#St Wilfrid
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vox-anglosphere · 1 year ago
A former monastery, Ripon Cathedral is going strong after 1350 years
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Yorkshire's Gothic gem was founded by St Wilfrid in the 7th century
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ghassanrassam · 3 months ago
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1957 Gordon Scott is the latest Tarzan..lukewarm at best
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rabbitcruiser · 2 months ago
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The government of Prime Minister John Diefenbaker decided to consolidate the duties of the Marine Service of the Department of Transport and on January 26, 1962, the Canadian Coast Guard was formed as a subsidiary of DOT.
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banefort · 6 months ago
vaegon if you can hear us please vaegon please save me im asking you vaegon
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scrapblring · 5 months ago
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St. Winifred's, Brayton, North Yokshire, England.
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lordcrumps · 7 months ago
A little over two weeks from now (September 14th, my birthday) me and some family and friends will be doing a sponsored walk to help raise money for the hospice that really helped my mother get back on her feet and walking / transferring from her wheelchair.
She lost her battle with cancer in June and on the 15th it would have been my parents 40th wedding anniversary. So it’s going to be a bittersweet weekend.
Please don’t feel the need to donate as it’s tough for everyone right now, but if you wanted to do then here is a link!
Thank you in advance but please don’t feel obligated! Take care!
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speedwayy · 1 year ago
At a crofted fairground on Stretford Road the sights and sounds and smells are alive with harm and hellborn pleasures. I catch sight of Margaret, who is in my class at St Wilfrid’s and who has a red birth mark on her right cheek, and I wave a wave that she returns, but the brimstoned boy that she is with rockets towards me and lands me an upper-cut so fierce that I am unable to see for a full minute.
— Morrissey, Autobiography
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“I’d spent a lot of time at the fair in Wythenshawe Park and I worked at a speedway in a place down in Cheshire. I still maintain that the best place to hear music is at the fairground. If you get your records played at the fair you're a great pop group. I used to go there all the time, not necessarily to go on the rides, but to look at girls. I had this really romantic feeling when I was at the fair.”
— Johnny Marr (quoted by Johnny Rogan in Morrissey & Marr: a Severed Alliance)
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scotianostra · 1 year ago
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15th of December 1900 is the most likely date that the three lighthouse keepers of the year old Flannan Isles Lighthouse disappeared.
The building of Flannan Lighthouse was plagued with accidents, several workers died or vanished while working on the lighthouse, it took about 4 years to complete. Legend has it the island was said to be inhabited by mysterious “little people.” Large birds also were said to live there, too, and have contact with these little people.
Na h-Eileanan Flannach is the Scottish Gaelic name of the small group of islands known in English as the Flannan Isles. They are a bird sanctuary and at times a place of beauty. At others these remote islands bear the brunt of severe Atlantic storms, which whip the seas into frenzy and force even the hardy gulls to stay sheltered in the cliff face crags. For many years they have remained uninhabited, the last residents of any length being the lighthouse keepers, who between 1899 and its automation in 1971, kept the light burning on the highest point of the island group, Eilean Mòr.
On the island of Eilean Mòr is the ruin of an old chapel dedicated to St Flannan. However, over many centuries for many of the Gaelic Hebridean community the islands have been viewed as a place of superstition and bad luck. A view that was reinforced by the tragic and mysterious events that befell the lighthouse keepers on Eilean Mòr in mid-December 1900.
It is the fate of the lighthouse keepers, James Ducat, Thomas Marshall, and Donald McArthur, in 1900; just over one year after the island’s lighthouse came into operation that is the cause of much mystery and speculation. For all three keepers disappeared without trace. It was on 15th December 1900 that the ship Archtor which was sailing for Scotland from Philadelphia had reported that as they passed the islands the lighthouse was not in operation. In those days there was no radio communication between the keepers on Eilean Mòr and the shore station of Breasclete on Lewis.
When the lighthouse tender arrived on 26th December 1900 having been delayed due to adverse conditions.
There was no welcome from the lighthouse keepers, no flag on the flagstaff and no provision boxes left for them as was customary.
The relief keeper Joseph Moore was sent to investigate further and found the main door and gate to the compound closed, the beds unmade and the clock stopped. They also found a set of oilskins, suggesting one of the keepers to have left without them – unusual and worrying considering the poor weather conditions that had been recorded in the log.
