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chronivore · 8 months ago
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"Charnel Colossus"
Art by SpiralMagus
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Throne of Night Adventure Path - Lich by SpiralMagus
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weirdletter · 6 years ago
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Roper, by Michael D. Clarke (SpiralMagus), via DeviantArt.
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elfgirls · 7 years ago
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Drow Wizardess by Michael D. Clarke  / SpiralMagus
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nomorerealitys-blog · 4 years ago
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Lich by SpiralMagus
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animated-pictures · 5 years ago
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b3yond-the-darkn3ss · 6 years ago
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By SpiralMagus
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aesthetic-fresh · 7 years ago
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A moodboard for a blue kingdom, with a jungle and confident aesthetic to it! Art by SpiralMagus on DeviantArt! I hope you like it!!
-Mod Phantom
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miskatonicaquarium · 8 years ago
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Shoggoth by SpiralMagus
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weirdletter · 6 years ago
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Sub Control Room, by Michael D. Clarke (SpiralMagus), via spiralmagus.com.
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cyberkevvideo · 5 years ago
Throne of Night Theory Builds Part 20: The Ghostly Dwarven Guard
I was releasing these on a daily basis, but then realized that I only have a few of these left to do, and that’s stretching things. I’ve already got the skeleton for the next two done up, with the second one being something really far out.
So because of that, I’m slowing things down some. This is doubly important because I’ve got a doctor’s appointment coming up that will make or break my life this year. Most won’t know, but I haven’t been working for almost year because my body’s so messed up. It has been for even longer than that, but it got so bad three years ago that I was unable to do regular work. Last year, my body got so bad I could barely stand. Well, we think we might know what’s finally happening and I’m getting tested for it this week. I’m excited for what might potentially be the best news I’ve heard in almost seven years. On top of that, mom got her radiation appointment, so she can finally continue her battle with cancer. Just one good thing after the other. Considering how crazy 2020 has been, we could definitely use some.
I am hoping that everyone is staying healthy and safe.
Time to get into things.
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For space reasons, I’ll be cropping the encounter build.
All images shared here were done by the forever fantastic and amazingly talented Michael D. Clarke, aka SpiralMagus
EDIT: Made the weapon and armor out of gunzarak.
While I’m not 100% sure if the exact picture would have been in Book 3, the story definitely is. Like the giant dwarves I did previously, the story about this NPC is brought up in the synopsis of Book 3. On May 5th, 2013, the update talked about two factions. The first faction were mutated and augmented dwarves, warped and twisted. The second faction were potential allies, and were the spirits of the High Kings of the dwarves (called the “dwarven ancenstor-ghosts” for the drow side of the AP).
Because Book 3 was supposed to be levels 10-13, and there’s the potential of more than one ghost, having them be CR 10 seemed reasonable. There’s also the possibilities of them being ectoplasm creatures from Occult Adventures, but the picture definitely screamed “ghost” to me. I didn’t figure on a dwarf becoming a wight, shadow, or other kind of standard undead. I mean, they’re supposed to be “spirits”, afterall. Also, unless you have ghost touch weapons, incorporeal undead are going to be difficult to deal with. And as allies? Yeah. Most encounters would get stomped by these guys, even with magic weapons, assuming the enemies have any.
For this guy, he’s obviously using armor and an axe. Ghosts can use them unless they’re ghost touch as well. Short of making the items actually ghost touch, because what are the chances, I took from a 3PP source and gave this guy the ability to have items he once wore be ghost touch. I made sure to leave the link at the bottom. Thankfully d20pfsrd was kind of enough to make it known to us all. It should be noted that ghosts don’t have a Strength score. Even if they use ghost touch weapons. Period. Instead, as per the incorporeal universal monster rules, they use their Dexterity to swing them around. However, unless the ghost originally was an unchained rogue of 3rd level or higher, the Slashing Grace feat with a longsword, or are using an agile weapon, they cannot add their Dex to damage. That said, there is nothing saying that feats and class abilities that boost damage, as well as the weapon’s enhancement bonus, don’t work. So if you’re curious about the damage, that’s how I’m getting away with it. As for the close weapons, when he was alive, this dwarf used his gauntlets to punch whenever he was in a grapple. Ghosts don’t have to worry about that kind of stuff.
