#Squam Lake
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agents-of-behemoth · 1 year ago
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cricketchirp · 9 months ago
Lions, and Otters, and Moose Mondate!
We drove across the border and south today in search of wildlife. And we were not disappointed as our sightings were numerous. But first, lunch. That in itself was a treat–mine being an Avocado and Roasted Veggie Panini. You are looking at the second half, which was supposed to follow me home. But . . . the avocado would have turned brown. And so I gobbled it all down. Sometimes, you just have…
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allthingsfangirl101 · 2 months ago
All I Want – Glen Powell
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I hid behind my camera as the actors went through their scenes. I couldn't ignore the smile that spread across my face as Glen's character ran into the airport.
I made sure to angle the camera behind Glen, right over his shoulder so we got a clear shot up of Lucy Liu and Taye Diggs.
"Hey," Taye hesitated. "Did I forget something?"
"Yeah," Glen responded, sounding like he was out of breath from running. "That you're a bastard." Glen paused as the extras in the airport mumbled things under their breaths. "I don't wanna be like you. I'm not gonna be. I don't want the promotion. I quit."
"Okay," Taye said with little to no emotion.
"Kirsten? Don't marry him."
I bit my lip to keep from laughing as the extra walked up next to Glen and laughed, "Do it, honey. Go with the young guy."
"Oh, no," Glen started to stutter. "No, no. I mean, she's a very handsome woman. Just -- Not what's going on here."
"Charlie," Taye said, still with barely any emotion. "You're fired as fuck."
"I literally just quit," Glen shrugged. "Kirsten, I know you don't know me, but I know you, because all Harper does is talk about you. And even when she's complaining about you, she's really complimenting you. I know how hard you work and what a badass you are, and I know you don't put up with any shit. So, don't put up with his. I don't know what you think you're getting out of this, but you deserve better. You are better."
I had to bite my tongue to stop myself from laughing as he lifted his hands and laughed. "Gave myself goosebumps."
"He's crazy," Taye recited. "You realize that? Hmm?"
Lucy paused before slowly turning toward Taye. She thought about it before asking, "What's my favorite food?"
"Your favorite -- It's steak tartare."
"It's green curry, you douche-tard!" Glen yelled up at them. "She likes it medium-spicy from Thai Leaf on Broadway."
"What's my favorite place?" Lucy asked.
"Kiki, I ca - -" he stuttered. He cleared his throat, avoiding eye contact. "This is ridiculous. Why are we --? Kirsten. Your name is Kirsten."
"Squam Lake, New Hampshire, you douche-tard." I smiled when Glen did an excited fist bump. "Charlie, I know you're no longer his assistant, but could you please strike "wedding" from his calendar?"
"Absolutely," Glen said proudly.
"Are you being serious?" Taye asked as she dropped her plane ticket and walked away. "No. Kiki's short for Kirsten," he said as he followed her."
I moved the camera to catch Glen's facial expression. He's supposed to stop and think about how he left things with Zoey's character, Harper. As he looked down, Claire yelled, "Cut! Perfect guys. Let's check the lights, switch the camera positions, and go again."
I turned off the camera, took it off my shoulder, and stretched my back. I handed the camera to my assistant and continued stretching out my shoulders.
"You almost made me break."
I looked over my shoulder to see Glen walking over to me with a playful glare on his face.
"I don't know what you're talking about," I shrugged.
"Your little giggles," he said, pointing at me.
"I never giggled," I said, crossing my arms over my chest. "I held it in."
"True," he nodded, "but your little smirks and smiles made it incredibly hard to remain serious."
"Well, then that means you need to do better at your job," I smirked. Glen laughed as I walked away. I forced my heart rate to slow back down as he jogged to catch up to me.
"We still on for lunch?" Glen asked as he started walking in sync with me.
"Of course," I shrugged, trying to get the butterflies in my stomach to calm down.
His simple question shouldn't have such a big impact on me. Especially considering the fact that we've been going to lunch almost every day during filming. We started about a month in. I was walking on set with the lunch I just bought when Glen bumped into me, spilling my lunch all over my shirt.
Glen freaked out and immediately took me to the costume trailer. He influenced the ladies to get me a shirt and then offered to buy me a new lunch. We spent the entire lunch break, eating in a small café down the street from the set and talking about anything we could think of.
The next day, I was swapping the batteries in my camera at the start of lunch when Glen walked up to me. I turned around to see him smiling and offering me a sandwich from the same café. Without thinking about it or meaning to, we ended up eating lunch together every day.