The island was scoured for clues, or any sign of the keepers, but nothing was found. The west landing had received considerable damage, with turf ripped up and a box of supplies destroyed, with its contents strewn about. The keepers log proved that this damage had occurred before the disappearance.
The log leading up to the men’s disappearance included some strange entries, with descriptions of an awful storm, high winds, and low spirits amongst the keepers. There were however no reports of storms in the area in the days leading up to the disappearance, meaning that the poor weather conditions recorded in the log were either made up, or localised.
To this day no one knows what took place in the lighthouse that night, but many theories have developed over the years.
The more far-fetched of these theories suggest they had been carried away by a giant seabird, had been abducted by spies or had simply escaped to start new lives. The perhaps more plausible theories suggest that the keepers had been swept away when trying to secure a box in a crevice above sea level. Other theories suggest the psychology of the lighthouse keepers played a part. MacArthur had a reputation for brawling and was known to be violent. It is suggested by some that a fight broke out on the cliff edge, causing the men to fall to their deaths.
It was only after 1912, when English poet Wilfrid Wilson Gibson published his epic, Flannan Isle, that the story began to assume such an air of mystery, speculation, even intrigue. In general for lighthouse keepers themselves, there is no mystery and never has been, my uncle worked for the Lighthouse Board, and he says it was a freak wave that swept the men to their deaths, this is the assumption of many who worked the Islands around Scotland, but in truth we will never know what happened.
Flannan Lighthouse Memorial at Breasclete, Isle of Lewis , as seen in the pics, was unveiled in 2017.
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beautflstranger · 1 year ago
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They met when they were 14 years old, at St. Wilfrid's Comprehensive School in Crawley, England. He asked her to be his partner in a drama-class project.
Robert Smith originally wrote this song for his long-time girlfriend and then fiancée, Mary, as a wedding present. "I couldn’t think of what to give her, so I wrote her that song — cheap and cheerful. She would have preferred diamonds, I think, but she might look back and be glad that I gave her that.” (Mary’s wedding gift to her new husband was reportedly a platinum heart.)
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rumeysawrites · 5 months ago
Happy STS!! Can I request an infodump of Thiruneah? She sounds cool!
(also how do you track all your characters? Is it a spreadsheet or something?)
Yessss! Thank you! Thiruneah is probably one of my lore characters that even I still feel curious about!
As one of the three goddesses tgat emerged from The Might (the primordial force that made up the all of Existence) in the very beginning. She was the second of the three "sisters" to come into existence, after Eliltta (the goddess of life and creation) and before Nihynia (goddess of space, worlds, and dimensions.
Thiruneah is the goddess po time, and the one pillar of the Triple Balance that is always standing. The ever-flowing threads of time are conjured,c ontrolled, and protected by her.
Unlike her sisters who often went around to maintain life or the universes they've created, Thiruneah would basically never leave her domain at the center of Existence. She was the one who made sure time flowed as it was supposed to for every universe, world, person, etc.
Basically, she was one of the key reasons there's any order at all in Existence.
Of course, such a responsibility could cause someone to grow very strict and rigid, as Thiruneah is known to be the least lenient of all ten of the deities with crystald, as well as the kast to volunteer.
In that sense, Thiruneah is probably the epitome of a l"awful neutral" character, as she has a very strict moral code centeering around keeping tge balance abd order of the Existence togather, but also being unwilling to break those codes even if it means any hero or villain asks for help from her. She's a stable force of nature, strong and seemingly unchanging.
The most well-known myth about her in Interdimensional, is about her punishment of Arfene (goddess of magic) for implementing time as an element for some of her magic systems without asking for Thiruneah's permission. It's believed that Arfene had lived ten thousand years of mortal lives, reincarnating in a different world of Thiruneah's choosing every time she died.
She's also the deity who (albeit reluctantly) gave power for the Crystal Of Time, which Kent has in the main series, and later Alondra finds one of the missing pieces of. Time as a spellcasting element is banned by both BSA and Dark Crystal, which only three people at max are even permitted by Thiruneah to have the access to it in the first place (that being Kent, Wilfrid and in incredibly minor ways, Alondra), as it's considered one of the most dangerous elements a person can wield. Both that and everyone knows what the fact that happened when even a deity tried to use time nagic.
We will also see Thiruneah in both the Divine Trials Arc and the Time Travel Arc, which happen in and after year 8 respectively. However unlike Eliltta and Nihynia, Thiruneah doesn't have as large of an impact on the Legendaries, not because she can't, but because she chooses not to. Remember, what she watches over is far more than just the timeline of Eight Alters. She still does what's necessary for her to do but doesn't go further thsn that.
