#Spot x satellite tracker
fowlerblogs1 · 9 months
Stay Connected Globally with SPOT X Satellite Tracker-Bluetooth
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Embark on your adventures with confidence using the SPOT X Satellite Tracker-Bluetooth, a cutting-edge solution from Orbital Satcom. This state-of-the-art tracker combines GPS technology with the convenience of Bluetooth connectivity, offering a reliable way to stay connected globally. Whether you're a seasoned explorer, outdoor enthusiast, or professional in need of a robust tracking device, the SPOT X has you covered. The SPOT X Satellite Tracker-Bluetooth provides real-time tracking and two-way messaging capabilities, ensuring you're always connected, even in the most remote locations. Utilizing global satellite coverage, this device allows you to share your location, send messages, and access emergency services, providing peace of mind for both personal and professional use.
Orbital Satcom's SPOT X tracker stands out as a versatile and user-friendly solution, equipped with Bluetooth functionality for seamless integration with other devices. Stay in control of your adventures, track your journey, and share your experiences effortlessly. Whether you're navigating the great outdoors, managing a fleet, or ensuring the safety of your loved ones, the SPOT X Satellite Tracker-Bluetooth is the reliable companion you need. Trust Orbital Satcom to deliver top-notch satellite tracking solutions that empower you to explore, connect, and stay secure on a global scale.
Read more: https://techmoduler.com/spot-x-satellite-tracker-bluetooth/
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avengerswillreturn · 2 years
Protective Bucky
First fic in years! Let's see if I can keep this up.
Plot: Bucky x Reader. Young woman was captured by Hydra for the use of her fire powers. Bucky finds her beaten to a pulp at a raided Hydra base. Based on that scene from FaTWS when Bucky spots Karli in the truck and gets all soft, but this time the girl is actually in trouble.
TWs: Violence, injuries in this chapter. There will be more warnings in the next chapters, so keep an eye on them.
Chapter 1/?
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Steve, Nat, Sam, and Bucky took a mission to track a handful of semitrucks that are believed to lead to a hydra base. The managed to attach trackers to four trucks with Sam’s redwing flying unseen after they found all four leave a warehouse. Back at the tower, they watched as they all split apart and go separate directions, but all of them end up in the middle of nowhere upstate. The team’s satellite doesn’t even have a building registered at the trucks’ location.
The four of them set out to the location in a quinjet, ready for another hydra raid. They arrive in the dark, early morning. Sam stays back to monitor them from above with Friday’s satellite view and give the team some heads-up for any hydra agents. They hesitate to attack at first, but Sam’s voice comes into their earpieces.
“Sure enough,” Sam says from back in the quinjet. “Armed guards around the building with hydra logos on their jackets.”
The rest of the team were hidden in the woods surrounding a large, dark green facility. Hardly any lights break through the darkness. This base definitely tried, and succeeded for a short while, to stay off of shield’s radar. Sam, Steve, and Nat go in for the attacks. After taking down the guards, inside of the base they were not well secured, and it fell quickly. They were not prepared for an attack tonight and it ended as soon as it began. Nat saves intel from the base while they call in more shield agents to arrest the hydra team. At this point, the sun has begun to rise. Steve and Nat are handling arrests and dismantling the base, but Sam finds something for Bucky to handle.
“Bucky, one of those vans isn’t empty.” Sam tells Bucky directly.
“Yeah, Sam. We will clear them out later after they get rid of everyone.” Bucky responds, walking to find where Steve went off to.
“No,” Sam says quietly. “There’s a girl inside that last one in the back.”
Bucky pauses mid-step. The last one wasn’t one they had been tracking. Who knows where it came from, or what was planned for it. “A girl?” Bucky asks back.
“I think so. Friday’s satellite isn’t getting a clear image through the thick metal truck.”
“I’ll keep you posted.” Bucky walks over to the back of the truck and breaks the lock off with his metal arm. Carefully, he opens the door, just in case it’s a trap. It’s dark in the truck, but the light from the rising sun slowly fills it. The truck is mostly filled with boxes, stuff the team will have to go through later. First, Bucky has another issue. In the right side, surely enough, is a girl tucked into the last bit of shadows. Torn, dirty clothes and covered in dried blood. Her dark, messy hair is draped over her face and she's leaning on one bent knee. She’s probably in her early 20s, but looks so small in this situation.
“Woah. Hey,” Bucky said softly to avoid startling her. “Are you hurt?”
The girl looks up and bucky doesn’t read any fear on her face. There is, however, marks and bruises all over. “Back off! Haven’t you had enough?” She yells, more tired than afraid.
“Hey now, I’m not gonna hurt you,” Bucky says, opening the door as far as it’ll go. “Did Hydra do this to you?”
The girl makes a look of surprise in her eyes. “Bucky Barnes?”
“That’s me, is that okay?”
“Holy shit,” she says with a cough. “You gotta get me out of here”
“Are you hurt?’ Bucky asks, hoping into the truck and crouching beside her.
“They beat the shit out of me.” She said shakily. Untucking her knee from her chest. Her pants are torn and stained, one shoe is missing, and her shirt is dirty and covered in blood, and she is decorated in black and blue. “I think my ankle is snapped. They got sick of my bullshit I guess.”
“We’ll get you out of here and safe,” Bucky quickly calls Steve and Nat for backup. “What did you do to piss them off?”
“I escaped.” She tries to lean back but winces and holds her wrist.
Bucky sat down and helped her lean onto the wall of the truck. “Escaped?”
“Yeah,” she says. “The took me when I was really young, when they found out about me. I never bought any of their shit. For years, I hoped the avengers would save me from them, but they kept me in their most secret bases to avoid just that. I finally managed to run away during a mission 6 months ago, but yesterday they caught up with me. They want me alive, guess ‘m valuable, but needed to ‘teach me a lesson’ about who’s in charge.” She continues, while tracing the bruises on her arm with her fingertips, not making eye contact.
“What do you mean by ‘they found out’ about you?” Bucky says.
“Promise not to get scared if I promise I’m on your side?” She says while sticking a pinky out.
“I promise. You can’t scare me.” Bucky accepts the pinky promise.
After letting go, she raises her hand, palm up, and a small flame lights in the middle. As quickly as it begins, she closes her palm, and it goes out.
“Fire?” Bucky says, a little surprised.
“Yeah. Pretty weak right now, all things considered. But hydra finds it useful for. You know.”
“Yep, I do unfortunately. I’ll be here if you need someone who understands.” Bucky sighs, and sits next to her.
A few more minutes pass before Steve and Nat get there.
“Oh shit.” Steve says, looking at Nat. Natasha is trying to hide it, but the look on her face is horror at the thought of what happened. Bucky goes to help the girl up, but she can hardly handle the weight. Bucky carries her to the jet. By the time they get inside, she's barely conscious.
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that-one-sketch · 1 year
I have this really cool cross over idea that has already been tried in the Fossil Fighter Amino, but hear me out. I will touch on that later.
Fossil Figher X Undertale
I got 3 things I am going to talk about here
1: How I see this working
2: The basic plot line (that's the long bit)
3: Who uses what Vivosaurs and side quests
I will touch on the AU that as been made already. It's called Fossiltale, but doesn't really feel like the name 'Fossiltale' to me. It gives me more of a 'Vivotale' due to all the characters just being in Vivosuar form rather than using the core functionality of both games. But I can understand that I didn't coin the name first, so if someone can come up with a better name for this AU, feel free to make a suggestion. I will make a poll if there are some really good ones. For now, I am going to call this AU Fossiltale Above.
1: How I see this working
Plot should be the starting part of this AU, but I want to get this out first. The humans and dinaurians live together. For those of you who have played Fossil Fighters, this means this is taking place after the First game, and before the second.
I see the two games as existing in the same time line, but maybe with some time in between. Maybe a life time or two from the first game. And a hand full before the second.
So we may hear mentions of The first game's heros and characters but never meet them. Dr. Diggings, Hunter, Rosy, Duna, to name a few.
There is a map in Fossil Fighters that I do hope I can redraw. We will see.
2: The basic plot
After Hunter saved the world from the world eating monster, Guhnash. The world welcomed a new kind of people to live among them. The dinosaur shifting race Dinaurian. They quickly formed an alliance with humans. With Dr.Diggings being their ambassador/negotiator.
As the two races worked together, the two races soon saw their world grow with a new set of impressive technology and Vivosaur discoveries.
They built great sky ships, and amazing water diving technology. Along with Dr.Diggings' time travel machine, the world was heading to a better place.
That was 20 years ago.
-The start of Fossiltale-
[Note from Sketch: If this was the title screen of Deltarune, you can choose to be Human or Dinaurian in this AU. ]
Aircrafts had started disappearing in the lower hemisphere. Some reporting a strange fog, then all contact would cut off.
Expeditions reformed to find these missing crafts. Above water, below water, as well as the waters surface near the last locations.
However most of these were spoty. As the locational trackers on the aircrafts would jump all over the place.
One evening, however. The fog was spotted from the air and reported in. A group of scientists where sent to see the fog in person.
However, it would seem the only way in was from the air, as the fog would confuse instruments that was on surface level. Leaving most to be turned around. Back from where they started.
Under the water surface was no better. As underwater volcanic activity would make it near impossible to get through.
The group had tryed to see of satellite scans could help them see beyond the fog. Maybe even how big the area was.
Not much could be seen from the scans images. But the size of the area was condeinced to 3 Islands. With one small one, a med sized mass and a large Cresent shape with a large dip near its center.
So the only way to see this new location was a death sentence. That being, fly into the fog.
Some information on this land was found through an sncient story, found at the Digadigamid on Vivosaur Island.
The legend goes as follows:
Humans and monsters once lived together on the earth. However, monsters welded magic. Making the humans feel scared and weak.
Till one day, humans found a way to revive dinosaurs. Humans found this as a way to protect themselves from monsters.
And then a war broke out when a human and monster was killed.
Humans soon found a place to seal the monsters away, on an island. They had revived a legendary Ocean Vivosaur.
With it's power put an end to the war. They had the ocean split a huge circle around a secluded batch of islands, and a great fog was crafted to keep anyone away from the monsters. To prevent them from being released. As well as keep them in.
The Monsters were never thought of again.
After the story was found, most of the scientists found it as hoopla. Nothing more than some crazy thing that could only be found in a village like the Digadigs.
However, alas, thatbwas their only lead to what could be happening on this small part of the world.
The group of scientists had given up on seeing this new place on the map. All except three.
The three gather the materials and funding. Even after being told this was a suicide mission countless times. The three set off to chart the new world.
The plane last seen flying into the foggy abyss.
-Character selection-
[Character selection includes the choose to be a human or a Dinaurian. You don't get to customize them. Your customization comes with whatever Vivosaur you end up choosing.]
[(If human)Your 5 Vivosaurs to choose from. Spinax(air), Onyx(water), Ourano(earth), Stygi(fire), and Tophis(neutral)]
[(If Dinaurian) You get asked a questionnaire based off your likes and dislikes. Dose not include favorite typing, that gets choosen from the questionnaire. Along with what range and size your Dinaurian can transform into.]
-In game-
After the plan made a rough landing on the smallest island, one of the group of three [the Dinaurian aid] hangs back to see if they can fix the craft. As its not damaged, and can still fly. While two [the player and the human aid] set out to look around. Maybe dig up some fossils and back them back to clean.
(Add a joke about none of you thinking to bring more than one Vivosaur here)
Lucky for you all, there are a lot of earth and fire type fossils there. Most of them being ones that have been discovered, only two that haven't been.
A great break through for all of you. You have found Vivosaurs that have yet to be found. However, the ship is still down, but short range commission still works for the ship and your guys radios.
The Dinaurian, chooses to stay on the ship. Keeping a log incase something happens to everyone. As well as a place to be transferred back to if anyone gets knocked out or hurt from anything in the island.
(Insert of the human aid making a joke about monsters here)
As the player character and human aid travels they meet a Flower monster going as, Flowey the Flower. They look like a white Marigold.
Flowey wants to make sure you can survive in the ruins of 'New Home'. So He shows you how to battle.
[The same battling system from Fossil Fighters Champions is here. However, there is a safe zone still. But this time, you can swap out one Vivosaur.]
[You can choose obe of the waiting Vivosaur from your green side bar. Your opponent can not see this side bar, and ether can you see theirs]
So when you knock out all of Floweys team, he sends out a level 20 and wipes the floor with your level 1-4 Vivosaurs. The human aid also dose not stand a chance.
As Flowey goes on some speal about taking your soul to be come stronger they are blasted away by Toriel and Maia.
Toriel dose a line about how bad of a creature Flowey is and helps you all. Shows you the ruins and awsners questions the human aid asks.
At some point of you leveling up and getting more Vivosaurs. The human aid asks Toriel if there is a way to leave the small island to get to the other islands. Or even if their is away out of the fog.
Toriel goes quiet and runs off. Before you go rushing the Dinaurian aid saids they have the ship up and running. But only for a little bit, as the system will go back off at some point.
So as the player and the human aid travel back to the ship, they are confronted by Toriel.
Toriel launches a fossil battle, saying something about asgore wanting your SOUL's and technology.
However Toriel is beaten. And as such let's the party leave the small island.
As the aircraft gets into the, it soon shuts off, and crashes on to the mid sized island.
The human aid requests to stay in the ship as this land is much too cold for them, and they don't have a third jacket.
The player and the Dinaurian aid travel, but end up getting lost in a sudden blizzard. The short range radio cuts off during the storm.
As you make your away through it, it seems to die down, as the player character wonders down the snowy trail. The player dose in counter some stick breaking, and strange flapping sounds.
[There are no fossils to find during this moment, and there is no way back due to the storm that is behind you]
You find a strange bridge with a large open tooth gate. The player character founds there is someone behind them and asks them to turn around and shake their hand.
A short interaction plays, and the player is introduced to Sans the Skeleton. He tells them that he is to lazy to fight a human in a fossil battle; as that's something his brother wants to do.
Hearing some snow crunching a head, Sans dose ask if the player character is willing to lose to him.
The player can't hit the option fast enough as a larger skeleton in knight attire starts an interaction.
After some small punning from Sans, and the playing finding the large skelly's name is Papyrus. The large bone man ops to leave you alone for now, as he is to frustrated to fight. But he would like to train against the player in a Fossil battle so he can be ready for the Fossil Tournament that 'Mettaton' is hosting.
With that Papyrus Neh heh heheh's away.
Sans shrugs, says something about the storm getting ready to change directions, and something about 'helping out an old friend'.
When the player character's hears the Dinaurian side down the trail from where they came from, as well as some static from the radio.
Sans is gone when the play turns to see him again.
This is alot of open time to find some neutral, water, and air types to add. [The Air typing is the harder one to find]
Also, side quest are open here. As well as some og Undertale battles. [As some are too young to have Vivosaurs, or just refuse to use them. But there is a lot of excited talk about this tournament that will happening in a few days]
[After the player is ready to move forward] the player gets stuck in a snowstorm. And Papyrus requests to battle them. He states that he wants a 'real battle' and 'not to hold back'.
Papyrus starts the battle.
[If you loose three times to Papyrus. He will let you go. (Passive route from UT.]
The player defets Papyrus, and you move on to find a water Marsh.
[More side quests here and the earth type Fossils turn rare here. Air is still rare. But there are a bunch of new water types here.]
You and the Dinaurian aid soon meet Undyne who starts with an OG Undertale battle. Making it way to hard to get away from her. With the help of the Dinaurian aid being a raptor, you both get away from her.
[After some more side quest and a battle with Muffet as she is out for a vacation in 'Waterfall'. So mini boss battle]
Undyne starts the bridge chase, this time she riding on Futabi to keep up with the Dinaurian aid's raptor form.
