#Spop Fic
ari-kari · 2 months
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It is time 😌
“Pinned” - a story about mild canon divergences leading to drastic amounts of fucking variations in the timeline. Enjoy 🔥
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lightlavenders · 5 months
lemme infodump about my entrapdak fic real quick!
i think we can all agree as entrapdak fans that the idea of hordak being forced into community service on beast island feels kinda dumb? i, personally, would have totally accepted it if any of the other villains were mentioned to be repenting similarly. but like, catra, scorpia, entrapta, the other horde soldiers, and the clones seem to have gotten a free pass? and, like i've argued, she-ra doesn't seem to be *about* redemption arcs, it's about healing and stuff.
SO. in my fic (set post-canon), i decided to make it *entrapta's* choice to go there! i feel like, after the story, she could grow to a place where she feels more secure in her relationships, and going there willingly could be a sort of reclamation for her. and, of course, there's a lot of tech and data to collect.
and i decided to make hordak accompany her. i think he'd have a lot of problems with: 1) entrapta risking herself for anything and 2) being without her, because he doesn't have a lot else going for his life post-war. so i wanted to use beast island as a chance for him to learn more about entrapta and himself!
that's basically the set up. idk, i just really talking about my creative decisions (i literally am a creative writing student)
so um. if you like the sound of that, give it a read? :) and leave a comment, constructive criticism is always appreciated
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solarisquid · 9 months
JUST THIS ONCE... (Catradora)
Rating: General Audiences
Tags: She-Ra Season 5 Spoilers, Dark, Self-Hatred, Catra POV, Angst with a happy ending.
WC: 642
Notes: Bolded parts are whispers by Adora that Catra perceives as yells.
Read on AO3
"You look out for me. And I look out for you. Nothing really bad can happen as long as we have each other."
"You promise?"
"I promise."
That was the last memory that crossed Catra's mind before the pain.
"It was time I did justice to that promise myself. Stay safe, Adora..."
And those were her last thoughts before being forced to submerge inside the green glowing pool. Before the shadows took over and all she could hear was Horde Prime's voice, soon enough joined by thousands upon thousands of voices in the darkness. The hivemind. Their sound was deafening and Horde Prime's will was even sicker than any punishment Shadow Weaver had ever inflicted upon Catra. So she withdrew deep into her soul, far deeper than anyone could ever reach, to slumber for eternity as Horde Prime used her as a mere puppet.
Anyone but Adora. Suddenly, a light. And Adora was there. Somehow she had managed to break Prime's mind control. She didn't remember doing so. But soon enough, Prime took over again. This happened many times in a lapse of time way too short and Catra was hurting.
The last thing she saw before being surrounded by darkness once again... Was the abyss. A deep, dark abyss. Horde Prime wanted to end her life.
The darkness surrounded her, once again. She could also feel the grip of Horde Prime, restraining her whole mind. And the shadows started to grow bigger. And bigger. And bigger.
She was dying. And all she could think was... That she deserved it. She had ruined way too many people's lives. She had broken people, and pushed them away. A single good action couldn't redeem a monster like her. She deserved nothing, but death. The whole universe would be better off without her.
And then, among the shadows, she heard a voice. A shout, a yell. Accompanied by a light, so bright that the shadows started to retreat. So bright, that Horde Prime's light seemed like a shadow itself. So pure that she could feel Horde Prime's grip weakening, as he was burned by the light.
"Come on, Catra, you're not done. Not yet!"
She knew that voice. She knew it as well as she knew that the sun would rise every morning. Her heart skipped way too many heartbeats.
"We're going home, Catra! You have to wake up!"
Then, Catra saw it. A bright, glowing door, calling her from within the shadows, attracting her. And Adora was there. Trying to reach Catra with her hand.
"Adora... I'm worthless. I hurt people. Why would you come back for me? I wanted you to be safe... To uphold my end of the promise for once. Leave me. You're better off without me."
"No, no!"
The sheer emotion in Adora's yells was enough to made Catra look at her. She was crying.
"I was the one who failed you! I broke the promise, while you always looked out for me, even after I left! So don't you dare blame yourself for that!"