Lastly, in one of my side stories that I co-write with a friend (where we put our single characters through a fun matchmaking event, and trust me there are over three hundred of those characters-), Thiruneah is matched with an immortal fire elemental named Ignacius, who's among the most prominent vessels Lorkness (Beislar), making him one of the main antagonists in the series. I do know they will interact at least once in the main series too, but I'm not sure how it'll happen or how it'll go.
I hope this was enough infodumping about our lovely Lady Time. :)
As for how I keep track of my characters... I'm not 100% sure either. I do have three separate lists (one on my Notes app, one on my Character Story Planner, and one on Quotev), but none of the lists are complete, the one in my Notes app in particular having outdated names for many of the earlier characters I made. And none of the lists sp far include some of the important characters such as Iluthmil siblings, Keegan family members, Francis, Beatrice, Jarek, Roimata, Cassandra, or Aphelion.
Turns out I mostly keep them in my head and remember through their roles (as I used to always forget that Dark Crystal's main tech guy was a dwarf man named Gwydion with a grumpy grudge against Frank, until I gave him a proper role in the first Meras arc). But having an organized list does help, which I'm working on. I promise.😅
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mothmiso · 1 year ago
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Yorkshire (2) (3) (4) (5) by DC74 Photography
Via Flickr:
(1) Beautiful old cottages in Garrs Lane in Grassington. (2) A cottage cat. (3) Lych gate at St Wilfrids Church, Burnsall. The chain and pulley gate is one of only three remaining in the UK. (4) Grassington. (5) Conistone Pie.    
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years ago
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"NOS PETITES ENTREVUES," Le Petit Journal. August 1, 1943. Page 17. ---- Etes-vous en faveur que les femmes remplacent les hommes à bord des trams, des autobus et des chemins de fer? --- Qu'en pensez-vous ?
Henri-Paul Després, 315, rue Savignac. Je crois que l'idée a un certain bon sens. Puisqu'il manque des hommes, il faut bien les remplacer. Or on ne peut les remplacer que par des femmes, puisqu'on ne peut pas prendre des enfants. Il faudra donc faire l'essai, si l'on ne veut pas interrompre les services de transport. Reste à savoir si on pourra nous assurer le même service, car, à part quelques cas, ce n'est pas dans les cordes de la femme de faire ce genre de travail. Pour le moment, je ne me prononce pas. Cela peut réussir.
M. P.-E. Picard, Etats-Unis. "Si la chose se présentait en temps normal, je serais complètement opposé à l'emploi femmes dans des ce genre de travail. Mais nous sommes en guerre et par la force des choses la femme doit prendre certaines situations qui jusque là étaient réservées de permettre aux hommes, afin ces derniers de travailler à des besognes plus essentielles exigées par l'effort de guerre du pays".
John Sullivan, 1700, St-Timothée. Puisque les événements nous forcent à essayer bien des choses nouvelles dans presque tous les domaines, il n'y a pas de raisons pour que l'on ne substitue pas les femmes aux hommes sur les trams, les autobus et même les trains. Mais je ne crois pas que ce soit tout à fait la place du sexe faible. Il semble bien, toutefois, que ce sera une distraction pour les voyageurs et un apprentissage assez curieux pour le role futur qu'elles auront à remplir au sein d'une famille".
Wilfrid Jean, 10794. Lajeunesse. Nous en verrons de toutes les couleurs dans cette guerre. On en est maintenant arrivé à faire travailler les femmes comme les hommes. Mais comme les femmes ont souvent beaucoup plus d'entregent et d'am- bition, il y a un certain bon sens à les utiliser partout où on le peut. Il y aura une période de mise au point. On entendra quelques récriminations, puis les gens s'habitueront à la nouveauté, qui aura probablement son bon côté. Il n'est pas impossible que, pour faire mentir le dicton, les femmes arrivent à faire partir et arriver leurs voitures à l'heure.
Jean Ethier, 1053, Sanguinet. Au cours des 78 ans de mon existence, je n'ai jamais vu pareille chose. Il me semble que nos jeunes filles seront déplacées, au volant des autobus et derrière le moteur des trams. Pourtant je pense qu'elles pourront rendre des services, si elle sont appelées à remplacer les hommes dans ce domaine, car les femmes qui veulent travailler travaillent bien.