When Undyne has you cornered, a stray yellow whale comes out of of the water and bites the platform.
After some goofy side quest to get out of the while named 'Bonehemoth'. You and the Dinaurian find yourselves in a dump area. And after finding some makeshift, and old, cleaning/revivel area, you find the bridge back is broken for now.
Good news though! The human Aid was able to fix the teleaporter. The player and the Dinaurian request teleaport. [When ready of course.]
After some talking, and goofy side quest with dating Papyrus later, you all get the air craft waterborn. Making all of your guys lifes easier.
As the ship drifts down tword the dump area, the Dinaurian wants to fix the bridge that connected the two spots of the middle island.
After some side questing to getting bridge stuff later. The three manage to fix the broken bridge. Much to the monsters delight.
You were all about to move on to the large Cresent shaped island, however Undyne gets on top of the ship, and demands a battle.
The player character gets on top and is about to start an true battle when someone [Papyurs] says something about battling honorably with Vivosaurs.
Reluctantly, Undyne starts a fossil battle. Saying something about wiping the floor with the player character.
After Undyne's epic battle, she saids she can help you get over to the Cresent island.
So Undyne joins your party, and comes onto the ship.
As you all travel, the party starts to ask Undyne someone questions. Undyne has a few of her own.
[Long story short, questions on SOUL's, LV, HP. The missing aircrafts and their pilots. While Undyne's questions are about Dinaurians, technology, and... anime?]
However, at some point you some in contact with a large thunderstorm. Forcing the aircraft to become a submarine for a bit.
And the ocean floor was very calm and, somehow, illuminated with soft blue glow. However, it was all short lived as underwater currents became to treacherous for the not suited water craft.
Undyne points the group off to a cave and the group finds a small cavern full of blue flowers and glowing lights. Undyne joins the player in walking around the area. Reading monster history and talking to the local monsters.
[Side quests and Fossil digging goes, the newest fossil found here, are the starter ones. These ones are considered rare in the foggy region.]
Soon enough, the player character and Undyne locate an elevator shaft. The player goes to report it in when the ground suddenly shakes. The walls open and lava starts to spew out of walls.
The player trys to seal the walls with rocks to buy time for the en habitats to ether get in the makeshift submarine, or dive into the ocean. [Most are water monsters, so they are built for it]
With most on board or in the water, the crew make their way up to the sea's surface. Where, with the help of the local monsters, managed to get past the thunder storm.
The crew of three manage to make it to the Cresent island. The local cave dwellers thank you for helping them. And leave to live in the, suddenly hot climate.
Undyne decides to leave too. And leaves with a 'thanks'. And disappears on Futabi in the oceans murky deaths.
The group turns to look at what is a head of them. The Dinaurian looks over the ship one last time, saying it dose not have enough energy to fly without a strong enough power source.
And so. The player and the Human aid travel the new area. And this Volcanically active, and metal covered plan is riddled with fire type Vivosaurs.
[Side questing some more, and og Undertale and Fossil battles]
The two soon find a Lab next to the volcano. And some how, the rock it is on is levitating.
Entering will lead to the encounter with a yellow lizard who saids they have been watching the three of you and your journey through out the Fog Regions. [That is what these islands are called. That you Asgore]
After talking to the lizard named Alphys. A boxy lookubg cleaning bot named Mettaton starts a quiz on the players knowledge of Vivosaurs, as well as the Fog Regions.
[Making sure your paying attention ;)]
After Alphys interruption on Kissy Cutie, Mettaton blasts off, leaving a hole in the Lab's roof.
The human aid asks if there is some kind of power source that is strong enough for an aircraft, in the Fog Regions.
[Long story short. Achievement: Core idea unlocked with the combined effort of the Dinaurian aid, Alphys, and mysterious notes]
Alphys, is willing to help make a mini power source for the aircraft. However, the only draw back is that you will have to run some errands for her.
[Mettaton puzzles here, fossil digging there and some items exchanges over yonder]
All Alphys is missing to make your aircraft an aircraft again is back in the dump, that is located in Waterfall. For now, the ship works for water again.
As you all ready to head back to the ship. Mettaton blocks your path in a show room and starts a Fossil battle.
[Mettaton tells you about this being his mock battle fottage for the big championship he will be hosting in a few days.]
Once defeated, Mettaton let's the player go. Thanking them for show.
Diving back underwater, the three plus Alphys head toward the dump.
[After doing a battle and item exchange quest from the mad dummy. The power core was fixed. Also shipping moment happens here for Undyne and Alphys. Though, it is a side quest]
Alphys and Undyne tell the group that if they want to leave, they will have to talk to king Asgore. However, they will have to walk to his kingdom.
[Some really long walking later, optional side quest, and Fossil digging to the castle. Most of the fossils being air, and neutral types.]
The three arrive to the kingdom of Stone Fort. (It was a fort in the beginning.) There are some trading, shops, and inns here.
[Okay so two things can happen here. 1 thing being if you completed all the side quests up to this point the player can go talk to Asgore out right. If the player has not completed the side quests, the guardsmen at the door will just tell the player a watered down verson of what Asgore would tell them, but for this, we will assume the side quests were completed]
The guard grants you access as the three show off 5 diffrent ore based medals.
The group pass a yellow hallway to into the kings chamber, that is filled with diffrent colored marigolds.
The group request to leave the islands and to tell the world of their discovery of the Fog Regions. Asgore refuses, but is willing to make a bet for how admit the group is.
If, they they becomes the champions in the Fossil Tournament. He will let all of them leave unharmed. If only one of them becomes champion, then he will the winner choose only one to leave with them.
The group seemed unsure, but in their mind. If two of them gets out, they can come back and get the other. They end up agreeing.
[After some time to do some digging, side questing [True lab, and snail race], leveling, and Vivosaur group testing]
The championship has arrived. [Its very much a reference to OG Fossil Fighters] everyone is ready for battle
[Order goes how you want it to, its more or less in the air. Everyone is here, from some random guy in Snowdin, to Undyne, but its up to how you played, is who you fight. There is no Sans battle here, and if there was, he didn't put effort in. He would also be your first opponent, if it was a neutral route(there is no Geno route in this one, due to the 2 extras). But the last battle has to be Mettaton. As this is the glamer show, where his arms fall off and he dose the 'ask the audience thing']
The player is the only one who wins out of the group, as the player had to fight the other two to get to the winners spot. (Asgore knew they had to fight each other. He felt pity and let the option of, 'take a friend with you back out')
Your friends choose to stay behind, and take a breather, while the player goes to talk to Asgore.
However, the player is stopped by Sans. He goes on about how he is the Judge and that he was watching the three of them all while they went. [Based on how you played, Sans will tell you through dialog if it was a Passive or Neutral play though]
After that Sans leaves, by walking twords the door the player needs to walk through. The talk with Asgore goes as expected.
He didn't plan on any of you leaving. That he needs your SOUL's to free his people, so they can see the beauties of the world, and the stairs they can barely see at night. [Thr fog covers the sky, its really hard to see things]
Asgore will you choose a fossil battle or a True battle. [Fossil Fighters or Undertale system]
Both are difficult. [With Asgors's Fossil battle being on the same level of BS as King Dynal at the end of the OG Fossil Fighters game]
After defeating Asgore, you are free to leave. With the others only getting there at the end of the battle.
As all three are getting ready to leave. Flowey returns. Taking both support characters in vines. Flowey goes on a rant, and force the Player to choose who they favor more. The human or the Dinaurian.
Whatever chose is made, the two fight off again Omega Flowey as he absorbs the 7 SOUL's that have been collected.
[A fossil battle against Omega Flowey and the other Aids Vivosaurs become corrupted by Omega Flowey.And you get to use the Dinaurian's Dino form, or the human aids main lead in your battle.]
After Omega Flowey is defeated, and the other side character saved. The whole undertale crew comes to help. But only helps to form the worse and hardest battle yet as Flowey trys one more time to take the SOUL's. But this time. Its everyone's SOUL.
Asriel Dreemurr challenges the three to a True Vivosaur fight.
[A battle where its still Fossil Fighters battle system but has the player forced to ride their Vivosaur around on the field to escape Asriel's attacks. And when all the Vivosaurs LP hits zero, the only Vivosaur that is still standing is the player's ]
Asriel goes on his speal, and when he downs the player and their Vivosaur, they just keep on refusing. Making Asriel lose his patience and is defeated. [The ending of UT]
When the player meets younger Asriel, they tell them their dream to be the best Fossil Fighter with their sibling, and wanting to go see them in the ruins before the fog is lifted.
[Some soft stuff happens, feel free to fill this blank]
The fog is gone and monsters can see the sun for the first time in centuries.
And the player gets a call on their long distance radio.
-- Epilog--
Monsters are living amongst humans and Dinaurians. All learning off if each other.
Vivosaurs have only gotten strong after being introduced to Monsaurs [I will touch on this in 3]
The scientists who found the monster as crazy, have no choose but to believe in monsters (even though Dinosaurs breath in their world)
[Add some side quests and seeing how everyone is doing. Even meet some human and Dinaurian characters]
The group of three have one last night together before one leaves [the one you didn't choose in the flowey fight]
The player and the other side stay there, gazing at the stairs as the end pops on screen.
[That took a whole day to write. I don't want to go back over that. Bite me. And if you made it this far. THANKS FOR READING, ALL OF THAT. No, really. Thanks! If you want to put your own spin on it, go for it!]
3: Who uses what Vivosaurs, and side quests
Perhaps you have picked up on it, but most of the base UT plot is side quest, or filler. Mainly because, that's all stuff I would love to be a love letter to thoughs who want to see their favorite characters own small plot.
Now I will touch the Monsaurs thing. In the Fog Regions, the monsters didn't have access to the technology that the humams did. They had some blue prints, rough ideas, and magic. So the Vivosaurs came out, less like projections and more like the monsters that made them.
So the Monsaurs (Vivosaurs but more magic and monster looking) will look, act, and live like their Monster owners.
The bone Brothers have Boneysaurs (not exactly like Fossil Fighters Champions Boneysaurs, but close. Maybe even their inspiration for the Boneysaurs)
Undyne's Vivosaurs are rough, and armor.
Mettaton has Robosaurs
The Royals, have more mammalian like Vivosaurs. (Not saying the ones that exist already, I mean like T-rex looking like it got fused with a goat if you wanted)
Ect. To the others.
Who uses what Vivosaurs is more up to the person, as their are a lot of new discoveries made in the paleo world. So I will give a rough idea on everyone's preferences on typing.
Flowey - Neutral in the beginning, Air at the end
Toriel - Fire
Papyrus - Earth and Air
Undyne - Water
Mettaton - Air and Fire
Muffet - Earth
Asgore - Neutral all the way around (and still a BS level fight)
As for Sans, if you manage to get this lazy ass to fight you. (Which I don't see happening). He will have a stacked team with a Legend Monsaur being a Fire type, while the others are Neutral.
I see the battle with Sans as a small chance of winning. As his only weak link would be that Legendary Monsaur that looks like his blaster in T-Rex form, or even Neo. (If it is Neo your choosing as the base for this Legend Monsaur. Neo is A Neutral type Vivosaur. This will make Sans impossible to defeat.)
But that is what I have in mind for Fossiltale. I will make some drawings, and small story bits. It may go nowhere, but I wanted to share this. And see what y'all think about this.
Is it dumb? Is it a good idea?
You tell me. And if you made this far. Have a good night. And thanks for reading ALL OF THAT. I know my Dyslexia hit me a lot in this post. But I am tired to go back and fix rn.
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euspyshopuk · 9 days
Spot satellite tracker
SPOT Satellite Tracker: Your Lifeline in the Wilderness
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Explorers and their families may rest easy knowing that the SPOT tracker is a dependable device for GPS monitoring in real-time and emergency communication. This technology makes sure that assistance is always available, whether you’re driving through isolated deserts, sailing over broad waters, or trekking in the mountains. Let’s explore in more detail why outdoor safety and adventure require the SPOT Satellite Tracker.
What is a SPOT Satellite Tracker?
The SPOT Satellite Tracker is a small, rugged device that utilizes satellite technology to provide real-time GPS tracking and communication anywhere in the world. Unlike regular GPS systems, which require cellular coverage, SPOT trackers work in areas without phone service by communicating directly with satellites.
SPOT devices offer a range of functionalities, from basic location tracking to advanced emergency features like SOS alerts. Some models also support messaging features, allowing users to send pre-set text messages or emails to designated contacts, even when far from traditional networks.
Key Features of SPOT Satellite Trackers
Global Satellite Coverage SPOT trackers use the Globalstar satellite network, which offers coverage in nearly every part of the globe. This allows users to send SOS signals, check-ins, and location data from the most remote places on Earth, whether you’re in the middle of the ocean or hiking in the Amazon.
SOS Button for Emergencies One of the standout features of the SPOT Satellite Tracker is the SOS button. In an emergency, you can press the SOS button, which sends your location to the nearest search and rescue services through the GEOS International Emergency Response Coordination Center (IERCC). This feature can literally be a lifesaver in situations where there’s no access to other forms of communication.
Check-In Functionality Through the check-in feature, users can notify friends and family with a pre-written message that includes their GPS coordinates. It’s a great alternative to making physical calls or texts to family members to let them know you’re safe. You can use this capability even in places without cellular service.
Tracking SPOT trackers provide real-time tracking, allowing others to follow your journey online via Google Maps. This can be particularly useful for families or teams monitoring the progress of someone on an adventure. The tracking intervals can be customized to your needs, from every 2.5 minutes to every hour.
Custom Messaging Some SPOT models, like the SPOT X, come with a custom messaging feature, which allows users to send and receive text messages via satellite. This adds another layer of communication for situations where you want to update others beyond just checking in.
Rugged and Waterproof Designed for harsh environments, SPOT trackers are built to be durable and withstand the elements. They are typically waterproof, dustproof, and able to function in extreme temperatures, making them suitable for all kinds of adventures, from desert treks to polar expeditions.
Popular SPOT Tracker Models
SPOT Gen4 The SPOT Gen4 is an affordable and lightweight option, perfect for outdoor enthusiasts who need a reliable tracking device. It offers GPS tracking, check-ins, custom messaging, and an SOS feature, all within a small, portable design.
SPOT X For those who need two-way communication, the SPOT X provides satellite messaging capabilities in addition to its GPS tracking and SOS functions. This model also includes a full QWERTY keyboard, making it easy to compose custom text messages in the field.
SPOT Trace The SPOT Trace is designed more for asset tracking than personal safety. It can be attached to vehicles, boats, or other valuable items and provides real-time location data to help you recover your assets in case they are stolen or lost
Why You Need a SPOT Satellite Tracker
Security in Outlying Places Safety is a top concern for outdoor enthusiasts and explorers. Be it mountain climbing, remote river kayaking, or touring large national parks, being far from civilization can be perilous. By guaranteeing that you can always call for assistance, no matter where you are, SPOT trackers offer an essential safety precaution.
Peace of Mind for Family and Friends One of the biggest benefits of using a SPOT Satellite Tracker is the peace of mind it offers to loved ones back home. With real-time tracking and check-in capabilities, family and friends can follow your journey and know that you’re safe, even if you’re out of cell range for days or weeks at a time.
Asset Tracking and Security SPOT devices aren’t just for adventurers. The SPOT Trace model allows you to monitor the location of high-value items like vehicles, boats, or equipment. This can be invaluable for preventing theft or recovering lost items.
