#Spring Life Insurance Company
springlifeinsurance · 2 years
Springs Insurance Company in Texas - Spring Life Insurance
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Springs insurance has a solid reputation and a history of fulfilling claims. Additionally, you should confirm that the organization provides the kind of coverage you require for your specific circumstance. For instance, if you own a house, you will require different insurance than someone who does not. Visit our website.
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Life Insurance Spring TX
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Chamorro & Associates Corp | Insurance agency in Houston TX
Ours is the best Insurance Agency in Houston TX, because we are passionate about serving our clients. We will analyze your needs and assist you in choosing the right insurance plans. We are highly renowned for our promptness and professionalism in getting clients the best Health Insurance in Houston TX. We work towards increasing positive client feedback with our friendly staff and behavior. We will help you get the best health insurance policy within your financial reach. So, if you need our expert assistance, reach out to us today with a call.
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cryobabyy · 2 months
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Cooper Adams x Fem!Reader
He was peculiarly clean— too clean to be at a hardware store past midnight. No dirt on his jeans, or janitor's name patch, or construction vest. He smelt like most men— Irish spring, sandalwood, musk, bergamot, etc. In daylight hours, you wouldn't have thought anything about his tight and fawning smile, the gallon of industrial cleaning solution, and the seven yards of vinyl tarp he slides across the counter at the end of the month. He always smiles when he pays. You smile back despite your intuition advising against it. Something about the interaction feels cold. God, you sound like your fucking father.
You work the graveyard shift at a hardware store with extended hours to put you through pre-med. You meet a DILF who is definitely not The Butcher.
AN: Sorry for the wait on this chapter. I had a final, saw Trap again (I almost died), and then I kind of re-wrote like half of it lol, but here we are! Enjoy!
The last time you talked about your Father to anyone was when you discussed what his headstone would say with the Funeral home office lady. You hadn’t uttered a word about him since. Not to a therapist, not to a friend, not even your roommate. You used his life insurance policy to hire an estate clean-up company to empty the house, and you watched from the curb as men in hazmat suits brought out pile after pile of newspaper clippings, empty medication bottles, and old electronics. After that, the house was unrecognizable- an empty shell, save for the marks on the door of your childhood bedroom. Thin pencil lines climb toward the frame with your name, date, and height nestled next to each other. You threw the deed to the house and your keys in your car’s glove compartment, but you haven’t been inside since. If it was out of sight, it was out of mind. If you didn’t talk about it, it couldn’t hurt you.
A floodgate was opened that night the truth came flying out of your mouth. You were okay with never speaking about it again, but now you couldn’t stop. It was exhilarating to release even the tiniest fraction of what you had bottled up for two years, and Cooper's validation was intoxicating. It was so different than the suffocating sympathy and condolences from Dad’s neighbors, who watched from their porches as you struggled to talk him out of confronting the mailman about wiretapping his mailbox. You felt the stares in line at the grocery store. You heard the passing whispers about the suicide on Bleaker Ave. This town wouldn’t let you forget that you were tethered to tragedy.
Cooper was the first person to say something other than ‘Poor thing. What a shame’. A random man you barely knew was the first person to afford you the luxury of dignity. You weren’t aware you could be anything other than a victim until Cooper Adams started treating you like a normal person. Against your better judgment, you began to look forward to the smiles, corny jokes, and his tendency to overshare. 
You knew it was weird and wrong to befriend a married man like this. You couldn’t help but think about his wife, how she would feel if she knew her husband was using his lunch breaks to bring you food and ask about your day. The thought of his family used to be a comforting reminder that he wasn’t dangerous, but now it makes your stomach hurt. You tell yourself you aren’t doing anything wrong. It was just an unlikely friendship- nothing more. 
You get butterflies when he comes waltzing in with a muffin and a coffee.
“Oat milk, three sugars, three creams. And somebody dropped these off for the guys today, so I snagged you one. It’s blueberry. Did you eat dinner today?” He sets down a steaming cup of coffee and a neatly saran-wrapped muffin. You meet his hazel eyes, and he stares back. For a moment, you’re not sure what to say. Cooper furrows his brow, a smirk curling his lips.
“What? Don’t tell me you don’t like blueberry.”
“You’re weird.” You scoff, unwrapping the confection and taking a bite.
“So you do like blueberry.” He mumbles pensively,  crossing his arms and leaning against the counter.
“You know I’m at work, right? Like I’m supposed to be working?” You say through a mouthful of muffin. Cooper glances around the empty store before landing on you.
“Looks like I’m the only paying customer here, kid.” A sly smile spreads across his face, and your heart stutters like the engine of your shitty car. 
And just like that, he lulls you into another conversation. Cooper speaks in a way that makes you forget you’re telling him details about your life you’ve never told anyone before. He knows that you have a roommate you barely speak to and that you moved out when you were twenty. He's aware of how you took care of your Father during those final years and how he secretly stopped taking his medication. He knows about the guilt that consumed you for never noticing, for being too busy trying to build a life outside his chaos. You even told him you sometimes visit the house to check the mail. You'd sit on the curb across the street just to stare and remember when it was just a house and not a landmark for your grief.
“Why don’t you just sell it and use the money to buy your own place? The property value has probably skyrocketed since.” At this point in the conversation, Cooper has a stool pulled up to the counter, brows knitted together in concentration. He’s always asking you questions nobody’s ever cared to ask.
“I don’t know. I guess… If I get rid of it, it feels like I’m getting rid of him. He accused me of that all the time. He was convinced I turned against him.” You shrug, swirling around the last bit of coffee in your cup.
“I get it. My independence was like an insult to my mother. She hated my wife—said that she was taking me away from her. I’ll never forget the look on her face when I told her we were getting married.” He looks off into the distance as if he’s watching the memory unfold in front of him.
You see an opportunity, so you take it.
“How did you two meet?” You say slowly, cautiously testing the waters.
“Me and Rachel? I did a fire safety demo for the kids at the school where she was working. God, that was—what? Fifteen years ago? Things were so different then.” He trails off. There was something different in the timber of his voice—regret? You hold in a breath as he continues.
“A lot changes when you have kids. Years can pass, and you won’t notice how much you’ve grown apart. And then pretty soon, the kids are the only thing you have in common.” He stares for a moment longer before suddenly snapping out of his daze. 
“Sorry, am I oversharing?” He drags a big hand down his tired face, and you roll your eyes.