Other than his gear, the first thing I noticed was the helmet and the runes. Likely dwarven over archaic. It makes me curious as to what it says though. That and the “Z” on the gauntlets. Might just be the stamp of creator.
When the PCs finally manage to complete Book 3 and start the coronation for the next dwarven king, the thought process was that this particular ghost might give up his weapon and armor. For PCs, having deathless armor would be fantastic.
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THE LAST FAITHFUL GUARD    (CR 10; 9,600 XP) Male variant ghost dwarf fighter 9 LN Medium undead (incorporeal) Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +9 DEFENSE AC 24, touch 17, flat-footed 21 (+7 armor, +4 deflection, +2 Dex, +1 dodge) hp 108 (9d10+54) Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +6; +2 vs. fear, poison, spells, and spell-like abilities Defensive Abilities bravery +2, channel resistance +4, defensive training (+4 dodge bonus to AC vs. giants), incorporeal traits, rejuvenation; DR 3/—; Immune undead traits OFFENSE Speed fly 30 ft. (perfect) Melee +1 ghost touch guardian gunzarak dwarven waraxe +15/+10 (1d10+5/×3) or     corrupting touch +11 (10d6; F-DC 18 half) Special Attacks hatred (+1 on attack rolls against goblinoid and orc humanoids), telekinesis (CL 12th, every 1d4 rounds), weapon training (axes +2, close +1) STATISTICS Str —, Dex 14, Con —, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 18 Base Atk +9; CMB +9; CMD 26 (30 vs. bull rush and vs. trip) Feats Blind-Fight, Combat ReflexesB, Dazzling Display, DodgeB, DisruptiveB, Lighting Reflexes, Step Up, Toughness, Weapon Focus (dwarven waraxe)B, Weapon Specialization (dwarven waraxe)B Skills Climb +12, Fly +10, Intimidate +17, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +8, Knowledge (engineering) +7, Knowledge (religion) +5, Perception +9 (+11 to notice unusual stonework), Sense Motive +9, Stealth +10, Survival +10; Racial Modifiers +8 Fly, +8 Perception, +8 Stealth Languages Common, Dwarven, Undercommon SQ armor training 2, eternal warrior, stonecunning Gear +1 ghost touch deathless gunzarak breastplate, +1 ghost touch guardian gunzarak dwarven waraxe SPECIAL ABILITIES Corrupting Touch (Su) By passing part of its incorporeal body through a foe’s body as a standard action, the ghost inflicts 9d6 damage. This damage is not negative energy—it manifests in the form of physical wounds and aches from supernatural aging. Creatures immune to magical aging are immune to this damage, but otherwise the damage bypasses all forms of damage reduction. A Fortitude save halves the damage inflicted. Eternal Warrior (Su) The ghost died in righteous battle. The ghost may choose to treat any weapon, armor, or shield with which it is proficient as though it had the ghost touch weapon quality. Rejuvenation (Su) In most cases, it’s difficult to destroy a ghost through simple combat: the “destroyed” spirit restores itself in 2d4 days. Even the most powerful spells are usually only temporary solutions. The only way to permanently destroy a ghost is to determine the reason for its existence and set right whatever prevents it from resting in peace. The exact means varies with each spirit and may require a good deal of research. Special Wealth CR The ghostly dwarf has a gunzarak weapon and set of armor, which puts him above the standard wealth for NPCs of his level. However, this does not grant him much in the way of a mechanical benefit, therefore it does not increase his CR.
Gunzarak (true mithral) special material.
Sources: Variant special attacks come from Spenser Isdahl http://rocksfalleveryonedies.blogspot.com/2010/10/ghostly-manifestations.html
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cyberkevvideo · 5 years ago
Throne of Night Theory Builds Part 16: The Mist Creature
Imagine my surprise when I learned the Canadian dollar dropped considerably. I’m so glad this AP was done when it was and not now. I don’t know I could have handled paying 1.5x the value we were originally quoted. That said, with so much “free time”, I can’t help but daydream that Gary’s working on the AP to kill time. During this time trying time, it’d be a nice pick-me-up.
Today’s entry isn’t a new picture, but it’s definitely cool to look at. A creature made of mist awaits our heroes and is about to ambush them. It took me a fair while to look up all the different kinds of fog and mist-like creatures in Pathfinder 1st Edition. I finally settled on today’s base creature because of the very descriptive eyes both in the picture, and in the lore write up that I discovered. They seemed to match, so that’s what I went with.