An Affordable Substitute for Satellite Phones Satellite phones can be pricey in terms of initial outlay as well as ongoing membership fees. At a far lower cost, SPOT trackers provide many of the same features, such as emergency messaging and communication. A SPOT tracker offers all the connectivity required for most outdoor enthusiasts without the high cost of a satellite phone.
How to Use a SPOT Satellite Tracker
Using a SPOT tracker is straightforward. Once you’ve purchased the device and activated your subscription plan, follow these basic steps:
Register the Device Go online to register your SPOT device with the necessary details, including emergency contact information.
Customize Messages Set up your pre-programmed check-in messages, which can be sent to friends or family via email or SMS.
Turn On Tracking When you begin your journey, turn on the tracking feature. This will allow your chosen contacts to follow your route in real time.
Use the SOS Button in Emergencies In case of an emergency, press and hold the SOS button. This will trigger an alert to the GEOS IERCC and dispatch emergency services to your location.
Choosing the Right SPOT Subscription Plan
SPOT trackers require a subscription plan to function, and the plans vary based on your needs. Here are a few options to consider:
Basic Plan: Ideal for casual adventurers who want GPS tracking and SOS capabilities.
Unlimited Tracking: Perfect for long-term expeditions or professional use, this plan allows for more frequent tracking intervals.
Extreme Plan: Offers advanced features, including near real-time tracking and additional custom messaging options.
Each plan is designed to suit different levels of usage, whether you’re an occasional weekend hiker or a professional explorer who needs full-time connectivity.
Conclusion: A Reliable Lifeline
The SPOT Satellite Tracker is an essential tool for anyone venturing into the wilderness or working in remote areas. Its ability to provide real-time tracking and emergency communication via satellite makes it a lifeline in situations where traditional communication tools fail.
The SPOT Satellite Tracker provides unmatched dependability and peace of mind for all users, regardless of expertise level or experience level hiking or tracking valuables. There is a SPOT model for everyone thanks to its durable construction, cutting-edge capabilities, and reasonably priced subscription options.
So, before you embark on your next great adventure, make sure you’re prepared with the SPOT Satellite Tracker — because when you’re off the grid, it’s your connection to the rest of the world.
Article Source :- https://medium.com/@EuspyshopUK/spot-satellite-tracker-55051e4e4f0d
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xtruss · 8 months
A Sleuthing Enthusiast Says He Found The US Military’s X-37B Spaceplane! Officials Didn't Disclose Details About The X-37B's Orbit After Its December launch.
— Stephen Clark | Ars Techinca | February 09, 2024
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Boeing: File Photo Of An X-37B Spaceplane.
It turns out some of the informed speculation about the US military's latest X-37B spaceplane mission was pretty much spot-on.
When the semi-classified winged spacecraft launched on December 28, it flew into orbit on top of a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket, which is much larger than the Atlas V and Falcon 9 rockets used to launch the X-37B on its previous missions.
This immediately sparked speculation that the X-37B would reach higher altitudes than its past flights, which remained in low-Earth orbit at altitudes of a few hundred miles. A discovery from Tomi Simola, a satellite tracking hobbyist living near Helsinki, Finland, appears to confirm this suspicion.
On Friday, Simola reported on social media and on SeeSat-L, a long-running online forum of satellite tracking enthusiasts, that he detected an unidentified object using a sky-watching camera. The camera is designed to continuously observe a portion of the sky to detect moving objects in space. A special software program helps identify known and unknown objects.
"Exciting news!" Simola posted on social media. "Orbital Test Vehicle 7 (OTV-7), which was launched to classified orbit last December, was seen by my SatCam! Here are images from the last two nights!"
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Mike McCants, one of the more experienced satellite observers and co-administrator of the SeeSat-L forum, agreed with Simola's conclusion that he found the X-37B spaceplane.
"Congrats to Tomi Simola for locating the secret X-37B spaceplane," posted Jonathan McDowell, an astrophysicist and widely respected expert in spaceflight activity.
Higher Than Ever
Amateur observations of the spaceplane indicate it is flying in a highly elliptical orbit ranging between 201 and 24,133 miles in altitude (323 and 38,838 kilometers). The orbit is inclined 59.1 degrees to the equator.
This is not far off the predictions from the hobbyist tracking community before the launch in December. At that time, enthusiasts used information about the Falcon Heavy's launch trajectory and drop zones for the rocket's core booster and upper stage to estimate the orbit it would reach with the X-37B spaceplane.
The Space Force has not released any information about the orbit of the X-37B. While it took hobbyists about six weeks to find the X-37B on this mission, it typically took less time for amateur trackers to locate it when it orbited at lower altitudes on its previous missions. Despite the secrecy, it's difficult to imagine the US military's adversaries in China and Russia didn't already know where the spaceplane was flying.
Military officials usually don't disclose details about the X-37B's missions while they are in space, providing updates only before each launch and then after each landing.
This is the seventh flight of an X-3B spaceplane since the first one launched in 2010. In a statement before the launch in December, the Space Force said this flight of the X-37B is focused on "a wide range of test and experimentation objectives." Flying in "new orbital regimes" is among the test objectives, military officials said.
The military has two Boeing-built X-37B spaceplanes, or Orbital Test Vehicles, in its inventory. They are reusable and designed to launch inside the payload fairing of a conventional rocket, spend multiple years in space with the use of solar power, and then return to Earth for a landing on a three-mile-long runway, either at Vandenberg Space Force Base in California or at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
It resembles a miniature version of NASA's retired space shuttle orbiter, with wings, deployable landing gear, and black thermal protection tiles to shield its belly from the scorching heat of reentry. It measures 29 feet (about 9 meters) long, roughly a quarter of the length of NASA's space shuttle, and it doesn't carry astronauts.
The X-37B has a cargo bay inside the fuselage for payloads, with doors that open after launch and close before landing. There is also a service module mounted to the back end of the spaceplane to accommodate additional experiments, payloads, and small satellites that can deploy in orbit to perform their own missions.
All the Space Force has said about the payloads on the current X-37B flight is that its experiment package includes investigations into new "space domain awareness technologies." NASA is flying an experiment on the X-37B to measure how plant seeds respond to sustained exposure to space radiation. The spaceplane's orbit on this flight takes it through the Van Allen radiation belts.
The secrecy surrounding the X-37B has sparked much speculation about its purpose, some of which centers on ideas that the spaceplane is part of a classified weapons platform in orbit. More likely, analysts say, the X-37B is a testbed for new space technologies. The unusual elliptical orbit for this mission is similar to the orbit used for some of the Space Force's satellites designed to detect and warn of ballistic missile launches.
McDowell said this could mean the X-37B is testing out an infrared sensor for future early warning satellites, but then he cautioned this would be "just a wild speculation."
Speculation is about all we have to go on regarding the X-37B. But it seems we no longer need to speculate about where the X-37B is flying.
— Stephen Clark is a Space Reporter at Ars Technica, covering private space companies and the world’s space agencies. Stephen writes about the nexus of technology, science, policy, and business on and off the planet.
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malumsmermaid · 4 years
Snitches and Talkers
Part Two to Kiss and Sell!!
Spy!Michael x OC
Word Count: 8.2k
Warnings: violence, broken bone, language
His eyebrows knitted together, leaning forward and opening the glass separating them from the drivers. “Hey, guys, you just passed the exit for the airport,” the blonde spy questioned, gasping as the passenger side driver turned around to face him.
“Oh we know, Agent M, we know.” he said, punching the spy back before crawling through the small opening, holding the blonde back and glaring at Jay as he restrained the blonde, pulling blindfolds from his pocket.
Michael woke up, head fuzzy as he processed that the world was still dark, but no longer seemed to be moving. He let out a groan, shoulders stiff and sore, processing the cotton stuffed in his mouth and tied behind his head. He stretched his arms, finding those restrained too, as he was about to test his feet a voice fuzzily entered his head from the surrounding room. “It looks like our guests are finally waking up, remove the sacks.”
Michael’s eyes squeezed shut as the bag was removed from his face, the room bright around him. He turned his head to look over at his girlfriend, her hair disheveled from the bag being removed. She looked like she had put up a fight against their captors, the drivers not having the element of surprise to get a jump on her like they had with Michael. 
He took in the room further around him, noticing the two drivers on either side of them, the smaller one who had crawled through the window next to him, the larger one who had been actually driving next to Jay. He gave her his best smile from around the gag in his mouth, they’d clearly learned who was the bigger threat. But he also knew that they were underestimating him, having been able to surprise him in the car so he couldn’t fight back. He didn’t mind though, he was used to it as the tech guy. He still managed to surprise Calum and Ashton from time to time in the gym when they were back at home base. 
Finally he remembered the man who had first spoken as he and Jay woke up, bringing his slowly sharpening gaze over to the center of the room. He squinted as he took in the man’s face, recognizing it from some of the posters on the wall at hq, searching the fog that was his mind for his name. 
“Take out their gags, men, want to hear their thoughts.” He ordered, lazily approaching the couple from his spot at the front of the room.
“But she--” the smaller henchman by Michael started, only to be cut off by a wave of the boss’ hand.
Begrudgingly, both henchmen removed the gags from the two spies’ mouths. “There, that wasn’t so bad, now was it?” He stated, less than ten feet away now. “Agent M, I’ve been waiting so long to meet you, as the man who’s been compiling so much information on me for your bosses. And with the fine Agent J at your side as well. I’m sure that comes as no surprise though, I’ve heard that the two of you are hard to separate when she’s at headquarters.”
Michael’s ears heated, the idea of a mole somewhere within the organization starting a fire in his chest. He slowly began minutely wiggling his hands, trying to tighten the zip tie holding his arms back so he could attempt to snap it so he could free his hands while their captor continued his spiel.
“I wanted to bring you in, obviously Agent M, since you’ve collected so much intel on me, but I needed someone to bring with you to make sure that you actually would do what I ask. So once my informants tipped me off to your relationship with the lovely lady next to you, I knew I had to make a move the second that the two of you were out together.
“You two are a bucket of charm you know? Showed myself on that video camera to force Agent A out, since I’d already met him earlier on in my planning stages, decided he wouldn’t be useful to me in getting you to do what I want and went back to the drawing board. Then I got intel that you were looking into Belaggio and I set myself up with him, and made sure that it would be you paired with Agent J at the gala, see the way you two interact in person.”
Michael continued to work to free himself, attempting now to try and snap the zip tie around his wrist. He focused his anger about their current predicament, minutely shifting his arms to bang his wrists against the chair. He felt the zip tie snap after the fourth attempt, maintaining a neutral expression and keeping his hands locked behind him, waiting for an opening as the man he had only known as Aaron, but looked nothing like the kindly, bald, body guard, continued with his villainous monologue.
“Now, what I need from you, Agent M, is to clear everything about me from your database, most importantly. After that I want you and sweet Agent J’s real names, as well as the names of the rest of your team, and finally, the location of your headquarters, none of my contacts were willing to hand over that final piece of information to me. However, with your beautiful girlfriend here, I’m sure we can manage to get you to give it up for me, hmm M?”
Michael gritted his teeth, jaw aching as he watched ‘Aaron’ step closer to Jay, leaning down in front of her and gently lifting her chin. “I really can’t wait to learn your true name, Agent J, what could it be? Jennifer? Jessica? Jasmine?”
He ran his pointer finger over Jay’s lower lip as he listed names and she leaned forward, taking the finger into her mouth and biting down, hard. The villain gasped as she released his finger, holding it to his chest as he backed away, anger bubbling across his face. “Try that again and you’ll be short a finger.” she spat, sitting back in her chair.
“We tried to warn you boss,” the henchman by Michael squeaked, “she bites.”
“Well, I’m sure I can take care of that,” he stated, dropping his hand from where he’d been staring at the bite mark and approaching Jay again, shoulders squared as he towered over her.
She just stared back at him defiantly, Michael watching to see what he was going to do. His legs tensed as he watched their captor raise his hand, anger finally taking over at the image, the two halves of the plastic ties dropping to the floor as he sprung from the chair. He had caught the henchmen off guard, their boss’ focus completely on Jay, so he froze in surprise as Michael’s legs wrapped around him from behind, his arms going around the larger man’s throat. “Don’t even fucking think about it.” The spy snarled as he squeezed.
Jay grinned up at her boyfriend, standing from the chair, her hands still bound as the two henchmen got over their surprise, moving in. She kicked back the henchman nearest to her, running through the spacious room, arms still behind her back while Michael fought to keep his hold on the spluttering leader. He thrashed beneath the lanky spy, the man Jay had kicked back recovering and coming to his boss’ aid. He prised Michael’s arms from around the man’s throat, Michael loosening his legs’ grip on his waist and dropping to the floor. He sprang to his feet, feeling slightly satisfied as his captor dropped to his own knees, coughing as his lungs tried to bring in air again.
He looked at his new opponent, the larger henchman, and took a step back, guard up as he analyzed the situation. He could hear Jay fighting behind him, trying to pinpoint the sounds as they echoed through the large hall, but also not taking his eyes off the approaching man. He feinted to his left, ducking the punch that came at him before pushing in closer, one, two, three, quick jabs to the larger man’s muscular torso before backing up quickly again. 
He kept up this pattern, doing his best to get closer to his girlfriend each time. Unfortunately, on his final backup he misstepped, shoes slipping on the polished marble floor, and going out from under him, leaving him sprawled on his back. He could see the henchman advancing on him and pushed backward with his elbows and feet, trying to slink away. The man towered over Michael’s body and the spy began kicking upward desperately, but he heard a thud to his right, a muffled cry that sounded like Jay’s voice and his wide-eyed gaze went her direction, freezing as he saw the small henchman crouched over her, holding a cloth to her nose. The small moment of distraction gave his opponent an opening, the large man crouching over Michael and before he knew it there was cloth covering his mouth and nose too. Just before his world faded to black again, Michael heard his captor’s strained voice, yelling at the henchmen, “I told you two not to underestimate him!”
“Somethings wrong.” Ashton stated as he looked up from his watch for the upteenth time in the twenty minutes since they’d arrived at the airfield. 
“No shit.” Luke replied, hunched over one of Michael’s laptops, using the live satellite app Michael wrote to track the path their van should’ve been on. “There wasn’t any traffic and there doesn’t seem to be any sign of a crash anywhere on their route between the safehouse and here, they should’ve beat us.”
Ashton nodded, continuing pacing around where Luke was sitting on the tarmac. Calum walked over from where he’d been talking to their drivers, hand running over his shaved head, “Nelson says that the two guys that were driving Mike and Jay were different, told him that our other drivers for this mission had come down with something and that they were covering for them.”
“Shit!” Luke exclaimed, hand smacking against the asphalt.
Ashton grimaced, exchanging a glance with Calum. “Lu, you need to get back to HQ, give them the intel from the mission and then tell them that Cal and I are tracking down Mike and Jay, to send backup.”
The young blonde looked up at Ashton, blue eyes blazing. “I’m not leaving without any of you! I don’t want to sit at HQ not knowing what’s happened!”
Ashton chewed his lip, this was a hard call to make, he knew, but someone had to be the one to split off. “Look, Luke, the longer we sit here the further away they get. I’ll have my tracker on, we don’t know who has Michael and Jay, so we’re going to need someone to get word to the brass to send help while also making sure that they get the information we were in the field for in the first place. You’re the best man for that job. You can come right back out here as soon as you do that. But we need to move now.”
Luke sighed in defeat, handing over the computer to Calum as he got to his feet, watching as Ashton fiddled with the dial of his watch, turning on the tracker. Nelson handed the car keys over to Ashton, nodding to him and Calum before following Luke and the other driver up the steps of the jet, all of the gear already loaded on. 