Throughout lunch, we talked about the movie's ending. I already have another job lined up, and Glen has a few 'feelers' out.
"I can't believe it's been four months," Glen chuckled as he finished his chips.
"I know," I smiled softly. "It's gone by so fast."
"Are you still working for Netflix?" He asked.
"Yeah," I nodded. "They've got my next project lined up. Some teenage angst romance movie."
Glen laughed when I made a face. "It won't be that bad," he tried to shrug. "I mean, you've spent months filming me flirt with Joan and Zoey."
"That's different," I sighed. "Filming teens just feels. . . wrong."
Glen smiled while reaching over and grabbing my hand. "Keep in mind, they're usually adults playing teenagers. And if any of them give you a problem, just call me."
My heart sank. I've grown accustomed to seeing him, teasing him, eating with him every day. The idea of not seeing him every day killed me.
Little did I know that Glen felt the same.
* * * * *
We had three scenes left. We filmed the big ending first. On the last day of filming, we were focusing on the scenes leading up to the end. My heart was in my throat the entire time I filmed their final scene.
I followed behind Zoey, waiting for her to notice Glen waiting outside the office.
"If I spend too much time on Gilda in the beginning, people will know that she's gonna die. Let her death be a twist. Hold off until after Harry wins his first med. . ."
Zoey stopped midsentence when she noticed Glen outside. Glen turned around and instantly had the perfect expression on his face. Zoey stopped recording herself and opened the door. One of the camera assistants snuck behind her and held the door open for me as I followed her outside.
He came off slightly nervous as she walked up to him and stood across from him. My camera was directly behind Zoey, and all its focus was on Glen. All of my focus was on Glen.
"Hi," Zoey recited.
"Hi," Glen responded.
Zoey looked to the side before turning back to Glen and asking him, "So, what are you doing here?"
"Oh, Kirsten told me to meet her. What are you doing here?"
"Oh my.  . ." Zoey laughed as they acted to figure it out.
"She Cyrano'd us," Glen caught on.
"Yes, she. . ."
"I Googled it," Glen said. "So, I know what it means now."
Zoey sighed as she put the box she was holding and her bags down before turning back to Glen. "Why are you dressed like that?"
"I don't work here anymore. I quit working for Rick. Starting over. At 28. Actually, I'm a temp, which is technically lower on the totem pole than an assistant, which is kind of a kick in the nuts. But it's, um, kind of cool. I get to see a bunch of different jobs. Find out what I actually like." Glen paused before adding the monologue I knew would make girls 15-35 swoon over him. "I like you. So, so much. You're not hard to get at all. You're hard to earn. It's so much better."
"You displayed a total lack of character when it mattered."
"I know."
"Charlie," Zoey continued, "you have the romantic and sexual personality of a seventh-grader."
"Seventh?" Glen asked, immediately lifting the mood. "I feel like it'd be at least high school."
"You wear suits to sports games."
"What?" Glen paused, acting like he was confused but slowly caught on. "You're a know-it-all."
"You are unbelievably bad at beer pong."
"You're a sore winner. And you use too many exclamation points."
As they continued to banter, I could feel myself falling harder and harder for this man. And it wasn't because of his character. It was because he was just like this in real life. I should know. We banter all the time.
But our banter doesn't end the way theirs does.
"And yet. . ." Zoey didn't finish.
Glen grabbed her hand and slightly pulled her toward him. He leaned down and kissed her. I watched, my heart breaking as Zoey wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him back. The assistant gently tapped my elbow, reminding me that I was supposed to lift the camera above them, tilting it up to see New York.
"And cut!" Claire yelled. I looked over to see Glen and Zoey pull apart. Glen looked at me, but I quickly looked away.
I handed the camera to my assistant and grabbed a water bottle at the snack table. I let out a shaky breath as I opened the bottle and drank.
"So," Glen elongated as he walked up to me, "on a scale of 1 to bleehh, how cringy was I in that scene?"
"You were great," I said without turning around. "You're always great."
"Are you okay?" He grabbed my elbow and turned me toward him.
"I'm fine," I shrugged.
"Are you sure?" He asked, looking at me in a way that made me melt.
I could tell him that I wasn't fine. I could tell him that I didn't want the movie to end. I could tell him that I was terrified that we'd never see each other again. I could tell him that the thought of not working together made me want the ground to open up and swallow me up.
"Of course," I said, my voice dropping. "Why wouldn't I be?"
"I don't know," he stuttered. "I just feel like the last couple of days, you've been. . . off."