For the CR, I looked up sample encounters in the beginning of Book 5 of ���Way of the Wicked”, and one of them was a CR 15. Given how difficult the creature would be to advance and make a worthwhile threat, that’s what I went with.
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For space reasons, I’ll be cropping the encounter build.
All images shared here were done by the forever fantastic and amazingly talented Michael D. Clarke, aka SpiralMagus
EDIT: All stats are cleaned up and look pretty.
BTW, it suggested I make one because there are those who’ve expressed they want to reward my efforts, so I made a Ko-Fi page. No pressure in supporting it though. I know we’re all experiencing financially trying times right now. I hope everyone’s staying safe right now.
The creature I went with, due to his piercing blue glowing eyes, is the fogwarden. It’s from way back during AD&D days, and was converted by Frog God Games for their Tome of Horrors Complete. I took a few liberties and combined the 3.5, Pathfinder, and 5e versions. Yeah, all three are different from one another. This is what the “unique” aspect of it is. But this way, it’s an actual threat at CR 15. Also, I made it a psychic. While the fogwarden can still use its lightning abilities, it can’t cast any spells in its constant gaseous form. However, it can use psychic spells since you only need emotions.
For this, I advanced the HD to 8 from 4, gave it the Mighty Template, and the Mist creature template. Redundant, I know, but those extra abilities and hp from changing it to an outsider definitely round out the creature more. Despite all the overlap, it still ended up being a CR 15. It’s technically a CR 16, given the templates and HD, but it just does not have the AC nor deal the damage a typical CR 16 should, so I dropped it down to 15. If used to its fullest potential, and it can bottleneck PCs with the fog abilities, then it might actually be worth more XP, but on paper it’s only worth this amount. GMs are free to reward their players more if the encounter ends up being far more difficult than anticipated. At this level though, the PCs shouldn’t find 4th level psychic spells or obscuring fog spells that overwhelming.
I will point out that this is a 3PP monster, so it doesn’t really follow the rules too well. All monsters are supposed to have three odds stats and three even. This creature had two odd and four even. It’s not even in the original 3.5 stats. In fact, the Wisdom is 2 lower. The 5e stats are exactly the same as a the 3.5 ones, so that didn’t help me any. I needed one more odd number so I threw in a magic tome for good measure. This gave me the numbers I needed.
If you’re wondering where I got some of the damage numbers from, I was looking at the original fogwarden stats from AD&D, and what they suggested for their 8 HD advancement. Best part is even stronger ones are large size and have a less globe of invulnerability. On top of that, they’re a mystic theurge of CL 17/CL 13th (arcane/divine). It’s too bad old stats didn’t have ability scores.
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VLINAUNDRA    (CR 15; 51,200 XP) Unique advanced mighty mist fogwarden psychic 8 NE Medium outsider (air, elemental, water) Init +11; Senses cloud sight, darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +29 Aura fear (60 ft., W-DC 25) DEFENSE AC 26, touch 26, flat-footed 14 (+4 deflection, +6 Dex, +6 dodge) hp 256 (16 HD; 8d10+8d6+184) Fort +12; Ref +15; Will +20 Defensive Abilities air mastery, electricity discharge (R-DC 25, 6d6+5 electricity), fortification (100%), morphic form; DR 10/magic, DR 2/—; Immune cloud/fog/gas-based attacks and spells, cold, combat maneuvers, electricity, inhaled poisons and gases, mind-affecting effects, paralysis, poison, sleep; Resist fire 10; SR 27 Weakness vulnerability to sunlight OFFENSE Speed fly 70 ft. (good) Special Attacks animate dead, dark half (+1 spell DC, +2 Will, 2 bleed; 11 rounds), lightning bolt (60 ft. line, DC 27, 7d6+5 electricity, useable every other round), mighty damage. phrenic amplifications (focused force, intense focus, overpowering mind), phrenic pool (10) Melee shocking touch +26 (5d6+5 electricity) Spell-like Abilities (CL 8th, concentration +17)   At will—animate dead   3/day—fog cloud, obscuring mist, stinking cloud (F-DC 24)   1/day—cloudkill (F-DC 26), solid fog Psychic Spell-like Abilities (CL 8th; concentration +18)   1/day—detect thoughts (W-DC 22) Psychic Spells Known (CL 8th; concentration +18)   4th (4/day)—black tentaclesB (CMB +18), shout (F/R-DC 25)   3rd (6/day)—excruciating deformationB (F-DC 24), id insinuation II (W-DC 24), slow (W-DC 24)   2nd (7/day)—alter selfB, fox’s cunning, mind thrust II (W-DC 23), sonic scream (R-DC 23)   1st (8/day)—comprehend languages, ill omen, magic missile, murderous command (W-DC 22), ray of enfeeblementB (F-DC 22), shield   0 (at will)—dancing lights, detect magic, ghost sound (W-DC 21), know direction, mage hand, resistance, telekinetic projectile, virtue Psychic Discipline abomination STATISTICS Str 10, Dex 22, Con 12, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 18 Base Atk +10; CMB —; CMD — Feats Ability Focus (lightning bolt), AlertnessB, Dodge, Expanded Phrenic Pool, Great Fortitude, Greater Spell Penetration, Spell Penetration, Weapon Finesse Skills Acrobatics +22, Bluff +20, Fly +26, Intimidate +20, Knowledge (arcana) +20, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +21, Knowledge (geography) +17, Knowledge (local) +19, Knowledge (nature) +19, Knowledge (planes) +18, Linguistics +21, Perception +29, Sense Motive +27, Spellcraft +23, Survival +19, Stealth +22 (+26 to move silently, +37 in areas of fog, cloud, mist, or smoke); Racial Modifiers +4 Fly, +4 to Stealth to move silently, +15 to Stealth in areas of fog, cloud, mist, or smoke; +5 to all ability and skill checks Languages Aquan, Auran, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Terran, Undercommon SQ air breather, detect thoughts, gaseous form (constant) Gear tome of clear thought +1 (read) SPECIAL ABILITIES Air Mastery (Ex) Any airborne creature takes a –1 penalty on attack and damage rolls against a mist creature. Animate Dead (Su) The electrical aura of the fogwarden can animate dead creatures within 20 feet. This is otherwise identical to an animate dead (caster level 8th). The animated creatures resemble zombies (and use their stats) and are under the control of the fogwarden that animated them. They are not undead however, and cannot be turned or rebuked. If the fogwarden is slain or moves more than 20 feet from a zombie, the animated creature collapses dead and cannot be animated again. Cloud Sight (Ex) A mist creature can see through clouds, gases, fogs, mists, and smoke as though they didn’t inhibit vision. Creatures and objects do not gain concealment from a mist creature due to such conditions. A mist creature may use this ability while gaseous. Electricity Discharge (Su) Electricity constantly plays across a fogwarden’s form. Any metal object (including metal weapons) that contacts a fogwarden’s body takes 6d6 points of electricity damage. Magic items receive a DC 25 Reflex saving throw to reduce the damage by half. Nonmagical items and objects receive no save and automatically take full damage. A creature holding the object or weapon at the time of contact takes 6d6 points of electricity damage as well (DC 25 Reflex save for half). Gaseous Form (Ex) The fogwarden’s natural form is that of fog or mist. This ability is similar to the gaseous form spell (caster level 8th), except that a fogwarden does not lose its supernatural abilities or its lightning bolt ability, and has a fly speed of 40 feet. It is immune to and cannot perform combat maneuvers. Mighty Damage (Ex) A mighty creature adds +5 damage to all of their attacks, spells, and supernatural abilities. If a spell or ability targets multiple creatures (ie. magic missile), the bonus damage is only applied once to a single target of the mighty creature’s choice. Vulnerability to Sunlight (Ex) Fogwardens shun sunlight. A fogwarden exposed to sunlight is staggered for as long as it remains in the sunlight, and is destroyed utterly after 1 hour of exposure if it cannot escape.
--name means “mist” in dwarven.
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cyberkevvideo · 5 years ago
Throne of Night Theory Builds Part 10: The Drama Creating Doppelganger
In August 2015, Gary McBride of Fire Mountain Games released the cover of Book 6 for Throne of Night, and discussed how there’d be a doppelganger that would meet up with the adventuring party and “has a critical part to play in the drama that unfolds beneath in the depths of the earth.” He also made sure to be vague about the gender, so my assumption is that this particular doppelganger has no gender. You’re seeing it more and more lately, and Pathfinder was definitely do its part in taking down the gender walls. I made sure that the stat block today reflects that.