“I mean, I’m the one with the dead dad, so I think I have you one-upped on that.”
“You got me there.” He chuckles. You’re glad he’s not bothered by your inherent morbidity. It makes you feel normal.
There’s a thick pause. You glance upward to find Cooper staring at you, a strange expression on his face. No one’s ever looked at you like that before, and for a split second, you feel exposed. Like it was his first time really seeing you.
“I just hope you know you’ll be okay.” 
You’re gearing up to brush it off with something witty, but Cooper beats you to it.
“No, seriously. You made it to the other side of all this— you made it out. And you’re still good. You didn’t turn it into something worse. You’re incredible—and I mean that. It’s inspiring.”
There’s no charming smile or trace of playfulness in his voice. You feel frozen, unsure of what to say or how to proceed. 
And then his gaze flickers to your mouth and lingers there for a moment too long. You watch him watch you, chest rising and falling, his expression tight. Like he’s holding something back. Your hands tingle with the desire to touch something. You feel the urge to reach out and grab something of his– his hand, the lapels of his jacket, the slope of his neck - and pull him into you. It still wouldn’t be close enough. If you could reach into his chest and hold his beating heart in your palm, you would.
And that terrifies you. 
Cooper clears his throat, swiftly standing from the stool. 
“Well, would you ook at that— lost track of time. I have to head back.” He mumbles, patting his jacket pockets to find his keys. Before you can even respond, he’s striding towards the door.
“Right. See you later, Cooper.” You busy yourself by throwing the empty coffee cup and the remains of the muffin in the trash.
He calls your name, snapping your attention to him again.
“You’ll be okay.” He repeats.
“I know.” 
You smile, but it doesn’t reach your eyes.
You don’t see Cooper for an entire month after that. The entirety of October passes. You spend nights preparing for your midterm and ringing up PVC pipes, hammers, and plumbing snakes. You debate texting him, going back and forth between writing a paragraph apologizing for potentially crossing a line or a paragraph telling him off for disappearing. Both options never make it out of the notes app.
A definitive emotion hasn’t settled in your mind yet. Anger doesn’t feel justified. Rejection feels too assuming, and dejection hurts your pride. Every fleeting emotion feels blown out of proportion, so you try to feel nothing at all– because anything else would be fucking ridiculous.
Cooper was married. He had children. He had a life. And all you had were the moments of his spare time in between. You had nothing. You didn’t even have a reason to call him– until you did.
On the way home from the night shift, your car battery dies on a dark and empty backroad. Other than your roommate, you have only one other person to call.
Your finger hovers over the call button as you consider what you'll do if he doesn’t answer. Your racing heart makes your thumb shake.
It rings two times before he picks up.
After a month of radio silence, he pulls up in 30 minutes.
Seeing him exit the driver’s side door like nothing had changed is odd. The complicated feelings you’ve been fending off die in an instant and leave you feeling numb. He looked the same; maybe his hair was longer, just long enough for him to push behind his ears. When he walks toward you, you finally begin to feel something again– panic. Inside your mind, you’re frantically flipping through appropriate things to say. I missed you. Where the fuck have you been? Why?
He’s standing in front of you before you can decide.
“You alright?” He asks, his brow furrowed with concern. He looks to your old beat-up car, then to you.
“Yeah, I’m fine. It’s been stalling recently. I should have gotten it checked out sooner. Thanks for coming. I hate to bother you like this.” You can’t help but sound embarrassed. You had built this moment up in your imagination to be a staunch confrontation, but reality made you feel dumb. This was a grown man that had grown man shit to do other than play therapist with you. You felt small next to him like this. You regret not calling your roommate first.
“I’m happy to help. It’s cold—why don’t you wait in my car? It’s open.”
You wordlessly hand him your keys, grab your bag, and walk towards his car, leaning against the front hood instead. It was stupid, but the small act of defiance made you feel like you were still in control of the situation and, therefore, your feelings. Cooper takes a long look under the hood of your car before leaning into the driver's side and cranking the keys. The ignition clicks and whines but refuses to start. He sighs, trying a couple more times before shutting your car door and locking it.
“I brought jumping cables, but I don’t think I can do much to get it started. It could be more than your battery so It’s probably best to tow it. You’ll have to call your insurance and tell them to get it covered, but I can do the talking if you- ” 
For a moment, you’re possessed by the most jaded version of yourself. The words tumble from your mouth before you can understand them.
“Where have you been?” 
You regret it immediately.
Cooper sighs, closing his eyes and pushing his hair back. He pauses momentarily, thinking about how he'll handle the situation before returning to meet your gaze.
“I don’t think talking about that here is a good idea.” His tone is gentle but stern. It’s parentish and ignites the anger accumulating in you over the past month.
“That’s fucked up, Cooper. I’ve told you things I haven’t even said out loud, and now you get to decide when it is or isn’t a good idea for us to talk? It’s not fair—” 
“I know.”
“—It wasn’t even my idea! You softened me up! You kept coming back—“
“I know.”
“—You made me think I could trust you! You gave me something, and then you fucking took it away—who fucking does that?!”
He’s saying your name now. You were too worked up to notice that your cheeks were wet or that Cooper’s thumbs were wiping the tears away. You hadn’t cried in a year.
“It was wrong. I was wrong. I thought I could manage, but it was getting too close. What was happening between us, and who I am outside of that can never touch. I’m sorry.”
Your breathing slows. Cooper’s voice sounds distant, the warmth of his hands being the only thing grounding you. He’s so close now; you can see the flecks of green and brown along his iris. Your gaze drops to his mouth, lingering in the same way his eye lingered about a month ago. You can see the words forming around his lips. He repeats himself.
“I’m sorry.”
You feel a familiar urge again– the pull. This time, you almost give in. But something stops you. Cooper resists your pull.
“Don’t. You’ll regret it.” He warns.
You come to your senses, noticing the stinging sensation from the back of your thighs pressing against the hood of his car. It’s not enough to stop you from being at your weakest. 
“Please.” is all you can say. Your hands grip the collar of his sweater. He lets you, his resistance gradually softening until your mouth ghosts over his. 
“You have no idea what you’re asking for.” His voice is barely above a whisper.
It all happens so fast, his lips finally covering yours, his hands lifting you by the thighs and setting you down on the hood of his truck, your legs wrapping around him. Everything is brand new and intoxicating. The feeling of his hair between your fingers. Your arms around his neck, the hardness of his body against yours. It doesn’t take much for you to get lost in it. You feel Cooper lift you off the hood and walk around the side of his car. He flings open the passenger door and sets you on the leather seat.
