master-mind-art · 1 year
👻🎃 Unleash the Spookiness! 🎃👻
Dive into the world of eerie and captivating characters with our "Spooky Creatures" prompt from PromptBase! Perfect for adding a touch of spine-chilling magic to your designs. 🦇🕷️
Get ready to give a hauntingly delightful twist to your creations this Halloween! 🕸️🌙
Check it out now: Spooky Creatures Prompt
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369rocks · 1 year
Not Dangerous Animals : When encountering wildlife, fear often grips us, and our minds conjure up terrifying images of dangerous creatures. However, not all animals that appear scary are actually harmful. In this article, we will explore a diverse range of 14 fascinating and misunderstood creatures that may send shivers down your spine but pose no real danger to humans. Let's dive into the depths of the ocean, journey through jungles, and even encounter some peculiar critters right in our own backyards. 1. Basking Shark: The Gentle Giant Of The Seas Basking Shark: The Gentle Giant Of The Seas The basking shark is an enormous creature that roams the seas, often appearing as a daunting shadow in the water. However, there's no need to fear this gentle giant. Basking sharks are filter feeders, similar to baleen whales, and they primarily consume plankton. Unlike their toothed counterparts, these sharks lack teeth designed for hunting, making them harmless to humans. So, if you ever find yourself face to face with a basking shark, you can relax knowing that it poses no threat and is simply going about its peaceful, filter-feeding ways. 2. Wrinkle-Faced Bat: A Harmless Nighttime Encounter Wrinkle-Faced Bat: A Harmless Nighttime Encounter As darkness descends upon the Central American jungle, the flapping of wings might send shivers down your spine. However, rest assured that these nocturnal creatures are the harmless wrinkle-faced bats. Their wrinkled faces actually serve a purpose—they assist in collecting fruit pieces and juice for their meals. These adorable fruit bats, also known as fruit-faced bats, are not interested in causing any harm to humans. So, if you come across them during your nighttime adventures, you can appreciate their unique appearance and intriguing behaviors, finding them more endearing than terrifying. 3. Ghariel: The Shy River Predator Ghariel: The Shy River Predator If you ever come face to face with a crocodile in a river, take a moment to observe its snout. If it's long and narrow, you've encountered a ghariel. Despite their fearsome appearance, ghariels are actually shy river predators primarily focused on catching fish. Their snouts are perfectly adapted for efficient hunting, but this specialization also means they have less interest in humans as potential prey. So, while a close encounter with a ghariel might initially startle you, rest assured that these creatures are more concerned with their aquatic pursuits than causing harm to humans. 4. Star-Nosed Mole: Oddly Cute Underground Dwellers Star-Nosed Mole: Oddly Cute Underground Dwellers If you happen to stumble upon a small, odd-looking creature in your backyard, chances are it's a star-nosed mole. These underground dwellers boast a unique snout adorned with fleshy tendrils arranged in a star-like pattern. These peculiar appendages serve a practical purpose, helping them navigate their subterranean habitat and locate food. Star-nosed moles are harmless to humans unless provoked or disturbed. So, instead of being frightened by their alien-like appearance, take a moment to appreciate these oddly cute creatures and their fascinating adaptations for life underground. 5. Sand Tiger Shark: A Toothed Marvel Of The Sea Sand Tiger Shark: A Toothed Marvel Of The Sea As you glide through the ocean waters, you might come across the formidable presence of a sand tiger shark. With its rows of sharp, menacing teeth, it certainly looks like a toothed marvel of the sea. However, despite its intimidating appearance, the sand tiger shark is a vulnerable species and poses no significant threat to humans. In fact, there have been no reported instances of sand tiger sharks attacking humans. While it's important to respect their space and avoid any unnecessary interactions, you can appreciate the beauty and majesty of these creatures as they gracefully navigate the ocean depths.
