#St. Peter the Aleut
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So, a while back I got really into Alaskan saints and so decided to write an Akathist to St. Peter the Aleut; if you don't know who he was, you'll learn from reading this Akathist. Tagging @idylls-of-the-divine-romance (my go-to guy for reviewing theological poetry) and @sapphosremains (because Anglo-Catholics are some of the few non-Orthodox who won't find this at least a little objectionable).
Kontakion 1: The gospel hath gone out unto the ends of the earth and disciples hath been made of every nation, o Lord; even in the ice-bound darkness of the North Thy church hath been established. For this we cry, with angels and all nations: alleluia!
Oikos 1: And in all places and at all times, o Christ God, Thou art wondrous in Thy saints. Hence we praise Saint Peter the Aleut, Protomartyr of America!
Rejoice, glory of the Arctic ice!
Rejoice, fame of Kodiak Island!
Rejoice, thou who burnest brighter than the Northern Lights!
Rejoice, thou who outshinest the sun upon snow!
Rejoice, for the New World is ennobled by thy blood!
Rejoice, for thy triumph is a blessing to America!
Rejoice, Saint Peter, Protomartyr of America!
Kontakion 2: Thou wast reared amidst pagan darkness, o holy Peter, the depth of which was not known in the Old World at that time, on a snow-bound lonely island. But when the call of the Shepherd was first heard on Kodiak Island, thou didst reply with the cry of: alleluia!
Oikos 2: The monks of Russia didst administer the light of Christ to a people burdened by avaricious colonists and the religion of demons alike; it opened thine eyes, o righteous one.
Rejoice, first-fruit of Alaska!
Rejoice, sheep of an island where sheep were not known!
Rejoice, for the light of Christ pierceth all darkness!
Rejoice, for by Its light we are enlightened!
Rejoice, pagan adopted as a son of God!
Rejoie, heathen who by grace partook of the glory of the Lord!
Rejoice, Saint Peter, Protomartyr of America!
Kontakion 3: When thou wert offered baptism, thou most eagerly accepted. The priest immersed thee in saving water in the name of the blessed Trinity, and upon thee was bestowed the name Peter, mystically linking thee to the glorious Apostle. A soul entered the Kingdom of God, and all the powers of Heaven exclaimed: alleluia!
Oikos 3: The mystery of baptism bestowed upon thee a new name and new life; henceforth, thou wouldst no more be named Cungagnaq, but Peter.
Rejoice, successor to the blessed Apostle!
Rejoice, thou who betrayed not Christ at any time!
Rejoice, son of snow reborn in the water!
Rejoice, child of ice regenerated in the font!
Rejoice, firstborn of a Christian nation!
Rejoice, guide of thy people to the Word!
Rejoice, Saint Peter, Protomartyr of America!
Kontakion 4: Not long after thou wast received into the Church, Spanish raiders abducted thee, carrying thee and nineteen others away to California. In spite of thy youth, the terror of the event and the great distance thou wast taken, thou feared not, but sang: alleluia!
Oikos 4: Though thou wast carried from the frozen shores of Alaska to the burning heat of California, the gold of thy soul was neither melted nor diluted, o longsuffering victor.
Rejoice, prize who sought the prize of life eternal!
Rejoice, captive of God and not of men!
Rejoice, thou who wast free in Christ while in chains!
Rejoice, thou who wore thy bonds as a string of pearls!
Rejoice, gold refined in the fire of the sun!
Rejoice, silver purified in the southern crucible!
Rejoice, Saint Peter, Protomartyr of America!
Kontakion 5: Thou wast confined to a gloomy dungeon with the other abducted Aleut, thy captors deigning to convert thee to the Church of Rome. But thou didst believe in the Father and in Christ, and so thine heart was not troubled and thou didst exclaim with the others in unison: alleluia!
Oikos 5: Although imprisoned in a foreign land by wicked men with evil designs, thou didst rejoice in the Lord who made thy feet like the deer’s.
Rejoice, servant of the lord who freeth captives!
Rejoice, freedman of Christ!
Rejoice, rampart of Orthodoxy!
Rejoice, one stalwart in the faith of the Apostles!
Rejoice, northern light in the Roman darkness!
Rejoice, torch of faith in foreign lands!
Rejoice, Saint Peter, Protomartyr of America!
Kontakion 6: Some monks of the Pope approached thee and thy fellow captives, availing to convert thee to the Roman church. But thou and thy fellow prisoners refused to renounce Holy Orthodoxy, in spite of their threats and abuse, singing: alleluia!
Oikos 6: Though unlearned and far from any learning, thou didst discourse with the educated in defence of the faith, rebuking their many accusations.
Rejoice, thou who succumbed not to falsehood!
Rejoice, thou who spoke the truth with boldness!
Rejoice, one stalwart in Orthodoxy!
Rejoice, opponent of the heterodox!
Rejoice, crown-bearer from a nation without kings!
Rejoice, soldier for Christ from a people without soldiers!
Rejoice, Saint Peter, Protomartyr of America!
Kontakion 7: The Franciscans began to threaten torture, their diabolical determination to break thy faith undeterred by thy steadfastness. But thou wast also undeterred, o Peter, refusing to renounce thine Orthodoxy, appealing instead to Christ and the Mother of God and crying: alleluia!
Oikos 7: Even as they presented the implements of thy torment, thou wast not swayed, instead being comforted by the Lord and readying thyself for thy cross.
Rejoice, confessor like the confessors of old!
Rejoice, hero walking the road of heroes!
Rejoice, ice not melted by the heat of terror!
Rejoice, cedar not bent by the persecutor’s rancour!
Rejoice, rock resistant to the hammer and axe!
Rejoice, jade uncut yet sparkling!
Rejoice, Saint Peter, Protomartyr of America!
Kontakion 8: The hard-hearted Franciscans then began to torture thee, cutting off a toe from each hand. When finished, they asked thee to convert, but thou remained faithful. After removing a finger from each hand, they asked thee again, but thou simply sang: alleluia!
Oikos 8: Burning with impotent rage, the monks then cut off thy hands and thy feet alike, but no mortal or bodiless tyrant could prise thee from the Lord.
Rejoice, for thy blood hath brought thee a crown!
Rejoice, for thy sufferings are recompensed in Heaven!
Rejoice, diamond cut to glittering brilliance!
Rejoice, gold refined in a fire of agony!
Rejoice, victor over thine and thy companion’s enemies!
Rejoice, athlete who hath run the holy race!
Rejoice, Saint Peter, Protomartyr of America!
Kontakion 9: The Franciscans were unable to subject thee to any further tortures, for the loss of blood proved fatal, and thou didst exit the earth and ascend to Christ with thy faith incorrupt. As a new saint entered the Father’s mansions, the chorus of apostles and prophets exclaimed: alleluia!
Oikos 9: The futile anger of the monks continued as thou rose to the bosom of the Lord, but all sorrows of the flesh were behind thee forever as thy soul reaped its reward.
Rejoice, conqueror of the world and the flesh!
Rejoice, triumphant hero of Alaska!
Rejoice, prisoner rewarded with undying freedom!
Rejoice, tortured one compensated with incorruptibility!
Rejoice, prince dressed in blood!
Rejoice, saint adorned with wounds!
Rejoice, Saint Peter, Protomartyr of America!
Kontakion 10: The wicked monks had planned to torture others, endeavouring to capture souls as they had laboured to capture thine, but they received orders to return the prisoners to their native land; the captives set free sang with one voice: alleluia!
Oikos 10: Thy body remained behind, o Peter; they returned it not, in a last gesture of spite towards the one swayed by none of their tortures.
Rejoice, for though thy body is captive thy soul is free!
Rejoice, for thy fellow captives hath been freed from torment!
Rejoice, for thou didst never waver from Christ!
Rejoice, for thou wert always allied with His Church!
Rejoice, unshakeable pillar of the Truth!
Rejoice, impenetrable wall of the Faith!
Rejoice, Saint Peter, Protomartyr of America!
Kontakion 11: The ship of thy fellows at last returned to Kodiak, whence all dismounted in the sight of Saint Herman, equal to the Apostles and evangelist of Alaska. Not finding thee, he enquired as to the cause of thine absence; thy story was related by a friend and witness, at which he cried: alleluia!
Oikos 11: Upon hearing of the many sufferings and the death in faith thou hadst suffered, he made the sign of the cross and exclaimed “holy new martyr Peter, pray to God for us!”
Rejoice, thou who standest at the gate of Paradise!
Rejoice, thou who hast passed through the doors of Heaven!
Rejoice, advocate for our souls before the Father!
Rejoice, intercessor before the Holy Trinity!
Rejoice, first-born saint of the Alutiiq!
Rejoice, glory of the tribes of Alaska!
Rejoice, Saint Peter, Protomartyr of America!
Kontakion 12: In this present age the light of Orthodoxy shineth brightly in Kodiak; there a Christian nation hath been established. All of them, and the rest of the Orthodox people, looketh to thee as a shining example in the past and an intercessor in the future, singing in perfect unity: alleluia!
Oikos 12: Thou, o Peter, attained sainthood by thy sufferings and trials, and by faith; thou didst synergise with the mind of Christ, attaining union with the energies of God.
Rejoice, bearer of a crown shining with the Northern Lights!
Rejoice, one dressed in robes of shimmering snows!
Rejoice, hero stronger than the ocean storms!
Rejoice, martyr mightier than the winter wind!
Rejoice, for mortal sufferings hath won thee immortal glory!
Rejoice, for thy trials were an adornment to the New World!
Rejoice, Saint Peter, Protomartyr of America!
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I’m seeing some beef between the Catholics and Orthodox about St. Peter the Aleut. Is he real or…? And why Catholics and Orthodox ‘hate’ each other for centuries? Because of this, it would make inquirers like me feel confused as both churches claimed they’re the true churches.
He was real. Online Catholics like to pretend he wasn’t, because they think acknowledging that an Orthodox saint was martyred at the hands of Catholics reflects badly on their Church.
That being said, I wouldn’t worry too much about how Catholics and Orthodox feel about each other, because we get along just fine in real life. Most of the arguments and “hatred” you see between the two branches are just an edgy reenactment of the Great Schism by tryhards on the Internet. Even the Orthodox and Catholic priests in my town get together to hang out occasionally.
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a different kind of martyr