“Tell me to stop.” He says in between the feverish back and forth of your lips, his hands sliding under your sweater to rest on the curve of your stomach. Heat pools between your thighs. You say nothing.
Cooper pulls away, leaving his hand underneath your shirt.
“This is what you want?” He’s looking down at you, hair in his eyes and mouth red and wet. You feel ashamed, but you nod anyway. Cooper’s hand gently pushes against your belly, beckoning you to lie down. Your chest heaves up and down, and your eyes flutter close. Cooper’s hands push up the sides of your waist, bringing your shirt with it. They travel over your ribs, his thumbs brush over your nipples through your thin bra. His warm breath ghosts just under your navel, lips peppering kisses right above your waistband. 
“I’ve been thinking about this. What you would look like under me. You look so pretty.” He smirks against your skin and uses a hand to undo a button on your jeans. Your eyes flutter back open.
The first thing you see is a splatter of dark red on the cloth ceiling of his car. You squint a bit, trying to pull your focus from what was going on below your waist. The little drops glisten in the dim glow of the interior cabin light. It looks wet.
Your blood runs cold. Your Father’s voice returns to you.
White picket fence motherfucker.
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winchesterwild78 · 4 months
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Austin Master List
Chapter Warnings: Language, mentions of cheating, angst, phone sex-masturbation, Fluff, feels
A/N: Reader is new to the Austin area with her husband and teenage son. When a car accident brings her face to face with Jensen Ackles. Absolutely no disrespect to Jensen or his family. This is a work of fiction and does not represent reality. This chapter is a little long, but I needed to set up the story. I edited this fast so please overlook any mistakes.
All work is my own, don’t take it
18+ Minors DNI
You sat at a stop light in downtown Austin. Music playing, singing loudly and windows down. The gentle Spring breeze blowing through your car and tossing your hair around. As the light turned green you started to go but slammed on the breaks to avoid the car that ran the red light. Unfortunately the car behind you couldn’t stop in time and ran into the back of you.
“Shit!” You said as you turned on your hazards and pulled to the side of the road. Of course the car that ran the red light was long gone but at least the driver who hit you pulled over too. You got out and walked to the other car. “You okay Sir?” You asked as the very tall man got out. “Yeah, I am so sorry. Are you okay” he asked as he approached you. “Yeah. I’m sure I’ll be sore tomorrow, but I’m okay.” You chuckled.
The two of you surveyed the damage. There wasn’t too much damage to either car, but he said he would call the police so there could be a record of the accident. You told him “No, it’s fine. Let’s just exchange information and let the insurance companies figure it out. No need to get the police involved.” You smiled.
You walked back to your car to get your information and get a paper to write down his. Something about him seemed familiar. You hadn’t been in Austin long, but he seemed familiar to you. You walked back to his car and stood on the side of the road waiting for him.
He walked over to you taking your information down and handing you his. Oh My God! You screamed in your head. The man that hit you was Jensen Ackles. As you read his information you slowly looked up at him with your mouth slightly open. He smiled coyly. “Yeah, I’m sorry. Figured this was easier than to tell you outright who I was.” He said. “Oh um, sorry I’m a huge fan and I’m just in shock. Here, don’t worry about the damage. I’ll take care of it” you stumbled over your words. “Absolutely not. It was my fault and I take responsibility for things I did.” He said.
You relented and agreed. “Well, it was nice to meet you Jensen. Regardless of the circumstances.” “It was nice to meet you too, Y/N. I hope you’re not too sore tomorrow.” He smiled. You smiled back. “Oh let me give you my new number. The one on that is wrong. In case your insurance company needs to get in touch with me” you said writing down your number. He nodded and the two of you went on your way.
You drove home and when you walked in the door you were greeted by your son. He was a teenager who was brooding because he didn’t want to move across the country and away from his friends. “Hey kiddo. How are you today” you asked with a smile. He rolled his eyes “fine”. “Look, I know this is hard on you. I’m sorry we uprooted your life and moved here but we did what we thought was best for all of us.” You told him. “Yeah right. You moved to get away from dad’s girlfriend and try and save your marriage.” He growled. You looked at your son shocked and a little hurt. You thought you hid all of that from him. Tears pricked your eyes “I’m sorry. I really am.” You walked to your bedroom.
You closed your door and sat on your bed crying softly. He was right. You found out your husband was having an affair with a younger woman and it broke your heart. You’d given him everything. He swore he wouldn’t do it again but you decided to move anyway. The company he worked for had an opening in Austin so he transferred and y’all moved. He was dedicated to saving your marriage for a while. Now it seems like you are back to square one. He’s distant, rejecting your advances and taking phone calls away from you. You’re trying to make it work. You love him and would do anything to save your marriage.
A few hours passed and you heard the front door. Your husband was home. He came upstairs and found you lying on the bed. “What happened to the car” he asked. “I got into an accident today. Was hit from behind. Everything is okay. I’ll call the insurance company tomorrow and give them the information. How was your day” you asked. “It was fine. Where’s Jacob. I didn’t see his car outside.” He asked. “He’s probably exploring the city. Um, he knows about the affair. I don’t know how, but he knows. He knows that’s why we moved here too.” You told your husband. “Shit! I thought we kept it from him. Great, now he probably hates me too. Maybe you should have just left me.” He said harshly.
“Please stop. I don’t hate you. We agreed to work on us. I love you and I’m trying my best. I’m not ready to give up on us, but are you saying you are” you asked him as tears fell from your eyes. “I don’t know what I’m saying. I’m exhausted and need to shower.” He walked into the bathroom and closed the door.
You got up and felt your heart breaking all over again. Your mind drifted to the accident. Jensen was so sweet and kind. You smiled at his kindness. You walked in the kitchen and started to cook dinner. You heard the shower running so you knew your husband was in the shower. You sent your son a text.
You: Hey honey, I’m sorry I kept things from you. I was trying to protect you. I’m cooking dinner and would love for you to be home to eat.
Jacob: I will. I appreciate you trying to protect me, but who’s protecting you? I can’t believe Dad would do that to you.
You: Honey I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself. This isn’t your fight. Your dad made a mistake and I don’t want that to ruin your relationship with him. He loves you.