"Don't you get it!? I know I don't deserve it, but I'm begging you! I will never leave you again, so please, just this once... Come with me!"
Adora wasn't able to continue as she burst into tears. But her words were more than enough to make Catra feel something she hadn't felt in a long time. Hope for a better future. Hope for herself. Hope... For redemption. A will to live.
So she struggled with Horde Prime's weakened wrap. She struggled through the shadows, through the pain and through the darkness, reaching for Adora's hand, as her face filled with surprise.
When she opened her eyes, Adora was there. Leaning on her chest, feeling mentally exhausted and vulnerable... She said the only thing she could think of at the moment.
"Hey, Adora..."
Kudos and reblogs are appreciated 💛
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antispopausandstuff · 2 months
You Sweeten My Teeth, Give Me Cavity
rating - PG-13 - violence & blood, swearing, references to abuse, abusive relationship
synopsis - a lasting predator never leaves her immortal prey.
pride is a damsel in distress.
the moon hung in the sky, above the water and land and trees, as it always had thousands of nights before.
bare feet walked along the path of cold, unfeeling marble, sweat clinging to their skin as air weighed in their chest and heart thundered in their ears.
gripping the hilt of a blade so sharp, it could sink into you by a mere glance, the warrior knew they weren't ready to face the end. every day was a day of burning blood and lungs, of desperate shouts and whispers, of white wrapped around red.
so much to do and in so little time.
"i know you're here," they speak, voice unwavering, despite themself. their feet slide, turning to the side, and still against the floor. "and i know it's for me."
a beast jumps, claws swinging, teeth bare, and they go back.
speaking their words of virtue, light shines, and the vessel becomes clad in white and gold, thrusting forward with the might of a god. but the beast wasn't here for such divinity.
the sword sliced fur and skin, a hiss echoing in the air as scarlet splattered. claws dug into metal, scraping it, finding rough, scarred skin until blue, nearly as dark as the night sky, spilled onto her hand.
colors mixed together, blade met bone, and the warrior and the beast were forever alone together.
you look out for me.
and i look out for you.
because fate was a cursed hand and the strings were of twine.
the night spilled onto the floor, her teeth sinking into their shoulder, blood over her mouth and cheeks, metallic and warm against her tongue. an addiction. just like when that liquid would leak from their back, their cheeks, their nose, even their eye...
every single time, it was the air she needed.
a punishment for a shattered promise.
for not being her protector.
for being her shield.
for this.
the blade pierced through her stomach, his heart stilling and eyes widening. but, seeing as she further ruined that perfect white, stained teeth bared and laughter erupted from her throat.
"oh, adora..." she whispered, clawed hand gripping their neck, the tips grazing skin. the smile didn't falter. "you'll never be rid of me."
i will break every bone.
bruise every inch of skin.
cut you up.
and breathe you in.
i'll eat you, gobble you, like the beast i am.
you're the meal that's my best friend.
i'll laugh and laugh as i chew your muscle.
smile wide as i munch your lungs.
not a tear as i swallow your eyes.
happiness as i eat your heart.
joyous day as you'll be mine...
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The first three chapters of Starwalker have been crossposted to AO3! Enjoy the epic sequel to Alura, in which Micah and Shadow Weaver find themselves on opposite sides of the war.
(The first two chapters are also on Fanfiction.net, but I cannot link them at this time because the site is down. Whenever it decides to behave itself, you can find them at the username @/JoyeEverett715.)
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hymn-of-muse · 1 year
A Haunted Mind
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A spop angst for catra, placed after the series ends.
tw for implications of mind control, manipulation and overall toxic relationships.
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It had been months since she-ra had finally rid Prime from Hordak's mind and their lives for good, months since the best friend quartet had promised each other things would be better from now on, months since they'd set out into space again to fight back any remains of what Prime left behind on other worlds.
They'd re-entered space much more prepared for the travel this time, leaving etheria in the hands of Glimmer's father and the rest of the princesses. Hordak and Entrapta insisted on joining for a bunch of reasons catra honestly couldn't care any less about. 
Adora had assured her things would take time to feel..normal...to feel okay again. She understood it took time to heal and get passed things, but there was so much to work through..