They both ran over to the car, Calum awkwardly climbing into the passenger seat while still cradling the computer as Ashton punched the ignition. Ashton sped away from the runway, heading for the interstate as Calum typed in the plate for the car their teammates had been in. It may have been a phony plate, but the traffic cameras wouldn’t know the difference and that was all that mattered in the moment. “They’re still on the same interstate, we’ve got ‘em, let’s go.”
Ashton nodded as he punched the gas. 
He sped down the highway, Calum keeping tabs on the SUV they were tracking, eyes staring unblinkingly at the computer screen. The car changed lanes but never got off the highway until….”They didn’t come out of the tunnel,” Calum stated, brows furrowing. 
Ashton cursed, hand striking the top of the steering wheel. “There any high vis vests or hard hats in this car?” 
Calum nodded, scrambling to dig through the center console and the glove box before climbing into the backseat and then into the trunk. He procured the items and slowly clambered back to the passenger seat. He set the hats and vests on the dash, pulling the seat belt back across his body before grabbing the computer again, double checking that the car had in fact disappeared in the tunnel. 
Twenty minutes later Ashton pulled into a gravel parking lot alongside the highway, meant for turning around semis with a clearance higher than the tunnel that hadn’t used the last exit, as well as for maintenance staff. They put on the hard hats and vests before climbing out of the car, flashing badges quickly at the other staff as they continued to stride towards the maintenance path of the tunnel. They weren’t questioned as they continued down the walkway, eyes scanning the wall for any sign of mechanism that would allow the other car to vanish. 
As they walked along Ashton let out a thought he’d been having since entering the tunnel, “I just don’t understand how they’d be able to make a sharp 90 degree turn in here if the entrance is somewhere in the wall.”
Calum hummed before holding a hand out to stop Ashton, pointing at a spot on the road, “Because they don’t, c’mon, let’s figure out how to get that to open.”
Ashton nodded, scanning around before spotting an antenna sticking up on the railing, “Here.” he called, walking over to the piece of metal.
Calum jogged after him, flicking through settings on his watch. “Just gotta find the right frequency to set it off. Then we can see how long it takes to lower and raise and then head back to the car.”
Ashton turned, hazel eyes wide as he stared at Calum. “Why don’t we just hop down there as soon as it opens? We don’t know who has them or what they want, why waste time walking all the way back to the car?”
Calum furrowed his dark eyebrows, taking a moment before responding, “We don’t know where this tunnel comes out, Ash. It could be a thirty mile walk for all we know, in which case it would be faster to go back for the car and drive there than just go ahead and start walking down there as soon as I find the right frequency to set it off.”
Ashton anxiously chewed his lip before agreeing, nodding at Calum. Calum gave him a quick smile before turning back to his watch, dialling it in before they heard a small beep from the antennae. They watched as the section of road angled downwards, revealing a tighter tunnel below the roadway. Fortunately, traffic was nonexistent right now, so there weren’t any cars at risk of unexpectedly driving into the new tunnel. Once it was open it stayed that way for ten seconds before raising back up to hide the other tunnel once more.
The two spies grinned at each other, nodding and beginning to speed walk back to the surface and their car. They shrugged off the vests as they climbed into the dark SUV and tossed them in the backseat with the hardhats, Ashton throwing the car in drive and speeding out of the gravel lot and onto the highway, staying in the right lane as Calum stared intently at the railings, waiting to see the antennae, knowing they’d be on it much quicker than when they were looking for it on foot. As soon as he saw it he hit the button on the side of his watch, setting off the hydraulics that would lower the road to a ramp. Ashton slowed as they started driving downwards, shoulders stiff as they entered the new tunnel. “Now we just gotta hope that us opening that thing didn’t set anything off.” Ashton joked, nervous chuckle passing his lips as he moved one hand from the wheel to toss his curls.
Calum licked his lips, nodding along as his fingers tapped in his lap as Ashton continued to drive, switching the topic to what they were going to do once they made it to where Michael and Jay had been taken, if they would wait for Luke and backup before going in or if they’d head straight inside.
Michael woke again, head pounding even more than the first time. His body ached as he moved to sit up, finding a mattress beneath him. It wasn’t the most comfortable thing in the world, but it was better than the cold floor. He ran his hand over his face, wincing slightly at the slight pressure. He knew he hadn’t escaped the fight earlier without a hit, the adrenaline blocking any pain from the contact, but what he could feel now felt worse than what he anticipated.
He sat on the edge of the bed, taking slow, deep breaths, trying to turn the pain into background noise for a moment. He grunted as he got to his feet, arm around his stomach as he took in his surroundings. There was a large, tri-monitored computer in the corner across from his bed, an open door leading into a bathroom between the two furniture pieces and two of the walls of the small room were glass. One glass wall looked out into the hallway, and the other looked into another room like the one he was in, sans computer.
Michael gasped as he saw his girlfriend curled up on the mattress in the other room. He strode over to the wall, placing his hand on the cool, thick glass. “Jay,” he whispered, green eyes watering as he looked her over from across the room, her body barely stirring, her chest moving up and down slightly as she breathed. “I’m gonna get us out of this.” 
Slowly he forced himself to turn away, deciding to go into the bathroom and check himself out further. He flicked the lightswitch on as he peeled off his shirt, coming to stand in front of the large mirror behind the sink. His eyes scanned the dark bruises on his pale torso, sighing before leaning in closer to look at his face. He hummed as he spotted a bruise hiding beneath his growing beard and another under his eye. He traced over the two spots before taking in his bruised knuckles, carefully flexing his fingers. 
He turned away from the mirror, eyes lighting up when they fell on a duffle bag in the corner. He unzipped it, looking for his toiletries, sighing when he recognized Luke’s pink silk button down as he dug through. He hummed, grabbing the smaller bag, he wasn’t going to complain too much, knowing he could have just as easily not been given any change of clothes. He grabbed Luke’s shampoo and bodywash, setting them in the shower before taking off his jeans and boxers, starting the water as he found Luke’s sweatpants, setting them on the counter before checking the water.
He grinned at the feeling of warm water, quickly stepping under the stream, body relaxing as the water hit his body, soothing his aching muscles. He only stood under the water for a minute, quickly moving to wash himself, wanting to save hot water for when Jay woke up. He got out, drying off slowly, stretching his limbs as he did. He pulled on the sweatpants he’d gotten out, looking at himself in the mirror one last time before stepping out of the bathroom.
He grinned when he saw Jay sitting up on her bed, rushing over to the wall. “Hey there sleepyhead,” he said, the relief clear in his voice.
“You say that like I had a choice in being asleep,” Jay said back, the gentle smile on her lips taking away any possible bite, “what time is it?”
Michael sighed, shaking his head. “No idea. Saved you some hot water if you want to get a shower or anything. Hopefully they gave you the right bag, I’ve got prince charming’s clothes.”
Jay laughed softly, slowly getting to her feet and hobbling over, wincing every other step. Michael frowned immediately, watching as she came to stand right in front of him. She cooed softly as she looked him over, her hand touching his through the glass. Michael shook his head at her, “I’m fine, love, nothing a hot shower can’t fix, you need to get off that foot until you can get looked at. I’ve got a plan forming.”
Jay was about to respond, before she dropped her head, nodding. “I’m gonna go freshen up, be back.”
Michael gave her an encouraging smile, watching as she carefully made her way into the bathroom, turning and going to sit on his bed, pulling his legs to his chest as he began to think. After what he figured was about thirty minutes of staring at the ends of his bangs and trying to pull the well worn sweatpants further down toward his ankles, clearly Luke had had some trying times with his washing machine and these pants, he saw Jay emerge from her cell’s bathroom. 
Her face was a pale green as she hobbled over to the bed, dressed in Michael’s basketball shorts and hoodie. She sat on the bed, head drooping from the effort of crossing the room and Michael frowned, getting to his feet and approaching the wall. He placed his hand on the glass, concern crossing his brow as he spotted the makeshift splint on his girlfriend’s ankle.
She read his expression easily, giving him a pained smile as she said, “I think I broke it. Whole thing is purple.” Michael’s face filled with rage towards their captor, tension filling his shoulders as he tried to collect himself. He took a deep breath, slowly letting the air out of his lungs before saying, “I wish I could come over there and help you, love. Neither of us know how long we’ve been here, but I believe help is on its way, we’ll be out soon. We’re gonna be ok, Jay.”
“Glad to see you two are finally up and about, good morning.”
Michael’s anger surged again at the sound of their captor’s voice, wheeling around and leaping towards the other wall, fist striking against the glass perfectly in line with the other man’s head. He yawned, boredly rolling his eyes as the tempered glass protecting him from the spy shook as a result. 
“It’s cute, how much hope and faith you have in your team, Agent,” he continued as though nothing had happened, Michael’s body shaking as his green eyes stayed trained on patronizing blue. “How’re they supposed to know where we’ve brought you when they don’t even know it’s me that has you? Your only ticket out is helping me, Agent M. I highly suggest that you get started.”
Michael was still shaking, jaw tense as he stared through the glass. “I can get started.” he gritted out, “Problem is, your guys took the car with the clothes, not the equipment, it’s going to take me a while to get through the security system before I can even get to the files you want.”
“Get started then. Or else your sweetheart over there is going to have more than an ankle to worry about.”
Michael was about to snarl a reply when he caught sight of two men outside of Jay’s room, heart dropping to the pit of his stomach and shoulders drooping. “Mi-my love,” Jay caught herself, her brown eyes on the two men outside her cell too, “It’s going to be ok, please…”
Michael closed his eyes, nodding in the direction of the boss, slowly making his way to the computer, reaching under the desk and hitting the power button. Each monitor flashed the loading screen and he heard, “Good choice. I’ll send someone by in a couple hours to make sure you’re still working. Maybe we’ll bring some food too.”
Michael ignored him, just bowing his head and pinching the bridge of his nose as a homescreen appeared in front of him. He heard three sets of receding footsteps and a heavy door slamming.
A minute later, Jay spoke, “you don’t have to do anything, babe, I can take it.” Jay’s voice was weak and Michael licked his lip, swallowing the lump in his throat before spinning in the chair to respond.
“I do, Jay. You’re not getting hurt if I can stop it. Besides, I have a plan, I just need to stall a little. Alek Turner is not getting away with this.”
He turned back to the computer, opening one of the apps he recognized and slowly began his work. He carefully picked through lines and lines of code, someone checking in at some point, but nodding satisfactorily when he saw Michael still typing and disappearing back down the hall again, returning with food and some tylenol for Jay. She scooted off the bed and pushed her body across the smooth floor toward the plate and medicine, trying to keep off her injured leg. She opened the bottle first, smiling at the tamper seal, removing the paper before giving the bottle a cursory sniff before taking out two pills, taking them with her food. As she sat there eating, she heard Michael’s typing pick up. “That doesn’t sound like stalling, love.” She teased.
Michael just hummed in response, blazing through the familiarity of his own lines of code, “Part of my plan, sweets. If people in the lab didn’t know it was me trying to get in before, they will now.”
Jay smiled, nodding to herself from where she was sitting and Michael continued with his work, hitting every possible alarm bell he had put into his own protective layer. He began adding in a new line of code, smirking at the idea he had just gotten to announce himself to the lab, slipping through and finding the lab’s speakers, putting on a Peppa Pig song and punching the volume. While that was playing he kept typing, making up a chat box before bringing down the volume on the song, hitting enter on his message:
M: Whose attention have I got? M here if you couldn’t tell.
S: M! It’s S, where are you?
Michael sighed in relief at the information that it was his mentor on the other side of the screen. The man was beyond loyal to their organization and he knew he could trust whatever he was told.
M: Alek Turner has me and J. She’s hurt. He wants his info erased, our team’s real IDs and the location of HQ.
S: We sent out an X team for you two in the afternoon after L was dbed and he told the brass why the rest of the team weren’t there. A & C were tracking you two and we have a pin on them. It’s about 2am here now.
Michael sighed, nodding at the computer and rubbing his head, the ache from everything that had happened previously making timezone math more difficult than usual, plus he wasn’t sure if he was still in the same one, all he knew was that it was probably dark out and he should be in bed, not staring at a screen. 
M: Cool. Gonna keep stalling and hope for the best. Oh, we have moles, Turner brought that up when he was giving his whole monologue. Can’t wait to find their sorry asses when we come in later.
S: Noted. Best of luck. 
Michael smiled to himself before closing out the chat window, continuing to work through the security code until his previous work was no longer on the screen. He rose from the chair, stretching his limbs. He met Jay’s questioning gaze, giving her a smile and thumbs up before turning towards the bathroom. He picked up his clothes from the floor, finding one of Luke’s shirts and pulling it on over his bruised torso. He splashed some cold water on his face before walking out, rubbing at his eyes.
He did a few more stretches, approaching the wall that separated him from Jay. “Just wondering, love, do you actually have my bag, or are those clothes you stole? Would be nice to know where my glasses and a fresh pair of contacts are, in case.” 
Jay laughed softly before answering, “It’s your bag alright.”
Michael smiled, nodding at her, “Did you refold and put away things after you made your splint?” “Of course you mess.” she teased lightly, but understanding of what he was trying to signal to her showed on her face and he nodded once more before returning to the desk.
Calum and Ashton had made it to the underwater compound, a fact made clear by the glass dome that covered the entire complex. The pair of spies had parked their car in a lot of identical black SUVs, taking an empty space before crawling into the back cargo space. They’d agreed to give Luke and any team he could procure about nine hours before they’d move on their own. Knowing that they wouldn’t get much chance for sleep once they’d broken in, they decided to sleep in shifts, Calum taking the first four hours to rest while Ashton kept watch.
Eight maddeningly quiet hours later the pair were readying themselves to carry out their solo plan, just in case the next hour was just as quiet. Ashton was carefully looping a grappling hook to his belt when they heard a familiar knocking sequence on the bottom of the car. Both men grinned, pausing in silence as they waited for the sound to repeat itself. Once the sequence had been knocked through a second time Calum scooted back, finding the button that opened up the floor beneath them. 
Luke’s blonde head poked up through the opening, smile on his face as he recognized that his two friends that had gone ahead were still in the car, a breath of relief passing his lips. “Ready to go get our friends?” He asked, holding his bare arms out to help Calum and Ashton down into the passage they’d discovered.
Once the three highly experienced team members were in the tunnel with the rest of the extraction team, the trio got changed, pulling on black clothes, masks, and gloves, leaving only their eyes exposed from the clothing. As they all crouched in the cool, damp tunnel, Luke pulled out a tablet, showing the images on the screen to Ashton and Calum. “So, based off of your location we were able to use some satellite images to get a rough schematic of this place. We think that they’d be holding Mike and Jay about here,” Luke explained, scrolling through the different layers and plans he’d written up on the fly. “So the three of us and Simon are going to go and get them, and the other four, are gonna see if they can get visuals on who took them in the first place. If they’re not injured, we’ve got diving equipment to get out, if they are injured though, we’ll take them back here to the car and drive back the way you guys came.”
Calum and Ashton nodded at Luke’s plan, the team splitting to go their separate ways, slowly creeping through the tunnels, hoping they’d find what they were looking for where they expected to. There were spots where the tunnel sloped down, the final slope ended in a T, Luke and Calum went to the left, Ashton and Simon to the right. They kept crawling a little further until they reached what looked like a bathroom vent. Ashton looked through the slats, spotting a familiar bag on the bathroom floor, nodding excitedly to the other spy before carefully removing the vent. Both men carefully lowered down, landing lightly on the toilet lid before hopping to the ground. They slowly made their way to the bathroom door, pausing on the inside of the door, waiting a moment. The sound of Michael’s voice reached their ears, “Did you refold and put away things after you made your splint?”
