Flesh / The Almost People The Sea Devils vs. A Good Man Goes to War The Mutants vs. Let's Kill Hitler The Time Monster vs. Night Terrors The Three Doctors vs. The Girl Who Waited
Carnival of Monsters vs. The God Complex Frontier in Space vs. Closing Time Planet of the Daleks vs. The Wedding of River Song The Green Death vs. The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe The Time Warrior vs. Asylum of the Daleks Invasion of the Dinosaurs vs. Dinosaurs on a Spaceship Death to the Daleks vs. A Town Called Mercy The Monster of Peladon vs. The Power of Three Planet of the Spiders vs. The Angels Take Manhattan Robot vs. The Snowmen The Ark in Space vs. The Bells of Saint John The Sontaran Experiment vs. The Rings of Akhaten Genesis of the Daleks vs. Cold War
Revenge of the Cybermen vs. Hide Terror of the Zygons vs. Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS Planet of Evil vs. The Crimson Horror Pyramids of Mars vs. Nightmare in Silver The Android Invasion vs. The Name of the Doctor The Brain of Morbius vs. The Day of the Doctor The Seeds of Doom vs. The Time of the Doctor The Masque of Mandragora vs. Deep Breath The Hand of Fear vs. Into the Dalek The Deadly Assassin vs. Robot of Sherwood The Face of Evil vs. Listen The Robots of Death vs. Time Heist The Talons of Weng-Chiang vs. The Caretaker
Horror of Fang Rock vs. Kill the Moon The Invisible Enemy vs. Mummy on the Orient Express Image of the Fendahl vs. Flatline The Sun Makers vs. In the Forest of the Night Underworld vs. Dark Water/Death In Heaven The Invasion of Time vs. Last Christmas The Ribos Operation vs. The Magician's Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar The Pirate Planet vs. Under the Lake/Before the Flood The Stones of Blood vs. The Girl Who Died The Androids of Tara vs. The Woman Who Lived The Power of Kroll vs. The Zygon Invasion/The Zygon Inversion The Armageddon Factor vs. Sleep No More Destiny of the Daleks vs. Face the Raven
City of Death vs. Heaven Sent The Creature from the Pit vs. Hell Bent Nightmare of Eden vs. The Husbands of River Song The Horns of Nimon vs. The Return of Doctor Mysterio The Leisure Hive vs. The Pilot Meglos vs. Smile Full Circle vs. Thin Ice State of Decay vs. Knock Knock Warriors' Gate vs. Oxygen The Keeper of Traken vs. Extremis Logopolis vs. The Pyramid at the End of the World Castrovalva vs. The Lie of the Land Four to Doomsday vs. Empress of Mars
Kinda vs. The Eaters of Light The Visitation vs. World Enough and Time / The Doctor Falls Black Orchid vs. Twice Upon a Time Earthshock vs. The Woman Who Fell to Earth Time-Flight vs. The Ghost Monument Arc of Infinity vs. Rosa Snakedance vs. Arachnids in the UK Mawdryn Undead vs. The Tsuranga Conundrum Terminus vs. Demons of the Punjab Enlightenment vs. Kerblam! The King's Demons vs. The Witchfinders The Five Doctors vs. It Takes You Away Warriors of the Deep vs. The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos
The Awakening vs. Resolution Frontios vs. Spyfall Resurrection of the Daleks vs. Orphan 55 Planet of Fire vs. Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror The Caves of Androzani vs. Fugitive of the Judoon The Twin Dilemma vs. Praxeus Attack of the Cybermen vs. Can You Hear Me? Vengeance on Varos vs. The Haunting of Villa Diodati / The Ascension of the Cybermen / The Timeless Children The Mark of the Rani vs. Revolution of the Daleks The Two Doctors vs. Flux Timelash vs. Eve of the Daleks Revelation of the Daleks vs. Legend of the Sea Devils Trial of a Time Lord vs. The Power of the Doctor
Time and the Rani vs. The Star Beast Paradise Towers vs. Wild Blue Yonder Delta and the Bannermen vs. The Giggle Dragonfire vs. The Church on Ruby Road Remembrance of the Daleks vs. Space Babies The Happiness Patrol vs. The Devil's Chord Silver Nemesis vs. Boom! The Greatest Show in the Galaxy vs. 73 Yards Battlefield vs. Dot and Bubble Ghost Light vs. Rogue The Curse of Fenric vs. The Legend of Ruby Sunday/Empire of Death Survival vs. Joy to the World Dr. Who and the Daleks vs. Doctor Who the TV Movie Shada vs. Scream of the Shalka
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countriesgame · 1 year ago
Please reblog for a bigger sample size!