Jacob: I know he does. I just need time. Love you Ma, I’ll be home shortly.
You: okay baby. I love you too. Be careful.
You put your phone down and started cooking dinner.
*Across Town*
Jensen pulled in his driveway and Danneel came to the door to greet her husband. When she saw the car her eyes went wide. “Jensen, what happened. Are you okay?” “Yeah, just a minor accident. Not too much damage to either car and the other driver is okay.” He said. Jensen smiled slightly at the thought of you. Danneel noticed but didn’t say anything. They both walked in the house. He could hear his children playing somewhere in the house. Their laughter filled the air. “So Jensen, what are you going to do about the accident. Did you call the police, exchange information, is some stranger going to show up here demanding money?” She fired questions at him. “No, I was going to call the police but she didn’t want me to because there wasn’t a lot of damage, we exchanged insurance information and other pertinent information, and nobody is going to come here asking for money. When she realized who I was she was willing to pay for the damages herself. I insisted that I pay since the accident was my fault.” He told his wife. “Okay, Jensen. Just don’t get taken advantage of.” She said with a sour voice. He nodded and walked away.
You were standing in your kitchen waiting for your husband and son. Dinner was done and you could still hear the shower running. Jacob came in and got washed up for dinner after giving you a hug. You went upstairs to check on your husband since he had been in the shower a really long time. As you approached the door you heard voices and what sounded like grunts. Then you heard a woman moaning. At first you thought he was watching porn and getting off. What you heard next confirmed your fear. He was still cheating. “Oh Cindi, touch yourself. Mmm, yeah. Just like that. Fuck! I wish I was pounding that sweet little pussy again.” You stood there unable to move. “Soon baby. I can’t wait to move there. Then we can be together again. Oh Rob I’m going to cum.” “Cum for me baby girl. I’m right there with you.” You heard her moan and scream and him grunt. Still unable to move you felt like throwing up and tears streamed down your face.
You willed yourself to move when you heard the shower turn off. “I love you Rob” she said. “I love you too Cindi. Let me know when you get in town and I’ll meet you.” Your husband said.
You walked back downstairs to the kitchen. Your son saw you and stood up. “Mom, what’s wrong. What happened” he asked with panic in his voice. “Oh no, I’m okay. I guess the car accident earlier gave me a bad creak in my neck. I turned around wrong and something popped. I’m just in some pain. I’ll be okay. I’m sorry I worried you.” You lied to your son. You weren’t sure if he believed you but he sat down. Your husband joined dinner a few minutes later and noticed you had been crying. He took your hand and asked if you were okay. You pulled your hand back and nodded yes. Now that, your son noticed. Your husband looked at you confused but started eating.
At Jensen’s house he was enjoying a quiet dinner at home with his wife and kids. The kids talked and giggled and Jensen smiled at his kids. He glanced over at Danneel and she looked like she was deep in thought. “Hey D, you okay” he asked. “Um, yeah. I’m fine. Hey um the girls and I wanted to get together tonight is that cool.” She asked. “Yeah, go have some fun. The kiddos and I will be fine.” Jensen said smiling at his kids. “Okay great. Thanks babe.” She smiled then took out her phone and sent a text. Jensen noticed how her face lit up with the incoming text but brushed it off.
After dinner you cleaned up the kitchen and told Jacob and Rob you were going for a drive to explore the city some. Jacob offered to go with you but you turned him down. Rob told you goodbye and seemed a little too excited you were leaving. You got in your car and drove to downtown. You figured it was the best place to see the area and find some good places to shop.
It wasn’t long before you found an old ice cream shop and decided to go in. You sat at the counter and an older woman greeted you with a warm smile and a hello. You smiled and asked her for some mint chocolate chip ice cream in a bowl. She smiled and said “coming right up dear”. Then she went to fill your order. You looked around the shop and it was pretty empty. You heard the bell above the door ringing and the sound of children giggling asking for different kids of treats. You heard a man’s voice telling them to calm down a little and to have a seat in the booth. You turned at the sound of the voice. It was Jensen and his children. He saw you and looked surprised and you offered him a soft smile. He approached you and said “hey Y/N. I can’t believe I’ve run into you twice in one day. At least this time I didn’t damage your car.” You snorted and turned red. The older woman came back with your order and you thanked her. Jensen turned to her and said “Howdy Ms Betty, how are you doing today.” “Well Jensen Ackles, it’s good to see you honey. I see you have the kiddos with you. Where’s D” she asked. “She’s out with some friends tonight. Can we get the usual and 4 spoons please.” He said politely. “Coming right up sweetie. Give D my love”. She said as she turned around.
Jensen looked at you smirking at him. “We are regulars. Been coming here for years. Ms Betty is like a grandma to all of us. Her and her husband opened this place decades ago.” He said to you. You nodded and smiled taking a bite of your ice cream. You didn’t mean to but you moaned loudly. Jensen laughed and you blushed. “Sorry. That’s just the best ice cream I’ve ever had.” He smiled and nodded. His daughter, JJ came up to him and told him she wanted her own ice cream because she was old enough now. He smiled at her and nodded. “Hmm daddy’s girl” you smiled. “Since the day she was born” he said. “Um, excuse me Ms Betty, JJ has decided to get her own. You mind putting some in a separate bowl for her please.” He asked sweetly.
Your chest warmed at his kindness and his smile. Ms Betty returned with his order and as he turned to walk to the booth he leaned over and said “if you think that one is good, wait until you try the chocolate brownie. It’s orgasmic”. You met his green eyes as you swallowed hard and your thighs clenched together. You bit your lip and he walked away.
You could hear his children engaged in a lively conversation with him and ever so often you would hear him laugh a deep hearty laugh. The kids giggles filled the shop. You smiled as you ate. Once you were done you got up to pay your bill and Jensen came up behind you. You could feel the heat coming from him as he stood close to you. “How was it sweetie” Ms Betty asked you. “Oh it was the best ice cream I’ve ever had. I need to bring my son, Jacob here. It might lift his spirits. He’s still a little out of sorts from the move.” You said. Ms Betty took your hand and said “oh honey, you bring him here and I’ll fix him right up. I’ve always said ice cream is a cure all.” You smiled and nodded. As you tried to pay the bill Jensen told Ms Betty to add it to his. He told her about the car accident this morning. You tried to argue but it was Ms Betty and Jensen against you. There was no use.