"Off?" I asked. "What do you mean?"
"Nothing," he said quickly. "I just meant that you've been in your head more than usual."
"I'm fine," I answered quickly. "I always get a little 'in my head' when I'm wrapping up a movie. It's hard to say goodbye to everyone. It's the worst part of working on movies. You get incredibly close to someone and then you never see them again."
We suddenly fell into silence as we stared at each other. I should tell him how much I'm going to miss him. It was on the tip of my tongue, but something stopped me. I'm not sure why I couldn't spit it out.
Glen opened his mouth to say something, but he was called to set. He sent me an apologetic look, and quickly kissed my cheek, before walking away. As he walked away, an answer to my earlier question popped into my head.
I couldn't tell him how much I was going to miss him because of one simple fact; I'm just a camera woman and he's a famous actor.
* * * * *
After filming the last scene, we still had a few scenes to film. Throughout filming, I noticed Glen acting weird. It felt like he was avoiding me. I went over and over our last interaction, trying to figure out if I said something that made him uncomfortable.
I stood behind the bar, my camera focused on Zoey. She typed for a little before stopping and slowly smiling.
"I finished," she mumbled. "I finished. The whole article. I finished it! From beginning to end."
I smiled softly as she grabbed chips, stood up, and spun around. She stopped when the waiter walked over with two plates of food.
"I finished it. I finished the whole thing," she repeated. "You, sir, are a hero and scholar, and are about to receive the greatest tip in the history of the service industry."
She turned around and started shuffling through her bag. "Okay. Technically, I don't have my wallet on me. Tomorrow. . ."
"Leave this place and never return," the waiter cut her off.
As the waiter walked away, Zoey smiled. She put her hands to her head and whispered, "I did it."
"And that's a cut for Zoey!" Claire yelled. "Let's switch sets and film Glen's last scene. Y/N, you ready?"
I looked over at her and saw Glen over her shoulder. "Of course," I said, trying to sound normal.
"The battery good?" She asked.
"All good."
"Great!" She said, clapping her hands together. "Let's wrap this up."
I made eye contact with Glen again but quickly looked away. I hated this. I hated this feeling in my stomach. I hated this awkward, confusing tension between us.
After lunch, the set was now ready for one of Glen's last scenes. We had to reschedule due to some issues with Pete's comedy schedule. When I walked onto set, Glen was already in position. We made eye contact again and I instantly broke it.
"Alright," Claire said, "Glen's in position. Y/N's in position."
My face burned when Glen looked at me and smiled. I looked away and focused on the camera.
I filmed him scrolling on his computer for a few seconds before Taye knocked on the door. Glen stood up and I followed him down the makeshift hallway. I stepped behind him as he answered the door.
I looked over at Claire confused. "Stanley," she sighed to the other camera operator who was behind Taye, his camera focused on Glen. "Your angle is wrong. Can we switch the two of you?"
"Switch?" I stuttered.
"Yeah," Claire shrugged. "You do better with angles. Plus, you and Glen are closer in height so it's not as slanted."
"Oh," I said, clearing my throat. "Sure."
I took my camera off my shoulder and blushed when Glen moved aside. Stanley and I switched positions. I was now behind Taye and focused on Glen.
"Perfect," Claire smiled. "And action."
"Hey," Taye said, slightly awkwardly.
"What do you want?" Glen asked harshly.
"You live here? It's disgusting." Taye scowled. Glen scoffed as he started to close the door. Taye quickly stopped him. "Hold up. Hold up, hold up. I'm sorry. I just. . . I, uhh. . . I need some information on, um, my wife. My ex-wife."
"Like what?"
"Uhh. . ." Taye hesitated as he opened a small notepad and looked through it. "I got some written down here. Uh, assorted favorites, as in, uh, favorite foods, flowers, clothing. . ."
"Are you serious?" Glen scoffed.
"Look," Taye sighed, "I realize I should know this. But you used to do all this stuff for me. I want her back."
Glen hesitated, slowly sighing. "I have an old Kiki file. I'll send it over to you."
Taye let out the breath he was holding. He did a small fist pump as he recited, "Thank you. Thank you."
"Yeah," Glen sighed.
"Thank you," Taye said again. "I really appreciate this."
I stepped aside as Pete walked up.
"Rick," he said loudly, making Taye jump. Pete turned to Glen and asked, "You still work for this guy?"
"Nope," Glen chuckled.
I held my breath as Pete threw his cup of iced coffee on Taye. He walked by him, stopping in the doorway as he said, "It's soy. Nice seeing you, Rick."
