#St. Peter Church
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16th-century St. Peter Church in La Chapelle-Souëf, Normandy region of France
French vintage postcard
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batnomadblog · 1 year
Switzerland, Day 1 - Zurich
Switzerland, day 1, Zurich. Though Zug would be my base in Switzerland. A small town 30 minutes train ride from Zurich in the canton of Zug. Not really a base; my friend has been living there for over 15 years, Kim. Having no plans whatsoever for Switzerland (nothing new), Kim had kindly invited me to stay with her. Heading back to Europe it felt like going home, going back to familiarity. Having…
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ancientsstudies · 10 days
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St. Peter's Basilica by sohhhaibbb.
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nobrashfestivity · 3 months
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Massimo Vignelli logo for St. Peter's Church at Citicorp Center, New York, NY, 1975
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found-in-nomadland · 6 months
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St. Peter’s Church
Munich, Germany
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389 · 1 year
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Hagemeier is a former student of the famous Dutch type designer and calligrapher Chris Brand, and he selected DTL Albertina for the lettering. At that time he was working together with Frank E. Blokland on the lettering of the stained-glass windows of the St. Peter Church in the city of Leyden (see also this video). Blokland designed a special version of DTL Albertina with shorter ascenders and descenders, and smaller capitals for the window of the St. Peter and Paul Church.
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illustratus · 6 months
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View of St Peter's in Rome with Raphael and Michelangelo in the foreground
by Carl Gustav Carus
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sappymix1 · 1 month
haii we're so back. fic for bella @fujogie's dnf exchange :3 i was writing for @tiamsam hi nice to meet you here's 15k of george doing magic and thinking abt how much he wants dream 😭 hope u like it
baby pre meetup dnf, magic au but theyre still streamers, 15k words TAP INNN
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annaslapek · 2 months
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St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican
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meirimerens · 9 hours
patho × bible lore Isn't It Funny how the apostles Petros (Peter/Pierre/Пётр) and Andréas (Andrew/André/Андрей) are brothers within their (biblical) canon and Petros (Peter) was at first named Simon but given a stone-related name by Jesus when he said "And I tell you that you are Peter (=stone) and on this rock (=stone) I will build my church" (= upon you apostle peter i will build my church) and isn't it funny how the Polyhedron was (spiritually/psychologically) built upon Peter's back at great cost to his sanity and how it was (spiritually) built upon/FOR Simon's body at great costs to everything else. I just thought this was interesting.
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portraitsofsaints · 2 months
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Saint Peter Chrysologus
Doctor of the Church
Feast Day: July 30
 Patronage: When feverish, rabid dogs, Imola, Italy
Saint Peter Chrysologus, known as the "Doctor of Homilies”, was an Italian Bishop that had exceptional preaching skills, thus meriting the title Chrysologus, meaning “golden speech”. His sermons were simple, practical, and clear, dealing with the Gospels, Mary’s perpetual virginity, the penitential value of lent, Christ’s Eucharistic presence, His two divine natures, the primacy of Peter and his successors in the Church.
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
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TW Religion
Look I understand why religious people take offense to Good Omens, the Hellaverse, and that type of media (I've made posts on this before, about how the church kinda made their own bed, and I stand by that). I'm religious. I'm a practicing Christian. There are things in the shows that bother me a bit at times. There are parts of the fandom that I think go too far, but that happens in every single fandom. I think many of us who've been in any fandom for a bit can think of an example where someone just took something way to far. I mean there are multiple stories out there, to the point you sometimes see jokes about it, where someone went from fan to felon pretty dang quick. Or cases where a group of fans got more than a bit culty. The difference with the Hellaverse specifically, is, I believe, that if you take it to far you can start messing with very real demons, who are not the same as the ones in the show, and I don't want to touch that.