As you started to leave you turned to tell Jensen thank you. “Thank you for that. You didn’t have to pay for my ice cream. I told you this morning it was just an accident and everything was fine.” “It’s nothing, really. So how old is your son” he asked. Oh he’s 16. He’s upset we moved here. We didn’t have a choice really. My husband’s job transferred him out here. So we packed and moved.” You almost told Jensen the real reason but you stopped yourself. You’re actually not sure why you almost told him. You told him good night and thank you again then left.
As you drove home Jensen was on your mind and then you started thinking about Rob and Cindi. Was she really moving here. You moved across the country to get away from her and now she’s following you. You should have just stayed where you were and left his ass.
Just as you pulled in your driveway your phone went off with a text notification.
Unknown: Hey Y/N, this is Jensen. I hope you don’t mind me texting. It was good seeing you tonight. I meant what I said about the chocolate brownie ice cream. 😆
You: Hey, Jensen. No it’s fine you texted. It was great seeing you and meeting your kids. Maybe next time I can meet your wife. I’ll keep that in mind about the ice cream.
You saved his contact information and smiled. You walked in the house to find Jacob on the couch and your husband no where to be found. “Hey Jacob. Where’s your dad” you asked. Jacob shrugged “I guess upstairs. He disappeared after you left. Did you find anything interesting in town.” “Yeah a really good ice cream shop. I want to take you to soon.” You said. You kissed the top of his head and told him good night. “Night mom. Love you” he said. You smiled as you walked upstairs.
When you walked into your bedroom your husband was asleep in the bed. You noticed his clothes were off. You changed and crawled into bed. Rob was snoring softly so you rolled over and scrolled through social media. Somehow you ended up on Jensen’s account. You smiled looking through his posts. As you were scrolling a new post popped up. It was taken tonight at the ice cream shop. The picture was of him and the kids. The caption made you chuckle. “Took the kids to a local spot for ice cream. Next time I’m going to have the chocolate brownie. 😏”
You liked the photo and commented “I heard it’s mind blowing. Ms Betty makes amazing ice cream.” Your phone went off
Jensen: mind blowing huh? 😏
You: well I believe I was told orgasmic but I didn’t think I should post that. 🤭
Jensen: probably not. So what are you doing
You: just laying in bed scrolling social media. Now I’m talking to you 😝
Jensen: I’m in bed too. The kids crashed hard. D is still out with her friends. Can I ask you something?
You: yeah, sure.
Jensen: you said you moved here for your husband but you were at the ice cream shop alone. Was he at work?
You: No. He was at home. He didn’t want to go out with me tonight. No biggie. I’m used to it.
Jensen: oh. I’m sorry Y/N.
You: Thank you.
You: Well I need to get some sleep. Talk to you later Jensen. Good night.
Jensen: Yeah. Talk to you later Y/N. Good night.
You put your phone down and closed your eyes. You heard your phone ding and smiled when you looked at it.
Jensen requested to follow you on Instagram and put his phone down. He sat back thinking about you and the events of the day. A twinge of guilt crept into his chest as he thought about Danneel. He loves his wife but there is something about you that excites him. He smiled when he saw you accepted his request.
You both drifted off to sleep smiling. Not knowing why either of you felt the pull towards each other.
Tags: @nescaveckdaily @kr804573 @k-slla @jackles010378 @jawritter @xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx @roseblue373 @cheynovak
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argumate · 5 months
One thing I wonder about is: If you were designing a financial system from scratch, in 2024, would you come up with banking? That central traditional trick of banks — that they fund themselves with safe short-term demand deposits, and use depositors’ money to invest in risky longer-term loans, with all of the run risk and regulatory supervision and It’s a Wonderful Life-ness that that involves — would you recreate that if you were starting over?
Part of me feels like, if you started a new civilization and put smart but ahistorical tech people in charge of designing a financial system, it would never occur to them to recreate traditional banking. It is so messy and opaque and imprecise, using a shifting pile of demand deposits to fund long-term loans. Plenty of people — insurance companies, retirement savers — want to earn a return on their money and don’t need it anytime soon; their money can be locked up in long-term loans. The money that people keep in the bank just to pay rent and buy sandwiches doesn’t need to be pooled and invested in risky loans; it should just sit in the vault.
This idea — that bank deposits should just sit in the vault (or, realistically, in electronic money at the Federal Reserve), while risky loans should be funded by long-term investors who intend to take those risks — is sometimes called “narrow banking.” It has a long intellectual pedigree, it came back into vogue after the 2008 financial crisis, and it got attention again after last spring’s US regional banking crisis. All those crises! The traditional business of banking is necessarily crisis-prone; using risky long-term loans to back risk-free short-term demand deposits involves a fundamental mismatch, and every so often that flares up into a crisis.
And so, since 2008, but more visibly since last spring, banking really has become narrower. Private credit is the lending side of “narrow banking”: Private credit firms raise dedicated funds, with locked-up money, from investors who intend to invest in long-term loans to earn a return. And private credit is the hottest area of finance, making buyout loans and investment-grade corporate loans and funding consumer loans. And private credit is booming not just as a competitor to banks, but as a funding source for banks: Banks have the relationships and technology to make loans, but not the money, so they partner with private credit to fund the loans.
Meanwhile the deposit side of “narrow banking” is something like banks taking their customers’ money and parking it at the Federal Reserve. And in fact some money has shifted out of banks (which are not narrow) and into government money-market funds (which park the money in Fed repo or Treasury bills). Even within banks, there is less lending.
That’s narrow banking. I admit I have a certain emotional soft spot for traditional banking. There is something magical about how banking transmutes risky assets (loans) into risk-free liabilities (deposits). “A banking system is a superposition of fraud and genius that interposes itself between investors and entrepreneurs,” wrote Steve Randy Waldman in 2011; it allows society to use the money of risk-averse depositors to fund risky investments in growth. But it is possible that this magic no longer works: In a world of financial transparency and fast communications technology and flighty deposits, you can’t really expect to hide the risks of the banking system; you have to fund the loans with people who know they’re funding the loans.
I will say, though, that I have also written a lot about crypto over the last few years. Crypto really created a new financial system from scratch, and it started with a very strong philosophical bias against traditional banking. And then it really did recreate traditional banking! And also traditional banking crises: In 2022, it turned out that one of the main uses of crypto was to turn customer demand deposits (of crypto) into extremely risky loans (of crypto), which ended as badly as you’d have expected. “One possibility,” I wrote last year, “is that fractional reserve banking is deeply rooted in human nature.” If you started the financial system over, maybe banking would develop again. Even if actual banking is getting narrower now.