Pete did a small salute before leaving. Glen started to follow him.
"Bye, Rick," he said as he slammed the door.
"Perfect! Much better. Thank you, Y/N."
I nodded as I took my camera off my shoulder. My assistant took the camera and noticed my shirt.
"Do you want me to. . ."
"I'm fine, Wes." I cut him off. I looked up to see Glen walking out of the apartment.
"Did Pete get you?" Glen asked, instantly scanning my shirt. "I told him to be careful."
"I'm fine," I brushed off. I wrapped my arms around myself and looked away.
"Well, ladies and gentlemen," Claire smiled, "that is a wrap on Set It Up!"
Everyone started to applaud. Without looking at Glen, I turned and started walking off set.
"Y/N!" Kelley, the makeup girl, ran to catch up to me. "You coming to the bar tonight? Apparently, Claire rented it out for the wrap-up party."
Just then, Glen walked by. Of course.
"Oh," I said slowly. "I. . . I don't know. I'm kinda tired."
"Come on, Y/N," she whined. She turned around and smirked. "Oh, Glen!"
"Kelley," I said through my teeth. "Don't. . ."
"What's up?" Glen asked as he walked over to us.
"Y/N's trying to wimp out on us," she said, her whole voice dripping with tattle-tale venom.
"I am not," I said quickly.
"Yes, she is," she corrected. "Anyway, I can't get her to come. But maybe you can. Convince her."
"Kelley," I said through my teeth.
"You're really not coming?" He asked me. He looked over at me, the look of hope in his eyes causing my heart to do several flips.
"I'm not sure," I stuttered.
"Well," he smiled, "I hope you do."
I couldn't help but hold my breath as I waited for him to leave. Once he did, Kelley elbowed me in the ribs.
"Ow!" I gasped.
"Okay," she said, turning toward me and crossing her arms over her chest. "What's with you? You two are usually constantly bantering and teasing each other. This last week, you've been weird. Spill."
"I don't know," I said honestly. "I wish I knew."
* * * * *
After spending hours putting together different outfits, I finally walked into the bar.
"Damn, girl!" Kelley giggled when she saw me. I blushed as she ran over to me and made me spin around. "You. Look. Gorgeous!"
"Thanks," I said pushing her away. Something over my shoulder caught her eye.
"And I'm not the only one who noticed," she said in a sing-songy voice. I looked over my shoulder to see Glen across the room, smiling at me. I sent him a smile before turning away. I grabbed Kelley's hand and led her to the bar.
"If I'm going to get through this," I said under my breath, "I'm gonna need a stiff drink. Very stiff."
About an hour later and after a few drinks, Kelley and I were leaning against the bar.
"I just don't get it," she sighed.
"Get what?"
"You and Glen."
"There's nothing to get," I scoffed. "I'm just me. A nobody who spends her life filming other people instead of doing anything with her life."
"So?" Kelley shrugged.
"So," I elongated. "He's Glen Powell, Hollywood's Heartthrob. Why would he want to be with me? I'm not anyone special."
"Maybe to him," she said slowly, "you're more than just a nobody. Maybe to him, you are special."
"Yeah, right."
"Come on, Y/N," Kelley sighed. "You have been crazy about him since we started filming. Why don't you think he might be crazy about you too?"
"Do I need to spell it out?" I asked bitterly. "I'm a nobody. Glen could do a whole lot better. But, who cares? The movie is over. He'll get another job and so will I. We won't see each other every day. He'll find another girl to make her fall head over heels in love with him while I suffer in my lonely silence."
"You might want to. . ." She said, pointing behind me.
"Glen," I gasped when I turned around and there he was. "What are you. . . How much of that did you hear?"
"Enough," he shrugged with his heart-stopping smile. Kelley gave me a not-so-subtle push toward Glen as she walked away. Her push made me bump into him, causing him to catch me.
"You okay?" He asked.
"I'm fine," I said, stepping back. "Look, about what I said. . ."
"It's okay."
"No," I said, shaking my head. "It's not. I know we. . ."
"I like you." I held my breath as Glen paused. "So, so much."
"You what? You sure you're not just reciting yours and Zoey's final scene."
"I'm not rehearsing anything. I want to be around you every second of every minute of every day," he said, taking a step closer to me. "I want to take you on dates and spend my money on you until I have no more money left to spend on you. I want to hold your hand, hold you, until I lose the ability to feel. I want to kiss you until my lips are numb. I want to be the first thing you think about every morning you wake up and the last thing you think about every night before you go to sleep. I want to love everything you have grown to hate about yourself. But mostly, I just want you, Y/N."