Some 17 years ago, I had to find my patron saint. Most Orthodox don't pick their own; it's generally assigned at birth or close enough it amounts to the same thing. But when I converted as an adult, I got to choose saints for myself, my kids, and (as it turned out) my wife.
You have to feel the sarcasm dripping off that "got to"--I don't do intuition or spiritual experiences, so it was not a welcome opportunity. Maybe if I'd realized that it didn't have to be forever, it would have felt a little less daunting. There's no particular reason you can't have a special connection with more than one saint; and in my case, I had the perfect opportunity to switch if I'd wanted to. Due to a clerical oversight, our baptismal certificates weren't processed until I thought to ask more than a decade later; and in the event, they accidentally assigned my son's patron to both of us on paper. But I'm nothing if not committed, so I have no interest in changing--even if there's no formal documentation, even if he might not be real, even if his story is grossly problematic for Christian unity.
Looking back over my list of reasons, it's nice to see that most of them need no revision, except this one:
Sort of related to the previous connection, he was martyred by Catholic missionaries. I'll say to start out that this doesn't inspire in me a hatred for Catholics. But it does speak to both the "Western" chauvinism that infused colonial efforts and the tendency in "Western" Christianity to discount the authenticity of the "Eastern" faith. (I'm using quotes here, because in this case the Orthodox are coming from the West and Catholics are coming from the East.) I would say this tendency applies just as much to Protestantism, whatever one might say about whether Protestants would have martyred Peter for refusing to convert. I suspect I'm always going to have to deal with my fellow Euro-Americans questioning the legitimacy of my Orthodox faith, and it will be good to have a saint who understands so intimately that struggle.
I think I've come around to a more balanced view of Eastern and Western problems, as I noted six years ago when I had a chance to visit Mission San Gabriel. Russian colonialism wasn't necessarily any better than Spanish; it sent native Alaskans 3000 miles from home to California and provoked a clash of empires that ground them to dust. Likewise, Eastern Christianity has made more than its fair contribution to religious strife. And as an Orthodox Christian born and bred in the West, I get to own both sides.
I still love St. Peter, because he's not to blame for any of this; he was a victim of circumstance, but his simple faith still speaks for itself. He wasn't trying to convert anyone or win points in a war; he just wanted to be heard and seen for who he was. The problem comes when we use his legacy to further our own prejudice.
Perhaps an analogy would help. There's been a long-standing problem with Christians using the "Christ killer" label against Jewish people throughout history. Now, it is true that Jewish people killed Christ, or at least wanted him dead. Not all of them, or even most of them. And Jesus himself and his disciples were also Jewish. But the point is certainly made in Scripture that Jewish people killed him. And if we leave it there, we might feel it's a justifiable claim. But we have to ask why it's framed this way at a time when Christianity was still very much a Jewish movement. He came as the Jewish Messiah, and his own people--those who should have received him--called for his death. That's relevant not because they're Jewish (as one race among others), but because they were his own people. The Christian response should not be to assign blame but to ask, if we are his people, how do we put him to death by our actions? If it comes to assigning labels, then we are the Christ killers.
Now, here's the analogy: if Peter the Aleut was tortured and killed by some Catholics in California, what does that mean? Why is it important that they were Catholics? Any Christian martyr can be killed for their faith by pagans or Muslims or atheists, and die with a great confession of Christ on their lips. But St. Peter died for his faith at the hands of Christians, who didn't need an equal-to-apostle to introduce them to Jesus. And while they may have missed some important points, they already had their own martyrs to show them the way of the cross. St. Peter's great witness was that he died at the hands of Christians--that after the law and the prophets and the gospel and 1500 years of Christian civilization, we could still so easily commit the original sin of fratricide. That in the name of Jesus, who showed us how to lay down life for our brothers, we could take their life instead. That we could travel half-way around the world to carry the gospel, meet Christians coming the other way around, and plant our flag through their heart to claim we got here first.
The meaning of St. Peter's death is not that, as we always knew, those Catholics are evil. It is a mirror to show us how miserably we all fail in our witness to Christ. To show how our cause blinds us to the person before us. To question whether we're really fighting for God's truth or for our own scrap of territory. If his death has meaning, it can only be that we killed him.
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Saints&Reading: Tuesday, December 26, 2023
december 13_december 26
Odilia, also known as Odile, was born in France in the seventh century. Her father was the Duke of Alsace. When she was still an infant, her parents realized that she was blind. Her father was so angry that he ordered his only child put to death. But Odilia’s mother convinced him to allow Odilia to be raised by nuns.
The nuns raised Odilia with faith and love. They gathered around her on the day of her baptism when she was 12 years old. As the priest blessed her with chrism, her blindness was cured. A legend about this miracle is that the priest then said to her, “Now you will see me in the kingdom of heaven.”
Odilia was welcomed home and began to get to know her family. She was a beautiful young woman, and her father planned for her to marry a rich man. Odilia wanted to become a nun and to live the life she knew so well. Her father again lost his temper and treated her badly until one day he saw her hiding a bowl of food under her cloak as she left the castle. He asked her what she was doing. Odilia explained that she was bringing food to the poor.
Odilia’s father gave her his castle to use as a convent and a place for the hungry and sick to find help. At her request, her father also built a monastery at the foot of the steep hill that led to the castle so that the elderly and lame could be cared for without a long journey uphill. Soon, Odilia’s father also built a large church so that everyone, poor or wealthy, could worship God together.
Odilia died around the year 720. She is the patron saint of anyone with eye problems. St. Odilia teaches us to see the everything we do with eyes of faith and to believe that with the Lord, every thing is possible.
Source: RCL Benzinger_ Saint ressource
In an obscure corner of what is now Alaska, on an Aleutian island called Spruce, a monk labored from the late 1700’s until his repose in 1837. Braving subzero temperatures, plagues and storms, ill treatment from fellow Russians who resented and misunderstood him, St. Herman lived a life marked by astonishing ascetic labor that gave birth to a deep love and concern for all with whom he came in contact. Strangely, despite the miracles associated with him not only throughout his life but also, after his death, he was all but forgotten after he reposed.
"Thirty years will pass after my death, all those who live now on Spruce Island will be dead, you alone will remain alive, and you will be old and poor; then they will remember me," Father Herman said to his Aleut follower, Ignatius Aliaga. As with other prophecies of the saint, this one too was fulfilled, as in 1867, Bishop Peter of Alaska began a formal investigation into his life. It wasn’t until 1894 that his story became known to the outside world, and then his glorification waited another 76 years, until August 9, 1970.
Born into a merchant family in the diocese of Moscow, St. Herman became a monk when he was still a teenager, first entering the Holy Trinity Sergius Hermitage near Petersburg, then later moving on to venerable Valaam Monastery. The saint grew to love Valaam with his entire being; monks there remembered him singing at the cliros in a pleasant tenor voice, while tears streamed from his eyes. For the rest of his life, St. Herman considered Valaam his spiritual home; indeed, he called his hermitage on Spruce Island “New Valaam.” In a letter to Abbot Nazarius, he once wrote, “Your paternal kindness to my lowliness will not be erased from my heart, neither the terrible impenetrable Siberian wilds, nor its dark forests, nor will the great rivers wash away the memory; neither will rough seas extinguish these feelings. For in my mind I imagine my beloved Valaam and look always at it across the great ocean.”
In the second half of the 1700s, explorers were expanding the boundaries of Russia, and Metropolitan Gabriel asked Valaam’s Elder Nazarius to choose ten men to evangelize the Aleutians. Sadly, after five successful years of founding schools and churches, the head of the mission Archimandrite Ioasaph and his entire entourage drowned. One after another, others working on the mission left, until St. Herman remained alone.
One time, St. Herman was asked, “How do you, Fr. Herman, manage to live alone in the forest, don't you get bored?” He answered “No, I'm not alone there! There is God, and God is everywhere! There are holy angels! How can one be bored with them? With whom is it more pleasant and better to converse, angels or people? Angels, of course!”A modern-day monastic gathers water at St. Herman's Spring on Spruce Island
In addition to conversing with the angels throughout his hours of prayer and worship, St. Herman worked tirelessly. He ate and slept very little and when he slept, he used a bed that was a board, resting his head on a pillow of bricks. All his life, he wore the same simple clothing—a sleeveless deerskin shirt, his cassock and monk’s hat, a faded, patched mantle, and his shoes. In rain and storms, in the midst of winter snow or severe frost, he never changed his garments or added layers for warmth. His physical feats astonished those who knew him; one disciple saw him walking barefoot on a winter’s night, hauling a log that would have been difficult for four men to carry. With his own hands he built his cell and chapel, hauled baskets of kelp from the ocean to fertilize his garden, and in the midst of the labor meticulously kept the monk’s rule of services and prayers.
Tending his own garden and diligently observing his monastic rule didn’t keep St. Herman from reaching out with great love and concern to his Aleutian neighbors. On feast days and Sundays, he would gather them in the chapel next to his cell, and lead them in holy services; the people loved to listen to his spiritual teaching, and would visit him at all hours of the day and night, staying until early morning to absorb his instruction. The local Russian governor Yanovsky recalled, “To my amazement he spoke so powerfully, so sensibly, and argued so convincingly that it now seems to me that no education or earthly wisdom could withstand his words. We conversed every day until midnight, and even later, about the love of God, about eternity, about the salvation of the soul, and about Christian life. His sweet speech poured forth from his lips in an unceasing stream.”
Saint Herman especially loved the Aleutian children, for whom he would bake cookies, and he watched over those who were weak and powerless. He started a school for orphans, tended the sick during a plague that decimated the population, and defended the native Aleuts before the Russian fur traders who were exploiting them. The people began to tell each other of miracles they’d seen. Father Herman would tell someone of a future event and it would come to pass; animals, even bears, would eat from his hands; he placed an icon of the Mother of God in the sand and a tidal wave receded back into the ocean.
People flocked to the elder for counsel and help. Affectionately, the Aleuts began to call him their “North Star,” referring to how his teaching guided and grounded them, or the even more intimate “Apa,” which meant grandfather. Couples with troubled marriages would seek his advice. With meekness, he would reproach people for their lack of sobriety or their cruelty. He himself for years refused any titles of elevation within the church, preferring the simplest designation, “monk.” His letters reflect his simplicity and tender disposition. "Our sins,” he wrote, “do not in the least hinder our Christianity... Sin, to one who loves God, is nothing other than an arrow from the enemy in battle. The vain desires of this world separate us from our homeland; love of them and habit clothe our soul as if in a hideous garment. We who travel on the journey of this life and call on God to help us, ought to divest ourselves of this garment and clothe ourselves in new desires, in a new love of the age to come, and thereby receive knowledge of how near or how far we are from our heavenly homeland.”St. Herman's original grave site on Spruce Island
As the time of St. Herman’s repose drew closer, he began to tell his disciples to prepare, giving them specific instructions about his burial and services. Everything he prophesied related to his death came to pass, exactly as he had foretold, and so it was that on December 13, 1837, he leaned his head on the chest of his disciple Gerasim and reposed. “Glory to Thee, O Lord,” he pronounced with shining face, just before taking his last breath. In various Aleutian towns, people reported seeing a pillar of light, reaching from Spruce Island to the heavens. “St. Herman has left us,” one villager reportedly said.
Fortunately for the Aleuts and all Alaskans, St. Herman hasn’t ever left them. Miracles attributed to his intercessions have happened since his repose and are still happening today. Most Native Alaskans today are still Orthodox, and they honor his memory with prayers and pilgrimages. His relics rest in the Resurrection Church on Kodiak, and Orthodox faithful from all over the world come to venerate them and ask for his prayers.The chapel on Spruce Island
O blessed Father Herman of Alaska, North star of Christ's holy Church, The light of your holy life and great deeds, Guides those who follow the Orthodox Way. Together we lift high the Holy Cross You planted firmly in America. Let all behold and glorify Jesus Christ, Singing His Holy Resurrection.
Blessed ascetic of the northern wilds And gracious intercessor for the whole world, Teacher of the Orthodox Faith And good instructor of piety, Adornment of Alaska and joy of all America, Holy Father Herman Pray to Christ God that He save our souls.
Source: Antiochan Christian Archdiocese

10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. 14 Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;
MATTHEW 10:16-22
16 Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. 17 But beware of men, for they will deliver you up to councils and scourge you in their synagogues. 18 You will be brought before governors and kings for My sake, as a testimony to them and to the Gentiles. 19 But when they deliver you up, do not worry about how or what you should speak. For it will be given to you in that hour what you should speak; 20 for it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father who speaks in you. 21 Now brother will deliver up brother to death, and a father his child; and children will rise up against parents and cause them to be put to death. 22 And you will be hated by all for My name's sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved.
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In 1741, the Russian ship St. Peter, part of Vitus Bering’s expedition of discovery, shipwrecked on one of the islands while returning from the first European exploration of Alaska. Bering’s scurvy-wracked men spent a miserable winter, killing marine mammals for food and warding off the fearless arctic foxes (Alopex lagopus) that tried to eat the dying. Georg Wilhelm Steller, the expedition’s naturalist, devoted much of his time to a study of the island’s fauna, later published to great interest in Europe. Few Europeans had ever experienced the numbers and variety of marine mammals that the men encountered on these islands. “If I were required to state how many [fur seals] I saw on Bering Island,” Steller wrote, “I should truthfully say that I could not guess - they were countless, they covered the whole shore.” [...]
When the remnants of the expedition arrived in Kamchatka in the summer of 1742, their tales of the abundant sea otters, fur seals, and sea cows sent Russian fur traders (promyshlenniki) from Siberia to hunt in the newly discovered waters. [...] Initially, the promyshlenniki found the animals to be as unbelievably numerous as Steller had reported them to be. The first hunters killed as many as fifty sea otters per day, several gigantic sea cows (used for food and leather) per season, and thousands of the arctic foxes that had once eaten Russians. [...]
Beginning with Steller’s two-year visit, hunting had been carried out at an unsustainable rate. The sea otter population entered a serious crash seven years after Steller’s shipwreck - in 1749 and 1750 - when at least four crews hunted in the Commanders. In what must have been a vast and ceaseless slaughter, hunters killed at least 1,380 sea otters (roughly a quarter of the entire estimated population) in these two years alone. By 1754 the population had probably dropped below eight hundred animals spread across the two islands - a decline of 85 percent over twelve years - numbers low enough that hunters would have had trouble locating the animals at all. In 1757, hunters suddenly began bypassing the Commanders for the Aleutian Islands [...]. Nearly forty years later, Commander Islands’ sea otters still had not recovered from the onslaught of 1749 - 1750. [...]
The Russian fur trade in the Pacific differed from the New World European terrestrial fur trades in another way. The Russians, besides trading for furs with the Aleuts, also demanded from them a yearly tribute of furs (called yasak), as they had with all conquered Siberian peoples. The fur traders forced compliance by taking some members of the community hostage and promising their safety only upon delivery of furs. As more and more Aleut communities fell under promyshlennik domination in the course of the eighteenth century, yasak collection naturally increased. At the same time that the supply of sea otters was in steep decline, tribute demands increased. [...]
By then, all involved in the trade expected sea otters to disappear rapidly; they no longer expected sea otters to behave like sables. Irkutsk governor Ivan Iakobii reported to Catherine II in 1787 that “we know from many examples that the hunting has decreased substantially each year. There is absolutely no doubt, when one realizes that millions of animals have been taken [in the North Pacific]. One can therefore suppose that in a few years the animals will be completely depleted [...].” By the time the Russian American Company (RAC) was granted a monopoly on the trade in 1799, it too was forced to begin looking immediately for new hunting grounds in southeastern Alaska. [...]
All text above by: Ryan Tucker Jones. “A ‘Havock Made among Them’: Animals, Empire, and Extinction in the Russian North Pacific, 1741-1810.” Environmental History Vol. 16, No. 4. October 2011. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me. Presented here for commetary, teaching, criticism purposes.]
#this article is great and is actually much more focused on the history of environmentalist thought and the formation of green imperialism#basically about how british and french imperial naturalists observed and responded to russian practices and#and how a sort of Russian Orientalism and prejudice against Russians led the British and French to frame Russians as barbarians#and develop a sort of imperialist justification for conservation but conservation mostly as a means of controlling resources#but also the article is about how naturalists in western europe developed ideas of extinction and conservation in response#therefore inspiring a lot of the Victorian nineteenth century fascination with anitquity and finality and extinction etc
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Russian America - The history school left out.
Russian America (Russian: Русская Америка, Russkaya Amerika) was the name of the Russian colonial possessions in North America from 1733 to 1867. Its capital was Novo-Archangelsk (New Arkhangelsk), which is now Sitka, Alaska, United States. Settlements spanned parts of what are now the U.S. states of California, Alaska and three forts in Hawaii. Formal incorporation of the possessions by Russia did not take place until the Ukase of 1799 which established a monopoly for the Russian–American Company and also granted the Russian Orthodox Church certain rights in the new possessions. Many of its possessions were abandoned in the 19th century. In 1867, Russia sold its last remaining possessions to the United States of America for $7.2 million ($129 million in today's terms).