Matt Levine on narrow banking, we talk about this a lot as banks are so fundamental to how our entire civilisation currently functions and yet they're basically just hacks that lurch from crisis to crisis, more evolved than engineered
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jtl-fics · 1 year
Do you have some background to spare for the Andrew First AU?
Andrew First
Background info in general because this one is a little bit more nebulous than the Math Nerd AU but this is ANOTHER one of those time travel AUs that I've mentioned live rent free in my head.
In this one, Andrew regains his memories FIRST. It's while he's still in high school that he remembers his other life. He realizes that Neil is still ALIVE right now and he wants to find him. He also realizes that well...why not get filthy rich off of his memory? Like lotto numbers, the rise and fall of companies, and what remains of his share of Tilda's insurance money is all right there.
Besides, he has NO idea where Neil is right now. He knows where Neil will be in like half a year though. So he makes a shitload of money, gets Aaron into rehab, pays for Nicky to go visit Erik, and he contacts the Moriyamas to buy the right to Nathaniel Wesninski. It's heinously expensive but of course it is, it's Neil, he's worth every penny.
Then Andrew sets out to find whoever Neil Josten is right now.
It's not his Neil but it's Neil and Andrew will never love him the way he had loved his Neil but he loves Neil no matter what. He's made plans y'see? He wrote 'em down because even if his memory is perfect sometimes it's easier to plan when it's solid and in front of you.
Except when he finds this Neil, scared bleeding and trying to get away from Mary and Nathan, it's his Neil. They reunite and Andrew lets Neil know that the Moriyamas don't own him anymore, no one does.
Andrew brings Neil home to Columbia and Nicky and Aaron are confused by it when they get back but eventually are fine with the new housemate. It's all okay, good even, and then Neil sees the 'plans' and realizes that Andrew hasn't done any of them with him. The thought hits him that Andrew maybe...wanted the not quite so fucked up Neil Josten.
Neil runs because he really can't handle Andrew being disappointed that it's him. (This is the furthest thing from the truth but y'know what this is my quasi-angst fic so I get to make the misunderstandings).
Andrew is despondent but Andrew gets an offer from Wymack.
Neil will never give up Exy right? Neil's a fox. He'll come back home for Exy. Then Andrew can fix this.
Andrew is even surlier his freshman year because he wants Neil back, he's unmedicated, and he has to deal with these fifth year assholes again.
Then Kevin Day is there and it's slightly better to have something to focus on. There's a difference this time though and the USC offers Kevin a chance for some spring training for his hand. Andrew figures it's butterfly effect. Kevin goes for 2 weeks and comes back for a bit to rest his hand. Kevin is floating, he's elated, he just had the time of his LIFE.
He mentions that the USC has signed a striker for next season.
It's Neil.
Thus begins Andrew's courtship of one Neil Abram Josten of the USC Trojans.
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I’m neither republican or democrat but I hold views of both sides to some extent. That being said, I think democrats needs to stop being so eager to let any and everyone in this country. America first. I am pro choice and for higher wages and better parental leave. But as a republican, what do you think can be done to have more affordable housing and better healthcare such as more affordable insurance?
Get the government out of the economy.
Obviously these are complicated issues that need nuanced solutions, but to try and put it simply, most every economic problem we have right now is caused, at least in part, by overregulation, overtaxation, a worthless fiat currency, a fed that floods the market with money at the whim of politicians thereby devaluing the currency even more and other, similar, issues. One of the main reasons it costs so much to live in certain places is because of taxes. One of the main reasons healthcare costs are so high is because the government protects insurance companies from both failure and competition.
There's a scene in Independence Day where, I believe it was Jeff Goldblum's character, asks how the government funds Area 51. His father answers "What, you don't think they're spending $20,000 on a hammer, $30,000 on a toilet seat, do you?" but that's kind of exactly how health insurance works in this country. The prices for services and equipment are massively inflated, because insurance companies can afford to pay $30,000 for a toilet seat. And because a toilet seat now costs $30,000 dollars, the regular Joe working 9-5 needs insurance if he wants to use that bathroom. But in order to get that insurance, he needs to pay a certain amount every month until he needs to use it, with no guarantee that he'll ever have to use it. So over the course of his life, he ends up paying a lot more than $30,000 for a toilet seat he'll probably never use. And because 330 million people are all paying for insurance, those insurance companies can afford a lot of toilet seats that most people are never going to use. So where does the rest of that money go? Into the pockets of politicians who make sure that the scam the insurance companies and the hospitals have going on is all nice and legal. But it's unethical. And more than that, it's unsustainable. The whole thing will come crashing down at some point. To avoid that, we need to start dismantling it piece by piece. Get back to the way things were before insurance when people could pay out of pocket for almost all the medical care they'd need.
As for the economy as a whole, eliminate most taxes completely, lower the taxes that remain significantly, slash all regulations that hinder small businesses from competing in a market dominated by politically connected multinational corporations, kill the last vestiges of Obamacare, gut the welfare state, bring back the gold standard, stop all foreign aid that doesn't directly benefit this country and its citizens, and you'll start to see massive improvements in nearly all aspects of society.
None of this will be easy. Most likely, it will never get done until the whole system collapses under its own weight. But everything I mention is possible. It's not a pipedream, like perfect communism or anarchism magically springing into existence and solving all our problems.
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springlifeinsurance · 2 years
Buy Our Spring Life Insurance Policy
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Purchasing Spring life insurance plans aren't meant to include you for the rest of your days. The vast majority of people who purchase term life insurance only require coverage for a brief period of time, such as when starting a family or enrolling children in school. The price will largely remain the same during the duration. Toward the end of time, they will rise and refresh. Visit our website.
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eddiediaaz · 1 year
i just lost my job. well, once december 1st comes.
even if the wga & sag-aftra strike ends this month, it has affected the vfx industry and the company i'm employed at too much at this point and they don't plan to resume their regular full time operations before next spring. so they had to let some people go and not renew some contracts (including mine).
i knew it was coming, last week they were like "we don't want that" but i knew it was most likely coming. still, it hurts. i feel sick actually.
this person also said they're not sure if i will qualify for employment insurance, which???? i've been working and paying for it my entire adult fucking life so if i don't fucking qualify i don't know what i'm gonna do.