6. Thorny Devil: Nature's Desert Warrior Thorny Devil: Nature's Desert Warrior Venturing into the arid deserts of Australia, you may encounter the thorny devil, a fascinating reptile that looks like a true desert warrior. Covered in thorns and sporting a formidable appearance, this lizard's unique exterior serves as a defensive mechanism rather than a threat to humans. These thorns provide protection from predators and birds of prey, allowing the thorny devil to navigate its harsh environment unscathed. So, if you come across this intriguing creature, admire its resilient adaptation to desert life and rest assured that it poses no danger to you. 7. Tailless Whip Scorpion: More Afraid Of You Than You Are Of It Tailless Whip Scorpion: More Afraid Of You Than You Are Of It Imagine coming face to face with a tailless whip scorpion—a sight that might send shivers down the spines of arachnophobes. However, fear not, as these intriguing creatures are actually more scared of you than you are of them. With no stinger to inject venom and a non-aggressive nature unless provoked, tailless whip scorpions pose no real threat to humans. In fact, many enthusiasts keep them as pets, appreciating their unique appearance and behavior. So, while their appearance might be unsettling at first, remember that these creatures are harmless and prefer to avoid confrontation whenever possible. 8. Naked Mole Rat: Fascinating Subterranean Wonders Naked Mole Rat: Fascinating Subterranean Wonders Venturing into the mysterious underground world, you'll encounter the fascinating naked mole rat. These subterranean wonders possess a unique physiology that enables them to thrive in diverse temperatures. With their wrinkled skin, they are impervious to pain, making them resilient in their underground habitats. Naked mole rats are highly social creatures, living in complex colonies and exhibiting remarkable cooperative behavior. Despite their unusual appearance, these creatures are harmless to humans and offer a captivating glimpse into the wonders of nature's underground realm. 9. Lemur: The Enigmatic Nighttime AI Of Madagascar Lemur: The Enigmatic Nighttime AI Of Madagascar As you immerse yourself in the enigmatic jungles of Madagascar, the presence of a lemur during nighttime may catch you off guard. These fascinating primates serve as the AI (Arboreal Investigator) of the forest, mimicking the behavior of woodpeckers. With their long, nimble fingers, they tap on tree trunks to locate and extract insects for their nourishment. Lemurs, with their shaggy faces and captivating yellow eyes, offer a glimpse into the unique biodiversity of Madagascar. While their appearance and nocturnal habits might be initially startling, rest assured that these elusive creatures pose no harm and contribute to the intricate balance of their forest home. 10. Milksnake: Nature's Master Of Mimicry Milksnake: Nature's Master Of Mimicry Encountering a slithering coral snake on your path can be a nerve-wracking experience, but don't be alarmed—it's likely a harmless milksnake. These skilled masters of mimicry imitate the vibrant color patterns of venomous snakes as a clever defense mechanism. With their red, black, and yellow bands, they create the illusion of danger without actually possessing venomous fangs. Milksnakes primarily prey on small rodents and reptiles, making them beneficial for controlling pest populations. So, next time you come across a strikingly patterned snake, remember that it's probably a harmless milksnake, playing its part in nature's fascinating game of mimicry. 11. Giant African Millipede: The Gentle Giant Of Many Legs Giant African Millipede: The Gentle Giant Of Many Legs Behold the gentle giant of many legs—the giant African millipede. While its impressive size and numerous legs may seem intimidating, fear not, as these creatures pose no threat to humans.
In fact, they are incapable of biting. When faced with danger, giant millipedes have a unique defense mechanism—they curl their bodies into a protective ball and release an irritating liquid from their pores. This liquid acts as a deterrent to potential predators. So, if you ever encounter a giant African millipede, appreciate its remarkable appearance and gentle nature, knowing that it's more interested in its leafy diet than causing harm to humans. 12. Goliath Bird-Eater: A Spider with A Misleading Reputation Goliath Bird-Eater: A Spider with A Misleading Reputation Prepare to be amazed by the Goliath bird-eater spider—a creature with a reputation that doesn't match its true nature. Despite its fearsome appearance, this spider is not as dangerous as its name implies. While it possesses the ability to bite and release irritating hairs when threatened, its primary diet consists of worms and amphibians, not birds. In fact, human encounters with this spider are rare, and it generally avoids confrontations. So, if you ever come across a Goliath bird-eater, appreciate its impressive size and unique characteristics, but rest assured that it is more focused on its preferred prey than on causing harm to humans. 13. Camel Spider: The Mysterious Desert Dweller Camel Spider: The Mysterious Desert Dweller Enter the mysterious realm of the camel spider—a creature that defies common misconceptions. Contrary to popular belief, this arachnid lacks venom and is not a true spider or scorpion. Found in desert regions, the camel spider relies on its powerful jaws and ambush tactics to capture small prey. While it can deliver a painful bite if provoked, it poses no significant danger to humans. So, if you ever encounter a camel spider in the desert, marvel at its unique adaptations and respect its role as a predator of the arid landscapes, knowing that it prefers to avoid human interactions whenever possible. 