If you have any fun fact about St. Vincent and the Grenadines, please tell us and I'll reblog it!
Be respectful in your comments. You can criticize a government without offending its people.
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starry-eyed-never-satisfied · 11 months ago
Hi, can you tell me everything I need to know about KISS?
I really want to get into this fandom and asking people on Tumblr is more fun that reading a wikipedia article
Welcome to KISSblr! This is going to be fun, and tricky, how do I compress 50 years of magic into one post.
KISS were formed in early 1973 by Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons, they found Peter Criss and Ace Frehley through ads. Through 73 they played local gigs, perfected the makeup and released album 1 in February 1974. Two albums a year for the next 4 years and nonstop touring took its toll on the poor boys, Peter and Ace fell victim to the rock star party drugs alcohol thing, Peter left in 1980, Ace in 1982. Peter was replaced by the sweet precious Eric Carr, Ace by Vinnie Vincent then Mark St John (no one talks about him btw) the finally by Bruce Kulick. I don't care what anyone says, this point was peak KISS. They took the makeup off in 1983 and kept on with making awesome music and amazing live shows, right up to the most tragic moment in KISStory, November 1991 when Eric Carr sadly passed away after a battle with cancer. The boys bravely kept going, bringing in KISS's first blonde member, Eric Singer and continued into the 90s the same way they had for their entire career, making awesome music. 1996 saw them decide to reunite with Ace and Peter, that lasted until 2002 when unfortunately KISStory repeated itself. Eric Singer came back and although I would have loved for Bruce to come back as well, they brought Tommy Thayer in to replace Ace, and he proved a worthy addition to KISStory, this was the lineup through to now.
Paul Staney, guitar, vocals (1973 +)
Gene Simmons, bass, vocals (1973 +)
Peter Criss, drums (1973 - 1980, 1996 - 2002)
Ace Frehley, guitar (1973 - 1982, 1996 - 2002)
Eric Carr, drums (1980 - 1991 😭)
Vinnie Vincent, guitar (1982 - 1984)
Mark St John, guitar (1984)
Bruce Kulick, guitar (1984 - 1996)
Eric Singer, drums (1992 - 1996, 2002 +)
Tommy Thayer, guitar (2002 +)
KISS (1974)
Hotter Than Hell (1974)
Dressed To Kill (1975)
Alive (1975)
Destroyer (1976)
Rock And Roll Over (1976)
Love Gun (1977)
Alive II (1977)
Double Platinum (1978)
Paul, Gene, Ace, Peter all released matching solo albums in 1978
Dynasty (1979)
Unmasked (1980) - Not the album they took the makeup off on
The Elder (1981)
Creatures Of The Night (1982)
Lick It Up (1983)
Animalize (1984)
Asylum (1985)
Crazy Nights (1987)
Smashes, Thrashes And Hits (1988)
Hot In The Shade (1989)
Revenge (1992)
Alive III (1993)
Unplugged (1995)
You Wanted The Best You Got The Best (1996)
Carnival Of Souls (1997) (this was pre-reunion, but release was delayed cause of the reunion)
Psycho Circus (1998)
KISS Symphony/Alive IV (2003)
Sonic Boom (2009)
Monster (2012)
This is as condensed as I can make it, but if you want more detail on any period or member, let me know I love talking about KISS!!!!
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bebe-benzenheimer · 2 years ago
Papa Louie Aesthetics Meme
Since the results from my poll a while back leaned to a whopping mighty YES, I figure now be the time to pose a fun challenge for Flipline Tumblr and those of us who enjoy making graphics, so....drumroll...The Papa Louie Aesthetics Meme!
Before we get to the prompt list below the cut, just a few guidelines:
-tag your posts with papa louie aesthetics meme so we can all see everyone's pictures gathered together
-do your best to make at least one picture for each prompt, though if you're absolutely stuck for inspiration for a few I'm not making it a big deal. If you want to do more than one picture for a prompt that's fine as well, I'm just making the basic guideline of at least one so people not as experienced with editing don't feel overwhelmed
-since Tumblr allows multiple images per post, you can put more than one picture into each of your own posts
-whether you want to do your images in basic 9-picture moodboard style or try different layouts, go right ahead! Whether you want to represent a character with a faceclaim or with their in-game picture, go right ahead with that as well!