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Life Insurance Agent In Spring TX
Looking for life insurance in Spring, TX? At Life Insurance Spring TX, we offer a wide variety of plans to meet your needs and budget. Whether you're looking for term or permanent coverage, our knowledgeable agents can help you find the right policy to protect your loved ones. Our team of experienced Life Insurance Agent In Spring TX is dedicated to helping you find the right plan for your needs. We take the time to get to know you and understand your unique situation so that we can find a policy that fits your budget and provides the coverage you need. Plus, with our competitive rates and flexible payment options, it's easy to get the peace of mind you deserve.
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lynne-monstr · 6 months
hi blog, it's friday. I made it through my morning meetings and now I am having coffee on the couch.
I'm putting on pause on updates of my life shitshow situation because I think talking about it is upsetting me more than helping me. probably best to save talking about it for the therapist I'm looking for. (lol this is certainly not the way I wanted to find that my company's health insurance is fucking amazing but I'll take what I can get.)
anyway this week was the start of spring and apparently my building has turned off the heat. which sucks because it's below freezing outside and I'm currently in warm pajamas, a sweater, a fuzzy bathrobe, fuzzy sucks, and a hat. and I'm still freezing.
I'm going to try getting back into some of my hobbies this weekend, maybe even some writing. we'll see how it goes.
I hope everyone has a good weekend!
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thedearidiot · 2 months
Historic Landmarks in Brentwood TN: A Walk Through Time
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Brentwood, Tennessee, a charming suburb of Nashville, boasts a rich history that's reflected in its well-preserved landmarks. Let's take a journey through time and explore some of the most significant historic sites in this picturesque city.
Travellers Rest Plantation
Our first stop is the Travellers Rest Plantation, built in 1799 by Judge John Overton, a close friend of President Andrew Jackson. This Federal-style home served as a family residence for nearly two centuries and played a crucial role during the Civil War. Today, it stands as a museum, offering visitors a glimpse into 19th-century life in Tennessee.
Ravenswood Mansion
Next, we visit Ravenswood Mansion, an antebellum home constructed in 1825. This stunning Greek Revival-style mansion sits on a 400-acre estate and has witnessed significant events in Brentwood's history. The beautifully restored property now serves as an event venue, allowing guests to step back in time while enjoying modern amenities.
Cool Springs House
The Cool Springs House, built in the 1830s, is another notable landmark. This modest farmhouse has endured the test of time, surviving the Civil War and the rapid development of Brentwood. Today, it's a popular spot for community events and weddings, blending historic charm with contemporary functionality.
Boiling Spring Academy
Education played a crucial role in Brentwood's development, and the Boiling Spring Academy stands as a testament to this. Constructed in 1832, this one-room schoolhouse educated local children for nearly a century. Now restored, it offers visitors a chance to experience 19th-century education firsthand.
Owen-Primm House
The Owen-Primm House, dating back to 1806, is one of the oldest buildings in Williamson County. This Federal-style home has witnessed the growth of Brentwood from a rural farming community to a thriving suburban city. Although privately owned, its well-preserved exterior serves as a reminder of the area's architectural heritage.
These historic landmarks offer a fascinating journey through Brentwood's past. From antebellum mansions to humble schoolhouses, each site tells a unique story of the people and events that shaped this Tennessee community. As Brentwood continues to grow and evolve, these preserved landmarks ensure that its rich history will never be forgotten.
Whether you're a history enthusiast, architecture lover, or simply curious about local heritage, Brentwood's historic landmarks provide a captivating walk through time. Plan your visit today and immerse yourself in the stories these centuries-old structures have to tell.
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How to Choose the Right Tree Service in Brentwood, TN
Check for Proper Licensing and Insurance When selecting a tree service in Brentwood TN, it's crucial to ensure the company is fully licensed and insured. This protects you from any liabilities in case of accidents or damage during the job.
Look for Experience and Expertise Experience matters when it comes to tree care. Choose a company with a proven track record, like Moore & Smith Tree Care, which has the expertise to handle a wide range of tree services, from trimming to emergency removals.
Read Reviews and Ask for References Before hiring, take the time to read online reviews and ask the company for references. Hearing from past clients can provide valuable insight into the quality of service you can expect.
Get Multiple Quotes It's always wise to get multiple quotes from different tree service providers. This helps you understand the market rates and ensures you're getting a fair price for the work.
Evaluate Their Equipment and Safety Measures Ensure the tree service you choose uses proper equipment and follows stringent safety protocols. This not only guarantees efficient service but also ensures the safety of your property and loved ones.
Moore & Smith Tree Care LLC 301 S Perimeter Park Dr #100, Nashville, TN 37211, United States (615) 877–8733 https://nashvilletntreeservice.com/
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lboogie1906 · 2 months
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Captain Milton Murray Holland (August 1, 1844 - May 5, 1910) was born in Carthage, Texas to an enslaved woman named Matilda Holland and her enslaver Bird Holland. Bird Holland freed Milton and his two brothers and sent them to the Albany Manual Labor Academy in Albany, Ohio. The Albany Manual Labor Academy was an African American-operated academy whose mission was to combine manual labor and education to make all forms of industry respectable.
When the Civil War started in 1861, he tried to enlist in the Union Army but was rejected due to his race. He worked as a shoemaker for the Quartermaster Department of the Army. In June 1863, he joined the Fifth United States Colored Troops, in Athens, Ohio. He fought in the battle of the Crater in the Petersburg campaign during 1864 and at Fort Fisher in January 1865.
Enlisting as a private, he rose to the rank of regimental sergeant major. All the white commanding officers of his regiment were either killed or wounded during the engagements at Chaffin’s Farm, between September 28 and 30, 1864, he assumed command and defeated the Confederates. He was wounded, and he received the Congressional Medal of Honor on April 6, 1865. He was promoted to captain, but the War Department refused the commission on grounds of his race.
He was discharged from the military on September 20, 1865, and moved to DC. He attended Howard University School of Law while working for the Treasury Department. He earned his JD in 1872. He is one of the first African American attorneys admitted into the Bar of the SCOTUS. He served as Chief of Division in the Auditor’s Office. There he oversaw the accounts of the War Department and the West Point Military Academy.