The earliest written accounts indicate that the first Europeans to reach Alaska came from Russia. In 1648 Semyon Dezhnev sailed from the mouth of the Kolyma River through the Arctic Ocean and around the eastern tip of Asia to the Anadyr River. One legend holds that some of his boats were carried off course and reached Alaska. However, no evidence of settlement survives. Dezhnev's discovery was never forwarded to the central government, leaving open the question of whether or not Siberia was connected to North America.
In 1725, Tsar Peter the Great called for another expedition. As a part of the 1733–1743 Second Kamchatka expedition, the Sv. Petr under the Dane Vitus Bering

and the Sv. Pavel under the Russian Alexei Chirikov set sail from the Kamchatkan port of Petropavlovsk in June 1741.

They were soon separated, but each continued sailing east. On 15 July, Chirikov sighted land, probably the west side of Prince of Wales Island in southeast Alaska. He sent a group of men ashore in a longboat, making them the first Europeans to land on the northwestern coast of North America.

On roughly 16 July, Bering and the crew of Sv. Petr sighted Mount Saint Elias on the Alaskan mainland; they turned westward toward Russia soon afterward. Meanwhile, Chirikov and the Sv. Pavel headed back to Russia in October with news of the land they had found.
In November Bering's ship was wrecked on Bering Island. There Bering fell ill and died, and high winds dashed the Sv. Petr to pieces. After the stranded crew wintered on the island, the survivors built a boat from the wreckage and set sail for Russia in August 1742. Bering's crew reached the shore of Kamchatka in 1742, carrying word of the expedition. The high quality of the sea-otter pelts they brought sparked Russian settlement in Alaska.
Beginning in 1743, small associations of fur-traders began to sail from the shores of the Russian Pacific coast to the Aleutian islands. As the runs from Asiatic Russia to America became longer expeditions (lasting two to four years or more), the crews established hunting- and trading-posts. By the late 1790s some of these had become permanent settlements. Approximately half of the fur traders came from the various European parts of the Russian Empire, while the others had Siberian or mixed origins.
Rather than hunting the marine life themselves, the Russian promyshlenniki forced the Aleuts to do the work for them, often by taking hostage family-members in exchange for hunted seal-furs. This pattern of colonial exploitation resembled some of the Russian promyshlenniki practices in their expansion into Siberia and the Russian Far East. As word spread of the potential riches in furs, competition among Russian companies increased and the Aleuts were enslaved. Catherine the Great, who became Empress of Russia in 1763, proclaimed goodwill toward the Aleuts and urged her subjects to treat them fairly. On some islands and parts of the Alaska Peninsula, groups of traders had been capable of relatively peaceful coexistence with the local inhabitants. Other groups could not manage the tensions and committed acts of violence. Hostages were taken, families were split up, and individuals were forced to leave their villages and settle elsewhere. The growing competition between the trading companies, merging into fewer, larger and more powerful corporations, created conflicts that aggravated the relations with the indigenous populations. Over the years, the situation became catastrophic.

As the animal populations declined, the Aleuts, already too dependent on the new barter-economy fostered by the Russian fur-trade, were increasingly coerced into taking greater and greater risks in the highly dangerous waters of the North Pacific to hunt for more otter. As the Shelekhov-Golikov Company of 1783-1799 developed a monopoly, its use of skirmishes and violent incidents turned into systematic violence as a tool of colonial exploitation of the indigenous people. When the Aleuts revolted and won some victories, the Russians retaliated, killing many and destroying their boats and hunting gear, leaving them no means of survival. The most devastating effects came from disease: during the first two generations (1741/1759-1781/1799 AD) of Russian contact, 80 percent of the Aleut population died from Eurasian infectious diseases; these were by then endemic among the Europeans, but the Aleut had no immunity against the new diseases.
Though the Alaskan colony was never very profitable because of the costs of transportation, most Russian traders were determined to keep the land for themselves. In 1784 Grigory Ivanovich Shelekhov, who later set up the Russian-Alaska Company that developed into the Alaskan colonial administration, arrived in Three Saints Bay on Kodiak Island with two ships, the Three Saints (Russian: Три Святителя) and the St. Simon. The Koniag Alaska Natives harassed the Russian party and Shelekhov responded by killing hundreds and taking hostages to enforce the obedience of the rest. Having established his authority on Kodiak Island, Shelekhov founded the second permanent Russian settlement in Alaska (after Unalaska, permanently settled since 1774) on the island's Three Saints Bay.
In 1790 Shelekhov, back in Russia, hired Alexander Andreyevich Baranov to manage his Alaskan fur-enterprise. Baranov moved the colony to the northeast end of Kodiak Island, where timber was available. The site later developed as what is now the city of Kodiak. Russian colonists took Koniag wives and started families whose surnames continue today, such as Panamaroff, Petrikoff, and Kvasnikoff. In 1795 Baranov, concerned by the sight of non-Russian Europeans trading with the natives in southeast Alaska, established Mikhailovsk six miles (10 km) north of present-day Sitka. He bought the land from the Tlingit, but in 1802, while Baranov was away, Tlingit from a neighboring settlement attacked and destroyed Mikhailovsk. Baranov returned with a Russian warship and razed the Tlingit village. He built the settlement of New Archangel (Russian: Ново-Архангельск, romanized: Novo-Arkhangelsk) on the ruins of Mikhailovsk. It became the capital of Russian America – and later the city of Sitka.

As Baranov secured the Russians' settlements in Alaska, the Shelekhov family continued to work among the top leaders to win a monopoly on Alaska's fur trade. In 1799 Shelekhov's son-in-law, Nikolay Petrovich Rezanov, had acquired a monopoly on the American fur trade from Tsar Paul I. Rezanov formed the Russian-American Company. As part of the deal, the Tsar expected the company to establish new settlements in Alaska and to carry out an expanded colonisation programme.
Alexander Andreyevich Baranov, called "Lord of Alaska" by Hector Chevigny, played an active role in the Russian–American Company and was the first governor of Russian America.
By 1804, Baranov, now manager of the Russian– American Company, had consolidated the company's hold on fur trade activities in the Americas following his suppression of the local Tlingit clan at the Battle of Sitka. The Russians never fully colonized Alaska. For the most part, they clung to the coast and shunned the interior.
From 1812 to 1841, the Russians operated Fort Ross, California. From 1814 to 1817, Russian Fort Elizabeth was operating in the Kingdom of Hawaii.
By the 1830s, the Russian monopoly on trade was weakening. The British Hudson's Bay Company was leased the southern edge of Russian America in 1839 under the RAC-HBC Agreement, establishing Fort Stikine which began siphoning off trade.
A company ship visited the Russian American outposts only every two or three years to give provisions. Because of the limited stock of supplies, trading was incidental compared to trapping operations under the Aleutian laborers. This left the Russian outposts dependent upon British and American merchants for sorely needed food and materials; in such a situation Baranov knew that the RAC establishments "could not exist without trading with foreigners." Ties with Americans were particularly advantageous since they could sell furs at Guangzhou, close to the Russians at the time. The downside was that American hunters and trappers encroached on territory Russians considered theirs.
Starting with the destruction of the Phoenix in 1799, several RAC ships sank or were damaged in storms, leaving the RAC outposts with scant resources. On 24 June 1800, an American vessel sailed to Kodiak Island. Baranov negotiated the sale of over 12,000 rubles worth of goods carried on the ship, averting "imminent starvation." During his tenure Baranov traded over 2 million rubles worth of furs for American supplies, to the consternation of the board of directors. From 1806 to 1818 Baranov shipped 15 million rubles worth of furs to Russia, only receiving under 3 million rubles in provisions, barely half of the expenses spent solely on the Saint Petersburg company office.
The Russo-American Treaty of 1824 recognized exclusive Russian rights to the fur trade above Latitude 54°, 40' North, with the American rights and claims restricted to below that line. This division was repeated in the Treaty of Saint Petersburg, a parallel agreement with the British in 1825 (which also settled most of the border with British North America). However, the agreements soon went by the wayside, and with the retirement of Alexandr Baranov in 1818, the Russian hold on Alaska was further weakened.
When the Russian-American Company's charter was renewed in 1821, it stipulated that the chief managers from then on be naval officers. Most naval officers did not have any experience in the fur trade, so the company suffered. The second charter also tried to cut off all contact with foreigners, especially the competitive Americans. This strategy backfired since the Russian colony had become used to relying on American supply ships, and the United States had become a valued customer for furs. Eventually the Russian– American Company entered into an agreement with the Hudson's Bay Company, which gave the British rights to sail through Russian territory.
At Three Saints Bay, Shelekov built a school to teach the natives to read and write Russian, and introduced the first resident missionaries and clergymen who spread the Russian Orthodox faith. This faith (with its liturgies and texts, translated into Aleut at a very early stage) had been informally introduced, in the 1740s–1780s. Some fur traders founded local families or symbolically adopted Aleut trade partners as godchildren to gain their loyalty through this special personal bond. The missionaries soon opposed the exploitation of the indigenous populations, and their reports provide evidence of the violence exercised to establish colonial rule in this period.
The RAC's monopoly was continued by Emperor Alexander I in 1821, on the condition that the company would financially support missionary efforts. Company board ordered chief manager Etholén to build a residency in New Archangel for bishop Veniaminov. When a Lutheran church was planned for the Finnish population of New Archangel, Veniamiov prohibited any Lutheran priests from proselytizing to neighboring Tlingits. Veniamiov faced difficulties in exercising influence over the Tlingit people outside New Archangel, due to their political independence from the RAC leaving them less receptive to Russian cultural influences than Aleuts. A smallpox epidemic spread throughout Alaska in 1835-1837 and the medical aid given by Veniamiov created converts to Orthodoxy.

Inspired by the same pastoral theology as Bartolomé de las Casas or St. Francis Xavier, the origins of which come from early Christianity's need to adapt to the cultures of Antiquity, missionaries in Russian America applied a strategy that placed value on local cultures and encouraged indigenous leadership in parish life and missionary activity. When compared to later Protestant missionaries, the Orthodox policies "in retrospect proved to be relatively sensitive to indigenous Alaskan cultures." This cultural policy was originally intended to gain the loyalty of the indigenous populations by establishing the authority of Church and State as protectors of over 10,000 inhabitants of Russian America.
(The number of ethnic Russian settlers had always been less than the record 812, almost all concentrated in Sitka and Kodiak).
Difficulties arose in training Russian priests to attain fluency in any of the various Alaskan Indigenous languages. To redress this, Veniaminov opened a seminary for mixed race and native candidates for the Church in 1845. Promising students were sent to additional schools in either Saint Petersburg or Irkutsk, the later city becoming the original seminary's new location in 1858. The Holy Synod instructed for the opening of four missionary schools in 1841, to be located in Amlia, Chiniak, Kenai, Nushagak. Veniamiov established the curriculum, which included Russian history, literacy, mathematics and religious studies.
A side effect of the missionary strategy was the development of a new and autonomous form of indigenous identity. Many native traditions survived within local "Russian" Orthodox tradition and in the religious life of the villages. Part of this modern indigenous identity is an alphabet and the basis for written literature in nearly all of the ethnic-linguistic groups in the Southern half of Alaska. Father Ivan Veniaminov (later St. Innocent of Alaska), famous throughout Russian America, developed an Aleut dictionary for hundreds of language and dialect words based on the Russian alphabet.

The most visible trace of the Russian colonial period in contemporary Alaska is the nearly 90 Russian Orthodox parishes with a membership of over 20,000 men, women, and children, almost exclusively indigenous people. These include several Athabascan groups of the interior, very large Yup'ik communities, and quite nearly all of the Aleut and Alutiiq populations. Among the few Tlingit Orthodox parishes, the large group in Juneau adopted Orthodox Christianity only after the Russian colonial period, in an area where there had been no Russian settlers nor missionaries. The widespread and continuing local Russian Orthodox practices are likely the result of the syncretism of local beliefs with Christianity.
In contrast, the Spanish Roman Catholic colonial intentions, methods, and consequences in California and the Southwest were the product of the Laws of Burgos and the Indian Reductions of conversions and relocations to missions; while more force and coercion was used, the indigenous peoples likewise created a kind of Christianity that reflected many of their traditions.
Observers noted that while their religious ties were tenuous, before the sale of Alaska there were 400 native converts to Orthodoxy in New Archangel. Tlingit practitioners declined in number after the lapse of Russian rule, until there were only 117 practitioners in 1882 residing in the place, by then renamed as Sitka.
By the 1860s, the Russian government was ready to abandon its Russian America colony. Zealous over-hunting had severely reduced the fur-bearing animal population, and competition from the British and Americans exacerbated the situation. This, combined with the difficulties of supplying and protecting such a distant colony, reduced interest in the territory. After Russian America was sold to the U.S. in 1867, for $7.2 million (2 cents per acre, totaling $114,657,180.85 in today's USD), all the holdings of the Russian–American Company were liquidated.
Following the transfer, many elders of the local Tlingit tribe maintained that "Castle Hill" comprised the only land that Russia was entitled to sell. Other indigenous groups also argued that they had never given up their land; the Americans encroached on it and took it over. Native land claims were not fully addressed until the latter half of the 20th century, with the signing by Congress and leaders of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act.