This one’s going to be short and sweet as it’s after 6 am here. Need to at least try and get some semblance of a normal sleep schedule despite fighting off a cold. Fun times.
All images shared here were done by the forever fantastic and amazingly talented Michael D. Clarke, aka SpiralMagus.
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EDIT: Like other parts I’ve released, I promise to clean up the stats later. For now I’m posting this as-is. Late for an appointment. Still working on things with the laptop and not my desktop, unfortunately.
All that’s mentioned in the update from four years ago is what I put in quotations above and that the doppelganger should be showing up “later” in the AP. It’s fairly vague, but given what you’ll likely have to be doing in Book 4, I’m going to assume that, that’s when you meet this individual.
The build uses a couple of things from Ultimate Intrigue. I’m told it’s OGL, but I’m not 100% on that. I’m not looking to publish this so I’ll likely be fine, but my editor always said that if if you’re unsure then to always release all the info on abilities, etc, just to be safe. That’s what he does for his books. Well, did. We’re done with that now and are going as homebrew as possible.
My idea for this creature is that they are infiltrating the drow city in Book 4. Thought maybe they could lay low and live the comfortable life, but soon realized they bit off more than they could chew and is scrambling to not get caught. Can’t use darkness unfortunately, but can use dancing lights and faerie fire, and that’s likely more than enough. Even managed to find a partially used wand of darkness should the need arise. At least, it is for now. Thankfully a party of dwarves/drow are also infiltrating the city, and this is just the chance that doppelganger has been looking for.
Without further ado, the doppelganger that could make or break the adventure.
Just a couple of notes: I’m pretty sure my Sleight of Hand is correct. I’ll have to double check the math, but it might be off by 2 points. As well, I was short on damage, attack to-hit, and hit points, so I increased the racial HD by +1. Pretty sure this individual is supposed to be an ally/new cohort, so I didn’t want to make them too high for HD or else no one could have them for Leadership purposes. Finally, the name, Iden, is from a name generator that jokingly shortened it from “Identical”, and I liked it enough to keep it.
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IDEN THE ECHO (CR 12; 19,200 XP) Nonbinary unique Advanced doppelganger rogue (spy) 4/mesmerist (enigma) 1/master spy 5 N Medium monstrous humanoid (shapechanger) Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +21 DEFENSE AC 28, touch 18, flat-footed 20 (+4 armor, +2 deflection, +5 Dex, +1 dodge, +6 natural) hp 151 (15 HD; 5d10+10d8+79) Fort +11, Ref +18, Will +16 Defensive Abilities concealed thoughts, evasion, slippery mind, uncanny dodge; Immune charm, sleep OFFENSE Speed 30 ft. Melee +1 merciful sap +19/+14/+9 (2d6+8 nonlethal) or      2 claws +19 (1d8+8) Ranged dagger +16 (1d4+7/19–20) Special Attacks hypnotic stare (enigmatic stare, solipsism), sneak attack +4d6 Spell-Like Abilities (CL 18th; concentration +22)   At will—detect thoughts (DC 16) Spell-Like Abilities (CL 4th; concentration +8)   3/day—dancing lights Master Spy Spell-Like Abilities (CL 5th; concentration +9)   Constant—nondetection   2/day—magic aura Mesmerist Spells (CL 1st; concentration +5)   1st (2/day)—detect secret doors, faerie fire   0 (at will)—detect magic, mage hand, prestidigitation, read magic STATISTICS Str 24, Dex 21, Con 20, Int 18, Wis 18, Cha 18 Base Atk +11; CMB +18; CMD 36 Feats Combat Expertise, Deceitful, Dodge, Great Fortitude, Improved Feint, Iron Will, Power Attack, Sap Adept, Sap Master Skills Acrobatics +19, Appraise +16, Bluff +35 (+39 while using change shape ability), Climb +15, Diplomacy +11, Disable Device +16 (+18 with tools), Disguise +27 (+47 while using change shape ability), Escape Artist +18, Linguistics +12, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +8, Knowledge (engineering) +10, Knowledge (local) +14, Knowledge (nobility) +10, Knowledge (religion) +8, Perception +21, Sense Motive +19, Sleight of Hand +16, Stealth +28, Use Magic Device +15; Racial Modifiers +4 Bluff, +4 Disguise Languages Abyssal, Common, Dwarven, Drow Sign Language, Elven, Gnome, Skis'raal, Undercommon SQ art of deception +5, change shape (alter self), elude detection, glib lie (DC 20),mask alignment, master of disguise, mesmerist trick (mesmeric mirror), mimicry, perfect