He pulled me into his chest, leaned down, and pressed his lips to mine. My heart felt like it was jumping into my throat as I slowly started to kiss him back. Our lips moved in sync as he pulled me closer. We broke apart when neither one of us could breathe.
"See?" He whispered. "All I want is you."
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thec4tspajamas · 1 month ago
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SQUAM LAKE by Nina Farmer Interiors
📍New Hampshire
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lonelywretchjervistetch · 7 months ago
Okay, what’s your pick for the state bird of New Hampshire and why is it the loon?
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So. Up until recently, I lived in New Hampshire, where I initially moved to get my Masters' in Biology, focusing on ecology of a songbird species found somewhat uncommonly in the state. That's a whole other thing, BUT! Every morning, during my field seasons, I would always, ALWAYS, without fail, hear Common Loon (Gavia immer) crying out over the lake nearby. If you've ever lived near loons, you know how wonderful it is to hear that sound, at any time of day.
I also lived and worked near the Lakes Region of the state, towards the center and near the White Mountains. There, the loon was basically a local symbol. It also helps that Squam Lake's loon population was under rigorous and constant monitoring by field biologists, and the area had the Loon Center, which was run by the Loon Preservation Committee, which is a MAJOR fund for conservation and appreciation of an extremely enigmatic and charismatic bird. New Hampshire, at least the Lakes Region, basically already thinks of the Common Loon as it's state bird. And honestly...yeah, I get it.
I love the Purple Finch (Haemorhous purpureus), I really do, and a lot of New Hampshirites feel the same! My fiancee considers it a nostalgic bird, and it's fairly easy to find if you go looking for it. Plus, it matches the state endangered flower, the ladyslipper. But can it compete with the loon? I don't know. After all, it's not like we have any competition for having the loon as a state bi
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Well...fuck. Yeah, uh, if ANY state has more of a right to the Common Loon as a state bird, it's almost certainly Minnesota. Not only is it LITERALLY the Land of 10,000 Lakes, but MOST of those lakes have loons in or near them. Minnesota is a stronghold of loon populations in the country, making it a pretty goddamn good contender for having the loon as a state bird. And actually...come to think of it, Maine is also a decent contender for the loon as a state bird. So...we have a problem.
But then again...what's a better choice for New Hampshire? I will say, New Hampshire is number 9 on my list, so I'll get to it fairly soon in the State Birds Initiative. But for now...I'm actually gonna have to think about it, @montaguethelorekeeper. Because as it stands at the moment, as much as I would like to fully agree with you on the loon...yeah, the Vikings are gonna kick my ass for that one. Unless, of course...I can find a better state bird for Minnesota. And honestly, there might be a few...
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delicatuscii-wasbella102 · 9 months ago
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Cottage on Squam Lake
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fox-thursday · 4 months ago
Sorry for no post last week!!!
Today's fun fact:
Grey foxes are the only canid in North America capable of climbing trees. This is because of their semi-retractable claws!!!
IMO (not a fact) they're basically just a cat in a canid's body /silly
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jllongwrites · 7 months ago
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***SAVE THE DATE FOR 2025***
As we turn the page on another chapter of the 603 Writers' Conference, we have many people and organizations to thank once again for making this event amazing!
Ernest Thompson
WKXL Talk Radio
Dover gaming commission
The Inn on Golden Pond
Squam Lake Inn
Jacques Flower Shop
Ingram Spark
The Inn on Golden Pond
Squam Lake Inn
Strawberry Banke
Palace Theater
Rob Desmarais
Áine Greaney
Paula Munier
Deidre Randall
Sarah Bauhan
Jennifer Militello
Curtis Key
Ursula Wong
Tim Horvath
Martha Carlson
Lisa Braxton
Ernest Thompson
David Moloney
Masheri Chappelle
Ernest Thompson
David Moloney
Michael Charney
Paula Munier
Brinda Charry
Curtis Key
Gibson’s Gibson's Bookstore
If we have missed anyone, we deeply regret the oversight. Please know that we are extremely grateful to all who made this year's conference a huge success!
Please SAVE THE DATE for another exciting 603 Writers' Conference happening Saturday, June 7, 2025 at Southern New Hampshire University.
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gingersnapwolves · 1 year ago
🐢 People I wanna know better! 🐢
got tagged by @efkaservicegirl who tumblr isn't letting me tag back for some reason (only then it did)
Last song?