your favorite game
a worker
a customer
a closer
a fanmade character
an LGBT character (Mary, Sue, Nye, Liezel, Treble)
an antagonist
an animal/pet
facelaim an unseen character
a friendship
a family relationship
a canon ship (Tony/Mandi, Penny/Alberto, Mary/Sue, Rudy/Scarlett, Edoardo/Olga, Rhonda/Rico, Whiff/Mindy, Claire/Vincent, Franco/Fernanda)
a fanon ship
a game feature
a station
a city
a location
a mini-game
a go-kart
a band
a baseball team
a hockey team
a real-world spring holiday (St. Paddy's, Easter, Holi, Cherry Blossom Festival, Cinco De Mayo)
an in-game spring holiday (Lucky Lucky Matsuri, Big Top Carnival, Romano Wedding, ChiliFest, Comet-Con, OnionFest, Sugarplex Film Fest)
a summer holiday
a real-world fall holiday (Halloween, Day of the Dead, Thanksgiving)
an in-game fall holiday (Gondola500, Maple Mornings, Pirate Bash)
a winter holiday
a standard ingredient
a holiday ingredient
a Papa's Cook Book ingredient
a special
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mymusicbias · 2 years ago
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brookston · 2 years ago
Holidays 7.11
Advice to the Lovelorn Day
Bean Day (French Republic)
Beh Deinkhlan (Meghalaya, India)
Bowdler's Day
Celebration of the Golden Spurs (Flanders)
Convenience Store Day
Cow Appreciation Day
Day of the Bandoneón (Argentina)
Day of the Fire Fighter (Mexico)
Day of the Five Billion (1987)
Drummer Appreciation Day
Duel Day
Eleventh Night (Bonfire Night; Northern Ireland)
Flemish Community Day (Belgium)
International EcoBrick Day
International Essential Oils Day
International Richard Cheese Day
Ker Puja (Tripura, India)
Maritime Day (China)
Naadam (Mongolia)
National All American Pet Photo Day
National Cheer Up the Lonely Day
National Culture and Senior Citizens Day (Kiribati)
National Day of Remembrance of Victims of Genocide by Ukrainian Nationalists on Citizens of the Second Republic of Poland (Poland)
National Essential Oils Day
National Journalist Day (Chile)
National Maritime Day (China)
National Polyphenol Day
National Recovery Day
National 7-Eleven Day
National Swimming Pool Day
Orangeman’s Day (Canada)
Reading Guilt Day
Relisha Rudd Remembrance Day (DC)
Robert the Bruce Day (Scotland)
711 Day
Straw Free Day (Colorado)
Swimming Pool Day
To Kill A Mockingbird Day
World Benzodiazepine Awareness Day
World Fringe Day
World Independent Living Day
World Massage Day
World Population Day (UN)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Blueberry Muffin Day
Free Slurpee Day (7-11 Stores)
Hot Dog Night (Luverne, Minnesota)
International Raw Food Day
Make Your Own Sundae Day
National Mojito Day
National Rainier Cherry Day
National State Fair Food Day
Ramen Day (Japan)
Vegetarian Food Day
World Chocolate Day (Russia)
2nd Tuesday in July
Alpenfest begins (Gaylord, Missouri) [2nd Tuesday thru Saturday]
Carnival Tuesday (Saint Vincent and Grenadines) [2nd Tuesday]
Cow Appreciation Day [2nd Tuesday]
Independence Days
Mongolia (from China, 1921)
Polarveinn (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Benedict of Nursia (Christian; Saint)
Drostan of Dalcongaile (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Min (Ancient Egyptian harvest & fertility festival)
Feast of Theano (patron of vegetarianism)
Guru Rinpoche Day (Bhutan)
Imamat Day (Nizari Ismaili Shiʿi Muslims)
James, Bishop of Nisibis (Christian; Saint)
James McNeill Whistler (Artology)
Hidulphus (Christian; Saint)
Naadam begins (Three Games of Men Festival; Mongolia) [thru 7.15]
Next Generation Captain (Muppetism)
Olga of Kiev (Christian; Saint)
Pancho Villa Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Pius I, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Solstitium VII (Pagan)
St. Stephen of Hungary (Positivist; Saint)
World Population Day (Pastafarian)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Alphas (TV Series; 2011)
Beechwood 4-5789, by The Marvelettes (Song; 1962)
Boyhood (Film; 2014)
Contact (Film; 1997)
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (Film; 2014)
Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within (Animated Film; 2001)
Fleetwood Mac, by Fleetwood Mac (Album; 1975)
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (US Film; 2007) [#5]