At the height of Russian America, the Russian population had reached 700, compared to 40,000 Aleuts. They and the Creoles, who had been guaranteed the privileges of citizens in the United States, were given the opportunity of becoming citizens within a three-year period, but few decided to exercise that option. General Jefferson C. Davis ordered the Russians out of their homes in Sitka, maintaining that the dwellings were needed for the Americans. The Russians complained of rowdiness of the American troops and assaults. Many Russians returned to Russia, while others migrated to the Pacific Northwest and California.
#russian america#sitka#vitus bering#alexei chirikov#aleuts#native alaskans#baranov#bishop veniamiov#russian orthodox#syncretism#spanish missions#castle hill#ak
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HANNUKAH (Chanukah) MIRACLE! 2 Maccabees 10:5-9 It happened that on the same day on which the sanctuary had been profaned by the foreigners, the purification of the sanctuary took place, that is, on the twenty-fifth day of the same month, which was Chislev. And they celebrated it for eight days with rejoicing, in the manner of the feast of booths, remembering how not long before, during the feast of booths, they had been wandering in the mountains and caves like wild animals. Therefore bearing ivy-wreathed wands and beautiful branches and also fronds of palm, they offered hymns of thanksgiving to him who had given success to the purifying of his own holy place. They decreed by public ordinance and vote that the whole nation of the Jews should observe these days every year. Such then was the end of Anti′ochus, who was called Epiph′anes. +LORD JESUS YESHUA THE MESSIAH CHRIST, SON OF GOD, through the prayers of the Holy Maccabee Martyrs Abim, Antonius, Gurias, Eleazar, Eusebonus, Alimus, Marcellus, Solomonia, and Eleazar, have mercy on us sinners! Lord Jesus Yeshua the Messiah Christ, Son of God, through the prayers of Judas Maccabeus, have mercy on us sinners! LORD JESUS YESHUA THE MESSIAH CHRIST, SON OF ALLAH (GOD), THROUGH THE PRAYERS OF SAINT JUDE (THADDEUS) THE APOSTLE, HAVE MERCY ON US SINNERS!
Kontakion to Holy Martyr Menas of Egypt: Today the church honors those who fought the good fight and died for their faith: / The victorious Menas, the noble Victor and the ascetic Vincent. / The church glorifies their divine struggle and cries out with love: / Glory to You, O Christ, the lover of mankind. +LORD JESUS CHRIST, SON OF GOD, through the most powerful prayers of Saints Menas the Martyr of Egypt, Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris, Moses the Ethiopian, Chiune Sugihara of Lithuania, Alexander Schmorell of Munich, Walatta Petros, Grigol Peradze, Pavel Peter Gojdič, Gabriel Urgebadze, Raphael Hawaweeny of Brooklyn, Mary of Egypt, Symeon the New Theologian, Paisius Velichkovsky, Barsanuphius Plikhankov of Optina and Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov, HAVE MERCY ON US SINNERS!
Holy Virgin Protection Hymns: O Mother of God, sheltered by thy coming/ We faithful people today keep feast in joy./ And beholding thy most pure image/ moved to the depths of our heart we say/ Protect us with thy precious veil/ and deliver us from every ill/ by entreating Christ thy son and our God to save our souls. Today the Virgin stands forth in the church/ and invisibly with the choir of the saints prays to God for us./ The hierarchs bow down with the angels,/ the apostles and the prophets rejoice/ for the Mother of God prays to the eternal God for us. We magnify thee/ O most holy Virgin/ and we honor thy precious veil/ for Saint Andrew beheld thee/ in the air praying to God for us. Lord Jesus Yeshua the Messiah Christ, Son of God (Allah/ Elohim), through the prayers of thy most Holy Mother the Theotokos, have mercy on us sinners!
Most Holy Theotokos and Saints Mary Magdalene, Maxim Sandovich of Gorlice, Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov, Milad Makeen Zaky, Abanub Ayad Atiya, Maged Soliman Shehata, Youssef Shukry Younan, Kirollos Boshra Fawzy, Bishoy Astafanous Kamel, Samuel Astafanous Kamel, Malak Ibrahim Sinyout, Tawadros Youssef Tawadros, Gerges Milad Sinyout, Mina Fayez Aziz, Hany Abdel Mesih Salib, Samuel Alham Wilson, Ezzat Boshra Naseef, Luka Nagaty Anis, Gaber Mounir Adly, Essam Baddar Samir, Malak Farag Abrahim, Sameh Salah Farouk, Gerges Samir Megally, Mathew Ayairga, Magdy Sobhy Tawfeek, Sahar Talaat Rezk, Katherine Magdy Sobhy, Pavel Peter Gojdič, Father Samaan Shehata, John Maximovitch the Wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco, Takla Haymanot of Ethiopia, Yared of Ethiopia, Gabra Manfas Queddus, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fyodorovna the New Martyr, Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris, Thérèse Martin of the Child Jesus of Lisieux, Claudia Procula, Vida Dutton Scudder, Florence Converse, Dymphna, Khalid Jabara the Antiochian Orthodox Martyr of Oklahoma, and Michael the Archangel pray for us always!
Gospel of John 20:11-16 But Mary stood outside by the tomb weeping, and as she wept she stooped down and looked into the tomb. And she saw two angels in white sitting, one at the head and the other at the feet, where the body of Jesus [Yeshua] had lain. Then they said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping?” She said to them, “Because they have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid Him.” Now when she had said this, she turned around and saw Jesus [Yeshua] standing there, and did not know that it was Jesus [Yeshua]. Jesus [Yeshua] said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?” She, supposing Him to be the gardener, said to Him, “Sir, if You have carried Him away, tell me where You have laid Him, and I will take Him away.” Jesus [Yeshua] said to her, “Mary!” She turned and said to Him, “Rabboni!” (which is to say, Teacher).
Protection Prayer: Today the faithful celebrate the feast with joy / illumined by your coming, O Mother of God. / Beholding your pure image we fervently cry to you: / “Encompass us beneath the precious veil of your protection; / deliver us from every form of evil by entreating Christ, / your Son and our God that He may save our souls.” Saints Mary Magdalene the Apostle, Andrew the Fool-for-Christ of Constantinople, Epiphanius, Romanos the Melodist, Metropolitan Peter Polyansky of Krutitsy, Thomas the Apostle, Sebastian Dabovich of Jackson and San Francisco, Olga Michael of Alaska, Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris, Gregory Palamas, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fyodorovna The New Martyr of Russia, Thekla the Protomartyr, Pavel Peter Gojdič, Tikhon Bellavin of Moscow, Apostle Paul, John Maximovitch the Wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco, Josephine Bakhita, André Bessette of Montreal, Nektarios Kefalas of Aegina and Pentapolis, Grigol Peradze,Paisios Eznepidis of Mount Athos, Porphyrios Bairaktaris of Kafsokalivia, Peter the Apostle, Paul the Apostle, Pope Pius I, Gabra Manfas Qeddus, Takla Haymanot, Yared of Ethiopia, Hilda of Whitby,Florence Li Tim-Oi, Apostle Prochorus, Michael (Mikhail I) of Kiev, Olympia the Deaconess, Phoebe the Deaconess, Thérèse Martin of the Child Jesus of Lisieux,Herman of Alaska, Peter the Aleut (Cungagnaq), Hildegard von Bingen,Innocent Popov-Veniaminov of Alaska, Kateri Tekakwitha, and Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov pray for us always!!
Prayer to Saint Joseph the Betrothed: O St. Joseph, whose protection is so great, so strong, so prompt before the throne of God, I place in thee all my interests and desires. O St. Joseph, do assist me by thy powerful intersession and obtain for me from thy Divine Son all the spiritual blessings through Jesus Christ, Our Lord, so that having engaged here below thy Heavenly power I may offer my Thanksgiving and Homage to the most loving of Fathers. O St. Joseph, I never weary contemplating thee with Jesus asleep in thy arms. I dare not approach while He reposes near thy heart. Press Him in my name, and kiss His fine head for me, and ask Him to return the kiss when I draw my dying breath. St. Joseph, patron of departing souls, pray for us. Amen. Господи Иисусе Христе, Сыне Божий, помилуй нас грешники!
Prayer to Saint Panteleimon: You emulated the Merciful One, and received from Him the grace of healing, Passion-bearer and healer Panteleimon; by your prayers, heal our spiritual diseases and continually drive away the temptations of the enemy from those who cry out in faith “Save us, O Lord.” Doamne Iisuse Hristoase, Fiul lui Dumnezeu, Miluieşte-ne pe noi pacatosii!
Troparion to Saint Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris:
You became a bride of Christ, O venerable Mother, And offered your body and soul to Him as a living sacrifice. You exposed the evil side of humanity’s ways, By allowing the light of the Resurrection to shine forth from you. We celebrate your memory in love, O Martyr and Confessor Maria. Pray to Christ our God that He may save our souls. +++ Lord Jesus Yeshua the Messiah Christ, Son of God, through the powerful prayers of your Most Holy Virgin Mother Mariam (Mary) the Theotokos and your Saints Mary Magdalene, Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris, Moses the Ethiopian (Moses the Black), Walatta Petros, Mary of Egypt, John Climacus, Gregory Palamas, Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov, Dimitri Klepinin the New Martyr, Ilya Elias Fondaminsky, George Yuri Skobtsov, Takla Haymanot of Ethiopia, Yared of Ethiopia, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fyodorovna the New Martyr of Russia, Alexander Hotovitzky, Kassiani the Hymnographer, Innocent Popov-Veniaminov of Alaska, Athanasius of Alexandria, Herman of Alaska, Peter Cungagnaq the Aleut, Olga Michael of Alaska, Gabra Manfas Qeddus, Silouan Antonov the Athonite, Sophrony Sakharov, Alexander Schmemann, Anthony Bloom of Sourozh, Nektarios Kefalas of Aegina & Pentapolis, Mitrophan Yang of China, and Joseph Kottis the Hesychast, have mercy on us sinners and have mercy on the whole universe.+++
Ethiopian Orthodox Akathist to Saint Mother Walatta Petros:
Hail to you, Walatta Petros, a garden! Wrapped in heavenly scent, you are shade for the doves, from the heat of misery that fills our world. Hail to you, Walatta Petros, a mirror! You reveal the Trinity in its holiness to everyone, high and low: now the faithful sit safe on dry ground. Hail to you, Walatta Petros, a light! Your preaching split the darkness and the foolish friends of this world ran eagerly toward repentance. Peace upon you! What no eye has seen nor ear ever heard, that mystery you chose as your wedding finery, refusing a life of luxury. Hail to you, Walatta Petros, our mother! Strength of will carried you through the narrow gate —like thousands of martyrs before and the righteous monks of Waseef. Peace upon you and your forebear Shenoute, arrayed in the armor of chastity! Come, comfort our distress and woe; guard us while the whirlwind rages. Hail to you Walatta Petros, who brings harmony! May the power of your help outweigh the schemes of Satan and of men; may it veil us like a cloud. Peace upon you! We make a walled fortress from your aid; we fear not the assault of godless enemies when they rise against us. Peace upon you! For your children, the brothers and all the sisters— plead without ceasing in the presence of the Lord, that they may avoid temptation. Peace upon you! You escaped the snares of beastly inquity by carrying the guarantee of victory—the cross— as did the disciples of Saint Macarius. Hail to you, Walatta Petros! From the Four Creatures of Heaven to where the Holy Trinity is worshipped, raise the incense of our song— with a censer wrought of light! LORD JESUS YESHUA THE MESSIAH CHRIST, SON OF GOD, HAVE MERCY ON US SINNERS! MOST HOLY THEOTOKOS and Saints Mary Magdalene, Mother Walatta Petros, Mother Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris, Father Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov, John Maximovitch the Wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco, Job Zhelezo of Pochaev, Gabriel Urgebadze, Raphael Hawaweeny of Brooklyn, George Karslidis the Righteous of Drama, John Jacob the Chozebite Romanian (Ioan Iacob Hozevitul), Paisios Eznepidis of Mount Athos, Pavel Peter Gojdič, Isidore of Seville, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fyodorovna the New Martyr of Russia, Archbishop Iakovos Koukouzis of America, and Porphyrios Bairaktaris of Kafsokalivia pray for us always!
Prayer to Archangel Michael: St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. +LORD JESUS YESHUA THE MESSIAH CHRIST, PRE-ETERNAL BISHOP, PRE-ETERNAL PATRIARCH & SON OF GOD, through the prayers of Saints Mary Magdalene, Raphael Hawaweeny of Brooklyn, Gabriel Urgebadze, Tikhon Bellavin of Moscow, Moses the Ethiopian, Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Uriel / Archangel Ariel, Archangel Selaphiel, Archangel, Jehudiel, Archangel Barachiel, Archangel Raguel, Archangel Jeremiel, Archangel Anael, Archangel Jophiel, Archangel Zadkiel, and Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris, HAVE MERCY ON US SINNERS!
Dormition Prayer: Neither the tomb, nor death, could hold the Theotokos, who is constant in prayer and our firm hope in her intercessions. For being the Mother of Life, she was translated to life, by the One who dwelt in her virginal womb. Most Holy Theotokos save us! LORD YESHUA THE MESSIAH, SON OF GOD, HAVE MERCY ON US SINNERS! Saints Mardarije Uskoković of Libertyville, Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fyodorovna the New Martyr,Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov, John Maximovitch of Shanghai and San Francisco,Nektarios Kefalas of Aegina and Pentapolis, Grigol Peradze, and Holy Righteous Abraham pray for us always!
The Transfiguration Troparion / Kontakion:
Saints Mark Ji Tianxiang, Dimitri Klepinin the New Martyr, Ilya Elias Fondaminsky, George Yuri Skobtsov, Takla Haymanot of Ethiopia, Yared of Ethiopia, Alexander Hotovitzky, Spyridon of Trimythous, Sebastian Dabovich of Jackson and San Francisco, Olga Michael of Alaska, Florence Li Tim-Oi, Pavel Peter Gojdič, Maxim Sandovich, Ahmed the Calligrapher, Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris, Gregory Palamas, Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov, Porphyrios Bairaktaris the Kapsokalyvite, Paisios Eznepidis of Mount Athos, Holy Prophet and God-Seer Moses, Prophet Elijah/Elias, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fyodorovna The New Martyr of Russia, and Leonty Turkevich of New York pray for us! You were transfigured on the mountain, O Christ God, / revealing Your glory to Your disciples as far as they could bear it. / Let Your everlasting Light also shine upon us sinners, / through the prayers of the Theotokos. / O Giver of Light, glory to You! On the Mountain You were Transfigured, O Christ God, / And Your disciples beheld Your glory as far as they could see it; / So that when they would behold You crucified, / They would understand that Your suffering was voluntary, / And would proclaim to the world, / That You are truly the Radiance of the Father!
Song of Songs/ Song of Solomon 5:10-16
My beloved is a shining and fiery light, Chosen from countless thousands. His head is like refined gold; His locks of hair are shiny and black, Like a raven’s feathers. His eyes are like those of doves sitting by pools of water, having eyes bathed in milk and fitly set. His cheeks are like bowls of spices pouring forth perfumes. [His face is rugged, his beard smells like sage, His voice, his words, warm and reassuring.] His lips are lilies dripping choice myrrh. His hands are like elaborate gold set with precious stones. His stomach is like an ivory tablet inlaid with sapphire stones. His legs are like pillars or marble established on golden feet. His appearance is like Lebanon, choice as the cedar trees. His mouth is most sweet and altogether desirable. This is my beloved, my companion, O daughters of Jerusalem!