14. Giant Isopod: Unearthly Deep-Sea Giants Giant Isopod: Unearthly Deep-Sea Giants Descend into the enigmatic depths of the ocean, where giant isopods dwell. These otherworldly creatures attain colossal sizes, a result of the peculiar deep-sea gigantism phenomenon. Despite their appearance, giant isopods are not aggressive predators. Instead, they are slow-moving scavengers, feeding primarily on the remains of deceased animals that sink to the ocean floor. These deep-sea giants, with their armored exoskeletons and haunting presence, remind us of the diverse and extraordinary life forms that inhabit the mysterious realms beneath the waves. Also Read : 13 Animals With The Strongest Bite Conclusion Appearances can be deceiving, especially when it comes to these 14 creatures. From the depths of the ocean to the heart of jungles and even our own backyards, it's essential to appreciate the beauty and diversity of these creatures without succumbing to unnecessary fear. By understanding the fascinating characteristics and harmless nature of these animals, we can foster a deeper appreciation for the wonders of the natural world. Source Image : discord.com
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hey everyone!! i’m sorry ive been inactive for so long, but i wanted to let everyone know i’m not dead, i swear! ^^;;; i want to pick this blog back up, but wanted to get some feedback to see if you guys were still interested :0 
i still love diego brando to death and i’m super down for going back to old unanswered asks <3
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ness-morais · 5 years
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Late night sketch for you guys! Since I’ve been busy with other stuff and the haunted house, I haven’t been very active around here, so I made a little bat for you! Hope you enjoy it! 😃 . . #illustration #bat #bats #batsofinstagram #drawing #procreate #ipad #animals #sketch #latenightsketching #monotone #shadow #shadowplay #spooky #spookycreatures #daily #instaartist #womenofillustration https://www.instagram.com/p/B7HfYbgCoPf/?igshid=12s5ek68wn10a
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thecomicszombie · 7 years
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Beast Boy! Look out behind you!!! Have you ever read about Aswangs?! Whoever came up with that stuff has a few screws loose!!! Eek! #spookycreatures #funkophotoaday #beastboy #aswang #funko #funkopops #funkofunatic #funkomania @originalfunko #socalfunkoforce
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NeXT spooky amphibian creature!
The maple tree frog!!
This sticky little critter lives in maple trees, where it spends it times eating the delicious syrup! Known for its sweet tooth (or rather in this tree frogs case it’s sweet tongue) it also has a tendency to sneak into Halloween candy buckets when kids are out trick or treating! However when it’s startled it jumps out and attacks its nearest would be predator, covering them in a sticky sweet substance it secretes from the glands between its toes and on either side of its eyes! - definitely putting the trick into trick treat! 🎃
#creaturecreation #creaturefeature #creaturedesign #creatureillustration #creatureconcept #creatureconceptart #conceptart #fantasyart #fantasycreature #visdev #visdevart #maplesyrup #maplesyrupseason #halloween #spookycreatures #spookyseason #trickortreat #creepybutcute #treefrog #amphibianart #frog #frogillustration #frogcore #maplesyruppancakes #aubmakers #creepycutecreatures #creaturedesigner #creaturecreator #wildlifeart #wildlifeartist
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bonepriests · 7 years
i just grabbed that cream imp and am workin thru putting bits of rose apparel on him
what is this alignment of the stars, what has prompted the creation of 2 floral spookycreatures (tm), blaise
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<Ask Box Open!>
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((Feel free to ask this Dino Dork some questions!))
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*whispers* mr. mun is this blog very new or just ignored? i'm just surprised by the lack of posts
((AH This blog is rather new, and I’ve been suddenly busy, so the asks I have received I have not had the time to respond to yet! ;;w;; I’m sorry for the inactivity…. but I’m gonna try and get better at updating once I have less stuff going on at once! ^ ^  Thank you for your patience!))
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Next creature is the cursed wizard’s toad!
Found in shallow ponds and damp shady undergrowth, legend has it that this toad species used to be gigantic and once tried to eat the whole universe hence the stars in its belly!
However a brave Wizard- Gilbert the mediocre, but a curse on this star gobbling critter and shrank it down to size!!
However Watch out! It still might nibble your toes!
#creaturefeature #creaturedesign #creature #creatureconcept #creatureconceptart #creatureart #creaturecreation #creaturecreator #illustrationartists #toad #wizard #fantasyart #fantasycreature #conceptart #visdev #wizardart #magicalcreatures #folklore #visualdevelopment #aubmakers #halloween #spookyseason #spookycreatures #frogandtoad #toadsofinstagram #cutetoad #amphibians #amphibiansofinstagram #frogart #frogcore
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