Horde Prime may be gone but it sure as hell didn't feel like it to her. The scar from the chip on the back of her neck still hadn't fully healed over, often times she still felt like it was there..the thought of still being connected to that hive mind made her fur stand on end and sent an incredibly discomforting shiver down her spine.
Catra tried to push the thoughts away and get some sleep, curled up on her side next to a snoring adora who was currently sprawled out comfortably taking up more than just her side of the bed.
just sleep, just sleep... she'd repeat to herself, unable to focus on the sound of adora sleeping which in the old days would have helped put her to sleep in no time...
A second voice echoed in the back of her mind, no matter how small it was it was there and no matter how hard she tried to drown it out it still persisted. The inkling of possibility that Prime was still there, in her mind, waiting for his moment, waiting to use her again...
Her sharp nails kneaded her pillow, almost ripping the fabric as her stressed out habits took hold of her actions. A deep breath to steady her lively nerves and she sat up without waking adora, shuffling out of the bedroom and exploring the rest of the ship while everyone slept. Maybe her mind just needed some peace and quiet...
Catra found a windowsill to sit on, staring at the endless void of stars, a sea lacking gravity which they traversed without a sun over the surface of the horizon line to guide their direction. It was chilling but at the same time..almost soothing.
They were just going forward. That's what they wanted to do...what she needed to do. But the ship did it with much more ease than her.
She caught a glimpse of her reflection on the reinforced glass against the black nothingness outside. Her hair had started to grow out quite a bit by now...it almost frightened her to see her own reflection, she never liked looking at it..but seeing how longer hair had gotten felt like a sigh of progress, so she relaxed again.
Grey Tufts of fur, small but still visible, had started growing out. She almost forgot she cut them off after... Shadow Weaver... the image of the last time she saw her former mentor and only mother figure, the first and last time she actually got a good looka at her face, flashed in her mind as she recalled how the woman sacrificed herself.
She could never get it out of her head, could never piece it together...why Shadow Weaver suddenly had such a change of heart and did that for them...after everything she did in the past...though she did have her small moments where she really did seem to care as cruel as she had been ...maybe she really did care about them in the end.
Catra debated with herself over several things, she struggled more than anyone should to believe that people really cared, because in the end they ended up hurting or leaving her. Adora was helping her see she was wrong, helping her passed this, because adora came back for her..
Double trouble betrayed her, left her after what felt like mockery. Scorpia left, switched sides..though that was her fault, and Scorpia had since forgiven her.
She felt like the list of hurt she had done and recieved was almost endless. All those events still replaying vividly in her mind like they were so recent, fresh wounds, but it was just phantom pain.
All it was now was phantom pain, ghosts...hauntings...
The ship was quiet, she sat curled into herself watching the stars as they drifted on. Watching with a haunted mind.
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reblogs are appreciated!
feel free to request more angst, fluff or whatever comes to mind!
e sure to check my pinned post!
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tallysgreatestfan · 4 months
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Entrapta/Hordak (She-Ra) Characters: Entrapta (She-Ra), Hordak (She-Ra) Additional Tags: Bondage, Femdom, Gentle femdom, Canon Disabled Character, internalized ableism, Drabble Summary:
As many insecurities as Hordak has about his body, being tied down by Entrapta he can let go
Thought I try to get back into writing them (can’t promise anything because live is a lot right now though)
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aixalyaevermore · 2 months
i have not used this account in years but i just got hit with the flashback of this shera fic that i used to love but cannot remember the name of for the life of me and i need help. the main characters were catra, adora, entrapta, and hordak. it was somewhat of an au where the characters were exploring some other planet because of a mission i believe?? romance wasn't the central focus, was on ao3, and the last thing i remember was entrapta having a breakdown on the ship 😭😭 please help a girl out
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tigerlily340 · 2 years
Art Dump Incoming~
In honor of ATKU’s two-year anniversary today, let me share some of the art I did during my... somewhat prolonged hiatus 😅
Thank y’all for bearing with me, hope you enjoy!
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(Doodles and Alar imagining what could’ve been~)
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(Makeover ft. @ladybinary​ ‘s Lukas here~)
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(Male Human!Kalio hair designs~)
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And the last few are under the cut~
WARNING: partial / vague nudity
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(The night before she lost her eye...)