The Beatitudes:
In Thy Kingdom remember us O Lord, when Thou comest in Thy Kingdom. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in Heaven. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen. Most Holy Theotokos and Saints Dimitri Klepinin the New Martyr, Ilya Elias Fondaminsky, George Yuri Skobtsov, Takla Haymanot of Ethiopia, Yared of Ethiopia, Gabra Manfas Qeddus, Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris, Gregory Palamas, Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov, Porphyrios Bairaktaris the Kapsokalyvite, Paisios Eznepidis of Mount Athos, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fyodorovna The New Martyr of Russia, John Maximovitch the Wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco, Patrick of Ireland, Bridget of Ireland, Archangel Michael, Christopher of Lycia, Raphael Hawaweeny of Brooklyn, John Sergiyev of Kronstadt, Pavel Peter Gojdič, Dymphna, Nino of Georgia, Joseph the Betrothed, Queen Esther, Judith the Conqueror of Holofernes, Archangel Uriel, Gabriel Urgebadze, Grigol Peradze, Apollonia, Panteleimon the Holy Unmercenary Healer, and Mary Magdalene pray for us always!
“I AM the Vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, he it is that BEARS MUCH FRUIT, for apart from Me you can do nothing.” Most Holy Theotokos and Saints Mary Magdalene, Claudia Procula, Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris, John the Theologian, Pavel Peter Gojdič, John Maximovitch of Tobolsk, John Maximovitch the Wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco, Takla Haymanot of Ethiopia, Yared of Ethiopia, Gabra Manfas Queddus, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fyodorovna the New Martyr, Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov, Herman of Alaska, Matrona Nikonova the Wonderworker of Moscow, Patrick of Ireland, Paisios Eznepidis of Mount Athos, Josephine Bakhita, Dymphna, Herman of Alaska, Job Zhelezo of Pochaev, Luke Voino-Yasenetsky the Blessed Surgeon of Simferopol and Crimea, Peter the Aleut, André Bessette of Montreal, Porphyrios Bairaktaris of Kafsokalivia, Raphael Hawaweeny of Brooklyn, Gregory Palamas, Nilus of Sora / Nil Sorski, Christopher of Lycia, Thérèse Martin of the Child Jesus YESHUA of Lisieux, Vida Dutton Scudder, Florence Converse and Tikhon Bellavin of Moscow PRAY FOR US ALWAYS!
Prophesy of Daniel 3:16-18, 3:23-24
Shadrach (Hananiah), Meshach (Mishael), and Abednego (Azariah) answered the king, “O Nebuchadnezzar, we have no need to answer you in this matter. If it be so, our God whom we serve is in the heavens, able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace; and He will deliver us out of your hand, O king. But if not, be it known to you, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the golden image which you have set up.” And these three men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, fell bound into the fiery furnace. And they walked about in the midst of the flames, singing hymns to God and blessing the Lord. +MOST HOLY THEOTOKOS AND SAINTS MARY MAGDALENE, Holy Prophet Daniel, Shadrach (Hananiah), Meshach (Mishael), Abednego (Azariah), Gabriel Urgebadze, Panteleimon the Unmercenary Healer, Apollonia, Xenia of St. Petersburg, Dymphna, Barsanuphius of Optina, Sophrony Sakharov, Grigol Peradze, Isaac the Syrian, Kassiani the Hymnographer, Holy Righteous Father Abraham, Queen Esther, Judith conquerer of Holofernes, John Maximovitch the Wonderworker of Shanghai & San Francisco, John Sergiyev of Kronstadt, Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov, Phoebe the Deaconess, Patrick of Ireland, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fyodorovna the New Martyr of Russia, Pachomius the Great, Alexander Hotovitzky, Alexis Toth of Wilkes-Barre, Phanourios the Great Martyr, Herman of Alaska, Peter the Aleut, Mitrophan Yang, Nectarios Kephalas of Aegina & Pentapolis, King David, King Solomon,Gabra Manfas Qeddus, Takla Haymanot, Yared of Ethiopia, Gregory Palamas, Holy Prophet and God-seer Moses, Elijah/ Elias the Prophet, Holy Righteous Joshua (Jesus) son of Navi (Nun) , Christopher of Lycia, Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, John Chrysostom, Hesychius the Horebite, Anthony the Great of Egypt, Michael the Archangel, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel, Salathiel, Jehudiel, Jeremiel, Barachiel the Archangel, Pavel Peter Gojdič, André Bessette of Montreal, Josephine Bakhita, Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris, Paisios Eznepidis of Mount Athos and Porphyrios Bairaktaris of Kafsokalivia PRAY FOR US ALWAYS!
“Go your way; and as you have believed, so let it be done for you.” Most Holy Theotokos and Saints Mary Magdalene, Claudia Procula, Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris, Pavel Peter Gojdič, Vida Dutton Scudder, Florence Converse, Sergius, Bacchus, Bayard Rustin, Coretta Scott King, Paisios Eznepidis of Mount Athos, Josephine Bakhita, André Bessette of Montreal, Porphyrios Bairaktaris of Kafsokalivia, Holy Righteous Prophet-King David, Jonathan, Raphael Hawaweeny of Brooklyn, Silouan Antonov the Athonite, Sophrony Sakharov of Essex, Florence Li Tim-Oi, Grigol Peradze, Maxim Sandovich of Gorlice, and Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov pray for us always!
Saint Porphyrios Bairaktaris of Kafsokalivia Quote:
“This is the way we should see Christ— He is our friend, our brother. He is whatever is good and beautiful. He is everything. Yet, He is still a friend and He shouts it out, “You’re my friends, don’t you understand that? We’re brothers. I’m not threatening you. I don’t hold hell in my hands. I love you. I want you to enjoy life together with me.” Christ is Everything. He is joy, He is life, He is light. He is the true light who makes man joyful, makes him soar with happiness; makes him see everything, everybody; makes him feel for everyone, to want everyone with him, everyone with Christ.“ -Saints Porphyrios Bairaktaris of Kafsokalivia, Paisios of Mount Athos, Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris, Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov, John Maximovitch of Shanghai and San Francisco, John Jacob the Romanian Chozebite of Hazeva, Ephrem the Syrian, Nektarios Kefalas of Aegina and Pentapolis, Grigol Peradze, Mitrophan Yang of Beijing, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fyodorovna the New Martyr,Moses the Black, Tikhon Bellavin of Moscow, and Nino of Georgia pray for us always! LORD YESHUA THE MESSIAH, SON OF ALLAH / ELOHIM, HAVE MERCY ON US AND ON THE WHOLE UNIVERSE! LORD JESUS CHRIST, SON OF GOD, HAVE MERCY ON US AND ON THE WHOLE UNIVERSE!
Prayer of Saint Paisios Eznepidis of Mount Athos: “Our Lord Jesus Yeshua the Messiah Christ: Do not abandon your servants who live far away from the Church. May your love convict them and bring them back to you.Lord have mercy on your servants who are suffering from cancer. On your servants who suffer either from small or serious ailments. On your servants who suffer from physical infirmities. On your servants who suffer from spiritual infirmities. Lord have mercy on our leaders and inspire them to govern with Christian love. Lord have mercy on children who come from troubled homes. On troubled families and those who have been divorced. Lord have mercy on all the orphans of the world, on all those who are suffering pain and injustices since losing their spouses. Lord have mercy on all those in jail, on all anarchists, on all drug abusers, on all murderers, on all abusers of people, and on all thieves. Enlighten these people and help them to straighten out their lives. Lord have mercy on all those who have been forced to emigrate. On all those who travel on the seas, on land, in the air, and protect them. Lord have mercy on our Church, the bishops, the priests and the faithful of the Church. Lord have mercy on all the monastic communities, male and female, the elders and eldresses and all the brotherhoods of Mt. Athos. Lord have mercy on your servants who find themselves in the midst of war. On your servants who are being pursued in the mountains and on the plains. On your servants who are being hunted like birds of prey. Lord have mercy on your servants who were forced to abandon their homes and their jobs and feel afflicted. Lord have mercy on the poor, the homeless and the exiled.Lord have mercy on the nations of the world. Keep them in your embrace and envelope them with your holy protection. Keep them safe from every evil and war. Keep our beloved Greece (we can add here the USA [or Planet Earth]) in your protective embrace day and night. Embrace her with your holy protection defending her from all evil and war. Lord have mercy on those who have been abandoned and have suffered injustice. Have mercy on families that are going through trying times. Pour your abundant love upon them. Lord have mercy on your servants who suffer from spiritual and bodily problems of all kinds.Lord have mercy on those who are despairing. Help them and grant them peace. Lord have mercy on those that have requested that we pray for them. Lord grant eternal rest to all those who have passed on to eternal life throughout the ages.”
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Alaskan-American martyr and saint St. Peter The Aleut.
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HANNUKAH (Chanukah) MIRACLE! 2 Maccabees 10:5-9 It happened that on the same day on which the sanctuary had been profaned by the foreigners, the purification of the sanctuary took place, that is, on the twenty-fifth day of the same month, which was Chislev. And they celebrated it for eight days with rejoicing, in the manner of the feast of booths, remembering how not long before, during the feast of booths, they had been wandering in the mountains and caves like wild animals. Therefore bearing ivy-wreathed wands and beautiful branches and also fronds of palm, they offered hymns of thanksgiving to him who had given success to the purifying of his own holy place. They decreed by public ordinance and vote that the whole nation of the Jews should observe these days every year. Such then was the end of Anti′ochus, who was called Epiph′anes. +LORD JESUS YESHUA THE MESSIAH CHRIST, SON OF GOD, through the prayers of the Holy Maccabee Martyrs Abim, Antonius, Gurias, Eleazar, Eusebonus, Alimus, Marcellus, Solomonia, and Eleazar, have mercy on us sinners! Lord Jesus Yeshua the Messiah Christ, Son of God, through the prayers of Judas Maccabeus, have mercy on us sinners! LORD JESUS YESHUA THE MESSIAH CHRIST, SON OF ALLAH (GOD), THROUGH THE PRAYERS OF SAINT JUDE (THADDEUS) THE APOSTLE, HAVE MERCY ON US SINNERS!
Kontakion to Holy Martyr Menas of Egypt: Today the church honors those who fought the good fight and died for their faith: / The victorious Menas, the noble Victor and the ascetic Vincent. / The church glorifies their divine struggle and cries out with love: / Glory to You, O Christ, the lover of mankind. +LORD JESUS CHRIST, SON OF GOD, through the most powerful prayers of Saints Menas the Martyr of Egypt, Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris, Moses the Ethiopian, Chiune Sugihara of Lithuania, Alexander Schmorell of Munich, Walatta Petros, Grigol Peradze, Pavel Peter Gojdič, Gabriel Urgebadze, Raphael Hawaweeny of Brooklyn, Mary of Egypt, Symeon the New Theologian, Paisius Velichkovsky, Barsanuphius Plikhankov of Optina and Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov, HAVE MERCY ON US SINNERS!
ORTHODOX PRAYER AGAINST RACISM: Oh Lord, as You did cast down Pharoah and Antiochus, cast down the racists from their power. Help the people of color and the least of these and grant them Your joy and peace. Exalt the horn of Your elective poor and heal our nation from division.
Holy Virgin Protection Hymns: O Mother of God, sheltered by thy coming/ We faithful people today keep feast in joy./ And beholding thy most pure image/ moved to the depths of our heart we say/ Protect us with thy precious veil/ and deliver us from every ill/ by entreating Christ thy son and our God to save our souls. Today the Virgin stands forth in the church/ and invisibly with the choir of the saints prays to God for us./ The hierarchs bow down with the angels,/ the apostles and the prophets rejoice/ for the Mother of God prays to the eternal God for us. We magnify thee/ O most holy Virgin/ and we honor thy precious veil/ for Saint Andrew beheld thee/ in the air praying to God for us. Lord Jesus Yeshua the Messiah Christ, Son of God (Allah/ Elohim), through the prayers of thy most Holy Mother the Theotokos, have mercy on us sinners!
Most Holy Theotokos and Saints Mary Magdalene, Maxim Sandovich of Gorlice, Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov, Milad Makeen Zaky, Abanub Ayad Atiya, Maged Soliman Shehata, Youssef Shukry Younan, Kirollos Boshra Fawzy, Bishoy Astafanous Kamel, Samuel Astafanous Kamel, Malak Ibrahim Sinyout, Tawadros Youssef Tawadros, Gerges Milad Sinyout, Mina Fayez Aziz, Hany Abdel Mesih Salib, Samuel Alham Wilson, Ezzat Boshra Naseef, Luka Nagaty Anis, Gaber Mounir Adly, Essam Baddar Samir, Malak Farag Abrahim, Sameh Salah Farouk, Gerges Samir Megally, Mathew Ayairga, Magdy Sobhy Tawfeek, Sahar Talaat Rezk, Katherine Magdy Sobhy, Pavel Peter Gojdič, Father Samaan Shehata, John Maximovitch the Wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco, Takla Haymanot of Ethiopia, Yared of Ethiopia, Gabra Manfas Queddus, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fyodorovna the New Martyr, Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris, Thérèse Martin of the Child Jesus of Lisieux, Claudia Procula, Vida Dutton Scudder, Florence Converse, Dymphna, Khalid Jabara the Antiochian Orthodox Martyr of Oklahoma, and Michael the Archangel pray for us always!
Gospel of John 20:11-16 But Mary stood outside by the tomb weeping, and as she wept she stooped down and looked into the tomb. And she saw two angels in white sitting, one at the head and the other at the feet, where the body of Jesus [Yeshua] had lain. Then they said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping?” She said to them, “Because they have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid Him.” Now when she had said this, she turned around and saw Jesus [Yeshua] standing there, and did not know that it was Jesus [Yeshua]. Jesus [Yeshua] said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?” She, supposing Him to be the gardener, said to Him, “Sir, if You have carried Him away, tell me where You have laid Him, and I will take Him away.” Jesus [Yeshua] said to her, “Mary!” She turned and said to Him, “Rabboni!” (which is to say, Teacher).
Protection Prayer: Today the faithful celebrate the feast with joy / illumined by your coming, O Mother of God. / Beholding your pure image we fervently cry to you: / “Encompass us beneath the precious veil of your protection; / deliver us from every form of evil by entreating Christ, / your Son and our God that He may save our souls.” Saints Mary Magdalene the Apostle, Andrew the Fool-for-Christ of Constantinople, Epiphanius, Romanos the Melodist, Metropolitan Peter Polyansky of Krutitsy, Thomas the Apostle, Sebastian Dabovich of Jackson and San Francisco, Olga Michael of Alaska, Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris, Gregory Palamas, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fyodorovna The New Martyr of Russia, Thekla the Protomartyr, Pavel Peter Gojdič, Tikhon Bellavin of Moscow, Apostle Paul, John Maximovitch the Wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco, Josephine Bakhita, André Bessette of Montreal, Nektarios Kefalas of Aegina and Pentapolis, Grigol Peradze,Paisios Eznepidis of Mount Athos, Porphyrios Bairaktaris of Kafsokalivia, Peter the Apostle, Paul the Apostle, Pope Pius I, Gabra Manfas Qeddus, Takla Haymanot, Yared of Ethiopia, Hilda of Whitby,Florence Li Tim-Oi, Apostle Prochorus, Michael (Mikhail I) of Kiev, Olympia the Deaconess, Phoebe the Deaconess, Thérèse Martin of the Child Jesus of Lisieux,Herman of Alaska, Peter the Aleut (Cungagnaq), Hildegard von Bingen,Innocent Popov-Veniaminov of Alaska, Kateri Tekakwitha, and Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov pray for us always!!