copy, poison use, rogue talents (combat rogue, minor magic), skilled liar +2, superficial knowledge, veiled steps +1 Combat Gear wand of cure light wounds (15 charges), wand of darkness (8 charges); Other Gear +2 glamered shadow leather armor, +1 merciful sap, dagger (4), amulet of mighty fists +1, ring of protection +2, belt of the weasel, buffering cap, headband of intuition, concealable thieves’ tools, wrist sheath SPECIAL ABILITIES Enigmatic Stare (Su) The target of an enigma’s hypnotic stare takes a –4 penalty on Perception checks to notice the enigma. This ability replaces painful stare. Mimicry (Ex) A doppelganger is proficient in all weapons, armor, and shields. In addition, a doppelganger can use any spell trigger or spell completion item as if the spells were on its spell list. Its caster level is equal to its racial Hit Dice. Perfect Copy (Su) When a doppelganger uses change shape, it can assume the appearance of specific individuals. Solipsism (Su) Whenever the enigma uses hypnotic stare on a creature, instead of applying a penalty on the creature’s saving throws, the enigma begins to fade from the creature’s view. Until the enigma’s next turn, the enigma gains the effects of concealment against that creature (unless it can see invisible creatures). Starting on the enigma’s next turn, he gains the effect of invisibility against that creature. These effects last as long as the enigma continues to use his hypnotic stare, but if he takes an action that would end invisibility, it ends his hypnotic stare immediately. The enigma can reinstate this effect whenever he wishes, but each time it begins with 1 round of concealment. This ability alters hypnotic stare. Veiled Steps (Ex) An enigma gains a bonus to their Stealth checks equal to 1/4 their mesmerist level (minimum +1). This ability replaces consummate liar.
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elfgirls · 7 years ago
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Drow Baroness by Michael D. Clarke / SpiralMagus
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cyberkevvideo · 5 years ago
Throne of Night Theory Builds Part 13.5: The Undead Sunkiller
Back in March, I wrote an article on the potential build of the aberrant sunkiller. The thought was that it was a scientist that was using a gemstone embedded in the chest of the titan or massive giant. The crystal gemstone would be used to harness the energy of the sun or more likely to cause an eclipse. Either way, alien technology would be used. This post is going to go one step further.
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For space reasons, I’ll be cropping the encounter build.
All images shared here were done by the forever fantastic and amazingly talented Michael D. Clarke, aka SpiralMagus
If you like what I do, I have a Ko-Fi  page (linked) for those who would like to  support me monetarily. There is no pressure or obligation to do so.
Finally, before I get to it, I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy.
In Bestiary 3, there is a gargantuan undead called the tzitzimitl. They are said to consume entire suns to “shut down worlds”. Given the supposed background of “coming from the stars”, it’s plausible that our final boss used a miracle to have it summoned to this plane, and in the vicinity of the mad scientist aberration.
The proposal is that it would normally be lying dormant, but should the PCs decide to interfere and try to dislodge the crystal, or they defeat the aberration, something might go wrong and the undead could “awaken”, spawning another encounter. At the very least, with it defeated and destroyed, the antagonists should no longer have the option of blotting out the sun.
Another idea could be that this was a titan at one time (or you could go it was an eclipse giant as they’re the same size), space debris fell and killed the creature, and after all this tinkering and trying to create an eclipse machine, or something to that effect, it inadvertently creates the tzitzimitl.
Just a thought.
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Tzitzimitl (CR 19; XP 204,800)
Now, I think we’re done. My luck we’re not, but at this point, I don’t see anyone that was associated with Fire Mountain Games ever contacting anyone, especially about this adventure path.
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cyberkevvideo · 5 years ago
Throne of Night - Sunkilling Artifact?
I didn’t think I’d be doing another post, but I was asked about the aberrant sunkiller build and what ideas I might have had for the artifact.