“Of course, you mess,” came Jay’s teasing response, the volume of her voice softer to them than Michael’s, but it, along with the lack of things scattered around the bathroom, gave Ashton the information he was waiting for, Michael knew they were coming.
He felt a lightness in his chest from his friends’ faith in their team, smile crossing his face as he heard Michael acknowledge someone else, muttering something about code and security measures. Ashton held back Simon, waiting a moment for whoever Michael had spoken to to go away, some sort of guard probably. He peeked out the doorway, spotting Calum doing the same across the way. He nodded at his friend, holding up his hand and counting down from five.
As soon as he put down his last finger, they stepped out into the room, four spies moving quickly and quietly towards the two that had been captured. Michael spun in his chair, having seen two figures moving towards Jay’s bed in the reflection of one of the computer screens. His guard was up as he approached Simon, pulling back a fist. Ashton quickly pulled back his mask and hood, “Hey, hey, it’s us, we’re here for you,” he waved quickly over at Luke and Calum, both of them doing the same as Ashton. 
Michael sighed with relief, letting Ashton wrap him in his arms, “Sorry, just...stressed.”
“It’s ok, we’ve got you, we’re here.” Ashton whispered, rubbing Michael’s shoulders. 
“Jay thinks she broke her ankle,” Michael said as he pulled away, looking to the glass wall that Ashton could now see separated the couple. 
Ashton nodded, quickly pulling a tool from his belt, cutting a hole in the glass. Michael gasped, running through it immediately, leaning down to give Jay a kiss. “Get her out, please, Alek Turner is the one who took us, wants names, we have to try to bring him in. He has people on the inside, need to find out more.”
Ashton, Calum and Luke nodded, understanding. Calum carefully took Jay in his arms, heading for her bathroom. Ashton ran over, grabbing Michael’s bag from his bathroom handing it to Luke before grabbing Michael’s arm, making him move. Michael looked at the computer he’d been working on, pulling against Ashton to go for the computer, “Need to get out of our system before we leave.”
Ashton stared for a moment, Simon already getting the glass into the hallway cut. “Is the only thing on that computer hacking software, nothing we can use against Turner?”
“Yeah, but--” 
Ashton shot at the CPU three times, Michael staring slack jawed as the screens slowly flickered off, “There, they can’t use any of your hard work getting started to figure out how to get in from there.”
Michael nodded slowly, letting Ashton lead him out into the hallway. Ashton pulled his hood and mask back over his head, nodding towards Simon. They took off for the doors, Ashton smacking the guard with the butt of his pistol, knocking him to the ground. They’d run up a few flights of stairs when Michael realized something. He grabbed Ashton’s shoulder as they paused on a landing, “Fletch, he knows you.” 
Ashton’s hazel eyes widened as he processed what Michael was saying, “No fucking way.” he whispered.
Michael just nodded, pausing at the door out of the stairwell. He listened quietly for a moment before pushing out into the hallway, waiting for the other two to follow him. The sound of fighting came from down the hall. Luke had clearly alerted the other team’s leader that they needed to go after Turner now. Michael took off down the hall, Ashton following right behind him. The two dove into the fray, bobbing and weaving through the fighting spies and henchmen, landing hits when necessary. They’d lost track of Simon, but figured he’d be elsewhere helping their teammates. 
Michael caught sight of Turner trying to slip away, his silken pajamas rumpled. He leapt in the larger man’s direction, tackling him to the ground and struggling to gain control. He ended up on top of the other man’s chest, satisfied smile on his pink lips as he recognized the purple bruise around Alek’s throat from their tangle earlier in the day. He gripped the collar of the pajama shirt, lifting Turner just slightly as he leaned in, growling “I’m gonna be so happy to lock you up. This, is for my girlfriend,” he paused, landing a punch to Alek’s nose, “and this, is for all those slimeball snitches you’re going to tell us about, you bastard.” He punctuated the second statement with another punch, this time to Turner’s cheek, before twisting slightly to look at Ashton. “Care to do the honors, Fletch?”
Ashton nodded, stepping forward, cuffs already in hand. He restrained Turner while Michael turned him to his stomach, face squished against the marble floor. “C’mon Fletch,” Alek started, using the sweet, innocent voice he had spoken with as Aaron, “we were friends, take it easy, yeah?”
Ashton snorted, tightening the first cuff, “Fletch was friends with Aaron, if I’d known who I was talking with at the time I’d have knocked you in the head with my trowel first chance I got, no questions asked.”
Michael smiled, though he knew Ashton with any makeshift weapon was dangerous, the image of his friend with his bright red hair standing over the large blonde they were taking in, dressed in overalls and weilding a trowel tickled him just a bit. He was about to make a joke about it when he heard the clicking of a revolver. He turned, locking eyes with Simon, his mask and hood removed as he stood over Michael, Ashton, and Alek. He glanced around, the four other members of the extraction team were all staring, standing in a sea of unconscious and subdued henchmen, shocked that one of their own was pointing a gun at the spy they’d come to rescue.
“I suggest you think about what you’re doing, Si.” Ashton warned lowly, “You’re outnumbered, plus if you even try to think about shooting me or Agent M, you’re going to be risking shooting your boss here, and you don’t want to do that, do you?”
Michael nodded, green eyes meeting brown, “Yeah, just put the gun down, Simon, maybe the brass will consider leniency since you helped me escape, but only if you cooperate now, otherwise...who knows?”
Simon lowered the gun slightly, still not dropping it to the ground. Michael took a heavy breath, glancing towards Ashton. He nodded, shifting on top of Turner. Michael moved quickly, barrelling into Simon before he knew what was happening. The gun went off, bullet grazing Michael’s arm before embedding itself in a wall. Michael yelped, but wrestled the revolver out of Simon’s grasp, pinning him in his arms before looking to another agent. “Kay, help us to bring him in?”
“With pleasure,” they responded, Michael easily handing over the mole to them, watching as Ashton stood with Turner, nodding to the team leader and they all walked out the door. 
Kay put Simon in the car with Alek while Ashton stood under the liftgate, looking over Michael. “M’just bruised and sore Fletch,” Michael stated, aware that there still could be listening ears, even with Alek Turner in their custody. 
Ashton sighed, nodding and letting Michael get to his feet, lowering the trunk as Kay came around the side, “They’re secured, gonna head out with the rest of the team. Meet you guys at the rendezvous point.”
Michael thanked them, giving them a quick hug before he got in the passenger seat next to Ashton. The drive through the narrow tunnel was quiet, Michael listening to the calming playlist that Ashton had on. He smiled as he sat there, car slowly moving upwards. Ashton stopped ten feet back from what appeared to be a dead end, putting the car in park as he fiddled with his watch. Michael stared wide eyed as a ramp lowered down, Ashton punching the gas and driving up it, the car coming into a wider tunnel. Michael’s mouth hung open and Ashton turned to look at him, confused, “Did you not see any of this when they brought you down?”
“No, I got knocked out as soon as I asked why we had passed the airport.”
Ashton nodded slowly, continuing to drive out of the tunnel, heading for the surface. Once they were full out of the tunnel and back on the highway they could see the sunrise over the bay. Michael hummed, taking in the orange and pink reflected in the water, “Haven’t seen one of those in a while.”
Ashton laughed heartily, smiling as he continued the drive to where they were supposed to meet up with Luke, Calum, and the rest of the team. Once they arrived at the airport Michael scrambled out of the car, running for where he could see Luke and Calum waiting at the bottom of the plane stairs. He wrapped both men in his arms, pressing to their chests. “This is a total 180 from you almost punching Simon’s face when we came in.” Calum joked, eyes sparkling until he saw Ashton holding a cuffed Simon.
“Shoulda punched his lights out when I thought you guys were henchmen taking Jay somewhere because I wasn’t working fast enough. Fucking mole.” Michael grunted, noticing the shock both men held. He shook his head as Ashton walked Simon up the stairs, followed by another team member with Turner. “Anyway, how’s my girl?”
Luke nodded, leading Michael onto the plane with everyone else, Michael quickly strode over to where he saw his girlfriend, laying on a couch, her foot propped up on a pile of pillows. He smiled, crouching next to her, holding her hand as another few people walked past, carrying the go bags from the back of the car, Turner’s henchmen having just grabbed two when they brought the spies in that afternoon. Michael hummed, content to just sit on the floor in front of his girlfriend as the plane took off for HQ.
Michael had dozed off at some point during the flight, body content to finally knock out of its own volition, giving him two hours of proper sleep before Calum was shaking him awake on the approach. Once they landed they all filed off the plane, Michael cradling Jay in his arms as he followed everyone to the three cars waiting on the tarmac. Luke, Ashton, and Calum clambered into the third row seats, Michael ducking his head as he buckled his girlfriend into her seat before he ran to the other side of the car. Alek Turner and Simon were put in their own car, being taken straight to HQ for processing while the entire extraction team were taken to their doctors to get checked out.
Michael was cleared quickly, and he walked over to Jay’s room, waiting patiently for her to come back from having x rays taken. The nurse who wheeled her back in simply nodded and left the room, and he rose from his chair, rushing over to give Jay a long kiss, holding her gently. “After everything we’ve been through today, I don’t fucking care what they do to us for this, so long as I still get to have you.”
Jay smiled, running her fingers through his hair. He carefully lifted her from the chair, going to sit on the exam table, holding Jay sideways in his lap. Before the doctor came back in with the x rays, Luke, Ashton, and Calum had all joined them in the small room, finding various spots to sit and wait for the update on their teammate. He sighed when he finally came in, shaking his head slightly before putting up the images on the light board, showing the injury Jay had sustained when the henchman she’d been fighting had caught her mid-kick, twisting her foot before dropping her to the floor. 
Michael grimaced at the memory of the sound of Jay yelling before a thunk, right before they’d both been knocked out for the second time in one day. Jay squeezed his hand gently and he turned his head, giving her a smile as the doctor explained that she was going to have to be in a cast for about a month and a half, confined to desk duty for that time period.
As soon as Jay’s leg was wrapped in a clunky purple cast they were cleared to go. Calum carried Jay’s new crutches while Michael opted to carry her to their meeting with the brass, the team of five standing strong together as they entered the office. They looked up at the five leaders of the organization, their identities concealed even to their own employees. The one standing in the middle spoke first, looking down at the five spies in front of them. “So, first, glad to have you two back safe and sound, agents. Good job thinking to apprehend Turner before escaping to safety, Agent M, who knows how long we would’ve been searching for him again had you not insisted that that was the priority.”
Michael bowed his head at the praise, waiting for the shoe to drop. “However,” spoke up another member, “This is exactly why none of you are supposed to be in a relationship with another team member. What would’ve happened if no one came to get you?”
He cleared his throat quietly, waiting a beat to see if any of the other leaders would chime in or if he was to answer. He licked his lips before nodding, “I was already stalling for time when my team members came in to get me. I had set off alarms in the lab, getting a conversation in with my mentor, Agent S. If I’d been informed that no one was coming at that time I would’ve continued to stall and try to get him more information. Turner would not have gotten anything from me unless I had absolutely nowhere else to turn.
However, Turner was sloppy, he took us when we were expected to be somewhere, left behind people who would do anything to make sure that Jay and I came back safe. Plus, as you can see, we didn’t go down easy either, we were both knocked out twice within a single day. I think the more important question here is how did Turner get access to agents and turn them to his side to give him any information at all, regardless of the fact that they all refused to tell him where this building is. We need to get him to tell us how many informants he had and who they were, all we have right now is Simon and that’s solely because he pulled a gun on us while we were restraining Turner. How much loyalty do the other moles feel for him if Simon was willing to point a gun at people who have trained and worked alongside him for years?”
There were murmurs from the leaders, the five of them talking to each other while the team waited patiently. Finally, the head of their entire organization rose, at the far end, her gaze falling on the couple before turning to the rest of the team as well. “There’s no way that we can stop the two of you right now. We will question Simon and Alek Turner thoroughly to discover who else answered to Turner and bring them all to justice. All five of you are to take leave for the next week before returning to work. Get some rest, you’ve all done well.”
All five team members nodded, quietly exiting the room. Once they were out and had gathered all their things they smiled at each other. “Breakfast? I’m starving, I haven’t eaten since we left the safehouse.” Michael said, grinning.
They all nodded, making their ways to their respective cars once they agreed on a place. Michael got Jay buckled in before accepting the crutches from Calum, laying them in the backseat before getting in himself. “You should wear clothes like Luke’s more often, looks nice, probably be better without the sweats.”
Michael chuckled as he started the car, slowly backing out of his spot before responding. “Probably would be. The pink is definitely starting to grow on me.”
Jay hummed as Michael pulled out onto the street. “Got a whole week at home together, then you get me sitting in the lab with you for like a whole month, that’s gonna be nice.”
“Sure is sweetheart, I can’t wait.” Michael smiled, leaning over to give his girlfriend a kiss at the stoplight, Luke and Ashton hooting on either side of his car. He shook his head, “So long as we get a good amount of time away from them,” he joked, smile on both their faces as they continued their drive to the restaurant, looking forward to their freetime, together.
Tag List: @irwinkitten @calpops @goth5sos @wildflowergrae @empathycth
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chuckepisodes · 4 years
Chuck vs. The Helicopter Part 4
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Casey was still sitting on the floor, still feeling the effects of the dart. "Casey, he's got Sarah. We've got to save her." Chuck said. "Brilliant deduction, Nancy Drew. " "Hey..." you said starting to defend Chuck. "Now pull out the tranq dart! " "Oh, I have a very strong aversion to needles." " Do it!" "I got it Chuck." You pulled it out real quick and Chuck looked like he was going to be sick. "That was the doctor, right? He's probably not dead? " Chuck asked. "And the sun sets in the west. Nothing gets by you." You and Chuck both got on either side of Casey and helped him up. "One, two, three. what's he gonna do with Sarah?" you asked. "He's gonna torture her until she tells him all about you two. Come on. If we hurry, we can catch him. "
You then all started to rush over to Chuck's car. "All right, where are we going?" Chuck asked. " I laced my quiches with micro bots." " You're not kidding, are you? " you asked. "I don't kid about quiche." Casey said looking over at you in the back. "We can trace him using the car's tracker." " Yeah, I think that only comes with the sports package. " "We made some enhancements when your car was in the shop. " All of a sudden a tiny screen came up, tracker all set. "What?! Did you do that to my car too?" you asked. "Well we always seem to be using Chuck's car so no." "Oh...that's cool." you said trying to not sound disappointed. "Got a signal. Let's go."
Chuck floored it. You all found yourselves pulling into the Buy More. Chuck parked the car and you all quickly got out. You went through a side door at the back, being quiet. "Let's go. " "Hey, Casey, Casey. Wait a minute. Why, why would he bring Sarah here? " Chuck asked. "I don't know." "You two wait here." He then fell down to the floor and quickly got up. The dart still affecting him. "Damn tranq dart. come on." You all then heard screams coming from the home theatre room and quickly but quietly made your way over. You moved the curtains out of the way only to find Morgan sitting there, eating food and watching an old horror film. "It's Morgan." You said. " He ate your quiches." Chuck added. " We're on the wrong trail." You all got back into the car, figuring where Zarnow could have taken Sarah. Casey was trying to track her somehow but nothing was coming up. "I got nothing." "What do you mean you got nothing? Then what do we do?" Chuck asked. " It's over. She's gone. No, no, no, no, no. Okay, this is our fault. We didn't believe her. Now we have to save her." you said. " Look, if you were a bad guy, what would you do, fly Sarah out on a plane? Would you use a boat or a-a-a what"" Chuck asked. "Chopper. Small airfield near the water. The closest I could find." " Then do-do a satellite search using the touch screen and then maybe limit that to airfields that are within a certain range of us and then maybe limit that by if there's activity on the ground?" Chuck said. " That's not bad." Casey said impressed. "Nice Chuck!" " Thanks. Yeah, I was just kind of, you know, spit balling, just kind of top of my head." Casey punched some info in. "Found it. Port of Los Angeles. " "Floor it." you said. " Okay."