Prayer to Saint Joseph the Betrothed: O St. Joseph, whose protection is so great, so strong, so prompt before the throne of God, I place in thee all my interests and desires. O St. Joseph, do assist me by thy powerful intersession and obtain for me from thy Divine Son all the spiritual blessings through Jesus Christ, Our Lord, so that having engaged here below thy Heavenly power I may offer my Thanksgiving and Homage to the most loving of Fathers. O St. Joseph, I never weary contemplating thee with Jesus asleep in thy arms. I dare not approach while He reposes near thy heart. Press Him in my name, and kiss His fine head for me, and ask Him to return the kiss when I draw my dying breath. St. Joseph, patron of departing souls, pray for us. Amen. Господи Иисусе Христе, Сыне Божий, помилуй нас грешники!
Prayer to Saint Panteleimon: You emulated the Merciful One, and received from Him the grace of healing, Passion-bearer and healer Panteleimon; by your prayers, heal our spiritual diseases and continually drive away the temptations of the enemy from those who cry out in faith “Save us, O Lord.” Doamne Iisuse Hristoase, Fiul lui Dumnezeu, Miluieşte-ne pe noi pacatosii!
Troparion to Saint Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris:
You became a bride of Christ, O venerable Mother, And offered your body and soul to Him as a living sacrifice. You exposed the evil side of humanity’s ways, By allowing the light of the Resurrection to shine forth from you. We celebrate your memory in love, O Martyr and Confessor Maria. Pray to Christ our God that He may save our souls. +++ Lord Jesus Yeshua the Messiah Christ, Son of God, through the powerful prayers of your Most Holy Virgin Mother Mariam (Mary) the Theotokos and your Saints Mary Magdalene, Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris, Moses the Ethiopian (Moses the Black), Walatta Petros, Mary of Egypt, John Climacus, Gregory Palamas, Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov, Dimitri Klepinin the New Martyr, Ilya Elias Fondaminsky, George Yuri Skobtsov, Takla Haymanot of Ethiopia, Yared of Ethiopia, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fyodorovna the New Martyr of Russia, Alexander Hotovitzky, Kassiani the Hymnographer, Innocent Popov-Veniaminov of Alaska, Athanasius of Alexandria, Herman of Alaska, Peter Cungagnaq the Aleut, Olga Michael of Alaska, Gabra Manfas Qeddus, Silouan Antonov the Athonite, Sophrony Sakharov, Alexander Schmemann, Anthony Bloom of Sourozh, Nektarios Kefalas of Aegina & Pentapolis, Mitrophan Yang of China, and Joseph Kottis the Hesychast, have mercy on us sinners and have mercy on the whole universe.+++
Ethiopian Orthodox Akathist to Saint Mother Walatta Petros:
Hail to you, Walatta Petros, a garden! Wrapped in heavenly scent, you are shade for the doves, from the heat of misery that fills our world. Hail to you, Walatta Petros, a mirror! You reveal the Trinity in its holiness to everyone, high and low: now the faithful sit safe on dry ground. Hail to you, Walatta Petros, a light! Your preaching split the darkness and the foolish friends of this world ran eagerly toward repentance. Peace upon you! What no eye has seen nor ear ever heard, that mystery you chose as your wedding finery, refusing a life of luxury. Hail to you, Walatta Petros, our mother! Strength of will carried you through the narrow gate —like thousands of martyrs before and the righteous monks of Waseef. Peace upon you and your forebear Shenoute, arrayed in the armor of chastity! Come, comfort our distress and woe; guard us while the whirlwind rages. Hail to you Walatta Petros, who brings harmony! May the power of your help outweigh the schemes of Satan and of men; may it veil us like a cloud. Peace upon you! We make a walled fortress from your aid; we fear not the assault of godless enemies when they rise against us. Peace upon you! For your children, the brothers and all the sisters— plead without ceasing in the presence of the Lord, that they may avoid temptation. Peace upon you! You escaped the snares of beastly inquity by carrying the guarantee of victory—the cross— as did the disciples of Saint Macarius. Hail to you, Walatta Petros! From the Four Creatures of Heaven to where the Holy Trinity is worshipped, raise the incense of our song— with a censer wrought of light! LORD JESUS YESHUA THE MESSIAH CHRIST, SON OF GOD, HAVE MERCY ON US SINNERS! MOST HOLY THEOTOKOS and Saints Mary Magdalene, Mother Walatta Petros, Mother Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris, Father Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov, John Maximovitch the Wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco, Job Zhelezo of Pochaev, Gabriel Urgebadze, Raphael Hawaweeny of Brooklyn, George Karslidis the Righteous of Drama, John Jacob the Chozebite Romanian (Ioan Iacob Hozevitul), Paisios Eznepidis of Mount Athos, Pavel Peter Gojdič, Isidore of Seville, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fyodorovna the New Martyr of Russia, Archbishop Iakovos Koukouzis of America, and Porphyrios Bairaktaris of Kafsokalivia pray for us always!
Prayer to Archangel Michael: St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. +LORD JESUS YESHUA THE MESSIAH CHRIST, PRE-ETERNAL BISHOP, PRE-ETERNAL PATRIARCH & SON OF GOD, through the prayers of Saints Mary Magdalene, Raphael Hawaweeny of Brooklyn, Gabriel Urgebadze, Tikhon Bellavin of Moscow, Moses the Ethiopian, Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Uriel / Archangel Ariel, Archangel Selaphiel, Archangel, Jehudiel, Archangel Barachiel, Archangel Raguel, Archangel Jeremiel, Archangel Anael, Archangel Jophiel, Archangel Zadkiel, and Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris, HAVE MERCY ON US SINNERS!
Dormition Prayer: Neither the tomb, nor death, could hold the Theotokos, who is constant in prayer and our firm hope in her intercessions. For being the Mother of Life, she was translated to life, by the One who dwelt in her virginal womb. Most Holy Theotokos save us! LORD YESHUA THE MESSIAH, SON OF GOD, HAVE MERCY ON US SINNERS! Saints Mardarije Uskoković of Libertyville, Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fyodorovna the New Martyr,Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov, John Maximovitch of Shanghai and San Francisco,Nektarios Kefalas of Aegina and Pentapolis, Grigol Peradze, and Holy Righteous Abraham pray for us always!
The Transfiguration Troparion / Kontakion:
Saints Mark Ji Tianxiang, Dimitri Klepinin the New Martyr, Ilya Elias Fondaminsky, George Yuri Skobtsov, Takla Haymanot of Ethiopia, Yared of Ethiopia, Alexander Hotovitzky, Spyridon of Trimythous, Sebastian Dabovich of Jackson and San Francisco, Olga Michael of Alaska, Florence Li Tim-Oi, Pavel Peter Gojdič, Maxim Sandovich, Ahmed the Calligrapher, Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris, Gregory Palamas, Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov, Porphyrios Bairaktaris the Kapsokalyvite, Paisios Eznepidis of Mount Athos, Holy Prophet and God-Seer Moses, Prophet Elijah/Elias, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fyodorovna The New Martyr of Russia, and Leonty Turkevich of New York pray for us! You were transfigured on the mountain, O Christ God, / revealing Your glory to Your disciples as far as they could bear it. / Let Your everlasting Light also shine upon us sinners, / through the prayers of the Theotokos. / O Giver of Light, glory to You! On the Mountain You were Transfigured, O Christ God, / And Your disciples beheld Your glory as far as they could see it; / So that when they would behold You crucified, / They would understand that Your suffering was voluntary, / And would proclaim to the world, / That You are truly the Radiance of the Father!
Apostle Peter On Yeshua’s Transfiguration in 2 Peter 1:16–18
For we did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Yeshua the Messiah Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty. For when he received honor and glory from God the Father and the voice was borne to him by the Majestic Glory, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased,” we heard this voice borne from heaven, for we were with him on the holy mountain.
Matthew 17.1-9 (Yeshua’s Transfiguration)
And after six days Jesus Yeshua took with him Peter and James and John his brother, and led them up a high mountain apart. And he was transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun, and his garments became white as light. And behold, there appeared to them Moses and Elijah, talking with him. And Peter said to Jesus Yeshua, “Lord, it is well that we are here; if you wish, I will make three booths here, one for you and one for Moses and one for Elijah.” He was still speaking, when lo, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him.” When the disciples heard this, they fell on their faces, and were filled with awe. But Jesus Yeshua came and touched them, saying, “Rise, and have no fear.” And when they lifted up their eyes, they saw no one but Jesus Yeshua only. And as they were coming down the mountain, Jesus Yeshua commanded them, “Tell no one the vision, until the Son of man is raised from the dead.”
Mark 9:2-8 (Yeshua’s Transfiguration)
Now after six days Jesus Yeshua took Peter, James and John, and led them up on a high mountain apart by themselves; and He was transfigured before them. His clothes became shining, exceedingly white, like snow, such as no launderer on earth can whiten them. And Elijah appeared to them with Moses, and they were talking with Jesus Yeshua. Then Peter answered and said to Jesus Yeshua, “Rabbi, it is good for us to be here; and let us make three tabernacles: one for You, one for Moses, and one Elijah” because he did not know what to say, for they were greatly afraid. And a cloud came and overshadowed them, and a voice came out of the cloud, saying, “THIS IS MY BELOVED SON, HEAR HIM!” Suddenly, when they had looked around, they saw no one anymore, but only Jesus Yeshua with themselves.
Luke 9:28-36 (Yeshua’s Transfiguration)
At that time, Jesus Yeshua took with him Peter and John and James, and went up on the mountain to pray. And as he was praying, the appearance of his countenance was altered, and his raiment became dazzling white. And behold, two men talked with him, Moses and Elijah, who appeared in glory and spoke of his departure, which he was to accomplish at Jerusalem. Now Peter and those who were with him were heavy with sleep, and when they wakened they saw his glory and the two men who stood with him. And as the men were parting from him, Peter said to Jesus Yeshua, “Master, it is well that we are here; let us make three booths, one for you and one for Moses and one for Elijah” - not knowing what he said. As he said this, a cloud came and overshadowed them; and they were afraid as they entered the cloud. And a voice came out of the cloud, saying, “This is my Son, my Beloved; listen to him!” And when the voice had spoken, Jesus Yeshua was found alone. And they kept silence and told no one in those days anything of what they had seen.
John 1:1-17
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God; all things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. He came for testimony, to bear witness to the light, that all might believe through him. He was not the light, but came to bear witness to the light. The true light that enlightens every man was coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world knew him not. He came to his own home, and his own people received him not. But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God; who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth; we have beheld his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father. (John bore witness to him, and cried, “This was he of whom I said, ‘He who comes after me ranks before me, for he was before me.’”) And from his fulness have we all received, grace upon grace. For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.
Song of Songs/ Song of Solomon 5:10-16
My beloved is a shining and fiery light, Chosen from countless thousands. His head is like refined gold; His locks of hair are shiny and black, Like a raven’s feathers. His eyes are like those of doves sitting by pools of water, having eyes bathed in milk and fitly set. His cheeks are like bowls of spices pouring forth perfumes. [His face is rugged, his beard smells like sage, His voice, his words, warm and reassuring.] His lips are lilies dripping choice myrrh. His hands are like elaborate gold set with precious stones. His stomach is like an ivory tablet inlaid with sapphire stones. His legs are like pillars or marble established on golden feet. His appearance is like Lebanon, choice as the cedar trees. His mouth is most sweet and altogether desirable. This is my beloved, my companion, O daughters of Jerusalem!
Yeshua Calms A Storm in Gospel of Mark 4.35-41:
On that day, when evening had come, He said to them, “Let us go across to the other side.” And leaving the crowd, they took Him with them in the boat, just as He was. And other boats were with Him. And a great storm of wind arose, and the waves beat into the boat, so that the boat was already filling. But He was in the stern, asleep on the cushion; and they woke Him and said to Him, “Teacher, do you not care if we perish?” And He awoke and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. He said to them, “Why are you afraid? Have you no faith?” And they were filled with awe, and said to one another, “Who then is this, that even wind and sea obey Him?” Lord Yeshua the Messiah, True God, have mercy on us! प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर! We learn from St. Mark that, in the words of the St. Athanasius the Great, “The Lord Who rebuked (the storm) was not a creature, but rather its Creator.” St. Basil the Great further teaches us that “by these encounters we are meeting the Father of the Son, the Father Who creates through the Son.
The Beatitudes:
In Thy Kingdom remember us O Lord, when Thou comest in Thy Kingdom. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in Heaven. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen. Most Holy Theotokos and Saints Dimitri Klepinin the New Martyr, Ilya Elias Fondaminsky, George Yuri Skobtsov, Takla Haymanot of Ethiopia, Yared of Ethiopia, Gabra Manfas Qeddus, Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris, Gregory Palamas, Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov, Porphyrios Bairaktaris the Kapsokalyvite, Paisios Eznepidis of Mount Athos, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fyodorovna The New Martyr of Russia, John Maximovitch the Wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco, Patrick of Ireland, Bridget of Ireland, Archangel Michael, Christopher of Lycia, Raphael Hawaweeny of Brooklyn, John Sergiyev of Kronstadt, Pavel Peter Gojdič, Dymphna, Nino of Georgia, Joseph the Betrothed, Queen Esther, Judith the Conqueror of Holofernes, Archangel Uriel, Gabriel Urgebadze, Grigol Peradze, Apollonia, Panteleimon the Holy Unmercenary Healer, and Mary Magdalene pray for us always!
“I AM the Vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, he it is that BEARS MUCH FRUIT, for apart from Me you can do nothing.” Most Holy Theotokos and Saints Mary Magdalene, Claudia Procula, Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris, John the Theologian, Pavel Peter Gojdič, John Maximovitch of Tobolsk, John Maximovitch the Wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco, Takla Haymanot of Ethiopia, Yared of Ethiopia, Gabra Manfas Queddus, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fyodorovna the New Martyr, Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov, Herman of Alaska, Matrona Nikonova the Wonderworker of Moscow, Patrick of Ireland, Paisios Eznepidis of Mount Athos, Josephine Bakhita, Dymphna, Herman of Alaska, Job Zhelezo of Pochaev, Luke Voino-Yasenetsky the Blessed Surgeon of Simferopol and Crimea, Peter the Aleut, André Bessette of Montreal, Porphyrios Bairaktaris of Kafsokalivia, Raphael Hawaweeny of Brooklyn, Gregory Palamas, Nilus of Sora / Nil Sorski, Christopher of Lycia, Thérèse Martin of the Child Jesus YESHUA of Lisieux, Vida Dutton Scudder, Florence Converse and Tikhon Bellavin of Moscow PRAY FOR US ALWAYS!