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(and lastly, Nautican dancer variations~)
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dappercritter · 1 year
Entrapdak Fans, Your Attention Please!
The Dapper Critter here, author of sleeper hit cuddly Entrapdak fic, Sleepless in the Fright Zone.
As you may remember, I’ve been teasing a second fic for some time. However, I hit a lot of snags on the road--some of it had to do with the pandemic, some of it had to do with looking back on SPOP and realizing it wasn’t as good as I remember. Either way, I ended up getting distracted with personal business or other fandoms that I felt more comfortable in.
After actual years of teasing the good people of the Entrapdak fandom, I need your honest help.
Your feedback is appreciated!
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irc-d-x-ao3 · 5 months
Lil snippet of what's coming!!
In case you don't know yet, the SPOP 4th anniversary Big Bang, organized by @spopbang, is happening soon!! So here I present to you a little bit of my vampire AU for it!
CW: Blood
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(I recommend reading the alt text or clicking on the pic to zoom in, some letters like e and o look the same otherwise -at least on pc-)
As you can tell, I'm VERY excited about this!! And I can't wait to share it XD
Btw, the artist name between parenthesis is the Tumblr account if u wanna check out her awesome work!!
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localowlhousefanatic · 9 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Adora/Catra (She-Ra), Catra & Scorpia (She-Ra) Characters: Adora (She-Ra), Catra (She-Ra) Additional Tags: Fluff, Post-Canon, Comfort No Hurt, Idiots in Love, my editor wanted that one, Established Relationship, Accidental Lore Summary:
On the day of Scorpia's coronation, Catra has self-doubts about her deserving to be the one to crown her friend. Luckily, Adora is here to help!
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"Catra’s sixteen remembering twenty-five remembering sixteen" "Catra is twenty-five, remembering, and the memory is the start of something that will end"
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For the love of all the gods and devils that ever existed in any pantheon that may be holy to you, just read this fic.
Do it.
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Micah and Angella send a shapeshifter into the Horde, unbeknownst to Carmen. A new chapter of Starwalker is available to read on AO3 and Fanfiction.net! Hit any of the links below to read it, or revisit the Wattpad version at your leisure.
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hymn-of-muse · 10 months
A Haunted mind 5
[a haunted mind 5]
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Chapter five. Tension.
one(link) - two(link) - three(link) - four(link)
wattpad(link) - quotev(link)
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The air in the ship felt heavy, the smell of breakfast feeling like the only thing to ease the ache of anxiety as yet another pit started to form in catra's stomach.
She lingered in bed, knees to her chest and curled up on the mattress, while adora had gone ahead before her. 
The fight she had with glimmer last night as well as the nightmare and flashbacks of memories lingered in her mind and kept her body from moving towards the door of the room.
A lot of what she'd said last night just came out without any warning, without even thinking about it. She didn't even realize a large part of what she said was how she'd been feeling and it all spilled out like a bursted bottle screwed shut too tightly.
She felt melog nudge her hand and looked over her knees at it, giving the alien cat a gentle scratch behind the ear. "I'll join them later...not really hungry right now"
Melog let out a low "mrow" in protest, knowing she was lying. Just then as if confirming her companions suspicions, her stomach growled and started demanding the food she could smell through the ship. 
"Ugh okay, maybe I am hungry. But I can't just go out there after last night and act like nothing happened, how am I supposed to..." She gave a sigh and stretched out her legs, pushing herself off the bed. "Never mind. I'll just...get it over with." Her need for food overrides her anxiety around confrontation.
A quick outfit change later and catra headed out of her and adora's shared room with melog at her side. She walked down the hall and towards the cockpit of the ship where everyone had gathered.
A cheery voice rang out as the door slid open and closed behind her. "TINY PANCAKES!! These are so good!!!" Entrapta squealed before shoveling a couple small pancakes into her mouth.
Catra forced a smile as the purple haired princess turned and waved with a muffled greeting. "Hey ctra!" 
"Catra, hey, care for some pancakes?" Bow smiled, offering her a plate of normal looking pancakes. "Glimmer helped" he admitted with a shy shrug.