Now all that said, the fact that I am religious is a key contributor in why I love this kinda of media, and why I gravitate to it. I like things that bother me, at least things that bother me theologically. I really like things that make me question my faith, or components of it. Also, if I haven't made this crystal clear, the church has caused me a great deal of pain, and continues to do so. I have a lot of religious trauma to work through, and it can be really hard, because I often feel really alone. Most people with religious trauma leave the religion in question. I'm still here. I have to grapple, almost daily, with separating my hurt from my faith, and separating what I was taught from what I actually believe. I'm exvangelical, but I'm still a church going, bible believing Christian, and y'all that's a special kind of hell. It hurts, a lot. Sometimes to the point where it makes me physically ill. People I love and respect, continue to say things knowingly or unknowingly that cut like a knife. And How many times can you get stabbed? How long? How long must I hurt?
These shows help me process. They help me look at things from another perspective and go "do I believe that? And if I do, why?" Also sometimes they call me out, and that's never fun... but it can be important. But one of the big ones is that it gives me a chance to process my hurt with the symbolism of my childhood. It's healing.
I latched onto Emily, because I see myself in her. I see someone who believed, and had the rug pulled out from under them. I see someone, who still believes, but feels betrayed. Someone who now has to confront and question, because "if this was a lie what else is?" And "I trusted this person and this is what they did?" And possibly worst of all, "I helped enable this. I allowed this to happen. I might not have known, but I still helped. What have I done?" I know those feelings. I live them every single day.
I understand Aziraphale's choice to go running back to heaven (whether I like that choice or not, and I don't). It looked like they would accept him as he was, even accept those he loves. He sees an opportunity to change things for the better, in this system he knows, and cares about even. It's not going to go well. We know it's not, and I think even Aziraphale knows that, but that need to believe it can change, that you change it, yeah I get it. I really do.
I understand Sera's desperation to protect. I remember feeling St. Peter's aversion. The desperate bargaining we've seen from the cherubs trying to convince themselves what they're doing is right, or at least not wrong, I've done it. I see myself in Vaggie, trying to mend the damage she did. I was an armored gay. I know I too caused harm. Lucifer's abandonment issues and desire to just leave it all behind him or try to. It's all to real. And Crowley's disillusionment with everything? His belief that he is "on his own side", because where else could he possibly go? Yeah I get that too.
And I could go on
And on
And on
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huariqueje · 2 years
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Saint Michael with Saint Paul, Night   -  Peter Brown Hon
British, b. 1967-
Oil on canvas ,  40 x 20 in.    102 x 51 cm.
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rabbitcruiser · 5 months
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Christopher Columbus landed on the island of Jamaica on May 5, 1494 and claimed it for Spain.
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It's hard to comprehend the immense scale of St. Peter’s Basilica. ⛪🔍
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momentsbeforemass · 5 months
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I find a lot of inspiration and food for thought in the early Church Fathers.
One of my favorites is St. Peter Chrysologus. And his unpacking of today’s Gospel:
Jesus Himself has said “I am the life.”
What the soul is to the body, is what Christ is to the soul.
Without the soul, the body does not live. Without Christ, the soul does not live.
As soon as the soul leaves the body, decay comes and everything that is loathsome to the sight take its place.
When God leaves, there comes to pass in the living tomb of the body the death of the soul now buried.
It’s a description that really helped to put into words something that I was feeling. An impression that I was having, talking and being around people who have no time for God.
They’re not bad people. But there was something missing. A part of them that just wasn’t there. Because it had died.
Their souls had been kept away from God – buried in the living tomb of themselves – for long enough that they had died a spiritual death.
It’s a sad fate to befall anyone. And once you understand what it is, it becomes easy to spot.
All of us have people like this in our lives. People who have gotten to a place where that vital part of them has died, for any number of reasons. For most of them, it has roots in something or someone who hurt them.
It’s a tragedy. One that we need to protect ourselves from. By keeping our hearts close to God.
And, just as importantly, it’s a tragedy that we can do something about.
By treating them with the care and compassion that we would want. If we were in their shoes.
Which includes lifting them up in prayer. Every day.
Trusting them to the love and mercy of our God. Again and again.
Showing them that love and mercy. Every time we interact with them.
Because that’s how you handle the ones who don’t believe.
Today’s Readings
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