Prophesy of Daniel 3:16-18, 3:23-24
Shadrach (Hananiah), Meshach (Mishael), and Abednego (Azariah) answered the king, “O Nebuchadnezzar, we have no need to answer you in this matter. If it be so, our God whom we serve is in the heavens, able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace; and He will deliver us out of your hand, O king. But if not, be it known to you, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the golden image which you have set up.” And these three men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, fell bound into the fiery furnace. And they walked about in the midst of the flames, singing hymns to God and blessing the Lord. +MOST HOLY THEOTOKOS AND SAINTS MARY MAGDALENE, Holy Prophet Daniel, Shadrach (Hananiah), Meshach (Mishael), Abednego (Azariah), Gabriel Urgebadze, Panteleimon the Unmercenary Healer, Apollonia, Xenia of St. Petersburg, Dymphna, Barsanuphius of Optina, Sophrony Sakharov, Grigol Peradze, Isaac the Syrian, Kassiani the Hymnographer, Holy Righteous Father Abraham, Queen Esther, Judith conquerer of Holofernes, John Maximovitch the Wonderworker of Shanghai & San Francisco, John Sergiyev of Kronstadt, Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov, Phoebe the Deaconess, Patrick of Ireland, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fyodorovna the New Martyr of Russia, Pachomius the Great, Alexander Hotovitzky, Alexis Toth of Wilkes-Barre, Phanourios the Great Martyr, Herman of Alaska, Peter the Aleut, Mitrophan Yang, Nectarios Kephalas of Aegina & Pentapolis, King David, King Solomon,Gabra Manfas Qeddus, Takla Haymanot, Yared of Ethiopia, Gregory Palamas, Holy Prophet and God-seer Moses, Elijah/ Elias the Prophet, Holy Righteous Joshua (Jesus) son of Navi (Nun) , Christopher of Lycia, Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, John Chrysostom, Hesychius the Horebite, Anthony the Great of Egypt, Michael the Archangel, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel, Salathiel, Jehudiel, Jeremiel, Barachiel the Archangel, Pavel Peter Gojdič, André Bessette of Montreal, Josephine Bakhita, Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris, Paisios Eznepidis of Mount Athos and Porphyrios Bairaktaris of Kafsokalivia PRAY FOR US ALWAYS!
“Go your way; and as you have believed, so let it be done for you.” Most Holy Theotokos and Saints Mary Magdalene, Claudia Procula, Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris, Pavel Peter Gojdič, Vida Dutton Scudder, Florence Converse, Sergius, Bacchus, Bayard Rustin, Coretta Scott King, Paisios Eznepidis of Mount Athos, Josephine Bakhita, André Bessette of Montreal, Porphyrios Bairaktaris of Kafsokalivia, Holy Righteous Prophet-King David, Jonathan, Raphael Hawaweeny of Brooklyn, Silouan Antonov the Athonite, Sophrony Sakharov of Essex, Florence Li Tim-Oi, Grigol Peradze, Maxim Sandovich of Gorlice, and Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov pray for us always!
Saint Porphyrios Bairaktaris of Kafsokalivia Quote:
“This is the way we should see Christ— He is our friend, our brother. He is whatever is good and beautiful. He is everything. Yet, He is still a friend and He shouts it out, “You’re my friends, don’t you understand that? We’re brothers. I’m not threatening you. I don’t hold hell in my hands. I love you. I want you to enjoy life together with me.” Christ is Everything. He is joy, He is life, He is light. He is the true light who makes man joyful, makes him soar with happiness; makes him see everything, everybody; makes him feel for everyone, to want everyone with him, everyone with Christ.“ -Saints Porphyrios Bairaktaris of Kafsokalivia, Paisios of Mount Athos, Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris, Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov, John Maximovitch of Shanghai and San Francisco, John Jacob the Romanian Chozebite of Hazeva, Ephrem the Syrian, Nektarios Kefalas of Aegina and Pentapolis, Grigol Peradze, Mitrophan Yang of Beijing, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fyodorovna the New Martyr,Moses the Black, Tikhon Bellavin of Moscow, and Nino of Georgia pray for us always! LORD YESHUA THE MESSIAH, SON OF ALLAH / ELOHIM, HAVE MERCY ON US AND ON THE WHOLE UNIVERSE! LORD JESUS CHRIST, SON OF GOD, HAVE MERCY ON US AND ON THE WHOLE UNIVERSE!
Prayer of Saint Paisios Eznepidis of Mount Athos: “Our Lord Jesus Yeshua the Messiah Christ: Do not abandon your servants who live far away from the Church. May your love convict them and bring them back to you.Lord have mercy on your servants who are suffering from cancer. On your servants who suffer either from small or serious ailments. On your servants who suffer from physical infirmities. On your servants who suffer from spiritual infirmities. Lord have mercy on our leaders and inspire them to govern with Christian love. Lord have mercy on children who come from troubled homes. On troubled families and those who have been divorced. Lord have mercy on all the orphans of the world, on all those who are suffering pain and injustices since losing their spouses. Lord have mercy on all those in jail, on all anarchists, on all drug abusers, on all murderers, on all abusers of people, and on all thieves. Enlighten these people and help them to straighten out their lives. Lord have mercy on all those who have been forced to emigrate. On all those who travel on the seas, on land, in the air, and protect them. Lord have mercy on our Church, the bishops, the priests and the faithful of the Church. Lord have mercy on all the monastic communities, male and female, the elders and eldresses and all the brotherhoods of Mt. Athos. Lord have mercy on your servants who find themselves in the midst of war. On your servants who are being pursued in the mountains and on the plains. On your servants who are being hunted like birds of prey. Lord have mercy on your servants who were forced to abandon their homes and their jobs and feel afflicted. Lord have mercy on the poor, the homeless and the exiled.Lord have mercy on the nations of the world. Keep them in your embrace and envelope them with your holy protection. Keep them safe from every evil and war. Keep our beloved Greece (we can add here the USA [or Planet Earth]) in your protective embrace day and night. Embrace her with your holy protection defending her from all evil and war. Lord have mercy on those who have been abandoned and have suffered injustice. Have mercy on families that are going through trying times. Pour your abundant love upon them. Lord have mercy on your servants who suffer from spiritual and bodily problems of all kinds.Lord have mercy on those who are despairing. Help them and grant them peace. Lord have mercy on those that have requested that we pray for them. Lord grant eternal rest to all those who have passed on to eternal life throughout the ages.”
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St Herman of Alaska & St Peter Aleut #sinopia. #projectmexicofresco #frescoworkshop #frescopainting #frescoschool #frescotechnique #fresco #buonfresco #byzantine #byzantinefresco #byzantineicon https://FrescoSchool.net
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Gospel of Matthew Chapter 28
Matthew 28:1-20
Господи Иисусе Христе, Сыне Божий, помилуй нас грешники! Blessed Virgin Mary Theotokos and Saints Mary Magdalene, Panteleimon the Unmercenary Healer, Apollonia, Xenia of St. Petersburg, Dymphna, Barsanuphius of Optina, Sophrony Sakharov, Grigol Peradze, Isaac the Syrian, Kassiani the Hymnographer, Mary of Egypt, Tikhon Bellavin of Moscow, Raphael Hawaweeny of Brooklyn, Porphyrios Bairaktaris the Kapsokalivite, Paisios Eznepidis of Mount Athos, Ephraim the Syrian, Leonty Turkevich, John Sergiyev of Kronstadt, Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fyodorovna the New Martyr of Russia, Pachomius the Great, Alexander Hotovitzky, Pavel Peter Gojdič, André Bessette of Montreal, Josephine Bakhita, Alexis Toth of Wilkes-Barre, Phanourios the Great Martyr, Herman of Alaska, Peter the Aleut, Mitrophan Yang, Nectarios Kephalas of Aegina & Pentapolis, King David, King Solomon, John Jacob the Romanian Chozebite of Hazeva, Theodora of Vasta, John Maximovitch the Wonderworker of Shanghai & San Francisco, Gabra Manfas Qeddus, Gregory Palamas, Menas the Great Martyr of Egypt, Prophet Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, Markella of Chios, Job of Pochaev, Moses the Black, Gabriel Urgebadze, Holy Righteous Father Abraham, Queen Esther, Judith conquerer of Holofernes, Holy Prophet and God-seer Moses, Elijah/ Elias the Prophet, Joshua (Jesus) of Navi (Nun), John Climacus, Patrick of Ireland, Phoebe the Deaconess, Matrona of Moscow, Bridget of Ireland, Takla Haymanot of Ethiopia, Nicholas of Myra, Nino of Georgia, Christopher of Lycia, Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, John Chrysostom, Hesychius the Horebite, Anthony the Great of Egypt, Michael the Archangel, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel, Salathiel, Jehudiel, Jeremiel, Barachiel the Archangel, and Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris pray for us always! Doamne Iisuse Hristoase, Fiul lui Dumnezeu, Miluieşte-ne pe noi pacatosii! Lord Jesus Christ (Yeshua the Messiah), Son of God (Living God), have mercy on us sinners! Господи Иисусе Христе, Сыне Божий, помилуй нас грешники!
NOW AFTER THE SABBATH, toward the dawn of the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to see the sepulchre. And behold, there was a great earthquake; for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone, and sat upon it. His appearance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow. And for fear of him the guards trembled and became like dead men. Господи Иисусе Христе, Сыне Божий, помилуй нас грешники! But the angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid; for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for he has risen, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead, and behold, he is going before you to Galilee; there you will see him. Lo, I have told you.” So they departed quickly from the tomb with fear and great joy, and ran to tell his disciples. And behold, Jesus met them and said, “Hail!” And they came up and took hold of his feet and worshiped him. Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid; go and tell my brethren to go to Galilee, and there they will see me.” While they were going, behold, some of the guard went into the city and told the chief priests all that had taken place. And when they had assembled with the elders and taken counsel, they gave a sum of money to the soldiers and said, “Tell people, ‘His disciples came by night and stole him away while we were asleep.’ And if this comes to the governor’s ears, we will satisfy him and keep you out of trouble.” So they took the money and did as they were directed; and this story has been spread among the Jews to this day. Господи Иисусе Христе, Сыне Божий, помилуй нас грешники! Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. And when they saw him they worshiped him; but some doubted. And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS, TO THE CLOSE OF THE AGE.”
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Alaska Native Orthodox Saints
St. Jacob Netsvetov, Enlightener of Alaska (1802-1864)
Feast Day: 26th July
The son of a Russian fur trader and an Aleut mother who was the first Alaska Native to become an Orthodox priest and spent the rest of his life preaching the Orthodox faith in Alaska; by the time he died, he had created an alphabet for the Aleut language, exorcised demons and baptised well over a thousand people. The full story is here.
Troparion: Righteous Father Jacob, adornment of Atka and the Yukon delta, offspring of Russian America, flower of brotherly unity, healer of sickness, and terror of demons, you offered yourself as a living sacrifice to bring light to a searching people. Pray to Christ God that our souls may be saved!
St. Olga of Alaska/Olga Michael/Olga of Kwethluk (1916-1979)
Feast Day: 10th November
A Yupik matushka (priest's wife) known in her village as a midwife, charity distributer and firm yet compassionate presence, canonised for the miracles associated with her post-mortem; in particular, a sexually abused woman who experienced a vision of St. Olga that proved particularly healing. The full story is here.
Troparion: By your righteous deeds, you were revealed to the world as an image of the perfect servant of the Lord in Alaska. By your fasting, vigil and prayers, you were inspired in your evangelical life. You fed the hungry, and you cared for the poor. You served as a midwife, and you brought babies into the world. You nurtured children, and you clothed all those in need. Now, O Holy Olga, you stand at the right-hand of Christ the Master, and you intercede for our souls.
St. Peter the Aleut, Protomartyr of North America (unknown - 1815)
Feast Day: 24th September
A young Suqpiaq ("the Aleut" is a misnomer by a monk who wasn't good at distinguishing Native groups) man who was one of the first converts to Orthodoxy in North America. He was captured by the Spanish in a raid, and tortured in an attempt to make him convert to Roman Catholicism; he refused, and the tortures eventually killed him. When St. Herman of Alaska (the chief evangelist of Alaska) heard the story, he cried out "Holy New Martyr Peter, pray to God for us!" The full story is here.
Troparion: Today Alaska rejoices and America celebrates, for the New World has been sanctified by martyrdom. Kodiak echoes with songs of thanksgiving, Iliamna and Kenai observe the Festival of Faith. The apostle and martyr Juvenaly is glorified and Peter the Aleut is exalted by his voluntary sacrifice. In their devotion and love for the Lord they willingly endured persecution and death for the Truth. Now in the Kingdom of Heaven they intercede for our souls.
Troparion for the Synaxis of All Saints:
Adorned in the blood of Your Martyrs throughout all the world, as if clothed in purple and linen, through them Your Church cries out to You, O Christ God: “Bestow Your bounties upon Your people, grant peace to Your habitation, and great mercy to our souls.”
#since i was a kid i loved reading about american indian culture#and now i'm orthodox i learnt they yielded multiple saints#and in alaska#the coolest of all the states#so i had to make this post#christianity#orthodox#saints
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Julie and I share in common that our patron saints are both martyrs. And now we can add that we've made a best effort to visit the site where each died.
Peter the Aleut is much more recent but little-known. He's commemorated on two different days, depending on which Orthodox jurisdiction you follow, and there are at least two sites proposed for his martyrdom. In 2017 we visited Mission San Gabriel in Los Angeles (before it was gutted by fire in 2020), which I think is the more likely option. (Apologies to the San Francisco Orthodox crowd, who apparently are convinced it was in their backyard--I'll try to be an equal opportunity pilgrim at some point in the future.)
St. Julia was a first-millennium Christian from Carthage, taken as a slave aboard a merchant ship from Antioch, and crucified at Nonza on the island of Corsica. She is one of its local patrons, and you can still find a church and sacred spring dedicated in her honor. This week we were privileged to visit both. (Now we just need to get to Palestine for the kids' saints.)
The painting behind the altar depicts her martyrdom.