"Oh um...sure" she nodded, taking the plate and a fork and walking over to where adora sat against the wall eating her own plate of pancakes.
"You sure you can eat all that?" She chuckled at her girlfriend who was happily eating away at her pile.
"What? Sure I can! They're great!" Adora insisted as catra sat next to her, melog curling up at the both of their feet.
Catra's eyes shifted around the room, from adora's adorable glee as she ate, entraptas equally giddy mood as she ate more tiny pancakes when bow handed them to her, Hordaks refusal to try them at first only to give in for Entrapta and her smike, finally over to glimmer, who avoided eye contact and glanced away when catra looked over.
Her eyes then fell to her own plate. She'd normally just brush it off and feel at ease, but after everything that's happened and she could see the mix of a cold shoulder and guilt ridden silence from glimmer... The pit in her stomach seemed to boil her appetite away.
"Catra" for a second her mind flashed back to the scenes in her nightmares, fur standing on end and shoulders actively tensing up, but she relaxed when she registered it was actually adora, the other laying a gentle hand on her shoulder.
"Hey, it's nothing like the food I made yesterday, trust me, nothing's burnt or undercooked." She smiled, trying to lighten the mood.
Catra tried smiling back but adoras faltered when she say it didn't reach her eyes. "Still waking up from that nightmare, huh?" 
"Catra has nightmares?" Bows question and worried look made her tense up all over again, tail folding over her ankles.
"No, no. I'm fine, it's nothing" she insisted. Even glimmers short cast of a worried glance made her curl further in to herself. She didn't want pity. "I'm fine"
"Okay, okay" bow held up a hand, palm foreword, a plate in his other hand while he made his attempt at coming off friendly and non threatening. 
She hated this. Pity, sympathetic looks...it was bad enough she got worried looks from adora when she grew up used to adoras smiles and teasing to cheer her up.
This wasn't what she wanted, she didn't wanted to be given masks of sympathy. She didn't want to be treated like she was fragile and could blow up at any minute, she didn't want to be the danger.
The tension in the room got worse. They still hadn't mentioned last night, thankfully, but the room felt almost sufficatingly awkward. Suffocatingly...breathing..
Her chest was tight, she couldn't breathe. Why couldn't she breathe??
"Catra? You're shaking" adora said quietly, slipping her hand to catra's wrist, taking the untouched plate and cutlery and setting them aside with her own. "Catra it's okay" she whispered.
She shut her eyes tight as adora put their foreheads together, not wanting to see the concerned look in her girlfriends eyes and just wanting to hear the comforting tone in her voice.
"Breathe with me, catra" adora spoke softly as she counted the rhythm of their unmatched breathing, hers steady, catra's uneven and wavering, forced. "Just relax. Okay? In one...two...three...four..." Slowly but surely the pattern of their breathing matched up and catra's heartrate calmed with her.
"There you go, good job" adora pressed a kiss to catra's forehead and she opened her eyes to see that familiar warm smile again. Pride. "You're alright catra"
She the realized the silence in the room and felt embarrassed, avoiding looking anywhere but the floor. It was going to be a long, awkward day full of tension in the space ship...
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tagging: @mariabrightmoon
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reblogs are appreciated!
feel free to request more angst, fluff or whatever comes to mind!
be sure to check my pinned post!
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llemonbee · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Adora/Catra (She-Ra) Characters: Adora (She-Ra), Catra (She-Ra), Glimmer (She-Ra), Entrapta (She-Ra), Mermista (She-Ra), Hordak (mention), Perfuma (She-Ra), Scorpia (She-Ra), melog (mention) Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, adora needs therapy and a hug, Post-Canon, adora soldier era over confusion, adora existential crisis, catra comforting era, Panic Attack, anxiety too, adora paranoid about things, lesbians in the forest, Catra is in Love with Adora (She-Ra), Adora is in Love with Catra (She-Ra), hey adoraaaa, Adora Has Issues (She-Ra), Serious Conversation, mental illness luv Summary:
"Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine"
two months post-canon adora is adjusting to the new world and accidentally turns into she-ra one morning and can't turn back.
h is for hurt c is for comfort
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