Hellboy II: The Golden Army (Film; 2008)
Honky Tonk Women, by The Rolling Stones (Song; 1969)
Jesus Christ Superstar (Musical Play; 1971) [1st Stage Performance]
Musashi, by Eiji Yoshikawa (Novel; 1939)
My Bodyguard (Film; 1980)
The Newlywed Game (Game Show; 1967)
Orange Is the New Black (TV Series; 2013)
Porky’s Pet (WB LT Cartoon; 1936)
School for Scoundrels (Film; 1960)
Shall We Dance? (Film; 1997)
Sharknado (Film; 2013)
Snowpiercer (Film; 2014)
Sorry Not Sorry, by Demi Lovato (Song; 2014)
Space Oddity, by David Bowie (Song; 1969)
To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee (Novel; 1960)
Trainspotting, by Irvine Welsh (Novel; 1993)
Wild Over You (WB LT Cartoon; 1953)
Today’s Name Days
Benedikt, Olga, Oliver (Austria)
Oleg, Olga (Bulgariaa)
Benedikt, Dobroslav, Olga (Croatia)
Olga (Czech Republic)
Josva (Denmark)
Asko, Askur (Estonia)
Eleonoora, Elli, Nelli, Noora (Finland)
Benoît, Olga, Yolande (France)
Benedikt (Germany)
Evfemia, Evfimia, Olga (Greece)
Lili, Nóra (Hungary)
Benedetto, Emanuele, Fabrizio, Olga (Italy)
Leonora, Lore, Svens, Varaidotis (Latvia)
Kipras, Kiprijonas, Pijus, Šarūnė, Vilmantas (Lithuania)
Kjell, Kjetil (Norway)
Benedykt, Cyprian, Kalina, Kallina, Kir, Olga, Pelagia, Pelagiusz, Pius, Placyd, Sawin, Wyszesława (Poland)
Eufimia (Romania)
Milota (Slovakia)
Benito, Olga (Spain)
Eleonora, Ellinor (Sweden)
Lusia, Olha, Olusia, Olia (Ukraine)
Alvia, Helga, Livia, Olga, Olive, Ollie, Oliver, Olivia, Quentin, Quincy, Quinn, Quintina, Quinton (USA)
Benoît, Alenka, Olga, Olya (Universal)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 192 of 2024; 173 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 28 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Tinne (Holly) [Day 2 of 28]
Chinese: Month 5 (Wu-Wu), Day 24 (Geng-Wu)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 22 Tammuz 5783
Islamic: 22 Dhu al-Hijjah 1444
J Cal: 12 Lux; Fiveday [12 of 30]
Julian: 28 June 2023
Moon: 32%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 24 Charlemagne (7th Month) [St. Stephen of Hungary]
Runic Half Month: Feoh (Wealth) [Day 13 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 21 of 94)
Zodiac: Cancer (Day 21 of 31)
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havatabanca · 2 years ago
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izatrini · 12 days ago
St Vincent Carnival team promotes Vincy Mas in Trinidad - Loop News Caribbean
St Vincent Carnival team promotes Vincy Mas in Trinidad  Loop News Caribbean http://dlvr.it/TJGygB
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brookstonalmanac · 2 months ago
Holidays 1.25
Big Rock Day
Biologist’s Day (Mexico)
Burns Night (a.k.a. Robert Burns Day; Scotland)
Criminon Day (Scientology)
Dinner Party Day
Dydd Santes Dwynwen (Welsh Valentine's Day)
Festival of Constructive Energy
Fluoride Day
Food and Nutrition Day (Indonesia)
G.F. Betico Croes Day (Aruba)
International Day of Action on Yemen
International Day of Women in Multilateralism
IV Nurse Day (a.k.a. Intravenous Nurse Day)
January Revolution and National Police Day (Egypt)
KStews Day
Laurustinus Day (French Republic)
Long Distance Day
Luanda City Day (Angola)
Macintosh Computer Day (a.k.a. Mac Day)
Multicultural Children’s Book Day
National Florida Day
National Heroes’ Day (Cayman Islands)
National Moose Day
National Nutrition Day (Indonesia)
National Opposite Day
National Police Day (Egypt)
National Tourism Day (India)
National Videography Day
National Voters’ Day (India)
Observe the Weather Day
Official Crayon Day
Public Holiday (Saint Vincent and Grenadines)
A Room of One's Own Day
Social Workers’ Day (Talikstan)
Soda Fountain Day
St. Dwynwen’s Day (Welsh Valentine’s Day; Wales)
Tatiana Day (a.k.a. Students Day; Russia, Ukraine)
Thank Your Mentor Day
Virginia Woolf Day
Wedding March Day
Winter-een-mas begins [thru 31st]
Winter Olympics Day
Women’s Health Research Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Food and Nutrition Day (Indonesia)
National Fish Taco Day
National Irish Coffee Day
Schnitzelbank Bratwurst Day (Jasper, Indiana)
Nature Celebrations
Cerastium Day (Genuine; Korean Birth Flowers)
Independence, Flag & Related Days
Federated States of Antarctica (Declared; 2009) [unrecognized]