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rabbitcruiser · 8 months ago
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U.S. Coast Guard Day
U.S. Coast Guard Day honors the United States Coast Guard, the military branch that protects the waters and shorelines of the United States. It is celebrated on the anniversary of the founding of the Revenue Marine, the forerunner of the Coast Guard. On August 4, 1790, the United States Congress created the Revenue Marine and authorized the construction of 10 revenue cutters to be used to enforce U.S. tariff laws—to stop illegal smuggling and collect revenue on incoming goods. The Revenue Marine was housed in the Department of Treasury and thus directed by Secretary of Treasury Alexander Hamilton.
The Revenue Marine's name was later changed to the Revenue Cutter Service. Then, in 1915, the Revenue Cutter Service was combined with the United States Life-Saving Service to form the United States Coast Guard. This created a single maritime service, bringing together one devoted to enforcing maritime laws and one dedicated to saving lives. The United States Lighthouse Service became part of the Coast Guard in 1939, and the Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation became part of it in 1946. In 1967, the Coast Guard was transferred from the Department of Treasury to the newly-created Department of Transportation. Similarly, it was transferred to the Department of Homeland Security in 2003.
U.S. Coast Guard Day has been marked in some form since at least 1928. Presidents have proclaimed August 4th as "Coast Guard Day." Harry Truman did so in 1948, and Ronald Reagan did so in 1984 after being requested to do so by Congress. In large part, U.S. Coast Guard Day is an internal celebration by Coast Guard personnel and their families, but others join in honoring Coast Guard members as well. Coast Guard units often organize picnics and informal sports competitions, where they celebrate with family and friends. The American flag is typically flown on the day, particularly by those who have family members in the Coast Guard. Grand Haven, Michigan, known as Coast Guard City, USA, holds the annual Coast Guard Festival each year around August 4th.
The Coast Guard defines itself as "the principal Federal agency responsible for maritime safety, security, and environmental stewardship in U.S. ports and inland waterways, along more than 95,000 miles of U.S. coastline, throughout the 4.5 million square miles of U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), and on the high seas." It has active duty, reserve, and civilian employees, and there also is a Coast Guard Auxiliary. It is divided into two area commands, the Pacific Area and the Atlantic Area, and these are divided into nine district commands. Many Coast Guard stations are located in the districts. The Coast Guard fleet consists of cutters, boats, and fixed and rotary-wing aircraft. Today this branch of the military and its members are honored with U.S. Coast Guard Day!
How to Observe U.S. Coast Guard Day
Some ways you could observe the day include:
Make plans to attend New Haven's Coast Guard Festival, Petaluma's Coast Guard Day, or another public event in honor of the Coast Guard's founding. If you are a member of the Coast Guard, or if you have a relative in the Coast Guard, see if there are any private events being held in honor of the day that you can attend.
Stop at a Coast Guard station.
Fly the American flag.
Learn more about the responsibilities and functions of the Coast Guard. You could do so by reading a book such as The Coast Guard or The United States Coast Guard and National Defense: A History from World War I to the Present, or by exploring the official United States Coast Guard website.
Watch a film that features the Coast Guard.
Join the Coast Guard.
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ophelialoveshandsomemen · 2 years ago
On the '3 things' asks:
#11, #18, and #34
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Thanks so much girl!!!
(omg, you're breaking my heart with that gif!) 💖
Anyways! To the answers! I'm sorry to inform you that it has turned into an article, I cannot write about books I'm passionate about concisely. So buckle up I guess?!!?
#11- 3 books I would recommend that everyone reads!
So I'm gonna put down books that I also think most people ( if not all) Could read, because a.k.a Lord of the Rings is not easy for a lot of people, for various reasons surrounding pacing and whatnot, though I highly recommend that one as well!!!
First book would be Sastun by Dr. Rosita Arvigo. It is a woonnnnderful book about her apprenticeship with a Mayan H'men. a.k.a shaman-like healer, who reminds us that the spiritual and the physical Cannot Be Separated! A very easy read that will blow your mind when it comes to your body and how you should treat it and it will forever change your perspective on Western Medicine. One warning though, if you do not actually know beforehand about what is and isn't "allowed" in Catholicism, do not base your future knowledge of it on this, as these healers really mix together Mayan worship and Catholicism. I do not judge them for this, but please be aware that not everything that they recount doing in this book is necessarily okay for Catholics.