VAST, "Blue"
Favourite colour?
Currently watching?
One Pace, Taxi Driver, Mysterious Lotus Casebook
Last movie?
Probably Fire Island ... I don't remember watching anything since then though God knows my memory is shit these days lol
Depends on what I'm in the mood for! I do have quite a sweet tooth but there's a lot of savory stuff I love
Relationship status?
Married to my lovely wife
Current obsessions?
One Piece ... I'm so sorry lol ... why can't I be obsessed with the stuff I'm supposed to be writing right now
Last thing you googled?
"Owl-O-Ween Squam Lakes". Owl-O-Ween is an event held at Squam Lakes Science Center that I wanted more information on ^_^
I don't really take selfies but I'll post something much funnier - this face journey I made during an online meeting
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background: yes I knew I was on camera. yes I was aware I was not bothering to control my facial expressions. no I didn't realize how funny it was until I rewatched the meeting later to document the process we had been learning. no nobody called me out on making those faces. yes I made the screencaps specifically to show my wife because I knew she'd get a kick out of them.
it doesn't specifically tell me to tag anyone/how many people to tag so I'm not gonna lol. But feel free to jump in if you want to.
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morganmaietto · 1 year ago
A Hint of Rosemary
I'm finally starting to work on this project! I'm sorry that I didn't do my stories in October, things happened and I couldn't focus on anything. (I was able to write a short story for school but that was I could do.)
Anyways though, I would like to share a quick sneak peek of "A Hint of Rosemary" under the cut.
The leaves had already begun to change as the air turned crisp that afternoon. The drive was longer than I had hoped it would be, but then again, I haven’t driven back to my hometown in two years. I left home on sort of… bad circumstances, I still kept in touch though so that’s good for me. Let’s just say I’m not proud of the way things were left and I want to make it up to my little sister Aster. Holderness New Hampshire was beautiful this time of year, Squam Lake was a few blocks down the road from my Uncle Jason’s house, the house surrounded by trees. I can just see it now, the shades of reds, yellows, and oranges scattered all on the ground. I miss it, I wish I could stay a few days, but I can’t. I miss hiking the trails, I miss Mrs. Winearts constant bickering with Mr. Winearts you could hear for miles down the road. They were a cute couple, but Mr. Winearts was starting to go deaf so Mrs. Winearts had to yell so he could hear. I can still hear them even now. I miss the town events that we always went to, small towns are the best. I miss that community feeling since I’ve been on the road for two years.
I turned on my uncle's street, his house was a little further down the street just a few houses from the end of the street from where I turned from. I continued down the road and slowly drove up his long windy driveway. I gradually came to a stop and sat in front of the house. It hadn’t changed a bit, gray roof, three windows put together on each side, it had dark brown siding. The front porch was medium sized and had a few bird feeders hung up randomly around it and comfy looking chairs on it looking out at the Sugar Maple trees surrounding the property. 
After another minute of sightseeing, I got out of my car and walked up to the front door. I stared at the “Happy Fall Harvest” sign before knocking on the door. I waited a bit before the door slowly opened. “Mary?” My sisters surprised voice from the crack she had in the door.
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fishandshesmygills · 2 years ago
14, 44, and 82
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
looking at things such as plants and creatures, if there’s water i’m definitely staring into it :)
44: What was the last film you saw?
on golden pond! we watched it because it was filmed on squam lake and my cousins are staying there rn
82: What is your favourite word?
visceral . i love her forever
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ammoguy5 · 8 days ago
Cusk Fishing Little Squam Lake
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redlineguiding · 3 months ago
Squam Lakes Stick Season
It was one of those anomalous mid-November days where it was pretty much perfect. The leaves now long gone, ground conditions at lower elevations pretty much back to summer normal, and winter, well, it’s right around the corner but it’s not here yet. On this day it was neither too hot nor was it too cold. It was, as Goldilocks exclaimed, “just right.” Our returning guest was taking the week off…
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no1248 · 5 months ago
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squam lake
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mcpuisor · 6 months ago
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Squam Lake
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qektuekwos1 · 9 months ago
Step into a world of natural wonders and culinary delights in New Hampshire! From the majestic White Mountain National Forest to the educational Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, there's something for everyone. Hike Mount Moosilauke for a challenging yet rewarding experience with breathtaking views. And don't forget to indulge in the diverse culinary options, from farm-to-table restaurants to local breweries. Explore the rich culture, history, and vibrant experiences that await in this beautiful state.
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