Foundation Day (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Himachal Pradesh Statehood Day (India)
Islamic Emirate of Acre (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Revolution Day 2011 (Egypt)
São Paulo Foundation Day (Brazil; 1554)
Ukraine (Independence Declaration Day, from Bolshevik Russia; 1918)
New Year’s Days
Chinese New Year Holiday, Day 1 (Taiwan)
Mahāyāna New Year (Mahāyāna Buddhism)
Tet Holiday (Vietnam)
4th & Last Saturday in January
Great Fruitcake Toss (Manitou Springs, Colorado) [Last Saturday]
KidFilm Festival begins [Last Saturday]
National Seed Swap Day [Last Saturday]
Salacious Saturday [4th Saturday of Each Month]
Sandwich Saturday [Every Saturday]
Sausage Saturday [4th Saturday of Each Month]
Side Hustle Saturday (UK) [Last Saturday]
Six For Saturday [Every Saturday]
Spaghetti Saturday [Every Saturday]
Splurge Saturday [Last Saturday of Each Month]
Stir-Fry Saturday [Last Saturday of Each Month]
Visit Your Local Quilt Shop Day [4th Saturday]
Winter Brew Fest (Denver, Colorado) [Last Saturday]
Yay Day (Sam & Cat TV Show) [Last Saturday]
Weekly Holidays beginning January 25 (3rd Full Week of January)
Carnival of Limoux (Limoux, France) [thru 4.6]
Cordova Iceworm Days (Cordova, Alaska) [thru 2.1]
National Storytelling Week [thru 2.1]
Festivals Beginning January 25, 2025
Brunswick Rockin' Stewbilee (Brunswick, Georgia)
The Chocolate Expo (Wilmington, Massachusetts) [thru 1.26]
FFA Farm Toy Show (Saline, Michigan)
Food & Agriculture Winter Conference (Asbury Park, New Jersey)
Hoggetowne Medieval Faire (Gainesville, Florida) [thru 1.26]
Indian River Marine Flea Market and Seafood Festival (Vero Beach, Florida) [thru 1.26]
International Hot Air Balloon Festival of Château-d’Oex (Château-d’Oex, Switzerland) [thru 2.2]
Midwest AG Expo (Gordyville, Illinois) [thru 1.26]
New York Craft Brewers Festival (Albany, New York)
New York Travel & Adventure Show (New York, New York) [thru 1.26]
One Love Festival (Tauranga, New Zealand) [thru 1.26]
Playtime (Paris, France) [thru 1.27]
Port St. Lucie Seafood Festival (Port St. Lucie, Florida) [thru 1.26]
Saint Simons Land Trust Oyster Roast (St. Simons Island, Georgia)
SAVOR Food & Wine Festival (Tucson, Arizona)
Social in the City (London, United Kingdom) [thru 1.26]
Winterfest (Amana Colonies, Iowa)
WWA Convention (Las Vegas, Nevada)
Feast Days
Ananias of Damascus (Christian; Saint)
Apollo (Christian; Saint)
Artemas (Christian; Martyr)
Burns Night (Pastafarian)
Cere’s Day (Pagan)
Conversion of Saint Paul (Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Anglican and Lutheran churches, which concludes the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity)
Dwynwen (Celtic; Saint) [Welsh Valentine’s Day]
Dydd Santes Dwynwen (Wales)
Feriae Sementivae (Ancient Roman Feast to Spring)
Gather Bathou San (Assam, India)
Great Uncle Fishknife (Muppetism)
Gregory the Theologian (Eastern or Byzantine Catholic Church)
Imoinu Irapta (Manipur, India)
Isaiah (Positivist; Saint)
Juventinus and Maximinus, Martyrs of Antioch (Christian; Martyrs)
Keith Moon Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Nut’s Day (Ancient Egypt)
Old Disting (Norse)
Poppo of Stavello (Christian; Saint)
Praejectus (a.k.a. Prix; Christian; Saint)
Publius (Christian; Saint)
Sementivae Feria: Seed Blessing (Pagan)
The last day of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (Christian ecumenism)
Lunar Calendar Holidays
Chinese: Month 12 (Ding-Chou), Day 26 (Jia-Wu)
Day Pillar: Wood Horse
12-Day Officers/12 Gods: Initiate Day (执 Zhi) [Auspicious]
Holidays: None Today
Secular Saints Days
Pompeo Batoni (Art)
Robert Burns (Literature)
Stephen Chbosky (Literature)
Eusebio (Sports)
Govert Flinck (Art)
Shotaro Ishinomori (Art)
Etta James (Music)
Antonio Carlos Jobim (Music)
Leiji Matsumoto (Art)
W. Somerset Maugham (Literature)
Morgan Russell (Art)
Georgy Shishkin (Art)
Hendrick van Avercamp (Art)
Virginia Woolf (Literature)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Dismal Day (Unlucky or Evil Day; Medieval Europe; 2 of 24)
Egyptian Day (Unlucky Day; Middle Ages Europe) [2 of 24]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Adventure (Atari 2600 Video Game; 1980)
After Many a Summer Dies the Swan, by Aldous Huxley (Novel; 1939)