You all made it to the port and saw the helicopter as well as a guy with a huge gun coming out of it. This was the spot. Casey then turned to look at you both. "This is how this is gonna work. I'm gonna go over there, rescue Sarah, and capture Dr. Zarnow, shoot anybody who gets in my way. You two, you're gonna stay here. " "So, in this plan we basically do nothing? " you asked. "Yep." " Let's do this." you and Chuck said at the same time. Casey nodded then got out of the car. You then climbed up front to sit beside Chuck. "All right, all right. Now we wait." Chuck said. You then both looked over and saw Zarnow coming out of a warehouse. "Uh Chuck?" "Stay in the car. Stay in the car. Do not leave the car. Do not leave this car." "We aren't staying in the car are we?" you asked. Chuck then turned to look at you. "Nope." "Let's go then." You and Chuck got out of the car and Chuck came up close to you. "Stay close Y/N." You nodded looking at him and you both quietly walked into the warehouse.  You were sneaking around when you noticed Sarah first, her wrists chained up above her head and a duct tape over her mouth. You tapped on Chuck's arm and pointed. Sarah then turned and noticed you both as well. You quickly ran up to her. "Sarah, are you okay?" you asked. "What are you doing here?" she was saying through the piece of tape. "Stupid question." you said. "Okay, uh, should I... ? " Chuck started and then ripped off the piece of tape. "Sorry. " "Y/N, Chuck, you have to get out of here." " No, we're here to save you." you said. " You guys shouldn't even be here; you're too valuable, and, besides, I have this well in hand." " Uh-huh, yeah, 'cause it looks well in hand." Chuck pointed out. You jabbed him in the side with your elbow. "Ow!" " Just find me something to pick this lock." Chuck found something that could work and handed it over to Sarah. All of a sudden Zarnow was coming back in. "Go, go, go! The tape, the tape." Sarah urged. Chuck quickly put the tape back over Sarah's mouth then he grabbed you and pulled you along with him to find somewhere to hide. You both ended up hiding behind a wall that still had a spot to see what was going on. The whole time you were both hiding, Chuck kept his arm around you. You watched as Zarnow approached Sarah. "The helicopter's ready, agent Walker. This is your last chance. We're going to a special facility where they're going to torture you. Really torture, not this child's play. Or you could just tell me who are the patients X." He then pulled out a needle. "Something for the flight." "Oh crap!" Chuck ended up saying it a little too loud. Zarnow heard and looked over to find the two of you. "Run!" you yelled. "Oh crap! Oh crap!" Chuck held onto your hand pulling you along with him. Zarnow then threw the needle which ended up going right past Chuck's face, sticking into a box. You pulled Chuck closer to you. You then both turned to look at him and began to flash, learning all his secrets. "We know you. We know your secret." Chuck said. " You-you've been feeding American science to north Korea for years." You said. " Ah, patients X. To think that my secrets are in those heads of yours. It's an honor, really. Of course, to hell with honor. I'm here for the impressive dollar figure the human intersects will fetch." He had the dart gun pointed at you both. Chuck saw him about to pull the trigger and pushed you out of the way before he shot. Chuck ended up getting hit with a dart in the chest. "Chuck!" you screamed. Chuck said your name before falling to the ground. You went to go hide quickly before he could find you too and shoot you as well. A guy then came up and started dragging Chuck to the helicopter. You wanted to run and save Chuck so badly but you knew you needed to help Sarah first. You ran over to her to try and help when Casey came in to give you a hand. Once you finally got Sarah free you looked over at Casey. "They've got Chuck! We need to go save him now!" You said, worry clear in your voice. "Don't worry Y/N, we'll get him back." Sarah reassured putting her hand on your arm. She knew how you felt about Chuck. You never told her but it was obvious.
You both ran out and saw the chopper leaving. Casey was about to shoot when Sarah put his arm down. "Don't shoot! Chuck will be on there." You were all looking up when you noticed the helicopter was flying all over the place. You were all able to get a good look at who was flying it and it looked to be Chuck. "Oh my God." you said. "Oh, my God, Casey, I think Chuck's flying the chopper." Sarah then said. Casey then grabbed his phone and dialed Chuck's number. "Yeah, I'm here." Chuck answered. " I told you two to stay in the car." You know what? Forget about the car. Tell me how to fly a helicopter. And is Y/N okay?" "Y/N is fine.  All right, there's a collective in the cyclic control. " "What?" "One's the stick. One looks like an emergency brake. Grab 'em both." "Okay, okay, I got it. This is not working!" " Push the stick just a bit forward while doing the same thing with the emergency brake." "Ground-- not good." " Pull up! Pull up! Pull up on the emergency brake! Level off. Level off! " "I don't know how. I don't know how to level off! " "Listen, moron, you want to die?" You were panicking watching this all unfold. "Give me the phone, Casey. I think I know how to help him." you said. " Here." "Chuck?" "Y/NN?! You okay?" "I'm fine Chuck. Let's worry about you though." you said trying to sound calm. "Okay. Okay." "Now we have played a lot of games together. Can you remember any of the flight simulators we played though?" "Uh yeah! Uh, maverick of the skies... uh, stealth fighter elite... uh, chopper patrol." "Okay! The last one! Now just pretend that we are playing the game at your place. We are just chilling in your bedroom playing this game. None of this is real." "It's just a game. It's just a game. Okay, I can do this. I can play this game. " "Easy, Chuck, easy" ". Uh... uh, is this one of those helicopters that can turn into a boat?" he said while flying over the water. " No, it isn't. Just ease to the right and goose the brake. They designed the game exactly like the helicopter." "I got it. I got it. Almost there. A little more to the right. Keeping right. Keeping right. Goosin' the brake. It's just a game. A big scary video game. " He then slowly but surely landed the chopper on the ground. "oh, thank you, god! oh, yes! You are wonderful." Chuck cheered. You smiled real big and started running over to him. You saw Chuck jump out and do a little dance. "And that is how... I do... that! That's how we do that." "Oh my God Chuck!" You jumped on him, giving him the biggest hug ever and breathing a sigh of relief. Chuck instantly wrapped his arms around you. "Hey, hey, hey. It's okay Y/NN. I'm okay." "I know." He squeezed you tighter then put you down. You both turned to see Sarah and Casey approaching you both. "Go team! Up top on that one!" he said raising his hand. "What the Hell were you thinking?!" Sarah yelled. "Chuck, the secrets that you two know are incredibly important. You compromised everything when you two stopped trusting me." Sarah said now looking at you two. "And when you got out of the car." Casey added. "Listen, I'm... I'm sorry, okay?" Chuck said. "Listen this was not all Chuck's fault . I went along with it too." You said, not wanting Chuck to get all the blame. " No, it is not okay. How could you guys think I was the double, huh? You know, I am not Bryce. Bryce betrayed everything that I believe in, and if you ever accuse me of that again, then I will walk away. Mission over. We all go back to Washington. And you do not want that to happen. That you should trust me on." Sarah then began to walk away. "Way to go ace." Casey said before walking away as well.
You went with Chuck back at his place. Your car was parked there again. But before you left, you sat down on the fountain, bringing Chuck down with you. "What's the matter Y/N?" he can see the concern on your face. "I just... you have no idea how scared I was tonight. Seeing you get shot by a dart, getting dragged away..." you started trying not to cry. Chuck sighed. He hated that you had to see that and he imagined he would be feeling the same way as you if it was the other way around. "I'm so sorry Y/N. If we had just stuck to the plan and stayed in the car none of that would have happened." "Chuck it's not your fault. I went along with it too you know." You said looking at him giving him a little smile. "You know though, I probably would have never been able to land that chopper if you weren't there. You saved my ass tonight." "I did didn't I?" you said smirking. He let out a soft laugh then put his arm around you, pulling you close to him. "Again. I'm so sorry Y/NN. I hope to never make you feel that way again." "Our lives are different now so I don't think we can guarantee that that kind of situation will happen again. We just need to have each other's back and protect each other." you said leaning your head on his shoulder. "You know I'm always going to protect you Y/N." "You always have Chuck." You two just stayed that way for a little longer, thankful to be each other's company.
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wiener-soldiers · 4 years
operation omega - recon (iv)
summary: years after the avengers dismantle HYDRA, the group remerges more dangerous than ever. their modus operandi? infiltrating foreign governments, stealing and reproducing their weapons, and selling them to terrorist groups. when the us government approaches the avengers for help on a secret operation with a secret asset, they are reluctant to agree. it isn’t until their quinjet almost gets shot down in the middle of nowhere when the understand that omega means business.
pairing: bucky barnes x SEAL!reader
words: 3.7k
warnings: swearing, recounting of violence/morally ambiguous acts, slight angst
a/n: italics are flashbacks (but yall alrdy knew that) and it kinda gets intense. and i barely edited this ha.
taglist: add yourself here!
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Bucky’s been on hundreds of missions before, but for some reason, he’s nervous about this one.
Logically, he knows he has no real reason to be: Omega was the most skilled people the world had. If the Avengers didn’t have enhanced individuals, he knows that Omega would be running circles around them.
But from where he sat in the hot, dusty market, he could feel is heart thump in his throats as he listened to Y/N give orders through the comms. Every time she spoke, Bucky could feel his throat tighten. He knows it was his own fault that he wasn’t helping Natasha and Dr. Marge break into the suspected HYDRA factory. Instead, he sat at an outdoor patio in a chair that was way too small for him.
“You’re late,” Y/N says in full Captain mode as Tony scurries inside the command room.
“Semantics,” he said weakly before her stern glare quickly shut him up.
“I know we’re friends,” Y/N started as she paced around the front of the command room, “but on the field, I am your Captain. If I give an order, you will follow it. I don’t tolerate people going off and shooting the shit. This isn’t just your reputation on the line, it’s ours too. Do I make myself clear?”
She gets a chorus of affirmative responses.
“Chain of command is me, then Steve, then Jack, then Abigail. If Abigail loses the chain of command, you make an emergency abort, clear?”
Another chorus of affirmative replies.
Y/N’s lips crook upwards. “Good.”
Steve sat across from him, sipping tea and pretending not to look suspicious. Hordes of people were walking through the market—if they only knew how many deadly soldiers were in the market with them.
Or, of course, that the factory mass producing high-tech weapons smack dab in the middle of the market.
Steve’s disguise was more elaborate than Bucky’s; while Bucky was relatively unknown compared to the other Avengers, Steve was an international symbol of American patriotism. Y/N had almost forced him to sit the mission out and take a tactical role as opposed to an operational role. Steve only convinced her to let him on the ground just in case there were enhanced guarding the building.
Y/N only barely agreed.
Bucky wore a loose linen blouse—light enough for him not to fry under the blistering sun, but loose enough to easily hide an ultra-thin, Vibranium tactical vest and an array of small firearms and combat knives. His hair was tied up in a half-up bun with tendrils falling to hide any distinctive facial features. Steve, however, had to wear a cloaking mask, similar to one Natasha used when she infiltrated Alexander Pierce’s office. His face was barely recognizable, and his tunic was extra baggy to hide any muscle. What made Steve especially uncomfortable was that he didn’t have his shield.
“Everyone in position?” Y/N finally asks through the comms.
“Nat and I are in position,” Marge says quietly, trying to stay hidden from any possible guards.
“I got eyes on I have visual on Stark and Wilson. Oversight is in position,” Dom says from the jet silently hovering above them with cloaking on.
“I’m clear,” John says from the other side of the market. Bucky can see the tint of his reflective sunglasses from the corner of his eye.
“Abi and I are clear,” John says from a rooftop on overlooking the market.
“Bucky and I are clear,” Steve says from across the table.
“Good,” Y/N says. “It’s fourteen-hundred hours. Nat and Marge, you’re clear to enter the building. And for the rest of you,” she pauses, “if you fuck this up, I’ll kill you myself.”
Bucky gulps and give Steve a wary glance.
“You okay, Buck?”
“Our mission is to infiltrate this building,” Y/N calls out as the projection of the map in the command room zooms into a satellite photo of a market. “A couple months ago, Omega gathered intel confirmed by the BND that this is HYDRA’s main manufacturing plant.”
“It’s small,” Sam comments.
“It’s efficient,” Y/N corrects. “It’s smack dab in the middle of a market, so it’s easy for their parts suppliers to make deliveries disguised as legitimate businesses. They only assemble the weapons here; they get their parts elsewhere.”
“What’s the point storming the building if they can just send their parts to a new facility,” Tony asks the obvious.
“Because HYDRA loves efficiency, meaning this is most likely the place where they have information on all their suppliers, who they’re delivering the weapons to, and who their assets are.”
“Assets?” Bruce asks.
Y/N nods, “Moles within every global superpower, we suspect.”
“Jesus…” an Omega team member whistles.
“So, what’s the play?” Steve asks from his spot beside Bucky.
With a swipe on her phone, the collage of information on the large screen changes to show a map of the area surround the factory, as well as blueprints of the building itself. Y/N crosses the room as she speaks, “Natasha and Marge have the most experience gathering intel and getting in and out of a building undetected as fast as possible. I want you two to get inside that building and copy every single piece of information you think is useful. Make sure not to take anything with you; I want it to look like we were never there in the first place.
“Stark, Wilson, Barton, you guys will handle the aerial surveillance. Barton, I want you stationed on the roof across from the factory. You’re the extra set of eyes and ears on the inside. Stark, Wilson, I want you suited up in stealth mode and surveying a five-block perimeter. If anything, suspicious comes anywhere close to the factory, I want to know. Dom will be hovering the Quinjet in stealth over us, but aerial support is an emergency level plan. The minute we expose the Quinjet, it’s game over for Omega.
“The rest of us are going to be on the ground in different areas of the market with me running point from a hotel room guarded by Jack. We’re there for backup support only if necessary. We only make ourselves known if Nat or Marge’s tracker goes down.”
“Wait,” Bucky cuts her off, shifting his weight off the desk behind him to his feet. “You’re telling me that if something goes south in there, we can’t go get Natasha or Marge?”
Y/N rolls her eyes, but her gaze tenses on Bucky’s face for a second. Why are you challenging my authority? she wants to say. Bucky had been nothing but kind and was great company. But he’s stupid to think that Y/N would tolerate this level of subordination.
“Do you realize what happens if we expose ourselves?” Y/N quips snarkily instead. “It’ll take seconds before the international community realizes that foreign military is deployed in a country outside our jurisdiction, which might I add is hostile towards almost every country in the UN. Then amidst all the political chaos, HYDRA goes back into hiding and we’re back to square one. We’re treading on thin fucking ice, Barnes.”
Bucky admits that she makes a good point, but he doesn’t fully trust her. Not yet, at least. “So, hypothetically let’s say Nat or Marge gets caught, tortured, and possibly brought to a secondary location; we can’t get them?”
“As long as their trackers are live, we don’t engage.”
“But what if—”
“If what Barnes!?” Y/N shouts, her steely stare piercing through his skull. “You’ve been here a couple of fucking weeks, so as much as you think you’re fitting in, you don’t know how we run missions here. Nat and Marge will have cams, and Clint is our extra eyes just in case. God forbid things go south, we proceed with our emergency extraction protocols to make it look like we just happen to be the regular military rescuing hostages and not secret operatives! If they ever get brought to a secondary location, we follow their trackers through satellite and jet until the moment they go down, but by then we probably have satellite tagging on them anyways!”