I couldn’t find out where they keep her relics in the church—maybe in here or locked away somewhere else?

It’s a fairly short but steep trail down to the spring.

Unfortunately at this season it was dry, but they put out jars of water so we could still take some home.

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Saints&Reading: Fri., July 26, 2019
Hieromartyr Hemolaus of Nicomedia Hieromartyrs

Hermolaus, Hermippus and Hermocrates of Nicomedia, were among the small number of those remaining alive after 20,000 Christians were burned alive in a church at Nicomedia in the year 303 (December 28), on the orders of the emperor Maximian (284-305). They lived in remote places and did not cease to preach Christianity to the pagans. The young pagan named Pantoleon (Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon, July 27) often passed by the house in which Saint Hermolaus had concealed himself. Once Saint Hermolaus chanced to meet the youth and asked him to stop by his house. In their conversation Saint Hermolaus began to explain to his guest the falseness, impiety and vanity of worshipping the pagan gods. From that day on, Pantoleon began to visit Saint Hermolaus daily and received holy Baptism from him...continue reading
St Jacob Netsvelov of Alaska


Father Jacob (Netsvetov) of Alaska was born of pious parents in 1802 on Atka Island, Alaska. His father, Yegor Vasil’evich Netsvetov was a Russian from Tobolsk. His mother, Maria Alekseevna, was an Aleut from Atka island. Yegor and Maria had four children who survived infancy; Jacob was the first born, followed by Osip (Joseph), Elena, and Antony. Yegor and Maria were devoted to their children and, though of meager means, did all they could to provide them with the education which would help them in this life as well as in the life to come. Osip and Antony were eventually able to study at the Saint Petersburg Naval Academy in Russia, becoming a naval officer and a shipbuilder, respectively. Their sister, Elena, married a successful and respected clerk for the Russian-American Company. But Jacob yearned for a different kind of success, a success that the world might consider failure for “the righteous live forever, their reward is with the Lord” (Wis. Sol. 5:15). And so, when the family moved to Irkutsk in 1823, Jacob enrolled in the Irkutsk Theological Seminary and placed all his hope in Christ by seeking first the Kingdom of God (Mt. 6:33). Jacob was tonsured as a Subdeacon on October 1, 1825. He married a Russian woman (perhaps also a Creole) named Anna Simeonovna, and in 1826 graduated from the Seminary with certificates in history and theology. On October 31, 1826, he was ordained to the Holy Diaconate and assigned to serve the altar of the Holy Trinity-Saint Peter Church in Irkutsk. Two years later, on March 4, 1828, Archbishop Michael, who had earlier ordained Father John Veniaminov (Saint Innocent), elevated the godly deacon Jacob to the Holy Priesthood. This, however, was no ordinary ordination. As if he were a new Patrick, hearing the mystical call of his distant flock, Father Jacob yearned to return to his native Alaska. And the all-good God, who “satisfies the longing soul and fills the hungry soul with goodness” (Ps.107:9) heard the prayer of his servant...continue reading
1 Cor 4:5-8 KJV
5 Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God.
6 And these things, brethren, I have in a figure transferred to myself and to Apollos for your sakes; that ye might learn in us not to think of men above that which is written, that no one of you be puffed up for one against another.
7 For who maketh thee to differ from another? and what hast thou that thou didst not receive? now if thou didst receive it, why dost thou glory, as if thou hadst not received it?
8 Now ye are full, now ye are rich, ye have reigned as kings without us: and I would to God ye did reign, that we also might reign with you.
King James Version (KJV)
Matt 13: 44-54
The Parable of the Hidden Treasure
44 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.
The Parable of the Pearl of Great Price
45 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, 46 who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it.
The Parable of the Dragnet
47 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a dragnet that was cast into the sea and gathered some of every kind, 48 which, when it was full, they drew to shore; and they sat down and gathered the good into vessels, but threw the bad away. 49 So it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come forth, separate the wicked from among the just, 50 and cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.”
51 [a]Jesus said to them, “Have you understood all these things?”
They said to Him, “Yes, [b]Lord.”
52 Then He said to them, “Therefore every [c]scribe instructed [d]concerning the kingdom of heaven is like a householder who brings out of his treasure things new and old.”
Jesus Rejected at Nazareth
53 Now it came to pass, when Jesus had finished these parables, that He departed from there. 54 When He had come to His own country, He taught them in their synagogue, so that they were astonished and said, “Where did this Man get this wisdom and these mighty works?
Matthew 13:51 NU omits Jesus said to them
Matthew 13:51 NU omits Lord
Matthew 13:52 A scholar of the Old Testament
Matthew 13:52 Or for
New King James Version (NKJV) Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. All rights reserved. at Bible Gateway
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In 1812, Orthodox Russians and Aleuts (Native Alaskans) settled in Fort Ross (Northern California) in order to increase the winter food supplies in their Alaskan communities.
The Spaniards, suspecting the Russians of having designs on San Francisco, eventually arrested twenty Orthodox Christian Aleuts in 1815 and transferred them to San Francisco where they were mistreated and subjected to forced labour.
Their captors eventually resorted to torturing these Aleut prisoners in their attempt to make them adopt the Roman Catholic religion. But the Aleuts were steadfast! They showed the crosses they were wearing and said, “We are Christians. We have been baptized.”
Two of them were taken that night, and the one named Peter was tortured while the other was made to look on. First his toes were broken one by one, but the valiant athlete of Christ, truly worthy of the name of the first of the Apostles, continued to assert, “I am a Christian; I will not change my faith!”
The torturers next cut off his fingers, then chopped off his hands and feet with an axe. While streams of blood flowed from his wounds, Peter did not waver, instead repeating that he would not betray his faith, until he gave up his soul unto God and obtained the glorious crown of martyrdom.
When St. Herman of Alaska received the news of St. Peter’s martyrdom, he crossed himself before the icons with great reverence and said, “Holy New Martyr Peter, pray to God for us!”
Saint Peter the Aleut is the first Saint of American origin.
source: The Synaxarion as compiled by Hieromonk Makarios of Simonos Petra on the Holy Mount Athos (entry for December 13, under St. Herman of Alaska)

#St. Peter the Aleut#St. Herman of Alaska#saint of the americas#synaxarion#orthodox christianity#eastern orthodoxy#orthodoxy#eastern orthodox#orthodox#christianity#iconography#Alaska#Roman Catholicism#catholicism#catholic
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