Second book is Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery. This entire series was my comfort book growing up, but I recommend the first as it truly is the cornerstone of the series. ( FYI My personal favourite is actually the last book, Rita of Ingleside.) :) A story about girl with a wild imagination and longing for a kindred spirit, nothing better to dive into!
Third book will be Mexican Martyrdom by Rev. Fr. Wilfrid Parsons. I was obsessed with the Cristero War as a young teen ( thanks to my mother getting me the movie, For Greater Glory, when I was 12 because she knew I liked war movies...I know, weird 12 year old girl, I was a tomboy okay...) This is a period of history that, if I remember correctly, is very rarely talked about because there's a lot of misunderstandings and bad blood surrounding it. But this book was written by a contemporary catholic reverend who was in and out of Mexico while it was happening and was acquainted with some of the "people in charge" shall we say. So it's quite reliable and helps clear some of the murk clouding this patch of history. ( Also, I highly recommend watching the aforementioned movie, For Greater Glory ( 2012), (which you will very much enjoy if you are Oscar Isaac fan btw) and another thing I rec is this short film from around the same time, called Cristeros y Federales, link is here. ( Also, this one has the ever lovely Tenoch Huerta starring! ) ;)
#18- 3 dream jobs from my childhood
Ummm I got at least two. I wanted to be a religious Sister who was also a nurse and I would go help third world countries. Then I realized that heat existed....
And then I wanted to become a famous stage actress!
There was also a bout of wanting to leave everything behind and become a mountain (wo)man/trapper in the Northwest Territories. Dunno if that counts!! ( esp. since I still wanna do that half the time...)
#34-3 people from history who inspire me!
I might stay short and sweet with these, because most have got some, shall we say 'ugly history' attached to them, through no fault of their own.
Pocahontas, the Algonquin Princess. Really inspired me to respect and love and ally myself with nature.
St. Joan of Arc. Peasant girl turned saviour of France who stuck to her principles no matter what.
Marina Raskova, founder and leader of the ' Night Witches' a.k.a the elite soviet pilot regiment who are amoung the most badass ladies ever. Check them out! Their story is so cool!
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thepastisalreadywritten · 2 years ago
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St. Æthelthryth, also known as Etheldreda or Audrey, especially in religious contexts, was Queen of Northumbria.
Her father was King Anna of East Anglia.
Her siblings were Wendreda and Seaxburh of Ely, both of whom eventually retired from secular life and founded abbeys.
She was born at around 630 in Exning, near Newmarket in Suffolk.
While still very young, she was given in marriage by her father to Tondberct, chief or prince of the South Gyrwe. He was a subordinate prince who gave her a piece of land locally known as the Isle of Ely.
She managed to persuade her husband to respect her vow of perpetual virginity that she had made prior to their marriage.
Upon his death in 655, she retired to the Isle of Ely, which she had received from Tondberct as a morning gift.
Etheldreda was forced to marry again out political convenience, this time to Ecgfrith, King of Northumbria.
Throughout her 12 years of marriage, she kept her virginity. She gave much of her time to devotion and charity.
St. Wilfrid was her friend and spiritual guide. He helped to persuade her husband that Etheldreda should live for some time in peace as a sister of the Coldingham nunnery, founded by her aunt, St. Ebb.
During this time, she only ate once a day, except on feast days or while she was sick, and wore only clothes made of wool.
After midnight prayers, she would always go back to the church and continue praying until morning.
Etheldreda took pain and humiliation as a blessing.
On her death bed, she thanked God for an illness that had painfully swollen her neck, which she considered to be punishment for having vainly worn necklaces with jewels as a young lady.
She died on 23 June 679. She was buried in a wooden coffin, as she had asked.
When her body was moved to a stone coffin, it was found incorrupt and her neck was perfectly healed, according to physicians.
She is the patron saint of throat and neck complaints.
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crimson--freak · 1 year ago
[ID: a screenshot of a Wikipedia article, reading “Seaxwulf’s earliest appearance is in the Latinised form “Sexwlfus”, in Stephen of Ripon’s Vita Sancti Wilfrithi, or “Life of St. Wilfrid”, of the early 8th century. As is common with proper nouns, this name is found in numerous different forms in medieval writings; but it is most commonly rendered into modern English as “Saxwulf” or “Sexwulf”. An Old English name, it means “dagger wolf”, or possibly “Saxon wolf”. /End ID]
Apparently viable and attested Medieval names, according to this list I found
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