Bucky knows she’s made her point and that it was premature for him to publicly question her authority. But he let his pride get away and his mouth run faster than his common sense, “You could have told us all that in the first place.”
Y/N is livid. She slowly struts towards Bucky, the people in her way slowly moving to the side like Moses parting the Red Sea. She stands far closer to Bucky than she’s comfortable with, but the quick flash of fear in Bucky’s eyes at her body language is enough to make it worth it.
“No, I didn’t,” Y/N says, eerily quiet. “Do you know why, Barnes? Because as long as you are on my fucking base, I am your Captain and I will not tolerate your blatant fucking disrespect. Your orders are to not engage unless Nat or Marge’s trackers are down, do I make myself clear Sergeant?”
Bucky gulps, “Crystal.”
Y/N smirks slightly before turning on the heel of her boot and continuing the briefing.
“Marge, Nat, you’re clear to enter the building,” Y/N says into the comm. She’s in a hotel room facing the market with Jack. While Jack is assuming another surveillance position, Y/N is seated at a desk with a laptop which monitors Marge and Nat’s video feed.
“Copy,” Marge says quietly, “We’re entering the building. We’re limiting verbal contact…now.”
“Ya know,” Jack says from his spot at the window. He has a sniper scope trained through a window of the building in case something goes wrong inside. “You didn’t have to go so hard on Barnes during briefing.”
“Yes, I did,” Y/N mumbles, attention still focused on the video feed in front of her.
Jack chuckles slightly. “He’s an Avenger,” he says, “not a SEAL. He may not know how we do things.”
“He was army,” Y/N says, sending him an annoyed glance.
“Like…90 years ago. And wasn’t the whole ‘Howling Commandos’ thing to liberate POWs and shit? Seems like a field where you would question orders to me,” he retorts.
Y/N turns to look at him with an exasperated. “Who’s fucking side are you on, anyways?” she bites back. Jack only chuckles.
Y/N returns her attention back on the screen. Though she’s trying to concentrate on the video feed, her mind wanders back to Bucky. She gnaws at her lip; Was I too hard on him? she thinks.
No, she eventually decides. But deep down, Y/N feels a sense of hurt. She liked Bucky—he was kind, a good listener, and very understanding. She didn’t let just anyone join her on her morning run. Worst of all, Y/N thought that Bucky respected her. Clearly, Y/N decided, he did not. Why else would Bucky question her authority and her orders not only in front of the world-famous Avengers, but also her own teammates?
Stop being distracted, you’re working, Y/N quickly tells herself. She takes a deep breath before glancing at her watch. Marge and Wanda have been inside the building for five minutes, meaning they have five minutes remaining before extraction.
“Status report on all teams?” Y/N asks into the comms.
Bucky barely hears her voice in his ear. He barely registers each team reporting their status. Instead, he focuses on the man sitting a few tables away from him. The man, most probably a local, is staring straight at Bucky’s face while quickly talking to someone on the phone. Bucky’s instincts begin to kick in.
In the middle of Clint’s status report, Bucky nudges Steve with his foot. “I think we’ve been made,” he says, trying not to look panicked.
Bucky watches a flash of panic flash across Steve’s eyes before he says, “What?”
Bucky turns his head slowly in the direction of the man, “The man at that table has been staring straight at me and is on a phone call like his life depended on it.”
Steve purposefully knocks a teaspoon off the table so he can bend down and properly look at the suspicious man. Sure enough, the man was talking on the phone erratically while staring in Bucky’s direction. Steve frowns and looks slightly past Bucky at another table. At that table, a woman and a man are seated, presumably on a date. The woman appears to be having the time of her life while the man, Steve notices, is giving knowing smirks to the man on the phone.
Steve sighs, “Buck, I think that guy is just jealous of the date going on at the table behind you.”
“Are you sure, because I swear—”
“Rogers, Barnes, status report?” Y/N’s voice through the comms finally cuts them off.
Steve gave Bucky a look as if telling him to drop the subject before speaking into the comms, “We’re clear—”
“Negative. We’re not clear. I think we’ve been made,” Bucky cuts him off.
“What!?” Y/N screeches into the comm, “Jack, Clint, I want eyes on Barnes and Rogers!”
“Who am I looking for?” Clint replies.
“Guy in the green tunic a couple tables down, north of the patio. He’s talking on the phone,” Bucky says, shifting in his seat slightly.
The line is silent for a few seconds before Jack says, “Barnes, I think you’re clear.”
Bucky seemingly ignores his update and asks again, “Clint, you got a visual?”
Steve gives him a confused look, as if asking him what the hell he’s doing. Bucky ignores him.
“I don’t have a visual,” Clint replies, “but I’d go with what Jack said.”
“I have a visual,” Wanda suddenly cut in. She was at a fruit stand across the street, pretending to be shopping. “You’re clear, Barnes.”
Bucky looks across the street and catches Wanda’s gaze. Can’t you read his mind or some shit and figure out if he’s made me? he thinks to her.
Wanda rolls her eyes before tapping her head twice, No.
Of course, it doesn’t work that way, Bucky thinks.
“I’m sorry but you guys can’t see the way this guy is looking at me,” he says stubbornly, “I’m taking this guy out.”
Bucky goes to stand up and Steve reaches his arm to stop him when Y/N voice rips through the comms again. “No!” she shouts and Bucky grimaces.
“If we’re made, backup is going to be here any minute now, and Marge and Nat are still in there!” Bucky hisses.
“We have intel that the people in this village aren’t aware of what’s going on in that factory, Bucky! There’s no backup that this prick can even call! And I’m not letting you kill an innocent fucking civilian,” Y/N yells back at him.
“Well fuck your intel, I’m going after this guy—”
“I am your commanding officer and you will stand down!” Y/N finally shouts, sounding more like a drill sergeant than the girl he goes on morning runs with. “That’s a fucking order, Sergeant. Do you copy Barnes?”
Bucky is silent. Instead he clenches his jaw so hard he’s afraid his teeth might shatter.
“Do you copy, Sergeant?” Y/N repeats again, eerily quiet and deadly serious.
Bucky’s nostrils flare up in anger, but he resettles himself back on the seat.
“He copies,” Steve finally says into the comm.
The rest of the mission goes off without a hitch. Bucky was wrong about the man on the phone. As Marge and Natasha exited the factory, unharmed and undetected, the man on the phone got up and in a jealous rage, stormed over to the happy couple behind him.
He tried his best to prepare himself for the berating he was going to get from Captain Y/N later, but nothing could prepare him for the treatment he was getting now.
Y/N was silent the entire flight back to the Omega compound. Instead of yelling at him like there was no tomorrow, she quietly prepared the intel to be sent over to her commander. When they landed back at the base, he got sympathetic pats from his teammates as they unloaded the Quinjet. ‘You’re in for it, Barnes’ and ‘Tell me if you make it without crying,’ the Omega team members told him seriously.
As he unloaded the last crate of equipment, Y/N briskly walked past him and said with deadly fierceness, “Command room. Now.”
After everything that happened earlier in the day, he didn’t need to be told twice.
Bucky slowly opens the metal door towards the command room and has to shut his eyes tight for a few seconds to allow his pupils to adjust to how especially dark the room was. As Bucky wandered inside, he noticed the only light source was from Y/N’s desk on the loft overlooking the rest of the command room. Her voice stops him dead in his tracks.
“Your paranoia is going to get us killed,” Y/N says, her voice echoing through the room.
“No, you don’t get to talk yet,” she cuts him off once again. He watches her silhouette stand from the desk and walk down the stairs to stop in front of him. He can barely see her face but can make out some features.
“When I was in the SEALs, I was Jack’s unit commander,” Y/N tells him, her voice getting softer, “We were in a remote fishing village off the coast of South America rescuing high profile hostages. There was a fiesta that night and the entire town gathered on the beach for a party. It was the perfect time to rescue the hostages because we were disguised by the music and the lack of civilians in town. While I was on a base somewhere, hundreds of miles away, Jack sends a panicked message to mission control over the comms. There’s a group of people close to the site where the hostages were being held. It was too dark for them to make anything out, but that group of people started shooting at them. Not close enough to hit them, but I was paranoid that they might get hit even though they were wearing full body armour. Jack asked if he had permission to engage because taking them out was against the rules of engagement for that mission—they were only supposed to shoot at adult individuals that they could clearly identify. As the commanding officer of that mission, it was my call. And I gave Jack the go ahead to take the shot.”
Y/N stops to take a shaky breath, and he swears he hears a sob. “They were just kids, Bucky, no older than fifteen. They were used by the captors as easily dispensable firepower who were just doing that to make a few extra dollars to take home to their families. We could’ve easily averted them and tied them up. But I was the one who gave them the permission to take the shot.”
Bucky reaches for her, but he can’t find her arms. He sighs, “That’s not your fault, Y/N. You know that. You were worried for the safety of your team.”
“Then why have a felt haunted by it ever since?” she cries.
Instead of gently trying to search for her arms, Bucky quickly steps forward with his arms open. Bucky rams Y/N into his chest and her arms immediately wraps themselves around his waist. Bucky holds her closely while she sobs choked tears into his chest.
A tear escapes Bucky’s eye as well before he has the heart to ask her, “Is that why you left the Navy?”
Y/N lets out an ironic scoff. “No,” she retorts, “it’s because they awarded me the Navy fucking Cross. And I know I don’t deserve it.”
“I know what I say won’t change what you’ve done and how you feel about it,” Bucky tells her honestly, “But those SEALs are alive because of you. Jack is alive because of you. They got to see their families because of you. I know we don’t trade lives or value someone’s life after another, but your orders were to first and foremost bring those SEALs home safely. And you did that.”
They stay like that for another ten minutes—Y/N burying herself into Bucky’s torso and Bucky resting his nose in the crook of her neck.
“My paranoia is what kept me safe from HYDRA,” Bucky says honestly, murmuring into her neck. “After I escaped from HYDRA, I didn’t trust anyone. I didn’t trust Steve, the rest of the Avengers, or myself. When I was in HYDRA, the longer I trusted my own fucked up brain that what I was doing was right, the more unspeakable shit I did. When I started fighting the brainwashing, I started being paranoid of everything and look where that got me? I’m alive because of it.”
“No,” she whispers, “you’re alive because you learned to how to trust again. You’re alive because you know that even though trusting is scary, it’s better than living in constant fear. You’re alive because you’ve found things that are worth trusting.”
Bucky’s speechless. He pulls away slightly, glancing down at her. He still can’t fully make out her facial features, but he can tell she’s staring at him with a sternness that reminded him of his mother.
“Do you respect me?” Y/N whispers.
“Of course,” he replies without hesitation.
“Do you trust me?” Y/N asks again.
Bucky’s voice catches in his throat. He feels his Adam’s apple bob and his heart pound against his ribcage. Yes, he wants to say so badly. But he can’t and he can’t say why, and he’s embarrassed for it.
But Y/N offers him a small, gentle smile. She reaches up in the dark to cup his face, but her hand lands on his neck instead. “You don’t have to trust me,” she tells him, “I’d like it if you could trust me, but you don’t have to. But I need you to respect me in the field and in front of our teams. I’m still your CO, Barnes. And as much as I like you, I’d really hate to have to yell at you again.”
Bucky chuckles softly, “Is that an order, Captain?”
“It is, Sergeant. Do I make myself clear?” she says in a light tone, grinning at him.
“Yes, ma’am,” Bucky replies, lazily grinning back.
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marvel: @milea​​ @marvelsangels​​ @thecurlsofgod​​ @schnapped​​
bucky barnes: @emilielskov​​
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erush10 · 6 years
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Gotcha! US Air Force's Secretive X-37B Space Plane Spotted by Satellite Tracker -- "Marco Langbroek captured this long-exposure photo of the Air Force's X-37B space plane streaking through the sky above Leiden, the Netherlands, on Aug. 20, 2018." [1909 x 1400] [OS]
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Best Handheld GPS for International Travel - Buyer's Guide
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Best Handheld GPS For International Travel: Handheld GPS, launched in the 1990s, are portable devices that provide navigation assistance and the data of the land surveys. The technology comprises the GPS or Global Positioning System and modern geography. The devices also show the landmarks of national and historic significance. These devices come in various sizes. The screen may or may not be a touchscreen. Some button enabled ones can be used in all four seasons. Most of the touchscreen ones can be used even with gloves on in cold weather. A few of these have pre-installed maps of countries and you can also load maps of the places you desire. The accuracy varies from device to device. The recent ones have better reception and the display is also colorful. This device is very useful during international travel, as you don’t have to depend on any human guide and can be on your own. In this article we will start with a few things to consider before buying a Best Handheld GPS for International Travel, followed by a review of some products, ending with a buying guide. Things to consider before buying: The screen size of the device The screen is measured diagonally. The screen size ranges from 2.5 to 7 inches. If the screen size is larger then it’s easy to enter the location and view the directions. Smaller ones are easier to carry but the display may not be very good. Go for a moderate size which has a reasonable size and is easy to carry also. Spoken directions The Best Handheld GPS for International Travel becomes more efficient when the directions are spoken. You will not have to look into the screen all the time while walking or driving. The device will tell you the streets you are entering and also tell you where to take turns. This makes the following directions easier. Information on route Go for a device that provides information about the routes to the selected location. This information will help you to choose a route you think is appropriate. Information about traffic congestion and toll roads will help you choose a route that takes lesser time. Communication through Bluetooth If you have a Bluetooth compatible phone then you can use the GPS along with the speaker and microphone that comes with the phone. The entry of location dynamically The dynamic entry of location means a prediction of locations as the user starts entering the location. This is a common feature but very important as it saves a lot of time. Alternate supply of power Look for a device that can be charged from different sources like the car lighter, the standard house socket or through a USB connection to the computer.