The Augsburg Confession (Lutheran Religious Book; 1530)
Beware of Barnacle Bill (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1935)
Birds of Prey (Film; 2020)
Black Sails (TV Series; 2014)
Blame!, by Tsutomu Nihei (Manga; 1997)
Bughouse, recorded by Red Norvo (Song; 1935)
Cat’s Meow (MGM Cartoon; 1957)
Circus Time (Toby the Pup Cartoon; 1931)
Club Sandwich, featuring Farmer Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1931)
The Count of Monte Cristo (Film; 2002)
Elektra, by Richard Strauss (Opera; 1909)
Enough Rope, by Dorothy Parker (Poetry; 1926)
The Family Circus (Jolly Frolics UPA Cartoon; 1951)
Flat Foot Fledgling (Dinky Duck Terrytoons Cartoon; 1931)
Flim Flam Fountain (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1971)
Gerald McBoing Boing (Jolly Frolics UPA Cartoon; 1951)
The Goofy Gophers (LT WB Cartoon; 1947)
The Great Carrot Train Robbery (WB MM Cartoon; 1969)
The Grifters (Film; 1991)
Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters (Film; 2013)
Hear My Prayer, by Felix Mendelssohn (Choral Work; 1844)
The House Without a Key, by Earl Derr Biggers (Novel; 1925) [Charlie Chan #1]
Hymn for the Weekend, by Coldplay (Song; 2016)
La Cenerentola (a.k.a. Cinderella), by Gioachino Riossini (Opera; 1817)
Legends of the Superheroes: Part 2 (Hanna-Barbera Animated TV Movie; 1979)
Lucifer (TV Series; 2016)
M*A*S*H (Film; 1970)
Metamorphosen, by Richard Strauss (Small Ensemble Piece; 1945)
Napoleon, by Emil Ludwig (Biography; 1906)
New York and It’s People (Bertlevyettes Cartoon; 1915)
Noise Annoys Ko-Ko (Fleischer Inkwell Imps Cartoon; 1929)
101 Dalmatians (Animated Disney Film; 1961)
Parrotville Old Folks (Rainbow Parade Cartoon; 1935)
The Perils of Gwendolyn in the Land of the Yik Yak (Film; 1985)
Pest Pupil (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1957)
Polar (Film; 2019)
Popeye’s Pappy (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1952)
Proud Mary, by Creedence Clearwater Revival (Song; 1969)
The Rolling Stone or Look Maw, No Moss (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 340; 1965)
Sassy Cats (Scrappy Cartoon; 1933)
She Loves You, by The Beatles (Song; 1964)
Skins (UK TV Series; 2007)
The Thin Man Goes Home (Film; 1945)
Tito and the Birds (Animated Film; 2019)
Tom and Jerry: Cowboy Up! (WB Animated Film; 2022)
Unplugged, recorded by Paul McCartney (Live TV Concert; 1991)
A Walk to Remember (Film; 2002)
Weather Lady, Part 1 (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 339; 1965)
What a Night, featuring Farmer Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1935)
Wool: The Stranded, by Hugh Howey (Novel; 2012)
Today’s Name Days
Paulus, Wolfram (Austria)
Grigor (Bulgaria)
Ananija, Pavao, Projekto (Croatia)
Miloš (Czech Republic)
Paap, Paavel, Paavo, Paul (Estonia)
Paavali, Paavo, Paul, Pauli, Paulus (Finland)
Pauli Bekehrung, Wolfram (Germany)
Gregorios, Gregoris, Gregory, Grigorios, Grigoris, Margaret, Margarita (Greece)
Pál (Hungary)
Paolo, Sabino, Savino (Italy)
Sigurds, Zigurds, Zigvalda, Zigvalds (Latvia)
Jaunutis, Jomantas, Povilas, Viltenis, Žiedė (Lithuania)
Pål, Paul (Norway)
Miłosz, Miłowan, Miłowit, Paweł, Tacjanna, Tatiana (Poland)
Bretanion, Grigorie (Romania)
Tatyana (Russia)
Gejza (Slovakia)
Elvira, Pablo (Spain)
Pål, Paul, Paulus (Sweden)
Amari, Amir, Amira, Amarion, Gwayne, Hakon, Hawk, Jamari, Prince, Princess (USA)
Today’s National Name Days
National Gregory Day
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 25 of 2025; 340 days remaining in the year
ISO Week: Day 6 of Week 4 of 2025
Celtic Tree Calendar: Luis (Rowan) [Day 5 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Ding-Chou), Day 26 (Gui-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Jia-Wu]
Coptic: 17 Tubah 1741
Druid Tree Calendar: Cypress (Jan 25-Feb 3) [Day 1 of 15]
Hebrew: 25 Teveth 5785
Islamic: 25 Rajab 1446
J Cal: 25 White; Foursday [25 of 30]
Julian: 12 January 2025
Moon: 16%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 25 Moses (1st Month) [Isiah]
Runic Half Month: Elhaz (Elk) [Day 4 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 36 of 90)
Week: 3rd Full Week of January
Tropical (Typical) Zodiac: Aquarius (Day 6 of 30)
Sidereal Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 11 of 29)