Namely, what were my thoughts on Gary’s synopsis saying “The PCs began to learn that their ultimate enemy plots nothing less than dimming the sun so that their dominion can extend across all the world.“
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As always, for space reasons, I’ll be cropping the encounter build.
All images shared here were done by the forever fantastic and amazingly talented Michael D. Clarke, aka SpiralMagus
I do not have a Patreon or a Kickstarter, but I do have a Ko-Fi  page (linked) for those who are looking to support me monetarily. There is no pressure or obligation to do so.
Finally, before I get to it, I hope everyone’s  staying safe right now.
So, firstly, I do have an idea for this part, and I did mention that “This crystal is likely being harnessed for fuel, and given the creature’s name, used to blot out the sun.“
In retrospect, I agree that, that’s vague and doesn’t really help any one. So then the question becomes, how would I go about doing this? By using 3rd Party spells. Unfortunately, I can’t be too specific on by whom, because that was lost a long time ago (literally the file I have is going on 8-9 years of age now). They were 3rd party d20 3.0 spells that I randomly found on the internet while searching for stuff that could aid my players at the time when I was running the “Way of the Wicked” evil campaign. One of the PCs was somewhat sunlight sensitive, and I’d given him access to the 3.5 drow goggles that negated it for (I believe) 80 gold, but he had a penalty to visual Perception checks, but also a bonus against gaze attacks. So, win-win for him.
At any rate, I had found these spells, and his plan was to get extend and widen rods so that he could cast the spells without issue. Interestingly enough, I didn’t post these spells on my blog for adding to “Way of the Wicked”, but it seems I did post them on the Paizo forum. Weird.
If I was doing this, I would consider making the crystal in the picture with the seugathi, attached with harness, wires, and gizmos, to act as a minor artifact. When fully charged, it would mimic an 8th level spell with the Extend and Widen Spell metamagics, making it an 12th level equivalent spell. You can’t really do that in Pathfinder, but there are ways around it, thanks to things like metamagic rods and it being an artifact.
I’d call the item the “Bedim Sun Gem”, make it CL 20th, and have it cast heightened darkness (at level 9) along with the eclipse spell I had found (seriously, I found this years ago and have no idea where it originates from so if you know, PLEASE tell me). Was originally considering deeper darkness, but that hinders everybody.
ECLIPSE School transmutation [darkness]; Level sorcerer/wizard 8 Casting Time 10 minutes Components V, S, M (sun disk worth 500 gp and ink from a giant squid) Range 1 mile/level Area circle centered on you with a radius of 1 mile/level Duration 1 hour/level Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no You create a magical eclipse, blocking out the light of the sun and turning day into night. In the spell's area, lighting conditions are exactly like those at night, regardless of the actual time of day. If the sun is in the sky, it is visible as a faint halo surrounding a black circle. The stars and moon(s) are visible, just like the night sky. The area of the spell is considered nighttime for creatures that are affected by daylight or sunlight.
The eclipse spell blocks out one hour of daylight per caster level in the affected area. Time when the sun is below the horizon (i.e. nighttime) does not count against the spell's duration, so a high enough level caster could blot out the sun for two or more full days. Eclipse can even be cast at night, so that the sun is blocked out when it rises.
Material Component A golden sun disk worth 500 gp and ink from a giant squid, which the caster pours over the disk, dissolving it in a bubbling hiss like acid.
Because eclipse is widened and extended, this immediately makes it 2 miles/level and its duration would be 2 hours/level. However, with it being an artifact, this length and duration would slowly increase over time until the entire world was encompassed in complete darkness. An estimation might be that total world enclosure takes about one month. You can speed up or slow down the process as you’d like.
For creatures that don’t like the sun, especially certain undead, or even a particular drow party that is considering taking over the world, this is the perfect spell to have access to. And with it being an artifact, it’s almost impossible to break. The party would have to look over this thing for a long time to even try ascertain a guess to destroy it. Turning it off, or keeping it from going off in the first place, would be significantly less difficult in the long run.
To destroy the artifact, a star archon would need to repeatedly blast the gem with its sunbeam spell-like ability continuously for 24 hours.
I hope everyone finds that satisfactory, especially those asking. It shouldn’t be an easy or immediate solution, and the PCs should be allowed to be given the chance to stop the artifact from activating. That said, drow might not care about the item activating, and just want to get rid of any obstacles in their way, and keep the item for themselves.
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