Top 7 Best Handheld GPS for International Travel
Here are the Product Reviews for Best Handheld GPS for International Travel: 1. Garmin GPSMAP 64s Worldwide
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Image Source: Amazon.com This is a device that you can use in all four seasons of the year. There is no need to worry when it’s showering. Don't even have to take off your gloves as it gets colder. It is an ideal choice if you are a big button lover, as it comes with a good size of buttons. The screen is readable under sunlight and the size is 2.6 inches with a resolution of 160 x 240 pixels. You can even connect the device to a smartphone wirelessly, and load and view on the phone. Live tracking is also possible. The best part of this product is its large antenna that gives accurate direction even on complicated terrains and has a battery life of 16 hours. It requires a dual battery to operate and contains internal storage of 4 GB which is expandable. If you are an adventure lover then this product is perfect for you. FAQ You May Also Like: What is the Best Apple Cider Vinegar For Weight Loss? 2. Garmin eTrex 20x
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Image Source: Amazon.com This product by Garmin is known for it being an inexpensive Best Handheld GPS for International Travel with a small size and having very less weight as compared to other similar devices. Other features include water resistance, durability and it works perfectly even in very cold conditions. The 2.2 inches screen is readable in bright as well as dim lighting conditions and has a color display. The device has an impressive battery life of 25 hours and an enhanced memory. The accuracy can be trusted up to a distance of 9 feet. The technology used is GPS and Glonass satellite systems. The device has pre-installed basic maps. You can upload topographic maps also. FAQ 3. Garmin Montana 610 Camo
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Image Source: Amazon.com Garmin Montana comes with a touchscreen of size 4 inches which is rotatable. Tracking is done using GPS and Glonass satellite technologies. 100000 maps of the United States topology are preloaded in it. It has a 4 GB inbuilt memory system that can store a maximum of 200 routes and 4000 waypoints. Also, an 8 MP camera is installed on the system. The device is even equipped with a barometric altimeter to give information about pressure at different heights. A 3-axis compass gives you very accurate directions. The battery life is of 16 hours. A great product with multiple features at a reasonable price. FAQ 4. DeLorme inReach SE Satellite Tracker
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Image Source: Amazon.com The product comes with a reliable messaging system with which you can receive as well as send messages and emails to anyone around the world. Iridium satellite network is the technology on which the device depends on for showing directions. One unique feature is the adjustable tracking time which can be anything between 10 minutes to 4 hours depending on your need. If you are in any emergency then the SOS feature will help you to track remotely and update your situation for proper resources to be deployed. FAQ 5. Garmin Foretrex 401
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Image Source: Amazon.com The device is small but outstanding and can be worn on the wrist. You can use it during running and walking as it gives you quite good information like your heart rate. Because of its compact size, this device becomes a very good choice for any outdoor activities. It has an LCD display that is easy to read with a resolution of 100 x 64 pixels. The battery also lasts as long as 17 hours. The device has audible tones and gives multiple format views for a single location to the user. Foretrex 401 is fitted with an electronic compass, which gives quite accurate directions, and also a barometric altimeter for information on weather and heights. FAQ You May Also Like: Best Kick Scooter For Commuting Purpose 6. Garmin Montana 680
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Image Source: Amazon.com Includes a one-year subscription to Birdseye Satellite Imagery to give you a good view of your surroundings if you are not comfortable with the normal satellite images. Enabled with a track manager where you can keep a log of the routes or ways you have taken or are going to take. An 8 MP camera lets you capture anytime you want. You can even geotag you’re the photos you capture with this device. Uses GPS and Glonass for high sensitivity of the receiver even in areas with more coverage and deep canyons. The screen is large and has a higher resolution for a better view. The battery can last up to 16 hours with Lithium-ion batteries and 22 hours with the standard AA batteries. FAQ 7. TomTom VIA 1515M
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Image Source: Amazon.com With a 5-inch large touchscreen display, this is one of the latest products with GPS at an affordable price. The color display has a 480 x 272-pixel resolution. An interesting feature is the lifetime map updates. Lane guidance is quite advanced and therefore you don’t have to worry about missing any turn. The device is installed with the latest maps of the United States, Canada, and Mexico. This device is perfect for guiding you while you drive as it comes with an EasyPort car mount. As shown in the picture below the guide is very accurate and gives a real-time view of the road, which is very convenient for car drivers. The battery performance is also impressive which lets you use the device for a longer time. You can easily charge it in the car as it comes with a USB cable for charging. The best part is that all these features are available at a really low price which makes it affordable for many. FAQ You May Also Like: Best Sounding Clock Radio On The Market
Buyer's guide for a Best Handheld GPS for International Travel
Memory The maps in the device can take up a lot of space. So make sure you have an expandable internal memory on your device or it should have the facility to connect external memory devices. Battery life In-built rechargeable batteries are a better choice if you have to charge facilities available. Otherwise, the standard reusable batteries can be useful when traveling for long distances. Carry a few of them and change when required. They last longer than lithium-ion batteries. The more the features greater will be the power consumption. So look into the battery life of the device and not just its features. Touch screen vs button Buttons may look ugly in today’s world with all touchscreen devices around. But these devices with buttons can be used in multiple seasons and are less prone to damage. Touchscreens, on the other hand, give a better view and a convenience for guidance but require a lot of care and protection from weather conditions. Compass It is an important component. The compass will give you accurate directions on the spot. So make sure you get a device that has a magnetic compass on it.
Best Handheld GPS for International Travel is an extremely useful device. With maps already installed, it makes things easier for tourists when in new countries. If you are planning to go on international travel then definitely get one of these. Read the full article
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fowlerblogs1 · 9 months
Navigating the Outdoors with Precision Guide to SPOT X Satellite Tracker- Bluetooth
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In the realm of outdoor adventures, where every step counts, having a reliable satellite tracker becomes a game-changer. SPOT X Satellite Tracker- Bluetooth takes the lead, combining the power of satellite technology with Bluetooth connectivity. This in-depth guide explores the intricacies of SPOT X Satellite Tracker- Bluetooth delves into the world of satellite trackers and identifies why it stands out as the best satellite tracker for hiking. From the basics of satellite tracking to the convenience of Bluetooth connectivity, this guide, enriched with supporting keywords like best satellite tracker for hiking and OSAT (Orbital Satcom), is your compass to mastering precision in outdoor navigation.
SPOT X Satellite Tracker- Bluetooth: A Revolutionary Outdoor Companion
Understanding SPOT X Satellite Tracker- Bluetooth:
SPOT X Satellite Tracker- Bluetooth is not just a tracker; it's a lifeline for outdoor enthusiasts. This device combines the functionality of a satellite tracker with the convenience of Bluetooth connectivity. Users can now track their adventures, communicate with loved ones, and share their journey in real-time—all with the power of SPOT X.
The Power of Bluetooth Connectivity:
Bluetooth connectivity adds a layer of convenience to the SPOT X Satellite Tracker, allowing users to connect their smartphones seamlessly. This feature enables two-way messaging, syncing with maps, and accessing additional functionalities through the SPOT X app. It transforms the SPOT X into a versatile tool for staying connected while exploring the great outdoors.
SPOT X Satellite Tracker- Bluetooth Features
Advanced Tracking Capabilities:
SPOT X Satellite Tracker- Bluetooth is equipped with advanced tracking capabilities that go beyond basic location reporting. Users can track their route, mark waypoints, and share their journey in real time with friends and family. This feature is particularly valuable for hikers, backpackers, and outdoor adventurers who want to document and share their experiences.
Bluetooth Messaging:
The integration of Bluetooth technology enables two-way messaging between the SPOT X and connected smartphones. Users can send and receive messages directly from their phones, enhancing communication capabilities in areas with limited or no cellular coverage. Whether coordinating plans or providing updates, Bluetooth messaging ensures seamless communication.
Why SPOT X Satellite Tracker- Bluetooth is the Best for Hiking
Best Satellite Tracker for Hiking: A Closer Look:
What makes SPOT X Satellite Tracker- Bluetooth the best satellite tracker for hiking? Its compact design, durable build, and comprehensive features make it an ideal companion for outdoor enthusiasts. The device is designed to withstand the rigors of hiking, providing reliable tracking and communication capabilities in various terrains.
Satellite GPS Tracker for Precision Navigation:
SPOT X operates as a satellite GPS tracker, offering precision navigation in areas where traditional GPS signals may falter. Hikers can rely on the accuracy of satellite positioning, ensuring they stay on course and confidently reach their destinations. This feature is particularly crucial for navigating dense forests, challenging terrains, and remote wilderness.
Enhanced Safety and SOS Functionality:
Safety is paramount in hiking, and SPOT X Satellite Tracker- Bluetooth prioritizes it with its SOS functionality. In case of emergencies, users can activate the SOS feature, notifying emergency services and sharing their exact location. This level of safety assurance makes SPOT X a trusted companion for solo hikers and adventure seekers.
Satellite Trackers: A Comprehensive Overview
The Evolution of Satellite Trackers:
Satellite trackers have come a long way from basic location reporting. Today, devices like the SPOT X Satellite Tracker- Bluetooth offer a comprehensive suite of features, including tracking, messaging, and safety functionalities. The evolution of satellite trackers has transformed outdoor navigation, providing users with a reliable means of staying connected in any environment.
Choosing the Best Satellite Tracker: Considerations for Hikers:
For hikers seeking the best satellite tracker, considerations go beyond basic functionality. Factors such as battery life, durability, ease of use, and additional features like Bluetooth connectivity play a crucial role. SPOT X Satellite Tracker- Bluetooth excels in these areas, making it a top choice for those who prioritize reliability and versatility in their hiking gear.
Enriching the Outdoor Experience
Best Satellite Tracker for Hiking: A Must-Have Gear:
The supporting keyword, best satellite tracker for hiking, emphasizes the indispensability of SPOT X in the hiking gear arsenal. As outdoor enthusiasts gear up for their next adventure, having the best satellite tracker becomes as essential as the right pair of hiking boots.
OSAT (Orbital Satcom): Elevating Connectivity Beyond Tracking:
OSAT, or Orbital Satcom, is vital in providing users with comprehensive connectivity solutions beyond tracking. As a provider of satellite communication products and services, OSAT ensures that outdoor enthusiasts have access to a diverse set of tools, including satellite phones, airtime, and accessories, enriching the overall outdoor experience.
Conclusion: Precision and Connectivity Unleashed with SPOT X Satellite Tracker- Bluetooth
In conclusion, SPOT X Satellite Tracker- Bluetooth stands as a beacon of precision and connectivity for outdoor enthusiasts, especially hikers seeking a reliable companion for their journeys. From advanced tracking capabilities to the convenience of Bluetooth connectivity, SPOT X enriches the outdoor experience, ensuring that every step is not just a step but a documented adventure.
The supporting keywords, best satellite tracker for hiking, and OSAT (Orbital Satcom) emphasize the holistic approach to outdoor connectivity. As technology continues to advance and outdoor adventures evolve, SPOT X Satellite Tracker- Bluetooth remains a trusted tool for those who seek precision, safety, and seamless communication in the great outdoors. Partnering with OSAT ensures that users have access to a complete suite of connectivity solutions, making every hiking expedition a connected and memorable experience.
Source: http://tinyurl.com/4r4xjpsx
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certainheartrunaway · 5 years
FlexRadio Teams with Raytheon Team to Develop Airborne HF Radio
In a strategic partnership with Raytheon, US Amateur Radio equipment manufacturer FlexRadio®has been selected by the US Air Force to adapt its off-the-shelf SmartSDR/FLEX-6000 architecture for HF modernization of airborne communications platforms. The new radio will provide beyond line-of-sight, long distance communications for air crews.
“We are excited to convey that our proven modular direct sampling hardware, Open Waveform API, and IP-based architecture provide a ready platform for agile development to meet 21st century communication needs,” FlexRadio CEO Gerald Youngblood, K5SDR, commented. “Throughout FlexRadio’s history, commercial amateur products have been leveraged into defense products, which in turn, have been leveraged back into commercial products. We are certain that these efforts will cycle back again.”
Youngblood said the deal could boost its Amateur Radio and commercial products and services. “While I can’t go into all the details, the positive impact to our business processes, infrastructure, intellectual property, and human resources will enhance our amateur/commercial products and services,” he said. “So, stay tuned for more amateur product announcements coming soon.”
Raytheon received a $36 million Project Agreement through an Other Transaction Agreement (OTA) with Consortium Management Group (CMG) on behalf of Consortium for Command, Control and Communications in Cyberspace, in support of requirements from the US Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, to develop and qualify an HF radio. CMG’s mission “is to speed development of technologies to improve US government capabilities required to sustain US military supremacy in weapon systems information technologies.”
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Barbara Borgonovi, vice president of Integrated Communication Systems, said, “Raytheon’s partnership with FlexRadio combines commercial innovation with advanced military hardening techniques to rapidly deliver a next generation operational capability that supports strategic and tactical missions.”
The Raytheon-FlexRadio team is one of two recipients for this development program. After the 31-month period of performance, one team will be named to move on to production.
“Worldwide high-frequency communications is what our commercial customers do every day, using virtually every mode of operation and type of propagation,” Youngblood said. “Our partnership brings together the vast resources and experience of Raytheon in airborne tactical communications systems with FlexRadio’s commercial, off-the-shelf high-frequency software-defined radios to deliver a modular, extensible, and flexible communications platform for the warfighter.” 
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Digital Modes
New Summer EURAO Party to Premier FT4
July 18, 2019 in: Digital Modes No comments
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The motto of the new European Radio Amateurs’ Organization (EURAO https://www.eurao.org/) Summer Party https://www.eurao.org/en/node/1045 is “Premiering FT4.” This is not a contest but an on-the-air radio gathering with so… Read more
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kakakarinhhh-blog · 5 years
Online Sale TK103B GPS SMS GPRS Vehicle Tracker Locator with SIM SD Card Anti-theft Date Logging
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Cheap CAR ANTI THEFT SYSTEM sale, TK103B GPS SMS GPRS Vehicle Tracker Locator with SIM SD Card Anti-theft Date Logging,and more products which you need. We will refund you within 30 days! If the product is not what you expected or if you changed your mind, you will be completely reimbursed.100% New. 1 year Warranty, 100% Guarantee Quality and Fully Test!
CAR ANTI THEFT SYSTEMcompatible model:
This tracker is a new product based on the GSM GPRS network and GPS satellite positioning system, which set multiple functions of security, positioning, monitoring surveillance, emergency alarms and tracking in its entirety. It can track and monitor remote target by SMS or internet. Specific: - Initialization, send SMS (begin 123456) to the unit, it replies OK, then you initialize all the settings to default factory settings. - Change password, send your old and new password (remember to add the word password before your password )separates by a space. - Authorization, there are 5 numbers to be allowed to authorize in the tracker at most. - Single tracking, make a missed call to device number, it will reply a real time tracking message include longitude?and?latitude. - Continuous tracking automatically, send specified format message, it will report data at every 10s when the object is moving and every 500s when it is static. - Data logging, it can log the tracking position and alerts automatically in the SD card. - Alarms, it sets with low battery alarm, power off alarm, GPS blind spot alarm, SOS alarm, GEO-fence alarm, movement alarm, overspeed alarm, ACC working alarm and vibration alarm. - It can cut off and resume the oil and power system of your vehicle. - You can set up arm by the SMS and the remote controller, you can disarm through the same way too. - It can switch between GPRS and SMS mode, track and monitor mode, and TCP and UDP mode. - With it, you can check the vehicle state, IMEI, and reset SMS, set time, GPRS, APN, IP and port, and monitor central number. Note: The remote control has two versions, it will be random when delivering.Type: GPS,Tracker Model: TK103B GPS Signal: GSM 850/900/1800/1900MHz Network : GPRS,GSM Voltage Range: 12V - 24V GPS Sensitivity: - 159 dBm GPS Start Time: Cold status:45s, Warm status:35s, Hot status:1s GPS Positioning Precision : 5M Radar: No Pre-loaded Maps: No Waterproof: NoPackage weight: 0.547 kg Product size (L x W x H): 7.90 x 5.10 x 2.20 cm / 3.11 x 2.01 x 0.87 inches Package size (L x W x H): 8.90 x 6.10 x 3.20 cm / 3.5 x 2.4 x 1.26 inchesPackage Contents: 1 x TK103B GPS SMS GPRS Vehicle Tracker, 1 x GPS Antenna, 1 x Microphone, 1 x GSM Antenna, 1 x Wire, 1 x Relay, 1 x Keyless Entry, 1 x Card Slot, 1 x Bilingual User Manual In English and Chinese
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coolspacepics · 6 years
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Gotcha! US Air Force's Secretive X-37B Space Plane Spotted by Satellite Tracker -- "Marco Langbroek captured this long-exposure photo of the Air Force's X-37B space plane streaking through the sky above Leiden, the Netherlands, on Aug. 20, 2018." [1909 x 1400] [OS]spaceporn
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dreampoetryvisions · 6 years
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Gotcha! US Air Force's Secretive X-37B Space Plane Spotted by Satellite Tracker -- "Marco Langbroek captured this long-exposure photo of the Air Force's X-37B space plane streaking through the sky above Leiden, the Netherlands, on Aug. 20, 2018." [1909 x 1400] [OS] via /r/spaceporn https://ift.tt/2EwQhyB
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entertainmentnerdly · 6 years
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US Military's Mysterious X-37B Space Plane Spotted by Satellite Trackers via /r/space https://ift.tt/2Hdpp7M
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