Schmidt Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 25 of 25)
IAU Boundaries (Current) Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 6 of 28)
IAU Boundaries (1977) Zodiac: Capricornus (Day 7 of 28)
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cruiseworld · 8 months ago
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Introducting San Juan
In 1508 the Spanish expedition leader Juan Ponce de Leon established Caparra, a small settlement close to a protected bay on the north coast of the island of Puerto Rico. In 1521 the town was vacated and resited to the present location of Old San Juan. In the 16th century, San Juan was the origin for Spanish exploratory trips to little known parts of the Caribbean.
Nowadays the old section of San Juan has an authentic Old World feel with over 300 restored Spanish 17th century town houses. The area also contains many shops, restaurants, bars, and casinos for cruise passengers to sample.
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Touring San Juan
Characterful Old San Juan sits on a bluff overlooking the Atlantic Ocean northwards, and the port southwards. This walled and fortified area, now a major historical landmark, was established in 1510. Old San Juan is compactly sized, easy to get around on foot. If your energy runs out take the free bus that runs around the main attractions. Take time to stroll along the narrow cobblestone streets and admire the brightly colored houses, craft shops, and go to the interesting museums.
El Morro Fort
El Morro, a huge fort dating from 1539, defends San Juan from sea pirates. Its full name is Castillo San Felipe del Morro, after the patron saint of King Philip of Spain. You'll find six sets of gun platforms and huge walls that loom over San Juan Bay and the Atlantic Ocean.
La Fortaleza
Don't miss La Fortaleza, San Juan's oldest fort, founded in 1540. Later it was to become the official residence of the governor. Informative tours take you through the sumptuous building, with gilded banqueting hall, tall galleries, and rooms furnished in period fashion.
Cathedral de San Juan
This impressive cathedral dates back to 1592, on the site of the previous cathedral which was destroyed by a storm. Situated on Calle Cristo, this structure with a unique gothic pavonine facade contains the crypt of Ponce de Leon, a Spanish seaman, and the first ever governor of Puerto Rico.
Most of the shopping in Old San Juan is to be found in the many shops along Cristo, Fortaleza and San Francisco streets. As an alternative go to the two markets where you'll find a big choice of jewelry, fashions, art and souvenirs. One is located at the Plaza de la Darsena, in front of pier 1, the other on the Paseo de la Princesa, just along from pier 1.
Bacardi Rum Distillery
Rum drinkers may prefer its nickname the Cathedral of Rum. There's a free guided tour and enjoyable trolley ride. After the boring talk about the distillery's early years enjoy a drink or two.
El Yunque
The only tropical rain forest in the US National Forest system. Very beautiful with a totally sylvan atmosphere. Situated about 45 minutes from San Juan.
Cabezas de San Juan Nature Reserve
A fascinating ecological reserve with 7 different tropical habitats. Be warned though, visitor numbers are limited, so a reservation is essential.
Cruise Ideas
Enthusiastic cruise vacationers pick San Juan as an alternative to a Florida port. Thanks to its central Caribbean location, the island provides quick access to wonderful Southern Caribbean ports, like the Netherland Antilles and the Windward Isles. A short flight is a better alternative to the long cruise to these areas from mainland US. The range of cruises on offer from San Juan is wide, including the Leeward Isles (USVI, St Maarten, St Kitts, Guadeloupe), the Windward Isles (Dominica, St Lucia, Barbados, St Vincent, Grenada,Tobago), and the Leeward Antilles off the north coast of Venezuela (the ABC islands ie Aruba, Bonaire, and Curacao). See San Juan cruises for detailed cruise departure information. Several major cruiselines offer cruises from San Juan, such as Carnival, Royal Caribbean, PO Cruises, Princess Cruises, Silversea and Celebrity Cruises.