He was an active Republican politician, left the civil service in 1887, and opened a law office in DC. He became president of the Capital Savings Bank and secretary and general manager of Industrial Building and Savings Company, two African American-owned financial institutions. He was the founder and first president of the Alpha Life Insurance Company. He and his wife, Virginia retired to Silver Spring, Maryland #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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garagedoor-247 · 4 months
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Essential Guide to 24/7 Garage Door Repair Services in Orange County**
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on 24/7 garage door repair services in Orange County. In this blog, we will delve into the significance of having access to round-the-clock garage door repair services, common issues that may arise, tips for choosing the right repair company, and what to expect during a service call. Whether you're facing a garage door emergency late at night or on a holiday, a reliable 24/7 repair service can make all the difference. Let's explore how you can keep your garage door in top-notch condition year-round.
**Importance of 24/7 Garage Door Repair Services:**
1. **Immediate Security Concerns:**
A malfunctioning garage door compromises the security of your home, making it vulnerable to intruders. With 24/7 repair services, you can address security issues promptly, ensuring the safety of your property and loved ones.
2. **Safety Hazards:**
Garage doors operate under high tension, and issues like broken springs or cables can pose significant safety risks. Access to round-the-clock repair services allows you to address safety hazards without delay, minimizing the risk of accidents and injuries.
3. **Convenience and Accessibility:**
A functional garage door is essential for your daily routine, providing convenient access to your home and vehicle. With 24/7 repair services, you can restore accessibility to your garage quickly, minimizing disruptions to your daily life.
4. **Weather Protection:**
A malfunctioning garage door can leave your home vulnerable to the elements, leading to potential damage to your property. With prompt repair services, you can ensure that your garage door provides adequate protection against adverse weather conditions.
**Common Garage Door Problems:**
1. **Broken Springs:**
Springs are crucial for lifting the garage door, and when they break, the door becomes inoperable. This is one of the most common and urgent issues requiring immediate attention.
2. **Malfunctioning Opener:**
Problems with the opener can result from electrical issues, remote control malfunctions, or motor failures. These issues often require expert diagnosis and repair.
3. **Off-Track Doors:**
If the door comes off its tracks, it can become stuck and may not operate correctly. This can be due to misalignment, broken cables, or obstructions in the tracks.
4. **Snapped Cables:**
Cables play a crucial role in the smooth operation of the garage door. When they snap, the door can become unsafe to operate.
5. **Worn-Out Rollers:**
Rollers facilitate the smooth movement of the garage door along its tracks. Worn-out rollers can cause the door to operate noisily and inefficiently.
**Choosing the Right 24/7 Garage Door Repair Company in Orange County:**
1. **Experience and Reputation:**
Look for a company with a proven track record and positive customer reviews. Experienced technicians are more likely to diagnose and fix issues efficiently.
2. **Certifications and Insurance:**
Ensure the company is licensed and insured. This protects you from liability in case of accidents during the repair process.
3. **Comprehensive Services:**
Choose a company that offers a wide range of services, including emergency repairs, routine maintenance, and installation of new doors and components.
4. **Transparent Pricing:**
Opt for a company that provides clear and upfront pricing. Avoid those that have hidden fees or vague estimates.
5. **Customer Service:**
Good customer service is a hallmark of a reliable repair company. They should be easy to contact, responsive, and ready to address your concerns promptly.
**What to Expect During a Service Call:**
1. **Initial Assessment:**
The technician will conduct a thorough inspection to diagnose the problem, checking the door’s balance, springs, cables, rollers, and opener system.
2. **Detailed Estimate:**
After diagnosing the issue, the technician will provide a detailed estimate for the repair, including parts and labor costs.
3. **Prompt Repairs:**
Reputable companies carry a wide range of parts in their service vehicles, allowing them to perform repairs on the spot.
4. **Safety Checks:**
After the repair, the technician will conduct safety checks to ensure everything is functioning correctly and safely.
5. **Maintenance Advice:**
The technician may offer tips and advice on how to maintain your garage door and prevent future issues.
In Orange County, having access to reliable and efficient garage door repair services 24/7 is crucial for maintaining the security, safety, and functionality of your home. Don’t wait until a minor issue becomes a major problem. Invest in the security, safety, and convenience of your home by choosing a reputable 24/7 garage door repair service today.
**Call to Action:**
Experiencing garage door problems? Contact our expert team for fast, reliable, and professional 24/7 garage door repair services in Orange County. We
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firediamondsv · 4 months
Thoughts on Intensity, Part One
Intense Emotion
Very strong emotion that needs to be expressed in the moment, that's impossible to hold back. Can also be used to describe the gradual buildup of emotion that can become intense emotion.
The State of My Intensity When Valtor and I Stopped Hating Each Other
In spring 2012, during my first year of high school, my left knee started inexplicably hurting. The pain persisted for months, so I eventually went to a doctor. He didn't know what was wrong with me, so I went to another, and another. My Dad was working for a health insurance company at the time, so thankfully my family had good insurance. I'd see as many doctors as it would take to figure out what was wrong with me - why I was feeling pain that wouldn't go away, that was ruining my life.
No one understood the constant misery I felt, or that the way that I experience emotion meant that any additional negative emotion could cause the pain to increase. Being assigned a big project for school would cause me to be overwhelmed by stress before the pain started, so with it, it was even worse. Sometimes I'd cry silently at my desk. It was horrible, and no one understood what I was going through.
The conflict in Naomi raged on through the summer and into the fall. I started my sophomore year of high school still miserable. I continued to be misunderstood by my family, my friends across all dimensions, even my therapist. Without the words to describe what I was feeling, I was stuck. Thankfully, that all changed.
I encountered Valtor again in fall 2012, we stopped hating each other, and eventually, he asked if he could spend more time with me. In that moment, I decided to open up more to him and complained about my pain and misery. I knew that he has a very different relationship to pain than most humans, so I didn't expect that he'd be able to relate. Maybe he couldn't to that part, but he knew what it felt like to experience constant misery, a gradual buildup of negative emotion. He understood how certain things could suddenly make that constant misery worse, how people only saw those extreme reactions and not all the smaller events that caused that emotion to build up in the first place. He understood intensity. He understood me. I probably wouldn't have been able to make it through my sophomore year without him.
Spring 2013, I finally found a doctor who knew what was wrong with me. I was diagnosed with CRPS, a type of chronic pain usually localized to one part of the body, that would eventually become fibromyalgia. The pain persists, but so does that understanding, and I wouldn't have been able to deal with it without Valtor in my life.
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