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Cruise Ship Terminals
There are three major pier areas in San Juan port. Old San Juan piers 1 through 6, the Pan American pier, and Navy Frontier pier. Most times cruise ships visiting San Juan berth at the Old San Juan Piers, so passengers can walk into Old San Juan. Cruise ships leaving from San Juan will berth at Old San Juan pier 4, or the Pan American Pier, 15 minutes by cab from Old San Juan.
Getting to the Port
From the Airport
San Juan airport is located about nine miles from the Pan American pier and 12 miles from the Old San Juan piers. It usually takes about three quarters of an hour in a cab for the journey. The cost is around twenty dollars. Additional charges apply for luggage, some drivers charging by item.
San Juan Port https://www.prpa.pr.gov/
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socaprince · 9 months ago
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Soca Therapy Playlist
Sunday June 16th 2024
Making You Wine From 6-9pm on Flow 98.7fm Toronto
Pump Me Up (Dr. Jay Plate) - Edwin Yearwood
Carry On - Patrice Roberts
Feel It - Problem Child
Play Harder - Machel Montano
Forget About It - Kerwin Du Bois
DAP (Drink And Party) - Viking Ding Dong
Night & Day - Th3rd x JMTB
Vent (Jester VIP Edit) - Teddyson John
Live Yuh Life - College Boy Jesse x Dj Private Ryan
Keep Talking - Turner x Dj Private Ryan
Keep Jammin On - Kes x Dj Private Ryan
Whole Day - Rae x Dj Private Ryan
Jouvert Morning - J Fiyre
Buss Head - Machel Montano x Bunji Garlin
Talk Yuh Talk - 3 Canal
J'ouvert Morning - Flava
In The Center (Innocent Crew Break Down Mash Up Ultra Simmo) - GBM Nutron x Farmer Nappy
In The Center - GBM Nutron x Farmer Nappy
Inventor (Izaman) - Olatunji
Let's Pretend - Patrice Roberts
Ah Love It Here - Ricardo Drue
Good Medicine - Jaiga
Stress Bout Dat - Adam O
Soca Therapy - Lil Rick x King Bubba
Sound Check - Mad Skull x Wetty Beatz
TOP 7 COUNTDOWN - Powered By The Soca Source
Most Streamed in St. Vincent & The Grenadines on Apple Music (All Genres Saturday June 15th)
7. Slip In (Clean) - Geo
6. Blessed - Kennie Montana
5. Like Never Before - Problem Child
4. Next # In Line (Clean) - Added Rankin
3. BOTS (Battle Of The Sexes) - Problem Child
2. Start - Dat-C DQ x Skinny Fabulous
1. Carnival Jumbie - Problem Child
Cyah Contain - Tian Winter
Whistle While You Work - Triple Kay
Stagga Dance - Lil Natty & Thunda x Muddy - Stagga Dance
Out The Way (Vincy Version) - Lyrikal
Weh Yuh From - Keith Currency 
Doh Bother Meh - Problem Child x Lavaman
Fling It - Patrice Roberts
Whoop Waps - Skinny Fabulous x Jab King
Hard Fete - Bunji Garlin
Ah Doh Have - Temptress x Deno Outta Range Mason
The Ambush - Lyrikal x Lil Natty & Thunda
Miracle - Kes x Tano
Come Home - Nailah Blackman x Skinny Fabulous
Beatin Road - Preedy
Beatin' Road (Remix) - Preedy x Patrice Roberts
Rell Mash Up - King James x Fryktion
Whipped - Jamesy P x Fryktion
Dose - Nicki Pierre x Fryktion
Safe Space - Rae x Fryktion
Play Mas - Teddyson John x Lyrikal
Rebecca - WITCO Desperadoes
(1980) Disco Daddy - Nelson
Birthday Song - Nailah Blackman x Ding Dong
Dutty Flex - Kes
Bad Gyal - Erphaan Alves
Runaway - Mical Teja
Curry Tabanca - De Mighty Trini
Formula - Kes
BYE x2 - Saddis x Jus Jay King
Life After Fete - Kerwin Du Bois
Everytime - Nadia Batson
Penthouse (D Ninja Edit) - Voice
Penthouse (Dr. Jay Plate) - Voice
Zoom Zoom - Full Blown
Embrace - Mical Teja
Fun Police - Viking Ding Dong
Night Shift - Machel Montano
Slow Wine - Patrice Roberts
Always - Miguel Maestre x Skorch Bun It x Dr. Jay De Soca Prince
Speechless - Kerwin Du Bois x Lyrikal x Voice x Teddyson John
Big Bad Soca - Bunji Garlin
Follow Dr. Jay @socaprince​ and @socatherapy
“Like” Dr. Jay on http://facebook.com/DrJayOnline
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